D22mba111831 22odmbt613

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Discover Leom Empowes.
NAme ostut Signature Stanp

Signature of Candidate

Signature of Invigilator

Dale Slamp
Subject Name Lcadana.hip_8- Subject Code 220DMT3

Onganiadien Bohouie
Question No. For Evaluator Onl)

Paae No.


h s 3ho paimohy top n-he pro cOs e plonnin

Leich pe cito thebdiuo dton 09oniotie
u h o t dn otien anty Ho ochiaue.
ho plonningpe co begins uuith he settia cbioci
etiNR 0 eeno A0ut uokiuh ho manogermar
wod do achieuLO by tepeatiha.

oicti o Jot+ eho hganiuatien es aehelo
o dapotmord ohd hon UdLpoactmanty A
i eugh objoutiuey wdthih ha omueLk
gonotitnal Gbictiuo.

(2) Doeleping Planning Paou

. Plonnin inbiayeud gh dha utuo, oud
h ooU Ctoin ushih a deypuctud
o aect hi peiy modtitn.

Sueh Qnondts a A ptOna in omodtua and

ohotho plonning adunel gned.
Thon wndoutondihg ound Jan auLm e
moceay e t c i plorhing.

(3)Idanding Auohatiue Cgoe ation

>. 0m o J , aludmptien oDomode
Pann2 2lo
UDN o D 2 2 ] H B A I I I A 3

han tho mat top s to act upen horn

o e moy be mary_luay o ocand adhiw ebiatiuod

u) Euaoting Adwnatia_Cgue etien

Tmthis toD, ho petitiue ano mo90 O
aCh altonadiud mood to be enalatid
nt eecties tobe achiaod
Eey oltonatie eaoated in doum
Lewo Ce leuu iiks,and higho AtAng,udn
Copetol penisa and uithun Hu ouwoilabut

S) Selocting. on
Rest Altoancbiu
.Thoho besoki dh Hemepetolsle plon po
uuth minimuum mogoctiuQ eets) odeptud and
Ton Juch Cae, ho mmanagoNJ. eypeionRandudgumunt
piLayan impadat n AolAting o baut ottnktiue

) Tmplenerbing,he Plon8
>. Ths h ap ughaooto omanngaial untien
i t o n o / a . e n a n o g e i a l untien)
Ceme t o h
Th atep i CAncoAnod udbh "DoING wHAT IS REQUIREO
Im thu stop, monaga Cemuniato the plap to
h empleyees Coo o hatp Cenuot Au play ito
a etien
Thy op inalm ale cotinAHo 04oucas,egonie
ehlabe Ond padhan d Ants/Hauhi

Pane No

FeleLo Up Adien-
he plah (enutountly and taking fesdbok
ugu ataualu i cduUad eleep.
Hohitsing onsobvaly impetona, toenuuo
accedng toho adheduld
Ragulo Chack,onCempo nwo
uuh A0 tandad
hat achinmoo

Paan Nn
UID N 2]E]|6ADDO3 3

Hng 2
Dex&plinsd hat cedibuting 4o ORe o1 Jelleuo

Pychelegy has pohaps the t inweno ehthe diald

oniudion bhab becquo0 t a stiaHe
beouig.A plyhelagit tusliel olumeiB all apred
PXyhelegu doay t h atudina human,behaiç
htA o ezplain and G6moima choga h
bhouieh hushans h d otho animaly.
chele9yJa pimailu, indorotd ih podicting
hbeh indliuiBua to a qhdat eto
by blehuhg 0o dyhami pokseho dotey.
Thode h e has tetibuted ahd Ceinued o addto
heeiu, Ge OB o achug
aching hout, possehalty
thhi, cekeli ceunselig pahelegiut 'ohp
ihounstuol ohdU ahubdtienod

2 Setelegy8
TKo omaie emg e A0uelogiiA ,gn tudiina
ho s0ib Stom n uohich indiidná Kl
Mo elg The i en gheup dunamiug
They howg odop ghoatot condtbudtien o DB
podi &daly gewnaon Sephlaicotid egaluodiu
Spielegico Cehap, hate.gmedol pnd tsdhhuqua hlp
igntorty dp unootohd bettoNHh 9ap dypkamic
eoRotithas Cutu, dema eganigdA Hu
Gu Audu0, Cepeod tohnelay .
Paon No. S0
3 Setioal Pychaleg$

Tha beon donadoas thg Juntiic inatigotipn ef heuo

hheugh, hg,ahd behoudi, o ndOidual oe
nonad bu O ftua. maginod implied the poland
oaaU uth hSW epl a Ol td by ethoA indiuidual
uSheh op phyicollu polont ehLehea îmopihud do D
hoJeht o uch u&hae poJenco ia impued
Sotial PAychelpqu olealy uh mahu.he Jam phohamaNa
Untoo tien qund huumah Cengnition luen o
ultu ohd inuoned by uutbu
Anthhepaleq S
Tho moun, ebio Hin F
bing eoundhoepelo
UIAolag i O
o acqui
9ue a
botte uh andinAt he olatewhyp botweon
heh AnmWnd
The oono
ho Mendino Conditute Cutwe.
nLohin peeplo Wi
ha AumouAeluhgs
Culbule neldo heteioal houd by,9pp e
ushith d
Noliiduudil ahd Jangage by uehith
da O CemmuiCot
ot og b yeAUne, uttue
iy O AuAm oinod ohauha.

S) PelitiLa Saionco-
Cenbuion e peltical Jiontiut) aa aigkjkcat; to-the
undotanding ebae in hgouhiuptiov P icalih
udy tu beodue e indiutduab and aau ulhn
pettco ewwehnant
PAnn N 6 / lo

Th Cehbibudp h tundoutoutig Hodunam

O C e n i c l ehtien,
CoNtors, tuchunipg eCenic a n
aties , ale caben peuo and heu peep omafuo
Pow 4e indiuidua Je-intows
ma buiey id egahAoDighi uuted o puttain Juponoy
An Hh l d ahd iulog i pelitickung tiuiti goin
t a n dask
oduuantagn by eleuuing co
ike Hadhiaulkahim teatitgneocton e .

6) £cenBmiL
Ecepemic3 Cehdibute ho gani0ttiehal bahouuie doa
o e y o n h dosighuh gohy 0tibh abudtuL
banlodion coeqenghiA n Oinen he
gonigotien OndJta Au dhune.
T o o igh AL OUdnemic dmpliey Cet COmpehehdts
do oko on yChong n hekokoE

AonLadigh ecu ughoh 980d and 20peralbla

Aice i
oun d oUAOJOChheLEgi oly
bonig TioaHOn Cetz 0 i naiyaose;

Pane No.

h equtu haey anepuptien u tho idoa that
Loho OQun i uidua HhaCoL
haus q diee eleen .ushan
metilodio ughan
appueol o h ukplace tmean) an indidual
u 9thonally Oim o Coatea balQnck batuuaeh
ughatd hoy Uqd do ho Qaniso y Lem0a
ao ugho h in atuesk

e i ehu
elo Paut
Uan be hule
thogy ih peuea
ohutha-yA eom
Qhd aP(AA ULOtuo i wlek. shn yeu
a u N empohA0tien de yeaA oam teiibutib,
R ma mmbihtain iohon AOal m&tiaish
Thu con h o a pitdAo e eR a cte
th a tpomuuelk, jb Comatnta aol
*Cempohan_EuihyThe Hatiuotion8
An inpu io Enibubsh eho moakeu to Aucaie aauaro
Diyewhihputs Can inpud, ime CAmmutnent,.datlu
agApehdibibui, Jeaty do on gahnotiei
dnd erdthuial) e gn Uak.

t9ndaelobu ah Cme A n u d dhy

Cebeloblo inaub includo temmunicaqtion qnd aHondana
w w Unhtiblabli inpu Ceuld ba {8b Aaining
ono A0nLetay

2) tCAmA
Pame No
UD No. D 22MBalL a3

Hn eudcemo Con indudl haiyd dade, aho dha

ay o
mpnuoduon thot ind 0COMOs
.Soo and poyNaUs.
Lonit ke hob Ghcone aco`EN ma
Thovalu ho etdc9maheul idoally oultpem
placd gh thuUhpud
Celagg opodnat moy boi Ho h dogpog
hauld t u n botto Gppdunitiuy.

Foce Hhat yet £quity TkatyHatiuodtieh

(DRajoxant Gnhaup
Ropnont aa CAmpoiAen) hot on empleyro can make
o m hoh oaluatieh abeutOn oudtceYh thy acaie
Sa Tmaide THddby ho Qonience oan epleyee
h o UShon hoy U e hda CuONa9aiati

Saly 6ubids Ehcempqus e empleye) eypoience

ingdhe peitith 8utiol) e ha' C&mpon
tho-Tnide:TmAAglg o Cempoiseh to anethea
mpleyea's inpud) Ond 0tcomlo in th Same

etu-Outids: Cenuits O Cempamisen to

emplgg mila pesitieh Gudaid o
n ont C6mpoh

2 Medooding uQiabo -

Paan Nn 9/10
uDHoD 2]2]M0ADDO83

HeolNoting Oablah udh a aampene

eoucaie hol othce Coun
e n Hhai poAcophion
The uuth higho edu catish JoNMa mmOy houe
ennicoouh_o 0 0 A , umbe G deplo
n haixiald, ushidh CAd pAenmlHhim to
tho- Qudtaio CeLoAAnsmleyo
Cempanyo mg ikoly omak Ointonna
Cemmolgy uohilo h Uuth leoNOn C
uulA omeio n 2oy h 2eMAnal kheludodoa

PAomNo 10 IO

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