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Mr. Jr (32), a single parent of two prepubescent teens, namely Mr. Rj (12) and Mr. Jj
(10). Works 2 job. However, had recently been fired from his day job due to tardiness
and improper conduct. To add on, is suffering from a recent break up with his
longtime girlfriend. The client called the local hospital for a home visit due to recent
reoccurring back pain.

When I did my home visit, his 2 sons opened the door for me as they told me that
their father was still in his sleep. I asked the 2 sons if they could wake their father up
— they seemed hesitant but did it anyway. Mr. Jj came down and I introduced myself,
Mr. Jj was very accommodating and hospitable. I asked and assessed Mr. Jj about his
chief complaint (reoccurring back pain) he told the hospital — he stated that his back
pain radiates at his lower back experiencing constant sharp pain for usually an hour
and will reoccur when he is resting. Furthermore, I asked Mr. Jr. How he would rate
his pain in a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest – he stated the pain was 8/10 with
grimace and mentions that it feels 6/10 when he is resting. As I took for the second
time, Mr. Jj’s blood pressure (130/80 mmHg), I also assessed Mr. Jr’s for his pulse
rate (118 bpm) and respiratory rate (18 bpm). Afterward, I educated the client on
possible factors (improper posture, long amount of sitting, improper diet, lack of
calcium, heavy lifting, etc.) that triggers the back pain and what ways that could
possibly help mitigate the pain (physical therapy with physical therapist, yoga,
massage, proper posture sitting and lifting) and possible health threats while providing
nursing interventions such as massage and hot and cold application. and also asked
about his activities on why he has a high blood pressure. He stated while crying that
after he broke up with her longtime girlfriend due to infidelity, he has feelings of
depression and has been coping using the use of drugs and consumption of alcohol.
As I listened to his problems, I also advised him to seek help from a professional
therapist. He thanked me for my time and help as I thanked him as well.

All the data has been recorded but no follow-up appointment has been made. DSWD
(Department of Social Welfare and Development) has been contacted for possible
child negligence.


Nature of Computation: Score: 1 Justification:

Problem: 3/3*1 health deficit
exists that
require health
promotion to
control the
Modifying the 2/2*2 1 The problem is
Problem: easily
with active
participation of
the client to
mitigate the
Preventive 3/3*1 1 The client is
Potential: Susceptible to
worsen the
measures must
be practiced.
Salience: 2/2*1 1 The client
called the
immediately to
have a home
visit after
TOTAL: 4 feeling pain.


Nature of Computation: Score: Justification:

Problem: There are
1/3*1 1/3 foreseeable
consequences to
the health of the
Modifying the 1/2*2 0 The nurse holds no
Problem: control over the
relationships, but
can communicate
with the father thus
making the
problem partially m
Preventive 2/3*1 1/3 Nurses can
Potential: collaborate with
agencies (DSWD).
Salience: N/a N/a N/a


Nature of Computation: Score:2/3 Justification:

Problem: 2/3*1 There is a health
threat looming
around possible
depression due to
clients coping
Modifying the 1/2*2 1 by educating the
Problem: client on his coping
mechanisms that
can cause possible
health deficits.
Preventive 2/3*1 2/3 Endorse client to
Potential: seek professional
physiological help
and provide
healthier coping
Salience: 2/2*1 1 As the client and
family opened,
there is clear
salience within the
TOTAL: family.


Problem: acute back pain

1st level of assessment: presence of health deficit due to acute back pain

2nd level of assessment: emotions are heightened due to personal issues

CUES Analysi Objecti Nursin Rationa Method Resour Expecte
s of the ves: g le: of ces d
proble Interve family require Outco
m: ntion: contact d: me:

objectiv The Short 1. 1. To Home Time If goal

e: client father is term Establis gain the visit, and successf
visibly trying to goal: h trust of observat effort of ully
holding make after the rapport the ion, nurse. met:
his back ends home with the family intervie Particip After
walking meet visit, client. especial w ation the
down working the ly the method. and home
the 2 jobs client 2.Provid client coopera visit,
stairs. sacrifici would e involve tion of the
Stench ng his be preventi d. family. client
of health. relieved ve 2. To Phn and
alcohol of pain. measure assist bag. family
in After s to family Sufficie is
client's the first relieve in nt expecte
breath. home pain. attainin knowle d to be
Beer visit, g dge of more
bottles the 3.Admi optimal nurse. knowle
laying client nister health dgeable
around. would prescri by and
Objecti hopefull bed promoti practice
ve: y drug ng better
initial regularl and health health
blood y medicat status promoti
pressure practice ions to and ng
was healthy preventi habits.
130/80 habits the ng The
second and to patient. possible nursing
bp after further (ibupro disease. plan can
30 mins understa fen) 3. To be
was still nd and help terminat
130/80. eradicat 4.Provid ease the ed.
e his e pain.
acute cutaneo 4. Provi
back us de
Respirat pain and stimulat services If the
ory rate: to not ion or such as goal is
18bpm worsen physical massage partiall
the interven and heat y met
health tions. and cold or not
problem applicat met
Pulse . 5. ion to nurses
rate: Discuss help use
118 with the relieve critical
bpm family the thinking
what pain. to
acute 5. For analyze
back the reassess
Pain pain and family ment
Scale: the to be data and
8/10 factors knowle determi
that dgeable. ne if a
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worseni es have
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Instruct conditio met,
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discusse 8. hed. If
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advise and the
client clarify period
on what unclear indicate
food to thought d, the
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avoid. plan
7. be
Reinfor revised.
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nce of
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