Guideline No. 426: Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: Diagnosis, Prediction, Prevention, and Management

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It is the Society of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) policy to review the content 5 years after publication, at which
time the document may be revised to reflect new evidence or the document may be archived.

No. 426, May 2022 (Replaces No. 307, May 2014)

Guideline No. 426: Hypertensive

Disorders of Pregnancy: Diagnosis,
Prediction, Prevention, and
(En français : Directive clinique no 426 : Troubles hypertensifs de la grossesse : Diagnostic, prédiction,
prévention et prise en charge)
The English document is the original version. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and French content, the English version prevails.

This clinical practice guideline was prepared by the authors and
overseen by the SOGC’s Maternal Fetal Medicine Committee. It Laura A. Magee, MD, Vancouver, BC, and London, UK
was reviewed by the SOGC Clinical Practice e Obstetrics Graeme N. Smith, PhD, Kingston, ON
Committee and approved by the SOGC Guideline Management Christine Bloch, MD, Stratford, ON
and Oversight Committee and the SOGC Board of Directors. Anne-Marie Côté, MD, Sherbrooke, QC
This clinical practice guideline supersedes No. 307, published in Venu Jain, MD, Edmonton, AB
May 2014. Kara Nerenberg, MD, Calgary, AB
Peter von Dadelszen, DPhil, Vancouver, BC, and London, UK
Michael Helewa, MD, Winnipeg, MB*
Evelyne Rey, MD, Montreal, QC*
*Joint senior authors

J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2022;44(5):547-571
ª 2022 The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada/La
Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada. Published by
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

This document reflects emerging clinical and scientific advances as of the publication date and is subject to change. The information is not
meant to dictate an exclusive course of treatment or procedure. Institutions are free to amend the recommendations. The SOGC suggests,
however, that they adequately document any such amendments.
Informed consent: Patients have the right and responsibility to make informed decisions about their care in partnership with their health care
provider. In order to facilitate informed choice, patients should be provided with information and support that is evidence-based, culturally
appropriate, and personalized. The values, beliefs and individual needs of each patient in the context of their personal circumstances should be
considered and the final decision about care and treatment options chosen by the patient should be respected.
Language and inclusivity: The SOGC recognizes the importance to be fully inclusive and when context is appropriate, gender-neutral lan-
guage will be used. In other circumstances, we continue to use gendered language because of our mission to advance women’s health. The
SOGC recognizes and respects the rights of all people for whom the information in this document may apply, including but not limited to
transgender, non-binary, and intersex people. The SOGC encourages health care providers to engage in respectful conversation with their
patients about their gender identity and preferred gender pronouns and to apply these guidelines in a way that is sensitive to each person’s

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Acknowledgements: The authors would like to acknowledge and morbidity, requiring surveillance to detect rapid deterioration
thank special contributor, Wesley Edwards, MD, Department of and comprehensive treatment.
Anesthesiology, Ottawa, ON; Dr. John Kingdom, MD, Department 2. Preterm preeclampsia can be largely prevented with low-
of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Toronto, ON; Dr. Emmanuel Bujold, dose acetylsalicylic acid started before 16 weeks gestation.
MD, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Quebec, QC and 3. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, particularly
the Canadian Paediatric Society’s Fetus and Newobrn Committee preeclampsia, are associated with an increased risk of
and Drug Therapy and Hazardous Substeances Committee for long-term maternal hypertension and cardiovascular
their review and feedback of the guidelines. disease.
Weeks’ Gestation Notation: The authors follow the World Health
Organization’s notation on gestational age: the first day of the last
menstrual period is day 0 (of week 0); therefore, days 0 to 6
correspond to completed week 0, days 7 to 13 correspond to
completed week 1, etc.
SOGC Maternal Fetal Medicine Committee (2021): James
Andrews, Sheryl Choo, Elisabeth Codsi, Jillian Coolen, Amélie Objective: This guideline was developed by maternity care providers
Guay, Janine Hutson, Venu Jain (co-chair), Noor Ladhani, Heather from obstetrics and internal medicine. It reviews the diagnosis,
Martin, William Mundle (co-chair), Kirsten Niles, Christy Pylypjuk evaluation, and management of the hypertensive disorders of
pregnancy (HDPs), the prediction and prevention of preeclampsia,
Disclosures: Statements were received from all authors. No
and the postpartum care of women with a previous HDP.
relationships or activities that could involve a conflict of interest
were declared. All authors have indicated that they meet the Target population: Pregnant women.
journal’s requirements for authorship.
Benefits, harms, and costs: Implementation of the recommendations
Keywords: hypertension; blood pressure; pregnancy; in these guidelines may reduce the incidence of the HDPs,
preeclampsia; maternal outcome; perinatal outcome particularly preeclampsia, and associated adverse outcomes.
Corresponding author: Laura A. Magee,
Evidence: A comprehensive literature review was updated to
[email protected]
December 2020, following the same methods as for previous Society
of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) HDP
guidelines, and references were restricted to English or French. To
support recommendations for therapies, we prioritized randomized
RECOMMENDED CHANGES IN PRACTICE controlled trials and systematic reviews (if available), and evaluated
1. Do not screen low-risk normotensive women for proteinuria. substantive clinical outcomes for mothers and babies.
2. Implement home blood pressure monitoring for hypertensive
outpatients to rule-out white-coat effect. Validation methods: The authors agreed on the content and
3. Among women with chronic hypertension, do not diagnose recommendations through consensus and responded to peer
superimposed preeclampsia based solely on a rise in BP. review by the SOGC Maternal Fetal Medicine Committee. The
4. To assess women with suspected preeclampsia, use authors rated the quality of evidence and strength of
angiogenic markers (such as soluble fms-like tyrosine recommendations using the Grading of Recommendations
kinase-1 [sFlt-1] and/or placental growth factor [PlGF]), Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach,
where available. along with the option of designating a recommendation as a “good
5. Formalize the risk of adverse maternal outcomes among practice point.” See online Appendix A (Tables A1 for definitions
hypertensive women by using predictive models. and A2 for interpretations of strong and conditional [weak]
6. To predict preeclampsia in early pregnancy, use clinical risk recommendations).The Board of the SOGC approved the final draft
markers, along with blood pressure, uterine artery pulsatility for publication.
index, and biochemical markers, where available. Intended users: All health care providers (obstetricians, family
7. Consider obesity a high-risk factor for preeclampsia, doctors, midwives, nurses, and anesthesiologists) who provide care
warranting preventive therapy with acetylsalicylic acid. to women before, during, or after pregnancy.
8. Encourage all women to exercise in pregnancy to prevent
preeclampsia. RECOMMENDATIONS:
9. Consider using doses of acetylsalicylic acid higher than
81 mg/d in all women at increased risk of preeclampsia. 1. Pre-conception counselling is suggested for women with pre-
10. For safe transport, optimize maternal and fetal conditions. pregnancy hypertension to advise on individualized management
11. Treat hypertension in pregnancy, from a threshold of during pregnancy (conditional, low).
140/90 mm Hg and to a target diastolic BP of 85 mm Hg. 2. Replacing angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or
12. Consider timed birth in women with preeclampsia from angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs) with other antihypertensives
360 weeks. in women planning pregnancy is recommended unless there is a
compelling clinical indication not to (strong, low).
3. In early pregnancy, women should be screened, at a minimum, for
clinical risk markers for preeclampsia (strong, moderate).
4. If testing is available, women should be screened at 11e14 weeks
KEY MESSAGES gestation using a combination of clinical risk markers, uterine
1. The hypertensive disorders of pregnancy remain an artery pulsatility index, and placental growth factor (PlGF) to
important cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and individualize the risk of developing preeclampsia (strong,

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Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

5. For women at increased risk of preeclampsia, low-dose acetylsa- cesarean delivery, or at any time if there is excessive active
licylic acid (81 or 162 mg/d) is recommended (strong, high), to be bleeding, known platelet dysfunction, rapidly falling platelet count,
taken at bedtime (strong, moderate), preferably before 16 weeks or coagulopathy (strong, low).
gestation (conditional, moderate), and discontinued by 36 weeks 18. For women with chronic hypertension, expectant care should be
gestation (conditional, low). undertaken from fetal viability to <370 weeks gestation, unless
6. For all other women, low-dose acetylsalicylic acid is not recom- there is an indication for birth (strong, very low). Initiation of de-
mended (strong, moderate). livery can be offered at 380 to 396 weeks gestation but should be
7. For all women with low dietary intake of calcium (<900 mg/d), oral advised from 400 weeks gestation (conditional, low).
calcium supplementation of at least 500 mg/d is suggested to 19. For women with gestational hypertension, expectant care should be
prevent preeclampsia (conditional, low). undertaken from fetal viability to <370 weeks, unless there
8. For all women, vitamin D supplementation over and above Health is an indication for birth (strong, low). When gestational hypertension
Canada’s recommendation for adults is not suggested to prevent arises before 370 weeks, initiation of delivery can be offered at 380 to
preeclampsia (conditional, moderate). 396 weeks gestation but should be advised from 400 weeks gesta-
9. For all women, exercise is recommended to prevent preeclampsia tion (conditional, low). For women who are already at 370 weeks
(strong, moderate). gestation or later and present with gestational hypertension, initiation
10. For women at increased risk of preeclampsia, who are overweight of delivery should be discussed (strong, moderate).
or obese dietary advice (reduce calories and choose foods with a 20. For women with preeclampsia, expectant management may be
low glycemic index) and exercise are recommended (conditional, considered from fetal viability until <340 weeks gestation, but only in
moderate). perinatal centres capable of caring for very preterm infants (condi-
11. Inpatient care should be provided for women with severe hyper- tional, moderate). At 340e356 weeks gestation, initiation of delivery
tension or preeclampsia with 1 or more maternal adverse condi- should be discussed, as it decreases maternal but increases
tions (good practice point). neonatal risk, particularly if antenatal corticosteroids are not pre-
12. Bed rest is not suggested for any women with preeclampsia scribed (strong, moderate). At 360e366 weeks gestation, initiation of
(conditional, low). delivery should be considered (strong, moderate). At 370 weeks
13. Antihypertensive therapy is recommended for pregnant women gestation or later, initiation of delivery is recommended (strong, high).
with an average systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg or diastolic 21. Blood pressure should be measured regularly (at least twice) in the
blood pressure 90 mm Hg, regardless of the hypertensive dis- first 2 weeks after delivery in women with hypertension (good
order of pregnancy (strong, moderate). practice point).
14. A diastolic blood pressure of 85 mm Hg should be targeted for 22. As women may develop preeclampsia for the first time postpartum,
pregnant women on antihypertensive therapy with chronic or those with new or worsening hypertension and/or symptoms of
gestational hypertension (strong, moderate), and a similar target, preeclampsia should be evaluated accordingly (good practice point).
considered for women with preeclampsia (conditional, low). 23. For lactating women, the following antihypertensive drugs are
15. Antihypertensive therapy (oral or parenteral) is urgently recom- suggested: labetalol, methyldopa, nifedipine, enalapril, and
mended for women with severe hypertension (i.e., systolic blood captopril (conditional, low).
pressure 160 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure 110 mm Hg) in 24. Clinical follow-up should be provided for women with gestational
pregnancy or postpartum (strong, low). hypertension and preeclampsia to ensure normalization of hyper-
16. Magnesium sulphate is recommended for first-line treatment of tension, clinical features, and laboratory test results (good practice
eclampsia and prophylaxis against eclampsia in women with pre- point).
eclampsia and severe hypertension or adverse maternal condi- 25. Women with gestational hypertension and preeclampsia may
tions (strong, high). benefit from interventions to reduce their risk of a hypertensive
17. Platelet transfusion should be considered if a woman’s platelet disorder of pregnancy in a future pregnancy and from screening for
count is <20  109/L before vaginal delivery or <50  109/L before cardiovascular risk factors (conditional, low).

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INTRODUCTION information provided in the tables and figures. We have

also ensured harmonization of our recommendations with

H ypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDPs) are a

leading cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and
morbidity. As a consequence, antenatal care is devoted in
other Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of
Canada (SOGC) guidleines and other relevant national
guidelines, including those from Hypertension Canada.
large part to their detection.

The purpose of this guideline is to support evidence-based DIAGNOSIS, CLASSIFICATION, AND

care of women who are INVESTIGATIONS

Tables 1 and 2 define hypertension and proteinuria in

 planning a pregnancy and are at risk of an HDP;
pregnancy, as well as the classification of the hypertensive
 pregnant and either at risk of an HDP or have elevated disorders of pregnancy.
blood pressure (BP); or
 postpartum and had an HDP in the past. Blood Pressure Measurement
A diagnosis of hypertension should not be based on a single
Our health intent and aim is to improve maternal and BP reading. We recommend averaging BP measurements,
perinatal outcomes by promoting evidence-based practice to acknowledging that BP tends to fall during a medical visit,
reduce the incidence of preeclampsia and optimize man- and that taking only the second or last measurement is not a
agement of all HDPs. The target users are multidisciplinary valid reflection of the actual BP. Ideally, BP should be
maternity care providers at all levels of health care. measured serially with an automated device until it is stable
(i.e., until consecutive readings are within 10 mm Hg systolic
This guideline updates the 2014 version and responds to and 6 mm Hg diastolic) in both arms, particularly if there is
user feedback that the guideline should be more succinct. hypertension, and then the last 2 measurements for the visit
We have reduced the number of recommendations, from should be averaged.1 If BP is severely elevated, measure-
154 to 25, by focusing on key aspects of practice and ments should be repeated within 15 minutes at most, while
removing sections on obstetric anesthesia, pediatric follow- antihypertensive therapy can be readied if needed.
up, the patient perspective, and knowledge translation and
tools. We have increased our use of tables and figures, In pregnancy, BP should be measured using a standardized
integrated HDP definitions and associated investigations technique and either a calibrated aneroid device or an
into a new table, included new information about the automated device validated for use in pregnancy and pre-
secondary causes of chronic hypertension, combined our eclampsia.2 This advice applies to all settings, including
prevention recommendations for women at increased risk clinics, day units, antenatal home care programs, and self-
and at low risk, and provided a transport checklist for measurement at home (see below). The BUMP 1 trial,
women with preeclampsia who are moved to referral currently underway, will clarify whether self-monitoring of
centres. The text complements, but does not duplicate, BP at home leads to earlier diagnosis of hypertension and
improves outcomes.3

ABBREVIATIONS Once BP is found to be elevated in an “office” setting,

ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme using a validated device, “out-of-office” BP monitoring is
ACR albumin:creatinine ratio advised to confirm the diagnosis of hypertension and
ARB angiotensin-receptor blocker assess whether there is an element of white-coat hyper-
ASA acetylsalicylic acid tension (Box 1). Observational data suggest that self-
AST aspartate aminotransferase
monitoring of BP among women with hypertension may
reduce interventions (such as labour induction) and health
ALT alanine aminotransferase
care utilization;4 whether clinical outcomes are improved
CKD chronic kidney disease
will be clarified by the BUMP 2 trial.3
FHR fetal heart rate
FMF Fetal Medicine Foundation The definition of hypertension in pregnancy continues to be
HDP hypertensive disorder of pregnancy based on a diagnostic threshold of 140/90 mm Hg when
PCR protein:creatinine ratio measured in the office/clinic setting. The authors recognize
PIERS Pre-eclampsia Integrated Estimate of Risk Score that the American Heart Association and American College
PlGF placental growth factor of Cardiology define hypertension from a threshold of

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Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Table 1. The hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, investigations and monitoring, graded according to the quality of
Definition Investigations/monitoring
Hypertension Hypertension is an office (or in-hospital) systolic BP  When <160/110 mm Hg, hypertension should be
140 mm Hg and/or diastolic BP 90 mm Hg, based confirmed by out-of-office monitoring using a device
on the average of at least 2 measurements, taken validated for use in pregnancy and preeclampsia if
after 5 minutes’ rest, at least 15 minutes apart, using at all possible (strong)
the same arm (high)  A home BP 135/85 mm Hg confirms the diagnosis
of hypertension (moderate)
 Frequency and nature of follow-up depends on the
hypertensive disorder (see below) (GPP)
Severe Systolic BP 160 mm Hg and/or a diastolic BP  Women should be evaluated and treated with anti-
110 mm Hg based on the average of at least 2 hypertensive therapy in hospital (high)
measurements, taken within 15 minutes at most,  Continuous fetal heart rate monitoring is advised
using the same arm (high) until BP is stable (low)
Transient Elevated BP, typically in the office setting More frequent BP measurement is warranted based
(140/90 mm Hg), that resolves with repeated BP on an elevated risk of preeclampsia or sustained
measurement (high) hypertension (GPP)
White-coat An office BP 140/90 mm Hg, but an out-of-office BP More frequent BP measurement is warranted based
<135/85 mm Hg (high) on an elevated risk of preeclampsia (moderate)
Masked An office BP <140/90 mm Hg, but an out-of-office BP Follow-up is guided by the complications that
135/85 mm Hg (high) prompted out-of-office BP monitoring in the woman
Proteinuria Proteinuria is defined as 30 mg/mmol urinary PCR in  Proteinuria screening for preeclampsia risk in low-
a spot (random) urine sample, or ACR 8 mg/ risk normotensive women is not recommended18
mmol,133 or 0.3 g/day in a complete 24-hour urine (low)
collection (high)  More definitive testing for proteinuria (by urinary
PCR, ACR, or 24-hour urine collection) should be
performed when preeclampsia is suspected,
including 1 dipstick result for proteinuria in women
with hypertension and rising blood pressure and in
women with normal blood pressure, but symptoms
or signs suggestive of preeclampsia (moderate)
 Proteinuria testing does not need to be repeated
once proteinuria criteria for preeclampsia have
been met (moderate)
Chronic (pre-existing) Hypertension that develops either before pregnancy or  Consider investigations for target organ damage
hypertension at <200 weeks (high) and secondary causes of hypertension, as clinically
indicated (Table 4) (GPP)
 Frequency of follow-up should be guided by BP
level and other individual risks of adverse outcome
ACR: albumin:creatinine ratio; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; BP: blood pressures; GPP: good practice point; PCR:
protein:creatinine ratio.

130/80 mm Hg (i.e., stage 1 hypertension as 130e139/ devices are available locally, encourage women to purchase
80e89 mm Hg and stage 2 as 140/90 mm Hg), but Hy- them, and advise women to bring their monitor to all
pertension Canada has not adopted this lower threshold.5 antenatal care appointments so that the device can be
Also, while women with stage 1 hypertension have an checked against a calibrated office BP device. A stan-
increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes,6 the clinical dardized approach to doing so is available.8
and cost-effectiveness of implementing a lower diagnostic
threshold for hypertension have not yet been studied. BP measured out-of-office is generally lower than that
measured in office among hypertensive women, leading to
Out-of-office BP monitoring is most commonly under- the diagnostic criteria for hypertension outlined in Table 1;
taken at home. Available lists of automated devices vali- there is, however, wide variation.9 (Use of out-of-office BP
dated for use in pregnancy and preeclampsia are not values to guide antihypertensive therapy is discussed in the
specific to Canada.2,7 Care providers should explore which section on antihypertensive therapy.)

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Table 2. Definitions of the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, maternal and feto placental surveillance, graded
according to the quality of evidence
Definition Maternal surveillance Feto-placental surveillance
Gestational hypertension Hypertension that develops for the Diagnosis: Diagnosis:
first time at 200 weeks, without Women should undergo testing  Angiogenic markers (if available)
evidence of preeclampsia for preeclampsia to rule it out could be performed; if normal,c the
(Table 4) (high) (high) diagnosis of gestational hypertension
Follow-up: would be strengthened (moderate)
Proteinuria testing should be  Fetal sonography (where available)
performed at each subsequent should be performed to assess fetal
antenatal visit (moderate) growth, amniotic fluid volume, and
If preeclampsia is suspected on umbilical artery Doppler (moderate).
clinical grounds, the woman If fetal growth restriction is detected,
should be re-evaluated for SOGC fetal surveillance guidance
preeclampsia (high) should be followed76 (GPP)
The risk of adverse maternal Follow-up:
outcomes increases with earlier Fetal sonography (where available)
gestational age and/or the onset should be repeated at least monthly to
or worsening of the following assess fetal growth, amniotic fluid
(women should be informed to volume, and umbilical artery Doppler
report these between visits) (moderate)
B headache/visual

B chest pain/dyspnea

B vaginal bleeding with

abdominal pain
 systolic blood pressure (if self-
 dipstick proteinuria (if self-
 pulse oximetry (if self-
Preeclampsia Gestational hypertension with Diagnosis: Diagnosis:
new-onset proteinuria or one/ Women should undergo Angiogenic markers (if available) could
more adverse conditions comprehensive testing for be performed; if there is angiogenic
(defined as a maternal end- preeclampsia (high) imbalance,c the diagnosis of
organ complication or evidence Maternal testing should include, in preeclampsia would be strengthened
of uteroplacental dysfunctiona) addition to gestational age and (moderate)
(high) the presence of chest pain/ Fetal sonography (where available)
dyspnea (high):b should be performed to assess fetal
 oxygen saturation growth, amniotic fluid volume, and
 platelet count umbilical and uterine artery Doppler
 serum creatinine (moderate). If fetal growth restriction
 AST or ALT is detected, SOGC fetal surveillance
Follow-up: guidance should be followed76 (GPP)
Maternal testing, at least twice Follow-up:
weekly, should include There is insufficient evidence to
re-evaluation of (moderate): recommend re-evaluation with
 gestational age angiogenic markers (very low).
 chest pain or dyspnea Where available, fetal sonography
 oxygen saturation should be performed once every 2
 platelet count weeks to assess fetal growth, and at
 serum creatinine least once every 2 weeks to assess
 AST or ALT amniotic fluid volume and umbilical
Upon admission to delivery suite, artery Doppler (moderate).
women with preeclampsia
should have a platelet count
done (GPP)

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Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Table 2. Continued
Definition Maternal surveillance Feto-placental surveillance
Superimposed on Development of 1 or more Diagnosis and follow-up should be
chronic hypertension characteristics of preeclampsia undertaken as for women with
(i.e., new-onset proteinuria or 1 de novo preeclampsia, above
or more adverse conditions,a) (high)
superimposed on chronic
hypertension (high)
Modified and reproduced with permission from Magee LA, Brown MA, Hall DR, et al. The 2021 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy
classification, diagnosis & management recommendations for international practice. Pregnancy Hypertens. 2021;27:148-69.134
For a list of the adverse conditions, see Table 4.
Adverse maternal outcomes can be predicted by evaluating these components of the fullPIERS model. See text for details.
Criteria for angiogenic imbalance is specific to the local assay in use.
ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; BP: blood pressures; GPP: good practice point; SOGC: Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecolgists of

Severe hypertension is associated with an elevated risk of organ complications or uteroplacental dysfunction) but
adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes and is a normal office BP. If it is detected during pregnancy,
considered a medical urgency requiring antihypertensive masked hypertension increases the risk of preeclampsia.15
therapy (see below).
Proteinuria Measurement
Transient hypertension in antenatal care is associated with
Proteinuria testing at antenatal appointments for normo-
a 40% risk of progression to persistent hypertension,10
tensive pregnant women is of uncertain value. First,
warranting additional monitoring. Ideally, this would
dipstick proteinuria testing for preeclampsia has low
include out-of-office BP monitoring. Transient hyperten-
diagnostic accuracy,16 and it is rare for women to present
sion may be associated with anxiety or the pain of labour.
with proteinuria before the hypertension of preeclamp-
sia.17 A urine protein:creatinine ratio (PCR) test at a first
White-coat hypertension is common (found in approxi-
visit accurately excludes clinically significant proteinuria.
mately 30% of elevated BP before 20 weeks gestation) and is
Second, some experts question the wisdom of devoting
associated with an increased risk of preeclampsia,11-13 which
resources to routine proteinuria screening at each antenatal
is intermediate between the risk among women with
visit, given that the vast majority of screening tests, at least
persistent hypertension and those with normal BP. If out-of-
for low-risk women, will be negative.18
office BP values are normal but office values are elevated, it
is reasonable not to start antihypertensive therapy.
In contrast, proteinuria testing is essential when assessing a
woman with hypertension. Definitive testing for protein-
Masked hypertension may be more common in early
uria (by urinary PCR, albumin:creatinine ratio [ACR], or
pregnancy (found in approximately 30% of cases
24-hour urine collection) should be performed when
compared with approximately 10% of cases outside
preeclampsia is suspected. Testing should involve more
pregnancy).14 It should be suspected when women have
than 1 dipstick and should be performed in women with
manifestations associated with an HDP (i.e., maternal end-
hypertension and rising BP and in women with normal BP
but symptoms or signs suggestive of preeclampsia.

Box 1. Definitions of settings for blood pressure Classification

measurement in pregnancy The HDP definitions in Table 2 distinguish among groups
of women with different diagnostic and therapeutic
Setting Definition
Office  Clinic
 Obstetrical day unit (serial measurement)
 Triage Chronic (Pre-Existing) Hypertension
 Hospital inpatient Women with chronic hypertension who are planning a
Out-of-office  Home pregnancy should have their BP managed following Hy-
 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring pertension Canada’s Guidelines for Adults.5 Pre-pregnancy
counselling may help to educate women about the risks of

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chronic hypertension in pregnancy, therapies to reduce the exceptions. First, SOGC now recommends incorporating
risks of preeclampsia, prediction of adverse outcomes, and angiogenic markers, if available, because they reflect
choice of antihypertensive agent. placental dysfunction at the core of the pathogenesis of
preeclampsia and strengthen diagnosis by better identifying
Chronic hypertension may be associated with an increased women and babies at risk of adverse outcomes.26 This is
risk of major malformations,19,20 and these malformations an evolving field of investigation; there are many assays,
do not appear to be related to antihypertensive medication and few are available in clinical practice at present. How-
in general or from any specific class. Angiotensin- ever, more specific criteria are expected to emerge in the
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin- future. Second, the SOGC no longer recommends use of
receptor blockers (ARBs) can be continued in women the term “severe preeclampsia,” as there is no consistently
planning pregnancy21-23 if there is a compelling indication, applied definition in use. Rather, the SOGC recommends
such as renal protection (such as for chronic kidney disease identifying women with preeclampsia who require delivery,
[CKD] with proteinuria), and especially if the woman has as outlined in Table 4.
subfertility. However, both ACE inhibitors and ARBs
should be discontinued once pregnancy is determined Maternal Assessment. There are many clinical and labo-
because of their known fetotoxicity. ratory predictors of adverse maternal outcome in pre-
eclampsia.27 Maternal assessment should be performed, at
It may be useful to evaluate target organ damage in women minimum, twice weekly, and include the components
with chronic hypertension if such evaluation was not con- predictive of adverse maternal outcomes in hypertensive
ducted before pregnancy.24 Investigations may include serum pregnancies (Table 2).28-30
creatinine and urine protein measurement (see the earlier
section on proteinuria), as well as an electrocardiogram or The Preeclampsia Integrated Estimate of Risk Score
echocardiogram, as clinically indicated.5,24 Liver amino- (PIERS) is a model of clinical and laboratory variables that
transferases (alanine aminotransferase [ALT] and aspartate predict which women are most likely to experience adverse
aminotransferase [AST]) may identify the presence of stea- maternal outcomes once preeclampsia has been diagnosed.
tohepatitis in women with obesity and serve as a baseline for
comparison if preeclampsia is suspected later in pregnancy. The externally validated fullPIERS model includes the
Other cardiovascular risk factors tested for outside pregnancy following variables: gestational age, chest pain/dyspnea,
are either part of other routine antenatal care (hyperglycemia pulse oximetry, platelet count, serum creatinine, and AST or
for gestational diabetes) or are not performed because they ALT.29,31,32 The fullPIERS model incorporates gestational
can be elevated in normal pregnancy (lipid profile). age but is not restricted to a specific gestational age range,
which differs from the Prediction of Complications in
Additional investigations for secondary causes of hyper- Early-Onset Preeclampsia (PREP) model developed for
tension may be considered on an individualized basis, use in preeclampsia before 34 weeks gestation.33 The model
taking into consideration medical history (e.g., hyperten- does not include proteinuria; once confirmed as meeting
sion that is difficult to control with multiple agents, health criteria, proteinuria testing does not need to be repeated.
behaviours), clinical symptoms (e.g., palpitations, snoring, (See BP and proteinuria, Table 1, for further details.)
heat intolerance), family history of hypertension diagnosed
at a young age, or findings on physical examination (e.g., In self-monitored or some outpatient settings where lab-
central obesity, edema) (Table 3).25 The physiologic oratory testing is not available, the miniPIERS model in-
changes of pregnancy may affect interpretation of non- cludes the following variables that increase risk: higher
pregnant reference ranges. Consequently, a hypertension systolic BP, proteinuria (determined by dipstick testing),
specialist should guide investigations and specific nulliparity, earlier gestational age, and symptoms (head-
management.24 ache/visual symptoms, chest pain/dyspnea, and abdom-
inal pain with vaginal bleeding); the model’s performance is
RECOMMENDATIONS 1, 2 improved by adding pulse oximetry.28,34

The assessment of clonus is generally not recommended.

While it reflects central nervous system irritability, and it
Gestational Hypertension and Preeclampsia has been used in trials to determine eligibility for magne-
The definitions of gestational hypertension and pre- sium sulphate therapy,35 its reproducibility in maternity
eclampsia are similar to those in the 2014 guideline, with 2 care and its independent predictive value for adverse

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Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Table 3. Secondary hypertension in pregnancy

Secondary hypertension Clinical features Investigations Considerations for pregnancy
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)  Higher BMI  Home sleep study  OSA may worsen due to
 Snoring, daytime somnolence  Overnight polysomnography edema in upper airways
 Witnessed apneas during sleep  Untreated OSA associated
with increased risk of
Renovascular disease  Age of onset <30 y  Creatinine Other investigations considered
(i.e., renal artery stenosis,  Sudden worsening of  Renal sonography (asymmetry) post-pregnancy (CTA, MRA,
fibromuscular dysplasia) hypertension captopril-enhanced
 Difficult-to-control hypertension radioisotope renal scan) due to
(3 antihypertensives) fetal risks of exposuresa
 Abdominal bruit
 Sudden pulmonary edema
 Family history
Renal parenchymal disease  Autoimmune disorders (e.g.,  Creatinine  Presence of proteinuria may
vasculitis,  Urinalysis (proteinuria, be difficult to distinguish from
lupus erythematosus) hematuria, active sediment) preeclampsia
 Pre-pregnancy diabetes  Autoimmune antibodies  Anti-Ro/La (SSA/SSB anti-
 Family history  Renal sonography bodies) may be associated
with fetal heart block and
neonatal lupus
 Control of BP may reduce
progression of kidney disease
during pregnancy
Primary aldosteronism Muscle weakness/cramps from  Electrolytes (hypokalemia)  Pregnancy and preeclampsia
hypokalemia  Aldosterone-renin ratio substantially increase aldoste-
 Sonography of adrenal glands rone levels
 Testing as per HC 2020
Hyperthyroid  Palpitations, heat intolerance,  TSH, free T4, free T3  b-hCG stimulates thyroid and
weight loss, tremor, etc.  TSH-receptor antibodies lowers TSH
 Eye symptoms (Grave’s  Use of trimester-specific and
disease) local reference ranges
 Goiter suggested
Hypothyroid  Weight gain, cold intolerance, TSH, free T4, free T3  Avoidance of radioactive
fatigue, etc. iodine in pregnancy due to
 Previous radiation to thyroid effects on fetal thyroid
Pheochromocytoma/  Headaches, palpitations,  Plasma metanephrines  Imaging of adrenals consid-
paraganglioma diaphoresis, pallor  Urinary metanephrines and ered on an individualized basis
 Labile BP catecholamines  Pregnancy increases
 Testing as per HC 2020
 Interdisciplinary management
required before delivery to
prevent hypertensive crisis
Cushing’s disease Central obesity, easy bruising, fat  24-hour urinary free cortisol;  Screen for associated
redistribution (dorsal and salivary cortisol dysglycemia
supraclavicular, round face),  Dexamethasone suppression  Abdominal or pituitary imaging
proximal muscle weakness tests considered on individualized
Hypercalcemia Polyuria, polydipsia, nausea, Calcium, albumin Lowered albumin levels in
weakness, confusion pregnancy

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Table 3. Continued
Secondary hypertension Clinical features Investigations Considerations for pregnancy
Coarctation of aorta  Asymmetric BP in arms Echocardiogram  Other maternal imaging (MRI,
 Increased BP in upper > lower CT) considered on individual-
extremities ized basis
 History of congenital heart  Increased fetal risks of
disease congenital heart disease;
consider fetal echocardiogram
Drugs  Antidepressants (SNRIs, Drug screen as indicated Consider discontinuation on an
tricyclics) individualized basis
 Sympathomimetics (cocaine,
 Herbal substances
Adapted from Unger et al.25 and Rabi et al.5
Refer to Hypertension Canada 2020 guidelines for details of investigations of hyperaldosteronism and pheochromocytoma.5
b-hCG: beta human chorionic gonadotropin; BMI: body mass index; BP: blood pressure; CT: computed tomography; CTA: computed tomography angiography; HC:
Hypertension Canada; MRA: magnetic resonance angiography; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; SNRI: selective norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors;
SSA/SSB: anti-Sjogren’s syndrome A/B; TSH: thyroid-stimulating hormone.

outcomes are uncertain. Serum uric acid testing is not and/or reduced amniotic fluid volume is at particular risk
recommended, but, if it is performed and uric acid is of stillbirth and neonatal mortality and morbidity. Doppler
found to be increased after correction for gestational age, sonography of the umbilical artery may reduce perinatal
increased fetal surveillance is warranted36,37 (see the death and obstetric intervention in high-risk pregnancies,
following section on fetal assessment). but the evidence is not definitive.41 Near or at term, a
normal umbilical artery Doppler sonographic examination
It is unknown whether angiogenic markers may add to does not exclude fetal compromise. At <34 weeks gesta-
prediction of adverse outcomes among women with pre- tion, if there is fetal growth restriction, performing Doppler
eclampsia, over and above maternal (fullPIERS) variables velocimetry of the ductus venosus may be helpful; absent or
listed above; this issue is complicated further by varied reversed “a-wave” is associated with a substantially
definitions of “suspected preeclampsia,” including protein- increased risk of stillbirth.42 Neurodevelopmental outcome
uria or fetal components in isolation, and varied prognostic among survivors is improved when timing of birth is based
performance.38,39 Further exploration is warranted.40 on abnormal ductus venosus Doppler or spontaneous fetal
heart rate (FHR) decelerations (or short-term FHR vari-
Fetal Assessment. While multiple methods of fetal sur- ability by computerized cardiotocograph).43 Relying solely
veillance are available, no strategy of various methods and on the biophysical profile to monitor pregnancies compli-
timing has been recognized to be superior to others, in cated by hypertension and fetal growth restriction is not
general or in hypertensive pregnancy specifically. At present, recommended, as changes in the biophysical profile that
there is no validated model of tests of fetal well-being to reflect fetal compromise are a late finding.44
predict adverse perinatal outcomes in hypertensive
pregnancy. When the care provider does not have ready access to
methods of fetal surveillance beyond FHR monitoring,
Elevated serum uric acid corrected for gestational age is maternal characteristics can be used to estimate perinatal
associated with increased perinatal risk and placental risk at 32 weeks gestation; before this time, perinatal risk
dysfunction, but its usefulness in practice, along with other is almost entirely driven by gestational age.45
clinical, laboratory, and sonographic variables, is unclear. Thus,
uric acid testing is not routinely recommended. Further, while PREDICTION
hyperuricemia alone is not an indication for delivery, it is
associated with placental dysfunction and increased perinatal The sensitivity of clinical risk factors for preeclampsia (that
risk, so increased fetal surveillance is reasonable. develops preterm or at term) is low (<40%),46 but using
these risk factors as the basis of treatment with low-dose
Sonographic assessment of fetal growth and amniotic fluid acetylsalicylic acid to prevent preterm preeclampsia is
volume is recommended, as a fetus with growth restriction likely to be effective (Box 2).

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Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Table 4. Adverse conditions that define preeclampsia together with hypertension

Follow closely regarding need for delivery (Fig 1) Deliver regardless of gestational age
Maternal end-organ dysfunction
CNS Severe headache/visual symptoms  Eclampsia
 Cortical blindness or retinal detachment
 Glasgow coma scale <13
 Stroke, TIA, or RIND
Cardiorespiratory  Chest pain/dyspneaa  Uncontrolled severe hypertension (over a period of
 Oxygen saturation <97a 12 hours despite use of 3 antihypertensive agents)
 Oxygen saturation <90%, need for 50% oxygen
for >1 hour, intubation (other than for cesarean
section), pulmonary edema
 Positive inotropic support
 Myocardial ischemia or infarction
Hematological Low platelet counta  Platelet count <50  109/L
 Transfusion of any blood product
Renal Elevated serum creatininea  Acute kidney injury (creatinine >150 mM with no
prior renal disease)
 New indication for dialysis
Hepatic  RUQ or epigastric pain  Hepatic dysfunction (INR >2 in absence of DIC or
 Elevated serum ASTa, ALT warfarin)
 Hepatic haematoma or rupture
Uteroplacental dysfunction  Atypical or abnormal NST/CTG  Abruption with evidence of maternal or fetal
 FGR compromise
 Oligohydramnios  Absent or reversed ductus venosus a-wave by
 Absent or reversed end-diastolic flow by Doppler velocimetry
umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry  Intrauterine fetal death
 Angiogenic imbalanceb
Along with earlier gestational age, these factors are independently predictive of adverse maternal outcome in preeclampsia.29,31
Angiogenic imbalance includes, for example, a soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1:placental growth factor ratio of >85 by the Roche assay.
ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; CTG: cardiotocography; DIC: disseminated intravascular coagulation; FGR: fetal growth rate; INR:
international normalized ratio; NST: non-stress test; PRES: posterior reversible leukoencephalopathy syndrome; RIND: reversible ischemic neurological deficit <48
hours; RUQ: right upper quadrant; TIA: transient ischemic attack.

The risk factors have been based on those that can be Medicine Foundation (FMF) model, discussed further on in
assessed in early pregnancy and are amenable to risk this guideline.46 The FMF model includes the factors listed
reduction by low-dose acetylsalicylic acid,47 prescribed for in Box 2, with a few exceptions. Excluded are CKD and,
women with 1 high-risk or more than 1 moderate-risk for parous women, prior abruption and fetal growth re-
factor. However, CKD has been listed as a high-risk striction. Additional historical factors are racial origin,
(rather than moderate-risk) factor because of the wide smoking (protective), family history of preeclampsia, and,
spectrum of CKD seen in practice and its demonstrated for parous women, interpregnancy interval and prior
relationship to adverse outcomes,48 compared with the gestational age at delivery.50
narrow range of CKD considered in the published cohort
studies.47 There are also some differences in designation of Combining clinical (maternal risk markers), biochemical
factors as high- or moderate-risk compared with other (e.g., placental growth factor [PlGF]), and sonographic risk
publications; of note, the 2019 SOGC Pregnancy and markers (uterine artery pulsatility index) at 11e14 weeks
Maternal Obesity Guideline regarded obesity as a gestation is a better way to identify women at increased risk
moderate-risk factor.49 of preeclampsia. Combining markers has sensitivities of
75% for preterm preeclampsia and 47% for term
Given the prevalence of obesity, addressing the risk of preeclampsia, compared with sensitivities of 34% and 39%,
preeclampsia associated with it could have a meaningful respectively, for use of clinical risk markers alone,46,51 and
impact on preeclampsia incidence.47 While obesity is often of about 70% for use with either PlGF or uterine artery
associated with other preeclampsia risk factors, obesity is pulsatility index.46,51 No additional value is offered by
also an independent risk factor, according to the Fetal pregnancy-associated plasma protein A in the absence of

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Box 2. Clinical risk factors for preeclampsia that can be identified in early pregnancya

High risk factors (any 1) Moderate-risk factors (2 or more)

Pregnancy history Prior preeclampsia  Prior placental abruption
 Prior stillbirth
 Prior FGR
Demographics Pre-pregnancy BMI >30 kg/m2 Maternal age >40 y
Pre-existing medical conditions  Chronic hypertension
 Pre-gestational diabetes mellitus
 Chronic kidney diseaseb
 Systemic lupus erythematosus/antiphospholipid
antibody syndromeb
Current pregnancy Assisted reproductive therapy  Nulliparity
 Multifetal pregnancy
Reproduced with permission from Magee LA, Brown MA, Hall DR, et al. The 2021 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy classification,
diagnosis & management recommendations for international practice. Pregnancy Hypertens. 2021;27:148-69.134 Source: modified from Bartsch et al.47
Women are considered to be at increased risk of preeclampsia if they have at least 1 high-risk factor, or at least 2 moderate-risk factors.
Listed as high-risk (rather than moderate risk as in Bartsch et al47).
BMI: body mass index; FGR: fetal growth rate.

PlGF. An online calculator is available.50 While a combined predominant concerns, and individual characteristics, such
approach may not be feasible based on local resources, its as obesity, twin pregnancy, or bleeding risk. In Canada,
use as the basis for acetylsalicylic acid therapy (150 mg each low-dose ASA is available only in 81 mg tablets. While it is
night) is effective in decreasing the risk of preterm pre- impossible to cut enteric-coated pills, some practitioners
eclampsia52 (see section on prevention for details). give more tablets on some days of the week to achieve an
averaged dose of at least 100 mg/d or close to 150 mg/d.
While mid- or late-pregnancy re-screening for pre-
eclampsia risk may provide further benefits through In the recent ASPRE trial of women with singleton preg-
increased maternal-fetal surveillance or timed delivery, nancies who were at high risk of preeclampsia based on
there is insufficient evidence on such a tiered approach to multivariable first-trimester screening, 150 mg of ASA (vs.
guide recommendations. An individualized approach placebo) taken at bedtime was associated with good
should be undertaken. adherence (approximately 80%) and a reduction in preterm
(but not term) preeclampsia by 62% (to 1.6%, compared
RECOMMENDATIONS 3, 4 with 4.3% in the placebo group).52 A daily dose of 81 mg
may be less effective, based on platelet insensitivity, in up to
approximately 40% of women, particularly as pregnancy
progresses and in women with a higher body mass
PREVENTION index.53,54

Table 5 provides a unified approach to prevention, ac- Although ASA has not been associated with miscarriage,
counting for risk of preeclampsia. recent literature continues to raise concerns about small
potential risks, even at a 75 mg daily dose, but probably
Acetylsalicylic Acid higher with increasing dosage.55 Adverse effects may
There are no trials comparing a daily doses of acetylsali- include vaginal spotting;56,57 antepartum,58,59 intrapartum,60
cylic acid (ASA) of 81 mg (or a similar, lower dose) and and postpartum hemorrhage;56,59,60 postpartum hema-
162 mg (or a similar, higher dose). A daily dose of 162 mg toma;60 and a small (0.06%) absolute increase in neonatal
(or at least 100 mg) would maximize effectiveness, whereas intracranial hemorrhage,60 particularly after vaginal birth.60
a daily dose of 81 mg would maximize maternal safety. (These are in addition to the rare risks of extracranial
Based on the evidence, the guideline authors were unable bleeding in otherwise healthy individuals.) Many risks may
to reach consensus on a single recommended dose. be mitigated by discontinuing ASA by 36 weeks because of
Therefore, the daily dose should be individualized, based its lack of effectiveness for prevention of term preeclamp-
on discussion with the woman, the care provider’s sia.61 Such risks are tiny compared with the benefits of ASA

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Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Table 5. Recommendations for preeclampsia prevention according to clinical risk

Prevention Women at increased riska of preeclampsia All other women
Low-dose ASA Low-dose ASA (81 or 162 mg/d) is recommended Low-dose ASA is not recommended (strong, moderate)
(strong, high), to be taken at bedtime (strong,
moderate), preferably before 16 weeks (conditonal,
moderate), and discontinued by 36 weeks
(conditional, low)
Calcium For women with low dietary intake of calcium Same as for women at increased riska of preeclampsia
(< 900 mg/d), oral calcium supplementation of at
least 500 mg/d is suggested (conditional, low)
Vitamin D Vitamin D supplementation over and above Health Same as for women at increased riska of preeclampsia
Canada’s recommendation for adults is not
suggested for preeclampsia prevention (conditional,
Exercise Exercise is recommended for preeclampsia prevention Same as for women at increased riska of preeclampsia
(strong, moderate)
Dietary advice For women who are overweight or obese, dietary d
advice (reduced calories and food with a low
glycemic index) and exercise are recommended
(conditional, moderate)
Increased risk has been most commonly identified by a personal or family history of an HDP or a chronic medical disease; an abnormal uterine artery Doppler before 24
weeks gestation; or, recently, the FMF algorithm. Some of these risk factors are listed in Box 2.
ASA: acetylsalicylic acid.

for women identified as being at high risk of preeclampsia; Vitamin D

however, these risks caution against universal ASA admin- Women should comply with Health Canada’s recommen-
istration, despite the apparent cost-effectiveness of this dation that adults take at least 600 IU of vitamin D per day
approach for all women62,63 or all nulliparous women,56 (but not exceed 4000 IU daily) to prevent vitamin D
among whom there is a lack of demonstrated effectiveness. deficiency.64 However, to date, there are uncertainties
about the effectiveness of additional vitamin D and its
Calcium dosage for preeclampsia prevention and concerns that
The recommended daily intake of calcium is 1000 mg/d for such supplementation may increase preterm birth.67,68
adult women, among whom inadequate calcium intake is
common (in 48%e87%). The recommended daily intake of Lifestyle Change
calcium for pregnant women is 1300 mg/d (but not more In randomized trials, exercise reduced the risks of both gesta-
than 3000 mg/d), and, for lactating women, 1000 mg/d (but tional hypertension (odds ratio [OR] 0.61; 95% CI 0.43e0.85)
not more than 2500 mg/d).64 and preeclampsia (OR 0.59; 95% CI 0.37e0.90) (as well as
gestational diabetes; OR 0.62; 95% CI 0.52e0.75).69,70 To
At a population level, low dietary intake of calcium is achieve a reduction of 25% in the odds of developing gesta-
associated with a higher incidence of pregnancy hyperten- tional hypertension or preeclampsia, pregnant women must
sion. In populations with low dietary intake (<900 mg/d), accumulate at least 140 minutes per week of moderate-intensity
and particularly among women at high-risk, high-dose cal- exercisedactivity that noticeably increases heart rate during
cium supplementation from 20 weeks gestation (at a dose of which a person can talk but not sing (e.g., brisk walking, water
at least 1000 mg/d) may reduce the risk of both pre- aerobics, stationary cycling with moderate effort, resistance
eclampsia and preterm birth.65 Among women with prior training, carrying moderate loads, and household chores such
preeclampsia, calcium supplementation of 500 mg/d before as gardening or washing windows).
pregnancy, and up to 20 weeks’ gestation of the subsequent
pregnancy (followed by 1.5 g/d thereafter) reduced the A lifestyle intervention of diet and exercise for women
incidence of preeclampsia, but only when compliance with who are overweight or obese may reduce preeclampsia and
tablets to 20 weeks was at least 80% (relative risk [RR] 0.66; gestational hypertension (as well as gestational diabetes),
95% confidence interval [CI] 0.44e0.98), and reduced the but data from randomized controlled trials are lacking for
incidence of pregnancy loss or preeclampsia (RR 0.82; 95% hypertension and have shown that such an intervention is
CI 0.66e1.00).66 ineffective for gestational diabetes.71-73

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Other Transport
Women are not recommended to take high-dose folic acid In a country as vast as Canada, health care is regionalized.
beyond the first trimester74 or vitamin C and E for pre- This may necessitate transfer of women with HDPs,
vention of preeclampsia. The effectiveness of heparin re- particularly when women have preeclampsia or its com-
mains uncertain.75 There is insufficient evidence to make plications, or may require preterm delivery. It is essential
recommendations about using dietary salt restriction, that each maternity unit have an agreement and a pre-
omega-3 fatty acids, or thiazide or thiazide-like diuretics determined process with the regional referral centre for
for preeclampsia prevention. such care and transfer.78

RECOMMENDATIONS 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Good communication is an essential component of pa-

tient transfer. There should be direct, documented
communication between the referring health care pro-
vider and the accepting physician. A copy of the maternal
records must accompany the patient. The contact number
for the receiving site must be clear so that any change in
Place of Care maternal condition during transport can be communi-
Preeclampsia can progress quickly and is associated with cated before arrival. Finally, the transport team and
an increased risk of adverse maternal and/or fetal out- receiving physician should provide a debriefing to the
comes. As such, inpatient care should be provided for woman and family.
women with an adverse maternal condition(s) (Table 4).
Indications for hospital admission based on fetal adverse Box 3 lists the issues specific to HDP to consider for
conditions should comply with each unit’s fetal surveil- transfer. Any maternity transfer should have a delivery
lance policies.76 bundle as essential equipment.

A component of care outside hospital can be considered Maternal Activity

for women with non-severe hypertension (regardless of Bed rest is variably defined, and there are limited trial data
pregnancy hypertension type) or preeclampsia with pro- to inform practice. For preeclampsia, strict (vs. some) bed
teinuria but without maternal adverse conditions. How- rest in hospital does not alter outcomes.79 In 1 trial
ever, criteria for outpatient care should be clear within a involving 218 women with gestational hypertension, some
given centre. Considerations include reasonable home-to- bed rest in hospital (vs. routine activity at home) decreased
facility distance, ready access to maternal and fetal sur- severe hypertension (RR 0.58; 95% CI 0.38e0.89) and
veillance, patient compliance and reliability, an experienced preterm birth (RR 0.53; 95% CI 0.29e0.99), but it was
and well-organized team, well-controlled hypertension, and unclear whether the hospitalization, bed rest, or both may
no evidence of significant disease progression (maternal or have been responsible for benefits.79 In the absence of
fetal). Where women with preeclampsia are given care, clear benefits, and in the face of potential harms (physical,
resources should be available to provide urgent delivery psychosocial, or financial), bed rest cannot be
and acute care of sick women and newborns.77 Consul- recommended.
tation with the regional referral centre should be
considered. There is insufficient evidence to make recommendations
about dietary and lifestyle interventions (e.g., guided imag-
Outpatient management could take the form of home ery) for management of preeclampsia.80 Uncontrolled hy-
care, for example, although regular (ideally daily) contact pertension of any typedand preeclampsia specificallydare
(in person or virtually) is necessary to ensure that the absolute contraindications to exercise.69
mother and fetus are doing well and that the preeclampsia
has not progressed. A home care program must have RECOMMENDATION 12
clear criteria for eligibility, and those overseeing care must
be knowledgeable about hypertensive disorders of
pregnancy. Antihypertensives
The Control of Hypertension In Pregnancy Study (CHIPS)
RECOMMENDATION 11 showed that a target office diastolic BP of 85 mm Hg (vs.
100 mm Hg) halves the risk of severe hypertension,

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Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Box 3. Transport checklist for women with preeclampsia

Factor to consider Specifics

, Maternal condition has been stabilized  BP <160 mm Hg systolic, <110 mm Hg diastolic
 Antihypertensive medications initiated if needed
 Patient is responsive and following commands or intubated
and ventilated
 IV access established
 Foley catheter considered
, Fetal condition has been assessed and documented  Fetal heart rate has been documented as present or
 If fetal heart rate is present, there is no fetal indication for
delivery before transport
, Eclampsia prophylaxis if indicated  Consider IM MgSO4 for safety during transport (5 g IM into
each buttock, with consideration of adding to the injection
2 mL xylocaine 1% without epinephrine, or administering
xylocaine 2 minutes before injections)
 Calcium gluconate (10 mL of 10% solution IV over 3 min)
, Accompanying health care provider has necessary skills and  Monitor BP and reflexes hourly
qualifications  Administer antihypertensive medications to keep BP
<160/110 mm Hg135
 Manage seizures (prevent aspiration, protect tongue,
ventilate, administer MgSO4)
 Ventilate if apnea occurs, or SpO2 drops to <90% and is
unresponsive to supplemental oxygen
 Document FHR immediately before departure and upon
, Additional doses of antihypertensive medication and IV MgSO4  Oral nifedipine 5 mg capsules or
available (for management of eclampsia)  Oral labetalol 200 mg tablets
 MgSO4 4 g IV over 5 min
, Confirm the following with receiving centre as indicated  Need for tocolysis
 Antenatal corticosteroids initiated, if conditions dictate, in
pregnancy 346 weeks
BP: blood pressure; FHR: fetal heart rate; IM: intramuscular; IV: intravenous; SpO2: oxygen saturation; MgSO4: magnesium sulphate.

without increasing the risk of perinatal mortality or (corresponding to an office BP value of 140/90 mm Hg).9
morbidity.81 While the trial enrolled only women with It should certainly be no higher than the latter.
chronic or gestational hypertension, women who pro-
gressed to preeclampsia remained in the allocated group, Initial antihypertensive therapy in pregnancy should be
and the results are considered to apply to them.82-84 Based monotherapy, with the drug chosen from among the
on CHIPS, Hypertension Canada also recommends that all following first-line drugs (according to small randomized
hypertension in pregnancy be treated with antihypertensive trials): oral labetalol, oral methyldopa, long-acting oral
therapy; a target systolic BP was not specified in CHIPS, nifedipine, or other oral beta-blockers (acebutolol, meto-
but the systolic BP achieved was 133 mm Hg.81 Increased prolol, pindolol, or propranolol)86 (Figure 1). ACE in-
use of antihypertensive medication in hospitalized patients hibitors or ARBs that the patient was taking when the
with preeclampsia has been associated with a reduced pregnancy was confirmed should be discontinued and
incidence of stroke.85 replaced with a different class of antihypertensive agent. For
chronic hypertension, specifically, a recent network meta-
As previously mentioned, BP measured out-of-office is analysis found that methyldopa and nifedipine each signif-
generally lower than office BP values among hypertensive icantly decreased both severe hypertension and abruption,
women. However, there is wide variation and a lack of while atenolol increased the risk of small for gestation age
consensus about whether an out-of-office BP target infants.87 The choice of antihypertensive agent should be
should be 130/80 mm Hg (corresponding to an office based on characteristics of the patient (e.g., risk of hypo-
value of 135/85 mm Hg) or 135/85 mm Hg glycemia, side effects, or hemodynamic profile, if assessed),

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Figure 1. Maintenance therapy and suggested dose titration of antihypertensive therapy for non-urgent control of
hypertension in pregnancy.

Reproduced with permission from Magee LA, Brown MA, Hall DR, et al. The 2021 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in
Pregnancy classification, diagnosis & management recommendations for international practice. Pregnancy Hypertens. 2021;27:148-69.134
Starting doses are higher than generally recommended for adults, given more rapid clearance in pregnancy.
When a medication is at high (or maximum) dosage, consider using a different medication to treat any severe hypertension that may
Source: adapted from ALARM 27th Edition ALARM Manual, Table 8 of the SOGC 2014 guideline and Magee et al.136
OD: once daily; TID: 3 times daily; QAM: every morning; QID: 4 times daily; QPM: every evening.

contraindications to a particular drug, and physician and Hypertension Canada recommends that additional anti-
patient preference.88 hypertensive drugs be used if target BP levels are not
achieved with standard-dose monotherapy; add-on drugs
Caution should be exercised when using labetalol or other should be from a different drug class chosen from first-
beta-blockers in women with asthma, particularly if asthma line or second-line options (Figure 1).82
is not well-controlled, given the slight (about 0.5%)
increased risk of status asthmaticus.89 The Canadian Pae- The following are considered second-line options because of
diatric Society recommends screening for neonatal hypo- concerns about potential side effects: clonidine, hydralazine,
glycemia following maternal labetalol use,90 although it is and thiazide diuretics. There is insufficient data in pregnancy
not known whether acute and chronic use, or oral and to recommend amlodipine.
parenteral administration carry the same risk.
When BP is severely elevated, antihypertensive therapy
While no antihypertensive medication is proven to be should be administered within 60 minutes to decrease the
teratogenic, there are lingering concerns that hypertension risk of severe maternal morbidity93 (Figure 2). The anti-
itself may be.91 No firm conclusions can be drawn with hypertensive choices listed in Figure 2 all lower BP in the
regard to long-term child outcomes, given the paucity of majority (at least 75%) of women;94-96 oral methyldopa
relevant high-quality studies.92 may more often require adding another antihypertensive.97

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Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Figure 2. Suggested dose titration of antihypertensive therapy for urgent control of hypertension in pregnancya.

Reproduced with permission from Magee LA, Brown MA, Hall DR, et al. The 2021 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in
Pregnancy classification, diagnosis & management recommendations for international practice. Pregnancy Hypertens. 2021;27:148-69.134
When severe hypertension has resolved, switch to routine oral medication.
Double the initial dose of labetalol IV.
Do not exceed the maximum dose of IV labetalol, which is 300 mg total in a treatment course.
If nifedipine or hydralazine were the initial drug used, choose oral labetalol or oral methyldopa as the alternative.
Do not exceed the maximum dose of IV hydralazine of 20 mg.
IV: intravenous.

If women are already taking daily medication, it is best to women with severe hypertension or adverse maternal
add a drug from a different drug class to treat severe conditions who are at highest risk of, and who expereince,
hypertension, as for non-severe hypertension.82 While all eclampsia (Table 3).99,100 Figure 3 summarizes suggested
women with severe hypertension have an obstetric ur- magnesium sulphate dosage and monitoring. While alter-
gency, oral therapy may facilitate earlier therapy en route native regimens (lower in dosage or more restricted in
to, or within, a facility. Local protocols should be in place duration) have been evaluated, data are insufficient to
for maternal monitoring, intravenous access, and fetal inform recommendations for practice.101
monitoring. If BP is not adequately controlled, when to
repeat a dose of antihypertensive medication varies by All centres should have a standard protocol for clinical
drug and route of administration. In the absence of an monitoring of women receiving magnesium sulphate,
emergency (such as an aortic dissection) in the intensive such as hourly assessment of urine output, respiratory
care setting, 30 minutes after parenteral labetalol, hydral- rate, and reflexes. Monitoring of serum magnesium levels
azine, or oral nifedipine, and 60 minutes after other oral is not necessary unless there is evidence of toxicity or
medication, is a reasonable interval and unlikely to result in women are at particular risk of toxicity, such as women
maternal hypotension. Nifedipine and magnesium sulphate with renal insufficiency.102 The antidote for toxicity is
can be used at the same time.98 However, magnesium calcium gluconate 10%, 1 ampule (10 mL) IV over 3
sulphate alone is not recommended as an antihypertensive minutes.
When not indicated for seizure prophylaxis, administration
RECOMMENDATIONS 13, 14, 15 of magnesium sulphate for fetal neuroprotection should be
considered according to current SOGC guidance, when
delivery is imminent at <336 weeks gestation.103
Magnesium Sulphate
Although magnesium sulphate can benefit all women with RECOMMENDATION 16
preeclampsia, the drug has its greatest impact among

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Figure 3. Magnesium sulphate dosage and monitoring.

Reproduced with permission from Magee LA, Brown MA, Hall DR, et al. The 2021 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in
Pregnancy classification, diagnosis & management recommendations for international practice. Pregnancy Hypertens. 2021;27:148-69.134
Administration can be switched to IV dosing by starting 1 g/h (without a loading dose) when the next dose of IM magnesium sulphate is
Monitoring of serum magnesium levels is not necessary unless there is decreased renal function or signs of toxicity.
If toxicity is suspected, cease the MgSO4 infusion and take blood for serum Mg level. If toxicity is clear, administer calcium gluconate 10%
(10 mL in 100 mL normal saline solution IV over 3 min).
Foley catheterization is recommended.
Decreased urine output is included because it increases the risk of toxicity.
Symptoms of toxicity should be distinguished from well-known side effects, which include flushing of the skin, a metallic taste in the
mouth, sweating, nausea and vomiting, heaviness in the chest, palpitations, and lowering of the BP initially.
BP: blood pressure; FHR: fetal heart rate; MgSO4: magnesium sulphate; O2: oxygen.

Other Aspects of Care for Women with outcomes.106,107 Hence, steroids cannot be
Preeclampsia recommended.

The Team Antenatal corticosteroids for acceleration of fetal pulmo-

Women with preeclampsia require multidisciplinary care. nary maturity should be administered to women with
Apart from obstetrics, anesthesiology and newborn care preeclampsia at risk of preterm birth when gestational age-
teams should be informed when a woman with pre- related criteria are met and delivery is anticipated within 7
eclampsia is admitted to the delivery suite. days.108

Fluid Management Platelet Transfusion

For women with preeclampsia, total fluid intake in labour Upon admission to delivery suite, women with pre-
should be restricted to about 80 mL/h based on a eclampsia should have a platelet count done. Counts in
reduction in pulmonary edema without an increase in HELLP syndrome may fall rapidly and require frequent
acute kidney injury.104 Small randomized trials have reassessment. Clinicians should be aware of the potential
collectively failed to show an ideal fluid strategy.105 for delays when ordering platelets or other blood prod-
ucts. Anti-D(Rho) sensitization can be prevented by anti-
Corticosteroids for HELLP Syndrome D prophylaxis in Rh D-negative women.
Corticosteroids may transiently improve platelet count
and other laboratory results in HELLP syndrome, but
they have not demonstrated any reduction in adverse

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Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Table 6. Recommendations for timing of delivery

Viability to 336 weeks 340e366 weeks 370 weeks
Chronic Expectant care unless there is an Same as viability to 33 weeks (strong, Initiation of delivery can be offered at
hypertension indication for birth (strong, very low) very low) 380 to 396 weeks, but should be
advised from 400 weeks (conditional,
Gestational Expectant care unless there is an Same as viability to 336 weeks (strong, For women whose gestational
hypertension indication for birth (strong, low) very low) hypertension arose at <370 weeks,
initiation of delivery can be offered at
380 to 396 weeks, but should be
advised from 400 weeks (conitional,
For women who are already at 370
weeks, and then present with
gestational hypertension, initiation of
delivery should be discussed (strong,
Preeclampsia Expectant management may be At 340e356 weeks, initiation of delivery Initiation of delivery is recommended
considered, but only in perinatal should be discussed, as it decreases (strong, high)
centres capable of caring for very maternal risk but increases neonatal
preterm infants (conditional, moderate) risk, particularly if antenatal
corticosteroids are not prescribed
(strong, moderate)
At 360e366 weeks, initiation of delivery
should be considered (strong,

Timing of Delivery particularly in environments where administering antenatal

Recommendations for timing of delivery, regardless of corticosteroids at this gestational age is not routine. In the
gestational age or whether a course of antenatal cortico- PHOENIX trial (in the United Kingdom), in which de-
steroids has been completed, are presented in Table 4. livery was associated with increased neonatal unit admis-
When delivery is indicated, if timing allows, it should occur sions but not with increased respiratory morbidity, 60% of
in a perinatal centre capable of caring for sick mothers and women received steroids,113 whereas in the HYPITAT II
neonates. trial, in which delivery was associated with increased
neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, 1% of women
Previability, preeclampsia is associated with high perinatal received antenatal steroids.114 Women who choose to
mortality (>80%) and maternal complications (in 27%e71% pursue immediate delivery (rather than expectant care)
of cases), including death.109,110 Thus, as part of expectant should be reassured that child development and behaviour
care, termination of pregnancy should be discussed. (See also outcomes are similar at the age of 5 years.115 A meta-
relevant SOGC guidance.111) analysis of individual patient data suggested that neonatal
risk may not be increased from 360 weeks, which is
Timed birth, according to gestational age, is presented in consistent with subgroup analyses in the PHOENIX
Table 6. At <340 weeks, when there are no indications for trial.113,116
birth (Table 4), expectant care (compared with interven-
tion) is associated with similar short-term maternal out- At term (370 weeks), women with preeclampsia should
comes but less neonatal morbidity, despite more babies be offered birth, based on the results of the HYPITAT
being born small for gestational age (data from 6 trials trial.117 Women who developed gestational hypertension at
involving 748 women).112 Expectant care should be un- term in this trial did not benefit from induction, but this
dertaken only in perinatal centres capable of caring for sick subgroup analysis was underpowered. Women with
mothers and very preterm infants. gestational hypertension that developed before 370 weeks
gestation, or chronic hypertension, may benefit from birth
At 340 to 356 weeks gestation, the maternal benefits of at 380 to 396 weeks, in terms of reduced incidence of se-
delivery must be weighed against the neonatal risks, vere hypertension, stillbirth, and cesarean delivery, but the

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evidence is observational in nature.118-120 There is 1 ommended to reduce BP to <160/110 mm Hg in the

ongoing trial on outcomes (ISRCTN77258279). short term and, ideally, <140/90 mm Hg, as described
earlier in this document.5
Given the prevalence of postpartum hypertension and its
associated preventable morbidity and mortality, it is
important for health care centres to have systems or
Mode of Delivery protocols to monitor, recognize, and treat postpartum
For women with any HDP, vaginal delivery should be hypertension. These systems include inpatient post-
considered unless a cesarean delivery is required for partum wards, emergency departments,125 obstetrical day
obstetrical indications. Vaginal delivery may require early units, and home care programs.124 In addition, women
cervical ripening and induction.121 As women with pre- with hypertension should be instructed on home self-
eclampsia are at increased risk of postpartum hemorrhage, monitoring of BP, BP targets, and when to seek medi-
the third stage of labour should be actively managed.122 If cal attention; regular BP self-monitoring over the first 2
urgent or emergent delivery is required for maternal and/ weeks postpartum may improve long-term BP.126
or fetal indications (Table 3), an emergency cesarean de- Further, health care providers monitoring women
livery may be indicated. Ergometrine should not be following preeclampsia should be alert to their height-
administered to women with any hypertensive disorder of ened risk of postpartum mental health disorders (e.g.,
pregnancy, particularly preeclampsia or gestational hyper- depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder)
tension; alternative oxytocic drugs should be considered. and manage them accordingly.
In centres with access to perinatal pathology, placental
pathologic examination may help identify the etiology of When considering antihypertensive drugs postpartum,
preeclampsia. health care providers should be aware that there are
limited data on the safety of antihypertensive agents
POSTPARTUM during lactation.5 In general, antihypertensive agents with
low concentrations in breast milk are preferred. There are
Immediately Postpartum (Up to 6 Weeks After several open-access, evidence-based sources examining
Delivery) the safety of medications in breastfeeding, including
Following delivery, in women with known hypertension LactMed@NIH (
(i.e., chronic hypertension, gestational hypertension, or NBK501922/). Oral antihypertensive drugs commonly
preeclampsia), BP should be measured at least once daily used postpartum include labetalol, long-acting nifedipine,
on days 3e7 postpartum, because of the normal changes enalapril, and captopril; all have similar efficacy in
in blood pressure over this period. Immediately following lowering BP, although further research is needed to guide
delivery, some women with hypertension experience a clinicians on BP targets and medications.5,124 Other
transient reduction in BP due to the blood loss from antihypertensive medications may be considered on an
delivery, after which, BP normally rises again due to individualized basis.
redistribution of extravascular fluid.24 Other factors
(including pain and medications) may further exacerbate
this rise, resulting in a peak in BP around days 3e7 after

Hypertension and preeclampsia can arise for the first time After 6 Weeks Postpartum
(de novo) postpartum, and postpartum hypertension ac- The majority of women with gestational hypertension
counts for up to 25% of all HDPs.123 Whether hyper- and preeclampsia experience normalization of hyperten-
tension arises antenatally or de novo postpartum, BP levels sion, clinical symptoms, and abnormalities in laboratory
may be significantly higher than before delivery, sometimes results by 6 weeks to 3 months after delivery.127 How-
in the severe hypertension range (i.e., 160/110 mm ever, normalization of these parameters may take more
Hg).124 Severe hypertension is associated with significant than 6 to 12 months, depending on the severity of hy-
maternal morbidity and mortality, including a higher risk pertension and proteinuria.127 For women with persistent
of stroke. Thus, urgent antihypertensive therapy is rec- postpartum hypertension beyond 6 to 12 months,

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Table 1. Key to Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation Quality of Evidence
Grade Definition
Strength of recommendation
Strong High level of confidence that the desirable effects outweigh the undesirable effects (strong
recommendation for) or the undesirable effects outweigh the desirable effects (strong
recommendation against)
Conditional Desirable effects probably outweigh the undesirable effects (weak recommendation for) or the
undesirable effects probably outweigh the desirable effects (weak recommendation against)
Quality of evidence
High High level of confidence that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect
Moderate Moderate confidence in the effect estimate:
The true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the effect, but there is a possibility that it is
substantially different
Low Limited confidence in the effect estimate:
The true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the effect
Very low Very little confidence in the effect estimate:
The true effect is likely to be substantially different from the estimate of effect
Do not interpret conditional recommendations to mean weak evidence or uncertainty of the recommendation.
Adapted from GRADE Handbook (2013), Table 5.1.

Table 2. Implications of Strong and Conditional recommendations, by guideline user

Strong Recommendation Conditional (Weak) Recommendation
 “We recommend that.”  “We suggest.”
Perspective  “We recommend to not.”  “We suggest to not.”
Authors The net desirable effects of a course of action outweigh the It is less clear whether the net desirable consequences of a
effects of the alternative course of action. strategy outweigh the alternative strategy.
Patients Most individuals in the situation would want the recommended The majority of individuals in the situation would want the
course of action, while only a small proportion would not. suggested course of action, but many would not.
Clinicians Most individuals should receive the course of action. Recognize that patient choices will vary by individual and that
Adherence to this recommendation according to the clinicians must help patients arrive at a care decision
guideline could be used as a quality criterion or performance consistent with the patient’s values and preferences.
Policymakers The recommendation can be adapted as policy in most The recommendation can serve as a starting point for debate
settings. with the involvement of many stakeholders.
Adapted from GRADE Handbook (2013), Table 6.1.

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