GLAD Conversation Cards - Big Life Journal

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Describe a Name Name a food Share a

favorite part someone or meal that memory that

about your who helped you makes you
home. you today. appreciate. smile.

Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude

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Name one Name one
Name Tell about a
thing you thing you
one thing favorite place
loved appreciate
that made you are glad
about about the
you laugh you have
today's person on
today. been.
weather. your right.

Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude

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What's one What did
What's the Describe
thing you you hear
hardest the best
wish that
thing book you've
you could surprised
you did read lately.
learn more you
about? today?

Learning Learning Learning Learning

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Share a
What new
What new time you
What made thing do
thing did recently
you think you want
you try learned
hard today? to try
recently? from a

Learning Learning Learning Learning

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What is
something Describe What is one
What ways
that you are something thing you've
have you
better at that made been
today than you proud practicing a
you were last of yourself. lot lately?

Accomplishment Accomplishment Accomplishment Accomplishment

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Tell about a Tell about
time you did something Tell about a
How have
something hard you tiny success
you been
you didn't recently you had
kind lately?
know you got today.
could do. through.

Accomplishment Accomplishment Accomplishment Accomplishment

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Describe the Name one
What was
most thing you What is the
delicious love about happiest
thing the person you've felt
part about
you've on your lately?
eaten lately. right.

Delighted Delighted Delighted Delighted

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Tell me about
What is something Tell me about What is one
something you you love to do someone who thing you love
love to do that that you wish feels good about being
you can plan you could do to be around. YOU?
for tomorrow? more often.

Delighted Delighted Delighted Delighted

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Gratitude & Mindfulness Kit
Ages 5-12
This Gratitude & Mindfulness Kit is packed with opportunities for
your child to cultivate an appreciation for what they have, promote
positive thinking, boost their confidence, and strengthen their
relationships so they can lead a happy life.

These are great as my son and I can do them

together, and by having the posters up in
the kitchen, we can refer to them often.
The real bonus is the quality time which is his
love language, double whammy!."
- Katherine."

Go Here to See
What's Inside

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Big Life Journal team

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