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Name: Yasser Ali Date: 10/03/2021

Student Exploration: Similar Figures

Directions: Follow the instructions to go through the simulation. Respond to the questions and
prompts in the orange boxes.

Vocabulary: image, preimage, scale factor, similar

Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.)

Amy has a picture that is 6 inches wide by 4 inches tall. She takes the picture to a photo store and asks them
to enlarge the picture so that it is 8 inches tall.

1. What are the dimensions of the enlarged picture? 12 inches wide by 8

inches tall
2. Will the enlarged picture fit in an 8-inch by 10-inch frame? No, The width of the
picture is greater than the
inch side of the frame

Gizmo Warm-up
In the Similar Figures Gizmo, you will experiment with similar figures. Similar
figures have the same shape, but are not necessarily the same size.

1. Click the triangle button ( ). Set Scale factor to 1.0 and Rotation, in
degrees to 0. (To set the value of a slider, drag the slider or select the
number in the text field, type in a new value, and hit Enter.)

A. Do the pink and green triangles appear to be the same size and shape? Yes.

B. These triangles are congruent. What is true about corresponding side lengths and angle measures
of congruent triangles?

Each pair of measures is the same.

Select Show lengths and then Show angle measures to check.

C. Drag the Rotation, in degrees slider. Are the triangles still congruent? Yes.

2. Set Rotation, in degrees to 0. Drag the Scale factor slider. Notice that the size of ΔEFG (the image)
changes, but ΔABC (the preimage) stays the same.

A. How do the image and preimage compare when the scale factor is greater than one?

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Image is larger than preimage

B. How do the image and preimage compare when the scale factor is less than one?

image is smaller than preimage

Get the Gizmo ready:

Activity A:
● Set the Scale factor to 3.0 and Rotation, in
Similar polygons
degrees to 0.

1. Make sure the triangle button ( ) is selected.

A. Similar figures have pairs of corresponding angles and pairs of corresponding sides, just like
congruent figures. Name the part of ΔEFG that corresponds to each of the following parts of ΔABC.


and and and

and EF and FG and GE

B. Turn on Show angle measures. What is true about the measures of the corresponding angles of

these similar triangles? Each pair has equal measures.

C. Select Show lengths. Find the ratio of the measures of each pair of corresponding sides in
simplest form.

3 3 3
= ----- = 3 = ----- = 3 = ----- = 3
1 1 1

D. Compare the simplest forms of the ratios to each other and to the scale factor. What do you

notice? the simplest forms are

equal to each other and to the scale factor.

E. Drag the Rotation, in degrees slider. Do the triangles remain similar? Yes

Explain. The side lengths and angle measures do not change when the
triangles are

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2. Experiment more with similar triangles by dragging the vertices of either triangle to reshape.

A. Select Show angle measures. What is true about the measures of the corresponding angles?

Each pair has equal measures.

B. Select Show lengths. What is true about the lengths of the corresponding sides?

The ratios of the lengths of each pair of corresponding sides are equal

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