Bhutan TrainingModule AHT

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Terms of Reference (TOR)

For Developing Training Module on Human Trafficking for Law Enforcing Officials and Public


(a)Objectives: To carry out training needs assessment; and based on the assessment develop a
comprehensive training module on human trafficking (with specific modules for law enforcement
officials and public prosecutors based on their specific functions).

(b)Background: The UNODC Regional Office for South Asia is located in New Delhi (India) and
covers six countries of the region: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Its
Regional Programme for South Asia ”Promoting the rule of Law and countering drugs and crime
in South Asia (2013-2015)” has five sub-programmes relating to (1) countering transnational
organized crime, (2) countering corruption, (3) terrorism prevention, (4) promoting efficient, fair
and humane justice systems and (5) drug use prevention and treatment and HIV.

As part of sub-programme 1 of the Regional Programme, the Office is implementing a national

project in Bhutan titled “Enhance Government and Civil Society Responses to Counter Trafficking
in Persons in Bhutan (BHUZ13)” in collaboration with the National Commission for Women and
Children (NCWC). Under this project, UNODC in partnership with NCWC seeks to strengthen the
capacities of the law enforcement officials and public prosecutors to prevent and identify,
investigate and prosecute cases of trafficking, and enhance referrals for appropriate treatment
and reintegration of trafficking victims.

To this end, UNODC seeks to engage a consultant to undertake the development of a

comprehensive training module/curriculum (in English) for law enforcement officials and public
prosecutors based on a training needs assessment, in close consultation with UNODC and NCWC.

(c) Scope of work and expected outputs / deliverables:

1. Undertake desk research and analyze all the necessary documents/training modules,
training materials to fully understand the ground situation and existing training material
available for training law enforcement officials and public prosecutors on AHT (including the
existing UNODC training manuals); relevant national and international legislations and
policies that have been signed/ratified pertaining to trafficking in persons.
2. Carry out stakeholder analysis to bring out the roles and responsibilities of key players and
3. Carry out a “Gap” analysis to identify gaps in the trainings being imparted on anti human
trafficking. Map out the issues and identify the priorities in line with the objectives of this
project. This should include consultations and meetings and key informant interviews with
relevant stakeholders (Government, UN, INGOs, CSOs etc.) working on AHT.
4. Assist the UNODC project team in organizing and facilitating one TNA workshop.
5. Produce a well-written and comprehensive training needs assessment report based on the
above, including recommendations for:
· selection of training sites/venues;
· schedule for training;
· identify key resource persons;
· participants;
· Post -training evaluation and impact assessment.

This should also include a Resource Directory of all the relevant Government Departments /
Ministries, NGOs / Academic Institutions with focal points.

6. Based on this assessment, develop a comprehensive training module (in English) for (a) law
enforcement officials and (b) public prosecutors, with a special focus on identification,
investigation, prosecution of trafficking offences and referrals for appropriate treatment and
reintegration of trafficking victims including monitoring and follow-up.
7. Share the draft module with key experts including government for their review; incorporate
comments and finalize the module.
8. Assist the UNODC project team in organizing and facilitating one Training of Trainers (TOT)
workshop for training resource persons on anti human trafficking training using the
developed manual.

(d) Final Deliverables:

1. One Training Needs Assessment workshop completed and report submitted, the
report should include desk review, situation report, stakeholders and gap analysis.
2. Comprehensive training module, with a two - three days training curriculum for (a) law
enforcement officials and (b) public prosecutors.
3. One TOT workshop completed and reports submitted, including post-training
evaluation and impact assessment.

(e) Timeframe and deadlines: This assignment is for Consultants based in South Asia and is for a
period of 2 working months between March 2015 - August 2015. It is likely to commence in March

(f)Reports: The Consultant will present the results to UNODC Regional Office for South Asia (located
in New Delhi) and UNODC Bhutan Project Office team from time to time to share the progress of
activities under this contract and certifying that the works, tasks, assignment have been satisfactorily


· A post-graduate or equivalent qualification/ degree in Law , Criminology, Human rights,

Political Science, Development Study, Humanities or any other relevant discipline.
· At least 5-7 years of prior work experience in the field of training, human trafficking, human
rights etc. especially in the regional and international context.
· Demonstrated knowledge and experience in conducting need assessments and developing
training modules/curriculum, training materials etc.
· Demonstrated experiences and skills in facilitating stakeholder/working group consultations
and training.
· Relevant regional and international experience will be an added advantage.
· Excellent writing, editing, and oral communication skills in English.
The project seeks to identify experts that fulfill the above criteria and have demonstrated ability of
involving key stakeholders (judiciary, prosecution, police, immigration, labour, civil society etc.) to
provide relevant expertise and bring a wider perspective in developing of the training manual.


While submitting the Technical Proposal, the Applicant shall, in particular, ensure to attach the

i. Profile of the consultant (max 1 page) explaining why they are the most suitable for the
ii. Relevant Experience (max 2 pages).
iii. Detailed methodology and conceptual framework with expected deliverables and timelines,
man days required (3-5 pages).
iv. Recent CV


Lump sum contracts: The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount (including a
breakdown of costs for fee, travel, and number of working days). Payments will be made in
installments based upon key outputs, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR.
· 20% on signing the contract and submission of a blueprint including work-plan and
methodology for the assignment (in English).
· 20% on completion of training need assessment and submission of TNA report.
· 40% on submission of comprehensive training manual including a two/three days training
curriculum (in English).
· 20% on completion of ToT training and submission of final report (in English).


Cumulative analysis
The weighted average basis will be applied to evaluate the applicant, the award of the contract will
be made to the Institution whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

· Responsive/compliant/acceptable, and;
· Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and
financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

Criteria Max. Point

Technical: 70

· Demonstrated knowledge on human trafficking issues, laws, human rights and UN human rights
mechanisms/instruments - 15 Marks
· Experience and skills in conducting legal analysis, training need assessment, in the field of human
trafficking and human rights -20 Marks
· Demonstrate experience in developing training module/curriculum, drafting report,
facilitation/training and dissemination skills among relevant stakeholders -25 Marks
· Methodology, activities, work plan, experience and skills etc.- 10 Marks
Financial: 30 points


Interested eligible bidders may submit their proposal both in sealed envelope and through email
(only technical and financial proposal) detailing the individual costs for carrying out the assignment
as well as the consolidated cost along with documents to support qualification and experience.


The bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid shall be written in English
language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be in another
language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in the
English language.


All financial information should be provided in Indian currency. Both, hard copy (sealed and signed)
quotations and soft scanned copies of proposals should be submitted.


Bids shall remain valid for the period of 90 days after the date of bid submission. A bid valid for a
shorter period shall be rejected by the Purchaser as non- responsive.


The Bidder shall prepare one original and one copy of the bid, clearly marking each one as
"ORIGINAL BID" and "COPY OF BID," as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them,
the original shall govern.

The original and all copies of the bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by
the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the Contract. Any
interlineations, erasures, or overwriting to correct errors made by the Bidder should be initialed by
the person or persons signing the bid.


The bidder is expected to submit the proposal both in hard copies and electronically.

1) Electronically (only the technical and financial proposal) to Ms. Nidhi Mehrotra
([email protected])

2) Hard copy (technical and financial proposal including annexures): The bidder shall enclose
the original and a copy of the bid in separate sealed envelopes, duly marking the envelopes
as "ORIGINAL" and "COPY." The envelopes containing the original and copy shall then be
enclosed in another envelope

The inner and outer envelopes shall:

(a) bear the name and address of the Bidder;

(b) be addressed to:

Ms. Nidhi Mehrotra

Admin and Finance Assistant
Anti Human Trafficking
UNODC, Regional Office for South Asia
EP 16/17, Chandragupta Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi

(c) bear the specific identification number and title i.e. UNODC/BHUZ13/ Training Module on
Human Trafficking for Law Enforcing Officials and Public Prosecutors / 2015

If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked, the purchaser will assume no responsibility for the
misplacement or premature opening of the bid.

Deadline for Submission of Bids:

Bids must be received by UNODC at the address specified above no later than – 4th Feburary 2015

MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS:-The bidder may modify or withdraw its bid after
submission, provided that written notice of the modification, or withdrawal of the bids duly signed
by an authorized representative, is received by the Purchaser prior to the deadline prescribed for
submission of bids.

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