Ch22-From Field To Plate - Notebook Work

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Class V


Answer the following questions:

Q1. What are threshing, winnowing and harvesting?

Threshing: is the process of separating grains from the harvested stalks of plants. It is done with the
help of help of machines or by bullocks trampling upon them.

Winnowing: is the process of separating husk from seeds by dropping them from a height. Seeds
being heavier fall on the ground and husk or chaff being lighter is blown further away by wind.

Harvesting: is the process of cutting and gathering mature or ripe crops. A crop must be harvested at
the right time to obtain maximum yield. Crops are harvested with the help of a sickle of machines.

Q2. Why do farmers plough the soil?

Ans2. Ploughing is the process of loosening and turning of soil, using a plough. This helps in
proper aeration of the soil so that the roots of the plants grown in it are able to penetrate deeper
and breath. It also improves the water-holding capacity of soil, uproots weeds and kills them. While
ploughing the topmost fertile layer of soil gets mixed with the layers below making them fertile too.

Q3. What methods are used by farmers to maintain the fertility of soil?

1. Mixed cropping
2. Crop rotation
3. Using manure and fertilizers
4. Leaving the field uncultivated to help the soil regain fertility.

Q4. How are crops protected from insects and pests?

Ans4. Spraying insecticides, pesticides help to minimize the crop damage by controlling the insects
and other pests.

Q5. What is the difference between manure and fertilizers? Why are they added to the soil?

Ans5. Manures and fertilizers, both are added to increase soil fertility and enhance the growth of the
plants, but are distinct in some way or the other. The difference between the two are:

Manures Fertilizers
Manure is obtained naturally by the Fertilizers are chemical substances and not typically
decomposition of dead plants and animals. natural.
It is not very rich in nutrients. It is rich in soil nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous,
and potassium.
It is slowly absorbed by the plants. It is easily absorbed by the plants.
It provides a lot of humus to the soil. It does not provide any humus to the soil.
They are prepared naturally in the fields. They are prepared in the factories.
These do not improve the physical These improve the physical condition of the soil.
conditions of the soil relatively
Does not adversely affect the plant or the Adversely affects the soil and the plant if supplied in
soil if supplied in large quantities. large quantities.
Think & Answer
Q6. The depletion of natural resources occurs when resources are consumed at a faster rate than
that of replacement. Natural resources are those resources that are in existence without human
actions and they can either be renewable or non-renewable. Why do you think this depletion is
happening at a fast rate?

Ans6. Elaborate or construct your answer around the following points.

 Over population
 Poor farming practices
 Deforestation
 Pollution
 Industrial and technological development

Q7. Pollution and climate change has affected farmers and farming. Elaborate.

Portfolio Activity
(Will be graded out of 10 marks)
 Research about the cultivation of crops in our home state Uttar Pradesh.
 Find out about the type of soil, crops suitable for it, and the problems farmers
face in our state.
 Make a Project Report in the form of PPT. (min. 7 slides) and submit the same
on Teams by 25th July 2022.

The Journey of Food-YouTube link


a) Irrigation- is the process of supplying water to the crops artificially to fulfill their water
requirements. Nutrients may also be provided to the crops through irrigation. The various
sources of water for irrigation are wells, ponds, lakes, canals, tube-wells and even dams.
Irrigation offers moisture required for the growth and development, germination and other
related functions.
b) Harvesting- the process of gathering the useful part or parts of the plant and is carried out at
the time when all the nutrients have developed and the edible parts have reached the
appropriate degree of maturity.

Differentiate between:

a) Threshing and winnowing

Threshing Winnowing

process of loosening the edible part of the  a farming method developed by

grain or seeds (or other crops) from the ancient people for separating grain
straw and chaff to which it is attached. from the chaff.

next process after harvesting next process after threshing which is

very commonly used by farmers

can be done manually by beating it on a Involves throwing off the mixture into
solid surface or by using a threshing the air so that the wind blows away the
machine.  lighter chaff, and the heavier grains fall
back down.

b) Mixed Cropping and Crop Rotation

Mixed Cropping Crop Rotation

The main objective is to utilise the space The main objective here is to get at least
left between the rows of the main crop one crop in a favourable condition

Specific planting pattern followed No planting pattern followed

Different fertilizers and pesticides are Same fertilizers and pesticides used for all
used for different crops the crops

Seeds aren’t mixed before sowing Seeds are mixed before sowing

Followed to reduce the risk of crop failures

Followed to increase the productivity of due to unfavorable climatic conditions

There is a considerable difference in the All crops have a similar life cycle and
life cycle and the duration of maturity in duration of maturity
different crops

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