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What is Physics?

Physics is the major science, dealing with the fundamental constituents of the universe, the forces they
exert on one another, and the results produced by these forces. It is the scientific study of matter, energy,
force and motion and the way they relate to each other.

Divisions of Physics
1. Microphysics is the study of subatomic particles and their combinations in atoms and molecules. The
term microphysics refers to areas of physics that study phenomena that take place on the microscopic
scale such as: Quantum mechanics, Molecular physics, Atomic physics, Nuclear physics, Particle physics
and Nanotechnology.

2. Macrophysics is the study of large collections of subatomic particles such as the solid bodies of
everyday experience. It is the branch of physics that deals with physical objects large enough to be
observed and treated directly.

What are the branches of Physics?

1. Mechanics is the oldest branch of physics. It deals with the study of the bodies and systems and the
forces acting on them. It is divided into two: the Statics and Dynamics.

Statics is the branch of mechanics concerned with the analysis of loads (such as force, torque/moment) on
physical systems in static equilibrium, that is, in a state where the relative positions of subsystems do not
vary over time, or where components and structures are at a constant velocity. When in static equilibrium,
the system is either at rest, or its center of mass moves at constant velocity.

Dynamics is the branch of mechanics that is concerned with the effects of forces on the motion of a body
or system of bodies, especially of forces that do not originate within the system itself. It is the forces and
motions that characterize a system.

2. Heat is the branch of physics which studies the principle of the energy associated with the kinetic
random motion of large numbers of molecules. It also includes the principle of temperature measurement,
the effect of temperature change on the properties of materials and heat flow.

3. Thermodynamics is the study of transformation of energy. It describes and correlates the physical
properties of macroscopic systems of matter and energy. The principles of thermodynamics are of
fundamental importance to all branches of science and engineering.

4. Electricity is the branch of physics, which deals with the study of electric charges at rest (electrostatic) or
in motion (electrodynamics). It is a manufactured product and is not something you pump out of the
ground or mine or collect from the sun or wind.

Electric power is manufactured from a rotating machine that we call an electrical generator. After it is
generated, it is then delivered through copper wires to where it is utilized. Most people don't understand
what it is. They just turn on the light switch or start the appliance or push the button and something works.
It's only when there is no electric power available that we start to consider the importance of it in our daily
personal and working lives.

5. Magnetism is a phenomenon in which one body exerts a force on another body with which it is not in
contact. It is the force where objects are attracted or repelled to one another. Usually, these objects are
metals such as iron.

6. Optics is the branch of physics concerned with light and vision. It may be geometrical or physical optics.
It deals with the behavior and properties of light, including its interactions with matter and the
construction of instruments that use or detect it. Optics usually describes the behavior of visible,
ultraviolet, and infrared light. Because light is an electromagnetic wave, other forms of electromagnetic
radiation such as X-rays, microwaves, and radio waves exhibit similar properties.
Geometrical Optics (Ray Optics) refers to the geometry of light rays as they pass through an optical
system. It describes light propagation in terms of "rays". The "ray" in geometric optics is an abstraction, or
"instrument", that can be used to predict the path of light. Geometrical optics provides rules for
propagating these rays through an optical system, which indicates how the actual wave front will
propagate. This is a significant simplification of optics that fails to account for optical effects such as
diffraction and polarization. It is a good approximation, however, when the wavelength is very small
compared with the size of structures with which the light interacts. Geometric optics can be used to
describe the geometrical aspects of imaging, including optical aberrations.

Physical Optics (Wave Optics) is the properties of light and its interaction with matter. It is the branch of
optics which studies interference, diffraction, polarization, and other phenomena for which the ray
approximation of geometric optics is not valid. This usage tends not to include effects such as quantum
noise in optical communication, which is studied in the sub-branch of coherence theory. It is also the name
of a high frequency approximation commonly used in optics, electrical engineering and applied physics. In
this context, it is an intermediate method between geometric optics, which ignores wave effects, and full
wave electromagnetism, which is a precise theory. The word "physical" means that it is more physical than
geometric or ray optics and not that it is an exact physical theory.

6. Acoustics is the branch of physics concerned with the production, propagation, reception properties,
and uses of sounds. It is the interdisciplinary science that deals with the study of sound, ultrasound and
infrasound (all mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids). The application of acoustics in technology is
called acoustical engineering. There is often much overlap and interaction between the interests of
acousticians and acoustical engineers.

7. Modern Physics is the branch of physics, which studies the modern aspects of the subjects, which
include quantum mechanics, and astrophysics. It is the science of matter and energy and of interactions
between the two, grouped in traditional fields such as acoustics, optics, mechanics, thermodynamics, and
electromagnetism, as well as in modern extensions including atomic and nuclear physics, cryogenics, solid-
state physics, particle physics, and plasma physics.

The International System of Units

The name adopted by the Eleventh General Conference on Weights and Measures, held in Paris in 1960,
for a universal, unified, self-consistent system of measurement units based on the MKS (meter-kilogram-
second) system.

The international System is commonly referred to throughout the world as SI, after the initials of System
International. The Metric Conversion Act of 1975 commits the United States to the increasing use of, and
voluntary conversion to, the metric system of measurement, further defining metric system as the
International System of Units as interpreted or modified for the United States by the secretary of
What is Mass?
Mass is the amount of matter that a body contains, and a measure of the inertial property of that body, that is,
of its resistance to change of motion. It is different from weight, which is a measure of the attraction of the
earth for a given mass.
1 kg = 2.205 lb = 35.27 oz = 6.852 x 10-2 slug = 1000gm
1 ton = 2000 lb = 32,000 oz = 62.16 slug = 907 kg
1 mton = 2200 lb = 1000 kg

What is Length?
Length is the measure of distance or duration of time. The unit is either SI or English units.
1 meter = 3.281 ft = 39.37 in = 100 cm = 1000 mm
1 kilometer = 1000 m = 0.6215 mi = 3281 ft
1 stat. mile = 5280 ft = 1.609 km = 1609 m
1. naut. mile = 1.852km = 1852 m
1 yard = 3 ft = 0.305 m
1 inch = 2.54 cm = 25.4 mm = 0.083 ft
1 foot = 12 in. = 0.3048 m = 30.48 cm = 304.80 mm

What is Time?
Time refers to conscious experience of duration, the period during which an action or event occurs. It is also a
dimension representing a succession of such actions or events. Time is one of the fundamental quantities of
the physical world, similar to length and mass in this respect. Time is measurement involves the establishment
of a time scale in order to refer to the occurrence of events. The precise determination of time rests on
astronomical and atomic definitions that scientists have established with the utmost mathematical exactness.
1 year = 365 days = 8760 hrs = 525,600 min. = 31,536,000 sec
1 day = 24 hours = 1440 min. = 8640 sec
1 hour = 60 minutes = 3,600 sec

What is Volume?
Volume is the amount of space occupied by a solid figure. It is measured in terms of cubic units, such as cubic
inches or cubic feet in the English system of weights and measures, and in cubic centimeters or cubic meters in
the metric system. It is also expressed in such liquid or dry measures as liters and bushels.
1 gallon = 3.79 liters = 0.1337 ft3
1 m3 = 1000 liters
1 barrel = 42 liters
Sample Problems

1. How many square feet is 100 square meters?

2. What is the equivalent of 50 years in seconds?

3. Michael Jordan is 6 feet and 6 inches tall. What is the equivalent height in centimeter?

4. The density of mercury is 14gm/cm3. What is this value in kg/m3?

5. A tank contains 1000 gallons of water. What is the equivalent in cubic meters?

6. Convert 35 psig into KPa.

Conversion of Units
Name: Score:
Course, Year & Section: Instructor:

Instruction: Answer the following problems and show your solution completely.
1. How many cubic meters is 100 cubic feet of liquid?
A. 3.785 B. 37.85 C. 28.31 D. 2.831
2. How many gallons is 10 cubic meters of liquid?
A. 748 gallons B. 7480 gallons C. 2,642 gallons D. 1645 gallons
3. A box has a form of cube that is 18 inches on each side. What is the volume in cubic centimeters?
A. 95,570 B. 96,290 C. 97,389 D. 98,927
4. Calculate the number of cm3 in five cubic meters.
A. 1,000 B. 10,000 C. 100,000 D. 1,000,000
5. Calculate the number of cm2 in one m2.
A. 1,000 B. 10,000 C. 100,000 D. 1,000,000
6. In 10 nautical miles, how many meters is this?
A. 1,852 B. 1,610 C. 1.528 D. 1,739
7. How many horsepower is 746 kilowatts?
A. 500 B. 74.6 C. 100 D. 1,000
8. How many cubic meters is 100 gallons of liquid?
A. 1.638 B. 3.785 C. 0.1678 D. 0.3785
9. What is the Fahrenheit equivalent of 100°C?
A. 200°F B. 180°F C. 212°F D. 100°F
10. What is the equivalent of °R of °K?
A. 348.29 B. 429.39 C. 582.17 D. 720.60
11. One meter is equivalent to 3.281 ft. A cube with an edge of 1.5 ft has a volume of?
A. 1.2 x 102 m3 B. 9.6 x 10-2 m2 C. 10.5 m3 D. 9.5x10-2m3
12. A square with an edge of exactly 1 cm has an area of?
A. 10-6 m2 B. 10-4 m2 C. 102 m2 D. 104 m2
13. A cubic box with an edge of exactly 1 cm has a volume of?
A. 10-9 m3 B. 10-6 m3 C. 10-3 m3 D. 104 m2
14. A right circular cylinder with a radius of 2.3 cm and a height of 1.4 cm has a total surface area of?
A. 1.7x10-3 m2 B. 3.2x10-3 m2 C. 2.0x10-3 m2 D. 5.3x10-3 m2
15. A right cylinder with radius of 2.3 cm and a height of 1.4 cm has a volume of?
A. 0.2 m3 B. 0.15 m3 C. 9.3x10-3 m3 D. 2.3x10-3 m3
16. A sphere with a radius of 1.7cm has a surface area of?
A. 2.1x10-5 m2 B. 8.3x10-4 m2 C. 3.6x10-3 m2 D. 5.3x10-3 m3
17. A sphere with a radius of 1.7 cm has a volume of?
A. 2.1x10-5 m3 B. 8.3x10-4 m3 C. 3.6x10-3 m3 D. 5.3x10-3 m3
18. One mile is equivalent to 1609 meters, so 55 mile per hour is?
A. 15m/s B. 25m/s C. 54m/s D. 73m/s
19. Which of the following weighs about a pound?
A. 0.15kg B. 0.25kg C. 0.35kg D. 0.45kg
20. A gram is equal to?
A. 10-6 kg B. 10-3 kg C. 10-2 kg D. 102 kg
Conversion of Units
Name: Score:
Course, Year & Section: Instructor:
Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.

1. A joule is the equivalent of a?

A. foot-pound
B. meter per second
C. kilogram per second
D. watt-second
2. The pound is a unit of?
A. mass
B. substance
C. material quantity
D. conductivity
3. The radian is a unit of?
A. visible-light intensity
B. temperature
C. Solid Angular Measure
D. Plane Angular Measure
4. The SI unit is an expanded form of the
A. English System
B. Metric System
C. European System
D. American System
5. Kilograms can be converted to pound only if you also know the
A. temperature
B. mass of the object in question
C. gravitational-field intensity
D. material quantity
6. A Newton is equivalent to a
A. kilogram-meter
B. Kilogram-meter per second
C. Kilogram-meter per sec2
D. Kilogram-meter per sec3
7. The mole is a unit that expresses the
A. number of electrons in an ampere
B. number of particles in a sample
C. distance form the sun to a planet
D. time required for an electron to orbit an atomic nucleus
8. A temperature of zero Kelvin represents
A. a freezing point of pure water at sea level
B. The boiling point of pure water at sea level
C. the absence of all heat
D. Nothing. This is meaning less expression
9. The prefix micro represents
A. 1/10
B. 1/100
C. 1/1,000
D. 1/1,000,000
10. A centimeter is
A. 0.002 m
B. 0.01 m
C. 0.10 m
D. 10 m
11. Of the following, the shortest is
A. 1 mm
B. 0.01 in
C. 0.001 ft
D. 0.0000 km
12. A height of 5 ft 8 in is equivalent to
A. 173 cm
B. 207 cm
C. 177 cm
D. 233 cm
13. On a distance-time graph, a horizontal straight line corresponds to motion
A. at zero speed
B. at constant speed
C. at increasing speed
D. at decreasing speed
14. On distance-time graph, straight line sloping upward to the right corresponds to motion at
A. increasing speed
B. decreasing speed
C. constant speed
D. zero speed
15. On a velocity-time graph, the motion of a car traveling along a straight road with the uniform acceleration
of 2 m/s would appear as a
A. horizontal straight line
B. straight line sloping upward to the right
C. straight line sloping downward to the right
D. curved line whose downward slope to the right increases
16. The acceleration of a stone thrown upward is
A. greater than that of a stone thrown downward
B. the same as that of a stone thrown downward
C. smaller than that of stone thrown downward
D. zero until it reaches the highest point in its motion
17. Of the following, the longest is
A. 104 in
B. 103 ft
C. 104 m
D. 0.1 mi
18. The number of cubic centimeters in a cubic foot is approximately
A. 17,000
B. 170,000
C. 280,000
D. 1,700,000
19. The number of seconds in a month is approximately
A. 2,600,000
B. 260,000,000
C. 26,000,000
D. 2,600,000,000
20. The SI standard of time is based on
A. the daily rotation of the earth
B. the frequency of light emitted
C. the yearly revolution of the earth about the sun
D. none of the above
21. The SI standard of length is based on
A. the distance from the north pole to the equator
B. wavelength of light emitted
C. a precision meter stick
D. the speed of light
22. Which of the following is closest to a yard length?
A. 0.01 m
B. 0.10 m
C. 1 m
D. 100 m
23. The SI base unit for mass is
A. grain
B. pound
C. kilogram
D. ounce

What is motion?
Motion is a progressive change of position of a body. Change in motion is the result of an applied force. Motion
is typically described in terms of velocity, acceleration, displacement, and time. An object's velocity cannot
change unless it is acted upon by a force, as described by Newton's first law also known as Inertia.

A body which does not move is said to be at rest, motionless, immobile, stationary, or to have constant (time-
invariant) position. Motion is always observed and measured relative to a frame of reference. As there is no
absolute reference frame, absolute motion cannot be determined; this is emphasized by the term relative
motion. A body which is motionless relative to a given reference frame, moves relative to infinitely many other
frames. Thus, everything in the universe is moving.

Uniform Motion is the velocity of a body is the same at every moment during which the motion takes place. It
has always the same form, manner, or degree; not varying or variable; unchanging; consistent; equable;
homogenous; as, the dress of the Asiatic has been uniform from early ages; the temperature is uniform; a
stratum of uniform clay.

Retarded Motion refers to the motion decreasing instead of increasing. It is to keep delaying; to continue to
hinder; to prevent from progress; to render more slowly in progress; to impede; to hinder; as, to retard the
march of an army; and to retard the motion of a ship.

What Is Kinematics?
Kinematics is the branch of dynamics that deals only with the motions of bodies without reference to the
forces that cause them (ME Board Question). It is the branch of mechanics concerned with the motions of
objects without being concerned with the forces that cause the motion.

What is Velocity?
Velocity is the time-rate of change of distance and is expressed as distance divided by time, that is, feet per
second, miles per hour, centimeters per second, meters per second, etc.
It is the rate of motion, that is, the rate of change of position that is, acceleration is the rate at which the
velocity of a body changes in a unit of time, as the change in feet per second, in one second. and the rate at
which the motion is retarded is frequently called the deceleration. If the acceleration is uniform, the motion is
called uniformly accelerated motion.

What is Acceleration?
Acceleration is defined as the time-rate of change of velocity and is expressed as velocity divided by time or as
distance divided by time squared, that is, in feet per second, per second or feet per second squared; inches per
second, per second or inches per second squared; centimeters per second, per second or centimeters per
second squared; etc. It is the velocity is variable and constantly increasing, the rate at which it changes is called

What is Displacement?
Displacement is the position or body relative to another known point. It is a vector measure of the interval
between two locations measured along the shortest path connecting them. It is also a relative motion between
two points independent of the path taken. The displacement is thus distinct from the distance traveled by the •
object along given path.

What is Distance?
Distance is a scalar measure of the interval between two locations measured along the actual path connecting

What are the classifications of Motion?

1. Rectilinear Motion
2. Rotational Motion
3. Curvilinear Motion
4. Falling Body

Rectilinear Motion refers to moving body or particle in a straight line. It also means motion along a straight
line. This is a useful topic to study for learning how to describe the movement of cars along a straight road or of
trains along straight railway tracks. In this section you have only two directions to worry about: (1) along the
direction of motion, and (2) opposite to the direction of motion.
A. Uniform Motion
S=Vxt where:
S = distance
V = velocity
t = time
B. Uniform Acceleration
S = Vo t + ½ at2
V = Vo + at
V2 = Vo2 + 2 as where:
S = distance
Vo = Initial Velocity
V = final Velocity
a = acceleration
t = time
C. Variable acceleration
a = dv / dt
V = dS / dt

Rotational Motion is the motion of rigid body about a fixed point. The motion of a rigid body, which takes
place in such a way that all of its particles move in circles about an axis with a common angular velocity; also,
the rotation of a particle about a fixed point in space.

Rotational motion is illustrated by (1) the fixed speed of rotation of the Earth about its axis; (2) the varying
speed of rotation of the flywheel of a sewing machine; (3) the rotation of a satellite about a planet; (4) the
motion of an ion in a cyclotron; and (5) the motion of a pendulum. Circular motion is a rotational motion in
which each particle of the rotating body moves in a circular path about an axis.

The Angular Velocity of a body describes how fast it is turning about an axis. It is a vector quantity which
specifies the angular speed of an object and the axis about which the object is rotating. The Si unit of angular
velocity is radians per second, although it may be measured in other units such as degrees per second,
revolutions per second, degrees per hour, etc. When measured in cycles or rotations per unit time (e.g.
revolutions per minute), it is often called the rotational velocity and its magnitude the rotational speed. The
direction of the angular velocity vector is perpendicular to the plane of rotation, in a direction which is usually
specified by the right hand grip rule.

Angular Acceleration is the change in angular velocity divided by time elapsed. It is a vector quantity,
consisting of a magnitude component and either of two defined directions or senses.

A. Uniform Motion
θ= ωave ( t ) where:
θ = angular distance
ωave = average angular speed
t = time

B. Uniform Acceleration
ω = ωo + αt where: ω = final angular speed
2 2
ω = ωo + 2 αθ ωo = initial angular speed
θ = ωo t + ½ αt2 α = angular acceleration
t = time
θ = angular distance
C. Relation Between Translation and Rotation
where: R = radius
V = linear velocity
a = acceleration
S = linear distance
θ = angular distance
α = angular acceleration
ω = angular speed

Sample Problem
A car travels with an initial velocity of 10 m/s. If it is decelerating at a rate of 3 m/s2, how far in meters does it
travel before stopping?

Sample Problem
The speed of a flywheel whose diameter is 8 ft is increasing from rest at the uniform rate of 2 rad/s2.
Determine the number of seconds elapsed and the number of radians turned through by the flywheel before a
point on the rim has a tangential velocity of 1200 fps.
a) the number of seconds elapsed

b) number of radians

Sample Problem
An occupant moves toward the center of a merry go around at 6 m/s. If the merry go round rotates at' 6 rpm.
Compute the acceleration component of the occupant normal to the radius. Ans. 3.77 m/s2
Sample Problem
A flywheel whose moment of-inertia is 10 kg-m2 is acted upon by a constant torque of 75 N-m.
a) what is its angular acceleration?

b) How long does it take to go from rest to a velocity of 75 rad/s?

c) What is its kinetic energy at this velocity?

Rectilinear and Rotational Motion
Name: Score:
Course, Year & Section: Instructor:

Instructions: Answer the following problems and show your solution

1. The brakes of a car moving at 14 m/s are applied, and the car comes to a stop in 48 seconds. How far does
the car go while it is slowing down from 14 to 10 m/s?
A. 13.7 m
B. 16.2 m
C. 19.5 m
D. 26.3 m

2. How long does it take an echo to return to a woman standing 300 ft from a cliff? The velocity of sound in air
is about 1100 ft/s.
A. 0.25 sec
B. 0.75 sec
C. 0.55 sec
D. 0.95 sec

3. Find the acceleration of a car that comes to a stop from a velocity of 60 ft/s in a distance of 120 ft.
A. —5 ft/s2
B. —15 ft/s2
C. —10 ft/s2
D. —20 ft/s

4. A car whose velocity is 20 mi/hr is given an acceleration of 5 mi / hr-sec. What is its velocity after it has gone
0.25 mile?
A. 97 mi/hr
B. 110 mi/hr
C. 103 mi/hr
D. 120 mi/hr

5. A wheel rotating at 20 rps is brought to rest by a constant torque in 12 sec. How many revolutions does it
make in this time?
A. 110 rev
B. 120 rev
C. 115 rev
D. 125 rev

6. A car whose tires have radii of 50 cm travels at 20 km/hr. What is the angular velocity of the tires?
A. 11.1 rad/s
B. 17.3 rad/s
C. 13.5 rad/s
D. 19.6 rad/s

7. A wheel whose moment of inertia is 2 kg.m2 has an initial angular velocity of 50 rad/s. If a constant torque of
10 N-m acts on the wheel, how long does it take to be accelerated to 80 rad/s?
A. 3 sec
B. 9 sec
C. 6 sec
D. 12 sec
8. A grindstone that is rotating at 2000 rpm requires 50 sec to come to a stop when its motor is switched off.
Find the angular acceleration of the grindstone.
A. —4.2 rad/s2
B. 4.2 rad/s2
C. —6.3 rad/s2
D. 6.3 rad/s2

9. Two automobiles are 150 kilometers apart and traveling toward each other. One automobile is moving at 60
km/hr and the other is moving at 40km/hr. In how many hours will they meet?
A. 1.5
B. 2.5
C. 2.0
D. 3.0

10. A car travels 40 kilometers at an average speed of 80 km/hr and then travels 40 kilometers at an average
speed of 40 km/hr. The average speed of the car for this 80 km trip is
A. 37 km /hr
B. 53 km/hr
C. 48 km/hr
D. 65 km/hr

11. A ball rolls up a slope. At the end of three seconds, its velocity is 20 cm/s. At the end of eight seconds, its
velocity is zero. What is the average acceleration from the third to eight second?
A. 2 cm/s2
B. 6 cm/s2
C. 4 cm/s2
D. 8 cm/s2

12. The coordinate of a particle in meters is given by x9t) = 16t — 3t3 where the time t is in seconds. The
particle is momentarily at rest at t equals
A.1.3 sec
B. 3.9 sec
C. 2.8 sec
D. 5.2 sec

13. One object is thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity of 100 m/s and another object with an initial
velocity of 10 m/s. The maximum heights reached by the first object will be that _____of the other.
A. 100 times
B. 150 times
C. 120 times
D. 200 times

14. A projectile is shot vertically upward with a given initial velocity. It reaches a maximum height of 100 m. IF
on a second shot the initial velocity is doubled then the projectile will reach a maximum height of
A. 200 m
B. 300 m
C. 250 m
D. 400 m

15. A stone is released from rest from the edge of a building roof 190 m above the ground. Neglecting air
resistance, speed of the stone, just before striking the ground is
A. 47 m/s
B. 61 m/s
C. 56 m/s
D. 74 m/s
16. One object is thrown straight down with an initial speed of 4m/s from a window which is 8 m above the
ground. The time it takes the object to reach the ground is
A. 0.58 sec
B. 0.93 sec
C. 0.85 sec
D. 0.98 sec

17. A car, initially at rest, travels 20 m in 4 sec along a straight line with constant acceleration. The acceleration
of the car is
A. 2.0 m/s2
B. 3.0 m/s2
C. 2.5 m/s2
D. 3.5 m/s2

18. How far does a car travel in 6 sec if its initial velocity is 2 m/s and its acceleration is 2 m/s2 in the forward
A. 36 m
B. 48 m
C. 42 m
D. 56 m

19. An object with an initial velocity of 12 m/s west experiences a constant acceleration of 4 m/s2 west for 3
seconds. During this time the object travels a distance of
A. 36 in
B. 44 m
C. 40 m
D. 54 m

20. A car starts from rest and goes down a slope with a constant acceleration of 5 m/s2. After 5 sec the car
reaches the bottom of the hill. Its speed at the bottom of the hill in meters per second is
A. 15
B. 35
C. 25
D. 45
Curvilinear Motion is the motion along a curved path. It's any motion that's formed or bounded by
curved -- as opposed to straight -- lines. It is also confined to parabolic paths traveled by objects.

H = maximum height
R = range
g = gravitational
t = time
Vo = initial velocity
θ = angle of elevation

Free Fall is the ideal falling motion of a body acted upon by the pull of the earth's gravitational field.

A free-falling object is an object which is falling under the sole influence of gravity. Any object which is
being acted upon only be the force of gravity is said to be in a state of free fall.
There are two important motion characteristics which are true of free-falling objects:
1. Free-falling objects do not encounter air resistance.
2. All free-falling objects accelerate downwards at a rate of 9.8 m/s/s

V2 = final speed
V1 = initial velocity
g = gravitational acceleration
h = vertical distance
t = time
Sample Problem
A shot is fired at an angle of 45 ° with the horizontal and a velocity of 300 fps. Calculate the range of the

Sample Problem
A projectile is fired with an initial velocity of 60 m/s upward at an angle of 30 ° to the horizontal from a
point 80 m a level plain. What horizontal distance will it cover before it strikes the plain?

Sample Problem
If the initial velocity of an object is 12 m/s, determine the horizontal distance it can cover without rising
more than 3 m.
Sample Problem
An object falls from a height of 92 m and strikes the ground with a speed of 19 m/s; determine the height
that the object must fall in order to strike with a speed of 24 m/s.

Sample Problem
A ball is dropped from a balloon at a height of 195m. If the balloon is rising 29.3 m/s. Find the highest
point reached by the balloon.
Curvilinear (Projectile) Motion and Free Falling Body
Name: Score:
Course, Year & Section: Instructor:

Instruction: Answer the following problems and show your solution.

1. A golf ball leaves the club at 120 ft/s at an angle of 55° above the horizontal. What is its range?
A. 415 ft
B. 457 ft
C. 423 ft
D. 483 ft

2. A rifle bullet has a muzzle velocity of 1000 ft/s. At what angle should the rifle be pointed to achieve the
maximum range?
A. 30 °
B. 40 °
C. 35 °
D. 45°

3. A shell is fired at angle of 40 ° above the horizontal at a velocity of 300 m/s. What is its time of flight?
A. 10.23 min.
B. 15.37 min.
C. 12.18 min.
D. 18.42 min

4. An arrow leaves a bow at 2S m/s. At what two angles can it be sent above the horizontal to reach a target 50
m away?
A. 23°, 72 °
C. 28°, 56°
B. 26°, 64 °
D. 29°, 52 °

5. A ball is thrown vertically upward with a velocity of 12 m/s. At what height is the ball 2 sec later?
A. 3.5 m
B. 5.6 m
C. 4.4 m
D. 6.9 m

6. A body-in free fall reaches the ground in 5 sec. What is its final velocity?
A. 36 m/s
B. 42 m/s
C. 49 m/s
D. 54 m/s

7. A ball is thrown vertically downward with a velocity of 12 m/s. How far has the ball fallen 1 sec later?
A. 16.9 m
C. 28.1 m
B. 23.4 m
D. 33.5 m

8. A certain building is 1472 ft high. How long would it take an object dropped from the top of the building to
reach the ground?
A. 9.6 sec B. 18.4 sec C. 15.3 sec D. 22.3 sec
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Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions

1. Unless acted on by an outside force, an object moving with uniform velocity

A. gradually comes to rest
B. abruptly comes to rest
C. falls to earth
D. continues to move at that velocity

2. Progressive change in position of a body is called:

A. Acceleration
B. Motion
C. Force
D. Momentum

3. Cam in general maybe divided into two classes; uniform motion and _____ motion cam.
A. reverse
B. gravity
C. decelerated
D. accelerated

4. It is the motion of an object diminished / decreased speed.

A. Deceleration
B. Retarded motion
C. Negative impulse
D. Positive impulse

5. If the velocity of mass is the same all the time during which motion takes place is called
A. Deceleration
B. Uniform motion
C. Acceleration
D. Retarded motion

6. An object thrown upward will return to earth the magnitude of the terminal velocity equal to
A. Zero
B. One-half the initial velocity
C. twice the initial velocity.
D. initial velocity

7. Which of the following is the rate at which the velocity is changing?

A. Acceleration
B. Linear
C. Motion
D. Vertical

8. When acceleration is zero, the

A. velocity is constant
B. velocity is negative
C. velocity is variable
D. velocity is zero
9. When the velocity is changing, the acceleration is
A. constant
B. not constant
C. variable
D. zero

10. A radian is about

A. 42 deg
B. 48 deg
C. 57 deg
D. 65 deg

11. One revolution is the same as

A. π
B. 2π
C. π/2
D. 3π

12. One revolution per minute is about

A. 0.105 rad/s
B. 0.207 rad/s
C. 0.308 rad/s
D. 0.409 rad/s

13. If a wheel turns with constant angular speed, then

A. each point on its rim moves with constant velocity
B. each point on its rim moves with constant acceleration
C. the wheel turns through equal angles in equal times
D. the angle through which the wheel turns in each second increases as time goes on

14. If a wheel is turning at 3 rad/s, the time it takes to complete one revolution is about
A. 1.8 sec
B. 2.1 sec
C. 3.6 sec
D. 4.5 sec

15. If wheel turning at a constant rate completes 100 revolutions in 10 sec its angular speed is
A. 24 rad/s
B. 38 rad/s
C. 52 rad/s
D. 63 rad/s

16. The angular speed of the second hand of a watch is

A. π/15, m/s
B. π/ 20, m/s
C. π/ 25, m/s
D. π/ 30, m/s

17. The angular speed of the minute hand of a watch is

A. π/115, m/s
B. π/120, m/s
C. π/325, m/s
D. π/1800, m/s
18. If the angular velocity vector of a spinning body points out of the page then, when viewed from above the
page, the body is spinning.
A. clockwise about an axis that is perpendicular to the page
B. counterclockwise about an axis that is perpendicular to the page
C. about an axis that is parallel to the page
D. about an axis that is changing orientation

19. The angular velocity vector of a spinning body points out of the page. If the angular acceleration vector
points into the page then
A. the body is slowing down
B. the body is speeding up
C. the body is starting to turn in the opposite direction
D. the axis of rotation is changing orientation

20. A car travels north at constant velocity. It goes over a piece of mud, which sticks to the tire. The initial
acceleration of the mud as it leaves the ground is
A. vertically upward
B. horizontally to the north
C. horizontally to the south
D. zero

21. For a wheel spinning with constant angular acceleration on an axis through its center, the ratio of the speed
of a point on the rim to the speed of a point halfway between the center and the rim is
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

22. For a wheel spinning on an axis through its center, the ratio of the tangential acceleration of a point on the
rim to the tangential acceleration of a point halfway between the center and the rim is
A. 8
B. 6
C. 4
D. 2

23. For a wheel spinning on an axis through its center, the ratio of the radial acceleration of a point on the rim
to the radial acceleration of a point halfway between the center and the rim is
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

24. Two wheels are identical, but wheel B is spinning with twice the angular speed of wheel A. The ratio of the
magnitude of the radial acceleration of a point on the rim of B to the magnitude of the radial acceleration of a
point on the rim of A is
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
25. A wheel starts from rest and spins with a constant angular acceleration. As time goes on the acceleration
vector for a point on the rim
A. decreases in magnitude and becomes more nearly tangent to the rim
B. decreases in magnitude and becomes more early radial
C. increases in magnitude and becomes more nearly tangent to the rim
D. increases in magnitude and becomes more nearly radial

26. The magnitude of the acceleration of a point on a spinning wheel is increased by a factor of 4 if
A. the magnitudes of the angular velocity and the angular acceleration are each multiplied by a factor of 4
B. the magnitude of the angular velocity is multiplied by a factors of 4 and the angular acceleration is not
C. the magnitudes of the angular velocity and the angular acceleration are each multiplied by a factor of 2
D. the magnitude of the angular velocity is multiplied by a factor. of 2 and the angular acceleration is not

27. The rotational inertia of a wheel about its axle does not depend upon its
A. diameter
B. mass
C. distribution of mass
D. speed of rotation

28. Two uniform circular disks having the same mass and the same thickness are made from different
materials. The disk with the smaller rotational inertia is
A. the one made from the more dense material
B. the one made from the less dense material
C. neither both rotational inertias are the same
D. the disk with the larger angular velocity

29. A uniform solid cylinder made a lead has the same mass and the same length as a uniform solid cylinder
made of wood. The rotational inertia of the lead cylinder compared to the wooden one is
A. greater
B. less
C. same
D. unknown unless the radii are given

30. To increase the rotational inertia of a solid disk about its axis without changing its mass
A. drill holes near the rim and put the material near the axis
B. drill holes near the axis and put the material near the rim
C. drill holes at points on a circle near the rim and put the material at points between the holes
D. drill holes at points on a circle near the axis and put the material at points between the holes

31. A force with a given magnitude is to be applied to a wheel. The torque can be maximized by applying the
A. near the axle, radially outward from the axle
B. near the rim, radially outward from the axle
C. near the axle, parallel to a tangent to the wheel
D. at the rim, tangent to the rim

32. A disk is free to rotate on a fixed axis. A force of given magnitude F, in the plane of the disk is to be applied.
Of the following alternatives the greatest angular acceleration is obtained if the force is applied
A. tangentially halfway between the axis and the rim
B. tangentially at the rim
C. radially halfway between the axis and the rim
D. radially at the rim
33. A block is attached to each end of a rope that passes over a pulley suspended from the ceiling. The blocks
do not have the same mass. If the rope does not slip on the pulley, then at any instant after the blocks start
moving the rope.
A. pulls on both blocks, but exerts a greater force on the heavier block
B. pulls on both blocks but exerts a greater force on the lighter block
C. pulls on both blocks and exerts the same magnitude force on both
D. does not pull on either block

34. A block is attached to each end of a rope that passes over a pulley suspended from the ceiling. The blocks
do not have the same mass. If the rope does not slip on the pulley, then at any instant after the blocks start
moving, the rope pulls A. on both blocks, but exerts a greater force on the heavier block B. on both blocks, but
exerts a greater force on the lighter block C. on both blocks and exerts the same magnitude force on both D.
only on the lighter block

35. A disk starts from rest and rotates around a fixed axis subject to a constant net torque. The work done by
the torque during the second 5 sec is________ as the work done during the first 5 sec.
A. the same
B. twice as much
C. half as much
D. four times as much

36. A disk starts from rest and rotates about a fixed axis subject to a constant net torque. The work done by the
torque during the second revolution is __________ as the work done during the first revolution.
A. the same
B. twice as much
C. half as much
D. four times as much

37. A net torque applied to a rigid object always tends to produce

A. linear acceleration
B. rotational equilibrium
C. angular acceleration
D. rotational inertia

38. Of the following situations, which one is impossible?

A. a body having velocity east and acceleration east
B. a body having velocity east and acceleration west
C. a body having zero velocity and non-zero acceleration
D. a body having constant velocity and variable acceleration

39. Throughout a time interval, while the speed of a particle increase as it moves along the x-axis, its velocity
and acceleration might be
A. positive and negative, respectively
B. negative and positive, respectively
C. negative and negative, respectively
D. positive and zero, respectively

40. A particle moves on the x-axis. When its acceleration is positive and increasing
A. its velocity must be positive
B. its velocity must be negative
C. it must be slowing down
D. none of the above must be true
41. A ball is in free fall. Its acceleration is
A. downward during both ascent and descent
B. downward during ascent and upward during descent
C. upward during ascent and downward during descent
D. upward during both ascent and descent

42. A ball is in free fall. Upward is taken to be the positive direction. The displacement of the ball during a short
time interval is
A. positive during both ascent and descent
B. negative during both ascent and descent
C. negative during ascent and positive during descent
D. positive during ascent and negative during descent

43. Which one of the following statements is correct for an object released from rest?
A. the average velocity during the first second of time is 4.9 m/s
B. during each second the object falls 9.8 m
C. the acceleration changes by 9.8 m/s
D. the object falls 9.8 m during the first second of time

44. A baseball is thrown vertically into the air. The acceleration of the ball at its highest point is
A. zero
B. gravity down
C. gravity up
D. 2 times gravity up

45. A freely falling body has a constant acceleration of 9.8 m/s2. That means that the
A. body falls 9.8 m during each second
B. body falls 9.8 m during the first second only
C. speed of the body increases by 9.8 m/s during each second
D. acceleration of the body increases by 9.8 m/s2 during each second

46. An object is shot vertically upward. While it is rising its velocity

A. and acceleration are both upward
B. is upward and its acceleration is downward
C. and acceleration are both downward
D. is downward and its acceleration is upward

47. The area under a velocity time graph represents

A. acceleration
B. speed
C. change in velocity
D. displacement

48. Displacement can be obtained from the

A. slope of an acceleration time graph
B. slope of a velocity-time graph
C. area under an acceleration-time graph
D. area under a velocity-time graph
49. An object has a constant acceleration of 3 m/s2. The coordinate versus time graph for this object has a
A. that increases with time
B. that is constant
C. that decreases with time
D. both A and C

50. The coordinate-time graph of an object is a straight line with a positive slope. The object has
A. constant displacement
B. steadily increasing acceleration
C. constant velocity
D. steadily increasing velocity

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