Thomas Clark Amended Complaint

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Plaintiff, *
v. * C.A. No. 18-CV-01538-LPS
and *



COMES NOW, Thomas Clark, by and through his attorney, Stephen P. Norman, Esquire,

who brings this Amended Complaint against Scott Hurd, Officer Spicer, and the City of Dover,




1. Plaintiff, Thomas Clark, (“Plaintiff”), is a Delaware resident who may be contacted, for

purposes of this litigation through his counsel, Stephen P. Norman, Esquire, at The Norman Law

Firm, 30838 Vines Creek Rd., Unit 3, Dagsboro, DE 19939.

2. Defendant, Scott Hurd (“Hurd”), was a police officer employed by the City of Dover and

its police department and was acting under color of law as an agent or employee of the City of

Dover Police Department at all relevant times hereto.

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3. Defendant, Officer Spicer (“Spicer”), was a police officer employed by the City of Dover

and its police department and was acting under color of law as an agent or employee of the City

of Dover Police Department at all relevant times hereto.

4. Defendant, City of Dover, Delaware (“City” or “Dover”) is a municipal corporation duly

organized, existing and operating under and pursuant to the applicable laws of the State of

Delaware and at all relevant times was the employer of Hurd and Spicer. It has, and at all times

material hereto has had responsibility for hiring, training, supervision, disciplining and retention

of police officers employed by the City including Webster.

Jurisdiction and Venue

5. This is a civil action for damages and injunctive relief arising under the Fourth and

Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution, 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and § 1988, Article

I, § 6 of the Delaware Constitution and the statutory and common law of the State of Delaware.

6. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over the claims asserted herein pursuant to 28

U.S.C. §1331, 1343(a)(3) and supplemental jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1367 to entertain

claims arising under state law.

7. Personal jurisdiction is proper since all parties reside in the District, conduct business in

the District, and the unlawful actions giving rise to the claim took place within this District.

8. Venue is properly in this Court pursuant 28 U.S.C. §1391(b) because the events giving rise

to the suit occurred in this judicial District.

General Allegations

9. On August 15, 2017, in the evening hours, Plaintiff was riding his bike when he

encountered Defendants Spicer and Hurd.

10. Spicer yelled to Plaintiff to “Pull the fuck over”.

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11. Spicer did not provide a reason to Plaintiff why he should pull over.

12. Due to the aggressive nature of how Spicer initially addressed him, Plaintiff did not

immediately pull his bike over.

13. Officer Spicer then pursued Plaintiff in his police vehicle.

14. Officer Spicer then ran at Plaintiff and tackled him off his bike causing injury.

15. Defendant Hurd assisted Spicer with handcuffing Plaintiff.

16. After Plaintiff was handcuffed Defendant Hurd proceeded to violently punch Plaintiff in

the face.

17. The punching was so forceful that Plaintiff eventually lost consciousness.

18. Hurd searched Plaintiff’s backpack and found nothing except for school books and

massage oil.

19. Plaintiff was a student in massage therapist school at the time of the incident.

20. While Plaintiff was handcuffed and unconscious, Hurd went to his police vehicle.

21. While at his police vehicle Hurd retrieved a handgun.

22. Hurd came back to where Plaintiff laid unconscious and planted the handgun on Plaintiff.

23. Plaintiff was eventually arrested and taken to the Dover Police Station.

24. Although, he had serious injuries, including a facial fracture, he was deprived of medical

care by Hurd.

25. Hurd instead placed Plaintiff in a holding cell where he remained for six hours.

26. When the next tour of day arrived they immediately noticed the seriousness of Plaintiff’s


27. Plaintiff was immediately taken to Bayhealth Medical Center, nine hours after the assault,

for treatment where he was diagnosed with multiple injuries.

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28. Plaintiff had suffered, inter alia, headaches, abrasions to the face, rib pain, bilateral leg

pain, jaw pain, and multiple abrasions to his lips and elsewhere.

29. Plaintiff was charged with multiple crimes.

30. Plaintiff did not prevent or attempt to prevent Hurd or Spicer from effecting an arrest and

did not struggle with either of them.

31. There were no circumstances that justified such a use of force against Plaintiff.

32. Hurd and Spicer’s use of force against Plaintiff was not necessary to effect a detention or

arrest of Plaintiff.

33. Upon information and belief, Defendant City initiated an internal investigation concerning

Hurd and Spicer and their alleged use of excessive force against Plaintiff.

34. Upon information and belief, Defendant City discontinued its internal affairs investigation

concerning the incident described herein without finding that either officer had violated police

department policies or had otherwise done anything wrong.

35. Upon information and belief, neither officer received discipline, punishment, or further

training nor counseling as a result of the incident described herein.

Retaliation Against Plaintiff for Filing the Lawsuit

36. After this lawsuit was filed Plaintiff was pulled over by a Dover police officer for an

arrestable vehicular violation sometime in 2019.

37. The initial arrest was made by other Dover police officers, however, both Hurd and Spicer

came to the scene and made themselves known to Plaintiff.

38. Plaintiff was transported to the police station by other Dover police officers, but both Hurd

and Spicer met Plaintiff at the police station.

39. At the police station Hurd and Spicer took over the handling of Plaintiff.

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40. Both Hurd and Spicer took Plaintiff to the courtroom for his bond hearing.

41. Both Hurd and Spicer participated in Plaintiff’s bond hearing.

42. Spicer told the magistrate at the bond hearing that Plaintiff was a flight risk.

43. Spicer told the magistrate at the bond hearing that Plaintiff was a menace.

44. As a result of the participation of Hurd and Spicer, Plaintiff was given higher bail.

45. Spicer took Plaintiff and placed him in a cell block away from people that could have helped

Plaintiff make bond by calling his family.

46. Spicer and Hurd also both mocked Plaintiff about his current lawsuit against them.

47. Plaintiff was incarcerated on a Friday, but was not able to pay the higher bail until the

following Tuesday.

48. Spicer also would not allow Plaintiff to make a phone call to see if he could make bail.

49. Spice joked about the fact that he would take Plaintiff to jail and that he would get a phone

call there.

50. Spicer transported Plaintiff to Sussex Correctional Institute (“SCI”) after he could not make


51. When they arrived at SCI, Spicer told the on duty sergeant not to give him a phone call since

he already had one.

52. Spicer’s comment to the sergeant was false since Plaintiff was not given a phone call prior

to his arrival at SCI.



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53. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference all of the allegations in this Complaint,

above and below, as though fully set forth herein.

54. Spicer used excessive force when he tackled Plaintiff off his bike without provocation.

55. Hurd used excessive force when he punched Plaintiff while he was handcuffed and, on the

ground, lying unconscious.

56. The force used by both Spicer and Hurd was excessive considering the totality of the

circumstances including, but not limited to the minor nature of any potential offense, and the fact

that Plaintiff did not resist the detention with force.

57. The arrest and the beating violated Plaintiff’s clearly established and well settled

constitutional rights under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States

Constitution to be free from the unreasonable, excessive and unjustified use of force.

58. Plaintiff is entitled to recover under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 against both Spicer and Hurd.


59. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference all of the allegations in this Complaint,

above and below, as though fully set forth herein.

60. Both Hurd and Spicer’s actions described hereinabove were without Plaintiff’s consent.

61. Hurd and Spicer’s actions were unreasonable and unjustified under the circumstances.

62. Hurd and Spicer committed an intentional, willful, and malicious battery against Plaintiff

when he was tackled by violently struck Plaintiff.

63. Plaintiff is entitled to recover against both Hurd and Spicer under the common law of

Delaware for his injuries and losses


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64. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference all of the allegations in this Complaint,

above and below, as though fully set forth herein.

65. Defendant Hurd planted a handgun on Plaintiff that was material evidence that was critical

to the establishment of probable cause.

66. Hurd falsely stated under oath that Plaintiff was in possession of a handgun.

67. Hurd falsely fabricated a felony charge against Plaintiff for illegal possession of a handgun.

68. Defendant Hurd fabricated the evidence against Plaintiff in bad faith in order to support the

arrest of Plaintiff.

69. Defendant Hurd’s fabrication of charges caused undue hardship on Plaintiff who was

arrested and charged with felonies.

70. As a result, Plaintiff suffered extreme humiliation, physical injuries, lost wages, loss of

reputation, and emotional distress.


71. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference all of the allegations in this Complaint,

above and below, as though fully set forth herein.

72. Plaintiff engaged in protected activity when he filed this lawsuit against Defendants.

73. The retaliatory actions of Hurd and Spicer in involving themselves in Plaintiff’s subsequent

arrest was sufficient to deter a person of ordinary firmness from exercising his rights.

74. Hurd and Spicer, were not the arresting officers, however, they still participated in

Plaintiff’s booking, transport, and bond hearing for a subsequent motor vehicle offense.

75. Spicer participated in Plaintiff’s bond hearing by requesting a higher and more secure bond

than typically would be offered.

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76. Spicer further retaliated against Plaintiff by transporting him to SCI and informing the on

duty sergeant that Plaintiff had already made a phone call.

77. There was a causal connection between Plaintiff’s protected activity of filing a lawsuit

against Defendants and their retaliatory action against Plaintiff.

78. As a result, Plaintiff suffered loss of liberty, monetary damage, loss of reputation, lost

wages, and emotional distress.


79. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference all of the allegations in this Complaint,

above and below, as though fully set forth herein.

80. Upon information and belief, City failed to mandate policies, practices, and/or customs

concerning – and adequately and properly supervise and train its police officers in – various

aspects of law enforcement, including but not limited to, the constitutional bounds and limits

concerning the use of excessive force against persons and suspects within the geographic

and jurisdiction limits of Dover, Delaware.

81. Upon information and belief, City had a policy and/or custom of failing to properly

investigate alleged incidents of its officers using excessive force or engaging in other police

misconduct. Therefore, City failed to properly supervise, discipline, punish, train, and

counsel its officers that used excessive force or engaged in other police misconduct,

providing no accountability for City’s police officers. This, in turn, has fostered more

instances of excessive force and other police misconduct, including but not limited Hurd

and Spicer’s use of excessive force against Plaintiff.

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82. The above-described acts and omissions by City demonstrated a deliberate indifference to

the constitutional rights of the citizens of Dover, Delaware and were the direct and

proximate cause of the violations of Plaintiff’s constitutional rights as set forth herein.

83. As a direct and proximate result of the foregoing failures by City, Plaintiff suffered the

damages alleged herein.

84. Plaintiff is entitled to recover under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 from City for his injuries and losses.


WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment against Defendants as follows:

A. All lawful general and special damages in an amount to be determined, against all


B. Injunctive relief ordering and mandating that Defendant City create and mandate policies,

procedures, and customs (including training, counseling, and heightened supervision of its

officers) that would provide for robust and proper internal affairs investigations and resulting

discipline, punishments, training and counseling as is and may be necessary to avoid further

instances of excessive force and other police misconduct. Plaintiff seeks an enforcement

mechanism that will enable the public to determine whether Defendant City has taken appropriate

remedial measures and complied with the orders of this Court.

C. Plaintiffs’ cost in this action, including reasonable attorney fees and pre and post-judgment


D. Such other relief as this Court deems just and equitable.

E. Trial by Jury.

Respectfully submitted,

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Date: February 21, 2020 THE NORMAN LAW FIRM

/s/Stephen P. Norman
Stephen P. Norman, Esquire, Bar I.D. 5497
30838 Vines Creek Road; Unit 3
Dagsboro, DE 19939
302-732-3045 (fax)
[email protected]
Attorneys for Plaintiff


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