Amjphnation00504 0117b
Amjphnation00504 0117b
Amjphnation00504 0117b
author delegates to the dental hygienists The book is written for the lay public.
such questionable functions as dental in- At the same time, the professional per-
spections in the school as case-finding
technics, direct teaching in the classroom, son can learn much about ways to pre-
and home visiting. (In some instances, sent technical material.
the author does cite conflicting opinions.) A. JUNE BRICKER
(3) Not altogether accurate, because, as one
example, the definitions of the "M com-
ponent" of the DMF and the "e com- NEW WATER FOR A THIRSTY WORLD-
ponent" of the def indexes are not in ac- By Michael Salzman. Los Angeles, Calif.:
cord with general usage. Science Foundation Press (73314 Ascot Sta-
tion), 1960. 210 pp. Price, $5.95.
Each chapter contains a selected This book projects a theory that: (1)
bibliography (although some references there are everlasting supplies of new
are not up to date). The book has many waters in little-explored, solid-rock fis-
typographical and grammatical errors. sures within the earth; and (2) they
It can be recommended only for the ex- originate from chemical processes oc-
perienced dental health worker who can curring there and are unrelated to the
judge the opinions, philosophies, and familiar ground water, dependent on
examples giiven, and draw from them insoak, which man conventionally taps
suggestions to be tailored to his own to supplement surface supplies.
situation. DAVID F. STRIFFLER These new waters, the author asserts,
can be scientifically located and eco-
FOOD BECOMES YOU-By Ruth M. Leverton nomically brought to the surface, even
(2nd ed.)-Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University in deserts. Examples are cited. This
Press (Press Building), 1960. 198 pp. $3.50.
would be a boon to our present dilemma
The author, associate director of the -a rapidly closing gap between water
Institute of Home Economics, Agricul- demands and the fixed supply of the
tural Research Serv ice, U. S. Depart- hydrologic cycle.
ment of Agriculture, is well qualified to Water pollution and its health impli-
write "a handbook to guide you in cations are briefly discussed. Mentioned
selecting the food that becomes you." is "the constant pollution of our drink-
In addition to being reorganized and ing water by hundreds of new chemical
augmented, much of the second edition products whose effects on human health
is rewritten. The freshness in the pre- are totally unknown." The author pro-
sentation of the accurate nutrition ma- jects a possible link between today's in-
terial, together with the appealing for- creasing chronic (cancer and cardiovas-
mat, satisfies the reader. The food needs cular-renal) disease rate and drinking
and habits for every stage of the life water supplies.
cycle are presented clearly and persua- Apparently painstaking research went
sively. However, the author gives into the preparation of this thought pro-
especially helpful suggestions to the voking and somewhat convincing trea-
parents-in-waiting, mothers of young tise. The effort was spurred by the
children, and to teenagers themselves. work of Stephan Riess, a Californian.
Four of the 17 chapters discuss in- Riess formulated the "new water"
terestingly the hows and whys of weight theory and has gained attention in the
control. Two entirely new chapters are press by drilling good water-producing
concerned with the current thinking on wells where others had failed.
the role of fats in the diet and with food Although Riess has been called by
fads. The book ends with a table of some "a charlatan, a witch, and a fake,"
food values of selected foods commonly the author is convinced that the Riess
used. theory is authentic and that it can ex-