CE Laws L8 L15

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CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics and Contracts

Lecture Notes 8
Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics
and Contracts

Presented by: NENITA M. ABARADO, Ph.D., C.E.

College of Engineering and Architecture
Bohol Island State University-Main Campus

CE 14
First Semester
BSCE Curriculum 2018

CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics and Contracts

Lesson 8
Total Project cost

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. define the terms used in the overall project cost.

2. determine how much a civil engineer can collect in payment for professional engineering and
construction services, legal, staffing and land administration.
3. Determine the updated construction cost per area in every region in the country.

Time Frame: 2 hours


Total Project Cost – is all costs specific to a project incurred through the startup of a facility but
prior to the operation of a facility. It is the cost of multipurpose buildings and other improvement
costs associated with the deferral project.

It is made up of:

 Professional Engineering Cost

 Construction Cost
 Legal and Land Costs
 Owners Cost (Project Administration, Staffing, Financial Costs)
 Contingency Allowance

Professional Engineering Cost

A Civil Engineer is often engaged to make a study and to render a planning report on the
contemplated project including alternative solutions, layouts, and locations along with initial
estimates of the probable project cost. This may involve alternative or phase implementation
schemes which add flexibility to the project.
Study and report phase includes cost for field surveys, planning analysis, geotechnical
exploration analysis in addition to direct engineering cost. It is an important factor since its
implementation determines the scope and development of the entire project.

Construction Cost
Primarily, it is the cost of all the construction portions of a project, generally based upon
the sum of the construction contracts and other direct construction costs; does not include the
compensation on paid to the architect and consultants, the cost of the land, right of way, or other
costs which are defined in the contract documents as being responsibility of the owner.
It is the estimated total cost of constructing the facility to be covered by the proposed
detailed design or construction supervision services. The estimated construction cost must be
approved by the client before the invitation to submit technical proposal is issued.

Legal and Land Cost

CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics and Contracts

These cost includes the issuing of pledges, audits, and cost of the land and the interests
of the lent money throughout the construction. And can be best estimated in collaboration with
the customers because they are frequently outside the understanding and control of the Civil

Owner’s Cost
This cost includes
 Staffing - this is the process of hiring eligible candidates in
the organization or company for specific positions. In management,
the meaning of staffing is an operation of recruiting the employees by
evaluating their skills, knowledge and then offering them specific job
roles accordingly.
 Project Administration – this includes administrative
professionals who assist in the preparation, reporting and analysis
projects under the supervision of a project manager.
 Financing - is the process of providing funds for the project,
making purchases or investing.
 Other overhead - refers to an ongoing expense of operating a
project. Overheads are the expenditure which cannot be
conveniently traced to or identified with any particular cost unit,
unlike operating expenses such as raw material and labor.

Contingency Allowance
A contingency may be included in an estimate to provide for unknown costs which are
indicated as likely to occur by experience, but are not identifiable. When using an estimate which
has no contingency is often added to improve the probability that the budget or funding will be
adequate to complete the project. Being unable to complete the project risks public ridicule. The
estimate or budget contingency is not intended to compensate for poor estimate quality, and is
not intended to fund design growth, owner changes, or anything else unrelated to delivering the
scope as defined in the estimate documentation.
Furthermore, to provide for intangible costs, contingencies should routinely be added to
the basic cost estimate. It is common practice to add 20% or more to the estimated probable total
project cost of the completion of the study end report phase, reducing this to perhaps 10% at the
completion of the final design and perhaps to 5% when the construction bids become known.
Larger or more complex projects may require higher contingencies.

Estimate of probable total project cost should be periodically revised by the engineers as
the design moves forward and more information becomes known. The client is normally
responsible for providing estimates of those costs which may lie outside the Civil Engineers
knowledge or expertise, such as those in the legal, land, administrative, and financial areas.

The global pandemic changes everything—even the basic construction costs. According to the
latest PSA data, the construction cost per square meter is lower in 2020 than in 2019. COVID-
19 has struck peoples’ living. Many people have either lost their jobs or cannot afford
construction because funds were allocated to more important things, like food and medical
services. As a result, fewer demands for construction materials and services mean lower prices,
you know, the fundamental law of supply and demand.

CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics and Contracts

But the pandemic is not forever. Thus, people can still pursue their dreams of owning or building
their own houses. So let’s go back to the question: How much would your dream home cost
Discussion Points:
 Residential and Non-Residential Construction Cost per square meter.
 Variation of construction cost per square meter per region.
 Construction cost data from construction management companies.

By the way, we presented three discussion points to widen our views regarding construction
costs. Cost varies greatly. So it would be best to look at different information from as many
angles as possible.

Residential and Non-Residential Construction Cost per Square Meter

4th QUARTER OF 2020 4th QUARTER OF 2019

RESIDENTIAL 10,590.00 11,872.00
NON-RESIDENTIAL 9,772.00 11,684.00
Source: PSA-Construction Statistics from Approved Building Permits Fourth Quarter 2020

When looking for statistical data on construction costs, the Philippines Statistics Authority or
PSA has it. Every quarter, quarter, PSA publishes data regarding the number of constructions in
the Philippines. Data are based on the approved construction project permits. Included on the
construction permit are the estimated cost and the total area of the project. So that means
construction cost per area can be determined.

Residential Construction Costs (Pesos per Square Meter)

RESIDENTIAL 10,590.00 11,872.00
Single House 10,011.00 10,021.00
Duplex/Quadruplex 10,954.00 12,071.00
Apartment/Accessoria 9,889.00 9,237.00
Residential Condominium 15,271.00 19,500.00
Other Residential 7,995.00 6,364.00
Source: PSA-Construction Statistics from Approved Building Permits Fourth Quarter 2020

Non-Residential Construction Costs (Pesos per Square Meter)

NON-RESIDENTIAL 9,772.00 11,684.00
Commercial 9,404.00 11,538.00
Industrial 7,345.00 10,376.00
Institutional 13,079.00 15,234.00
Agricultural 4,418.00 5,076.00
Source: PSA-Construction Statistics from Approved Building Permits Fourth Quarter 2020

CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics and Contracts

Sample templates for determining the total project cost:

CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics and Contracts

Assignment 8:

Question to answer:

1. Cite an example oF how to compute the total project cost of an infrastructure project in


CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics and Contracts

Lecture Notes 9
Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics
and Contracts

Presented by: NENITA M. ABARADO, C.E.

College of Engineering and Architecture
Bohol Island State University-Main Campus

CE 14
First Semester
BSCE Curriculum 2013-2014

CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics and Contracts

Lesson 9

RA 544:
An Act to Regulate the Practice of Civil Engineering in the Philippines


By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. State RA 544 in the Philippines and explain its significance;

2. Explain the laws governing the practice of civil engineering profession in the
Philippines and
3. Synthesize the guidelines for taking the CE Licensure exam.

Time Frame: 2 hours


The Civil Engineering Law, Republic Act No. 544, is an act to regulate the practice
of Civil Engineering in the Philippines, which was approved on the 17th of July, 1950. It was
amended by RA 1582, which was also approved on the 16th of June 1956. Philippine
Association of civil Engineers, PACE, was primarily responsible for the passage of this Act under
the leadership of President Alberto Guevarra. It was a major turning point in establishing prestige
and safeguarding the civil engineering profession's interest in the country.

The Act has been re-introduced by Senator Panfilo M. Lacson as Senate Bill no. 2770.
The Senator brought to life the Act as he explained that civil engineers are currently confronted
with broader issues and they have to integrate the socio-economic and environmental issues with
the technical aspects of the construction projects.

The Bill sought to achieve the following:

 To align the law with the requirements for national development;

 To strengthen the profession in facing the formidable challenges resulting from
globalization and cross-border practice;
 To continuously develop the level of competence of the civil engineers through:
 Peer recognition of specialization in civil engineering
 Continuing professional development
 Strengthening the accredited professional organization of civil engineers
 To clearly define the foreign nationalities practice of civil engineering in the country
 To promote the growth of the consulting sector by recognizing international philosophy of
multi-disciplinary services
 To disregard provisions making multi-disciplinary consultancy services difficult,
complicated ad impractical

CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics and Contracts

 To establish a clear, precise and practical delineation of professional and contractual

accountability in the practice in order to serve the law better and protect the public interest

Republic Act No. 544*

(As Amended by R.A. 1582)
An Act to Regulate the Practice of Civil Engineering in the Philippines

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress

Article I
Section 1. Title of Act.” This Act shall be known as the “Civil Engineering Law.”
Section 2. Definition of Terms.”
(a) The practice of civil engineering within the meaning and intent of this Act shall embrace
services in the form of consultation, design, preparation of plans, specifications, estimates,
erection, installation and supervision of the construction of streets, bridges, highways, railroads,
airports and hangars, port works, canals, river and shore improvements, lighthouses, and dry
docks; buildings, fixed structures for irrigation, flood protection, drainage, water supply and
sewerage works; demolition of permanent structures; and tunnels. The enumeration of any work
in this section shall not be construed as excluding any other work requiring civil engineering
knowledge and application.
(b) The term “civil engineer” as used in this act shall mean a person duly registered with
the Board for Civil Engineers in the manner as hereinafter provided.
Article II
Section 3. Composition of Board.” Within thirty days after the approval of this Act there
shall be created a Board of Examiners for Civil Engineers, hereinafter referred to as the Board, to
be composed of a chairman and two members who shall be appointed by the President of the
Philippines, upon recommendation of the Commissioner of PRC. The members of the Board shall
hold office for a term of three years after appointment or until their successors shall have been
appointed and shall have qualified. The first members of the Board appointed under this Act shall
hold office for the following terms: One member for one year; one member for two years; and one
member for three years. Each member of the Board shall qualify by taking the proper oath of
office before entering upon the performance of his duties. Any member of the Board may be
removed by the President of the Philippines, upon recommendation by the Professional
Regulation Commission for neglect of duty, incompetency, malpractice, unprofessional, unethical,
immoral, or dishonorable conduct, after having been given opportunity to defend himself in a
proper administrative investigation: Provided, That during the process of investigation, the
President of the Philippines, upon the recommendation of the PRC, shall have the power to
suspend such member under investigation and shall appoint a temporary member in his place.
Vacancies in the Board shall be filled for the un expired term only.

CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics and Contracts

Section 4. Powers and Duties of the Board.” The Board for Civil Engineers is vested with
authority, conformable with the provisions of this Act, to administer oaths, issue, suspend and
revoke certificates of registration for the practice of civil engineering, issue certificates of
recognition to civil engineers already registered under this Act for advanced studies, research,
and/or highly specialized training in any branch of civil engineering subject to the approval of the
PRC, to investigate such violations of this Act and the regulations, there under as may come to
the knowledge of the Board and, for this purpose, issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum to
secure appearance of witnesses in connection with the charges presented to the Board, to inspect
at least once a year educational institutions offering courses in civil engineering, civil engineering
works, projects or corporations, established in the Philippines and, for safeguarding of life, health
and property, to discharge such other powers and duties as may affect ethical and technological
standards of the civil engineering profession in the Philippines. For the purpose of this Act, the
Director of Public Works and/or his authorized representative in the provinces and chartered cities
shall be ex-officio agents of the Board and as such it shall be their duty to help in the enforcement
of the provisions of this Act. The Board may, with the approval of the Professional Regulation
Commission issue such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary to carry out the
provisions of this Act. The board shall also adopt a code of ethics in the practice of civil
engineering and have an official seal to authenticate its official documents.
Section 5. Qualifications of Board Members.” Each member of the Board shall, at the time
of his appointment:
Be a citizen and resident of the Philippines;
a. Be at least thirty years of age and of good moral character;
b. Be a graduate of civil engineering from a recognized and legally constituted school,
institute, college or university.
c. Be a registered civil engineer duly qualified to practice civil engineering in the Philippines;
d. Have practiced civil engineering, with a certificate as such, for a period of not less than
ten years prior to his appointment.
e. Not be a member of the faculty of any school, institute, college, or university where civil
engineering course is taught, nor have a pecuniary interest in such institutions;
f. No former members of the faculty of any school, institute or university where civil
engineering is taught can become a member of the Board unless he had stopped
teaching for at least three consecutive years.

Section 6. Fees and Compensation of Board.” The Board for Civil Engineers shall charge
for each application for examination the sum of P100 (one hundred) payable to the collecting and
disbursing officer of the PRC upon filing of said application, and for each certificate of registration,
fifty pesos. Each member of the Board shall receive a compensation of fifteen pesos for each
applicant examined. A civil engineer in the service of the Government of the Republic of the
Philippines appointed as member of the Board shall receive the compensation as herein provided,
in addition to his salary in the Government. All authorized expenses of the Board, including the
compensation provided for herein, shall be paid by the collecting and disbursing officer of the
PRC out of such appropriation as may be made for the purpose. (See RA 6511 & PD 223)

CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics and Contracts

Section 7. Annual Report.” The Board shall, at the end of each fiscal year, submit to the
PRC a detailed report of its activities and proceedings during the period covered by the fiscal year
Article III
Section 8. Examination Requirement.” All applicants for registration for the practice of civil
engineering shall be required to pass a technical examination as hereinafter provided.
Section 9. Holding of Examination.” Examination of candidates desiring to practice civil
engineering in the Philippines shall be given in the City of Manila of each year, provided that such
days do not fall on official holidays, otherwise the examinations shall be held on the days next
Section 10. Subjects of Examination.” Applicants for certificate of registration as civil
engineer shall be examined, in the discretion of the Board, on the following subjects: mathematics,
including algebra, plane and spherical trigonometry, analytics, descriptive and solid geometry,
differential and integral calculus, and rational and applied mechanics; hydraulics; surveying,
including highway and railroad surveying; plane, topographic and hydrographic surveying, and
advance surveying; design and construction of highways and railroads, masonry structures,
wooden and reinforced concrete buildings, bridges, towers, walls, foundations, piers, ports,
wharves, aqueducts, sanitary engineering works, water supply systems, dikes, dams and
irrigation and drainage canals.
Section 11. Executive Officer of the Board.” The Commissioner of Professional
Regulation Commission shall be the executive officer of the Board and shall conduct the
examinations given by the said Board. He shall designate any subordinate officer of the
Professional Regulation Commission to act as the Secretary and custodian of all records including
examination papers and minutes of the deliberation of the Board.
Section 12. Qualifications for Examination.” Any person applying for admission to the civil
engineering examination as herein provided shall, prior to the date of the examination, establish
to the satisfaction of the Board that he has the following qualifications:

a. Be at least twenty-one years of age;

b. Be a citizen of the Philippines;
c. Be of good reputation and moral character; and
d. Be a graduate of a four-year course in civil engineering from a school, institute, college
or university recognized by the Government or the State wherein it is established.

Section 13. Oath of Civil Engineers.” All successful candidates in the examination shall
be required to take a professional oath before the Board of Civil Engineers or other Government
Officials authorized to administer oaths, prior to entering upon the practice of the civil engineering

CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics and Contracts

Section 14. Seal and Use of Seal.” All registered civil engineers shall obtain a seal of such
design as the Board shall authorize and direct: Provided, however, that the serial number of the
certificate issued by the Board shall be included in the design of the seal. Plans and specifications
prepared by, or under the direct supervision of a registered civil engineer shall be stamped with
said seal during the life of the registrant’s certificate, and it shall be unlawful for any one to stamp
or seal any documents with said seal after the certificate of registrant named thereon has expired
or has been revoked, unless said certificate shall have been renewed or re-issued.
Section 15. Exemption from Registration.”
1. Registration shall not be required of the following persons:
a. Officers or enlisted men of the United States and Philippine Armed Forces, and civilian
employees of the Government of the United States stationed in the Philippines while
rendering civil engineering services for the United States and/or Philippines.
b. Civil engineers or experts called in by the Philippine Government for consultation, or
specific design and construction of fixed structures as defined under this Act, provided
that their practice shall be limited to such work.

2. Any person residing in the Philippines may make plans on specifications for any of the following:
Any building in chartered cities or in towns with building ordinances, not exceeding the space
requirement specified therein, requiring the services of a civil engineer.
a. Any wooden building enlargement or alteration which is to be used for farm purposes only
and costing not more than ten thousand pesos.
b. Provided, however. That there shall be nothing in this Act that will prevent any person
from constructing his own (wooden or light material) residential house, utilizing the
services of a person or persons required for the purpose, without the use of a civil
engineer, as long as he does no violate local ordinances of the place where the building
is to be constructed.
3. Nor shall anything in this Act prevent draftsmen, student clerk-or-work, superintendents, and
other employees of those lawfully engaged in the practice of civil engineering under the provisions
of this Act, from acting under the instruction, control or supervision of their employer.
4. Nor shall anything in this Act prevent any person who prior to the approval of this Act have
been lawfully engaged in the practice of “maestro de obras” to continue as such, provided they
shall not undertake the making of plans supervision for the following classes of work:
Building of concrete whether reinforced or not.
a. Building of more than two stories.
b. Building with frames of structural steel.
c. Building of structures intended for public gathering or assemblies such as theaters,
cinematographs, stadia, churches, or structures of like nature.

5. Nor shall anything in this Act prevent professional architects and engineers to practice their

CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics and Contracts

Section 16. Refusal to Issue Certificate.” The Board for Civil Engineers shall not issue a
certificate to any person convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of any criminal offense
involving moral turpitude, or to any person guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct, or to any
person guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct, or to any person of unsound mind. In the event
of a refusal to issue a certificate to any person, the Board shall give to the applicant a written
statement setting forth its reason for such action, which statement shall be incorporated in the
records of the Board.
Section 17. Suspension and Revocation of Certificates. “The Board shall have the power,
after due notice and hearings to suspend or revoke the certificate of registration for any cause
mentioned in the preceding section.
Section 18. Re-issue and Replacement of Certificates. “The Board may, after the
expiration of one year from the date of certificate of registration is revoked and for reasons it may
deem sufficient, entertain an application for a new certificate of registration from the registrant
concerned. Such application shall be accomplished in the same form prescribed for examination,
but the Board may, in its discretion, exempt the applicant from taking the requisite examination.
Section 19. Transitory Provisions.” As soon as this Act takes effect, any person desiring
to practice the profession of civil engineering shall be required to obtain a certificate of registration
in the manner and under the conditions hereinafter provided. All civil engineers duly licensed
under the provisions of Act Numbered Twenty-nine hundred and eighty-five, as amended, at the
time this Act takes effect, shall be automatically registered under the provisions hereof.
Certificates of registration held by such persons in good standing shall have the same force and
effect as though the same have been issued under the provisions of this Act. All graduates in civil
engineering from a school, institute, college, or university recognized by the Government who
have passed the civil service examination for senior civil engineer and have been practicing or
employed in the Government as such during five years are exempted from taking examination.
Article IV
Section 20. Enforcement of the Act by officers of the law.” It shall be the duty of all duly
constituted law officers of the national, provincial, city and municipal governments, or any political
subdivisions thereof, to enforce the provisions of this Act and to prosecute any person violating
the same.
Section 21. Registration required.” Unless exempt from registration, no person shall
practice or offer to practice civil engineering in the Philippines without having obtained the proper
certificate of registration from the Board for Civil Engineers.*
Section 22. Penal provisions.” Any person who shall practice or offer to practice civil
engineering in the Philippines without being registered in accordance with the provisions of this
Act or any person presenting or attempting to use as his own the certificate of registration of a
registered civil engineer, or any person who shall give any false or forged evidence of any kind to
the Board, or any person who shall impersonate any registrant civil engineer of different name or
any person who shall attempt to use a revoked or suspended certificate of registration, or any
person who shall use in connection with his name or otherwise assume, use or advertise any title
or description tending to convey the impression that he is a civil engineer, without holding a valid

CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics and Contracts

certificate of registration, or any person who shall violate any of the provision of this Act, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to a fine of not less than five
hundred pesos nor more than two thousand pesos, or to suffer imprisonment for a period of not
less than six months not more than one year, or both, in the discretion of the court.
Article V
Section 23. Preparation of plans and supervisions of construction by registered civil
engineer.” It shall be unlawful for any person to order or otherwise cause the construction,
reconstruction, or alteration of any building or structure intended for public gathering or assembly
such as theaters, cinematographs, stadia, churches or structures of like nature, and any other
engineering structures mentioned in section two of this Act unless the designs, plans, and
specifications of same have been prepared under the responsible charge of, and signed and
sealed by a registered civil engineer, and unless the construction, reconstruction and/or alteration
thereof are executed under the responsible charge and direct supervision of a civil engineer.
Plans and designs of structures must be approved as provided by law or ordinance of a city or
province or municipality where the said structure is to be constructed.
Section 24. The practice of civil engineering is a professional service, admission to which
must be determined upon individual, personal qualifications. Hence, no firm, partnership,
corporation or association may be registered or licensed as such for the practice of civil
engineering: Provided, however, That persons properly registered and licensed as civil engineers
may, among themselves or with a person or persons properly registered and licensed as
architects, form, and obtain registration of, a firm, partnership or association using the term
“Engineers” or “Engineers and Architects,” but, nobody shall be a member or partner of such firm,
partnership or association unless he is duly licensed civil engineer or architect, and the members
who are civil engineers shall only render work and services proper for a civil engineer, as defined
in this Act, and the members who are architects shall also only render work and services proper
for an architect, as defined in the law regulating the practice of architecture; individual members
of such firms, partnership or association shall be responsible for their own respective acts.
Section 25. Reciprocity requirements.” No person who is not a citizen of the Philippines
at the time he applies to take the examination shall be allowed to take it unless he can prove in
the manner provided by the Rules of Court that, by specific provision of law, the country of which
he is a citizen, subject, or national either admits citizens of the Philippines to the practice of the
same profession without restriction or allows them to practice it after an examination on terms of
strict and absolute equality with citizens, subjects, or nationals of the country concerned, including
the unconditional recognition of degrees issued by institutions of learning duly recognized for the
purpose by the Government of the Philippines: Provided, That if he is not a citizen of the
Philippines, and was admitted to the practice of a profession in the Philippines after December 8,
1941, his active practice in that profession, either in the Philippines or in the state or country where
he was practicing his profession, shall not have been interrupted for a period of two years or more
prior to July 4, 1946, and that the country or state from which he comes allows the citizens of the
Philippines by specific provision of law, to practice the same profession without restriction or on
terms of strict and absolute equality with citizens, subjects or nationals of the country or state

CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Ethics and Contracts

Section 26. Roster of civil engineers.” A roster showing the names and places of business
of all registered civil engineers shall be prepared by the Commissioner of PRC periodically but at
least once a year. Copies of this roster shall be placed on file with the PRC and furnished to all
department heads, mayors of all chartered cities, to the Director of Public Works, to such other
Bureaus, government entities or agencies and municipal and provincial authorities as may be
deemed necessary and to the public upon request.
Section 27. Repeal.” All laws, parts of laws, orders, ordinances, or regulations in conflict
with the provisions hereof; including parts of Act Numbered Twenty-nine hundred and eighty-five,
as amended, as pertains to the practice of civil engineering, are hereby repealed, except the
provisions of Act Numbered Thirty-one hundred and fifty nine amending Act Numbered Twenty-
nine hundred and eighty-five, pertaining to the practice of “maestro de obras.”
Section 28. Construction of Act.” If any part or section of this Act shall be declared
unconstitutional, such declarations shall not invalidate the other provisions hereof.
Section 29. Effectivity.” This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved, June 17, 1950 (As amended by R.A. No. 1582, approved on June 16, 1956).

Assignment: 2f

What can the RA 544 or the Civil Engineering Law of the Philippines contribute or help you as a
civil engineering student?


http://sknlazoce.blogspot.com › 2019/09

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

Lecture Notes 10
Civil Engineering Laws,
Contracts, Specifications and

CE 14
Second Semester
BSCE Curriculum 2013-2014
Presented by: NENITA M. ABARADO, Ph.D., C.E.
College of Engineering and Architecture
Bohol Island State University-Main Campus

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

Lesson 10
RA 9184- The Government Procurement Reform Act
(Sections 1 to 5)

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. know RA 9184 and its purpose and policy;

2. enumerate the governing principles on government procurement;

3. recognize the key provisions and guidelines for the government procurement process
set out in RA 9184 and

4. determine the scope and application of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA
9184 and its definition of terms.

Time Frame: 2 hours


Any government agency can engage in procurement, which includes the acquisition of
goods, consulting services, contracting for infrastructure projects, and leasing of goods and real

Government procurement is, at present, governed by Republic Act No. 9184, “An Act
Providing for the Modernization, Standardization and Regulation of the Procurement Activities
of the Government and for Other Purposes”, enacted on December 18, 2002 and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations. The passage of this law highlighted the government’s
efforts in pursuing procurement reforms and upholding the following principles

 Transparency in the procurement process and in the implementation of procurement


 Competitiveness by extending equal opportunity to all eligible and qualified private

contracting parties to participate in public bidding;

 Streamlined procurement process applied uniformly to all government procurement. The

procurement process shall be simple and adaptable to modern technology in order to
ensure effective and efficient method;

 System of accountability where public officials directly or indirectly involved in the

procurement process and implementation of procurement contracts, and private parties

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

dealing with the government are, when warranted by circumstances, investigated and
held liable for their actions; and

 Public monitoring of the procurement process and implementation of awarded contracts

in ensuring that contracts are awarded pursuant to the provisions of RA 9184 and its
implementing rules and regulations and that performance under these contracts are
strictly in accordance with approved terms, conditions and specifications.

This lesson covers the sections 1 to 5 of R.A. 9184: The Government Procurement
Reform Act. Implementing Rules and Regulations on the Procurement of Consulting Services
for Government Projects. However, other sections will be tackled for the next lessons.

See the attached copy of the document on THE 2016 REVISED IMPLEMENTING
RULES AND REGULATIONS OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9184 (Updated as of 31 March 2021
R.A. 9184: in this classroom.

Assignment 2F:

1. Provide a brief summary per section.


1. https://www.gppb.gov.ph/assets/pdfs/Updated%202016%20IRR_31%20March%
2. https://www.coa.gov.ph › DSWD_PA2005-08C_ES PDF

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

Lecture Notes 11
Civil Engineering Laws,
Contracts, Specifications and

CE 14
Second Semester
BSCE Curriculum 2013-2014
Presented by: NENITA M. ABARADO, Ph.D., C.E.
College of Engineering and Architecture
Bohol Island State University-Main Campus

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

Lesson 11
RA 9184- The Government Procurement Reform Act
(Sections 6 to 19)

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. know the standardization of procurement process and forms;

2. to be acquainted with the rule on procurement planning;

3. to tell the ways on procurement by electronic means;

4. to realize the importance of security, integrity and confidentiality as satted in RA 9184


5. identify the components of bids and awards committee and its functions.

Time Frame: 2 hours


Please refer to the attached copy of the document on THE 2016 REVISED
31 March 2021, Sections 6-19.

Assignment 3F:

1. Provide a brief summary per section.


1. https://www.gppb.gov.ph/assets/pdfs/Updated%202016%20IRR_31%20March%
2. https://www.coa.gov.ph › DSWD_PA2005-08C_ES PDF

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

Lecture Notes 12
Civil Engineering Laws,
Contracts, Specifications and

CE 14
Second Semester
BSCE Curriculum 2013-2014
Presented by: NENITA M. ABARADO, Ph.D., C.E.
College of Engineering and Architecture
Bohol Island State University-Main Campus

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

Lesson 12
Presidential Decree No. 1594

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. know PD 1594 and its purpose.

2. differentiate PD 1594 and RA 9184.
3. elaborate the importance of Section 2 of PD 1594.
4. make a summary of PD1594.

Time Frame: 2 hours



PD 1594 Section 2: No bidding and/or award of contract for a construction project shall
be made unless the detailed engineering investigations, surveys and designs for the project
have been sufficiently carried out and approved.


 Survey

 Site Investigation

 Soil and Foundation Investigation

 Construction Materials Investigations

 Preparation of Design Plans

 Preparation of Technical Specifications

 Preparation of Quantity and Cost Estimates

 Preparation of Program of Work

 Preparation of Proposed Construction Schedule (and Estimated Cash Flow for projects
with schedule over 6 months)

 Preparation of Site or Right-of-Way plans including Schedule of Acquisition

 Preparation of Utility Relocation Plan

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

 Preparation and Submission of Design Report

 Environmental Impact Statement for Critical Projects

 Preparation of Bid/Tender Documents

 Preparation of Minimum Requirements for a Construction Safety and Health Program for
the Project being Considered.


 Design standards

 Field Surveys and Investigation

 Contract Plans

o Site Development Plan

o Plans and profile sheet

o Typical sections and details

o Drainage details where applicable

o Structural plans at appropriate scales indicating all details necessary in order

that the complete structure can be set out and constructed

o Other details which may be required

 Quantities

 Special Provisions

 Unit Prices

 Budget for the Contract

 Bid/Tender Documents

o Instruction to Bidders

o General Conditions

o Addenda

o Itemized Bill of Quantities

o Day Work Schedule

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

o Form of Bid Security

o Performance Security

Bidding Documents

R.A 9184

 Approved Budget for the Contract;

 Instructions to Bidders, including criteria for eligibility, bid evaluation and post-
qualification, as well as the date, time and place of the pre-bid Conference (where
applicable), submission of bids and opening of bids;

 Terms of Reference;

 Eligibility Requirements;

 Plans and Technical Specifications;

 Form of Bid, Price Form, and List of Goods or Bill of Quantities;

 Delivery Time or Completion Schedule;

 Form and Amount of Bid Security;

 Form and Amount of Performance Security and Warranty; and,

 Form of Contract, and General and special Conditions of Contract.

o Contract Plans and Specifications

o Draft Contract including price escalation clause

o All other information required for local and international bidding procedures

 Program of Work

o Estimates of the work items

o Quantities and costs

o PERT/CPM (Programme Evaluation Review Technique/ Critical Path Method)

network of the project


Who may allow to bid?

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

• Filipino Citizens (Single Proprietorship) Partnership or corporation duly organized under

the laws of the Philippines, and at least 75% of the capital stock of which belongs to Filipino

• Contractors forming themselves into a joint venture Foreign contractors for

internationally bid foreign-assisted projects

Organizations of the BAC (Bid and Award Committee (BAC) or Designated Procurement Unit)
• Conduct of Eligibility Screening

• Bidding

• Evaluation of the Bids

• Post-qualification

• Recommending award of contracts

BAC Composition

 Chairman

- at least third ranking of the office

 Executive Officer and Secretary

- Legal Officer of the office

- Administrative Officer of the agency (when does not have a legal officer)

 Member (regular)

o Technical member

 Member (provisional)

- At least two, with experience in the type of contract to be bid and in project
 Members from the private sector

- On qualified representative from constructors’ association recognized by CIAP

(Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines)
- One qualified representative from any of the ff. organizations:
• End–User group or non–governmental organizations

• Project-related Professional associations (accredited by Professional

Regulation Commission or Supreme Court)

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

(They are non-voting members)

 Observers

- Commission on Audit (COA) of the concerned agency


For locally and Foreign funded CONTRACTS

1.) Newspaper (General Circulation)
 Contracts costing more than 5 million – Advertisement shall be made at least 3 times
within reasonable period

 Contracts costing 5 million and below – Advertisement shall be made at least 2 times
within 2 weeks

2.) The same advertisement shall be posted in the website of the office concerned.
3.) Invitation may also be advertised through televisions and radio


Notice for Pre-qualifications/ Eligibility Screening

a.) Name and location of project
b.) Project background and other relevant information regarding the proposed work
c.) Approved budget for the Contract to be bid and source funding
d.) Criteria to be used by the office in:
- Prequalification or Eligibility Screening of the contractors
- Evaluation of Bids
- Post-qualification of the lowest calculated bid
e.) Cost and Place of issuance of Eligibility Forms and Bid/Tender documents
f.) Date, time and place of:
- Submission of accomplished ELIGIBILTY forms
- Pre-bid conference
- Submission of bids
- Opening of bids

Eligibility Screening

(Pre-qualification or Eligibility Statement To be submitted by Contractors)

Legal Documents
1.) Contractors valid PCAB license for the type and cost of the contract to be bid
2.) Valid Joint Venture Agreement in the Case
3.) Letter Authorizing the Head of the Office or his duly authorized representatives to verify any
or all of the documents submitted for Eligibility Screening
4.) Statement that his firm is not included in the “Blacklist” of Contractors issued by the
Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines

Technical Documents

1.) A statement of all government and private construction contracts, completed in at least the
last 3 years.

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

2.) A statement of all ongoing government and private construction contracts awarded but not
yet started.
3.) A statement that the contractor has key personnel that may be used for construction
4.) A statement that the contractor owns equipment that may be used for construction contracts

Financial Documents

1) Audited financial statements for at least the past 3 calendar years

2) Contractor’s net financial contracting capacity

Bid Security

Original copy of the bid shall be accompanied by a bid security, payable to the procuring
entity concerned as a guarantee that the successful bidder shall, within 30 calendar days or
less, from receipt of the notice of award, enter into contract with the procuring entity and furnish
the performance security allows a longer period.


Bids and bid securities shall be valid for a reasonable period as determined by the Head
of the Procuring Entity concerned, which shall be indicated in the Bidding Documents, but in
no case shall the period exceed one hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the date of
the opening of bids.

Submission, Opening and Abstracting of Bids/Tender

Bids in the prescribed bid form including its annexes shall be submitted in two (2) sealed
envelopes with the name of the CONTRACT to be bid and the name of the BIDDER in capital
letters addressed to BAC of the office concerned. They shall be marked by the bidder “DO NOT
OPEN BEFORE (date and time of opening of bids)”.

• Technical Proposal

• Compliance (Pass or Fail)

 Price proposal

First Envelope
• Authority of the signing official

• Construction Schedule and S-curve

• Construction Methods

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

• Organizational Chart for the contract to be bid

• List of Contractor’s Personnel with their complete qualification and experience data

• Person power schedule

• List of Contractor’s Equipment

• Units intended for use exclusively

in the contract to be bid

• Equipment Utilization Schedule

• Certificate of site inspection

• Bid Security

• Certification that the detailed Estimates, Cash flow by quarter and Payments Schedule
are in the second envelope

• Commitment from the contractor’s bank to extend to him a credit line if awarded the
contract to be bid

• Construction Safety and Health Program

• Other non- discretionary criteria

Second Envelope
• Bid Prices in the Bill of Quantities

• Detailed Estimates

• Cash flow by Quarter and

• Payments Schedule

Determination of the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid

(Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid)
- is the bid with the lowest price as calculated and which complies with all the
- it is determined in two step:
1.) Detailed Bid Evaluation
2.) Post-qualification


(Contractor with the Lowest Calculated Bid)

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

This verifies and ascertain whether the bidder with the lowest calculated bid
complies or is responsive to all the requirements of the contract


If the BAC finds that the contractor with the lowest calculated total bid prices passes the
post-qualification criteria, the office shall award the contract to him.
If the decision is to award the contract, the Notice of Award shall be issued normally
within 7 calendar days from the date the decision to award is made.

The successful bidder or his duly authorized representative shall execute the contract
with the office concerned normally 15 calendar days from the receipt of the Notice of Award.
The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to declare a failure of
bidding, or not to award the contract if there is, among others evidence of collusion among
contractors and other parties resulting in no competition

Documents Comprising the Contract

1. Contract Agreement

2. Conditions of the contract

3. Drawings/Plans

4. Specifications

5. Invitation to Bid

6. Instruction to Bidders

7. Addenda

8. Bid Form

9. Performance Statements

10. Credit Line issued by an authorized bank in an amount equal to the average operating
expenses of the project for 2months of 10% of the total project cost

11. Notice of Award of Contract

12. Other contract documents may be required

Supporting Documents

• Duly Approved Program of Work and Cost Estimates

• Certificate of Availability Of Funds

• Approved Budget for the Contract

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

• Abstract of Bids

• Resolution of the BAC or the BAC recommending award

• Approval of Award by Approving Authority

• Other pertinent documents as may be reasonably required by the existing laws

Approval of Contract

The approving authority for the contract or his duly authorized representative shall be
given a maximum of fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt thereof to approve or disapprove it.
For contracts requiring the approval by the Office of the President, the same should
normally be approved/disapproved within calendar days from the date that request for approval
of such contracts shall have been received by the Office of the President.

Issuance of Notice to Proceed

The concerned government office should issue the Notice to Proceed (NTP) to
successful bidder not later than 15 calendar days from the date of approval of the contract by
the authorized government official. The Effectivity date for the NTP shall be specified by the
agency concerned.


Advance payment - The Government shall make an advance payment to the contractor in an
amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the total contract price.

Contract completion- Once the project reaches an accomplishment of 95% of the total
contract amount, the government may create an inspectorate team to make preliminary
inspection and submit a punch-list to the contractor in preparation of the final turnover of the

Suspension of work

1. The Government shall have the authority to suspend work wholly or partly due to any
fortuitous events (force majeure).
2. The contractor shall have the right to suspend work operation on any or all projects along the
critical path of activities after 15 calendar days from date of receipt of written notice from the
contractor to the district engineer/regional director/consultant, due to the following:
• Existence of right-of-way problems

• Requisite construction plans are not issued to the contractor

• Peace and order conditions

• Government failure to deliver government-furnished materials and equipment as

stipulated in the contract

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

• Delay in the payment of contractor’s claim for progress billing


The Government shall determine the amount of extension that a contractor is fairly entitled
to, provided that the Government is not bound to take into account any claim for an extension of


Subject and Scope

All contractors undertaking projects with the government shall have their performance
evaluated by offices concerned.
This evaluation shall be done during construction and upon completion of each
government project.

Evaluation Guidelines

All offices concerned are mandated to adopt the CPES Implementing Guidelines as
approved by the NEDA Infracom.

Implementation Mechanism for CPES

Each agency shall establish a CPES Implementing Unit (IU) which shall be responsible
for CPES guidelines implementation, including but not limited to the supervision of performance
evaluators accredited by the CIAP.

Submission of Evaluation Results

All offices concerned shall submit the results of their performance evaluation to the CIAP
within one week after the conduct of final evaluation

Utilization of Evaluation Results

The CIAP shall consolidate all of the evaluation results received and shall disseminate
the same to all offices concerned.

Such data shall be used in:

• Pre-qualification and blacklisting of construction firms

• Adopting measure to further improve performance of contractors in the prosecution of

government projects


1. Make a brief discussion about the Section 2 of PD 1594.

2. What is the intent of CIAP Document 102.

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

3. Provide a list of the most recent DPWH price list for construction materials
4. Using the references provided, write an in-depth summary of PD 1594 in your
own words.


 https://lawphil.net/statutes/presdecs/pd1978/pd_1594_1978.html
 https://www.gppb.gov.ph/laws/laws/PD1594-IRR.pdf

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

Lecture Notes 14
Civil Engineering Laws,
Contracts, Specifications and

CE 14
Second Semester
BSCE Curriculum 2013-2014

Presented by: NENITA M. ABARADO, Ph.D., C.E.

College of Engineering and Architecture
Bohol Island State University-Main Campus

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

Lesson 14
Extracts from the New Civil Code: Obligations and Contracts

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Understand the distinction between an obligation and a contract, as well as the laws that govern each
under the new civil code.

Time Frame: 2 hours


What is contract under the new Civil Code?

The Civil Code defines a contract as “a meeting of minds between two persons whereby
one binds himself, with respect to the other, to give something or to render some
service.” For there to be a valid contract, these three elements must be present: consent,
object, and cause.

What are the sources of an obligation under the Civil Code?

There are only two (2) sources of obligations, namely: (1) law; and (2) contracts
because obligations arising from quasi-contracts, crimes (No. 4, Article 1157, Civil Code of
the Philippines), and quasi-delicts are really imposed by law.Apr 19, 2014

What is an obligation under the Civil Code of the Philippines?

An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do. (Art. 1156 of the New Civil
Code of the Philippines) An obligation is a legal bond (vinculum iuris) by which one or more
parties (obligants) are bound to act or refrain from acting.

What is obligation and contracts?

Business law obligation and contract refers to what is legally required of each of the
parties involved in a contractual agreement. The law requires individuals who enter into
legal agreements to uphold their end of the contract.

Why contract is a source of obligation?

Contracts. Obligations arise from the stipulation of the parties; it has the force of law and
should be complied with in good faith. [2] For example, a contract of sale between a buyer
and a seller in which the obligation arises. Quasi-Contracts.

Can there be an obligation without a contract?

CE 3c Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, Specifications and Ethics

Originally Answered: Can a person incur obligations even without a contract or voluntary
Absolutely. Oral or written agreements are contractual obligations, some are legally
enforceble. Then, to the human existence, there is another side—nonlegal, if you will—that is

What is the new Civil Code of the Philippines?

The Civil Code of the Philippines is the product of the codification of private law in the
Philippines. It is the general law that governs family and property relations in the Philippines.

Why is obligation different from contracts?

For example, if you enter into a contract to sell a vehicle, you have an obligation to transfer
its ownership, whereas the buyer has an obligation to pay you for it. The terms of the
contract will specify the ways to fulfill the obligations (amount and mode of payment, time and
place of delivery, etc.).

What happens when there is no contract?

Starting work without a signed contract means that your position isn't clear, or even worse –it's
weak. ... Along with aiding to minimise disputes and resolve any problems that may arise;
a contract will communicate to a client, not only the amount that they are required to pay,
but also invoice and payment dates.

1. Give an example of why a contract might be a source of obligation.
2. Briefly make a summary on the new Civil Code of the Philippines.
3. Why is obligation different from contracts? Cite an example.
4. What happens when there is no contract? Give your own example.


CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, and Ethics

Lecture Notes 15
Civil Engineering Laws,
Contracts, Specifications and

CE 14
Second Semester
BSCE Curriculum 2013-2014

Presented by: NENITA M. ABARADO, Ph.D., C.E.

College of Engineering and Architecture
Bohol Island State University-Main Campus

CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, and Ethics

Lesson 15
PD 1096: The National Building Code and its Implementing Rules and Regulations

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. be acquainted with the PD 1096, including its rationale and purpose;

2. recognize the intent of PD 1096 and the importance of National Building Codes in the design of
3. determine the building rules of PD 1096 and
4. describe green building and explain what it entails.

Time Frame: 2 hours


The National Building Code of the Philippines, also known as Presidential Decree No. 1096, is a
regulation that establishes a framework of basic criteria and rules for Philippine structures.

It has been the guiding document for buildings and structures in the Philippines since 1977, when it
was enacted into law. Amendments, as well as related laws and regulations, have been developed over
time to strengthen and enhance the efficacy of its execution.

Any person, firm, or corporation shall be prohibited from erecting, constructing, enlarging,
altering, repairing, moving, improving, removing, converting, demolishing, equipping, using, occupying,
or maintaining any building or structure, or causing the same to be done, in violation of any provision
of this Code.

See the attachment on PD 1096 Chapters 3 and 4.

1. Tell something on Bicycle Facilities Along National Roads based on NBCP. (Refer to

2. What are the provisions under the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 (from
www.dpwh.gov.ph), the 1977 NBCP on building setbacks-easements-firewalls-perimeter

3. What are the provisions under the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 (from
www.dpwh.gov.ph), the 1977 NBCP on building setbacks-easements-firewalls-perimeter

4. Define the term “building” in four (4) different ways as per Philippine Laws and Regulations.

CE 14 Civil Engineering Laws, Contracts, and Ethics

5. What is the meaning of green building?

6. Tell the coverage of The Green Building (GB) Code as basis of NBCP. (https://accelerate-

7. What is the general provision of the Philippine Green Building Code Presidential Decree 1096



(PD 1096)


• P.D. 1096 (National Building Code)
• R.A. 544 (Civil Engineering Law)
• R.A. 9266 (New Architecture Act of 2004)


Foreword…………………………………………………………………….... vii
Acknowledgement…………………………………………………………… viii
Special Order No. 43 Series of 2005…………………………………………. ix
NBCDO Memorandum Circular No. 01 Series of 2005…………………. x



101 Title ………………………………………………….………………….….….. 1

102 Declaration of Policy………………………………………………….……….. 1
103 Scope and Application……………….……………………………….………. 1
104 General Building Requirements………………………………………..…….. 1
105 Site Requirements…………………………………………………………….. 2
106 Definitions…………………………………………………….…………..…….. 2-3


201 Responsibility for Administration and Enforcement………………….……… 4

202 Technical Staff………………………………………….……………….……... 4
203 General Powers and Functions of the Secretary………………………….… 4
204 Professional and Technical Assistance..……………………………..…….… 4-5
205 Building Officials………………………………………….…………….……..… 5
206 Qualifications of Building Officials…………………………………….……..… 5
207 Duties of the Building Official…………………………………………..…….… 5-7
208 Fees…………………………………………………….……………………..... 7
209 Exemption…………………………………………………………………….….. 7
210 Use of Income from Fees………………………………….……………....…. 7 - 12
211 Implementing Rules and Regulations……………………………………...... 12
212 Administrative Fines……………………………………….………………... 12 - 14
213 Penal Provisions……………….…………………………………………..…. 14
214 Dangerous and Ruinous Buildings or Structures…………….………….…. 14 - 15
215 Abatement of Dangerous Buildings………………………………………....… 15 - 16
216 Other Remedies……………………………………………….………………. 16
Procedure in Enforcing Administrative Sanctions 17 - 18
Procedure for Abatement/Demolition
of Dangerous/Ruinous Buildings/Structures……………………………. 19


301 Building Permits………………………………………………………………... 20 - 21

302 Application for Permits………………………………………………………..… 21 - 28
303 Processing of Building Permits………………………….………………....…. 28 - 32
304 Issuance of Building Permits....………………………….…………….…….… 32 - 33
305 Validity of Building Permits………………………………………………...….. 33
306 Non-issuance, Suspension or Revocation of Building Permits………..…… 34
307 Appeal………………………………………………………………………….... 35
308 Inspection and Supervision of Work……………………………………..….. 35
309 Certificate of Occupancy……………………………………….…………..… 35 - 36


401 Types of Construction……………………………………………………..…... 37

402 Changes in Types…..…………………………………..…….…………….…. 37
403 Requirements on Type of Construction…………………………….………... 37 - 38


501 Fire Zones Defined…………………………………………….…….………….. 39

502 Buildings Located in More than One Fire Zone………………………....…. 39
503 Moved Buildings.………………………………………………………………. 39
504 Temporary Buildings/Structures…………………….…….…………………... 39
505 Center Lines of Streets……………………………………….……………..….. 39
506 Restrictions on Existing Buildings…………………………………………..... 39 - 40
507 Designation of Fire Zones…………………………………………………….. 40



601 Fire-Resistive Rating Defined……………………………………………….. 41

602 Fire-Resistive Time Period Rating…………………………………………..… 41
603 Fire-Resistive Standards……………………………………………………..… 41
604 Fire-Resistive Regulations………………………………………………….…. 41



701 Occupancy Classified……………………………………….…………….…… 42 - 75

702 Change in Use………………………………………………….…………….…. 76
703 Mixed Occupancy……………………………………….….…………………... 76 - 77
704 Location on Property………………………………………….……………….... 77 - 79
705 Allowable Floor Areas…………………………………………………………. 79 - 82
706 Allowable Floor Area Increases..………………………….………………….. 83
707 Maximum Height of Buildings……………………………….……………….. 83 - 102
708 Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings………….………………... 102 - 103
709 Requirements for Other Group Occupancies…………….………………..… 104
Guidelines on Building Bulk, Development Control,
Buildings & Other Accessory Structures Within
Cemeteries and Memorial Parks………………………………………... 105 - 113


801 General Requirements of Light and Ventilation…………………………….. 114

802 Measurement of Site Occupancy……………………….…………….…….… 114
803 Percentage of Site Occupancy…………………………………………………114 - 120
804 Size and Dimensions of Courts……………………………………………..…. 121 - 126
805 Ceiling Heights………………………………………………………………… 127
806 Sizes and Dimensions of Rooms……………………………………………… 127
807 Air Space Requirements in Determining the Size of Rooms……………..... 127
808 Windows Openings………………………………………….………………... 127 - 128
809 Vent Shafts……………………………………………………………………..... 129
810 Ventilation Skylights…………………………………………………………..… 128
811 Artificial Ventilation…………………………………………………………….... 128 - 129
Guidelines on Easements, View Corridors/Sight Lines,
Streets/Road Right-of-Way (RROW), Sidewalks,
Arcades, Basements, Lots, and Public Buildings/Structures……….….130 - 157


901 General Requirements………………………………….…………………….. 158

902 Water Supply System.…………………….………………………………….... 158
903 Wastewater Disposal System……….………………….…….…………….…. 158
904 Storm Drainage System.………………………….…………………………....158 - 159
905 Pest and Vermin Control.……………………………….…….…………….….. 159
906 Noise Pollution Control………………………………………………………..... 159
907 Pipes Materials…………………………………….……….…………………... 159



1001 General Requirements………………………………….….………………..…. 160

1002 Projection into Alleys or Streets…………………………….………………... 160
1003 Projection of Balconies and Appendages Over Streets……………………. 160
1004 Arcades……………………………………………………….…………………. 161
1005 Canopies (Marquees)………………………………………………………..…. 162
1006 Movable Awnings or Hoods………………………………………………….... 162
1007 Doors, Windows, and the Like…………………………….………………….. 162
1008 Corner Buildings with Chaflans………………………….…………………....162 - 163



1101 General Requirements………………………………………………………... 164

1102 Storage in Public Property…………………………………….……….…….. 164
1103 Mixing Mortar on Public Property……………………………………………. 164
1104 Protection of Utilities………………………………………………………….… 164
1105 Walkway…………………………….……………………….…………..…….. 165
1106 Pedestrian Protection………………………………….………….…………….165 - 170
1107 Maintenance and Removal of Protective Devices………………………..….170 - 176
1108 Demolition..………………………………………………….…………...…….. 176 - 181



1201 General Requirements……………………………………………………….… 182

1202 Excavation, Foundation, and Retaining Walls……….……………………....182 - 185
1203 Veneer………………………………………………………….……………….... 185
1204 Enclosure of Vertical Openings……………………………………………… 185 - 186
1205 Floor Construction……………………………………………..…………….... 186
1206 Roof Construction and Covering………………………….…………………..186 - 187
1207 Stairs, Exits, and Occupant Loads…………………………….…………….. 187 - 199
1208 Skylights……………………………………………………………………….…199 - 200
1209 Bays, Porches, and Balconies………………………….…………………..…. 200
1210 Penthouses and Roof Structures………………………………………….... 200 - 201
1211 Chimneys, Fireplaces, and Barbecues………………….……………………201 - 205
1212 Fire-Extinguishing Systems…………………………………………………...205 - 208
1213 Stages and Platform…………………………………………..………………...208 - 209
1214 Motion Picture Projection Rooms……………………….……………………..210 - 211
1215 Lathing, Plastering, and Installation of Wall Boards………..…….…….…... 211



1301 Electrical Regulations……………………………………….……………….….212 - 217

1302 Mechanical Regulations…………………………………….……………….....218 - 223


1401 Storage and Handling……………………………………….………………….. 224

1402 Classes of Film Exempted…………………………………..…………….….... 224
1403 Fire Extinguishing System………………………………….……………….... 224

1501 Prefabricated Assembly………………………………………………..…….. 225


1601 Approved Plastics….………………………………………………………….. 226

1602 Installation….……………………………………….….……….……………..… 226
1603 Glazing of Openings…..……………………………….……………………..… 226
1604 Skylights…..…………………………………………….……………………... 226 - 227
1605 Light-Transmitting Panels in Monitors and Sawtooth Roofs……………….. 227
1606 Plastic Light Diffusers in Ceilings………………………….………………..…227 - 228
1607 Partitions….……………………………………………………………………... 228
1608 Exterior Veneer….……………………………………….…………………….... 228
1609 Awnings and Canopies….……………………………….…………………….. 228


1701 Sheet Metal Paint Spray Booth…………………………………………….... 229

1702 Fire Protection….………………………………………….…………………….. 229
1703 Light….……………………………………………………….………………… 229
1704 Ventilation….………………………………………….………………………....229 - 230


1801 General Requirements….……………………………….……………………… 231

1802 Area Limitation….……………………………….………….…………….….... 231
1803 Glazing….…………………………………………..……….………………….... 232
1804 Louvered Windows….…………………………………….……………….... 232
1805 Impact….…………………………………………………….……………….... 232


1901 General Rule……..…………………………………………………………....... 233

1902 Program Documentation………………………………….………………….... 233
1903 Submission of Computer-Generated Computations………………………… 233


2001 General Requirements……………………………………….……………….... 234

2002 Maintenance………………………………………………….………………... 234
2003 Design and Construction………………………………….………………….... 234
2004 Supports and Anchorages………………………………….……………….….234 - 236
2005 Projections and Clearances……………………………………………….… 236
2006 Lighting…………………………………………………………..……………..… 237 - 239


2101 Separability Clause………………………………….…..…….……………… 240

2102 Repealing and Amending Clause……………………….…………………….. 240
2103 Effectivity…….……………………………………………..…………………....…. 240

GLOSSARY………………………………………………………………….…..241 - 253

NBC FORMS 272 - 341


P. D. 1096 (National Building Code of the Philippines) 352 - 416

R.A. 544 (Civil Engineering Law) 417 - 421

R.A. 9266 (Architecture Act of 2004) 422 - 434


Building Permit/Accessory Permit and Other Forms: 272 - 302

NBC Form No. B - 01 Application for Building Permit/Building Permit…..……………...272 - 273

NBC Form No. B - 02 Excavation & Ground Preparation Permit………..……………....274 - 275
NBC Form No. B - 03 Fencing Permit……………………………………….……………..… 276 - 277
NBC Form No. B - 04 Sidewalk Construction Permit……………………………….……... 278 - 279
NBC Form No. B - 05 Temporary Sidewalk Enclosure & Occupancy Permit…………..... 280 - 281
NBC Form No. B - 06 Scaffolding Permit…………………………………………………...282 - 283
NBC Form No. B - 07 Sign Permit………………………………………………………….… 284 - 285
NBC Form No. B - 08 Demolition Permit……………………………………………….…..286 - 287
NBC Form No. B - 09 Notice of Violation………………………………………………….... 288
NBC Form No. B - 10 Certificate of Completion…………………………………………..… 289 - 290
NBC Form No. B - 11 Application for Certificate of Occupancy…………………….……... 291
NBC Form No. B - 12 Application for Change of Use or Occupancy…………………..…. 292
NBC Form No. B - 13 Certificate of Occupancy…………………………………………..... 293
NBC Form No. B - 14 Certificate of Use……………………………………………………… 294
NBC Form No. B - 15 Construction Log Book Sheet……………………………………..… 295
NBC Form No. B - 16 Order of Payment…………………………………………………… 296
NBC Form No. B - 17 Endorsement to C/MFM
Re- Application for Building Permit…………….…………….……... 297
NBC Form No. B - 18 Endorsement to C/MFM
Re- Completion of Construction…………………...……………..…. 298
NBC Form No. B - 19 Certificate of Annual Inspection…………………………………..… 299
NBC Form No. B - 20 Notice of Construction……………………………………………..…. 300
NBC Form No. B - 21 Inspection Report………………………………………………….. 301 - 302

Ancillary Permit Forms: 303 - 316

NBC Form No. A - 01 Architectural Permit…………………………………………………303 - 304

NBC Form No. A - 02 Civil/Structural Permit………………………………………………..
305 - 306
NBC Form No. A - 03 Electrical Permit………………………………………………….…....
307 - 308
NBC Form No. A - 04 Mechanical Permit………………………………………………….... 309 - 310
NBC Form No. A - 05 Sanitary Permit…………………………………………………..... 311 - 312
NBC Form No. A - 06 Plumbing Permit…………………………………………………….313 - 314
NBC Form No. A - 07 Electronics Permit…………………………………………………....315 - 316
Electrical Forms: 317 - 331

NBC Form No. E - 01 Notice of Unsafe Electrical Installation………………………….... 317

NBC Form No. E - 02 Notice of Illegal Electrical Installation…………………………...….. 318
NBC Form No. E - 03 Permit for Temporary Service Connection……………………… 319 - 320
NBC Form No. E - 04 Certificate of Electrical Inspection for
Temporary Power Connection…………………….……………..….. 321
NBC Form No. E - 05 Certificate of Final Electrical Inspection………………………..…... 322
NBC Form No. E - 06 Certificate of Annual Electrical Inspection…………………….…… 323
NBC Form No. E - 07 Certificate of Operation: Indoor/Outdoor
Station Transformer………………………………………….…….… 324
NBC Form No. E - 08 Certificate of Operation: HV/MV
Primary Disconnecting Means…………………….……………..….. 325
NBC Form No. E - 09 Certificate of Operation: Incoming Low
Voltage Switchgear………………………………….……………..… 326
NBC Form No. E - 10 Certificate of Operation:
Power Distribution Panels………………………………………..….. 327
NBC Form No. E - 11 Certificate of Operation:
Lighting Distribution Panels………………………….………….…... 328
NBC Form No. E - 12 Certificate of Operation: Generator/UPS………………………..…. 329
NBC Form No. E - 13 Certificate of Operation: Motor Control Centers………………..…. 330
NBC Form No. E - 14 Certificate of Operation:
Automatic/Manual Transfer Switch…………….………………...…. 331

Mechanical Forms: 332 - 341

NBC Form No. M - 01 Notice of Illegal Mechanical Installations………………………… 332

NBC Form No. M - 02 Notice of Mechanical Requirements……………………………. 333
NBC Form No. M - 03 Certificate of Inspection: Steam Boiler/
Certificate of Operation: Steam Boiler…………………..………..... 334
NBC Form No. M - 04 Certificate of Inspection: Unfired Pressure Vessels/
Certificate of Operation: Unfired Pressure Vessels……………….. 335
NBC Form No. M - 05 Certificate of Inspection: Gas Pipe and/or Burner/
Certificate of Operation: Gas Pipe and/or Burner……………..….. 336
NBC Form No. M - 06 Certificate of Operation: Internal Combustion Engine………….… 337
NBC Form No. M - 07 Certificate of Operation: Machinery…………………………….…... 338
NBC Form No. M - 08 Certificate of Operation: Elevator/Dumbwaiter….…………….…... 339
NBC Form No. M - 09 Certificate of Operation: Escalator………………………………..… 340
NBC Form No. M - 10 Certificate of Operation:
Air-Conditioning/Refrigeration……………………………………... 341

Presidential Decree 1096, popularly known as the National Building Code of the Philippines,
which was issued on February 19, 1977 has achieved the purpose of enforcing uniform standards and
requirements on building design, construction, use, occupancy and maintenance in line with the policy
of the state to safeguard life, health, property and public welfare.

The original rules and regulations of the Code were issued on various dates in 1977-1979
through Memorandum Orders by the defunct Ministry of Public Works, Transportation and
Communications. These rules and regulations were then compiled by the then Ministry of Public
Works, now the Department of Public Works and Highways. This compilation was subsequently
approved as the “Implementing Rules and Regulations” (IRR) of the Code.

The need to update and amplify various provisions of the existing IRR has become imperative
to be realistic and relevant in the present times as demanded by technological changes in building
design and construction, rapid urbanization, development of mega cities characterized by high-rise
buildings/structures and the relevant requirements of related laws and other government agencies.

This revised IRR includes additional provisions so that each of the Chapters of PD 1096 now
has its corresponding rules and regulations. For the purpose of clarity, continuity and homogeneity,
the rules and regulations are rearranged following the same sequence and numbering as those of the
Chapters and Sections of the Code. Included also in this publication are Permit Forms relevant in the
implementation and enforcement of PD 1096.

The realization of this revised IRR is made possible through the efforts of the National
Building Code Review Committee and its Board of Consultants and the National Building Code
Development Office of the Department of Public Works and Highways.

It is hoped that this publication will contribute to a uniform and clearer interpretation and
understanding of the Code for its effective enforcement.

Our profound gratitude to all the representatives of the accredited technical professional organizations and
other agencies of the government who shared their expertise, materials, time and effort in realization of the revised
Implementing Rules and Regulations of PD 1096 otherwise known as the National Building Code of the Philippines.
Likewise, our sincere appreciation to all those responsible for drafting this revised IRR, we commend our esteem
and deference in recognition of their contribution, particularly to the following:


Assistant Secretary


Director IV, Bureau of Research Director IV, PMO-Special Buildings
and Standards


OIC, Director IV, Bureau of Design Director III, Bureau of Construction


OIC, Director III, Legal Service Architect V, Bureau of Design




Oversight Committee

Archt. Armando D. N. Alli Engr. Alberto J. Azarcon, Jr.

Archt. Lorenzo P. Espeleta Col. Rafael E. Rueda, Jr.
Engr. Agustin S. Torres Atty. Teresita G. Vidamo
Engr. Julius F. Villanueva Archt. Elmor V. Vita

BOC Members:

Archt. Ramon L. Abiera Archt. Francisco Mapalo, Jr.

Engr. Romulo R. Agatep Engr. Joel J. Marciano
Engr. Porthos P. Almajose Engr. Edward L. Mendoza
Engr. Antonio A. Avila Engr. Emilio M. Morales
Engr. Fe. M. Barrientos Ms. Belen S. Morey
Engr. Ernesto J. Battad, Jr Ms. Delia R. Pabalan
Engr. Rodolfo N. Ferrer Dr. Benito M. Pacheco
Archt. Eugene G. Gan Archt. Aquiles Paredes
Ms. Patricia M. Gomez Dr. Raymundo S. Punongbayan
Atty. Merceditas N. Gutierrez Engr. Laurentino R. Punzalan
Engr. Antonio Janubas Dr. Arthur Saldivar-Sali
Engr. Antonio E. Kaimo Engr. Eluderio S. Salvo
Engr. Antonio Jerome Lara Archt. Fernando L. Santos
Archt. Prosperidad C. Luis Archt. Michael V. Tomeldan
Comm. Roque Magno Engr. Pablo M. Magpily, Jr.

Technical Staff and Secretariat:

Asst. Director Judy F. Sese, Archt. Mariano C. del Castillo, Engr. Teodoro S. Landicho, Archt. Alpha F. Azarcon,
Archt. Ellison M. de Guzman, Marilyn A. Oba, , Miriam O. Santos, Yolanda L. Gallardo, Emelita Jorge, Gregoria
R. Flores, Ma. Dioscora L. Salomon, Evangeline P. Cruz, Milagros B. Perez, and Maria L. Bernardo.
Republic of the Philippines

Republic of the Philippines
Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila

Jul 06 2005


x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x (NBCDO)

Pursuant to Department Order No. 82 series of 2000 reactivating and reconstituting the Building Research
and Development Staff and renaming it as the National Building Code Development Office (NBCDO) the following
personnel shall compose the NBCDO as per attached approved organizational chart.

EMMANUEL P. CUNTAPAY - Acting Executive Director, NBCDO

In Concurrent capacity and
Chief, Architectural Division,
Bureau of Design

DANTE B. POTANTE - Acting Deputy Executive Director

Project Manager
OIC, Director III, Bureau of Design

1. Wilfredo S. Lopez - Bureau of Design

2. Mariano C. Del Castillo - Bureau of Design
3. Jaime A. Avellaneda - Bureau of Design
4. Jaime S. Pedro - Bureau of Design
5. Eriberto Sioson - Bureau of Design
6. Josephine P. Isturis - Bureau of Design
7. Valeriano L. Esquibal - Bureau of Design
8. Jacinto B. Sebastian - Bureau of Design
9. Rodolfo Somera - Bureau of Construction
10. Ferdinand Briones - Bureau of Design
11. Ellison M. De Guzman - Bureau of Design
12. Lucia B. Vargas - National Capital Region
13. Mario E. Palileo - Bureau of Research & Standard
14. Emmanuel R. Martinez - Legal Service
15. Vincent A. Beran - Bureau of Design
16. Joyce P. Banatao - Bureau of Design


1. Marilyn A. Oba 4. Marlon B. Turingan

2. Gregoria R. Flores 5. Donna Leuterio
3. Frances Xyra R. Flores

The assignment of the members of the technical and administrative staff shall be on full-time basis.
However, they will continue to draw their salaries/wages from their mother unit

This Order shall take effect immediately

Special Order – Composition of NBCDO

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Secretary of the Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH) under Chapter 2 of the National Building Code of the Philippines (PD 1096), the
following Rules and Regulations are hereby promulgated and issued:


SECTION 101. Title

These Rules shall be known and cited as the “Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of
the National Building Code of the Philippines (P.D. 1096)” and shall be referred to as the “IRR”.

SECTION 102. Declaration of Policy

It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State to safeguard life, health, property, and public
welfare, consistent with the principles of sound environmental management and control; and to this
end, make it the purpose of the Code to provide for all buildings and structures, a framework of
minimum standards and requirements to regulate and control their location, site, design, quality of
materials, construction, use, occupancy, and maintenance.

SECTION 103. Scope and Application

1. The scope of this IRR shall cover the following disciplines: architectural, civil/structural, electrical,
mechanical, sanitary, plumbing, and electronics. This shall also apply to the design, location, siting,
construction, alteration, repair, conversion, use, occupancy, maintenance, moving, demolition of, and
addition to public and private buildings and structures, except traditional indigenous family dwellings,
and those covered by Batas Pambansa Bilang 220 otherwise known as the “Economic and
Socialized Housing Projects”.

2. Existing buildings or structures without appropriate building permits/certificates of occupancy may be

legalized and issued the necessary permits and certificates, provided, they are made to conform to
these rules and regulations. However, they shall be subject to the imposition of penalties,
surcharges, fines and other appropriate measures.

3. The applicable and consistent provisions of the allied professional codes and other government
agency codes as approved by the DPWH Secretary shall serve as the referral codes of PD 1096 and
this IRR.

SECTION 104. General Building Requirements

1. All buildings or structures as well as accessory facilities thereto shall conform in all respects to the
principles of safe construction and must be suited to the purpose for which they are designed.

2. Buildings or structures intended to be used for the manufacture and/or production of any kind of
article or product shall observe adequate environmental safeguards.

3. Buildings or structures and all parts thereof as well as all facilities found therein shall be maintained in
safe, sanitary and good working condition.

SECTION 105. Site Requirements

The land or site upon which will be constructed any building or structure, or any ancillary or auxiliary
facility thereto, shall be sanitary, hygienic or safe. In case of sites or buildings intended for use as human
habitation or abode, the same shall be at a safe distance, as determined by competent authorities, from
streams or bodies of water and/or sources of air considered to be polluted; from a volcano or volcanic site
and/or any other building considered to be a potential source of fire or explosion.

SECTION 106. Definitions

1. For purposes of this IRR, the following definitions shall apply:

ADDITION – Any new construction which increases the height and/or floor area of existing

AGENCY OF THE GOVERNMENT – Refers to any of the various units of the government including a
department, bureau, office, instrumentality, or government owned or controlled corporation.

ALTERATION – Works in buildings/structures involving changes in the materials used, partitioning,

location/size of openings, structural parts, existing utilities and equipment but does not increase the
building height and/or floor area.

APPLICATION FORMS – A preformatted prescribed application form duly accomplished and notarized
by the respective design professional with validation matrices related to other building rules and

APPLICANT/PERMITTEE – Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, head of government or private

institution, organization of any character applying for the issuance of permits and certificates.

BUILDING OFFICAL – the Executive Officer of the OBO appointed by the Secretary.

BUILDING PERMIT – A document issued by the Building Official (BO) to an owner/applicant to proceed
with the construction, installation, addition, alteration, renovation, conversion, repair, moving, demolition
or other work activity of a specific project/building/structure or portions thereof after the accompanying
principal plans, specifications and other pertinent documents with the duly notarized application are found
satisfactory and substantially conforming with the National Building Code of the Philippines (the Code)
and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).

CODE – PD 1096, otherwise known as the National Building Code of the Philippines.

CONSTRUCTION – All on-site work done in the site preparation, excavation, foundation, assembly of all
the components and installation of utilities, machineries and equipment of buildings/structures.

CONVERSION – A change in the use or occupancy of buildings/structures or any portion/s thereof, which
has different requirements.

DEMOLITION – The systematic dismantling or destruction of a building/structure, in whole or in part.

DEPARTMENT – The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – The Executive Officer or Head of the NBCDO.

MOVING – The transfer of buildings/structures or portion/s thereof from original location or position to
another, either within the same lot or to a different one.

OFFICE OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL (OBO) – The Office authorized to enforce the provisions of the
Code and its IRR in the field as well as the enforcement of orders and decisions made pursuant thereto.

REFERRAL CODES – The applicable provisions of the various agency and technical professional codes
that are supplementary to the Code.

RENOVATION – Any physical change made on buildings/structures to increase the value, quality,
and/or to improve the aesthetic.

REPAIR – Remedial work done on any damaged or deteriorated portion/s of building/structure to restore
to its original condition.

SECRETARY – Head or Chief Executive Officer of DPWH.

STAFF – The personnel of the National Building Code Development Office (NBCDO).

2. As used in this IRR, other words, terms and phrases enumerated in the Glossary hereof shall have
the meaning or definition correspondingly provided therein.


SECTION 201. Responsibility for Administration and Enforcement

The administration and enforcement of the provisions of the Code and this IRR, including the
imposition of penalties for administrative violations thereof, is hereby vested in the Secretary.

SECTION 202. Technical Staff

The National Building Code Development Office (NBCDO) created through DPWH Department Order,
shall serve as the technical staff of the Secretary. The functions thereof are as follows:

1. Assist the Secretary in the administration and enforcement of the provisions of the Code and its IRR.

2. Review, evaluate and take final action on various technical and legal problems forwarded to the
Office of the Secretary.

3. Conduct seminar/workshops on the Code, its IRR, and Batas Pambansa Blg. 344 (Accessibility Law).

4. Undertake such other duties and tasks as may be assigned by the Secretary from time to time.

SECTION 203. General Powers and Functions of the Secretary

1. Formulate policies, plans, standards and guidelines on building design, construction, use, occupancy
and maintenance, in accordance with the Code.

2. Issue and promulgate additional rules and regulations in the form of Memorandum Circulars to
implement the provisions of the Code and ensure compliance with policies, plans, standards and
guidelines and issue office guidelines or Memorandum Circulars to guide the actions of the Building
Official in the performance of his duties and responsibilities.

3. Exercise appellate jurisdiction over the decisions and orders of the Building Official. The order or
decision of the Secretary shall be final and executory subject only to review by the Office of the
President of the Republic.

4. Evaluate, review, approve and/or take final action on changes and/or amendments to existing
Referral Codes as well as on the incorporation of other referral codes, which are not yet expressly
made supplementary to the Code and its IRR.

5. Prescribe and impose the amount of fees and other charges as may be deemed necessary that the
Building Official shall collect in connection with the performance of regulatory functions.

6. Appoint a Building Official, separate and distinct from the Office of the City/Municipal Engineers in all
Cities and Municipalities.

SECTION 204. Professional and Technical Assistance

The Secretary may secure professional, technical, scientific and other services including testing
laboratories and facilities from other agencies of the National Government when deemed necessary. He
may also engage and compensate within available appropriations, such number of consultants, experts
and advisers on full or part-time basis, as may be necessary, coming from the government or private
business, entities or associations to carry out the provisions of the Code and this IRR.

SECTION 205. Building Officials

Except as otherwise provided herein, the Building Official shall be responsible for carrying out the
provisions of the Code in the field as well as the enforcement of orders and decisions made pursuant

All Building Officials appointed or designated other than by the Secretary, shall continue to act as the
Building Official until such time that the Secretary appoints the Building Official. Offices of the Building
Officials already established, separate and distinct from the office of the City/Municipal Engineers in cities
and municipalities may continue to exist until such time that a regular office is created. (Fig. II.1.)

SECTION 206. Qualifications of Building Officials

No person shall be appointed as Building Official unless he possesses the following qualifications:

1. A Filipino citizen and of good moral character.

2. A duly registered architect or civil engineer.

3. A member of good standing of a duly accredited organization of his profession for not less than five
(5) years endorsed or recommended by the accredited professional organization.

4. Has at least five (5) years of diversified and professional experience in building design and

5. Has attended and successfully completed a seminar workshop on PD 1096 and its IRR conducted by
the DPWH.

SECTION 207. Duties of the Building Official

The Building Official shall have the following duties:

1. Be primarily responsible for the enforcement of the provisions of the Code and its IRR, as well as
circulars, memoranda, opinions and decisions/orders issued pursuant thereto. His actions shall
always be guided by appropriate orders/directives from the Secretary.

2. Have overall administrative control and/or supervision over all works pertinent to buildings/structures
in his area of responsibility and shall be charged with the processing of all permit applications and
certificates as well as the issuance of the same.

3. Ensure that all changes, modifications, and alterations in the design plans during the construction
phase shall not start until the modified design plan has been evaluated and the necessary
amendatory permit issued.

4. Undertake annual inspections of all buildings/structures and keep an up-to-date record of their status.

Figure II.1.

5. Upon complaint or motu propio and after due notice/s and hearing, initiate action towards:

a. Non-issuance, suspension, revocation and/or invalidation of a building permit or certificate of


b. Issuance of work stoppage order, or an order for discontinuance of the use or occupancy of the
building/structure or portion thereof;

c. Declaration of a building/structure as ruinous or dangerous; and/or

d. The imposition of appropriate fines/penalties.

6. Submit a quarterly situational report to the Secretary through the NBCDO, on the status of all existing,
on-going, and proposed public as well as private building/structure activities. (See Communication
Flow Chart, Fig. II.2.)

7. Undertake such other duties and tasks as may be assigned by the Secretary from time to time.

SECTION 208. Fees

1. The Secretary, thru Memorandum Circulars, shall prescribe the rates of fees and formulate guidelines
in the imposition and collection of fees.

2. Subject to existing budgetary, accounting and auditing rules and regulations, the Building Official shall
retain not more than 20% of the income/collection derived from permit fees and other charges for the
operating expenses of his office. The remainder of 100% shall accrue to the general fund of the
respective city/municipality.

3. Every Building Official shall keep a permanent record and accurate account of all fees and other
charges fixed and authorized to be collected and received.

SECTION 209. Exemption

Public buildings and traditional indigenous family dwellings shall be exempt from payment of building
permit fees.

As used in the Code, the term “traditional indigenous family dwelling” means a dwelling intended
for the use and occupancy by the family of the owner only and constructed of native materials such as
bamboo, nipa, logs, or lumber, the total cost of which does not exceed fifteen thousand pesos (P

SECTION 210. Use of Income from Fees

The procedure for the proper reporting and recording of collections and disbursements of
the funds of the General Fund Special Account 151 of the Office of the Secretary of the
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) is hereby prescribed.

1. Recording of Collections

a. Every Building Official shall keep a permanent record and accurate account of all fees and other
charges fixed and authorized to be collected by him.

b. The Order of Payment issued by the Building Official shall show the breakdown of the total
collections indicating the share of the local government concerned - 80% and the share of the
national government - 20%.

Figure II.2.

c. Every Building Official shall keep a separate record from the DPWH Central Office of all
allotments (Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) and Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA), or Funding
Checks), received by him out of budgeted amounts released by the Department of Budget and
Management (DBM). The funds shall cover all the necessary operating expenses of the OBO, including
the purchase of equipment, supplies and materials, traveling expenses, obligation expenses and sheriffs’
fees and payment of other prior years’ obligations not adequately funded, subject to existing budgetary
and auditing rules and regulations.

d. He shall render the reports required under the Centralized Accounting System.

2. Disposition of Collections

a. The collection shall be made by the Local Treasurer, and the Official Receipt shall show the
breakdown of the total collections indicating the share of the local government concerned - 80%
and the share of the national government - 20%.

b. Subject to existing budgetary, accounting and auditing rules and regulations, the Local
Treasurer shall remit to the Bureau of the Treasury, the 20% of his collection. The remaining 80%
shall be deposited with the Authorized Government Depository Bank (AGDB) for the account of
the Local Government and shall accrue to the general funds of the City or Municipality concerned.

c. Pursuant to Sec. 21, Volume I of the New Government Accounting System (NGAS) Manual as
provided under COA Circular No. 2001-004 dated October 30, 2001, the Local Treasurer thru his
collecting officer or cashier shall deposit the 80% share of collections to the AGDB for the
account of the Local Government concerned. He shall remit the 20% of the collections to the
Bureau of the Treasury thru any AGDB branch nearest the locality to the credit of the Department
of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Office of the Secretary with Code No. B5702 and
Special Account No. 151.

d. Distribution of validated remittance advices and deposit slips of the 20% collections thru any
Authorized Government Depository Bank shall be in accordance with COA Circular 2001-004, to

Original - to be retained by the bank branch.

Duplicate - to be submitted by the Local Treasurer to the OBO.

Triplicate - to be retained by the bank branch for submission to the Provincial

Treasury Fiscal Examiner assigned to the province where the bank is

Quadruplicate - to be returned to the Local Treasurer for submission to the DPWH-

Central Office (CO) Chief Accountant with his monthly report of

Quintuplicate - to be returned to the Local Treasurer for submission to the Field/Local


e. The Local Treasurers and the Treasury Vault/Bank Auditor shall have the following responsibilities:

i. Local Treasurer. Since the distribution of copies of the validated remittance advices and deposit
slips for the Agency/Field Auditor of the Local Treasurers shall be undertaken by the
National/Treasury/Bank Branch thru its Treasury Vault Auditor/Bank Auditor, all Local Treasurers
shall indicate on the face of the remittance advice, the name and office address of their
respective Agency/Field Auditors to facilitate matters.

ii. Treasury Vault/Bank Auditor. Upon receipt of the validated remittance advices, the Treasury
Vault Auditor/Bank Auditor shall confirm and transmit said remittance advices every end of the
week to the corresponding agency/field auditor of the Local Treasurer concerned. In cases
where there is no bank auditor assigned in a particular locality, confirmation shall be undertaken
by the officer designated by the Head of the Bank branch.

f. Reporting of Collections and Deposits

At the close of each business day, the collecting officers (Local Treasurers) shall accomplish the
Report of Collections and Deposits (RCD) in accordance with the NGAS Manual. The reports shall
be prepared by the Local Treasurer in five copies, distributed as follows after verification by the field

Original - to the DPWH-CO Auditor (thru the DPWH-

CO Accountant for recording).

Duplicate (with duplicate official - to the Field/Local Auditor for final custody.
receipts and validated quintuplicate
remittance advices)

Triplicate (with validated quadruplicate - to the DPWH-CO Accountant (for

remittance advices) posting to the corresponding subsidiary
Quadruplicate - to be retained by the Local Treasurer.

Quintuplicate - local office accounting file.

The Local Treasurer shall certify all the copies of the report and submit the first three (3) copies to
his Field Auditor within three (3) days after the end of the month for audit. The Field Auditor shall
verify the report, cross-check the remittances indicated therein against the quintuplicate copies of
remittance advices he receives/received from the Bank Auditor and indicate his certification thereon
and finally submits the original and triplicate copies thereof to the DPWH-CO Auditor thru the
DPWH-CO Chief Accountant within five (5) days from date of receipt from the Local Treasurer.

g. Crediting of Accounts of Local Treasurer

In the monthly report of collections, specifically at the back thereof, is a statement of account current
showing the accountability of the Local Treasurer. The DPWH-CO Chief Accountant shall cross-
check the validated quadruplicate remittance advices attached to the duplicate copy of the monthly
report of collections against the remittances made by the Local Treasurer with the National Treasury
or any of its authorized depository banks as appearing in the statement of account current. After the

crosschecking, and in the absence of any discrepancy, the DPWH-CO Chief Accountant shall credit
the account of the Local Treasurer even without the monthly abstract of remittances from the
National Treasury.

h. Safeguards

i. Upon receipt of the monthly abstract of remittances from the National Treasury, the remittances
appearing therein shall be counter checked by the DPWH-CO Chief Accountant against the credits
already given the collecting officers concerned and any discrepancies discovered in the process
shall be verified and adjusted immediately.

ii. In case of retirement or resignation by the Local Treasurers, their clearances shall be held in
abeyance until their remittances have been fully cleared by the National Treasury.

i. Centralized Accounting System

i. A centralized accounting system shall be maintained in the Office of the DPWH Secretary. Said
office shall set up and maintain a separate set of books of accounts to be used solely for
transactions pertaining to the implementation of the provisions of the National Building Code and
its Implementing Rules and Regulations.

ii. Upon receipt of the SARO and the corresponding NCA, the Office of the DPWH Secretary shall in
turn allocate the same together with the NCA or Funding Check to the Building Officials, and at
the same time obligate the allotment for the amount of expenditures.

iii. All deputized disbursing officers shall render the following reports:

Report of Checks Issued together with duplicate copies of checks issued for submission to the
Treasury Provincial Fiscal Examiner in the region.

Report of Checks Issued as required by the NGAS for entry in the Checks Disbursement Journal
by DPWH-CO Chief Accountant.

iv. The Department Chief Accountant shall adjust obligations quarterly to actual liquidations as

v. Deputized disbursing officers shall keep a record to control NCA/Funding Check separate from
other funds in his custody.

vi. Deputized disbursing officers shall prepare other statements or reports as may be required from
time to time by the proper authorities.

vii. The Deputized Disbursing Officer (DDO) shall render a monthly report of accountability for checks
issued during the month and the balance at the end of the month. Copies of said report shall be
distributed as follows :

Original - (Cash Operation Service)

Duplicate - to the DPWH-CO Chief Accountant

Triplicate - to the Auditor, DPWH-CO

Quadruplicate - Field Auditor

Quintuplicate - File of Disbursing Officer

viii. The deputized disbursing officer authorized to requisition blank Modified Disbursement System
(MDS) or Commercial checks shall prepare and submit requisition and issue voucher, and the
Invoice and Receipt of Accountable Forms which shall be distributed as follows:

Original - Treasury Provincial Fiscal Examiner

Duplicate - Cash Operations Service, Bureau of the Treasury
Triplicate - COA Auditor of the DDO's Agency
Quadruplicate - Accounting Unit of DDO
Quintuplicate - DDO file
Sextuplicate - Office of the Provincial/City Auditor Concerned

j. Turnover of Accountability

i. In case of change, transfer, resignation or retirement from the service of the Building Official,
an inventory of all money and property accountabilities shall be taken jointly by the outgoing
and incoming Building Official and a receipt passed on the basis of such inventory. Such
inventory shall be certified as accurate by the said officers, witnessed by the local auditor

ii. The preceding procedure shall also apply to a deputized disbursing officer other than the
Building Official with respect to money and property accountabilities in his custody.

iii. Application for clearance of the Building Official and other deputized disbursing officers shall
be coursed to the Office of the DPWH Secretary, to check their unpaid obligations with the

k. Other Provisions

i. Compensation of consultants, experts and advisers whose services were secured shall be
funded from the 20% income derived from the building permit fees and other charges.

ii. Any circular/s that may subsequently be issued by the proper authorities revoking or
amending provisions or certain portions of circular/s incorporated in the above rules and
regulations shall automatically revoke or amend such corresponding portions that are
inconsistent therewith.

SECTION 211. Implementing Rules and Regulations

In the implementation of the provisions of the Code and its IRR, the Secretary shall formulate
necessary rules and regulations and adopt design and construction standards and criteria for buildings
and other structures. Such standards, rules and regulations shall take effect after their publication once
a week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation.

SECTION 212. Administrative Fines

1. Imposition of Administrative Fines

a. The Secretary or his duly authorized representative may prescribe and impose fines not exceeding ten thousand
pesos (P10, 000.00) in the following cases, subject to the terms and procedures as hereunder provided:

i. Erecting, constructing, altering, repairing, moving, converting, installing or demolishing a private

or public building/structure if without building/demolition permit.

ii. Making any alteration, addition, conversion or repair in any building/structure/ appurtenances
thereto constructed or installed before the adoption of the Code, whether public or private,
without a permit.

iii. Unauthorized change, modification or alteration during the construction in the duly submitted
plans and specifications on which the building permit is based.

iv. Non-compliance with the work stoppage order or notice and/or orders to effect necessary
correction in plans and specifications found defective.

v. Non-compliance with order to demolish building/structure declared to be nuisance, ruinous or


vi. Use or occupancy of a building/structure without Certificate of Occupancy/Use even if

constructed under a valid building permit.

vii. Change in the existing use or occupancy classification of a building/structure or portion thereof
without the corresponding Certificate of Change of Use.

viii. Failure to post or display the certificate of occupancy/use/operation in a conspicuous place on

the premises of the building/structure/appurtenances.

ix. Change in the type of construction of any building/structure without an amendatory permit.

b. In addition to the imposed penalty, the owner shall correct/remove his violations of the provisions of the Code.

2. Determination of Amount of Fines

a. In the determination of the amount of fines to be imposed, violations shall be classified as follows:

i. Light Violations

(a) Failure to post Certificate of Occupancy/Use/Operation.

(b) Failure to post Building Permit construction information sign.

(c) Failure to provide or install appropriate safety measures for the protection of workers,
inspectors, visitors, immediate neighbors and pedestrians.

ii. Less Grave Violations

(a) Non-compliance with the work stoppage order for the alteration/addition/ conversion/repair
without permit.

(b) Use or occupancy of building/structure without appropriate Certificate of


iii. Grave Violations

(a) Unauthorized change, modification or alteration during construction in the duly

submitted plans and specifications on which the building permit is based.

(b) Unauthorized change in type of construction from more fire-resistive to less fire-

(c) Non-compliance with order to abate or demolish.

(d) Non-compliance with work stoppage order for construction/demolition without permit.

(e) Change in the existing use or occupancy without Certificate of Change of


(f) Excavations left open without any work being done in the site for more than one
hundred twenty (120) days.

b. Amount of Fines

The following amount of fines for violations of the Code and this IRR is hereby prescribed:
- P 5,000.00
Light Violations
Less Grave Violations - P 8,000.00
Grave Violations - P 10,000.00
c. Penalty

i. Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding Sections, the Building Official is hereby also
authorized to impose a penalty or surcharge in the following cases in such amount and in the
manner as hereunder fixed and determined:

For constructing, installing, repairing, altering or causing any change in the occupancy/use of any
building/structure or part thereof or appurtenances thereto without any permit, there shall be
imposed a surcharge of 100% of the building fees; Provided, that when the work in the
building/structure is started pending issuance of the Building Permit by the Building Official, the
amount of the surcharge shall be according to the following:

Excavation for
foundation………………………………… - 10% of the building permit fees

Construction of foundation (including pile

driving and laying of reinforcing
bars)………………………………………. - 25% of the building permit fees

Construction of superstructure up to 2.00

meters above established grade……….. - 50% of the building permit fees

Construction of superstructure above

2.00 meters……………………………….. - 100% of the building permit fees

2 .For failure to pay the annual inspection fee within thirty (30) days from the prescribed date, a
surcharge of 25% of the inspection fee shall be imposed.

SECTION 213. Penal Provisions

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move,
improve, remove, convert, demolish, equip, use, occupy, or maintain any building or structure or cause the same to
be done contrary to or in violation of any provision of the Code.

Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of the Code and/or commit any act
hereby declared to be unlawful shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than twenty thousand pesos
or by imprisonment of not more than two years or by both such fine and imprisonment; Provided, that in the case of
a corporation firm, partnership or association, the penalty shall be imposed upon its officials responsible for such
violation and in case the guilty party is an alien, he shall immediately be deported after payment of the fine and/or
service of his sentence.

SECTION 214. Dangerous and Ruinous Buildings or Structures

Dangerous buildings are those which are herein declared as such or are structurally unsafe or not
provided with safe egress, or which constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life, or
which in relation to existing use, constitute a hazard to safety or health or public welfare because of
inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, or abandonment; or which otherwise contribute to
the pollution of the site or the community to an intolerable degree.

SECTION 215. Abatement of Dangerous Buildings

When any building or structure is found or declared to be dangerous or ruinous, the Building Official shall
order its repair, vacation or demolition depending upon the degree of danger to life, health, or safety. This is
without prejudice to further action that may be taken under the provisions of Articles 482 and 694 to 707 of the Civil
Code of the Philippines. The condition or defects that render any building/structure dangerous or ruinous are as
follows: (See Procedure for Abatement/Demolition of Dangerous/Ruinous Buildings/Structures at the end of this

1. Structural Hazards

a. Whenever any building/structure or portion thereof has been damaged by fire, earthquake, wind, flood, or by
any other cause to such an extent that the structural strength or stability thereof is materially less than it was
before the catastrophe and is less than the minimum requirements of the National Structural Code of the
Philippines (NSCP) for new buildings of similar structure, purpose or location.

b. Whenever any portion or member or appurtenances thereof is likely to fall, or to become detached or
dislodged or to collapse and thereby injure persons or damage property.

c. Whenever any portion of a building/structure or any member, appurtenance or ornamentation on the exterior
thereof is not of sufficient strength or stability, or is not anchored, attached or fastened in place so as to be
capable of resisting a wind pressure of one-half of that specified in the NSCP for such type of buildings.

d. Whenever any portion thereof has been wrecked, warped, buckled or settled to such an extent that
the walls or other structural portions have materially less resistance to wind or earthquake than is
required in the case of similar new construction.

e. Whenever the building/structure or any portion thereof, because of: (1) dilapidation, deterioration or decay;
(2) faulty construction; (3) the removal, movement or instability of any portion of the ground necessary for
the purpose of supporting such building; (4) the deterioration, decay or inadequacy of its foundation; or (5)
any other cause, is likely to partially or totally collapse.

f. Whenever the exterior walls or other vertical structural member lean or buckle to such an extent
that a plumb line passing through the center of gravity does not fall inside the middle one-third of
the base.

g. Whenever the building/structure, exclusive of the foundation, shows 33% or more damage or
deterioration of its supporting member or members, or 50% damage or deterioration of its non-
supporting members, enclosing or outside walls or coverings.

h. Whenever the building/structure has been so damaged by fire, wind, earthquake or flood, or has
become so dilapidated or deteriorated as to become: (1) an attractive nuisance to public; (2) a
harbor for vagrants, criminals or immoral persons; or (3) a resort for purposes of committing
unlawful or immoral acts.

i. Whenever the building/structure which, whether or not erected in accordance with all applicable
laws or ordinances, has in any non-supporting part, member or portion, less than 50% or in any
supporting part, member or portion less than 66% of the: (1) strength; (2) fire-resisting qualities or
characteristics; (3) weather-resisting qualities or characteristics required by law in the case of a
newly constructed building of like area, height and occupancy in the same location.
j. Whenever any portion of a building/structure remains on the site after its demolition or whenever
any building/structure or portion thereof is abandoned for a period in excess of twelve (12) months
so as to make it a nuisance or hazard to the public.

2. Fire Hazards

a. Any building/structure or portion thereof, device, apparatus, equipment material, or vegetation which may
cause fire or explosion, or provide a ready fuel or augment the speed and intensity of fire or explosion
arising from any cause.

b. All buildings/structures or portions thereof not provided with the required fire-resistive or fire-
protective construction or fire-extinguishing system or equipment.

c. Whenever any door, aisle, passageway, stairway, or other means of exit is not of sufficient width
or size, or is not so arranged as to provide safe and adequate means of exit in case of fire and

d. Whenever any building/structure, because of obsolescence, dilapidated condition, deterioration,

damaged, inadequate exits, lack of sufficient fire-resistive construction, hazardous electric wiring,
gas connections or heating apparatus, or other cause, in violation of the Fire Code of the
Philippines (PD 1185).

3. Unsafe Electrical Wiring

a. All wiring systems or installations which do not conform to the rules and regulations embodied in the latest
Philippine Electrical Code.

b. Inadequately maintained or improperly used electrical wirings, outlets, devices and/or equipment.

4. Unsafe Mechanical Installation

a. Mechanical systems or installations which do not conform to the rules and regulations embodied in the
Philippine Mechanical Code.

b. Inadequately maintained or improperly used mechanical outlets, devices and/or equipment.

c. Lack of or improper operation of required ventilating equipment or air-conditioning systems.

d. Improperly installed or lack of protection and safety provisions on steam, gas and fuel supply lines.

5. Inadequate Sanitation/Plumbing and Health Facilities

a. All sanitation and plumbing systems or installations which do not conform to the rules and regulations
embodied in the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines and the Revised National Plumbing Code.

b. Inadequately maintained or improperly used sanitation and plumbing facilities.

c. Infestation of insects, vermin or rodents and lack of adequate control for the same.

d. Lack of adequate garbage and rubbish storage and removal or disposal facilities.

e. Source of pollution.

6. Architectural Deficiency

a. All buildings/structures or portion thereof used or occupied for purposes other than their intended

b. Improper/Unauthorized Occupancy/Location.

c. Insufficient amount of natural light and ventilation due to inadequate open spaces such as courts
and yards as required.

d. Inadequate sizes of rooms and space dimensions and window openings.

e. Dilapidated, blighted and other unpresentable buildings/structures against generally accepted

aesthetic standards.

SECTION 216. Other Remedies

The rights, actions and remedies provided in the Code and in the IRR shall be in addition to any and all
other rights of action and remedies that may be available under existing laws.


1. The Building Official, motu propio or upon complaint, and after the notice and/or hearing, initiates action
towards the non-issuance, suspension, revocation or invalidation of a building permit/certificate of
occupancy, issuance of a work stoppage or an order for the discontinuance of the use/occupancy of a
building/structure or portion thereof and/or the imposition of appropriate fines under Section 212, Rule II
of this IRR.

2. In case of a protest against a pending application or complaint alleging violation of any terms and
conditions of a building permit/certificate of occupancy, or any provisions of the Code and this IRR, the
Building Official shall immediately notify the respondent in writing and require him to submit a written
explanation/answer within a period of not less than five (5) days from the receipt of notice.

3. If the explanation/answer of the respondent (applicant/permittee/building owner) is found satisfactory, the

Building Official shall dismiss the protest/complaint. If found unsatisfactory, he shall personally conduct a
formal investigation of the complaint, or designate an investigator to do the same.

4. In any contested case or investigation, all parties shall be entitled to notice and hearing. The notice shall
be served at least five (5) days before the date of the hearing and shall state the date, time and place of
the hearing. The parties shall also be given opportunity to present evidence and argument on all issues.

5. In any investigation, the Building Official shall have the power to require the attendance of witnesses as
well as the production of documentary evidence and other pertinent data.

6. In any investigation,

a. The Building Official may admit and give probative value to evidence as commonly accepted by reasonable
prudent men in the conduct of their affairs.

b. Documentary evidence may be received in the form of copies or excerpts, if the original is not readily
available. Upon request, the parties shall be given opportunity to compare the copies with the
original. If the original is in the official custody of a public officer, a certified true copy thereof may be

c. Every party shall have the right to cross-examine witnesses and to submit rebuttal evidence.

d. The investigator may take notice of judicially cognizable facts and of generally cognizable
technical/scientific facts within his or the witnesses’ specialized/ professional knowledge.

7. Whenever the Building Official suspects that a building/structure poses imminent danger or risk to life,
limb or property and the public welfare, he shall immediately send an inspection team to conduct a
detailed inspection of the building/structure. The team shall submit a report within ten (10) days.

8. Based on the findings and recommendations of the inspection team, in accordance with any or all of the
conditions enumerated under Section 215, Rule II of this IRR, the Building Official may direct or order the
closure of the building/structure.

9. The Building Official shall order the lifting of the closure only after the defects/deficiencies of the subject
building/structure have been duly corrected.

10. Every decision, order or notice of non-issuance, suspension or revocation of a building permit/certificate
of occupancy shall be in writing, and shall state specifically the reason/s or ground/s therefor. The
Building Official shall decide each case within fifteen (15) days following the termination of the
investigation. The parties concerned shall be notified of the decision in writing by courier or by registered

11. The order of the Building Official shall become final and executory fifteen (15) days after receipt of a copy
thereof by the party adversely affected unless within that period, an administrative appeal has been

perfected. In which case, the fifteen (15) day period shall be suspended accordingly. If the motion for
reconsideration is denied, the movant shall have the right to perfect his appeal during the remainder of
the period for appeal, reckoned from the date of receipt of the resolution of denial. If the order/decision is
reversed on reconsideration, the aggrieved party, if there is any, shall have fifteen (15) days from the
receipt of the resolution within which to perfect his appeal.

12. Within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of notice or advice of the non-issuance, suspension or
revocation of permit/certificate of occupancy or any order/decision of the Building Official, the
applicant/permittee or any adversely affected party may file an appeal directly with the Secretary. For this
purpose, the Secretary may secure the technical assistance of the NBCDO to initially act on the appeal.

13. The order/decision of the Secretary in any case brought to him on appeal shall be final and shall become
executory fifteen (15) days after the receipt by the parties concerned.

14. For the enforcement and execution of any of his orders/decisions, the Building Official may secure the
assistance of the local police or any peace officer in the locality or area where the building/structure is
located, in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement between the DILG and DPWH.

15. The rights, actions, remedies and procedures herein are without prejudice to further action that may be
taken by the Building Official under the provisions of Articles 482 and 694 to 707 of the Civil Code of the
Philippines. Furthermore, all other rights and remedies that may be available under existing laws shall, if
applicable, have a supplementary effect thereto.


1. There must be a finding or declaration by the Building Official that the building/structure is a nuisance,
ruinous or dangerous.

2. Written notice or advice shall be served upon the owner and occupant/s of such finding or declaration
giving him at least fifteen (15) days within which to vacate or cause to be vacated, repaired, renovated,
demolished and removed as the case may be, the nuisance, ruinous or dangerous building/structure or
any part or portion thereof.

3. Within the fifteen (15) day period, the owner may, if he so desires, appeal to the Secretary the finding or declaration
of the Building Official and ask that a re-inspection or re-investigation of the building/structure be made.

4. In case the owner should ask the Building Official for a reconsideration on his order, same shall be given not more
than not more than fifteen (15) days within which to render his final decision appealable to the Office of the

5. If the appeal is meritorious, the Secretary may designate a competent representative/s other than the Building
Official to undertake the re-inspection or re-investigation of the building/structure. The representative/s so
designated shall make or complete his/their report/s within the period of thirty (30) days from the date of termination
of re-inspection or re-investigation.

6. If after re-inspection, the finding is the same as the original one, the Secretary through the Building
Official shall notify the owner, giving him not more than fifteen (15) days from receipt of notice with
affirmed finding to vacate or cause to be vacated and make necessary repair, renovation, demolition and
removal of the subject building/structure or parts thereof, as the case may be.

7. If the Building Official has determined that the building/structure must be repaired or renovated, the Order to be
issued shall require that all necessary permits therefor be secured and the work be commenced physically within
such reasonable time as may be determined by the Building Official.

8. If the Building Official has determined that the building/structure must be demolished, the Order shall
require that the building/structure be vacated within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of the Order;
that all required permits be secured therefor within the same fifteen (15) days from the date of the Order,
and that the demolition be completed within such reasonable time as may be determined by the Building

9. The decision of the Secretary on the appeal shall be final.

10. Upon failure of the owner to comply with the Order of the Building Official or of the Secretary, in case of appeal, to
repair, renovate, demolish and remove the building/structure or any part thereof after fifteen (15) days from the date
of receipt of the Order, the Building Official shall cause the building or structure to be repaired, renovated,
demolished and removed, partly or wholly, as the case may be, with all expenses therefor chargeable to the owner.

11. The building/structure as repaired or in case of demolition, the building materials gathered after the
demolition thereof shall be held by the OBO until full reimbursement of the cost of repair, renovation,
demolition and removal is made by the owner which, in no case, shall extend beyond thirty (30) days from
the date of completion of the repair, renovation, demolition and removal. After such period, said building
materials of the building thus repaired, renovated or removed shall be sold at public auction to satisfy the
claim of the OBO. Any amount in excess of the claim of the government realized from the sale of the
building and/or building materials shall be delivered to the owner.

12. The procedures, actions and remedies herein are without prejudice to further action that may be taken by the Building
Official against the owner/occupants of the building/structure found or declared to be nuisance/s, dangerous, and/or
ruinous under the provisions of Articles 482 and 694 to 707 of the Civil Code of the Philippines.


SECTION 301. Building Permits

1. No person, firm or corporation, including any agency or instrumentality of the government shall
construct, alter, repair, convert, use, occupy, move, demolish and add any building/structure or any
portion thereof or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a building permit therefor from
the Building Official assigned in the place where the subject building/structure is located or to be
done. The prescribed application for building permit form (NBC Form B-01) shall be used by all

2. Permits supplementary to a Building Permit shall be applied for and issued by the Building Official.
These include Ancillary and the Accessory Permits.

a. Ancillary Permits

The Ancillary Permits duly signed and sealed by the corresponding professionals and the plans and
specifications shall be submitted together with the duly notarized application for Building Permit. The
Building Permit is null and void if not accompanied by the Ancillary Permits. The prescribed Ancillary
and other Accessory Permits/forms shall likewise be used whenever applicable. The Ancillary Permits are
the following:

i. Architectural Permit

ii. Civil/Structural Permit

iii. Electrical Permit

iv. Mechanical Permit

v. Sanitary Permit

vi. Plumbing Permit

vii. Electronics Permit

b. Accessory Permits

i. Accessory Permits are issued by the Building Official for accessory parts of the project with
very special functions or use which are indicated in the plans and specifications that
accompany the building permit application. These may include, among others: bank and
records vaults; swimming pools; firewalls separate from the building/structure; towers; silos;
smokestacks; chimneys; commercial/industrial fixed ovens; industrial kilns/furnaces;
water/waste treatment tanks, septic vaults; concrete and steel tanks; booths, kiosks and
stages; and tombs, mausoleums and niches.

ii. Accessory Permits are issued by the Building Official for activities being undertaken prior to or
during the processing of the building permit. The coverage is spelled out in the accessory permit
form including the expiry period. These shall be signed by the concerned owner/applicant and by
the concerned professionals. These permits include, among others, ground preparation and
excavation, encroachment of foundation to public area, fencing, for fence not exceeding 1.80 meters
high, sidewalk construction, temporary sidewalk enclosure and occupancy, erection of scaffolding,
erecting, repair, removal of sign; and demolition.

3. Exemption From Building Permits

A building permit shall not be required for the following minor constructions and repairs, provided
these shall not violate any provision of the Code and this IRR.

a. Minor Constructions

i. Sheds, outhouses, greenhouses, children’s playhouses, aviaries, poultry houses and the
like, not exceeding 6.00 sq. meters in total area, provided they are completely detached
from any other building and are intended only for the private use of the owner.

ii. Addition of open terraces or patios resting directly on the ground, not exceeding 20.00 sq.
meters in total floor area, exclusively for the private use of the owner.

iii. Installation of window grilles.

iv. Garden pools for the habitation of water plants and/or aquarium fish not exceeding 500
millimeters in depth and exclusively for private use.

v. Garden masonry walls other than party walls not exceeding 1.20 meters in height,
footpaths, residential garden walks and/or driveways.

b. Repair Works

i. Repair works not affecting or involving any structural member, such as replacement of
deteriorated roofing sheets or tiles, gutters, downspouts, fascias, ceilings and/or sidings.

ii. Repair and/or replacement of non load-bearing partition walls.

iii. Repair and/or replacement of any interior portion or a house not involving addition or

iv. Repair and/or replacement work of doors and windows.

v. Repair and/or replacement work of flooring.

vi. Repair of perimeter fence and walls.

vii. Repair and/or replacement of plumbing fixtures, fittings or pipings, such as toilet bowls,
sinks, lavatories, urinals, bidets, pipes, faucets, valves for single detached dwellings and

SECTION 302. Application for Permits

1. Any person desiring to obtain a building permit and any ancillary/accessory permit/s together with a
Building Permit shall file application/s therefor on the prescribed application forms.

2. Together with the accomplished prescribed application form/s, the following shall be submitted to the

a. In case the applicant is the registered owner of the lot:

i. Certified true copy of OCT/TCT, on file with the Registry of Deeds,

ii. Tax Declaration, and
iii. Current Real Property Tax Receipt.

b. In case the applicant is not the registered owner of the lot, in addition to the above; duly
notarized copy of the Contract of Lease, or Deed of Absolute Sale.

3. Five (5) sets of survey plans, design plans, specifications and other documents prepared, signed and
sealed over the printed names of the duly licensed and registered professionals (Figs. III.1. and

a. Geodetic Engineer, in case of lot survey plans;

b. Architect, in case of architectural documents; in case of architectural interior/interior design

documents, either an architect or interior designer may sign;

c. Civil Engineer, in case of civil/structural documents;

d. Professional Electrical Engineer, in case of electrical documents;

e. Professional Mechanical Engineer, in case of mechanical documents;

f. Sanitary Engineer, in case of sanitary documents;

g. Master Plumber, in case of plumbing documents;

h. Electronics Engineer, in case of electronics documents.

4. Architectural Documents

a. Architectural Plans/Drawings

i. Vicinity Map/Location Plan within a 2.00 kilometer radius for commercial, industrial, and
institutional complex and within a half-kilometer radius for residential buildings, at any
convenient scale showing prominent landmarks or major thoroughfares for easy reference.

ii. Site Development Plan showing technical description, boundaries, orientation and position
of proposed building/structure in relation to the lot, existing or proposed access road and
driveways and existing public utilities/services. Existing buildings within and adjoining the
lot shall be hatched and distances between the proposed and existing buildings shall be

iii. Perspective drawn at a convenient scale and taken from a vantage point (bird’s eye view or
eye level).

iv. Floor Plans drawn to scale of not less than 1:100 showing: gridlines, complete identification
of rooms or functional spaces.

v. Elevations, at least four (4), same scale as floor plans showing: gridlines; natural ground to
finish grade elevations; floor to floor heights; door and window marks, type of material and
exterior finishes; adjoining existing structure/s, if any, shown in single hatched lines.

vi. Sections, at least two (2), showing: gridlines; natural ground and finish levels; outline of cut
and visible structural parts; doors and windows properly labeled reflecting the direction of
opening; partitions; built-in cabinets, etc.; identification of rooms and functional spaces cut
by section lines.

vii. Reflected ceiling plan showing: design, location, finishes and specifications of materials,
lighting fixtures, diffusers, decorations, air conditioning exhaust and return grills, sprinkler
nozzles, if any, at scale of at least 1:100.

STANDARD FORM (Type A0, A1, A2 and A3)

Figure III.1.

PRC No. . Validity

IAPOA No. O.R. No. Date
PTR No. Date
Place TIN


Figure III.2.

viii. Details, in the form of plans, elevations/sections:

(a) Accessible ramps

(b) Accessible stairs
(c) Accessible lifts/elevators
(d) Accessible entrances, corridors and walkways
(e) Accessible functional areas/comfort rooms
(f) Accessible switches, controls
(g) Accessible drinking fountains
(h) Accessible public telephone booths
(i) Accessible audio visual and automatic alarm system
(j) Accessible access symbols and directional signs
(k) Reserved parking for disabled persons
(l) Typical wall/bay sections from ground to roof
(m) Stairs, interior and exterior
(n) Fire escapes/exits
(o) Built-in cabinets, counters and fixed furniture
(p) All types of partitions

ix. Schedule of Doors and Windows showing their types, designations/marks, dimensions,
materials, and number of sets.

x. Schedule of Finishes, showing in graphic form: surface finishes specified for floors, ceilings,
walls and baseboard trims for all building spaces per floor level.

xi. Details of other major Architectural Elements.

b. Architectural Interiors/Interior Design

i. Space Plan/s or layout/s of architectural interior/s.

ii. Architectural interior perspective/s.

iii. Furniture/furnishing/equipment/process layout/s.

iv. Access plan/s, parking plan/s and the like.

v. Detail design of major architectural interior elements.

vi. Plan and layout of interior, wall partitions, furnishing, furniture, equipment/appliances at a
scale of at least 1:100.

vii. Interior wall elevations showing: finishes, switches, doors and convenience outlets, cross
window sections with interior perspective as viewed from the main entrance at scale of at
least 1:100.

viii. Floor/ceiling/wall patterns and finishing details.

ix. List of materials used.

x. Cost Estimates.

c. Plans and specific locations of all accessibility facilities of scale of at least 1:100.

d. Detailed design of all such accessibility facilities outside and around buildings/structures including
parking areas, and their safety requirements all at scale of 1:50 or any convenient scale.

e. Fire Safety Documents

i. Layout plan of each floor indicating the fire evacuation route to safe dispersal areas,
standpipes with fire hose, fire extinguishers, first aid kits/cabinets, fire alarm, fire operations
room, emergency lights, signs, etc.

ii. Details of windows, fire exits with grilled windows and ladders.

iii. Details of fire-resistive construction of enclosures for vertical openings.

iv. Details of fire-resistive construction materials and interior decorative materials with fire-
resistive/fire-retardant/fire-spread ratings

v. Other Related Documents

f. Other related documents

5. Civil/Structural Documents

a. Site Development Plan

Site Development Plan showing technical description, boundaries, orientation and position of
proposed non-architectural horizontal structure such as: sewerage treatment plan (STP), silos,
elevated tanks, towers, fences, etc. building/structure in relation to the lot, existing or proposed
access road and driveways and existing public utilities/services. Existing buildings within and
adjoining the lot shall be hatched and distances between the proposed and existing buildings
shall be indicated.

b. Structural Plans

i. Foundation Plans and Details at scale of not less than 1:100.

ii. Floor/Roof Framing Plans and Details at scale of not less than 1:100.

iii. Details and Schedules of structural and civil works elements including those for deep wells,
water reservoir, pipe lines and sewer system.

c. Structural Analysis and Design for all buildings/structures except for one storey and single
detached building/structure with a total floor area of 20.00 sq. meters or less.

d. Boring and Load Tests

Buildings or structures of three (3) storeys and higher, boring tests and, if necessary, load tests
shall be required in accordance with the applicable latest approved provisions of the National
Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP). However, adequate soil exploration (including boring
and load tests) shall also be required for lower buildings/structures at areas with potential
geological/geotechnical hazards. The written report of the civil/geothecnical engineer including
but not limited to the design bearing capacity as well as the result of tests shall be submitted
together with the other requirements in the application for a building permit. Boring test or load
test shall also be done according to the applicable provisions of the NSCP which set forth
requirements governing excavation, grading and earthwork construction, including fills and
embankments for any building/structure and for foundation and retaining structures.

e. Seismic Analysis

f. Other related documents

6. Electrical Documents

Electrical plans and technical specifications containing the following:

a. Location and Site Plans

b. Legend or Symbols

c. General Notes and/or Specifications

d. Electrical Layout

e. Schedule of Loads, Transformers, Generating/UPS Units (Total kVA for each of the preceding
items shall be indicated in the schedule)

f. Design Analysis

g. One Line Diagram

7. Mechanical Documents

a. Location Plan and Key Plan

b. General Layout Plan for each floor, drawn to a scale of not less than 1:100, indicating the
equipment in heavier lines than the building outline with names of machinery and corresponding
brake horsepower shall be indicated.

c. Longitudinal and Transverse Sections of building and equipment base on the section lines drawn
to scale of at least 1:100 showing inter-floor relations and defining the manner of support of
machines/equipment. Sections shall run longitudinally and transversely through the building
length or width other than particularly detailed section for each machinery/equipment (fired and
unfired pressure vessel, elevator, escalator, dumbwaiter, etc.).

d. Isometric drawing of gas, fuel, oil system showing: Assembly of pipes on racks and supports,
Legend and General Notes, Capacity per outlet and Complete individual piping system.

e. Plans drawn to scale of 1:100 indicating location of store rooms, fuel tanks, fire extinguishing
systems, fire doors, fire escape ladders and other protective facilities.

f. Detailed drawings of all duct work installations, indicating dampers, controls, filters, fireproofing,
acoustical and thermal insulation.

g. Detailed Plans of machinery foundations and supports drawn to scale of at least 1:50.

h. Detailed Plans of boilers and pressure vessels with a working pressure of above 70 kPa
regardless of kilowatt rating.

i. Design Computations and Detailed Plans of elevators, escalators, and the like drawn to scale of

j. For all installations, additions or alterations involving machinery of at most 14.9 kW, the signature
of a duly licensed Mechanical Engineer shall be sufficient except fired and unfired pressure
vessels, elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, central/split/packaged type air conditioners and
piping systems of steam, gas or fuels.

k. Detailed plans of fire suppression systems, location of automatic and smoke detectors and alarm
and initiating devices use to monitor the conditions that are essential for the proper operation
including switches for the position of gate valves as well as alert and evacuation signals; the
detailed layout of the entire safe area to be protected and the heat/smoke ventilation system.

8. Sanitary Documents

a. For deepwell, water purification plants, water collection and distribution systems, reservoirs,
drainage and sewer systems, sewage treatment plants, malaria control structures, and sewage
disposal systems:

i. Location Plan and Site Plan

ii. Detailed Plan and layout drawings of minimum scale 1:100

iii. Design Analysis and Technical Specifications

iv. Cost Estimates

b. For pest and vermin control, sanitation, and pollution control facilities:

i. Detailed plan, layout and drawing of abatement and control device of minimum scale 1:100

ii. Design analysis and technical specification

iii. Cost Estimates

9. Plumbing Documents

For all plumbing installations, additions and/or alterations involving hot and cold water supply,
fixtures, sewage drainage and vent system, storm drainage and sewerage system within or adjacent
to the building:

a. Location Plan and Site Plan of minimum scale 1:2000

b. Plumbing Plans, Layouts and Details, of minimum scale 1:50

c. Legend and General Notes

d. Isometric drawings of the systems

e. Design analysis and technical specifications

f. Cost Estimates

10. Electronics Documents

Electronic plans and technical specifications for wired or wireless telecommunications systems,
broadcasting systems, including radio and TV broadcast equipment for commercial and training
purposes, cable or wireless television systems, information technology (IT) systems, security and
alarm systems, electronic fire alarm systems, sound-reinforcement systems, navigational aids and
controls, indoor and outdoor signages, electronically-controlled conveyance systems,
electronic/computerized process controls and automation systems, building automation, management
and control systems, including, but not limited to the following:

a. General layout plans with legends

b. Single line diagram
c. Riser diagram
d. Isometry of the system
e. Equipment specifications
f. Design analysis, as applicable
g. Cost estimates

11. Geodetic documents

Lot Survey Plans, including but not limited to:

a. Vicinity Map/Location Plan

b. Lot Plan
c. Relocation Survey Plan and Report
d. Line and Grade
e. Detailed Topographic Plan of the site and immediate vicinity

12. Clearances from Other Agencies

a. A locational clearance shall be obtained by the owner/permittee from the City/Municipal Zoning

b. Whenever necessary, written clearances shall be obtained from the various authorities exercising
and enforcing regulatory functions affecting buildings/structures. Application for said clearances
shall be requested by the owner/applicant and failure to receive reply within seven (7) days from
receipt of the application for building permit shall be sufficient not to cause further delay in
processing the building permit application by the Building Official. Such authorities who are
expected to enforce their own regulations are:

i. Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)

ii. Air Transportation Office (ATO)
iii. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB)
iv. Local Government Unit (LGU)
v. Department of Tourism (DOT)
vi. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
vii. Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC)
viii. Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
ix. Philippine Ports Authority (PPA)
x. Department of Education (DepEd)
xi. Department of Health (DOH)
xii. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)
xiii. Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA)
xiv. Manila Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS)
xv. National Water Resources Board (NWRB)
xvi. Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)
xvii. Department of Agriculture (DA)
xviii. Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
xix. National Housing Authority (NHA)
xx. National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP)

SECTION 303. Processing of Building Permits

The flow of processing of building permit shall follow the procedure shown in Figure III.3.

1. Building Permit Application

a. When satisfied that all plans, specifications and other documents are in order, the Building Official
gives due course to the application.

b. The OBO verifies conformity of the proposed buildings/structures with the land use zoning
ordinance of the city/municipality. If the project has been issued a development permit such as
residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, memorial parks and other development by the
HLURB or the Sangguniang Bayan/Panglungsod, an individual locational clearance shall not be

c. The Building Official verifies whether applicants have secured the required section clearances
from other agencies mentioned in the preceding section.

d. The owner/permittee for any existing building/structure that shall undergo alterations, additions,
conversions, renovations and/or repair not covered by Section 301, Sub-Section 3 of this IRR
shall submit, in addition to other documents, the most recent Certificate of Occupancy when
applying for a building permit. Under any of this case, the Locational Clearance shall not be

2. Line and Grade Verification

The Line and Grade Section/Unit of the OBO:

a. Verifies the lot plan as reflected in the Torrens Title, Original Certificate of Title (OCT)/Transfer
Certificate of Title (TCT) and its relation to the proposed buildings/structures.

b. Checks compliance to establish easements/setbacks and determines grades in relation to road

lots, property lines, streets or highways, whether existing or proposed as reflected in the land use
zoning or development plan of the city/municipality including road widening, construction of
various public utilities/services and other infrastructure projects along creeks, esteros, waterways,
subject to a written clearance from the DPWH.

c. Verifies that at least one (1) side of the lot has direct access to a street/alley and that grades in
relation to road lots and streets or highways, whether existing or proposed conform to the

3. Architectural

The Architectural Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to

technical requirements for:

a. Types of Construction
b. Requirements of Fire Zones and Fire Resistive Regulation
c. Building projections over public streets
d. Access Streets/Roads and Alleys
e. Architectural Interior/Interior Design
f. Classification and General Requirements of all Buildings by Use or Occupancy
g. Maximum Height of Buildings/Structures
h. Parking and Loading/Unloading Space Requirement

Figure III.3.
i. Corner Buildings with Chaflans
j. Occupant Load
k. Glazing of Opening
l. Architectural Accessibility Features
m. Light and Ventilation
n. Construction of Buildings/Structures within the obstacle limitation surfaces of Aerodromes
o. Buildings and other Ancillary Structures within Cemeteries and Memorial Parks

4. Civil/Structural

The Civil/Structural Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to technical

requirements for:

a. General Design and Construction Requirements

b. Structural Design Requirements
c. Excavations, Foundations and Retaining Walls
d. Prefabricated Construction
e. Protection and Safety Requirements for Construction, Demolition and Excavation
f. Abatement/Demolition of Buildings
g. Plastics
h. Signs

5. Electrical

The Electrical Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to technical

requirements for Electrical Regulations.

6. Mechanical

The Mechanical Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to technical

requirements for Mechanical Regulations.

7. Sanitary

The Sanitary Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to technical

requirements under the Sanitary Engineering Law (RA 1364).

8. Plumbing

The Plumbing Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to technical

requirements under the Plumbing Law (RA 1378).

9. Electronics

The Electronics Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to technical


10. Fire Safety Requirements

The Building Official shall refer one (1) set of plans and specifications to the City/Municipal Fire
Marshall (C/MFM), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), for his review and recommendations with respect
to fire safety and control requirements. The C/MFM shall submit his report and recommendations to

the Building Official within five (5) working days from date of referral. Failure of the C/MFM to act
within said period shall mean that the plans and specifications conform to all the requirements of the
Fire Code of the Philippines (FCP). In case of non-issuance, suspension or revocation of the said
requirements by the C/MFM, he shall so state in writing the reasons or grounds therefor.

SECTION 304. Issuance of Building Permit

1. When the application for building permit and the plans and specifications submitted herewith
conforms to the requirements of the Code and its IRR, the Building Official shall within fifteen (15)
days from payment of the required fees by the applicant, issue the building permit applied for.

2. The Building Official may issue a permit for the construction of only a part or portion of a
building/structure whenever the plans and specifications submitted together with the application do
not cover the entire building/structure.

3. The Building Official may issue a Ground Preparation and Excavation Permit even while the building
permit application is still being processed subject to payment of the corresponding fees.

4. For excavations more than 50.00 cu. meters and more than 2.00 meters in depth, the
owner/permittee shall post a cash bond of fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) for the first 50.00 cu.
meters and three hundred pesos (P300.00) for every cu. meters in excess of 50 cu. meters until the
building permit is issued, said excavations shall not exceed 100.00 cu. meters or 3.00 meters in depth
and shall not be left open without any work being done in the site for more than one hundred twenty
(120) days, otherwise the cash bond shall be forfeited in favor of the government to cover the
expense for the backfilling of the excavation should the owner/permittee fail to restore the same. If
the bond is insufficient to effect the necessary restoration, additional cost to be incurred to complete
the restoration shall be charged to the account of the owner/permittee or to whoever shall assume
ownership of the property. If the owner/permittee refuses backfilling of the excavation, the Building
Official shall initiate legal proceedings.

5. Terms and Conditions of Permits

The issued building permit shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:

a. That under Article 1723 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, the engineer or architect who drew up the
plans and specifications for a building/structure is liable for damages if within fifteen (15) years from the
completion of the building/structure, the same should collapse due to defect in the plans or specifications or
defects in the ground. The engineer or architect who supervises the construction shall be solidarily liable
with the contractor should the edifice collapse due to defect in the construction or the use of inferior

b. This permit shall be accompanied by the various applicable ancillary and accessory permits, plans and
specifications signed and sealed by the corresponding design professionals who shall be responsible for the
comprehensiveness and correctness of the plans in compliance to the Code and its IRR and to all applicable
referral codes and professional regulatory laws.

c. That the proposed construction/erection/addition/alteration/renovation/conversion/

repair/moving/demolition, etc. shall be in conformity with the provisions of the National Building Code,
and its IRR.

i. That prior to commencement of the proposed projects and construction an actual relocation
survey shall be conducted by a duly licensed Geodetic Engineer.

ii. That before commencing the excavation the person making or causing the excavation to be
made shall notify in writing the owner of adjoining property not less than ten (10) days
before such excavation is to be made and show how the adjoining property should be

iii. That the supervising Architect/Civil Engineer shall keep at the jobsite at all times a logbook
of daily construction activities wherein the actual daily progress of construction including
tests conducted, weather condition and other pertinent data are to be recorded, same shall
be made available for scrutiny and comments by the OBO representative during the
conduct of inspection his/her inspection pursuant to Section 207 of the Code.

iv. That upon completion of the construction, the Owner shall submit the logbook duly signed
and sealed to the Building Official including as-built plans and other documents and shall
also prepare and submit a Certificate of Completion of the project stating that the
construction of the building/structure conform to the provision of the Code, its IRR as well
as the plans and specifications.

v. All such changes, modifications and alterations shall likewise be submitted to the Building
Official and the subsequent amendatory permit therefor issued before any work on said
changes, modifications and alterations shall be started.

d. That no building/structure shall be used until the Building Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy
therefor as provided in the Code. However, a partial Certificate of Occupancy may be issued for the
Use/Occupancy of a portion or portions of a building/structure prior to the completion of the entire

e. That this permit shall not serve as an exemption from securing written clearances from various government
authorities exercising regulatory function affecting buildings/structures.

f. When the construction is undertaken by contract, the work shall be done by a duly licensed and registered
contractor pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor’s License Law (RA 4566).

g. The Owner/Permittee shall submit a duly accomplished prescribed “Notice of Construction” to the
Office of the Building Official prior to any construction activity.

h. The Owner/Permittee shall put a Building Permit sign which complies with the prescribed
dimensions and information, which shall remain posted on the construction site for the duration of
the construction. (Figs. III.4. and III.5).

SECTION 305. Validity of Building Permits

The issuance of a building permit shall not be construed as an approval or authorization to the
permittee to disregard or violate any of the provisions of the Code.

Whenever the issuance of a permit is based on approved plans and specifications which are
subsequently found defective, the Building official is not precluded from requiring permittee to effect the
necessary corrections in said plans and specifications or from preventing or ordering the stoppage of any
or all building operations being carried on thereunder which are in violation of the Code.

A building permit issued under the provisions of the Code shall expire and become null and void if the
building or work authorized therein is not commenced within a period of one (1) year after the issuance of
the building permit, or is suspended or abandoned at any time after it has been commenced for a period
of one hundred twenty (120) days.

SECTION 306. Non-issuance, Suspension or Revocation of Building Permits

The Building Official may order or cause the non-issuance, suspension or revocation of building
permits on any or all of the following reasons or grounds:

1. Errors found in the plans and specifications;

2. Incorrect or inaccurate data or information supplied;

3. Non-compliance with the provisions of the Code or any rules or regulations.

Notice of non- issuance, suspension or revocation of building permits shall always be made in writing,
stating the reason or grounds thereof.

Figure III.4.

Figure III.5.

SECTION 307. Appeal
Within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of advice of the non- issuance, suspension or
revocation of permits, the applicant/permittee may file an appeal with the Secretary who shall render his
decision within fifteen days from date of receipt of notice of appeal. The decision of the Secretary shall be
final subject only to review by the Office of the President.

SECTION 308. Inspection and Supervision of Work

1. The owner of the Building who is issued or granted a building permit under the Code shall engage the
services of a duly licensed architect or civil engineer to undertake the full time inspection and
supervision of the construction work.

2. Such architect or civil engineer may or may not be the same architect or civil engineer who is
responsible for the design of the building.

3. It is understood however that in either case, the designing architect or civil engineer is not precluded
from conducting inspection of the construction work to check and determine compliance with the
plans and specifications of the building submitted.

4. There shall be kept at the jobsite at all times a logbook wherein the actual progress of construction
including tests conducted, weather conditions and other pertinent data are to be recorded.

5. Upon completion of the construction, the said licensed architect or civil engineer shall submit the
logbook, duly signed and sealed, to the Building Official. He shall also prepare and submit a
Certificate of Completion of the project stating that the construction of building conforms to the
provisions of the Code as well as with the approved plans and specifications.

SECTION 309. Certificate of Occupancy

1. The owner/permittee shall submit to the OBO an application of Certificate of Occupancy together with
a duly notarized Certificate of Completion together with the construction logbook, as-built plans and
specifications and the Building Inspection Sheet all signed by whoever is the contractor (if the
construction is undertaken by contract) and signed and sealed by the Owner’s duly licensed Architect
or Civil Engineer who undertook the full time inspection and supervision of the construction works.
Said Plans and Specifications shall reflect faithfully all changes, modifications and alterations made
on the originally submitted Plans and Specifications on file with the OBO which are the basis of the
issuance of the original building permit. The as-built Plans and Specifications may be just an orderly
and comprehensive compilation of all the documents, which include the originally submitted plans and
specifications and all amendments thereto as actually built or they may be an entirely new set of
plans and specifications accurately describing and/or reflecting therein the building/structure as
actually built.

2. A notification to conduct final inspection shall be endorsed by the OBO to the C/MFM, BFP, who shall
issue a Fire Safety Inspection Certificate within five (5) workings days if the Fire Safety requirement
shall have been complied. If, after the prescribed period no action is taken by the C/MFM, the
Building Official may issue the Certificate of Occupancy with the condition that the Fire Safety
requirements shall be complied with, within the prescribed period set forth in the Fire Code of the
Philippines (PD 1185).
3. The OBO undertakes the final inspection, verification and/or review of the building/structure based on
the Certificate of Completion, construction logbook, building inspection sheets, original and as-built
plans and specifications, as the case may be and specifications on the prescribed standard form
according to the requirements set forth under Section 303.

4. Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, the OBO shall prepare the corresponding fees
and order of payment. The Building Official then issues the Certificate of Occupancy in the form
prescribed therefor after all fees are paid.

a. A partial Certificate of Occupancy may be issued for the use or occupancy of a portion or portions
of a building or structure prior to the completion of the entire building or structure, through the
proper phasing of its major independent portions without posing hazards to its occupants, the
adjacent building residents and general public.

b. A building for which a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued may further be issued other
Certificates of Occupancy due to changes in use, whether partly or wholly, provided, that the new
use/s or character/s of occupancy conforms with the requirement of the Code and its IRR.


SECTION 401. Types of Construction

For purposes of the Code and its IRR, all buildings proposed for construction shall be classified
according to the following types:

1. Type I - shall be of wood construction. The structural elements may be any of the materials
permitted by the Code.

2. Type II - shall be of wood construction with protective fire-resistant materials and one-hour fire-
resistive throughout, except, that permanent non-bearing partitions may use fire-retardant treated
wood within the framing assembly with one-hour resistivity.

3. Type III - shall be of masonry and wood construction. Structural elements may be any of the
materials permitted by the Code provided, that the building shall be one-hour fire-resistive
throughout. Exterior walls shall be of incombustible fire-resistive construction.

4. Type IV - shall be steel, iron, concrete, or masonry construction and walls, ceiling and permanent
partitions shall be of incombustible fire-resistive construction, except, that permanent non-bearing
partitions of one-hour fire-resistive construction may use fire-retardant treated wood within the
framing assembly.

5. Type V - shall be four-hour fire-resistive throughout and the structural elements shall be of steel,
iron, concrete, or masonry construction.

SECTION 402. Changes in Types

No change shall be made in the type of construction of any building which would place the building in a
different sub- type or type of construction unless such building is made to comply with the requirements
for such sub- type of construction: Except, when the changes is approved by the Building Official upon
showing that the new or proposed construction is less hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the
existing construction.

SECTION 403. Requirements on Type of Construction

The following standards are prescribed:

1. Fire Resistive Requirements

a. Exterior bearing and non-bearing walls of Types II and III Constructions shall have one hour
fire-resistive rating, while those of Types IV and V shall have four-hour fire-resistive rating.

b. Interior bearing walls, permanent partitions, floors, and roofs of Types II, III and IV
Construction shall have one-hour fire-resistive rating while those of Type V shall have three-
hour fire-resistive rating for bearing walls and one-hour fire-resistive rating for vertical
openings, floors and roofs.

c. Structural frames of Types II and III Construction shall have one-hour fire-resistive rating,
while those of Type IV shall have two-hour fire-resistive rating and those of Type V shall have
three hour fire-resistive rating.

d. Exterior doors and windows shall have one hour fire-resistive rating for all Types.

2. Interior Wall and Ceiling Finishes

a. Finishes for interior walls and ceilings of any building shall be classified according to their
flame-spread characteristic using generally accepted engineering standards. The smoke
density shall not be greater than that obtained from burning of untreated wood under similar
conditions when tested in accordance with the “Tunnel Test” in the way intended for use.
The products of combustion shall be no more toxic than the burning of untreated wood under
similar conditions. These finishes include: interior wainscoting, paneling, or other finish
applied structurally or for decoration, acoustical correction, frames and trims of doors and
windows, surface insulation or similar purposes.

b. Requirements for flame-spread characteristics of finishes shall not apply to frames and trim of
doors and windows and to materials which are less than 1.00 millimeter in thickness
cemented to the surface of walls or ceilings.

c. Materials required to be flame-spread proofed shall be treated with a flame-retardant having

a flame-spread of fifty (50) or less as determined by the “Tunnel Test”.

3. Standards for materials use in structural framework, exterior walls and openings, floors, exits, stairs &
roofs shall be governed by the pertinent provision of the Fire Code of the Philippines.


SECTION 501. Fire Zones Defined

Fire zones are areas within which only certain types of buildings/structures are permitted to be
constructed based on their use or occupancy, type of construction, and resistance to fire.

SECTION 502. Buildings Located in More Than One Fire Zone

A building/structure which is located partly in one (1) fire zone and partly in another shall be
considered to be in the more highly restrictive fire zone, when more than one third (1/3) of its total floor
area is located in such zone.

SECTION 503. Moved Buildings

1. Any building/structure moved within or into any fire zone shall be made to comply with all the
requirements for buildings/structures in that fire zone.

2. This shall also apply to pre-engineered or pre-fabricated buildings/structures that may be

dismantled and re-assembled.

SECTION 504. Temporary Buildings/Structures

1. Temporary buildings such as reviewing stands and other miscellaneous structures conforming to
the requirements of the Code, and sheds, canopies and fences used for the protection of the
public around and in conjunction with construction work, may be erected in the fire zones by
special permit from the Building Official for a limited period of time, and such buildings or
structures shall be completely removed upon the expiration of the time limit stated in such

2. Erection of temporary buildings/structures to be located in restrictive and highly restrictive zones

and which do not conform with the type of construction allowed or permitted within such zones
may be allowed by the Building Official for a given period of time provided that, fire
protective/preventive measures and fire suppression facilities are adequate.

SECTION 505. Center Lines of Streets

The center line of adjoining street or alley may be considered an adjacent property line. Distances
shall be measured at right angles to the street or alley.

SECTION 506. Restrictions on Existing Buildings

1. Existing buildings or structures in fire zones that do not comply with the requirements for a new
building erected therein shall not hereafter be enlarged, altered, remodeled, repaired or moved
except as follows:

a. Such building is entirely demolished;

b. Such building is to be moved outside the limits of the more highly restrictive Fire Zone to a zone
where the building meets the minimum standards;

c. Changes, alterations and repairs may be made provided that in any 12- month period, the value
of the work does not exceed 20% of the value of the existing building, and provided that, such
changes do not add additional combustible material, and do not, in the opinion of the Building
Official, increase the fire hazard;

d. Additions thereto are separated from the existing building by fire walls, as set forth in Section 506

e. Damage from fire or earthquake, typhoons or any fortuitous event may be repaired, using the
same kind of materials of which the building or structure was originally constructed, provided that,
the cost of such repair shall not exceed 20% of the replacement cost of the building or structure.

SECTION 507. Designation of Fire Zones

The legislative body of the LGU may enact ordinances for the purpose of designating fire zones
based on the parameters and guidelines set forth in this Section.

1. Designation of Fire Zones is purposely for management, prevention, control and suppression of
conflagration that may occur in population centers. The designation of fire zones is as follows:

a. Non-Fire Restricted Zones: These are areas where siting of buildings/structures are permitted
without fire-resistivity measures, often located in the country sides or rural areas where
commercial and industrial and other buildings are sparsely constructed, or may be clustered in
small groups like farm lands wherein dwellings are built of indigenous materials such as bamboo,
sawali, nipa, cogon, palm leaves and wood up to Types I and II Construction as classified in
Section 401 of the Code.

b. Fire Restrictive Zones: Areas wherein siting of buildings/structures are permitted within
prescribed fire-resistivity measures for exterior walls of at least two-hour fire resistivity. Usual
locations in suburban areas are permitted to be built with at least one-hour fire-resistivity
throughout as Types II, III to IV Constructions as prescribed in Section 401 of the Code.

c. Highly Fire Restrictive Zones: Areas wherein highly fire- resistive or non-combustible
buildings/structures and/or construction assemblies of no less than three to four-hour fire-resistive
construction materials are used throughout, including exterior walls. Only Types IV and V
Constructions are permitted in the areas.


SECTION 601. Fire- Resistive Rating Defined

Fire-resistive rating means the degree to which a material can withstand fire as determined by
generally recognized and accepted testing methods.

SECTION 602. Fire- Resistive Time Period Rating

Fire-resistive time period rating is the length of time a material can withstand being burned which
may be one- hour, two- hours, four- hours, etc.

SECTION 603. Fire-Resistive Standards

All materials of construction, and type of materials and assemblies or combinations thereof shall
conform to the following fire-resistive ratings:

Minimum thickness (in millimeter) for the

Type of Assembly and Material given fire resistance

4 hrs. 3 hrs. 2 hrs. 1hr.

Floor Construction
Solid R.C. slab
- Average cover to reinforcement 25 25 20 15
- Overall Depth 150 150 125 100

Solid pre-stressed
Concrete slab
- Average cover to tendons 65 50 40 25
- Overall Depth 150 150 125 100

- Solid concrete 175 175 150 125
- Solid masonry 200 175 150 125
- Hollow unit masonry 300 250 200 150

Protection for metal structural members

- Concrete 75 50 38 25
- Masonry 100 75 55 38
- Metal lath with vermiculite or perlite
gypsum plaster 50 38 20 12

Exterior Wall
- Solid concrete 180 150 125 75
- Solid masonry 200 175 150 100
- Hollow masonry 300 250 200 150

Column (all faces exposed)

- Reinforced concrete 450 400 300 200

SECTION 604. Fire- Resistive Regulations

The Secretary shall prescribe standards and promulgate rules and regulations on the testing of
construction materials for flame-spread characteristics, tests on fire damages, fire tests of building
construction and materials, door assemblies and tinclad fire doors and window assemblies, the
installation of fire doors and windows and smoke and fire detectors for fire protective signaling system,
application and use of controlled interior finish, fire-resistive protection for structural members, fire-
resistive walls and partitions, fire-resistive floor or roof ceiling, fire-resistive assemblies for protection of
openings and fire-retardant roof coverings.


SECTION 701. Occupancy Classified

1. There are 10 Groups of Occupancies sub-divided into 25 Divisions. The accompanying matrix shows
the Groupings and Divisions and the corresponding uses. The final column indicates the Zoning

a. Buildings proposed for construction shall be identified according to their use or the character of its
occupancy and shall be classified as follows:

i. Group A – Residential Dwellings

Group A Occupancies shall include:

Division 1- Residential building/structure for exclusive use of single family occupants

including school or company staff housing; single (nuclear) family dwellings;
churches or similar places of worship; church rectories; community facilities
and social centers; parks, playgrounds, pocket parks, parkways, promenades
and play lots; clubhouses and recreational uses such as golf courses, tennis
courts, basketball courts, swimming pools and similar uses operated by the
government or private individuals as membership organizations for the benefit
of their members, families, and guests and not operated primarily for gain.

Division 2- Residential building for the exclusive use of non-leasing occupants not
exceeding 10 persons including single-attached or duplex or townhouses, each
privately-owned; school dormitories (on campus); convents and monasteries;
military or police barracks/dormitories; pre-schools, elementary and high
schools, provided that they do not exceed 16 classrooms; outpatient clinics,
family planning clinics, lying-in clinics, diagnostics clinics, medical and clinical
laboratories; branch library and museums; steam/dry cleaning outlets; party
needs and accessories (leasing of tables and chairs, etc.).

ii. Group B – Residentials, Hotels and Apartments

Group B Occupancies shall be multiple dwelling units including boarding or lodging houses,
hotels, apartment buildings, row houses, convents, monasteries and other similar building
each of which accommodates more than 10 persons.

iii. Group C – Education and Recreation

Group C Occupancies shall be buildings used for school or day-care purposes, involving
assemblage for instruction, education, or recreation, and not classified in Group I or in
Division 1 and 2 or Group H Occupancies.
iv. Group D – Institutional

Group D Occupancies shall include:

Division 1 - Mental hospitals, mental sanitaria, jails, prisons, reformatories, and buildings
were personal liberties of inmates are similarly restrained.

Division 2 - Nurseries for full-time care of children under kindergarten age, hospitals,
sanitaria, nursing homes with non-ambulatory patients, and similar buildings
each accommodating more than five persons.

Division 3 - Nursing homes for ambulatory patients, homes for children of kindergarten age
or over, each accommodating more than five persons: Provided, that Group D
Occupancies shall not include buildings used only for private or family group
dwelling purposes.

v. Group E - Business and Mercantile

Group E Occupancies shall include:

Division 1- Gasoline filling and service stations, storage garages and boat storage
structures where no work is done except exchange of parts and maintenance
requiring no open flame, welding, or the use of highly flammable liquids.

Division 2- Wholesale and retail stores, office buildings, drinking and dining establishments
having an occupant load of less than one hundred persons, printing plants,
police and fire stations, factories and workshops using not highly flammable or
combustible materials and paint stores without bulk handlings.

Division 3- Aircraft hangars and open parking garages where no repair work is done
except exchange of parts and maintenance requiring no open flame, welding or
the use of highly flammable liquids.

vi. Group F - Industrial

Group F Occupancies shall include: ice plants, power plants, pumping plants, cold storage,
and creameries, factories and workshops using incombustible and non-explosive materials,
and storage and sales rooms for incombustible and non-explosive materials.

vii. Group G - Storage and Hazardous

Groups G Occupancies shall include:

Division 1- Storage and handling of hazardous and highly flammable material.

Division 2- Storage and handling of flammable materials, dry cleaning plants using
flammable liquids; paint stores with bulk handling, paint shops and spray
painting rooms.
Division 3- Wood working establishments, planning mills and box factories, shops, factories
where loose combustible fibers or dust are manufactured, processed or
generated; warehouses where highly combustible materials is stored.

Division 4- Repair garages.

Division 5- Aircraft repair hangars.

viii. Group H - Assembly Other Than Group I

Group H Occupancies shall include:

Division 1- Any assembly building with a stage and an occupant load of less than 1000 in
the building.

Division 2- Any assembly building without stage and having an occupant load of 300 or
more in the building.

Division 3- Any assembly building without a stage and having an occupant load of less
than 300 in the building.

Division 4- Stadia, reviewing stands, amusement park structures not included within Group
I or in Division 1, 2, and 3 of this Group.

ix. Group I – Assembly Occupant Load 1000 or More

Group I Occupancies shall be any assembly building with a stage and an occupant load of
1000 or more in the building.

x. Group J - Accessory

Group J Occupancies shall include:

Division 1- Agricultural structures.

Division 2- Private garages, carports, fences over 1.80 meters high, tanks, swimming
pools and towers.

Division 3- Stages, platforms, pelota, tennis, badminton or basketball courts, tombs,

mausoleums, niches, aviaries, aquariums, zoo structures, banks and record
vaults Other subgroupings or divisions within Groups A to J may be determined
by the Secretary. Any other occupancy not mentioned specifically in this
Section, or about which there is any question, shall be included in the Group
which it most nearly resembles based on the existing or proposed life and fire

Table VII.1. Schedule of Principal, Accessory and Conditional Use/Occupancy of Building/Structure

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification
Group A – Residential (Dwellings)
Division A-1 1. Indigenous family dwelling units 1. Customary accessory uses incidental Residential R-1 - a low-
2. Single-detached units 1. Preparatory schools, provided that
(Residential building/ to any of the principal uses housed in density residential zone,
3. School or company staff housing they do not exceed three (3) classrooms
structure for exclusive the same Division A-1 (or R-1 class) characterized mainly by single-
4. Single (nuclear) family dwellings and shall be located not less than 500
use of single family building/structure, provided that such family, single detached
5. Churches or similar places of worship meters from nearest existing school
occupants) accessory uses shall not include any dwellings with the usual
6 Church rectories offering similar course and are equipped
activity conducted for monetary gain or community ancillary uses on a
7. Community facilities and social centers with adequate parking or as provided in
commercial purposes such as servants neighborhood scale, such as
8. Parks, playgrounds, pocket parks, the local zoning ordinance.
quarter, private garage, guardhouse, executive subdivisions and
parkways, promenades and playlots 2. Boarding houses with no more
home laundries, non-commercial relatively exclusive residential
9. Clubhouses and recreational uses such than eight (8) boarders.
garages, houses for pets such as communities which are not
as golf courses, tennis courts, basketball 3. Neighborhood convenience stores
dogs, birds, rabbits and the like of not subdivisions.
courts, swimming pools and similar uses selling miscellaneous items, provided
more than 4.00 sq. meters in floor
operated by the government or private that such stores shall notexceed 10% of
area, pump houses and generator
individuals as membership organizations the gross floor area (GFA) of the
for the benefit of their members, families, dwelling unit and provided that no liquor
2. Auxiliary uses customarily conducted in
and guests and not operated primarily for shall be allowedfor sale.
dwellings and homes for the practice
gain. 4. Audio-video and computer rental shops,
of one's profession such as offices of
provided that such shops shall not
physicians, surgeons, dentists,
exceed 10% of the totalfloor area of the
architects, engineers, lawyers and
dwelling unit.
other professionals provided that
5. Home occupation engaging in an in-
suchprofessionals are members of the
house business such as dressmaking,
family residing in the premises;
tailoring, and baking,provided that the
provided further, that not
General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Occupancy of Zoning Classification

more than three (3) semi-professional area used shall not occupy more than
assistants are employed at any time, 20% of the total floor area of the dwelling
that in no case thatmore than 20% of unit; thenumber of persons engaged in
the floor area of the building be used such business/industryshall not exceed
for said professionalpractice or home three (3) inclusive of theowner; there
occupation for engaging an in- shall be no change in the outside
housebusiness such as dressmaking, appearance of the building/structure or
tailoring, baking and the like, provided premises; no homeoccupation shall be
that the number of persons engaged in conducted in any customary accessory
such business/industry shall not use; no traffic shall begenerated by such
exceed five (5), inclusive of the owner; home occupation in greater volume than
there shall be no change in the outside would normally be expected in
appearance of the building or aresidential neighborhood and any need
premises; no home occupation shall for parking generated by the conduct of
be conducted in any customary such homeoccupation shall be met off
accessory usescited above;no traffic the street and in place other than in a
shall be generated by such home required front yard; no equipmentor
occupation in greater volumethan process shall be used in such home
would normally be expected in a occupation which creates noise,
residential neighborhood and any need vibration, glare, fumes, odorsor electrical
for parkinggenerated by the conduct of interference detectable to the normal
such home occupation shall be met off senses and visual or audible interference
the street and in aplace other than in a in anyradio or television receivers or
required front yard; no equipment or causes fluctuation in line voltage of the
process shall be used in such home premises.
occupation which 7. Home industry classified as cottage
industry provided that such homeindustry
shall not occupy more than

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Occupancy of Zoning Classification

creates noise, vibration, glare, 30% of the gross floor area (GFA) of the
fumes, odors or electrical dwelling unit with employees not to
interference detectable to thenormal exceed five (5) persons and shall have
senses and visual or audible no change or alteration in the outside
interference in any radio or television appearance of the dwelling unit and shall
receivers or causes fluctuation in line not be a hazard/nuisance; allotted
voltage of the premises. capitalization shall not exceed the
3. Home industry classified as cottage capitalization as set by the Department of
industry provided that such home Trade and Industry (DTI); no home
industry shall not occupy more than industry shall be conducted in any
30% of the floor area of the dwelling customary accessory use; no traffic shall
unit; there shall be no change or be generated by such home industry in
alteration in the outside appearance of greater volume than would normally be
the dwelling unit and shall not be a expected in a residential neighborhood
hazard/nuisance; allotted capitalization and any need for parking generated by
shall not exceed the capitalization as the conduct of such home occupation

set by theDepartment of Trade and shall be met off the street and in a place
Industry (DTI); shall consider same other than in a required front yard; no
provisions as enumerated in number 2, equipment or process shall be used in
Profession or Home Occupation, this such home industry which creates noise,
Section. vibration, glare, fumes, odors or electrical
4. Recreational facilities for the exclusive interference detectable to the normal
use of the members of the family senses and visual or audible interference
residingwithin the premises, such as in any radio or television receivers or
swimming pool, pelota court, etc. causes fluctuation in line voltage of the
5. Religious use premises.
6. Multi-purpose/Barangay Hall

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification
7. Pre-School
8. Sports club
9. Clinic, nursing and convalescing
home, health center
10. Plant nursery

Division A-2 1. Single-attached or duplex or town- 1. Customary incidental home occupa- 1. Ballet, dance and voice studios Residential R-2- a medium
(residentialbuilding for houses, each privately owned tions such as barber and beauty provided that the classes or instructions density residential use or
the exclusive use of 2. School dormitories (on campus) shops, tailoring and dress shops, are held in soundproofed and occupancy, characterized
non-leasing occupants 3. Convents and monasteries neighborhood convenience stores, airconditioned buildings mainly as a low-rise single-
not exceeding 10 4. Military or police barracks/ dormitories retail drug stores 2. Sanitaria, nursery or convalescent attached, duplex or multi-level
persons) 5. All uses allowed in Division A-1 (or for R- homes building/ structure for exclusive
1 class) buildings/structures 3. Philanthropic or charitable institutions use as multiple family dwellings.
6. Pre-schools, elementary and high upon approval of the Building Official This includes R-2 structures
schools, provided that they do not and subject to such conditions and within semi-exclusive
exceed sixteen (16) classrooms safeguards as deemed appropriate subdivisions and semi-exclusive
7. Outpatient clinics, family planning 4. Offices with no actual display, sale, residential communities which
clinics, lying-in clinics, diagnostic clinics, transfer, or lending of the office are not subdivisions.
medical and clinicallaboratories commodities in the premises and with
8. Branch library and museum subject gross floor area (GFA) not There shall be two (2) general
9. Steam/ dry cleaning outlets exceeding 30% of the building GFA types of R-2 use or occupancy,
10. Party needs and accessories (leasing 5. Apartment hotels/hometels to wit:
of tables and chairs, etc.) 6. Processing, refilling and retailing of
bottled drinking water provided that a. Basic R-2 : single-attached
clearances from local health department or duplex building/structure of
and certification of adequate supply from from one (1) storey up to three
the water supply concessionaire shall be (3) storeys in height and with
secured. each unit for separate

General U S E Zoning Classification

Classification of
Use/Character of
7. Home occupation for the practice of use as single-family dwellings
one's profession or for engaging in an and;
in-house business such as dressmaking,
tailoring, baking, barber and beauty b. Maximum R-2 : low-rise
shops and the like, provided that the multi-level building/structure of
area in use shall not exceed 30% of the from three (3) up to five (5)
gross floor area (GFA) of the dwelling storeys in height and for use as
unit with the number of persons multiple family dwellings
engaged in such business/industry not
exceeding ten (10) inclusive of owner;
there shall be no change in the outside
appearance of the building or premises,
no home occupation shall be conducted
in any customary accessory use; no
traffic shall be generated by such home
occupation in greater volume than would
normally be expected in a residential
neighborhood and any need for parking
generated by the conduct of such home
occupation shall be met off the street
and in a place other than in a required
front yard; no equipment or process
shall be used in such home occupation
which creates noise, vibration, glare,
fumes, odors or electrical interference
detectable to the normal senses and

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification
visual or audible interference in any
radio or television receivers or causes
fluctuation in line voltage of the
8. Car barns for not more than three (3)
9. LPG retailing with a maximum of twenty
(20) units of LPG tanks at any given time
10. Recreational facilities such as resorts,
swimming pools, clubhouses and similar
uses except carnivalsand fairs
11. Bank branches, savings/loans/lending

12. Driving range

Group B – Residential (Buildings/

Structures, Hotels and Apartments)
Division B-1 1. All uses permitted in Divisions A-1 and A- 1. All customary accessory uses allowed 1. All conditional uses in R-1 and R-2 with Residential R-3 - a high-density
2 (or for R-1 class and R-2 class) in Divisions A-1 and A-2 (or for R-1 appropriate regulations residentialuse or occupancy,
buildings/structures class and R-2 class) buildings/ characterized mainly as a low-
2. Leased single-detached dwelling unit, structures rise or medium-rise building/
cottage with more than one (1) 2. Branch library and museum structure for exclusive use
independent unit and duplexes. 3. Hometel asmultiple family dwellings with
3. Boarding and lodging houses 4. Vocational school mixed housing types. R-3
structure may include low-rise or
medium-rise residential

condominium buildings that

are already commercial in
nature and scale. There
shall be two (2) general
types of R-3 use or
occupancy, to wit:
a. Basic R-3 : rowhouse
building/structure of from
one (1) storey up to three (3)
storeys in height and with
each unit for separate use
as single-family dwellings;
b. Maximum R-3 : medium-rise
multi-level building/ structure
of from six (6) up to twelve
(12) storeys in height and for
use as multiple family


Residential R-4 - a medium to

high-density residential use or
occupancy, characterized main-
ly as a low-rise townhouse
building/ structure for exclusive
use as multiple family dwellings.
The term R-4 specifically refers
to the building/structure on an
General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Occupancy of Zoning Classification
individual lot (a townhouse unit)
and generally refers to the
series or rows of R-4
buildings/structures within a
subdivided lot or property (an R-
4 development).
1. Multi-family residential buildings such as Residential R-5 - a very high-
condominium, high-rise residential density residential use or
buildings/structures, multi-level apart- occupancy, characterized
ments, tenements, mass housing, etc. mainly as a medium-rise or
taller than five (5) storeys but not more high-rise condominium
than twelve (12) storeys building/structure for exclusive
use as multiple family dwelling.
Group C – Education and Recreation
Division C-1 1. Educational institutions like schools,
colleges, universities, vocational,
institutions, seminaries, convents,
including school auditoriums, gymnasia,
reviewing stands, little theaters, concert
halls, opera houses.
2. Seminar/workshop facilities
3. Training centers/facilities
4. Libraries, museums, exhibition halls and
art galleries

General U S E Zoning Classification

Classification of
Use/Character of
5. Civic centers, clubhouses, lodges,
community centers.
6. Churches, mosque, temples. shrines,
chapels and similar places of worship
7. Civic or government centers
8. Other types of government buildings

Division C-2 1. Amusement halls and parlors 1. Government centers to house GI (General Institutional) - a
2. Massage and sauna parlors national, regional or local offices in community to national level of
3. Health studios and reducing salons the area institutional use or occupancy,
4. Billiard halls, pool rooms, bowling alleys 2. Colleges, universities, professional characterized mainly as a low-
and golf clubhouses business schools, vocational and rise, medium-rise or high-rise
5. Dancing schools, disco pads, dance and trade schools, technical schools and building/structure for education-
amusement halls other institutions of higher learning al, training and related activities,
6. Gymnasia, pelota courts and sports 3. General hospitals, medical centers, e.g., schools and related
complex multi-purpose clinics facilities and the like.
4. Scientific, cultural and academic
centers and research facilities except
nuclear, radioactive, chemical and
biological warfare facilities
5. Convention centers and related
6. Religious structures, e.g., church,
seminary, novitiates
7. Museums
8. Embassies/ consulate
9. Student housing, e.g., dormitories,
boarding house

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification
Group D –
(Government and
Health Services)
Division D-1 1. Mental hospitals, mental sanitaria 1. Welfare homes, orphanages, boys and GI (General Institutional) - a
(Institutional, where and mental asylums girls town, home for the aged and the community to national level of
personal liberties of in- 2. Police and fire stations, guard like institutional use or occupancy,
mates are restrained, or houses 2. Rehabilitation and vocational training characterized mainly as a low-
quarters of those 3. Jails, prisons, reformatories and center for ex-convicts, drug addicts, rise, medium-rise or high-rise
rendering public correctional institutions unwed mothers, physically, mentally building/ structure for medical,
4. Rehabilitation centers and emotionally handicapped, ex-
assistance and 5. Leprosaria and quarantine station sanitaria inmates;and similar government service
maintaining peace and establishments administrative and related
order) 3. Military camps/reservations/bases and activities, e.g., hospitals and
training grounds related health care facilities,
4. Penitentiary and correctional institution government offices, military,
police and correctional buildings
and the like.
Division D-2 1. Hospitals, sanitaria, and homes for the
(Institutional, buildings aged
for health care) 2. Nurseries for children of kindergarten
age or non-ambulatory patients
accommodating more than five (5)

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification
Division D-3 1. Nursing homes for ambulatory patients
(Institutional, for 2. School and home, for children over
ambulatory patients or kindergarten age
children over 3. Orphanages
kindergarten age)
Group E –
Business and
Division E-1 1. All uses allowed in Division B-1 (or for R- 1. Office building 1. Garage for jeepneys and taxis not greater C-1 (Commercial One or Light
(Business and 3 class) buildings/ structures 2. Office condominium than six (6) units in number Commercial) - a neighborhood
Mercantile, where no 2. Gasoline filling and service stations. 3. Department store/shopping center 2. Garage for bus and trucks not greater or community level of
work is done except 3. Storage garage and boat storage. 4 Bookstore and office supply shop than three (3) units in number commercial use or occupancy,
change of parts and 4. Commercial garages and parking 5. Car shop 3. Retailing of CHBs, gravel and sand and characterized mainly as a low-
maintenance requiring buildings, display for cars, tractors, etc. 6. Home appliance store other concrete products rise building/structure for low
no open flames, 5. Bus and railways depots and terminals 7. Photo shop intensity commercial/trade,
welding, or use of highly and offices 8. Flower shop service and business activities,
flammable liquids) 6. Port facilities 9. Bakery and bake shop e.g., one to three (1 to 3) storey
7. Airports and heliport facilities 10. Wine store shopping centers, small offices
8. All other types of transportation 11. Grocery or mixed-use/occupancy
complexes 12. Supermarket buildings and the like.
9. All other types of large complexes for 13. Beauty parlor
public services 14. Barber shop
10. Pawnshops, money shops, photo and 15. Sauna bath and massage clinic
portrait studios, shoeshine/repair stands, 16. Dressmaking and tailoring shops
retail drugstores, tailoring and dress 17. Movie house/theater

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Occupancy of Zoning Classification
11. Bakeshops and bakery goods stores 18. Playcourt, e.g., tennis, bowling, UTS (Utilities, Transportation
billiards and Services) – a range of
12. Stores for construction supplies and 19. Swimming pool utilitarian/functional uses or
building materials such as electrical and 20. Day/night club occupancies, characterized
electronics, plumbing supplies, ceramic 21. Stadium, coliseum, gymnasium mainly as a low-rise or medium-
clay cement and other similar products 22. Other sports and recreational rise building/structure for low to
except CHBs, gravel and sand andother establishments high intensity community
concrete products 23. Restaurants and other eateries support functions, e.g.,
24. Short term special education like terminals/inter-modals/multi-
dancing schools, schools for self- modals and depots
defense, driving schools, speech
25. Storeroom and warehouse but only
as may be necessary for the efficient
conduct of the business
26. Commercial housing like hotel,
apartment, apartel, boarding house,
dormitory, pension house,
clubhouse, motel
27. Commercial condominium (with
residential units in upper floors)
28. Embassy/ consulate
29. Library/museum
30. Filling station/service station
31. Clinic
32. Vocational/ technical school
33. Convention center and related

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Occupancy of Zoning Classification
34. Messengerial service
35. Security agency
36. Janitorial service
37. Bank and other financial institution

38. Radio and television station
39. Building garage
40. Commercial job printing
41. Typing and photo engraving services
42. Repair of optical instruments and
equipment and cameras
43. Repair of clocks and watches
44. Manufacture of insignia, badges and
similar emblems except metal
45. Transportation terminal/garage
46. Plant nurseries
47. Scientific, cultural and academic
centers and research facilities
exceptnuclear, radioactive, chemical
and biological warfare facilities.
Division E-2 1. Wholesale and retail stores 1. All uses in C-1 class buildings/ C-2 (Commercial Two or
2. Shopping centers, malls and structures may be allowed in C-2 class 1. Institutional uses as colleges and Medium Commercial) - a
(Business and
supermarkets buildings/structures universities, vocational and technical municipal or city level of
Mercantile in nature)
3. Wet and dry markets 2. Repair shops like house appliances, schools, general hospitals andspecialized commercial use or occupancy,
4. Restaurants, drinking and dining motor vehicles and accessory, home general welfare, charitable and characterized mainly as a
establishments with less than one furnishing shops government institutions medium-rise building/structure
hundred (100) occupancies. 2. Hauling services and garage terminals for medium to high intensity
5. Day/night clubs, bars, cocktails, for trucks, tow trucks, and buses not commercial/ trade, service and

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification

sing-along lounges, bistros, pubs, beer 3. Transportation terminal/garage with exceeding three (3) units and storage business activities, e.g., three to
gardens repair shops facilities in support of commercial five (3 to 5) storey shopping
6. Bakeries, pastry and bake shops. 4. Publishing establishments centers, medium to large office
7. Office buildings 5. Medium scale junk shop 4. Auto sales and rentals, automotive or mixed use/occupancy
8. Financial Institutions 6. Machinery display shop/center handicraft, accessory and spare parts buildings/structures and the like.
9. Printing & publishing plants and offices 7. Gravel and sand shops, marine craft, aircraftand sales
10. Engraving, photo developing and 8. Lumber/hardware yards
printing shops 9. Manufacture of ice, ice blocks, 5. Junk shops, scrap dealer shops SPE (Special) – other vertical
11. Photographer and painter studios, cubes, tubes, crushed except dry ice facilities not mentioned under
tailoring and haberdashery shops 10. Manufacture of signs and advertising regular uses/occupancies of
12. Factories and workshops, using displays (except printed) buildings/structures such as
less flammable or non-combustible 11. Chicharon factory cemeteries, memorial parks and
materials 12. Welding shops the like
13. Battery shops and repair shops 13. Machine shops service operations
14. Paint stores without bulk handling (repairing/rebuilding, or custom job
15. Funeral parlors orders)
16. Memorial and mortuary chapels, 14 Motorcycles/bicycles repair shops
crematories 15. Lechon stores
17. Columbarium 16. Biscuit factory - manufacture of
18. Telephone and telegraph exchanges biscuits, cookies, crackers and other
19. Telecommunications, media and public similardried bakery products
information complexes including radio 17. Doughnut and hopia factory
and TV broadcasting studios 18. Factory for other bakery products not
20. Cell (mobile) phone towers elsewhere classified (n.e.c.)
21. Battery shops and auto repair shops 19. Shops for repacking of food products
22. Bakeries, pastry and bake shops e.g. fruits, vegetables, sugar and
23. Police and fire stations other relatedproducts

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification

24. Glassware and metalware stores, 20. Funeral parlors, mortuaries and
household equipment and appliance crematory services and memorial
shops chapels
25. Manufacture of insignia, badges and 21. Parking lots, garage facilities
similar emblems except metal 22. Buildings/structures for other
26. General retail establishments such as commercial activities not elsewhere-
curio or antique shops, pet shops and classified (n.e.c.)
aquarium stores, bookstores, art supplies
and novelties, jewelry shops, liquor wine
stores and fIower shops
27. Employment/recruitment agencies, news
syndicate services and office equipment
and repair shopsand other offices
28. Watch sales and services, locksmith and
other related services
29. Other stores and shops for conducting
retail business and local shopping
30. Radio, television and other electrical
appliance repair shops
31. Furniture, repair and upholstering job
32. Computer stores and video shops,
including repair
33. Internet cafes and cyber stations
34. Garment manufacturing with no more than
twenty (20) machines
34. Signboard and streamer painting and silk

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification

35. Car barns for jeepneys and taxis not
more than six (6) units
36. Lotto terminals, off-fronton, on-line
bingo outlets and off-track betting
37. Gardens and landscaping supply/
38. Printing, typesetting, copiers and
duplicating services
39. Photo supply and developing
40. Restaurants, canteens, eateries,
delicatessen shops, confectionery shops
and automats/fastfoods
41. Groceries
42. Laundries and laundromats
43. Recording and film laboratories
44. Auto repair, tire, vulcanizing shops and
carwash with minimum 100 sq. meters
service area
45. Physical fitness gyms/centers

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification
Division E-3 1. All permitted uses in Division E-1 (or for 1. All uses allowed in R-1, R-2 and C-3 (Commercial Three or
(Business and C-1 and C-2 class) buildings/ structures R-3 Zones Metropolitan Commercial)
Mercantile, where no 2. Aircraft hangars 2. All uses allowed in C-1, C-2 and means a metropolitan level of
repair work is done 3. Commercial parking lots and garages C-3 Zones commercial use/occupancy,
except exchange of 4. Department stores, shopping malls/ 3. Some uses allowed in I-1 Zones characterized mainly as a
parts and maintenance centers, commercial and sports 4. All uses allowed in GI Zones medium-rise to high-rise
requiring no open complexes/ areas and SI Zones building/structure for high to
flames, welding or use 5. Institutional uses as university complexes 5. Parks and Recreation and very high intensity commercial/
of highly flammable 6. Other commercial/ business activities not Entertainment class buildings/ trade, service and business
liquid) elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) structures activities, e.g., large to very
large shopping malls, very large
office or mixed-use/occupancy
buildings and the like.
Group F –
Industrial (Non-
Pollutive/ Non-
Industries and
Division F-1 1. Ice plants and cold storage Customary support facilities for industries Building/structure with lesser negative I-1 (Industrial One) - a light
(Light Industrial) buildings such as housing, community, utilities and environmental impact industrial use or occupancy,
2. Power plants (thermal, hydro or services characterized mainly as a low-
geothermal) rise but sprawling building/
3. Pumping plants (water supply,

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification
drainage, sewerage, irrigation and waste structure for low intensity
treatment plants) manufacturing or production
4. Dairies and creameries activities.
5. Rice mills and sugar centrals
6. Breweries, bottling plants,
canneries, and tanneries
7. Factories and workshops using
incombustible or non-explosive materials

Group G –
Storage and
(Pollutive/ Non-
industries and
Industries Only)
Division G-1 1. Storage tanks, buildings for storing Customary support facilities for industries Building/structure with lesser negative I-2 (Industrial Two) - a medium
(Medium Industrial, gasoline, acetylene, LPG, calcium, such as housing, community, utilities and environment impact industrial use or occupancy,
which shall include carbides, oxygen, hydrogen, and the like services characterized mainly as a low-
storage and handling of 2. Armories, arsenals and munitions rise but sprawling building/
hazardous and highly factories structure for medium intensity
flammable materials) 3. Match and fireworks factories manufacturing or production

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification
4. Plastics resin plants (monomer
and polymer) UTS (Utilities, Transportation
5. Plastics compounding and and Services) – a range of
processing plants utilitarian/functional uses/
6. Acetylene and oxygen generating occupancies, characterized
plants mainly by low-rise or medium-
7. Cooking oil and soap processing rise buildings/structures for low
plants to high intensity community
8. Factories for highly flammable support functions, e.g., power
chemicals and water generation/
9. Water and power generation/ distribution facilities,
distribution complexes telecommunication facilities,
10. Liquid and solid waste drainage/wastewater and
management facilities sewerage facilities, solid waste
11. All other types of large complexes handling facilities and the like
for public utilities excluding terminals/inter-
modals/multi-modals and depot
Division G-2 1. All uses permitted in I-1 class Customary support facilities for industries Building/structure with lesser negative
(Medium Industrial 2. Dry cleaning plants using such as housing, community, utilities and environment impact
buildings for storage and flammable liquids services
handling of flammable 3. Paint stores with bulk handling
materials) 4. Paint shops and spray painting
5. Sign and billboard painting shops

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification
Division G-3 1. Wood working establishments, Customary support facilities for industries Building/structure with lesser negative
(Medium Industrial lumber and timber yards such as housing, community, utilities and environment impact
buildings for wood 2. Planing mills and sawmills, veneer services
working activities, plants
papers cardboard 3. Wood drying kilns
manufactures, textile 4. Pulp, paper and paperboard
and garment factories factories
5. Wood and cardboard box factories
6. Textile and fiber spinning mills
7. Grains and cement silos

8. Warehouses where highly
combustible materials are stored.
9. Factories where loose combustible
fiber or dirt are manufactured, processed
or generated.
10. Garment and undergarment factories

Division G-4 1. Repair garages and shops Customary support facilities for industries Building/structure with lesser negative
(Medium Industrial, for 2. Factories for engines and turbines such as housing, community, utilities and environment impact
repair garages and and attached testing facilities services
engine manufacture)

Division G-5 1. Hangars Customary support facilities for industries Building/structure with lesser negative
(Medium Industrial, for 2. Manufacture and assembly plants such as housing, community, utilities and environment impact
aircraft facilities) of aircraft engine services
3. Repairs and testing shops for
aircraft engines and parts

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification
Group H –
Assembly for less
than 1,000
(Cultural and/ or
Division H-1 1. Theaters and auditoriums PRE (Park Structures,
(Recreational, which are 2. Concert halls and open houses Recreation and Entertainment) -
assembly buildings with 3. Convention halls a range of recreational uses or
stage and having an 4. Little theaters, audio-visual rooms occupancies, characterized
occupant load of less mainly as a low-rise or medium-
than 1,000) rise building/structure for low to
medium intensity recreational or
entertainment functions related
to educational uses, e.g.,
structures on campuses or its
component parks/open spaces
and all other kinds of
recreational or assembly
buildings/structures on campus
such as auditoria, mess halls,
seminar facilities, gymnasia,
stadia, arenas and the like.

CUL (Cultural) - a community

to national level of cultural use
or occupancy, characterized

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification
mainly as a low-rise or medium-
rise building/ structure for
cultural activities, e.g., cultural
centers, convention centers,
very large office or mixed-
use/occupancy buildings and
the like.
Division H-2 1. Dance halls, cabarets, ballrooms
(Recreational, which are 2. Skating rinks
assembly buildings with 3. Cockfighting arenas
stage and having an
occupant load of 300 or
Division H-3 1. Dance halls, ballrooms
(Recreational, which are 2. Skating rinks
assembly buildings with
stage and having an
occupant load of less
than 300)

General U S E Zoning Classification

Classification of
Use/Character of
Division H-4 1. Sports stands
(Recreational, tourism 2. Reviewing stands
estate developments or 3. Grandstand and bleachers
tourism-oriented 4. Covered amusement parks
establishments, which 5. Boxing arenas, jai-alai stadiums
are structures not 6. Race tracks and hippodromes
included in Divisions H- 7. All types of resort complexes
1) 8. All other types of amusement and
entertainment complexes

Group I –
Assembly for
More than 1,000
Division I-1 1. Colisea and sports complexes 1. Parks/gardens CUL (Cultural) - a community to
(Recreational, Assembly 2. Theaters and convention centers 2. Resort areas, e.g., beaches, including national level of cultural use or
Buildings with stage and 3. Concert halls and open houses accessory uses occupancy, characterized
an occupant load of 4. Convention centers 3. Open air or outdoor sports activities mainly as a low-rise or medium-
1,000 or more in the and support facilities, including low rise rise building/structure for
building) stadia, gyms, amphitheaters and cultural activities
swimming pools
4. Golf courses, ball courts, race tracks PRE (Park Structures,
and similar uses Recreation and Entertainment) -
5. Memorial/Shrines/monuments, kiosks a range of recreational uses or
and other park structures

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Occupancy of Zoning Classification

occupancies, characterized
6. Sports Club mainly as a low-rise or medium-
7. Underground parking structures/ rise building/ structure for low to
facilities medium intensity recreational or

entertainment functions related
to educational uses, e.g.,
structures on campuses or its
component parks/open spaces
and all other kinds of
recreational or assembly
buildings/structures on campus
such as auditoria, mess halls,
seminar facilities, gymnasia,
stadia, arenas and the like.
Group J –
(Agricultural and
Uses not
Mentioned Under
Groups A through

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification

Division J-1 1. Agricultural structures: 1. Cultivation, raising and growing of A (Agricultural) - an agricultural
a. Sheds staple crops such as rice, corn,
or agriculture-related use or
b. Barns camote, cassava and the like
occupancy, characterized
c. Poultry houses 2. Growing of diversified plants and
mainly as a low-rise or medium-
d. Piggeries trees, such as fruit and flower bearing
rise building/structure for low to
e. Hatcheries trees, coffee, tobacco, etc.
high intensity agricultural or
f. Stables 3. Silviculture, mushroom culture, fishing
related activities, e.g., poultry
g. Greenhouses and fish culture, snake culture,
houses, hatcheries, piggeries,
h. Granaries crocodile farm, monkey raising and the
greenhouses, granaries and the
i. Silos like
like as well as offices,
4. Customary support facilities such as
educational, training, research
palay dryers and rice threshers and
and related facilities for
storage barns and warehouses
agriculture and the like.
5. Ancillary dwelling units/farmhouses for
tillers and laborers
6. Agricultural research and AI (Agro-Industrial) - an agro-
experimentation facilities such as industrial or related use or
breeding stations, fish farms, occupancy, characterized
nurseries, demonstration farms, etc. mainly as a low-rise building/
7. Pastoral activities such as goat-raising structure for low to high intensity
and cattle fattening agro-industrial or related
8. Home occupation for the practice of activities to include offices,
one's profession or engaging home educational, training, research
business such as dressmaking, and related facilities for agro-
tailoring, baking, running a sari-sari industry.
store and the like, provided that, the
number of persons engaged in such

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification
business/industry shall not exceed five PUD (Planned Unit
(5), inclusive of the owner; there shall Development) -refers to land
be no change in the outside development or redevelopment
appearance of the building premises; schemes for a new or built-up
no home occupation shall be project site wherein said project
conducted in any customary accessory site must have a
uses cited above; no traffic shall be Comprehensive Development
generated by such home occupation in Master Plan (CDMP) or its
greater volumethan would normally be acceptable equivalent, i.e., a
expected in a residential neighborhood unitary development plan/site
and anyneed for parking generated by plan that permits flexibility in
the conduct of such home occupation planning/urban design,
shallbe met off the street in a place building/structure siting,

other than the required front yard;no complementarity of building
equipment or process shall be used in types and land uses, usable
such occupation which createsnoise, open spaces for general public
vibration, glare, fumes, odors and use services and
electrical interference detectableto the
normal senses and visual or audible
interference in any radio ortelevision
receiver or causes fluctuations in line
voltage of the premises.
9. Home industry classified as cottage
industry, e.g., mat weaving, pottery
making, food preservation, etc.
provided thatsuch home industry shall
not occupy more than 30% of floor
areaof the dwelling unit;

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification
there shall be no change or alteration
in the outsideappearance of the
dwelling unit and shall not be a hazard
or nuisance; allotted capitalization
shall not exceed the capitalization as
set by the Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI); such shall consider
same provisions as enumerated
inHome Occupation, this Section.
10. Backyard raising of livestock and fowl,
provided that for livestock- a maximum
of 10 heads; for fowl. a maximum of
500 birds
11. All uses allowed in agriculture
12. Rice/ corn mills (single pass)
13. Drying, cleaning, curing and
preserving of meat and its by
productsand derivatives
14. Drying, smoking and airing of tobacco
15. Flour mill
16. Cassava flour mill
17. Manufacture of coffee
18. Manufacture of unprepared animal
feeds, other grain milling, n.e.c.
19. Production of prepared feeds for
20. Cigar and Cigarette factory
21. Curing and redrying tobacco leaves

General U S E Zoning Classification

Classification of
Use/Character of
22. Miscellaneous processing of tobacco
leaves, n.e.c.
23. Weaving hemp textile
24. Jute spinning and weaving
25. Manufacture of charcoal
26. Milk processing plants (Manufacturing
filled, reconstituted or recombinedmilk,
condensed or evaporated)
27. Butter and cheese processing plants
28. Natural fluid milk processing
(pasteurizing, homogenizing,
vitaminizing,bottling of natural animal
milk and cream related products)
29. Other dairy products, n.e.c.
30. Canning and preserving of fruits and
fruit juices
31. Canning and preserving of vegetables
and vegetable juices
32. Canning and preserving of vegetable
33. Miscellaneous canning and preserving
of fruit and vegetables, n.e.c.
34. Fish canning
35. Patis factory
36. Bagoong factory

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification
37. Processing, preserving and canning
of fish and other seafoods, n.e.c.
38. Manufacturing of desiccated
39. Manufacture of starch and its
40. Manufacture of wines from juices of
local fruits
41. Vegetable oiI mills, including
coconut oil
42. Sugarcane milling (centrifugal and
43. Sugar refining
44. Muscovado sugar mill
45. Cotton textile mill
46. Manufacture/processing of other
plantation crops, e.g.,
pineapple,bananas, etc.
47. Other commercial handicrafts and
industrial activities utilizing plant
oranimal parts and/or products as
raw materials, n.e.c.
48. Other accessory uses incidental to
agro-industrial activities

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Occupancy of Zoning Classification

Division J-2 1. Private garages, carports 1. All uses/occupancy permitted in all other
2. Towers, smokestacks and chimneys Divisions (or classes of buildings/ PUD (Planned Unit
(Accessory) 3. Swimming pools including shower and structures) if such uses/occupancy are Development) -refers to land
locker room part of the Planned Unit Development development or redevelopment
4. Fence over 1.80 meters high, separate (PUD) schemes for a new or built-up
fire walls project site wherein said project
5. Steel and/ or concrete tanks site must have a
Comprehensive Development
Master Plan (CDMP) or its
acceptable equivalent, i.e., a
unitary development plan/site
plan that permits flexibility in
planning/ urban design,
building/structure siting,
complementarity of building
types and land uses, usable
open spaces for general public
use services and
General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Occupancy of Zoning Classification

Business activities and the

preservation of significant
natural land features if feasible,
whereby said CDMP must be
duly approved by the LGU

Division J-3 1. Stages, platforms and similar

2. Pelota, tennis, badminton or basketball
3. Tombs, mausoleums and niches
4. Aviaries and aquariums and zoo
5. Banks and record vaults

SECTION 702. Change in Use

No change shall be made in the character of occupancy or use of any building which would place
the building in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occupancies,
unless such building is made to comply with the requirements of the Code for such division or group of
occupancy. The character of occupancy of existing buildings may be changed subject to the approval of
the Building Official and the building may be occupied for purposes set forth in other Groups: Provided
the new or proposed use is less hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the existing use.

SECTION 703. Mixed Occupancy

1. General Requirements

When a building is of mixed occupancy or used for more than one occupancy, the whole building
shall be subject to the most restrictive requirement pertaining to any of the type of occupancy found
therein except in the following:

a. When a one-storey building houses more than one occupancy, each portion of the building shall
conform to the requirement of the particular occupancy housed therein and;

b. Where minor accessory uses do not occupy more than 10% of the area of any floor or a building,
nor more than 10% of the basic area permitted in the occupancy requirements, in which case, the
major use of the building shall determine the occupancy classification.

2. Forms of Occupancy Separation

Occupancy separations shall be vertical or horizontal or both, or when necessary, of such other forms
as may be required to afford a complete separation between the various occupancy divisions in the

3. Types of Occupancy Separation

Occupancy separation shall be classified as “One-Hour Fire-Resistive”, “Two-Hour Fire-Resistive”,

“Three-Hour Fire-Resistive” and “Four-Hour Fire-Resistive.”

a. A “One-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation” shall be of not less than one-hour fire-
resistive construction. All openings in such separation shall be protected by a fire-assembly
having a one-hour fire-resistive rating.

b. A “Two-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation” shall be of not less than two-hour fire-
resistive construction. All openings in such separation shall be protected by a fire assembly
having a two-hour fire-resistive rating.

c. A “Three-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation” shall be of not less than three-hour fire-
resistive construction. All openings in walls forming such separation shall be protected by a fire
assembly having a three-hour fire-resistive rating. The total width of all openings in any three-
hour fire-resistive occupancy separation wall in any one-storey shall not exceed 25% of the length
of the wall in that storey and no single opening shall have an area greater than 10.00 sq. meters.
All openings in floors forming a “Three-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation” shall be
protected by vertical enclosures extending above and below such openings. The walls of such
vertical enclosures shall be of not less than two-hour fire-resistive construction, and all openings
therein shall be protected by a fire assembly having a three-hour fire-resistive rating.

d. A “Four-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation” shall have no openings therein and shall be
of not less than four-hour fire-resistive construction.

4. Fire Rating for Occupancy Separation

Occupancy Separations shall be provided between groups, subgroupings, or divisions of

occupancies. The Secretary shall promulgate rules and regulations for appropriate occupancy
separations in buildings of mixed occupancy; Provided, that, where any occupancy separation is
required, the minimum shall be a “One-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation”; and where the
occupancy separation is horizontal, structural members supporting the separation shall be protected
by an equivalent fire-resistive construction.

SECTION 704. Location on Property

1. General

a. No building shall be constructed unless it adjoins or has direct access to a public space, yard or
street on at least one of its sides.

b. For the purpose of this Section, the centerline of an adjoining street or alley shall be considered
an adjacent property line.

c. Eaves over required windows shall not be less than 750 millimeters from the side and rear
property lines.

2. Fire Resistance of Walls

Exterior walls shall have fire resistance and opening protection in accordance with the requirements
set forth by the Secretary. Projections beyond the exterior wall shall not exceed beyond a point one-
third the distance from an assumed vertical plane located where the fire-resistive protection of
openings is first required to the location on property whichever is the least restrictive. Distance shall
be measured at right angles from the property line. When openings in exterior walls are required to
be protected due to distance from property line, the sum of the areas of such openings in any storey
shall not exceed 50% of the total area of the wall in that storey.

3. Buildings on Same Property and Buildings Containing Courts

For the purpose of determining the required wall and opening protection, buildings on the same
property and court walls shall be assumed to have a property line between them. When a new
building is to be erected on the same property with an existing building, the assumed property line
from the existing building shall be the distance to the property line for each occupancy as set forth by
the Secretary; Provided, that two or more buildings on the same property may be considered as one
building if the aggregate area of such building is within the limits of allowable floor areas for a single
building, and when the buildings so considered, house different occupancies or are of different types
of construction, the area shall be that allowed for the most restrictive occupancy or construction.

4. Building Footprint and Firewall Requirements

a. The following rules shall be observed in the determination of the Allowable Maximum Building
Footprint (AMBF) for buildings and related habitable structures. If the stated rules are compared
with (1) Rule VIII Table VIII.1.- Reference Table on Percentage of Site Occupancy and Maximum
Allowable Construction Area (MACA); (2) Rule VIII Tables VIII.2. and VIII.3. (setbacks, yards and
courts); or (3) with the applicable stipulations under this Rule and with the applicable stipulations
of the Fire Code, the more stringent but applicable regulation out of the aforementioned rules
should be observed;

b. If without a firewall, the footprint of a proposed building/structure shall be measured horizontally

from the property line to the outermost faces of the exterior walls of the building/structure;
Provided, that the distance measured from the property line shall conform with the applicable
stipulations of this Rule and Rule VIII; The resultant area established at grade level upon which
the proposed building/structure may stand shall be the AMBF;

c. Footprint Based on Firewall Provisions

i. If with a firewall on one (1) side, the footprint of a proposed building/structure shall be
measured horizontally from the property line with a firewall to the outermost faces of the
opposite exterior walls of the building/structure; Provided, that the applicable stipulations of
the Fire Code are strictly followed;

ii. If with a firewall on two (2) sides or on one (1) side and the rear property line, the footprint
of a proposed building/structure shall be measured horizontally from the opposing property
lines in case of a firewall on two (2) sides or from the rear property line with a firewall to the
outermost faces of the opposite exterior walls of the building/structure; provided, that the
applicable stipulations of the Fire Code are strictly followed;

iii. Absolutely no firewalls are allowed for a low density residential (R-1) uses or occupancies;
an abutment of up to 3.20 meters from established grade level may however be permitted
but solely for the purpose of supporting a carport roof; provided further that such abutment
shall be constructed of perforated or decorative concrete blocks above 1.50 meters
measured vertically from the established grade level; such an abutment shall not be longer
than 7.00 meters or 50% of the side property line in total length, whichever is shorter.

iv. For medium density residential (R-2) uses or occupancies, a firewall can be erected on a
maximum of 80% of the total length of a side property line; provided that only one (1) side
property line is used for a firewall in the case of a R-2 structure; and provided further that
the applicable stipulations of the Fire Code are strictly followed;

v. For high-density residential (R-3) uses or occupancies, two (2) types of firewall construction
may be permitted:

(a) For a R-3 use or occupancy with a firewall on two (2) sides, a firewall can be erected
on a maximum of 85% of the total length of each side property line; provided that all
firewall construction shall not exceed 65% of the total perimeter of the R-3 property,
i.e., total length of all property lines; provided that firewalls in R-3 lots shall only be
allowed for a maximum two (2) storey component structure; and provided further that
all the applicable stipulations of the Fire Code are strictly followed; and

(b) For a R-3 use or occupancy with a firewall on one (1) side property line and at the
rear property line, a firewall can be erected on a maximum of 90% of the total length
of the side and rear property lines and up to 100% in case the rear property line is
only 4.00 meters wide; provided that all firewall construction at the side property lines
shall not exceed 50% of the total perimeter of the R-3 property, i.e., total length of all
property lines; provided that firewalls in R-3 lots shall only be allowed for a maximum
two (2) storey structure but not at the rear property line where the maximum allowed
firewall height shall only be 3.20 meters measured vertically from established grade;
and provided further that all the applicable stipulations of the Fire Code are strictly

vi. For townhouse residential (R-4) uses or occupancies, firewalls on the two (2) sides of each
townhouse unit may be permitted; the R-4 firewall can be erected on a maximum of 85% of
the total length of each side property line; provided that all firewall construction shall not
exceed 50% of the total perimeter of each R-4 property, i.e., total length of all property
lines; provided that firewalls in each R-4 use or occupancy shall be allowed for a maximum
three (3) storey structure; and provided further that all the applicable stipulations of the Fire
Code are strictly followed;
vii. For residential condominium (R-5) uses or occupancies, two (2) types of firewall
construction may be permitted:

(a) For a R-5 use or occupancy with a firewall on two (2) sides, a firewall can be erected
on a maximum of 75% of the total length of each side property line; provided that all
firewall construction at the side property lines shall not exceed 50% of the total
perimeter of the R-5 property, i.e., total length of all property lines; provided that side
firewalls in R-5 uses or occupancies shall only be allowed for a maximum eight (8)
storey component structure, i.e., the podium; and provided further that all the applicable
stipulations of the Fire Code are strictly followed; and

(b) For a R-5 use or occupancy with a firewall on one (1) side and at the rear property line,
a firewall can be erected on a maximum of 65% of the total length of the side property
line and on a maximum of 50% of the total length of the rear property line; provided that
all firewall construction shall not exceed 60% of the total perimeter of the R-5 property,
i.e., total length of all property lines; provided that the side firewalls in R-5 uses or
occupancies shall only be allowed for a maximum eight (8) storey component structure
and that at the rear property line, the maximum allowed firewall height shall only be
14.00 meters measured vertically from established grade; and provided further that all
the applicable stipulations of the Fire Code are strictly followed.

viii. All existing openings on all firewalls shall be sealed completely to maintain the fire integrity
of adjoining buildings/structures.

ix. The provision of a fully functional sprinkler system and the installation of other fire-retardant
or fire suppression devices in the case of commercial, institutional and industrial
buildings/structures may allow firewall construction for up to 70% of the total perimeter of
the property lines provided that the prescribed setbacks, yards and courts fronting the Road
Right-Of-Way (RROW) are first fully complied with; and provided further that all the
applicable stipulations of the Fire Code, particularly on the number, type and locations of
fire exits are strictly followed.

SECTION 705. Allowable Floor Areas

1. General. The Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) of any proposed
building/structure shall only be as allowed under this Rule.
2. TGFA Limitation. In Table VII.1. hereafter, the percentages (%) indicated in the third (3 ) through
eighth (8 ) columns, but excluding the multiplier numbers 3, 5, 12, 18, and 30 (which represent the
number of storeys/floors), are the percentages of the Total Lot Area (TLA) that may be used to
initially determine the Allowable Maximum TGFA for a proposed building/structure.

3. Crosscheck of TGFA with Allowable Maximum Volume Building (AMVB). The Allowable Maximum
TGFA once established must be thoroughly crosschecked with the AMVB to find out if the AMVB is
not exceeded. If exceeded, the necessary adjustments on the Maximum Allowable TGFA must be
made since the AMVB must always prevail.

Table VII.1. Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)
Based on the Allowed Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO)
of the Total Lot Area (TLA)

Allowable Maximum
Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)*
by Type/ Location of Lot
of Use/ Type of *Note: Building Height Limit (BHL) multiplied by the Allowable Maximum
Occupan- Building/ Building Footprint (AMBF) expressed as a percentage (%) of the Total Lot
cy Structure Area or TLA (with or without firewall). Figure subject to reduction to comply
with the floor area component of the Allowable Maximum Volume of Building
(AMVB). Refer to Table VII.1. to arrive at the percentage (%) of TLA.

Interior Inside Corner Through Corner- Corner Lot

(or Rear) (or Regular) Lot Lot Through Abutting 3
Lot Lot Lot or More
and (see (see Fig. Streets, etc.
End Lot (see Fig. Fig. VIII.11. of (see Fig. Rivers, Etc.
VIII.9. of VIII.10. Rule VIII) VIII.12. of (see Fig.
(see Fig. Rule VIII) of Rule Rule VIII) VIII.13. of
VIII.8. and VIII) Rule VIII)
of Rule
Residen- Residen-tial 3 (floors/ 3 x50% 3 x70% 3 x70% 3 x70% 3 x70% of
tial 1 storeys) of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA TLA
GROUP (R-1) x 60% of
Basic 3 x 70% 3 x 60% 3x 3 x 70% 3 x 70% 3 x 70%
Residen-tial 70%
2 (R-2)
Maximum 5 x 70% 5 x 60% 5x 5 x 70% 5 x 70% 5 x 70%
Residen-tial 70%
2 (R-2)
Basic 3 x 70% 3 x 70% 3x 3 x 70% 3 x70% 3 x70%
Residen-tial 70%
3 (R-3)
Maximum 12x80% 12x80% 12x80 12x80% 12x80% 12x80%
Residen-tial %
3 (R-3)
Residen-tial 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3x 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80%
4 (R-4) 80%
Residen-tial 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3x 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80%
4 (R-4) 80%
Residen-tial 18x80% 18x80% 18x80 18x80% 18x80% 18x80%
5 (R-5) %
Residen- Residen-tial
tial 1 Not NA NA NA NA NA
GROUP (R-1) applicable
A-l (NA)
Allowable Maximum
Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)*
by Type/ Location of Lot
of Use/ Type of
*Note: Building Height Limit (BHL) multiplied by the Allowable Maximum
Occupan- Building/
Building Footprint (AMBF) expressed as a percentage (%) of the Total Lot
cy Structure
Area or TLA (with or without firewall). Figure subject to reduction to comply
with the floor area component of the Allowable Maximum Volume of Building
(AMVB). Refer to Table VII.1. to arrive at the percentage (%) of TLA.

Basic 3 x 75% 3 x 70% 3x 3 x 75% 3 x 75% 3 x 75%

Residen-tial 75%
2 (R-2)
Maximum 5 x 75% 5 x 70% 5x 5 x 75% 5 x 75% 5 x 75%
Residen-tial 75%
2 (R-2)
Basic 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3x 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80%
Residen-tial 80%
3 (R-3)
Maximum 12x80% 12x80% 12x80 12x80% 12x80% 12x80%
Residen-tial %
3 (R-3)
Residen-tial 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3x 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80%
4 (R-4) 80%
Residen-tial 18x80% 18x80% 18x80 18x80% 18x80% 18x80%
5 (R-5)/ %
Commer- Commer-cial 5 x 80% 5 x 75% 5x 5 x 80% 5 x 90% 5 x 90%
cial 1 80%
GROUPS (Com-1)
B, C, E, H,
Commer-cial 12x80% 12x75% 12x80 12x80% 12x90% 12x90%
2 %
Commer-cial 30 x 80% 30x75% 30x80 30x80% 30x90% 30x90%
3 %
Commer-cial 5 x 85% 5 x 85% 5x 5 x 90% 5 x 95% 5 x 95%
1 90%
(Com-1) with
System &
Commer-cial 12x85% 12x85% 12x90 12x90% 12x95% 12x95%
2 %
(Com-2) with
System &
Commer-cial 30x85% 30x85% 30x90 30x90% 30x95% 30x95%
3 %
(Com-3) with
System &

Allowable Maximum
Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)*
by Type/ Location of Lot
of Use/ Type of
*Note: Building Height Limit (BHL) multiplied by the Allowable Maximum Building
Occupan- Building/
Footprint (AMBF) expressed as a percentage (%) of the Total Lot Area or TLA
cy Structure
(with or without firewall). Figure subject to reduction to comply with the floor area
component of the Allowable Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB). Refer to
Table VII.1. to arrive at the percentage (%) of TLA.

Industrial Industrial 1 Duly- BHL BHL BHL BHL BHL

GROUPS (Ind-1) approved x x x x x
F, G Building 75% 80% 80% 90% 90%
Height Limit of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA
(BHL) x
80% of
(Ind-2) x 80% x 75% x 80% x 80% x 90% X 90%
(Ind-3) x 80% x 75% x 80% x 80% x 90% x 90%
(Ind-1) with x x x x x x
Sprinkler 85% 85% 90% 90% 95% 95%
System &
(I-2) with x x x x x x
Sprinkler 85% 85% 90% 90% 95% 95%
System &
(Ind-3) with x x x x x x
Sprinkler 85% 85% 90% 90% 95% 95%
System &
Institution- Without BHL BHL BHL BHL BHL BHL
al Sprinkler x x x x x x
GROUP D System & 50% 50% 60% 60% 60% 60%
Firewalls of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA
Sprinkler x x x x x x
System & 60% 60% 70% 70% 70% 70%
Firewalls of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA
Cultural Without BHL BHL BHL BHL BHL BHL
Sprinkler x 60% x 60% x 65% x 65% x 65% x 65%
System & of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA
Sprinkler x 70% X 70% x 70% x 70% x 70% x 70%
System &
Transport- Without BHL BHL BHL BHL BHL BHL
ation Sprinkler x 50% x 50% x 60% x 60% x 60% x 60%
System & of TLA Of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA
Sprinkler x 60% x 60% x 70% x 70% x 70% x 70%
System &

Maximum of sixty (60) storeys (180.00 meters) BHL for inland areas not close to airports.
SECTION 706. Allowable Floor Area Increases

The floor areas hereinabove provided may be increased in certain specific instances and under
appropriate conditions, based on the existence of public space, streets or yards extending along and
adjoining two or more sides of the building or structure subject to the approval of the Building Official.
(Refer to Guidelines on Determining Gross Floor Area and Total Gross Floor Area of a Building/Structure
at the end of this Rule)

SECTION 707. Maximum Height of Buildings

1. The maximum height and number of storeys of proposed building shall be dependent upon the
character of use or occupancy and the type of construction, considering end-user population density,
light and ventilation, width of RROW/streets particularly of its roadway/carriageway component,
building bulk, off-street cum off-site parking requirements, etc. and in relation to local land use plan
and zoning regulations as well as other environmental considerations, e.g., geological, hydrological,
meteorological, topographical, prevailing traffic conditions, the availability and capacity of public
utility/service systems, etc. (Refer to Guidelines on Building Bulk at the end of this Rule)

2. Determination of Building Height:

a. BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT (BHL) - the maximum height to be allowed for buildings/structures
based on their proposed use or occupancy; the BHL is generally determined after the application
of other development controls (DC) and certain other parameters, i.e., considerations of site
conditions, view, etc. (Table VII.2. of this Rule). The BHL shall be generally measured from the
established grade line to the topmost portion of the proposed building/structure. If applicable, the
BHL may be subject to clearance requirements of the Air Transportation Office (ATO) or of the
concerned military/security authorities. (Refer to Guidelines on Development Controls at the end
this Rule)

BHL excludes the height of permitted/allowed projections above the roof of the building/structure,
e.g., signage, mast, antenna, telecom tower, beacons and the like.

b. The Building Height Limit (BHL) of any proposed building/structure shall only be as allowed under
this Rule (as shown in table below) or under the duly approved city/municipal (local) zoning
ordinance, whichever is more restrictive.

Table VII.2. Building Height Limit (BHL) by Type of Use or Occupancy
Building Height Limit (BHL)
Character of Use or Type of Building/ Number of allowable
Meters above highest
Occupancy Structure storeys/floors above
established grade
1. Residential Residential 1 (R-1) 3 10.00
Residential 2 (R-2)
a. Basic 3 10.00
b. Maximum 5 15.00
Residential 3 (R-3)
a. Basic 3 10.00
b. Maximum 12 36.00
Residential 4
3 10.00
(Individual lots/ units)
Residential 5
(R-5)/ 12 - 18 36.00 - 54.00
2. Commercial Commercial 1 (C-1) 3-5 10.00 -15.00
Commercial 2
6 18.00
Commercial 3
16-60 48.00 -180.00
3. Industrial 15.00 meters but not exceed the duly-approved BHL in
Industrial 1 (I-1) the major zone it is part of

21.00 meters but not exceed the duly-approved BHL in

Industrial 2 (I-2) the major zone it is part of

27.00 meters but not exceed the duly-approved BHL in

Industrial 3 (I-3) the major zone it is part of)

4. Institutional 15.00 meters (or must follow the duly-approved BHL in

- the major zone it is part of)

5. Cultural 30.00 meters (or must follow the duly-approved BHL in

- the major zone it is part of)

6. Utility/Trans- 15.00 meters (or must complement the duly-approved

BHL in the major zone it is part of)

7. Parks and Open 15.00 meters (or must complement the duly-approved
Recreational BHL in the major zone it is part of)
and Entertainment
8. Agricultural/Agro- 15.00 meters (or must complement the duly-approved
Industrial/Tourism - BHL in the major zone it is part of)

9. Planned Unit PUD at a reclamation 10.00-45.00 (with ATO-

Development area close to an 3 - 15 prescribed BHL as needed)
(PUD) operating airport
PUD at a reclamation
3 - 30 10.00 – 30.00
PUD at a coastal area 48.00 – 135.00
16 - 45
PUD at an inland area
10.00 - 75.00 (with ATO-
close to an operating 3 - 25
prescribed BHL as needed)
PUD at an inland area 12 - 60 36.00 – 180.00

a. Establishing Grade

- In case of sloping grade where the edges of the building footprint (AMBF) running perpendicular to
the RROW has a difference in elevation of less than 3.00 meters, the highest adjoining natural
grade (ground surface) or finished grade (sidewalk surface) shall be considered the established
grade elevation (Figure VII.1.);

- In case of sloping grade where the edges of the building footprint (AMBF) running perpendicular to
the RROW has a difference in elevation of more than 3.00 meters, the average grade level of the
building footprint (AMBF) shall be considered the established grade elevation (see Figure VII.3.);

- The building/structure height shall be measured from the highest adjoining public sidewalk (finished
grade) or ground surface (natural grade); Provided, that the height measured from the lowest
adjoining surface shall not exceed such maximum height by more than 3.00 meters; Except, that
towers, spires and steeples, erected as parts of the building and not used for habitation or storage
are limited as to the height only by structural design, if completely of incombustible materials, or
may extend but not exceed 6.00 meters above the prescribed building height limit (BHL) for each
occupancy group, if of combustible materials (Figures VII.2.).


Figure VII.1. Figure VII.2.

Figure VII.3.


3. Other Considerations in Height Determination

a. In any given locality, the height of proposed buildings/structures shall be governed by the
following factors:

i. The designer/space planner must consider both the present and projected population
density within the project site and in the project’s location/area at full completion/operation
of the project;

ii. For a given volume of building/structure (the building bulk), that which has a lesser
Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) or area of ground coverage Allowable Maximum
Building Footprint (AMBF) or Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA) may be built
higher than that with a greater PSO, AMBF or MACA;

iii. A proposed building/structure which has a greater TGFA requirement shall be built higher
than that with a lower TGFA requirement;

iv. A proposed building/structure on a lot with a higher FLAR designation/rights may be built
higher than that on a lot with a lower FLAR designation/rights; and

v. Lots that face a wider RROW and therefore with more RROW features/elements may
become the site of a taller building/structure as compared to a lot facing a narrow RROW.

b. The height of proposed buildings/structures shall also be governed by the following RROW-based

i. If only one (1) RROW services a lot and such is only 6.00 to 7.00 meters wide, a BHL of
three (3) storeys (or 9.00 meters maximum) shall be observed regardless of use or
occupancy, lot size, lot dimensions, lot frontage and like considerations.

ii. If only one (1) RROW services a lot and such is only 4.00 to 5.00 meters wide, a BHL
equivalent to 2 ½ storeys (or 7.50 meters maximum) shall be observed regardless of use or
occupancy, lot size, lot dimensions, lot frontage and like considerations. If only one (1)
RROW services a lot and such is only 3.00 meters wide or less, a BHL equivalent to two (2)
storeys (or 6.00 meters maximum) shall be observed regardless of use or occupancy, lot
size, lot dimensions, lot frontage and like considerations.

iii. Taller buildings are allowed for duly approved high-density developments such as Planned
Unit Development (PUD) areas. Taller and bulkier buildings are better suited in such areas
due to higher end-user targets, more advanced and coordinated planning efforts and the
application of more stringent development controls (DC) by the project proponents

c. The following factors shall also be considered in the determination of the building height:

i. Soil characteristics, lot location in relation to fault lines and earthquake belts or proximity to
volcanoes and other geological conditions.

ii. Hydrological conditions such as the water table at the site and distance to waterways and

iii. Meteorological conditions such as the frequency and intensity of destructive

typhoons/monsoon winds/rains, prevailing wind speed and direction, relative humidity,
amount of precipitation and the prevailing ambient conditions.
iv. Effect/s of environmental conditions on the building/structure and vice versa coupled with
the effective control of air, noise and thermal pollution, radiant heat, lights and shadows,
etc., and the optimization of natural light and ventilation.

v. Effect/s of traffic conditions on the building/structure and vice versa and the satisfaction of
parking/loading requirements in accordance with this Rule.

vi. Availability and capacity of public utility/service system considering the availability and
adequacy of electric power, potable and non-potable water supply, drainage and sewerage,
transportation and communications facilities, solid waste management system, etc.

vii. Need for applicable building safety and maintenance systems, e.g., lightning arresters,
beacons, protective railings and barriers, gondolas, window washing systems, etc.

d. In accordance with the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP’s) of the International
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) where the Philippines is a member state, and Administrative
Order No. 5 (Civil Air Regulation) of the Air Transportation Office (ATO), the following rules and
regulations shall govern the construction of buildings/structures within the 24-kilometer radius of
aerodromes where turbo-jet aircraft operate and within the 10-kilometer radius of aerodromes
where no turbo-jet aircraft operate. (Figs. VII.4. through VII.6.)

i. The height of buildings/structures within this area shall be limited by an imaginary line with
slope of 2% (1:50) for aerodromes where turbo-jet aircraft operates, and 2.5% (1:40) for
aerodromes where no turbo-jet aircraft operates from the inner edge reckoned from the
surface of the runway. The dimensions of the isosceles trapezoidal are as shown on Table

Table VII.3. Dimensions of Isosceles Trapezoid

Inner Edge Distance

Long Base
Type of Aerodrome (Start Base) (meters) Between Bases
Aerodromes where 300 4,800 15,000
turbo-jet aircraft
150 4,650 15,000
Aerodromes where no 150 2,150 10,000
turbo-jet aircraft
100 2,100 10,000

ii. A height clearance permit shall be first secured from the Air Transportation Office (ATO)
before a building permit may be issued for the construction of buildings/structures located:

(a) Within 4-kilometer radius of the runway ends of an aerodrome regardless of height;

(b) From 4-kilometer to 24-kilometer radius of the runway ends of an aerodrome where
turbo-jet aircraft operate and exceeding 45.00 meters in height above the elevation of
the runway; and

(c) From 4-kilometer to 10-kilometer radius of the runway ends of an aerodrome where
no turbo-jet aircraft operate and exceeding 45.00 meters in height above the
elevation of the runway.



Figure VII.4.




Figure VII.5.

Figure VII.6.
4. Parking Slot, Parking Area and Loading/Unloading Space Requirements

a. The parking slot, parking area and loading/unloading space requirements listed hereafter are
generally the minimum off-street cum on-site requirements for specific uses/occupancies for
buildings/structures, i.e., all to be located outside of the road right-of-way (RROW).

b. The size of an average automobile (car) parking slot must be computed at 2.50 meters by 5.00
meters for perpendicular or diagonal parking and at 2.15 meters by 6.00 meters for parallel
parking. A standard truck or bus parking/loading slot must be computed at a minimum of 3.60
meters by 12.00 meters. An articulated truck slot must be computed at a minimum of 3.60 meters
by 18.00 meters which should be sufficient to accommodate a 12.00 meters container van or bulk
carrier and a long/hooded prime mover. A jeepney or shuttle parking/loading/unloading slot must
be computed at a minimum of 3.00 meters by 9.00 meters. The parking slots shall be drawn to
scale and the total number of which shall be indicated on the plans and specified whether or not
parking accommodations are attendant-managed.

c. The parking space ratings listed below are minimum off-street/off-RROW cum on-site
requirements for specific uses/occupancies for buildings/structures, i.e., all to be located outside
of the road right-of-way (RROW):

Table VII.4. Minimum Required Off-Street (Off-RROW) cum On-Site Parking Slot, Parking Area
and Loading/Unloading Space Requirements by Allowed Use or Occupancy

Reference Uses or Character Minimum Required Parking

Specific Uses or of
of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Occupancy (refer to
or Type of Loading Space
Section 701 of this Rule)
Buildings/Structures Requirements
1.1. Division A-1 Single family and multi-family Units with a lot measuring
dwelling units [whether 32.00 to 72.00 sq. meters
single-detached (R-1), and/or with a dwelling unit
single-attached or duplex (R- having a gross floor area of
2) or rowhouse (R-3)], each from 18.00 to 22.00 sq.
privately owned or lots with meters - a minimum of one
dwelling units located in (1) pooled off-street cum on-
residential subdivisions/ site parking slot* for every six
developments regardless of (6) lots or lots with dwelling
number of hectares/dwelling units;
Units with a lot measuring
50.00 to 96.00 sq. meters
and/or with a dwelling unit
having a gross floor area of
from 30.00 to 42.00 sq.
meters - a minimum of one
(1) pooled off-street cum on-
site parking slot* for every
four (4) lots or lots with
dwelling units;

* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of
buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.
Reference Uses or Character Minimum Required Parking
Specific Uses or of
of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Occupancy (refer to
or Type of Loading Space
Section 701 of this Rule)
Buildings/Structures Requirements
Unit with a lot measuring
100.00 to 120.00 sq. meters
and/or with a dwelling unit
having a minimum gross
floor area of from 30.00 to
42.00 sq. meters - a
minimum of one (1) off-street
cum on-site parking slot* for
each lot or lot with dwelling
Unit with a lot measuring
more than 120.00 sq. meters
and/or with a dwelling unit
having a minimum gross
floor area of more than
42.00 sq. meters - minimum
of one (1) off-street cum on
site parking slot* for each lot
or lot with dwelling unit;
Units located in town house Units with a gross floor area
(R-4) buildings/structures of 50.00 sq. meters –
regardless of number of provide one (1) pooled
storeys parking slot*for every two (2)
units or fraction thereof, i.e.,
with more than two (2) but
not less than four (4) units;
Unit with a gross floor area
above 50.00 up to 150.00
sq. meters – provide one (1)
parking slot* for each unit;
Unit with a gross floor area
above 150.00 sq. meters –
provide two (2) parking
slots* for each unit.
Indigenous family dwelling At least one (1) car parking
units; each privately owned slot* for every six (6)
dwelling units and which
shall be provided outside of
the RROW (within property
or lot lines only)


* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of

buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

**The following prohibitions on parking slots:

1. Conversion/change of use/occupancy.
2. Reduction of parking spaces.
3. Encroachment on RROW.
4. Public utility and bulky vehicles.

Specific Uses or of Reference Uses or Minimum Required Parking

Occupancy (refer to Character of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Section 701 of this Rule) or Type of Loading Space

Buildings/Structures Requirements
1.2. Division A-2 Multi-family dwelling units Units with a gross floor area
located in residential of from 18.00 to 22.00 sq.
condominium (R-5) meters - provide one (1)
buildings/structures pooled parking slot* for
regardless of number of every eight (8) units or for a
storeys fraction thereof, e.g., another
slot* shall be provided if
there are more than eight (8)
units but less than sixteen
(16) units, etc.;
Units with a gross floor area
up to 50.00 sq. meters -
provide one (1) pooled
parking slot* for every six (6)
medium cost units or for a
fraction thereof, e.g.,
another slot* shall be
provided if there are more
than six (6) but less than
twelve (12) medium cost
units, etc., or provide one (1)
parking slot* for each open
market unit (as defined
under the revised IRR of
PD 957);
Units with a gross floor area
above 50.00 sq. meters up
to 100.00 sq. meters -
provide one (1) pooled
parking slot* for every four
(4) medium cost units, or
provide one (1) parking slot*
for each open market unit
(as defined under the
revised IRR of PD 957); and
Units with a gross floor area
of more than 100.00 sq.
meters – one (1) parking
slot* for each unit.
2.1. Division B-1 Hotels One (1) car parking slot for
every three (3) rooms or a
fraction thereof for highly
urbanized areas and one (1)
car parking slot for every
seven (7) rooms or a fraction
thereof for all other areas;
and two (2) tourist bus
parking slots for each hotel;
provide at least one (1)
loading slot for articulated
truck or vehicle
* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of
buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.
Reference Uses or
Specific Uses or of Character of Minimum Required Parking Slot,
Occupancy (refer to Occupancies Parking Area and Loading
Section 701 of this Rule) or Type of Space Requirements
A 12.00 meters long container
van plus 4.00 meter length for
the prime mover and one (1)
loading slot for a standard truck
for every 5,000.00 sq. meters of
gross floor area (GFA); and
provide truck maneuvering area
outside of the RROW (within
property or lot lines only)
Residential hotels and One (1) car slot for every five (5)
apartels units or a fraction thereof; and
one (1) bus parking slot for every
sixty (60) rooms/units or a
fraction thereof
Motels One (1) car slot for every unit
Pension/boarding/lodging One (1) car slot for every twenty
houses (20) beds
3.1. Division C-1 Bowling alleys One (1) car slot for every
four (4) alleys
3.2. Division C-2 Churches and similar places One (1) car slot and one (1)
of worship jeepney/shuttle slot for every
50.00 sq. meters of
congregation area
Public elementary, One (1) off-street cum on-
secondary, vocational and site parking slot for every ten
trade school (10) classrooms; and one (1)
(GI) off-RROW (or off-street)
passenger loading space
that can accommodate two
(2) queued jeepney/shuttle
Private elementary, One (1) car slot for every
secondary, vocational and five (5) classrooms; one (1)
trade school off-RROW (or off-street)
(GI) passenger loading space
that can accommodate two
(2) queued jeepney/shuttle
slots; and one (1) school bus
slot for every one hundred
(100) students

* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of
buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

** The following prohibitions on parking slots:

1. Conversion/change of use/occupancy.
2. Reduction of parking spaces.
3. Encroachment on RROW.
4. Public utility and bulky vehicles.

Reference Uses or
Specific Uses or of Character of Minimum Required Parking Slot,
Occupancy (refer to Occupancies Parking Area and Loading Space
Section 701 of this Rule) or Type of Requirements
Public colleges and One (1) car slot for every five (5)
universities classrooms; one (1) off-RROW (or off-
(GI) street) passenger loading space that
can accommodate two (2) queued
jeepney/shuttle slots; and one (1)
school bus slot for every two hundred
(200) students
Private colleges and One (1) car slot for every three (3)
universities classrooms; one (1) off-RROW (or off-
(GI) street) passenger loading space that
can accommodate two (2) queued
jeepney/shuttle slots; and one (1)
school bus slot for every one hundred
(100) students
4.1. Division D-1 Mental hospitals, One (1) off-street cum on-site car
sanitaria and mental parking slot for every twenty five (25)
asylums and like uses beds; and one (1) off-RROW (or off-
street) passenger loading space that
can accommodate two (2) queued
jeepney/shuttle slots
4.2. Division D-2 Public hospital One (1) off-street cum on-site car
parking slot for every twenty five (25)
beds; and one (1) off-RROW (or off-
street) passenger loading space that
can accommodate two (2) queued
jeepney/shuttle slots; provide at least
one (1) loading slot for articulated
truck or vehicle (a 12.00 meter long
container van plus 6.00 meter length
for a long/hooded prime mover) and
one (1) loading slot for a standard
truck for every 5,000.00 sq. meters of
gross floor area (GFA); and provide
truck maneuvering area outside of the
RROW (within property or lot lines

* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of
buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

**The following prohibitions on parking slots:

1. Conversion/change of use/occupancy.
2. Reduction of parking spaces.
3. Encroachment on RROW.
4. Public utility and bulky vehicles.
Specific Uses or of Reference Uses or Minimum Required Parking Slot,
Occupancy (refer to Character of Occupancies Parking Area and Loading
Section 1.3 of this Rule) or Type of Space Requirements
Private hospital One (1) off-street cum on-site
car parking slot for every twelve
(12) beds; and one (1) off-
RROW (or off-street) passenger
loading space that can
accommodate two (2) queed
jeepney/shuttle slots; provide at
least one (12) loading slot for
articulated truck or vehicle (a
12.00 meters long container van
plus 6.00 meters length for a
long/hooded prime mover) and
one (1) loading slot for a
standard truck for every
5,000.00 sq. meters of GFA; and
provide truck maneuvering area
outside of the RROW (within
property or lot lines only)
4.3. Division D-3 Nursing homes for One (1) off-street cum on-site
ambulatory patients, school car parking slot for every twelve
and home, for children over (12) beds; and one (1) off-
kindergarten age, RROW (or off-street) passenger
orphanages and the like loading space that can
accommodate two (2) queued
jeepney/shuttle slots

5.1. Division E-1 Terminals, Inter-modals or One (1) car slot for every
Multi-modals, Depots and the 500.00 sq. meters of gross
like floor area or for a fraction
(UTS) thereof; and one (1) off-
RROW (or off-street)
passenger loading space that
can accommodate two (2)
queued jeepney/shuttle slots
or two (2) queued bus slots
whichever is applicable;
maneuvering area of buses,
trucks and like vehicles shall
be outside of the RROW
(within property or lot lines


* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of

buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

Specific Uses or of Reference Uses or Minimum Required Parking
Occupancy (refer to Character of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Section 1.3 of this Rule) or Type of Loading Space Requirements
Transit Stations and the Provide on each side of the
like RROW one (1) off-RROW (or
(UTS) off-street) passenger loading
space that can accommodate
four (4) queued
jeepney/shuttle slots or three
(3) queued bus slots
whichever is applicable; in
case of elevated mass transit
stations, on-roadway
terminals or on-RROW
terminals on both sides of the
RROW may be considered

5.2. Division E-2 Neighborhood shopping One (1) car slot for every
center/supermarket 100.00 sq. meters of
(C-1) shopping floor area

Public Markets One (1) customer (buyer)

(C) jeepney/shuttle parking slot
for every 150.00 sq. meters of
wet and dry market floor area
and one (1) vendor (seller)
jeepney/shuttle parking slot or
loading space for every
300.00 sq. meters of wet and
dry market floor area; and
one (1) off-RROW (off-street)
terminal that can
accommodate at least two (2)
jeepneys and six (6) tricycles
for every 1,000.00 sq. meters
of wet and dry market floor
Restaurants, fast-food One (1) car slot for every
centers, bars and 30.00 sq. meters of customer
beerhouses area
Nightclubs, super clubs One (1) car slot for every 20
and theater-restaurants sq. meters of customer area:
(C) and two (2) tourist parking
slots for tourist bus parking
slots for each theater-

* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of

buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.
Specific Uses or of Reference Uses or Minimum Required Parking
Occupancy (refer to Character of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Section 1.3 of this Rule) or Type of Loading Space Requirements
Nightclubs, super clubs One (1) car slot for every
and theater-restaurants 30.00 sq. meters of customer
(C) area
Units located in office, Units with a gross floor area of
commercial or mixed-use from 18.00 to 40.00 sq. meters
condominium buildings/ – provide one (1) pooled
structures regardless of parking slot* for every two (2)
number of storeys units or for a fraction thereof;
Unit with a gross floor area of
from 41.00 to 70.00 sq. meters
– provide one (1) parking slot*
for each unit; and
Unit with a gross floor area of
more than 70.00 sq. meters
provide one (1) parking slot*
for every 70.00 sq. meters and
for a fraction thereof;
Columbarium One (1) car slot for every
compartment niche
5.3. Division E-3 Aircraft hangars, open One (1) car slot for every
parking carports and 1,000.00 sq. meters of gross
garages, etc. floor area and one (1) bus slot
for every one hundred (100)
workers; if number of workers
exceed two hundred (200),
provide one (1) off-RROW (or
off-street) passenger loading
space that can accommodate
two (2) queued jeepney/shuttle
6.1. Division F-1 Industrial buildings, mills, One (1) car slot for every
breweries, etc. 1,000.00 sq. meters of gross
(I) floor area and one (1) bus
slot for every one hundred
(100) workers; if number of
workers exceed two
hundred (200), provide one
(1) off-RROW (or off-street)
passenger loading space
that can accommodate two
(2) queued jeepney/shuttle
slots; provide at least one
(1) loading slot for

* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of

buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

Specific Uses or of Reference Uses or Minimum Required Parking
Occupancy (refer to Character of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Section 1.3 of this Rule) or Type of Loading Space Requirements
truck or vehicle (a 12.00 meter
long container van plus 6.00
meters length for a
long/hooded prime mover) and
one (1) loading slot for a
standard truck for every
5,000.00 sq. meters of GFA;
and provide truck maneuvering
area outside of the RROW
(within property or lot lines
7.1. Division G-1 Industrial buildings, One (1) car slot for every
factories, manufacturing 1,000.00 sq. meters of gross
establishments, floor area and one (1) bus slot
mercantile buildings, for every one hundred (100)
warehouses, storage workers; if number of workers
bins, power and water exceed two hundred (200),
generation/distribution provide one (1) off-RROW (or
facilities off-street) passenger loading
space that can accommodate
two (2) queued jeepney/shuttle
slots; provide at least one (1)
loading slot for articulated
truck or vehicle (a 12.00 meter
long container van plus 6.00
meters length for a long/
hooded prime mover) and one
(1) loading slot for a standard
truck for every 5,000.00 sq.
meters of GFA; and provide
truck maneuvering area
outside of the RROW (within
property or lot lines only)

7.2. Division G-2 -do- -do-

7.3. Division G-3 -do- -do-

7.4. Division G-4 -do- -do-

7.5. Division G-5 -do- -do-


* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of

buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

**The following prohibitions on parking slots:

1. Conversion/change of use/occupancy.
2. Reduction of parking spaces.
3. Encroachment on RROW.
4. Public utility and bulky vehicles.
Specific Uses or of Reference Uses or Minimum Required Parking
Occupancy (refer to Character of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Section 1.3 of this Rule) or Type of Loading Space Requirements
8.1. Division H-1 Public recreational One (1) car slot and one (1)
assembly buildings such jeepney/shuttle slot for every
as theaters/cinemas, 50.00 sq. meters of spectator
auditoria, etc. area; and one (1) bus parking
slot for every two hundred
(200) spectators
8.2 Division H-2 Dance halls, cabarets,
ballrooms, skating rinks
and cockfighting arenas,
8.3 Division H-3 Dance halls, ballrooms,
skating rinks, etc.
8.4 Division H-4 Covered amusement one (1) car slot for every 50.00
parks, amusement and sq. meters of gross floor area
entertainment complexes,
Clubhouses, beach one (1) slot for every 100.00
houses and the like sq. meters of gross floor area
9.1. Division I-1 Recreational or similar One (1) car slot and one (1)
public assembly buildings jeepney/shuttle slot for every
such as stadia, sports 50.00 sq. meters of spectator
complexes, convention area; and one (1) bus parking
centers, etc. slot for every two hundred
(200) spectators.

10.1. Division J-1 Agriculture-related uses Not required if located outside
or occupancies (A) urbanized area; if located
within urbanized area, provide
one (1) car slot for every
1,000.00 sq. meters of gross
floor area and one (1) bus slot
for every one hundred (100)
workers; if number of workers
exceed two hundred (200),
provide one (1) off-RROW (or
off-street) passenger loading
space that can accommodate
two (2) queued jeepney/shuttle
slots; provide at least one (1)
loading slot for articulated
truck or vehicle

* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of

buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

**The following prohibitions on parking slots:

1. Conversion/change of use/occupancy.
2. Reduction of parking spaces.
3. Encroachment on RROW.
4. Public utility and bulky vehicles.

Specific Uses or of Reference Uses or Minimum Required Parking
Occupancy (refer to Character of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Section 1.3 of this Rule) or Type of Loading Space
Buildings/Structures Requirements
(a 12.00 meter long
container van plus 6.00
meters length for a
long/hooded prime mover)
and one (1) loading slot for
a standard truck for every
5,000.00 sq. meters of GFA;
and provide truck
maneuvering area outside of
the RROW (within property
or lot lines only)
10.2. Division J-2 Other uses not classified in Provide parking
previous sections requirements stipulated for
(PUD, etc.) most similar or most related

* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of

buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

d. In computing for parking slots, a fraction of 50% and above shall be considered as one (1) car
parking slot to be provided. In all cases however, a minimum of one (1) car parking slot shall be
provided unless otherwise allowed under this Rule.

i. Multi-floor parking garages may serve the 20% parking requirements of the building/structure
within 200.00 meter radius, provided at least 80% of the parking requirements are complied
with and integrated in the building design.

ii. Special Provision on the Handicapped: For buildings/structures to be provided with features
intended for the use or occupancy of the handicapped, the minimum provisions of Batas
Pambansa (BP) Bilang 344 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) with respect to
parking shall be strictly observed.

e. Allowed Off-RROW/Off-Street cum Off-Site Parking Provision:

i. In addition to on-site cum off-RROW (off-street) parking provisions mandated under this Rule,
off-site cum off-street parking facilities may be allowed and considered part of a project
provided that such facilities specifically consist of reserved or leased parking slots within a
permanent parking building/structure and not in a vacant parking lot or parking
structure/space for a commercial development and provided further that such parking slots
are located no more than 100.00 meters away from a residential building project or are
located no more than 200.00 meters away from an office or commercial building project.

ii. Direct access of parking/loading/utility slots and terminals to the RROW shall be generally
disallowed to prevent the usage of the RROW as a maneuvering area.

iii. Traffic generating buildings such as shopping malls or similar facilities that have very high
volumes of pedestrian and vehicular traffic may be located at major intersections or within
100.00 meters of such intersections, provided that the distance between the street curb of the
ingress/egress of such a commercial lot/property (nearest the intersection) and the straight
curb of the intersection shall not be less than 50.00 meters. (Fig. VII.7.)

iv. For R-2, R-3, GI, C, C-2 and C-3 uses or occupancies, front yards abutting RROW are not to
be used for long-term off-street parking. Due to the very public nature of these uses (high
vehicular and pedestrian concentrations), the front yard (a transition space between the
RROW and the building/structure) shall be used exclusively for driveways, off-RROW loading
spaces, short-term off-RROW parking and landscaping (hardscape and softscape) treatment.
Temporary or short-term off-street parking, particularly on driveways, shall preferably be only
for visitors to these buildings/structures.

v. For Basic R-2 and Basic R-3 uses or occupancies (for single family dwelling units only), up to
50% of the front yard abutting the RROW may be paved/hardscaped, i.e., converted into a
courtyard for carport use. Such use shall not be permitted in all other uses or occupancies.

SECTION 708. Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings

1. Dwelling Location and Lot Occupancy

The dwelling shall occupy not more than 90% of a corner lot and 80% of an inside lot, and subject to
the provisions on Easements of Light and View of the Civil Code of Philippines, shall be at least 2.00
meters from the property line.

2. Light and Ventilation

Every dwelling shall be so constructed and arranged as to provide adequate light and ventilation as
provided under Section 805 to Section 811 of the Code.

3. Sanitation

Every dwelling shall be provided with at least one sanitary toilet and adequate washing and drainage


4. Foundation

Footings shall be of sufficient size and strength to support the load of the dwelling and shall be at
least 250 millimeters thick and 600 millimeters below the surface of the ground.

5. Post

The dimensions of wooden posts shall be those found in Table VII.5.: Dimensions of Wooden Posts.
Each post shall be anchored to such footing by straps and bolts of adequate size.

Table VII.5.: Dimensions of Wooden Posts or Suportales

Maximum Maximum Maximum Required Maximum

Height of Height Spacing of Finished Size of
Type Building
1st Floor Total Post Suportales
(meters) (meters) (meters) (millimeters)
1-Storey Shed - 4.00 3.50 100 X 100
1-Storey Shed - 3.00 4.00 100 X 100
1-Storey Shed - 5.00 4.00 125 X 125
1-Storey House or
1.00 - 3.00 5.50 3.60 125 X 125
2-Storey House 3.00 6.00 3.00 125 X 125
2-Storey House 4.50 7.00 4.00 120 X 120
2-Storey House 5.00 8.00 4.50 175 X 175
2-Storey House - 9.00 4.50 200 X 200

Logs or tree trunk suportales may be used as post in indigenous traditional type of construction,
provided that these are of such sizes and spacing as to sustain vertical loading equivalent at least to
the loading capacities of the posts and spacing in this Table.

6. Floor

The live load of the first floor shall be at least 200 kilograms per sq. meter and for the second floor, at
least 150 kilograms per sq. meter.

7. Roof

The wind load for roofs shall be at least 120 kilograms per sq. meter for vertical projection.

8. Stairs

Stairs shall be at least 750 millimeters in clear width, with a rise of 200 millimeters and a minimum run
of 200 millimeters.

9. Entrance and Exit

There shall be at least one entrance and another one for exit.

10. Electrical Requirements

All electrical installations shall conform to the requirements of the Philippine Electrical Code.

11. Mechanical Requirements

Mechanical systems and/or equipment installations shall be subject to the requirements of the
Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code.
SECTION 709. Requirements for Other Group Occupancies

Subject to the provisions of the Code, the Secretary shall promulgate rules and regulations for each
of the other Group Occupancies covering: allowable construction, height, and area; location on property,
exit facilities, light and ventilation, sanitation; enclosures of vertical openings; fire extinguishing systems;
and special hazards.



1. General. Building bulk (a volume quantity) shall be generally determined by the application of the
Floor-Lot Area Ratio (FLAR), vertically projecting the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint
(AMBF), establishing the Outermost Faces of Building (OFB) and quantifying the Allowable
Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB). The building bulk may be ultimately governed by the width
of the RROW and other applicable provisions for light and ventilation (including incremental
setbacks as a result of satisfying natural light and ventilation requirements for RROW and front
yards as partly shown in Table VII.G.1. hereafter).

2. Application of the FLAR. The FLAR (Table VII.G.1.) shall be the primary or initial determinant of
the building bulk.

Table VII.G.1. Reference Table of Floor to Lot Area Ratio (FLAR) Designations/Rights

Type of Use or Type of Building/Structure

FLAR Designation/Rights
Residential Residential 1 (R-1) 1.50
(at a 3-storey or 10.00 m BHL)
Residential 2 (R-2)
a. Basic R-2 1.30 up to 1.50
(at a 3-storey or 10.00 m BHL)
b. Maximum R-2 2.10 up to 3.00
(at a 5-storey or 15.00 m BHL)
Residential 3 (R-3)
a. Basic R-3 1.80 up to 2.10
(at a 3-storey or 10.00 m BHL)
b. Maximum R-3 7.10 up to 8.10
(at a 12-storey or 36.00 m BHL)
Individual Lot for Residential 4 1.60 up to1.80
(R-4)/Townhouses (at a 3-storey or 10.00 m BHL)
Residential 5(R-5)/ 6.00 up to 9.00
Condominiums (at an 18-storey or 54.00 m BHL)
Commercial Commercial 1 (Com-1) 1.70 up to 3.00
(at a 5-storey or 15.00 m BHL)
Commercial 2 (Com-2) 3.60 up to 9.00
(at a 15-storey or 45.00 m BHL)
Commercial 3 (Com-3) 9.00 up to 34.00
(at a 60-storey or 180.00 m BHL)
Industrial Industrial 1 (Ind-1) 1.50 up to 2.50
Industrial 2 (Ind-2) 2.50 up to 3.00
Industrial 3 (Ind-3) 3.00 up to 5.00
Institutional - 2.50
Cultural - 3.50
Utility/Transportation/Road Rights-
of Way (RROW)/ Services - 2.00 up to 3.00

Parks and Open

Recreational Spaces - 0.50 up to 1.00
Agricultural/Agro-Industrial/Tourism - 1.80 up to 2.20
Planned Unit Development (PUD) PUD at a reclamation area close
to an operating airport
PUD at a reclamation area 6.00 up to 12.00
PUD at a coastal area 12.00 up to 18.00
PUD at an inland area very
6.00 up to 18.00
close to an operating airport
PUD at an inland area 9.00 up to 34.00
(at a 60-storey or 180.00 m BHL)
Cemetery - 0.80
Guidelines on Building Bulk and Development Controls. . . .

Table VII.G.2. Conversion Table of Gross Floor Area (GFA) to Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)
Excluded Floor Areas
Multiplier to
Type of Building/Structure based on (non-GFA) as a
Convert the GFA
Use/Occupancy Percentage (%) of
the TGFA
Residential 1 33% 1.50
Residential 2 (Basic), Residential 3
20% 1.25
(Basic) and Residential 4
Residential 2 (Maximum), Residential 3
16% 1.20
(Maximum) and Residential 5
Commercial 1 20% 1.25
Commercial 2 25% 1.33
Commercial 3 33% 1.50
Industrial 1 25% 1.33
Industrial 2 and 3 33% 1.50
Transportation, Utility and Service Areas 33% 1.50
Agricultural and Agro-Industrial 2%-5% 1.03-1.06

3. Establishing the OFB. The OFB shall be primarily determined by the vertical projections of the
outermost faces of the AMBF up to a height prescribed by the applicable BHL. Figure VII.G.1. shows the
determination of the angular planes needed to establish the outer limits for walls and projections of the
proposed building/structure facing RROW and for their corresponding roof configurations. Table VII.G.3.
also shows the recommended angles or slopes for the angular planes originating from the centerline of
the RROW for R-1 and C-3 properties only. Angles or slopes for other permitted uses/occupancies can
be extrapolated from the two (2) examples. (Figs. VIII.G.1. and VIII.G.2.)

Table VII.G.3. Reference Table of Angles/Slopes* To Satisfy Natural Light and Ventilation
Requirements Along RROW and Front Yards

Angle or Slope of Angular

Angle or Slope of Angular Plane for
Plane for
Buildings/Structures With
Buildings/Structures Without
Width of Projections*
Type of Projections**
Road Right-
Use or Angle
of-Way Angle from
Occupancy from
(RROW) Ratio Centerline of Ratio
(Slope) RROW (Slope)
Residential 1 9 m:8.5m 7.5 m:6.25m
8.00 meters 46.5 50.0
(R-1) (1.06) (1.20)
9 m:9.5m 7.5 m:7.25m
10.00 meters 43.0 46.0
(0.95) (1.03)
9 m:10.5m 7.5 m:8.25m
12.00 meters 40.0 43.0
(0.86) (0.91)
9 m:11.5m 7.5 m:9.25m
14.00 meters 39.0
38.0 (0.78) (0.81)
9 m:12.5m 7.5m:10.25m
16.00 meters 35.0 36.0
(0.72) (0.73)
9 m:13.5m 7.5m:11.25m
18.00 meters 33.5 33.0
(0.67) (0.67)
9 m:14.5m 7.5m:12.25m
20.00 meters 31.0 32.0
(0.62) (0.61)
Commercial 3 48 m:16.5m
8.00 meters 71.0 - -
(C-3) (2.90)
48 m:17.5m
10.00 meters 69.5 - -

Guidelines on Building Bulk and Development Controls. . . .

Continuation Table VII.G.3. . . .

Angle or Slope of Angular Angle or Slope of Angular Plane for

Plane for Buildings/Structures Buildings/Structures With
Width of Without Projections** Projections*
Type of
Road Right- Angle
Use or
of-Way from
Occupancy Ratio
(RROW) Centerline of
Commercial 3 48 m:18.5m
12.00 meters 68.0 - -
(C-3) (2.59)
48 m:19.5m
14.00 meters 65.5 - -
48 m:20.5m
16.00 meters 63.6 - -
48 m:21.5m
18.00 meters 61.7 - -
48 m:22.5m
20.00 meters 60.0 - -

* To be used for plotting the angular plane from the grade level centerline of the RROW. The angular
plane can also help determine the Allowable Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB) as well as the
alternative incremental setback lines. Only the uses/occupancies with the least and heaviest
developments (R-1 and C-3 respectively are shown). The angles/slopes of angular planes for all other
uses/occupancies in between can be extrapolated.

** Considered projections from the outermost face of the building/structure are eaves, medias aguas
(canopy for windows), cantilevers, heavy sign supports (only for applications permitted or consistent
with the Code) and the like.

4. Quantifying the AMVB. The AMVB shall be primarily determined by the following:

a. Multiply the AMBF (in square meters) for the lot by the applicable BHL (in meters) for the lot
to arrive at the initial AMVB (in cubic meters); the result of this step is the imaginary footprint

b. Superimpose the angular plane originating from the center of the RROW on the footprint
prism; this shall result in the reduction of the initially computed building volume due to the
application of incremental setbacks and of roof configuration dictated by the angular plane;
the result of this step is the AMVB;

c. To crosscheck the AMVB against the Allowable Maximum TGFA (separately determined),
convert the AMVB into its approximate area equivalent (in sq. meters) by dividing it with the
BHL. Before converting the AMVB to its area component, check for the effects of the
incremental setbacks on the TGFA for each floor of the proposed building/structure.

B. Application of Development Controls (DC)

(To Determine the Maximum Development Potential of a Lot)

1. Sizing the Building/Structure. To determine the allowed/appropriate building bulk (volume), the
following series of steps using the DC under this Guideline and other Rules in the Code shall be

a. Refer to Rule VIII for prescribed setbacks, yards, courts (at grade level), etc. applicable to the
lot/project site; determine the extent of firewall construction if required and/or if permitted;
refer to Rule VIII for the Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO); compute for the Allowable
Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF) under this Rule by using the formula:
Guidelines on Building Bulk and Development Controls. . . .

Land area
Additional buildable lot
Allowable Maximum required for
area due to Firewall
Building/ Total yards/ courts
_ construction
Footprint or AMBF = Lot +
(if permitted
(in sq. meters) Area (prescribed
under this Rule)
(TLA) under Rule VIII)

b. Check resultant building footprint against applicable PSO under Reference Table VIII.1. of
Rule VIII and consult existing/applicable and/or duly approved zoning ordinances; to check,
use the formula:

Percentage Allowable Maximum Building Total

of Site = Footprint or AMBF ÷ Lot Area
Occupancy (PSO) (in square meters) (TLA)

c. Compute for the resultant height of the building/structure by referring to Table VII.2. of this Rule
and by using the formula:

Building Height Limit or the Desired

Resultant Height
BHL Floor to Floor
of the building/structure = X
(as expressed in number of Height
(in meters)
floors/storeys) (in meters)

d. Check the resultant height against the BHL (refer to Table VII.2. of this Rule); if a greater
building/structure height is desired, consult existing zoning ordinances or other applicable laws
for possible relief; if relief cannot be sought, explore sub-grade (basement level) solutions or
reduce the desired floor to floor heights in case it is greater than 3.00 meters;

e. Establish the Outermost Faces of Building (OFB) to help determine the Allowable Maximum
Volume of Building (AMVB) and to satisfy natural light and ventilation requirements for
RROW and front yards abutting RROW; an imaginary prism within which the proposed
building/structure must fit shall result, unless specifically allowed under the Code; thereafter,
establish the Outermost Limits of Building Projections (OLBP) to fully comply with other
applicable light and ventilation provisions;

f. Initially determine building bulk by computing for the maximum allowable Gross Floor Area
(GFA) for the building/structure using the formula:

Gross Floor Area (GFA) of the Total

building/structure = Lot Area X
Floor to Lot Area Ratio (FLAR)*
(in square meters) (TLA)

NOTE: * Refer to Table VII.G.1. of this Guideline (Recommended FLAR Designations/Rights) and/or consult
existing/applicable and duly-approved zoning ordinances.

i. GROSS FLOOR AREA (GFA) - the total floor space within the perimeter of the
permanent external building walls (inclusive of main and auxiliary buildings) such as
office areas, residential areas, corridors, lobbies and mezzanine level/s. The GFA shall
also include building projections which may serve as floors or platforms that are directly
connected to/integrated with areas within the building/structure, e.g., balconies (Refer to
Section 1004 of Rule X of this IRR) and the GFA excludes the following:

(a) Covered areas used for parking and driveways, services and utilities;

(b) Vertical penetrations in parking floors where no residential or office units are present;

Guidelines on Building Bulk and Development Controls. . . .

(c) Uncovered areas for helipads, air-conditioning cooling towers or air-conditioning

condensing unit (ACCU) balconies, overhead water tanks, roof decks, laundry areas
and cages, wading or swimming pools, whirlpools or jacuzzis, terraces, gardens, courts
or plazas, balconies exceeding 10.00 sq. meters, fire escape structures and the like.

g. Determine the Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) to approximate building
volume using the formula hereafter. In particular, determine the minimum required off-street
cum on-site parking provisions, driveways and related access systems, particularly for new
developments and/or re-developments whereby provisions of this Guideline shall apply.

Gross Floor
All requirements for courts
Total Gross Floor Area Area (GFA) of
at all floors (above grade)
(TGFA) of the building/ the building/ Non-GFA
_ under
structure = structure + areas*
(in sq. meters) (in square
(in square meters)

NOTE: * Compute for all other areas not covered by the FLAR or by the GFA using Table VII.G.2.

i. TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA (TGFA) - the total floor space within the main and
auxiliary buildings primarily consisting of the GFA and all other enclosed support areas
together with all other usable horizontal areas/surfaces above and below established
grade level that are all physically attached to the building/s which shall consists of the

(a) Covered areas used for parking and driveways, services and utilities. The TGFA
specifically excludes provisions for courts above grade level;

(b) Vertical penetrations in parking floors where no residential or office units are present;

(c) Uncovered areas for helipads, air-conditioning cooling towers or ACCU balconies,
overhead water tanks, roof decks, laundry areas and cages, wading or swimming
pools, whirlpool or jacuzzis, terraces, gardens, courts or plazas, balconies exceeding
10.00 sq. meters, fire escape structures and the like; and

(d) Other building projections which may additionally function as floors or platforms if
properly reinforced, e.g., the top surfaces of roof extensions/eaves, sun-breakers, large
roofed or cantilevered areas such as porte cocheres, canopies and the like.
Guidelines on Building Bulk and Development Controls. . . .

Figure VII.G.1.

Guidelines on Building Bulk and Development Controls. . . .

Figure VII.G.2.


∝ ) IS




Guidelines on Buildings and Other Accessory Structures Within Cemeteries and Memorial Parks……



1. Location of Cemeteries/Memorial Parks

a. Cemeteries and Memorial Parks shall be located in accordance with the approved land use plan
of the city/municipality concerned. Prior clearance shall be obtained from the Department of
Health, the National Water Resources Council, the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources and the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board.

2. Protective Enclosures

a. The cemetery shall be totally enclosed by a perimeter fence/wall of strong material, and all gates
shall be provided with a strong door and lock. Perimeter wall shall not exceed 3.00 meters in

b. Where a cemetery is enclosed by a solid reinforced concrete wall at least 2.00 meters high, it is
allowed to construct tombs, vaults, mausoleums or other types of sepulchres for the dead up to
the walls. Otherwise, a clearance of 5.00 meters shall be maintained between the perimeter
fence and the nearest interment plot.

3. Interments, Burials and Entombments

a. For ground interments, there shall be a minimum depth of excavation of 1.50 meters from
ground level to base of excavation. However, if concrete vaults are used, the minimum depth
of excavation from base of vault to ground level shall be 1.00 meter, depending on the depth
of ground water table.

b. Ground interments shall be allowed only in designated graveyard areas of the cemetery and
may be provided with suitable markers, headstones or memorials.

c. Vaults for tombs and mausoleums for aboveground interments shall be of solid reinforced
concrete. Concrete hollow blocks or any unit masonry construction of ceramics, adobe or the
like shall not be allowed for the construction of above-ground vaults; tombs or mausoleums.
Mausoleums may be provided with ossuaries and/or cineraria along the interior walls.

d. Multi-level interment niches shall only be of solid reinforced concrete construction, of not less
than 150 millimeters thickness in which case they may be allowed to abut walls of the
cemetery, provided, the walls are of solid reinforced concrete construction. Concrete hollow
blocks, or any unit masonry construction of ceramics, adobe or the like shall not be allowed.

e. Before construction is started on any mausoleum, canopy over a tomb, or multi-level niches,
a building permit shall be secured therefor from the OBO.

f. Horizontal divisions of columbaria shall be of reinforced concrete of at least 50 millimeters

thickness. Vertical divisions may be of concrete hollow blocks of at least 100 millimeters
thickness, in which case, cement mortar shall be applied evenly to present a non-porous
surface. Minimum dimensions of individual cinerarium shall be 300 millimeters by 300
millimeters by 460 millimeters. Cinerary remains shall be placed inside tightly sealed urns.

4. Accessory Structures

a. A chapel with a floor area of at least 50.00 sq. meters shall be constructed at a convenient
location within the cemetery where funeral ceremonies may be held, and incidentally serve
as haven for funeral participants against sun and rain.

Guidelines on Buildings and Other Accessory Structures Within Cemeteries and Memorial Parks……

b. Wake chaplets with a minimum area of 50.00 sq. meters for thirty (30) persons and at least
1.60 sq. meters for each additional person may be provided.

c. Administrative Office - a 64.00 sq. meters lot shall be allocated for an administration
building office for memorial parks with an area of above one (1) hectare.

d. Electrical Power Supply - Distances of lampposts for street lighting shall be placed at a
maximum of 100.00 meters or as prescribed by the power firm servicing the area. Utility
poles shall be installed along sides of streets and pathways.

e. Parking Area - Parking area equivalent to a minimum of five 5% of the gross area of
memorial park/cemetery shall be provided over and above the required parking area/facility
for any structures to be constructed within the premises of the memorial park/cemetery.

f. Comfort Rooms - Adequate and clean comfort rooms with facilities for disabled persons shall
be provided in properly located areas.

NOTE: Refer also to the latest applicable HLURB Guidelines regarding Cemeteries and Memorial Parks.

SECTION 801. General Requirements of Light and Ventilation

1. Subject to the provisions of the Civil Code of the Philippines on Easements of Light and View, and to
the specific provisions of the Code, every building shall be designed, constructed, and equipped to
provide adequate light and ventilation. (Refer to Guidelines on Easements, View Corridors/Sight
Lines and Basements at the end of this Rule)

2. All buildings shall face a street or public alley or a private street which has been duly approved.
(Refer to Guidelines on Streets/RROW and Sidewalks at the end of this Rule)

3. No building shall be altered nor arranged so as to reduce the size of any room or the relative area of
windows to less than that provided for buildings under this Rule, or to create an additional room,
unless such additional room conforms to the requirements of this Rule.

4. No building shall be enlarged so that the dimensions of the required court or yard would be less than
what is prescribed for such building lot.

SECTION 802. Measurement of Site Occupancy

1. The measurement of site occupancy or lot occupancy shall be taken at the ground level and shall be
exclusive of courts, yards, and light wells.

2. Courts, yards, and light wells shall be measured clear of all projections from the walls enclosing such
wells or yards with the exception of roof leaders, wall copings, sills, or steel fire escapes not
exceeding 1.20 meters in width.

SECTION 803. Percentage of Site Occupancy

1. The measurement of the percentage (%) of site occupancy (or lot occupancy) shall be taken at the
ground level and shall be exclusive of courts, yards and light wells. Courts, yards, and light wells
shall be measured clear of all projections from the walls enclosing such wells or yards with the
exception of roof leaders, wall copings, sills, or steel fire escapes not exceeding 1.20 meters in width.

2. In case of proposed additional construction on a lot on which another building/structure already

stands, the Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) arising out of such existing buildings/structures
must be included in the computation of the PSO for the Total Lot Area (TLA). In case of discrepancy
between the specified Maximum Allowable PSO and the other light and ventilation provisions under
this Rule, the resulting lesser building/structure footprint or gross floor area at the ground floor (or at
grade level) must prevail.

3. Maximum site occupancy shall be governed by use, type of construction, and height of the building
and the use, area, nature and location of the site; and subject to the provisions of the local zoning
requirements and in accordance with the following types of open spaces:

a. Public open spaces – streets, alleys, easements of sea/lakeshores, rivers, creeks, esteros,
railroad tracks, parks/plazas, playgrounds, and the like.

b. Total Open Spaces within Lot (TOSL) – courts, yards, gardens, light wells, uncovered driveways,
access roads and parking spaces consisting of two (2) types:

i. Paved or tiled (hardscaped areas); sub-classification of open space shall fall under Maximum
Allowable Impervious Surface Areas (ISA) within the Total Lot Area (TLA); and

ii. Unpaved areas within the lot that are with exposed soil and planted (softscaped), i.e., the
Unpaved Surface Areas (USA); this sub-classification is the true open space.

4. The following Table illustrates the manner in determining the Maximum Allowable Percentage of Site
Occupancy (PSO), Maximum Allowable Impervious Surface Area (ISA), Maximum Allowable
Construction Area (MACA), Minimum Unpaved Surface Area (USA), and the Total Open Space within
Lot (TOSL) with reference to Type of Land Use Zoning per Lot.

Table VIII.1. Reference Table of Maximum Allowable PSO, Maximum Allowable ISA, the MACA, the
Minimum USA and the TOSL by Type of Land Use Zoning per Lot
% of Total Lot Area (TLA)
Structure Use Maximum
or Maximum Allowable Minimum USA TOSL d
Occupancy Allowable ISAc (Unpaved (ISA +
Zoning b
(or Land Use)a PSO c,d (Paved Open Open Spaces) USA)
Residential Basic
Residential 2 (R- 55 e 30 15 45
Density Housing
[single family
dwelling unit with 60 f 30% 10 40
a Building Height
Limit (BHL) of
10.00 meters]
Maximum R-2
/Medium Density 60 e 30 10 40
Housing (multiple
family dwelling
units within one
building/ structure
with a BHL of
15.00 meters) 70 f 20 10 30

Residential 3 (R- 65 e 20 15 35
3)/High Density
Housing (single
family dwelling
unit with a BHL of 70 f 20 10 30
10.00 meters)
Maximum R-3
/High Density 70 e 20 10 30
Housing (multiple
family dwelling
units within one
building/ structure
80 f 10 10 20
with a BHL of
36.00 meters)
Residential 4 (R- 70 e 20 10 30
4)/ Individual
Townhouse Units 80 f 10 10 20
Residential 5 (R- 70 e 20 10 30
5)/ Condominiums
80 f 10 10 20
Commercial Commercial 1 70 e 20 10 30
(Com-1) 80 f 10 10 20
Building/ % of Total Lot Area (TLA)
Structure Use Maximum
or Maximum Allowable Minimum USA TOSL d
Occupancy Allowable ISAc (Unpaved (ISA +
Zoning b
(or Land Use)a PSO c,d (Paved Open Open Spaces) USA)
Commercial 2 75 e 20 5 25
85 f 10 5 15
Commercial 3 80 e 15 5 20
90 f 5 5 10
Industrial Industrial 1 70 e 20 10 30
80 f 10 10 20
Industrial 2 70 e 15 15 30
80 f 5 15 20
Industrial 3 70 e 15 15 30
80 f 5 15 20
Institutional 50 e 20 30 50
60 f 20 20 40
Cultural 60 e 20 20 40
70 f 20 10 30
Utility/Trans- 50 e 40 10 50
portation/ -
Services 60 f 30 10 40
Sidewalks/ 11.11
Arcades at (of total width 33.33
(of total width
RROW of RROW as (of total width
- - of RROW as
Unpaved of RROW)
Paved portion
portion of
of sidewalk)
Parks and
- 20 30 50 80
Planned Unit PUD at a
Development reclamation area
70 15 15 30
(PUD) close to an
operating airport
PUD at a
70 15 15 30
reclamation area
PUD at a coastal
70 15 15 30
PUD at an inland
area close to an 70 10 20 30
operating airport
PUD at an inland
70 10 20 30
Cemetery - 85 10 5 15

a) per duly-approved City/ Municipal Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)
b) per duly-approved City/Municipal Zoning Ordinance (ZO) and its IRR
c) PSO + ISA = MACA (Maximum Allowable Construction Area)
d) PSO + TOSL = TLA (Total Lot Area).
e) without firewall
f) with firewall

4. Minimum Requirements for Total Open Spaces within Lot (TOSL)

a. Total Open Spaces within Lot (TOSL) are portions of the Total Lot Area (TLA) not occupied by
the Maximum Allowable PSO. The TOSL may consist of either the Maximum Allowable ISA
(hardscaped areas) or the USA (exposed and planted/softscaped soil) or may also be the
combination of both types of open spaces. (Figure VIII.1.)

b. Group A buildings or Residential 1 (R-1) uses/occupancies shall follow the minimum yard
standards in Table VIII.2. to comply with the TOSL requirement.

c. Abutments for Basic Uses/Occupancies forming part of new developments shall be basically
similar to the restrictions prescribed for firewalls under Rule VII, to wit:

i. Absolutely no abutments are allowed at any property line for any R-1 lot type/location.

ii. Abutments shall be allowed on only one (1) side for any R-2 lot type/location. There shall be
no firewalls/abutments on the front and rear property lines for any R-2 lot type/ location.

iii. Abutments shall be allowed on two (2) sides only or on one (1) side and the rear property
line/ boundary for any R-3 lot type/location. There shall be no abutments on the front
property line for any R-3 lot type/location.

iv. Abutments shall be allowed on two (2) sides only for any R-4 lot type/location. There shall
be no firewalls/abutments on the front and rear property line for any R-4 lot type/location.

v. Abutments shall be allowed on two (2) sides only or on one (1) side and the rear property
line/boundary for any R-5 lot type/location. There shall be no abutments on the front
property line for any R-5 lot type/location.

vi. Abutments shall be allowed on two (2) sides only or on one (1) side and the rear property
line/boundary for any C-3 lot type/location. There shall be no abutments on the front
property line for any C-3 lot type/location.

d. Lot Type/Location

Only seven (7) types of lots and their respective locations are described under this Rule.
(Figures VIII.2. through VIII.8.)

e. Variance

When the lots as described in Figures VIII.2. through VIII.8. are too narrow or too shallow such
that the public open space, e.g., RROW, alley or the like on which they abut can adequately
supply light and ventilation to every room therein subject to the requirements on window
opening, the requirements on the minimum Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL) above may be
waived (Figures VIII.9. through VIII.11.), provided however, that for lots abutting on only one (1)
public open space, the depth of the open space to be provided shall not be more than 8.00
meters; and for those lots abutting two (2) or more public open spaces, the depth of the open
space to be provided shall not be more than 12.00 meters.
Figure VIII.1.


Figure VIII.2. Figure VIII.3.

Figure VIII.4. Figure VIII.5.

Figure VIII.6. Figure VIII.7.

Figure VIII.8.

Figure VIII.9.

Figure VIII.10.

Figure VIII.11.


SECTION 804. Sizes and Dimensions of Courts

1. Minimum sizes of courts and yards and their least dimensions shall be governed by the use, type of
construction, and height of the building as provided hereunder, provided that the minimum horizontal
dimension of said courts and yards shall be not less than 2.00 meters. All inner courts shall be
connected to a street or yard, either by a passageway with a minimum width of 1.20 meters or by a
door through a room or rooms.

2. The required open space shall be located totally or distributed anywhere within the lot in such a
manner as to provide maximum light and ventilation into the building. (Figures VIII.12. through

3. YARD – the required open space left between the outermost face of the building/structure and the
property lines, e.g., front, rear, right and left side yards. The width of the yard is the setback. Yards
prescribed for Commercial, Industrial, Institutional and Recreational Buildings are shown in Table
VIII.3. hereafter.

Table VIII.2. Minimum Setbacks for Residential Buildings/Structures

Type of Residential Use/ Occupancy

R-2 R-3 R-4
R–1 Basic Maximu Basic Maximu (individual R - 5****
(meters (meters m (meters m lot/unit) (meters)
) ) (meters) ) (meters) (meters)
Front 4.50 3.00 8.00 * 3.00 8.00 * 4.50 6.00
2.00 2.00
Side 2.00 2.00 ** 2.00 ** *** 3.00
(optional) (optional)
Rear 2.00 2.00 2.00 *** 2.00 2.00 3.00
a) The setback requirements in Table VIII.2. above are for newly-developed subdivisions.
b) * Total setback only at grade (or natural ground) level, i.e., 3.00 meters + 5.00 meters = 8.00
meters (to accommodate part of the minimum parking requirement outside the designated area
for the front yard). The second and upper floors and mezzanine level shall thereafter comply with
the minimum 3.00 meters setback unless otherwise provided under the Code.
c) ** Setback required for only one (1) side. Setbacks on two sides shall be optional.
d) *** Abutments on two sides and rear property lines may be allowed with conditions as enumerated
under Section 804, Subsection 10 of this Rule.
e) **** Mixed-Use Buildings/Structures in R-5 lots shall be considered a commercial use or occupancy if
a substantial percentage, i.e., 55% of the Gross Floor Area (GFA) is commercial.
f) In cases where yards/setbacks are impossible to attain or where frontage and depth of lots are
similar to that of Open Market or Medium Cost Housing Projects, abutments on the sides and rear
property lines may be allowed and 1.50 meters front yard is left open as transition area.

Table VIII.3. Setbacks for Commercial*, Industrial, Institutional and Recreational Buildings

Road Right-of-Way
Front Side Rear
(RROW) Width
(meters) (meters) (meters)

30.00 & above 8.00 5.00 5.00

25.00 to 29.00 6.00 3.00 3.00
20.00 to 24.00 5.00 3.00 3.00
10.00 to 19.00 5.00 2.00 2.00
Below 10.00 5.00 2.00 2.00

* Mixed-Use Buildings/Structures in R-5 lots may be considered a commercial development if a
substantial percentage of the GFA is commercial.
Figure VIII.12. Figure VIII.13.


Figure VIII.14. Figure VIII.15.


4. The setback requirements in Table VIII.3. above are for newly-developed thoroughfares. For highly
built-up urban areas with duly established lines and grades reflecting therein proposed road widening
and elevation, the requirements in Table VIII.3. above may not be imposed and the face of the
building may abut on the side and/or rear property lines provided that all the requirements on open
space, window opening, artificial ventilation, if any, and firewalls (Rule VII) are first fully complied with.

5. Every court shall have a width of not less than 2.00 meters for one (1) or two (2) storey buildings.
However, if the court is treated as a yard or vice versa, this may be reduced to not less than 1.50
meters in cluster living units such as quadruplexes, rowhouses and the like, with adjacent courts with
an area of not less than 3.00 sq. meters. Provided further, that the separation walls or fences, if any,
shall not be higher than 2.00 meters. Irregularly–shaped lots such as triangular lots and the like,
whose courts may be also triangular in shape may be exempted from having a minimum width of not
less than what is required in Table VIII.3. and as shown in Figures VIII.16., VIII.17., VIII.18. and

6. For buildings of more than two (2) storeys in height, the minimum width of the rear or side court shall
be increased at the rate of 300 millimeters for each additional storey up to the fourteenth (14 ) storey
(Figure VIII.20. showing incremental setbacks). For buildings exceeding fourteen (14) storeys in
height, the required width of the court shall be computed on the basis of fourteen (14) storeys.

7. Uncovered Driveways, Access Roads and Parking Spaces may be considered part of the open space
provided that they are open and unobstructed from the ground upward as in courts and yards.

8. A carport shall not be considered part of the Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL) particularly if it is
entirely roofed or roofed with overhangs. In such a case, it must be counted as an integral
component of the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF).

9. A front yard may be partly paved/hardscaped (converted into a courtyard) to serve as a carport but
only for a basic R-2 or basic R-3 or R-4 (individual lot) use or occupancy, i.e., all for single-family
dwelling units only. All other uses/occupancies shall not be allowed to use the front yard for a carport
nor for parking.

10. For Basic R-3, abutments on two sides and rear property lines may be allowed provided the following
requirements are first complied with:

a. Open space as prescribed in Reference Table for Maximum PSO, TOSL, and Table VIII.2. of this
Rule are satisfied.

b. Window opening as prescribed in Section 808 of this Rule are satisfied.

c. Firewall with a minimum of two-hour fire-resistive rating constructed with a minimum height
clearance of 400 millimeters above the roof. (Figure VIII.21)

11. In case of conflict in the provisions on lighting and ventilation under this Rule or under the Code, the
more stringent restrictions must prevail.
Figure VIII.16.

Figure VIII.17. Figure VIII.18.

Figure VIII.19.



ALONG A 14.00 m RROW,

Figure VIII.20.
Figure VIII.21.
SECTION 805. Ceiling Heights

1. Habitable rooms provided with artificial ventilation shall have ceiling heights not less than
2.40 meters measured from the floor to the ceiling; provided that for buildings of more
than one (1) storey, the minimum ceiling height of the first storey shall be 2.70 meters
and that for the second story 2.40 meters and the succeeding stories shall have an
unobstructed typical head-room clearance of not less than 2.10 meters above the
finished floor. Above-stated rooms with natural ventilation shall have ceiling heights of
not less than 2.70 meters.

2. Mezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling height not less than 1.80 meters above and
below it.

SECTION 806. Sizes and Dimensions of Rooms

1. Minimum sizes of rooms and their least horizontal dimensions shall be as follows:

a. Rooms for Human Habitations – 6.00 sq. meters with a least dimension of 2.00 meters;

b. Kitchen – 3.00 sq. meters with a least dimension of 1.50 meters; and

c. Bath and toilet – 1.20 sq. meters with a least dimension of 900 millimeters.

SECTION 807. Air Space Requirements in Determining the Size of Rooms

1. Minimum air space shall be provided as follows:

a. School Rooms – 3.00 cu. meters with 1.00 sq. meter of floor area per person;

b. Workshop, Factories, and Offices – 12.00 cu. meters of air space per person; and

c. Habitable Rooms – 14.00 cu. meters of air space per person.

SECTION 808. Window Openings

1. Rooms intended for any use, not provided with artificial ventilation system, shall be provided
with a window or windows with a total free area of openings equal to at least 10% of the floor
area of the room, provided that such opening shall be not less than 1.00 sq. meter. However,
toilet and bath rooms, laundry rooms and similar rooms shall be provided with window or
windows with an area not less than 1/20 of the floor area of such rooms, provided that such
opening shall not be less than 240 sq. millimeters. Such window or windows shall open
directly to a court, yard, public street or alley, or open watercourse.

2. Required windows may open into a roofed porch where the porch:

a. Abuts a court, yard, public street or alley, or open watercourse and other public open

b. Has a ceiling height of not less than 2.70 meters;

c. Has one of the longer sides at least 65% open and unobstructed.

3. Eaves, canopies, awnings (or media agua) over required windows shall not be less than
750 millimeters from the side and rear property lines.
4. There shall absolutely be no openings on/at/within/through all types of abutments (such
as firewalls) erected along property lines except for permitted vent wells. This Rule strictly
applies to all new and existing developments.

5. In locating window openings it should be borne in mind that in cases of extreme

emergencies windows must serve as emergency egress to vacate the premises or
access for rescue operations. Such windows shall meet the following requirements:

a. They can be opened from the inside without the use of any tools;

b. the minimum clear opening shall have a width not less than 820 millimeters and a height
of 1 meter;

c. The bottom of the opening should not be more than 820 millimeters from the floor;

d. Where storm shutters, screens or iron grilles are used, these shall be provided with quick
opening mechanism so that they can be readily opened from the inside for emergency
egress and shall be so designed that when opened they will not drop to the ground;

e. All areas immediately outside a fire exit window/grille must be free of obstacles and must
lead to a direct access down into the ground or street level.

SECTION 809. Vent Shafts

1. Ventilation or vent shafts shall have a horizontal cross-sectional area of not less than
1.00 sq. meter for every meter of height of shaft but in no case shall the area be less than
1.00 sq. meter. No vent shaft shall have its least dimension less than 600 millimeters.

2. Unless open to the outer air at the top for its full area, vent shafts shall be covered by a
skylight having a net free area or fixed louver openings equal to the maximum required
shaft area.
3. Air ducts shall open to a street or court by a horizontal duct or intake. Such duct or intake
shall have a minimum unobstructed cross-sectional area of not less than 0.30 sq. meter
with a minimum dimension of 300 millimeters. The openings to the duct or intake shall be
not less than 300 millimeters above the street surface or level of court.

SECTION 810. Ventilation Skylights

1. Ventilation skylights shall have a glass area not less than that required for the windows
that are replaced. They shall be equipped with movable sashes or louvers with an
aggregate net free area not less than the parts in the replaced window that can be
opened, or else provide artificial ventilation of equivalent effectiveness.

SECTION 811. Artificial Ventilation

1. Rooms or spaces housing industrial or heating equipment shall be provided with artificial
means of ventilation to prevent excessive accumulation of hot and/or polluted air.

2. Whenever artificial ventilation is required, the equipment shall be designed to meet the
following minimum requirements in air changes as shown in Table VIII.4. hereafter.


Table VIII.4. Minimum Requirements for Air Changes

Cubic Meter Air Changes Per Hour

Per Minute Ceiling Height
Per Person (meters)
Min. Max. 2.40 3.00 3.70 4.90 6.10
Apartment 0.29 0.43 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Banking Space 0.22 0.29 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Barber Shop 0.22 0.29 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Beauty Parlor 0.22 0.29 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Broker’s Board Room 0.57 0.85 8 6 4-½ 3 2-½
Cafeteria 0.43 0.57 6 4-½ 3-½ 2-½ 1-¾
Cocktail Bar 0.57 0.85 8 6 4-½ 3 2-¼
Churches 0.14 0.22 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Department Stores 0.22 0.43 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Director’s Room 0.85 0.14 8 6 4-½ 3 2-¼
Drugstore (no counter) 0.22 0.29 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Drugstore (w/counter) 0.29 0.43 5 3-¾ 3 2 1-½
Funeral Parlor 0.14 0.22 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Gambling Rooms 0.57 0.85 6 6 4-½ 3 2-¼
Hospital Room 0.29 0.43 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Hotel Room 0.29 0.43 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Laboratories 0.43 0.57 6 4-½ 3-½ 2-½ 1-¾
Office 0.29 0.43 4 3 2-¼ 1-½ 1
Restaurant Kitchen 0.34 0.43 5 3-¾ 3 2 1-½
Shop, Retail 0.22 0.29 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Theaters 0.14 0.22 - - - - -

3. For other rooms or spaces not specifically covered under this Section, see applicable provisions of
the pertinent referral code/s.


1. Variances, exception or deviations from the provision of light and ventilation may be allowed only when
the following term and conditions are fully complied with:

a. In case of variances

When the property is unique and different from other properties and because of its uniqueness such
the owner cannot comply with the open space requirements, variances shall be applied to relax the
application of the following provisions:

i. setback;
ii. ventilation and window opening requirements;
iii. percentage of site occupancy;
iv. floor area ratio; and
v. building height limit (BHL).
At least two (2) conditions must be satisfied for exception to be granted.

b. In case of exceptions

i. The exception must not adversely affect public health, safety and welfare and must be in
keeping with the general pattern of development in the community.

ii. The exception must not alter the essential character of the district where the exception sought
is located, and will be in harmony with the general purpose of this IRR.


1. As it is situated outside of private property limits, the easement is public land, i.e., public
domain, that should be equally enjoyed by all members of the community. The easement
is not to be used for any form of building/structure that may go against its public
recreational character and as such, the following uses and others similar thereto are
absolutely prohibited:
a. Residential and like uses whether temporary or permanent;

b. Long-term or overnight vehicle parking, i.e., unless duly designated as day and/or night pay-
parking zones;

c. As a depository of stalled, wrecked or abandoned vehicles, mechanical devices and the like;

d. The conduct of specific commercial, institutional and/or industrial activities not compatible with
its stated character;

e. Unauthorized recreational or entertainment usage and the like which will only benefit certain
entities and which will ultimately result in inconvenience/ nuisance/safety problems to the
general public; nor

f. Any other form of private use, gain, enjoyment or profit at the expense of the motoring or
walking public.

2. Allowed or Encouraged Structures/Developments Within Easements

a. If wider than 9.00 meters, the easement may include a roadway/carriageway component on
which vehicles can pass or on which the same may temporarily park, e.g., an esplanade and
the like. (Fig. VIII.G.1.)

b. Pedestrian access-ways and the like and to be located at/ above/below the easement may also
be developed for public use, e.g., a promenade and the like. (Fig. VIII.G.2.)

Table VIII.G.1. Easement* Along Water Bodies/Way by Location

Location of Water Body/Way Easement

Urban Areas 3.00 meters per side of waterway

Agricultural Areas (Fig.VIII.G.3.)
Forest Areas 20.00 meters per side of waterway
40.00 meters per side of waterway
* Source: Water Code of the Philippines

c. The allowed structures/developments include:

i. Hardscaped (paved) pedestrian access-ways such as walks, footpaths or arcades (covered

or roofed sidewalks without any habitable structures above or below it); temporary or
movable hardscape elements such as gazebos, sheds, fountains and like structures with
large footprints must not encroach on the easement;

ii. Softscaped (paved) developments such as park strips, linear parks and the like as well as
small tree farms are encouraged for recreational, livelihood and soil stabilization/protection


Guidelines on Easements . . . .

Figure VIII.G.1.
Guidelines on Easements . . . .

Figure VIII.G.2.

Figure VIII.G.3.

Guidelines on Easements, View Corridors/Sight Lines, Streets/RROW . . . .

iii. Concrete steps leading down to the water or wooden boardwalks are allowed, provided that
all necessary safety precautions are taken, e.g., non-slip finishing for surfaces, handrails
and railings;

iv. Other forms of soil stabilization/protection including anti-erosion/scouring

measures/structures within the easement are allowed, e.g., rip-rapping, embankment
protection, etc., provided that no enclosed/semi-enclosed habitable structures are built on,
above or below such structures; and

v. Permanent utility/service lines (power, water, telecommunications, gas, etc.) are allowed
within the easement provided that these are either below grade (underground) or above
grade (overhead).

3. Disallowed and Prohibited Structures/Developments Within Easements

a. No portion of the easement whether at grade (on the ground), below grade or above grade
may be leased or developed by the government or by private entities for purposes
inconsistent with its character and intended function. In particular, any form of semi-
permanent/permanent or semi-enclosed/enclosed residential, commercial, industrial,
institutional or government structure/use and like, structures/uses at any portion of the public
easement is prohibited;

b. All semi-enclosed or enclosed, semi-permanent or permanent habitable building projections

(particularly arcade structures) or any other building projection or structural element (eaves,
roof, cantilevered beams, foundations and the like) located above or below the easement are
absolutely prohibited; and

f. All forms of enclosures such as fences, perimeter walls and the like, intended to limit the use
of the easement for private enjoyment/benefit or to restrict full access to the public easement
are absolutely prohibited unless the same are erected for reason of public safety.


1. Preservation of View Corridors and/or Sight Lines

a. The carriageway/roadway portion of the RROW shall be free of structures, particularly

commercial signs that will impede the view corridor and sight lines within the RROW. (See
Fig. VIII.G.4)

b. To dignify very important public or historical/culture buildings/structures, all forms of

commercial signs intruding into RROW leading to or away from such buildings/structures
shall not be allowed. Specifically disallowed from such RROW are commercial signs
supported from any building projection (such as arcades).

c. View corridors or sight lines from buildings/structures on a higher or lower lot shall not be
entirely blocked by the intervening property to allow some sight lines to exist.

d. In case of allowed structures within the RROW for transportation, e.g., elevated ramps,
flyovers, tracks, stations, terminals and the like, the appropriate designs shall be adopted to
maximize light, ventilation and view.


1. General. No building shall be constructed unless it adjoins or has direct access to public space,
yard or street/road on at least one (1) of its sides. All buildings shall face a public street, alley or
a road, which has been duly approved by the proper authorities for residential, institutional,
commercial and industrial groups.
Guidelines on Streets/RROW, View Corridors/Sight Lines . . . .


Figure VIII.G.4.

Guidelines on Streets/RROW . . . .

a. Allowed or Encouraged Structures/Developments Within the RROW

i. The RROW at all its physical levels may only be used for the following types of
structures/uses or others similar to them, to wit:

(a) Transportation structures and like uses whether temporary or permanent, e.g., mass
transit alignments (particularly light and heavy rail) at grade, mass transit stations and
terminal facilities above grade (RROW air rights utilization) or below grade and the
like; these also include waiting sheds, traffic outposts and the like;

(b) Limited commercial structures/uses above grade (RROW air rights utilization) or
below grade provided that these are ancillary or supplementary/complementary to the
transportation structures/uses allowed in the previous paragraph, and the like;
commercial signages on the exterior of the commercial structure are disallowed and

(c) Improvements on the RROW and on all its components/elements found at all its
physical levels, e.g., sidewalks, arcades, roadway/carriageway, medians, planting
strips, street furniture, elevated or underground crossings or access-ways, non-
commercial traffic and directional signages and the like; and

(d) Public utility/service structures/uses (power, water, drainage, sewerage,

telecommunications, gas, etc.) at all physical levels of the RROW provided that these
do not restrict nor impede the movement of people and vehicles and provided further
that the rights to utilize the RROW are properly secured and permitted.

b. Disallowed and Prohibited Structures/Developments at RROW

i. If situated outside of private property limits, the RROW is public land, i.e., public
domain, which should be equally enjoyed by all members of the community. The
RROW is not to be used for the following types of buildings/structures/
occupancies or others similar to them:
(a) Any form of semi-permanent/permanent or semi-enclosed/enclosed commercial
structure/use and like structures/uses;

(b) Any form of temporary, semi-permanent/permanent or semi-enclosed/ enclosed

residential structure/use and like structures/uses;

(c) Government structures/use unless the same are located below or above grade; in
such cases, the proposed structure must be properly planned/designed and

(d) Long-term or overnight vehicle parking, i.e., unless duly designated as day and/or
night pay-parking zones;

(e) As a depository of stalled, wrecked or abandoned vehicles, mechanical devices and

the like;

(f) The conduct of other commercial/business/industrial activities incompatible with the

character of the RROW;

(g) Unauthorized recreational or entertainment usage and the like which will only benefit
certain entities and which will ultimately result in inconvenience/ nuisance/safety
problems to the general public; nor
Guidelines on Street/RROWS . . . .

(h) Any other form of private use, gain, enjoyment or profit at the expense of the motoring
or walking public.

Table VIII.G.2. Suggested Median and Lane Widths Within Alleys/Roadways/Carriageways by

Minimum RROW Width and by Suggested Vehicle Speeds

Range of
Range of Total Suggested Suggested
Required Suggested
Alley or Minimum to Minimum to
Width of Minimum to
RROW Maximum Maximum
Alley or Maximum
Width Vehicle Speeds Median
Roadway/ Lane Widths
(meters) Along Alley or Widths
Carriageway (meters)
Roadway (meters)
2.00 2.00
(for 3.00 one way
meters Alley car passage
3.00 to 6.00 ROW)
15.00 2.10
(for 6.00 None
each way
meters RROW)
(for 6.01 None
each way
meters RROW) 16.00
6.10 to 20.00
13.40 to
(for 20.00 30.00 1.20 to 2.00 2.80 to 3.00
meters RROW)
(for 20.10 1.20 to 4.50 3.00 to 3.30
meters RROW) 31.00
20.10 to 40.00
26.80 to
(for 40.00 60.00 1.20 to 4.80 3.3 to 3.50
meters RROW)
(for 40.10 1.50 to 5.00 3.50 to 3.80
40.10 to
meters RROW) 61.00
60.00 and
40.00 and
above 3.80
(for 60.00 above 1.50 to 5.50
meters RROW)

d. Minimum Access Requirements

i. RROW/access streets or alleys shall have the following widths:

(a) Interior or rear lots shall have a RROW/access street with a minimum width depending upon the number of
buildings or units which it serves provided, however, that said RROW/access street shall not be less than
3.00 meters in width and provided further that such RROW shall be provided with a minimum 4.00 meters
wide chaflan at its intersect with the main RROW and provided, finally, that such RROW shall not be used
for any form of parking.

(b) Multiple living units on same lot on which apartments, rowhouses or accessorias or a group of single-
detached buildings are built be provided with a RROW/access street directly connecting said buildings or
units to a public street/road or alley following the schedule as shown in Table VIII.G.3.

(c) For commercial or industrial areas, sufficient lane widths, shoulders and maneuvering spaces for long-
bodied/articulated vehicles should be considered within the RROW.

(d) Privately-owned RROW/access streets shall be duly registered and annotated in the lot title as such for as
long as the apartments, rowhouses, etc., using said RROW/access streets, still exist.

Guidelines on Streets/RROWS, Sidewalks, Arcades . . . .

(e) Alignment of RROW/access streets shall be integrated into the existing street/ road network,
particularly with the provision of chaflans of the appropriate width.

(f) No obstruction should exist within the RROW/access streets servicing multiple housing of more than
75 units.

(g) All kinds of subdivisions and residential condominiums may generally refer to this Guideline
concerning access streets/roadways. (Figs. VIII.G.5. through VIII.G.10.)

Table VIII.G.3. Minimum Road Right-of-Way (RROW) Provisions for Developments with Multiple
Dwelling Units

Minimum Minimum Minimum

Width of Width of Total Width of
Number of
Carriageway/ Sidewalk the
Dwelling Units
Roadway on each side RROW
(meters) (meters) (meters)
Up to six (6) units 3.00 0.60 4.20
Seven (7) up to fifteen (15) units 4.00 1.00 6.00
Sixteen (16) up to
5.00 1.00 7.00
Twenty-five (25) units
Twenty-six (26) up to
6.00 1.00 8.00
Thirty-five (35) units
More than thirty-five (35) units 6.70 1.00 8.70

d. The RROW consists of three (3) different physical levels as follows:

ii. RROW ABOVE GRADE - refers to the portion of the RROW reckoned from the finished surface of the
roadway/carriageway and/or the sidewalk/arcade all the way up to the air. If this level of the RROW is
utilized for whatever purpose, the Air Rights or the right to develop, benefit and profit from the use of
the RROW above grade is given up by the government/general public and should therefore be
compensated, i.e., leased and paid for by the proponent/end-user/beneficiary of the proposed
building/structure (Figs. VIII.G.11. and VIII.G.12.). The minimum clear height for the utilization of air
rights above RROW shall be 4.27 meters from the finished crown elevation of the

iii. RROW AT GRADE - refers to the portion of the RROW reckoned from the natural grade line up to the
finished surface of the roadway/carriageway and/ or the sidewalk/arcade. This portion of the RROW
is generally utilized for the movement of the general public (motorists and pedestrians). If this level of
the RROW is utilized for whatever purpose, the right to develop, benefit and profit from the use of the
RROW at grade is given up by the government/general public and should therefore be compensated,
i.e., leased and paid for by the development proponent/end-user/ beneficiary. (Figs. VIII.G.11. and

iv. RROW BELOW GRADE - refers to the portion of the RROW reckoned from the finished surface of
the roadway and/or the sidewalk all the way down into the ground. If this level of the RROW is utilized
for whatever purpose, the right to develop, benefit and profit from the use of the RROW below grade
is given up by the government/general public and should therefore be compensated, i.e., leased and
paid for by the development proponent/end-user/beneficiary. (Figs. VIII.G.11. and VIII.G.12.)
Guidelines on Streets/RROW, Sidewalks . . . .



Figure VIII.G.5.

Figure VIII.G.6.

Guidelines on Streets/RROW . . . .

Figure VIII.G.7.

Figure VIII.G.8.

Figure VIII.G.10.


Guidelines on Streets/RROW . . . .

Figure VIII.G.11.

Guidelines on Streets/RROW, Arcades . . . .

Fig.ure VIII.G.12.
Guidelines on Streets/RROW . . . .



Figure VIII.G.13.

Guidelines on Sidewalks, Arcades. . . .


1. Subject to existing laws and regulations, the local planning authority shall determine which street
shall have an open sidewalk or an arcaded (covered) sidewalk, or a combination of both.

2. The minimum width of the sidewalk for a RROW width of 9.00 meters or more shall be 1.20 meters on
each side of the RROW or a total of 2.40 meters on both sides of the RROW (Fig. VIII.G.14.). For the
minimum width of sidewalk for RROW of less than 9.00 meters wide, refer to Table VIII.G.3.

3. Sidewalk widths shall be based on the following considerations:

a. Volume of pedestrians (end-users, visitors and the like) who will use the sidewalk on a regular

b. Type, intensity or level of operation and size/expanse of the allowed uses/ occupancies along
the RROW;

c. The types and volume of street furniture, e.g., street lighting and traffic signs/signal supports,
pedestrian barriers/aids, etc., and other urban design elements that will be allowed as
permanent developments design elements that will be allowed as permanent developments
within the width of the sidewalk;

d. The width of the planting strips;

e. The spatial needs for servicing utility/service lines underneath the sidewalk and for
utility/service poles;

f. Compliance with accessibility requirements as stipulated under Batas Pambansa Blg. 344
(Accessibility Law);

g. Provisions for commuters, e.g., waiting sheds, loading/unloading areas and the like;

h. Provisions for vehicle crossings/driveways between the roadway/carriageway and the front
yards of lots or buildings/structures or provisions for loading/unloading platforms if allowed;

i. Need for introduction of allowed uses/ elements within the sidewalk area only if there is
sufficient sidewalk width, e.g., bicycle lanes, jogging lanes and the like; and

j. Climate, light, ventilation, safety, security and overall maintenance of the sidewalk and all its
surface areas.

4. Sidewalks shall be of uniform width throughout the entire length of the street. The sidewalk width
grade and finish of the dominant use/occupancy along the RROW shall be generally observed.

5. The width of the sidewalk shall be as follows:

Table VIII.G.4. Range of Required Sidewalk and Planting Strip Widths

(total at both sides of RROW) by RROW Width

Road Right-Of-Way Range of Required Sidewalk Widths

(RROW) Width (Total at both sides of RROW)

30.00 meters & above From 1/6 up to 1/4 of RROW Width

25.00 - 29.00 meters From 1/6 up to 1/3 of RROW Width
20.00 - 24.00 meters From 1/6 up to 1/3 of RROW Width
10.00 - 19.00 meters From 1/4 up to 1/3 of RROW Width
Below 10.00 meters From 1/4 up to 1/3 of RROW Width
Guidelines on Sidewalks, Arcades . . .

6. The width of the sidewalk shall include both the paved and unpaved (planted) portions. (see Table

Table VIII.G.5. Minimum Planting Strip Widths by RROW Width

Total Minimum Widths of Planting Strip within RROW*

Road Right-Of-Way
(width per sides of RROW)
(RROW) Width
30.00 meters & above
(0.60 )
25.00 - 29.00 meters
20.00 - 24.00 meters
10.00 - 19.00 meters
Below 10.00 meters Optional
* Minimum width of planting strip (for grass and shrubs) is 200 millimeters for each side of the
RROW. The minimum width of planting strip (for trees) is 300 millimeters for each side of the RROW.

7. For allowed, disallowed and prohibited structures/developments at RROW, refer to Sections C.1. (a)
and C.1. (b) of this Guideline.

8. The sidewalk pavement shall have a non-slip surface and shall slope down from the building line
towards the curb line at not more than 1/50 and shall level off with the curb. (Fig. VIII.G.14.)

9. Sidewalks of 2.00 meters or more in width shall include on its outer side a planting strip of not less
than 800 millimeters in width up to a maximum of 1/3 of the allowed sidewalk width, separating the
curb from the sidewalk pavement. The planting strip must always be near the curbline. (Fig.

10. Combined open and arcaded sidewalks shall be provided with a planting strip of not less than 800
millimeters in width up to a maximum of 1/3 of the allowed sidewalk width, as a separating strip
between the arcaded portion and the open portion of the sidewalk. (Fig. VIII.G.16.)

11. Grade of Sidewalks

a. Sidewalks shall, as much as possible, be level and of uniform grade throughout the entire length
of the street.

b. Whenever the slope of the street does not exceed 1/12 the sidewalk grade shall follow the level
or slope of the street. (Fig. VIII.G.17.)

c. Whenever the slope of the street is 1/10, the sidewalk shall be maintained level for every 20.00
to 40.00 meters of run (Fig. VIII.G.18.). Sidewalks of different levels shall be joined by means of
a ramp having any convenient slope not exceeding 1/6. (Fig. VIII.G.18.)

d. When the grade of two (2) connecting sidewalks are between 1/10 and 1/8, the two sidewalks
shall be joined by means of a ramp having any convenient slope not exceeding 1/10.

Guidelines on Sidewalks, Arcades . . .

Figure VIII.G.14.

Figure VIII.G.15.


Guidelines on Sidewalks, Arcades . . .

Figure VIII.G.16.


Figure VIII.G.17.

Figure VIII.G.18.


Guidelines on Sidewalks, Arcades . . .

12. Driveways, Entrances and Exits

a. Driveways Across Sidewalks

i. To maximize the use of the sidewalk area, the surface of the sidewalk and the
driveway shall as much as possible, be at the same plane. The entry ramp of the
driveway connecting the roadway surface to the sidewalk surface shall have a slope
ranging from 1/3 to 1/4. (Figs. VIII.G.19. and VIII.G.20.)

ii. Whenever the height of the curb is more than 200 millimeters, driveways may be
constructed across the entire width of the sidewalk, provided that the driveway shall
be joined to the sidewalk by means of a ramp of rough finish have a slope of not
more than 1/8. The driveway and the ramp shall be made of the same materials as
that of the sidewalk. (Figs. VIII.G.19., VIII.G.20., and VIII.G.21.)

iii. Entrances and exits of buildings abutting sidewalks shall be made of either ramps or

iv. Entrance and exits ramps shall have a slope not exceeding 1/10. (Fig. VIII.G.22.)

v. Entrance or exit steps shall have treads of not less than 300 millimeters. The
minimum number of steps shall be two (2) with risers not exceeding 100 millimeters.

vi. No portion of either entrance or exit ramps or steps shall intrude into the sidewalk

13. Obstruction on Sidewalks

a. Under no circumstances shall obstruction of any kind be allowed on

sidewalks, whether open or arcaded. This specifically refers to all forms of
commercial signs and commercial structures that impede sight lines or
pedestrian traffic along the sidewalk.

b. Planted areas forming part of the sidewalk or arcade shall not be fenced in
to allow passage of pedestrians and disabled in transit.

14. Curb Configurations

a. Mountable curbs shall only be allowed if the sidewalk width on each side of
the RROW is at a minimum of 5.00 meters wide.

b. For greater protection of pedestrians and the disabled, raised curbs are
encouraged for use along sidewalks that are less than 5.00 meters in width.
Guidelines on Sidewalks, Arcades . . . .

Figure VIII.G.19.

Figure VIII.G.20.

Figure VIII.G.21.

Figure VIII.G.22.


Guidelines on Lots. . . .



Table VIII.G.6. Minimum TOSL Requirements by Lot Type/Location

Note: Higher Percentages (%) may apply for lots with Minimum Total Lot Area (TLA).
(for Proposed Developments (for Proposed Developments
without Firewalls or Abutments) with Permitted Firewalls or Allowed
LOT TYPE/ Abutments)
LOCA- A & B (Residential H-1, H-2, A&B H-1, H-2,
or Institution-al) H-4 and I All Other (Residential or H-4 and I All Other
TION* & C, D, E-2 (Cultural) Uses/ Institution-al) (Cultural) and Uses/
and H and E-1 and Occu- & C, D, E-1 and E-3 Occu-
(Institutional) E-3 pancy E-2 (Transpor- pancy
(Transport- and H tation/Utility)
ation/ (Institutional)

Interior or 40% 40% * 30% #

20% 15%
Rear Lot (Lot (for R-1 use or (for all (for all cultural)
located in the occupancy only), classes of
interior of a cultural use 25%**
block made 30% or (for R-2)
accessible (for R-2 use or occupancy)
from a public occupancy only) 40% ##
street or and and 20%*** (for all transpor-
alley by (for other tation/ utility/
means of a 30% 50% residential) services)
private (for other (for all
access residential uses or classes of
road); see occupancy); transportatio
Figure VIII.2. n/ utility use
and or
occupancy) 40%****
50% (for all
(for all classes of institutional)
institutional uses
or occupancy)
Notes :

* with absolutely no firewalls/abutments allowed for R-1 use.

** with firewall/abutment allowed on only one (1) side property line and absolutely no firewall/abutment at
front and rear property lines for R-2 use.

*** with firewalls/abutments allowed on two (2) side property lines only or on one (1) side property line and
the rear property line and absolutely no firewall/abutment at front property lines for R-3 and R-5 uses;
and with firewalls/ abutments allowed on two (2) side property lines only and absolutely no
firewall/abutment at the front and rear property lines for R-4 use.

**** with firewalls/abutments for all classes of institutional uses.

# with firewall/abutment allowed on only one (1) side for all classes of cultural uses.

## with firewalls/abutments allowed on two (2) sides only or on one (1) side and rear boundary for all
classes of transportation/utility uses.

+ Refer to Rule VIII - Figures VIII.2. through VIII.8. for lot type/location.

++ Refer to Rule VII for occupancy grouping.

Guidelines on Lots. . . .

Continuation of Table VIII.G.6. . . .

(for Proposed Developments (for Proposed Developments
LOT TYPE/ without Firewalls or Abutments) with Permitted Firewalls or Allowed
LOCA- H-1, H-2, A&B H-1, H-2,
A&B H-4 and I All (Residential or H-4 and I All Other
TION* (Residential or (Cultural) and Other Institutional) (Cultural) and Uses/
Institutional) E-1 and Uses/ & C, D, E-2 E-1 and Occu-
& C, D, E-2 E-3 Occu- and H E-3 pancy
and H (Transport- pancy (Institutional) (Transport-
(Institutional) ation/Utility/Ser ation/Utility/Ser
vices) vices)

Inside Lot 50% 40% * 30% #

25% 15%
otherwise referred (for R-1 use or (for all classes (for all cultural)
to as a Regular Lot occupancy of cultural use
(Non – corner or only), or occupancy)
single frontage lot); 30%**
see Figure VIII.3. 40% and (for R-2)
(for R-2 use or
occupancy 50% 40% ##
only) (for all classes (for all
and of transport- 20%*** transportation/
ation/utility use (for other utility/ services)
30% or occupancy) residential)
(for other
residential uses
or occupancy);
50% 40%****
(for all classes (for all
of institutional institutional)
uses or

Corner Lot+ or 30% 35% * 30% #

20% 10%
Through (for R-1 and all (for all classes (for all cultural)
Lot; see Figures other of cultural use 25%**
VIII.4. and VIII.5. residential uses or occupancy) (for R-2)
or occupancy); and 20%***
+Note: For corner and 40% (for other
lots, the largest 40% (for all residential)
setback (for all classes classes of 30% ##
requirement shall of institutional transport- 30%**** (for all
apply to the two (2) uses or ation/ utility use (for all transportation/
sides serviced by occupancy) or occupancy) institutional) utility/ services)

* with absolutely no firewalls/abutments allowed for R-1 use.

** with firewall/abutment allowed on only one (1) side property line and absolutely no firewall/abutment at front and rear property lines for R-2

*** with firewalls/ abutments allowed on two (2) side property lines only or on one (1) side property line and the rear property line and absolutely
no firewall/abutment at front property lines for R-3 and R-5 uses; and with firewalls/ abutments allowed on two (2) side property lines only and
absolutely no firewall/abutment at the front and rear property lines for R-4 use.

**** with firewalls/abutments for all classes of institutional uses.

# with firewall/abutment allowed on only one (1) side for all classes of cultural uses.

## with firewalls/abutments allowed on two (2) sides only or on one (1) side and rear boundary for all classes of transportation/utility uses.

+ Refer to Rule VIII - Figures VIII.2. through VIII.8. for lot type/location.

++ Refer to Rule VII for occupancy grouping.

Guidelines on Lots. . . .

Continuation of Table VIII.G.6. . . .

(for Proposed Developments (for Proposed Developments
without Firewalls or Abutments) with Permitted Firewalls or Allowed Abutments)


A&B H-1, H-2, All Other A&B H-1, H-2, All Other
(Residential or H-4 and I Uses/ (Residential or H-4 and I Uses/
Institutional) (Cultural) and Occu- Institutional) (Cultural) and Occu-
& C, D, E-2 E-1 and E-3 pancy & C, D, E-2 E-1 and E-3 pancy
and H (Transport- and H (Transport-
(Institutional) ation/Utility/Ser- (Institutional) ation/Utility/Ser-
vice) vice)

End Lots bounded on 40% 40% * 30% #

20% 15%
two (2) or more sides (for R-1 use or (for all classes (for all cultural)
by the property line of occupancy of cultural use
the subdivision or by only), or occupancy)
public open spaces
such as easements of 30% and 25%**
lake/ (for R-2 use or (for R-2)
sea-shores, rivers, occupancy 50%
esteros, only) (for all classes 40% ##
etc. and accessible and of transport- (for all
only through one (1) ation/utility use 20%*** transportation/
side of the lot; 30% or occupancy) (for other utility /services)
see Figure VIII.8. (for other residential)
residential uses
or occupancy)


(for all classes 40%****
of institutional (for all
uses or institutional)

Corner-Through Lots 30% 35% * 30% #

10% 5%
or Corner Lots+ (for R-1 and all (for all classes (for all cultural)
abutting three (3) or other of cultural 25%**
more public open residential and use or (for R-2)
spaces such as commercial occupancy) 20%***
streets, alleys, ease- uses or (for other
ment of lake/sea- occupancy) and residential and
shores, rivers, esteros, commercial)
etc.; see Figures VIII.6 and 40% 30% ##
. and VIII.7. (for all classes (for all
+Note: For corner lots, of transport- 30%**** transport-
the largest setback 40% ation/ utility use (for all ation/utility/
requirement shall apply (for all classes or occupancy) institutional) services)
to the two (2) sides of institutional
serviced by the uses or
RROW. occupancy)
Note: See preceding page for typical Notes/Legends
Guidelines on Lots. . . .

Table VIII.G.7. Suggested Minimum Lot Sizes, Lot Dimensions and Types
by Use or Occupancy

Use or
based on
Duly- Lot Location/Type
Local Zoning
Interior Inside Corner End Lot Corner-
(or Rear) (or Regular) Lot or Through
Lot Lot Through Lot Lot or Corner
Lot Abutting 3
or More
(See Rule VIII- (See Rule VIII- (See Rule VIII- (See Rule VIII- Streets, etc.
Figure VIII.2.) Figure VIII.3.) Figures Figure VIII.8.) Rivers, etc.
VIII.4.& VIII.5.) (See Rule VIII-
Figs. VIII.6. &

Residential 1 301.00 sq. 301.00 sq. 365.00 sq. 548.00 sq. 365.00 sq.
(R-1) meters meters meters meters meters

21.50 meters 14.00 meters 17.00 meters 25.50 meters 17.00 meters
wide (w) x (w) (w) (w) (w)
14.00 meters x 21.50 x 21.50 x 21.50 x 21.50
deep (d) meters (d) meters (d) meters (d) meters(d)

Basic Not 80.00 sq. 96.00 sq. 140.00 sq. 96.00 sq.
Residential 2 Allowed meters meters meters meters
Medium Density
Housing (single 8.00 meters 9.60 meters 14.00 meters 9.60 meters
family dwelling (w) (w) (w) (w)
unit with a BHL x 10.00 x 10.00 x 10.00 x 10.00
of 10.00 meters) meters (d) meters (d) meters (d) meters (d)

Maximum Not 192.00 sq. 261.00 sq. 378.00 sq. 261.00 sq.
R-2 Allowed meters meters meters meters
Medium Density
(multiple 12.00 meters 14.50 meters 21.00 meters 14.50 meters
family dwelling (w) (w) (w) (w)
units within one x 16.00 x 18.00 x 18.00 x 18.00
building/ meters (d) meters (d) meters (d) meters (d)
structure with a
BHL of 15.00

Basic Not 50.00 sq. 75.00 sq. 200.00 sq. 75.00 sq.
Residential 3 Allowed meters meters meters meters
High Density
Housing (single 4.00 meters 6.00 meters 16.00 meters 6.00 meters
family dwelling (w) (w) (w) (w)
unit with a BHL x 12.50 x 12.50 x 12.50 x 12.50
of 10.00 meters) meters (d) meters(d) meters (d) meters (d)


Guidelines on Lots. . . .

Continuation of Table VIII.G.7. . .

Use or Occupancy
(preferably based
on Duly-Approved
Local Zoning
Ordinance) Lot Location/Type

Interior Inside Corner End Lot Corner-Through

(or Rear) (or Regular) Lot Lot or Lot or Corner
Lot Through Lot Lot Abutting 3 or
More Streets,
(See Rule VIII- etc. Rivers, etc.
(See Rule VIII- Figure VIII.3.) (See Rule VIII- (See Rule VIII- (See Rule VIII-
Figure VIII.2.) Figures VIII.4. & Figure VIII.8.) Figs. VIII.6. &
VIII.5.) VIII.7.)

Maximum R-3 Not 400.00 sq. 475.00 sq. 700.00 sq. 475.00 sq.
High Density Allowed meters meters meters meters
Housing (multiple
Family dwelling units 16.00 meters 19.00 meters 28.00 meters 19.00 meters
within one building/ (w) (w) (w) (w)
structure with a BHL x 25.00 meters x 25.00 meters x 25.00 meters x 25.00 meters
of 36.00 m) (d) (d) (d) (d)

Residential 4 Not 96.00 sq. 120.00 sq. 180.00 sq 120.00 sq.

(R-4) Allowed meters meters meters meters
Townhouse Lots 8.00 meters (w) 10.00 meters 15.00 meters 10.00 meters
x 12.00 meters (w) (w) (w)
(d) x 12.00 meters x 12.00 meters x 12.00 meters
(d) (d) (d)
Residential 5 Not 500.00 sq. 540.00 sq. 945.00 sq. 540.00 sq.
(R-5) Allowed meters meters meters meters

18.50 meters 20.00 meters 35.00 meters 20.00 meters

(w) (w) (w) (w)
x 27.00 meters x 27.00 meters x 27.00 meters x 27.00 meters
(d) (d) (d) (d)
Commercial 1 Not 204.00 sq. 238.00 sq. Not 238.00 sq.
(Com-1) Allowed meters meters Allowed meters

12.00 meters 14.00 meters 14.00 meters

(w) (w) (w)
x 17.00 meters x 17.00 meters x 17.00 meters
(d) (d) (d)
Commercial 2 Not 301.00 sq. 365.00 sq. Not 365.00 sq.
(Com-2) Allowed meters meters Allowed meters

14.00 meters 17.00 meters 17.00 meters

(w) (w) (w)
x 21.50 meters x 21.50 meters x 21.50 meters
(d) (d) (d)
Commercial 3* Not 600.00 sq. 813.00 sq. Not 813.00 sq.
(Com-3) Allowed meters meters Allowed meters

20.00 meters 25.00 meters 25.00 meters

(w) (w) (w)
x 30.00 meters x 32.50 meters x 32.50 meters
(d) (d) (d)
* Suggested minimum lot sizes, lot dimensions, types and restrictions for
Commercial 3 (C-3) lots may also apply to Industrial (I), General Institutional (GI)
and Cultural (C) Uses or Occupancies.
Guidelines on Basements. . . .


1. Maximum Configuration of Basement Levels

While basements may be developed for medium to very high density residential, commercial,
institutional and mixed-use developments, its planning, design and construction shall observe the
following limitations:

a. The minimum road right-of-way (RROW) width that services the lot on which the basement
can be constructed should be at least 10.00 meters wide;

b. For basements to be allowed, the prescribed setbacks and yards must be satisfied for the
building/structure above grade inasmuch as the very same setbacks shall apply below grade
to determine the maximum depth or width of the basement level;

c. If the Code prescriptions for introducing natural light and ventilation into all basement levels
are first satisfied (refer to Fig. VIII.G.23.), the maximum depth of the basement can then be
made equal to one-half of the height of the building above grade; if the prescriptions for
natural lighting and ventilation are satisfied, the basement depth can therefore be as much as
one-third of the combined height of the building to be constructed above grade and below

d. The center portion of all basement levels shall be reserved for the satisfaction of the
basement level may extend by a minimum clear distance of 1.40 meters from the outermost
face of the building (OFB) at grade level;

e. The OFB at the second and lower basement levels shall follow the line of the OFB at grade
level; and

f. All drainage structures below grade shall not exceed the OFB below grade.

2. Minimum Provisions for Natural Lighting and Ventilation at Basement Levels

If basements are to be developed, the following minimum provisions for natural light and
ventilation shall be satisfied:

a. A primary or main natural light and ventilation shaft (vertical) with a clear distance of at least
3.00 meters shall be located at the center of the building and shall traverse the entire
combined height of the building above and below grade; (refer to Fig. VIII.G.23)

b. Secondary or support natural light and ventilation shaft/s (angular) with a clear distance of at
least 1.20 meters shall emanate from the front and rear perimeters of the building and shall
traverse the entire depth of the basement; the angular shaft/s shall be at an angle of 60º from
the horizontal, consistent with the maximum Philippine solar angle; separate angular shafts
emanating from the side perimeters of the building are encouraged; and

c. Both the vertical and angular shafts shall only be used for natural air and light intake and
shall not be used for any form of exhaust or air exchange to keep the temperature inside the
shafts at a minimum.

Guidelines on Basements. . . .

Figure VIII.G.23.
Guidelines on Public Buildings/Structures. . . .


1. General

a. Public buildings/structures are permanent edifices owned by the government, whether

national or local, its agencies, including government-owned and/or controlled corporations.

b. Design of public buildings/structures shall conform to the applicable provisions of the

preceding rules and regulations. Aside from being logically functional and structurally sound,
should promote, enhance and express the aesthetic presentability, customs and traditions,
socio-economic values environmental quality and cultural heritage of the region concerned
towards evolving a distinct Filipino Architecture.

c. The architectural character of public buildings/structures must fully express the nature of their
function, use or occupancy and should reflect their identity as public buildings/structures
compatible with their total macro and microenvironment.

d. Public buildings/structures should be designed for permanence but with maximized flexibility
to allow for future adjustments in their uses/occupancies.

e. Use of indigenous and/or locally manufactured/produced materials such as marble, stone,

adobe, clay tiles, wood, coco wood, kapis shells, should be maximized unless their
production or usage are banned or regulated by the government to promote the efforts to
conserve natural resources.

f. Use of natural light and ventilation by means of proper orientation, cross ventilation,
convection, sun control devices and the like should be maximized.

g. Choice of finishes should aim to minimize maintenance costs.

h. The architectural plan and design must basically reflect the functional manner or spatial
utilization and/or the evolving Filipino, Asian or International usage of spaces that need to be
projected if required or used, more than just attention to pure forms/images.

i. Only the use of good to high quality materials, labor, technologies and construction methods
within the approved budget, must be specified by its planners and designers to ensure
permanence, long continued use and low maintenance cost of public buildings or structures.

j. Plans and designs of all public buildings must fully comply with all of the planning and design
requirements under the Code and this IRR including the Fire Code of the Philippines and the
Accessibility Law (BP Blg. 344).

k. Strictly consider proper landscaping analysis and design not only for aesthetics but more so
for the prevention of erosion of its site and immediate vicinity, and for ecological balance.

l. These requirements are not intended to limit the creativity of the designer nor preclude the
use of advanced or innovative technology particularly in instances wherein mandated
compliance under this Guideline shall present a major difficulty in or hamper the proper
execution of the plan, design or architectural concept.

Guidelines on Public Buildings/Structures. . . .

2. Site Selection

a. Where a project site is yet to be selected, the potential site must be compatible with the
project usage. The site should be accessible, and near power, water, sewerage, drainage as
well as transportation, communication and solid waste management system for practical and
economic considerations.

b. Site analysis should show an accurate and thorough understanding of the site. It should
include, but not limited to, consideration of topography, point of access, existing
buildings/structures/utilities/services, trees, soil characteristics, existing and approved land
uses, views and vulnerabilities to flooding, erosion, seismic activity or other threats.

c. The site must be properly and completely described, clearly defining its technical boundaries,
showing access thereto such as highway, road or alley and indicating easements,
encroachments, approved building lines, proposed road widening, existing
buildings/structures, utilities/services and trees. For site on rolling grounds or steep slope, its
contour lines must be shown at convenient intervals.

3. Site Development

a. Location and Orientation - Locate and orient the buildings to maximize the use of natural
ventilation and lighting and minimize energy consumption within the constraints of the
functional requirements, the topography and site configuration. North-south exposure of
buildings has the advantage of maximizing the cooling effect of prevailing winds coming from
the southeasterly and southwesterly directions. Such exposures minimize the effect of
afternoon solar heat at the same time.

b. Site Drainage - Drainage is a basic site design consideration and must be done in
conjunction with siting and orientation of buildings, location of parking lots and roads,
consideration of topography and compliance with functional site requirements. Parking lots,
roads and walks must be graded to assure positive drainage for each major site element and
must be coordinated into a total drainage system. Existing drainage ways, if any, should be
utilized to retain the original character of the site and to avoid unnecessary earthwork.

c. Grading Design - Balance the cut and fill for the entire site as closely as possible to
eliminate the need for hauling earth on or off the site. If topography for areas required for
parking, roadways and other site features require cut and fill, selection of finished elevations
for backfilling of the entire site should be well studied and appropriate.

d. Vehicular and Pedestrian Access and Circulation - Access and circulation patterns to and
within the site must be studied in the process of site planning. Easy and direct access and
smooth circulation should be provided for vehicles and pedestrians including for disabled

e. Site Utilities and Services - Provide adequate underground utilities and services such as
concrete or masonry trench with retractable covers for maintenance and avoid diggings of
new roads. The trench alignments shall be coordinated with paving of roads and landscape,
including future extensions, to avoid conflicts with these site elements. Provide most
economical run, and minimize the possibility of utility relocation. Coordinate the location of
underground site utilities and services such as power, water supply, sewerage
communications and drainage systems to reduce the possibility of utility/service crossing and

SECTION 901. General Requirements

Subject to the provisions of Book II of the Civil Code of the Philippines on Property, Ownership, and
its Modification, all buildings hereafter erected, altered, remodeled, relocated or repaired for human
habitation shall be provided with adequate and potable water supply, plumbing installation, and suitable
wastewater treatment or disposal system, storm water drainage, pest and vermin control, noise
abatement device, and such other measures required for the protection and promotion of health of
persons occupying the premises and others living nearby.

SECTION 902. Water Supply System

1. Whenever available, the potable water requirements for a building used for human habitation shall be
supplied from existing municipal or city waterworks system.

2. The quality of drinking water from meteoric, surface or underground sources shall conform to the
criteria set in the latest approved National Standards for Drinking Water Standards.

3. The design, construction and operation of deepwells for the abstraction of groundwater shall be
subject to the provisions of the Water Code of the Philippines (PD 1067).

4. The design, construction and operation of independent waterwork systems of private housing
subdivisions or industrial estates shall be governed by existing laws relating to local waterworks

5. The water piping installation for water supply and distribution to each fixture including the wastewater
drainage with proper venting inside building and premises, shall conform to the provision of the
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines.

SECTION 903. Wastewater Disposal System

1. Sanitary sewage from buildings and neutralized or pre-treated industrial wastewater shall be
discharged directly into the nearest street sanitary sewer main of existing municipal or city sanitary
sewerage system in accordance with the criteria set by the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines and
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

2. All buildings located in areas where there are no available sanitary sewerage system shall dispose
their sewage to “Imhoff” or septic tank and subsurface absorption field or to a suitable waste water
treatment plant or disposal system in accordance with the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines and
the Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines.

3. Sanitary and industrial plumbing installations inside buildings and premises shall conform to the
provisions of the Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines.

SECTION 904. Storm Drainage System

1. Rainwater drainage shall not discharge to the sanitary sewer system.

2. Adequate provisions shall be made to drain rainwater from low areas in buildings and their premises.

3. The drainage pipe installation and sewerage system of any premises and/or connection with any
public disposal or any acceptable terminal shall conform to the Revised National Plumbing Code of
the Philippines.

SECTION 905. Pest and Vermin Control

1. All buildings with hollow and/or wood construction shall be provided with rat-proofing.

2. Garbage bins and receptacles shall be provided with ready means for cleaning and with positive
protection against entry of pests and vermins.

3. Dining rooms for public use without artificial ventilation shall be properly screened.

SECTION 906. Noise Pollution Control

1. Industrial establishments shall be provided with positive noise abatement devices to tone down the
noise level of equipment and machineries to acceptable limits set down by the Department of Labor
and Employment and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

2. Noise as an unwanted sound both in quality and intensity and excessive vibration whose sources in
building/structure construction shall conform to acceptable limits the required emission standards of

SECTION 907. Pipes Materials

All pipe materials to be used in buildings/structures shall conform to the standard specifications of the
Bureau of Product Standards (BPS) of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

SECTION 1001. General Requirements

1. No part of any building or structure or any of its appendages, shall project beyond the building line
except as provided herein.

2. The projection of any structure or appendage over a public property shall be the distance measured
horizontally from the property line to the outermost point of the projection.

SECTION 1002. Projection into Alleys or Streets

1. No part of any structure or its appendage shall project into any alley or street, national road or public
highway except as provided in the Code.

2. Footings located at least 2.40 meters below grade along national roads or public highway may project
not more than 300 millimeters beyond the property line provided that said projection shall not obstruct
any existing utilities/services such as power, water, sewer, gas, communication, and drainage lines,
etc, unless the owner concerned shall pay the corresponding entities for the rerouting of the parts of
the affected utilities.

3. Foundations may be permitted to encroach into public sidewalk areas to a width not exceeding 500
millimeters; provided that the top of the said foundation is not less than 600 millimeters below the
established grade; and provided further, that said projection shall not obstruct any existing
utilities/services such as power, water, sewer, gas, communication and drainage lines, etc., unless
the owner concerned shall pay the corresponding entities for the rerouting of the parts of the affected

SECTION 1003. Projection of Balconies and Appendages Over Streets

1. The extent of any projection over an alley or street shall be uniform within a block and shall conform to
the limitations set forth in Table X.1. as shown below:

TABLE X.1. Projection of Balconies and Appendages

Width of Streets Total Projections

Over 3.00 meters but less than 6.00 meters .60 meter
6.00 meters to less than 10.00 meters .90 meter
10.00 meters to less than 11.00 meters 1.00 meter
11.00 meters to less than 12.00 meters 1.10 meters
12.00 meters to less than 13.00 meters 1.30 meters
13.00 meters to less than 14.00 meters 1.40 meters
14.00 meters or over 1.50 meters

2. The clearance between the established grade of the street and/ or sidewalk and the lowest under
surface of any part of the balcony shall not be less than 3.00 meters.

3. In case the projection is a neon sign and the like, the same shall be in accordance with Rule XX –

SECTION 1004. Arcades

1. Whenever required by existing building and zoning regulations, arcades shall be constructed on
sidewalks of streets. The width of the arcade and its height shall be uniform throughout the street
provided that in no case, shall an arcade be less than 3.00 meters above the established sidewalk
grade. (Fig. X.1.)

2. Arcaded pedestrian walkways shall have a clear height of 3.00 meters. (Fig. X.1.)

3. Driveways crossing arcaded pedestrian walkways shall be at the same level with that of the arcades
for the safety of the pedestrians. (Fig. X.2.)

Figure X.1.

Figure X.2.

SECTION 1005. Canopies (Marquees)

1.Canopy or Marquee is a permanent roofed structure above a door attached to and supported by the
building and projecting over a wall or sidewalk. This includes any object or decoration attached

2. Projection and Clearances. The horizontal clearance between the outermost edge of the marquee
and the curb line shall be not less than 300 millimeters. The vertical clearance between the pavement
or ground line and the undersurface of any part the marquee shall not be less than 3.00 meters.

3. Construction. A marquee shall be constructed of incombustible material or materials of not less than
two- hours fire- resistive construction. It shall be provided with necessary drainage facility.

4. Location. Every marquee shall be so located as not to interfere with the operation of any exterior
standpipe connection or to obstruct the clear passage from stairway exits from the building or the
installation or maintenance of electroliers.

SECTION 1006. Movable Awnings or Hoods

1. Awning is a movable shelter supported entirely from an exterior wall of a building and of a type which
can be retracted, folded, or collapsed against the face of a supporting building.

2. Clearance. The horizontal clearance between the awning and the curb line shall not be less than 300
millimeters. The vertical clearance between the undermost surface of the awning and the pavement or
ground line shall be not less than 2.40 meters. Collapsible awnings shall be so designated that they
shall not block a required exit when collapsed or folded.

SECTION 1007. Doors, Windows, and the Like

Doors, windows, and the like less than 2.40 meters above the pavement or groundline shall not, when
fully opened or upon opening, project beyond the property line except fire exit doors.

SECTION 1008. Corner Buildings with Chaflans

1. Every corner building or solid fence on a public street or alley less than 3.60 meters in width shall be
truncated at the corner. The face of the triangle so formed shall be at right angle to the bisector of the
angle of the intersection of the street lines, provided, that in no case shall the length of the chaflan be
less than 4.00 meters. (Fig. X.3.)

2. Corner buildings or solid wall fences to be built abutting property lines on corners of public alley or
street intersections shall be provided with chaflans to afford a clear view.

3. If the building is arcaded, no chaflan is required notwithstanding that the width of the public street or
alley is less than 3.60 meters. (Fig. X.4.)


Figure X.3.

Figure X.4.


SECTION 1101. General Requirements

1. No person shall use or occupy a street, alley or public sidewalk for the performance or work covered
by a building permit except in accordance with the provisions of this Rule.

2. No person shall perform any work or any building/structure adjacent to a public way in general use for
pedestrian travel, unless the pedestrians are protected as specified in this Rule.

3. Any material, building/structure temporarily occupying public property, including fence, canopies and
walkways, shall be adequately lighted between sunset and sunrise.

SECTION 1102. Storage in Public Property

1. Materials and equipment necessary for work to be done under a permit when placed or stored on
public property shall not obstruct free and convenient approach to and use of any fire hydrant, fire or
police alarm box, utility box, catch basin, or manhole and shall not interfere with any drainage of any
street or alley, gutter, and with the safe and smooth flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

2. Materials to be stored at or near construction sites shall be piled or stacked in an orderly manner to
avoid toppling over or being otherwise displaced. No materials shall be piled or stacked higher than
1.80 meters, except in yards or sheds intended especially for storage. When piles exceed 1.20
meters in height, the material shall be so arranged that the sides and ends of the piles taper back.

SECTION 1103. Mixing Mortar on Public Property

The mixing of mortar, concrete, or similar materials on public streets shall not be allowed.

SECTION 1104. Protection of Utilities

1. All public or private utilities and services above or below the ground shall be protected from any
damage by any work being done under the permit.

2. The protection shall be maintained while such work is being done and shall not obstruct the normal
functioning of any such utility.

3. Temporary Light and Power

a. Temporary wiring for light, heat and/or power shall be adequately protected against mechanical
or over-current failures. All conductive materials enclosing fixed or portable electric equipment, or
forming a part of such equipment, shall be properly grounded.

b. Temporary electric service poles shall be self-supporting or adequately braced or guyed at all

SECTION 1105. Walkway

1. When the Building Official authorizes a sidewalk to be fenced or closed, or in case there is no
sidewalk in front of the building/structure site during construction or demolition, a temporary walkway
of not less than 1.20 meters shall be provided.

2. Such walkway shall be capable of supporting a uniform live load of 650.00 kilogram per sq. meters.

3. Durable wearing surface shall be provided and must remain safe throughout the construction period.

4. Where the sidewalk is permitted by the Building Official to be fully occupied and fenced-off or
enclosed, a temporary walkway adjacent to the curb line shall be required. Where the street has no
sidewalk, a temporary walkway adjacent to the street line not less than 600 millimeters wide shall be
provided. Where the RROW is 5.00 meters or less, no temporary walkway shall be allowed.

5. Where only partial occupancy and fencing-off of the sidewalk is necessary, a temporary walkway will
not be required provided that a width of at least 600 millimeters of the sidewalk with protective railing
on road side shall be left open for the use of pedestrians.

SECTION 1106. Pedestrian Protection

1. Where the walkway occupies part of the roadway or is adjacent to an excavation, protective railings
on the street side or on the side of the excavation shall be required.

2. Railings where required, shall be built substantially strong and sturdy and shall not be less than 1.00
meters in height.

3. Fences

Fences shall entirely enclose the construction/demolition site and shall be erected on the
building side of sidewalks or walkways and shall be made of approved materials (e.g. G.I. sheet,
wooden boards and/or planks, plywood or Lawanit, sawali), not less than 2.40 meters in height above
the curb line. Fences shall be built solid for its full length except for such openings as may be
necessary for proper execution of the work. Such openings shall be provided with doors, which shall
be kept closed at all times except when in actual use.

a. When the horizontal distance between the outermost face of the building/structure area and the
inner edge of the sidewalk is more than one-half (1/2) the height of the building, a 2.40 meters
fence is required. (Figure XI.1.)

b. When the horizontal distance between the outermost face of the building and the inner edge of
the sidewalk is equal to or less than one-half (1/2) the height of the building, a canopy shall be
required in addition to a fence. (Fig. XI.2.)

4. Canopies

a. The protective canopy shall have a clear unobstructed height of 2.40 meters above the
walkway and shall be made of sufficient strength and stability to sustain safely the weight of
materials that may be placed thereon, and to withstand shocks incident to the handling of such
materials or their preparation for use, and accidental jars from trucks passing or delivering

b. When the canopy is used for the storage of materials or for the performance of work of any kind,
substantial railings not less than 1.00 meters high and solid toe boards not less
than 300 millimeters high shall be placed along the street side and ends of the canopy. The
canopy shall be capable of safely sustaining a load of 4800 Pascal or the intended load to be
placed thereon, whichever is bigger.
c. The deck flooring of a canopy shall consist of planking not less than 50 millimeters in thickness,
closely laid. All members of the canopy shall be adequately braced and connected to resist
displacement of members or distortion of the framework.

d. Canopies shall be constructed solid for its entire length except for such openings as may be
necessary for loading purposes. Such openings shall be kept closed at all times except during
actual loading operation.

e. Unless the top deck of the canopy is built solidly against the face of the building/structure to be
constructed/demolished, the vertical face of the canopy supports next to the building shall be
solidly fenced throughout, except for such openings as may be necessary for the execution of
work. Such openings shall be provided with sliding or swinging gates which shall be kept closed
at all times except when in actual use. (Figs. XI.3., XI.4., XI.5., XI.6.).

f. The street side of the canopy shall be kept open for a height of not less than 2.40 meters above
the curb. The underside of the canopy shall be properly lighted at night with not less than 100-
Watts bulb every 6.00 meters of its length and at each change of grade or elevation of the
sidewalk surface.

g. When a wall of the building abuts or fronts a street, fans or catch platforms shall be erected along
that wall at the level of the first floor of the building above the street level. Fans or catch
platforms shall be erected at the level of other floors of the building as may be necessary to
prevent nuisance from dust or danger from falling debris or materials.

h. When the horizontal distance between the outermost face of the building and the outer edge of
the sidewalk is less than one-half (1/2) the height of the building, a protective device such as a
net or screen extending from the uppermost part of the construction/demolition to ground level
shall be required in addition to a fence and canopy. (Fig. XI.7.)

i. Wherever required, protective netting/covering shall be of approved and substantially strong

material such as 2 millimeters diameter G.I. wire, 38 millimeters mesh nylon net, or canvas.

j. Where a wall of the building abuts or fronts a street, dust screens shall be erected to cover the
entire wall so as to prevent nuisance from dust.

k. For medium and high-rise buildings six (6) storeys and higher, all protective and safety
devices/facilities shall be completely installed including safety belts, safety nets and canopies for
the safety of workers, pedestrians, nearby residents and motorists.

5. Warning Signs and Lights

a. At every construction/demolition site, warning signs shall be conspicuously posted around the
property. Warning signs shall be adequately illuminated at night for the protection of unwary

b. All entrances/exits to and from the construction/demolition site shall be kept closed at all times
except during actual passage of men, materials or equipment.

c. All warning signs and lights shall be properly maintained even when operations are not in


Figure XI.1.

Figure XI.2.

Figure XI.3.



Figure XI.4. Figure XI.5.



Figure XI.6.

Figure XI.7.

d. All areas of danger in demolition operations shall be properly enclosed and danger signs posted.
Watchmen shall be provided to warn workers of impending dangers and all unauthorized persons
shall be excluded from places where demolition is in progress.

SECTION 1107. Maintenance and Removal of Protective Devices

1. Maintenance. All protective devices shall be properly maintained in place kept in good order for the
entire length of time pedestrians may be endangered.

a. Average Light Intensity and Illumination

i. All parts of buildings/structures under construction/demolition, and all sheds, scaffolds,

canopied walkways, work or storage areas, and equipment used in connection with such
operations shall have sufficient light to insure safety and protection of life and property. In
passageways, stairways and corridors, the average light intensity measured at floor level
shall be not less than 200 LUX.

ii. At locations where tools and/or machinery are used, the average light intensity measured at
floor level shall be not less than 500 LUX. Natural or artificial illumination shall be provided
in such a manner that glare and shadows will not adversely affect the safety and protection
of the public, workers and property.

b. Welding and Cutting

i. Gas welding and cutting and arc welding in construction/ demolition operations shall be
restricted to experienced workers accredited by the Technical Education Skills
Development Authority (TESDA). Suitable goggles, helmets and gloves shall be provided
for and worn by workers engaged in gas welding or cutting or arc welding. Incombustible
shields shall be provided to protect the workers when exposed to falling hot metal oxide.

ii. Gas welding or cutting or arc welding shall not be done above pedestrians and workers.
When unavoidable, an incombustible shield shall be provided between the work and
workers below. A watchman shall be stationed to give warning at places where
pedestrians and workers, in the course of their activity, are likely to pass under a gas
welding or cutting or an arc welding operation.

iii. Gas welding or cutting shall not be carried out in any place where ample ventilation is not
provided or from which quick escape is difficult. When unavoidable, workers engaged in
such work in confined spaces shall be allowed frequent access to fresh air. A relief worker
shall be stationed close at hand to assist the worker in case of accident and to shut off the

iv. Tanks of fuel gas shall not be moved or allowed to stand for any extended period when not
in use unless the caps of such tanks are in place.

v. Suitable cradles shall be used for lifting or lowering oxygen or fuel tanks, to reduce to a
minimum the possibility of dropping tanks. Ordinary rope slings shall not be used.

vi. Tanks supplying gases for welding or cutting shall be located at no greater distance from
the work than is necessary for safety.

vii. Such tanks shall be securely fastened in place and in upright position. They shall be stored
or set in place for use so that they are not exposed to the direct rays of the sun or to high

viii. Before steel beams or other structural shapes or elements of construction are cut by means
of a gas flame, they shall be secured by cables or chains to prevent them from dropping or

ix. Where, in the course of demolition work, steel work or ironwork is being cut, released or
dismantled, all necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent danger from sudden twist,
spring or collapse.

c. Special Typhoon Precautions

i. Whenever a typhoon is expected to pass at or near the construction site, all construction
materials and equipment shall be secured against displacement by wind forces.

ii. Construction sheds, construction materials and equipment shall be secured by guying,
shoring, or by tying down.

iii. Where a full complement of personnel is employed or engaged for such protection
purposes, normal construction activity or uses of materials or equipment may continue,
allowing such reasonable time as may be necessary to secure such materials and
equipment before winds of gale force are anticipated, in accordance with warnings or
advisories issued by the Philippine Atmospherical Geophysical Astronomical Services
Administration (PAGASA).

d. Hoisting Machinery

i. Every hoisting engine shall be provided with adequate brakes capable of holding the
maximum load at any point of travel.

ii. Hoisting machinery shall be enclosed to exclude unauthorized persons. If placed outside
the building, further protection against falling objects shall be provided.

iv. Guards shall be provided with exposed gears and other moving parts and around hoisting
cables at all points to prevent workers from tripping or getting their clothing caught.
v. Ample room shall be provided around hoisting engines, motors or machineries or apparatus
to allow the free and safe movement of the operators.

vi. When hoisting machinery is set on an elevated platform, such platform shall be of
substantial and sturdy construction. Guardrails and toe boards shall be provided along all
open sides of such platform.

vii. Electrical machinery and equipment to be used for construction work shall be installed and
operated in accordance with the Philippine Electrical Code.

viii. Steam boilers used in construction work shall be installed, equipped and maintained in
accordance with the Philippine Mechanical Code.

ix. A tag line or guide rope shall be used on all loads being hoisted or lowered.

e. Platform Hoists

i. Platform hoists for the handling of materials in buildings under construction shall have the
car substantially constructed and provided with covers, either solid or wire mesh.

ii. If suitable overhead protection is provided, the covers may be omitted.

iii. Hoists shall be equipped with a broken-rope safety device.

iv. Where wheelbarrows or buggies are used for handling material on platform hoists, cleats
shall be nailed to the platform to fix the proper position so that handles shall not project
beyond platform edges.

v. Supports for the overhead sheave of the hoist shall be designed to carry two (2) times the
weight of the hoist and its maximum load.

f. Hoist Towers

i. Hoist towers erected in connection with construction work shall be substantially constructed.
All members shall be so proportioned that the stresses shall not exceed those specified for
the material when carrying the dead load of the tower plus two times the weight of the
platform or bucket or its maximum load.

ii. Every hoist tower shall rest on a sufficiently solid foundation to prevent injurious settlement
or distortion of its framework.

iii. The base of every hoist tower shall be screened or otherwise protected on all sides to a
height of not less than 1.80 meters.

iv. Every hoist tower shall be secured in not less than four (4) directions against swaying or
tipping at intervals of not more than 10.00 meters in its height, by steel cable guys
adequately anchored or by other satisfactory means.

v. Such towers which are constructed adjacent to buildings shall be secured to the building
frame at each floor as the construction progresses.

vi. Hoist towers erected within the building, but not occupying the entire opening through
which they pass, shall be completely enclosed on all sides and shall be provided with doors
at the unloading points unless the platform hoist is solidly enclosed on all sides to the
height to which material is to be loaded or unloaded.

vii. Landing platforms in hoist towers or platforms connecting a hoist tower to a building or
other structure shall be provided with guardrails and toe boards.

g. Derricks and Cranes

i. Derricks shall be so designed and assembled that no part shall be stressed beyond the
safe working stress for the material under its maximum rated load in any possible position.
Such maximum load shall be conspicuously posted on each derrick.

ii. The foot-block of every derrick shall be firmly secured against motion in any direction.

iii. Guy derricks shall have the top of the mast held by not less than six (6) steel guy cables
secured by firm anchorages and so placed that the angle of the guy with the mast shall be
as large as possible.

iv. The moving parts of derricks and cranes shall be kept well lubricated. All parts shall be
inspected at least every other day.

v. Use and operation of cranes shall be in accordance with Rule XIII.

vi. In the operation of cranes and similar devices, a standard signal system shall be used and
all men assigned to the operation of such equipment shall be fully instructed on the signals.


h. Cables, Ropes, Chains and Blocks

i. All ropes and cables used in connection with scaffolds, derricks and hoisting
apparatus shall be tested before being put to use and at least once every thirty (30) days
while in use, to insure their safety and suitability for the purpose.

ii. Cables, ropes, chains and blocks shall be of such size that the maximum load supported by
them will not exceed one-sixth (1/6) of their breaking strength.

iii. Blocks designed for use with abaca ropes shall not be used for steel cables.

iv. Blocks used at or near floors or in other exposed places to change the direction of cables
shall be enclosed or otherwise effectively guarded.

v. Chains shall not be used for slings, bridles or other similar purposes, but shall be restricted
to only a straight pull.

vi. Hooks shall not be used for hoisting buckets, cages or skips.

i. Ladders and Temporary Stairways

i. Except where either permanent or temporary stairways or runways are required, ladders shall
be provided to give access to all floors, stagings or platforms where work is being done
more than five (5) storeys above ground or above a permanent or temporary floor.

ii. Ladders shall not be extended by joining two (2) or more together. No single ladder shall
exceed 6.00 meters in length. When greater heights are to be reached, intermediate
platforms shall be erected.

iii. Ladder landings shall be at least 1.20 meters square and equipped with handrails and toe

iv. Ladder rungs shall be spaced uniformly and as near to 300 millimeters as practicable.

v. Ladders leading to floors, stagings or platforms shall extend at least 900 millimeters above
the level of such floors, stagings or platforms.

vi. When used temporarily in place of stairways or runways, ladders serving traffic in both
directions simultaneously shall be at least 1.00 meters wide. If separate ladders are
provided for going up and coming down, they shall be marked "UP" and "DOWN"
respectively at each floor and platform level.

vii. All ladders, when in use, shall be set up in a manner to be secured and to prevent slipping.
Ladders, except stepladders or other self-supporting ladders, shall be securely fastened to
a permanent support at the top, and if necessary, at the bottom, and braced to prevent
swaying, bending or shaking.

viii. Ladders shall not be placed or used in shafts of operative elevators or hoists except by
workers engaged in the erection, construction, alteration or repair of any such shafts,
hoistways or equipment.

ix. Ladders shall not be painted, but may be oiled or treated with preservatives so as to permit
the detection of faults.

x. Every ladder shall be inspected by the superintendent or foreman in charge before being
put to use on a construction operation and thereafter at least once every thirty (30) days
while in continued use.
xi. Permanent stairways shall be installed in all buildings under construction as soon as
conditions will permit.

xii. When the work on a building has progressed to a height in excess of 18.00 meters and it
has not been practicable to install the permanent stairways, at least one temporary stairway
shall be provided for the full height and continued upward as rapidly as the work

xiii. Stairs and stairways shall be of sufficient strength to support a load of at least 4800 Pascal.
All stairways shall be guarded on all open sides with handrails and toe boards.

xiv. Temporary stairs shall be constructed so that treads and risers are uniform in width and
height in any one (1) flight.

xv. The sum of the height of the two (2) risers and the width of one (1) tread shall be not less
than 460 millimeters nor more than 700 millimeters.

xvi. Temporary stairways shall be not less than 900.00 millimeters wide.

xvii. Landings shall be not less than 750 millimeters long. No flight of stairs of temporary
stairways shall have a vertical rise in excess of 3.60 meters. Whenever necessary,
intermediate landings shall be provided.

xviii. Temporary and permanent stairways shall be adequately lighted.

xix. Permanent stairs that are to be used during construction and on which treads are to be
filled in later shall have wooden treads firmly fitted in place for the full area of the tread.

xx. The top surfaces of the temporary treads shall be maintained above the tops of the risers or

xxi. No door shall open directly onto a flight of stairs, but a landing equal at least the width of
the door shall be provided between the door and the stairs.

j. Runways and Ramps

i. Runways and ramps used in connection with scaffolds or extending from storey to storey or
otherwise located and maintained for an extended period of time or for the transfer of bulky
material shall be constructed of at least three (3) 25 x 250 millimeters planks laid closely
side by side and substantially supported and braced to prevent unequal deflection and
springing action.

ii. Runways and ramps shall have a slope not greater than one is to three (1:3). The total rise
of a runway or ramp between landings shall not exceed 1.80 meters.

iii. When the rise is steeper than 1:3, runways or ramps shall be provided with cleats spaced
not more than 20 millimeters apart.

iv. Runways and ramps having a total rise of more than 1.80 meters, or passing over or near
floor openings, high tension wires or other dangerous places, shall be provided with
guardrails and toe boards.

h. Scaffolds

i. Properly constructed scaffolds shall be provided for all works which cannot be done safely
by workmen standing on permanent or solid construction, except when such work can be
done safely from ladders. All such scaffolds shall be substantially constructed to support at
least four (4) times the maximum load, and shall be secured to prevent swaying.

ii. Planks used in the construction of stationary scaffolds shall be not less than 50 millimeters
nominal thickness. Where such planks overlap at the ends, the overlap shall be not less
than 150 millimeters. Planks shall be so placed that they cannot tip under the weight of the
worker at any point. All nails shall be driven full strength. No nails shall be subject to direct

iii. Ropes, cables and blocks shall sustain at least six (6) times the maximum loads to which
they will be subjected. Where acids are likely to come in contact with them, ropes shall not
be used but steel cables properly protected by grease or oil or other effective methods shall
be used instead.

iv. Every scaffold, the platform level of which is more than 1.80 meters above the ground, or
above a permanent or temporary floor, other than iron workers' scaffolds and carpenters'
bracket scaffolds, shall be provided with guard rails and toe boards extending the full length
of the scaffold and along the ends except where ramps or runways connect with them,
unless otherwise enclosed or guarded. On suspended, swinging and pole scaffolds, the
space between guardrails and toe boards shall be fitted with wire mesh screens securely

v. Where objects are likely to fall on a scaffold from above, a substantial overhead protection
shall be provided not more than 3.00 meters above the scaffold platform, and at doorways,
passageways or other points. Where workers must pass under scaffolds, a substantial
overhead protection shall be provided.

vi. No materials or equipment other than required by the workers shall be placed on scaffold

vii. Roof brackets, roof scantling, crawling boards and similar forms of supports shall be
substantial in construction and securely fastened in place when in use.

viii. Barrels, boxes or other similar unstable objects shall not be used as supports.

ix. When used over public sidewalks or other places of public use, scaffolds used for minor
building repairs, alterations, or painting, shall be equipped with drop cloths to effectively
prevent the falling of paint or debris.

x. Scaffolds used for sandblasting and guniting operations shall be entirely and effectively
enclosed, and the determination of effective enclosure shall be the completed absence of
particles of materials of operation in the air at a horizontal distance of 15.0 meters from the
point of operation.

k. Temporary Flooring

i. In buildings of skeleton construction, the permanent floor, except for necessary hoistway
openings, shall, when possible, be constructed as the building progresses. There shall be
not more than three (3) unfilled floors below the highest permanent floor.

ii. In buildings of skeleton construction, the entire working floor shall be planked over, except
spaces required for raising or lowering materials, and for stairways or ladders. Planks shall
not tip under the weight of a worker at any point and secured, so that they cannot slip out of

iii. In buildings of wood joist construction, the immediate underfloor shall be laid for each floor
as the building progresses.
l. Floor Openings

i. All floor openings used as hoistways or elevator shaftways shall be protected on all sides,
except the side being used for loading or unloading. Protection shall be in the form of
barricades or guardrails not less than 900 millimeters high placed not less than 600
millimeters distant at all points from the edges of such openings. If guardrails are used, toe
boards shall be provided along the edges of the openings. Sides left open for loading or
unloading shall be guarded by similar solid doors or gates.

ii. All floor openings used as stairways or for the accommodation of ladders or runways shall
be guarded by railings and toe boards.

iii. All floor openings shall be protected on all sides by solid barriers or railings with toe boards
not less than 900 millimeters high or shall be planked over by temporary construction
capable of sustaining safely such loads as are likely to come thereon.

iv. Barriers for the protection of openings used as hoistways or for elevators shall be
constructed so that workers cannot thrust head, arms or legs through them, and loose
materials cannot fall or be pushed into the shaftway.

v. Barriers and guardrails around floor openings shall remain in place until permanent
enclosures or protection are otherwise provided.

m. Guardrails and Toe Boards

i. Guardrails, when required under this Rule, shall have the top rail not less than 900
millimeters with an intermediate rail provided between the top rail and the platform.

ii. All guardrails shall have supports not more than 2.40 meters apart, constructed to
withstand a horizontal force of 30 kilograms per sq. meters.

iii. Toe boards, whenever required under this Rule, shall extend not less than 150 millimeters
above the platform level and shall be placed to fit close to the edges of the platform. They
shall be adequately secured along the entire length to resist the impact of workers' feet and
the shifting of materials.

iv. Toe boards of metal shall be not less than 25 millimeters nominal thickness, with supports
not more than 1.20 meters apart.

v. Toe boards of metal shall be not less than 30 millimeters thick, with supports not more than
1.20 meters apart.

2. Removal. Every protective fence or canopy shall be removed within 30 days after such protection is no
longer required as determined by the Building Official.

SECTION 1108. Demolition

1. If the work is of a difficult or dangerous nature, it should be done by a contractor experienced in such

2. Before demolition is commenced, notice of intention to proceed should be given to the adjoining
owners of the buildings.

3. Before commencing to demolish a building or repair a badly damaged building, shoring, tying, and
strutting are necessary to prevent movement.

4. For the purposes of arranging shores, ties, and other security measures, a survey of the existing
building and the adjoining owner’s building should be made prior to demolition and, where possible,
particulars of existing wall foundations and of the subsoil should be obtained.

5. Demolition should be done as much as possible, floor-by-floor.

6. Care should be taken to dispose of debris as it arises. If this is not done, there is a great risk of
overloading the floors, which may result in a collapse. All debris arising from demolition should be
kept damp by means of spraying water from a hose with a fine spray to prevent dust arising and
causing inconvenience to adjoining owners and pedestrians.

7. Fans or catch platforms should be provided over public footways, etc., to protect workmen and
occupants of adjoining building and the general public from falling debris during demolition. One fan
at the first (1 ) floor level should be sufficient for buildings of three (3) storeys. Building of more than
three (3) storeys should have additional fans at higher levels, generally at alternate floor levels.

8. Precautions Before Demolition

a. Before commencing the work of demolition of a building/structure, all gas, electric, water and
other utility meters shall be removed and the supply and service lines disconnected by the
corresponding utility/service companies, who should be notified in advance.

b. All fittings attached to the building/structure and connected to any street lighting system, electrical
supply or other utilities shall be removed.

c. All electric power shall be shut off and all electric service lines shall be cut and disconnected by
the power company at or outside the property line.

d. No electric cable or other apparatus, other than those especially required for use in connection
with the demolition work, shall remain electrically charged during demolition operations. When it
is necessary to maintain any power, water, gas, or other utility/service lines during the process of
demolition, such lines shall be temporarily relocated and protected with substantial covering to
the satisfaction of the utility/service company concerned.

e. All necessary steps shall be taken to prevent danger to persons arising from fire or explosion
from leakage or accumulation of gas or vapor, and from flooding from uncapped water mains,
sewers and/or culverts.

f. All entrances/exits to and from the building shall be properly protected so as to prevent any
danger to persons engaged in the demolition work using such entrances/exits in the performance
of their works.

g. Glazed sashes and glazed doors shall be removed before the start of demolition operations.

9. Chutes

a. Chutes for the removal of materials and debris shall be provided in all parts of demolition
operations, which are more than 6.00 meters above the point from which material is to be
removed. Chutes shall be so situated and constructed so as not to pose any danger to the public
or to workmen.

b. Chutes shall be completely enclosed and shall be equipped, at intervals of 6.00 meters or less,
with substantial stops to prevent descending materials from attaining dangerous speeds. Proper
tools shall be provided and kept available to loosen materials or debris jammed in the chute. No
materials or debris shall be dropped from any part of a building under demolition to any point
outside the walls of the building except through properly enclosed wooden or metal chutes.
c. Chutes which are at an angle of more than 45 from the horizontal shall be completely enclosed
on all four (4) sides, except for openings at or about floor level at each floor, for the receiving of
materials or debris.

d. Chutes at an angle of less than 45 with the horizontal may be left open on the upper side.
However, where such a chute discharges into another chute steeper than 45 with the horizontal,
the top of the steeper chute shall be covered at the junction point of the two (2) chutes to prevent
the spillage of materials or debris.

e. Openings into which materials or debris are dumped at the top of a chute shall be protected by a
substantial guardrail extending at least 1.80 meters above the level of the floor.

f. At chute openings where materials or debris are dumped from wheelbarrows, a toe board or
bumper not less than 150 millimeters high and 50 millimeters nominal thickness shall be

g. Any space between the chute and edges of floor openings through which the chute passes shall
be solidly planked over.

h. Chutes, as well as floors, stairways and other places, shall be effectively wet down at frequent
intervals, whenever the dust from demolition operations would cause a menace or hardship to
residents of adjoining buildings or premises.

i. The bottom of each chute shall be equipped with an adjustable gate or stop for regulating the flow
of materials.

j. Except when in actual use in the discharge of materials, the gate or stop shall be kept closed. A
reliable person shall be designated to control the gate and the backing up and loading of trucks.
He shall see to it that no person is allowed to stand or pass under the discharge end of the chute
at any time.

k. The area at the discharge end of each chute shall be completely enclosed with a substantial
fence at all times or otherwise made inaccessible. A danger sign shall be placed at the discharge
end of every chute.

10. Demolition of Walls and Chimneys

a. No wall, chimney or other construction shall be allowed to fall in mass, except under competent

b. Scaffolds or stagings shall be erected for workers if walls or other elements of the structure are
too thin or too weak to work on. Heavy structural members, such as beams or columns, shall be
carefully lowered and not allowed to fall freely.

c. Masonry walls or sections of masonry walls shall not be permitted to fall upon the floors of the
building in such masses as to exceed the safe carrying capacity of the floors.

d. No walls or section of walls whose height is more than twenty-two (22) times its thickness shall be
permitted to stand without lateral bracing unless such wall is in good condition and was originally
designed to stand to a greater height without such lateral support.

e. Workmen shall not be permitted to work on top of a wall when weather conditions constitute a

f. Before demolishing any interior or exterior wall which is within 3.00 meters of any opening
in the floor immediately below, such opening shall be substantially planked over unless all
workmen are removed from all floors below and access to such floors is positively prevented.

g. At the completion of each day’s work, all walls undemolished shall be left stable and in no danger
of overturning or falling.

h. Foundation walls which serve as retaining walls to support earth and adjoining structures shall not
be demolished until such adjoining structures have been underpinned or braced, and earth either
removed or supported by sheet piling or other suitable materials.

i. In the demolition of brick and/or masonry chimneys which cannot safely be toppled or dropped, all
materials shall be dropped down through the inside of such chimneys.

j. The loading point at the discharge end chute, at or near the bottom of a chimney, shall be
completely protected by means of any overhead timber canopy.

k. To enable workmen to reach or leave their work on any wall or scaffold, walkways shall be
provided. Such walkways shall not be less than three (3) planks, properly tied or nailed to
bearers of not less than 560 millimeters in width, such that the planks do not deflect more than 50
millimeters under normal loading.

l. In buildings of skeleton construction, the steel framing may be left in place during the demolition
of masonry work. When this is done, all steel beams, girders and the like shall be cleared of all
loose materials as the demolition progresses.

11. Demolition of Floors

a. Before the demolition of floors and floor beams, the floors and beams shall be completely
supported by temporary planking and supports.

b. When the load is transferred to lower floors, these floors shall be carefully propped.

c. Demolition of floors shall not be started until the surrounding floor area to a distance of 6.00
meters have been entirely cleared of debris and other unnecessary materials.
d. No floor, roof or other part of a building that is being demolished shall be so overloaded with
debris or materials as to render it unsafe.

e. Where workmen are engaged in the removal of floors, planks of ample strength which are
supported independently of the flooring shall be provided for the workmen to step on. The planks
shall be so placed as to give the workmen a firm support in case the floor gives way or collapses
unexpectedly. Where it is necessary for a workman to straddle a space between two planks,
such space shall not exceed 400 millimeters. To enable workmen to reach any workplace without
the necessity of walking on exposed beams, planks shall be provided to serve as catwalks.

f. Planks used for temporary protection shall be sound, and at least 25 millimeters thick. They
shall be laid close together, with the ends overlapping by at least 100 millimeters over solid
bearings to prevent tipping under a load.

g. Where floors are being removed, no workmen shall be allowed to work in the area directly
underneath. Such areas shall be barricaded to prevent access to it.

h. Structural or load-supporting members at any floors shall not be cut or removed until all
stories above that floor have been demolished and removed.
i. Where any floor has been removed, the entire tier of beams on which any device is supported
shall be completely planked over, except for such openings as are required for the handling of
materials or equipment.

j. Stairs and stair railings shall be kept in place and in usable condition as long as it is

k. Steps and landings shall be kept free from debris and obstructions.

12. Other Safeguards

a. Where applicable, the Building Official shall require strict compliance with the minimum safety
standards as prescribed under Administrative Order of DOLE. The construction, alteration and
removal of scaffolds and the application, installation and setting up of safeguard devices shall be
done by skilled workmen under the supervision of a person, qualified by experience or training for
such work.

b. A device or piece of equipment, which is unsafe, shall be reported to the superintendent or

foreman, who shall take immediate steps to remedy such condition or remove such device or

c. Scaffolds, ladders, stairs, fuel gas tanks and other devices or equipment falling within the scope
of this Rule shall be maintained in a good, safe and usable conditions as long as in use.

d. Scaffolds, temporary floors, ramps, stairway landings, stair treads, and all other walkway surfaces
shall be kept free from protruding nails/splinters.

e. Protruding nails and tie wire ends shall be removed, hammered in or bent in a safe condition.

Electric lines, moving ropes and cable gears, or similar hazards with which a person might come
in contact with shall be encased or protected.
g. No person, firm or corporation, either personally or through an employee or agent of another,
shall operate or move any machinery, equipment, materials, scaffolds, closer than 5.00 meters to
any energized high voltage overhead electrical facilities unless authorized by the Electrical

h. All workmen on any demolition job shall be required to wear industrial safety helmets and body
protective gears.

i. Construction sheds and toolboxes shall be so located as to protect persons from dangerous
falling walls and objects.

j. The Building Official may permit the use of alternative methods and/or devices depending on
local conditions provided that the minimum standard of safety sought to be achieved under this
Rule is not jeopardized.

k. In Fire Zones of Types I, II and III Construction, only heaters with enclosed flames shall be used
for the heating of any roofing or other similar materials.

l. Wherever any enclosed flame heaters or open fires are used, there shall be a workman in
constant attendance, whose duty shall be to have such heater or fire under proper control at all

m. In all buildings in which standpipes are required, such standpipes shall be installed as the
construction progresses in such a manner that they are always ready for Fire Department use, to
the topmost constructed floor. Such standpipes shall be provided with a Siamese twin dry
standpipe outside the building and with one (1) outlet at each floor connected to a fire hose

n. In every construction operation, wherever a tool house, storeroom or other shanty is built or a
room or space is used for storage, dressing room or workshop, at least one (1) approved hand
pump, tank or portable chemical or dry powder fire extinguisher shall be provided and maintained
in an accessible location.

o. During construction operations, free access from the street to fire hydrants and to outside
connections for standpipes, sprinklers or other fire extinguishing equipment, whether permanent
or temporary shall be provided and maintained at all times. No material or construction
equipment shall be placed within 3.00 meters of such hydrant or connection, nor between it and
the centerline of the street.

p. Toilet facilities at the construction/demolition site, as an ancillary to the bunkhouse and operation,
shall be maintained in a clean/sanitary condition for the use of the workers.

q. Supply of potable water and sanitary washing facilities shall be provided for workers’ and other
uses during workdays.

r. At every construction/demolition operation, arrangements shall be made for prompt medical

attention in case of an accident. An ample supply of first aid medicine shall be provided and
maintained in a clean/sanitary cabinet, which shall be available at all times under the direction of
the superintendent or a person designated by him

s. Unless competent medical attention is quickly available, where more than two hundred (200)
workers are employed, a properly equipped first-aid room shall be provided, and a physician or
competent nurse shall be in constant attendance.

SECTION 1201. General Requirements

1. Buildings proposed for construction shall comply with all the regulations and specifications including
safety standards embodied in the Administrative Order of DOLE herein set forth governing quality,
characteristics and properties of materials, methods of design and construction, type of occupancy
and classification.

2. The various applicable referral codes shall supplementally guide the planning, design, layout, content,
construction, location/siting, installation and maintenance of all buildings/structures.

3. For the guidance of the general public, the Secretary shall periodically issue generic lists of approved,
strictly regulated or banned items, procedures, usages and the like relative to the design, construction
and use/occupancy of buildings/structures:

a. Materials for construction;

b. Processes for the production of materials, their installation or construction;

c. Procedures/methodologies/systems for both design and construction;

d. Organizational structures/hierarchies for construction;

e. Types of occupancy; and

f. Classifications relative to design, construction and occupancy.

4. All buildings/structures shall be placed in or upon private property or duly designated public land and
shall be securely constructed in conformance with the requirements of the Code.

SECTION 1202. Excavation, Foundation, and Retaining Walls

1. Subject to the provisions of Articles 684 to 686 of the Civil Code of the Philippines on lateral
and subjacent support, the design and quality of materials used structurally in excavation,
footings, and in foundations shall conform to accepted engineering practice.

2. Excavation and Fills

a. Excavation and fills for buildings or structures shall be so constructed or protected that
they do not endanger life or property.

b. Whenever the depth of excavation for any construction is such that the lateral and
subjacent support of the adjoining property or existing structure thereon would be
affected in a manner that the stability or safety of the same is endangered, the person
undertaking or causing the excavation to be undertaken shall be responsible for the
expense of underpinning or extending the foundation or footings of the aforementioned
property or structure.

c. Excavation and other similar disturbances made on public property shall, unless
otherwise excluded by the Building Official, be restored immediately to its former
condition within 48 hours from the start of such excavation and disturbances by
whosoever caused such excavation or disturbance.

d. Before undertaking excavation works, drilling or otherwise disturbing the ground, the persons
doing the work, or causing such work to be done, shall contact all public utilities/services to
determine the possible location of underground facilities, to avoid hazard to public safety, health
and welfare caused by the inadvertent disruption of such facilities.

e. Protection of Adjoining Property. Any person making or causing an excavation to be made below
existing grade shall protect the excavation so that the soil of adjoining property will not cave-in or
settle and shall defray the cost of underpinning or extending the foundation of buildings on
adjoining properties. Before commencing the excavation, the person making or causing the
excavation to be made shall notify in writing the owners of adjoining buildings not less than ten
(10) days before such excavation is to be made and that the adjoining buildings will be protected
by him. The owners of the adjoining properties shall be given access to the excavation for the
purpose of verifying if their properties are sufficiently protected by the person making the
excavation. Likewise, the person causing such excavation shall be given access to enter the
adjoining property for the purpose of physical examination of such property, prior to the
commencement and at reasonable periods during the progress of excavation. If the necessary
consent is not accorded to the person making the excavation, then it shall be the duty of the
person refusing such permission to protect his buildings or structure. The person causing the
excavation shall not be responsible for damages on account of such refusal by the adjoining
property owner to permit access for inspection. In case there is a party wall along a lot line of the
premises where an excavation is being made, the person causing the excavation to be made
shall at his own expense, preserve such party wall in as safe a condition as it was before the
excavation was commenced and shall, when necessary, underpin and support the same by
adequate methods.

f. At an early stage, and before work is commenced, a careful and accurate survey of any cracks in
the existing adjoining owner’s premises should be made, and, where possible, photographs
should be taken, recorded, and agreed between the parties concerned. Where necessary, tell-
tales should be fixed to cracks with the object of showing any further movements during
demolition and excavation. Tell-tales should preferably be in the form of fixed points built in on
each side of the crack and should be capable of being measured by a micrometer or vernier
caliper. They should be of such a nature that both horizontal and vertical movements could be

g. Cut slopes for permanent excavations shall not be steeper than two (2) horizontal to one (1)
vertical and slopes for permanent fills shall not be steeper than two (2) horizontal to one (1)
vertical. Deviation from the foregoing limitations for slopes shall be permitted only upon the
presentation of a geotechnical/geological investigation report acceptable to the Building Official.

h. On a large site that is at a considerable distance from the surrounding properties and public
highways, deep excavation may be carried out in the open in bulk, leaving slopes around the
perimeter. It is important to ensure that no serious failures of the banks will occur to endanger
those working on the site or the public. The safe angle of the cut slope shall be determined by an
appropriate geotechnical/geological site investigation acceptable to the Building Official.

i. In cases where the excavation passes through a permeable water-bearing stratum overlying an
impervious bed, a bench should be formed at the junction of the strata to carry an intermediate
intercepting drain.

j. If groundwater is standing at a considerable head around the excavation, measures shall be

undertaken to reduce this head by a system of weepholes at the lowest 1/3 section of the
excavation wall or by enclosing the site with suitable sheet piling or if a water-sealing stratum can
be reached within a reasonable distance at the bottom of the excavation.
k. In fine sands or silts where sheet piling alone is relied upon, it will be necessary to watch
the pumping very carefully because, in fine-grained materials, the removal of even a
small volume of water may cause “blows” in the bottom of the excavation or may result
in disturbance to adjoining structures.

l. Except in excavation inside sloping banks, rock, or within caissons, all excavations
should be lined with shotcrete, boards, runners or sheet piles supported laterally, if
necessary, by framings of wallings and struts, which may be of timber, steel, or
reinforced concrete, to a sufficient extent to prevent the excavation from becoming
dangerous to life or limb by movement or caving in of the adjoining soil.

m. All linings and framings should be inserted as the excavation proceeds, and should be
tightened up against the adjoining soil by wedging or jacking and secured by cleats or
other suitable means.

n. Every trench, 1.50 meters or deeper, shall be provided with suitable means of exit or
escape at least every 7.50 meters of its length.

o. Where workers are employed adjacent to an excavation on work other than that directly
connected with the excavation, sufficient railings or fences shall be provided to prevent
such workers from falling into the excavation.

p. Excavations that may be left open for any length of time, periodic inspections of
timbering or strutting should be made and wedges tightened as found necessary.

q. In long excavation for walls, it may be found expedient and safe to arrange the
excavation in a series of alternate sections in order to avoid a long, continuous
excavation supported only on temporary strutting. Such sections should be arranged in
convenient lengths (depending on the total length to be done) and of a width sufficient to
construct a unit of the retaining wall that will be adequate to afford permanent support to
that portion of the ground; the wall unit should be completed before proceeding with the
adjacent section of the excavation.

r. Where water is encountered in excavation, a sump should be maintained below the level
of the excavation in order that surface and groundwater can be led into it and pumped
out; provided that the inflow of water does not carry much soil in suspension and does
not require continuous pumping to keep the risk of settlement of the surrounding ground.

s. No fill or other surcharge loads shall be placed adjacent to any building/structure unless
such building/structure is capable of withstanding the additional loads caused by the fill
or surcharge.

t. Existing footings or foundations which may be affected by any excavation shall be

underpinned adequately, or otherwise protected against settlement, and shall be
protected against lateral movement.

u. Fills to be used to support the foundations of any building/structure shall be placed in

accordance with accepted engineering practice. A soil investigation report and a report
of satisfactory placement of fill, shall be both acceptable to the Building Official.

3. Footings, Foundations, and Retaining Walls

a. Footings and foundations shall be of the appropriate type, of adequate size, and
capacity in order to safely sustain the superimposed loads under seismic or any
condition of external forces that may affect the safety or stability of the structure. It shall
be the responsibility of the architect and/or engineer to adopt the type and design of the
same in accordance with the standards set forth by the Secretary.

b. Whenever or wherever there exist in the site of the construction an abrupt change in the
ground levels or level of the foundation such that instability of the soil could result,
retaining walls shall be provided and such shall be of adequate design and type of
construction as prescribed by the Secretary.

SECTION 1203. Veneer

1. Veneer is a nonstructural facing of brick, concrete, tile, metal, plastic, glass, or other similar
approved materials attached to a backing or structural components of the building for the
purpose of ornamentation, protection, or enclosure that may be adhered, integrated, or
anchored either on the interior or exterior of the building or structure.

2. Design Requirements. The design of all veneer shall comply with the following:

a. Veneer shall support no load other than its own weight and the vertical dead load of
veneer immediately above.

b. Surfaces to which veneer is attached shall be designed to support the additional vertical
and lateral loads imposed by the veneer.

c. Consideration shall be given to differential movements of the supports including those

caused by temperature changes, shrinkage, creep, and deflection.

d. Adhered veneer and its backing shall be designed to have a bond to the supporting
elements sufficient to withstand shearing stresses due to their weights including seismic
effects on the total assemblage.

e. Anchored veneer and its attachment shall be designed to resist horizontal forces equal
to twice the weight of the veneer.

f. Anchors supports and ties shall be non-combustible and corrosion-resistant.

SECTION 1204. Enclosure of Vertical Openings

1. General. Vertical openings shall be enclosed depending upon the fire resistive
requirements of a particular type of construction as set forth in the Code.

2. Elevator Enclosures. Walls and partitions enclosing elevators and escalators shall be of
not less than the fire-resistive construction required under the Types of Construction.
Enclosing walls of elevator shafts may consist of wire glass set in metal frames on the
entrance side only. Elevator shafts extending through more than two storeys shall be
equipped with an approved means of adequate ventilation to and through the main roof of
the building; Provided, that in those buildings housing Groups F and G Occupancies
equipped with automatic fire-extinguishing systems throughout, enclosures shall not be
required for escalators; Provided, further that the top of the escalator opening at each
storey shall be provided with a draft curtain. Such draft curtain shall enclose the perimeter
of the unenclosed opening and shall extend from the ceiling downward at least 300
millimeters on all sides. Automatic sprinklers shall be provided around the perimeter of the
opening and within a 600 millimeters of the draft curtain. The distance between the
sprinkles shall not exceed 1.80 meters center-to-center.
3. Other Vertical Openings. All shafts, ducts, chutes, and other vertical openings not covered
in paragraph above shall have enclosing walls conforming to the requirements specified
under the type of construction of the building in which they are located. In other than Group
A Occupancies, rubbish and linen chutes shall terminate in rooms separated from the
remainder of the building by a One-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation. Openings
into the chutes shall not be located in required exit corridors or stairways.

4. Air Ducts. Air ducts passing through a floor shall be enclosed in a shaft. The shaft shall be
as required in this Code for vertical openings. Dampers shall be installed where ducts pierce
the shaft enclosure walls. Air ducts in Group A Occupancies need not be enclosed in a
shaft if conforming to the mechanical provisions of the Code.

SECTION 1205. Floor Construction

1. Floors shall be of such materials and construction as specified under Rule V - Fire
Zones and Fire-Resistive Standards and under Rule IV - Types of Construction.

2. All floors shall be so framed and secured into the framework and supporting walls as to
form an integral part of the whole building.

3. The types of floor construction used shall provide means to keep the beam and girders from
lateral buckling.

SECTION 1206. Roof Construction and Covering

1. Roof Covering. Roof covering for all buildings shall be either fire-retardant or ordinary
depending upon the fire-resistive requirements of the particular type of construction. The
use of combustible roof insulation shall be permitted in all types of construction provided it is
covered with approved roof covering applied directly thereto.

2. Roof Trusses. All roofs shall be so framed and tied into the framework and supporting walls
so as to form an integral part of the whole building. Roof trusses shall have all joints well
fitted and shall have all tension members well tightened before any load is placed in the
truss. Diagonal and sway bracing shall be used to brace all roof trusses. The allowable
working stresses of materials in trusses shall conform to the Code. Camber shall be
provided to prevent sagging.

3. Attics.
a. Access. An attic access opening shall be provided in the ceiling of the top floor of buildings with a
combustible ceiling or roof construction. The opening shall be located in a corridor or hallway of
buildings of three (3) or more storeys in height and readily accessible in buildings of any height.
An opening shall not be less than 600 millimeters square or 600 millimeters in diameter. The
minimum clear headroom of 800 millimeters shall be provided above the access opening. For
ladder requirements, refer to the Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code.

b. Area Separation. Enclosed attic spaces of combustible construction shall be divided into
horizontal areas not exceeding 250 sq. meters by fire-resistive partitions extending from the
ceiling to the roof. Except, that where the entire attic is equipped with approved automatic fire-
extinguishing system, the attic space may be divided into areas not to exceed 750 sq. meters.
Openings in the partitions shall be protected by self-closing doors.

c. Draft Stops. Regardless of the type of construction, draft stops shall be installed in trusses roofs,
between roof and bottom chords or trusses, in all buildings exceeding 2000 sq. meters. Draft
stops shall be constructed as for attic area separations.

d. Ventilation. Enclosed attics including rafter spaces formed where ceilings are applied direct to
the underside or roof rafters shall be provided with adequate ventilation protected against the
entrance of rain.

4. Roof Drainage System

a. Roof Drains. Roof drains shall be installed at low points of the roof and shall be adequate in size
to discharge all tributary waters.

b. Overflow Drains and Scuppers. Where roof drains are required, adequate overflow drains shall
be provided.

c. Concealed Piping. Roof drains and overflows drains, when concealed within the construction of
the building, shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the National Plumbing Code.

d. Over Public Property. Roof drainage water from a building shall not be permitted to flow over
public property, except for Group A and J Occupancies.

5. Flashing. Flashing and counterflashing shall be provided at the juncture of the roof
and vertical surfaces.

SECTION 1207. Stairs, Exits, and Occupant Loads

1. General. The construction of stairs and exits shall conform to the occupant load requirements of
buildings, reviewing stands, bleachers, and grandstands.

a. Determination of Occupant Loads. The occupant load permitted in any building or portion thereof
shall be determined by dividing the floor area assigned to that use by the unit area allowed per
occupant as shown on Table XII.1. and as determined by the Secretary.

i. When the unit area per occupant for any particular occupancy is not provided for in Table
XII.1., the Building Official shall determine the same based on the unit area for occupancy,
which it most nearly resembles.

ii. The occupant load of any area having fixed seats shall be determined by the number of
fixed seats installed. Aisles serving the fixed seats in said area shall be included in
determining the occupant load.

iii. The occupant load permitted in a building or portion thereof may be increased above that
specified in Table XIII.1. if the necessary exits are provided.

iv. In determining the occupant load, all portions of a building shall be presumed to be
occupied at the same time.
EXCEPTION: Accessory areas, which ordinarily are only used by persons who occupy the
main areas of occupancy, shall be provided with exits as though they were completely
occupied. However, in computing the maximum allowable occupant load for the
floor/building, the occupant load of the accessory area/s shall be disregarded.

b. Exit Requirements. Exist requirements of a building or portion thereof used for different purposes
shall be determined by the occupant load which gives the largest number of persons. No
obstruction shall be placed in the required width of an exit except projections permitted by the

c. Posting of Room Capacity. Any room having an occupant load of more than fifty (50) where fixed
seats are not installed, and which is used for classroom, assembly, or similar purpose shall have
the capacity of the room posted in a conspicuous place near the main exit from the room.

d. Changes in Elevation. Except in Group A Occupancies, changes in floor elevations of less than
300 millimeters along any exit serving a tributary occupant load of ten (10) or more shall be by
means of ramp.

Table XII.1. General Requirements for Occupant Loads and Exits*

(*In all occupancies, floors above the first (1st) storey having an occupant load of more than ten
(10) shall have at least two (2) exits)

Unit Area per Minimum of Two (2) Exits Other than

Use or Occupancy Occupant Elevators are Required Where Number
(sq. meters) of Occupants is Over

Dwellings 28.00 10
Hotels 18.60 10
Apartments 18.60 10
Dormitories 18.60 10
Classrooms 1.80 50
Conference Rooms 1.40 50
Exhibit Rooms 1.40 50
Gymnasia 1.40 50
School Shops 4.60 50
Vocational Institutions 4.60 50
Laboratories 4.60 50
Hospitals**, Sanitaria** 8.40 5
Nursing Homes** 7.40 5
Children’s Homes** 7.40 5
Homes for the Aged** 7.40 5
(**Institutional Sleeping Departments shall be
based on one (1) occupant per 11.00 sq.
meters of the gross floor area; In-patient
Institutional Treatment Departments shall be
based on one (1) occupant per 22.00 sq.
meters of gross floor area)
Nurseries for Children 3.25 6


Unit Area per Occupant Minimum of Two (2) Exits Other than
Use or Occupancy Elevators are Required Where Number of
(sq. meters) Occupants is Over

Dwellings 28.00 10
Stores-Retail Sales Rooms
Ground Floor 2.80 50
Upper Floors 2.80 50
Aircraft Hangars (no repair) 5.60 10
Parking Garages 9.30 30
Drinking Establishments
Kitchens (commercial) 46.50 10
18.60 30
1.40 30
18.60 50
28.00 30
Mechanical Equipment Rooms 28.00 30

Garages 9.30 10
Auditoriums 0.65 50
Theaters 0.65 50
Churches and chapels 0.65 50
Dance Floors 0.65 50
Reviewing Stands 0.65 50
Stadia 0.65 50

2. Exits

a. Number of Exits. Every building or usable portion thereof shall have at least one (1) exit. In all
occupancies, floors above the first storey having an occupant load of more than ten (10) shall not
have less than two (2) exits. Each mezzanine floor used for other than storage purposes, if
greater in area than 185 sq. meters or more than 18.00 meters in any dimension, shall have at
least two (2) stairways to an adjacent floor. Every storey or portion thereof, having an occupant
load of 500 to 999 shall have at least three (3) exits. Every storey or portion thereof having an
occupant load of one thousand (1000) or more shall have at least four (4) exits. The number of
exits required from any storey of a building shall be determined by using the occupant loads of
floors which exit through the level under consideration as follows: 50% of the occupant load in
the first adjacent storey above (and the first adjacent storey below, when a storey below exits
through the level under consideration) and 25% of the occupant load in the storey immediately
beyond the first adjacent storey. The maximum number of exits required for any storey shall be
maintained until egress is provided from the structures. For purposes of this Section basement or
cellars and occupied roofs shall be provided with exits as required for storeys. Floors above the
second storey, basements and cellars used for other than service of the building shall have not
less than two (2) exits.

b. Width. The total width of exits in meters shall not be less than the total occupant load served
divided by one hundred sixty five (165). Such width of exits shall be divided approximately
equally among the separate exits. The total exit width required from any storey of a building shall
be determined by using the occupant load of that storey plus the percentage of the occupant
loads of floors which exits through the level under consideration as follows: 50% of the occupant
load in the first adjacent storey above (and the first adjacent storey below when a storey below
exits through the level under consideration) and 25% of the occupant load in the storey
immediately beyond the first adjacent storey. The maximum exit width from any storey of a
building shall be maintained.
c. Arrangement of Exits. If only two (2) exits are required, they shall be placed a distance
apart to not less than one-fifth (1/5) of the perimeter of the area served measured in a
straight line between exits. Where three (3) or more exits are required, they shall be
arranged a reasonable distance apart so that if one becomes blocked, the others will be

d. Distance to Exits. No point in a building without a sprinkler system shall be more than
45.00 meters from an exterior exit door, a horizontal exit, exit passageway, or an
enclosed stairway, measured along the line of travel. In a building equipped with a
complete automatic fire extinguishing system, the distance from exits may be increased
to 60.00 meters.

3. Doors. The provisions herein shall apply to every exit door serving an area having an
occupant load of more than ten (10), or serving hazardous rooms or areas.

a. Swing. Exit door shall swing in the direction of exit travel when serving any hazardous
areas or when serving an occupant load of fifty (50) or more. Double acting doors shall
not be used as exits serving a tributary occupant load of more than one hundred (100);
nor shall they be used as a part of fire assembly, nor equipped with panic hardware. A
double acting door shall be provided with a view panel of not less than 1,300 sq.

b. Type of Lock or Latch. Exit door shall be openable from the inside without the use of a
key or any special knowledge or effort: Except, that this requirement shall not apply to
exterior exit doors in a Group E or F Occupancy if there is a conspicuous, readily visible
and durable sign on or adjacent to the door, stating that the door is to remain unlocked
during business hours. The locking device must be of a type that will readily be
distinguishable as locked. Flush bolts or surface bolts are prohibited.

c. Width and Height. Every required exit doorway shall be of a size as to permit the
installation of a door not less than 900 millimeters in width and not less than 2.00 meters
in height. When installed in exit doorways, exit doors shall be capable of opening at
least 90 degrees and shall be so mounted that the clear width of the exitway is not less
than 700 millimeters. In computing the required exit width the net dimension of the
exitway shall be used.

d. Door Leaf Width. No leaf of an exit door shall exceed 1.20 meters in width.

e. Special Doors. Revolving, sliding, and overhead doors shall not be used as required

f. Egress from Door. Every required exit door shall give immediate access to an approved
means of egress from the building.

g. Change in Floor Level at Doors. Regardless of the occupant load, there shall be a floor
or landing on each side of an exit door. The floor or landing shall be leveled with, or not
more than 50 millimeters lower than the threshold of the doorway: Except, that in Group
A and B Occupancies, a door may open on the top step of a flight of stairs or an exterior
landing provided the door does not swing over the top step or exterior landing and the
landing is not more than 200 millimeters below the floor level.

h. Door Identification. Glass doors shall conform to the requirements in Section 1802.
Other exit doors shall be so marked that they are readily distinguishable from the
adjacent construction.

i. Additional Doors. When additional doors are provided for egress purposes, they shall
conform to all provisions in the following cases: Approved revolving doors having leaves
which will collapse under opposing pressures may be used in exit situations; provided;
that such doors have a minimum width of 2.00 meters or they are not used in
occupancies where exits are required to be equipped with panic hardware or at least one
conforming exit door is located adjacent to each revolving doors installed in a building
and the revolving door shall not be considered to provide any exit width.

4. Corridors and Exterior Exit Balconies. The provisions herein shall apply to every corridor
and exterior exit balcony serving as a required exit for an occupant load of more than ten

a. Width. Every corridor or exit balcony shall not be less than 1.10 meters in width.

b. Projections. The required width of corridors and exterior exit balconies shall be
unobstructed. Except, that trim handrails, and doors when fully opened shall not reduce
the required width by more than 200 millimeters. Doors in any position shall not reduce
the required width of the corridor by more than one-half (1/2).

c. Access to Exits. When more than one (1) exit is required, they shall be so arranged to
allow going to either direction from any point in the corridor or exterior exit balcony to a
separate exit, except for dead ends permitted by the Code.

d. Dead Ends. Corridors and exterior exit balconies with dead ends are permitted when
the dead end does not exceed 6.00 meters in length.

e. Construction. Walls and ceilings of corridors shall not be less than one-hour fire-
resistive construction. Provided, that this requirement shall not apply to exterior exit
balconies, railings, and corridors of one-storey building housing a Group E and F
Occupancy occupied by one (1) tenant only and which serves an occupant load of thirty
(30) or less, nor to corridors, formed by temporary partitions. Exterior exit balconies
shall not project into an area where protected openings are required.

f. Openings. Where corridor wall are required to be one-hour fire-resistive construction,

every interior door opening shall be protected as set forth in generally recognized and
accepted requirements for dual-purpose fire exit doors. Other interior openings except
ventilation louvers equipped with approved automatic fire shutters shall be 7 millimeters
thick fixed wire glass set in steel frames. The total area of all openings other than doors,
in any portion of an interior corridor wall shall not exceed 25% of the area of the corridor
wall of the room being separated from the corridor.

5. Stairways. Except stairs or ladders used only to access equipment, every stairway serving
any building or portion thereof shall conform to the following requirements:

a. Width. Stairways serving an occupant load of more than fifty (50) shall not be less than
1.10 meters. Stairways serving an occupant load of fifty (50) or less may be 900
millimeters wide. Private stairways serving an occupant load of less than ten (10) may
be 750 millimeters. Trim and handrails shall not reduce the required width by more than
100 millimeters.

b. Rise and Run. The rise of every step in a stairway shall not exceed 200 millimeters and
the run shall not be less than 250 millimeters. The maximum variations in the height of
risers and the width of treads in any one flight shall be 5 millimeters: Except, in case of
private stairways serving an occupant load of less than ten (10), the rise may be 200
millimeters and the run may be 250 millimeters, except as provided in sub-paragraph (c)

c. Winding Stairways. In Group A Occupancy and in private stairways in Group B Occupancies,

winders may be used if the required width of run is provided at a point not more than 300
millimeters from the side of the stairway where the treads are narrower but in no case shall any
width of run be less than 150 millimeters at any point.

d. Circular Stairways. Circular stairs may be used as an exit provided the minimum width of run is
not less than 250 millimeters. All treads in any one flight between landings shall have identical
dimensions within a 5 millimeters tolerance.

e. Landings. Every landing shall have a dimension measured in the direction of travel equal to the
width of the stairway. Such dimension need not exceed 1.20 meters when the stairs has a
straight run. Landings when provided shall not be reduced in width by more than 100 millimeters
by a door when fully open.

f. Basement Stairways. Where a basement stairway and a stairway to an upper storey terminate in
the same exit enclosure, an approved barrier shall be provided to prevent persons from
continuing on to the basements. Directional exit signs shall be provided as specified in the Code.

g. Distance Between Landings. There shall be not more than 3.60 meters vertical distance between

h. Handrails. Stairways shall have handrails on each side and every stairway required to be more
than 3.00 meters in width shall be provided with not less than one intermediate handrail for each
3.00 meters of required width. Intermediate handrails shall be spaced approximately equal within
the entire width of the stairway. Handrails shall be placed not less than 800 millimeters nor more
than 900 millimeters above the nosing of treads, and ends of handrails shall be returned or shall
terminate in newel posts or safety terminals: Except, in the following cases: Stairways 1.10
meters or less in width and stairways serving one (1) individual dwelling unit in Group A or B
Occupancies may have one handrail, except that such stairway, open on one or both, sides shall
have handrails provided on the open side or sides: or stairways having less than four (4) risers
need not have handrails.

i. Exterior Stairway Protection. All openings in the exterior wall below or within 3.00 meters,
measured horizontally, of an exterior exit stairway serving a building over two storeys in height
shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly having a three-fourth - hour fire-resistive rating;
Except, that openings may be unprotected when two separated exterior stairways serve an
exterior exit balcony.

j. Stairway Construction

i. Stairway Construction - Interior. Interior stairways shall be constructed as specified in this

Code. Where there is enclosed usable space under the stairs the walls and soffits of the
enclosed space shall be protected on the enclosed side as required for one-hour fire
resistive construction.

ii. Stairway Construction - Exterior. Exterior stairways shall be of incombustible material:

Except, that on Type III buildings which do not exceed two storeys in height, which are
located in less fire-restrictive Fire Zones, as well as on Type I buildings which may be of
wood not less than 50 millimeters in nominal thickness. Exterior stairs shall be protected
as required for exterior walls due to location on property as specified in the Code. Exterior
stairways shall not project into an area where openings are required to be protected.
Where there is enclosed usable space under stairs, the walls and soffits of the enclosed
space shall be protected on the enclosed side as required for one-hour fire-resistive

k. Stairway to Roof. In every building four (4) or more storeys in height, one (1) stairway
shall extend to the roof unless the roof has a slope greater than 1 in 3.

l. Headroom. Every required stairway shall have a headroom clearance of not less than
2.00 meters. Such clearance shall be established by measuring vertically from a plane
parallel and tangent to the stairway tread nosing to the soffit above all points.

6. Ramps. A ramp conforming to the provisions of the Code may be used as an exit. The
width of ramps shall be as required for corridors.

7. Horizontal Exit. If conforming to the provisions of the Code, a horizontal exit may be
considered as the required exit. All openings in a separation wall shall be protected by a fire
assembly having a fire-resistive rating of not less than one hour. A horizontal exit shall not
lead into a floor area having a capacity for an occupant load not less than the occupant load
served by such exit. The capacity shall be determined by allowing 0.30 sq. meter of net
floor area per ambulatory occupant and 1.90 sq. meters per non-ambulatory occupant. The
dispersal area into which the horizontal exit leads shall be provided with exits as required by
the Code.

8. Exit Enclosure. Every interior stairway, ramp, or escalator shall be enclosed as specified in
the Code; Except, that in other than Group D Occupancies, an enclosure will not be required
for stairway, ramp, or escalator serving only one adjacent floor and not connected with
corridors or stairways serving other floors. Stairs in Group A Occupancies need not be

a. Enclosure walls shall not be less than two-hour fire-resistive construction. There shall
be no openings into exit enclosures except exit doorways and openings in exterior walls.
All exit doors in an exit enclosure shall be appropriately protected.

b. Stairway and ramp enclosures shall include landings and parts of floors connecting
stairway flights and shall include a corridor on the ground floor leading from the stairway
to the exterior of the building. Enclosed corridors or passageways are not required for
unenclosed stairways.

c. A stairway in an exit enclosure shall not continue below the grade level exit unless an
approved barrier is provided at the ground floor level to prevent persons from
accidentally continuing into the basement.

d. There shall be no enclosed usable space under stairways in an exit enclosure, nor shall
the open space under such stairways be used for any purpose.

9. Smokeproof Enclosures

A smokeproof enclosure shall consist of a vestibule and a continuous stairway enclosed

from the highest point to the lowest point by walls of two-hour fire-resistive construction. In
buildings five (5) storeys or more in height, one of the required exits shall be a smokeproof

a. Stairs in smokeproof enclosures shall be of incombustible construction.

b. There shall be no openings in smokeproof enclosures, except exit doorways and

openings in exterior walls. There shall be no openings directly into the interior of the
building. Access shall be through a vestibule with one (1) wall at least 50% open to the
exterior and having an exit door from the interior of the building and an exit door leading
to the smokeproof enclosure. In lieu of a vestibule, access may be by way of an open
exterior balcony of incombustible materials.

c. The opening from the building to the vestibule or balcony shall be protected with a self-
closing fire assembly having one-hour fire-resistive rating. The opening from the
vestibule or balcony to the stair tower shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly
having a one-hour fire-resistive rating.

d. A smokeproof enclosure shall exit into a public way or into an exit passageway leading
to a public way. The exit passageway shall be without other openings and shall have
walls, floors, and ceilings of two-hour fire-resistance.

e. A stairway in a smokeproof enclosure shall not continue below the grade level exit
unless an approved barrier is provided at a ground floor level to prevent persons from
accidentally walking into the basement.

10. Exit Outlets, Courts, and Passageways

Every exit shall discharge into a public way, exit court, or exit passageway. Every exit
court shall discharge into a public way or an exit passageway. Passageways shall be
without openings other than required exits and shall have walls, floors, and ceilings of the
same period of fire-resistance as the walls, floors and ceilings of the building but shall not be
less than one-hour fire-resistive construction.

a. Width

Every exit court and exit passageways shall be at least as wide as the required total
width of the tributary exits, such required width being based on the occupant load
served. The required width of exit courts or exit passageways shall be unobstructed
except as permitted in corridors. At any point where the width of an exit court is reduced
from any cause, the reduction in width shall be affected gradually by a guardrail at least
900 millimeters in height. The guardrail shall make an angle of not more than 30º with
the axis of the exit court.

b. Slope

The slope of exit courts shall not exceed 1 in 10. The slope of exit passageway
shall not exceed 1 in 8.

c. Number of Exits

Every exit court shall be provided with exits as required in the Code.

d. Openings

All openings into an exit court less than 3.00 meters wide shall be protected by fire
assemblies having not less than three-fourth - hour fire-resistive rating. Except, that
openings more than 3.00 meters above the floor of the exit court may be unprotected.

11. Exit Signs and Illuminations

Exits shall be illuminated at any time the building is occupied with lights having an
intensity of not less than 10.7 LUX at floor level; Except, that for Group A Occupancies, the
exit illumination shall be provided with separate circuits or separated sources of power (but
not necessarily separate from exit signs when these are required for exit sign illumination).

12. Aisles

Every portion of every building in which are installed seats, tables, merchandise,
equipment, or similar materials shall be provided with aisles leading to an exit.

a. Width

Every aisle shall be not less than 800 millimeters wide if serving only one side, and
not less than 1.00 meter wide if serving both sides. Such minimum width shall be
measured at the point farthest from an exit, cross aisle, or foyer and shall be increased
by 30 millimeters for every meter in length towards the exit, cross aisle or foyer.

Side aisles shall not be less than 1.10 meters in width.

b. Exit Distance

In areas occupied by seats and in Groups H and I Occupancies without seats, the
line of travel to an exit door by an aisle shall be not more than 45.00 meters. With
standard spacing, as specified in the Code, aisles shall be so located that there will be
not more than seven (7) seats between the wall and an aisle and not more than fourteen
(14) seats between aisles. The number of seats between aisles may be increased to
thirty (30) where exits doors are provided along each side aisle of the row of seats at the
rate of one (1) pair of exit doors for every five (5) rows of seats, provided further that the
distance between seats back to back is at least 1.00 meter. Such exit doors shall
provide a minimum clear width of 1.70 meters.

c. Cross Aisles

Aisles shall terminate in a cross aisle, foyer, or exit. The width of the cross aisle
shall be not less than the sum of the required width of the widest aisle plus 50% of the
total required width of the remaining aisle leading thereto. In Groups C, H and E
Occupancies, aisles shall not be provided a dead end greater than 6.00 meters in length.

d. Vomitories

Vomitories connecting the foyer or main exit with the cross aisles shall have a total
width not less than the sum of the required width of the widest aisles leading thereto plus
50% of the total required width of the remaining aisles leading thereto.

e. Slope

The slope portion of aisles shall not exceed a fall of 1 in 8.

13. Seats

a. Seat Spacing

With standard seating, the spacing of rows of seats from back-to-back shall be not
less than 840 millimeters. With continental seating, the spacing of rows of unoccupied
seats shall provide a clear width measured horizontally, as follows: 450 millimeters clear
for rows of eighteen (18) seats or less; 500 millimeters clear for rows of thirty five (35)
seats or less; 525 millimeters clear for rows of forty five (45) seats or less; and 550
millimeters clear for rows of forty six (46) seats or more.
b. Width

The width of any seat shall be not less than 450 millimeters.

14. Reviewing Stands, Grandstands, and Bleachers

a. Height of Stands

Stands made of combustible framing shall be limited to eleven (11) rows or 2.70 meters
in height.

b. Design Requirements

The minimum unit live load for reviewing stands, grandstands, and bleachers shall
be 500 kilograms per square meter of horizontal projection for the structure as a whole.
Seat and footboards shall be 180 kilograms per linear meter. The sway force, applied to
seats, shall be 35 kilograms per linear meter parallel to the seats and 15 kilograms per
linear meter perpendicular to the seats. Sway forces need not be applied
simultaneously with other lateral forces.

c. Spacing of Seats

i. Row Spacing

The minimum spacing of rows of seats measured from back-to-back shall be: 600
millimeters for seats without backrests in open air stands; 750 millimeters for seats
with backrests; and 850 millimeters for chair seating. There shall be a space of not
less than 300 millimeters between the back of each seat and the front of the seat
immediately behind it.

ii. Rise Between Rows

The maximum rise from one row of seats to the next shall not exceed 400

iii. Seating Capacity

For determining the seating capacity of a stand, the width of any seat shall not be
less than 450 millimeters nor more than 480 millimeters.

iv. Number of Seats Between Aisles

The number of seats between any seat and an aisle shall not be greater than
fifteen (15) for open air stands with seats without backrests, a far open air stands
with seats having backrests and seats without backrests within buildings and six
(6) for seats with backrests in buildings.

d. Aisles

i. Aisles Required
Aisles shall be provided in all stands; Except, that aisles may be omitted when all
the following conditions exist: Seats are without backrests; the rise from row to row
does not exceed 300 millimeters per row; the number of rows does not exceed
eleven (11) in height; the top seating board is not over 3.00 meters above grade;
and the first seating board is not more than 500 millimeters above grade.


ii. Obstructions

No obstruction shall be placed in the required width of any aisle or exitway.

iii. Stairs Required

When an aisle is elevated more than 200 millimeters above grade, the aisle shall be
provided with a stairway or ramp whose width is not less than the width of the aisle.

iv. Dead End

No vertical aisle shall have a dead end more than sixteen (16) rows in depth regardless of
the number of exits required.

v. Width

Aisles shall have a minimum width of 1.10 meters.

e. Stairs and Ramps

The requirements in the Code shall apply to all stairs and ramps except for portions that pass through
the seating area.

i. Stair Rise and Run

The maximum rise of treads shall not exceed 200 millimeters and the minimum width of the
run shall be 280 millimeters. The maximum variation in the width of treads in any one (1)
flight shall not be more than 5 millimeters and the maximum variation in one (1) height of
two (2) adjacent rises shall not exceed 5 millimeters.

ii. Ramp Slope

The slope of a ramp shall not exceed 1 in 8. Ramps shall be roughened or shall be of
approved non-slip material.

iii. Handrails

A ramp with a slope exceeding 1 in 10 shall have handrails. Stairs for stands shall have
handrails. Handrails shall conform to the requirements of the Code.

f. Guardrails

i. Guardrails shall be required in all locations where the top of a seat plank is more than 1.20
meters above the grade and at the front of stands elevated more than 600 millimeters
above grade. Where only sections of stands are used, guardrails shall be provided as
required in the Code.

ii. Railings shall be 1.10 meters above the rear of a seat plank or 1.10 meters above the rear
of the steps in an aisle when the guardrail is parallel and adjacent to the aisle; Except, that
the height may be reduced to 900 millimeters for guardrails located in front of the

iii. A midrail shall be placed adjacent to any seat to limit the open distance above the top of
any part of a seat to 250 millimeters where the seat is at the extreme end or at the extreme
rear of the bleachers or grandstand. The intervening space shall have one additional rail
midway in the opening; Except, that railings may be omitted when stands are placed
directly against a wall or fence giving equivalent protection; stairs and ramps shall be
provided with guardrails. Handrails at the front of stands and adjacent to an aisle shall be
designed to resist a load of 75 kilograms per linear meter applied at the top rail. Other
handrails shall be designed to resist a load of 40 kilograms per linear meter.

g. Foot Boards
Footboards shall be provided for all rows of seats above the third (3 ) row or beginning at such point
where the seating plank is more than 600 millimeters above grade.

h. Exits

i. Distance to Exit

The line of travel to an exit shall not be more than 45.00 meters. For stands with seats
without backseats, this distance may be measured by direct line from a seat to the exit from
the stand.

ii. Aisle Used as Exit

An aisle may be considered as only one (1) exit unless it is continuous at both ends to a
legal building exit or to a safe dispersal area.

iii. Two (2) Exits Required

A stand with the first (1 ) seating board not more than 500 millimeters above grade of floor
may be considered to have two (2) exits when the bottom of the stand is open at both ends.
Every stand or section of a stand within a building shall have at least two means of egress
when the stand accommodates more than fifty (50) persons. Every open air stand having
seats without backrests shall have at least two (2) means of egress when the stand
accommodates more than three hundred (300) persons.

iv. Three (3) Exits Required

Three (3) exits shall be required for stands within a building when there are more than 300
occupants within a stand and for open air stands with seats without backrests where a
stand or section of a stand accommodates more than one thousand (1000) occupants.

v. Four (4) Exits Required

Four (4) exits shall be required when a stand or section of a stand accommodates more
than 1000 occupants; Except, that for an open air stand with seats without backrest four (4)
exits need not be provided unless there are accommodations for more than three thousand
(3000) occupants.

vi. Width

The total width of exits in meters shall not be less than the total occupant load served
divided by one hundred sixty five (165); Except, that for open air stands with seats without
backrest the total width of exits in meters shall be not less than the total occupant load
served divided by five hundred (500) when exiting by stairs, and divided by six hundred fifty
(650) when exiting by ramps or horizontally. When both horizontal and stair exits are used,
the total width of exits shall be determined by using both figures as applicable. No exit
shall be less than 1.10 meters in width. Exits shall be located at a reasonable distance
apart. When only two (2) exits are provided, they shall be spaced not less than one-fifth
(1/5) of the perimeter apart.

i. Securing of Chairs

Chairs and benches used on raised stands shall be secured to the platforms upon which
they are placed; Except, that when less than twenty five (25) chairs are used upon a single
raised platform the fastening of seats to the platform may be omitted. When more than five
hundred (500) loose chairs are used in connection with athletic events, chairs shall be
fastened together in groups of not less than three (3), and shall be tied or staked to the

j. Safe Dispersal Area

Each safe dispersal area shall have at least two (2) exits. If more than six thousand
(6000) persons are to be accommodated within such an area, there shall be a minimum of
three (3) exits, and for more than nine thousand (9000) persons there shall be a minimum of
four (4) exits. The aggregate clear width of exits from a safe dispersal area shall be
determined on the basis of not less than one (1) exit unit of 600 millimeters for each five
hundred (500) persons to be accommodated and no exit shall be less than 1.10 meters in
width, a reasonable distance apart that shall be spaced not less than one-fifth (1/5) of the
perimeter of the area apart from each other.

15. Special Hazards

a. Boiler Rooms

Except in Group A Occupancies, every boiler room and every room containing an
incinerator or liquefied petroleum gas or liquid fuel-fired equipment shall be provided with
at least two (2) means of egress, one of which may be a ladder. All interior openings
shall be protected as provided for in the Code.

b. Cellulose Nitrate Handling

Film laboratories, projection rooms, and nitro-cellulose processing rooms shall have
not less than two exits.

SECTION 1208. Skylights

1. All skylights shall be constructed with metal frames except those for Groups A and J
Occupancies. Frames of skylights shall be designed to carry loads required for roofs. All
skylights, the glass of which is set at an angle of less than 45º from the horizontal, if located
above the first storey, shall be set at least 100 millimeters above the roof. Curbs on which
the skylights rest shall be constructed of incombustible materials except for Types I or II

2. Spacing between supports in one direction for flat wired glass in skylights shall not exceed
625 millimeters. Corrugated wired glass may have supports 1.50 meters apart in the
direction of the corrugation. All glass in skylights shall be wired glass; Except, that skylights
over vertical shafts extending through two (2) or more storeys shall be glazed with plain
glass as specified in the Code; Provided, that wired glass may be used in ventilation equal
to not less than one-eight (1/8) the cross-sectional area of the shaft but never less than 1.20
meters provided at the top of such shaft. Any glass not wired glass shall be protected above
and below with a screen constructed of wire not smaller than 2.5 millimeters in diameter with
a mesh not larger than 25 millimeters. The screen shall be substantially supported below
the glass.
3. Skylights installed for the use of photographers may be constructed of metal frames and
plate glass without wire netting.

4. Ordinary glass may be used in the roof and skylights for greenhouses, Provided, that height
of the greenhouses at the ridge does not exceed 6.00 meters above the grade. The use of
wood in the frames of skylights will be permitted in greenhouses outside of highly restrictive
Fire Zones if the height of the skylight does not exceed 6.00 meters above the grade, but in
other cases metal frames and metal sash bars shall be used.

5. Glass used for the transmission of light, if placed in floors or sidewalks, shall be supported
by metal or reinforced concrete frames, and such glass shall not be less than 12.5
millimeters in thickness. Any such glass over 100 sq. centimeters in area shall have wire
mesh embedded in the same or shall be provided with a wire screen underneath as
specified for skylights in the Code. All portions of the floor lights or sidewalk lights shall be
of the same strength as required for floor or sidewalk construction, except in cases where
the floor is surrounded by a railing not less 1.10 meters in height, in which case the
construction shall be calculated for not less than roof loads.

SECTION 1209. Bays, Porches, and Balconies

Walls and floors in bay and oriel windows shall conform to the construction allowed for
exterior walls and floors of the type of construction of the building to which they are attached.
The roof covering of a bay or oriel window shall conform to the requirements of the roofing of
the main roof. Exterior balconies attached to or supported by wall required to be of masonry,
shall have brackets or beams constructed of incombustible materials. Railings shall be provided
for balconies, landings, or porches which are more than 750 millimeters above grade.

SECTION 1210. Penthouses and Roof Structures

1. Height

No penthouse or other projection above the roof in structures of other than Type V
construction shall exceed 8.40 meters above the roof when used as an enclosure for tanks
or for elevators which run to the roof and in all other cases shall not extend more than 3.60
meters in height with the roof.

2. Area

The aggregate area of all penthouses and other roof structures shall not exceed one
third (1/3) of the area of the supporting roof.

3. Prohibited Uses

No penthouse, bulkhead, or any other similar projection above the roof shall be used for
purposes other than shelter of mechanical equipment or shelter of vertical shaft openings in
the roof. A penthouse or bulkhead used for purposes other than that allowed by this Section
shall conform to the requirements of the Code for an additional storey.

4. Construction

Roof structures shall be constructed with walls, floors, and roof as required for the main
portion of the building except in the following cases:

a. On Types III and IV constructions, the exterior walls and roofs of penthouses which are 1.50
meters or more from an adjacent property line may be of one-hour fire-resistive
incombustible construction.

b. Walls not less than 1.50 meters from an exterior wall of a Type IV construction may be of
one-hour fire-resistive incombustible construction.

The above restrictions shall not prohibit the placing of wood flagpoles or similar structures
on the roof of any building.

5. Towers and Spires

Towers and spires when enclosed shall have exterior walls as required for the building to
which they are attached. Towers not enclosed and which extend more than 20.00 meters
above the grade shall have their framework constructed of iron, steel, or reinforced
concrete. No tower or spire shall occupy more than one-fourth (1/4) of the street frontage of
any building to which it is attached and in no case shall the base area exceed 150.00 sq.
meters unless it conforms entirely to the type of construction requirements of the building to
which it is attached and is limited in height as a main part of the building. If the area of the
tower and spire exceeds 10.00 sq. meters on any horizontal cross section, its supporting
frames shall extend directly to the ground. The roof covering of the spires shall be as
required for the main room of the rest of the structure. Skeleton towers used as radio masts,
neon signs, or advertisement frames and placed on the roof of any building shall be
constructed entirely of incombustible materials when more than 7.50 meters in height, and
shall be directly supported on an incombustible framework to the ground. No such skeleton
towers shall be supported on roofs of combustible framings. They shall be designed to
withstand a wind load from any direction in addition to any other loads.

SECTION 1211. Chimneys, Fireplaces, and Barbecues

1. Chimneys

a. Structural Design

Chimneys shall be designed, anchored, supported, reinforced, constructed, and installed in

accordance with generally accepted principles of engineering. Every chimney shall be
capable of producing a draft at the appliance not less than that required for the safe
operation of the appliance connected thereto. No chimney shall support any structural load
other than its own weight unless it is designed to act as a supporting member. Chimneys in
a wood-framed building shall be anchored laterally at the ceiling line and at each floor line
which is more than 1.80 meters above grade, except when entirely within the framework or
when designed to be free standing.

b. Walls

Every masonry chimney shall have walls of masonry units, bricks, stones, listed masonry
chimney units, reinforced concrete or equivalent solid thickness of hollow masonry and lined
with suitable liners in accordance with the following requirements:
i. Masonry Chimneys for Residential Type Appliances

Masonry chimneys shall be constructed of masonry units or reinforced concrete with walls
not less than 100 millimeters thick; or of rubble stone masonry not less than 300 millimeters
thick. The chimney liner shall be in accordance with the Code.

ii. Masonry Chimneys for Low Heat Appliances

Masonry chimneys shall be constructed of masonry units or reinforced concrete with walls not
less than 200 millimeters thick; Except, that rubble stone masonry shall be not less than 300 millimeters
thick. The chimney liner shall be in accordance with the Code.

iii. Masonry Chimneys for Medium-Heat Appliances

Masonry chimneys for medium-heat appliances shall be constructed of solid masonry units
of reinforced concrete not less than 200 millimeters thick, Except, that stone masonry shall
be not less than 300 millimeters thick and, in addition shall be lined with not less than 100
millimeters of firebrick laid in a solid bed of fire clay mortar with solidly filled head, bed, and
wall joints, starting not less than 600 millimeters below the chimney connector entrance.
Chimneys extending 7.50 meters or less above the chimney connector shall be lined to the

iv. Masonry Chimneys for High-Heat Appliances

Masonry chimneys for high-heat appliances shall be constructed with double walls of solid
masonry units or reinforced concrete not less than 200 millimeters in thickness, with an air
space of not less than 50 millimeters between walls. The inside of the interior walls shall
be of firebrick not less than 100 millimeters in thickness laid in a solid bed of fire clay mortar
with solidly filled head, bed, and wall joints.

v. Masonry Chimneys for incinerators installed in Multi-Storey Buildings (Apartment-Type


Chimneys for incinerators installed in multi-storey buildings using the chimney passageway
as a refuse chute where the horizontal grate area of combustion chamber does not exceed
0.80 sq. meter shall have walls of solid masonry or reinforced concrete, not less than 100
millimeters thick with a chimney lining as specified in the Code. If the grate area of such an
incinerator exceeds 0.80 sq. meter, the walls shall not be less than 100 millimeters of
firebrick except that higher than 9.00 meters above the roof of the combustion chamber,
common brick alone 200 millimeters in thickness may be used.

vi. Masonry Chimneys for Commercial and Industrial Type Incinerators

Masonry chimneys for commercial and industrial type incinerators of a size designed for not
more than 110 kilograms of refuse per hour and having a horizontal grate area not
exceeding 0.50 sq. meter shall have walls of solid masonry or reinforced concrete not less
than 100 millimeters thick with lining of not less than 100 millimeters of firebrick, which
lining shall extend for not less than 12.00 meters above the roof of the combustion
chamber. If the design capacity of grate area of such an incinerator exceeds 110 kilograms
per hour and 0.80 sq. meter respectively, walls shall not be less than 200 millimeters thick,
lined with not les than 100 millimeters of firebrick extending the full height of the chimney.

c. Linings
Fire clay chimney lining shall not be less than 15 millimeters thick. The lining shall extend from
200 millimeters below the lowest inlet or, in the case of fireplace, from the throat of the fireplace
to a point above enclosing masonry walls. Fire clay chimney linings shall be installed ahead of
the construction of the chimney as it is carried up, carefully bedded one on the other in fire clay
mortar, with close-fitting joints left smooth on the inside. Firebrick not less than 500 millimeters
thick may be used in place of fire clay chimney.

d. Area
No chimney passageway shall be smaller in area than the vent connection of the appliance
attached thereto.

e. Height
Every masonry chimney shall extend at least 600 millimeters above the part of the roof through
which it passes and at least 600 millimeters above the highest elevation of any part of a building
within 3.00 meters to the chimney.

f. Corbeling
No masonry chimney shall be corbeled from a wall more than 150 millimeters nor shall a
masonry chimney be corbeled from a wall which is less than 300 millimeters in thickness unless
it projects equally on each side of the wall. In the second (2 ) storey of a two-storey building of
Group A Occupancy, corbeling of masonry chimneys on the exterior of the enclosing walls may
equal the wall thickness. In every case the corbeling shall not exceed 25 millimeters projection
for each course of brick.

g. Change in Size or Shape

No change in the size or shape of a masonry chimney shall be made within a distance of 150
millimeters above or below the roof joints or rafters where the chimney passes through the roof.

h. Separation
When more than one passageway is contained in the same chimney, masonry separation at
least 100 millimeters thick bonded into the masonry wall of the chimney shall be provided to
separate passageways.

i. Inlets
Every inlet to any masonry chimney shall enter the side thereof and shall be of not less than 3
millimeters thick metal or 16 millimeters refractory material.

j. Clearance
Combustible materials shall not be placed within 50 millimeters of smoke chamber or masonry
chimney walls when built within a structure, or within 25 millimeters when the chimney is built
entirely outside the structure.

k. Termination
All incinerator chimneys shall terminate in a substantially constructed spark arrester having a
mesh not exceeding 20 millimeters.

l. Cleanouts
Cleanout openings shall be provided at the base of every masonry chimney.
Fireplaces and Barbecues

Fireplaces, barbecues, smoke chambers, and fireplace chimneys shall be of solid

masonry or reinforced concrete and shall conform to the minimum requirements
specified in the Code.

a. Fireplace Walls
Walls of fireplaces shall not be less than 200 millimeters in thickness. Walls of
fireboxes shall not be less than 250 millimeters in thickness; Except, that where a
lining of firebrick is used, such walls shall not be less than 200 millimeters in
thickness. The firebox shall not be less than 500 millimeters in depth. The
maximum thickness of joints in firebrick shall be 10 millimeters.

b. Hoods
Metal hoods used as part of a fireplace or barbecue shall be not less than No. 18
gauge copper, galvanized iron, or other equivalent corrosion-resistant ferrous
metal with all seams and connections of smokeproof unsoldered construction.
The hoods shall be sloped at an angle of 45° or less from the vertical and shall
extend horizontally at least 150 millimeters beyond the limits of the firebox. Metal
hoods shall be kept a minimum of 400 millimeters from combustible materials.

c. Circulators
Approved metal heat circulators may be installed in fireplaces.

d. Smoke Chamber
Front and side walls shall not be less than 200 millimeters in thickness. Smoke
chamber back walls shall not be less than 150 millimeters in thickness.

e. Fireplace Chimneys
Walls of chimneys without flue lining shall not be less than 200 millimeters in
thickness. Walls of chimneys with flue lining shall not be less than 100
millimeters in thickness and shall be constructed in accordance with the
requirements of the Code.

f. Clearance to Combustible Materials

Combustible materials shall not be placed within 50 millimeters of fireplace,
smoke chamber, or chimney walls when built entirely within a structure, or within
25 millimeters when the chimney is built entirely outside the structure.
Combustible materials shall not be placed within 150 millimeters of the fireplace
opening. No such combustible material within 300 millimeters of the fireplace
opening shall project more than 3 millimeters for each 25 millimeters clearance
from such opening. No part of metal hoods used as part of a fireplace, barbecue
or heating stoves shall be less than 400 millimeters from combustible material.
This clearance may be reduced to the minimum requirements set forth in the

g. Area of Flues, Throats, and Dampers
The net cross-sectional area of the flue and of the throat between the firebox and
the smoke chamber of a fireplace shall not be less than the requirements to be set
forth by the Secretary. Where dampers are used, they shall be of not less than
No. 12 gauge metal. When fully opened, damper opening shall be not less than
90% of the required flue area. When fully open, damper blades shall not extend
beyond the line of the inner face of the flue.

h. Lintel
Masonry over the fireplace opening shall be supported by a non-combustible

i. Hearth
Every fireplace shall be provided with a brick, concrete, stone, or other approved
non-combustible hearth slab at least 300 millimeters wider on each side than the
fireplace opening and projecting at least 450 millimeters therefrom. This slab
shall not be less than 100 millimeters thick and shall be supported by a noncombustible
material or reinforced to carry its own weight and all imposed loads.

SECTION 1212. Fire-Extinguishing Systems

1. Fire-Extinguishing Systems – Where required, standard automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall be

installed in the following places, and in the manner provided in the Code.

a. In every storey, basement or cellar with an area of 200.00 sq. meters or more which is used for
habitation, recreation, dining, study, or work, and which has an occupant load of more than twenty

b. In all dressing rooms, rehearsal rooms, workshops or factories, and other rooms with an occupant
load of more than ten (10) or assembly halls under Group H and I Occupancies with occupant load of
more than five hundred (500), and if the next doors of said rooms are more than 30.00 meters from
the nearest safe fire dispersal area of the building or opening to an exit court or street.

c. In all rooms used for storage or handling of photographic x-ray nitrocellulose films and other
inflammable articles.

2. Dry Standpipes – Every building four (4) or more storeys in height shall be equipped with one or more
dry standpipes.

a. Construction and Tests – Dry standpipes shall be of wrought iron or galvanized steel and together
with fittings and connections shall be of sufficient strength to withstand 20 kilograms per square
centimeter of water pressure when ready for service, without leaking at the joints, valves, or fittings.
Tests shall be conducted by the owner or the building contractor in the presence of a representative
of the Building Official whenever deemed necessary for the purpose of certification of its proper

b. Size – Dry standpipes shall be of such size as to be capable of delivering 900 liters of water per
minute from each of any three (3) outlets simultaneously under the pressure created by one (1) fire
engine or pumper based on the standard equipment available.

c. Number Required – Every building four (4) or more storeys in height where the area of any floor
above the third (3 ) floor is 950 sq. meters or less, shall be equipped with at least one (1) dry
standpipe and an additional standpipe shall be installed for each additional 950 sq. meters or fraction
d. Location – Standpipes shall be located within enclosed stairway landings or near such
stairways as possible or immediately inside of an exterior wall and within 300 millimeters of
an opening in a stairway enclosure of the balcony or vestibule of a smokeproof tower or an
outside exit stairway.

e. Siamese Connections - Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (b) all 100 millimeters dry
standpipes shall be equipped with a two-way Siamese fire department connection. All 125
millimeters dry standpipes shall be equipped with a three-way Siamese fire department
connection, and 150 millimeters dry standpipes shall be equipped with four-way Siamese
fire department connections. All Siamese inlet connections shall be located on a street-front
of the building and not less than 300 millimeters nor more than 1.20 meters above the grade
and shall be equipped with a clapper-checks and substantial plugs. All Siamese inlet
connections shall be recessed in the wall or otherwise substantially protected.

f. Outlets - All dry standpipes shall extend from the ground floor to and over the roof and shall
be equipped with a 63 millimeters outlet nor more than 1.20 meters above the floor level at
each storey. All dry standpipes shall be equipped with a two-way 63 millimeters outlet
above the roof. All outlets shall be equipped with gate valves.

g. Signs – An iron or bronze sign with raised letters at least 25 millimeters high shall be rigidly
attached to the building adjacent to all Siamese connections and such signs shall read:

3. Wet Standpipes – Every Group H and I Occupancy of any height, and every Group C
Occupancy of two (2) more storeys in height, and every Group B, D, E, F and G Occupancy
of three (3) or more storeys in height and every Group G and E Occupancy over 1800 sq.
meters in area shall be equipped with one or more interior wet standpipes extending from
the cellar or basement into the topmost storey; Provided, that Group H buildings having no
stage and having a seating capacity of less than five hundred (500) need not be equipped
with interior wet standpipes.

a. Construction – Interior wet standpipes shall be constructed of the same materials as those
required for dry standpipes.

b. Size

i. Interior wet standpipes shall have an internal diameter sufficient to deliver 190
liters of water per minute under 2.00 kilograms per square centimeter pressure at
the hose connections. Buildings of Group H and I Occupancy shall have wet
standpipes systems capable of delivering the required quantity and pressure from
any two (2) outlets simultaneously; for all other Occupancies only one (1) outlet
need be figured to be opened at one time. In no case shall the internal diameter of
a wet standpipe be less than 50 millimeters, except when the standpipe is attached
to an automatic fire-extinguishing system.

ii. Any approved formula which determines pipe sizes on a pressure drop basis may
be used to determine pipe size for wet standpipe systems. The Building Official
may require discharge capacity and pressure tests on completed wet standpipe

c. Number required – The number of wet standpipes when required in the Code shall be so
determined that all portions of the building are within 6.00 meters of a nozzle attached to a
hose 23.00 meters in length.

d. Location – In Group H and I Occupancies, outlets shall be located as follows: one (1) on
each side of the stage, one (1) at the rear of the auditorium, and one (1) at the rear of the
balcony. Where occupant loads are less than five hundred (500) the above requirements
may be waived; Provided, that portable fire extinguishers of appropriate capacity and type
are installed within easy access from the said locations. In Group B, C, D, E, F and G
Occupancies, the location of all interior wet standpipes shall be in accordance with the
requirement for dry standpipes; Provided, that at least one (1) standpipe is installed to
cover not more than 650 sq. meters.

e. Outlets. All interior wet standpipes shall be equipped with a 38 millimeter valve in each
storey, including the basement or cellar of the building, and located not less than 300
millimeters nor more than 1.20 meters above the floor.

f. Threads. All those threads used in connection with the installation of such standpipes,
including valves and reducing fittings shall be uniform with that prescribed by the

g. Water Supply. All interior wet standpipes shall be connected to a street main not less than
100 millimeters in diameter, or when the water pressure is insufficient, to a water tank of
sufficient size as provided in subparagraph (h). When more than one (1) interior wet
standpipe is required in the building, such standpipe shall be connected at their bases or at
their tops by pipes of equal size.

h. Pressure and Gravity Tanks – Tanks shall have a capacity sufficient to furnish at least 1,500
liters per minute for a period of not less than 10 minutes. Such tanks shall be located so as
to provide not less than 2 kilograms per square centimeter pressure at the topmost base
outlet for its entire supply. Discharge pipes from pressure tanks shall extend 50 millimeters
into and above the bottom of such tanks. All tanks shall be tested in place after installation
and proved tight at a hydrostatic pressure 50% in excess of the working pressure required.
Where such tanks are used for domestic purposes the supply pipe for such purposes shall
be located at or above the center line of such tanks. Incombustible supports shall be
provided for all such supply tanks and not less than a 900 millimeters clearance shall be
maintained over the top and under the bottom of all pressure tanks.

i. Fire pumps. Fire pumps shall have a capacity of not less than 1,000 liters per minute
with a pressure not less than 2 kilograms per square centimeter at the topmost hose outlet.
The source of supply for such pump shall be a street water main of not less than 100
millimeters diameter or a well or cistern containing a one-hour supply. Such pumps shall be
supplied with an adequate source of power and shall be automatic in operation.

j. Hose and Hose Reels – Each hose outlet of all interior wet standpipes shall be supplied
with a hose not less than 38 millimeters in diameter. Such hose shall be equipped with a
suitable brass or bronze nozzle and shall be not over 23.00 meters in length. An approved
standard form of wall hose reel or rack shall be provided for the hose and shall be located
so as to make the hose readily accessible at all times and shall be recessed in the walls or
protected by suitable cabinets.

4. Basement Pipe Inlets – Basement pipe inlets shall be installed in the first (1st) floor of every
store, warehouse, or factory where there are cellars or basements under same; Except,
where in such cellars or basements there is installed a fire-extinguishing system as specified
in the Code or where such cellars or basements are used for banking purposes, safe
deposit vaults, or similar uses.
a. Material – All basement pipe inlets shall be of cast iron, steel, brass, or bronze with lids
of cast brass or bronze and shall consist of a sleeve not less than 200 millimeters in
diameter through the floor extending to and flush with the ceiling below and with a top
flange, recessed with an inside shoulder, to receive the lid and flush with the finished floor
surface. The lid shall be a solid casting and shall have a ring lift recessed on the top
thereof, so as to be flushed. The lid shall have the words “FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT
ONLY, DO NOT COVER UP” cast on the top thereof. The lid shall be installed in such a
manner as to permit its removal readily from the inlet.

b. Location. Basement pipe inlets shall be strategically located and kept readily accessible
at all times to the Fire Department.

5. Approval – All fire-extinguishing systems, including automatic sprinklers, wet and dry
standpipes, automatic chemical extinguishers, basement pipe inlets, and the appurtenances
thereto shall meet the approval of the Fire Department as to installation and location and
shall be subject to such periodic test as it may require.

SECTION 1213. Stages and Platform

1. Stage Ventilators – There shall be one (1) or more ventilators constructed of metal or other
incombustible material near the center and above the highest part of any working stage
raised above the stage roof and having a total ventilation area equal to at least 5% of the
floor area within the stage walls. The entire equipment shall conform to the following

a. Opening Action – Ventilators shall open by spring action or force of gravity sufficient to
overcome the effects of neglect, rust, dirt, or expansion by heat or warping of the

b. Glass – Glass, if used in ventilators, must be protected against falling on the stage. A
wire screen, if used under the glass, must be so placed that if clogged it cannot reduce
the required ventilating area or interfere with the operating mechanism or obstruct the
distribution of water from the automatic fire extinguishing systems.

c. Design – Ventilators, penthouses, and supporting framework shall be designed in

accordance with the Code.

d. Spring Actuation – Springs, when employed to actuate ventilator doors, shall be capable
of maintaining full required tension indefinitely. Springs shall not be stressed more than
50% of their rated capacity and shall not be located directly in the air stream, nor
exposed to elements.

e. Location of Fusible Links – A fusible link shall be placed in the cable control system on
the underside of the ventilator at or above the roof line or as approved by the Building
Official, and shall be so located as not to be affected by the operation of fire-
extinguishing systems.

f. Control – Remote, manual or electrical control shall provide for both opening and closing
of the ventilator doors for periodic testing and shall be located at a point on the stage
designated by the Building Official. When remote control of ventilator is electrical, power
failure shall not affect its instant operation in the event of fire. Hand winches may be
employed to facilitate operation of manually controlled ventilators.

2. Gridirons –

a. Gridirons, fly galleries, and pin-rails shall be constructed of incombustible materials and
fire protection of steel and iron may be omitted. Gridirons and fly galleries shall be
designed to support a live load of not less than 367 kilograms per sq. meter. Each loft
block well shall be designed to support 373 kilograms per linear meter and the head
block well shall be designed to support the aggregate weight of all the loft block wells
served. The head block well must be provided with an adequate strongback or lateral
brace to offset torque.

b. The main counterweight sheave beam shall be designed to support a horizontal and
vertical uniformly distributed live load sufficient to accommodate the weight imposed by
the total number of loft blocks in the gridiron. The sheave blocks shall be designed to
accommodate the maximum load for the loft or head blocks served with a safety factor of
five (5).

3. Rooms Accessory to Stage – In a building having a stage, the dressing room sections,
workshops, and storerooms shall be located on the stage side of the proscenium wall and
shall be separated from each other and from the stage by not less than a One-Hour Fire-
Resistive Occupancy Separation.

4. Proscenium Walls – A stage shall be completely separated from the auditorium by a

proscenium wall of not less than two-hour incombustible construction. The proscenium wall
shall extend not less than 1.20 meters above the roof over the auditorium. Proscenium
walls may have, in addition to the main proscenium openings, one (1) opening at the
orchestra pit level and not more than two (2) openings at the stage floor level, each of which
shall be not more than 2.00 sq. meters in area. All openings in the proscenium wall of stage
shall be protected by a fire assembly having a one and one-half - hour fire-resistive rating.
The proscenium opening, which shall be the main opening for viewing performances, shall
be provided with a self-closing fire-resistive curtain as specified in the Code.

5. Stage Floor – The type of construction for stage floors shall depend upon the requirements
based on the Type of Occupancy and the corresponding fire-resistive requirements. All
parts of the stage floor shall be designed to support not less than 620 kilograms per square
meters. Openings through stage floors shall be equipped with tight-fitting trap doors of
wood of not less than 50 millimeters nominal thickness.

6. Platforms – The type of construction for platforms shall depend upon the requirements
based on the Type of Occupancy and corresponding fire-resistive requirements. Enclosed
platforms shall be provided with one (1) or more ventilators conforming to the requirements
of stage ventilators; Except, that the total area shall be equal to 5% of the area of the
platform. When more than one (1) ventilator is provided, they shall be so spaced as to
provide proper exhaust ventilation. Ventilators shall not be required for enclosed platforms
having a floor area of 45.00 sq. meters or less.

7. Stage Exits – At least one (1) exit not less than 900 millimeters wide shall be provided from
each side of the stage opening directly or by means of a passageway not less than 900
millimeters in width to a street or exit court. An exit stair not less than 750 millimeters wide
shall be provided for egress from each fly gallery. Each tier of dressing rooms shall be
provided with at least two (2) means of egress each not less than 750 millimeters wide and
all such stairs shall be constructed in accordance with the requirement specified in the
Code. The stairs required in this Sub-section need not be enclosed.
SECTION 1214. Motion Picture Projection Rooms

1. General Requirements – The provisions of this Section shall apply only where ribbon type motion
picture films in excess of 22-millimeter width and electric projection equipment are used. Every
motion picture machine using ribbon type film in excess of 22 millimeter width and electric arc
projections equipment, together with all electrical devices, rheostats, machines, and all such films
present in any Group C, I, or H Occupancy, shall be enclosed in a projection room large enough to
permit the operator to walk freely on either side and back of the machine.

2. Construction – Every projection room shall be of not les than one-hour fire-resistive construction
throughout and the walls and ceiling shall be finished with incombustible materials. The ceiling shall
be not less than 2.40 meters from the finished floor. The room shall have a floor area of not less than
7.00 sq. meters and 3.50 sq. meters for each additional machine.

3. Exit – Every projection room shall have at least two doorways separated by not less than one-third
the perimeter of the room, each at least 750 millimeters wide and 2.00 meters high. All entrances to
a projection room shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly having a three-fourth - hour fire-
resistive rating. Such doors shall open outward and lead to proper exits as required in the Code and
shall not be equipped with any latch. The maximum width of such door shall be 750 millimeters

4. Ports and Openings – Ports in projection room walls shall be of three (3) kinds: projection ports;
observation ports; and combination ports used for both observation and for stereopticon, spot or
floodlight machines.

a. Ports Required – There shall be provided for each motion picture projector not more than one (1)
projection port, which shall be limited in area to 750 sq. centimeters, and not more than one (1)
observation port, which shall be limited in area to 1,300 sq. centimeters. There shall be not more
than three (3) combination ports, each of which shall not exceed 750 millimeters by 600
millimeters. Each port opening shall be completely covered with a pane of glass; Except, that
when acetate safety film is used, projection ports may be increased in size to an area not to
exceed 4,500 sq. centimeters.

b. Shutters – Each port and every other opening in projection room walls, including, any fresh-air
inlets but excluding exit doors and exhaust ducts, shall be provided with a shutter of not less than
2.4 millimeters thick sheet metal or its equivalent large enough to overlap at least 25 millimeters on
all sides of such openings. Shutters shall be arranged to slide without binding in guides
constructed of material equal to the shutters in strength and fire-resistance. Each shutter shall be
equipped with a 74° fusible link, which when fused by heat will cause closure of the shutter by
gravity. Shutters of a size greater than 1,300 sq. centimeters shall be equipped with a counter-
balance. There shall also be a fusible link located over the upper magazine of each projector,
which upon operating, will close all the shutters. In addition, there shall be provided suitable
means for manually closing all shutters simultaneously from any projector head and from a point
within the projection room near each exit door. Shutters on openings not in use shall be kept
closed; Except, that shutters may be omitted when only acetate safety film is used.

5. Ventilation

a. Inlet – A fresh-air inlet from the exterior of the building not less than 900 sq. centimeters and
protected with wire netting, shall be installed within 50 millimeters of the floor in every projection
room, the source of which shall be remote from other outside vents or flues.

b. Outlets – Ventilation shall be provided by one (1) or more mechanical exhaust systems which
shall draw air from each arc lamp housing to out-doors either directly or through an incombustible
flue used for no other purpose. Exhaust capacity shall not be less than 0.50 cu. meter nor more
than 1.40 cu. meter per minute for each arc lamp plus 5.60 cu. meters for the room itself. Systems
shall be controlled from within the enclosure and shall have pilot lights to indicate operation. The
exhaust systems serving the projection room may be extended to cover rooms associated
therewith such as rewind rooms. No dampers shall be installed in such exhaust systems.
Ventilation of these rooms shall not be connected in any way with ventilating or air-conditioning
systems serving other portions of the building. Exhaust ducts shall be of incombustible material

and shall either be kept 25 millimeters from combustible material or covered with 10 millimeters of
incombustible heat-insulating material.

6. Regulation of Equipment – All shelves, fixtures, and fixed equipment in a projection room shall be
constructed of incombustible materials. All films not in actual use shall be stored in metal cabinets
having individual compartments for reels or shall be in generally accepted shipping containers. No
solder shall be used in the construction of such cabinets.

SECTION 1215. Lathing, Plastering, and Installation of Wall Boards

The installation of lath, plaster and gypsum wall board shall conform to the fire-resistive rating
requirements and the type of construction of building.

SECTION 1301. Electrical Regulations

All electrical systems, equipment and installations mentioned in the Code shall conform to the
provisions of the Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 (PEC-1) and Part 2 (PEC-2), as adopted by the Board
of Electrical Engineering pursuant to Republic Act 7920, otherwise known as the Philippine Electrical
Engineering Law.

1. Overhead Service Entrance

In Subdivisions, Housing Projects, Commercial and Industrial Buildings, overhead transmission and
distribution voltages are required to supply power source including transformers, poles and
supporting structures.

2. Attachments on and Clearances from Buildings

a. An Attachment Plan approved by professional electrical engineer shall cover power lines and
cables, transformers and other electrical equipment installed on or in buildings and shall be
submitted to the local Building Official.

b. Where building/s exceed 15.00 meters in height, overhead lines shall be arranged where
practicable so that clear space or zone at least 1.80 meters (horizontal) will be left adjacent to the
building or beginning not over 2.45 meters (horizontal) from the building, to facilitate the raising of
ladders where necessary for fire fighting.

EXCEPTION: This requirement does not apply where it is the rule of the local fire department to
exclude the use of ladders in alleys or other restricted places, which are
generally occupied by supply lines.

3. Open Supply Conductors Attached to Buildings

Where the permanent attachment of open supply conductors to any class of buildings is necessary
for service entrance, such conductors shall meet the following requirements:

a. Conductors of more than 300 volts to ground shall not be carried along or near the surface of the
building unless they are guarded or made inaccessible.

b. To promote safety to the general public and to employees not authorized to approach conductors
and other current-carrying parts of electric supply lines, such parts shall be arranged so as to
provide adequate clearance from the ground or other space generally accessible, or shall be
provided with guards so as to isolate persons effectively from accidental contact.

c. Ungrounded service conduits, metal fixtures and similar noncurrent-carrying parts, if located in
urban districts and where liable to become charged to more than 300 volts to ground, shall be
isolated or guarded so as not to be exposed to accidental contact by unauthorized persons. As
an alternative to isolation or guarding noncurrent-carrying parts shall be solidly or effectively

d. Service drops passing over a roof shall be securely supported by substantial structures. Where
practicable, such supports shall be independent of the building.

4. Conductors Passing By or Over Buildings

a. Unguarded or accessible supply conductors carrying voltages in excess of 300 volts may be
either beside or over buildings. The vertical or horizontal clearance to any buildings or its
attachments (balconies, platforms, etc.) shall be as listed in Table XIII.1. The horizontal
clearance governs above the roof level to the point where the diagonal equals the vertical

clearance requirements. This Rule should not be interpreted as restricting the installation of a
trolley contact conductor over the approximate centerline of the track it serves. (Figure XIII.1.)

b. Supply conductors of 300 volts or more, when placed near enough to windows, verandas, fire
escapes, or other ordinarily accessible places, shall be properly guarded by grounded conduit
and barriers.

c. Where the required clearances cannot be obtained, supply conductors shall be grouped or
bundled and supported by grounded messenger wires.

5. Clearance of Service Drops

a. Service drop conductors shall not be readily accessible and when not in excess of 600 volts, shall
conform to the following:

i. Conductors shall have a clearance of not less than 2.50 meters from the highest point of
roofs over which they pass with the following exceptions:

(a) Where the voltage between conductors does not exceed 300 volts and the roof has a
slope of not less than 100 millimeters in 300 millimeters, the clearance may not be less
than 1.00 meter.

(b) Service drop conductors of 300 volts or less which do not pass over other than a
maximum of 1.20 meters of the overhang portion of the roof for the purpose of
terminating at a through-the-roof service raceway or approved support may be
maintained at a minimum of 500 millimeters from any portion of the roof over which
they pass.

b. Conductors shall have a clearance of not less than 3.00 meters from the ground or from any
platform or projection from which they might be reached.

c. Conductors shall have a horizontal clearance of not less than 1.00 meter from windows, doors,
porches, fire escapes, or similar locations and shall be run less than 1.00 meter above the top
level of a window or opening.

d. Service drop of conductors, when crossing a street, shall have a clearance of not less than 5.50
meters from the crown of the street or sidewalk over which it passes; and shall have a minimum
clearance of 3.00 meters above ground at its point of attachment to the building or pedestal.

e. No parts of swimming and wading pools shall be placed under existing service drop conductors or
any other overhead wiring; nor shall such wiring be installed above the following:

i. Swimming and wading pools and the area extending 3.00 meters outward horizontally from
the inside of the walls of the pool;
ii. Diving structures;
iii. Observation stands, towers or platforms.
TABLE XIII.1. Clearance of Wires, Conductors, Cables and Unguarded Rigid Energized Parts
Adjacent but not Attached to Buildings and Other Installations Except Bridges

Supply Unguarded rigid Supply Open Unguarded
cables of energized parts, cables over supply rigid
conductors and
0 to 750 0 to 750 V; non- 750 V; open conductors, energized
V insulated supply over 750 V parts, over
Clearance of messengers;
communication conductors, to 22 kV 750 V to 22
surge protection
conductors 0 to 750 V kV
wires; grounded
guys; neutral
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

1. Buildings

a. Horizontal
(1) To walls, 1400 1500 1500 1700 2300 2000
projection and
guarded windows
(2) To unguarded 1400 1500 1500 1700 2300 2000
(3) To balconies 1400 1500 1500 1700 2300 2000
and areas readily

b. Vertical

(1) Over or under 900 1070 3000 3200 3800 3600

roofs or projections
not readily
accessible to
(2) Over or under 3200 3400 3400 3500 4100 4000
balconies and roofs
readily accessible
to pedestrians
(3) Over roofs 3200 3400 3400 3500 4100 4000
accessible to
vehicles but not
subject to truck
(4) Over roofs 4700 4900 4900 5000 5600 5500
accessible to truck

2. Signs, chimneys,
billboards, radio
and television
antennas, and
other installations
not classified as
buildings or bridges

a. Horizontal 900 1070 1500 1700 2300 2000

b. Vertical over or 900 1070 1700 1800 2450 2300


6. Wiring Methods
Service entrance conductors extending along the exterior or entering buildings or other structures
shall be installed in rigid steel conduit or concrete encased plastic conduit from point of service drop
to meter base and from meter base to the disconnecting equipment. However, where the service
entrance conductors are protected by approved fuses or breakers at their terminals (immediately after
the service drop or lateral) they may be installed in any of the recognized wiring methods as provided
by PEC-1.

a. Abandoned lines and/or portions of lines no longer required to provide service shall be removed.

b. Power pole, lines, service drop and other line equipment shall be free from any attachment for
antennas, signs, streamers and the like.

7. Transformers

a. Oil-insulated transformers rated more than 15 kV between conductors shall be installed inside a
transformer vault.

b. Dry-type and other transformers with non-flammable insulation shall be installed in a transformer

c. Transformers shall be guarded as follows:

i. Appropriate provisions shall be made to minimize the possibility of damage to transformers

from external causes where the transformers are located exposed to physical damage.

ii. Dry-type transformers shall be provided with a non-combustible moisture resistant case or
enclosure which will provide reasonable protection against accidental insertion of foreign

iii. The transformer installation shall conform to the provisions for guarding of live parts in

iv. The operating voltage of exposed live parts of transformer installations shall be indicated by
signs or visible markings on the equipment or structures.

8. Provisions for Transformer Vault

a. A transformer vault when required, shall be constructed in accordance with PEC-1 latest edition.

c. Transformers and transformer vaults shall be accessible only to qualified personnel for inspection
and maintenance.

d. Adequate ventilation shall be provided for the transformer vault.

9. Capacitor

a. This applies to installation of capacitors on electric circuits in buildings.

EXCEPTION: 1. Capacitors that are component of other apparatus shall conform to the
requirements for such apparatus.

2. Capacitors in hazardous locations shall comply with additional requirements

as prescribed in PEC-1.

b. Installation of capacitors in which any single unit contains more than 11 liters of flammable liquid
shall be in a vault or outdoor fence enclosures complying with PEC-1.

c. Capacitors shall be protected from physical damage by location or by suitable fences, barriers or
other enclosures.

d. Capacitors shall be provided with non-combustible cases and supports.

10. Emergency Power Systems

a. Shall provide electric power for the safety to life and property when normal electric power supply
is interrupted.

b. Shall have adequate capacity for the operation of the emergency load.

c. For hospitals, the transition time to transfer power supply from the instant of interruption of normal
power supply to the emergency supply shall not exceed 10 seconds.

11. Electrical Room

a. An adequate space or area shall be provided at load centers where panel boards, breakers,
switchgears and other electrical equipment are installed.

12. Service Equipment

a. An adequate space or area shall be provided for the service equipment that shall be located in a
readily accessible area, either inside or the outside walls of the building.

13. Metering Facilities

a. Metering Vault, when required for primary service, shall be provided with natural or artificial

b. Metering space shall be provided for single metering or multi-metering centers for secondary
SECTION 1302. Mechanical Regulations

1. All mechanical systems, equipment and installations mentioned in the Code shall conform to the
provisions of the Philippine Mechanical Code, as adopted by the Board of Mechanical Engineering
pursuant to RA 8495 as amended, otherwise known as the Philippine Mechanical Engineering Law.

2. Guarding of Moving and Dangerous Parts

All prime movers, machines and machine parts, power transmission equipment shall be so guarded,
shielded, fenced or enclosed to protect any person against exposure to or accidental contact with
dangerous moving parts.

3. Cranes

a. Adequate means like ladders, stairs or platforms shall be provided for cranes having revolving
cabs or machine houses, to permit the operator to enter or leave the crane cab and reach the
ground safely, irrespective of its position. If a step-over is provided, the gap must not exceed 300

b. A gong or other effective warning device shall be mounted on each cage or cab.

c. Temporary crane operation without warning device may be allowed provided there is a flagman
whose sole duty is to warn those in the path of the crane or its load.

d. The maximum rated load of all cranes shall be plainly marked on each side of the crane. If the
crane has more than one hoisting unit, each hoist shall have marked on it or its load block, its
rated capacity clearly legible from the ground or floor.

4. Hoists

a. Operating control shall be plainly marked to indicate the direction of travel and provided with an
effective warning device.

b. Each hoist designed to lift its load vertically shall have its rated load legibly marked on the hoist or
load block or at some easily visible space.

c. A stop, which shall operate automatically, shall be provided at each switch, dead end rail or
turntable to prevent the trolley running off when the switch is open.

d. Each electric hoist motor shall be provided with electrically or mechanically operated brake so
arranged that the brake will be applied automatically when the power is cut off from the hoist.

5. Elevators

Elevators shall be installed in all private and public buildings for public use accessible to disabled
persons, pursuant to the objectives of Batas Pambansa Bilang 344 (Accessibility Law).

a. Hoistway for elevators shall be substantially enclosed throughout their height, with no openings
allowed except for necessary doors, windows or skylights.

b. Ropes, wires or pipes shall not be installed in hoistways, except when necessary for the
operation of the elevators.

c. Hoistway pits shall be of such depth that when the car rests on the fully compressed buffers, a
clearance of not less than 600 millimeters remains between the underside of the car and the
bottom of the pit.

d. When four (4) or more elevators serve all or the same portion of a building, they shall be located
in not less than two (2) hoistways and in no case shall more than four (4) elevators be located in
any one hoistway.

e. Where a machine room or penthouse is provided at the top of a hoistway, it shall be constructed
with sufficient room for repair and inspection. Access shall be by means of an iron ladder or
stairs when the room is more than 600 millimeters above the adjacent floor or roof surface. The
angle of inclination of such ladder or stairs shall not exceed 60° from the horizontal. This room
shall not be used as living quarters or depository of other materials and shall be provided with
adequate ventilation.

f. Minimum number of hoisting ropes shall be three (3) for traction elevators and two (2) for drum
type elevators.

g. The minimum diameter of hoisting and counterweight ropes shall be 30 millimeters.

h. Elevators shall be provided with Fall-Free Safety Device, over-load switch and reverse polarity

i. In apartments or residential condominiums of five (5) storeys or more, at least one (1) passenger
elevator shall be kept on twenty-four (24) hour constant service.

6. Escalators

a. The angle of inclination of an escalator shall not exceed 30° from the horizontal.

b. The width between balustrades shall not be less than 560 millimeters nor more than 1.20 meters.
This width shall not exceed the width of the steps by more than 330 millimeters.

c. Solid balustrades of incombustible material shall be provided on each side of the moving steps. If
made of glass, it shall be of tempered type glass.

d. The rated speed, measured along the angle of inclination, shall be not more than 38 meters per

7. Boilers and Pressure Vessels

a. Location of Boilers

i. Boilers may be located inside buildings provided that the boiler room is of reinforced
concrete or masonry and that the boiler room shall not be used for any other purpose. No
part of the boiler shall be closer than 1.00 meter from any wall and shall have at least two
(2) separate exits.

ii. In case the main building is not made up of fire resistive materials, boilers shall be located
outside the building at a distance of not less than 3.00 meters from the outside wall of the
main building and the building housing the boiler shall be made up of fire-resistive

b. Smokestacks, whether self-supporting or guyed, shall be of sufficient capacity to handle fuel

gases, shall be able to withstand a wind load of 175 kilometers per hour and shall rise at least
5.00 meters above the eaves of any building within a radius of 50.00 meters.

c. Manufacturers/assemblers of boilers/pressure vessels/pressurized water heaters shall stamp each

vessel on the front head or on any other suitable location with the name of the manufacturer,
serial number, year of manufacture maximum allowable working pressure, heating surface in sq.
meters, and thickness of shell.
d. Boilers of more than 46.00 sq. meters heating surface shall each be provided with two (2) means
of feeding water, one (1) steam driven and one (1) electrically driven, or one (1) pump and one
(1) injector.

e. Two (2) check valves shall be provided between any feed pump and the boiler in addition to the
regular shut-off valve.

f. Where two (2) or more boilers are connected in parallel, each steam outlet shall be provided with
a non-return valve and a shut-off valve.

g. In no case shall the maximum pressure of an existing boiler be increased to a greater pressure
than would be allowed for a new boiler of same construction.

h. Each boiler shall have at least one (1) safety valve. For boilers having more than 46.00 sq.
meters of water heating surface or a generating capacity exceeding 910 kilograms per hour, two
(2) or more safety valves shall be required.

i. Each boiler shall have a steam gauge, with a dial range of not less than one and one-half times
and not more than twice the maximum allowable working pressure. It may be connected to the
steam space or to the steam connection to the water column.

j. Repairs/replacements on any parts shall comply with the applicable section on New Installation of
Boilers/Pressure Vessels of the Philippine Mechanical Code.

k. Upon the completion of the installation, the Building Official shall conduct an inspection and test,
and if found complying with requirements, a certificate of operation for a period not exceeding one
(1) year shall be issued after payment of the required inspection fees.

l. After a permit has been granted to install a boiler/pressure vessel/pressurized water heater upon
payment of the installation fees therefore, it shall be the duty of the Building Official to make
periodic inspection of the installation to determine compliance with the approved plans and

m. The Building Official shall notify the owner in writing of the intended date of the annual inspection
at least fifteen (15) days in advance but not to exceed thirty (30) days from the intended date of

n. The owner/user shall prepare the boiler(s) for inspection and provide all labor and equipment
required during said inspection.

8. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

a. The effective temperature and relative humidity of the air to be used for comfortable cooling shall
be maintained at 20°Celsius to 24°Celsius and 50% to 60%, respectively, with 4.60 to 7.60
meters per minute air movement within the living zone.

b. Water from evaporators, condensers and other machinery shall be properly collected into a
suitable water or drainage system.

c. Ducts shall be constructed entirely of non-combustible materials such as steel, iron, aluminum or
other approved materials. Only fire retardant lining shall be used on the inside of ducts.

d. Access doors shall be provided at all automatic dampers, fire dampers, thermostats and other
apparatus requiring service and inspection in the duct system.

e. Where ducts pass thru walls, floors or partitions, the space around the duct shall be sealed with
fire resistant material equivalent to that of the wall, floor or partition, to prevent the passage of
flame or smoke.

f. When ducts or their outlets or inlets pass through firewalls, they shall be provided with automatic
fire dampers that automatically close on both sides of the firewall through which they pass.

g. Fire doors and fire dampers shall be arranged to close automatically and remain tightly closed,
upon the operation of a fusible link or other approved heat actuated device, located where readily
affected by an abnormal rise of temperature in the duct.
h. Each refrigerating system shall be provided with a legible metal sign permanently attached and
easily noticeable, indicating thereon the name of manufacturer or installer, kind and total number
of kilograms of refrigerant contained in the system and applied field test pressure applied.

i. In refrigerating plants of more than 45 kilograms, refrigerant, masks and helmets shall be used.
These shall be kept in a suitable cabinet outside the machine room when not in use.

j. Not more than 140 kilograms of refrigerant in approved containers shall be stored in a machine
room at any given time.

k. Where ammonia is used, the discharge may be into tank of water, which shall be used for no
other purpose except ammonia absorption. At least 1 liter of water shall be provided for every
120 gallons of ammonia in the system.

l. In a refrigerating system containing more than 9 kilograms, stop valves shall be installed in inlets
and outlets of compressors, outlets of liquid receivers, and in liquid and suction branch headers.

m. Window type air conditioners shall be provided with drainpipe or plastic tubing for discharging
condensate water into a suitable container or discharge line.

n. Window type air conditioners shall be provided with exhaust ducts if the exhaust is discharged
into corridors/hallways/arcades/sidewalks, etc., and shall be installed at not less than 2.10 meters
above the floor level.

9. Water Pumping for Buildings/Structures

a. Installation of pumping equipment to supply buildings/structures directly from existing water

supply system shall not be allowed. An underground water tank or cistern must be filled by
gravity flow from the water supply system, from where pumps can be installed.

b. To maintain water pressure in all floors of a building/structure, the following systems may be

i. Overhead tank supply – may be installed above the roof supported by the
building/structure or on a separate tower.

(a) Water tanks shall be provided with a vent and an overflow pipe leading to a storm drain
and shall be fully covered.

ii. Pneumatic tank – an unfired pressure vessel, initially full of air, into which water from mains
is pumped.

(a) A suitable pressure switch shall stop the pump when pressure required is attained.

(b) Tanks shall be designed for twice the maximum total dynamic pressure required.

(c) An air volume control device shall be installed to maintain correct air volume inside the
10. Pipings for Fuel, Gas and Steam

a. Piping shall, as much as possible, run parallel to building walls.

b. Grouped piping shall be supported on racks, on either horizontal or vertical planes.

c. Piping on racks shall have sufficient space for pipe or chain wrenches so that any single line can
be altered/repaired/replaced without disturbing the rest.

d. Piping 100 millimeters in diameter and above shall be flanged. Smaller sized pipes may be
e. Piping subjected to varying temperatures shall be provided with expansion joints.

f. Galvanized piping shall not be used for steam.

g. Piping carrying steam, hot water or hot liquids shall not be embedded in concrete walls or floors
and shall be properly insulated.

h. Piping carrying propane, butane and other gas which are heavier than air, shall be provided with
automatic shut-off devices. The automatic shut-off device is most effective if provided to each
burner before the flexible connection.

11. Identification of piping by color and tag shall be as follows:

Material Piped Pipe Color Pipe Identification

Acetylene Orange Acetylene

Acid Yellow Acid
Air-High pressure Yellow H.P. Air
Air-Low Pressure Green L.P. Air
Ammonia Yellow Ammonia
Argon-Low Pressure Green L.P. Argon
Blast Furnace Glass Orange B.F.Gas
Carbon Dioxide Red Carbon Dioxide
Gasoline Orange Gasoline
Grease Orange Grease
Helium-Low Pressure Green L.P. Helium
Hydrogen Orange Hydrogen
Nitrogen-Low Pressure Green L.P.-Nitrogen
Oxygen Orange Oxygen
Oil Orange Oil
Steam-High Pressure Yellow H.P.Steam
Steam-Low Pressure Yellow L.P. Steam
Tar Orange Tar
Producer Gas Orange Producer Gas
Liquid Petroleum Gas Orange L. P. Gas
Vacuum-High Orange High Vacuum
Water-Boiler Feed Yellow Boiler Feed Water
Water-Cold Green Cold Water


Material Piped Pipe Color Pipe Identification

Water-Distilled Green Distilled Water

Water (Fire Service) Red Fire Service Water
Water-Hot Yellow Hot Water
Water-Low-Pressure Green L.P. Water
(Excl. Of fire Service)
Water-High Pressure Yellow H.P. Water
(Excl. of Fire service)
Water-Treated Green Treated Water
Oil and Water Green Oil and Water
(For hydraulic system)
Oil and Water Orange Oil and Water
(For hydraulic system)
SECTION 1401. Storage and Handling

1. Storage rooms of unexposed photographic and x-ray films shall be provided with automatic fire
extinguishing systems in the following cases:

a. When unexposed films in generally accepted safety shipping containers exceed the aggregate of
14.00 cu. meters;

b. Where shelving used for storage of individual packages not in said shipping containers exceeds
1.40 cu. meters in capacity; and

c. Storage is not in generally accepted safety shipping containers in any section not exceeding
14.00 cu. meters.

2. Film negatives in storage or in process of handling shall be kept in heavy Manila envelopes, not
exceeding twelve (12) films to an envelope. Expanding envelopes shall not be used.

3. Film negatives shall be kept in properly insulated vented cabinets, vented storage vaults or outside
storage houses. Not more than 110 kilograms shall be stored in any single cabinet. Where the film
stored exceeds 450 kilograms, it shall be in vented storage vaults or in a detached structure or roof
vault. Door openings in vaults shall be of four-hour fire-resistive construction and shall be kept closed
except when in use.

4. Only incandescent electric light shall be permitted; protected with substantial wire guards or vapor
proof globes or both. Portable lights on extension cords are prohibited. Conspicuous “NO
SMOKING” signs shall be posted.

5. No films shall be stored within 600 millimeters of steam pipes, chimneys, or other sources of heat.

6. There shall be first aid provisions of types using water or water solutions. Discarded films shall be
stored and handled in the same manner as other films until removed from the premises.

SECTION 1402. Classes of Film Exempted

1. The provisions of this Section do not apply to the following: film for amateur photographic use in
original packages of “roll” and “film pack” films in quantities of less than 1.40 cu. meters; safety film;
dental X-ray film; establishments manufacturing photographic films and their storage incidental
thereto; and films stored or being used in standard motion picture booths.

2. Safety photographic X-ray film may be identified by the marking on the edge of the film.

SECTION 1403. Fire Extinguishing System

Unless otherwise provided in the Code, all fire extinguishing systems when so required shall be of a
type, specifications, and methods of installation as prescribed in accordance with the requirements of
the Secretary.


SECTION 1501. Prefabricated Assembly

1. Prefabricated assembly is a structural unit, the integral parts of which have been built-up or
assembled prior to incorporation in the building. It shall be made of pre-cast concrete, various metal
components, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) or other construction materials acceptable to the

2. To determine the structural adequacy, durability, soundness, weather and fire resistance of pre-
fabricated assemblies, they shall pass the special tests conducted by any accredited material testing

3. Every device or system to connect prefabricated assemblies shall be capable of developing the
strength of the different members as an integral structure. Except, in the case of members forming
part of a structural frame as specified in the Code and this IRR.

4. Anchorages and connections between members and the supporting elements of the structure or walls
shall be capable of withstanding all probable external and internal forces or other conditions for a
structurally adequate construction.

5. In structural design, proper allowances shall be made for any material to be displayed or removed for
the installation of pipes, conduits, or other equipment.

6. Metal and uPVC prefabricated assembly shall be adequately provided with anchorage and

7. Placement of prefabricated assemblies shall be inspected to determine compliance with the Code.

8. During the placement of the prefabricated assembly, a safety engineer shall be required at the site.

SECTION 1601. Approved Plastics

Approved plastic materials shall be those which have a flame-spread rating of two hundred twenty
five (225) or less and a smoke density not greater than that obtained from the burning of untreated wood
under similar conditions when tested in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices. The
products of combustion shall be no more toxic than the burning of untreated wood under similar

SECTION 1602. Installation

1. Structural Requirements – All plastic materials shall be of adequate strength and durability to
withstand the prescribed design loads. Sufficient and substantial technical data shall be submitted to
establish stresses, maximum unsupported spans, and such other information as may be deemed
necessary for the various thicknesses and forms used.

2. Fastenings – Fastenings shall be adequate to withstand design loads and internal and external
stresses required of the assembly. Proper allowances of plastic materials in conjunction with other
materials with which it is assembled or integrated shall be provided.

SECTION 1603. Glazing of Openings

1. The location of doors, sashes and framed openings glazed or equipped with approved plastics at the
exterior walls of a building shall be so arranged that in case of fire, the occupants may use such
openings to escape from the building to a place of safety. The travel distance from any point of the
building towards the location of such openings should not be over 45.00 meters in any place of
assembly for spaces not protected by automatic fire suppression and 60.00 meters in areas so

2. Openings glazed with approved plastics at the ground floor shall be so located such that it shall open
directly to a street or into an exit court. Such openings at the upper floor shall be so located at a
horizontal distance not less than 3.00 meters from the enclosed stairway, outside stairway or exit
passageway leading to a street or into an exit court.

3. The use of plastic doors, sashes and framings of openings for Group A to I Occupancies may be
allowed except for entrance doors and exit doors which should be of materials other than plastics
permitted by the Code.

4. The size of openings glazed with approved plastics shall have a minimum dimension where one
person could pass through or 600 millimeters square.

5. The maximum size of such openings depends upon the structural strength and the fastening
adequacy requirements of approved plastics being used.

6. The spacing between openings glazed with approved plastics shall have a minimum distance such
that the materials used in between can withstand the vertical and lateral forces within the influence of
such openings. The minimum distance shall be 2.00 meters for all spans.

SECTION 1604. Skylights

1. General – Approved plastics may be used in skylights installed on roofs of Types I, II or III Constructions
and all buildings in these categories shall be equipped with an approved automatic fire-extinguishing
system in Groups A, B, C, E, F, J, H-3 and H-4 Occupancies; Except, that:

a. Approved plastics may be used in any type of construction or occupancy as a fire venting system
when approved by the Building Official.

b. Plastics may be used in approved skylights in Type II one-hour fire-resistive construction which are
located 300 millimeters or more above the lower flange of the ceiling. The walls of the skylight well
shall be no less fire-resistive than the adjacent ceiling.

c. Where a fire-resistive ceiling is not required in one-storey buildings, approved plastics may be
used in skylights.

2. Installation Requirements

a. Except in Group A Occupancies, no skylight shall be installed within 3.00 meters of a property

b. The edges of dome-type skylights shall be properly flashed.

c. Plastic skylights shall be separated from each other by at least 2.50 meters laterally and 3.00
meters along the slope of the roof.

3. Allowable areas – The area of individual plastic skylights shall not exceed 10.00 square meters. The
total aggregate area of plastics used in skylights, monitors, and sawtooth glazing shall not exceed
20% of the floor area of the room or occupancy sheltered.

4. Curb Requirements – Plastic skylights in roofs having a slope of less than 1 in 3 shall have a 100
millimeters high curb. The curb may be omitted where a wire screen not smaller than No. 12 U.S.
gauge with a mesh not larger than 25 millimeters is provided immediately below the skylight. The
screen shall be substantially mounted below the skylight.

SECTION 1605. Light-Transmitting Panels in Monitors and Sawtooth Roofs

1. General - Where a fire-resistive rating is not required for the roof structure, and in all buildings
provided with an approved automatic fire-extinguishing system, approved plastics may be used with
or without sash as the light-transmitting medium in monitors and sawtooth; Except, that plastics used
in monitors or sawtooth roofs of Type II Construction shall be of materials appropriate to be used
according to flame-spread characteristics.

2. Allowable Areas – The area of individual plastic glazing used in monitors and sawtooth glazing shall
not exceed 15.00 square meters. The total aggregate area of plastics used in skylights, monitors,
and sawtooth glazing shall not exceed 20% of the floor area of the room or occupancy sheltered.

3. Area Separation – The area of such plastic panels shall be separated from each other by a section of
incombustible material or by a section of the roofing material of the structure not less than 1.50
meters in length. The lower edge of the plastic material shall be at least 150 millimeters above the
surface of the adjoining roof surface.

SECTION 1606. Plastic Light Diffusers in Ceilings

1. General – Ceiling light diffusers having an area greater than 10% of any 10.00 sq. meters of room
area shall be of approved plastics conforming to the requirements specified in the Code.

2. Installation – Plastic light diffusers shall be installed in such a manner that they will not readily
become detached when subjected to room temperature of 80°C for 15 minutes, Except, for plastic
light diffusers which are installed in the first floor area of Group C Occupancies having egress directly
to the exterior of the building; and plastic light diffusers which are located between an approved
automatic Fire-extinguishing system and the area to be protected other than public corridors for
Group A, B, C, D, E, G, H, and I Occupancies if tests required by the Secretary have established that
such installation will not interfere with the efficient operation of such automatic fire-extinguishing
SECTION 1607. Partitions

Where partitions are not required to be of fire-resistive or incombustible construction, approved

plastics conforming to the requirements specified in the Code may be used.

SECTION 1608. Exterior Veneer

1. General - Exterior veneer may be of approved plastic materials, and shall conform to the
provisions of this Section.

2. Height - Plastic veneer shall not be attached to any exterior wall above the first storey; Provided,
that plastic veneer may be attached to exterior walls above the first storey of buildings located
outside of highly restrictive Fire Zones; Provided, further that the height of veneer is not in excess
of 10.00 meters above the adjacent grade of elevation.

3. Area - Sections of plastic veneer shall not exceed 15.00 sq. meters in area, Except, that in less
restrictive Fire Zones, the area may be increased by 50%.

4. Separation - Sections of plastic veneer shall be separated by a minimum of 1.20 meters vertically
and 600 millimeters horizontally.

SECTION 1609. Awnings and Canopies

1. Plastic materials appropriate for use according to Flame Spread characteristics may be utilized in
awnings and canopies, provided such awnings and canopies are constructed in accordance with
provisions governing projections and appendages as specified in the Code.

2. Approved plastics may be used in awnings where untreated canvass is permitted.

3. Approved plastics may be used in lieu of plain glass in greenhouses in less restrictive Fire Zones.


SECTION 1701. Sheet Metal Paint Spray Booth

1. Paint spray booths shall be constructed of steel of not less than No. 18 U.S. gauge in thickness and
shall be designed in accordance with the Code.

2. The area of a paint spray booth shall not exceed 150 sq. meters nor 10% of the basic area permitted
for the major use of the building according to its Occupancy Group.

3. The floor of the spray booth and operator’s working area, if combustible, shall be covered with non-
combustible, non sparkling material of such character as to facilitate the safe cleaning and removal of

4. Paint spray booths shall be designed to permit the free passage of exhaust air from all parts of the
interior and all interior surfaces shall be smooth and continuous without outstanding edges.

SECTION 1702. Fire Protection

1. Every spray booth having an open front elevation larger than 1.00 sq. meters and which is not
equipped with doors, shall have a fire curtain or metal deflector not less than 100 millimeters deep
installed at the upper outer edge of the booth opening.

2. Each paint spray booth shall be separated from other operations by not less than 91 centimeters, or
by a greater distance, or by such partition or wall as the Local Fire Service Marshall may require.

SECTION 1703. Light

1. Paint spray booths shall be illuminated through hammered wire or heat-treated glass panels. The
glass panels shall be located in such a manner as to reduce the hazard of ignition caused by paint
spray deposit.

2. When spraying areas are illuminated through glass panels or other transparent materials, only light
units shall be used as source of illumination.

3. Panels shall effectively isolate the spraying area from the area in which the lighting unit is located and
shall be of non-combustible material or such a nature or so protected that breakage will be unlikely.

4. Panels shall be arranged so that normal accumulations of residue on the exposed surface of the
panel will not be raised to a dangerous temperature by radiation or conduction from the source of

SECTION 1704. Ventilation

1. Mechanical ventilation shall be provided direct to the exterior of the building. The mechanical exhaust
system shall be designed to move the air through any portion of the paint spray area at the rate of not
less than 30.00 lineal meters per minute.

2. The blades of exhaust fans shall be constructed of non-ferrous material and shall be mounted in such
a manner as to prevent contact with the exhaust duct.

3. The motor shall not be mounted in the spray booth or the duct system and belts shall be enclosed
where they enter the booth or duct system.
4. The discharge point for ducts in a paint spray booth shall be not less than 2.00 meters from the
adjoining combustible construction nor less than 8.00 meters from adjoining exterior wall openings;
except, that the discharge point for exhaust ducts is not regulated in a waterwash spray booth.


SECTION 1801. General Requirements

1. This Rule shall apply to exterior glass and glazing in all Uses/Occupancies except Groups A, B and J
Occupancies not over three (3) storeys in height, and to interior and exterior glass and glazing in all
occupancies subject to human impact.

2. Standards for glass and glazing materials shall conform to the provision on glass dimensional
tolerance, breaking stress level, and design safety factors.

3. Each light (glass panel) shall bear the manufacturer’s label designating the type and thickness of

4. Each light with special performance characteristics such as laminated, heat strengthened, fully
tempered or insulated, shall bear the manufacturer’s identification showing the special characteristics
and thickness by etching or other permanent identification that shall be visible after the glass is

5. Appropriate measures shall be provided to deter persons walking into fixed glass panels where the
floor contiguous thereto on to both sides is approximately the same level.

6. Glass panels not adjacent to wall openings may be made obvious by horizontal bars at guardrail
height, a 450 millimeters opaque bulkhead, distinctive glass such as etched or translucent for
guardrail height, fixed flower bins or other appropriate construction arrangement.

SECTION 1802. Area Limitation

1. Exterior glass and glazing shall be capable of safely withstanding the load due to wind pressure for
various height zones above ground acting inward or outward. The area of individual light shall not be
more than the maximum allowable area of glass according to the wind load multiplied by the
appropriate adjustment factor.

2. Glass panels which are more than 600 millimeters in width and 180 millimeters or more in height
adjacent to wall opening shall be safety glass unless a bulkhead of opaque materials not less than
450 millimeters high is provided.

3. The table provided below shall govern the glass area limitation for use in large area along shopping
malls, commercial buildings, theaters, offices, institutional public buildings and factories other than
Group A, B and J Occupancies.


(millimeter) (meter) (meter)

8 1.10 and below 1.10 and below

10 2.25 and below 2.25 and below
12 3.00 and below 3.00 and below
15 Over 3.00 Over 3.00
SECTION 1803. Glazing

Glass firmly supported on all four (4) edges shall be glazed with minimum laps and edge clearances
in accordance with Section 1801 paragraph (2), Provided, that glass edge clearance in fixed openings
shall be not less than what is required for wind and earthquake drift. For glass not firmly supported on all
four (4) edges and design shall be submitted for approval of the Building Official. Glass supports shall be
considered firm when deflection of the support at design load does not exceed 1/175 of the span.

SECTION 1804. Louvered Windows

Regular plate, sheet, or patterned glass in jalousies and louvered windows shall not be thinner than
5.6 millimeters minimal and shall not be longer than 1.20 meters. Exposed glass edges shall be smooth.

SECTION 1805. Impact

Frameless glass doors, glass in doors, fixed glass panels, and similar glazed openings which may be
subject to accidental human impact shall conform with the requirements provided under Section 1802 on
impact loads of glass; Except in the following cases:

1. Bathtub and shower enclosures shall be constructed from approved shatter-resistant materials, such
as: wire-reinforced glass not less than 5.6 millimeters thick; fully tempered glass not less than 4.8
millimeters thick; or laminated safety glass not less than 6.4 millimeters thick.

2. Glass lights located not less than 450 millimeters above the adjacent finished floor or walking surface.

3. Glass lights when the least dimension is not greater than 450 millimeters.

4. Glass lights 1.50 sq. meters or less in area.


SECTION 1901. General Rule

The use of computer for all or any part of the design of buildings under the Code is permitted
provided that all programs to be used are documented.

SECTION 1902. Program Documentation

1. Documenting a program under the Code consists of filing with the OBO a reference to a publication or
publications accessible to him where the detailed description of the program or a brief statement of
the theoretical background of the program including a description of the algorithms used are found.

2. The software name, version number and the company that developed the program and its address
shall be provided as part of the program documentation.

SECTION 1903. Submission of Computer-Generated Computations

a. A copy of the output sheets for computer-generated computations shall be submitted as part of
the design computations.

i. The first sheet of the output sheets shall be signed and sealed by the designer.

b. The output sheets shall be accompanied by a certification of a designer and/or consultant that
the output sheets are the results obtained through the use of documented programs. The certification
should include the identification of the specific program used for each portion of the computer-
generated computations being submitted.

i. The data provided, as computer input shall be clearly distinguished from those computed in the

ii. The information required in the output shall include date of processing, program identification,
all output data, units and final results.

SECTION 2001. General Requirements

1. No sign or signboard shall be erected in such a manner as to confuse or obstruct the view or
interpretation of any official traffic sign, signal, or device.

2. Signs which are written in any foreign language shall have a corresponding translation in English or in
the local dialect.

3. The bottom line of all signboards adjacent to each other shall follow a common base line as
determined by the Building Official.

4. The installation of all kinds of signs shall be such that a harmonious and aesthetic relationship of all
units therein is presented.

SECTION 2002. Maintenance

All signs, together with all of their supports, braces, guys, and anchors, shall be kept in repair and in
proper state of preservation. The display of all signs shall be kept neatly painted and secured at all times.

SECTION 2003. Design and Construction

Sign structures shall be designed and constructed to resist all forces in accordance with the National
Structural Code for Buildings. For signs on buildings, the dead lateral loads shall be transmitted through
the structural frame of the building to the ground in such a manner as not to overstress any of the
elements of the building. The weight of earth superimposed over footings may be used in determining the
dead load resisting moment. Such earth shall be carefully placed and thoroughly compacted.

SECTION 2004. Supports and Anchorages

1. General. The supports and anchorages of all signs or sign structures shall be placed in or upon
private property and shall be constructed in conformity with the requirements of the Code.

a. Sign structures may be constructed only in areas where zoning regulations permit them and in
accordance with the accepted standards of design, construction and maintenance.

b. Roof Signs

i. The design and construction of roof signs shall conform to the provisions of Sec. 1210 of the

ii. No signs shall be erected, attached to, installed or fastened on rooftops of buildings of
wooden structures or of buildings/structures with wooden roof framing.

iii. Adequate provisions for grounding metallic parts of roof signs exposed to lightning shall be

iv. Installation of warning lights/obstruction lights for air traffic shall be installed where applicable.

c. Ground Signs

i. Ground signs and advertising ground signs which shall be constructed in conformity with
accepted engineering standards, of which height control shall be in conformity with the Local
Zoning Regulation (LZR). (Figure XX.1.)

ii. Ground sign structures shall be located within the property line and under no circumstances
shall they occupy the RROW/street or sidewalk/arcade or similar access-ways.

iii. Public or government signs erected or installed within the area of the sidewalk shall be so
designed and located that they do not obstruct the easy passage of pedestrians nor distract
the attention of motorists.

d. Projecting Signs

i. On non-arcaded RROW/streets, signs shall not extend more than 1.20 meters over the
sidewalk and measured horizontally from the wall line or building line. On arcaded
RROW/streets, the signs shall not project more than 0.60 meter from the outermost portion
of the wall line of the allowed structure over the arcade. For buildings abutting on
RROW/streets or alleys without sidewalks or provisions therefor, the signs shall not project
more than 0.30 meter from the outermost portion of the building/structure. (Figures XX.2.,
XX.3., and XX.4.)

ii. A height clearance of not less than 3.00 meters measured from the finished road surface
shall be provided below the lowest part of such signs projecting over sidewalks on buildings
without arcades and a clearance of not less than 5.00 meters shall be provided below the
lowest part of such signs projecting over arcaded RROW/streets.

iii. The erection of electric neon signboards or other advertisements of similar nature projecting
over roadways or public streets shall be allowed, provided that:

(1) Clear distance between the signboards erected on one building is not less than 4.00

(2) Signboards on multi-storey buildings shall be erected on the same vertical line and shall
not overlap each other.

(3) Tops of signboards shall not extend over the topmost part of the parapet or the bottom
line of the eave of the building.

(4) Horizontal projections of signboards shall follow subsections (i) and (ii). of this Rule.

(5) In case of two (2) adjacent buildings, adjacent signboards shall be placed at a distance
of not less than 2.00 meters from the common boundary line.

(6) Signboards shall not obstruct any window or emergency exit and shall not be closer than
1.00 meter from electric and telephone posts and wires.

e. Wall Signs

i. Outdoor display signs placed against the front exterior surface of buildings shall not extend
more than 300 millimeters from the wall with its lowest portion not less than 3.00 meters
above the sidewalk.

ii. Commercial signs shall not be attached to, painted on, installed or displayed on
posts/columns, beams/girders or any other exterior portion of arcades and structures for
public utilities/services, e.g. mass transit and the like.

iii. Display windows or wall signs within 3.00 meters above the sidewalk shall be flushed or
2. Materials. Materials for construction of signs or sign structures shall be of the quality and grade as
specified in the Code. In all signs and sign structures, the materials and details of construction shall, in
the absence of specified requirements, conform to the following:

a. Structural steel shall be of such quality as to conform to ASTM A 36. Secondary members in contact
with or directly supporting the display surface may be formed of light gauge steel, provided such
members are designed in accordance with the specifications of the design of light gauge steel as
specified in ASTM A 242 and, in addition, shall be galvanized. Secondary members, when formed
integrally with the display surface, shall be not less than No. 24 gauge in thickness. When not
formed integrally with the display surface, the minimum thickness of the secondary members shall
be No. 12 gauge. The minimum thickness of hot-rolled steel members furnishing structural support
for signs shall be 6.35 millimeters, except that if galvanized, such members shall be not less than
3.18 millimeters thick. Steel pipes shall be of such quality as to conform to ASTM A 36. Steel
members may be connected with one galvanized bolt provided that connection is adequate to
transfer the stresses in the members.

b. Anchors and supports, when of wood and embedded in the soil, or within 150 millimeters of the
soil, shall all be of heartwood of a durable species or shall be pressure-treated with an approved

3. Restrictions on Combustible Materials – All signs or sign structures erected in highly restrictive Fire
Zones shall have structural members of incombustible materials. Ground signs may be constructed of
any material meeting the requirements of the Code. Combination signs, roof signs, wall signs,
projecting signs, and signs on marquees shall be constructed of incombustible materials. No
combustible material other than approved plastics shall be used in the construction of electric signs.

4. Non-structural Trim – Non-structural trim and portable display surfaces may be of wood, metal,
approved plastics, or any combination thereof.

5. Display Surfaces – Display surfaces in all types of signs may be made of metal, glass, or approved

SECTION 2005. Projections and Clearances

1. Clearances from High Voltage Power Lines – Clearances of signs from high voltage power lines shall
be in accordance with the Philippine Electrical Code.

2. Clearances from Fire Escapes, Exits, or Standpipes – No signs or sign structures shall be erected in
such a manner than any portion of its surface or supports will interfere in any way with the free use of
any fire escape, exit, or standpipe.

3. Obstruction of Openings. No sign shall obstruct any opening to such an extent that light or ventilation
is reduced to a point below that required by the Code. Signs erected within 1.50 meters of an exterior
wall in which there are openings within the area of the sign shall be constructed of incombustible
material or approved plastics.

4. Projection over Alleys. No sign or sign structure shall project into any public alley below a height of
3.00 meters above established sidewalk grade, nor project more than 300 millimeters where the sign
structure is located 3.00 meters to 4.50 meters above established sidewalk grade. The sign or sign
structure must not project more than 1.00 meter into the public alley where the sign or sign structure
is located more than 4.50 meters above established sidewalk grade.

SECTION 2006. Lighting

Signs shall be illuminated only by electrical means in accordance with the Philippine Electrical Code.

Figure XX.1.

Figure XX.2.



Figure XX.3.



Figure XX.4.



ABUTMENT - A form of a semi-permanent or permanent structure constructed along a property line,

usually of masonry or reinforced concrete or other fire-rated material where absolutely no form of
permitted opening, whether temporary/permanent or operable/inoperable, is allowed on it. A vent well
with a clear width of 1.00 meter is the only permitted opening in an abutment or firewall.

ACCIDENTAL CONTACT - Any unplanned physical contact with the power transmission equipment,
prime movers. Machine parts which could result from slipping or any other unplanned action or

ADVERTISING SIGN - A sign that directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service or
entertainment conducted, sold or offered at a place other than where the business, profession, etc., is
located; An off-premise sign.

AERODROME - A defined area on a land or water (including any buildings, installations, and equipment)
intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft.

AIR CONDITIONING (AC) - The process of treating air so as to control simultaneously its temperature,
humidity, cleanliness, and distribution to meet the requirements of the conditioned space.

AIR RIGHTS – The right to physically develop and subsequently benefit or profit from the use of the air
space above the road right-of-way (RROW). The upper limit of the air rights is the airways navigational
path such as those clearance limits of aerodrome and flight patterns, and below grade development limit
is the ground water table.

ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM BUILDING FOOTPRINT (AMBF) - The maximum portion of the lot that may be
occupied by the building/structure at grade level after satisfying setback, yard and court requirements.
The area of the AMBF is measured from the outermost face of the exterior walls of the proposed
building/structure. The AMBF is the true buildable area on which a fully enclosed building/structure can be
erected. The AMBF shall exclude provisions for courts at grade level.

ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM VOLUME OF BUILDING (AMVB) Above-Grade - The limit of the total volume
of space that can be occupied by a proposed building/structure above grade level. The AMVB is an
imaginary prism within which the fully enclosed areas and courts of a proposed building/structure shall fit.
It is generally determined by multiplying the AMBF for the lot by the applicable building height limit (BHL)
for the lot and thereafter deducting the volume of space at the top part of the prism to satisfy natural light
and ventilation requirements for RROW and front yards and to satisfy incremental setback requirements.
The AMVB is expressed in cubic meters.

APPROACH/DEPARTURE SURFACE - That area with an edge located at the end of a clearway or
stopway when such is provided or at a distance of 60.00 meters from the end of the runway,
perpendicular and symmetrical about the prolongation of the runway centerline, both sides of which have
a divergence towards the outside which are as follows, and with the inner edge as a short base of the
isosceles trapezoid thus formed:

a. For aerodromes where turbo-jet aircraft operates, the divergence shall be 15%; and
b. For aerodromes where no turbo-jet aircraft operates, the divergence shall be 10%.

ARCADE - A roofed or covered sidewalk.

ARCADE STRUCTURE - Any semi-enclosed or enclosed and usable or habitable building projection
constructed in the airspace above the arcade and therefore utilizing the air rights above the road right-of-
way (RROW), in case the arcade is part of the RROW. In such a case, the usage of RROW air rights
shall be compensated by the proponent/beneficiary.

AUTHORIZED INSPECTOR - A licensed professional mechanical engineer with at least 10 years of

relevant experience in construction, operation, inspection and maintenance of machinery or equipment
and/or mechanical processes, works, projects or plants.
AUTOMATIC FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM - An engineered system to detect automatically and
suppress fire through fixed piping and nozzles using carbon dioxide, foam, dry or wet chemical, clean or
halogenated extinguishing agents or an automatic sprinkler system.

AWNING - A movable shelter supported entirely from an exterior wall of a building and of a type which
can be retracted, folded, or collapsed against the face of a supporting building.

BASEMENT/BASEMENT LEVEL - The portion of the building/structure below natural/ finished grade.

BASEMENT FOOTPRINT - The actual land area occupied by the basement component of the
building/structure at below-grade level. It is measured from the outermost face of the basement walls of
the building/structure.

BILLBOARD - A panel for posting bills or posters.

BOILER OR STEAM GENERATOR - A closed vessel intended for use in heating water or for
application of heat to generate steam or other vapor to be used externally from itself.

BUFFER - A device designed to stop a descending car or counterweight beyond its lowest limit of
travel by absorbing the momentum of descent of the car or counterweight.

BUILDING/STRUCTURE - A three-dimensional physical development erected within a lot or property or

any combination of or all of its three different levels (at grade, below grade, above grade). The term
buildings/structures as used in the Code shall invariably refer to both proposed and existing physical
developments within a lot.

BUILDING BULK - The overall size of a proposed building/structure as initially characterized by the
expanse of its gross floor area (GFA) or total gross floor area (TGFA), by the overall dimensions of its
allowable maximum building footprint (AMBF), by its height as dictated by the building height limit (BHL)
and also by the extent of allowable building projections (if these are large enough to host certain types of
activities). The building bulk, expressed in cubic meters, must not exceed the established AMVB above
grade. All measurements pertaining to building bulk shall be made from the outermost faces of the
exterior walls and roof or from the most bottom surface of the lowermost floor of the building/structure
(including those below grade).

BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT (BHL) - The maximum height to be allowed for buildings/ structures based on
their proposed use or occupancy; the BHL is generally determined after the application of other
development control (DC) and certain other parameters, i.e., considerations of site conditions, view, etc..
The BHL shall be generally measured from the established grade line to the topmost portion of the
proposed building/structure.

BUILDING LINE - The line formed by the intersection of the outer surface of the enclosing wall of the

building and the surface of the ground.

BUSINESS SIGN - An accessory sign that directs attention to a profession, business, commodity,
service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered in the same place where the business is located; An
identification or on-premise sign.

CANOPY (or MARQUEE) - A permanent roofed structure above a door attached to and supported by
the building and projecting over a wall or sidewalk.

CAPACITY OF WORKS, PROJECT OR PLANT - The total horsepower of all engines, motors, turbines
or other prime movers installed, whether in operation or not.

CAR, ELEVATOR - The load-carrying unit including its platform, enclosure and door or gate.
CEMETERY - Public or private land used for the burial of the dead and other uses dedicated for
cemetery purposes, to include landscaped grounds, driveways, walks, columbaria, crematories,
mortuaries, mausoleums, niches, graveyards, and public comfort rooms and off-street parking lots.

CINERARIUM - A niche in a tomb or columbarium to accommodate an urn containing the ashes of a
cremated body.

CINERARY REMAINS - The ashes resulting from cremation of a dead body.

CLEARWAY - A defined rectangular area on the ground or water at the end of a runway in the direction
of take-off and under the control of appropriate authority, selected or prepared as a suitable area over
which an aircraft may make a portion of its initial climb to a specified height.

COLUMBARIUM - A sepulcher with niches for cinerary remains.

COMPRESSOR - A mechanical device used in refrigeration system for the purpose of increasing the
pressure upon the refrigerant.

CONDEMNED BOILER OR UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSEL - A boiler or unfired pressure vessel that
has been inspected and declared unsafe to operate or disqualified stamped and marked indicating its
rejection by qualified inspecting authority.

CONDENSER - A vessel or arrangement of pipes or tubing in which vaporized refrigerant is liquefied

by the removal of heat.

CONICAL SURFACE - A specified surface sloping upwards and outwards from the periphery of the
Inner Horizontal Surface with limits which shall comprise:

a. A lower edge coincident with the periphery of the Inner Horizontal Surface; and
b. An upper edge located at a specified height above the Inner Horizontal Surface.

Its slope measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the periphery of the Inner Horizontal
Surface shall be 5% (1:20) measured above the horizontal in the same vertical plane.

COURT - An unoccupied space between the faces of the building lines and a yard or another
court, free, open and unobstructed from the ground upward.

INNER COURT - A court bounded on all sides or around its periphery by building lines.

OPEN COURT - A court bounded on three sides by building lines with one (1) side bounded by
another open space whether public or private.

THROUGH COURT - A court bounded on two (2) opposite sides by building lines with the other
opposite sides bounded by other open spaces whether public or private.

COURTYARD - A portion of a yard for which the permitted limit of paving/hardscaping shall not exceed
50% of the area of the yard.

CRANE - A machine for lifting or lowering a load and moving it horizontally in which the hoisting
mechanism is an integral part of the machine. It may be driven manually or by power and may be a fixed
or mobile machine, but does not include stackers, or lift trucks.

CREMATORIUM - Any designated place duly authorized by law to cremate dead persons.

DEVELOPMENT CONTROLS (DC) - A set of inter-acting regulations concerning the physical utilization
of a lot and likewise governing the planning/design of spaces and/or the use or occupancy of a
building/structure to be introduced (or already existing) on a lot; Development Controls help determine in
detail the Development Potential and/or the Carrying Capacity of all lots and/or of proposed developments
on lots.

DIRECT COUPLE - The system of driver-driven connection where the rotation of the driver is at the
same axis as that of the driven along the same axis at the same speed.
DISPLAY SIGN - Any material, device or structure that is arranged, intended, designed, or used as an
advertisement, announcement or directory that includes a sign, sign screen, billboard or advertising
device of any kind.

DISPLAY STAND - Any movable structure, table, showcase, cabinet and the like where goods or
periodicals are displayed.

DISPLAY SURFACE - The entire area enclosed by the extreme limits or perimeter of a sign.

DISPLAY WINDOW - That portion of a building abutting the sidewalk open to public view protected by
grilles, screens or transparent materials for the display of goods.

DUCT - A passageway made of sheet metal or other suitable material not necessarily leak tight, for
conveying air or other gases at low pressure.

DUMBWAITER - A hoisting mechanism design to materials and other loads such as food, laundry, etc.,
equipped with a car, which moves in fixed guides and serves two or more fixed landings through a
hoistway. This equipment shall be designed to carry small materials in a car, or partitioned or shelved
enclosure measuring no more than 0.86 sq. meters of net platform area; with a maximum height of 1.20
meters and a maximum rated capacity of 225 kilograms.

EASEMENT - A kind of public open space defined under the Water Code and other laws that must be
absolutely free of all forms of physical obstructions that can negatively affect natural light and ventilation
within such space or that can impede access to or the full recreational use of such space by the general
public. It is the area that may lie between the legally usable portions of a public or private property and
natural or man-built bodies of water such as seas, rivers, lakes, esteros, canals, waterways, floodways,
spillways and the like.

ELECTRICAL SIGN - Any sign which has characters, letters, figures, designs, faces, backgrounds or
outline illuminated by incandescent or fluorescent lamps or luminous tubes as part of the sign proper.
These light sources are external or internal.

ELEVATOR - A hoisting and lowering mechanism other than a dumbwaiter or freight elevator which is
designed to carry passanger or authorized personnel, in a protected enclosure (elevator car) which
moves along fixed guides in a vertical direction serving two or more fixed landings/floors on a hoistway.

ELEVATOR LANDING - That portion of a floor, balcony or platform for loading or discharging
passengers or freight to or from the elevator.

ELEVATOR WIRE ROPES - Steel wire ropes attached to the car frame or passing around sheaves
attached to the car frame from which elevator/dumbwaiter cars and their counterweights are suspended.

ENCLOSED - Means that the moving parts of a machine are so guarded that physical contact by any
part of the human body is precluded or prevented. This does not, however, prohibit the use of hinged,
sliding or otherwise removable doors or sections to permit inspection, lubrication or proper maintenance.

ESCALATOR - A power driven, inclined, continuous stairway for raising or lowering passengers.

ESTABLISHED GRADE ELEVATION - The point of reference on the highest adjoining natural grade
(ground surface), as established by the proper government authority. However, in case of sloping natural
grade (ground surface) where the edges of the buildable area running perpendicular to the road has a
difference in elevation of more than 3.00 meters, the average natural grade (ground surface) level of the
buildable area shall be considered the established elevation.

EVAPORATION - That part of the airconditioning/refrigeration system in which liquid refrigerant is

vaporized to produce refrigeration.

EXTERNAL INSPECTION - An inspection made on a boiler during operation.

FIREWALL - A reinforced masonry or reinforced concrete separator with the appropriate fire-resistive
rating and which shall be positioned between dwelling units or between buildings/structures to maintain
the fire integrity of each building/structure. Firewalls, particularly those erected above or along property
lines, shall have absolutely no openings, except for permitted vent wells and shall extend above the roof
from 400 millimeters to 1000 millimeters.

FLOOR-TO-FLOOR HEIGHT - The perpendicular distance or vertical measurement between the

uppermost surfaces (finish level) of two (2) successive floors of a proposed building/structure.

FLOOR PLATE - The gross expanse of a floor measured from the outermost edges of floor slabs and
which may or may not be representative of the typical floor of a proposed building/structure.

FLOOR TO LOT AREA RATIO (FLAR) or FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) - The ratio between the Gross
Floor Area (GFA) of a building/structure and the Total Lot Area (TLA) of the lot/property on which it
stands. The FLAR is determined by dividing the GFA of a building/structure by the TLA. The GFA of any
proposed or existing building/structure should not exceed the prescribed FLAR multiplied by the TLA.

FREIGHT LOADING/UNLOADING SPACE - Loading/unloading and ancillary spaces that are all located
outside the roadway/ carriageway component of the road right-of-way (RROW). Freight
loading/unloading spaces may also refer to spaces that may still be located within the shoulder and that
such spaces shall not occupy paved sidewalk/arcade areas intended solely for use by pedestrians or by
the disabled in transit.

FRONT YARD - The part of the required Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL) created by setbacks
along RROW. The front yard shall not be used as parking space as it is to be used as the transition area
between the sidewalk or other similar portions of the RROW and the building/structure. Driveways,
spaces for parking of a very temporary nature and hard and soft landscaping may be introduced for the
front yard.

FRONT OF LOT - The side of a lot on which the main pedestrian and vehicular access into the
property shall be situated. In the case of all classes of corner lots, both sides shall be treated as fronts of

GRADE - The lowest point of elevation of the finished surface of the ground between the exterior wall
of a building and a point 1.50 meters distant from said wall, or the lowest point of elevation of the finished
surface of the ground between the exterior wall of a building and a property line, if it is less than 1.50
meters distant from said wall. In case walls are parallel to and within 1.50 meters of a public sidewalk,
alley or other public way, the grade shall be the elevation of the sidewalk, alley or public way.

GRAVEYARD - A cemetery or portion of a cemetery reserved for ground interments or burials.

GROSS FLOOR AREA (GFA) - The total floor space within the perimeter of the permanent external
building walls (inclusive of main and auxiliary buildings) such as office areas, residential areas, corridors,
lobbies and mezzanine level/s.

GROUND SIGN - A sign with its support resting on the ground, the base of which ranges from a single
pole (plyon) and does not exceed 10.00 sq. meters as one (1) unit.

GUARDED - Shielded, fenced or otherwise protected by means of suitable enclosure guards, covers or
standard railings, so as to preclude the possibility of accidental contact or dangerous approach to persons
or objects.

HEADSTONE - The stone or marker at the head of a grave.

HEIGHT OF BUILDING/STRUCTURE - The vertical distance from the established grade elevation to
the highest point of the coping of a flat roof, to the average height of the highest gable, pitch or hip roof, or
to the top of the parapet, if the roof is provided with a parapet, whichever is higher or to the topmost
elevation of the helipad structure, if the roof is provided with a helipad, whichever is higher.

LOW-RISE - One-storey up to 5-storeys in height, i.e., from 3.00 meters up to a maximum of

15.00 meters above established grade; while not generally requiring an elevator if the
building/structure is for purely residential use; fire escapes and other safety systems are
mandatory for all low-rise buildings/structures.

MEDIUM-RISE - From 6-storeys up to 15-storeys in height, i.e., from 18.00 meters up to a

maximum of 45.00 meters above established grade; elevators, fire escapes, sprinkler systems
and other safety systems are mandatory for all medium-rise buildings/structures.

HIGH-RISE - 16-storeys or taller in height, i.e., from 48.00 meters above established grade;
elevators, fire escapes, sprinkler systems, arresters, beacons and other safety systems,
particularly if near airports, are mandatory for all high-rise buildings/structures.

HELIPAD - An area of land or a structural surface or an area of water (for pontoon-fitted or ski-supplied
helicopter models) which is used, or intended for use in the landing and takeoff of helicopters provided
that no refueling, maintenance, repairs or storage of helicopters is permitted.

HOIST - An apparatus for raising or lowering a load by the application of a force, but does not include a
car or platform. It may be base-mounted, hook suspension, monorail, overhead, simple drum type or
trolley suspension.

HOISTWAY - An opening through a building/structure for the travel of elevators, dumbwaiters, or material
lifts, extending from the pit floor to the roof of flow above.

IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA (ISA) - The percentage (%) of the maximum allowable floor area of
any paved, tiled or hardscaped surface at the ground floor/ grade level (located outside the main
building/structure) in relation to the Total Lot Area (TLA). The Maximum Allowable ISA consists of built-
up areas within the lot connected to the main building/structure but without opaque or solid roofing, e.g.,
patios, grade level terraces, driveways, walks, parking areas and the like. Since it is paved but unroofed,
the ISA is considered an open space and may therefore be combined with the Unpaved Surface Area
(USA), on portions of the lot to satisfy the total open space requirement for each type of use or
occupancy. The word impervious in the term ISA denotes that the paved surfaces generally do not allow
water percolation into the soil nor do they allow the soil to breathe and that such developments are
generally composed of light-reflective and heat-reflective surfaces.

IMPRINT - A plaque or sticker or lettering to be painted on either the top or the bottom of the
poster or sign as a means of identifying the company to whom the structure belongs and the
permit issued therefor.

INCREMENTAL SETBACK - The horizontal distance between the outermost building/structure line of a
lower floor and that of a higher floor, wherein the outermost building line of a higher floor is farther from
the property line.

INDIRECT COUPLE - The system of driver-driven connection where the rotation of the driver and driven
rotate along axis not necessarily on the same straight line, rotation or speed.

INNER EDGE - A line perpendicular to the prolongation of the runway centerline and at the end of a
clearway or stopway when such is provided or at distance of 60.00 meters from the end of the runway. It
is a short base of isosceles trapezoid formed by the approach/departure area, having length as follows:

a. 100.00 meters or 105.00 meters, for aerodromes where no turbo-jet aircraft operates
depending on the actual runway strip width; and
b. 150.00 meters or 300.00 meters, for aerodromes where turbo-jet aircraft operates depending
on the actual runway strip width.

INNER HORIZONTAL SURFACE - A horizontal plane located 45.00 meters above the elevation of the
nearest end of the runway starting from a distance of:

a. 365.00 meters normal to the centerline of the runway up to 4,000.00 meters, for aerodromes
where the runway strip width is 100.00 meters;
b. 390.00 meters normal to the centerline of the runway up to 4,000.00 meters, for aerodromes
where the runway strip width is 150.00 meters; and
c. 465.00 meters normal to the centerline of the runway up to 4,000.00 meters, for aerodromes
where the runway strip width is 300.00 meters.

The periphery of this surface shall be defined by circular areas of 4,000.00 meters radius from the
centerpoints of the ends of all existing and proposed runway strips joined by straight lines
tangential to these circular arcs.

INTERNAL INSPECTION - An inspection made when a boiler is shut down, with hand-holes,
manholes, or other openings opened or removed to permit inspection

LIQUID RECEIVER - A vessel permanently connected to a system by inlet and outlet pipes for storage
of a liquid refrigerant.

LOCOMOTIVE BOILER - A boiler mounted on a self-propelled track locomotive used to furnish

motivating power for traveling on rails.

LOT - (a) The physical setting for any building/structure whereby the level or intensity of development
covering such property is regulated by DC stipulated under this Code, by other agencies of
the national government concerned with physical development, by the local government
unit (LGU) concerned and by the Deed of Restrictions (only if in force).

(b) A unit area in a cemetery used either for ground interment or for the erection of a
mausoleum or tomb.

LOW PRESSURE HEATING BOILER - A boiler operated at pressures not exceeding 103.48 Kilopascal
(kPa) with steam or water temperature not exceeding 121° C.

MACHINE - The driven unit, appliance or equipment as distinguished from the driving unit,
transmission equipments or prime mover. The machine shall consist of fixed and movable parts
characteristic to the process or type of operation which it is intended to perform.

MACHINE HOUSE - An enclosure for housing the hoisting mechanism and power plant.

MACHINE PARTS - Any or all-moving parts of a machine.

MARKER - A cross, stake, tablet, made of wood, stone, concrete, or marble to mark a grave.

MAUSOLEUM - A large stately tomb to accommodate one or more interments, usually with provisions
for an ossuary and/or a cinerarium.

MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CONSTRUCTION AREA (MACA) - The combined total of the Maximum
Allowable Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) and the Maximum Allowable Impervious Surface Area (ISA)
expressed as a percentage (%) of the total Lot area (TLA). The MACA specifically excludes the Unpaved
Surface Area (USA).

MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT OR MACHINERY - All prime-movers such as steam engines and

turbines, internal combustion engines, gas engines and turbines; steam generators such as boilers;
furnaces; heat exchanger such as cooling towers, kilns and dryers, coolers and heaters; materials
handling equipment such as pumps, cranes, conveyors, hoists, elevators, escalators, mechanized dumb-
waiters, moving ramps and walkways; heating, air-conditioning, ventilating and refrigeration equipment
and machinery, including compressors, and centrifugal fans, mechanical pollution abatement and
environmental control system; piping system with a working pressure of not less than 70 Kilopascal (kPa),
fired and unfired pressure vessels , printing machine; mechanical working machines for metallic and non-
metallic materials and other mechanical equipment and machinery whether installed on land,
underground, or on board watercraft.

MECHANICAL LIFT PARKING SPACE - A rigid steel structure for light vehicle parking under which
another vehicle can be parked after loading the structure and raising it with a hydraulic or motor driven
mechanical system.


geothermal plants, dendro-thermal plants, nuclear plants, ocean thermal energy conservation (OTEC)
plants, internal combustion plants, hydraulic plants, pumping plants, compressed gas plants, all kinds of
mills, shops, factories, shipyards, dry-docks, heating, air conditioning, ventilating and refrigeration plants
containing any mechanical equipment, machinery or process, deriving power from steam, fossil fuels,
wind, air, gas, water, solar radiation, nuclear energy, ocean waves and tides, or other energy sources.

MEMORIAL - A monument, marker, tablet, headstone, tombstone, private mausoleum or tomb for
family or individual use.

MEMORIAL PARK - A cemetery with well kept landscaped lawns and wide roadways and footpaths
separating the areas assigned for ground interments, tombs, mausoleums and columbaria, with or without
a mortuary chapel; and provided with systematic supervision and maintenance and where park-like
atmosphere is an outstanding quality.

MONUMENT - A tombstone, or memorial of concrete, granite, marble or other durable stone

extending above the surface of the ground, usually with decorative urns or symbolic statuary.

MOVING RAMP/WALKWAY - A type of horizontal passenger-carrying device on which passengers

stand or walk, with its surface remaining parallel to its direction of motion and is uninterrupted.

NEW DEVELOPMENT - New physical development (consisting mainly of new construction and fit-out
work) within a lot that is open for development, vacant, unutilized, development-committed or within other
lots that are similarly situated, provided that such a lot and/or adjacent/contiguous lots which are similarly
situated have a common continuous frontage along the main road right-of-way (RROW) of at least 200.00
meters. If the frontage or combined frontage along the main RROW of such lot or lots is less than 200.00
meters, the existing building lines of adjoining properties on the same side of the RROW may be followed.

NICHE - Interment space for remains of dead persons.

OBSTACLE LIMITATION SURFACES - Defined the height limits of natural or man-made objects
around aerodromes so as to permit the intended aircraft operations at the aerodromes to be conducted
safely and to prevent the aerodromes from becoming unusable by the growth of obstacle around the

OSSUARY - The interment space for bones of the dead.

OUTER HORIZONTAL SURFACE - A specified portion of a horizontal plane located above the
environment of an aerodrome beyond limits of the conical surface. The outer limits are:

a. 24 kilometers from runway centerline or runway end for aerodromes where turbo-jet aircraft
operates; and
b. 10 kilometers from runway centerline or runway end for aerodromes where no turbo-jet
aircrafts operates.

OUTERMOST FACES OF BUILDING (OFB) - The outermost and topmost vertical or angular planes of
a proposed building/structure that shall govern the limits of its walls and roof. It is primarily determined by
first vertically projecting the outermost lines of the Alllowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)
(wherein the height of vertical projection is governed by the Building Height Limit or BHL). To then set the
roof height limit and configuration (as well as to determine the limits of incremental setbacks applicable to
the height of the proposed building/structure), a diagonal line (or plane) at an allowed angle or slope must

then be drawn from the center of the RROW. The intersection of the angular plane and the vertical prism
based on the AMBF (the “footprint prism”) shall complete the applicable OFB for the lot.

OUTERMOST LIMITS OF BUILDING PROJECTIONS (OLBP) - The outermost horizontal limit of

projections, i.e., canopies, porte cocheres, balconies, eaves, roofs, decks, terraces and the like) from a
proposed building/structure above the first floor. The horizontal projections must not exceed 60% of the
prescribed setback for a given property line. The OLBP will result in another imaginary prism (the
“projections prism”) within which the fully enclosed areas and courts of a proposed building/structure plus
all of its projections shall fit.

PARKING AREA - Parking slots together with their ancillary spaces (such as driveways connecting such
parking slots, ramps, access systems, etc.) for the use of motor vehicles of all types (private and public).

OFF-RROW (or OFF-STREET) PARKING - Parking slots and ancillary spaces that are all
located outside the RROW/street.

OFF-SITE PARKING - Parking slots and ancillary spaces that are all located outside the
RROW/street and to be provided only within the property lines/limits of a separate site or lot on
which a project is not located. Off-site parking may be below-grade (basement level), at grade
(ground level) or above-grade (elevated/upper floor levels) of buildings/structures.

ON-SITE PARKING - Parking slots and ancillary spaces that are all located outside the
RROW/Street and to be provided only within the property lines/limits of a site or lot on which a
building/ structure is to be constructed. On-site parking may be below-grade, at grade or above-

PARKING SLOT - Spaces to be used mainly for parking motor vehicles of all types (private and public).

PARKING BUILDING/STRUCTURE - An off-RROW on-site multiple parking facility consisting of a multi-

level building/structure that may have components located below-grade or above-grade.

PASSENGER LOADING/UNLOADING SPACE - Loading/unloading and ancillary spaces for commuters

that are located within the shoulder and that such spaces shall not occupy paved sidewalk/arcade areas

intended solely for use by pedestrians or by the disabled in transit.

PERCENTAGE OF SITE OCCUPANCY (PSO) - A quantity related to the Allowable Maximum Building
Footprint (AMBF) and the Total Lot Area (TLA) via the equation “PSO equals AMBF divided by TLA”. The
PSO is expressed as the percentage (%) of the maximum allowable enclosed floor area of any
building/structure at the ground floor/ grade level in relation to the TLA.

PODIUM - The fully enclosed component of the building/structure situated between the established
grade and the first of a typical floor of the building/structure’s tower component.

POINT OF OPERATION - That part of machine which performs an operation on the stock or material
and/or that place or location where stock or material is fed to the machine. A machine may have more
than one (1) point of operation.

PORTABLE BOILER - An internally fired boiler which is self-contained, primarily intended for temporary

POSTER - A fabricated flat surface upon which a message is either posted or painted.

POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY - A shaft, wheel, drum, pulley system of fast and loose
pulleys, coupling, clutch, driving belt, V-belt sheaves and belts, chains and sprockets, gearing, torque
connectors, conveyors, hydraulic couplings, magnetic couplings, speed reducers or increasers or any
device by which the motion of an engine is transmitted to or received by another machine.
PRIME MOVER - An engine or motor operated by steam, gas, air, electricity, liquid or gaseous fuels,
liquids in motion or other forms of energy whose main function is to drive or operate, either directly or
indirectly, other mechanical equipment.

PROCESS MACHINE - Equipment designed and operated for a specific purpose.

PROJECTING SIGN - A sign fastened to, suspended from or supported on a building or structure the
display surface of which is perpendicular from the wall surface or is at an angle therefrom.

PROJECTION - Any structurally attached portion of a building/structure that is outside its outermost
walls and which perform a utility or aesthetic function, e.g., roof/eaves, trellis, canopy (media agua), porte
cochere, balcony, decks, deck/cantilevered terraces, sunbreaker, cantilevers, signage support, flag and
lighting support, gondolas/window cleaning systems and the like; a building projection is situated between
the imaginary footprint prism and projections prism.

R – 1 - A low density residential use or occupancy, characterized mainly as a low-rise single-detached

building/structure for exclusive use as a single (nuclear) family dwelling. This includes R-1 structures
within exclusive subdivisions and relatively exclusive residential communities which are not subdivisions.

R–2 - A medium density residential use or occupancy, characterized mainly as a low-rise single-
attached, duplex or multi-level building/structure for exclusive use as multiple family dwellings. This
includes R-2 structures within semi-exclusive subdivisions and semi-exclusive residential communities
which are not subdivisions.

Basic R-2 - Single-attached or duplex building/ structure of from one (1) storey up to three (3)
storeys in height and with each unit for separate use as single-family dwellings.

Maximum R-2 - Low-rise multi-level building/ structure of from three (3) up to five (5) storeys in
height and for use as multiple family dwellings.

R – 3 - A high density residential use or occupancy, characterized mainly as a low-rise or medium-rise

building/ structure for exclusive use as multiple family dwellings with mixed housing types. R-3 structure
may include low-rise or medium-rise residential condominium buildings that are already commercial in
nature and scale.

Basic R-3 - Rowhouse building/structure of from one (1) storey up to three (3) storeys in height
and with each unit for separate use as single-family dwellings; and

Maximum R-3 - Medium-rise multi-level building/structure of from six (6) up to twelve (12) storeys
in height and for use as multiple family dwellings.

R – 4 - A medium to high density residential use or occupancy, characterized main-ly as a low-rise

townhouse building/ structure for exclusive use as multiple family dwellings. The term R-4 specifically
refers to the building/structure on an individual lot (a townhouse unit) and generally refers to the series or
rows of R-4 buildings/structures within a subdivided lot or property (an R-4 development).

R–5 - A very high density residential use or occupancy, characterized mainly as a medium-rise or
high-rise condominium building/structure for exclusive use as multiple family dwellings.

REDEVELOPMENT - The physical development (consisting mainly of renovation, rehabilitation, retrofit,

upgrading and the like as well as expansion and/or new construction work) within a lot or property that is
under-utilized, unfit/unsafe for habitation/use or within other lots/properties that are similarly situated.

REFRIGERANT - A substance which produces a refrigerating effect by its absorption of heat while
expanding or evaporating.
RESULTANT HEIGHT OF BUILDING/STRUCTURE - The vertical measurement of a proposed
building/structure as determined by the Building Height Limit (BHL) and by the project proponent’s
desired floor-to-floor height.

ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY (RROW) or ACCESS STREET or STREET - A kind of public open space for
the continuous flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic that must be free of all forms of prohibited physical
obstructions. The RROW is the area lying between two (2) or more parallel properties and its width is
horizontally measured from opposite property lines

ROADWAY (or CARRIAGEWAY) - The portion or component of the RROW on which motor vehicles
are allowed to pass and on which vehicles may also be allowed to park in case of on-RROW (on-street)
or on-roadway parking.

ROOF SIGN - A sign installed on roofs, roof decks, the horizontal least cross sectional area in case of
supporting frame does not exceed 10.00 sq. meters for such framed structure resting entirely on the roof.

RUNWAY - A defined rectangular area on land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take-off of craft
along its length.

RUNWAY STRIP - That rectangular area determined by a line originating at the end of the inner edge
drawn parallel to the centerline of the runway having a total length of L + stopway length at both ends of
the runway when such is provided or L + 120.00 meters, where L is the length of the runway in meters,
and a width equal to the length of the inner edge. No new buildings/structures shall be allowed within the
runway strip. This defined area is intended to reduce the risk of damage to aircraft running of a runway
and to protect aircraft flying over it during take-off or landing operations.

SEPULCHRE - A burial place solidly built of stone or concrete.

SETBACK - The horizontal distance measured 90º from the outermost face of the building/structure to
the property lines.

SIDEWALK - The portion, on each side of the road right-of-way (RROW) reserved for the exclusive
use of pedestrians and the disabled who are in transit.

SIGHT LINE - The line of view from any fixed or moving station point within a building/structure or from
any other open space within or immediately outside the lot or from any point within a public open space
such as the RROW to a built or natural structure, formation, vista and the like.

SIGN - Any letter, word, numeral, pictorial presentation, illustration, decoration, emblem, device,
symbol or trademark, flag, banner, or pennant, or any other figure of similar character that is attached to,
painted on or in any manner represented on a building or structure; used to announce, direct attention to
or advertise, and visible to the public.

SIGN STAND - Any movable structure on which a sign is mounted or supported.

SIGN STRUCTURE - Any means to support the installation of signs, and this includes the structural
frame, anchorages and fasteners to support and suspend such sign. A building where a roof sign is
installed entirely on its roof is not part of the sign structure.

STOPWAY - A defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of a runway in the direction of take-
off designated and prepared by an aerodrome owner or operator as a suitable area in which an aircraft
can be stopped in case of interrupted take-off.

STOREY - Portion of a building/structure included between the uppermost surface (or finish level) of
any floor and the uppermost surface (or finish level) of the next floor above or below it. If the uppermost
surface (or finish level) of a floor/level above the uppermost surface (or finish level) of a basement, cellar
or unused under-floor space is more than 3.60 meters above established grade as defined herein at any
point, such basement, cellar or unused under-floor space shall be considered a storey.

STRUCTURE - That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of
work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner.
STRUCTURE OVER ARCADE - Any portion of a building above the first floor projecting over the
sidewalk beyond the first storey wall and used as protection for pedestrian.
TEMPORARY SIGN - A sign of cloth or other light and/or combustible material, with or without
frame such as streamer, bills, posters and the like installed for a limited period of time.

TERMINAL - Passenger and freight loading/unloading spaces and ancillary spaces (such as parking
slots, waiting areas, driveways connecting such spaces, access systems, etc.) for use by public motor

OFF-STREET (or OFF-RROW) TERMINAL – A terminal located outside the road right-of-way

ON-STREET (or ON-RROW) TERMINAL – A terminal that may still be located within the
shoulder and that such spaces shall not occupy paved sidewalk/arcade areas intended solely for
use by pedestrians or by the disabled in transit.

TOMB - An above ground sepulchre without roof or canopy.

TON OF REFRIGERATION - The useful refrigerating effect equal to 3.5 kilowatts (kW).

TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA (TGFA) - The total floor space within the main and auxiliary buildings
primarily consisting of the GFA and all other enclosed support areas together with all other usable
horizontal areas/surfaces above and below established grade level that are all physically attached to the
building/s which shall consists of the following: Covered areas used for parking and driveways, services and

TOTAL OPEN SPACE WITHIN LOT (TOSL) - The total open space required for each type of use or
occupancy for a given lot. It is the portion of the lot consisting of the ISA and the USA combined and
expressed as a percentage (%) of the Total Lot Area (TLA).

TOTAL LOT AREA (TLA) - The total surface area of a lot on which a proposed building/ structure is to be
erected. If the proposed building or structure is erected on two or more lots, the TLA shall be equal to the
surface area of such number of lots. The TLA is expressed in square meters and is equivalent to the
combined total of the MACA.

TOWER - The fully enclosed component of the building/structure situated between the podium
component and the roof of the building/structure; the tower shall not be higher than five times the height
of the podium.

TRANSITIONAL SURFACE - A specified surface sloping upwards and outwards from the edge of the
approach/departure area and from a line originating at the end of the inner edge, drawn parallel to the
runway centerline, having a slope of 14.3% or 1:7. The outer limit of the transitional surface shall be
determined by its intersection with the plane of the inner horizontal surface.

TRAVELING CABLE - A cable made up of electric conductors which provides electrical connection
between an elevator or dumbwaiter car and a fixed outlet in the hoistway.

TYPICAL FLOOR - A regularly replicated floor plan or area, usually for the tower component of a
proposed building/ structure. The typical floor must not be that of the ground floor and should be repeated
or replicated throughout large portions of or throughout the entire building/structure.

UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSEL - A vessel in which pressure is obtained from an external source or
from an indirect application of heat.

UNPAVED SURFACE AREA (USA) - The portion of the lot that shall remain unpaved and reserved for
softscaping/planting. It is expressed as a percentage (%) of the Total Lot Area or TLA and may be
combined with the ISA to satisfy the Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL), i.e., the total open space
requirement for each type of use or occupancy.
VENEER - A non-structural facing facing of brick, concrete, tile, metal, plastic, glass, or other similar
approved materials attached to a backing or structural components of the building for the purpose of
ornamentation, protection, or enclosure that may be adhered, integrated, or anchored either on the interior
or exterior of the building/structure.


VENTILATION - Process of supplying or removing air by natural or mechanical means to or from any

VENT WELL - A permitted minimal opening along a specified vertical portion of the firewall that shall
not be more than 3.00 meters in clear width and a minimum depth of 1.50 meters.

VERTICAL PENETRATIONS - Shall mean stairs, fire escapes, elevator shafts, pipe shafts, vertical
shafts, vertical ducts, and the like and their enclosing walls which enclose areas such as machine room
and closets, storage rooms and closets, covered balconies and terraces, interior walls and columns and
other interior features and the like.

VIEW CORRIDOR - The visually unobstructed width, depth and height of all available sight lines

running through and along road rights-of-way (RROW), easements and similar rights-of-way (ROW), open

spaces within lots (including yards and courts) or through and along designated public spaces including

recreational areas. View corridor may also refer to specific ranges of sight lines from a building or

structure to a specific natural or man-built object and/or development considered of beauty or value.

WALL SIGN - A sign painted on, attached or fastened to the surface of the wall or any part of a
building or structure the display surface of which is parallel to the wall surface.

VAULT - The interment receptacle for coffins, of reinforced concrete, covered and sealed, whether
sunk into the ground or to rest on the ground.

YARD - The vacant space left between the outermost face of the building/structure and the property
lines, e.g., front, rear, right and left side yards. As a yard performs a vital environmental function because
of its exposed soil and/or plant cover (surface water percolation, light/heat absorption, etc.), it shall
preferably not be paved/hardscaped. A yard may be considered part of the Total Open Space within Lot
(TOSL), provided that it abuts a permanent public open space without any separation between them
which obstructs the free flow of light and ventilation.

1. Bases of assessment

a. Character of occupancy or use of building/structure

b. Cost of construction

c. Floor area

d. Height

2. Regardless of the type of construction, the cost of construction of any building/structure for the purpose of assessing
the corresponding fees shall be based on the following table:

Table II.G.1. On Fixed Cost Of Construction Per Sq. Meter

All Cities and A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I F J
Municipalities P10, 000 P8, 000 P6, 000

3. Construction/addition/renovation/alteration of buildings/structures under Group/s and Sub-Divisions shall be assessed as


a. Division A-1

Area in sq. meters Fee per sq. meter

i. Original complete construction up to 20.00 sq.meters…….……….… P 2.00

ii. Additional/renovation/alteration up to 20.00 sq. meters
regardless of floor area of original construction...………….…………. 2.40
iii. Above 20.00 sq. meters to 50.00 sq. meters…………………………… 3.40
iv. Above 50.00 sq. meters to 100.00 sq. meters……..………….……… 4.80
v. Above 100.00 sq. m to 150 sq. meters...……….……………………… 6.00
vi. Above 150.00 sq. meters………………………………….………….…. 7.20

Sample Computation for Building Fee for a 75.00 sq. meters floor area:

Floor area = 75.00 sq. meters

Therefore area bracket is 3.a.iv.
Fee = P 4.80/sq. meter
Building Fee = 75.00 x 4.80 = P 360.00

b. Division A-2

Area in sq. meters Fee per sq. meter

i. Original complete construction up to 20.00 sq. meters……….………. P 3.00

ii. Additional/renovation/alteration up to 20.00 sq. meters
regardless of floor area of original construction ……………………… 3.40
iii. Above 20.00 sq. meters to 50.00 sq. meters…………………………… 5.20
iv. Above 50.00 sq. meters to 100.00 sq. meters……………………….… 8.00
v. Above 150.00 sq. meters……….………………………………………… 8.40

c. Divisions B-1/C-1/E-1, 2, 3/F-1/G-1, 2, 3, 4, 5/H-1, 2, 3, 4/I-1 and J-1, 2, 3

Area in sq. meters Fee per sq. meter

i. Up to 5,000………………………………….……………...…………… P 23.00
ii. Above 5,000 to 6,000….………………………..……...……………… 22.00
iii. Above 6,000 to 7,000……………………………..……………………. 20.50
iv. Above 7,000 to 8,000…..………………………..……………..……… 19.50
v. Above 8,000 to 9,000…..……………………………………………… 18.00
vi. Above 9,000 to 10,000……….………………………..……..………… 17.00
vii. Above 1,000 to 1,500……………………………………..…………... 16.00
viii. Above 15,000 to 20,000……………..………………………………… 15.00
ix. Above 20,000 to 30,000……………..………………………………… 14.00
x. Above 30,000………….……………..……….………………………… 12.00

NOTE: Computation of the building fee for item 3.c. is cumulative. The total area is split up into sub-areas
corresponding to the area bracket indicated in the Table above. Each sub-area and the fee corresponding to its area
bracket are multiplied together. The building fee is the sum of the individual products as shown in the following

Sample Computation for Building Fee for a building having a floor area of 32,000 sq. meters:

First 5,000 sq. meters @ 23.00………..…………………………………….. P 11,500.00

Next 1,000 sq. meters @ 22.00……….……………………………………... 2,200.00
Next 1,000 sq. meters @ 20.50…………………………………………….… 2,050.00
Next 1,000 sq. meters @ 19.50………….…………………………………... 1,950.00
Next 1,000 sq. meters @ 18.00……..…………………………………….… 1,800.00
Next 1,000 sq. meters @ 17.00…………………………………………….… 1,700.00
Next 5,000 sq. meters @ 16.00…..……………………………………….… 8,000.00
Next 5,000 sq. meters @ 15.00………..……………………………………. 7,500.00
Next 10,000 sq. meters @ 14.00……..…………………………………….. 14,000.00
Last 2,000 sq. meters @ 12.00…………………………………………….… 2,400.00
Total Building Fee P 53,100.00

d. Divisions C-2/D-1, 2, 3

Area in sq. meters Fee per sq. meter

i. Up to 5,000………..….……………………………………………....… P 12.00
ii. Above 5,000 to 6,000…………………………………………………… 11.00
iii. Above 6,000 to 7,000…………………………………………………… 10.20
iv. Above 7,000 to 8,000…..…………………………..……………..…… 9.60
v. Above 8,000 to 9,000……..………………………….……………….. 9.00
vi. Above 9,000 to 10,000……….…………………………..……..……… 8.40
vii. Above 10,000 to 15,000………….…………………………….……… 7.20
viii. Above 15,000 to 20,000……….……………………………………..… 6.60
ix Above 20,000 to 30,000…………………………………………..…… 6.00
x. Above 30,000……………..…..………………………………………… 5.00

NOTE: Computation of the building fee in item 3.d. follows the example of Section 3.c. of this Schedule.

e. Division J-2 structures shall be assessed 50% of the rate of the principal building of which they are
accessories (Sections 3.a. to 3.d.).

4. Electrical Fees

The following schedule shall be used for computing electrical fees in residential, institutional, commercial and industrial

a. Total Connected Load (kVA)

i. 5 kVA or less……………………………….. P 200.00
ii. Over 5 kVA to 50 kVA……………..……… P 200.00 + P 20.00/kVA
iii. Over 50 kVA to 300 kVA………………….. 1,100.00 + 10.00/kVA
iv. Over 300 kVa to 1,500 kVA……………… 3,600.00 + 5.00/kVA
v. Over 1,500 kVA to 6,000 kVA…………… 9,600.00 + 2.50/kVA
vi. Over 6,000 kVA…………………………… 20,850.00 + 1.25/kVA

NOTE: Total Connected Load as shown in the load schedule.

b. Total Transformer/Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)/Generator Capacity (kVA)

i. 5 kVA or less……………………………….. P 40.00
ii. Over 5 kVA to 50 kVA……………..……… P 40.00 + P 4.00/kVA
iii. Over 50 kVA to 300 kVA………………….. 220.00 + 2.00/kVA
iv. Over 300 kVa to 1,500 kVA……………… 720.00 + 1.00/kVA
v. Over 1,500 kVA to 6,000 kVA…………… 1,920.00 + 0.50/kVA
vi. Over 6,000 kVA…………………………… 4,170.00 + 0.25/kVA

NOTE: Total Transformer/UPS/Generator Capacity shall include all transformer, UPS and generators which are
owned/installed by the owner/applicant as shown in the electrical plans and specifications.

c. Pole/Attachment Location Plan Permit

i. Power Supply Pole Location………………………………… P 30.00/pole

ii. Guying Attachment…………………………………………… P 30.00/attachment

This applies to designs/installations within the premises.

d. Miscellaneous Fees: Electric Meter for union separation, alteration, reconnection or relocation and issuance of
Wiring Permit:

Use or Character of Electric Meter Wiring Permit

Occupancy Issuance

Residential P 15.00 P 15.00

Commercial/Industrial 60.00 36.00
Institutional 30.00 12.00

e. Formula for Computation of Fees

The Total Electrical Fees shall be the sum of Sections 4.a. to 4.d. of this Rule.

f. Forfeiture of Fees

If the electrical work or installation is found not in conformity with the minimum safety requirements of the
Philippine Electrical Codes and the Electrical Engineering Law (RA 7920), and the Owner fails to perform corrective
actions within the reasonable time provided by the Building Official, the latter and/or their duly authorized representative
shall forthwith cancel the permit and the fees thereon shall be forfeited.

5. Mechanical Fees

a. Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation:

i. Refrigeration (cold storage), per ton or fraction thereof………….… P 40.00

ii. Ice Plants, per ton or fraction thereof………………………………... 60.00
iii. Packaged/Centralized Air Conditioning Systems:
Up to 100 tons, per ton………………………………………………... 90.00
iv. Every ton or fraction thereof above 100 tons………………………. 40.00
v. Window type air conditioners, per unit…………………………….…. 60.00
vi. Mechanical Ventilation, per kW or fraction thereof
of blower or fan, or metric equivalent………………………………... 40.00
vii. In a series of AC/REF systems located in one
establishment, the total installed tons of refrigeration
shall be used as the basis of computation for purposes
of installation/inspection fees, and shall not be considered

For evaluation purposes:

For Commercial/Industrial Refrigeration without Ice Making (refer to 5.a.i.):

1.10 kW per ton, for compressors up to 5 tons capacity.

1.00 kW per ton, for compressors above 5 tons up to 50 tons capacity.
0.97 kW per ton, for compressors above 50 tons capacity.

For Ice making (refer to 5.a.ii.):

3.50 kW per ton, for compressors up to 50 tons capacity.

3.25 kW per ton, for compressors above 5 up to 50 tons capacity.
3.00 kW per ton, for compressors above 50 tons capacity.

For Air conditioning (refer to 5.a.iii.):

0.90 kW per ton, for compressors 1.2 to 5 tons capacity.

0.80 kW per ton, for above 5 up to 50 tons capacity.
0.70 kW per ton, for compressors above 50 tons capacity.

b. Escalators and Moving Walks, funiculars and the like:

i. Escalator and moving walk, per kW or fraction thereof………….…. P 10.00

ii. Escalator and moving walks up to to 20.00 lineal meters
or fraction thereof………………………………………………………. 20.00
iii. Every lineal meter or fraction thereof in excess
of 20.00 lineal meters…………………………………………………… 10.00
iv. Funicular, per kW or fraction thereof………………………………… 200.00
(a) Per lineal meter travel…………………………………..….……… 20.00
v. Cable car, per kW or fraction thereof………………………………… 40.00
(a) Per lineal meter travel……………………………………………… 5.00

c. Elevators, per unit:

i. Motor driven dumbwaiters……………………………………………. P 600.00

ii. Construction elevators for material………………………………….… 2,000.00
iii. Passenger elevators……………………………………………….….… 5,000.00
iv. Freight elevators…………………………………………………….…. 5,000.00
v. Car elevators………………………………………………………….... 5,000.00

d. Boilers, per kW:

i. Up to 7.5 kW…………………………………………………………… P 500.00

ii. Above 7.5 kW to 22 kW………………………………………………. 700.00
iii. Above 22 kW to 37 kW………………………………………………... 900.00
iv. Above 37 kW to 52 kW……………………………………………….… 1,200.00
v. Above 52 kW to 67 kW…………………………………………….…… 1,400.00
vi. Above 67 kW to 74 kW……………………………………………….… 1,600.00
vi. Every kW or fraction thereof above 74 kW…………………………… 5.00

NOTE: (a) Boiler rating shall be computed on the basis of 1.00

sq. meter of heating surface for one (1) boiler kW.
(b) Steam from this boiler used to propel any prime-mover
is exempted from fees.
(c) Steam engines/turbines/etc. propelled from geothermal
source will use the same schedule of fees above.

e. Pressurized water heaters, per unit………………………………………… P 200.00

f. Water, sump and sewage pumps for commercial/industrial use,

per kW or fraction thereof………………………………………………….. 60.00

g. Automatic fire sprinkler system, per sprinkler head…………………….. 4.00

h. Diesel/Gasoline ICE, Steam, Gas Turbine/Engine, Hydro,

Nuclear or solar Generating Units and the like, per kW:

i. Every kW up to 50 kW…….…………………………………………… P 25.00

ii. Above 50 kW up to 100 kW…………………………………………… 20.00
iii. Every kW above 100 kW……………………………………………….. 3.00

i. Compressed Air, Vacuum, Commercial,

Institutional and/or Industrial Gases, per outlet……………………………..P 20.00

j. Gas Meter, per unit…………………………………………………………….P 100.00

k. Power piping for gas/steam/etc., per lineal meter

or fraction thereof or per cu. meter or fraction thereof
whichever is higher…………………………………………………………… P 4.00

l. Other Internal Combustion Engines, including

cranes, forklifts, loaders, pumps, mixers, compressors
and the like, not registered with the LTO, per kW:
i. Up to 50 kW…..………………………………………………………… P 10.00
ii. Above 50 kW to 100 kW……………………………………………… 12.00
iii. Every above 100 kW or fraction thereof ……………………………… 3.00

m. Pressure Vessels, per cu. meter or fraction thereof……………………….. P 60.00

n. Other Machinery/Equipment for commercial/

Industrial/Institutional Use not elsewhere specified,
per kW or fraction thereof……………………………………………………. P 60.00

o. Pneumatic tubes, Conveyors, Monorails for

materials handling and addition to existing supply

and/or exhaust duct works and the like,

per lineal metes or fraction thereof…………………………………………. P 10.00

p. Weighing Scale Structure, per ton or fraction thereof……………………..P 50.00

NOTE: Transfer of machine/equipment location within a

building requires a mechanical permit and payment of fees.

6. Plumbing Fees

a. Installation Fees, one (1) “UNIT” composed of one (1) water closet, two (2) floor drains, one (1) lavatory, one (1) sink
with ordinary trap, three (3) faucets and one (1) shower head. A partial part thereof shall be charged as that of the cost
of a whole “UNIT”.

b. Every fixture in excess of one unit: P 24.00

i. Each water closet……………………………………………………… P 7.00
ii. Each floor drain……………………………………………………….… 3.00
iii. Each sink………………………………………………………………... 3.00
iv. Each lavatory………………………………………………………….… 7.00
v. Each faucet…………………………………………………………….. 2.00
vi. Each shower head………………………………………………….…… 2.00

c. Special Plumbing Fixtures:

i. Each slop sink…..……………………………………………………… P 7.00

ii. Each urinal…….………………………………………………………… 4.00
iii. Each bath tub……..………………………………………………….….. 7.00
iv. Each grease trap……..………………………………………………… 7.00
v. Each garage trap………………………………………………………. 7.00
vi. Each bidet……….…………………………………………………….… 4.00
vii. Each dental cuspidor………………………………………………….. 4.00
viii. Each gas-fired water heater…………………………………………… 4.00
ix. Each drinking fountain…………………………………………………. 2.00
x. Each bar or soda fountain sink……………………………………….. 4.00
xi. Each laundry sink……………………………………………………….. 4.00
xii. Each laboratory sink……………………………………………………. 4.00
xiii. Each fixed-type sterilizer………………………………………………. 2.00

d. Each water meter…………………………………………………………….. P 2.00

i. 12 to 25 mm ∅……………………………………………………….…. P 8.00
ii. Above 25 mm ∅……………………………………………………….. 10.00

e. Construction of septic tank, applicable in all Groups

i. Up to 5.00 cu. meters of digestion chamber………………………… P 24.00

ii. Every cu. meter or fraction thereof
In excess of 5.00 cu. meters…………………………………………. 7.00

7. Electronics Fees

a. Central Office switching equipment, remote

switching units, concentrators, PABX/PBX’s, cordless/
wireless telephone and communication systems,
intercommunication system and other types of switching/
routing/distribution equipment used for voice, data

image text, facsimile, internet service, cellular, paging

and other types/forms of wired or wireless communications………………………………………………….………… P
2.40 per port

b. Broadcast station for radio and TV for both

commercial and training purposes, CATV headed, transmitting/
receiving/relay radio and broadcasting communications
stations, communications centers, switching centers,
control centers, operation and/or maintenance centers,
call centers, cellsites, equipment silos/shelters and
other similar locations/structures used for electronics and
communications services, including those used for navigational
aids, radar, telemetry, tests and measurements, global
positioning and personnel/vehicle location ………….……….. P 1, 000.00 per location

c. Automated teller machines, ticketing,

vending and other types of electronic dispensing machines,
telephone booths, pay phones, coin changers, location
or direction-finding systems, navigational equipment
used for land, aeronautical or maritime applications,
photography and reproduction machines x-ray,
scanners, ultrasound and other apparatus/equipment
used for medical, biomedical, laboratory and testing
purposes and other similar electronic or electronically-
controlled apparatus or devices, whether located
indoor or outdoors……………………………………..………………… P 10.00 per unit

d. Electronics and communications outlets

used for connection and termination of voice, data,
computer (including workstations, servers, routers, etc.),
audio, video, or any form of electronics and commu-
nications services, irrespective of whether a user
terminal is connected …………………………………..……..………. P 2.40 per outlet

e. Station/terminal/control point/port/central
or remote panels/outlets for security and alarm
systems (including watchman system, burglar
alarms, intrusion detection systems, lighting
controls, monitoring and surveillance system,
sensors, detectors, parking management system,
barrier controls, signal lights, etc.), electronics
fire alarm (including early-detection systems,
smoke detectors, etc.), sound-reinforcement/background,
music/paging/conference systems and the like,
CATV/MATV/CCTV and off-air television,
electronically-controlled conveyance systems, building
automation, management systems and similar types
of electronic or electronically-controlled installations
whether a user terminal is connected ………………….………. P 2.40 per termination

f. Studios, auditoriums, theaters, and similar

structures for radio and TV broadcast, recording,
audio/video reproduction/simulation and similar
activities ………………………………………………………….. P 1,000.00 per location

g. Antenna towers/masts or other structures for

installation of any electronic and/or communications transmission/reception………………………………….…………P
1,000.00 per structure

h. Electronic or electronically-controlled indoor

and outdoor signages and display systems, including
TV monitors, multi-media signs, etc. ...………...…………….… P 50.00 per unit

i. Poles and attachment:

i. Per Pole (to be paid by pole owner)…….….……………………………. P 20.00

ii. Per attachment (to be paid by any
entity who attaches to the pole of others) …………….………………… 20.00
j. Other types or electronics or electronically-
controlled device, apparatus, equipment, instrument
or units not specifically identified above ..……….…………………….. P 50.00 per unit

8. Accessories of the Building/Structure Fees

a. All parts of buildings which are open on two (2) or
more sides, such as balconies, terraces, lanais and
the like, shall be charged 50% of the rate of the principal
building of which they are a part (Sections 3.a. to 3.d. of
this Schedule).

b. Buildings with a height of more than 8.00 meters shall be

charged an additional fee of twenty-five centavos (P 0.25)
per cu. meter above 8.00 meters. The height shall be
measured from the ground level up to the bottom of the
roof slab or the top of girts, whichever applies.

c. Bank and Records Vaults with interior volume

up to 20.00 cu. meters…..………………………………….…………………… P 20.00

i. In excess of 20.00 cu. meters…………….………………………………... 8.00

d. Swimming Pools, per cu. meter or fraction thereof:

i. GROUP A Residential…………………....………………………………… P 3.00

ii. Commercial/Industrial GROUPS B, E, F, G………………………………. 36.00
iii. Social/Recreational/Institutional GROUPS C, D, H, I…………………..… 24.00
iv. Swimming pools improvised from local
indigenous materials such as rocks, stones
and/or small boulders and with plain cement
flooring shall be charged 50% of the above rates.
v. Swimming pool shower rooms/locker rooms:
(a) Per unit or fraction thereof …….….………………………………... P 60.00
(b) Residential GROUP A………………………………………………. 6.00
(c) GROUP B, E, F, G, .....……………………………………………. 18.00
(d) GROUP C, D, H, .………………….………………………………. 12.00

e. Construction of firewalls separate from the building:

i. Per sq. meter or

fraction thereof…………...……………………………… P 3.00
ii. Provided, that the minimum fee shall be ………………………………… 48.00

f. Construction/erection of towers: Including Radio and TV towers, water tank supporting structures and the like:

Self- Trilon
Use or Character of Occupancy
Supporting (Guyed)
i. Single detached dwelling units………………….… P 500.00 P 150.00
ii. Commercial/Industrial
(Groups B, E, F, G)
up to 10.00 meters in height………………………… 2,400.00 240.00
(a) Every meter or fraction
thereof in excess of 10.00 meters…………… 120.00 12.00
iii. Educational/Recreational//Institutional
(Groups C, D, H, I)
up to 10.00 meters in height………………………… 1,800.00 120.00
(a) Every meter or fraction thereof
in excess of 10.00 meters…………………….. 120.00 12.00

g. Storage Silos, up to 10.00 meters in height………………………………… P 2,400.00

i. Every meter or fraction thereof

in excess of 10.00 meters…………………………………..…….. 150.00
ii. Silos with platforms or floors shall be
charged an additional fee in accordance
with Section 3.e. of this Schedule

h. Construction of Smokestacks and Chimneys for

Commercial/Industrial Use Groups B, E, F and G:

i. Smokestacks, up to 10.00 meters in

height, measured from the base………………………………… P 240.00
(a) Every meter or fraction thereof in
excess of 10.00 meters………………………………………. 12.00
ii. Chimney up to 10.00 meters in
height, measured from the base………………………………….. 48.00
(a) Every meter or fraction thereof in excess
of 10.00 meters………………………………………………... 2.00


i. Construction of Commercial/Industrial Fixed Ovens,

per sq. meters or fraction thereof of interior floor areas ……………………P 48.00

j. Construction of Industrial Kiln/Furnace, per cu. meter or

fraction thereof of volume …………………………………………….………… 12.00

k. Construction of reinforced concrete or steel tanks or

above ground GROUPS A and B, up to 2.00 cu. meters………..………….. 12.00

i. Every cu. m or fraction thereof in excess

of 2.00 cu. meters………………………………………………….. P 12.00
ii. For all other than Groups A and B
up to 10.00 cu. meters…………………………………………… 480.00
(a) Every cu. meter or fraction thereof in
excess of 10.00 cu. meters………………………………..… 24.00

l. Construction of Water and Waste Water Treatment

Tanks: (Including Cisterns, Sedimentation and Chemical
Treatment Tanks) per cu. meter of volume.……..………………..…………. P 7.00

m. Construction of reinforced concrete or steel tanks

for Commercial/Industrial Use:

i. Above ground, up to 10.00 cu. meters…………………………… P 480.00

Every cu. m or fraction thereof
in excess of 10.00 cu. meters…………………………………… 24.00
ii. Underground, up to 20.00 cu. meters…………………………..… 540.00
Every cu. meter or fraction thereof
in excess of 20.00 cu.meters……………………………………… 24.00

n. Pull-outs and Reinstallation of Commercial/Industrial Steel Tanks:

i. Underground, per cu. meter or fraction

thereof of excavation…………………………………………….... P 3.00
ii. Saddle or trestle mounted horizontal tanks,
per cu. meter or fraction thereof of volume of tank……………… 3.00
iii. Reinstallation of vertical storage tanks shall be
the same as new construction fees in accordance
with Section 8.k. above.

o. Booths, Kiosks, Platforms, Stages and the like,

per sq. meter or fraction thereof of floor area:

i. Construction of permanent type………………………………….. P 10.00

ii. Construction of temporary type…………………………………… 5.00
iii. Inspection of knock-down temporary type,
per unit ………………………………………………………….…… 24.00

p. Construction of buildings and other accessory structures

within cemeteries and memorial parks:

i. Tombs, per sq. meter of covered ground

areas……………………………………………………………….... P 5.00
ii. Semi-enclosed mausoleums whether
canopied or not, per sq. meter of built-up area. ………………… 5.00
iii Totally enclosed mausoleums, per sq. meter of
floor area ……………..…………………………………………… 12.00
iv. Totally enclosed mausoleums, per sq. meter
of floor area ……………..…………………………………………. 5.00
v. Columbarium, per sq. meter………………….………..…………. 18.00

9. Accessory Fees

a. Establishment of Line and Grade, all sides fronting

or abutting streets, esteros, rivers and creeks, first 10.00 meters…………..P 24.00

i. Every meter or fraction thereof in excess of 10.00 meters….……………….…2.40

b. Ground Preparation and Excavation Fee

i. While the application for Building Permit is still being processed, the Building Official may issue Ground
Preparation and Excavation Permit (GP&EP) for foundation, subject to the verification, inspection and review
by the Line and Grade Section of the Inspection and Enforcement Division to determine compliance to line and
grade, setbacks, yards/easements and parking requirements.

(a) Inspection and Verification Fee ..……………………………….. P 200.00

(b) Per cu. meters of excavation …….……………………………… 3.00
(c) Issuance of GP & EP,
valid only for thirty (30) days or
superseded upon issuance of
Building Permit ………………….………………………………... 50.00
(d) Per cu. meter of excavation for
foundation with basement……..…….…………………………… 4.00
(e) Excavation other than foundation
or basement, per cu. meter.…………………………………….. 3.00
(f) Encroachment of footings or
foundations of buildings/structures to
public areas as permitted, per sq. meter or
fraction thereof of footing or foundation
encroachment …………………………………………………..... 250.00

c. Fencing Fees:

i. Made of masonry, metal, concrete up to

1.80 meters in height,
per lineal meter or fraction thereof…………………….………………. P 3.00
ii. In excess of 1.80 meters in height,
per lineal meter or fraction thereof ……. ……………………………… 4.00
iii Made of indigenous materials, barbed,
chicken or hog wires, per linear meter...……. ……………….……….. 2.40

d. Construction of Pavements, up to 20.00 sq. meters…………………………. P 24.00

e. In excess of 20% or fraction thereof of paved

areas intended for commercial/industrial/institutional
use, such as parking and sidewalk areas,
gasoline station premises, skating rinks, pelota
courts, tennis and basketball courts and the like …………………………… P 3.00

f. Use of Streets and Sidewalks, Enclosures and

Occupancy of Sidewalks up to 20.00 sq. meters, per
calendar month …….……………………………………………………….. P 240.00

i. Every sq. meter or fraction thereof in excess of

20.00 sq. meters ……………………………………………………….... P 12.00

g. Erection of Scaffoldings Occupying Public Areas, per calendar month.

i. Up to 10.00 meters in length…….….………………………………….. P 150.00

ii. Every lineal meter or fraction thereof in
excess of 10.00 meters ………….…………………………………….. 12.00

h. Sign Fees:

i. Erection and anchorage of display

surface, up to 4.00 sq. meters of signboard area…………………..… P 120.00
(a) Every sq. meter or fraction thereof in
excess of 4.00 sq. meters………………………………………….. 24.00
ii. Installation Fees, per sq. meter or fraction thereof
of display surface:

Type of Sign Display Business Signs Advertising Signs

Neon P 36.00 P 52.00

Illuminated 24.00 36.00

Others 15.00 24.00

Painted-on 9.60 18.00

iii. Annual Renewal Fees, per sq. meter of display surface or fraction thereof:

Type of Sign Display Business Signs Advertising Signs

P 36.00, min. fee shall be P P 46.00, min. fee shall be P
124.00 200.00
P 18.00, min. fee shall be P P 38.00, min. fee shall be P
72.00 150.00
P 12.00, min. fee shall be P 20.00, min. fee shall be P
P 40.00 110.00
P 8.00, min. fee shall be P 12.00, min. fee shall be P
P 30.00 100.00

i. Repairs Fees:

i. Alteration/renovation/improvement on
vertical dimensions of buildings/structures
in square meter, such as facades,
exterior and interior walls, shall be
assessed in accordance with the
following rate, For all Groups…………………………………………... P 5.00
ii. Alteration/renovation/improvement on
horizontal dimensions of buildings/structures,
such as floorings, ceilings and roofing shall
be assessed in accordance with the
following rate, For all Groups ..……….………………………….…….. 5.00
iii. Repairs on buildings/structures in all
Groups costing more than five thousand
pesos (P 5,000.00) shall be charged
1% of the detailed repair cost
(itemized original materials to be replaced
with same or new substitute and labor)

j. Raising of Buildings/Structures Fees:

i. Assessment of fees for raising of any buildings/structures shall be

based on the new usable area generated.

ii. The fees to be charged shall be as prescribed under Sections 3.a. to

3.e. of this Schedule, whichever Group applies.

k. Demolition/Moving of Buildings/Structures Fees,

per sq. meter of area or dimensions involved:

i. Buildings in all Groups per sq. meter

floor area………………………………….……………………………… P 3.00
ii. Building Systems/Frames or portion
thereof per vertical or horizontal
dimensions, including Fences …….…….…………………………….. 4.00
iii Structures of up to 10.00 meters in height……..……………………… 800.00
(a) Every meter or portion thereof
in excess of 10.00 meters ………………………………………… 50.00
iv. Appendage of up to 3.00 cu. meter/unit……………………………….. 50.00
(a) Every cu. meter or portion thereof in
excess of 3.00 cu. meters………….……………………….……... 50.00
v. Moving Fee, per sq. meter of area of building/
structure to be moved …………………..……………………………..… 3.00
10. Certificates of Use or Occupancy (Table II.G.1. for fixed costing)

a. Division A-1 and A-2 Buildings:

i. Costing up to P150,000.00 ……..……..……………………………… P 100.00

ii. Costing more than P150,000.00
up to P400,000.00 ……………………..………………………………… 200.00
iii Costing more than P400,000.00 up
to P850,000.00……………………………..…………………………….. P 400.00
iv. Costing more than P850,000.00 up to
P1,200,000.00.……………….…………………………………………… 800.00
v. Every million or portion thereof in excess
of P1,200,000.00………………………….……………….…………….. 800.00

b. Divisions B-1/E-1, 2, 3/F-1/G-1, 2, 3, 4, 5/H-1, 2, 3, 4/and I-1 Buildings:

i. Costing up to P150,000.00…..……..…………………………………… P 200.00

ii. Costing more than P150,000.00
up to P400,000.00 ……………………..………………………………… 400.00
iii Costing more than P400,000.00 up
to P850,000.00……………………………..……………………………. 800.00
iv. Costing more than P850,000.00 up to
P1,200,000.00 ……………….…………………………………………… 1,000.00
v. Every million or portion thereof in excess
of P1,200,000.00………………………….…………….……………….. 1,000.00

c. Divisions C-1, 2/D-1, 2, 3 Buildings:

i. Costing up to P150,000.00 ……..……..………………………………. P 150.00

ii. Costing more than P150,000.00
up to P400,000.00 ……………………..………………………………… 250.00
iii Costing more than P400,000.00
up to P850,000.00……………………………..…………………………. 600.00
iv. Costing more than P850,000.00
up to P1,200,000.00 …………………………………………………….. 900.00
v. Every million or portion thereof in excess
of P1, 200,000.00………………………….…………………………….. 900.00

d. Division J-I Buildings/structures:

i. With floor area up to 20.00 sq. meters……………………………….. P 50.00

ii. With floor area above 20.00 sq. meters

up to 500.00 sq. meters ………………………………………………… 240.00

iii With floor area above 500.00 sq. meters

up to 1,000.00 sq. meters……………………………………………….. 360.00
iv. With floor area above 1,000.00 sq. meters
up to 5,000.00 sq. meters …………………………………………….… 480.00
v. With floor area above 5,000.00 sq. meters
up to 10,000.00 sq. meters……………………………………………….. 1, 200.00
With floor area above 10,000.00 sq. meters…………………………… 2,400.00

e. Division J-2 Structures:

i. Garages, carports, balconies, terraces, lanais and the like: 50% of

the rate of the principal building, of which they are accessories.

ii. Aviaries, aquariums, zoo structures and the like: same rates as for
Section 10.d. above.
iii Towers such as for Radio and TV transmissions, cell site, sign
(ground or roof type) and water tank supporting structures and the
like in any location shall be imposed fees as follows:

(a) First 10.00 meters of height from the ground P 800.00

(b) Every meter or fraction thereof in
excess of 10.00 meters….…………………………….. 50.00

f. Change in Use/Occupancy, per sq. meter or fraction thereof
of area affected …………………………………………… ………………… P 5.00

11. Annual Inspection Fees

a. Divisions A-1 and A-2:

i. Single detached dwelling units and duplexes are not subject to

annual inspections.
ii. If the owner request inspections, the fee for each
of the services enumerated below is ……………………….. P 120.00

Land Use Conformity

Architectural Presentability
Structural Stability
Sanitary and Health Requirements
Fire-Resistive Requirements

b. Divisions B-1/D-1, 2, 3/E-1, 2, 3/F-1/G-1, 2, 3, 4, 5/ H-1, 2, 3, 4/

and I-1, Commercial, Industrial Institutional buildings and
appendages shall be assessed area as follows:

i. Appendage of up to 3.00 cu. meters/unit……………………………… P 150.00

ii. Floor area to 100.00 sq. meters……………………………………….. 120.00
iii Above 100.00 sq. meters up to
200.00 sq. meters……………………………………..……..…..………. 240.00
iv. Above 200.00 sq. meters up to
350.00 sq. meters……………………………………………..……..…… 580.00
v. Above three hundred 350.00 sq. meters
Up to 500.00 sq. meters.…………..….……………………………..…… 720.00
vi. Above 500.00 sq. meters up to
750.00 sq. meters……………………………………………… ….……. 960.00
vii. Above 750.00 sq. meters
up to 1,000.00 sq. meters…………………………………………...….. 1,200.00
viii. Every 1,000.00 sq. meters or
its portion in excess of
1,000.00 sq. meters…………………………………… ……………….. 1,200.00

c. Divisions C-1, 2, Amusement Houses, Gymnasia and the like:

i. First class cinematographs or theaters..……………………………… P 1,200.00

ii. Second class cinematographs or theaters.....………………………… 720.00
iii Third class cinematographs or theaters..……………………………… 520.00
iv. Grandstands/Bleachers, Gymnasia and the like……………………… 720.00

d. Annual plumbing inspection fees, each

plumbing unit …………………………………..…….…………………………. P 60.00

e. Electrical Inspection Fees:

i. A one time electrical inspection fee equivalent to 10% of Total

Electrical Permit Fees shall be charged to cover all inspection trips
during construction.

ii. Annual Inspection Fees are the same as in Section 4.e.

f. Annual Mechanical Inspection Fees:

i. Refrigeration and Ice Plant, per ton:

(a) Up to 100 tons capacity ..…...... …………………………………… P 25.00
(b) Above 100 tons up to 150 tons .……………………………………… 20.00
(c) Above 150 tons up to 300 tons …………………………………….. 15.00
(d) Above 300 tons up to 500 tons…….…. ………………………….... 10.00
(e) Every ton or fraction thereof above 500 tons……. ………………... 5.00
ii. Air Conditioning Systems:
Window type air conditioners, per unit …. ………………………………. P 40.00
iii. Packaged or centralized air conditioning systems:
(a) First 100 tons, per ton …………………………………………………. 25.00
(b) Above 100 tons, up to 150 tons per ton …….……………………….. 20.00
(c) Every ton or fraction thereof above 500 tons ..…………………… 8.00
iv. Mechanical Ventilation, per unit, per kW:
(a) Up to 1 kW …………………………………………………………..…. P 10.00
(b) Above 1 kW to 7.5 kW ……………………………………………… 50.00
(c) Every kW above 7.5 kW .……………………………………….…..… 20.00
v. Escalators and Moving Walks; Funiculars and the like:
(a) Escalator and Moving Walks, per unit…………………………….… P 120.00
(b) Funiculars, per kW or fraction thereof.……………………………... 50.00
(c) Per lineal meter or fraction thereof of travel.…...………………..... 10.00
(d) Cable Car, per KW or fraction thereof ……………………………… 25.00
(e) Per lineal meter of travel..……………………………………………… 2.00
vi. Elevators, per unit:
(a) Passenger elevators…….……………………………………………… P 500.00
(b) Freight elevators.……………………………………………………….. 400.00
(c) Motor driven dumbwaiters…………………………………………….. 50.00
(d) Construction elevators for materials ……………………………….. 400.00
(e) Car elevators ….….…………………………………………………..… 500.00
(f) Every landing above first five (5)
landings for all the above elevators………………………………….. 50.00
vii. Boilers, per unit:
(a) Up to 7.5 kW…………………………………………………………..… P 400.00
(b) 7.5 kW up to 22 kW ………………………………………………….... 550.00
(c) 22 kW up to 37 kW ……….……………….………………………….... 600.00
(d) 37 kW up to 52 kW……………………………………………………... 650.00
(e) 52 kW up to 67 kW ……….……………………………………………. 800.00
(f) 67 kW up to 74 kW…………………………. …………………………. 900.00
(g) Every kW or fraction thereof
above 74 kW …………………………………………………………… 4.00
viii. Pressurized Water Heaters, per unit………………………………………. P 120.00
ix. Automatic Fire Extinguishers,
per sprinkler head…………………………………………………………… P 2.00
x. Water, Sump and Sewage pumps for
buildings/structures for commercial/
industrial purposes, per kW:
(a) Up to 5 kW………………………….………………………………… P 55.00
(b) Above 5 kW to 10 kW………………………………………………….. 90.00
(c) Every kW or fraction thereof
above 10 kW…………………………………………………………….. P 2.00
xi. Diesel/Gasoline Internal Combustion
Engine, Gas Turbine/Engine, Hydro, Nuclear
or Solar Generating Units and the like, per kW:
(a) Per kW, up to 50 kW…………………………………………………… P 15.00
(b) Above 50 kW up to 100 kW……………………………………………. 10.00
(c) Every kW or fraction thereof
above 100 kW…………………………………………………………… 2.40
xii. Compressed air, vacuum, commercial/
institutional/industrial gases, per outlet…………………………………… P 10.00
xiii. Power piping for gas/steam/etc.,
per lineal meter or fraction thereof or
per cu. meter or fraction thereof,
whichever is higher………………………………………………………….. P 2.00
xiv. Other Internal Combustion Engines,
including Cranes, Forklifts, Loaders,
Mixers, Compressors and the like,
(a) Per unit, up to 10 kW…………………………………………………… 100.00
(b) Every kW above 10 kW……………………………………………… 3.00

xv. Other machineries and/or equipment

for commercial/ industrial/institutional
use not elsewhere specified, per unit:
(a) Up to ½ kW……………………………………………………………… P 8.00
(b) Above ½ kW up to 1 kW………………………………………………. 23.00
(c) Above 1 kW up to 3 kW………………………………………………… 39.00
(d) Above 3 kW up to 5 kW……………………………………………… 55.00
(e) Above 5 kW up to 10 kW………………………………………………. 80.00
(f) Every kW above 10 kW
or fraction thereof……………………………………………………….. 4.00
xvi. Pressure Vessels, per cu. meter
or fraction thereof……………………………………………………………. P 40.00
xvii. Pneumatic tubes, Conveyors, Monorails
for materials handling, per lineal meter
or fraction thereof……………………………………………………………. P 2.40
xviii. Weighing Scale Structure, per ton or fraction thereof…………………… P 30.00

xix. Testing/Calibration of pressure gauge,
per unit……………………………………………………………………….. P 24.00
(a) Each Gas Meter, tested, proved
and sealed, per gas meter…………………………………………….. 30.00
xx. Every mechanical ride inspection, etc.,
used in amusement centers of fairs, such
as ferris wheel, and the like, per unit……………………………………… P 30.00

g. Annual electronics inspection fees shall be the same as the fees in Section 7. of this Schedule.

12. Certifications:

a. Certified true copy of building permit……………………………………………P 50.00

b. Certified true copy of Certificate of Use/Occupancy….…………………………. 50.00

c. Issuance of Certificate of Damage………………...…………………………..….. 50.00

d. Certified true copy of Certificate of Damage…………………………..…………. 50.00

e. Certified true copy of Electrical Certificate………………………………………… 50.00

f. Issuance of Certificate of Gas Meter Installation………………………….……P 50.00

g. Certified true copy of Certificate of Operation…………..………………………… 50.00

h. Other Certifications…..……………………….………..……………………………. 50.00

NOTE: The specifications of the Gas Meter shall be:

Serial Number…………………………………………………
Gas Type……………………………………………………….
Meter Classification/Model……………………………………
Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure – psi (kPa)………
Hub Size - mm (inch)…………………………………………
Capacity - m3/hr. (ft3/hr.)………………………………………
Republika ng Pilipinas
Ministry of Justice

OPINION NO. 140, S. 1987

December 1, 1987

The Acting Secretary

Department of Public Works
and Highways
M a n i l a

S i r:

This refers to your request for legal determination/opinion as to who between the Secretary of
Public Works and Highways and the Acting Governor of the Metro Manila Commission has the power of
administration and enforcement of the National Building Code (P.D. No. 1096) within the Metro Manila.

It appears that the query was prompted by the letter dated July 13 1987 to that Department of
MMC Acting Governor Jejomar C. Binay, who insists that the by virtue of Par. 1, Sub-par. 12 of LOI No.
624, he is the one vested with the power too appoint Building Officials in the Metro Manila Area. It is the
position of the MMC Acting Governor that because the MMC has already provided regular positions for all
MMC Building Officials in the MMC Staffing Pattern duly approved by the Civil Service Commission in
1981, the authority of the Secretary of Public Works and Highways to designate Acting Building Officials
for the 17 cities and municipalities in Metro Manila pursuant to Section 206 of P.D. No. 1096 was
terminated; that accordingly, when the Secretary of Public Works and Highways designated Engr.
Benjamin Malinao as Acting Building Official for Quezon City, he did so without authority; and that it is his
(MMC Acting Governor) designee, Arch. Leonardo d. Espinosa, Jr. who is the lawful Acting Building
Official of Quezon City to temporarily replace Architect Domingo Tapay, the regular ly appointed Building
Official for Quezon City who is presently being investigated by the MMC.

You state that the aforesaid LOI No. 624, Par. 1, Sub-par. 12 does not confer upon the Acting
MMC Governor the power of administration and enforcement of the National Building Code (NBC) in
Metro Manila for the following reasons:

(a) LOI 624 being merely an executive act, by the well-established principle of
statutory construction it cannot amend P.D. No. 1096, particularly Section 201
thereof, which is a legislative act x x x.
(b) LOI 624 cannot be a valid amendment to the NBC because it is a repugnant to the declared
enforcement and administration of the Code.

(c) No less than then President Marcos, speaking thru his Executive Assistant for Legal Affairs in
his opinion No. 74, s. 1984 states that the power to enforce the NBC is lodged to no other
except the Minister (now Secretary) of Public Works and Highways following the well-known
rule of law inclusio unius est exclusio alterius x x x.’”

Further, you state that those positions of Building Officials created by the MMC
are not the regular positions of Building Officials contemplated in Section 205 of P.D.
No. 1096 because these positions are national, and not local, positions, as
misunderstood by the Acting MMC Governor. In support of your view, you cite
Secretary of Justice Opinion No. 92, s. 1983, citing Opinion No. 114, s. 1979, which
states that the “administration and enforcement of the provisions of the Code is the
primary concern of the National Government, the function being vested in the Minister
(now Secretary) of Public Works and Highways, who is a national official, and that city
and municipal engineers, when acting as Building Officials, are merely his deputies”.
I concur with your view that the Secretary of Public Works and Highways is the official solely
vested by law with the authority and responsibility for the administration and enforcement of the National
Building Code (P.D. No. 1096) nationwide, including the Metro Manila Area, and that corollarily the power
to appoint all Building Officials, including those for the thirteen (13) cities and municipalities in Metro
Manila is his prerogative.

Section 201 and 205 of the National Building Code (P.D. No. 1096) provide:

“SECTION 201. Responsibility for Administration and Enforcement

The administration and enforcement of the provisions of this Code including the imposition of
penalties for administrative violations thereof is hereby vested in the Secretary of Public Works,
Transportation and Communications, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Secretary’.”

“SECTION 205. Building Officials

Except as otherwise provided herein, the Building Official shall be responsible for carrying out the
provisions of this Code in the field as well as the enforcement of orders and decisions made pursuant

Due to the exigencies of the service, the Secretary may designate incumbent Public
Works District Engineers, City Engineers and Municipal Engineers to act as Building Officials in
their respective areas of jurisdiction.

The designation made by the Secretary under this Section shall continue until regular positions of
Building Official are provided or unless sooner terminated for causes provided by law or decree.”

Our ruling in Opinion No. 92, s. 1983 is in point, and we quote:

“The National Building Code (P.D. No. 1096) was promulgated to adopt ‘a uniform building code
enforceable nationwide’ (see Explanatory Note) which shall provide for all buildings and structures a
framework of minimum a standard requirements to regulate and control their location, site, design, quality
of materials, construction, use, occupancy and maintenance. The administration and enforcement of its
provisions, including the imposition of penalties for administrative violations thereof, are vested in the
Minister of Public Works and Highways (formerly Secretary of Public Works, Transportation and
Communications) [Sec. 201]. Due to the exigencies of the service, the incumbent city and municipal
engineers have designated to act as building officials in their respective areas of jurisdiction. (Section
205) x x x” When acting as building officials the city and municipal engineers, who are local officials,
should be deemed national officials subject to the supervision of the Minister of Public Works (Opinion No.
144, series of 1979).”

We do not think that it was the intention of LOI No. 624 to amend or supersede
Section 201 of the National Building Code. Essentially, LOI No. 624 is a directive
issued by then President Marcos enjoining the heads of the different departments and
agencies of the government enumerated therein to cooperate and coordinate with the
PERC (Plan Enforcement and Regulation Center) in the implementation of P.D. No.
1096 in the Metro Manila Area. Its avowed purpose is to implement the provisions of
P.D. No. 1096. Thus, said LOI provides:
“In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 1096 which adopted a uniform building code
and in pursuance of the creation of the Plan Enforcement and Regulation Center (PERC) under the
Metropolitan Manila Commission which shall aim to implement Presidential Decree No. 1096 within
Metropolitan Manila Area, I hereby order the following:

“1. The Secretary of the DPWTC shall see to it that the PERC be provided
with technical supervision and guidance in the implementation of the National Building
Code in Metropolitan Manila Area. The DPWTC shall detail with PERC an overall MMA
Building Official who shall be responsible for processing the plans and specifications of
buildings and structures of metro significance and for recommending to the Executive
Secretary the issuance of building/structure clearance. He shall direct the NHA, CAA,
MWSS, NPCC and other agencies under it, as may be necessary, to assign required
personnel to coordinate with PERC.

xxx xxx xxx

“12. The Governor of the Metropolitan Manila Commission

shall be responsible for the proper administration and efficient
enforcement of Presidential Decree No. 1096 within
Metropolitan Manila Area. The Metropolitan Manila commission
shall as necessary, employ and maintain sufficient and
technically capable staff to man the Plan Enforcement And
Regulation Center (PERC) in the said enforcement of PD 1096.
The Governor of the Metropolitan Manila Commission, through
the Executive Secretary, shall supervise the personnel of the
PERC. As such, the MMC shall be responsible for all operating
and incidental expenses to be incurred by the PERC relative to
the administration and enforcement of the said PD including
honoraria and allowances for consultants and employees
detailed to PERC from the different involved government

The MMC, thru PERC, shall administer the collection of

building permit fees through the local building officials and
retain an amount not exceeding 20% thereof to be used for the
operating expenses of the different local Building Officers of
Metropolitan Manila and the PERC.”

xxx xxx xxx

(Underscoring supplied)

It is noted the Governor of the Metro Manila Commission, under subparagraph

12 of the LOI, is made responsible for the proper administration and efficient
enforcement of P.D. No. 1096 within the Metro Manila Area. The clear intent is to
deputize the MMC Governor as overall coordinator of the efforts to implement P.D. 1096
in Metro Manila.

LOI No. 624 should not be construed as transferring the power of administration
and enforcement of P.D. No. 1096 within the Metro Manila Area to the MMC Governor.
As stated previously, the purpose of said LOI is to implement P.D. No. 1096 within
Metro Manila Area. It is not intended to modify or supersede certain provisions of said
Decree, such as Section 201 thereof which vests the power of administration and
enforcement of the Decree in secretary of Public Works and Highways.
Significantly, LOI No. 624 does not have a repealing clause. On the contrary, it
expressly acknowledge the authority of the Secretary of Public Works and Highways
under Section 201 by specifically providing in subparagraph 1 thereof that “the
Secretary…. shall see to it that the PERC be provided with technical supervision and
guidance in the implementation of the National Building Code in the Metropolitan Manila
Area” and that the Secretary shall detail with PERC an overall MMA Building Official
who shall be responsible for processing the plans and specification of buildings and
structures of metro significance and for recommending to the Executive Secretary the
issuance of building/structure clearance. He shall direct the NHA, CAA, MWSS, NPCC
and other agencies under it, as may be necessary, to assign required personnel to
coordinate with PERC” (Subpar. 1, par.1).

Moreover, under Section 201 of P.D. No. 1096, the power to impose penalties for
administrative violations of P.D. No. 1096 was vested in the Secretary of the
Department of Public Works and Highways. LOI No. 624 gave the Governor of the
MMC no such power without which he cannot effectively enforce the provisions of P.D.
No. 1096.

As to the issue of who has the power to appoint building Officials for the Metro
Manila area, it is out view that the same is vested solely in the Secretary of Public
Works and Highways as corollary to his power to enforce and administer P.D. No. 1096.
In Opinion No. 44, s.1979, we ruled that Building Officials who are the deputies of the
Secretary of Public Works and Highways in the enforcement of the National Building
Code in their respective areas of jurisdiction (Section 205, P.D. No. 1096) are national
officials because they exercise a function of national concern (see also Op. No. 92, s.
1983). As national officials, their appointment should be the prerogative of the
Secretary of Public Works and Highways, who is also the official expressly authorized
by law to “designate incumbent Public Works District Engineers, City Engineers and
Municipal Engineers to act as Building Officials in their respective areas of jurisdiction”
in the meantime that regular positions of Building Officials have not been provided for
(Sec. 205, P.D. No. 1096).

In the instant case, the fact that the MMC had provided positions of Building
Officials in its Staffing Pattern with salaries paid out of MMC funds does not make them
local officials because, in the performance of their functions, they are by specific
provision of P.D. No. 1096 subject to the supervision and control of the national
authority (Op. No. 83, s. 1974), in this case, the Secretary of Public works and
Highways. Furthermore, this Office has time and again expressed the view that in
determining whether an official or employee in the public service is a national,
provincial, city or municipal employee, service is the test, not the source of funds from
which his salary is paid or the office or official who fixes his salary (Ops. No. 105, s.
1977; No. 75, s. 1975; Nos. 131 and 164, s. 1962; No. 33, s. 1959; No. 174, s. 1947;
No. 370, s. 1940).

As previously stated, the administration and enforcement of the provisions of the

National Building Code is the primary concern of the national government the said
function being vested in the Secretary of Public Works and Highways (Sec. 201, Code),
a national official. Since a building Official assigned to a province, city or municipality is
the deputy of the Secretary of Public Works and Highways in the enforcement of the

provisions of the National Building Code, he is deemed to be a national official
notwithstanding that his salary is paid out of local funds.

In view of the foregoing, we reiterate the view that the authority to administer and
enforce the provisions of the National Building Code, and the power to appoint Building
Officials, throughout the country, including Metro Manila, pertain to the Secretary of
Public Works and Highways and to no other official.

Please be guided accordingly.

Very truly yours,

Secretary of Justice
Republika ng Pilipinas
Department of Justice

OPINION NO. 36, S. 1996

April 2, 1996

Undersecretary Mabini F. Pablo

Department of Public Works and Highways
Port Area, Manila


This has reference to your request for opinion as to whether or not with the enactment of the
Local Government Code of 1991, appeals from the decision order of the building official should be filed
with the Office of the City/Municipal Mayor.

You state that Section 201 of the National Building Code (P.D. No. 1096) which
was promulgated on February 19, 1977, vests the administration and enforcement of
the provisions of the Code, including the imposition of administrative sanctions and fines
for violation thereof, in the Secretary of Public Works, Transportation and
Communications (now Public Works and Highways); that Section 205 of the same code
empowers the Secretary to designate building officials in an acting capacity who shall
be responsible in carrying out the provisions of the Code in the field, as well as the
enforcement of decisions and orders made pursuant thereto, that authority is amplified
in Section 5.3 to 5.7, Rule VII and Section 23-25, Rule VIII, of the Implementing Rules
and Regulations.
You believe that the passage of the Local Government Code notwithstanding the general
supervision over the implementation of the National Building Code, including th exercise of appellate
jurisdiction over the decisions and orders of the Building Officials remain vested in the Secretary of Public
Works and Highways.

We agree with your aforestated view.

Section 307 of Presidential Decree No. 1096, otherwise known as the “National Building Code of
the Philippines” explicitly provides:

“Section 307. Appeal within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of advice of the non-issuance, suspension
or revocation of permits, the applicant/permittee may file an appeal with the Secretary who shall render his
decision within fifteen days from date of receipt of notice of appeal. The decision of the secretary shall be final
subject only to review by the Office of the President.”

The law is clear that the Secretary of the Department of Public Works and Highways has
jurisdiction over the appeals from the decision of building officials involving the non-issuance, suspension
or revocation of building permits. His decision is final subject only to review by the Office of the

In line with existing jurisprudence, jurisdiction must exist as a matter of law (Basalco vs.
Ramolete, 21 SCRA 519; Garcia vs. De Jesus, 206 SCRA 779). Section 307 of P.D. No. 1096 is the law
that confers jurisdiction upon DPWH Secretary to adjudicate appeals from the orders or decisions of the
building officials.

Section 477 of the Local Government Code of 1991 is cited to support the view that the appellate
jurisdiction over decisions of building officials has been devolved to the city/municipal mayor. But Section
477 which reads:

“SECTION 477 – Qualifications, Powers and Duties

xxx xxx xxx

The appointment of an engineer shall be mandatory for the

provincial, city and municipal governments. “The city and municipal
engineers shall also act as the local building official” (Emphasis supplied)

Should be read in conjunction with Section 205 of the National Building Code which provides:

Section 205. Building Officials

xxx xxx xxx

Due to exigencies of the service, the Secretary may designate

incumbent Public Works District Engineers, City Engineers and Municipal
Engineers to act as Building Officials in their respective areas of jurisdiction.

“The designation made by the Secretary under this Section shall

continue until regular positions of Building Officials are provided or unless
sooner terminated for causes provided by law”

Section 477 authorizes the local chief executive to appoint and engineer who shall also act as the
Local Building Official. The aforesaid provision merely dispenses with the necessity of the designation by
the Secretary of Public Works and Highways of city and municipal engineers to act as building officials in
their respective areas of jurisdiction which he may otherwise do in exigency of the service pursuant to
Section 205 of the National Building Code. There is no provision of the Local Government Code which
empowers the local chief executives to exercise appellate jurisdiction over the decisions of the local
building officials relative to non-issuance, suspension or revocation of building permits.

Well-settled is the rule in statutory construction that the agency has only such powers as are
expressly granted to it by the statute under which it is created or such powers as are necessary implied I
the exercise thereof (Sy v. Central bank, 70 SCRA 570, Guerzon v. Court of Appeals, 164 SCRA 182).
Moreover, statutes conferring powers or investing duties upon officers/agencies/officials must be strictly
construed and must be treated not merely as grants of power but also as limitations thereon; and that
powers should not extended by implication beyond what may be necessary for their just and reasonable
execution (Secretary of Justice Opns. No. 224, s. 1982 and No. 144, s. 1986).

Relevantly, in Opinion No. 140, s. 1987 (citing Op. No. 92, s. 1983), this Department ruled that:

“The National Building Code (P.D. No. 1096) was promulgated to adopt “a
uniform building code enforceable nationwide (see Explanatory Note) which
shall provide for all buildings and structures a framework of minimum
standard requirements to regulate and control their location, site, design,
quality of materials, constructions, use, occupancy and maintenance. The
administration and enforcement of its provisions including the imposition of
penalties for administrative violations thereof are vested in the Minister of
Public Works and Highways (formerly Secretary of Public Works,
Transportation and communications).

[Section 201]. Due to the exigencies of service, the incumbent city and
municipal engineers have been designated to act as building officials in their
respective areas of jurisdiction (Section 205) x x x When acting as building
officials the city and municipal engineers, who are local building officials,
should be deemed national official subject to the supervision of the Minister
of Public Works (Opinion No. 144, series 1979)” (underscoring supplied).

It does not appear from the Local Government Code that the vesting of power in the local chief
executive to appoint an engineer who, in the case of cities and municipalities, shall likewise act as local
building official, also carries with it the power to exercise appellate jurisdiction over their decisions in
matters involving non-issuance, suspension or revocation of building permits.

Absent any clear and explicit provision in the said Code to the effect, we cannot conclude that the
appellate jurisdiction vested in the Secretary of Public Works and Highways under Section 307 of the
National Building Code has been transferred to the city or municipal mayor.

Please be guided accordingly.

Very truly yours,


Republika ng Pilipinas
Department of Justice

OPINION NO. 1, S. 2004

January 9, 2004

Hon. Florante Soriquez

Acting Secretary
Department of Public Works and Highways
Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila


This has reference to your request for opinion concerning the interpretation of the pertinent provisions of
the Civil Engineering Law (R.A. No. 544) and the Architects Law (R.A. No. 545), both as amended, in order to
determine the realm of practice of both professions and, at the same time, avoid the alleged conflict in the
enforcement of the National Building Code of the Philippines (P.D. No. 1096) and its Implementing rules and
Regulations (IRR).

The request, we assume, is made in connection with the promulgation and issuance of the revised/updated
IRR of the National Building Code, the approval of final draft of which, you say, has been deferred pending
resolution of the claimed conflicting provisions of R.A. No. 544 and R.A. No. 545 relating to the practice of
structural and architectural designing of buildings, including the signing and sealing of architectural plans and
specifications needed in securing building permits.

It appears that civil engineers, relying on the provisions of Section 2 and 23 of R.A. No. 544, believe that it
is their inherent right to sign and seal building structural and architectural plans, while architects, quoting the
“unlawfully practicing architecture” when they sign and seal architectural plans and specifications of residential
buildings from single detached dwellings to multi-story condominiums, office buildings, commercial and industrial
building and other buildings since the act of planning and architectural and structural designing, among others, are
included in the “practice of architecture.”

It also appears that under the final draft of the revised/updated IRR, it is proposed that only architects can
sign architectural plans/documents and only civil engineers can sign structural plans/documents; and that the
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE), however, opposed the proposal. Hence, the request.

Although, in line with the settled policy and precedents, the Secretary of Justice does not pass upon issues
which, as in this case, involve the substantive rights of private parties, i.e., the PICE and its members, upon whom
the opinion of this Department has no binding effect and which might, in all probability, take the matter to courts
when they find the opinion adverse to their interest,1 we would like to state some relevant observation for your

The Civil Engineering Law3 pertinently provides:

SEC. 2. Definition of Terms. – (a) The practice of civil engineering within the
meaning and intent of this Act shall embrace shall embrace services in the form of
consultation, design preparation of consultation, design, preparation of plans,
specifications, estimates, erection, installation and supervision of the construction of
streets, bridges, highways, railroads, airports and
Secretary of Justice Op. Nos. 33and 35, s. 2000, citing opinions:
Ibid., No. 33, s. 1983;
R.A. No. 544, as amended;
hangars, portworks, canals, river and shore improvements, lighthouses and dry docks;
buildings, fixed structures for irrigation, flood protection, drainage, water supply and
sewerage works; demolition of permanent structures; and tunnels. The enumeration of any
work in this section shall not be construed as excluding any other work requiring civil
engineering knowledge and application.

xxx xxx

SEC. 23. Preparation of plans and supervision of construction by registered civil

engineer. – It shall be unlawful for any person to order or otherwise cause the construction,
reconstruction, or alteration of any building or structure intended for public gathering or
assembly such as theaters, cinematographs, stadia, churches or structures of like nature, and
any other engineering structures mentioned in section two of this Act unless the designs,
plans, and specifications of the same have been prepared under the responsible charge
of, and signed and sealed by a registered civil engineer, and unless the construction,
reconstruction and/or alteration thereof are executed under the responsible charge and direct
supervision of a civil engineer. Plans and designs of structures must be approved by law or
ordinance of a city or province or municipality where the said structure is to be constructed.4

Upon the other hand, Sections 14 and 30 of R.A. No. 545, as amended,5 insofar as material, respectively

SEC. 14. Definition of Terms. – xxx

(C) General practice of architecture. – The practice of architecture is hereby defined

to be: The act pf planning, architectural and structural designing, specifying,
supervising, and giving general administration and responsible direction to the erection,
enlargement or alterations of buildings and architectural design of engineering structures
or any part thereof, xxx.

xxx xxx

SEC. 30. Prohibitions in the practice of architecture. – Any person who shall
practice or offer to practice architecture in the Philippines without being registered or
exempted from registration in accordance with the provisions of this Act, xxx6

It is clear from a reading of the above-quoted provisions of the subject laws that the making of plans and designs, not to mention the
supervision of construction, are activities that are more or less common to both “architecture” and engineering”.7 However, the distinction
between an architect and a civil engineer is clear. Thus, in one case,8 it was held:

An “architect “ is defined as one who, skilled in the art of architecture, designs buildings, determining
the disposition of both their interior and exterior spaces, together with structural embellishments of each, and
generally supervises their erection; while a “civil engineer” is one whose field is that of structures, particularly
foundations, and who designs and supervises construction of bridges, great buildings, etc. xxx9

Underscoring supplied;

An Act To Regulate the Practice of Architecture In The Philippines

Emphasis ours;

See, Smith vs. American packing and Provisions Co., 130 P. 2nd 951, 957;

Rabinowitz vs. Hurwitz Furniture Co., 133 So. 498;

at p. 499; stress supplied.


Indeed, the language of both laws confirms this distinction. The practice of civil engineering embraces services in the form of
preparation of structural plans, designs, specifications, etc., and construction of streets, bridges, highways, canals and other engineering
structures specifically mentioned in section 2 of R.A. 544. The law, however, is silent on whether the practice covers the preparation of
architectural plans/designs of said engineering structures. Upon the other hand, the practice of architecture clearly concerns with the act of
planning, architectural and structural designing of buildings as well as the architectural designs of engineering structures or any part

Having these in mind, it can, therefore, be safely said that the proposal to limit the preparation, signing, and sealing of architectural
plans and designs to architects and the preparation, signing and sealing of structural plans and designs to civil engineers to be in order.

Please be guided accordingly.

Very truly yours,

Acting Secretary


SECTION 101. Title

This Decree shall be known as the “National Building Code of the Philippines” and shall
hereinafter be referred to as the “Code”.

SECTION 102. Declaration of Policy

It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State to safeguard life, health, property, and public
welfare, consistent with the principles of sound environmental management and control; and to this end,
make it the purpose of this Code to provide for all buildings and structures, a framework of minimum
standards and requirements to regulate and control their location, site, design, quality of materials,
construction, use, occupancy, and maintenance.

SECTION 103. Scope and Application

(a) The provisions of this Code shall apply to the design, location, siting, construction, alteration,
repair, conversion, use, occupancy, maintenance, moving, demolition of, and addition to public and
private buildings and structures, except traditional indigenous family dwellings as defined herein.
(b) Buildings and/or structures constructed before the approval of this Code shall not be affected
thereby except when alterations, additions, conversions or repairs are to be made therein in which case,
this Code shall apply only to portions to be altered, added, converted or repaired.

SECTION 104. General Building Requirements

(a) All buildings or structures as well as accessory facilities thereto shall conform in all respects to the
principles of safe construction and must be suited to the purpose for which they are designed.
(b) Buildings or structures intended to be used for the manufacture and/or production of any kind
of article or product shall observe adequate environmental safeguards.
(c) Buildings or structures and all parts thereof as well as all facilities found therein shall be
maintained in safe, sanitary and good working condition.

SECTION 105. Site Requirements

The land or site upon which will be constructed any building or structure, or any ancillary or auxillary
facility thereto, shall be sanitary, hygienic or safe. In the case of sites or buildings intended for use as
human habitation or abode, the same shall be at a safe distance, as determined by competent
authorities, from streams or bodies of water and/or sources of air considered to be polluted; from a
volcano or volcanic site and/or any other building considered to be a potential source of fire or

SECTION 106. Definitions

As used in this Code, the words, terms and phrases enumerated in Annex “A” hereof shall have the
meaning or definition, correspondingly provided therein.



SECTION 201. Responsibility for Administration and Enforcement

The administration and enforcement of the provisions of this Code including the imposition of
penalties for administrative violations thereof is hereby vested in the Secretary of Public Works,
Transportation and Communications, hereinafter referred to as the “Secretary”.

SECTION 202. Technical Staff

The Secretary is hereby authorized to constitute and provide in his Department a professional
staff composed of highly qualified architects, engineers and technicians who possess diversified and
professional experience in the field of building design and construction.

SECTION 203. General Powers and Functions of the Secretary under this Code

For purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Code, the Secretary shall exercise the
following general powers and functions:

(1) Formulate policies, plans, standards and guidelines on building design, construction, use,
occupancy and maintenance, in accordance with this Code.
(2) Issue and promulgate rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this Code and
ensure compliance with policies, plans, standards and guidelines formulated under paragraph
1 of this Section.
(3) Evaluate, review, approve and/or take final action on changes and/or amendments to existing
Referral Codes as well as on the incorporation of other referral codes which are not yet
expressly made part of this Code.
(4) Prescribe and fix the amount of fees and other charges that the Building Official shall collect
in connection with the performance of regulatory functions.

SECTION 204. Professional and Technical Assistance

The Secretary with the assistance of his technical staff shall provide such professional, technical,
scientific and other services including testing laboratories and facilities as may be required to carry
out the provisions of this Code; Provided that the Secretary may secure such services as he may
deem necessary from other agencies of the National Government and may make arrangement for the
compensation of such services. He may also engage and compensate within appropriations
available therefore, the services of such number of consultants, experts and advisers on full or part-
time basis, as may be necessary, coming from the government or private businesses, entities or
associations to carry out the provisions of this Code.

SECTION 205. Building Officials

Except as otherwise provided herein, the Building Official shall be responsible for carrying out the
provisions of this Code in the field as well as the enforcement of orders and decisions made pursuant

Due to the exigencies of the service, the Secretary may designate incumbent Public Works
District Engineers, City Engineers and Municipal Engineers to act as Building Officials in their
respective areas of jurisdiction.
The designation made by the Secretary under this Section shall continue until regular positions of
Building Official are provided or unless sooner terminated for causes provided by law or decree.

SECTION 206. Qualifications of Building Officials

No person shall be appointed as a Building Official unless he possesses the following


1. A Filipino citizen and of good moral character.

2. A duly registered architect or civil engineer.
3. A member of good standing of a duly accredited organization of his profession for not less
than two years.
4. Has at least five years of diversified and professional experience in building design and

SECTION 207. Duties of a Building Official

In his respective territorial jurisdiction, the Building Official shall be primarily responsible for the
enforcement of the provisions of this Code as well as of the implementing rules and regulations
issued therefor. He is the official charged with the duties of issuing building permits.

In the performance of his duties, a Building Official may enter any building or its premises at all
reasonable times to inspect and determine compliance with the requirements of this Code, and the
terms and conditions provided for in the building permit as issued.

When any building work is found to be contrary to the provisions of this Code, the Building Official
may order the work stopped and prescribe the terms and/or conditions when the work will be allowed
to resume. Likewise, the Building Official is authorized to order the discontinuance of the occupancy
or use of any building or structure or portion thereof found to be occupied or used contrary to the
provisions of this Code.

SECTION 208. Fees

Every Building Official shall keep a permanent record and accurate account of all fees and other
charges fixed and authorized by the Secretary to be collected and received under this Code.

Subject to existing budgetary, accounting and auditing rules and regulations, the Building Official
is hereby authorized to retain not more than twenty percent of his collection for the operating
expenses of his office.

The remaining eighty percent shall be deposited with the city or municipal treasurer and shall
accrue to the General Fund of the province, city or municipality concerned.

SECTION 209. Exemption

Public buildings and traditional indigenous family dwellings shall be exempt from payment of
building permit fees.

As used in this Code, the term “traditional indigenous family dwelling” means a dwelling intended
for the use and occupancy by the family of the owner only and constructed of native materials such
as bamboo, nipa, logs, or lumber, the total cost of which does not exceed fifteen thousand pesos.

SECTION 210. Use of Income from Fees

Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the Secretary is hereby authorized to
prescribe the procedures for the use of all net income realized by the office of the Building Official

from the collection of fees and charges not exceeding twenty percent thereof in accordance with
Section 208.

Such income may be used to cover necessary operating expenses including the purchase of
equipment, supplies and materials, traveling expenses, obligation expenses and sheriff’s fees and
payment of other prior years’ obligations not adequately funded, subject to existing budgetary and
auditing rules and regulations.

SECTION 211. Implementing Rules and Regulations

In the implementation of the provisions of this Code, the Secretary shall formulate necessary
rules and regulations and adopt design and construction standards and criteria for buildings and other
structures. Such standards, rules and regulations shall take effect after their publication once a week
for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation.

SECTION 212. Administrative Fines

For the violation of any of the provisions of this Code or any of the rules or regulations issued
thereunder, the Secretary is hereby empowered to prescribe and impose fines not exceeding ten
thousand pesos.

SECTION 213. Penal Provisions

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair,
move, improve, remove, convert, demolish, equip, use, occupy, or maintain any building or structure
or cause the same to be done contrary to or in violation of any provision of this Code.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this Code and/or commit
any act hereby declared to be unlawful shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than
twenty thousand pesos or by imprisonment of not more than two years or by both such fine and
imprisonment: Provided, that in the case of a corporation firm, partnership or association, the penalty
shall be imposed upon its officials responsible for such violation and in case the guilty party is an
alien, he shall immediately be deported after payment of the fine and/or service of his sentence.

SECTION 214. Dangerous and Ruinous Buildings or Structures

Dangerous buildings are those which are herein declared as such or are structurally unsafe or not
provided with safe egress, or which constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human
life, or which in relation to existing use, constitute a hazard to safety or health or public welfare
because of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, or abandonment; or which
otherwise contribute to the pollution of the site or the community to an intolerable degree.

SECTION 215. Abatement of Dangerous Buildings

When any building or structure is found or declared to be dangerous or ruinous, the Building
Official shall order its repair, vacation or demolition depending upon the degree of danger to life,
health, or safety. This is without prejudice to further action that may be taken under the provisions of
Articles 482 and 694 to 707 of the Civil Code of the Philippines.

SECTION 216. Other Remedies

The rights, actions and remedies provided in this Code shall be in addition to any and all other
rights of action and remedies that may be available under existing laws.


SECTION 301. Building Permits

No person, firm or corporation, including any agency or instrumentality of the government shall erect,
construct, alter, repair, move, convert or demolish any building or structure or cause the same to be
done without first obtaining a building permit therefor from the Building Official assigned in the place
where the subject building is located or the building work is to be done.

SECTION 302. Application for Permits

In order to obtain a building permit, the applicant shall file an application therefor in writing and on the
prescribed form from the Office of the Building Official. Every application shall provide at least the
following information:

(1) A description of the work to be covered by the permit applied for;

(2) Certified true copy of the TCT covering the lot on which the proposed work is to be done.
If the applicant is not the registered owner, in addition to the TCT, a copy of the contract
of lease shall be submitted;

(3) The use or occupancy for which the proposal work is intended;

(4) Estimated cost of the proposed work.

To be submitted together with such application are at least five sets of corresponding plans and
specifications prepared, signed and sealed by a duly registered mechanical engineer in case of
mechanical plans, and by a registered electrical engineer in case of electrical plans, except in those
cases exempted or not required by the Building Official under this Code.

SECTION 303. Processing of Building Permits

The processing of building permits shall be under the overall administrative control and supervision of
the Building Official and his technical staff of qualified professionals.

In processing an application for a building permit, the Building Official shall see to it that the applicant
satisfies and conforms with approved standard requirements on zoning and land use, lines and
grades, structural design, sanitary and sewerage, environmental health, electrical and mechanical
safety as well as with other rules and regulations promulgated in accordance with the provisions of
this Code.

SECTION 304. Issuance of Building Permits

When satisfied that the work described in an application for building permit and the plans and
specifications submitted therewith, conform to the requirements of this Code and other pertinent rules
and regulations, the Building Official shall, within fifteen days from payment of the required fees by
the applicant, issue the building permit applied for.

The Building Official may issue a permit for the construction of only a part or portion of a building
or structure whenever the plans and specifications submitted together with the application do not
cover the entire building or structure.

Approved plans and specifications shall not be changed, modified or altered without the approval
of the Building Official and the work shall be done strictly in accordance thereto.

SECTION 305. Validity of Building Permits

The issuance of a building permit shall not be construed as an approval or authorization to the
permittee to disregard or violate any of the provisions of this Code.

Whenever the issuance of a permit is based on approved plans and specifications which are
subsequently found defective, the Building Official is not precluded from requiring permittee to effect
the necessary corrections in said plans and specifications or from preventing or ordering the
stoppage of any or all building operations being carried on thereunder which are in violation of this

A building permit issued under the provisions of this Code shall expire and become null and void
if the building or work authorized therein is not commenced within a period of one year from the date
of such permit, or if the building or work so authorized is suspended or abandoned at any time after it
has been commenced, for a period of 120 days.

SECTION 306. Non-Issuance, Suspension or Revocation of Building Permits

The Building Official may order or cause the non-issuance, suspension or revocation of building
permits on any or all of the following reasons or grounds:

(a) Errors found in the plans and specifications;

(b) Incorrect or inaccurate data or information supplied;
(c) Non-compliance with the provisions of this Code or of any rule or regulation.

Notice of non-issuance, suspension or revocation of building permits shall always be made in writing,
stating the reason or grounds therefor.

SECTION 307. Appeal

Within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of advice of the non-issuance, suspension or
revocation of permits, the applicant/permittee may file an appeal with the Secretary who shall render
his decision within fifteen days from date of receipt of notice of appeal. The decision of the Secretary
shall be final subject only to review by the Office of the President.

SECTION 308. Inspection and Supervision of Work

The owner of the Building who is issued or granted a building permit under this Code shall engage
the services of a duly licensed architect or civil engineer to undertake the full time inspection and
supervision of the construction work.

Such architect or civil engineer may or may not be the same architect or civil engineer who is
responsible for the design of the building.

It is understood however that in either case, the designing architect or civil engineer is not
precluded from conducting inspection of the construction work to check and determine compliance
with the plans and specifications of the building as submitted.

There shall be kept at the jobsite at all times a logbook wherein the actual progress of
construction including tests conducted, weather conditions and other pertinent data are to be
Upon completion of the construction, the said licensed architect or civil engineer shall submit the
logbook, duly signed and sealed, to the Building Official. He shall also prepare and submit a
Certificate of Completion of the project stating that the construction of building conforms to the
provisions of this Code as well as with the approved plans and specifications.

SECTION 309. Certificate of Occupancy

No building or structure shall be used or occupied and no change in the existing use or
occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made until the Building
Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy therefor as provided in this Code.

A Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued by the Building Official within thirty (30) days if after
final inspection and submittal of a Certificate of Completion referred to in the preceding Section, it is
found that the building or structure complies with the provisions of this Code.

The Certificate of Occupancy shall be posted or displayed in a conspicuous place on the

premises and shall not be removed except upon order of the Building Official.

The non-issuance, suspension and revocation of Certificates of Occupancy and the procedure for
appeal therefrom shall be governed in so far as applicable, by the provisions of Section 306 and 307
of this Code.



SECTION 401. Types of Construction

For purposes of this Code, all buildings proposed for construction shall be classified or identified
according to the following types:

(1) Type I – Type I buildings shall be of wood construction. The structural elements may be any
of the materials permitted by this Code.
(2) Type II – Type II buildings shall be of wood construction with protective fire-resistant
materials and one-hour fire-resistive throughout: Except, that permanent non-bearing
partitions may use fire-retardant treated wood within the framing assembly.
(3) Type III – Type III buildings shall be of masonry and wood construction. Structural elements
may be any of the materials permitted by this Code: Provided, that the building shall be one-
hour fire-resistive throughout. Exterior walls shall be of incombustible fire-resistive
(4) Type IV – Type IV buildings shall be of steel, iron, concrete, or masonry construction. Walls,
ceilings, and permanent partitions shall be of incombustible fire-resistive construction:
Except, that permanent non-bearing partitions of one-hour fire-resistive construction may use
fire-retardant treated wood within the framing assembly.
(5) Type V – Type V buildings shall be fire-resistive. The structural elements shall be of steel,
iron, concrete, or masonry construction. Walls, ceilings, and permanent partitions shall be of
incombustible fire-resistive construction.

SECTION 402. Changes in Types

No change shall be made in the type of construction of any building which would place the building in
a different sub-type or type of construction unless such building is made to comply with the
requirements for such sub-type of construction: Except, when the changes is approved by the
Building Official upon showing that the new or proposed construction is less hazardous, based on life
and fire risk, than the existing construction.

SECTION 403. Requirements on Type of Construction

Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, the Secretary shall prescribe standards for each type of
construction, and promulgate rules and regulations therefor, relating to structural framework, exterior
walls and openings, interior walls and enclosures, floors, exits and stairs construction, and roofs.


SECTION 501. Fire Zones Defined

Fire zones are areas within which only certain types of buildings are permitted to be constructed
based on their use or occupancy, type of construction, and resistance to fire.

SECTION 502. Buildings located in more than One Fire Zone

A building or structure which is located partly in one fire zone and partly in another shall be
considered to be in the more highly restrictive fire zone, when more than one-third of its total floor
area is located in such zone.

SECTION 503. Moved Building

Any building or structure moved within or into any fire zone shall be made to comply with all the
requirements for buildings in that fire zone.

SECTION 504. Temporary Buildings

Temporary buildings such as reviewing stands and other miscellaneous structures conforming to the
requirements of this Code, and sheds, canopies and fences used for the protection of the public
around and in conjunction with construction work, may be erected in the fire zones by special permit
from the Building Official for a limited period of time, and such buildings or structures shall be-
completely removed upon the expiration of the time limit stated in such permits.

SECTION 505. Center Lines of Streets

For the purpose of this Chapter, the center line of an adjoining street or alley may be considered an
adjacent property line. Distances shall be measured at right angles to the street or alley.

SECTION 506. Restrictions on Existing Buildings

Existing buildings or structures in fire zones that do not comply with the requirements for a new
building erected therein shall not hereafter be enlarged, altered, remodeled, repaired or moved
except as follows:

(a) Such building is entirely demolished;

(b) Such building is to be moved outside the limits of the more highly restrictive Fire Zone to a
zone where the building meets the minimum standards;
(c) Changes, alterations and repairs may be made provided that in any 12-month period, the
value of the work does not exceed twenty percent of the value of the existing building, and
provided that, such changes do not add additional combustible material, and do not, in the
opinion of the Building Official, increase the fire hazard;
(d) Additions thereto are separated from the existing building by fire walls, as set forth in Sub-
section 604 (b);
(e) Damage from fire or earthquake, typhoons or any fortuitous event may be repaired, using the
same kind of materials of which the building or structure was originally constructed, provided
that, the cost of such repair shall not exceed twenty percent of the replacement cost of the
building or structure.


SECTION 507. Designation of Fire Zones

The Secretary shall promulgate specific restrictions for each type of Fire Zone. Cities and
municipalities shall be divided into such Fire Zones in accordance with local, physical, and spatial
framework plans submitted by city or municipal planning and/or development bodies.


SECTION 601. Fire-Resistive Rating defined

Fire-resistive rating means the degree to which a material can withstand fire as determined by
generally recognized and accepted testing methods.

SECTION 602. Fire-Resistive Time Period Rating

Fire-resistive time period rating is the length of time a material can withstand being burned which
may be one-hour, two-hours, three-hours, four-hours, etc.

SECTION 603. Fire-Resistive Standards

All materials of construction, and assemblies or combinations thereof shall be classified according
to their fire-retardant or flame-spread ratings as determined by general accepted testing methods
and/or by the Secretary.

SECTION 604. Fire-Resistive Regulations

The Secretary shall prescribe standards and promulgate rules and regulations on the testing of
construction materials for flame-spread characteristics, tests on fire damages, fire tests of building
construction and materials, door assemblies and tinclad fire doors and window assemblies, the
installation of fire doors and windows and smoke and fire detectors for fire protective signaling
system, application and use of controlled interior finish, fire-resistive protection for structural
members, fire-resistive walls and partitions, fire-resistive floor or roof ceiling, fire-resistive assemblies
for protection of openings and fire-retardant roof coverings.




SECTION 701. Occupancy Classified

(a) Buildings proposed for construction shall be identified according to their use or the character of its
occupancy and shall be classified as follows:
(1) Group A – Residential Dwellings
Group A Occupancies shall be dwellings.
(2) Group B – Residentials, Hotels and Apartments
Group B Occupancies shall be multiple dwelling units including boarding or lodging
houses, hotels, apartment buildings, row houses, convents, monasteries and other
similar building each of which accommodates more than 10 persons.
(3) Group C – Education and Recreation
Group C Occupancies shall be buildings used for school or day-care purposes, involving
assemblage for instruction, education, or recreation, and not classified in Group I or in
Division 1 and 2 or Group H Occupancies.
(4) Group D – Institutional
Group D Occupancies shall include:

Division 1 – Mental hospitals, mental sanitaria, jails, prisons, reformatories, and buildings
were personal liberties of inmates are similarly restrained.
Division 2 – Nurseries for full-time care of children under kindergarten age, hospitals,
sanitaria, nursing homes with non-ambulatory patients, and similar buildings each
accommodating more than five persons.
Division 3 – Nursing homes for ambulatory patients, homes for children of kindergarten
age or over, each accommodating more than five persons: Provided, that Group D
Occupancies shall not include buildings used only for private or family group dwelling

(5) Group E – Business and Mercantile

Group E Occupancies shall include:

Division 1 – Gasoline filling and service stations, storage garages and boat storage
structures where no work is done except exchange of parts and maintenance requiring
no open flame, welding, or the use of highly flammable liquids.
Division 2 – Wholesale and retail stores, office buildings, drinking and dining
establishments having an occupant load of less than one hundred persons, printing
plants, police and fire stations, factories and workshops using not highly flammable or
combustible materials and paint stores without bulk handlings.
Division 3 – Aircraft hangars and open parking garages where no repair work is done
except exchange of parts and maintenance requiring no open flame, welding or the use
of highly flammable liquids.

(6) Group F – Industrial

Group F Occupancies shall include: ice plants, power plants, pumping plants, cold storage,
and creameries, factories and workshops using incombustible and non-explosive materials, and
storage and sales rooms for incombustible and non-explosive materials.

(7) Group G – Storage and Hazardous

Groups G Occupancies shall include:
Division 1 – Storage and handling of hazardous and highly flammable material.
Division 2 – Storage and handling of flammable materials, dry cleaning plants using
flammable liquids; paint stores with bulk handling, paint shops and spray painting rooms.
Division 3 – Wood working establishments, planning mills and box factories, shops,
factories where loose combustible fibers or dust are manufactured, processed or
generated; warehouses where highly combustible materials is stored.
Division 4 – Repair garages.
Division 5 – Aircrafts repair hangars.

(8) Group H – Assembly Other Than Group I

Group H Occupancies shall include:

Division 1 – Any assembly building with a stage and an occupant load of less than 1000
in the building.
Division 2 – Any assembly building without stage and having an occupant load of 300 or
more in the building.
Division 3 – Any assembly building without a stage and having an occupant load of less
than 300 in the building.
Division 4 – Stadia, reviewing stands, amusement park structures not included within
Group I or in Division 1, 2, and 3 of this Group.

(9) Group I – Assembly Occupant Load 1000 or More

Group I Occupancies shall be any assembly building with a stage and an occupant load of
1000 or more in the building.

(10)Group J – Accessory
Group J Occupancies shall include:

Division 1 – Private garage, carports, sheds and agricultural buildings.

Division 2 – Fences over 1.80 meters high, tanks and towers.

(b) Other subgroupings or divisions within Groups A to J may be determined by the Secretary. Any
other occupancy not mentioned specifically in this Section, or about which there is any question, shall
be included in the Group which it most nearly resembles based on the existing or proposed life and
fire hazard.

SECTION 702. Change in Use

No change shall be made in the character of occupancy or use of any building which would place the
building in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occupancies,
unless such building is made to comply with the requirements of this Code for such division or group
of occupancy. The character of occupancy of existing buildings may be changed subject to the
approval of the Building Official and the building may be occupied for purposes set forth in other
Groups: Provided the new or proposed use is less hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the
existing use.

SECTION 703. Mixed Occupancy

(a) General Requirements

When a building is of mixed occupancy or used for more than one occupancy, the whole building
shall be subject to the most restrictive requirement pertaining to any of the type of occupancy found
therein except in the following:

(1) When a one-storey building houses more than one occupancy, each portion of the
building shall conform to the requirement of the particular occupancy housed therein and;
(2) Where minor accessory uses do not occupy more than ten percent of the area of any
floor or a building, nor more than ten percent of the basic area permitted in the
occupancy requirements, in which case, the major use of the building shall determine the
occupancy classification.

(b) Forms of Occupancy Separation

Occupancy separations shall be vertical or horizontal or both, or when necessary, of such other forms
as may be required to afford a complete separation between the various occupancy divisions in the

(c) Types of Occupancy Separation

Occupancy separation shall be classified as “One-Hour Fire-Resistive”, “Two-Hour Fire-Resistive”,

“Three-Hour Fire-Resistive” and “Four-Hour Fire-Resistive.”

(1) A “One-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation” shall be of not less than one-hour
fire-resistive construction. All openings in such separation shall be protected by a fire-
assembly having a one-hour fire-resistive rating.

(2) A “Two-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation” shall be of not less than two-hour
fire-resistive construction. All openings in such separation shall be protected by a fire
assembly having a two-hour fire-resistive rating.

(3) A “Three-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation” shall be of not less than three-hour
fire-resistive construction. All openings in walls forming such separation shall be
protected by a fire assembly having a three-hour fire-resistive rating. The total width of
all openings in any three-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation wall in any one-storey
shall not exceed 25 percent of the length of the wall in that storey and no single opening
shall have an area greater than 10.00 square meters. All openings in floors forming a
“Three-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation” shall be protected by vertical
enclosures extending above and below such openings. The walls of such vertical
enclosures shall be of not less than two-hour fire-resistive construction, and all openings
therein shall be protected by a fire assembly having a three-hour fire-resistive rating.

(4) A “Four-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation” shall have no openings therein and
shall be of not less than four-hour fire-resistive construction.

(d) Fire Rating for Occupancy Separation

Occupancy Separations shall be provided between groups, subgroupings, or divisions of

occupancies. The Secretary shall promulgate rules and regulations for appropriate occupancy
separations in buildings of mixed occupancy; Provided, that, where any occupancy separation is
required, the minimum shall be a “One-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation”; and where the
occupancy separation is horizontal, structural members supporting the separation shall be protected
by an equivalent fire-resistive construction.

SECTION 704. Location on Property

(a) General

No building shall be constructed unless it adjoins or has direct access to a public space, yard or street
on at least one of its sides.
For the purpose of this Section, the center line of an adjoining street or alley shall be considered an
adjacent property line.
Eaves over required windows shall not be less than 750 millimeters from the side and rear property

(b) Fire Resistance of Walls

Exterior walls shall have fire resistance and opening protection in accordance with the requirements
set forth by the Secretary. Projections beyond the exterior wall shall not exceed beyond a point one-
third the distance from an assumed vertical plane located where the fire-resistive protection of
openings is first required to the location on property whichever is the least restrictive. Distance shall
be measured at right angles from the property line. When openings in exterior walls are required to
be protected due to distance from property line, the sum of the areas of such openings in any storey
shall not exceed 50 percent of the total area of the wall in that storey.

(c) Buildings on Same Property and Buildings Containing Courts

For the purpose of determining the required wall and opening protection, buildings on the
same property and court walls shall be assumed to have a property line between them. When a new
building is to be erected on the same property with an existing building, the assumed property line
from the existing building shall be the distance to the property line for each occupancy as set forth by
the Secretary: Provided, that two or more buildings on the same property may be considered as one
building if the aggregate area of such building is within the limits of allowable floor areas for a single
building, and when the buildings so considered, house different occupancies or are of different types
of construction, the area shall be that allowed for the most restrictive occupancy or construction.

SECTION 705. Allowable Floor Areas

The allowable floor areas for one-storey building and buildings over one-storey shall not exceed the
limits prescribed by the Secretary for each occupancy groups and/or types of construction.
For purposes of this Section, each portion of a building separated by one or more area separation
walls may be considered a separate building provided the area separation walls meet the
requirements prescribed therefor by the Secretary.

SECTION 706. Allowable Floor Area Increases

The floor areas hereinabove provided may be increased in certain specific instances and under
appropriate conditions, based on the existence of public space, streets or yards extending along and
adjoining two or more sides of the building or structure subject to the approval of the Building Official.

SECTION 707. Maximum Height of Buildings

The maximum height and number of storeys of every building shall be dependent upon the character
of occupancy and the type of construction as determined by the Secretary considering population
density, building bulk, widths of streets and car parking requirements. The height shall be measured
from the highest adjoining sidewalk or ground surface: Provided, that the height measured from the
lowest adjoining surface shall not exceed such maximum height by more than 3.00 meters: Except,
that towers, spires, and steeples, erected as part of a building and not used for habitation or storage
are limited as to height only by structural design if completely of incombustible materials, or may
extend not to exceed 6.00 meters above the height limits for each occupancy group if of combustible

SECTION 708. Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings

(a) Dwelling Location and Lot Occupancy

The dwelling shall occupy not more than ninety percent of a corner lot and eighty percent of an inside
lot, and subject to the provisions on Easements of Light and View of the Civil Code of Philippines,
shall be at least 2 meters from the property line.

(b) Light and Ventilation

Every dwelling shall be so constructed and arranged as to provide adequate light and ventilation as
provided under Section 805 to Section 811, of this Code.

(c) Sanitation


Every dwelling shall be provided with at least one sanitary toilet and adequate washing and drainage

(d) Foundation

Footings shall be of sufficient size and strength to support the load of the dwelling and shall be at
least 250 millimeters thick and 600 millimeters below the surface of the ground.

(e) Post

The dimensions of wooden posts shall be those found in Table 708-A: Dimensions of Wooden Posts
(Annex B-1). Each post shall be anchored to such footing by straps and bolts of adequate size.

(f) Floor

The live load of the first floor shall be at least 200 kilograms per square meter and for the second
floor, at least 150 kilograms per square meter.

(g) Roof

The wind load for roofs shall be at least 120 kilograms per square meter for vertical projection.

(h) Stairs

Stairs shall be at least 750 millimeters in clear width, with a rise of 200 millimeters and a minimum run
of 200 millimeters.

(i) Entrance and Exit

There shall be at least one entrance and another one for exit.

(j) Electrical Requirements

All electrical installation shall conform to the requirements of the Philippine Electrical Code.

(k) Mechanical Requirements

Mechanical systems and/or equipment installation shall be subject to the requirement of the
Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code.

SECTION 709. Requirements for Other Group Occupancies

Subject to the provisions of this Code, the Secretary shall promulgate rules and regulations for each
of the other Group Occupancies covering: allowable construction, height, and area; location on
property, exit facilities, light, ventilation, and sanitation; enclosures of vertical openings; fire
extinguishing systems; and special hazards.


SECTION 801. General Requirements of Light and Ventilation

(a) Subject to the provisions of the Civil Code of the Philippines on Easements of Light and View,
and to the provisions of this part of the Code, every building shall be designed, constructed, and
equipped to provide adequate light and ventilation.
(b) All buildings shall face a street or public alley or a private street which has been duly approved.
(c) No building shall be altered nor arranged so as to reduce the size of any room or the relative
area of windows to less than that provided for buildings under this Code, or to create an
additional room, unless such additional room conforms to the requirements of this Code.
(d) No building shall be enlarged so that the dimensions of the required court or yard would be less
than that prescribed for such building.

SECTION 802. Measurement of Site Occupancy

(a) The measurement of site occupancy or lot occupancy shall be taken at the ground level and
shall be exclusive of courts, yards, and light wells.
(b) Courts, yards, and light wells shall be measured clear of all projections from the walls enclosing
such wells or yards with the exception of roof leaders, wall copings, sills, or steel fire escapes
not exceeding 1.20 meters in width.

SECTION 803. Percentage of Site Occupancy

(a) Minimum site occupancy shall be governed by the use, type of construction, and height of the
building and the use, area, nature, and location of the site; and subject to the provisions of the
local zoning requirements and in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the

SECTION 804. Size and Dimensions of Courts

(a) Minimum size of courts and their least dimensions shall be governed by the use, type of
construction, and height of the building as provided in the rules and regulations promulgated by
the Secretary, provided that the minimum horizontal dimension of court shall be not less than
2.00 meters.
(b) All inner courts shall be connected to a street or yard, either by a passageway with a minimum
width of 1.20 meters or by a door through a room or rooms.

SECTION 805. Ceiling Heights

(a) Habitable rooms provided with artificial ventilation shall have ceiling heights not less than 2.40
meters measured from the floor to the ceiling; Provided that for buildings of more than one-
storey, the minimum ceiling height of the first storey shall be 2.70 meters and that for the second
storey 2.40 meters and succeeding storeys shall have an unobstructed typical head-room
clearance of not less than 2.10 meters above the finished floor. Above stated rooms with a
natural ventilation shall have ceiling heights not less than 2.70 meters.
(b) Mezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling height not less than 1.80 meters above and below it.

SECTION 806. Size and Dimension of Rooms

Minimum sizes of rooms and their least horizontal dimensions shall be as follows:

1. Rooms for Human Habitations – 6.00 square meters with a least dimension of 2.00 meters;
2. Kitchens – 3.0 square meters with a least dimension of 1.50 meters;
3. Bath and toilet – 1.20 square meters with a least dimension of 0.90 meter.

SECTION 807. Air Space Requirements in Determining the Size of Rooms

Minimum air space shall be provided as follows:

1. School Rooms – 3.00 cubic meters with 1.00 square meter of floor area per person;
2. Workshops, Factories, and Offices – 12.00 cubic meters of air space per person;
3. Habitable rooms – 14.00 cubic meters of air space per person.

SECTION 808. Window Openings

Every room intended for any use, not provided with artificial ventilation system as herein specified in
this Code, shall be provided with a window or windows with a total free area of openings and equal to
at least ten percent of the floor area of room, and such window shall open directly to a court, yard,
public street or alley, or open water courses.

SECTION 809. Vent Shafts

(a) Ventilation or vent shafts shall have a horizontal cross-sectional area of not less than 0.10
square meter for every meter of height of shaft but in no case shall the area be less than 1.00
square meter. No vent shaft shall have its least dimension less than 600 millimeters.
(b) Skylights – Unless open to the outer air at the top for its full area, vent shaft shall be covered by
a skylight having a net free area or fixed louver openings equal to the maximum required shaft
(c) Air ducts shall open to a street or court by a horizontal duct or intake at a point below the lowest
window opening. Such duct or intake shall have a minimum unobstructed cross-sectional area
of not less than 0.30 square meter with a minimum dimension of 300 millimeters. The openings
to the duct or intake shall be not less than 300 millimeters above the bottom of the shaft and the
street surface or level of court, at the respective ends of the duct or intake.

SECTION 810. Ventilation Skylights

Skylights shall have a glass area not less than that required for the windows that are replaced. They
shall be equipped with movable sashes or louvers with an aggregate net free area not less than that
required for openable parts in the window that are replaced or provided with approved artificial
ventilation of equivalent effectiveness.

SECTION 811. Artificial Ventilation

(a) Rooms or spaces housing industrial or heating equipment shall be provided with artificial means
of ventilation to prevent excessive accumulation of hot and/or polluted air.
(b) Whenever artificial ventilation is required, the equipment shall be designed and constructed to
meet the following minimum requirements in air changes:

1. For rooms entirely above grade and used for office, clerical, or administrative purposes,
or as stores, sales rooms, restaurants, markets, factories, workshops, or machinery
rooms, not less than three changes of air per hour shall be provided.
2. For rooms entirely above grade and used as bakeries, hotel or restaurant kitchens,
laundries other than accessory to dwellings, and boiler rooms – not less than ten
changes of air per hour shall be provided.
3. For auditorium and other rooms used for assembly purposes, with seats or other
accommodations – not less than 0.30 cubic meter of air per minute shall be supplied for
each person.
4. For wards and dormitories of institutional buildings – not less than 0.45 cubic meter of air
per minute shall be supplied for each person accommodated.
5. For other rooms or spaces not specifically covered under this Section of the Code,
applicable provisions of the Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code, shall be followed.



SECTION 901. General Requirements

Subject to the provisions of Book II of the Civil Code of the Philippines on Property, Ownership, and
its Modification, all buildings hereafter erected, altered, remodeled, relocated or repaired for human
habitation shall be provided with adequate and potable water supply, plumbing installation, and
suitable wastewater treatment or disposal system, storm water drainage, pest and vermin control,
noise abatement device, and such other measures required for the protection and promotion of health
of persons occupying the premises and others living nearby.

SECTION 902. Water Supply System

(a) Whenever available, the potable water requirements for a building used for human habitation
shall be supplied from existing municipal or city waterworks system.
(b) The quality of drinking water from meteoric, surface or underground sources shall conform to
the criteria set in the latest approved National Standards for Drinking Water.
(c) The design, construction and operation of deepwells for the abstraction of groundwater shall be
subject to the provisions of the Water Code of the Philippines.
(d) The design, construction and operation of independent waterworks systems private housing
subdivisions or industrial estates shall be governed by existing laws relating to local waterworks
(e) The water piping installations inside buildings and premises shall conform to the provisions of
the National Plumbing Code of the Philippines.

SECTION 903. Wastewater Disposal System

(a) Sanitary sewage from buildings and neutralized or pre-treated industrial wastewater shall be
discharged directly into the nearest street sanitary sewer main of existing municipal or city
sanitary sewerage system in accordance with the criteria set by the Code on Sanitation and the
National Pollution Control Commission.
(b) All buildings located in areas where there are no available sanitary sewerage system shall
dispose their sewage “Imhoff” or septic tank and subsurface absorption field.
(c) Sanitary and industrial plumbing installations inside buildings and premises shall conform to the
provisions of the National Plumbing Code.

SECTION 904. Storm Drainage System

(a) Rainwater drainage shall not discharge to the sanitary sewer system.
(b) Adequate provisions shall be made to drain low areas in buildings and their premises.

SECTION 905. Pest and Vermin Control

(a) All buildings with hollow and/or wood construction shall be provided with rat proofing.
(b) Garbage bins and receptacles shall be provided with ready means for cleaning and with
positive protection against entry of pest and vermins.
(c) Dining rooms for public use without artificial ventilation shall be properly screened.
SECTION 906. Noise Pollution Control

Industrial establishments shall be provided with positive noise abatement devices to tone down
the noise level of equipment and machineries to acceptable limits set down by the Department of
Labor and the National Pollution Control Commission.

SECTION 907. Pipe Materials

All pipe materials to be used in buildings shall conform to the Standard Specifications of the
Philippine Standard Council.



SECTION 1001. General Requirements

(a) No part of any building or structure or any of its appendages shall project beyond the property
line of the building site, except as provided in this Code.
(b) The projection of any structure or appendage over a public property shall be the distance
measured horizontally from the property line to the uttermost point of the projection.

SECTION 1002. Projection into Alleys or Streets

(a) No part of any structure or its appendage shall project into any alley or street, national road or
public highway except as provided in this Code.
(b) Footings located at least 2.40 meters below grade along national roads or public highway may
project not more than 300 millimeters beyond the property line.
(c) Foundations may be permitted to encroach into public sidewalk areas to a width not exceeding
500 millimeters; provided, that the top of the said foundations is not less than 600 millimeters
below the established grade; and provided further, that said projection does not obstruct any
existing utility such as power, communication, gas, water, or sewer lines, unless the owner
concerned shall pay the corresponding entities for the rerouting of the parts of the affected

SECTION 1003. Projection of Balconies and Appendages Over Streets

(a) The extent of any projection over an alley or street shall be uniform within a block and shall
conform to the limitations set forth in Table 1003-A; Projection of Balconies and Appendages
(Annex B-2).
(b) The clearance between the established grade of the street and/or sidewalk and the lowest
under surface of any part of the balcony shall not be less than 3.00 meters.

SECTION 1004. Arcades

(a) Whenever required by existing building and zoning regulations, arcades shall be constructed on
sidewalks of streets. The width of the arcade and its height shall be uniform throughout the
street provided, that in no case, shall an arcade be less than 3.00 meters above the established
sidewalk grade.

SECTION 1005. Canopies (Marquees)

(a) Definition: A canopy or marquee is a permanent roofed structure above a door attached to
and supported by the building and projecting over a wall or sidewalk. This includes any object
or decoration attached thereto.
(b) Projection and Clearance. The horizontal clearance between the outermost edge of the
marquee and the curb line shall be not less than 300 millimeters. The vertical clearance
between the pavement or ground line and the undersurface of any part the marquee shall not
be less than 3.00 meters.
(c) Construction. A marquee shall be constructed of incombustible material or materials of not less
than two-hours fire-resistive construction. It shall be provided with necessary drainage facility.
(d) Location. Every marquee shall be so located as not to interfere with the operation of any
exterior standpipe connection or to obstruct the clear passage from stairway exits from the
building or the installation or maintenance of electroliers.
SECTION 1006. Movable Awnings or Hoods

(a) Definition. An awning is a movable shelter supported entirely from an exterior wall of a building
and of a type which can be retracted, folded, or collapsed against the face of a supporting
(b) Clearance. The horizontal clearance between the awning and the curb line shall not be less
than 300 millimeters. The vertical clearance between the undermost surface of the awning and
the pavement or ground line shall be not less than 2.40 meters. Collapsible awnings shall be
so designated that they shall not block a required exit when collapsed or folded.

SECTION 1007. Doors, Windows, and the like

Doors, windows, and the like less than 2.40 meters above the pavement or groundline shall not, when
fully opened or upon opening, project beyond the property line except fire exit doors.

SECTION 1008. Corner Buildings with Chaflans

(a) Every corner building or solid fence on a public street or alley less than 3.60 meters in width
shall be truncated at the corner. The face of the triangle so formed shall be at right angles to
the bisector of the angle of the intersection of the street lines; provided, that in no case, the
Secretary shall determine the size and form of the chaflan.
(b) If the building is arcaded, no chaflan is required notwithstanding the width of the public street or
alley, less than 12.00 meters.



SECTION 1101. General Requirements

(a) No person shall use or occupy a street, alley or public sidewalk for the performance of work
covered by a building permit except in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
(b) No person shall perform any work on any building or structure adjacent to a public way in
general use for pedestrian travel, unless the pedestrians are protected as specified in this
(c) Any material or structure temporarily occupying public property, including fence, canopies, and
walkways, shall be adequately lighted, between sunset and sunrise.

SECTION 1102. Storage in Public Property

Materials and equipment necessary for work to be done under a permit when placed or stored on
public property shall not obstruct free and convenient approach to and use of any fire hydrant, fire or
police alarm box, utility box, catch basin, or manhole and shall not interfere with any drainage of any
street or alley gutter.

SECTION 1103. Mixing Mortar on Public Property

The mixing of mortar, concrete, or similar materials on public streets shall not be allowed.

SECTION 1104. Protection of Utilities

All public or private utilities above or below the ground shall be protected from any damage by
any work being done under the permit. The protection shall be maintained while such work is being
done and shall not obstruct the normal functioning of any such utility.

SECTION 1105. Walkway

(a) When the Building Official authorizes a sidewalk to be fenced or closed, or in case there is no
sidewalk in front of the building site during construction or demolition, a temporary walkway of
not less than 1.20 meters wide shall be provided.
(b) The walkway shall be capable of supporting a uniform live load of 650 kilograms per square
meter. A durable wearing surface shall be provided throughout the construction period.

SECTION 1106. Pedestrian Protection

(a) Protection Required. Pedestrian traffic shall be protected by a railing on the street side when
the walkway extends into the roadway, by a railing when adjacent to excavations, and by such
as set forth in Table 1106-A: Type of Protection Required for Pedestrians (Annex B-2).
(b) Railings. Adequate railings when required shall be built substantially strong and should be at
least 1.00 meter in height.
(c) Fences. Fences shall be built of an approved material, not less than 2.40 meters in height
above grade, and be placed on the side of the walkway nearest to the building site. Fences
shall enclose entirely the building site. Openings in such fences shall be provided with doors
which shall be kept closed at all times.
(d) Canopies. The protective canopy shall have a clear height of 2.40 meters above the railway,
and shall be structurally safe. Every canopy shall have a solid fence built along its entire length
on the construction side. If materials are stored or work is done on top of the canopy, the edge
along the street shall be protected by a tight curb board not less than 300 millimeters high and a
railing not less than 1.00 meter high shall be provided. The entire structure shall be designed to
carry the loads imposed upon it: Provided, that the live load shall be not less than 600 kilograms
per square meter.

SECTION 1107. Maintenance and Removal of Protective Devices

(a) Maintenance. All protective devices shall be properly maintained in place and kept in good
order for the entire length of time pedestrians may be endangered.
(b) Removal. Every protective fence or canopy shall be removed within 30 days after such
protection is no longer required as determined by the Building Official.

SECTION 1108. Demolition

(a) The work of demolishing any building shall not be commenced until all the necessary
pedestrian protective structures are in place.
(b) The Building Official may require the permittee to submit plans, specifications and complete
schedule of demolition. When so required, no work shall be done until such plans,
specifications and schedule are approved by the Building Official.



SECTION 1201. General Requirements

Buildings proposed for construction shall comply with all the regulations and specifications herein
set forth governing quality, characteristics and properties of materials, methods of design and
construction, type of occupancy and classification.

All other matters relative to the structural design of all buildings and other structures not provided
for in this Chapter shall conform with the provisions of the National Structural Code of Buildings, as
adopted and promulgated by the Board of Civil Engineering pursuant to Republic Act Number 544, as
amended, otherwise known as the “Civil Engineering Law”.

SECTION 1202. Excavation, Foundation, and Retaining Walls

(a) Subject to the provisions of Articles 684 to 686 of the Civil Code of the Philippines on lateral
and subjacent support, the design and quality of materials used structurally in excavation,
footings, and in foundations shall conform to accepted engineering practice.

(b) Excavation and Fills

(1) Excavation or fills for buildings or structures shall be so constructed or protected that they
do not endanger life or property.
(2) Whenever the depth of excavation for any construction is such that the lateral and
subjacent support of the adjoining property or existing structure thereon would be
affected in a manner that the stability or safety of the same is endangered, the person
undertaking or causing the excavation to be undertaken shall be responsible for the
expense of underpinning or extending the foundation or footings of the aforementioned
property or structure.
(3) Excavation and other similar disturbances made on public property shall, unless
otherwise excluded by the Building Official, be restored immediately to its former
condition within 48 hours from the start of such excavation and disturbances by
whosoever caused such excavation or disturbance.

(c) Footings, Foundations, and Retaining Walls

(1) Footings and foundations shall be of the appropriate type, of adequate size, and capacity
in order to safely sustain the superimposed loads under seismic or any condition of
external forces that may affect the safety or stability of the structure. It shall be the
responsibility of the architect and/or engineer to adopt the type and design of the same in
accordance with the standards set forth by the Secretary.
(2) Whenever or wherever there exist in the site of the construction an abrupt change in the
ground levels or level of the foundation such that instability of the soil could result,
retaining walls shall be provided and such shall be of adequate design and type of
construction as prescribed by the Secretary.

SECTION 1203. Veneer

(a) Definition. Veneer is a nonstructural facing of brick, concrete, tile, metal, plastic, glass, or
other similar approved materials attached to a backing or structural components of the
building for the purpose of ornamentation, protection, or enclosure that may be adhered,
integrated, or anchored either on the interior or exterior of the building or structure.

(b) Design Requirements. The design of all veneer shall comply with the following:
(1) Veneer shall support no load other than its own weight and the vertical dead load of
veneer immediately above.
(2) Surfaces to which veneer is attached shall be designed to support the additional vertical
and lateral loads imposed by the veneer.
(3) Consideration shall be given to differential movements of the supports including those
caused by temperature changes, shrinkage, creep, and deflection.
(4) Adhered veneer and its backing shall be designed to have a bond to the supporting
elements sufficient to withstand shearing stresses due to their weights including seismic
effects on the total assemblage.
(5) Anchored veneer and its attachment shall be designed to resist horizontal forces equal to
twice the weight of the veneer.
(6) Anchors supports and ties shall be non-combustible and corrosion-resistant.

SECTION 1204. Enclosure of Vertical Openings

(a) General. Vertical openings shall be enclosed depending upon the fire-resistive
requirements of a particular type of construction as set forth in this Code.
(b) Elevator Enclosures. Walls and partitions enclosing elevators and escalators shall be of not
less than the fire-resistive construction required under the Types of Construction. Enclosing
walls of elevator shafts may consist of wire glass set in metal frames on the entrance side
only. Elevator shafts extending through more than two storeys shall be equipped with an
approved means of adequate ventilations to and through the main roof of the building:
Provided, that in those buildings housing Groups F and G Occupancies equipped with
automatic fire-extinguishing systems throughout, enclosures shall not be required for
escalators: Provided, further that the top of the escalator opening at each storey shall be
provided with a draft curtain. Such draft curtain shall enclose the perimeter of the unenclosed
opening and shall extend from the ceiling downward at least 300 millimeters on all sides.
Automatic sprinklers shall be provided around the perimeter of the opening and within a 600
millimeters of the draft curtain. The distance between the sprinkles shall not exceed 1.80
meters center-to-center.
(c) Other Vertical Openings. All shafts, ducts, chutes, and other vertical openings not covered
in paragraph (b) above shall have enclosing walls conforming to the requirements specified
under the type of construction of the building in which they are located. In other than Group
A Occupancies rubbish and linen chutes shall terminate in rooms separated from the
remainder of the building by a One-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation. Openings
into the chutes shall not be located in required exit corridors or stairways.
(d) Air Ducts. Air ducts passing through a floor shall be enclosed in a shaft. The shaft shall be
as required in this Code for vertical openings. Dampers shall be installed where ducts pierce
the shaft enclosure walls. Air ducts in Group A Occupancies need not be enclosed in a shaft
if conforming to the mechanical provisions of this Code.

SECTION 1205. Floor Construction

(a) Floors shall be of such materials and construction as specified under Chapter 5 Fire Zones
and Fire-Resistive Standards and under Chapter 6 – Types of Construction.
(b) All floors shall be so framed and secured into the framework and supporting walls as to form
an integral part of the whole building.
(c) The types of floor construction used shall provide means to keep the beam and girders from
lateral buckling.

SECTION 1206. Roof Construction and Covering

(a) Roof Covering. Roof covering for all buildings shall be either fire-retardant or ordinary
depending upon the fire-resistive requirements of the particular type of construction. The use
of combustible roof insulation shall be permitted in all types of construction provided it is
covered with approved roof covering applied directly thereto.

(b) Roof Trusses. All roofs shall be so framed and tied into the framework and supporting walls
so as to form an integral part of the whole building. Roof trusses shall have all joints well
fitted and shall have all tension members well tightened before any load is placed in the truss.
Diagonal and sway bracing shall be used to brace all roof trusses. The allowable working
stresses of materials in trusses shall conform to this Code. Camber shall be provided to
prevent sagging.

(c) Attics.

(1) Access. An attic access opening shall be provided in the ceiling of the top floor of
buildings with a combustible ceiling or roof construction. The opening shall be located in
a corridor or hallway of buildings of three or more storeys in height , and readily
accessible in buildings of any height. An opening shall not be less than 600 millimeters
square or 600 millimeters in diameter. The minimum clear headroom of 800 millimeters
shall be provided above the access opening. For ladder requirements, refer to the
Philippine Mechanical Engineering code.
(2) Area Separation. Enclosed attic spaces of combustible construction shall be divided
into horizontal areas not exceeding 250 square meters by fire-resistive partitions
extending from the ceiling to the roof. Except, that where the entire attic is equipped with
approved automatic fire-extinguishing system, the attic space may be divided into areas
not to exceed 750 square meters. Openings in the partitions shall be protected by self-
closing doors.
(3) Draft Stops. Regardless of the type of construction, draft stops shall be installed in
trusses roofs, between roof and bottom chords or trusses, in all buildings exceeding 2000
square meters. Draft stops shall be constructed as for attic area separations.
(4) Ventilation. Enclosed attics including rafter spaces formed where ceilings are applied
direct to the underside or roof rafters, shall be provided with adequate ventilation
protected against the entrance of rain.

(d) Roof Drainage System

(1) Roof Drains. Roof drains shall be installed at low points of the roof and shall be
adequate in size to discharge all tributary waters.
(2) Overflow Drains and Scuppers. Where roof drains are required, adequate overflow
drains shall be provided.
(3) Concealed Piping. Roof drains and overflow drains, when concealed within the
construction of the building, shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the
National Plumbing Code.
(4) Over Public Property. Roof drainage water from a building shall not be permitted to flow
over public property, except for Group A and J Occupancies.

(e) Flashing. Flashing and counterflashing shall be provided at the juncture of the roof and
vertical surfaces.

SECTION 1207. Stairs, Exits, and Occupant Loads

(a) General. The construction of stairs and exits shall conform to the occupant load
requirements of buildings, reviewing stands, bleachers, and grandstands.

(1) Determination of Occupant Loads. The occupant load permitted in any building or portion
thereof shall be determined by dividing the floor area assigned to that use by the unit
area allowed per occupant as determined by the Secretary.
(2) Exit Requirements. Exist requirements of a building or portion thereof used for different
purposes shall be determined by the occupant load which gives the largest number of
persons. No obstruction shall be placed in the required width of an exit except
projections permitted by this Code.
(3) Posting of Room Capacity. Any room having an occupant load of more than 50 where
fixed seats are not installed, and which is used for classroom, assembly, or similar
purpose shall have the capacity of the room posted in a conspicuous place near the main
exit from the room.
(4) Changes in Elevation. Except in Group A Occupancies, changes in floor elevations of
less than 300 millimeters along any exit serving a tributary occupant load of 10 or more
shall be by means of ramps:

(b) Exits

(1) Number of Exits. Every building or usable portion thereof shall have at lease one exit.
In all occupancies, floors above the first storey having an occupant load of more than 10
shall not have less than two exits. Each mezzanine floor used for other than storage
purposes, if greater in area than 185 square meters or more than 18.00 meters in any
dimension, shall have at least two stairways to an adjacent floor. Every storey or portion
thereof, having an occupant load of 500 to 999 shall have at least three exits. Every
storey or portion thereof having an occupant load of 1000 or more shall have at least four
(4) exits. The number of exits required from any storey of a building shall be determined
by using the occupant loads of floors which exit through the level under consideration as
follows: 50 percent of the occupant load in the first adjacent storey above (and the first
adjacent storey below, when a storey below exits through the level under consideration)
and 25 percent of the occupant load in the storey immediately beyond the first adjacent
storey. The maximum number of exits required for any storey shall be maintained until
egress is provided from the structures. For purposes of this Section basement or cellars
and occupied roofs shall be provided with exits as required for storeys. Floors above the
second storey, basements and cellars used for other than service of the building shall
have not less than two exits.
(2) Width. The total width of exits in meters shall not be less than the total occupant load
served divided by 165. Such width of exits shall be divided approximately equally among
the separate exits. The total exit width required from any storey of a building shall be
determined by using the occupant load of that storey plus the percentage of the occupant
loads of floors which exits through the level under consideration as follows: fifty (50)
percent of the occupant load in the first adjacent storey above (and the first adjacent
storey below when a storey below exits through the level under consideration) and twenty
five percent of the occupant load in the storey immediately beyond the first adjacent
storey. The maximum exit width from any storey of a building shall be maintained.
(3) Arrangement of Exits. If only two exits are required they shall be placed a distance
apart to not less than one-fifth of the perimeter of the area served measured in a straight
line between exits. Where three or more exits are required they shall be arranged a
reasonable distance apart so that if one becomes blocked, the others will be available.
(4) Distance to Exists. No point in a building without a sprinkler system shall be more than
45.00 meters from an exterior exit door, a horizontal exit, exit passageway, or an
enclosed stairway, measured along the line of travel. In a building equipped with a
complete automatic fire extinguishing system the distance from exits may be increased to
60.00 meters.

(c) Doors. The provisions herein shall apply to every exit door serving an area having an
occupant load of more than 10, or serving hazardous rooms or areas.
(1) Swing. Exit door shall swing in the direction of exit travel when serving any hazardous
areas or when serving an occupant load of 50 or more. Double acting doors shall not be
used as exits serving a tributary occupant load of more than 100; nor shall they be used
as a part of fire assembly, nor equipped with panic hardware. A double acting door shall
be provided with a view panel of not less than 1,300 square centimeters.
(2) Type of Lock or Latch. Exit door shall be openable from the inside without the use of a
key or any special knowledge or effort: Except, that this requirement shall not apply to
exterior exit doors in a group E or F Occupancy if there is a conspicuous, readily visible
and durable sign on or adjacent to the door, stating that the door is to remain unlocked
during business hours. The locking device must be of a type that will readily be
distinguishable as locked. Flush bolts or surface bolts are prohibited.
(3) Width and Height. Every required exit doorway shall be of a size as to permit the
installation of a door not less than 900 millimeters in width and not less than 2.00 meters
in height. When installed in exit doorways, exit doors shall be capable of opening at least

90 degrees and shall be so mounted that the clear width of the exitway is not less than
700 millimeters. In computing the required exit width the net dimension of the exitway
shall be used.
(4) Door Leaf Width. No leaf of an exit door shall exceed 1.20 meters in width.
(5) Special Doors. Revolving, sliding, and overhead doors shall not be used as required
(6) Egress from Door. Every required exit door shall give immediate access to an approved
means of egress from the building.
(7) Change in Floor Level at Doors. Regardless of the occupant load there shall be a floor
or landing on each side of an exit door. The floor or landing shall be leveled with, or not
more than 50 millimeters lower than the threshold of the doorway: Except, that in Group
A and B Occupancies, a door may open on the top step of a flight of stairs or an exterior
landing provided the door does not swing over the top step or exterior landing and the
landing is not more than 200 millimeters below the floor level.
(8) Door Identification. Glass doors shall conform to the requirements in Section 1805.
Other exit doors shall be so marked that they are readily distinguishable from the
adjacent construction.
(9) Additional Doors. When additional doors are provided for egress purposes, they shall
conform to all provisions in the following cases: Approved revolving doors having leaves
which will collapse under opposing pressures may be used in exit situations; provided;
that such doors have a minimum width of 2.00 meters or they are not used in
occupancies where exits are required to be equipped with panic hardware or at least one
conforming exit door is located adjacent to each revolving doors installed in a building
and the revolving door shall not be considered to provide nay exit width.

(d) Corridors and Exterior Exit Balconies. The provisions herein shall apply to every corridor and
exterior exit balcony serving as a required exit for an occupant load of more than ten.
(1) Width. Every corridor or exit balcony shall not be less than 1.10 meters in width.
(2) Projections. The required width of corridors and exterior exit balconies shall be
unobstructed. Except, that trim handrails, and doors when fully opened shall not reduce
the required width by more than 200 millimeters. Doors in any position shall not reduce
the required width of the corridor by more than one-half.
(3) Access to Exits. When more than one exit is required, they shall be so arranged to allow
going to either direction from any point in the corridor or exterior exit balcony to a
separate exit, except for dead ends permitted by this Code.
(4) Dead Ends. Corridors and exterior exit balconies with dead ends are permitted when the
dead end does not exceed 6.00 meters in length.
(5) Construction. Walls and ceilings of corridors shall not be less than one-hour fire-
resistive construction. Provided, that this requirement shall not apply to exterior exit
balconies, railings, and corridors of one-storey building housing a Group E and F
Occupancy occupied by one tenant only and which serves an occupant load of 30 or
less, nor to corridors, formed by temporary partitions. Exterior exit balconies shall not
project into an area where protected openings are required.
(6) Openings. Where corridor wall are required to be one-hour fire-resistive construction,
every interior door opening shall be protected as set forth in generally recognized and
accepted requirements for dual purpose fire exit doors. Other interior openings except
ventilation louvers equipped with approved automatic fire shutters shall be 7 millimeters
thick fixed wire glass set in steel frames. The total area of all openings other than doors,
in any portion of an interior corridor wall shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the area
of the corridor wall of the room being separated from the corridor.

(e) Stairways. Except stairs or ladders used only to access equipment, every stairway serving
any building or portion thereof shall conform to the following requirements:
(1) Width. Stairways serving an occupant load of more than 50 shall not be less than 1.10
meters. Stairways serving an occupant load of 50 or less may be 900 millimeters wide.
Private stairways serving an occupant load of less than 10 may be 750 millimeters. Trim
and handrails shall not reduce the required width by more than 100 millimeters.
(2) Rise and Run. The rise of every step in a stairway shall not exceed 200 millimeters and
the run shall not be less than 250 millimeters. The maximum variations in the height of
risers and the width of treads in any one flight shall be 5 millimeters: Except, in case of
private stairways serving an occupant load of less than 10, the rise may be 200
millimeters and the run may be 250 millimeters, except as provided in sub-paragraph (3)
(3) Winding Stairways. In Group A Occupancy and in private stairways in Group B
Occupancies, winders may be used if the required width of run is provided at a point not
more than 300 millimeters from the side of the stairway where the treads are narrower
but in no case shall any width of run be less than 150 millimeters at any point.
(4) Circular Stairways. Circular stairs may be used as an exit provided the minimum width of
run is not less than 250 millimeters. All treads in any one flight between landings shall
have identical dimensions within a 5 millimeter tolerance.
(5) Landings. Every landing shall have a dimension measured in the direction of travel
equal to the width of the stairway. Such dimension need not exceed 1.20 meters when
the stairs has a straight run. Landings when provided shall not be reduced in width by
more than 100 millimeters by a door when fully open.
(6) Basement Stairways. Where a basement stairway and a stairway to an upper storey
terminate in the same exit enclosure, an approved barrier shall be provided to prevent
persons from continuing on to the basements. Directional exit signs shall be provided as
specified in this Code.
(7) Distance Between Landings. There shall be not more than 3.60 meters vertical distance
between landings.
(8) Handrails. Stairways shall have handrails on each side and every stairway required to
be more than 3.00 meters in width shall be provided with not less than one intermediate
handrail for each 3.00 meters of required width. Intermediate handrails shall be spaced
approximately equal within the entire width of the stairway. Handrails shall be placed not
less than 800 millimeters nor more than 900 millimeters above the nosing of treads, and
ends of handrails shall be returned or shall terminate in newel posts or safety terminals:
Except, in the following cases: Stairways 1.10 meters or less in width and stairways
serving one individual dwelling unit in Group A or B Occupancies may have one handrail,
except that such stairway, open on one or both, sides shall have handrails provided on
the open side or sides: or stairways having less than four risers need not have handrails.
(9) Exterior Stairway Protection. All openings in the exterior wall below or within 3.00
meters, measured horizontally, of an exterior exit stairway serving a building over two
storeys in height shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly having a three-fourths
hour fire-resistive rating: Except, that openings may be unprotected when two separated
exterior stairways serve an exterior exit balcony.
(10a) Stairways Construction - Interior. Interior stairways shall be constructed as
specified in this Code. Where there is enclosed usable space under the stairs the walls
and soffits of the enclosed space shall be protected on the enclosed side as required for
one-hour fire resistive construction.
(10b) Stairway Construction - Exterior. Exterior stairways shall be of incombustible
material: Except, that on Type III buildings which do not exceed two storeys in height,
which are located in less fire-restrictive Fire Zones, as well as on Type I buildings which
may be of wood not less than 50 millimeters in nominal thickness. Exterior stairs shall be
protected as required for exterior walls due to location on property as specified in this
Code. Exterior stairways shall not project into an area where openings are required to be
protected. Where there is enclosed usable space under stairs, the walls and soffits of the
enclosed space shall be protected on the enclosed side as required for one-hour fire-
resistive construction.
(11) Stairway to Roof. In every building four or more storeys in height, one stairway shall
extend to the roof unless the roof has C slope greater than 1 in 3.
(12) Headroom. Every required stairway shall have a headroom clearance of not less than
2.00 meters. Such clearance shall be established by measuring vertically from a plane
parallel and tangent to the stairway tread nosing to the soffit above all points.

(f) Ramps. A ramp conforming to the provisions of this Code may be used as an exit. The
width of ramps shall be as required for corridors.

(g) Horizontal Exit. If conforming to the provisions of this Code, a horizontal exit may be
considered as the required exit. All openings in a separation wall shall be protected by a fire
assembly having a fire-resistive rating of not less than one hour. A horizontal exit shall not

lead into a floor area having a capacity for an occupant load not less than the occupant load
served by such exit. The capacity shall be determined by allowing 0.30 square meter of net
floor area per ambulatory occupant and 1.90 square meters per non-ambulatory occupant.
The dispersal area into which the horizontal exit leads shall be provided with exits as
required by this Code.

(h) Exit Enclosure. Every interior stairway, ramp, or escalator shall be enclosed as specified in
this Code: Except, that in other than Group D Occupancies, an enclosure will not be
required for stairway, ramp, or escalator serving only one adjacent floor and not connected
with corridors or stairways serving other floors. Stairs in Group A Occupancies need not be
(1) Enclosure walls shall not be less than two-hour fire-resistive construction. There shall be
no openings into exit enclosures except exit doorways and openings in exterior walls. All
exit doors in an exit enclosure shall be appropriately protected.
(2) Stairway and ramp enclosures shall include landings and parts of floors connecting
stairway flights and shall include a corridor on the ground floor leading from the stairway
to the exterior of the building. Enclosed corridors or passageways are not required for
unenclosed stairways.
(3) A stairway in an exit enclosure shall not continue below the grade level exit unless an
approved barrier is provided at the ground floor level to prevent persons from accidentally
continuing into the basement.
(4) There shall be no enclosed usable space under stairways in an exit enclosure, nor shall
the open space under such stairways be used for any purpose.

(i) Smokeproof Enclosures

A smokeproof enclosure shall consist of a vestibule and a continuous stairway enclosed

from the highest point to the lowest point by walls of two-hour fire-resistive construction. In
buildings five storeys or more in height, one of the required exits shall be a smokeproof

(1) Stairs in smokeproof enclosures shall be of incombustible construction.

(2) There shall be no openings in smokeproof enclosures, except exit doorways and
openings in exterior walls. There shall be no openings directly into the interior of the
building. Access shall be through a vestibule with one wall at least fifty percent open to
the exterior and having an exit door from the interior of the building and an exit door
leading to the smokeproof enclosure. In lieu of a vestibule, access may be by way of an
open exterior balcony of incombustible materials.
(3) The opening from the building to the vestibule or balcony shall be protected with a self-
closing fire assembly having one-hour fire-resistive rating. The opening from the
vestibule or balcony to the stair tower shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly
having a one-hour fire-resistive rating.
(4) A smokeproof enclosure shall exit into a public way or into an exit passageway leading to
a public way. The exit passageway shall be without other openings and shall have walls,
floors, and ceilings of two-hour fire-resistance.
(5) A stairway in a smokeproof enclosure shall not continue below the grade level exit unless
an approved barrier is provided at a ground floor level to prevent persons from
accidentally walking into the basement.

(j) Exit Outlets, Courts, and Passageways

Every exit shall discharge into a public way, exit court, or exit passageway. Every exit
court shall discharge into a public way or an exit passageway. Passageways shall be without
openings other than required exits and shall have walls, floors, and ceilings of the same
period of fire-resistance as the walls, floors and ceilings of the building but shall not be less
than one-hour fire-resistive construction.

(1) Width. Every exit court and exit passageways shall be at least as wide as the required
total width of the tributary exits, such required width being based on the occupant load
served. The required width of exit courts or exit passageways shall be unobstructed
except as permitted in corridors. At any point where the width of an exit court is reduced
from any cause, the reduction in width shall be affected gradually by a guardrail at least
900 millimeters in height. The guardrail shall make an angle of not more than 30 degrees
with the axis of the exit court.
(2) Slope. The slope of exit courts shall not exceed 1 in 10. The slope of exit passageway
shall not exceed 1 in 8.
(3) Number of Exits. Every exit court shall be provided with exits as required in this Code.
(4) Openings. All openings into an exit court less than 3.00 meters wide shall be protected
by fire assemblies having not less than three-fourth hour fire-resistive rating. Except, that
openings more than 3.00 meters above the floor of the exit court may be unprotected.

(k) Exit Signs and Illuminations

Exits shall be illuminated at any time the building is occupied with lights having an intensity of
not less than 10.7 lux at floor level: Except, that for Group A Occupancies, the exit
illumination shall be provided with separate circuits or separated sources of power (but not
necessarily separate from exit signs when these are required for exit sign illumination)

(l) Aisles

Every portion or every building in which are installed seats, tables, merchandise, equipment,
or similar materials shall be provided with aisles leading to an exit.

(1) Width. Every aisle shall be not less than 800 millimeters wide if serving only one side,
and not less than 1 meter wide if serving both sides. Such minimum width shall be
measured at the point farthest from an exit, cross aisle, or foyer and shall be increased
by 30 millimeters for every meter in length towards the exit, cross aisle or foyer.
Side aisles shall not be less than 1.10 meters in width.
(2) Exit Distance. In areas occupied by seats and in Groups H and I Occupancies without
seats, the line of travel to an exit door by an aisle shall be not more than 45.00 meters.
With standard spacing, as specified in this Code, aisles shall be so located that there will
be not more than seven seats between the wall and an aisle and not more than fourteen
seats between aisles. The number of seats between aisles may be increased to 30
where exits doors are provided along each side aisle of the row of seats at the rate of one
pair of exit doors for every five rows of seats, provided further that the distance between
seats back to back is at least one meter. Such exit doors shall provide a minimum clear
width of 1.70 meters.
(3) Cross aisles. Aisles shall terminate in a cross aisle, foyer, or exit. The width of the
cross aisle shall be not less than the sum of the required width of the widest aisle plus
fifty percent of the total required width of the remaining aisle leading thereto. In Groups
C, H and E Occupancies, aisles shall not be provided a dead end greater than 6.00
meters in length.
(4) Vomitories. Vomitories connecting the foyer or main exit with the cross aisles shall have
a total width not less than the sum of the required width of the widest aisles leading
thereto plus fifty percent of the total required width of the remaining aisles leading
(5) Slope. The slope portion of aisles shall not exceed a fall of 1 in 8.

(m) Seats

(1) Seat Spacing. With standard seating, the spacing of rows of seats from back-to-
back shall be not less than 840 millimeters. With continental seating, the spacing of
rows of unoccupied seats shall provide a clear width measured horizontally, as follows:
450 millimeters clear for rows of 18 seats or less; 500 millimeters clear for rows of 35
seats or less; 525 millimeters clear for rows of 45 seats or less; and 550 millimeters
clear for rows of 46 seats or more.
(2) Width. The width of any seat shall be not less than 450 millimeters.

(n) Reviewing Stands, Grandstands, and Bleachers
(1) Height of Stands.Stands made of combustible framing shall be limited to 11 rows or 2.70
meters in height.
(2) Design Requirements. The minimum unit live load for reviewing stands, grandstands,
and bleachers shall be 500 kilograms per square meter of horizontal projection for the
structure as a whole. Seat and footboards shall be 180 kilograms per linear meter. The
sway force, applied to seats, shall be 35 kilograms per linear meter parallel to the seats
and 15 kilograms per linear meter perpendicular to the seats. Sway forces need not be
applied simultaneously with other lateral forces.
(3) Spacing of Seats
(3.1) Row Spacing. The minimum spacing of rows of seats measured from back-to-
back shall be: 600 millimeters for seats without backrests in open air stands; 750 millimeters for
seats with backrests; and 850 millimeters for chair seating. There shall be a space of not less
than 300 millimeters between the back of each seat and the front of the seat immediately behind
(3.2) Rise Between Rows. The maximum rise from one row of seats to the next shall
not exceed 400 millimeters.
(3.3) Seating Capacity. For determining the seating capacity of a stand, the width of
any seat shall not be less than 450 millimeters nor more than 480 millimeters.
(3.4) Number of Seats Between Aisles. The number of seats between any seat and an
aisle shall not be greater than 15 for open air stands with seats without backrests,
a far open air stands with seats having backrests and seats without backrests
within buildings and 6 for seats with backrests in buildings.

(4) Aisles
(4.1) Aisles Required. Aisles shall be provided in all stands; Except, that aisles may be
omitted when all the following conditions exist: Seats are without backrests; the
rise from row to row does not exceed 300 millimeters per row; the number of rows
does not exceed 11 in height; the top seating board is not over 3.00 meters above
grade; and the first seating board is not more than 500 millimeters above grade.
(4.2) Obstructions. No obstruction shall be placed in the required width of any aisle or
(4.3) Stairs Required. When an aisle is elevated more than 200 millimeters above
grade, the aisle shall be provided with a stairway or ramp whose width is not less
than the width of the aisle.
(4.4) Dead End. No vertical aisle shall have a dead end more than 16 rows in depth
regardless of the number of exits required.
(4.5) Width. Aisles shall have a minimum width of 1.10 meters.

(5) Stairs and Ramps

The requirements in this Code shall apply to all stairs and ramps except for portions that
pass through the seating area.
(5.1) Stair Rise and Run. The maximum rise of treads shall not exceed 200 millimeters
and the minimum width of the run shall be 280 millimeters. The maximum variation
in the width of treads in any one flight shall not be more than 5 millimeters and the
maximum variation in one height of two adjacent rises shall not exceed 5
(5.2) Ramp Slope. The slope of a ramp shall not exceed 1 in 8. Ramps shall be
roughened or shall be of approved nonslip material.
(5.3) Handrails. A ramp with a slope exceeding 1 in 10 shall have handrails. Stairs for
stands shall have handrails. Handrails shall conform to the requirements of this

(6) Guardrails
(6.1) Guardrails shall be required in all locations where the top of a seat plank is more
than 1.20 meters above the grade and at the front of stands elevated more than
600 millimeters above grade. Where only sections of stands are used, guardrails
shall be provided as required in this Code.
(6.2) Railings shall be 1.10 meters above the rear of a seat plank or 1.10 meters above
the rear of the steps in an aisle when the guardrail is parallel and adjacent to the
aisle: Except, that the height may be reduced to 900 millimeters for guardrails
located in front of the grandstand.
(6.3) A midrail shall be placed adjacent to any seat to limit the open distance above the
top of any part of a seat to 250 millimeters where the seat is at the extreme end or
at the extreme rear of the bleachers or grandstand. The intervening space shall
have one additional rail midway in the opening: Except, that railings may be
omitted when stands are placed directly against a wall or fence giving equivalent
protection; stairs and ramps shall be provided with guardrails. Handrails at the
front of stands and adjacent to an aisle shall be designed to resist a load of 75
kilograms per linear meter applied at the top rail. Other handrails shall be designed
to resist a load of 40 kilograms per linear meter.

(7) Foot Boards

Footboards shall be provided for all rows of seats above the third row or
beginning at such point where the seating plank is more than 600 millimeters above

(8) Exits
(8.1) Distance to Exit. The line of travel to an exit shall not be more than 45.00 meters.
For stands with seats without backseats this distance may be measured by direct
line from a seat to the exit from the stand.
(8.2) Aisle Used as Exit. An aisle may be considered as only one exit unless it is
continuous at both ends to a legal building exit or to a safe dispersal area.
(8.3) Two Exits Required. A stand with the first seating board not more than 500
millimeters above grade of floor may be considered to have two exits when the
bottom of the stand is open at both ends. Every stand or section of a stand within
a building shall have at least two means of egress when the stand accommodates
more than 50 persons. Every open air stand having seats without backrests shall
have at least two means of egress when the stand accommodates more than 300
(8.4) Three Exits Required. Three exits shall be required for stands within a building
when there are more than 300 occupants within a stand and for open air stands
with seats without backrests where a stand or section of a stand accommodates
more than 1000 occupants.
(8.5) Four Exits Required. Four exits shall be required when a stand or section of a
stand accommodates more than 1000 occupants: Except, that for an open air
stand with seats without backrest four exits need not be provided unless there are
accommodations for more than 3000 occupants.
(8.6) Width. The total width of exits in meters shall not be less than the total occupant
load served divided by 165: Except, that for open air stands with seats without
backrest the total width of exits in meters shall be not less than the total occupant
load served divided by 500 when exiting by stairs, and divided by 650 when exiting
by ramps or horizontally. When both horizontal and stair exits are used, the total
width of exits shall be determined by using both figures as applicable. No exit shall
be less than 1.10 meters in width. Exits shall be located at a reasonable distance
apart. When only two exits are provided, they shall be spaced not less than one-
fifth of the perimeter apart.

(9) Securing of Chairs

Chairs and benches used on raised stands shall be secured to the platforms upon which
they are placed: Except, that when less than 25 chairs are used upon a single raised
platform the fastening of seats to the platform may be omitted. When more than 500
loose chairs are used in connection with athletic events, chairs shall be fastened together
in groups of not less than three, and shall be tied or staked to the ground.

(10)Safe Dispersal Area

Each safe dispersal area shall have at least two exits. If more than 6000 persons are to
be accommodated within such an area, there shall be a minimum of three exits, and for
more than 9000 persons there shall be a minimum of four exits. The aggregate clear
width of exits from a safe dispersal area shall be determined on the basis of not less than

one exit unit of 600 millimeters for each 500 persons to be accommodated and no exit
shall be less than 1.10 meters in width, a reasonable distance apart but shall be spaced
not less than one-fifth of the perimeter of the area apart from each other.

(o) Special Hazards

(1) Boiler Rooms. Except in Group A Occupancies, every boiler room and every room
containing an incinerator or liquefied petroleum gas or liquid fuel-fired equipment shall be
provided with at least two means of egress, one of which may be a ladder. All interior
openings shall be protected as provided for in this Code.
(2) Cellulose Nitrate Handling. Film laboratories, projection rooms, and nitro-cellulose
processing rooms shall have not less than two exits.

SECTION 1208. Skylights

(a) All skylights shall be constructed with metal frames except those for Groups A and J
Occupancies. Frames of skylights shall be designed to carry loads required for roofs. All
skylights, the glass of which is set at an angle of less than 45 degrees from the horizontal, if
located above the first storey, shall be set at least 100 millimeters above the roof. Curbs on
which the skylights rest shall be constructed of incombustible materials except for Types I or
II Construction.
(b) Spacing between supports in one direction for flat wired glass in skylights shall not exceed
625 millimeters. Corrugated wired glass may have supports 1.50 meters apart in the
direction of the corrugation. All glass in skylights shall be wired glass: Except, that skylights
over vertical shafts extending through two or more storeys shall be glazed with plain glass as
specified in this Code: Provided, that wired glass may be used in ventilation equal to not less
than one-eight the cross-sectional area of the shaft but never less than 1.20 meters provided
at the top of such shaft. Any glass not wired glass shall be protected above and below with a
screen constructed of wire not smaller than 2.5 millimeters in diameter with a mesh not larger
than 25 millimeters. The screen shall be substantially supported below the glass.
(c) Skylights installed for the use of photographers may be constructed of metal frames and plate
glass without wire netting.
(d) Ordinary glass may be used in the roof and skylights for greenhouses, Provided, that height
of the greenhouses at the ridge does not exceed 6.00 meters above the grade. The use of
wood in the frames of skylights will be permitted in greenhouses outside of highly restrictive
Fire Zones if the height of the skylight does not exceed 6.00 meters above the grade, but in
other cases metal frames and metal sash bars shall be used.
(e) Glass used for the transmission of light, if placed in floors or sidewalks, shall be supported by
metal or reinforced concrete frames, and such glass shall not be less than 12.5 millimeters in
thickness. Any such glass over 100 square centimeters in area shall have wire mesh
embedded in the same or shall be provided with a wire screen underneath as specified for
skylights in this Code. All portions of the floor lights or sidewalk lights shall be of the same
strength as required for floor or sidewalk construction, except in cases where the floor is
surrounded by a railing not less 1.10 meters in height, in which case the construction shall be
calculated for not less than roof loads.

SECTION 1209. Bays, Porches, and Balconies

(a) Walls and floors in bay and oriel windows shall conform to the construction allowed for
exterior walls and floors of the type of construction of the building to which they are attached.
The roof covering of a bay or oriel window shall conform to the requirements of the roofing of
the main roof. Exterior balconies attached to or supported by wall required to be of masonry,
shall have brackets or beams constructed of incombustible materials. Railings shall be
provided for balconies, landings, or porches which are more than 750 millimeters above
SECTION 1210. Penthouses and Roof Structures

(a) Height
No penthouse or other projection above the roof in structures of other than Type V
construction shall exceed 8.40 meters above the roof when used as an enclosure for tanks
or for elevators which run to the roof and in all other cases shall not extend more than 3.60
meters in height with the roof.
(b) Area
The aggregate area of all penthouses and other roof structures shall not exceed one third of
the area of the supporting roof.
(c) Prohibited Uses
No penthouse, bulkhead, or any other similar projection above the roof shall be used for
purposes other than shelter of mechanical equipment or shelter of vertical shaft openings in
the roof. A penthouse or bulkhead used for purposes other than that allowed by this Section
shall conform to the requirements of this Code for an additional storey.
(d) Construction
Roof structures shall be constructed with walls, floors, and roof as required for the main
portion of the building except in the following cases:

(1) On Types III and IV constructions, the exterior walls and roofs of penthouses which are
1.50 meters or more from an adjacent property line may be of one-hour fire-resistive
incombustible construction.
(2) Walls not less than 1.50 meters from an exterior wall of a Type IV construction may be of
one-hour fire-resistive incombustible construction.
The above restrictions shall not prohibit the placing of wood flagpoles or similar
structures on the roof of any building.

(e) Towers and Spires

Towers and spires when enclosed shall have exterior walls as required for the building to
which they are attached. Towers not enclosed and which extend more than 20.00 meters
above the grade shall have their framework constructed of iron, steel, or reinforced concrete.
No tower or spire shall occupy more than one-fourth of the street frontage of any building to
which it is attached and in no case shall the base area exceed 150 square meters unless it
conforms entirely to the type of construction requirements of the building to which it is
attached and is limited in height as a main part of the building. If the area of the tower and
spire exceeds 10.00 square meters on any horizontal cross section, its supporting frames
shall extend directly to the ground. The roof covering of the spires shall be as required for
the main room of the rest of the structure. Skeleton towers used as radio masts, neon signs,
or advertisement frames and placed on the roof of any building shall be constructed entirely
of incombustible materials when more than 7.50 meters in height, and shall be directly
supported on an incombustible framework to the ground. No such skeleton towers shall be
supported on roofs of combustible framings. They shall be designed to withstand a wind
load from any direction in addition to any other loads.

SECTION 1211. Chimneys, Fireplaces, and Barbecues

(a) Chimneys
(1) Structural Design. Chimneys shall be designed, anchored, supported, reinforced,
constructed, and installed in accordance with generally accepted principles of engineering.
Every chimney shall be capable of producing a draft at the appliance not less than that
required for the safe operation of the appliance connected thereto. No chimney shall support
any structural load other than its own weight unless it is designed to act as a supporting
member. Chimneys in a wood-framed building shall be anchored laterally at the ceiling line
and at each floor line which is more than 1.80 meters above grade, except when entirely
within the framework or when designed to be free standing.
(2) Walls. Every masonry chimney shall have walls of masonry units, bricks, stones, listed
masonry chimney units, reinforced concrete or equivalent solid thickness of hollow masonry
and lined with suitable liners in accordance with the following requirements:

(2.1) Masonry Chimneys for Residential Type Appliances. Masonry chimneys shall be
constructed of masonry units or reinforced concrete with walls not less than 100
millimeters thick; or of rubble stone masonry not less than 300 millimeters thick.
The chimney liner shall be in accordance with this Code.
(2.2) Masonry Chimneys for Low Heat Appliances. Masonry chimneys shall be
constructed of masonry units or reinforced concrete with walls not less than 200
millimeters thick: Except, that rubble stone masonry shall be not less than 300
millimeters thick. The chimney liner shall be in accordance with this Code.
(2.3) Masonry Chimneys for Medium-Heat Appliances. Masonry chimneys for medium-
heat appliances shall be constructed of solid masonry units of reinforced concrete
not less than 200 millimeters thick, Except, that stone masonry shall be not less
than 300 millimeters thick and, in addition shall be lined with not less than 100
millimeters of firebrick laid in a solid bed of fire clay mortar with solidly filled head,
bed, and wall joints, starting not less than 600 millimeters below the chimney
connector entrance. Chimneys extending 7.50 meters or less above the chimney
connector shall be lined to the top.
(2.4) Masonry Chimneys for High-Heat Appliances. Masonry chimneys for high-heat
appliances shall be constructed with double walls of solid masonry units or
reinforced concrete not less than 200 millimeters in thickness, with an air space of
not less than 50 millimeters between walls. The inside of the interior walls shall be
of firebrick not less than 100 millimeters in thickness laid in a solid bed of fire clay
mortar with solidly filled head, bed, and wall joints.
(2.5) Masonry Chimneys for incinerators installed in Multi-Storey Buildings (Apartment-
Type Incinerators). Chimneys for incinerators installed in multi-storey buildings
using the chimney passageway as a refuse chute where the horizontal grate area
of combustion chamber does not exceed 0.80 square meter shall have walls of
solid masonry or reinforced concrete, not less than 100 millimeters thick with a
chimney lining as specified in this Code. If the grate area of such an incinerator
exceeds 0.80 square, meter, the walls shall not be less than 100 millimeters of
firebrick except that higher than 9.00 meters above the roof of the combustion
chamber, common brick alone 200 millimeters in thickness may be used.

(2.6) Masonry Chimneys for Commercial and Industrial Type Incinerators.

Masonry chimneys for commercial and industrial type incinerators of a size designed for
not more than 110 kilograms of refuse per hour and having a horizontal grate area
not exceeding 0.50 square meter shall have walls of solid masonry or reinforced
concrete not less than 100 millimeters thick with lining of not less than 100
millimeters of firebrick, which lining shall extend for not less than 12.00 meters
above the roof of the combustion chamber. If the design capacity of grate area of
such an incinerator exceeds 110 kilograms per hour and 0.80 square meter
respectively, walls shall not be less than 200 millimeters thick, lined with not les
than 100 millimeters of firebrick extending the full height of the chimney.
(3) Linings. Fire clay chimney lining shall not be less than 15 millimeters thick. The lining
shall extend from 200 millimeters below the lowest inlet or, in the case of fireplace, from
the throat of the fireplace to a point above enclosing masonry walls. Fire clay chimney
linings shall be installed ahead of the construction of the chimney as it is carried up,
carefully bedded one on the other in fire clay mortar, with close-fitting joints left smooth
on the inside. Firebrick not less than 500 millimeters thick may be used in place of fire
clay chimney.
(4) Area. No chimney passageway shall be smaller in area than the vent connection of the
appliance attached thereto.
(5) Height. Every masonry chimney shall extend at least 600 millimeters above the part of
the roof through which it passes and at least 600 millimeters above the highest elevation
of any part of a building within 3.00 meters to the chimney.
(6) Corbeling. No masonry chimney shall be corbeled from a wall more than 150 millimeters
nor shall a masonry chimney be corbelled from a wall which is less than 300 millimeters
in thickness unless it projects equally on each side of the wall. In the second storey of a
two-storey building of Group A Occupancy, corbeling of masonry chimneys on the
exterior of the enclosing walls may equal the wall thickness. In every case the corbeling
shall not exceed 25 millimeters projection for each course of brick.
(7) Change in size or Shape. No change in the size or shape of a masonry chimney shall
be made within a distance of 150 millimeters above or below the roof joints or rafters
where the chimney passes through the roof.
(8) Separation. When more than one passageway is contained in the same chimney,
masonry separation at least 100 millimeters thick bonded into the masonry wall of the
chimney shall be provided to separate passageways.
(9) Inlets. Every inlet to any masonry chimney shall enter the side thereof and shall be of not
less than 3 millimeters thick metal or 16 millimeters refractory material.
(10) Clearance. Combustible materials shall not be placed within 50 millimeters of smoke
chamber or masonry chimney walls when built within a structure, or within 25 millimeters
when the chimney is built entirely outside the structure.
(11) Termination. An incinerator chimney shall terminate in a substantially constructed spark
arrester having a mesh not exceeding 20 millimeters.
(12) Cleanouts. Cleanout openings shall be provided at the base of every masonry chimney.

(b) Fireplaces and Barbecues

Fireplaces, barbecues, smoke chambers, and fireplace chimneys shall be of solid masonry or
reinforced concrete and shall conform to the minimum requirements specified in this Code.

(1) Fireplace Walls. Walls of fireplaces shall not be less than 200 millimeters in thickness.
Walls of fireboxes shall not be less than 250 millimeters in thickness: Except, that where
a lining of firebrick is used, such walls shall not be less than 200 millimeters in thickness.
The firebox shall not be less than 500 millimeters in depth. The maximum thickness of
joints in firebrick shall be 10 millimeters.
(2) Hoods. Metal hoods used as part of a fireplace or barbecue shall be not less than No.
18 gauge copper, galvanized iron, or other equivalent corrosion-resistant ferrous metal
with all seams and connections of smokeproof unsoldered construction. The hoods shall
be sloped at an angle of 45 degrees or les from the vertical and shall extend horizontally
at least 150 millimeters beyond the limits of the firebox. Metal hoods shall be kept a
minimum of 400 millimeters from combustible materials.
(3) Circulators. Approved metal heat circulators may be installed in fireplaces.
(4) Smoke Chamber. Front and side walls shall not be less than 200 millimeters in
thickness. Smoke chamber back walls shall not be less than 150 millimeters in
(5) Fireplace Chimneys. Walls of chimneys without flue lining shall not be less than 200
millimeters in thickness. Walls of chimneys with flue lining shall not be less than 100
millimeters in thickness and shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of
this Code.
(6) Clearance to Combustible Materials. Combustible materials shall not be placed within 50
millimeters of fireplace, smoke chamber, or chimney walls when built entirely within a
structure, or within 25 millimeters when the chimney is built entirely outside the structure.
Combustible materials shall not be placed within 150 millimeters of the fireplace opening.
No such combustible material within 300 millimeters of the fireplace opening shall project
more than 3 millimeters for each 25 millimeters clearance from such opening. No part of
metal hoods used as part of a fireplace, barbecue or heating stoves shall be less than
400 millimeters from combustible material. This clearance may be reduced to the
minimum requirements set forth in this Code.
(7) Area of Flues, Throats, and Dampers. The net cross-sectional area of the flue and of the
throat between the firebox and the smoke chamber of a fireplace shall not be less than
the requirements to be set forth by the Secretary. Where dampers are used, they shall
be of not less than No. 12 gauge metal. When fully opened, damper opening shall be not
less than ninety percent of the required flue area. When fully open, damper blades shall
not extend beyond the line of the inner face of the flue.
(8) Lintel – Masonry over the fireplace opening shall be supported by a non-combustible
(9) Hearth – Every fireplace shall be provided with a brick, concrete, stone, or other
approved non-combustible hearth slab at least 300 millimeters wider on each side then
the fireplace opening and projecting at least 450 millimeters therefrom. This slab shall
not be less than 100 millimeters thick and shall be supported by a noncombustible
material or reinforced to carry its own weight and all imposed loads.


SECTION 1212. Fire-Extinguishing Systems

(a) Fire-Extinguishing Systems – Where required, standard automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall
be installed in the following places, and in the manner provided in this Code.
(1) In every storey, basement or cellar with an area of 200 square meters or more which is used
for habitation, recreation, dining, study, or work, and which has an occupant load of more
than 20.
(2) In all dressing rooms, rehearsal rooms, workshops or factories, and other rooms with an
occupant load of more than 10 or assembly halls under Group H and I occupancies with
occupant load of more than 500, and if the next doors of said rooms are more than 30.00
meters from the nearest safe fire dispersal area of the building or opening to an exit court or
(3) In all rooms used for storage or handling of photographic x-ray nitrocellulose films and other
inflammable articles.

(b) Dry Standpipes – Every building four or more storeys in height shall be equipped with one or more
dry standpipes.
(1) Construction and Tests – Dry standpipes shall be of wrought iron or galvanized steel and
together with fittings and connections shall be of sufficient strength to withstand 20 kilograms
per square centimeter of water pressure when ready for service, without leaking at the joints,
valves, or fittings. Tests shall be conducted by the owner or the building contractor in the
presence of a representative of the Building Official whenever deemed necessary for the
purpose of certification of its proper function.
(2) Size – Dry standpipes shall be of such size as to be capable of delivering 900 liters or water
per minute from each of any three outlets simultaneously under the pressure created by one
fire engine or pumper based on the standard equipment available.
(3) Number Required – Every building four or more storeys in height where the area of any floor
above the third floor is 950 square meters or less, shall be equipped with at least one dry
standpipe and an additional standpipe shall be installed for each additional 950 square
meters or fraction thereof.
(4) Location – Standpipes shall be located within enclosed stairway landings or near such
stairways as possible or immediately inside of an exterior wall and within 300 millimeters of
an opening in a stairway enclosure of the balcony or vestibule of a smokeproof tower or an
outside exit stairway.
(5) Siamese Connections – Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (2) all 100 millimeters dry
standpipes shall be equipped with a two-way Siamese fire department connection. All 125
millimeters dry standpipes shall be equipped with a three-way Siamese fire department
connection and 150 millimeters dry standpipes shall be equipped with a four-way Siamese
fire department connections. All Siamese inlet connections shall be located on a street-front
of the building and not less than 300 millimeters nor more than 1.20 meters above the grade
and shall be equipped with a clapper-checks and substantial plugs. All Siamese inlet
connections shall be recessed in the wall or otherwise substantially protected.
(6) Outlets – All dry standpipes shall extend from the ground floor to and over the roof and shall
be equipped with a 63 millimeters outlet nor more than 1.20 meters above the floor level at
each storey. All dry standpipes shall be equipped with a two-way 63 millimeters outlet above
the roof. All outlets shall be equipped with gate valves.
(7) Signs – An iron or bronze sign with raised letters at least 25 millimeters high shall be rigidly
attached to the building adjacent to all Siamese connections and such signs shall read:

(c) Wet Standpipes – Every Group H and I Occupancy of any height, and every Group C Occupancy
of two more storeys in height, and every Group B, D, E, F and G Occupancy of three or more
storeys in height and every Group G and E Occupancy over 1800 square meters in area shall be
equipped with one or more interior wet standpipes extending from the cellar or basement into the
topmost storey: Provided, that Group H buildings having no stage and having a seating capacity
of less than 500 need not be equipped with interior wet standpipes.
(1) Construction – Interior wet standpipes shall be constructed of the same materials as those
required for dry standpipes.
(2) Size
(2.1) Interior wet standpipes shall have an internal diameter sufficient to deliver 190 liters
of water per minute under 2.0 kilograms per square centimeter pressure at the hose
connections. Buildings of Group H and I Occupancy shall have wet standpipes
systems capable of delivering the required quantity and pressure from any two
outlets simultaneously; for all other occupancies only one outlet need be figured to
be opened at one time. In no case shall the internal diameter of a wet standpipe be
less than 50 millimeters, except when the standpipe is attached to an automatic fire-
extinguishing system.
(2.2) Any approved formula which determine pipe sizes on a pressure drop basis may be
used to determine pipe size for wet standpipe systems. The Building Official may
require discharge capacity and pressure tests on completed wet standpipe systems.
(3) Number required – The number of wet standpipes when required in this Code shall be so
determined that all portions of the building are within 6.00 meters of a nozzle attached to a hose
23.00 meters in length.
(4) Location – In Group H and I Occupancies, outlets shall be located as follows: one on each side
of the stage, one at the rear of the auditorium, and one at the rear of the balcony. Where
occupant loads are less than 500 the above requirements may be waived: Provided, that
portable fire-extinguishers of appropriate capacity and type are installed within easy access from
the said locations. In Group B, C, D, E, F and G Occupancies, the location of all interior wet
standpipes shall be in accordance with the requirement for dry standpipes: Provided, that at
least one standpipe is installed to cover not more than 650 square meters.
(5) Outlets. All interior wet standpipes shall be equipped with a 38 millimeter valve in each storey,
including the basement or cellar of the building, and located not less than 300 millimeters nor
more than 1.20 meters above the floor.
(6) Threads. All those threads used in connection with the installation of such standpipes, including
valves and reducing fittings shall be uniform with that prescribed by the Secretary.
(7) Water Supply. All interior wet standpipes shall be connected to a street main not less than 100
millimeters in diameter, or when the water pressure is insufficient, to a water tank of sufficient
size as provided in subparagraph
(8). When more than one interior wet standpipe is required in the building, such standpipe shall be
connected at their bases or at their tops by pipes of equal size.
(8) Pressure and Gravity Tanks – Tanks shall have a capacity sufficient to furnish at least 1,500
liters per minute for a period of not less than 10 minutes. Such tanks shall be located so as to
provide not less than 2 kilograms per square centimeter pressure at the topmost base outlet for
its entire supply. Discharge pipes from pressure tanks shall extend 50 millimeters into and
above the bottom of such tanks. All tanks shall be tested in place after installation and proved
tight at a hydrostatic pressure fifty percent in excess of the working pressure required. Where
such tanks are used for domestic purposes the supply pipe for such purposes shall be located at
or above the center line of such tanks. Incombustible supports shall be provided for all such
supply tanks and not less than a 900 millimeters clearance shall be maintained over the top and
under the bottom of all pressure tanks.
(9) Fire pumps. Fire pumps shall have a capacity of not less than 1,000 liters per minute with a
pressure not less than 2 kilograms per square centimeter at the topmost hose outlet. The
source of supply for such pump shall be a street water main of not less than 100 millimeters
diameter or a well or cistern containing a one-hour supply. Such pumps shall be supplied with
an adequate source of power and shall be automatic in operation.
(10) Hose and Hose Reels – Each hose outlet of all interior wet standpipes shall be supplied with a
hose not less than 38 millimeters in diameter. Such hose shall be equipped with a suitable
brass or bronze nozzle and shall be not over 23.00 meters in length. An approved standard
form of wall hose reel or rack shall be provided for the hose and shall be located so as to make
the hose readily accessible at all times and shall be recessed in the walls or protected by
suitable cabinets.

(d) Basement Pipe Inlets – Basement pipe inlets shall be installed in the first floor of every store,
warehouse, or factory where there are cellars or basements under same: Except, where in
such cellars or basements there is installed a fire-extinguishing system as specified in this

Code or where such cellars or basements are used for banking purposes, safe deposit vaults,
or similar uses.

(1) Material – All basement pipe inlets shall be of cast iron, steel, brass, or bronze with lids of cast
brass or bronze and shall consist of a sleeve not less than 200 millimeters in diameter through
the floor extending to and flush with the ceiling below and with a top flange, recessed with an
inside shoulder, to receive the lid and flush with the finished floor surface. The lid shall be a
solid casting and shall have a ring lift recessed on the top thereof, so as to be flushed. The lid
shall have the words “FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT ONLY, DO NOT COVER UP” cast on the top
thereof. The lid shall be installed in such a manner as to permit its removal readily from the inlet.
(2) Location. Basement pipe inlets shall be strategically located and kept readily accessible at all
times to the Fire Department.

(e) Approval – All fire-extinguishing systems, including automatic sprinklers, wet and dry
standpipes, automatic chemical extinguishers, basement pipe inlets, and the appurtenances
thereto shall meet the approval of the Fire Department as to installation and location and
shall be subject to such periodic tests as it may require.

SECTION 1213. Stages and Platform

(a) Stage Ventilators – There shall be one or more ventilators constructed of metal or other
incombustible material near the center and above the highest part of any working stage
raised above the stage roof and having a total ventilation area equal to at least five percent of
the floor area within the stage walls. The entire equipment shall conform to the following

(1) Opening Action – Ventilators shall open by spring action or force of gravity sufficient to
overcome the effects of neglect, rust, dirt, or expansion by heat or warping of the
(2) Glass – Glass, if used in ventilators, must be protected against falling on the stage. A
wire screen, if used under the glass, must be so placed that if clogged it cannot reduce
the required ventilating area or interfere with the operating mechanism or obstruct the
distribution of water from the automatic fire extinguishing systems.
(3) Design – Ventilators, penthouses, and supporting framework shall be designed in
accordance with this Code.
(4) Spring Actuation – Springs, when employed to actuate ventilator doors, shall be capable
of maintaining full required tension indefinitely. Springs shall not be stressed more than
fifty percent of their rated capacity and shall not be located directly in the air stream, nor
exposed to elements.
(5) Location of Fusible Links – A fusible link shall be placed in the cable control system on
the underside of the ventilator at or above the roof line or as approved by the Building
Official, and shall be so located as not to be affected by the operation of fire-
extinguishing systems.
(6) Control – Remote, manual or electrical control shall provide for both opening and closing
of the ventilator doors for periodic testing and shall be located at a point on the stage
designated by the Building Official. When remote control of ventilator is electrical, power
failure shall not affect its instant operation in the event of fire. Hand winches may be
employed to facilitate operation of manually controlled ventilators.

(b) Gridirons –
(1) Gridirons fly galleries, and pin-rails shall be constructed of incombustible materials and
fire protection of steel and iron may be omitted. Gridirons and fly galleries shall be
designed to support a live load of not less than 367 kilograms per square meter. Each
loft block well shall be designed to support 373 kilograms per linear meter and the head
block well shall be designed to support the aggregate weight of all the loft block wells
served. The head block well must be provided with an adequate strongback or lateral
brace to offset torque.
(2) The main counterweight sheave beam shall be designed to support a horizontal and
vertical uniformly distributed live load sufficient to accommodate the weight imposed by
the total number of loft blocks in the gridiron. The sheave blocks shall be designed to
accommodate the maximum load for the loft or head blocks served with a safety factor of

(c) Rooms Accessory to Stage – In a building having a stage, the dressing room sections,
workshops, and storerooms shall be located on the stage side of the proscenium wall and
shall be separated from each other and from the stage by not less than a One-Hour Fire-
Resistive Occupancy Separation.

(d) Proscenium Walls – A stage shall be completely separated from the auditorium by a
proscenium wall of not less than two-hour incombustible construction. The proscenium wall
shall extend not less than 1.20 meters above the roof over the auditorium. Proscenium walls
may have, in addition to the main proscenium openings, one opening at the orchestra pit
level and not more than two openings at the stage floor level, each of which shall be not more
than 2.00 square meters in area. All openings in the proscenium wall of stage shall be
protected by a fire assembly having a one and one-half-hour fire-resistive rating. The
proscenium opening, which shall be the main opening for viewing performances, shall be
provided with a self closing fire-resistive curtain as specified in this Code.

(e) Stage Floor – The type of construction for stage floors shall depend upon the requirements
based on the type of Occupancy and the corresponding fire-resistive requirements. All parts
of the stage floor shall be designed to support not less than 620 kilograms per square meters.
Openings through stage floors shall be equipped with tight-fitting trap doors of wood of not
less than 50 millimeters nominal thickness.

(f) Platforms – The type of construction for platforms shall depend upon the requirements based
on the Type of Occupancy and corresponding fire-resistive requirements. Enclosed platforms
shall be provided with one or more ventilators conforming to the requirements of stage
ventilators: Except, that the total area shall be equal to five percent of the area of the
platform. When more than one ventilator is provided, they shall be so spaced as to provide
proper exhaust ventilation. Ventilators shall not be required for enclosed platforms having a
floor area of 45.00 square meters or less.

(g) Stage Exits – At least one exit not less than 900 millimeters wide shall be provided from each
side of the stage opening directly or by means of a passageway not less than 900 millimeters
in width to a street or exit court. An exit stair not less than 750 millimeters wide shall be
provided for egress from each fly gallery. Each tier of dressing rooms shall be provided with
at least two means of egress each not less than 750 millimeters wide and all such stairs shall
be constructed in accordance with the requirement specified in this Code. The stairs required
in this Sub-section need not be enclosed.

SECTION 1214. Motion Picture Projection Rooms

(a) General Requirements – The provisions of this Section shall apply only where ribbon type
motion picture films in excess of 22-millimeter width and electric projection equipment are
used. Every motion picture machine using ribbon type film in excess of 22 millimeter width
and electric arc projections equipment, together with all electrical devices, rheostats,
machines, and all such films present in any Group C, I, or H Occupancy, shall be enclosed in
a projection room large enough to permit the operator to walk freely on either side and back
of the machine.

(b) Construction – Every projection room shall be of not les than one-hour fire-resistive
construction throughout and the walls and ceiling shall be finished with incombustible
materials. The ceiling shall be not less than 2.40 meters from the finished floor. The room
shall have a floor area of not less than 7.00 square meters and 3.50 square meters for each
additional machine.

(c) Exit – Every projection room shall have at least two doorways separated by not less than
one-third the perimeter of the room, each at least 750 millimeters wide and 2.00 meters high.
All entrances to a projection room shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly having a
three-fourths hour fire-resistive rating. Such doors shall open outward and lead to proper
exits as required in this Code and shall not be equipped with any latch. The maximum width
of such door shall be 750 millimeters.

(d) Ports and Openings – Ports in projection room walls shall be of three kinds: projection ports;
observation ports; and combination ports used for both observation and for stereopticon, spot
or floodlight machines.
(1) Ports Required – There shall be provided for each motion picture projector not more than
one projection port, which shall be limited in area to 750 square centimeters, and not
more than one observation port, which shall be limited in area to 1,300 square
centimeters. There shall be not more than three combination ports, each of which shall
not exceed 750 millimeters by 600 millimeters. Each port opening shall be completely
covered with a pane of glass: Except, that when acetate safety film is used, projection
ports may be increased in size to an area not to exceed 4,500 square centimeters.
(2) Shutters – Each port and every other opening in projection room walls, including, any
fresh-air inlets but excluding exit doors and exhaust ducts, shall be provided with a
shutter of not less than 2.4 millimeters thick sheet metal or its equivalent large enough to
overlap at least 25 millimeters on all sides of such openings. Shutters shall be arranged
to slide without binding in guides constructed of material equal to the shutters in strength
and fire-resistance. Each shutter shall be equipped with a 74° fusible link, which when
fused by heat will cause closure of the shutter by gravity. Shutters of a size greater than
1,300 square centimeters shall be equipped with a counter-balance. There shall also be
a fusible link located over the upper magazine of each projector, which upon operating,
will close all the shutters. In addition, there shall be provided suitable means for
manually closing all shutters simultaneously from any projector head and from a point
within the projection room near each exit door. Shutters on openings not in use shall be
kept closed: Except, that shutters may be omitted when only acetate safety film is used.

(e) Ventilation –
(1) Inlet – A fresh-air inlet from the exterior of the building not less than 900 square
centimeters and protected with wire netting, shall be installed within 50 millimeters of the
floor in every projection room, the source of which shall be remote from other outside
vents or flues.
(2) Outlets – Ventilation shall be provided by one or more mechanical exhaust systems
which shall draw air from each arc lamp housing to out-doors either directly or through an
incombustible flue used for no other purpose. Exhaust capacity shall not be less than
0.50 cubic meter nor more than 1.40 cubic meter per minute for each arc lamp plus 5.60
cubic meters for the room itself. Systems shall be controlled from within the enclosure
and shall have pilot lights to indicate operation. The exhaust systems serving the
projection room may be extended to cover rooms associated therewith such as rewind
rooms. No dampers shall be installed in such exhaust systems. Ventilation of these
rooms shall not be connected in any way with ventilating or air-conditioning systems
serving other portions of the building. Exhaust ducts shall be of incombustible material
and shall either be kept 25 millimeters from combustible material or covered with 10
millimeters of incombustible heat-insulating material.

(f) Regulation of Equipment – All shelves, fixtures, and fixed equipment in a projection room
shall be constructed of incombustible materials. All films not in actual use shall be stored in
metal cabinets having individual compartments for reels or shall be in generally accepted
shipping containers. No solder shall be used in the construction of such cabinets.

SECTION 1215. Lathing, Plastering, and Installation of Wall Boards

The installation of lath, plaster and gypsum wall board shall conform to the fire-resistive rating
requirements and the type of construction of building.


SECTION 1301. Electrical Regulations

All electrical systems, equipment and installation mentioned in this Code shall conform to the
provisions of the Philippine Electrical Code, as adopted by the Board of Electrical Engineering pursuant to
Republic Act No. 184 otherwise known as the Electrical Engineering Law.

SECTION 1302. Mechanical Regulations

All mechanical systems, equipment and installations mentioned in this Code shall conform to the
provisions of the Philippine Mechanical Engineering code, as adopted by the Board of Mechanical
Engineering pursuant to Commonwealth Act No. 294 as amended, otherwise known as the Mechanical
Engineering Law.



SECTION 1401. Storage and Handling

(a) Storage rooms of unexposed photographic and x-ray films shall be provided with automatic
fire extinguishing systems in the following cases:

(1) When unexposed films in generally accepted safety shipping containers exceed the
aggregate of 14.00 cubic meters.
(2) Where shelving used for storage of individual packages not in said shipping containers
exceeds 1.40 cubic meters in capacity; and
(3) Storage is not in generally accepted safety shipping containers in any section not
exceeding 14.00 cubic meters.

(b) Film negatives in storage or in process of handling shall be kept in heavy Manila envelopes,
not exceeding 12 films to an envelope. Expanding envelopes shall not be used.
(c) Film negatives shall be kept in properly insulated vented cabinets, vented storage vaults or
outside storage houses. Not more than 110 kilograms shall be stored in any single cabinet.
Where the film stored exceeds 450 kilograms, it shall be in vented storage vaults or in a
detached structure or roof vault. Door openings in vaults shall be of four-hour fire-resistive
construction and shall be kept closed except when in use.
(d) Only incandescent electric light shall be permitted; protected with substantial wire guards or
vapor proof globes or both. Portable lights on extension cords are prohibited. Conspicuous
“NO SMOKING” signs shall be posted.
(e) No films shall be stored within 600 millimeters of steam pipes, chimneys, or other sources of
(f) There shall be first aid provisions of types using water or water solutions. Discarded films
shall be stored and handled in the same manner as other films until removed from the

SECTION 1402. Classes of Film Exempted

(a) The provisions of this Section do not apply to the following: film for amateur photographic use
in original packages of “roll” and “film pack” films in quantities of less than 1.40 cubic meters;
safety film; dental X-ray film; establishments manufacturing photographic films and their
storage incidental thereto and films stored or being used in standard motion picture booths.
(b) Safety photographic X-ray film may be identified by the marking on the edge of the film.

SECTION 1403. Fire Extinguishing System

Unless otherwise provided in this Code, all fire extinguishing systems when so required shall be
of a type, specifications, and methods of installation as prescribed in accordance with the requirements of
the Secretary.


SECTION 1501. Prefabricated Assembly

(a) Prefabricated assembly is a structural unit, the integral parts of which have been built up or
assembled prior to incorporation in the building.
(b) The Secretary shall prescribe special tests to determine the structural adequacy, durability,
soundness, weather and fire resistance of prefabricated assemblies.
(c) Every device or system to connect prefabricated assemblies shall be capable of developing
the strength of the different members as an integral structure. Except, in the case of
members forming part of a structural frame as specified in this Code. Anchorages and
connections between members and the supporting elements of the structure or walls shall be
capable of withstanding all probable external and internal forces or other conditions for a
structurally adequate construction. In structural design, proper allowances shall be made for
any material to be displaced or removed for the installation of pipes, conduits, or other
(d) Placement of prefabricated assemblies shall be inspected to determine compliance with this



SECTION 1601. Approved Plastics

Approved plastic materials shall be those which have a flame-spread rating of 225 or less and a
smoke density not greater than that obtained from the burning of untreated wood under similar conditions
when tested in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices. The products of combustion
shall be no more toxic than the burning of untreated wood under similar conditions.

SECTION 1602. Installation

(a) Structural Requirements – All plastic materials shall be of adequate strength and durability to
withstand the prescribed design loads. Sufficient and substantial technical data shall be
submitted to establish stresses, maximum unsupported spans, and such other information as
may be deemed necessary for the various thicknesses and forms used.

(b) Fastenings – Fastenings shall be adequate to withstand design loads and internal and
external stresses required of the assembly. Proper allowances of plastic materials in
conjunction with other materials with which it is assembled or integrated shall be provided.

SECTION 1603. Glazing of Openings

(a) Doors, sashes and framed openings in exterior walls of all buildings except Types IV and V
Constructions may be glazed or equipped with approved plastics: Provided, that:

(1) The wall in which such glazing is installed is so located that openings are not required to
be fire-protected.
(2) Except for Type I Construction, the location, size, and spacing of such glazed openings
do not exceed the values set forth by the Secretary.
(3) Plastics used in glazed openings for Type II Construction shall be materials appropriate
for use according to flame-spread characteristics and the location, size, and spacing of
the openings do not exceed the values set forth by the Secretary.

SECTION 1604. Skylights

(a) General – Approved plastics may be used in skylights installed on roofs of Types I, II or III
constructions and all buildings in these categories shall be equipped with an approved
automatic fire-extinguishing system in Groups A, B, C, E, F, J, H-3 and H-4 Occupancies:
Except, that:
(1) Approved plastics may be used in any type of construction or occupancy as a fire venting
system when approved by the Building Official.
(2) Plastics may be used in approved skylights in Type II one-hour fire-resistive construction
which are located 300 millimeters or more above the lower flange of the ceiling. The
walls of the skylight well shall be no less fire-resistive than the adjacent ceiling.
(3) Where a fire-resistive ceiling is not required in one-storey buildings, approved plastics
may be used in skylights.

(b) Installation Requirements

(1) Except in Group A Occupancies, no skylight shall be installed within 3.00 meters of a
property line.
(2) The edges of dome-type skylights shall be properly flashed.
(3) Plastic skylights shall be separated from each other by at least 2.50 meters laterally and
3.00 meters along the slope of the roof.

(c) Allowable areas – The area of individual plastic skylights shall not exceed 10.00 square
meters. The total aggregate area of plastics used in skylights, monitors, and sawtooth
glazing shall not exceed twenty percent of the floor area of the room or occupancy sheltered.

(d) Curb Requirements – Plastic skylights in roofs having a slope of less than 1 in 3 shall have a
100 millimeters high curb. The curb may be omitted where a wire screen not smaller than
No. 12 U.S. gauge with a mesh not larger than 25-millimeters is provided immediately below
the skylight. The screen shall be substantially mounted below the skylight.

SECTION 1605. Light-Transmitting Panels in Monitors and Sawtooth Roofs

(a) General – Where a fire-resistive rating is not required for the roof structure, and in all
buildings provided with an approved automatic fire-extinguishing system, approved plastics
may be used with or without sash as the light-transmitting medium in monitors and sawtooth;
Except, that plastics used in monitors or sawtooth roofs of Type II Construction shall be of
materials appropriate to be used according to flame-spread characteristics.
(b) Allowable Areas – The area of individual plastic glazing used in monitors and sawtooth
glazing shall not exceed 15.00 square meters. The total aggregate area of plastics used in
skylights, monitors, and sawtooth glazing shall not exceed twenty percent of the floor area of
the room or occupancy sheltered.
(c) Area Separation – The area of such plastic panels shall be separated from each other by a
section of incombustible material or by a section of the roofing material of the structure not
less than 1.50 meters in length. The lower edge of the plastic material shall be at least 150
millimeters above the surface of the adjoining roof surface.

SECTION 1606. Plastic Light Diffusers in Ceilings

(a) General – Ceiling light diffusers having an area greater than ten percent of any 10.00 square
meters of room area shall be of approved plastics conforming to the requirements specified
in this Code.
(b) Installation – Plastic light diffusers shall be installed in such a manner that they will not readily
become detached when subjected to room temperature of 80°C for 15 minutes, Except, for
plastic light diffusers which are installed in the first floor area of Group C Occupancies
having egress directly to the exterior of the building; and plastic light diffusers which are
located between an approved automatic Fire-extinguishing system and the area to be
protected other than public corridors for Group A, B, C, D, E, G, H, and I Occupancies if
tests required by the Secretary have established that such installation will not interfere with
the efficient operation of such automatic fire-extinguishing systems.

SECTION 1607. Partitions

Where partitions are not required to be of fire-resistive or incombustible construction, approved

plastics conforming to the requirements specified in this Code may be used.

SECTION 1608. Exterior Veneer

(a) General
Exterior veneer may be of approved plastic materials, and shall conform to the provisions of
this Section.
(b) Height
Plastic veneer shall not be attached to any exterior wall above the first storey: Provided, that
plastic veneer may be attached to exterior walls above the first storey of buildings located

outside of highly restrictive Fire Zones: Provided, further that the height of veneer is not in
excess of 10.00 meters above the adjacent grade of elevation.

(c) Area
Sections of plastic veneer shall not exceed 15.00 square meters in area, Except, that in less
restrictive Fire Zones, the area may be increased by fifty percent.
(d) Separation
Sections of plastic veneer shall be separated by a minimum of 1.20 meters vertically and 600
millimeters horizontally.

SECTION 1609. Awnings and Canopies

(a) Plastic materials appropriate for use according to Flame Spread characteristics may be
utilized in awnings and canopies, provided such awnings and canopies are constructed in
accordance with provisions governing projections and appendages as specified in this Code.

(b) Approved plastics may be used in awnings where untreated canvass is permitted.

(c) Approved plastics may be used in lieu of plain glass in green-houses in less restrictive Fire


SECTION 1701. Sheet Metal Paint Spray Booths

(a) General
Paint spray booths shall be constructed of steel of not less than No. 18 U.S. gauge in
thickness and shall be designed in accordance with this Code.

(b) Area
The area of a paint spray booth shall not exceed 150 square meters nor ten percent of the
basic area permitted for the major use of the building according to its Occupancy Group.

(c) Floor Construction

The floor shall be constructed of incombustible material.

(d) Interior Surface

Paint spray booths shall be designed to permit the free passage of exhaust air from all parts
of the interior and all interior surfaces shall be smooth and continuous without outstanding

SECTION 1702. Fire Protection

Every spray booth having an open front elevation larger than 1.00 square meter and which is not
equipped with doors, shall have a fire curtain or metal deflector not less than 100 millimeters deep
installed at the upper outer edge of the booth opening.

SECTION 1703. Light

Paint spray booths shall be illuminated through hammered wire or heat-treated glass panels. The
glass panels shall be located in such a manner as to reduce the hazard of ignition caused by paint spray

SECTION 1704. Ventilation

(a) General
Mechanical ventilation shall be provided direct to the exterior of the building. The mechanical
exhaust system shall be designed to move the air through any portion of the paint spray area
at the rate of not less than 30.00 lineal meters per minute. The blades of exhaust fans shall
be constructed of non-ferrous material and shall be mounted in such a manner as to prevent
contact with the exhaust duct. The motor shall not be mounted in the spray booth or the duct
system and belts shall be enclosed where they enter the booth or duct system.

(b) Exhaust Ducts

Exhaust ducts shall be constructed of steel having a thickness not less than the values set by
the Secretary. The discharge point for ducts in a paint spray booth shall be not less than
2.00 meters from adjoining combustible construction nor less than 8.00 meters from adjoining
exterior wall openings: Except, that the discharge point for exhaust ducts is not regulated in
a waterwash spray booth.



SECTION 1801. General Requirements

(a) This Chapter shall apply to exterior glass and glazing in all Occupancies except Groups A, B,
and J Occupancies not over three storeys in height, and to interior and exterior glass and
glazing in all occupancies subject to human impact as specified in this Code.
(b) Standards for materials shall conform to the provisions set by the Secretary on glass
dimensional tolerances, breaking stress levels, and design safety factors.
(c) Each light shall bear the manufacturer’s label designating the type and thickness of glass.
Each light with special performance characteristics such as laminated, heat strengthened,
fully tempered or insulated, shall bear the manufacturer’s identification showing the special
characteristics and thickness by etching or other permanent identification that shall be visible
after the glass is glazed.

SECTION 1802. Area Limitation

Exterior glass and glazing shall be capable of safely withstanding the load due to wind pressures
for various height zones above ground acting inward or outward. The area of individual lights shall not be
more than the maximum allowable area of glass according to the wind load multiplied by the appropriate
adjustment factor.

SECTION 1803. Glazing

Glass firmly supported on all four edges shall be glazed with minimum laps and edge clearances
in accordance with Section 1801 paragraph (b), Provided, that glass edge clearance in fixed openings
shall be not less than what is required for wind and earthquake drift. For glass not firmly supported on all
four edges and design shall be submitted for approval of the Building Official. Glass supports shall be
considered firm when deflection of the support at design load does not exceed 1/175 of the span.

SECTION 1804. Louvered Windows

Regular plate, sheet, or patterned glass in jalousies and louvered windows shall not be thinner
than 5.6 millimeters minimal and not longer than 1.20 meters. Exposed glass edges shall be smooth.

SECTION 1805. Impact

Frameless glass doors, glass in doors, fixed glass panels, and similar glazed openings which
may be subject to accidental human impact shall conform with the requirements set forth by the Secretary
on impact loads of glass: Except in the following cases:

(1) Bathtub and shower enclosures shall be constructed from approved shatter-resistant
materials, such as: wire-reinforced glass not less than 5.6 millimeters thick; fully tempered
glass not less than 4.8 millimeters thick; or laminated safety glass not less than 6.4
millimeters thick.
(2) Glass lights located not less than 450 millimeters above the adjacent finished floor or walking
(3) Glass lights when the least dimension is not greater than 450 millimeters.
(4) Glass lights 1.50 square meters or less in area.


SECTION 1901. General Rule

The use of computers for all or any part of the design of buildings under this Code is permitted
provided that all programs to be used are documented.

SECTION 1902. Program Documentation

Documenting a program under this Code consists of filing with the Building Official a reference to
a publication or publications accessible to him where the detailed description of the program or a brief
statement of the theoretical background of the program including a description of the algorithms used are

SECTION 1903. Submission of Computer-Generated Computations

A copy of the output sheets for computer-generated computations shall be submitted as a part of
the design computations. The out sheets shall be accompanied by a certification of a designer and/or
consultant that the output sheets are the results obtained through the use of documented programs. The
certification should include the identification of the specific program used for each portion of the
computer-generated computations being submitted.



SECTION 2001. General Requirements

(a) No sign or signboard shall be erected in such a manner as to confuse or obstruct the view or
interpretation of any official traffic sign, signal, or device.
(b) No sign or signboard shall be constructed as to unduly obstruct the natural view of the
landscape, distract or obstruct the view of the public as to constitute a traffic hazard, or
otherwise defile, debase or offend aesthetic and cultural values and traditions.

SECTION 2002. Maintenance

All signs, together with all of their supports, braces, guys, and anchors, shall be kept in repair and
in proper state of preservation. The display of all signs shall be kept neatly painted and secured at all

SECTION 2003. Design and Construction

Sign structures shall be designed and constructed to resist all forces in accordance with the
National Structural Code for Buildings. For signs on buildings, the dead lateral loads shall be transmitted
through the structural frame of the building to the ground in such a manner as not to overstress any of the
elements of the building. The weight of earth superimposed over footings may be used in determining the
dead load resisting moment. Such earth shall be carefully placed and thoroughly compacted.

SECTION 2004. Supports and Anchorages

(a) General. The supports and anchorages of all signs or sign structures shall be placed in or
upon private property and shall be constructed conformity with the requirements of this Code.
(b) Materials. Materials for construction of signs or sign structures shall be of the quality and
grade as specified in this Code.
(c) Restrictions on Combustible Materials – All signs or sign structures erected in highly
restrictive Fire Zones shall have structural members of incombustible materials. Ground
signs may be constructed of any material meeting the requirements of this Code.
Combination signs, roof signs, wall signs, projecting signs, and signs on marquees shall be
constructed of incombustible materials. No combustible material other than approved
plastics shall be used in the construction of electric signs.
(d) Non-structural Trim – Non-structural trim and portable display surfaces may be of wood,
metal, approved plastics, or any combination thereof.
(e) Display Surfaces – Display surfaces in all types of signs may be made of metal, glass, or
approved plastics.

SECTION 2005. Projections and Clearances

(a) Clearances from High Voltage Power Lines – Clearances of signs from high voltage power
lines shall be in accordance with the Philippine Electrical Code.
(b) Clearances from Fire Escapes, Exits, or Standpipes – No signs or sign structures shall be
erected in such a manner than any portion of its surface or supports will interfere in any way
with the free use of any fire escape, exit, or standpipe.
(c) Obstruction of Openings. No sign shall obstruct any opening to such an extent that light or
ventilation is reduced to a point below that required by this Code. Signs erected within 1.50
meters of an exterior wall in which there are openings within the area of the sign shall be
constructed of incombustible material or approved plastics.
(d) Projection over Alleys. No sign or sign structure shall project into any public alley below a
height of 3.00 meters above established sidewalk grade, nor project more than 300
millimeters where the sign structure is located 3.00 meters to 4.5 meters above established
sidewalk grade. The sign or sign structure must not project more than 1.00 meter into the
public alley where the sign or sign structure is located more than 4.50 meters above
established sidewalk grade.

SECTION 2006. Lighting

Signs shall be illuminated only by electrical means in accordance with the Philippine Electrical



SECTION 2101. Existing Building and Structures

All buildings or structures constructed under R.A. 6541 or existing city or municipal building codes
or ordinances, if legally done in accordance therewith, shall be respected subject to such limitations
established in this Code.

However, alterations, additions, conversions and/or repairs to be made in such buildings or

structures shall be subject to the provisions of this Code.

SECTION 2102. Interim Rules and Regulations

Interim rules and regulations on buildings promulgated by the Secretary before the adoption of
this Code pursuant to existing laws or decrees shall continue to have binding force and effect, when not in
conflict with the provisions of this Code.

SECTION 2103. Separability Clause

If any provision of this Decree or the application thereof is to any person or circumstance
declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the same shall not affect the validity of the other

SECTION 2104. Repealing Clause

All laws, decrees, provisions of charters, executive orders, ordinances, rules and regulations or
parts thereof contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of this Decree are hereby repealed, amended,
or modified accordingly.

SECTION 2105. Effectivity

This Decree shall take effect upon its promulgation.

Done in the City of Manila, this 19 day of February, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred
and seventy seven.

Republic of the Philippines
By the President:

Presidential Assistant


Presidential Staff Director
Malacañang Records Section



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the

Philippines in Congress assembled:


SECTION 1. Title of Act. – This Act shall be known as the “Civil Engineering Law”.

SECTION 2. Definition of Terms. – (a) The practice of civil engineering within the meaning and
intent of this Act shall embrace services in the form of consultation, design, preparation of plans,
specifications, estimates, erection, installation and supervision of the construction of streets, bridges,
highways, railroads, airports and hangars, portworks, canals, river and shore improvements, lighthouses,
and dry docks; buildings, fixed structures for irrigation, flood protection, drainage, water supply and
sewerage works; demolition of permanent structures; and tunnels. The enumeration of any work in this
section shall not be construed as excluding any other work requiring civil engineering knowledge and

(b) The term “civil engineer” as used in this Act shall mean a person duly registered with the
Board of Examiners for Civil Engineers in the manner as hereinafter provided.


SECTION 3. Composition of Board – Within thirty days after the approval of this Act there shall
be created a Board of Examiners for Civil Engineers hereinafter referred to as the Board, to be composed
of a chairman and two members who shall be appointed by the Secretary of Public Works and
Communication. The members of the Board shall hold office for a term of three years after appointment
or until their successors shall have been appointed and shall have duly qualified. The first members of
the Board appointed under this Act shall hold office for the following terms: One member for one year;
one member for two years; and one member or three years. Each member of the Board shall qualify by
taking the proper oath of office before entering upon the performance of his duties. Any member of the
Board may be removed by the Secretary of Public Works and Communications for neglect of duty,
incompetency, malpractice, unprofessional, unethical, immoral, or dishonorable conduct, after having
been given opportunity to defend himself in a proper administrative investigation: Provided, That during
the process of investigation the Secretary of Public Works and Communications shall have the power to
suspend such member under investigation and shall appoint a temporary member in his place.
Vacancies in the Board shall be filled for the unexpired term only.

SECTION 4. Powers and duties of the Board – The Board of Examiners for Civil Engineers is
vested with authority, conformable with the provisions of this Act, to administer oaths, issue, suspend and
revoke certificates of registration for the practice of civil engineering, issue certificates of recognition to
civil engineers already registered under this Act for advanced studies, research, and/or highly specialized
training in any branch of civil engineering subject to the approval of the Secretary of Public Works and
Communications PRC, to investigate such violations of this Act and the regulations, there under as may
come to the knowledge of the Board and, for this purpose, issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum to
secure appearance of witnesses in connection with the charges presented to the Board, to inspect at
least once a year educational institutions offering courses in civil engineering, civil engineering works,
projects or corporations, established in the Philippines and, for safe-guarding of life, health and property,
to discharge such other powers and duties as may affect ethical and technological standards of the civil
engineering profession in the Philippines. For the purpose of this Act, the Director of Public Works and/or
his authorized representatives in the provinces and chartered cities shall be ex-officio agents of the Board
and as such it shall be their duty to help in the enforcement of the provisions of this Act.


The Board may, with the approval of the Secretary of Public Works and Communication,
Professional Regulation Commission issue such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary to
carry out the provisions of this Act. The board shall also adopt a code of ethics in the practice of civil
engineering and have an official seal to authenticate its official documents.

SECTION 5. Qualifications of Board members. – Each member of the Board shall, at the time if
his appointment:
(a) Be a citizen and resident of the Philippines;
(b) Be at least thirty years of age and of good moral character;
(c) Be a graduate of civil engineering from a recognized and legally constituted school, institute,
college or university;
(d) Be a registered civil engineer duly qualified to practice civil engineering in the Philippines;
(e) Have practiced civil engineering, with a certificate as such, for a period of not less than ten
years prior to his appointment;
(f) Not be a member of the faculty of any school, institute, college, or university where civil
engineering course is taught, nor have a pecuniary interest in such institutions;
(g) No former members of the faculty of any school, institute or university where civil
engineering is taught can become a member of the Board unless he had stopped teaching
for at least three consecutive years.

SECTION 6. Fees and compensation of Board. – The Board of Examiners for Civil Engineers shall
charge for each application for examination the sum of forty pesos payable to the collecting and
disbursing officer of the Bureau of Civil Service, Board of Examiners PRC upon filing of said
application for examination, and for each certificate of registration, twenty pesos. Each member of
the Board shall receive a compensation of five pesos for each applicant examined. A civil engineer in
the service of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines appointed as member of the Board
shall receive the compensation as herein provided, in addition to his salary in the government. All
authorized expenses of the Board, including the compensation provided for herein, shall be paid by
the collecting and disbursing officer of the Bureau of Civil Service out of such appropriation as may be
made for the purpose.

SECTION 7. Annual report. – The Board shall, at the end of each fiscal year, submit to the
Secretary of Public Works and Communications and PRC a detailed report of its activities and
proceedings during the period covered by the fiscal year ended.


SECTION 8. Examination requirement. – All applicants for registration for the practice of civil
engineering shall be required to pass a technical examination as hereinafter provided.

SECTION 9. Holding of examination. – Examination of candidates desiring to practice civil

engineering in the Philippines shall be given in the City of Manila beginning the second Monday of
February and August of each year, provided that such days do not fall on official holidays, otherwise the
examinations shall be held on the days next following.

SECTION 10. – Subjects of Examination. – Applicants for certificates of registration as civil

engineer shall be examined, in the discretion of the Board, on the following subjects: mathematics,
including algebra, plane and spherical trigonometry, analytics, descriptive and solid geometry, differential
and integral calculus, and rational and applied mechanics; hydraulics; surveying, including highway and
railroad surveying; plane, topographic and hydrographic surveying, and advance surveying; design and
construction of highways and railroads, masonry structures, wooden and reinforced concrete buildings,
bridges, towers, walls, foundations, piers, ports, wharves, aqueducts, sanitary engineering works, water
supply systems, dikes, dams, and irrigation and drainage canals.

SECTION 11. Executive officer of the Board. – The Commissioner of Civil Service Professional
Regulation Commission shall be the executive officer of the Board and shall conduct the examinations
given by the said Board. He shall designate any subordinate officer of the Bureau of Civil Service
Professional Regulation Commission to act as the Secretary and custodian of all records including
examination papers and minutes of the deliberation of the Board.

SECTION 12. Qualifications for examination. – Any person applying for admission to the civil
engineering examination as herein provided shall, prior to the date of the examination, establish to
the satisfaction of the Board that he has the following qualifications:
(a) Be at least twenty-one years of age;
(b) Be a citizen of the Philippines;
(c) Be of good reputation and moral character; and
(d) Be a graduate of a four-year course in civil engineering from a school, institute, college or
university recognized by the Government or the State wherein it is established.

SECTION 13. Oath of civil engineers. – All successful candidates in the examination shall be
required to take a professional oath before the Board of Examiners for Civil Engineer or other
Government Officials authorized to administer oaths, prior to entering upon the practice of the civil
engineering profession.

SECTION 14. – Seal and use of seal. – All registered civil engineers shall obtain a seal of such
design as the Board shall authorize and direct: Provided, however, That the serial number of the
certificate issued by the Board shall be included in the design of the seal. Plans and specifications
prepared by, or under the direct supervision of a registered civil engineer shall be stamped with said
seal during the life of the registrant’s certificate, and it shall be unlawful for any one to stamp or seal
any documents with said seal after the certificate of the registrant named thereon has expired or has
been revoked, unless said certificate shall have been renewed or re-issued.

SECTION 15. Exemption from registration. – (1) Registration shall not be required of the following
(a) Officers or enlisted men of the United States and Philippine Armed Forces, and civilian
employees of the Government of the United States stationed in the Philippines while
rendering civil engineering services for the United States and/or Philippines.
(b) Civil engineers or experts called in by the Philippine Government for consultation, or specific
design and construction of fixed structures as defined under this Act, provided that their
practice shall be limited to such work.
(2) Any person residing in the Philippines may make plans or specifications for any of the following:
(a) Any building in chartered cities or in towns with building ordinances, not exceeding the
space requirement specified therein, requiring the services of a civil engineer.
(b) Any wooden building enlargement or alteration which is to be used for farm purposes only
and costing not more than ten thousand pesos.
(c) Provided, however, That there shall be nothing in this Act that will prevent any person from
constructing his own (wooden or light material) residential house, utilizing the service of a
person or persons required for the purpose, without the use of a civil engineer, as long as
he does not violate local ordinances of the place where the building is to be constructed.
(3) Nor shall anything in this Act prevent draftsmen, student clerk-of-work, superintendents and
other employees of those lawfully engaged in the practice of civil engineering under the provisions of
this Act from acting under the instruction, control or supervision of their employer.
(4) Nor shall anything in this Act prevent any person who prior to the approval of this Act have
been lawfully engaged in the practice of “maestro de obras” to continue as such, provided they shall
not undertake the making of plans supervision for the following classes of work:
(a) Building of concrete whether reinforced or not.
(b) Building of more than two stories.
(c) Building with frames of structural steel.
(d) Building of structures intended for public gathering or assemblies such as theaters,
cinematographs, stadia, churches, or structures of like nature.


(5) Nor shall anything in this Act prevent professional architects and engineers to practice their

SECTION 16. Refusal to issue certificate. – The Board of Examiners for Civil Engineers shall not
issue a certificate to any person convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of any criminal offense
involving moral turpitude, or to any person guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct, or to any person
of unsound mind. In the event of a refusal to issue a certificate to any person, the Board shall give to
the applicant a written statement setting forth its reason for such action, which statement shall be
incorporated in the records of the Board.

SECTION 17. – Suspension and revocation of certificates. – Subject to the approval of the Secretary
of Public Works and Communications, the Board shall have the power, after due notice and hearing,
to suspend or revoke the certificate of registration for any cause mentioned in the preceding section.

SECTION 18. Re-issue and replacement of certificates. – The Board may, after the expiration of one
year from the date a certificate of registration is revoked and for reasons it may deem sufficient,
entertain an application for a new certificate of registration from the registrant concerned. Such
application shall be accomplished in the same form prescribed for examination, but the Board may, in
its discretion, exempt the applicant from taking the requisite examination.

SECTION 19. Transitory provisions. – As soon as this Act takes effect, any person desiring to
practice the profession of civil engineering shall be required to obtain a certificate of registration in the
manner and under the conditions hereinafter provided.
All civil engineers duly licensed under the provisions of Act Numbered Twenty-nine hundred and
eighty-five, as amended, at the time this Act takes effect, shall be automatically registered under the
provisions hereof. Certificates of registration held by such persons in good standing shall have the
same force and effect as though the same have been issued under the provisions of this Act.
All graduates in civil engineering from a school, institute, college, or university recognized by the
Government who have passed the civil service examinations for senior civil engineer and have been
practicing or employed in the Government as such during five years are exempted from taking


SECTION 20. Enforcement of the Act by officers of the law. It shall be the duty of all duly constituted
law officers of the national, provincial, city and municipal governments, or any political subdivisions
thereof, to enforce the provisions of this Act and to prosecute any person violating the same.

SECTION 21. Registration required. – Unless exempt from registration, no person shall practice or
offer to practice civil engineering in the Philippines without having obtained the proper certificate of
registration from the Board of Examiners for Civil Engineers.

SECTION 22. Penal Provisions. – Any person who shall practice civil engineering in the Philippines
without being registered in accordance with the provisions of this Act or any person presenting or
attempting to use as his own the certificate of registration of a registered civil engineer, or any person
who shall give any false or forged evidence of any kind to the Board, or any person who shall
impersonate any registrant civil engineer of different name, or any person who shall attempt to use a
revoked or suspended certificate of registration, or any person who shall use in connection with his
name or otherwise assume, use or advertise any title or description tending to convey the impression
that he is a civil engineer, without holding a valid certificate of registration, or any person who shall
violate any of the provision of this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be
sentenced to a fine of not less than five hundred pesos nor more than two thousand pesos, or to
suffer imprisonment for a period of not less than six months not more than one year, or both, in the
discretion of the court.


SECTION 23. Preparation of plans and supervision of construction by registered civil engineer. –
It shall be unlawful for any person to order or otherwise cause the construction, reconstruction, or
alteration of any building or structure intended for public gathering or assembly such as theaters,
cinematographs, stadia, churches or structures of like nature, and any other engineering structures
mentioned in section two of this Act unless the designs, plans, and specifications of same have been
prepared under the responsible charge of, and signed and sealed by a registered civil engineer, and
unless the construction, reconstruction and/or alteration thereof are executed under the responsible
charge and direct supervision of a civil engineer. Plans and designs of structures must be approved
as provided by law or ordinance of a city or province or municipality where the said structure is to be

SECTION 24. The practice of civil engineering is a professional service, admission to which must be
determined upon individual, personal qualifications. Hence, no firm, partnership, corporation or
association may be registered or licensed as such for the practice of civil engineering: Provided,
however, that persons properly registered and licensed as civil engineers may, among themselves or
with a person or persons properly registered and licensed as architects, form, and obtain registration
of, a firm, partnership or association using the term “Engineers” or “Engineers and Architects”, but,
nobody shall be a member or partner of such firm, partnership or association unless he is a duly
licensed civil engineer or architect, and the members who are civil engineers shall only render work
and services proper for a civil engineer, as defined in this Act, and the members who are architects
shall also only render work and services proper for an architect, as defined in the law regulating the
practice of architecture; individual members of such firms, partnership or association shall be
responsible for their own respective acts.

SECTION 25. Reciprocity requirements. – No person who is not a citizen of the Philippines at the
time he applies to take the examination shall be allowed to take it unless he can prove in the manner
provided by the Rules of Court that, by specific provision of law, the country of which he is a citizen,
subject, or national either admits citizens of the Philippines to the practice of the same profession
without restriction or allows them to practice it after an examination on terms of strict and absolute
equality with citizens, subjects, or nationals of the country concerned, including the unconditional
recognition of degrees issued by institutions of learning duly recognized for the purpose by the
Government of the Philippines: Provided, That if he is not a citizen of the Philippines, and was
admitted to the practice of a profession in the Philippines after December 8, 1941, his active practice
in that profession, either in the Philippines or in the state or country where he was practicing his
profession, shall not have been interrupted for a period of two years or more prior to July 4, 1946, and
that the country or state from which he comes allows the citizens of the Philippines by specific
provision of law, to practice the same profession without restriction or on terms of strict and absolute
equality with citizens, subjects or nationals of the country or state concerned.

SECTION 26. Roster of civil engineers. – A roster showing the names and places of business of all
registered civil engineers shall be prepared by the Commissioner of Civil Service periodically but at
least once a year. Copies of this roster shall be placed on file with the Secretary of Public Works and
Communications and furnished to all department heads, mayors of all chartered cities, to the Director
of Public Works, to such other Bureaus, government entities or agencies and municipal and provincial
authorities as may be deemed necessary and to the public upon request.


SECTION 27. Repeal. – All laws, parts of laws, orders, ordinances, or regulations in conflict with the
provisions hereof; including parts of Act Numbered Twenty-nine hundred and eighty-five, as
amended, as pertains to the practice of civil engineering, are hereby repealed, except the provisions
of Act Numbered Thirty-one hundred and fifty nine amending Act Numbered Twenty-nine hundred
and eighty five, pertaining to the practice of “maestro de obras”.

SECTION 28. Construction of Act. – If any part or section of this Act shall be declared
unconstitutional, such declarations shall not invalidate the other provisions hereof.

SECTION 29. Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
H. No. 5389
S. No. 2710

Republic of the Philippines

Congress of the Philippines
Metro Manila
Twelfth Congress
Third Regular Session

Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, The twenty-eighth day of July, two thousand three.



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress



SECTION 1. Short Title. – This act shall be known as “The Architecture Act of 2004”.

SEC. 2. Statement of Policy. – The State recognizes the importance of architects in nation
building and development. Hence, it shall develop and nurture competent, virtuous,
productive and well-rounded professional architects whose standards of practice and
service shall be excellent, qualitative, world-class and globally competitive through
inviolable, honest, effective and credible licensure examinations and through regulatory
measures, programs and activities that foster their professional growth and

SEC. 3. Definition of Terms. – As used in this Act, the following terms shall be defined as follows:

(1) “Architecture” is the art, science or profession of planning, designing and constructing
buildings in their totality taking into account their environment, in accordance with the
principles of utility, strength and beauty;

(2) “Architect” means a person professionally and academically qualified, registered and licensed
under this Act with a Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card issued by
the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture and the Professional Regulation
Commission, and who is responsible for advocating the fair and sustainable development,
welfare and cultural expression of society’s habitat in terms of space, forms and historical

(a) “Architect-of-record” means the architect registered and licensed under this Act, who is
directly and professionally responsible for the total design of the project for the client and who
shall assume the civil liability for the plans, specifications and contract documents he/she has
signed and sealed;

(b) “Architect-in-charge of construction” means an architect registered and licensed under this
Act, who is directly and professionally responsible and liable for the construction supervision
of the project;


(c) “Consulting Architect” means the architect registered and licensed or permitted to practice
under this Act, who is professionally and academically qualified and with exceptional or
recognized expertise or specialization in any branch of architecture;

(3) “General Practice of Architecture “ means the act of planning and architectural designing,
structural conceptualization, specifying, supervising and giving general administration and
responsible direction to the erection, enlargement or alterations of buildings and building
environments and architectural design in engineering structures or any part thereof; the scientific,
aesthetic and orderly coordination of all the processes which enter into the production of a
complete building or structure performed through the medium of unbiased preliminary studies of
plans, consultations, specifications, conferences, evaluations, investigations, contract documents
and oral advice and directions regardless of whether the persons engaged in such practice are
residents of the Philippines or have their principal office or place of business in this country or
another territory, and regardless of whether such persons are performing one or all these duties,
or whether such duties are performed in person or as the directing head of an office or
organization performing them;

(4) “Scope of the Practice of Architecture” encompasses the provision of professional services in
connection with site, physical and planning and the design, construction, enlargement,
conservation, renovation, remodeling, restoration or alteration of a building or group of buildings.
Services may include, but are not limited to:

(a) planning, architectural designing and structural conceptualization;

(b) consultation, consultancy, giving oral or written advice and directions, conferences,
evaluations, investigations, quality surveys, appraisals and adjustments, architectural and
operational planning, site analysis and other pre-design services;

(c) schematic design, design development, contract documents and construction phases
including professional consultancies;

(d) preparation of preliminary, technical, economic and financial feasibility studies of plans,
models and project promotional services;

(e) preparation of architectural plans, specifications, bill of materials, cost estimates, general
conditions and bidding documents;

(f) construction and project management, giving general management, administration,

supervision, coordination and responsible direction or the planning, architectural designing,
construction, reconstruction, erection, enlargement or demolition, renovation, repair, orderly
removal, remodeling, alteration, preservation or restoration of buildings or structures or
complex buildings, including all their components, sites and environs, intended for private or
public use;

(g) the planning, architectural lay-outing and utilization of spaces within and surrounding such
buildings or structures, housing design and community architecture, architectural interiors and
space planning, architectural detailing, architectural lighting, acoustics, architectural lay-outing
of mechanical, electrical, electronic, sanitary, plumbing, communications and other utility
systems, equipment and fixtures;

(h) building programming, building administration, construction, arbitration and architectural

conservation and restoration;

(i) all works which relate to the scientific, aesthetic and orderly coordination of all works and
branches of the work, systems and processes necessary for the production of a complete
building or structure, whether for public or private use, in order to enhance and safeguard life,
health and property and the promotion and enrichment of the quality of life, the architectural
design of engineering structures or any part thereof; and
(j) all other works, projects and activities which require the professional competence of an
architect, including teaching of architectural subjects and architectural computer-aided design;

(5) “Structural Conceptualization” means the act of conceiving, choosing and developing the type,
disposition, arrangement and proportioning of the structural elements of an architectural work
giving due consideration to safety, cost-effectiveness, functionality and aesthetics;

(6) “Architectural Firm” means a sole proprietorship, a partnership or corporation registered with the
proper government agencies;

(7) “Authorship” refers to the author or authors of a set of architectural plans or specifications who are
in charge of their preparation, whether made by them personally or under their immediate

(8) “Board” refers to the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture;

(9) “Commission” means the Professional Regulation Commission;

(10) “Service Agreement” means a duly notarized written contract or equivalent public instrument
stipulating the scope of services and guaranteeing compensation of such services to be
rendered by an architect registered and licensed under this Act;

(11) “Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization” means the existing official national
organization of all architects of the Philippines in which all registered Filipino architects shall be
members without prejudice to membership in other voluntary professional associations;

(12) “Continuing Professional Development” refers to a sustaining and progressive learning process
that maintains, enhances, or increases the knowledge and continuing ability of architects;

(13) “DTI” shall mean the Department of Trade and Industry; and

(14) “SEC” shall mean the Securities and Exchange Commission.


SEC. 4. Creation and Composition of the Professional Regulatory Board. - There is hereby
created a Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture, hereinafter referred to as the
Board, a collegial body under the supervision and administrative control of the
Professional Regulation Commission, hereinafter referred to as the Commission, to be
composed of a chairman and two (2) members appointed by the President of the
Philippines from a list of three (3) recommendees chosen from a list of five (5) nominees
for each position submitted to the Commission by the integrated and the accredited
professional organization of architects. The Board shall be organized not later than six
(6) months from the effectivity of this Act.

SEC. 5. Qualifications of Members of the Professional Regulatory Board. – Each member shall,
at the time of his/her appointment, possess the following qualifications:

(a) be a citizen and a resident of the Philippines;

(b) be a holder of a degree in Bachelor of Science in Architecture conferred by a school,

college or university in the Philippines or abroad that is recognized and/or accredited by the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED);

(c) be an architect with a valid Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card
and active practitioner of architecture for at least ten (10) years on the date of his/ her

(d) not be a member of the faculty of any school, college, university or review institution where
a regular course or review course in architecture is taught, nor have pecuniary interest in
such institution. No former member of the faculty of any school, institute, university or
review center where architecture is taught can become a member of the Board unless he/
she had officially resigned from such an institution and has completely stopped teaching,
advising or reviewing activities for at least five (5) years prior to the nomination; and

(e) Has never been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude.

SEC. 6. Term of Office. – The members of the Board shall hold office for a term of three (3) years
after appointment or until their successors shall have been appointed and duly qualified.
Any vacancy occurring within the term of a member shall be filled for the unexpired
portion of the term only. Each member of the Board maybe reappointed for one full term
of three (3) years. Of the members of the Board first appointed under this Act, one (1)
member shall be appointed and hold office as chairman for three (3) years, one (1)
member for two (2) years, and one (1) member for one (1) year. Each member of the
Board shall qualify by taking the proper oath prior to the performance of their duties:
Provided, That the incumbent members of the Board shall continue to serve for the
remainder of their term as members of the herein created Professional Regulatory
Board of Architecture until a new Board shall have been properly organized.

SEC. 7. Powers and Functions of the Board. – The Board shall exercise the following specific
powers, functions and responsibilities:

(a) Prescribe and adopt the rules and regulations necessary for carrying out the provisions of this

(b) Supervise the registration, licensure and practice of architects;

(c) Administer oaths in connection with the administration of this Act;

(d) Issue, suspend, revoke, or reinstate the Certificate of Registration and the Professional
Identification Card for the practice of the architecture profession;

(e) Adopt an official seal of the Board;

(f) Monitor the conditions affecting the practice of architecture and adopt such measures as may
be deemed proper for the enhancement and maintenance of high professional, ethical and
technical standards of the profession;

(g) Prescribe and/or adopt the Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards of Professional Practice;

(h) Hear and decide administrative cases involving violations of this Act, its implementing rules
and regulations, the Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards of Professional Practice and for
this purpose, to issue subpoena ad testificandum and subpoena duces tecum to secure the
appearance of witnesses and the production of documents in connection therewith: Provided,
That the decision of the Board shall, unless appealed to the Commission, become final and
executory after fifteen (15) days from receipt of notice of judgment or decision. The decision
of the Commission may be appealed to the Court of Appeals in accordance with the
procedure under the Rules of Court;

(i) Prescribe guidelines for the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program in
consultation with the integrated and accredited professional organization of architects:
Provided, That the attendance to said CPD shall not be a mandatory requirement for the
renewal of a professional license;
(j) Prepare, adopt, issue or amend the syllabi of the subjects for examinations by determining
and preparing questions which shall be within the scope of the syllabi of the subject for
examination as well as administer, correct and release the results of the licensure

(k) Approve, issue, limit or cancel temporary or special permit to practice architecture;

(l) In coordination with the CHED, ensure that all higher educational instruction and offerings of
architecture comply with the policies, standards and requirements of the course prescribed by
the CHED in the areas of curriculum, faculty, library and facilities;

(m) To adopt a program for the full computerization of the licensure examination; and

(n) Discharge such other duties and functions as may be deemed necessary for the
enhancement of the architecture profession and the upgrading, development and growth of
the architecture education.

The policies, resolutions, rules and regulations, issued or promulgated by the Board shall be
subject to review and approval of the Commission. However, the Board’s decisions, resolutions or orders
rendered in administrative cases shall be subject to review only if on appeal.

SEC. 8. Administrative Supervision of the Board, Custodian of its Records, Secretariat and
Support Services. − The Board shall be under the administrative supervision of the
Commission. All records of the Board, including applications for examination and
administrative and other investigative cases conducted by the Board shall be under the
custody of the Commission. The Commission shall designate the Secretary of the
Board and shall provide the secretariat and other support services to implement the
provisions of this Act.

SEC. 9. Grounds for Suspension or Removal of Members of the Board. – The President of the
Philippines, upon the recommendation of the Commission, after giving the concerned
member an opportunity to defend himself in a proper administrative investigation to be
conducted by the Commission, may suspend or remove any member on the following

(a) Neglect of duty or incompetence;

(b) Violation or tolerance of the violation of this Act, or its implementing rules and regulations or
the Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards of Professional Practice;

(c) Final judgment of crimes involving moral turpitude; and

(d) Manipulation or rigging of the architecture licensure examination results, disclosure of secret
and confidential information in the examination questions prior to the conduct of the said
examination or tampering of grades.

SEC. 10. Compensation and Allowances of the Board. – The chairman and members of the
Board shall receive compensation and allowances comparable to that being received
by the chairman and members of existing regulatory Boards under the Commission as
provided for in the General Appropriations Act.

SEC. 11. Annual Report. – The Board shall submit an annual report to the Commission after the
close of each year giving a detailed account of its proceedings during the year and
making such recommendations as it may deem proper.



SEC. 12. Examination Required. – All applicants for registration for the practice of architecture
shall be required to undergo a licensure examination to be given by the Board in such
places and dates as the Commission may designate in accordance with the provisions
of R.A. No. 8981.

SEC. 13. Qualifications of Applicant for Examination. – Any person applying for examination shall
establish to the satisfaction of the Board that:

(a) He/she is a Filipino citizen or a citizen of a foreign country qualified to take the examination
as provided for in this Act;

(b) He/she is of good moral character;

(c) He/she is a holder of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Architecture conferred by a school,
college, academy or institute duly recognized and/or accredited by the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) and in addition has a specific record of at least two (2) years of equivalent
of diversified architectural experience duly certified by a registered/licensed architect:
Provided, however, That an applicant holding a Master’s Degree in Architecture from a
school, college, university or institute recognized by the government shall be credited one (1)
year in his/her practical experience; and

(d) He/she has not been convicted of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude.

SEC. 14. Subjects for Examination. – The licensure examination for architects shall cover, but
are not limited to, the following subjects:

(1) History and Theory of Architecture; Principles of Planning and Architectural Practice;

(2) Structural Design, Building Materials, and Architectural Specifications, and Methods of
Construction and Utilities;

(3) Urban Design and Architectural Interiors; and

(4) Architectural Design and Site Planning.

The Board, subject to the approval of the Commission, may revise or exclude any of the subjects
and their syllabi, and add new ones as the need arises to conform to technological changes brought
about by continuing trends in the profession.

SEC. 15. Rating in the Licensure Examination. – To be qualified as having passed the licensure
examination for architects, a candidate must obtain a weighted general average of seventy
percent (70%), with no grade lower than fifty percent (50%) in any given subject.

SEC. 16. Report of Ratings. – The Board shall submit to the Commission the ratings obtained by
each candidate within thirty (30) calendar days after the examination, unless extended for
just cause. Upon the release of the results of the examination, the Commission shall send
by mail the rating received by each examinee at his/her given address using the mailing
envelope submitted during the examination.

SEC. 17. Oath. – All successful candidates in the examination shall be required to take an oath of
profession before any member of the Board, any government official authorized by the
Commission or any person authorized by law to administer oaths, prior to entering upon the
practice of the profession.

SEC. 18. Issuance of Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card. – A certificate of
Registration and Professional Identification Card shall be issued to examinees who pass
the licensure examination subject to payment of fees prescribed by the Commission. The
Certificate of Registration shall bear the signature of the chairperson of the Commission
and the chairman and members of the Board, stamped with the official seal, indicating that
the person named therein is entitled to the practice of the profession with all the privileges
appurtenant thereto. The said certificate shall remain in full force and effect until
withdrawn, suspended or revoked in accordance with this Act.

A Professional Identification Card bearing the registration number, date of issuance, expiry date,
duly signed by the chairperson of the Commission, shall likewise be issued to every registrant who has
paid the prescribed fee.

SEC. 19. Roster of Architects. – A roster showing the names and place of business of all
registered professional architects shall be prepared and updated by the Board and
copies thereof shall be made available to any party as may be deemed necessary.

SEC. 20. Seal, Issuance and Use of Seal. – A duly licensed architect shall affix the seal
prescribed by the Board bearing the registrant’s name, registration number and title
“Architect” on all architectural plans, drawings, specifications and all other contract
documents prepared by or under his/her direct supervision.

(1) Each registrant hereunder shall, upon registration, obtain a seal of such design as the Board
shall authorize and direct. Architectural plans and specifications prepared by, or under the
direct supervision of a registered architect shall be stamped with said seal during the life of
the registrant’s certificate, and it shall be unlawful for any one to stamp or seal any
documents with said seal after the certificate of the registrant named thereon has expired or
has been revoked, unless said certificate shall have been renewed or re-issued.

(2) No officer or employee of this Republic, chartered cities, provinces and municipalities, now or
hereafter charged with the enforcement of laws, ordinances or regulations relating to the
construction or alteration of buildings, shall accept or approve any architectural plans or
specifications which have not been prepared and submitted in full accord with all the
provisions of this Act; nor shall any payments be approved by any such officer for any work,
the plans and specifications for which have not been so prepared and signed and sealed by
the author.

(3) It shall be unlawful for any architect to sign his/her name, affix his/her seal or use any other
method of signature on architectural plans, specifications or other documents made under
another architect’s supervision, unless the same is made in such manner as to clearly
indicate the parts of such work actually performed by the former, and it shall be unlawful for
any person, except the architect-of-record, to sign for any branch or work for any function of
architectural practice, not actually performed by him/her. The architect-of-record shall be fully
responsible for all architectural plans, specifications and other documents issued under
his/her seal or authorized signature.

(4) Drawings and specifications duly signed, stamped or sealed, as instruments of service, are
the intellectual properties and documents of the architect, whether the object for which they
are made is executed or not. It shall be unlawful for any person, without the consent of the
architect or author of said documents, to duplicate or to make copies of said documents for
use in the repetition of and for other projects or buildings, whether executed partly or in

(5) All architectural plans, designs, specifications, drawings and architectural documents relative
to the construction of a building shall bear the seal and signature only of an architect
registered and licensed under this Act together with his/her professional identification card
number and the date of its expiration.

SEC. 21. Indication of Certificate of Registration/Professional Identification Card and Professional

Tax Receipt. – The architect shall be required to indicate his/her Certificate of
Registration and Professional Identification Card, its date of issuance and the duration
of validity, including the professional tax receipt number, on the documents he/she
signs, uses in connection with the practice of his/her profession.

SEC. 22. Refusal to Issue Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card. – The
Board shall not register and issue a Certificate of Registration and Professional
Identification Card to any person who has falsely sworn or misrepresented
himself/herself in his/her application for examination or to any person convicted by a
court of competent jurisdiction of a criminal offense involving moral turpitude or guilty or
immoral and dishonorable conduct or to any person of unsound mind. In the event of
refusal to issue certificate for any reason, the Board shall give the applicant a written
statement setting forth the reasons for such action, which statement shall be
incorporated in the record of the Board: Provided, however, That registration shall not
be refused and a name shall not be removed from the roster of architects on conviction
for a political offense or for an offense which should not, in the opinion of the Board,
either from the nature of the offense or from the circumstances of the case, disqualify a
person from practicing under this Act.

SEC. 23. Suspension and Revocation of Certificates of Registration, Professional Identification

Card or the Special/Temporary Permit. – The Board shall have the power, upon notice
and hearing, to suspend or revoke the validity of a Certificate of
Registration/Professional Identification Card, or shall cancel a special permit granted
under this Act to an architect, on any ground mentioned under Section 22 hereof for the
use of or perpetuation of any fraud or deceit in obtaining a Certificate of Registration
and Professional Identification Card or special/temporary permit; for gross negligence
or incompetence; for unprofessional or dishonorable conduct; or for any cause
specified hereunder: Provided, however, That such action of the Board shall be subject
to appeal to the Commission whose decision shall be final if he/she:

(a) has signed and affixed or permitted to be signed or affixed his name or seal on architectural
plans and designs, specifications, drawings, technical reports, valuation, estimates, or other
similar documents or work not prepared by him/her or not executed under his/her immediate
supervision; or

(b) has paid money except the regular fees provided for to secure a Certificate of Registration; or

(c) has falsely impersonated a practitioner, or former practitioner of alike or different name or has
practiced under an assumed, fictitious or corporate name other than that of the registered; or

(d) has aided or abetted in the practice of architecture any person not duly authorized to practice
architecture in the Philippines; or

(e) has openly solicited projects by actually undertaking architectural services without a valid
service agreement guaranteeing compensation of services to be rendered and/or has actually
allowed himself/herself to be exploited by undertaking architectural services without a valid
service agreement, both acts being prejudicial to other architects registered and licensed
under this Act and inimical to the interests of the profession; or

(f) has violated any provision of this Act, its implementing rules and regulations, the Code of
Ethical Conduct and Standards of Professional Practice.

The Board shall periodically examine the grounds for the revocation of the Certificate of Registration
and Professional Identification Card and update these as necessary under the implementing rules
and regulations.

Any person, firm or association, may prepare charges in accordance with the provisions of this
section against any registrant, or the Board may motu proprio investigate and/or take cognizance of acts
and practices constituting sufficient cause for suspension or revocation of the Certificate of Registration
by proper resolution or order. Such charges shall be in writing and shall be sworn to by the person
making them and shall be filed with the Secretary of the Board.
SEC. 24. Re-issuance or Replacement of Revoked or Lost Certificates of Registration,
Professional Identification Card or Special and Temporary Permit. – The Board may, after the
expiration of two (2) years from the date of revocation of a Certificate of Registration,
Professional Identification Card or special/temporary permit, and upon application and for
reasons deemed proper and sufficient, reinstate the validity of a revoked Certificate of
Registration and in so doing may, in its discretion, exempt the application from taking another

A new Certificate of Registration or Professional Identification Card, temporary/ special permit to

replace those which have been lost, destroyed, or mutilated, may be re- issued, subject to the
rules promulgated by the Board and the Commission, upon payment of the required fees.


SEC. 25. Registration of Architects Required. – No person shall practice architecture in this
country, or engage in preparing architectural plans, specifications or preliminary data for the
erection or alteration of any building located within the boundaries of this country, or use the
title “Architect”, or display the word “Architect” together with another word, or display or use
any title, sign, card, advertisement, or other device to indicate such person practices or offers
to practice architecture, or is an architect, unless such person shall have received from the
Board a Certificate of Registration and be issued a Professional Identification Card in the
manner hereinafter provided and shall thereafter comply with the provisions of this Act.

A foreign architect or any person not authorized to practice architecture in the Philippines, who
shall stay in the country and perform any of the activities mentioned in Section 3 and 4 of this
Act, or any other activity analogous thereto, in connection with the construction of any
building/structure/edifice or land development project, shall be deemed engaged in the
unauthorized practice of architecture.

SEC. 26. Vested Rights: Architects Registered When this Law is Passed. – All architects
registered at the time this law takes effect shall automatically be registered under the
provisions hereof, subject, however, to the provisions herein set forth as to future

Certificate of Registration held by such persons in good standing shall have the same force and
effect as though issued after the passage of this Act.

SEC. 27. Reciprocity Requirements. – A person who is not a citizen of the Philippines at the time
he/she applies to take the examination shall not be allowed to take the licensure examination
unless he/she can prove, in the manner provided by the Rules of Court that, by specific
provisions of law, the country of which he/she is a citizen, subject or national either admits
citizens of the Philippines to the practice of the same profession without restriction or allows
them to practice it after passing an examination on terms of strict and absolute equality with
citizens, subjects or nationals of the country concerned, including the unconditional
recognition of prerequisite degrees/diplomas issued by the institutions of learning duly
recognized for the purpose by the Government of the Philippines.

SEC. 28. Continuing Professional Development (CPD). – To promote public interest and to
safeguard life, health and property, all practicing architects shall maintain a program of
continuing professional development. The integrated and accredited professional
organization shall have the responsibility of developing a continuing professional
development program for architects. Other entities or organizations may become CPD
providers upon accreditation by the Board.

SEC. 29. Prohibition in the Practice of Architecture and Penal Clause. – Any person who shall
practice or offer to practice architecture in the Philippines without being registered/licensed
and who are not holders of temporary or special permits in accordance with the provisions of
this Act, or any person presenting or attempting to use as his/her own the Certificate of

Registration/Professional Identification Card or seal of another or temporary or special permit,
or any person who shall give any false or forged evidence of any kind to the Board or to any
member thereof in obtaining a Certificate of Registration/Professional Identification Card or
temporary or special permit, or any person who shall falsely impersonate any registrant of like
or different name, or any person who shall attempt to use a revoked or suspended Certificate
of registration/Professional Identification Card or cancelled special/temporary permit or any
person who shall use in connection with his/her name or otherwise assume, use or advertise
any title or description tending to convey the impression that he/she is an architect when
he/she is not an architect, or any person whether Filipino or foreigner, who knowingly allows
the use, adoption, implementation of plans, designs or specifications made by any person,
firm, partnership or company not duly licensed to engage in the practice of architecture, or
any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Act, its implementing rules and
regulations, the Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards of Professional Practice, or any
policy of the Board and the Commission, shall be guilty of misdemeanor and charged in court
by the Commission and shall, upon conviction be sentenced to a fine of not less than One
hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not more than Five million pesos
(P5,000,000.00) or to suffer imprisonment for a period not less than six (6) years or both, at
the discretion of the Court.

SEC. 30. Prohibition in the Practice of Architecture. – Any person or entity, whether public or
private, Filipino or foreigner, who/which shall entice, compel, coerce, require or otherwise
force an architect registered and licensed under this Act to undertake/perform any service
under the general practice of architecture as defined under this Act, without first executing a
written contract/service agreement, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon
conviction be sentenced to a fine of not less than Two hundred thousand pesos
(P200,000.00) or to suffer imprisonment for a period not exceeding six (6) years, or both, at
the discretion of the Court.

SEC. 31. Liability of Representative of Non-Registered Persons. – It shall be unlawful for any
person or firm or corporation to seek to avoid the provisions of this Act by having a
representative or employee seek architectural work in their behalf, unless and until, such
persons have duly qualified and duly registered/licensed, otherwise, both those represented
and the representative, the employer and the employee shall be deemed guilty of violation of
this Act. Solicitation of architectural work shall be construed as offering to practice
architecture and shall be unlawful for any non-registered and unlicensed persons to do so.

SEC. 32. Signing of Architectural Plans, Specifications and Other Contract Documents. – It shall
be unlawful for any architect to sign his/her name, affix his/her seal, or use other method of
signature on architectural plans, specifications or other contract documents made under
another architect’s supervision, unless the same is made in such manner as to clearly
indicate the part or parts of such work actually performed by the former; and it shall be
unlawful for any person, except the Architect-of-record to sign for any branch of the work, or
any function or architectural practice, not actually performed by him/her. The Architect-of-
record shall be fully responsible for all architectural plans, specifications, and other
documents issued under his/her seal or authorized signature.

The Board shall make all the necessary rules and regulations with regards to the signing and
sealing of drawings, specifications, reports, and other documents.

SEC. 33. Ownership of Plans, Specifications and Other Contract Documents. – Drawings and
specifications and other contract documents duly signed, stamped or sealed, as instruments
of service, are the intellectual property and documents of the architect, whether the object for
which they are made is executed or not. It shall be unlawful for any person to duplicate or to
make copies of said documents for use in the repetition of and for the other projects or
buildings, whether executed partly or in whole, without the written consent of architect or
author of said documents.

All architects shall incorporate this provision in all contract documents and other instruments of
SEC. 34. Non-Registered Person Shall Not Claim Equivalent Service. – Persons not registered
as an architect shall not claim nor represent either services or work as equivalent to those of
a duly qualified registered architect, or that they are qualified for any branch or function of
architectural practice, even though no form of the title “Architect” is used.

SEC. 35. Positions in Government Requiring the Services of Registered and Licensed Architects.
– Within three (3) years from the effectivity of this Act, all existing and proposed positions in
the local and national government, whether career, permanent, temporary or contractual and
primarily requiring the services of an architect shall be filled only by registered and licensed

SEC. 36. Collection of Professional Fees. - It shall be unlawful for any unregistered person to
collect a fee for architectural services except as an employee collecting a fee as
representative of a Registered Architect.

SEC. 37. Limitation to the Registration of a Firm, Company, Partnership, Corporation or

Association. – The practice of architecture is a professional service, admission to which shall
be determined upon the basis of individual personal qualifications. However, a firm,
company, partnership, corporation or association may be registered or licensed as such for
the practice of architecture under the following conditions:

(a) Only Filipino citizens properly registered and licensed as architects under this Act may, among
themselves, or together with allied technical professionals, form and obtain registration as a
firm, company, partnership, association or corporation for the practice of architecture;

(b) Registered and licensed architects shall compose at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the
owners, shareholders, members, incorporators, directors, executives officers, as the case
may be;

(c) Individual members of such firm, partnership, association or corporation shall be responsible
for their individual and collective acts as an entity and as provided by law;

(d) Such firm, partnership, association or corporation shall be registered with the Securities and
Exchange Commission and the Board.

Sec. 38. Coverage of Temporary/Special Permits. – Foreign nationals who have gained entry in
the Philippines to perform professional services as architects or consultants in foreign-
funded or assisted projects of the government or employed or engaged by Filipino or
foreign contractors or private firms, shall, before assuming the duties, functions and
responsibilities as architects or consultants, secure a special/temporary permit from the
Board subject to approval of the Commission, to practice his/her profession in
connection with the project to which he/she was commissioned: Provided, That the
foreign national of foreign firm, whose name or company name, with the title architect,
architectural consultant, design consultant, consultant or designer appears on
architectural plans, specifications and other related construction documents, for securing
building permits, licenses and government authority clearances for actual building
project construction in the Philippines and advertisements and billboards for marketing
purposes, shall be deemed practicing architecture in the Philippines, whether the
contract for professional services is consummated in the Philippines or in a foreign
country: Provided, further, That the following conditions are satisfied as follows:

(a) That he/she is a citizen or subject of a country which specifically permits Filipino
professionals to practice his/her profession within their territorial limits, on the same basis as
the subjects or citizens of such foreign state or country;

(b) That he/she is legally qualified to practice architecture in his/her own country, and that his/her
expertise is necessary and advantageous to our country particularly in the aspects of
technology transfer and specialization;

(c) That foreign nationals shall be required to work with a Filipino counterpart and shall also be
responsible for public utilities and taxes due to the Philippine government, relative to their
participation in, or professional services rendered to the project, in accordance with the
established implementing rules and regulations providing for the procedure for the
registration and/or issuance of temporary/special permits to foreign architects allowed by law
to practice their profession in the Philippines by the Board of Architecture and the accredited
professional organization; and

(d) Agencies, organizations or individuals whether public or private, who secure the services of a
foreign professional authorized by law to practice in the Philippines for reasons
aforementioned, shall be responsible for securing a special permit from the Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC) and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
pursuant to PRC and DOLE rules.

SEC. 39. Liability Insurance of a Person or Entity Allowed to Practice under a Temporary/Special
Permit. – Foreign nationals, including former Filipinos wanting to engage in the general
practice of architecture as defined in Section 3 (c) of this Act must secure locally their
professional liability insurance or malpractice insurance or their acceptable equivalent
in bond form commensurate with the nature and magnitude of their project involvement
and their compensation the implementing rules and regulations for such a requirement
for practice shall be implemented by the Board in consultation with the integrated and
accredited professional organization of architects within six (6) months from the
effectivity of this Act.


SEC. 40. Integration of the Architecture Profession. – The Architecture profession shall be
integrated into one (1) national organization which shall be accredited by the Board,
subject to the approval by the Commission, as the integrated and accredited
professional organization of architects: Provided, however, That such an organization
shall be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as a non-profit,
non-stock corporation to be governed by by-laws providing for a democratic election of
its officials. An architect duly registered with the Board shall automatically become a
member of the integrated and accredited professional organization of architects and
shall receive the benefits and privileges provided for in this Act upon payment of the
required fees and dues. Membership in the integrated and accredited professional
organization of architects shall not be a bar to membership in other associations of

SEC. 41. Implementing Rules and Regulations. – Within sixty (60) days after the effectivity of this
Act, the Board, subject to the approval of the Commission and in coordination with
integrated and accredited professional organization, shall adopt and promulgate such
rules and regulations, Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards of Professional
Practice, to carry out the provisions of this Act and which shall be effective fifteen (15)
days following their publication in the Official Gazette or in two (2) major daily
newspapers of general circulation.

SEC. 42. Appropriations. – The Chairperson of the Professional Regulation Commission shall
immediately include in the Commission’s programs the implementation of this Act, the
funding of which shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act.

SEC. 43. Act Not Affecting Other Professionals. – This Act shall not be construed to affect or
prevent the practice of any other legally recognized profession.
SEC. 44. Enforcement of the Act. – It shall be the primary duty of the Commission and the Board
to effectively enforce the provisions of this Act. All duly constituted law enforcement
agencies and officers of national, provincial, city or municipal government or of any
political subdivision thereof, shall, upon the call or request of the Commission or the
Board, render assistance in enforcing the provisions of this Act and to prosecute any
person violating the provisions of the same. The Secretary of Justice or his duly
designated representative shall act as legal adviser to the Commission and the Board
and shall render legal assistance as may be necessary in carrying out the provisions
of this Act.

Any person may bring before the Commission, Board or the aforementioned officers of
the law, cases of illegal practice or violations of this Act committed by any person or

The Board shall assist the Commission in filing the appropriate charges through the
concerned prosecution office in accordance with law and the Rules of Court.

SEC. 45. Separability Clause. – If any clause, provision, paragraph or part hereof shall be
declared unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, invalidate or impair
any other part hereof, but such judgment shall be merely confined to the clause,
provision, paragraph or part directly involved in the controversy in which such
judgment has been rendered.

SEC. 46. Repealing Clause. – Republic Act No. 545, as amended by Republic Act No. 1581 is
hereby repealed and all other laws, orders, rules and regulations or resolutions or
part/s thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or
modified accordingly.

SEC. 47. Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its publication in
the Official Gazette or in two (2) newspapers of general circulation.


(SGD) (SGD.)
President of the Senate Speaker of the House
of Representatives

This Act which is a consolation of House Bill No. 5389 and Senate Bill No. 2710 was finally
passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on January 28, 2004 and January 29, 2004,

(SGD.) (SGD.)
Secretary of the Senate Secretary General
House of Representatives


President of the Philippines


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