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smart cities

Smart Cities—A View of Societal Aspects
Vasile Baltac
Faculty of Public Administration, National School for Political Study and Public Administration,
Bucharest 012104, Romania; [email protected]

Received: 23 September 2019; Accepted: 2 December 2019; Published: 9 December 2019 

Abstract: Smart city projects are considered real challenges to the development of cities everywhere.
The concept itself has many definitions, but a smart city should be defined less based on implemented
IT solutions, and more based on optimization of its basic functions using new technologies. There
are societal aspects of smart city implementations, similar to eGovernment early projects, and
aspects of the use of digital technology that raise concerns. In most cities, the digital divide is still a
problem. Smart city projects are the result of the fourth industrial revolution, but cities still lack a
full implementation of solutions derived from previous industrial revolutions. Despite that, cities
report a lot of smart city projects. Money still gets spent, as being a smart city is, in many cases, an
artificial priority and a fashionable topic. Moreover, non-Internet technologies and their relations to a
good smart city solution are also not considered. Digital divide bridging is one requirement for a
full implementation of a smart city concept. A review of acceleration and deceleration factors shows
the obstacles faced by smart city projects. Rankings of cities based on several smart city criteria are
published frequently. Various approaches lead to contradictory rankings. A new set of comprehensive
rankings developed by an international organization and based on reputable reports and statistics
would be useful. The study is based on several smart city and eGovernment projects in Romania.

Keywords: smart city; digital access; digital affordability; digital content; user eSkills; smart
city rankings

1. Introduction
Cities play a paramount role in social life. This role determines the actions to create smart cities.
The smart city is a concept that may be defined in many ways; one of them is related to the use of
digital technologies and all its functions. Despite numerous opinions defining smart cities based on the
degree of IT implementation, this paper considers a smart city defined less based on these implemented
IT solutions and more on the optimization of its functions through IT.
The smart city concept is a subset of the eGovernment concept and should inherit from it the
citizen-centric principle. It also inherits one of the challenges of eGovernment early implementations—the
lack of enough planning and resource wastage when smart city projects are approached more for their
fashionable nature and less for their real needs. This is frequently a case in areas where the digital divide
is present, both from the citizen’s side and the side of the city administration staff.
The smart city projects are results of the fourth industrial revolution or the cyber physical
revolution. However, many cities still lack full implementation of solutions of the previous industrial
revolutions, mainly regarding city planning and transportation networks. What Schwab [1] fears
may apply to smart city implementations as well—organizations that are unable to adapt, and city
governments that could fail to employ and regulate new technologies to capture their benefits, resulting
in growth of inequality.

Smart Cities 2019, 2, 538–548; doi:10.3390/smartcities2040033

Smart Cities 2019, 2 539

Smart Cities 2019, 2 FOR PEER REVIEW 2

In this paper, the concept of the smart city is reviewed and its relation to digital technologies is
In this The
evaluated. paper, the concept
impact of the divide
of the digital smart city is reviewed
on smart and its relation to their
cities’ implementations, digital technologies
acceleration andis
evaluated. The impact of the digital divide on smart cities’ implementations,
deceleration factors, and benchmarking are taken into consideration as societal problems. their acceleration and
deceleration factors, and benchmarking are taken into consideration as societal problems.
2. Smart City Concept
2. Smart City Concept
Smart city definitions are mostly related to the use of digital technologies in all their functions.
One such city definitions are mostly
is as follows [2]: related to the use of digital technologies in all their functions.
One such definition is as follows [2]:
“A Smart city is an urban area that uses different types of electronic Internet of things (IoT) sensors
to Smartdatacity and
is anthen
thesethat uses
data differentassets
to manage types and
of electronic
resourcesInternet of things
efficiently. (IoT) sensors
This includes data
to collect from
collected data and then use
citizens, theseand
devices, dataassets
to manage
that isassets and resources
processed efficiently.
and analysed This includes
to monitor and managedata
collected from citizens, devices, and assets that is processed and analysed to
traffic and transportation systems, power plants, water supply networks, waste management, crime monitor and manage
traffic andinformation
detection, transportation systems,
systems, powerlibraries,
schools, plants, water supply
hospitals, andnetworks, waste management,
other community services”. crime
detection, information systems, schools, libraries, hospitals, and other community services”.
The definition provided is in agreement with many others that mostly cover technical matters
The definition provided is in agreement with many others that mostly cover technical matters
related to the last digital revolution. However, many authors think that a smart city goes further
related to the last digital revolution. However, many authors think that a smart city goes further
optimizing its functions for the benefit of the citizen. In agreement with such authors [3–5], we could
optimizing its functions for the benefit of the citizen. In agreement with such authors [3–5], we could
consider that a smart city is a city that has smart governance, smart economy, smart mobility, smart
consider that a smart city is a city that has smart governance, smart economy, smart mobility, smart
environment, smart people, and smart living (Figure 1).
environment, smart people, and smart living (Figure 1).
This implies that a smart city has a complete range of eGovernment services and a solid IT
This implies that a smart city has a complete range of eGovernment services and a solid IT
infrastructure, and practices open government (smart governance); moreover its economy is run
infrastructure, and practices open government (smart governance); moreover its economy is run with
with eBusiness and eCommerce support, its logistic and transport activities are run and optimized
eBusiness and eCommerce support, its logistic and transport activities are run and optimized with
with IT support, it has large databases (smart mobility), it largely uses renewable energy, has IT
IT support, it has large databases (smart mobility), it largely uses renewable energy, has IT controlled
controlled energy networks and green buildings and controls pollution and water and air quality
energy networks and green buildings and controls pollution and water and air quality (smart
(smart environment); in addition, under such a system, people have digital competences at a sufficient
environment); in addition, under such a system, people have digital competences at a sufficient level,
level, access to education and training, access to data bases (smart people), the lifestyle is influenced by
access to education and training, access to data bases (smart people), the lifestyle is influenced by IT,
IT, and there is highly developed health and housing services, cultural services, and social cohesion
and there is highly developed health and housing services, cultural services, and social cohesion
(smart living).
(smart living).
There has been a lot of interest recently around the topic of smart cities. Google searches of “smart
There has been a lot of interest recently around the topic of smart cities. Google searches of “smart
city” and “smart cities” return more than 4 million results. Google Trends confirms an increasing
city” and “smart cities” return more than 4 million results. Google Trends confirms an increasing
interest in the
interest in the topic
topic in
in the
the last
last five
five years. Figure 22 shows
years. Figure shows thethe search
search trends
trends on on the
the topic
topic ofof smart
smart city
between July 2009 and July 2019. Google Scholar also returns 2.4 million papers and books for
July 2009 and July 2019. Google Scholar also returns 2.4 million papers and books for smart
city [6]. There
city [6]. There areare many
many papers
papers and and implementation
implementation reports
reports that
that raise
raise concerns
concerns overover its
its social
social aspects.
One of them is the significant wastage of resources for early smart city projects
One of them is the significant wastage of resources for early smart city projects based on a limited IT based on a limited IT
infrastructure and in cities plagued by digital digital divide
divide [7].

Figure 1. Smart city components.

Smart Cities 2019, 2 540
Smart Cities 2019, 2 FOR PEER REVIEW 3

Figure 2. Searches for Smart City between 2009 and 2019 (Google Trends).

3. Smart Cities and Digital Technologies

3. Smart Cities and Digital Technologies
It is largely accepted that the concept of smart city is closely related to digital technology. The
It is largely accepted that the concept of smart city is closely related to digital technology. The
abovementioned definition by
abovementioned definition by Wikipedia
Wikipedia [2] [2] strongly
strongly points
points to
to the
the role
role ofof IoT
IoT devices
devices inin aa smart
smart city.
A smart city uses all definitory means of the cyber physical revolution—mobile
A smart city uses all definitory means of the cyber physical revolution—mobile devices and their apps, devices and their apps,
cloud computing,
computing, big big data,
data, artificial
artificial intelligence,
intelligence, IoT,
IoT, etc.
etc. Some
Some ofof them
them are are easier
easier to
to implement,
implement, as as in
the case of IoT, mobile devices, and even the cloud. Others have more complex implementations as
case of IoT, mobile devices, and even the cloud. Others have more complex implementations as is
the case of bigbig data
data and
and artificial
artificial intelligence,
intelligence, which require big big investments
investments and specific training of
city administration staff. One application
application of artificial intelligence,
intelligence, face
face recognition,
recognition, stirs
stirs controversy,
as seen in a recent incident that took place in San Francisco, Francisco, California
California [8].[8].
There are aspects of digitaldigital technology
technologyuse useininsmart
concerns.ManyMany areare
due to
to problems generated
generated during
during implementation,
implementation, in ina away
similartoto the
the ones encountered during
ones encountered during
eGovernment implementations.
eGovernment implementations.
Such aa problem
Such problem is is the
the lack
lack ofof adaptation
adaptation of of city
city structures
structures to to the
the potential
potential of of new
new technologies.
Old, less-optimized structures are impregnated with digital devices
Old, less-optimized structures are impregnated with digital devices and applications. This and applications. This has
has an
adverse effect,
adverse effect, and
and inin many
many cases,
cases, these
these devices
devices andand applications
applications are are not
not accepted
accepted as as aa natural
development but as an added feature, after being rejected in the first place
development but as an added feature, after being rejected in the first place as a “foreign body”. as a “foreign body”. An
An example of this is is
of this anan excessively
excessivelyearly earlytax
application [7].[7]. The
The user
user interface
interface is quite
is quite
bureaucratic and consisted of “n” desks to be visited. After informatization, it had “n” people withwith
bureaucratic and consisted of “n” desks to be visited. After informatization, it had “n” people “n”
“n” networked
networked desktops
desktops all accessing
all accessing the same
the same database.
This is is seen
seen inin many
many smart
smart city
city projects—the
projects—the lacklack ofof city
city process
process restructuring
restructuring before
before the
implementation of smart city solutions. ItIt is is obvious
obvious that
that it
it is important
important to finalize the impact of
previous industrial
revolutions ononthethe
and in
andmany cases, the
in many impact
cases, the of the first
impact of one—the
the first industrial
industrial revolution
revolution of steam and of steam and manufacturing.
manufacturing. The use ofThe usepower
steam of steam power changed
radically radically cities
changed cities by
by bringing
people people
and goodsandtogoods to these
these cities bycities by railways.
railways. StationsStations weremostly
were built built mostly on a radial
on a radial structure,
structure, with
with every
every stationstation linking
linking a certain
a certain direction.
direction. MostMost big cities
big cities havehave linked
linked theirtheir railway
railway stations
stations directly
directly by
by rail, such as in Brussels, Belgium, or by urban mass transportation, such as
rail, such as in Brussels, Belgium, or by urban mass transportation, such as in London, UK. Others, in London, UK. Others,
such as
such as Bucharest,
Bucharest, Romania,
Romania, stillstill lack
lack such links. Most
such links. Most cities
cities in
in the
the world
world areare suffocated
suffocated by by traffic.
Although solutions such as road rings, urban highways, park and ride, roundabouts,
Although solutions such as road rings, urban highways, park and ride, roundabouts, etc. exist, they etc. exist, they
are not the subject of this paper. Factories were built in what was, in the 19th and 20th centuries, city
are not the subject of this paper. Factories were built in what was, in the 19th and 20th centuries, city
outskirts. Now, they are replaced by new offices or residential buildings or commercial centers. Rarely
outskirts. Now, they are replaced by new offices or residential buildings or commercial centers. Rarely
is this accompanied by serious city planning, thus creating new traffic problems.
is this accompanied by serious city planning, thus creating new traffic problems.
IoT and other digital technologies are applied to such old structures that are not quite updated.
IoT and other digital technologies are applied to such old structures that are not quite updated. The
The result is a minor improvement, or sometimes no improvement at all, especially regarding Smart
result is a minor improvement, or sometimes no improvement at all, especially regarding Smart mobility.
Of all the digital technologies, the mobile phone has had the biggest impact. Citizens already
possess more mobiles than desktops. The number of mobiles (smartphones and tablets) is bigger than
Smart Cities 2019, 2 541

Of all the digital technologies, the mobile phone has had the biggest impact. Citizens already
possess more mobiles than desktops. The number of mobiles (smartphones and tablets) is bigger than
the number of inhabitants in most cities. It is therefore important to implement smart city applications,
while keeping in mind that citizens will access them mainly on mobile devices. However, this is not
always the case.
Other factors to be considered are the volatility of solutions and the speed of implementation.
The high rate of innovation in the digital world is a fact. Many devices and applications have been put
on the market in the last 10–15 years. This is too short a time for city planning. A relevant example
is communications. 3G technology was introduced in 2001 and 4G in 2009, but now, 5G is being
deployed. Every investment has a certain lifecycle before it is fully amortized. If a new technology
appears sooner than the end of this lifecycle, it becomes hard to justify the economic ground of various
projects. An example of this is access control in parking lots. Car identification plate recognition and
online payments create easy-to-use car parking access systems. However, old token-based in/out
barrier lifting devices and cash payments systems are still available many places, as their life cycle is
not over yet.
The design of smart cities is, in this way, related to the designers’ bet on future technology development.

Noninternet Technologies
Non-Internet technologies coexist in smart cities with Internet technologies. Most people still use
telephones, short messages (called texts or SMS), faxes, letters, etc. To fully reach all citizens, smart
cities should include all non-Internet technologies, along with many other technologies such as CCTV,
RFID, biometric identification, access cards, etc.
One such device is of particular interest—the public kiosk. A kiosk allows citizens with less
digital training to access information regardless of their access to Internet or mobile communications.
A surprising number of smart city projects lack kiosks, based on the assumption that all citizens have
access to the internet.
Noninteractive street panels also have a role in smart cities. The new technologies allow them
to be read in all atmospheric conditions. In too many cities, including smart cities, these are used
exclusively for the marketing purposes of the private sector.
Due to the digital divide, many people do not yet have access to digital technologies. A good
smart city solution will not avoid this category, and the use of letters (printed and mailed) is considered
along with emails and possibly texts (SMS).

4. Smart Cities and the Digital Divide

The digital divide plagues the whole world and is largely defined as the gap between people
with effective access to digital and information technology and those with very limited or no access
at all to the same things, and has many aspects—continents, regions, countries, intracountry: older
vs. younger, urban vs. rural, rich vs. poor, educated vs. less educated people, etc., and, of course,
cities. Because of the digital divide, a significant part of the population cannot access all of the smart
cities’ solutions due to a variety of reasons illustrated below. This differs from city to city and country
to country. The most affected by this divide are the elderly and poorer segments of the population.
Older people are not digital natives; therefore, they have difficulty absorbing new digital technologies.
Statistics show an alarming number of older people that have never accessed the Internet. According
to Eurostat [9], the percentage of individuals that have never used the Internet in 2018 varies from 4%
in United Kingdom to 27% in Bulgaria. Romania is listed with 21%, while the average in the European
Union (28 countries) is 11%. Among people aged 55–74, we may see an even less penetration of the
Internet [10]. Romania and Bulgaria have about 70% of people that have never used the Internet. If we
add elderly people over 74 years old, the situation is worse, but there are no credible figures for that.
Even though non-Internet applications exist in smart cities, the concept of a smart city is mostly
built around Internet and digital communications. The impact of the lack of Internet use by large
Smart Cities 2019, 2 542
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sections of the population is severe, both in the design of new applications, and in the use of existing
ones. As shown elsewhere [11,12], bridging the digital divide should be based on four pillars (Figure
ones. As shown elsewhere [11,12], bridging the digital divide should be based on four pillars (Figure 3):
1. Appropriate IT
1. Appropriate ITinfrastructure
2. Accessible
2. Accessibleand
affordable internet
3. Generalized
3. Generalizedability
4. Availability
Availability of
of useful
useful content

No real digital divide bridge can be built without considering all these four pillars, and no
successful smart city project will be successful in the long run.

Figure 3. Bridging the Digital Divide.

4.1. IT
4.1. IT Infrastructure
The role
The role of
of IT
IT in
in Internet
Internet access
access is
is overwhelmingly
overwhelmingly accepted. A lot
accepted. A lot of
of money
money andand effort
effort is
is spent
for infrastructure investments aimed to improve Internet access. While it is important
for infrastructure investments aimed to improve Internet access. While it is important to recognize to recognize
this effort,
this effort, one
one may
may query
manner.The Thebenchmark
benchmarkfor fora
smart city should not be the number of PCs, servers, Wi-Fi access points, etc., but the degree
a smart city should not be the number of PCs, servers, Wi-Fi access points, etc., but the degree to to which
they reach
which theythe population.
reach the population.
4.2. Accessible and Affordable Internet Access
4.2. Accessible and Affordable Internet Access
This is probably one of the most critical challenges faced by smart cities projects. Citizens should
This is probably one of the most critical challenges faced by smart cities projects. Citizens should
not only have good smart city architecture and latest technologies but also be able to access them.
not only have good smart city architecture and latest technologies but also be able to access them. We
We mentioned above that a part of the population cannot access the Internet. The elderly are not digital
mentioned above that a part of the population cannot access the Internet. The elderly are not digital
natives and are reluctant to use something they do not understand. There are also other challenges.
natives and are reluctant to use something they do not understand. There are also other challenges.
The first challenge is affordability. The price paid for access poses a barrier in some cities in
The first challenge is affordability. The price paid for access poses a barrier in some cities in
relation to the average net earnings of people. Affordability accentuates the divide between rich
relation to the average net earnings of people. Affordability accentuates the divide between rich
countries and poorer countries, as the cost of digital services and applications are similar. Most cities
countries and poorer countries, as the cost of digital services and applications are similar. Most cities
have generalized broadband access, and applications are developed for broadband. Despite the trend
have generalized broadband access, and applications are developed for broadband. Despite the trend
to use smart devices, many people have cheap mobile devices with no broadband or Internet.
to use smart devices, many people have cheap mobile devices with no broadband or Internet.
On the other hand, it is true that technology facilitates an increase in the availability and
On the other hand, it is true that technology facilitates an increase in the availability and
affordability by the continuous price reduction of Internet access and mobile devices. Moore’s Law
affordability by the continuous price reduction of Internet access and mobile devices. Moore’s Law
will still be operational for years, and open source software makes applications cheaper.
will still be operational for years, and open source software makes applications cheaper.
A smart city has to be for all, and no successful project should be limited to its infrastructure and
A smart city has to be for all, and no successful project should be limited to its infrastructure and
applications. Provisions for inclusion of all people must be part of the project. As stated above, a smart
applications. Provisions for inclusion of all people must be part of the project. As stated above, a
smart city must be built with smart people. This means that there should not only be investment in
Smart Cities 2019, 2 543

city must be built with smart people. This means that there should not only be investment in education
and training, but also proper design considerations to make applications available to poorer, disabled,
and older persons.

4.3. Generalized Ability to Use IT

People present different levels of abilities to use IT, from pure illiteracy to advanced skills. The level
of skills needed depends on the person’s job or interest. People from a smart city need skills to access
information, products, and services. The level of those skills depends on the level of sophistication of the
applications offered. The European Digital Competence Framework for citizens [13] is helping monitor
citizen’s digital skills and to support curricula development. For a user of smart city applications,
digital literacy and sometimes digital awareness levels are enough. Requirement of a high level would
put a question mark on the efficiency of the application. An example for an appropriate level of skills
is the eCitizen program from the same ECDL Foundation [14]. Such a program enables people to learn
how to use computers and the Internet and provides essential skills that people need to actively access
and engage in the information society—in this case, in a smart city.
The staff of city officers in charge of maintenance and updating of smart city applications should
have adequate digital competence. In practice, quite often, they do not have the necessary level of
competence, and this leads to failures of many smart city initiatives.
The smart city concept is therefore strongly linked to eInclusion or Digital inclusion. There have
been several studies regarding various forms of digital education in smart city initiatives [15,16].

4.4. Availability of Useful Content

Content is in the core of smart city initiatives. People look for what they need and what is
appropriate. In general, the content on the Internet is generally free, but is often also paid for. In smart
city applications, the content should always be free. The variety of content is one of the features of a
good smart city project.
It is essential that the content is available on all types of devices used by the population of the
city in all languages required [17]. If the city has a touristic appeal, foreign language content is a
must. On the other hand, it would be a mistake to have content only in foreign languages, omitting
the language(s) of the native citizens. An example would be the application of car park payment via
one’s mobile phone, technology that is already in place in many cities. If the instructions are only in
the native language and they use a non-Latin alphabet, a visitor unable to read and understand that
language will have serious difficulties.
It is true that technology helps. Google Translate now has a feature that enables reading text in
many languages and alphabets, but it is still in the beta phase, and a smart city project should not rely
on newer apps, considering how many people do not use them.
Content must be constantly updated to provide correct information. In many cases, the information
offered by many city offices is old and obsolete [18,19].

5. Smart Cities—Acceleration and Deceleration Factors

Like any other breakthrough innovation, the implementation of smart cities projects is accelerated
or decelerated by several factors.
The most important acceleration factor is the digital technology itself. New and new digital
disruption technologies appear at an accelerating pace. Many important tools and apps for smart city
implementations are less than 12 years old. The growth of cities and the increasing number of people
living in them call for solutions for a better life and the smart cities concept is certainly one of these
solutions. The public opinion is favorable to new projects, either big or small.
However, there are many deceleration factors that lead to the slow development and sometimes
failure of projects.
Smart Cities 2019, 2 544

Cities are, in most cases, already existent, and their development is a result of decades or centuries
of city planning or a lack of sufficient planning.
City planners can be reluctant, but citizens may also show some reservations about some of the
changes in the city landscape or installation of some equipment. This is true in the case of antennas,
street cables, cameras, etc. There is an increasing fear of radiation of Wi-Fi and mobile operators’
antennas and concerns [20,21], and about security and privacy [22–24].
An adverse effect is due to the abovementioned digital divide, especially the lack of digital
competencies and understanding of the digital world. Most managers and decision-makers are in their
50s or 60s and are not digitally savvy [11,12]. A delay of smart city projects or even opposition to them
is probable. It is not an accident that a city as large as Bucharest does not have a smart city strategy
yet [7]; such a study was commissioned only in 2018 [25].
Citizens’ lack of digital competence is a major obstacle in smart city projects based on IT. We may
also encounter a lack of project goal understanding from designers. They are attracted by the latest
technology achievements and ignore the fact that the population is not prepared to use them. The
decision-makers are not always adequately digitally competent, and often approve projects only
because they are fashionable.

Smart City—A Fashionable Topic or a Necessity

The lack of strategies does not mean that many cities do not report a lot of smart city projects.
Some of them are of less importance and others become obsolete before their implementation. Money
is spent because the smart city is a political priority and is fashionable. An application that shows when
your bus is scheduled to arrive is completely useless in a city where traffic is out of control during rush
hours. An online tax payment system was implemented in Romania in 2002 in an environment where
very few people had cards or digital competence [26]. The impact was insignificant.
The lack of vision does not mean that many events are not organized, and an impressive list of
projects has been reported. This has a role in public education, but the real approach should be a
strategy, a master plan for step-by-step implementation of smart city initiatives.
The internet and smart mobiles proliferate quickly. Currently, 57.3% of world population uses
the Internet, with North America (89.4%) and Europe (86.8%) having the highest percentages [27].
In Europe, the latest reports show that basic broadband is available in all homes in the EU when
considering all major technologies (xDSL, cable, fiber to the premises—FTTP, WiMax, HSPA, LTE, and
satellite); moreover, fixed and fixed wireless technologies cover 97% of EU homes [28]. We may safely
assume that figures are higher for cities. However, there is a large discrepancy among cities of different
countries and even within the same country.
A recent (2019) example in Romania illustrates the lack of infrastructure, the smartphone vs.
mobile phone divide, and both the government’s and citizens’ approach to problems. A call to
emergency services 112 by a person in distress could not be localized due to a rudimentary location
service of the 112-system that is based only on the mobile operator’s triangulation. The victim died.
The absence of AML (advance mobile location), a facility that makes the location of the caller available
to emergency call takers in real-time, became a topic of debate. However, AML responds to the
smartphones only from certain manufacturers.
The penetration of smartphones has become a critical acceleration or deceleration factor. People
use their mobile devices more frequently than desktops. Still, there is a divide between Western Europe
and the USA and other countries [29].

6. Measuring Performance and Benchmarking

The interest in the concept of the smart city is real, and more and more projects are being proposed
and implemented. Part of the reason is the worsening of city problems (traffic, pollution, rapid
expansion, etc.) and the hope that a smart city is a panacea to all these problems. Measuring the
Smart Cities 2019, 2 545

performance of smart city implementation and continuous benchmarking are necessary tools, and
many such models have been proposed [3,30].
Smart Cities 2019, 2 FOR PEER REVIEW 8
Smart cities are sought by people to improve their lives and by governments to respond to these
expectations and optimize
frequently published. Most their investments.
ratings The rankings
and benchmarks are basedofon
the based on various
five smart criteria are
city dimensions—
frequently published. Most ratings and benchmarks are based on the five smart city
smart governance, smart mobility, smart environment, smart people, and smart living. Figure 4 dimensions—smart
governance, smartofmobility,
shows the ratings smart environment,
three European smart people,
cities when compared to anand smartof
average living.
all theFigure 4 shows
cities in the
the study
[31]. of three European cities when compared to an average of all the cities in the study [31].

Figure 4. Smart city benchmark. Source

Source data: Vienna
Vienna University.

Other authors
authors go
main dimensions,
dimensions, which
which areare human
human capital,
capital, social
social cohesion,
cohesion, the
the economy, public management, governance, the environment, mobility and transportation,
economy, public management, governance, the environment, mobility and transportation, urban
planning, international outreach, and technology [32] or even more [33]. Various approaches lead to
contradictory rankings, as seen in Table
Table 1.

1. Smart Cities Ranking 2019.

Table 1.

Ranking [32]
Ranking [32] Ranking[33]
Ranking [33]
11 London
London London
22 New York
New York Singapore
33 Amsterdam
Amsterdam Barcelona
4 Paris Amsterdam
45 Paris
Reykjavik Amsterdam
56 Reykjavik
Tokyo Boston
New York
67 Singapore
Tokyo Hong
78 Copenhagen
Singapore Chicago
Hong Kong
9 Berlin Delhi
810 Copenhagen
Vienna Chicago
9 Berlin Delhi
10 Vienna Paris
Complex criteria are not always taken into consideration. There are rankings based on the
number criteria
of projects are Projects
[34,35]. not always takenbigger
can have into consideration.
or lesser impact,There are rankings
and simply countingbased
them onhasthe
major of projects [34,35]. Projects can have bigger or lesser impact, and simply counting them has
no major relevance.
It is difficult to accept a unified ranking mix, but the major features of a smart city are measured
It is difficult
and updated to accept
frequently, inamany
unified ranking
cases, mix, but studies.
by academic the majorThefeatures of a smart city
most convenient are measured
approach would
be compilefrequently,
comprehensivein many cases,by
rankings byan academic studies.
international The most convenient
organization approachreports
based on reputable would
be tostatistics.
and compile comprehensive
The United Nation rankings
does itbyfor
international [36]
organization based on Union
and the European reputablefor reports
and statistics.
Society [37]. The United Nation does it for eGovernment [36] and the European Union for Digital
Society [37].

7. Conclusions
The concept of the smart city is mostly related to the use of digital technologies in all city
functions. A smart city should be defined less based on the IT solutions implemented and the number
of digital devices used, but more on the optimization of its functions.
Smart Cities 2019, 2 546

7. Conclusions
The concept of the smart city is mostly related to the use of digital technologies in all city functions.
A smart city should be defined less based on the IT solutions implemented and the number of digital
devices used, but more on the optimization of its functions.
There are many challenging societal aspects related to this concept [38]. The smart city concept
inherits many of the challenges of early eGovernment implementations—lack of planning and wastage
of resources. This is frequently the case when the digital divide is a concern, from the perspective of both
citizens and city administration staff. Smart city projects are the result of the fourth industrial revolution,
the cyber physical revolution. However, many cities still lack a full implementation of solutions of the
previous industrial revolutions, mainly regarding city planning and transportation networks.
There is currently a lot of interest around the smart city concept. Many cities around the world
report smart city projects; however, some of them are of less importance, while others become obsolete
before their implementation. In some cases, money is spent simply because smart cities are a political
priority and are considered fashionable.
The smart city concept is closely related to digital technology. Several aspects of digital technology
use in smart cities raise concerns. One is the lack of adaptation of city structures to the potential of new
technologies. Another is the lack of general restructuring of the city before the implementation of smart
city solutions. Applying IoT and other advanced digital technology solutions to old, not updated, urban
structures reduces the efficiency of smart city implementations. Non-Internet technologies coexist with
Internet technologies in smart cities. Many people do not yet have access to digital technologies.
A good smart city solution will take onto account the real environment of the city and will not
avoid using older digital and nondigital technologies.
Many smart cities are affected by the digital divide. A full implementation of the concept of smart
city requires a bridging of the digital divide based on the four pillars mentioned above—appropriate IT
Infrastructure, accessible and affordable Internet access, generalized ability to use IT, and availability
of useful content.
The implementation of smart city projects is accelerated and decelerated by various factors. The
most important acceleration factor is the digital technology itself, as new disrupting digital technologies
appear at an accelerating rate. City planners can be reluctant, and citizens may also show some
reservations. Other deceleration factors also exist—the fear of radiation from various devices and
concerns about security and privacy. To that, we can also add low broadband and smart mobile device
penetration. Citizens’ lack of digital competence is a major obstacle in smart city projects, and a lack of
ultimate goal understanding from designers affects the projects.
Accurate evaluation smart city implementations is important. Rankings of cities based on several
criteria are frequently published. Various approaches lead to contradictory rankings. A new set of
comprehensive rankings developed by an international organization and based on reputable reports
and statistics is necessary.

Funding: This research received no external funding.

Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.

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