Daily 06-12-19 No 277

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Vol. 26 No. 277 St.

Johnʼs, Antigua Friday December 06, 2019


LOCK HORNS Read story on page 3

Support For Taqiyyah

Mr and Mrs Don Francis — the parents of this year’s representative in the 69th Annual Miss World Contest, Taqiyyah
Francis (inset) — accept a contribution from Minister of Sports, Culture, National Festivals and the Arts, Daryll Matthew,
(centre) on behalf of their daughter. (Photo courtesy Antigua and Barbuda Festivals Commission) Read story on page 12
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December 7
The Museum of Antigua and Barbuda presents the
launch of “The Cornish in the Caribbean” written by
Cornish Antiguan Sue Evan-Wong, on Saturday 7th
December, 7 pm at the Museum Upstairs Gallery. This
is the first study to tell the stories of some of the many
Cornish men and women who went to the Caribbean.
Some became wealthy plantation owners, while others
Partly Cloudy; Partly Cloudy;

came as indentured servants and labourers. All are

High: 31ºC/88ºF High: 31ºC/88ºF
Low : 23ºC/73ºF Low : 23ºC/73ºF

welcome, admission is free.

Sunrise:6:23 am Sunrise:6:24 am
Sunset :5:33 pm Sunset :5:33 pm

December 8
The Association of Sons and Daughters of Willikies in-
vites the general public to its fundraising Glow Walk &
Barbecue, commencing at 5 pm on Sunday 8th De-
cember, from the Welsh’s Superette in Pares Village to
Long Bay. Tickets, $25, include the cost of the barbe-
cue, and are available from executive members. All
proceeds are in aid of the Willikies Village Reunion in
August 2020.

December 10 OBITUARIES / Voice of the People

The Antigua Girls High School presents its annual 6 a.m. – 6:30 a.m. Focusing on Hot Button
Carol Service 2019, under the theme ‘Wings of Love’ Issues
at the Spring Gardens Moravian Church, Tuesday Birthday Club
10th December at 5 pm. All are invited and we are 6:30 a.m. – 6:45 a.m. Lunch Time Edition
thankful for your continuous support. of the Big Stories
1st Morning Edition of 11:45 a.m. – 12 p.m.
December 15 the Big Stories
CHRISTMAS PROGRAMME 6:45 a.m. – 7 a.m. Youtholgy
The Sunbeam Choir of the Ebenezer Methodist Church 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
presents its Annual Christmas Programme on Sunday Observer AM
15th December, from 5 pm. Admission is free, but a col- 7 a.m. – 9 a.m. Session in Steel
lection will be taken in aid of the Church’s Restoration News and Current 5 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Fund. Come out and support our children. A Merry Affairs The fastest half hour on
Christmas and a prosperous 2020 to all! radio
2nd Morning Edition
December 18 of the Big Stories Evening Edition of
CANDLELIGHT SERVICE 7:45 a.m. – 8 a.m. the Big Stories
The Glory Alley Choir celebrates its 30th Annual Can- 5:30 p.m. – 6 p.m.
dlelight Service on Wednesday 18th December. Bring Good Morning Jojo The most comprehensive
the family out to the Zion Potters Moravian Church at 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. round-up of the day’s
7 pm as we perform with our friends and family. Don’t Weekday Sporting news
forget to bring your candle and your Christmas Love Highlights
Offering! See you there! Obituaries/Almanac
6 p.m. – 6:30 p.m
December 18 – 20
All Saints Pentecostal Church-Kingdom Life Cen-
ter invites you to Journey to Shiloh 2019 under the Local listeners (268) 462-2911
Interact with Observer Radio by phone, text or email

theme: 2020 the Year of Uncommon Miracles, from Text (268) 725-9111
Wednesday 18th to Friday 20th December from 7 each Email: [email protected]
night at the church.
Skype ID: observer.radio.antigua Follow us on Twitter:
Send your notices to The Daily Observer: Like us on Facebook: observermediagroup
[email protected] For general information (not on-air), call 462-3911
Fri d a y D ece mb e r 06 , 20 19 Pa g e 3
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Browne says no apology for Vere Bird III,

recommends psychological treatment
By Carl Joseph

Prime Minister Gaston

Browne has acknowledged
receipt of correspondence
sent by attorney
Charlesworth Tabor on be-
half of his client, Vere Bird III,
requesting that he should
apologise for statements he
made on Facebook just a
month ago.
Bird’s letter, dated De-
cember 4th 2019, gave
Browne seven days to re-
spond with specific actions to
include a retraction his social
media post.
The prime minister’s re-
sponse, however, is that there
will be no apology forthcom-
ing and to let Bird III know
that, “he needs psychiatric
From left, Prime Minister Gaston Browne; Vere Bird III, Chairman of the Antigua and Barbuda True Labour
Party. (file photos)
The Facebook post con-
cerned an alleged Cabinet de-
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cision that Bird an acre of bers of this society and ex- cerning my client, and (4) emotion … so the lawsuit is
land for a purchase price of posed him to hatred, odium, provide an offer in damages already there for him.”
$25,000. ridicule and contempt”. (compensation) to properly This news of Browne’s
The letter to the prime The letter then re- compensate my client for the unwillingness to apologise
minister asserted that, “con- quested that Browne should defamatory statement made and recant his statement will
cocting a deal to sell himself “(1) immediately retract the by you and the injury to my come as no surprise to Bird
land at a Parliamentary rate defamatory statement and re- client’s reputation, the dis- III, as he preempted the
… this allegation, you should move it from your Facebook tress caused to him and the prime minister’s response:
be aware is scandalous and page. (2) Provide an apology costs to which he has been “Of course, he’s not going to
patently false.” to my client in terms to be ap- put in the matter.” accept. He’s going to rile up
The attorney further as- proved by him. (3) Give an Bird III said that, “By the and act all foolish.
serted that Browne’s state- assurance and undertaking in end of the week, next week, “But he can go and take
ment, “has lowered the writing that you will not re- he will receive his lawsuit. I his statements to court,” Bird
perception of my client in the peat the publication of these already drafted it. I drafted it III added, “and let the judge
eyes of right-thinking mem- or similar allegations con- myself. I didn’t do it out of hear what he has to say.”

Local law enforcement personnel

deployed to Dominica
By Elesha George know what is going on in chaos because that will affect been asking that the voters
Dominica. The president re- us all, especially Antigua list be cleaned and that na-
Antigua and Barbuda quested the assistance be- and Barbuda; they are our tional identification cards be
deployed 18 law enforce- cause of the unrest that is neighbours and we have a instituted. Their requests
ment personnel on Thurs- going on. Neither side in Do- lot of brothers and sister here have fallen on deaf ears.
day, December 5th, 2019, minica is taking responsibil- with us,” he added. Since elections were an-
adding to the number of ity for this, but I think we However, the other con- nounced a month ago,
CARICOM forces that have have a good idea as to the cerns, like electoral reform, protests and clashes between
been sent to the Common- source of this unrest,” Jonas are directly linked to the civilians and police have
wealth Dominica to assist explained. country’s general elections. been reported across Do-
with peace keeping during He said that deployment For years, residents have minica.
today’s general elections. of security forces is to ensure
This week’s Cabinet that “free and fair” and free December 24
Spokesman, Minister Dean from fear elections take place CHRISTMAS BOOK DRIVE
Jonas said the country has in Dominica, voicing that The Clare Hall Secondary School is having a Christmas Book Drive to
promote the love of reading by giving at least 60 students a new book
sent 10 Police and eight De- “the other concerns that for the New Year. Make a donation at the school or purchase a book
fence Force officers to the sis- these persons may have they at Best of Books on the school’s behalf. Book Drive ends on 24th De-
ter country in an effort to will have to address it at an- cember 2019. Our contact number is 462-3487.
help stablise tensions be- other time, in another
tween civilians and local law forum”. December 29
enforcement officials. “The attempt that we’re CHRISTMAS PROGRAMME
The Cassada Gardens Methodist Church cordially invites you to its
“We’re getting the news trying to address right now Annual Christmas Programme on Sunday 29th December, from 4:30
reports not just on the formal is to ensure that on Friday pm. Contribution, $20. Please save this date and support us. Season’s
media, we do have a lot of we have free and fair elec- Greetings and Blessings to all.
them amongst us so we tions in Dominica and not
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APUA quotes wrong forecast; water

rationing based on daily readings
By Elesha George “The underwater is not
that settled as yet so the mem-
The Antigua Public Utili- branes for the osmosis plant
ties Authority (APUA) is ex- will still not be able to do the
pected to correct a statement work that they’re required to
purporting that 10-foot sea do until the water settles,” he
swells would affect the distri- shared.
bution of potable water in cer- The good news is that
tain areas across the country. swells will not reach the lev-
In a press statement is- els that were indicated in the
sued on Wednesday, Novem- press statement, Josiah said,
ber, 4th, 2019, the utilities informing OBSERVER media
authority said it would be that “I just did the forecast;
“reducing water production the seas are likely to be in the
at the Camp Blizzard Desali- region between four and
nation Plant and Ffryes Re- High Surf – Fort James, Antigua (photo credit: https://268weather.word- seven feet in terms of wind
verse Osmosis Plant over the press.com/) driven waves; the swells are
next few days”, making refer- Business Unit said it would “We had a high surf advi- not going to be driving hard
ence to a warning issued by need to reduce water produc- sory event last week and that like last week at all.”
the Antigua Meteorological tion until sea conditions be- was discontinued on Monday Meanwhile, APUA Water
Office. come more favourable. and apparently they used that Manager, Ian Lewis informed
APUA said that these sea Customers in the northern particular information from our newsroom that decisions
conditions “have the poten- and southern sections of the Monday,” Climatologist on water rationing are actu-
tial to damage equipment island, it added, can expect an Leonard Josiah told OB- ally based on daily readings
vital for water production at adjustment in the regularity SERVER media. on turbidity. He said based on
the northern and southern of water distribution during The decision to ration the quantity of water col-
sections of the islands”, that time. water distribution in those lected, a decision is made on
claiming that the quality of However, on Thursday areas may still remain, how- how to distribute that water.
sea water coming into the December 5th, 2019, officials ever, since Josiah explained At present, he shared that
plants had already deterio- from the Met Office said the that “according to APUA, there is only one operational
rated tremendously. company was quoting from a there is some turbidity still lin- desalination plant at Ffryes
In an effort to protect the forecast that has already gering from the event last and two at Camp Blizzard,
equipment, the APUA Water ended. week”. until conditions improve.

Jury finds Toby Benjamin not guilty of murder

By Latrishka Thomas the police said Hughes’ she returned home and
mother had left him at home found him dead.
A jury, on Wednesday, around 5:15 that morning, Despite compelling testi-
acquitted Toby “Seeka” Ben- and went to the family’s monies from the deceased’s
jamin, who was standing bread shop, with the expec- mother and other witnesses,
trial for the murder of tation that her son would fol- it proved insufficient be-
Cashew Hill resident low. cause no one testified to ac-
Charles “Bush” Hughes. But after he failed to tually witnessing the
Benjamin, of All Saints, show up, she became con- shooting.
was charged with killing 37- cerned and tried reaching Consequently, there was
year-old Hughes on Febru- him via his cellular phone. not enough proof to link
ary 11th 2014. After all efforts failed, Benjamin to the crime.
Initially, it was reported
that the murder victim was January 17
discovered dead in his bed GOSPEL MUSIC & MEDIA AWARDS
with his throat slashed. The Antigua Barbuda Gospel Music & Media Awards is now ac-
cepting submissions for the 2020 award ceremony. Local radio
However, an autopsy re- and television stations are eligible to submit one or more pro-
vealed that he had been shot grammes for nomination in various categories. Deadline is Janu-
in the neck. ary 17th 2020. Contact [email protected] for more details
Toby “Seeka” Benjamin.
(File photo)
At the time, reports from or call or WhatsApp 722-2576.
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Public opinion blamed for delinquent

behaviour of students
Stigma and discrimina- come to Ottos Comprehen- urged families to take greater Roberts revealed that the
tion has been singled out as sive School because they responsibility for the chil- student was assisted by the
one of the main factors af- label them as misfits; as no dren and said that parents teachers who were able to
fecting the aggressive behav- good.” need to ensure that children contain the bleeding before
iour of students at the Ottos Roberts made reference are properly socialised. the ambulance arrived.
Comprehensive School to the socio-psychological The fifth form victim in The young male victim,
(OCS). phenomenon known as the the afore-mentioned stab- who is a prefect, is said to be
Yesterday at around 10 self-fulfilling prophecy which bing incident was said to be from Bendals Village.
am, a student at the OCS was speaks to an expectation or receiving treatment at the The other student is re-
reportedly stabbed with a prediction made about some- Mount St John’s Medical portedly assisting the police
sharp object by one of his one that becomes true in the Center. with their investigations.
peers, and when OBSERVER person’s behaviour.
media reached out to the “Society would have BECOME A MEMBER OF YWC
Principal of the school, Foster given them the short end of Yes We Care is a nonprofit organisation that caters to the needs of
Roberts, he spoke emphati- the stick…they don’t hear the the less fortunate elderly in Antigua and Barbuda, since most
cally saying that “society has good that they do but they times this group of people are usually rejected and ignored. Con-
been very wicked and cruel hear the bad,” he said: tact us @ Tel: (268) 781-2687. Website: www.ywcyeswecare.com
and evil to the students that The principal therefore


For Sale by Public Auction –
Waterfront Property at Registration Section: Villa
Instructed by CIBC FirstCaribbean FORM P7
International Bank Limited of High Runaway Bay Block : 62 1694F
Rule 15
and Market Streets, in the City of THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN Instructed by Roberts & Co, Parcel: 326
Saint John in Antigua and Barbuda, SUPREME COURT Attorneys at Law for ABI Bank
I will sell by public auction on Limited, we shall sell by Public Instructed by ABI Bank
IN THE HIGH COURT Auction on Thursday 12th
Wednesday 15th day of January OF JUSTICE December 2019 at 2:00 PM, an at- Limited, In Receivership as
2020 at 4:00 p.m. on site the un-
dermentioned property owned by
ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA tractive waterfront commercial Chargee I shall sell by Public
Taban Telemaque of Golden
No. of 2019 property situated at Runaway Bay Auction on Thursday 12th
Grove, St. Johnʼs, Antigua. on a parcel of land registered as: December, 2019 at 12:00 p.m.
In the Estate of Registration Section:
on site, the above property
The subject property consists of a McKinnons; Block #: 45-1595B;
late of Powellʼs Estate, Parcel #: 3 measuring located in the Villa Area, north
parcel of land with single family
detached bungalow building St. Georgeʼs, Antigua, Deceased approximately 0.9 acres. It is of the Villa Playing Field, St.
thereon located at Golden Grove in owned by Gravelport Ltd. Johnʼs, Antigua under the
the Parish, St. Johnʼs, Antigua and ADVERTISEMENT OF This waterfront property, located at ownership of Spencer P. and
consisting of an area of APPLICATION FOR GRANT Runaway Bay, embraces white Elaine Skerritt, of Fort Road,
approximately 0.1 acre. sandy beaches and natural
sceneries; the location boasts St. Johnʼs, Antigua.
The land is registered under the unique privacy, serenity, and
Registered Land Act, 1975 as TAKE NOTICE that an application exclusivity, whilst also being just 10 The property is a vacant parcel
follows: - has been filed FUSTINNA JUNEY minutesʼ drive from the capital city. of land that is partially fenced
REGISTRATION SECTION: WALDRON of Powellʼs Estate, in measuring approximately 0.41
GOLDEN GROVE The property offers a casino, bar,
the Parish of Saint George, in the
lounge, lobby, cage area, restau- acres and is situated in the
BLOCK: 612 1790C
Island of Antigua, for a Grant of rant w/kitchen and dining area, middle-income residential
Letters of Administration to the Ap- three offices, restrooms and a deck development in the Villa Area,
plicant who was the spouse of the on the lower floor. Meanwhile, the west of the Anglican Church on
Deceased, the deceased having upper floor level accommodates a
died intestate on the 9th day of July, Fort Road and 0.75 miles from
Block: 612 1790C; Parcel: 12 club area, restrooms, game room
2019. area, deck area, office space and St. Johnʼs, and within walking
are bounded by the following:
Any person having an objection to two kitchens. distance of the Fort James
- North by access road; the Grant of Letters of Administra- Beach. The area has all utilities
- West by Parcel: 11; tion to the Applicants shall file an The auction will be held on site. in place. Further details of the
- East by Parcel: 13; objection within fourteen (14) days Bidders must have a picture ID in Auction may be obtained from
- South by Parcel: 16; of the publication of this Notice. order to be registered for the
auction which will begin promptly at
Particulars of the sale can be ob- Dated this 27th day 2:00 PM. Mr. TREVOR SANTOS,
tained from the undersigned at his of November, 2019 Licensed Auctioneer at
office at St. Claire Estate, Further details may be obtained 464-7653, 720-7653 or
P.O. Box 2107, St. Johnʼs, An- FUSTINNA JUNEY WALDRON from ACME Real Estate Agents, 562-7653.
tigua. T/P (Applicant) Tel. no. 770 ACME (2263); 464
720-9015 ACME (2263) Email:
[email protected] ~ Dated the 19th day of
Filed by Michael John of Thomas, Web: www.acme-realestate.com November, 2019
John & Co., Attorneys-at-law Roberts & Co., Attorneys at Law –
Sgd MICHAEL ROBERTS whose address for service is Lower
Auctioneer 462 0076; 462 1388 TREVOR TEDDY SANTOS
Factory Road, St. Johnʼs, Antigua,
268 460 5860/1. ACME Real Estate Agents Ltd. Licensed Auctioneer
Fri d a y D ece mb e r 06 , 20 19 Pa g e 1 1
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Gov’t contributes to A & B’s

Miss World representative
The Government of An- thanked the Government of
tigua and Barbuda has pledged Antigua and Barbuda for its
its support for Taqiyyah Fran- timely donation.
cis, Antigua and Barbuda’s In relation to her progress
Ambassador in the 69th An- thus far, she said, “It has been
nual Miss World Contest. going great, and in fact, it has
Minister of Sports, Cul- not felt like a competition since
ture, National Festivals and the I’ve been here; it is very
Arts, Daryll Matthew made homely. I have been making
the contribution on behalf of wonderful connections with
the government, yesterday, the Miss World Team, as well
and expressed its support for as all of the girls. So far, I have
the “bid by Miss Taqiyyah made it to the Top 40 in the Top
Francis to capture the crown in Model, and I did an excellent
the Miss World Pageant next job in my Head to Head Chal-
week”. lenge and there is a Preview
“We believe that she pres- Show on Monday 9th, which I
ents one of our greatest am also very happy about”.
prospects in a long time and In closing, she urged the
we are very excited about her entire nation of Antigua and
participation. We believe that Barbuda to support her jour-
Miss Francis’ presence in the ney in the Miss World Compe-
UK will also benefit our tition. She is also encouraging
tourism product as millions everyone to download ‘Mob-
will view the pageant world- star’, which is a mobile voting
wide. We send her our best application, for the ‘Multime-
wishes for a successful compe- dia Challenge’, a fast-tracking
tition,” Matthew said during a event that advances contest-
presentation ceremony yester- ants into the Top 40 on the final
day. night.
The beauty queen’s par- She explained that the vot-
ents, Mr and Mrs Don Francis ing process only requires per-
accepted the contribution on sons to comment and like all of
behalf of their daughter, as she Antigua and Barbuda’s representative in the 69th Annual Miss World
Contest Taqiyyah Francis proudly flies the nation’s flag in London.
her posts and for the ‘Head to
is currently in London prepar- (Photo courtesy Festivals Commission) Head Challenge’, she encour-
ing for major competition. aged persons to vote online via
Chairman of the Antigua she will continue to do our na- pageant will also expose our the official Miss World website,
and Barbuda Festivals Com- tion proud. We know that the twin island nation to millions www.missworld.com.
mission, Maurice Merchant decks are stacked considerably of prospective tourists around The finals for the oldest
also shared his profound sup- against her, but we believe that the world. We are very excited running international beauty
port by stating that, “The An- her strong personality and de- about her participation and pageant will be taking place on
tigua and Barbuda Festivals termination to succeed will re- wish her well.” Saturday, December 14th, 2019
Commission sends our best sult in her successful Twenty five-year-old at the EXCEL Arena in Lon-
wishes and congratulations to participation. Takiyyah, who is quite ecstatic don, where Takiyyah will take
Taqiyyah and we believe that “Her participation in this about the competition, the stage.


CALL 1-268-462-3920/21
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Cabinet links local private sector

downturn to global trend
By Carl Joseph it pushed out smaller chains. plan and their business strate-
But things had changed by gies to determine how to ad-
The Cabinet of Antigua 1998, and Walmart began sell- dress that.”
and Barbuda confirmed that ing more toys than Toys R Us Asked whether the gov-
recent downturn in the retail in the US. ernment could do more to fur-
global market has been signif- The toy-retail giant offi- ther incentivise the private
icantly reflected in the An- cially closed its doors in June sector, Jonas said, “it’s not re-
tigua and Barbuda economy 2018. ally an issue for the govern-
over the past few years. In 2019, discount shoe re- ment per sé, but these
Cabinet spokesman, tailer, Payless Shoes Source, businesses are going to have
Minister of Agriculture, Fish- filed for bankruptcy, and an- to come together and look at
eries and Barbuda Affairs nounced its plan to close all how they’re going to address
Dean Jonas said on Thursday US stores. Over 2,000 Payless this problem.”
that, “it is a trend across the locations across the US, in- While the Cabinet of An- Cabinet spokesman, Minister of
entire globe because of the In- cluding Puerto Rico closed tigua and Barbuda acknowl- Agriculture, Fisheries and Barbuda
ternet and e-commerce … the their doors. The Antigua fran- edged a 7.4 percent growth in Affairs, Dean Jonas.
retail-type businesses are suf- chise and over 1,400 others the economy in 2018 over
fering. Not just in Antigua, it other Payless franchises and 2017, it said that a preponder- collections being made by the
is a global trend”. licensed Payless stores around ance of that growth is due to Inland Revenue Department
More than 9,300 retail the world that have not been growth in the tourism sector. (IRD). The post-Cabinet notes
stores are expected to close in affected. “There has been growth stated that the revenue collec-
the United States by the end of “A lot of people are just in the tourism sector; and, sig- tions by the department “have
2019. not going into stores to buy nificant growth by the way,” been somewhat flat while the
Toys R Us was once king the usual things anymore,” the minister explained. economy continues to grow
of the toy castle. In the 1990s, it Jonas pointed out, “so these The Cabinet had become robustly”.
was the biggest toy seller in persons are now going to have concerned that the increase However, on Wednesday,
the US, expanding rapidly as to look again at their business was not being reflected in the IRD Commissioner Ralph
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Warner made reports to Cabi- Jonas said that it is primarily evade increases in tax liability, who will go behind the re-
net, of steady increases in IRD the hotel industry that is of and others under-report their porting of selected firms that
revenues being $49 million in concern for non-payment. sales in order to pay less ABST. are, as the Cabinet reported,
2017, $50 million in 2018 and The Commissioner and To increase compliance, “evidently growing but pay-
59 million in 2019 to date. the Deputy explained that sev- the IRD reported that it has ing less in ABST or other
Tourist arrivals are up 10 eral businesses are better at hired additional auditors and taxes than they should be
percent so far for the year and concealing profits and, hence, trained forensic accountants paying”.

Department of Environment holds successful

Arbour Day Plant Fair and Climate Fest
The lawn of the Depart-
ment of Environment was
abuzz with activity last week
as hundreds of patrons, in-
cluding school children, at-
tended for the annual Arbour
Day Plant Fair and Climate
Last Thursday’s event,
which was the highlight of
the Arbour Month activities,
saw plant enthusiasts and
fans visiting the department
to purchase some of the 8,000
plants available for distribu-
Many patrons got an
early start to their purchases
as lines of people formed
even before the scheduled 10
am start to get their first pick
of the available plants.
Seventeen varieties of
fruit trees were available
from the Department of Envi-
ronment, to include: mango,
golden apple, sugar apple,
custard apple, marley apple,
Students receive plants at the Department of Environment’s Plant Fair. (Contributed)
white and pink guava, Bajan
and Surinamese cherry, lime,
lemon, tangerine, and pome-
granate, among others.
There were also addi-
tional private plant vendors
who sold other varieties of
plants such as succulents,
palms, and grafted fruit trees.
In addition to the main
attraction of the plant fair,
there were displays from
MegaPower Antigua, who
showcased their electric cars
and motorcycles, as well as
the Environmental Aware-
ness Group, who presented
their “Redonda on the Road”
art installation.
The proceeds for the
plant sales will go directly to
purchasing biodegradable
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plant bags — for the new theme “Think Outside the

trees currently being grown Barrel”, and included activi-
— which will be replacing the ties such as community tree
previously used plastic plant plantings, school visits, and a
bags. Not only are these Barbuda outreach initiative.
biodegradable bags more en- Several schools visited
vironmentally friendly, but the plant fair, including the
they will also promote plant TN Kirnon Primary School,
growth. Sunnyside Tutorial School,
This year’s Arbour Adele School for Special Chil-
Month was held under the dren, and others.
Pa g e 1 8 Th u r sday D e cem be r 0 5, 20 19
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CARDI celebrates 45 years

By Latrishka Thomas

The Caribbean Agricul-

tural Research and Develop-
ment Institute (CARDI)
celebrated 45 years of service
to the region yesterday
under the theme: “CARDI
Celebrating 45 Years; From
Research to Impact.”
To mark the momentous
occasion, the local institute
conducted an official cere-
mony and tour of the Betty’s
Hope facility.
In his remarks, Perma-
nent Secretary in the Min-
istry of Agriculture, Colin
O’Keiffe noted just how im-
portant the institute has been
over the years saying:
“CARDI has played a signif-
icant role over the years in
supporting the work pro-
gramme of the Ministry of
Agriculture by providing
technical support and train-
ing for crop and livestock
“Officers along with
other stakeholders have ben-
efitted from numerous train-
ing opportunities. These are
workshops conducted by
CARDI or facilitated by
CARDI both locally and re-
He also referenced the
significant role CARDI An-
tigua plays in the production
of seeds.
“At its inception, one of
CARDI’s mandates was to
produce seeds to support The Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) 45th anniversary ceremony and tour.
(Photo by Latrishka Thomas)
agriculture in our region. In
Antigua and Barbuda our right here at CARDI to sup- much more if we are able to strengthen our selves and
records reveal that this coun- port both local and regional better channel our resources, the resilience is to the
try was selected as a center crop and livestock produc- to have better planning and strengthen the agricultural
for this pivotally important ers,” O’Keiffe detailed. from my perspective, it sector.”
seed production effort. Meanwhile, Paul Lucas, needs better dialogue and CARDI operates in 14
“And this decision was the local CARDI representa- communication.” Caribbean territories with a
based on the fact that An- tive for Antigua and Bar- And as an example, he mission to “contribute to the
tigua and Barbuda has a dry buda in his address said that shared that ahead of 2019 the sustainable development of
semi-arid climate in which there is still much more institute worked with Bar- Caribbean people by the
many of the deceases associ- progress to be made in the buda following the devasta- generation, transfer and ap-
ated with crop production way or agriculture. tion of the island by plication of appropriate tech-
would be minimised. To He said that in terms of Hurricane Irma. nologies through
date, numerous species of our output: “I believe that Lucas said: “One of the agricultural research for de-
seeds have been produced we could accomplish so ways in which we can velopment”.
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Local participants benefit from

training with Cuban technicians
Representatives from sev-
eral departments and min-
istries throughout the island
benefited from a four-day
training session last week,
which focused on Cuba’s
early warning system and risk
reduction strategies.
The training session was
part of an overall project
called “Strengthen Integrated
and Cohesive Preparedness
Capacity at a Regional, Na-
tional and Community Level
in the Caribbean” and fea-
tured a team of technicians
from Cuba’s Environment
Agency and the Civil Defense
Office who shared their ex-
pertise with local bodies.
These included individu-
als from the National Office of
Disaster Services (NODS), the
(Photos courtesy NODS) Met Office, the Development
T h u rs d ay De ce mb er 05 , 2 0 19 Pa g e 2 1
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Control Authority (DCA), Na-

tional Parks Authority, the
Ministries of Works, Tourism,
Health and Agriculture, the
Fisheries Department, the
Central Housing and Plan-
ning Authority (CHAPA) and
the Antigua and Barbuda Red
Agencies that make up
the National Emergency Op-
erations Centre (NEOC) and
the District Disaster Coordi-
nators were also present at the
sessions which highlighted
the best practices used in
Cuba in disaster risk reduc-
tion, climate change adapta-
tion, hazard vulnerability and lamine Andrew-Williams said local governance and the idea the European Union and is
risk studies of damage due to despite the size difference, of the various structures as- being implemented by a num-
strong winds and coastal there are a number of things sisting in disaster risk man- ber of partners, namely the
floods. that can be implemented lo- agement in the community Caribbean Disaster Emer-
NODS Project Officer De- cally. and secondly how they go gency Management Agency
“Chief among them are about preparing the whole na- (CDEMA), the International
tion especially with the disas- Federation of Red Cross and
AUCTION NOTICE AUCTION NOTICE ter risk management training Red Crescent Societies, the
For Sale by Public Auction – For Sale by Public Auction – days - designating a national United Nations Development
Vacant Land at Belle Vue Vacant Land at Belle Vue day where people actively Programme (UNDP), and the
Instructed by ECAMC, participate in being sensi- UN Office for the Coordina-
Instructed by ECAMC, Receiver tized,” Andrew-Williams said. tion of Humanitarian Affairs
Receiver for ABI Bank for ABI Bank Limited (In
Limited (In Receivership), we Receivership), we shall sell by The project is funded by (UNOCHA).
shall sell by Public Auction on Public Auction on Thursday
Thursday 19th December, 19th December, 2019 at 3:00
2019 at 4:00 PM, one parcel of PM, one parcel of land situated
land situated at Belle Vue at Belle Vue Estate, registered
Estate, registered as: as: Registration Section:
Registration Section: Central, Freemans Village;
Central, Freemans Village; Block #: 14 2288A; Parcel #:
Block #: 14 2288A; Parcel #: 84 measuring 0.44 acre. It is
82 measuring 0.61 acre. It is owned by George Arthurton.
owned by George Arthurton.
The site consists of one parcel
The site consists of one parcel of land, rectangular in shape.
of land which slopes The land slopes northwards and
northwards and commands an commands an excellent view of
excellent view of northern parts the northern and eastern
of the island. The property is sections of the island. The
unfenced, unoccupied land property is unfenced,
fronted by an unpaved road on unoccupied land fronted by an
the west. unpaved road on the west.

The auction will be held on site. The auction will be held on site.
Bidders must have a picture ID Bidders must have a picture ID
in order to be registered for the in order to be registered for the
auction which will begin auction which will begin
promptly at 4:00 PM. promptly at 3:00 PM.
Further details may be
obtained from ACME Real Further details may be
Estate Agents, Tel. no. 770 obtained from ACME Real
ACME (2263); 464 ACME Estate Agents, Tel. no. 464
(2263); 464 7293 Email: ACME (2263); 770 ACME
[email protected] ~ (2263); 464 7293 Email:
Web: [email protected] ~
www.acme-realestate.com Web: www.acme-
Michael Roberts
Licensed Auctioneer Michael Roberts
ACME Real Estate Agents Licensed Auctioneer
ACME Real Estate Agents Ltd.
Pa g e 2 2 Th u r sday D e cem be r 0 5, 20 19
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Pa g e 2 4 Th u r sday D e cem be r 0 5, 20 19
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election free from fear and

Our Neighbours
free and fair.
“We are just trying to en-
sure that we don’t have
chaos in Dominica because
that would affect us all espe-
cially, Antigua and Barbuda.
We are only sending 18 and
other countries have sent
All six RSS member more,” he said.
Matthew said the gov-
ernment of Antigua believe
countries in Dominica that residents should go out
to vote without being or feel-
ing afraid.
“We have to be our
– RSS official
DOMINICA, Roseau - The attorney general twin-island state – like other
brother’s keeper,” he added.
There have also been
An official at the Regional and minister responsible for OECS governments that are media reports confirming
Security Services (RSS) public safety in Antigua and RSS Treaty Members – has that RSS personnel from St.
Headquarters in Barbados, Barbuda, Steadroy Benjamin, honoured the request and Lucia had been dispatched
Colonel Ford, has informed has confirmed that he re- dispatched 18 personnel [10 to St. Lucia.
Dominica News Online ceived a request from the policemen and 8 soldiers]. We asked Colonel Ford
(DNO) that all six RSS mem- President of Dominica, Cabinet spokesperson, about the total number of
ber countries have, at the re- Charles Savarin, for a contin- Dean Jonas, told a press troops that would be coming
quest of the Dominican gent of security personnel to briefing this morning that to Dominica from the RSS;
authorities, dispatched law be dispatched to this coun- the hope is that these officers he said he was unable to pro-
enforcement personnel to try. can help assist with keeping vide that information. (Do-
Dominica. The government of the tomorrow’s (Friday) general minica News Online)

Trinidad school terror: Pupils

scream as gunfire erupts
TRINIDAD, Port of had recess around 10 a.m. Bhagwandeen was returning to ‘shoot up the
Spain - Classes were in ses- and were allowed into the gunned down mere metres Coffee.’
sion at the all-girls school school yard for the break. away from the office of the Bhagwandeen was lim-
when around 9:15 a.m. the The school’s principal Homicide Bureau on Coffee ing in the outdoor seating
gunshots were heard. declined to comment to the Street. area of the roadside bar with
The children screamed Express. Clint Bhagwandeen, 30, other people when he was
for several minutes, but the Police were told that of Olera Heights, was shot shot multiple times.
teachers and principals kept around 9:15 a.m. the gun- multiple times and died at The killer ran off and es-
them in their classrooms and man saw his target walking the scene. caped.
calmed them. south along Drayton Street, The shooting occurred Police said they have in-
Classes continued and and fired behind him. around 9.30 p.m. when formation on the suspect.
within minutes several po- The targeted man ran off Bhagwandeen was liming at They said that Bhagwan-
lice units with some 20 po- and escaped in the adjacent D/UP LQ Lounge. deen had a pending case in
lice officers of the San streets. Witnesses told police court for a firearm-related of-
Fernando CID, and Southern Police suspect that the that earlier that night Bhag- fence.
Division Task Force re- shooting was a reprisal for wandeen had an altercation His family declined to be
sponded. the killing of Clint Bhagwan- with another man. interviewed when contacted
With police officers man- deen, who was shot dead on The man allegedly told by the Express. (Trinidad Ex-


ning the streets, the pupils Saturday night. Bhagwandeen that he was press)

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Pa g e 2 6 Th u r sday D e cem be r 0 5, 20 19
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ping off the United States like

they did before Trump be-
came president.”
Biden’s campaign was
also bolstered on Thursday
by the endorsement of John
Kerry, the former U.S. sena-
tor, secretary of State and

World View Democratic


“I’ve never before seen

the world more in need of
someone who on day one
can begin the incredibly hard
At Iowa event, Biden gets work of putting back to-
gether the world Donald
Trump has smashed apart,”
into spat over Ukraine Kerry said in a statement,
crediting Biden’s help on
(Reuters) - On a day when fighting Islamic State and
Democratic presidential can- striking a deal on Iran’s nu-
didate Joe Biden sought to clear program.
fortify his foreign policy cre- Biden argues that his for-
dentials in his quest to take eign policy experience as a
on Donald Trump next year, long-time senator and then
he mixed it up with an Iowa Obama’s vice-president have
voter over his son’s alleged prepared him for the White
role in the Ukraine scandal House.
that has been dogging the But he is facing a tough
president. primary against 14 other De-
“You’re a damn liar, mocrats, including a current
man,” an agitated Biden told U.S. senator from Massachu-
a man at a campaign event in setts, Elizabeth Warren.
New Hampton, Iowa, who Kerry will join Biden on
suggested that Biden had the campaign trail on Friday
helped his son Hunter land a in Iowa and on Sunday in
lucrative position with the “Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, lashes out.” New Hampshire, a state that
Ukrainian oil company,
(Photo courtesy Reuters) borders Massachusetts and
Burisma. one point appeared to call day it had been viewed on where Kerry’s endorsement
“No one has said my son him “fat.” Twitter 8 million times. may be particularly impor-
has done anything wrong,” Trump’s re-election cam- The minute-long tant. Iowa and New Hamp-
Biden told the man, who did paign quickly posted the video plays off a clip taken at shire will be the first states to
not identify himself. “Get video of the exchange, sug- a NATO summit in Britain select a Democratic nominee
your words straight, Jack.” gesting that Biden had gone this week that appeared to next February, and Kerry
Trump’s push to suggest “berserk.” show Canadian Prime Minis- won both states in the 2004
that Biden, as vice president, Biden was in New ter Justin Trudeau joking primaries.
worked to aid Hunter Hampton as part of his eight- about Trump’s press appear-
Biden’s business activities in day bus tour across Iowa as ances during a chat with NATURALISATION
Ukraine, is at the centre of he seeks to secure his place as other world leaders.
one of the leading contenders “The world is laugh-
the impeachment inquiry
being conducted by the U.S. for the Democratic presiden- ing,” reads the text over that NOTICE IS HEREBY given
House of Representatives. tial nomination. The ex- clip and others of Trump’s that RAMONA SANTOS
Trump and his allies have of- change was part of what had trips abroad. “We need a CONCEPCION of Cashew
fered no evidence to support already been an eventful day leader the world respects.” Hill, Antigua, is applying to
for the candidate. Trump campaign the Minister for Naturalisa-
that claim. tion and that any person
The heckler at the Iowa His campaign drew spokesman Tim Murtaugh who knows any reason why
event also questioned widespread praise on social responded: “As the President Naturalisation should not be
Biden’s fitness for office. The media for a Twitter video has said, Joe Biden claims granted should send a writ-
77-year-old former vice pres- post late Wednesday in that foreign leaders have told ten and signed statement of
ident responded by challeng- which Biden called Trump a him they want him to win the facts to the Permanent
ing the man to a push-up laughingstock among world the election. Of course they Secretary, Ministry of
contest or an IQ test and at leaders. By mid-day Thurs- do, they want to keep rip- External Affairs.
T h u rs d ay De ce mb er 05 , 2 0 19 Pa g e 2 7
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er

the weekend to get them writ-

Pelosi pursues articles of impeachment ten.
The charges against
against Trump, says democracy at stake Trump could include abuse of
power, bribery, obstruction of
WA S H I N G T O N American colonies rebelled in nomination to face Trump in
Congress and obstruction of
(Reuters) - Warning that forming the United States in the November 2020 U.S. pres-
American democracy is at 1776, saying in the United idential election.
If the House passes arti-
stake, U.S. House of Repre- States “the people are the “Sadly, but with confi-
cles of impeachment as ex-
sentatives Speaker Nancy king.” dence and humility, with alle-
pected, that would lead to a
Pelosi said on Thursday she “Our democracy is what giance to our founders and
trial in the Senate on whether
has asked a House committee is at stake. The president our heart full of love for
to convict Trump and remove
to draft articles of impeach- leaves us no choice but to act America, today I am asking
him from office. Trump’s fel-
ment against President Don- because he is trying to cor- our chairman to proceed with
low Republicans control the
ald Trump, a historic step that rupt, once again, the election articles of impeachment,”
Senate and have shown little
sets up a fight over whether for his own benefit. The pres- Pelosi said.
support for his removal.
to oust him from office. ident has engaged in abuse of Pelosi was referring to
Trump, who has denied
Speaking in sombre tones power, undermining our na- Jerrold Nadler, whose House
wrongdoing, reacted to
in a televised statement, tional security and jeopardis- Judiciary Committee has the
Pelosi’s announcement on
Pelosi accused the Republican ing the integrity of our responsibility of drawing up
Twitter by writing, “The Do
president of abusing his elections,” said Pelosi, the top the formal charges that would
Nothing, Radical Left Democ-
power and alluded to Democrat in Congress. later be voted upon by the full
rats have just announced that
Britain’s King George III, the At the heart of the Dem- House.
they are going to seek to Im-
monarch against whom the ocratic-led House’s impeach- Two people knowledge-
peach me over NOTHING.”
ment inquiry that Pelosi able about the process said
NOTICE “The good thing is that
opened in September is the panel could draft and rec-
the Republicans have NEVER
Trump’s request that Ukraine ommend the articles of im-
PROBATE FORM P7 been more united. We will
Rule 15 launch an investigation tar- peachment to the full House
win!” Trump said.
THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN geting Joe Biden. The former as early as December 12. De-
SUPREME COURT Pelosi’s announcement
vice president is a top con- mocrats said lawmakers
IN THE HIGH COURT was a clear signal that she be-
OF JUSTICE tender for the Democratic would be working through
ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA lieves that the Democrats
(Probate) have the votes in the 435-seat
In the Estate of Hyacinth House to win passage of arti-
Burleigh aka Veronica cles of impeachment. She
Hyacinth Burleigh, acted after receiving over-
late of Miami, Florida, U.S.A.
Deceased whelming support in a meet-
ing with House Democrats on
Wednesday night, a source fa-
miliar with the meeting said.
SECOND PUBLICATION The impeachment drama
TAKE NOTICE that an application is unfolding at a time of deep
has been filed by Althea Rubina partisan divisions in Wash-
James of Freemanʼs Village Main ington and across the United
Road, Antigua for a Grant of Pro-
bate of the will of the above named States that have widened dur-
deceased who died on the 28th ing Trump’s tumultuous
day of January, 2015 without
revoking a will bearing the date of
17th day of August, Republicans accuse De-
2007 wherein the Applicant is Sole mocrats of conducting a witch
Executrix .
Any person having an objection to hunt and trying to overturn
the application for the grant of Pro- the results of the 2016 elec-
bate shall file an objection within 14 tion. They have described
days of the publication of this No-
tice. Trump’s actions as aimed at
weeding out corruption in
Dated this 26th day
of November, 2019
Ukraine, not getting political
dirt on Biden. They also argue
Sgd. Georgice that the inquiry has failed to
Mendes Blackman
Lockhart Mendes & Co produce first-hand evidence
showing Trump made U.S.
Filed by Lockhart Mendes & Co At- aid to Ukraine or a White
torneys-at-Law for the Applicant
whose address for service is House meeting for Ukraine’s
Chambers, 17 Church Street, St. president contingent on Kiev
Johnʼs, Antigua. pursuing the investigations.
Pa g e 2 8 Th u r sday D e cem be r 0 5, 20 19
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T H E D A I LY O b se rv er

We’ve come this
They laughed and gig-
gled. Some hi-fived each other
and chortled. They spoke in
disparaging terms about the
far by faith
be put out of work. It was may recall, a palpable dark- the indefatigable MOVE-
effort to put Observer Media
Group back together again as quite sick! Indeed, it is not be- ness descended over Antigua MENTEERS, the patriotic and
a new entity. They dismissed yond the realm of possibility to and Barbuda. There was a void freedom-loving financial back-
the initiatives as a fool’s er- imagine that these twisted that seemingly could not be ers, and the members of the
rand. They dismissed those folks who were intent on filled. The media entity that Board of Directors. When the
who were fighting to ensure killing free and independent the citizenry had come to rely history of Antigua and Bar-
that a free press, the pillar of media in our fair State, ordered on and love, these past 16 buda is written, their names
any democracy, not perish a Te Deum when Observer years, was no more. It was as if will be inscribed on that au-
from this Antigua and Bar- Media Group stopped the the soul of our fair State had gust list of those who were
buda earth, with unflattering presses and padlocked the been ripped out. Our democ- willing to risk it all so that a
words. The ‘doubting Thomases’ doors at Coolidge that sad and racy was grievously wounded! free and independent media
and the nay-sayers – the ‘nat- painful day of November 30, Or so it seemed. You see, could continue “shining that
tering nabobs of negativity’ 2018. It is not difficult to imag- those who were wishing us ill light in the dark corners.”
[Senator Patrick Moynihan) ine the glee with which they had seriously underestimated Most importantly of
cast lots as to how long the may have exclaimed the the vision and determination course, NEWSCO was made
new entity would last . . . if it words of Genghis Khan, the of Algernon ‘Serpent’ Watts possible by the unwavering
ever got off the ground. Oh, Mongol warlord, “It is not (Managing Director, support of the thousands of
the perverse pleasure that they enough that I succeed; all oth- NEWSCO), Dave Lester Antiguans and Barbudans,
seemed to be deriving from ers must fail.” (That quote has Payne (Station Manager, here and abroad, who were
the fact that Observer would also been attributed to Gore NEWSCO), Stacy Samuel willing to give of their basket
be would be silenced, never Vidal, the writer). (Sales and Human Resources and their store to ensure the
mind that many people would Anyway, as many of you Manager), Dr. Cleon Athill and survival of a media house that
Fri d a y D ece mb e r 06 , 20 19 Pa g e 3 1
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er

was not a mouthpiece for the scenes, were dogged in their the true professionals that they proved that all systems were
government, or a political fam- quest to save Observer radio are. Joe Antonio, the IT genius saying ‘go!’
ily, or a ruling party propa- and The Daily Observer. If who dismantled the old Ob- That paved the way for
ganda machine. They made truth be told, those two gentle- server network when the our first official broadcast of
calls. Oh, the Barbudans! They men have admitted that there doors closed at Coolidge, VOICE OF THE PEOPLE,
offered to help in any way they were times when they felt like worked around the clock to re- and most of our other pro-
could. They were resolved that abandoning the dream, but in assemble it. There is nobody grams, as NEWSCO on De-
this NEWSCO was going to be the stillness of the night, an else like him in all of Antigua cember 6, 2018, exactly one
the tribune of the people. inner voice would encourage and Barbuda. Joe was ably as- year ago. That first broadcast
On the first of December, them to keep pushing, because sisted by Andre ‘Illist’ Dyer, was hosted by Serpent,
2018. NEWSCO was already a this was a cause greater than Norrid Henry, Kyle Scotland Knight and Quinn, and it is
duly-registered and incorpo- themselves – a most worthy and others. one that this writer will never
rated entity, with a home on undertaking. Meanwhile, Serpent and forget – sitting in with broad-
the fourth floor of the ABI By the fifth of December others were sleeping in the un- cast colleagues, Serpent and
Building on Redcliffe Street. 2018, computers were being finished NEWSCO offices. No Knight. We dare say that it
The intriguing story of how we installed, sheet rock and time to go home. MOVE- was a moment that most An-
were able to secure these fine soundproofing work was tak- MENTEERS like Dr. Cleon tiguans and Barbudans will
premises will be told in the ing place in a frenzy, as was Athill, Beverley Charles, Joy- also never forget. Under an al-
months and years ahead. Suf- painting and office partition- ann Williams, Sylvia O’ most cloudless sky, as if
fice it to say, our journey was ing. There was dust and debris Marde, Charmaine Potter Heaven and Nature were in
one of many setbacks and everywhere. Everyone had to George and a whole brigade of one accord with the goings-
much frustration, but Serpent wear masks. Painters, volunteers spent hours arrang- on of us mere mortals on
and Dave Lester Payne, as well plumbers, skilled carpenters, ing furniture and falling to earth, the euphoria in our
as so many others behind the carpet installers worked liked their hands and knees to mop, twin-island State could not be
polish, sweep and vacuum. contained. There were smiles
NOTICE NOTICE Many of the NEWSCO team and warm greetings every-
dispensed with baths (Smile, where. All men and women of
LETTERS OF wink, wink), because time was goodwill had a spring in their
Rule 15 of the essence. You see, every steps. The cloud that had de-
The Licencing
day that we remained off the scended over our beautiful
District “A” THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN air, we were losing money, and island for a few days, was
Magistrateʼs Court SUPREME COURT it was critical that we step up lifted. All was well in our
High Street
JUSTICE to meet the needs of our many world!
St. Johnʼs ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA advertisers. So we had people Again, none of this would
Antigua. (Probate) like Denley and his team, have been possible without
To: The Commissioner
In the Estate of PAMELLA Danny Castro and his team, our faithful listeners and read-
ROSEMARY THOMAS late of Merv of Redcliffe Holdings ers. Your words of encourage-
of Police #5 Cassada Gardens, St.
Police Johnʼs, Antigua, Deceased who assisted with the wiring ment and your prayers were
Headquarters and running of cords and so invaluable. And don’t talk
American Road ADVERTISEMENT OF on and so forth. The guys from about your loyalty and love!
Antigua. Future Farms helped with Priceless! We are grateful! We
quite a bit of the heavy lifting, also wish to thank those ad-
TAKE NOTICE that an Applica- and Rusty from The MOVE- vertisers who stood by us in
I, Ed Carty DO HEREBY GIVE tion has been filed by RICHIE MENT chipped in with some our darkest hour. The many
YOU NOTICE that it is my in- RICHARDS of #5 Cassada Gar- of the repainting. benefactors, donors and in-
tention to apply at a special sit- dens, St. Johnʼs, Antigua, for a
Snap! Crackle! . . . Static! . vestors in NEWSCO are all so
ting of the Liquor Licencing Grant of Letters of Administra-
Court to be held at the Magis- tion to the Applicant who is the . . Pop! That was the sound of very deeply appreciated. As is
trateʼs Court, St. Johnʼs, An- son of the deceased, the de- radio transmission signals the NEWSCO staff that
tigua on Thursday the 9January ceased having died intestate on crossing the air on 91.1 FM, in worked tirelessly, and against
day of January, 2020 for a Bot- the 25th day of February 2019. Antigua and Barbuda on De- the odds, to make Observer
tle Licence in respect of busi- Any person having an objection
to the grant of Letters of Admin- cember 5, 2018. Gasp! Could it radio and the Daily Observer a
ness known as “Country
Drink & Lime” situate at Wil- istration to the Applicant shall be true? Was the beloved Ob- reality. Most importantly, we
ikies Basket Ball Court in the file an objection within fourteen server radio back? Apparently, return thanks to God, our
Parish of Saint Phillip in An- (14) days of the publication of much like the famed phoenix, heavenly Father, who carried
this Notice.
tigua and Barbuda. Pursuant to Observer had arisen from the us through the storm and
Section 11 (3) of the licensing ashes. Free and independent brought us out in a large place.
(Intoxication Liquor) Act Cap Dated this 5th day of
249 of the Laws of Antigua and December, 2019 media was alive and well! The Truly, we can raise our Ebenezer
Barbuda Revised Edition 1992.
Wason & Company prophets of doom and gloom and declare “Hitherto hath the
had been confounded! Now, Lord helped us!” Happy an-
Filed by Wason & Company,
Dated the 23rd day of Attorneys-at-law whose address while that transmission was niversary, NEWSCO!
October, 2019 for service is Suite #5, Gambles only a test of our broadcast We invite you to visit
Medical Centre, Friars Hill systems conducted by Serpent www.antiguaobserver.com and
Ed Carty Road, St. Johnʼs, Antigua. and the zealous and excited, give us your feedback on our opin-
Mr. Dane Knight by phone, it ions.
Pa g e 3 2 Fr i d a y D e c e m b e r 0 6 , 2 0 1 9
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Fri d a y D ece mb e r 06 , 20 19 Pa g e 3 3
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er

“Dem look mo’ busy wen dem ah protes’

dan wen dem ah rerk!”
Pa g e 3 4 Fr i d a y D e c e m b e r 0 6 , 2 0 1 9
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er


Born today, you are one of those surprising individuals who is

able to turn on a dime and be very, very different one moment from
the moment before. This is not just something that the stars have
bestowed upon you, but rather it is something that you have culti-
vated in order to make of it a valuable and useful tool in your life.
And indeed, you surely know how to use the element of surprise to
your advantage!
There are times when you actively choose to recede into your
own mind, to disappear from view for a while and tend to the kinds
of things that you and you alone can address. You are never afraid
to deal with the kinds of issues that rest near your core; indeed,
the closer you get to them, the better off you will be, for no one else
is able to understand you the way you do.
Also born on this date are: Steven Wright, comedian; Tom
Hulce, actor; Dave Brubeck, musician; Agnes Moorehead, ac-
tress; Ira Gershwin, lyricist; Lynn Fontanne, actress; Ryan
Carnes, actor; Noel Clarke, actor.
To see what is in store for you tomorrow, find your birthday and
read the corresponding paragraph. Let your birthday star be your
daily guide.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — You can expect the in-
tensity to increase today as you juggle both personal and profes-
sional responsibilities. Watch the clock!
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — An unfolding drama is
likely to compel you to take part, despite any promises to the con-
trary you made in the past. This canʼt be helped!
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — You may be unable to resist
temptation today — but in the aftermath youʼll come to understand
just how this actually proved beneficial.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — You cannot expect to avoid

Answer to previous Sudoku Puzzle

all obstacles today, but you are well equipped to overcome those
that prove most stubborn to others. Lend a hand.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) — You may experience some
wanderlust at this time, but you have every reason to stay at home
right now. This conflict can surely be resolved.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Youʼll want to keep yourself
and others away from any obvious dangers today, but this may not
be possible if you journey far from home.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Youʼve tried several times, per-
haps, to do a thing that others have warned you against doing, and
today youʼll realize youʼre only tempting fate.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) — You can put someoneʼs ideas
to good use today, but you must be willing to give credit where
credit is due. A new opportunity arises.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — You will not be able to control
what others say or do today, but you can surely control how you re-
spond. Avoid negative impulses!
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — You may have to put up with
a great deal from others today that you didnʼt have any patience
with in days past. Ask the necessary questions.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Youʼll receive a boost today
from someone who has been watching you for some time. You may
have earned someoneʼs gratitude by dayʼs end.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — You can play a key role in
someoneʼs personal drama today — but take care you donʼt try to
steal the spotlight. Avoid improvisation.


Fri d a y D ece mb e r 06 , 20 19 Pa g e 3 5
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er

Answer to previous Scrabblegram

JUMP START ® by Robb Armstrong PEANUTS® by Charles M. Schulz

DILBERT® by Scott Adams ROSE IS ROSE® by Pat Brady

Pa g e 3 6 Fr i d a y D e c e m b e r 0 6 , 2 0 1 9
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er

Sri Lanka appoints Mickey Arthur as new head coach

Sri Lanka has appointed
South African Mickey Arthur
as their new head coach on a
two-year contract.
The former Pakistan, Aus-
tralia and South Africa coach,
51, had been spoken to by
England as a potential succes-
sor to Trevor Bayliss.
Ex-bowler Rumesh Rat-
nayake was named Sri
Lanka’s interim coach in Au-
That came after former
head coach Chandika Hathu-
rusingha, was criticised for Sri
Lanka’s exit at the group stage
of the 50-over World Cup in
Arthur had been in charge
of Pakistan for three years and
led them to the 2017 Champi-
ons Trophy title.
But Pakistan decided not port staff as batting coach, Pakistan and I needed a little these young players fulfil their
to renew his contract in Au- while Australians David Saker bit of time away. The Sri potential.”
gust, after the country failed to and Shane McDermott will be Lankan job became available Arthur’s first assignment
reach the semi-finals of this bowling and fielding coaches and I started discussions. will see him return to Pakistan
summer’s World Cup. respectively. “I looked at the talent for a two-match Test series
Zimbabwean Grant Arthur said: “It had been that’s available and that’s the starting on 11 December. (BBC
Flower will join Arthur’s sup- three very good years with key motivating factor - to help Sport)

Smoke from bushfires affects players at Australian Open

Players at the Australian
Open complained of stinging
eyes as toxic smoke from
bushfires around Sydney af-
fected the opening round on
Sydney’s air quality
index registered on a par
with Beijing, forcing New
Zealand golfer Ryan Chis-
nall, who is asthmatic, to don
a face mask.
Smoke has blown over
from huge fires that have
raged for more than a month.
“It feels like I should
shove a bit of salt water up
my nose or something,” said
Australian number one,
Adam Scott. gled to a four-over 75. finished the day on 68, three plain because there’s people
The tournament is taking “Obviously not the con- shots off the lead. in a way worse position than
place at The Australian Golf ditions we want to be play- “I must admit my eyes me.”
Club, five miles south of Syd- ing in. [The smoke] got are stinging but you know I Two young Asian ama-
ney’s central business dis- pretty thick for a while,” he honestly feel for the people teurs, Japan’s Takumi
trict. added. [nearer the fires], because Kanaya and Taiwan’s Yu
Scott, who is thinking England’s world number we’re feeling it down here Chun-an, both 21, led after
about wearing a face mask 14 Paul Casey, the highest- 100 [miles] away. day one with six-under-par
for the second round, strug- ranked player in the field, “I’m not going to com- 65s. (BBC Sport)
Fri d a y D ece mb e r 06 , 20 19 Pa g e 3 7
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er

Webb among three charged with defrauding Concacaf

Three persons accused of charges by the Director of
defrauding local and re- public prosecutions”.
gional football bodies had He added that the
charges filed against them charges predated her em-
when the case was men- ployment with the police
tioned in court on Monday. force.
Charmaine Moss, 45; Jef- At the time the offences
frey Webb, 55; and Canover are alleged to have occurred,
Watson, 49, were jointly Webb was serving as a FIFA
charged with one count of vice-president, Concacaf
conspiracy to defraud the president, and Cayman Is-
Confederation of North, lands Football Association
Central America and (UFA) president.
Caribbean Association Foot- Watson also served in an
ball (Concacaf). executive role with CIFA.
It is reported that be- Moss was not a member of
tween January 2012 and Sep- CIFA; however, she worked
tember 2014, the three closely with the organisation.
allegedly created a fake com- Webb remains in the
pany called Ironshore Inter- United States under strict
national Limited. bail conditions as he awaits
Through the fake com- sentencing on several counts
pany, the trio is said to have of money laundering, fraud,
claimed to be agents of Ad- and racketeering, charges to
miral Financial Centre Ltd. Jeffrey Webb
which he has already
The charge further al- pleaded guilty.
leges that false, inflated in- the same time period. ployed with the Royal Cay- Waston remains on bail
voices were submitted to Moss also faces a third man Islands Police Service as for matters of a similar na-
Concacaf. and final count of converting a business development ture that are currently before
Moss and Webb are criminal property in relation manager. the courts.
jointly charged with an addi- to funds transferred to Iron- Last week, Police Com- Moss has denied the
tional count of conspiracy to shore International Limited missioner Derek Byrne con- charges, and she is expected
defraud Concacaf, which al- and Moss International Lim- firmed that he had placed to make her first court ap-
leges the submission of more ited. Moss on required leave, pearance in January 2020. (Ja-
fraudulent invoices during She is currently em- “pending the disposal of the maica Gleaner)

JFF silence forces Reggae Girlz

head coach into calling it quits
Despite numerous suc- impatient with not being re- more than football so obvi-
cesses in recent times, Reg- imbursed by the JFF for per- ously I am very disap-
gae Girlz head coach, Hue sonal funds he used during pointed in how the
Menzies has decided he can the Reggae Girlz successful federation communicated,
no longer continue in his ca- bid to get to the 2019 World well the lack of communica-
pacity after a protracted dis- Cup in France. tion from the federation,”
pute did not seem to be “I have made my deci- said Menzies.
coming to an amicable solu- sion, I am not coaching the That non-communica-
tion. team anymore,” Menzies tion, Menzies explained,
According to Menzies, said in an interview with Ja- lasted two months, after
he had been asking the Ja- maican newspaper, The which, he said he gave the
maica Football Federation Gleaner. federation a further 24 hours
(JFF) for an update on his fu- It isn’t known just yet in which to say something.
ture with the team but had what is next for Menzies, but non-communication. “I told them I would
not been furnished with an the coach did indicate that “It is unfortunate be- make a decision in 24 hours
answer since his contract ex- he had other opportunities cause we put so much time and no one has reached out
pired in August. that forced him to make a de- and created so much history. to me,” said Menzies. (Sports
Menzies had also grown cision in light of the JFF’s It’s not just a football job, it’s Max)
Pa g e 3 8 Fr i d a y D e c e m b e r 0 6 , 2 0 1 9
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er

Empire and Willikies record wins

By Carlena Knight the back of the net for the vic- Playing at home, the for Willikies to move onto 11
tors while the lone goal for BlueJays saw goals from points in the 5th position.
Former Antigua Premier WestHam came from Tesfa Casseano Samuel and Nieke Martin (8th) and
League (APL) champions, Simmons. Michell Francis in the 50th Jenson Samuel (22nd) were
Cool and Smooth ACT Em- Empire now sit on 13 and 64th minutes while Alren the goal-scorers for the law-
pire FC, after their latest win points while the newly-pro- Lewis found the back of the men.
on Wednesday, moved into moted Point WestHam con- net for Fort Road as early as They have now dropped
the top three on the Antigua tingent remain in the dreaded the 12th minute of play. to 9th place with five points.
and Barbuda Football Associ- relegation zone in the 11th In the other matches Mahico’s Nahiem Bisson
ation (ABFA) Division One spot with two points on the played that day, Police FC was a goal shy of a hattrick
standings. 12-team standings. went under to Willikies FC, 3- for the victorious team hitting
The Grays Green team Unlike WestHam, the 2, while Mahico Stars edged home in the 19th and 47th
edged out a struggling Point other promoted team, Blue- Pares FC, 2-1, in the lone Di- minutes.
WestHam team by a 2-1 mar- Jays FC, remain in a vision Two encounter. With this win, they
gin at the Princess Margaret favourable spot as they sit in Daniel Nanton (23rd), jumped to 11th on the stand-
School (PMS) Grounds. the 4th position with 13 D’Jarie Sheppard (55th) and ings with four points while
Jazward Vigilante and points after their 2-1 win over Zammonie Williams (66th) Pares dropped to 13th with
Nieke Watkins both found Fort Road FC. all found the back of the net only one point.

ABSF hosts successful National Open

Water Swimming Championships
The Antigua and Bar- water, spread along the
buda Swimming Federation course. Personnel from An-
(ABSF) hosted the 33rd Na- tigua and Barbuda Search
tional Open Water Swim- and Rescue (ABSAR), Emer-
ming Championships (2019) gency Medical Services
at Ffryes Beach, St. Mary’s, (EMS) and the Red Cross
Antigua, on Sunday, 1st De- were also on hand to support
cember, 2019. the event.
This picturesque beach As usual, the ABSF in-
was a fantastic venue to this vites anyone with an interest
year’s event, which attracted in learning to swim or want-
over 50 swimmers in a com- ing to improve their strokes
petition that saw the athletes Swimmers compete at the Open water start for the three-kilometer event. to visit a local swimming club
compete in three distances: 1- (Photo courtesy ABSF Media).
and enquire about their pro-
kilometer, 3-kilometer and 5- meter. Ellie Shaw (female) an existing swim club was grammes.
kilometer (as measured by and Ethan Stubbs-Green not a prerequisite, however, The Antigua and Bar-
GPS). Swimmers ranged in (male) in the 3 kilometer. An- swimmers were required to buda National Swim Team
age from under eight years gelique Gittens (female) and submit to a brief physical next travels to Peru to take
old to over 80. Brandon Derrick (male) in prior to participating. part in the UANA Swim-
At the awards ceremony the grueling 5- kilometer The Ffryes Beach course ming Cup hosted by Union
which followed the event the swim also claimed prizes. was triangular and demar- Americana de Natacion
distance champions were Age Groups for this cated by three large turn (UANA).
crowned. Overall winners for year’s events were: 8 & buoys. The focus on safety The event is scheduled to
this year were Mila Festini- under, 9 – 10, 11 - 12, 13 - 14, was evident as several life- be held at The Videna
Cromer (female) and Ruben 15 - 17, 18 – 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 44, guards were on duty, includ- Aquatic Complex, in Lima,
Edwards (male) in the 1-kilo- and 45 & over. Affiliation to ing several on kayaks in the Peru, February 21-23.
Fri d a y D ece mb e r 06 , 20 19 Pa g e 3 9
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er

Matthew: YASCO upgrade entering final stage

Sports Minister Daryll Matthew views work already done at the YASCO Sports Complex.

By Neto Baptiste surface. delays due to a number of of that final layer of asphalt
“They have done all of factors. because there is a lifespan on
Although not commit- the preparatory work in Matthew said a number things like the adhesive
ting to a delivery date, Minis- terms of the sub-base and of dynamics has forced the which we’ve had for a
ter of Sports Daryll Matthew, everything, so the final layer government to press on with while,” he said.
is confident that the country’s is to start going on, and I am the civil works in a push to In a recent interview,
lone track & field facility, the told it’s supposed to be about have the project move into its President of the Antigua and
YASCO Sports Complex, will five or six day’s work, and it final stage. Barbuda Athletics Associa-
be completed in short order. cures for, I think, two weeks “We’re expecting some- tion (ABAA) Everton Cor-
Speaking on the Good and then the rubber goes one here this week [from nelius, warned that athletes
Morning Sports Show, down,” he said. track builders Mondo] and so may have to wait at least an-
Matthew said that workers at There has been much de- between myself and the pres- other five months for the
the facility are preparing to bate over the ongoing work ident of the NOC [EP Chet completion of the facility.
carry out the final phase of at the facility which started in Greene], I’ve sent off some Cornelius pointed to re-
work before the laying of the 2017 as it has faced multiple correspondents to PASO and cent persistent rains as one of
Mondo because we have to the main hindrances to the re-
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SPORTS Fr i d a y D e c e m b e r 0 6 , 2 0 1 9

Ottos Comprehensive On The Verge Of

Historic Achievement In Schools Football
By Neto Baptiste have contributed to the
school’s success over the
Principal of the Ottos years, and he is commending
Comprehensive School the coaches and teachers
(OCS) Foster Roberts and who have gone the extra
his young footballers mile to ensure that sports
have come in for commenda- and education work hand in
tions from Coordinator of hand.
Schools Football, Rowan “Especially those busi-
Benjamin. ness places that have been
The school, on Wednes- supporting the school over
day, captured its second foot- the years, re sports, they are
ball title when they now seeing some of the fruits
hammered the Antigua of their support through
Girls’ High School 5-0 to lift their contributions to the
the Girls Under-20 title. school. We believe in a de-
Their triumph in the top velopment programme and
girls’ female competition so we play basically all of the
comes just one week after The Ottos Comprehensive School boys’ under-14 team is rewarded for sporting disciplines that are
their Under-14 boys team winning this year’s league title. organised by the ministry be-
lifted the league title. cause we strongly believe
Benjamin said Roberts that education and sports go
has shown a level of commit- hand in hand,” he said.
ment and support to all of “I just want to congratu-
his teams that surpasses late the students, commend
what is normally exhibited the coaching staff in all of the
by most principals. categories for the work they
“I must congratulate the have been doing with our
principal because he is at children over the years. It
every single one of these has not always been easy but
games. They play very regu- once you have that stick-to-
lar during the week and so itiveness, I believe that is
he would have taken time something that augurs well.
out of his busy schedule to I’ve always been a propo-
visit all of these matches, and nent of sports and education
I want to just applaud Mr because that is the way that I
Foster Roberts, for the won- grew up,” Roberts added.
derful work that he is In other results on
doing,” he said. Wednesday, Irene B Williams
Benjamin said OCS’ per- Principal of the Ottos Comprehensive School, Foster Roberts.
Secondary School hammered
formances in all divisions cause they can win four out nice position. It’s a great year Island Academy 7-0; All
have been outstanding and of five. In the Under-16 girls, for the Ottos Comprehensive Saints Secondary School beat
that they could create history they are still in the front-run- and I just want to congratu- Clare Hall Secondary School
should they claim two other ner position and also, they late them,” the coordinator 2-1; and Pares Secondary
titles. have qualified for the senior said. School played to a scoreless
“There could be some boys’ Under-20, so they are Principal, Foster draw against neighbours,
history in the making be- putting themselves in a very Roberts, said many factors Glanvilles Secondary School.

See classifieds
The Daily Observer is published in St. Johnʼs by Algernon Watts who resides at Mount Joy.
He is also the Editor.
on page 35
Contact: 156, Redcliffe Street, ABI Financial Building, 4th floor, St Johnʼs, Antigua, WI,
(268) 462-3911. Newsroom: (268) 462-3920/21. E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected]. Advertising: [email protected]

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