Winegar CV January 2023

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Reed Winegar

Curriculum Vitae
Fordham University
Philosophy Department
Collins Hall 101
441 E. Fordham Rd.
Bronx, NY 10458
Email: [email protected]


2018-Present Fordham University

Associate Professor (with tenure)

2012-18 Fordham University

Assistant Professor

2018 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Chair for Classical German Philosophy
Guest Professor, April-October 2018

2015-16 Freie Universität Berlin, Dahlem Humanities Center

VolkswagenStiftung/Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities, August 2015-
July 2016


2012 University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. in Philosophy

2005 Harvard University, B.A. in Philosophy

AOS: Kant and German Idealism, Early Modern Philosophy

AOC: Aesthetics, Ethics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, Social and
Political Philosophy



(forthcoming) "Kant and Religion." In Oxford Handbook of Kant, edited by Anil Gomes
and Andrew Stephenson. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

(forthcoming) “Why is there something, rather than nothing? Kant on the Final End of Creation.”
In Kant on Freedom and Human Nature, edited by Luigi Filieri and Sofie Møller.

2022 “Kant’s Three Conceptions of Infinite Space.” Journal of the History of

Philosophy 60: 635-659.

2021 “Kant’s Antinomy of Taste and the Supersensible.” In Akten des 13.
Internationalen Kant-Kongresses ‘The Court of Reason’ (Oslo, 6. bis 9. August 2019),
edited by Camilla Serck-Hanssen and Beatrix Himmelmann, pp. 1095-1104.
Berlin/Boston: de Grutyer.

2021 “Elise Reimarus: Reason, Religion, and Enlightenment.” In Women and

Philosophy in 18th-Century Germany, edited by Corey Dyck, pp. 110-136. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.

2021 “Elise Reimarus on Freedom and Rebellion.” In Practical Philosophy from Kant to
Hegel: Freedom, Right, and Revolution, edited by Gabriel Gottlieb and James
Clarke, pp. 99-117. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2018 Editors’ Introduction to Infinity in Early Modern Philosophy, co-authored with

Ohad Nachtomy, pp. 1-8. New York: Springer.

2018 “God’s Mind in Kant’s 3rd Critique.” In Natur und Freiheit. Akten des XII. Kant
Kongresses 2015, Band 2, edited by Violetta Waibel, Margit Ruffing, and David Wagner,
pp. 1685-1692. Berlin: de Gruyter.

2018 “Kant on Intuitive Understanding and Things in Themselves.” European Journal of

Philosophy 26: 1238-1252.

2017 “Kant and Hutcheson on Aesthetics and Teleology.” In Kant and the Scottish
Enlightenment, edited by Elizabeth Robinson and Chris Surprenant, pp. 71-89.

2017 “Kant on God’s Intuitive Understanding: Interpreting CJ §76’s Modal Claims.”

Kantian Review 22: 305-29.

2016 “To Suspend Finitude Itself: Hegel’s Reaction to Kant’s First Antinomy.” Hegel
Bulletin 37: 81-103.

2015 “Kant’s Criticisms of Hume’s Dialogues concerning Natural Religion.” British

Journal for the History of Philosophy 23: 888-910.

2013 “An Unfamiliar and Positive Law: On Kant and Schiller.” Archiv für Geschichte
der Philosophie 95: 275-297.

2011 “Good Sense, Art, and Morality in Hume’s ‘Of the Standard of Taste.’” The
Journal of Scottish Philosophy 9: 17-35. Special Issue on Scottish Aesthetics, edited by
Andrew Chignell and Timothy M. Costelloe.

Encyclopedia and Lexicon Entries

2021 “Infinity,” co-authored with Ohad Nachtomy. In Encyclopedia of Early

Modern Philosophy and the Sciences, edited by Dana Jalobeanu and Charles T. Wolfe.
Dordrecht: Springer.

2021 “discursive,” “intellectus archetypus,” “intellectus ectypus,” and “intuitive.” In

Cambridge Kant Lexicon, edited by Julian Wuerth. Cambridge: Cambridge University

Edited Books
2018 Infinity in Early Modern Philosophy, co-edited with Ohad Nachtomy. New York:

Book Reviews

2023 “Review of Jon Stewart’s An Introduction to Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of

Religion: The Issue of Religious Content in the Enlightenment and Romanticism (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2022).” Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, January.

2023 "Review of Rudolf A. Makreel's Kant's Worldview: How Judgment shapes Human
Comprehension (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2021)." Kantian Review 28:

2020 “Review of Christian Krijnen’s Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of

Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective (Leiden and Boston:
Brill, 2018).” Journal of the History of Philosophy 58: 182-183.

2018 “Review of Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach’s Kant and the Laws of
Nature (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017).” Journal of the History of
Philosophy 56: 377-378.

2018 “Review of Stephen R. Palmquist’s Comprehensive Commentary on Kant’s

Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016).”
International Philosophical Quarterly 58: 113-115.

2016 “Review of Dalia Nassar’s The Romantic Absolute: Being and Knowing in Early
German Romantic Philosophy, 17954-1804 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
2014). Hegel Bulletin 39: 382-386.

2015 “Review of Wayne Waxman’s Kant’s Anatomy of the Intelligent Mind (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2014).” Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, November.

2015 “Critical Contribution to Book Symposium on Dalia Nassar’s The Romantic

Absolute: Being and Knowing in Early German Romantic Philosophy, 1795-1804
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014).” Critique: Discussing Works on Kant and
German Idealism, February.

Commissioned Works in Progress

Invited book project on the legacy of Kant's views regarding metaphysics and epistemology for
an Oxford University Press series on Kant's legacy, edited by Paul Guyer. (in preparation)

Invited contribution on Kant's Deduction of Taste for Kant's Critique of Judgment: A Critical
Guide, edited by Alix Cohen (Cambridge University Press). (in preparation)


Research Paper Presentations (* = peer review)

"Elise Reimarus on Toleration and Prejudice"

2022 From Enlightenment to Romanticism: Women at the Turning Point,
Western University, Canada
"Nature and Grace in Leibniz"
2022 Israeli Philosophy Association (on-line)
2022 Princeton-Bucharest Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy (on-line)

“Nature and Grace in Leibniz and Kant”

2022 Teleology, Mechanism, and the Mind-Body Problem, Technion, Israel

"Schelling's Criticisms of Kantian Moral Belief"

2022 Leuven Kant Conference, KU Leuven, Belgium (on-line)*

“Elise Reimarus: Reason, Religion, and Enlightenment”

2021 Leuven Seminar in Classical German Philosophy, Book launch for
Women Intellectuals in 18th-Century Germany, KU Leuven, Belgium
2021 Fordham Philosophy Department Brown Bag Series, Fordham University
2017 Women Intellectuals in 18th-Century Germany, Western University, Canada

"Kant on Life's Meaning"

2021 Brown University, Philosophy Department Colloquium Talk

"Kant and Religion"

2021 Humbold-Universität zu Berlin, Rosefeldt-Kolloquium, Germany (on-line)

“Kant’s Antinomy of Taste and the Supersensible”

2020 New York German Idealism Workshop, Columbia University (canceled
due to COVID-19)
2019 American Society for Aesthetics, Phoenix*
2019 13. Internationaler Kant-Kongress, University of Oslo, Norway*
2017 European Society for Aesthetics, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany*
2017 The Disunity of Reason: A Conference on Kant’s Antinomies, Freie Universität
Berlin, Germany

“Kant’s Three Conceptions of Infinite Space”

2019 North American Kant Society, Midwest Study Group, DePaul University*
2019 Kant and German Idealism Conference in Honor of Rolf-Peter
Horstmann, University of Pennsylvania
2019 CUNY Graduate Center, Philosophy Department Colloquium Talk
2017 Rosefeldt Kolloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
2016 Infinity in Early Modern Philosophy: The NYC Workshop in Jerusalem,
Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Israel

“Elise Reimarus on Freedom and Rebellion”

2019 Early Modernists Unite Group, Clark University
2017 Morality after Kant, York University, UK

“The Final End in Kant’s 3rd Critique”

2018 Teleological Explanation between Leibniz and Kant, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute,

“Kant on Intuitive Understanding and Things in Themselves”

2017 American Philosophical Association, Central Division, Main Program*
2016 UK Kant Society Annual Conference, University of Southampton, UK*
2016 Rosefeldt Kolloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
2015 KU Leuven, Philosophy Department, Belgium
2015 Universität Basel, Philosophy Department, Switzerland

“The Unity of Mechanism and Teleology”

2016 Critical Connections: An International Conference, Tel Aviv University, Israel
2016 9th Nordic Workshop in Early Modern Philosophy, Tampere University, Finland*
2016 Perler Kolloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

“God’s Mind in Kant’s 3rd Critique”

2015 12. Internationaler Kant-Kongress, Universität Wien, Austria*
2015 3rd Leuven Kant Conference, KU Leuven, Belgium*
2015 Contemporary Debates in German Idealism, Xavier University*
2015 Tel Aviv University, Philosophy Department, Israel

“Kant on God’s Intuitive Understanding”

2015 Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, Israel
2014 UK Kant Society Annual Conference: Kant on Logic and Metaphysics, Oxford
University, UK*
2014 Alexander Baumgarten’s Metaphysics: Sources, Interpretation, and Influence, La
Salle University*

“Kant’s Criticisms of Hume’s Dialogues concerning Natural Religion”

2014 2nd Leuven Kant Conference, KU Leuven, Belgium, May 2014*
2013 UK Kant Society Annual Conference: Kant’s Philosophy of Religion, Heythrop
College, UK*

“Hegel on Beauty and the World-Whole”

2014 30. Internationaler Hegel-Kongress der Internationalen Hegel-Gesellschaft:
Hegels Antwort auf Kant, Universität Wien, Austria

“To Suspend Finitude Itself: Hegel’s Early Reaction to Kant’s First Antinomy”
2013 North American Kant Society, Midwest Study Group, Indiana University

“Kant’s Critical Resolution of the Antinomy of Practical Reason”

2013 New York German Idealism Workshop, New School for Social Research

“The Categories and the Unconditioned”

2012 Pure Forms of Thought: Categories in Kant and German Idealism, An
International Conference, University of Pennsylvania

“Hume’s ‘Dangerous Arguments’: The Impact of Hume’s Dialogues concerning Natural

Religion on Kant’s Antinomy of the Teleological Power of Judgment”
2011 III. Multilaterales Kant-Kolloquium: Kant und das antinomische Denken, Mainz,
2011 Penn Graduate Humanities Forum, University of Pennsylvania

“An Unfamiliar and Positive Law: On Kant, Schiller, and Hegel”

2011 North American Kant Society, Eastern Study Group, Boston College*
2010 Kant and Hegel: A Joint Conference of the UK Kant Society and Hegel
Society of Great Britain, Oxford, UK*

“Berkeley’s Escape from the Labyrinth: Reevaluating Berkeley’s Attitude towards Infinite
2010 Berkeley’s A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge:
International Tercentenary Conference, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland*
2008 Pacific Northwest/Western Canada Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, Simon
Fraser University, Canada*

“Good Sense, Art, and Morality in Hume’s ‘Of the Standard of Taste’”
2010 Southwestern Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, University of New
“Do Trompe L’oeil Paintings Represent?”
2009 Canadian Society for Aesthetics, Carleton College, Canada*


2022 "Comments on Kimberly Brewer's 'Kant's Doctrine of Ideas and the Imago Dei
Kant's Transcendental Dialectic, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada

2017 “Comments on Hande Tuna ‘Kant on Informed Judgments of Pure Taste’”

American Society for Aesthetics, New Orleans

2017 “Comments on Paul Franks’s ‘From World-Soul to Universal Organism: Maimon’s

Hypothesis and Schelling’s Physicalisation of Platonic-Kabbalistic Concepts’”
New York German Idealism Workshop, Columbia University

2014 “Comments on Michelle Kosch’s ‘Fichtean Kantianism in Nineteenth-Century Ethics’”

American Philosophical Association, Philadelphia

2014 “Comments on Terry Pinkard’s Hegel’s Naturalism”

American Catholic Philosophical Association, Washington D.C.

2013 “Comments on Brian Chance’s ‘Wolffian Logic, General Logic, and the Categories’”
Nature and Freedom in Kant: A Conference in Honor of Paul Guyer, Brown University

2013 “Comments on Arthur Ripstein’s ‘Not on the Merits: Kant and the Law of War’”
Fordham Natural Law Colloquium

2013 “Comments on Samantha Matherne’s ‘Kant’s Expressive Theory of Music’”

2nd Biennial Meeting of the North American Kant Society, Cornell University

2013 “Comments on Bryan Hall’s ‘Fichte’s False Dilemma’”

American Philosophical Association, Central Division, New Orleans

2012 “Comments on Rafeeq Hasan’s ‘Politics, Property, and Personhood: Kant’s Rousseauian
New York German Idealism Workshop, New School for Social Research

2011 Graduate Student Respondent to the Panel “4Real”

Penn Undergraduate Humanities Forum, University of Pennsylvania

2010 “Comments on Ralf Bader’s ‘Kant and the Conditional Intrinsic Value of Happiness’”
Princeton-Penn-Columbia Graduate Conference in the History of Philosophy, Princeton

2009 “Comments on Ben Blumson’s ‘Depiction and Composition’”

American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division, Asilomar

Other Presentations

2021 Invited discussion of published work on Kant and God, Technion, Israel (on-line)

2017 Invited Discussion of “Kant on God’s Mind in the 3rd Critique” and “Kant on
God’s Intuitive Understanding: Interpreting CJ §76’s Modal Claims”
University of Pennsylvania

2014 “On Grace and Dignity”

Phi Sigma Tau Induction Ceremony, Fordham University


2021-22 TRAC (Teaching Race Across the Curriculum) Grant, Fordham University

2021 Faculty Fellowship, Fordham University

2020 Internal Funding for Faculty Activities Recipient, Fordham University

2018 Internal Funding for Faculty Activities Recipient, Fordham University

2017 Internal Funding for Faculty Activities Recipient, Fordham University

2017 Funding from the Journal of the History of Philosophy for attendance at sponsored
Master Class on Kant and Mendelssohn

2015-16 VolkswagenStiftung/Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in

the Humanities at Universities and Research Institutes in Germany
(12 month research fellowship worth 77,000 Euros)

2015-16 Faculty Fellowship, Fordham University

2015-16 Funding for “Infinity in Early Modern Philosophy” Workshop, Van Leer
Institute, Jerusalem, 2015-16 (with Ohad Nachtomy and Pini Ifergan)

2015 North American Kant Society, Wilfrid Sellars Prize, Honorable Mention (for
“Kant’s Criticisms of Hume’s Dialogues concerning Natural Religion), 2015

2014 Internal Funding for Faculty Activities Recipient, Fordham University

2014-15 Faculty Research Grant, Fordham University

2013-14 First Year Faculty Research Grant, Fordham University

2013 Internal Funding for Faculty Activities Recipient, Fordham University

2013 Ames Fund Recipient, Fordham University

2012-13 ACLS/Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellowship

(Declined in favor of tenure-track appointment)
2012-13 Charlotte W. Newcombe Dissertation Completion Fellowship
(Declined in favor of tenure-track appointment)
2012-13 DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Research Grant
(Declined in favor of tenure-track appointment)

2012-13 Josephine de Karman Fellowship

(Declined in favor of tenure-track appointment)

2011 President Gutmann Leadership Award, University of Pennsylvania

2011-12 Andrew W. Mellon Graduate Research Fellow, Penn Humanities Forum,

University of Pennsylvania

2011 Dean’s Scholar, Graduate Division, University of Pennsylvania

2010 School of Arts and Sciences Dissertation Research Fellowship, University of


2010 Graduate Student Essay Prize, Berkeley’s A Treatise Concerning the Principles
of Human Knowledge: International Tercentenary Conference

2009 Dean’s Summer Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania

2009 Bacon Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania

2009 Graduate Student Essay Prize, Canadian Society for Aesthetics


Graduate Advising

Michael Au-Mullaney, Dissertation Committee Member (ongoing)

Dylan Bailey, Dissertation Committee Member (ongoing)

Ricky DeSantis, Dissertation Committee Member (ongoing)

Douglas Shepardson, Dissertation Committee Member (defended 2022)

Michael Begun, Dissertation Committee Member (defended 2020)

Rob Duffy, Dissertation Committee Member (defended 2020)

Chris Hromas, Dissertation Committee Member (defended 2016)

Kathryn Bresee, Dissertation Proposal Committee Member

John Gregor Macdougall, Dissertation Proposal Committee Member

Marcus Schweiger, Dissertation Proposal Committee Member

External Dissertation Examiner

2018 Luo Xi, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

2018 Hamad Mohamed, Stony Brook University

External Dissertation Committee Member

2020-Present Conrad Damstra, Brown University

Visiting Graduate Student Host

2019 Teng Xiong, Fudan University

Undergraduate Advising

2014 Matthew Schrepfer, Senior Honors Thesis Advisor

(currently in Philosophy PhD program at Brown University)

Graduate Teaching

Graduate Proseminar
Fordham University, Fall 2022 and Spring 2023

Classical Modern Philosophy

Fordham University, Fall 2017, Fall 2019, and Spring 2023

Kant and German Idealism

Fordham University, Fall 2013 and Fall 2020

Independent Study: From Kant to Hegel on Morality and Religion

Fordham University, Spring 2020

Professional Writing Seminar

Fordham University, Fall 2016, Fall 2017, Fall 2018, and Fall 2019

The Limits of Thought in Kant and Post-Kantian Philosophy

Fordham University, Fall 2018

Philosophisches Kolloquium (in German)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Summer 2018

Deutscher Idealismus und Skeptizismus (Hauptseminar, in German)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Summer 2018

Independent Study: Kant and Hegel on Morality and Ethics

Fordham University, Spring 2017

Kant I: Critique of Pure Reason

Fordham University, Fall 2016

Undergraduate Teaching

Immanuel Kant: Critique of Pure Reason

Fordham University, Spring 2014, Fall 2016, and Fall 2022
Free Speech and Toleration: Philosophical Considerations
Fordham University, Honors College, Spring 2021 and Spring 2022

Philosophical Ethics
Fordham University, Spring 2019 and Spring 2020 (2 sections), and Spring 2022

Freedom of Expression and Toleration, Eloquentia Perfecta

Fordham University, Spring 2019 and Spring 2021

Philosophy of Human Nature

Fordham University, Fall 2012 (2 sections), Spring 2013, Summer 2013, Fall 2013 Eloquentia
Perfecta, Spring 2014 Eloquentia Perfecta (2 sections), Fall 2014 Eloquentia Perfecta (2
sections), Spring 2015 Eloquentia Perfecta, Spring 2017 Eloquentia Perfecta, Spring 2018
Eloquentia Perfecta (2 sections), Spring 2021 Eloquentia Perfecta

Concepts and Reality

Fordham University, Fall 2014, Spring 2017, and Fall 2020

Kant on Morality and Religion

Fordham University, Spring 2015 and Spring 2020

Idealism and Realism

Fordham University, Fall 2018

Freiheit in der Philosophie des deutschen Idealismus (Vorlesung, in German)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Summer 2018

Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft und ihr Einfluss (Proseminar, in German)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Summer 2018

19th-Century Philosophy
Fordham University, Spring 2018

Kant and Hegel

Fordham University, Spring 2013

Introduction to Philosophy: Naturalism and the Human Being

University of Pennsylvania, Fall 2011

History of Modern Philosophy: Descartes to Hegel

University of Pennsylvania, Summer 2011

Teaching Assistant

History of Modern Philosophy

Primary Instructor: Karen Detlefsen
University of Pennsylvania, Spring 2010

Philosophy of Mind
Primary Instructor: Elisabeth Camp
University of Pennsylvania, Fall 2009

Formal Logic
Primary Instructor: Scott Weinstein
University of Pennsylvania, Spring 2009
History of Ancient Philosophy
Primary Instructor: Charles Kahn
University of Pennsylvania, Fall 2008


Referee for Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, Asian Journal of Philosophy, Australasian
Journal of Philosophy, British Journal for the History of Philosophy (multiple times), Cambridge
University Press, Ergo (multiple times), European Journal of Philosophy (multiple times),
History of Philosophy Quarterly (multiple times), International Philosophical Quarterly, Israel
Science Foundation, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (multiple times), Journal of the
History of Philosophy, Journal of Modern Philosophy, Journal of Transcendental Philosophy,
Kantian Review (multiple times), Kant-Studien, Oxford University Press (multiple times),
Routledge Press, Southern Journal of Philosophy, and Synthese

2022-Present Philosophy Department Director of Graduate Studies, Fordham University

2015-Present Member of North American Kant Society, Eastern Study Group

Organizational Committee

2014-Present PhilPapers editor for the areas “Kant: God” and “Kant: Teleology in

2012-Present Founder and Organizer of the Fordham German Philosophy Group

2022 Conference Co-Organizer, 12th NYC Workshop in Early Modern


2022 Conference Co-Organizer, Teleology, Mechanism, and the Mind-Body


2021-2022 Co-organizer of Reexamining the Philosophical Canon Group, Fordham


2021 Conference Co-Organizer, 11th NYC Workshop in Early Modern


2020-2021 Philosophy Department Graduate Program Review Committee, Fordham


2020 Ad Hoc Job Search Committee, Fordham University

2020 Program Committee for the 2020 North American Kant Society, Biennial

2019-2020 Philosophy of Science Job Search Committee, Fordham University

2019-2020 Conference Organizer, North American Kant Society, Eastern Study Group

2019-2020 Conference Co-Organizer, 10th NYC Workshop in Early Modern

2017-2020 Fordham Philosophy Department Point Person for GSAS Preparing Future
Faculty Program

2016-2020 Fordham Philosophy Department Graduate Placement Officer

2018-19 Conference Co-Organizer, 9th NYC Workshop in Early Modern

Philosophy, 2018-2019

2019 Session Chair, “Kant’s Political Philosophy,” American Philosophical

Association, Eastern Division, Group Program: North American Kant Society

2017-18 Co-Organizer, 7th Berlin Kant Course featuring Andrew Chignell, Humboldt-
Universität zu Berlin

2017-18 Conference Organizer, Finite and Infinite Cognition in German Philosophy,

Fordham University

2017-18 Conference Co-Organizer, Teleology from Leibniz to Kant, Van Leer Institute,

2017-18 Sophomore Core Curriculum Adviser, Fordham University

2017-18 Early Modern Job Search Committee, Fordham University

2016-17 Freshmen Core Curriculum Adviser, Fordham University

2017 Commencement Marshall for Fordham College Rose Hill

2017 Teaching Mentor, Jesuit Pedagogy Seminar, Fordham University

2016-17 Conference Co-Organizer, 7th New York City Workshop in Early Modern

2016 Session Chair, “Kant,” NYU Conference on Issues in Modern Philosophy:


2016 Conference Organizer, The Disunity of Reason: A Conference on Kant’s

Antinomies, Freie Universität Berlin

2016 Conference Co-Organizer, Infinity in Early Modern Philosophy: The 6th NYC
Workshop in Jerusalem, Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem

2016 Ad Hoc Referee for Fordham Faculty Research Grant

2014-15 Conference Co-Organizer, 5th New York City Workshop in Early Modern

2013-14 Conference Co-Organizer, 4th New York City Workshop in Early Modern

2013-15 Fordham Philosophy Department Executive Committee (non-tenured

representative, elected to two terms)
2015 Session Chair, Varieties of Understanding Midpoint Conference, Fordham
2015 Commencement Marshall for Fordham College Rose Hill

2015 Teaching Mentor, Jesuit Pedagogy Seminar, Fordham University

2015 Fordham Philosophy Department Graduate Admissions Committee

2015 Fordham Philosophy Department Merit Committee

2014-15 Fordham Philosophy Department Lectures and Speakers Committee

2015 Fordham University Ad hoc Academic Integrity Referee

2013 Session Chair, “Colloquium: Kant” American Philosophical Association, Eastern

Division, Baltimore

2013 Session Chair, “Hegel,” NYU Conference on Issues in Modern Philosophy:


2013 Session Chair, New York City Workshop in Early Modern Philosophy

2011-12 Philosophy Department Colloquium Coordinator, University of Pennsylvania

2011-12 Member of the Organizing Committee for the Penn Graduate Humanities Forum
Conference: Adaptations, University of Pennsylvania

2011-12 Member of the Organizing Committee for the Princeton-Penn-Columbia

Graduate Conference in the History of Philosophy

2010-11 Philosophy Department Graduate Student Representative and Faculty Liaison,

University of Pennsylvania

2009 Session Chair, “Symposium: Kant’s Philosophy of Mathematics,” American

Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, New York City, December

2007-09 Philosophy Department Representative to the Penn Graduate Humanities

Forum, University of Pennsylvania


German (fluent); basic reading knowledge of Ancient Greek, French, Latin, and Spanish

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