Intro On SDLC Models Agile Values Agile Principles Intro To Kanban, XP
Intro On SDLC Models Agile Values Agile Principles Intro To Kanban, XP
● Sprint Backlog
Set of product backlog items (PBI) selected for the Sprint, plus a plan
for delivering the product increment.
● Increment
Sum of all PBI completed during a Sprint and the value of the
increments of all previous Sprints.
Scrum Team
● Product Owner
Responsible for maximizing the value of the product resulting from
work of the developers
● Developers
Consist of professionals who do the work of delivering a potentially
releasable Increment of “Done” product at the end of each Sprint.
● Scrum Master
Servant leader who is responsible for promoting and supporting Scrum
as defined in the scrum guide. The coach, facilitator and Change agent
for the scrum team and organization.
Scrum Events
Each event in Scrum is a formal opportunity to inspect and
adapt something. These events are specifically designed to
enable critical TIA.
● Sprint
Time-box of one month or less during which a ‘Done’, usable product
increment is created.
Sprint is container for the other 4 events.
● Sprint Planning
The work to be performed in the sprint is planned at the sprint planning.
● Daily Scrum
Developers uses the daily scrum to inspect progress towards the sprint goal
and inspect how progress is trending toward completing the work in Sprint
Scrum Events...
● Sprint Review
is held at the end of the sprint to inspect the increment and adapt the PB if
needed. The scrum team and stakeholders collaborate about what was done
in the sprint
● Sprint Retrospective
An opportunity for scrum team to inspect itself and create a plan for
improvements to be enacted during the next Sprint.
Scrum Team
● Scrum team is a fundamental unit of Scrum.
6. Managing budgets ?