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What is the difference between microprocessor & micro controller? 3. List the addressing modes of 8051? 4. List the features of 8051 microcontroller? 5. Explain the interrupts of 8051 microcontroller? 6. Explain software and hardware methods to start and stop timers in 8051. 7. Write short notes on interrupt priority. 8. Write the vector address and priority sequence of 8051 interrupts? 9. What is the function of ITX bit in the TCON register of 8051? 10. What is the function of SM2 bit in the SCON register of 8051? 11. How many SFR are placed in 8051? 12. Define DPTR? 13. Which port is used for alternate I/O functions? 14. What is the use of TMOD register? 15. How many timer/counter are placed in 8051? 16. Mention the different types of modes of timer counter operation. 17. Name the five types of 8051 interrupt signals? Which interrupt has the highest priority? 18. What will happen in power down mode & idle mode? 19. Mention the different modes of serial Communication. 20. Mention the baud rate of mode 2 & mode1. 21. Define machine Cycle? 22. Explain interfacing RS232 with 8051. 23. Mention the capacity of internal RAM & Internal ROM of 8051. 24. Compare microprocessor & micro controller. 25. Give the PSW setting for making register bank 2 as default register bank in 8051Microcontroller? 26. Calculate the reload value of timer 1 for achieving a baud rate of 4800 in 8051 for a crystal frequency of 11.0592 MHz.

PART-B 1. Describe the architecture of 8051 with neat diagram. (16) 2. i) Explain the interrupt structure of 8051 microcontroller Explain how interrupts are prioritized. (8) ii) What is the difference between the Microprocessors and Microcontrollers? (8) 3. i) Explain the I/O port structure of 8051. (8) ii) States various modes available for timer in 8051. (8) 4. i) Explain the different serial communication modes in 8051. (8) ii) Explain the memory structure of 8051. (8) 6. i) Explain the functional pin diagram of 8051 Microcontroller. (8) ii) Explain the different serial communication modes in 8051. (8) 7. i) Explain the different addressing modes in 8051 in detail (8) ii) Describe the different modes of operation of timers in 8051. (8) 8. Explain the Timer/Counter functional unit of Microcontroller 8051 with relevant diagrams. (16) 9. i)Write 8051 ALP to read data from port 1 when negative edge triggered at INT0 andsupply the data to port 2 by masking the upper 4 bits. (8) ii)Write 8051 ALP to transmit Hello World to PC at 9600 baud for external crystalfrequency of 11.0592 MHz.(8)

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EC 1362-MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS QUESTION BANK UNIT-V PART-A 1. What is the programmable peripheral device? 2. What is keyboard debouncing? 3. What is resolution in DAC? 4. What are the internal devices of a typical DAC? 5. What are the different types of ADC? 6. What is resolution & conversion time in ADC? 7. What is settling or conversion time in DAC? 8. What is the time taken to execute MUL instruction in 8051? 9. Identify the addressing mode used by each of the following instruction. i) MOV A, R4 ii) MOVC A, @A+DPTR iii) SWAP A iv) MOV A, #30H 10. Explain PUSH and POP instructions in 8051. 11. What are the instructions used to access external RAM. 12. What is key bounce? How it is achieved? 13. Explain DAA instruction of 8051. 14. Explain rotate instructions of 8051. 15. Give the PSW setting for masking register bank 2 as default register bank in 8051 Microcontroller? 16. What is the operation carried out when 8051 executes the instruction MOVC A, @A+ DPTR? 17. How keyboard debouncing is done by software? 18. Name any four bit manipulation instructions in Microcontroller 8051. 19. How can you perform multiplication using 8051 Microcontroller? 20. Write a delay routine for 1 millisecond using timer 0 of 8051 for 12 MHz crystal frequency? 21. Write the vector address and priority sequence of 8051 interrupts?

PART-B 1. With a neat circuit diagram explain how a 4 x 4 keypad is interfaced with 8051 microcontroller (16) 2. Draw the schematic diagram for interfacing a stepper motor with 8051 microcontroller (16) 3. Draw the schematic for interfacing a servo motor with 8051 microcontroller and write 8051 ALP for servo motor control. (16) 4. i) Explain addition and subtraction instructions of 8051. (8) ii) Explain various types of jump instructions according to range. (8) 5. i) Write a 8051 ALP to find Fibonacci series of N given numbers. (8) ii) Write a 8051 ALP to find the average of given N numbers. (8) 6. Explain the operations carried out when the following instructions are executed by8051. (i) MOVX @R0,A (ii) MOVC A, @A + PC (iii) RLC A (iv) CJNE A, 50H, L2 (v) JBC 20H, L3 (vi) XCH A, 30H where L2 and L3 are labels. (16) 7. Explain about the Interfacing of a 20 x 2 LCD with 8051 micro controller (16) 8. Explain the 4 X 4 Keyboard interfacing with Microcontroller 8051. (16) 9. Explain the Microcontroller 8051 based Stepper motor control. (16)

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EC 1362-MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS QUESTION BANK UNIT-III PART-A 1. What you mean by pipelining in 8086 processor? 2. How the 20 bit effective address is calculated in 8086 processor? 3. What are the advantages of using memory segmentation 8086? 4. What is the macro & when it is used? 5. What is the assembler directive? 6. What is mean by s/w interrupts? 7. Compare 8085 and 8086. 8. Give the flag format of 8086. 9. What is the function of direction flag? 10. What is physical address & OFFSET address? 11. What are the versions of 8086? 12. What are the functions of segment register & GPR? 13. What is the need for segmentation? 14. How many memory locations are available in 8086 microprocessor? 15. What are the functional units in 8086? 16. What is the purpose of BIU? 17. What is the purpose of EU? 18. What is the function of IP? 19. What is the function of control unit? 20. What is the use of base pointer register? 21. Mention the index registers of 8086. 22. What are the flags in 8086? What are the various interrupts in 8086? 23. What is meant by Maskable interrupts & give example? 24. What is Non-Maskable interrupts & give example? 25. What is the Maximum clock frequency in 8086? 26. What are the address lines for the software & hardware interrupts?

PART-B 1. Explain the architecture of Intel 8086 with the help of a block diagram? (16) 2. Explain about the interrupts used in 8086 microprocessor? (16) 3. i) Draw the block diagram of 8086 and explain? (8) ii) Describe the sequence of event that may occur during the different T state in the opcode fetch machine cycle of 8086? (8) 4. i) List out the maskable and non maskable interrupts available in 8086? (6) ii) Explain the Maximum mode of operation of 8086. (10) 5. Discuss in detail about the addressing modes of 8086? (16) 6. i) Explain the instruction set of 8086? (10) ii) Write notes on status flag? (6) 7. i) Explain the similarities diff b/w subtract and compare instructions in 8086(4) ii) Write an assembly language program to convert on array of ASCII code to corresponding binary (hex) value. (12) 8. i) Write an ALP to Add two 8 bit numbers? (6) ii) How do the instructions of 8086 is classified based on their function and word length?Give an example? (10) 9. i) Explain the 8086 Bit Manipulation instructions with an example for each. (8) ii) Write an 8086 program to convert BCD Data to Binary Data. (8)

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