Lec03-TimeComplexityBigONotation MaximumSumSubarray

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Data Structures and Algorithms


Lecture 3:
• Time complexity, Big “O” notation
• Designing Efficient Algorithm
• Maximum sum subarray Problem

Three algorithms
Algorithm for F(𝑛)mod 𝑚 No. Instructions in RAM model

RFib(𝑛,𝑚) > 2("#$)/$

IterFib(𝑛,𝑚) 3𝑛

Clever_Algo_Fib(𝑛,𝑚) 35 𝐥𝐨𝐠 $ (𝑛 − 1) + 11

• Which algorithm turned out to be the best ?experimentally ?

Lesson 1
from Assignment 1 ?
No. of instructions executed by
algorithm in RAM model

Pro po
?rtio nal

Time taken by algorithm

in real life

be diffe
?for different in

put Dependence on input

Time complexity of an algorithm

the worst case number of instructions executed
as a function of the input size (or a parameter defining the input size)

The number of bits/bytes/words

Examples to illustrate input size :

Problem Input size
Computing F(𝑛)mod 𝑚 for any positive integers 𝑛 and 𝑚 log $ 𝑛 + log $ 𝑚 bits
Whether an array storing 𝑗 numbers (each stored in a word) is sorted ? 𝑗 words
Whether a 𝑛×𝑚 matrix of numbers (each stored in a word) contains “14” ? 𝑛𝑚 words

Homework: What is the time complexity of Rfib, IterFib, Clever-Algo-Fib ?

Whether an array A storing 𝑗 numbers (each stored in a word) is sorted ?

{ 𝑖ß1; 𝟏 time
flagß true; 𝟏 time
while(𝑖 < 𝒋 and flag==true)
If (A[𝑖]< A[𝑖 − 1]) flagßfalse ; 𝒋 − 𝟏 times in the worst case
𝑖 ß 𝑖 + 1;
Return flag ; 𝟏 time

Time complexity = 𝟐𝒋 + 𝟏

Time complexity of matrix multiplication
Each element of the matrices
Matrix-mult(C[𝑛, 𝑛],D[𝑛, 𝑛]) occupies one word of RAM.
{ for 𝑖 = 0 to 𝒏 − 𝟏 𝒏 times
{ for 𝑗 = 0 to 𝒏 − 𝟏 𝒏 times
{ M[𝑖, 𝑗] ß 0;
for 𝑘 = 0 to 𝒏 − 𝟏
{ M[𝑖, 𝑗]ß M[𝑖, 𝑗] + C[𝑖, 𝑘]*D[𝑘, 𝑗]; 𝒏 + 𝟏 instructions
Return M 𝟏 time

Time complexity = 𝒏𝟑 + 𝒏𝟐 + 𝟏

Lesson 2 learnt from Assignment 1 ?

Algorithm for F(𝑛)mod 𝑚 No. of Instructions

RFib(𝑛,𝑚) > 2("#$)/$

IterFib(𝑛,𝑚) 3𝑛

Clever_Algo_Fib(𝑛,𝑚) 100
35 𝐥𝐨𝐠 $ (𝑛 − 1) + 11

Question: What would have been the outcome if

No. of instructions of Clever_Algo_Fib(𝑛,𝑚) = 100 𝐥𝐨𝐠 ! (𝑛 − 1) + 1000

Answer: Clever_Algo_Fib would still be the fastest algorithm ...for large value of 𝑛.


Comparing efficiency of two algorithms
Let A and B be two algorithms to solve a given problem.

Algorithm A has time complexity : 2 𝑛! + 125

Algorithm B has time complexity : 5 𝑛! + 67 𝑛 + 400

Question: Which algorithm is more efficient ?

Obviously A is more efficient than B

Comparing efficiency of two algorithms
Let A and B be two algorithms to solve a given problem.

Algorithm A has time complexity : 2 𝑛! + 125

Algorithm B has time complexity : 50 𝑛 + 125

Question: Which one would you prefer based on the efficiency criteria ?
Answer : A is more efficient than B for 𝑛 < 25
B is more efficient than A for 𝑛 > 25
Time complexity is
really an issue only
when the input is of
large size

Rule 1

Compare the time complexities of two algorithms for

asymptotically large value of input size only

Comparing efficiency of two algorithms

Algorithm B with time complexity 50 𝑛 + 125

is certainly more efficient than

Algorithm A with time complexity : 2𝑛! + 125

A judgment question for you !
Algorithm A has time complexity f(𝑛)= 5 𝑛! + 𝑛 + 1250
Researchers have designed two new algorithms B and C

• Algorithm B has time complexity g(𝑛) = 𝑛! + 10

• Algorithm C has time complexity h(𝑛) = 10 𝑛".$ + 20 𝑛 + 2000

Which of B and C is an
improvement over A in the
true sense ?

𝐠(7) 𝐡(7)
lim = 1/5 lim ?
7→9 𝐟(7) 7→9 𝐟(7)

C is an improvement over A
in the true sense.
Rule 2

An algorithm X is superior to another algorithm Y if

the ratio of time complexity of X and time complexity of Y
approaches 0 for asymptotically large input size.

Some Observations
Algorithm A has time complexity f(𝑛)= 5 𝑛! + 𝑛 + 1250
Researchers have designed two new algorithms B and C

• Algorithm B has time complexity g(𝑛) = 𝑛! + 10

• Algorithm C has time complexity h(𝑛) = 10 𝑛".$ + 20 𝑛 + 2000

Algorithm C is the most efficient of all.

Observation 1:
multiplicative or additive Constants do not play any role.

Observation 2:
The highest order term governs the time complexity asymptotically.


A mathematical way
to capture the intuitions developed till now.
(reflect upon it yourself)

Order notation
Definition: Let f(𝑛) and g(𝑛) be any two increasing functions of n.
f(𝑛) is said to be of the order of g(𝑛)
if there exist constants c and 𝑛% such that
f(𝑛) ≤ c g(𝑛) for all n > 𝑛%

c g(𝑛)



If f(𝑛) is of the order of g(𝑛),

we write f(𝑛) = O(g(𝑛)) 17
Order notation :
• 20 𝑛7 = O(𝑛7) 𝑐 =20, 𝑛) = 1
• 100 𝑛 + 60 = O(𝑛7) Loose 𝑐 =1, 𝑛) = 160
• 100 𝑛 + 60 = O(𝑛) 𝑐 =160, 𝑛) = 1
• 10 𝑛7 = O(𝑛7.9) Loose While analyzing time complexity of an
algorithm accurately, our aim should be to
• 2000 = O(1) choose the g(𝑛) which is not loose.
Later in the course, we shall refine & extend
Simple observations: this notion suitably.

q If f(𝑛) = O(g(𝑛)) and g(𝑛) = O(h(𝑛)), then

f(𝑛) = O(h(𝑛))
q If f(𝑛) = O(h(𝑛)) and g(𝑛) = O(h(𝑛)), then f(𝑛) + g(𝑛) = O(h(𝑛))
These observations can be helpful for simplifying time complexity.

Prove these observation as Homeworks

A neat description of time complexity
• Algorithm B has time complexity g(𝑛) = 𝑛! + 10
Hence g(𝑛) = O(𝑛!)

• Algorithm C has time complexity h(𝑛) = 10 𝑛".$ + 20 𝑛 + 2000

Hence h(𝑛) = O(𝑛".$)

• Algorithm for multiplying two 𝑛×𝑛 matrices has time complexity

𝑛& + 𝑛! + 1 = O(𝑛& )

• g(𝑛) = 2" , f(𝑛) = 3" . Is f(𝑛) = O(g(𝑛)) ? Give proof.
• What is the time complexity of selection sort on an array storing n elements ?
• What is the time complexity of Binary search in a sorted array of n elements ?

(This sentence captures precisely the goal of theoretical computer science)

Designing an efficient algorithm

Facts from the world of algorithms:

1. No formula for designing efficient algorithms.
2. Every new problem demands a fresh approach.

3. Designing an efficient algorithm or data structure requires

1. Ability to make key observations.
2. Ability to ask right kind of questions.
3. A positive attitude and …
4. a lot of perseverance.

We shall demonstrate the above facts

during this course many times.
Max-sum subarray problem
Given an array A storing n numbers,
find its subarray the sum of whose elements is maximum.

4 7

A 3 -5 3 8 2 -4 9 -6 3 -2 -8 3 -5 1 7 -9

18 -2

Max-sum subarray problem:
A trivial algorithm
{ maxß A[0];
For i=0 to n-1
For j=i to n-1
{ temp ß compute_sum(A,i,j);
if max< temp then maxß temp;
return max;
} Homework: Prove that its
time complexity is O(𝑛* )
compute_sum(A, i,j)
{ sumßA[i];
For k=i+1 to j sumß sum+A[k];
return sum;
Max-sum subarray problem:

Question: Can we design O(𝑛) time algorithm for Max-sum subarray problem ?
Answer: Yes.

Think over it with a fresh mind ….

We shall design it together in the next class…J


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