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On-Line Release Notes Version 7.1.2 June 2004

Copyright 1984- 2004 by Tecnomatix. All rights reserved. This document contains proprietary information and is protected by copyright. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, translated, transcribed, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior explicit written consent of Tecnomatix Technologies Ltd. Tecnomatix, and the Tecnomatix logo are registered trademarks of Tecnomatix Technologies Ltd. eMPower, the eMPower logo, "Realizing Your Manufacturing Vision" and eBOP Browser, eM-Arc, eM-Assembler, eM-Body-Shop, eM-Cables, eM-Calibration, eM-Drill, eM-Engineer, eM-Fixtures, eM-Flow, eM-Gauge, eM-Glue, eM-Human, eM-Inspect, eM-Inspector, eM-Laser, eM-Layout, eM-Line, eM-Machining, eM-Martel, eM-Measure, eM-OLP, eM-Paint, eM-Performance, eM-Planner, eM-Plant, eM-PLC, eM-Press, eM-ProbeCAD, eM-Qualify, eM-RealNC, eM-Reports, eM-Reverse, eM-ROSE, eM-Seal, eM-Sequencer, eM-Server, eM-Shipweld, eM-Spot, eM-TolMate, eM-Uman, eM-Viewer, eM-Weld, eM-WI Browse, eM-WI Creator, eM-Workplace, PLMXML Gate, Process Designer, Process Simulate, Task Description Language, TDL are trademarks of Tecnomatix Technologies Ltd. All other product names or brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. RAMIS is a trademark of Human Solutions. The Software is sub-licensed by Human Solutions GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany. Body Builder is a trademark of Human Solutions. The Software is sub-licensed by Human Solutions GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany Tecnomatix Technologies Ltd. Delta House, 16 Hagalim Avenue Herzliya 46120 Israel


Release Notes

June 2004

Release Notes eM-Workplace, eM-Asse mbler Vers ion 7.1.2 Release Introduction These Release Notes accompany Version 7.1.2 containing various eM-Workplace and eM-Assembler Computer Aided Production Engineering (CAPE) products for the following hardware pl atforms: Silicon Graphics workstations Hewlett-Packard HP workstations Sun Blade and Ultra Sparc workstations PC Windows 2000 and Windows XP computers IBM AIX - CATIA interface and License server only The version includes new and enhanced functionality together with many user-driv en enhancements. In addition, performance improvements were made to important functionality, e.g., SOP s imulation, multiple RRS robot simulation and Tree toolbox. For PC, the eM-Human, eM-Assembler, eM-Line, Draft, and eM-Cables applications a nd CAD interfaces for CATIA V5, Unigraphics and STL are now available. In version 7.1.2 the Robot Data Libraries and CMM Libraries have been placed on a separate CD available for Unix users. Refer to the Installation instructions in the Robot Library section. Contents of the Release Notes Introduction 1 Product List 2 On-Line Documentation 5 New Features 7 Fixed Bugs and Enhancements 21 Bugs and Limitations 31 Robot Library 33 Appended Documents Hardware for PC

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Release Notes Introduct

Product List Product BASE Base Applications eM-Assembler eM-Assembler Link eM-Assembler PathPlanner eM-Arc eM-Cables eM-Calibration Draft Drawing eM-Drill eM-Dynamics eM-Glue eM-Laser eM-Line eM-Human eM-Martel NC Program OLP Application eM-Paint eM-ROSE eM-Seal eM-Spot eM-UMan CAD Integration CATIA 4.2.4 I-DEAS 10 Pro/E 2001 Pro/E WildFire Unigraphics 18 Unigraphics NX and NX2 Direct CAD Interfaces D XF AutoCAD CATIA 4.2.4 CATIA 5 R10, R11, R12 IGES SET STEP STL Unigraphics NX and NX2 VDAFS Plotter Interfaces June 2004 2 of 37 SGI HP Sun PC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y IBM





Release Notes Product List Version 7.1.2

Product Benson Calcomp OLP Interpreters TDL ABB ARLA BEHR BAPS CNC CPIR GMF R/C IGM2 IGM3 Inform ERC Karel Kawasaki AS KPAS Modicon KSWAS KSWAS Saturn Nachi AP Interpreter NCP RCM Robtalk 3 Interpreter VAL2 DCM OLP Packages ABB S4 Arc ABB S4 Disp ABB S4 Spot ABB S4 Wjet Acma BR2200 Comau PDL2 Spot Daihen Ecotalk Eisenmann Fanuc RG2 Fanuc RG2 Seal Fanuc RJ Arc Fanuc RJ Paint Fanuc RJ Spot Fanuc RJ2 Paint Fanuc RJ3 Laser Fanuc RJ3 Paint Fanuc RJ3 Sealing RRS Fanuc RJ3 Spot Fanuc RJ3 Spot RRS IGM INS Kawasaki 400 Kawasaki A Paint Kawasaki AD Paint Kawasaki AD Spot Kawasaki C KE Kawasaki C Paint RRS June 2004 3 of 37






Release Notes Product List Version 7.1.2

Product Kawasaki C Spot RRS Kawasaki D Spot Kobelco Kobelco Arc Kobelco Paint RRS Kuka KRC Glue Kuka KRC Spot Kuka KRC1 Arc Kuka KRC1 Spot Lincs Nachi AM Spot Nachi AP Spot Nachi AR Nachi AR Spot Nachi AW Paint RRS Nachi AW Spot RRS Nucon Quinta Laser Panasonic Arc Pr ima R ML + Reis RS4 Arc Reis RS5 Arc Robtalk 2 Robtalk 3 Shinmaywa Arc Tokico M6 Tokico M7 VKR C1 VRS 1 VRS1 14 Yaskawa MRC Arc Yaskawa XRC Arc RRS Yaskawa XRC Paint RRS Yaskawa XRC Spot RRS








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Release Notes Product List Version 7.1

On-Line Documentation The on-line documentation available for Version 7.1.2 of eM-Workplace and eM-Ass embler is listed below. Help documentation topics for PC are supplied in CHM format and indicated below by italic typeface. eM-WorkplaceTM Base eM-Workplace User Manual Workcell Reference Manual Modeling Reference Manual Data Reference Manual Toolbox Manager Reference Manual eM-Workplace TDL Reference Manual Tcl Reference Manual Applications eM-AssemblerTM eM-Assembler Advanced eM-Assembler PathPlanner eM-ArcTM eM-CablesTM eM-CalibrationTM DraftTM eM-DynamicsTM eM-FixturesTM eM-GlueTM eM-LaserTM LayoutTM eM-LineTM eM-HumanTM eM-MartelTM NC Program OLP Application eM-PaintTM eM-SpotTM CAD Integration CATIA Integration I-DEAS Integration Pro/ENGINEER Integration Unigraphics Integration CADlink Application* CAD Interfaces AutoCAD DXF Interface Catia Interface Draft-DXF Interface IGES Interface ROBFACE Application STL Converter Unigraphics Interface VDAFS Interface OLP Packages ABB ARLA Behr BAPS GMF R/C Hitachi RCL-II OLP Package IGM3 Karel

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Release Notes On-Line Documentation Ver

KPAS Modicon MELFA Nachi AP Interpreter-Compiler Nachi AR Interpreter-Compiler Nachi AR OLP Package RCM Robtalk3 User-Define OLP Interface DCM OLP Packages CML FANUC RJ Arc FANUC RJ Paint FANUC RJ Spot Kobelco Metafiles Dot-e Motion Planning Metafile ROBFACE Metafile Development Platforms eM-ROSETM Reference Manual OLP Development Environment Global Attribute Set UtilitiesCadIT Cell Planner Interactive Distance Logger Pick Analysis Record Session Rigid Part RoseShell Status Window * Available for eM-Workplace for PC only

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Release Notes On-Line Documentation Ver

New Features Version 7.1.2 eM-Workplace (Robcad) Version 7.1.2 represents a major advancement containing a large number of new features, applications and productivity improvements. Many of the new additions to functionality are the result of direct cooperation with customers. The Tecnomatix development team responded to users' requests for enhancements and impro vements with a large offering of new capabilities. Performance enhancements have been implemented in simulation tools, graphic perf ormance, LOD and ROSE functions for customized applications. Operational efficiency improvements boost user productivity and significantly re duce the time required to perform tasks. Now, for example, fewer mouse-clicks are needed to complete many com mon tasks. New Applications Automatic Path Planner A new module based on state-of-the-art technology automatically generates collis ion-free paths for part assembly/disassembly and spot welding. Users provide the input of start and end locations and the module generates a co llision-free bypass. Automatic Path Planner provides the following benefits: Automates generation of assembly and robotic operations with significant t ime savings in finding collision-free paths Enables users to perform more studies Allows a greater number of users to work (not only experts)

The new Automatic Path Planning application will be released in September 2004 a s a patch on V7.1.2 for SGI and PC. The application requires a license.

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Release Notes New Feature

eM-Cables Simulation performance for cells with cable has been significantly boosted in th e current version. In addition, enhancements to the behavior of cables in version 7.1.2 include connection of th e cable ends and cable wrap around the robot arm that are more realistic.

Cable endpoints now attach to objects by a user-defined fulcrum distance, accord ing to the z-axis of the frame.

Users can now define cable start and end locations to ensure that cables remain attached to their end points during robot motion, and cables no longer intrude unrealistically into the robot arm. To simplify use, the new parameter, Stiffness, replaces the Weight and Flexibility parameters that were u sed in the previous versions.

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Release Notes New Features

Productivity Enhancements eM-Workplace version 7.1.2 streamlines users' workflow with the following new fe atures and improvements: With the introduction of right-click context sensitive menus, users need f ewer mouse clicks to carry out common operations. The result is increased speed and easier access to freq uently used tools and commands. Now, the application is easier to learn as well as to use..

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Release Notes New Feature

All possible user hot key combinations are now organized and displayed in convenient tables. This makes it easy for users to configure hot keys combinations to match the one s they use commonly in their favorite CAD systems (e.g., display all = Ctrl+A).

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Release Notes New Features Ve

The new thumbnail and one-cell previews can save users valuable time other wise lost opening an incorrect cell from the list. The preview functionality provides users with a qu ick graphic display of the cells contained in a directory, allowing them to select exactly the cell they nee d.

Users can now manage and store their toolbox and dialog configurations in the new XML-based configuration file. Storing personal settings within a session and between sessio ns can significantly decrease daily setup time. Scrolling capability for UIL type dialogs.

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Release Notes New Features

Improved Performance Version 7.1.2 of eM-Workplace contains several simulatio n improvements: Simulation of SOP of multi robots (also provided in V ersion 6.0.3 SVP2) Additional improvements over Version 6.0.3 Speedier and more reliable graphics performance and new Level Of Details Several ROSE functions were improved allowing customized applications that call those functions to benefit from faster performance Tree Toolbox improvements were implemented that enable p erformance at double the speed of previous versions Sequence of Operations (SOP) Enhancements Version 7.1.2 offers improved simulation performance, available in the def ault "Fast" option under SOP > Settings >Update display. The new Gantt Sequence chart now includes options for sub-operations: View or hide them, display or conceal their duration times and show/hide their signals and wait events. If sub-operati ons are hidden, signals are also concealed in the chart. Clicking an item on the operation list opens the O peration dialog to enable editing, and clicking a signal in the Gantt chart displays details about the signal.

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Users can click the Events & signals button to select the default color display (B&W) or pop up the color legend that sets the colors for a variety of signals.

Wait event bars are only displayed for sub-operations when the device is actuall y in a wait state. Therefore, if a robot reaches a location with a wait signal after the signal has expired, it i s not displayed in the SOP. The revised Operation dialog includes a new Edit button for modifying events. Us ers click this button to display the Edit menu with options to modify the name of the selected event, change its time offset or set it as Relative to the start/end of the preceding operation.

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Release Notes New Featu

Note Editor The Note Editor dialog now contains new commands and a new Settings tab offering users enhanced documentation functionality.

The Settings tab determines several content and display parameters of how subseq uent notes are created: Default text, name prefix and note colors (background, text and outline). Clicking the new Multi-notes tab from the Create Note dialog (Create command) en ables users to create notes for a specific type of object (by using a filter): Weld points, All points, Loca l locations, Global locations, Frames, Paths or Components. After choosing a type, when the user selects items in the graphic viewer (by pick, rubber band) the system creates notes for the objects that conform to the filtered type and includes the name and/or position of the component automatically.

The new Reposition command enables users to change the relative position of the note text while the base of the note remains anchored to its absolute origin. Using the new Modify Color command, users can change the color of any of the thr ee note parts: Background,

text and outline. June 2004 Version 7.1.2 14 of 37 Release Notes New Features

New in version 7.1.2, the Display and Blank commands respectively display or bla nk selected notes in the workcell. Users can activate the new Show Text and Hide Text commands to display the note text in the graphic window or hide the text and display just the note flag. Interference Zone Enhancements

Other examples of customer-driven enhancements are the improvements ng interference zones: Calculations for multiple robots (not just two) Multiple interference zones for robot pair Supplies exact indication of when robot enters and exits zone TCP track curves (blue for outside zones, red for inside zone), and/or by creating notes at one location before the robot enters the zone and at one location after the robot exits the Automatic generation of documentation for PLC

to calculati

by creating that display zone

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Release Notes New Featu

Spot Location UI Improvements The Location Attributes dialog is a UI enhancement with a hierarchical structure , enabling users to compare the attributes of several locations at a glance. The dialog offers the commands in 3 menus: Locations, Edit and View, with easy access to path, location and command attribute options.

In version 7.1.2, users can configure the order of the table columns, and add or remove them. The View menu contains a filter option to apply an attribute change to all locations of the sa me type.

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Release Notes New Feature

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Autoplace Enhancements New customer-driven functionality in version 7.1.2 allows users to autoplace ext ernal guns and other workpieces, in addition to robots. Another improvement is the support for robots wit h several tools/TCPs, each designated for a different task.

Path Editor Enhancements The Create Path dialog displays the locations in the order they were selected. I t is now possible to select a location by typing its name as well as by selecting it in the graphic viewer.

According to the new workflow, users first click the Create Path button in the P ath Editor toolbox, and then select the locations.

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Paint Enhancements In version 7.1.2, users can create a number of paint function files and name the m flexibly as desired, with distinct extensions according to type: Bell - .fnb, Spray - .fns. In addition, user s can exchange paint files by browsing, without the necessity of reloading the workcell.

Users can now manage and load paint table files from a library which may contain folders and include all paint tables that serve several paint cells. Get Sub Component eM-Workplace allows users to select multiple components using the Get Sub Compon ent dialog, either from the project or from a library.

June 2004

Release Notes New Features

Version 7.1.2 18 of 37

Cell Pack&Go The new Pack&Go utility available from the Data menu allows users to copy cells with relevant project and library components to a selected destination folder: Only the relevant components are packed The original library structure is preserved

Original Prototype Colors Users can now restore the colors as originally defined in the component prototyp e, as well as for specific entities. Access this option from the Display menu, and select: Modify color. Load Cell Log File Version 7.1.2 offers a log file that runs during cell loading and registers star t loading and end loading for each component. Users can refer to this log file to detect problematic components tha t failed loading. To activate: Set the flag in the '.robcad' file to: APIBASE_LOG_FILE_NAME robcad log.log The log file is stored, for PC: C:\tmp, for UNIX: /tmp CAD Systems Support Pro/Engineer - CADlink option is now available for Pro/Engineer WildFire v ersion. Continued support for version 2001. Unigraphics - CADlink and CAD interface are now available for UG NX and UG NX2. Continued support for UG 18 on SGI platform. On PC, only the CADlink option is su pported. IDEAS - CADlink is now available for IDEAS 10 on SGI. CATIA V5 Interface on PC The CATIA V5 Interface module was added to the list of supported interfaces. It enables the translation of CATProducts and CATParts into cells and components, respectively. We currently s upport V5R10, V5R11, and V5R12. The interface can be activated from a command line (cat5_in) or using the eM-Workplace Data Tool. There is an option to change the CATIA release as described in the Installation Guide for eM-Workplace on PC document.

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Release Notes New Featu

PC Porting In version 7.1.2, additional functionality has been ported to the PC environment . This completes the porting process, with the major applications provided. Additional applications not curre ntly included, may be supplied according to special request. ROSE environment - In version 7.1.2 ROSE is part of the setup. MSDEV 6.0 i s required in order to develop ROSE applications or to port them to PC. It is not necessary to wo rk with the MKS development kit, since MKS runtime, which is part of the eM-Workplace setup, is s ufficient. Roseshell eM-Human eM-Assembler, eM-Assembler Advanced eM-Line Draft eM-Cables UG CAD interface STL interface TDL (Task Description Language) IGM2, IGM3

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Release Notes New Features V

Fixed Bugs* and Enhancements Fixed in 7.1.2 General Case 67060; CR 62938. Accuracy of of Query/Distance results between origins was enhanced to two digits after the point. Case 69601; CR 52912. Data/File utilities/Copy did not work correctly in Compone nt mode. Case 81328, 84636, 84930, 93631, 93631, 100054; CR 59593. License generated from SGI could not be installed in IBM. Case 86187, 86515, 98789; CR 57126. PC: Output operations (F4) created a faulty RGB file. Case 87170; CR 64221. Get component/Locate at did not work correctly. Case 89105; CR 65111. Problem with inverse calculation of several robots was fix ed. Case 92985; CR 72305. Conversion of locations from Local to Global lost external axis values. Case 95249, 96345; CR 69716. Right-click menu/View Center selected the entity's self origin and not the pick location. Case 96323; CR 66098. PC: .robcad entry 'WHITE_BACKGROUND_ON_SCREEN_DUMP on' di d not work. Case 96365; CR 70056. Using Motion toolbox->Robot jog->By step after clicking th e View button caused eM-Workplace to freeze on specific robot. Case 96729; CR 70131. PC: No longer a problem with color when running multiple e M-Workplace sessions in parallel. Case 98111; CR 70824. Upgrade_to_version skipped a large number of surfaces for components. Case 98379, 100665; CR 71667, 72364. Collision was detected incorrectly. Case 98688; CR 71343. Using Data->File utilities->Copy cell->Overwrite->One by o ne: indicating 'No' one time aborted the process. Case 99029; CR 71957. Problem with representation of 2 limits for joint in Workc ell Status window was fixed. Case 99135, 100237; CR 70753. Layout menu froze after using hotkey to save cell. Case 99319, 99323, 100119; CR 71383. PC: eM-Workplace installation supports Exce ed 9. In version 7.1.2, if Exceed 9 is already installed on the user machine, setup configures eM-Workpl ace to support the application. Case 99677; CR 71470. SGI: Using Query->Location information->Full information o f local location crashed eM-Workplace. Case 99682; CR 72038. PC: Loading a cell from the network after using Data->Proj ect utilities-> Explode->Cell crashed the application. Case 100314; CR 72156. Soft limits to a joint could not be set in Motion toolbox if hard limits were not already set for a few specific robots. Case 100315; CR 72715. Status window: incorrect limits were displayed for joint with no limits or soft limits.

Case 100375; CR 71596. Point To Point Distance window had incorrect header. Case 100377; CR 70952. Path Editor toolbox is now loaded with collapsed paths.

* The fixes were also released as patches over 6.0.3 June 2004 ersion 7.1.2 21 of 37 Release Notes Fixed Bugs and Enhancements V

Case 101202; CR 72631. Path Editor toolbox: Adding locations to path no longer a dds them in incorrect order. CR 67673. Frames and Paths options were added to Notes toolbox->Create->Mulit-no tes. CR 69897. Hotkeys were added to display and blank frames (Default = Ctrl+F and S hift+F respectively). CR 71036. Update progressed too quickly using Motion toolbox->Joint jog due to " over-sensitivity" of the Step Size buttons. CR 71039. Note position values are now created relative to working frame. CR 71045. New option to display prototype name was added to Notes->Settings->Def ault text entry. CR 71892. Get component failed due to a problem in reading the approximation. CR 72493. Option was added to distinguish between weld and via locations in SOP/ Gantt. CR 72573. Problems when installing both eM-Workplace and MPM applications on the same PC were fixed. CR 72713. HTML report generated by the Report toolbox now shows multiple locatio ns for each weld point. Modeling Case 61785, 96310; CR 48965. Z button was added to Modeling->2D Sketcher toolbox ->Line between two Points. Case 96083 ;CR 70124. Sweep Curve Length field name no longer dimmed in Modeling ->3D Sketcher toolbox. Case 96317, 96318, 96320; CR 70130. Modeling/Placement toolbox disassembled a sp ecific gun during shifting. Case 96327; CR 70098. Modeling/States/Query display limit was increased. CAD Integration and CAD Interface Cases 40382, 87474; CRs 40363, 69641. Users can now run CAD interfaces with Abso lute precision. A new entry was added to .robcad file: USE_ABS_PRECISION on/off. The values of the fol lowing entries in .robcad set the calculation precision: solid_precision_default surface_precision_default curve_precision_default Note that setting this value results in greater approximation accuracy, but also increases data size. Case 75393; CR 56899. Running robfacein on RF file generated on a Cell Robfaceou t used to fail with Syntax error message. Case 90059; CR 70100. DXFout of cell containing super-comp created a faulty DXF file. Case 91413; CR 66016. DXFout of cell did not work correctly when entity names we re duplicated. Case 96570; CR 70135. Robfacein failed on specific data. Case 99026; CR 71421. Data/Cad Import selection window was enlarged. Case 99628; CR 71813. eM-Workplace export to CATIA (robcat) created models with missing info. Case 100424; CR 71948. UgrobcadNX used to crash when subassembly part was missin

g. Case 100498; CR 72035. UgrobcadNX on specific data used to fail.

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Release Notes Fixed Bugs and Enhancements Ve

eM-OLP Case 97784; CR 70687. OLP/Simulation did not work if Motion-TB/create track was set to On. Case 42330, 72570; CR 40886. VRML2 did not work when simulation ran in OLP. Case 82093; CR 59453. Performance problem in KPAS controller was fixed. Case 99244; CR 71927. eM-Workplace sent incomplete matrix to RCS module. Case 99586; CR 71838. OLP simulation/Continue button was added to resume simulat ion after it was stopped by collision. Case 99785; CR 71908. PC: RJ3 Spot controller setup file was missing. Cases 100702, 101532; CR 72900. PC: dcm_sat.exe module used to fail during OLP S imulation. Case 101256; CR 72775. OLP/Simulation used to issue error message after Data/Rep lace connection to a robot component. eM-Spot Case 42224; CR 40698. Performance problem in Spot for data with Multi-Sections w as fixed. Case 97971; CR 70777. Performance problem in Spot/Project location was fixed. Case 99184; CR 71349. Spot/Multi-Section view did not display a few entities for specific data. Cases 100985, 101796; CR 72594. Interference Zone toolbox/TCP Track on and Store cell used to crash eMWorkplace. eM-Paint Case 83413; CR 59878. SUN: Specific data caused Paint simulation to crash eM-Wor kplace. Case 100021; CR 71760. Paint module crashed when generating cut path. eM-Arc Case 86618; CR 63920. Incorrect orientation for locations in eM-Arc path was cre ated for specific data. Case 101200; CR 72704. eM-Arc/seam was only faintly visible in shade mode. eM-Human Case 98033, 98602, 99023; CR 70776. Human model skipped certain walk actions dur ing task simulation. Fixed in 7.1.1 General Cases 20516, 25253, 64348, 79466; CRs 30315, 48760. It was not possible to switc h from eM-FLOW application to other applications. Case 65661; CR 51718. The system no long issues multiple error messages regardin g missing key in the roblmd.log file. Case 67719; CR 52320. Load path created local locations when global locations ex isted though overwrite option was Off.

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Release Notes Fixed Bugs and Enhancements Ver

Cases 71430, 81867; CRs 55905, 58863, 62269, 64979, 64980, 66211, 67224, 69863, 69989. Entities location was incorrect after upgrade to version of components. Case 71195, 73280, 85618; CRs 55844, 62480. Corrected: A few reachability proble ms for robots with external joints. Cases 73048, 881611; CR 55730. Configuration/Store did not store the User menu e ntries correctly. Case 86726; CR 63608. Poses of mounted workpiece did not work after Get Cell. Case 87763; CR 64564. Move XYZ with 5-joints robot used to freeze the applicatio n. Cases 88518, 95365; CR 64954. Updating multiple compound locations in Motion too lbox by typing values would update only a single compound location. Case 89105; CR 65111. Robot was able to reach the location but TCPF was distant from it. Case 90328; CR 66053. Movement to a location, checked as reachable, was not accu rate. Case 90864; CR 66087. Poses of devices defined as external axis were added to th e Poses tab of Motion toolbox. Cases 93586, 94011; CRs 68163, 68164. It was not possible to create more than 99 8 location using Mark loc/ Mark Compound in the Motion toolbox. Case 94087; CR 58207. Motion TB: Undefining mounted workpiece locations did not work. Case 95855; CR 69760. Configuration file (Robcad_config.xml) was not created whe n ROBCAD directory under $HOME did not exist. Case 96287; CR 69949. Layout Load cell/Thumbnails/noname.ce was listed. Case 96289; CR 69948. Filter in Load cell/Thumbnails dialog used to consider cel l extension "ce". Modeling Cases 91723, 91905; CR 59156. PC:Modeling/Features generated a license failure m essage. Now eM-Line License provides the relevant license. Case 93043; CR 67114. Gun Define: No collision list/Clear did not display collis ion correctly. Case 96308; CR 70032. PC: Specific component could not be stored and crashed the application. Case 96770; CR 70900. Modeling: Ncblocks/Cut section - section was created with incorrect name. eMServer Integration Cases 87167; 90730; 90951, 93090, 93665; CR 66111. Documentation for eMS export was added to eMWorkplace installation. Case 96074; CR 69802. PC: Rename Via loc and connect to eMS - original name was displayed. eM-OLP Case 67376; CR 52212. Incorrect behavior when uploading OLP. Case 85312; CR 62036. OLP/Downloaded: Incorrect behavior of the "turn" property. Cases 93842, 97585; CR 70547. RJ3 Spot teach pendant crashed in eM_Workplace PC


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Spot Case 86820; CR 63648. eM-Spot/Placement/Mount command did not attach the gun whe n using specific data. Case 95878; CRs 69730, 69731. Fixed some problems using Spot locations Flip+Rota te interactive functionality. CR 68880. Servo-guns: The notice 'external axis exceed limits' used to appear af ter Teach Pose. Paint Case 62528; CR 49378. eM-Paint: offset_func parameter now used with every thickn ess simulation. Case 70105; CR 54714. Paint did not read S4_PAINT speed attribute. Draft Cases 91659, 93017; CR 65957. Draft - Annotation could not be modified if the vi ew was not fully displayed. CAD Integration and CAD Interface Case 47894; CR 43003. View Center did not work on points created by robfacein (t yped in manually). Case 88680; CR 65030. UG NX Trimming problem on any surface now corrected. Case 96277; CR 69927. PC: Ugrobcad and STLin were not available in Data/CAD impo rt. CR 65702. Filtering of layers capability added to Ugrobcad. eM-Assembler Case 92955; CR 66746. Fixed a problem in eM-Assembler - show within range when c hecking group or attachment. ROSE Case 80445; CR 58800. Problem fixed in ROSE API apApproximation. Case 95545, 97020; CRs 22449, 70083. Many ROSE API functions used to be limited to 5,000 elements. The new limitation is 100,000 elements. Fixed in 7.1 General Cases 16276, 30530; CRs 25674, 34685. Stop button was added for Display/Precisio n and Direction/Modify Display Precision. Case 25754; CR 32608. Motion TB/Joint jog: Selection of joint was canceled after Mark Location. Cases 33059, 49396; CR 37913. The text in the Note Editor became dimmed during g raphic view manipulation. Case 35244; CR 37770. Motion TB/Joint jog: External axes joints can now be jogge d without changing active mechanism.

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Release Notes Fixed Bugs and Enhancements Ver

Cases 43597, 56305, 77975, 82125; CRs 40968, 47023. Configuration of Layer toolb ox in Setting tab is now part of the general configuration file (Robcad_config.xml). Cases 48692, 58839; CR 43108. Zoom/Pan/Rotate did not refresh the graphics windo w after changing the display precision for lines and points. Case 55510; CR 46918. Autoplace toolbox now can be used to shorten long location names. Case 57659; CR 48595. Closing toolboxes and menus using the `-` sign with double click or close is now possible for Workcell, Modeling and Draft applications. Cases 58857, 61733, 77734; CRs 49209, 58566. The mouse cursor did not change to hourglass while performing long actions like Load Cell, Layers/Change visibility status, Display/Mo dify Display Precision and other display modification commands. Cases 61728, 75822, 90754, 90790; CRs 48867, 56933, 65954. Motion TB simulation buttons, Reset, Stop, Play, Step and Jump to End, were disabled in some cases. Case 66616; CR 52028. MacROSE/Help/TCL failed due to incorrect help file name. Cases 67430, 69987, 74271, 77398, 78194, 89591, 89617; CRs 51559, 51638. SOP Eve nt "Change to view" did not work if View Manager toolbox had not been loaded. Cases 69759, 92259, 92919, 93450; CRs 52969, 67424, 69085. Opening Layer Toolbox caused eM-Workplace to crash on specific data. Case 70101; CR 53205. When using a low rate to jog a rotational joint of a speci fic mechanism, the joint moved in transition before starting to rotate. Cases 71971, 78844; CR 54917. Upgrade_to_version succeeds in upgrading cells tha t contain old components (older than 3.7.1) without severing the connection to these components. No w when loading the cell in eM-Workplace, it does not fail; instead a message is issued listing the specific components from an old version these are not displayed in the cell. After performing upgrade_to_version on thos e components with the comp of -dir option, the cell loads with all of its components. Cases 74268, 83916; CR 60151. Tree crashed when printing to screen or to file. Case 72761; CR 55538. Loading a cell after it was stored with Autoplace grid pro duced error messages. Cases 74140, 90789; CRs 56313, 66069. Get component/Locate at - when the entity on which to locate the component was keyed in, component was placed at working frame, instead of being picked in the graphic window. Case 75660, CR 56900. SOP event: Time offset limitation of higher than 100 sec r emoved. Case 75720; CR 57072. Improved performance of Path Editor toolbox when loading c ells with many locations. Case 75831; CR 57451. Display/Restore Precision no longer hangs the graphics.* Case 78325; CR 45519. View Manager/Export Images now has Export All option to di splay view icons in HTML reports generated by Cell Report toolbox. Case 78711; CR 57880. Performance improvement when zooming in and out, due to co mputation of Level Of Details only when letting go of the mouse, not at each step.

Case 78828; CR 48128. Upgrade_to_version utility did not remove noname.ce at the end of the process.* Cases 78846, 89484; CR 57987. Layer toolbox list can be resized to show more tha n 10 lines.* Case 78842; CR 57989. Layer toolbox/Add to Layer now has the option Remove from Current Layer, replacing the Move to Layer command that existed in previous versions.* Case 80366; CR 60281. Collision pairs are checked during Load cell to verify tha t all entities are found.* Case 81983; CR 59258. Name of log file created during upgrade_to_version now inc ludes the process ID to allow multiple upgrades in one command line. Case 82513; CR 59684. Upgrade_to_version failed with GEOH error message on speci fic component.

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Release Notes Fixed Bugs and Enhancements V

Case 82621; CRs 59492, 60992. Fixed problem finding inverse solution for a speci fic robot.* Case 82714; CR 59645. Jogging a joint that was created with sub-component entiti es did not update the display. Case 82768; CR 59735. Workcell Status window displayed only partial information on turns due to limitation to the number of characters. Cases 83249, 85471, 85954, 86229, 86388, 86462, 87174, 87307, 88363, 88687, 8888 6, 92658, 93749, 93934; CR 66080. PC: Fixed graphic problem of entities not hidden by others (Z-b uffer) in specific graphic cards. Case 83258; CR 59773. Upgrade_to_version would fail on specific component. Case 83367; CR 59954. Running the application using `robcad w' command and switch ing between applications a few times crashed eM-Workplace. * Cases 83686, 85391, 89314; CR 60059. Incorrect collision detection in specific c ell fixed. Case 84026; CR 60278. Specific robot did not move according to Motion toolbox se ttings. Cases 84131, 92904; CR 60350. PC: Query of Near Miss in the Collision setup/Pair used to give 0.00 in query though value was different. Cases 84607, 88769; CR 59222. PC: Data/Project Utilities/upgrade_to version on p roject did not work. Case 84737; CR 61395. Loading a cell containing a mechanism with coupling joints caused a crash.* Case 85341; CR 64072. Path Editor/Copy now ignores the attribute related to the PP external ID.* Cases 85405, 85559, 85735, 86089, 86712, 86721; CR 61829. PC: Fixed several perm issions problems when storing data located on Samba server.* Case 85646; CR 61812. After running Delete, Undo icon was disabled in a specific scenario. Case 85990; CR 63242. SOP/Reset and Initialize would move incorrect part for rob ot's TCPF. Case 86582; CR 64742. The file .appCellViews.xml under the cell directory was in flated after renaming views.* Case 88246; CR 64886. The usage information for eM-Workplace command was enhance d. Case 88638; CR 64985. An entity was not displayed on eM-Workplace UNIX, though i t was displayed on eM-Workplace PC. In order to see the fix, the robot needs to be redefined in Mod eling. Case 89274; CR 65247. PC: Data tool/Project utilities/Connection/Explode used to change to Hidden some files under a library component directory. Cases 89565; 91216; CR 65636. F6/Display list setting was not stored in the Conf iguration file. Cases 90201, 93281; CR 65984. PC: eM-Workplace would hang on image creation (F4, View Create, Cell Report, Cell Preview).* Case 90319; CR 65827. wm2oi - converting components or cells to VRML2 failed wit h segmentation fault. Cases 90591, 90592; CRs 60386, 65668, 65669. PC: Fixed several performance probl ems when using brows-

ing commands with data located on Samba server.* Case 90659; CR 66274. Location attributes were lost after "store path" and "load path". Case 91732; CR 65990. Collision lists disappeared from the cell in a certain sce nario when they had exactly the same name as a layer. Case 91839; CR 66030. SOP Current Time was limited to 2500 sec. Case 91991; CR 66044. PC: Utilities/Locations/Path/Create would crash Workcell. Case 92141; CR 66303. When pose was renamed to an existing object name, all pose s were deleted. Case 92675; CR 66744. PC: Specific customer cell caused crash of the application during load. CR 50563. Motion toolbox/Joint Jog and Poses tabs were rearranged to allow a lon ger list of joints/poses. June 2004 ersion 7.1.2 27 of 37 Release Notes Fixed Bugs and Enhancements V

Modeling Case 55606; CR 47054. The text description in tooltips for some of the toolboxes in Modeling did not correspond to the titles of the toolboxes. Case 62963; CR 50094. Modeling/General Tools/Mirror did not function on specific data. Cases 84284, 85746, 89354; CR 60420. Merge curves did not work when curves were not continuous. CAD Integration and CAD Interface General CADlink Cases 70620, 79079; CRs 55218, 58134. Adding/Editing Naming Rules in CADit did n ot affect component names. General interface Case 75388; CR 56841. robfacein crashed on robface file that originated from CAD key. Cases 92148, 92149; CRs 66284, 66285. Robfacein failed on specific parts transla ted from various CAD systems.* Case 92483; CR 67353. Components generated by robfacein in eM-Workplace on Unix, eM-Workplace on PC and eM-Engineer had different data sizes. CATIA interface Case 62812; CRs 50432, 55114. Fixed several geometry problems in CATrob, includi ng incorrect trimming of surfaces and reversed surfaces. Cases 83115, 83718; CRs 60786, 60866. Conversion of specific CATIA parts using C ATrob failed. UG Interface Case 84022; CR 60330. Unigraphics interface to eM-Workplace failed to create ent ities in components with long file names. Cases 87429, 88052; CR 64478. UGrobcad created empty components when running on assemblies from Unigraphics NX.* Case 91457; CRs 65998, 65999. Ugrobcad converter with UG NX specific assemblies would hang the process or enter infinite loops. CR 65701. Exclude Line and Frame Entity Types were added to Ugrobcad interface c ommands for use with n entry. CR 67959. PC: Component translated from UG NX using Ugrobcad interface had incor rect colors. CRs 68065, 68066. PC: While running UG NX interface with t entry for other entity types, frames used to be translated as well, whereas the n entry did not filter out frames.* IGES Interface Cases 43215, 43678, 49648; CR 40863. Fixed a problem with translation of IGES fi les exported from Solid Works. Case 89991; CR 66068. Fixed problem of specific surface translation in IGESin.* eMServer Integration Cases 85387, 88148; CRs 64903, 64807. For eM-Workplace-eMServer integration: Spo t/Weld_locs/Update Locations/Manual corrects the SW_CREATION_POINT and the Attach_To attributes. It also removes the

SW_WP_LOC_NAME attribute from the old weldpoint if it still exists in the cell. Cases 89080, 86989; CRs 65150, 65227. Deletion of weld points integrated from eM Server is now possible. The system displays a warning dialog in which user selects: Delete All, Delete O ne By One, or Cancel. * The fixes were also released as patches over 6.0.3 June 2004 ts Version 7.1.2 28 of 37 Release Notes Fixed Bugs and Enhancemen

Case 89206; CR 65302. For eM-Workplace-eMServer integration: MOUNTED_WORKPIECE_F RAME_ NAME attribute was not integrated to simulation_info tab in eM-Planner. Cases 92003, 92007, 92885; CR 66081. For eM-Workplace-eMServer integration: Inte gration failed when a different (upper or lower) case letter was used to specify the network drive for the eM-Planner System root and the Library root settings in the eM-Workplace Unix studies dialog. CR 66062. eM-Workplace-eMServer integration failed with eM-Workplace legacy cell s that contain reference to missing library components. Now the integration skips the missing components and updates the legacy cell to the eMServer without them. eM-OLP Case 47985; CR 42915. OLP module dcm_sat crashed on specific customer data. Case 86292; CR 63500. Default teachpendant did not update the Location attribute s in eM-Spot. Case 90463; CR 66268. RJ_SPOT controller did not work in PC. eM-Spot Cases 90412, 91523; CR 65816. Servo gun poses were not applied correctly. Case 91347; CR 66102. eM-Workplace crashed during multi-section creation. Case 91447; CR 66322. Location attributes/Synch and Sim tabs were disabled after loading a cell stored with "Store as". Case 92084; CR 66082. Spot/Weld_loc menu/Update - Manual location update failed when workpiece was selected. eM-Paint Case 88371; CR 65354: Paint Thickness map showed excessive coverage in overlap o f two robots when the motion of the robots was simultaneous, unlike the case when the robots moved one after the other.* Case 89523; CR 65353: Paint Thickness map for two robots was different for simul taneous and for staggered motion types (the robots moving together or one after the other).* Draft Cases 23934, 28549, 91659, 93015; CRs 30529, 30602, 65958. Draft Drawing window once again offers Full View option. eM-Assembler Case 93160; CR 67134. PC: DistanceAnalysis and Exploded_view utilities were adde d to eMPower/Utilities list. ROSE Cases 53574, 54715, 60326; CRs 47065, 48183. Rose now enables users to obtain th e text of Notes using the apGetProperty function. Other capabilities, including Create, Text, Flag Positio n, Background Color, Text Color, and Outline Color were also added to Rose. New ROSE function "uiSetCloseWindowFunc(winId,func)" adds a Close option to menu s in all UIL-based windows. This function did not add the Close option to the main UIL window of th

e application, only to sub windows. ROSE development is now available on PC. For more information, see c:\eM-Workpla ce\rose\ReadMe.txt. eM-Cables Case 85894; CR 62445. eM-Cables entities created by eM-Workplace Unix crashed on eM-Workplace PC. Case 86752; CR 63504. The On/Off setting for eM-Cables/Option/Contact is now con trolled by robcad_config.xml. June 2004 sion 7.1.2 29 of 37 Release Notes Fixed Bugs and Enhancements Ver

Case 86752; CR 63505. The robot cable went through the robot's geometry instead of twisting around it. Case 86752; CR 63506. The cable was detached from the robot's connecting points after simulating the robot's movement. eM-Probe Cases 85581, 92477, 92401, 92525; CR 62773. CMM and MacROSE could not be loaded for cells created with old CMM version.

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Release Notes Fixed Bugs and Enhancements Vers

Bugs and Limitations Limitation in setting window position in Unix A new .robcad entry was added: POSITION_IS_FRAME. The status of this setting sho uld match that of the positionISFrame flag in the Operating System Windows Manager resource file. For cases when the positionISFrame flag is set differently than the POSITION_IS_FRAME default setting, user s should modify the .robcad entry accordingly. To view the current setting of the positionISFrame flag, run the following comma nd: xrdb -query <Resource File Name> To reduce problems to a minimum for Unix users migrating from eM-Workplace versi on 6.0.2 to version 7.1, the AUTO_WIN_PLACE flag in the .robcad file is set to off by default. This deact ivates the automatic window positioning functionality in the Unix environment. To restore this functiona lity, set the flag to on and set the POSITION_IS_FRAME entry to on as well. The default value of POSITION_IS_FRAM E is false. Color mode limitations in Unix CR 58357. In 8bit color mode, the ROBCAD_DEFAULT_COLORMAP variable (in .robcad) should be set to off for SGI, and set to on for HP-UX. Unix to PC - Data sharing and transfer CR 55798. DOS format TEXT files should be converted to Unix format to enable the ir use in eM-Workplace in Unix. The to_unix command was added in eM-Workplace for PC, with the followin g usage: to_unix <input_text_file> <output_text_file> Cases 75950, 79402. Data becomes corrupted when using TAR and Winzip commands to transfer data from Unix to PC. A workaround is to set the Miscellaneous/Tar file smart LF/CR conver sion configuration to Off, which converts files in UNIX format to DOS format. Data sharing using Samba disk Samba installation Download Samba version 2.2.8a or higher for either SGI or Linux from the followi ng Internet sites: SGI - Linux 9.0 or other - i386/9.0/ Permissions troubleshooting 1 Robcad library root directory permissions should be 777 (read, write and execu te). 2 The following are the recommended Create mask settings in the Samba configurat ion file (smb.conf) for the shared drive that contains the Library root: create mask = 0774 force create mode = 011

security mask = 0774 force security mode = 011 directory mask = 0774 force directory mode = 011 directory security mask = 0774 force directory security mode = 011 June 2004 Version 7.1.2 31 of 37 Release Notes Bugs and Limitations

hide dot files = No map system = Yes map hidden = Yes 3 Verify your settings by executing basic operations from a Windows workstation, i.e., Create a new folder, Copy files and Move some files to the Samba server. Check the permissions as they appear on the UNIX server. The variable NUT_SEC_ATTR_OFF is now set to 1 during eM-Workplace installation. This sets the security of all files generated by eM-Workplace to the default provided by Windows NT, ov erwriting the predefined eM-Workplace security, i.e., the files inherit their parents' security descripto r. Performance issues There was a general performance problem that occurred in hybrid environment (UNI X/PC) when using Samba. The problem was noticeable when accessing a large number of relatively sm all files. Investigation of this issue showed that the cause of this behavior is related to the Samba softwa re for the OS IRIX and Solaris. The Samba software for HP-UX and Linux provided good performance results. A workaround - export the UNIX file system of IRIX and Solaris via NFS to a Linu x host and then re-export it via Samba from that host. Case 90591, 90592; CR 65668, 65669. eM-Workplace PC browsing performance in UNIX file system has been improved. Data drive and installation drive are different When the data drive in PC is different then the installation drive, users should create a tmp directory directly under the drive on which the data resides. eM-Workplace CR 38439. Use of Layout/Store command for only part of a cell is no longer suppo rted. CR 69580. Upgrading components to 7.1 will cause failure of Modeling in 6.0.3 un less the patch 452 is installed on top of 6.0.3. CR 70801. On SGI and HP, loading the Motion toolbox by right-clicking a Robot/Ro bot jog or Joint jog for the first time, causes the system to hang. CAD issues CR 52314. Using the upper-left (minus "-") button to exit CadIT after opening it from eMPower/Utilities, freezes eCadlinkM-Workplace. CR 70920. Cadlink of ProE 2001 does not work on HP and Sun. Documentation PC - Context sensitive online help is only partially enabled in this release. Us

e the eM-Workplace reference guide.chm document to browse through all the available manuals.

June 2004 s Version 7.1.2 32 of 37

Release Notes Bugs and Limitation

Robot Library Introduction In this version, a CD-ROM for the Robot library and CMM libraries is available f or each platform - Unix and PC. To install the data, either copy the entire CD content to your disk or copy specific libraries or components. The files .info, .gif or .icon are not zipped and can be explored before inflati ng the data. The data is both upgraded and reduced in size using GZIP. For both Unix and PC, run the 'gzip' command to inflate the data. Important note for PC users: To enable data sharing, make sure that the Winzip O ptions/Configuration/ Miscellaneous/Tar file smart LF/CR conversion checkbox is unchecked (Off). Example 1 - inflating a single copied component: gzip -rd C:\eM-Workplace\DATA\ROBOTS_NACHI\ Example 2 - inflating a complete copied directory: gzip -rd C:\eM-Workplace\DATA\ROBOTS_NACHI Robot Libraries All of the robots in the eM-Workplace robot library are listed below; their name s are shown as they occur in the database as eM-Workplace component directories, except that the .co suffix a ppended to the names is not shown. The names are grouped under the names of the directories in which the rob ots occur. The robots with two asterisks ** preceding their names either have a complete .e file or have a Realistic Robot Simulation (RRS) file. Robots with a single asterisk * preceding their names have a partial .e file. The remaining robots use the default .e file. ROBOTS_ABB *irb1000 **irb1400 **irb140 0h irb1500 *irb2000 irb240 0_10 **irb2400_10_s4_96 irb2400_10h **irb240 0_10h_s4_96 irb2400_16 irb2400_16h ** irb24 00l **irb2400l_s4_96 ** irb2400lh **irb240 0lh_s4_96 *irb3000 irb3200 irb340 0_10 irb3400_30 irb3400_30f irb440 0 **irb4400_45 **irb4400_60 **irb440 0fs **irb4400_l_10 **irb60 irb60_ 5 irb60_6 **irb6400_24_120 **irb640 0_24_150 **irb6400_24_200 irb6400c **irb640 0r_25_120 **irb6400r_25_150 **irb6400r_25_200 **irb640 0r_28_150 **irb6400r_28_200 ** **irb640

0s_29_120 irb6_5 25pe *irb6k24_100 4_150 irb6k28_100 0_75 irb6k30s irb9000 6 irbl6_5 ROBOTS_ACMA *h80rb h80sb_s *h80sd sr400 th8 **x58 **x58_100 **x58_150_l **x58_l *x88_100 *x88_100_l *x88_l June 2004 ry Version 7.1.2 33 of 37

irb6_6 *irb6k24_120 irb6k28pt irb8400 *irbg6_5 irbl6_6 *h80rd h80sd_s *v80s **x58_100_l *x58_us *x88_150 *h80sb *s18 *v80s_s **x58_150 *x88 *x88_150_l

irb6k2 *irb6k2 irb6k3 *irb90 irbg6_

Release Notes Robot Libra

*xr700_100s *xr701s ROBOTS_ADEPT *ad1 ROBOTS_AFMA dkpt1000 dkpt500 r0v1 r3s_5 ROBOTS_AMERICAN amr6200 ROBOTS_BEHR **bhr3_rail_l bhr_31 br_3_1 ROBOTS_BISIACH *jk_bh *tjkp7_sh ROBOTS_BOSCH bsh800 ROBOTS_CIMCORP cim_225 ROBOTS_CINCI *cin646 *cin786_e ROBOTS_CITROEN barnabe ROBOTS_CLOOS cls106 *cls76swr ROBOTS_COMAU e475pl **sm_125 **sm_12r **sm_475pxl **sm75plm **sm_75pxls **sm_h1l **sm_h3xl **sm_s4 ROBOTS_COMMERCY cy1006 ROBOTS_DAIHEN *v01 ROBOTS_ESHED *er_5 ROBOTS_FANUC a0 *a510_20kg *am100i_r lr_mate June 2004 4 of 37

*xr700_125r *xr711 ad3 dkpt1200 dkpt600 r3 r3s_6 amr6260 **bhr3_rail_r **bhr_6 br3_rail_l *jk_sh

*xr700_125s y28

*xr701fc yr500

dkpt200v dkpt800 r3p_5 r4e

dkpt300h r0p r3p_6 r4v

**bhr6_rail bhr_6_1 br3_rail_r *tjkp7_bh

**bhr_3 br3 *tjkp7_s3

*cin696 cin886



*cls56 e475pxl **sm_125l **sm_160 *sm_716p **sm_75pls **sm_75shxl **sm_h1xl ** cy2006 *v10_f *er_5_v a1_e1 a520i *arcmate_100 m1

cls76 *e716p **sm_125sh **sm_160sh *sm_740p **sm_75pxlb **sm_75xl ** **sm_m1o cy606

*cls76swl *e740p **sm_125shl **sm_475pl **sm_75plb **sm_75pxlm **sm_h1 **sm_h3l **sm_s2 cy800

er_7 a1_e2 a600 *arcmate_120 m1a_e2 *a510 *am100i_i base_sa m16_ilt

Release Notes Robot Library Version 7.1.2 3

m3 m500_ext m710i **nc_rail **p150_rail 0ia125l r2000ia125l_if 0ia165f r2000ia165f_if 0ia200f r2000ia200f_if r6 s110r5 r *s380r ad *s420ahs_rj fhs_rj *s420fht_rj if_rj *s420if285 il *s420ilc_rj is *s420isc_rj s *s420s_rj wd *s430if il_125ic *s430il_80 ir_165 *s430iw *s500 s900h_rj ROBOTS_GRACO edy1 ROBOTS_HITACHI m5030 mr6300 ROBOTS_IBM ibm_7545 ROBOTS_IGM brenner l **rt280l **rt280re ROBOTS_KAWASAKI ee10 es65 ex120 fa06l fs10lf c fs20n **js10 ut200 *ux150_ad

m400 *m710i_rj p100l *p155 r2000ia165cf r2000ia165r r2000ia200r *s110r6 **s400 *s420aht_rj *s420ic_rj *s420ifc_rj *s420ir_120 *s420iw *s420w *s430if_ic *s430il_80ic *s430iw_200 *s5_rj s900l_rj om5000 m6030 ibm_7576 igm330_l **rt280le **rt280re_v ef10 *et120 ex135 fa06n fs10ng fs30l re400 *ux120 **ux200_ad

*m410i nc_gun p100r *p155_sa r2000ia165cf_if r2000ia165r_if r2000ia200r_if *s10 s200 *s420 *s420fd *s420if *s420ifc285 *s420ir_rj *s420iwc_rj *s420w_rj *s430il_125 *s430ir_130 *s430iw_ic **s700 s900w

*m500 **nc_paint **p150 r200 r200 r200 s100 s360 *s420 *s420 *s420 *s420 *s420 s420 *s420 *s430 *s430 *s5 s800



igm330_r **rt280le_v torche ef10_rail *ex100 *ex150 fs06n fs10xg fs30n *ut120 **ux120_ad ux300_ad

**limatrai **rt280r *eh120 *ex100g ex40 fs10l fs20 *ut120_ad *ux150 *uz10

0 ROBOTS_KOBELCO *kre320l3r 0 kre420 *kre455 ROBOTS_KOMATSU *ral_10 ROBOTS_KUKA **k160 k16115_4 k16160_4 **k163_al **k260_1 June 2004 7.1.2 35 of 37

*kre320m3r *kre443s vx3 ral_100 k16115 k16160 k163_15 **k250_2 **k260_3

*kre320s3r *kre453 *ral_20

kre41 *kre454 *ral_6 k16115_2 k16160_2 *k163_8 k250_4 k260_3_rail

Release Notes Robot Library Version

k260_5 *k363_6_0_0 l **k363_slal h1 k36415_0zh0 0 k36510_1zh0 h0 **k601 **k663_mer _av0_fura_1 *k761 _0_av200_0 *k761_125_0_av400_0 _0_av0_0 *k761_60_1_0 **kr100p *kr125_400 **kr125l90k 0k **kr125s **kr150 **kr150l120 **kr15_2 **kr200 **kr200we **kr30l15_2 *kr350_2 _1 *kr350l240_2 _1 *kr350l280_2 **kr6_1 kuka260_1 ROBOTS_MANUTEC h5 ROBOTS_MITSUBISHI *dt_k10 **rv_s100 ROBOTS_MOTOMAN k100rs *k15ms *k30s *k60cas *k60s l10w l3 sk120 sk120x *sk16_6 sk45_80 sk80x sv035 up20_a00 up50_a00 *up200_a00 ROBOTS_NACHI

k361 *k363_6_0_1 k36410_0zh0 k364_10 k36530_0zh0 **k662 *k760_120_av0_0 *k761_125_0_av0_0 *k761_125_2_av0_0 *k761_60_1_rcm_0 **kr100pa **kr125k **kr125l100 *kr125w_1 **kr150k **kr150l150 *kr1516 *kr200l120 **kr30_1 *kr350 *kr350l240 *kr350l280 **kr45_2 **kr6_2 **r15 *dt_k101 **k100s k30wsb *k6sb *p8 sk150 sk6 *sv3 up130_a00 rv_m2 **k10s *k3s l106 sk6 **sk16 sk6r *up6_a00 up165_a00

k363_1 **k363_ska k36410_0z k364_6_1_ k365_6_1z **k663 *k760_120 *k761_125 *k761_150 kl1500 **kr125 **kr125l90 **kr125l10 *kr125w_2 **kr150k_1 **kr15_1 **kr160pa *kr200l150 **kr30_2 *kr350_1 *kr350l240 *kr350l280 **kr60p kuka250_2

**na5721af **na8608_05 **na8608_07 **na8608_15ar *na8618ap *na8633ap *na8638_01 **na8648_05 **na8648_05ar *na8658_03 *na8683_01 *na_pv30xar *sa130t01 sf200t_02 vorg35 ROBOTS_PANASONIC aw006a aw660 aw8010 ROBOTS_PUMA pu550 pu760 pu761 ROBOTS_REIS *rv6 June 2004 Version 7.1.2 36 of 37

na8601 **na8608_11 na8629 na8639 **na8648_06 na_ma20 *sa160t01

**na8608 **na8608_14ar **na8633_01 na8648 **na8648_06ar *na_pv30lxar *sc_35

*aw006al aw8030 pu560 pu762 v15

*aw010a aw8100 *pu562

Release Notes Robot Library

ROBOTS_SEIKO rt2000 ROBOTS_STAUBLI rs154_10 rx130 rx90 ROBOTS_TRALLFA me_505_3 **t5003hs_12 tr400_5 *tr5002f **tr50031 *tr5004_l ROBOTS_VW **g10 *g120ed *g60ll

rt3000 rs154_16 *rx130_l **rail_r_ok **tr4000 tr400_6 *tr5002f_ni *tr5003f *tr5004_r *g100 *g120l **vw_hood rs154_22 rx170 **t5003h_12 **tr4000rail tr5002 **tr5002h **tr5003h *tr5005 g100l g60 **vw_l_door rs84 rx170l **t5003h_mb tr4007 tr5002_l **tr5003 **tr5003rail *trflexi g120 *g60l **vw_r_door

June 2004 f 37

Release Notes Robot Library Version 7.1.2 37 o

System Specifications

PC Windows 2000 SP2 and Windows XP SP1 Version 7.1.2

This document describes the system specifications required for Version 7.1.2 of various products of the eM-Workplace, eM-Assembler and eM-Probe Computer-Aided Production-Engineering (C APE) systems for PC workstations. Entry Level Configuration Intel Pentium IV 1.8 GHz 512K cache Memory 1GB RDRAM Graphic card based on GeForce 4 TI 128 MB DDR (such as ASUS 8460) with driver NVIDIA Detonator XP version 29.42 on AGPx4 slot Recommended High Performance Configuration Intel Pentium IV 2.8 GHz 512K cache or higher Memory 2GB DDR SDRAM Graphic card nVidia Quadro FX 3000 256MB with driver Motherboard ASUS P4G8X Recommended Laptop Configuration Dell Precision M60 - Mobile Workstation Intel Pentium M Processor 1.7GHz Memory 2GB

Graphic card nVidia Quadro FX 700 GoGL 128MB with driver Notes: Graphic card drivers listed here may be supplied upon request 500 MB of Disk space required for eM-Workplace (Robcad) installation 500 MB of Disk space required for MKS and Exceed installation Recommended graphics resolution: 1280x1024 Additional Graphic Cards Supported 3D Labs Wildcat VP ATI FireGL nVidia graphic cards based on GeForce 4, Quadro 4 and Quadro FX Other Graphic Cards tested, but not Supported ATI RADEON 8500 Matrox G450

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