Hobbies Interests To Put On A Resume - TO PRACTISE

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Hobbies & Interests to Put on a Resume_Practice 1

The hobbies and interests section is an important but optional section in your CV.
Many candidates do include it in their CVs, whereas others don’t.

Including your personal interests on your CV is a great way:

 to stand out ________________________________________________,
 to show ____________________________________________________,
 to give the recruiter ___________________________________________,
 and to make it a basis _________________________________________.

Complete the items on the list above with one of the expressions in the box.

for conversation at the job interview - the prospective employer a bit of your
personality - from the crowd - clues about the real you and your interests

A hobby is an activity that you regularly pursue for enjoyment purposes,

particularly during your leisure time. These are activities that generally relieve
you from stress, tension or fatigue.

What are examples of hobbies for a CV?

1. Playing chess and solving puzzle games
2. Playing individual sports (running, swimming, cycling, etc.)
3. Playing team sports (football, cricket, basketball, tennis, etc.)
4. Using computer programs to design
5. Mentoring or coaching
6. Building and fixing computers
7. Designing and development websites
8. Setting-up computer networks
9. Keeping up with the latest developments in technology
10.Designing art
11.Reading (fiction and non-fiction books, magazines, etc.)
12.Writing (blog posts, articles, poems, books, etc.)
13.Drawing, sketching, etc. by hand
14.Cooking and baking
16.Completing DIY projects

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18.Playing music
19.Cooking and baking
20.Going out and eating at restaurants
21.Creating new dishes
22.Watching Food Channel or other food-related TV programmes (e.g. MasterChef)
23.Learning a new skill
26.Following business and financial news
27.Reading business and financial magazines
28.Being a member of a professional body

Adding personal hobbies to your CV can strengthen your job application and increase

the chances of securing a job interview. This is because recruiters invest in people;
they hire and work with human beings, not robots. Recruiters actively look for every
clue in the candidates’ CVs to find out about their interests, skills, and competencies.

An interest is an activity that you want to do or are currently doing on

an irregular basis.

What are examples of personal interests for a CV?

1. Organising events in the community
2. Being involved with charities
3. Being involved in local clubs, classes and groups
4. Volunteering at local companies, clubs and organisations
5. Participating in fundraising events
6. Participating in campaigns
7. Joining social, environmental, or animal rights groups
8. Attending events, shows and exhibitions
9. Maintaining a personal blog
10. Preparing food for events

These interests enhance your CV because they inform the employer that you
possess excellent interpersonal, organisational and communication skills which
enables you to undertake these activities. It also confirms that you are motivated
and determined about the things you are passionate about.

The benefits of including your personal interests on your CV:

 It will give the recruiter _____________________________________________
 Extracurricular interests ___________________________________________

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 They form a great _________________________________________________
 Sporting activities _________________________________________________
 Involvement in the community _______________________________________

Complete the items on the list above with one of the expressions below.
a) a fuller and more complete picture of you –
b) basis for discussion at the interview stage
c) indicate that you are fit, healthy and outgoing
d) suggests good interpersonal skills
e) tell the employer that you are an all-rounded person who, besides just
working, also enjoys having a good time

The hobbies and interests applicants include in their CVs can reveal a lot of
information about them and their personalities.
Below is a list of some hobbies and interests. You have to complete it with
what they tell employers about the candidate. The list of items you have to
complete the list with is just below it (in scrambled order):
List of hobbies and interests for a CV
Hobby, interest or skill What it reveals about the candidate

Computi ng


Solving puzzles

Playing Football/Soccer

Playing chess


Playing squash


Writi ng

Going to the gym


a) Has excellent problem-solving and analytical skills and likes to overcome challenges
b) Has team-working skills; enjoys the company of other people
c) Is a team player (rather than a loner), has good communication and interpersonal skills
d) Is conscious of their health, is fit and motivated to accomplish goals

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e) Is creative, artistic and/or passionate
f) Is highly competitive and motivated
g) Is intelligent, a strategist and deliberates before taking action
h) Is intelligent, likes learning new things, is open-minded and analytical
i) Is outgoing, social, and adventurous
j) Is technical-minded and good with technology; may also be introverted
k) Keeps fit and healthy

The hobbies and interests that you should put on your CV are those that are relevant
and add value to you application.

The rule of thumb is only to include activities that contribute to and strengthen the
application. If you cannot draw this valid connection, then do not include those

 Brain activities(such as playing chess) are a good match for jobs which
are technical or analytical in nature (e.g. jobs in IT or Science).

 Team sports(such as playing football) are a good match for jobs which
require working with people on a daily basis (e.g. jobs in Business or

Different activities can be interpreted differently depending on the job you are
applying for. For example, “playing computer games” as a hobby is irrelevant to
most jobs and may sometimes portray you as a self-absorbed individual living in
their own little cyber world.

However, the same hobby can add tremendous weight to your CV if you apply
for a job as a video game developer, graphics designer or as a shop assistant at
your local games shop!

How to match your interests with the job you are applying for:
o Check out the job specification and look for clues.
o Researching the company’s culture.
o Make a list of your skills and abilities

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