Trung Tâm Anh NG Nhung PH M 27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính - 0946 530 486 - 0964 177 322

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Q3 LESSON 14 Student’s name:............................................................Class: 7D................

I. Underline the correct word.
1. Although / Despite the water was cold, we still went swimming.
2. Although / Despite my mum’s got a mobile, she never uses it.
3. Although / Despite looking for hours, I couldn’t find a nice pair of jeans.
4. Although / Despite taking a map, we still got lost.
5. I don't like sweets, although / despite I do like chocolate.
6. We enjoyed the picnic although / despite the bad weather.

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. …………………………it was expensive, the CD wasn't very good quality.
A. Although B. In spite of C. However
2. ……………….. being expensive, the CD wasn't very good quality.
A. Although B. In spite of C. However
3. …………………. the cost, the CD wasn’t very good quality.
A. Although B. In spite of C. However
4. The CD was expensive ………………….. , it wasn't very good quality.
A. although B. In spite of C. However
5. The CD was expensive. It wasn’t very good quality, ………………………. .
A. although B. despite C. however
6. The CD wasn’t very good quality, ………………………….. being expensive.
A. although B. despite C. however
7. The CD wasn’t very good quality, ………………………… it was expensive.
A. although B. in spite of C. however
8. The CD wasn’t very good quality, ………………….. the cost.
A. although B. despite C. however

I. Look at the sentences below about two climbers called Gertrude Benham and Charles Fay.
Read the text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, mark A. If it is not correct, mark B
1. Gertrude Benham had spent less time climbing in Canada than Charles Fay. ………..
2. Charles Fay applied to an organisation to have a mountain named after him. ………..
3. On 19 July, Gertrude Benham found out she had made a mistake. ………..
4. Gertrude Benham decided to climb Mount Heejee with Charles Fay on 20 July. ………..
5. Charles Fay blamed his guide when he failed to reach the top of Mount Heejee. ………..
6. Gertrude Benham took a different route up Mount Heejee from Charles Fay. ………..
7. Gertrude Benham knew Hans Kaufmann had a plan to choose a slow route up Mount Heejee. ………..
8. The mountain which was named after Charles Fay was the one he had first chosen. ………..
9. Charles Fay's grandson followed a different route from his grandfather up Mount Fay. ………..
10. The hut named after Charles Fay is still used by climbers. ………..
Climbing Mountains
Gertrude Benham was born in England in 1867. She had made 130 climbs in the European Alps before going
to the Canadian Rocky Mountains in 1904, where she spent the summer climbing. In 1904, the paths of
Gertrude Benham and Charles Fay briefly crossed. He had spent several successful summers climbing in the
Rocky Mountains. In fact, he was so successful that the Geographical Board of Canada asked him to select a
mountain to take his name.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 1
He chose one known as Heejee and was determined to be the first to reach the top. But Gertrude Benham had
the same idea.
On 19 July 1904, Gertrude and her guide, Christian Kaufmann, reached the top of a mountain which they
thought was Heejee. Upon their return, however, they were told that: that particular mountain was called
something else. They decided to try again the next day but, unknown to Gertrude, Charles Fay and his guide
Hans Kaufmann, Christian's brother, were planning to climb Heejee that day as well.
Both groups set out on 20 July but Charles Fay and Hans Kaufmann found the snow conditions difficult and
had to turn back. Gertrude and Christian were successful. Charles Fay was annoyed and later wrote in a letter,
'Hans Kaufmann led me, against my wishes, up Consolation Valley instead of taking my advice to go round
Moraine Lake, while Christian led Miss Benham straight to the top of the mountain.'
Some people said that the Kaufmann brothers had wanted Gertrude to get to the top first and Hans had
therefore taken Charles Fay on a route which took more time. Although this is a good story, no documents exist
to prove this actually happened and it was never thought that Gertrude had any knowledge of it.
Disappointed, Charles Fay asked if he could choose a different mountain to take his name chose Mount
Shappee, but then found out that Gertrude and Christian had climbed that one as well. At this point Charles
Fay agreed to have his name attached to Heejee, as he had originally wanted. He finally climbed to its top on 5
August 1904. Half a century later, his grandson climbed the north-eastern side of the mountain, by then known
as Mount Fay. No other climber had ever managed to do this.
Gertrude Benham then travelled to New Zealand and Japan to do more climbing before going home to
England, spending time in Australia and India on the way. Charles Fay made many more successful climbs.
The first hut built in the Canadian Rockies to shelter climbers was called the Fay Hut. It was built in 1927 but
unfortunately was destroyed in a forest fire in 2003.

You will hear a conversation between a boy, Jim and his mother. Listen and fill in the blanks.
Jim: Mum, my old bicycle needs to be repaired again.
Mother: Well then, why don’t you think of buying a (1) ___________________, Jim?
Jim: You know, I’d really like to buy one of those mountain bikes.
Mother: Well, what’s stopping you?
Jim: Do you know how much they cost? At least (2)£___________________. Where can I find that kind of
Mother: You could save the money. If you saved (3)£___________________ a week, you would have the money
you need in, (4) ___________________... just over a year.
Jim: Just over a year! But I want a new bike now. It’s something I really need. I mean, I use my bike to (5)
___________________ every day.
Mother: But what’s (6) ___________________about a mountain bike? Why do you have to have one of those?
There aren’t any mountains around here. Isn’t an ordinary bike (7) ___________________?
Jim: Yes. But mountain bikes are (8) ___________________, and they’re better at going up hills.
Mother: We don’t even have any hills near us. How much does an ordinary bike cost?
Jim: I don't know ... Oh, I suppose you can get quite a good one for about (9) £ ___________________.
Mother: Well, that sounds more (10) ___________________. If you save £5 a week, you'll have enough money in
about six months.
Jim: That won’t help me get to college next term!
Mother: I really think you should learn to save some money. I’ll tell you what I’ll do. If you manage to save £100, I’ll
give you (11) ___________________. That way you’ll be riding a new bike in a few months. Go and get
the old one repaired, and bring the bill to me.
Jim: Thanks, Mum. I suppose I’ll just have to ride my old bike for a little longer. I must say I had hoped to be
able to get a new one straight away. It’s going to take me ages to (12) ___________________. I wish ...

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 2

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