Animation Evaluation Worksheet 2223

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Animation evaluation worksheet:

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2 3:3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of design and research tools, methods and skills to develop ideas for creative media production

5 3:3.1. Analyse the effectiveness of solutions to an audio based problem in creative media production.


Animation evaluation/reflection questions

For this task, take your time and think about your experiences of this assignment.
You must answer ALL of these in order to pass this section.
Your answers should be at least 2-3 lines long for each question in order to pass.

Task 1/3: Reflect on your own research. (U2 3:3.2)

This is about the three worksheets you did as well as anything you have added to your production blog by week, such
as learning about Phonemes, facial structure or anything else you feel is relevant.

In my secondary research I found out about face expressions and built my animation around
them as well to make the animation sync up with what they are saying. I also took the
What did you use from your
primary research that I gathered the questions I asked on Microsoft forms, I used this
research that helped you?
information to see what the audience is in to, so I made my animation very colorful and
bright so it catches the audiences eyes.
In the primary research someone mentioned anime and I wanted something different so it
stands out from all the different types out there.
What did you discard and why?
As well as I was going to make the cloud rain but I feel like it would be too distracting from
what is going on and the story.
What would have been useful is if I asked the audiences what’s the best sound effect used in
What else would it have been
a carton an animation or even a game, so I can possibly include it in my animation.
more useful to know from your
Another thing is I think I could have researched some pictures and videos on animations like
research if you did it again?
family guy or south park so I could make the background more interesting
I could have asked more questions on forms also I can keep researching to make my
How would you find this out
animation better next time, after people see this (SUN AND CLOUD) video I can do some more
primary research and see if they like it, hate it and what I need to improve

Task 2/3: Reflect on your own design, practical skills and build. (U2 3:3.2)
This is about the practical skills you learnt each week. Feel free to go back over the Animation Teams channel if it
helps you remember. Answer each question, including any relevant screen grabs.

What did you use from your What really helped me is learning how to do the motion tweening so I could move the sun
practical skills lessons that helped and cloud in at the right times.
you? What also helped is the color pallete

I think it is called complex motion tween I wanted to try that out on my animation but I didn’t
What did you discard and why?
think I had enough time at the time I was going to so I didn’t use that

What would you now include and I think I would include rain and possibly fireworks at the end with sound because it’s a bit of
why? extra celebration after the cloud left the sunny sun.

What practical skills would you I think I would like to revisit the parallel lines so that the animation looks more 3D instead of
like to revisit if you did it again? 2D I would like to practice on that

Are there any new ones you think I think if I could try and change the scene a little I can maybe improve it by adding shadows in
would be useful for this project? and more detail

How does your final animation I think we have the same color palette similar to such as family guy, possibly the Simpsons,
compare to professional Other then that I think there animations are way more experienced than mine
examples? Give at least one
positive and one thing you would
focus on improving. I think that I did a pretty good design with my animation but what I think I could improve on is
the amount of objects in the background I wish I included some extra stuff.

Task 3/3: Reflect on your audio ideas and work. (U5 3:3.1)
This is about the audio skills you learnt each week. Feel free to go back over the Animation Teams channel if it helps
you remember. Answer each question, including any relevant screen grabs.

I learnt that the audio is one of the key things about animation so it helped that I knew that I
What did you use from your
needed to add in the main audio before animating anything else, It also helped because in the
audio skills lessons that helped
lessons learned I knew which extra audio I could’ve added to add tension or make the
audience intrigued.

I discarded the mouth expressions on the cloud so I could do something different between
What did you discard and why?
the sun and cloud, I did this to add character to the both

What would you now include and I would definitely include more little animations in the background and foorground, I also
why? want to make it look more neater and have more detail

What audio skills would you like Id like to include more audio to the background noise just t add a bit of character in it and if a
to revisit if you did it again? lot of sound effects are use it adds a bit of realism to it

Im thinking if I add footsteps and clapping when the croud jumps it would be useful also if I
Are there any new ones you think
add lighting from the cloud that can sybolise that its angry and I can add the sound of lighting
would be useful for this project?
behind it.
How does your final audio
compare to professional
I added the wind noise when the cloud comes on screen and I think that compares because I
examples? Give at least one
timed it right and also the professionals had to do the same thing
positive and one thing you would
focus on improving.

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