Tracking The Sources of Contamination and Evaluating The Effect of Cooking On Bacterial Load in Meat Meals Prepared and Served in Foodservice Establishments

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Received: 18 April 2022, Accepted: 04 June 2022

Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research

Original Research (2022) Volume 12, Issue 3, 227-233

Tracking the Sources of Contamination and Evaluating the Effect

of Cooking on Bacterial Load in Meat Meals Prepared and Served
in Foodservice Establishments
Fathy A. Khalafalla, Ayman Zaher, Abdelrahim H.A. Hassan*

Department of Food Safety and Technology, Abstract

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef
University, Egypt. In this study, we determined the aerobic plate count, Staphylococcus (Staph.) aureus count, and most probable
numbers (MPN) of coliforms, fecal coliforms, and Escherichia (E.) coli, and the presence of Listeria monocy-
togenes in 120 samples of beef steak and beef burger at various stages of preparation in a randomly selected
food serving establishment in Beni-Suef City, Egypt. Additionally, 60 swab samples from knives, cutting
boards, and operator’s hands were investigated for the same bacteriological criteria. Subsequently, bacterial
isolates were subjected to molecular identification by investigating the presence of virulence and antibiotic
resistance genes. The results showed that 100 % of meat product samples at various stages of preparation con-
tained aerobic bacterial load and Staph. aureus. Conversely, E. coli and L. monocytogenes were undetectable
in meat product samples. Interestingly, 13, 7, and 1 out of 20 swab samples from hands contained coliforms,
fecal coliforms, and E. coli, respectively, while knives and cutting boards were free from fecal coliforms
and E. coli. Furthermore, contamination with Staph. aureus was reported in 100 % of knives and hand swab
*Correspondence samples and 50 % of cutting board swab samples. Furthermore, the only E. coli isolate from a worker’s hand
Abdelrahim H.A. Hassan, Department of Food contained eaeA gene, but not stx1 gene, which indicates that it is an enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) strain.
Safety and Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Moreover, 6 and 5 Staph. aureus isolates from operator hands and beef steak after cooking had coa and mecA
Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Egypt.E-mail: genes, respectively, which are responsible for plasma coagulation and methicillin resistance, respectively. To
[email protected] sum up, this food serving establishment does not apply proper food safety guidelines, practices inadequate
cleaning and sanitizing and poor personal hygiene, accordingly, it should be faced with a high level of concern
and consideration by the legal authorities.

Foodservice, Beef, Hygienic practice, E. coli, Staph. aureus

INTRODUCTION In addition, there are several types of foodborne pathogenic

microorganisms such as Staphylococcus (Staph.) aureus, Esche-
Foods contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms had been richia (E.) coli, and Listeria (L.) monocytogenes. Escherichia coli is
considered health risks to consumers. Nowadays, every year a Gram-negative bacterial pathogen that exists as normal micro-
around two million people die as a result of foodborne diseas- biota in animals and is responsible for many infections includ-
es (Winias, 2011). Food poisoning and foodborne diseases affect ing septicemia, pyelonephritis, and cystitis (Manges et al., 2007;
public health globally as they lead to many health problems and Singh et al., 2012; Majowicz et al., 2014). Staphylococcus aureus,
uncounted precocious deaths (Joint FAO/WHO Expert Commit- Gram-positive bacteria, is one of the most common pathogens
tee, 2007). The difficulties that face the developing countries in related to food intoxication which is manifested by gastroenteri-
performing optimum hygienic food handling practices make the tis and vomiting, as well as causes a wide variety of diseases such
situation more complicated. The growth in the food industry and as skin and soft tissue infections (Gundogan et al., 2005; Borto-
the development of many fast foods expose the food production laia et al., 2016). Staph. aureus can grow at 15 °C to 45 °C, and a
process to several microbial contamination sources especially high concentration of salt (15%) (Behling et al., 2010). Listeria is
those associated with improper handling practices. Satisfactory a gram-positive, facultative intracellular foodborne pathogen. Its
hygienic standards in food production are necessary to protect infections are associated with approximately a 12% fatality rate,
the public health because many foodborne diseases are respon- which is the highest rate through foodborne pathogens (Marriott
sible for most outbreaks of diarrhea, the enteric infections due et al., 2018).
to Salmonella and typhoid fever infections in many countries Nowadays, many individuals tend to eat out, often at food-
(Schlundt et al., 2004; Newell et al., 2010; Badi et al., 2018). service operations (Nyachuba, 2010). Foodservice or catering in-

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ISSN: 2090-6277/2090-6269/ © 2011-2022 Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research. All rights reserved.
Fathy A. Khalafalla et al. /Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research (2022) Volume 12, Issue 3, 227-233

dustry defines those businesses, institutions, or companies that this study, first, adequate and clear information was given to
prepare and serve meals outside the home. These industries in- them about the hand swabbing procedure, then they were gen-
clude restaurants, hotels, school and hospital cafeterias, catering tly asked to participate in the hand swabbing step if they agree.
operations, fast-food outlets, and other food service establish- All operators who participated in this study provided informed
ments. Given the high volume of meals prepared in catering es- verbal consent before the collection of hand swabs.
tablishments together with meal exposure to several handling
and environmental factors, the exposure risk to foodborne ill- Preparation of meat samples for bacteriological analysis
nesses is expected to be considerably higher than eating at home
(Hedberg et al., 2006). In foodservice environments, various fac- The collected samples were prepared according to the meth-
tors may be related to foodborne diseases. According to the od recommended by the American Public Health Association
Food and Drug Administration, these factors are the food served (APHA, 1992). Twenty-five grams of each meat sample, either
coming from unsafe sources, poor personal hygiene, improper raw or cooked, were transferred to a sterile homogenizer flask
cooking, time and temperature abuse, or inadequate cleaning containing 225 mL of 0.1% sterile peptone water (Oxoid, Hamp-
and sanitizing ( Alves, et al. 2021). shire, UK) under complete aseptic conditions. Each sample was
The hands of foodservice employees can be vectors in the homogenized for 2-4 min at 2000 rpm in a homogenizer and
spread of foodborne disease because of poor personal hygiene then allowed to stand for 5 min at room temperature to make the
or cross-contamination. For example, an employee might con- first dilution (10-1). Then tenfold serial dilution was done, as the
taminate his hands when using the toilet, or bacteria might be flask contents were vortexed, and one mL was transferred to a
spread from raw meat to salad greens by the food handler’s separate sterile test tube containing 9 mL of 0.1% sterile buffered
hands (Boleij and Tjalsma 2012). Due to the high risk of food peptone water to make the 2nd serial dilution (10-2), and the later
contamination in a foodservice establishment, many topics step was repeated till obtaining the dilution 10-6. While in the
should be included in food handler training such as personal hy- case of cotton swab samples from contact surfaces, each cotton
giene, hand care, and sanitation, body hygiene, work attire, and swab was transferred to a separate test tube containing 10 mL of
food hygiene (Lee et al., 2017). 0.1% sterile buffered peptone water, and tenfold serial dilution
Despite there being many studies that surveyed the bacterial was carried out as above-mentioned in meat samples.
status of meat products, to the best of the authors’ knowledge,
there are no previous research works that tracked the sources of Bacteriological examination
contamination and the effect of different preparation processes
on the bacteriological status in meat meals in foodservice estab- Aerobic plate count (APC) at 35°C
lishments in Egypt. Therefore, the current study was conducted
to determine the aerobic plate count, Staph. aureus count, and To determine the aerobic plate count (APC) in meat and swab
most probable numbers (MPN) of coliforms, fecal coliforms, and samples, the pouring plate technique was applied (APHA, 1992).
E. coli and detect pathogenic E. coli, Staph. aureus, and L. mono- Briefly, one mL of each previously prepared serial dilution from
cytogenes in beef steak at various stages of preparation (before each ample was inoculated into duplicate sterile Petri dishes.
cutting, after cutting, and after cooking), as well as in beef burg- Then, about 12 - 15 mL of previously melted standard plate count
er at various stages of preparation (before meat chopping, after agar (Oxoid, Hampshire, UK) at 44°C to 47°C was poured into
chopping, and after cooking) in a randomly selected foodservice each Petri dish. The plate content was carefully mixed by rotating
establishment in Beni-Suef City, Egypt. Additionally, swab sam- the Petri dishes and allowed to solidify by leaving the Petri dishes
ples from knives, cutting boards, and the operator’s hands were standing on a cool horizontal surface. The inoculated, as well as
investigated for the same bacteriological criteria. Subsequently, the control Petri dishes, were inverted and incubated at 36±1°C
Staph. aureus and pathogenic E. coli isolates were subjected to for 24±3 h. The plates with 30-300 colonies were selected and
molecular identification by investigating the presence of viru- counted using the colony counting equipment and APC was cal-
lence genes (eaeA and stx1) in the case of E. coli, and coagulation culated according to the following equation:
gene (coa) and methicillin-resistance gene (mecA) in the case of Aerobic plate count = average number of colonies × dilution fac-
Staph. aureus. tor

MATERIALS AND METHODS Most Probable Number (MPN) of coliforms

Sample collection The three-tube method (APHA, 1992) was applied for the deter-
mination of the MPN of coliforms. From each dilution, one mL
The samples analyzed in this study were collected from a random- was separately transferred to three Lauryl Sulfate Tryptose broth
ly selected food serving establishment in Beni-Suef City. A total (LST) (Oxoid) tubes containing inverted Durham’s tubes. The in-
of 120 random meat samples were collected at different stages oculated LST tubes were incubated at 35°C and then examined
of preparation including beef steak before cutting, after cutting, after 24 h. Gas negative tubes were re-incubated for another 24
and after cooking (20 samples each), as well as beef burger be- hrs. After that, a loopful from each positive (gas and turbidity)
fore mincing, after mining, and after cooking (20 samples each). tube was transferred into tubes containing Brilliant Green Bile
In addition, contact surface swab samples from cutting knives, Lactose Broth (BGBL) (Oxoid) containing inverted Durham’s
cutting boards, and operator hands (20 samples each) were col- tubes. The tubes were incubated at 35° C for 24 h then examined
lected. The collected samples were separately placed in sterile for gas production. Positive tubes showing gas production and
plastic bags, identified, and transferred in an insulated icebox turbidity were recorded. The MPN of coliforms per g or cm2 was
to the laboratory of Food Safety, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, estimated and recorded according to the table recommended by
Beni-Suef University (Egypt) under complete aseptic conditions (APHA, 1992) using the following equation:
without delay for further preparation and bacteriological exam- MPN / g or cm2 = No. from the table × middle dilution factor/100
ination. To obtain consent from the operators to participate in

Fathy A. Khalafalla et al. /Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research (2022) Volume 12, Issue 3, 227-233

MPN of fecal coliform The inoculated Fraser broth was incubated at 37°C for 24-48 h.
After that, a loopful from each selective Fraser broth tube was
For estimation of fecal coliform MPN using the method of APHA streaked on the surface of Oxford agar medium (Oxoid) with its
(1992), a loopful from each positive BGBL tube was transferred selective supplement (Oxoid). The inoculated plates were incu-
to a sterile test tube containing EC broth (Oxoid). EC broth tubes bated at 30°C for 24 h. The incubated plates were examined for
were incubated at 44.5±0.5°C for 24 h. The negative EC broth the suspected colonies of Listeria monocytogenes (black colonies,
tubes were re-incubated and re-examined again after 48 hrs. The approximately one mm in diameter and surrounded by black ha-
fecal coliform MPN was calculated using the same previously los) and positive tubes were recorded.
mentioned method of coliforms.
Molecular identification of bacterial isolates
MPN of E. coli
E. coli isolates were molecularly identified for the presence of two
For estimation of E. coli MPN, a loopful from each positive EC virulence genes (stx1 and eaeA), as well as Staph. aureus isolates
broth tube was streaked on Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB, were molecularly identified for the presence of two genes (mecA
Oxoid) plate (APHA, 1992). The inoculated plates were incubat- and coa). Genomic DNA was extracted using the QIAamp DNA
ed at 35°C for 24 hrs. The suspected E. coli colonies appeared Mini Kit. Specific primers obtained from Metabion (Germany) for
as greenish metallic nucleated with a dark purple center with or each target gene, were used for DNA amplification using uniplex
without sheen. Two typical colonies from each suspected EMB PCR, Emerald Amp GT PCR mastermix (2x premix), and PCR grade
plate were transferred into nutrient agar slants and incubated at water (Sambrook et al., 1989). The specific sequences and length
35°C for 24 h and kept refrigerated for further identification. MPN of amplified segments are shown in Table 1.
of E. coli was calculated using the same previously mentioned Primers were utilized in a 25 µL reaction tube containing 12.5
method of coliforms. µL of Emerald Amp Max PCR Master Mix (Takara, Japan), one µL
of each primer of a 20 pmol concentration, 6 µL of DNA template,
Enumeration of Staph. aureus and 4.5 µL of nuclease-free water. The reactions were performed
in an Applied Biosystem 2720 thermal cycler. Briefly, the initial
One hundred microliters of each prepared decimal dilution were denaturation step was done at 94°C for 5 min, then followed by
spread onto the surface of duplicate Baird Parker agar (Oxoid) 35 cycles of 94°C for 45 sec, afterwards, annealing was applied.
plates using a sterile bent glass rod until the surface appear dry The time of annealing was 30 sec at 50˚C for mecA and eaeA
(APHA, 1992). The plates were allowed to dry in an upright po- genes, while for coa was 40 sec at 55˚C and for stx1 was 40 sec
sition for about 10 min at laboratory temperature until the in- at 58˚C. Subsequently, an extension step at 72°C for 45 sec and
oculum was absorbed by the agar. The inoculated and control a final extension step at 72°C for 10 min was conducted for all
plates were inverted and incubated at 35°C for 24-48 h. Suspect- genes. The products of PCR were separated by electrophoresis
ed colonies showing black shiny with narrow white margin sur- on 1.5% agarose gel (Applichem, Germany, GmbH) in 1x TBE
rounded by outer clear zone were counted. Suspected colonies buffer at room temperature using gradients of 5V/cm. Twenty
were picked up and stabbed in semisolid agar tubes for further µL of the PCR products were loaded in each gel slot. The frag-
biochemical and molecular identification. Staph. aureus count per ment sizes were determined using Gelpilot 100 bp and 100 bp
g or cm2 was calculated as follows: plus DNA Ladders (Qiagen, Germany, GmbH) and gene ruler 100
Staph. aureus /g or cm2 = average number of colonies × dilution bp ladder (Thermo Scientific, Germany). Afterward, the gel was
factor × 10 photographed by a gel documentation system (Alpha Innotech,
Biometra) (Sambrook et al., 1989).
Isolation of Listeria monocytogenes
Statistical analysis
Twenty-five grams of each meat sample were separately homog-
enized with 225 mL of half Fraser broth (Oxoid) with its selective The statistical analysis was carried out using the Minitab 20
supplement (Oxoid) and then incubated at 30°C for 18 - 24 h (Ti- (Minitab statistical software). One-way analysis of variance (one-
wari and Aldenrath, 1990). One hundred microliters of previously way ANOVA) had been applied. Tukey’s test was used as the post
incubated flasks were inoculated in a tube containing 10 mL of hoc test for the separation of means (P < 0.05).
the Fraser broth (Oxoid) with its selective supplement (Oxoid).

Table 1. Primer sequences of target genes, length of the amplified product, and annealing temperatures.

Primer sequences Length of

Targeted pathogen Gene role (virulence/resistance) amplified References
(5’-3’) segments


mecA Resistance (methicilin-resistance) 310 bp McClure et al. (2006)
Staph. aureus
ATA GAG ATG CTG GTA CAG G Iyer and Kumosani
coa Virulence (coagulation) 570 bp
stx1 Virulence (Shiga-toxin production) 614 bp Dipineto et al. (2006)
E. coli
Virulence (Attaching and effacing ATGCTTAGTGCTGGTTTAGG Bisi-Johnson et al.
eaeA 248 bp

Fathy A. Khalafalla et al. /Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research (2022) Volume 12, Issue 3, 227-233

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION procedure or the post-cooking contamination by Staph. aureus

from food handlers since human is the main source of this bacte-
When eating outside, consumers expect to obtain safe food with ria (Bencardino et al., 2021). On the contrary, we could not isolate
an adequate food hygiene level, which reduces the incidence of either E. coli or L. monocytogenes from the examined beef steak
food-borne diseases. As well, the consumers always rely on legal samples at any stage of preparation (Table 2).
authorities to regulate and inspect restaurants in order to assure Another meat product always served in foodservice estab-
that hygiene requirements are applied. In this study, we aimed to lishments in Egypt is the grilled beef burger was also investigated
investigate the food hygiene level in a randomly selected food- at different stages of preparation (Table 3). Similar to what was
service establishment, as well as track the main sources of bacte- observed in beef steak, the step of meat mixing/chopping with
rial contamination and assess the efficiency of cooking steps in ingredients significantly (p<0.05) increased APC, coliforms MPN,
reducing the bacterial load in the ready-to-eat meat meals. fecal coliforms MPN, and Staph. aureus counts in beef burger
For these objectives, we collected beef steak samples at dif- mix after mixing/chopping than in beef samples before chop-
ferent stages of preparation (before meat cutting, after meat ping. This could be attributed to the contamination coming from
cutting, and after cooking) and examined them for the follow- unclean operator hands, mincing machines, and other contact
ing bacteriological criteria; APC, Coliforms MPN, Fecal coliforms surfaces, this is due to the food handlers do not always take ac-
MPN, E. coli MPN, Staph. aureus, and Listeria monocytogenes as curate hygiene measures to prevent cross-contamination. It was
shown in Table 2. The APC values were about 3.55, 4.23, and 3.55 expected that food-handling practices contribute to 40–60% of
log10 at the sampling points, respectively. This indicates that han- the cases of food-borne illness (De Jong et al., 2008; Ebert, 2018;
dling of meat during cutting significantly added (p<0.05) about Ulusoy et al., 2021).
0.68 log CFU of bacteria per g from operator handlers, cutting In contrast, the grilling process significantly (p<0.05) elimi-
boards, and knives. (Ehuwa et al., 2021). nated the coliforms and fecal coliforms to zeros. While this cook-
Despite the cooking step significantly reduced (p<0.05) the ing step reduced the APC and Staph. aureus by 1.37 and 2.56
aerobic bacterial load by the same amount, this reduction rate log10 CFU/g, respectively (Table 3). Inadequate cooking is one of
might be not enough as about 3.55 log10 CFU/g of bacteria were the main factors causing foodborne illness (de Jong et al., 2012),
remaining in the ready-to-eat beef steak. A similar scenario was and a big proportion, 40–60%, of foodborne illness outbreaks are
noticeable in the case of coliforms MPN and fecal coliforms MPN, originating from private households and catering (Cogan et al.,
additionally, the cooking step eliminate any coliforms including 2002). This is partially caused by the consumption of improperly
fecal ones from cooked beef steak. Concerning Staph. aureus, 100 cooked meat. Most consumers and restaurants do not use a food
% of examined beef steak samples at each sampling point (be- thermometer but determine the doneness of meat most often by
fore cutting, after cutting, and after cooking) were contaminated cutting the meat to evaluate changes in color and texture, or by
with Staph. aureus (Table 2). As well, there was not a significant other subjective techniques (Fischer et al., 2006). Similar to beef
difference between the levels of Staph. aureus in the three stag- steak samples, E. coli and L. monocytogenes were absent from
es of beef steak sampling, which confirms the improper cooking beef burger samples at all stages of sample collection. Similar

Table 2. Bacterial counts in beef steak samples collected from a food service establishment at different stages of preparation (log10 CFU/g).
Beef steak samples APC Coliforms MPN Fecal coliforms MPN E. coli MPN Staph. aureus
Raw beef steak before cutting (n=20) 3.55±2.10 b
1.48±0.50 b
0.46±0 b
0±0 4.05±3.64 a
Raw beef steak after cutting (n=20) 4.23±3.67a 2.59±1.97a 0.62± 0a 0±0 4.11±2.38 a
Beef steak after cooking (n=20) 3.55±2.10 b
0.06±0 c
0±0 c
0±0 4.08±2.19 a
Data are represented by Mean ± standard errors.
Where, APC = Aerobic plate counts, MPN= most probable number
Different small letters superscripts (a, b, c) in the same column indicate significant differences between means at P < 0.05.

Table 3. Bacterial counts in beef burger samples collected from a food service establishment at different stages of preparation (log10 CFU/g
Beef burger samples APC Coliforms MPN Fecal coliforms MPN E. coli MPN Staph. aureus
Raw beef before chopping (n=20) 3.58±2.23 b
1.35±0 b
0.24±0.24 b
0±0 3.80±2.72b
Raw beef after mixing/chopping (n=20) 3.91±2.76a 2.04±1.36a 1.53±0.83a 0±0 5.20±3.50a
Beef burger after cooking (n=20) 2.54±1.16 c
0±0 c
0±0 c
0±0 2.64±1.68b
Data are represented by Mean ± standard errors.
Where, APC = Aerobic plate counts, MPN= most probable number
Different small letters superscripts (a, b, c) in the same column indicate significant differences between means at P < 0.05.

Table 4. Bacterial counts in swab samples from meat cutting tools and operator hands collected from a food service establishment before use/work (log10 CFU/

Swab samples APC Coliforms MPN Fecal coliforms MPN E. coli MPN Staph. aureus
Knives (n=20) 1.89±2.16 b
0±0 c
0±0 b
Meat cutting boards (n=20) 3.94±3.49a 1.52±0.76a 0±0b 0±0b 2.83±2.38b
Operator hands (n=20) 3.62±2.17 a
0.91±0.36 b
0.15±0 a
0.57±0.27 a
Data are represented by Mean ± standard errors.
Where, APC = Aerobic plate counts, MPN= most probable number
Different small letters superscripts (a, b, c) in the same column indicate significant differences between means at P < 0.05.

Fathy A. Khalafalla et al. /Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research (2022) Volume 12, Issue 3, 227-233

results were previously reported by (Wehab and Hegazy, 2007) cates the poor personal hygiene in this establishment. Converse-
who did not isolate E. coli from raw beef steak samples. As well, ly, we failed to isolate L. monocytogenes from all swab samples of
a study by (Cagney et al., 2004) reported that unpackaged beef knives, cutting boards, and operator hands (data are not shown).
samples were free of E. coli. In this regard, it was reported that carcass transportation to
In order to evaluate the steps of meat cutting in beef steak butchers’ shops or food service establishments and further minc-
preparation and meat mincing in beef burger preparation as pos- ing/cutting steps under unsanitary conditions including poor
sible sources of meat contamination, cotton swab samples were cleaning and sanitizing and poor personal hygiene could increase
collected from knives, cutting boards, and operator hands before the contamination level of beef steak and beef burger (Mrema et
their use or work. The swab samples were examined for the same al., 2006).
bacteriological criteria as meat samples (Table 4). Cutting boards In the current study, we isolated only one E. coli isolate, which
and operator’s hands had significantly (p<0.05) higher levels of was from a hand swab sample. To investigate the virulence of
APC than knife surfaces. Additionally, cutting boards contained this isolate, it was subjected to molecular identification for the
the highest values of coliforms MPN, followed by operator hands presence of eaeA (Table 6, Fig. 1), which is a gene necessary for
(p<0.05), whereas knives were free from coliforms. the characteristic intimate attachment of enteropathogenic E. coli
Surprisingly, 13, 7, and 1 out of 20 swab samples from hands to epithelial cells of the host (Donnenberg et al., 1993). The ob-
contained coliforms, fecal coliforms, and E. coli, respectively, tained results showed that the isolated E. coli strain from the op-
while knives and cutting boards were free from fecal coliforms erator’s hands contained eaeA, which is able to induce diarrhea,
and E. coli (Table 4 and 5). This confirms the role of the operator’s fever, and systemic and gastrointestinal disturbances in humans
hands in adding extra contamination to meat during prepara- (Donnenberg et al., 1993). These findings indicate the poor per-
tion. The presence of E. coli in hands of workers was similar to sonal hygiene of some food handlers in this food establishment,
Ramadan (2015) who found E. coli in workers’ hands and with and their hands before work may be contaminated with entero-
high rates in frozen beef burger samples. The appearance of E. pathogenic E. coli (EPEC) which can contaminate the food during
coli in hand swab samples may be due to contamination by water preparation. Consequently, consumers eating in that food estab-
during hand washing or improper handwashing after using the lishment may be at risk of exposure to foodborne illness.
toilet (Duffy et al., 2003). Simultaneously, we examined the same isolate for the pres-
Furthermore, contamination with Staph. aureus was reported ence of stx1 gene (Table 6, Fig. 1), which is responsible for the
in 100 % of knives and hand swab samples (20 out of 20 samples, production of Shiga toxins by Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)
each) and 50 % (10 out of 20) of cutting board swab samples (Tahamtan et al., 2010). stx1 gene was not found in this E. coli
(Tables 4 and 5). Similar contamination levels in beef burgers, isolate, and this indicates that the isolate might not belong to the
beef meat, and minced meat with Staph. aureus was detected by group of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), since we did not
Shaltout et al. (2017) and Abd El Tawab et al. (2015). Since human investigate the presence of stx2 gene, this was not confirmed.
is the main reservoir of Staph. aureus (Seo and Bohach, 2012), EHEC is the most significant recently emerged group of food-
the contamination of these cutting tools with Staph. aureus indi- borne pathogens and is more frequently detected worldwide. It

Table 5. Percentage of positive samples (%) based on bacteriological examination.

Beef steak samples Beef burger samples Swab samples
Bacteriological Before
criteria Before cutting After cutting After cooking
After chopping After cooking Knives Cutting boards Hands
(n=20) (n=20) (n=20) (n=20) (n=20) (n=20) (n=20) (n=20)
APC 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Coliforms 100 100 25 100 100 0 0 100 65
Fecal coliforms 35 80 10 35 100 0 0 0 35
E. coli 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Staph. aureus 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 100
L. monocytogenes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 6. Incidence of virulence and antibiotic resistance-associated genes in isolated pathogens [E. coli (n=1) and Staph. aureus (n=6)].
Targeted genes
Isolated pathogen Isolate number Source
eaeA stx1
E. coli 1 Hand swabs + -
Targeted genes
Isolate number Source
mecA coa
1 Hand swabs + +
2 Hand swabs + +
Staph. aureus
3 Hand swabs + +
4 Beef steak after cooking + +
5 Beef steak after cooking - +
6 Beef steak after cooking + +

Fathy A. Khalafalla et al. /Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research (2022) Volume 12, Issue 3, 227-233

can cause severe gastrointestinal disease, hemorrhagic colitis, al., 2010; McAdow et al., 2012). Therefore, it indicates the high
and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) including fatal infections pathogenicity of these isolates to consumers.
(Fagan et al., 1999). Another important virulence factor in any pathogen is its an-
tibiotic resistance abilities, therefore, we also identified Staph. au-
reus isolates for the presence of mecA gene, which is a character-
istic of methicillin resistance in Staph. aureus (MRSA) (Wielders
et al., 2002). The results displayed that 5 out of 6 Staph. aureus
isolates had mecA gene that enables these Staph. aureus strains
to resist the effect of various antibiotics, especially methicillin (Ta-
ble 5, Fig. 2B). Staph. aureus strains resistant to methicillin and
many other antibiotics are major causes of nosocomial infections
worldwide. Methicillin resistance is determined by the mecA
gene, which encodes the low-affinity penicillin-binding protein
PBP 2A (Beck et al., 1986). The spreading of antimicrobial resis-
tance among foodborne pathogens leads to an increase in the
clinical cases of resistant infection (Abdaslam et al., 2014).

The handling of beef steak and beef burgers during meat cutting
and mincing in a food serving establishment could be an import-
ant source of contamination of the end ready-to-eat product.
Additionally, the cooking step might not be applied thorough-
ly, which can leave a high level of bacterial load in the finished
Fig. 1. Electrophoretic profile, in 1.5% agarose gel of polymerase chain reac-
tion (PCR) products, of stx1 and eaeA genes of an E. coli isolate from a hand product. This risk is maximized if there is contamination with
swab sample. stx1 and eaeA genes were detectable at 614 at 248 bp, respective- foodborne pathogens such as E. coli and Staph. aureus. Anoth-
ly. L= ladder, P= positive control, S= Sample, N= negative control. er important risk that was noticeable, is the improper cleaning
and sanitizing and poor personal hygiene, as we found that swab
samples from knives, cutting boards, and operator’s hands were
contaminated with bacteria including coliforms, fecal coliforms,
E. coli, and Staph. aureus. Furthermore, the only E. coli isolate
from a worker’s hand contained eaeA gene, but not stx1 gene,
which indicates that it is an EPEC strain. Moreover, 6 and 5 Staph.
aureus isolates from operator hands and beef steak after cooking
had coa and mecA genes, respectively, which are responsible for
mammalian plasma coagulation and methicillin resistance, re-
spectively. In conclusion, this foodservice establishment applies
poor food safety measures, practices inadequate cleaning and
sanitizing, and food handlers and workers behave poor personal
hygiene, accordingly, it should be faced with a high level of con-
cern and consideration by the legal authorities.

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest in this

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