Modfication Form Latest-2

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F. No.

BPM Ref No

Branch___________________________ Br Code ___________ Account No

Name of the customer _______________________________________ Customer ID

Existing Customer Records:

Voter’s ID/Adhaar : PAN:

Email ID : Mobile No:
Occupation : Annual Income:

Purpose of the Present Application KYC Details Modification Address Change Dormant A/c Activation UCIC
Others………………………………………. CKYC No __________________________
I/We hereby give our consent for South Indian Bank downloading all the required documents from the CKYC Registry. My details registered in CKYC is Mobile
No:________________________________ DOB: ____________________ Pin Code :____________

Kindly execute the following request/s:

Contact Details Modification Requests (Please tick whichever is applicable)

Name :
Mobile No :
Email Id :
Permanent Address:
City/District State Country :
PIN: _______________
Communication Address:
City/District State Country :
PIN: _______________
NRI Status Update NRI : YES / NO
Father’s/Mother’s/Spouse name :
Date of Birth :

KYC Modification Requests (Please tick whichever is applicable & mention the KYC number)

Adhaar: Driving License

Voter’s ID: PAN
Passport : Others

Documents Submitted (Please tick whichever is applicable)

Adhaar Voter’s ID Passport Driving License PAN OTHERS ………………………

I/We hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and I/we
undertake to inform you of any changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or
misleading or misrepresenting, I/we am/are aware that I/we may be held liable for it. I/We hereby undertake that periodic KYC
updations will be carried out as per the policy. I/We authorise you to link Aadhaar No. for aadhaar and biometric for aadhaar
authentication service, E-KYC. My/our personal KYC details may be shared with Central KYC Registry / Tax Authorities / Regulators both
local and foreign. I/We hereby consent to receiving information from Central KYC Registry through SMS / Email on the above registered
number / email address. II/We hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge
and belief and I/we undertake to inform you of any changes therein, immediately and will be carrying out periodic updation as per

Place: Date: Siganture:

The request dated ----/-----/-------- is received for the following modifications in the account :KYC/MOB/Email/Resident status/ personal
information /others. Signature of Officer:
BPM Ref No

Dormant activation/ Unfreeze details
i) Reason for not operating the accounts for more than 2 years

ii) Reason for Freeze________________________________________________________________________________________

iii) Accounts to be activated or unfreeze
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
*Permanent & Communication address and Latest photo are mandatory for all dormant/unfreeze modifications.
Unique Customer Identification Code (UCIC)
I have the under noted Accounts/ Customer Ids with various branches in the bank.
Account Number Customer ID A/c Type (SB /CD /TD /CC /OD /TL etc) Branch name

The Internet Banking facility is attached to my Account/Customer ID _____________________________

I understand that
i. Where i-banking enabled customer Ids are unified with customer Id without i- banking facility, customers should apply for fresh i-banking facility at the
branch level.
ii. Where customer Ids not facilitated for i-banking are linked with i-banking enabled customer Id, all the linked accounts will be i-banking enabled.
I further request you to retain the Customer ID attached to Account No. __________________________________________________ and link all my
other accounts with it.

FATCA/CRS Declaration (Taxation Details) – For NRI customers

Sl No Country of residence for Tax Tax TIN issuing Date of Issue Residence for Tax Purposes is in Jurisdiction Outside India is same
Identification Country as the Overseas address Yes No
Number (TIN) (If No, Please ll the below details)
or functional Address
requirement :________________________________________________
City :__________________________ State:

Declaration PIN : _____________ Country _____________________________

I/We hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my/our
knowledge and belief and I/we undertake to inform you of any changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is
found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I/we am/are aware that I/we may be held liable for it. I/We hereby Affix
undertake that periodic KYC updations will be carried out as per the policy. I/We authorise you to link Aadhaar No. for aadhaar and Passport
biometric for aadhaar authentication service, E-KYC. My/our personal KYC details may be shared with Central KYC Registry / Tax
Authorities / Regulators both local and foreign. I/We hereby consent to receiving information from Central KYC Registry through SMS
/ Email on the above registered number / email address. II/We hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to Photograph
the best of my/our knowledge and belief and I/we undertake to inform you of any changes therein, immediately and will be carrying
out periodic updation as per policy.

Place _____________________________________________ Date _________________ Signature _____________________________

Office Use
Documents received Self Certified True Copy Notary Risk Category High Medium Low
I hereby confirmed that I have verified and compared the copy of uploaded KYC documents with original and have kept duly attested copy
in the branch records.
Customer identification documents updated and the documents produced above verified with original and certified as such are kept on
record, along with the original customer relationship-cum-account opening form. The signature of the customer/s in form is verified and
confirmed with the signature/s in the customer relationship-cum-account opening form. Allowed to change the customer status of the
following customer from "DORMANT" to "Active"/"Unfreeze" in Finacle, as per the above request.
I hereby confirm that Original deposit receipts/advice are under safe custody of the branch & corrected or duplicate or new receipt/advice will hand
over to the customer only after successful conversion/Name change of all the accounts.
I hereby confirm that Documentation changes including Gold loan tokens, pledge forms will be done with loan documents after conversion/name
change of loan a/cs.

Whether verified HSIBREP_4_90 Yes No Whether BSBDA account exists for the customer Yes No

Signature of Officer with Seal (Sign Code) _____________________ Signature of Branch head with seal (Sign code)____________________

The request dated ----/-----/-------- is received for the following modifications in the account :KYC/MOB/Email/Resident status/ personal
information /others. Signature of Officer:

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