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Student Voting Management System



******* Student Voting Management System********

Submitted By,

Mr. Avinash Ranvir

Mr. Ashish Khillare

Guided By








Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System



****** Student Voting Management System *******

Submitted By,

Mr. Avinash Ranvir

Mr. Ashish Khillare

Guided By


In partial fulifillment for the award of the Diploma in






Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System


This is to Certified that the project entitled

****** Student Voting Management System ******

Being submitted by Mr. Avinash Vitthalrao Ranvir to state Board of

Technical Education board Mumbai as a partial fulfillment of
award of Diploma in COMPUTER ENGNEERING is record of
bonafide work carried out by his /her under supervision and guidance of
Ms. Bhojankar M.N. The assigned project is performed satisfactorily in
the academic year 2021-22

Ms. Bojankar M.N Ms. Dudhmale mam

Subject Teacher HOD

Dr.Pawar V.S.

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System


This is to Certified that the project entitled

****** Student Voting Management System ******

Being submitted by Mr. Ashish Arvind Khillare to state Board of

Technical Education board Mumbai as a partial fulfillment of
award of Diploma in COMPUTER ENGNEERING is record of
bonafide work carried out by his /her under supervision and guidance of
Ms. Bhojankar M.N. The assigned project is performed satisfactorily in
the academic year 2021-22

Ms. Bojankar M.N Ms. Dudhmale Mam

Subject Teacher HOD

Dr.Pawar v.s.

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System


I the undersigned declare that the project report, ”Student Voting Management
System” is based on my own work carried out during the course of our study under
the supervision of Ms. Bhojankar M.N.

I assert the statements made and conclusions drawn are an outcome of my research
work. I further certify that.

I. The work contained in the report is original and has been done by me under
the general supervision of my supervisor
II. The work has not been submitted to any other institution for any other
degree/diploma/certificate in this university or any other university of india
or abroad.
III. We have followed the guidelines provided by the university in eriting the
IV. Whenever we have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, and text) from
other sources, we have given due credit to them in the text of the report and
giving their details in the references.


Mr. Ashish Khillare

Mr. Avinash Ranvir

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System


This project is done as a semester project, as a part course titled “Student Voting
Management System.”

We are really thankful to our course the Principal Prof. Pawar Sir and HOD
Ms. Dudhmale Mam and Department of Computer Engineering of Gramin
Polytechnic Management and Campus Vishnupuri Nanded for his
invaluable guidance and assistance, without which the accomplishment of
the task would have never been possible.

We also thank Mrs. Bhojankar for giving this opportunity to explore into the real
world and realize the interrelation without which a Project can never progress.

We are also thankful to our parents, friends and all staff of the Computer
engineering department, for providing us relevant information and necessary
clarifications, and great support.

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System


Evaluate sheet for the micro project

Academic year:___________________ Name of faculty:_______________

Course :_______________ Course Code:__________________ Semester:______________

Title of project:_______________________________________________________________

Cos addressed by 6 the Micro project:

A _____________________________________________________________




Major Learning Outcomes achieved by doing the project:

a . practical Outcomes : _________________________________________________________


b . Unit Outcomes in Cognitive domain: _____________________________________________


c. Outcomes in Affective Domain:_______________________________________________


Comments / Suggestions about team work/ leadership/ intership/ inter-personal

Communication (if any)_______________________________________________


Student Name Marks out of 6 for Marks out of 4 for Total

Roll performance in performance in oral/ out of
No. Group activity presentation 10

(Name & Signature Of Faculty)

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System


Evaluate sheet for the micro project

Academic year:___________________ Name of faculty:_______________

Course :_______________ Course Code:__________________ Semester:______________

Title of project:_______________________________________________________________

Cos addressed by 6 the Micro project:

A _____________________________________________________________




Major Learning Outcomes achieved by doing the project:

a . practical Outcomes : _________________________________________________________


b . Unit Outcomes in Cognitive domain: _____________________________________________


c. Outcomes in Affective Domain:_______________________________________________


Comments / Suggestions about team work/ leadership/ intership/ inter-personal

Communication (if any)_______________________________________________


Student Name Marks out of 6 for Marks out of 4 for Total

Roll performance in performance in oral/ out of
No. Group activity presentation 10

(Name & Signature Of Faculty)

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System


Gramin Polytechnic will be icon To nourish proactive, devoted &
seal for perfection to build stalwarts talented technocreates by quality
for betterment of the nation education is need mased progarmmers
through an excellent teamwork


To achive academic excellence in Department of Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering by imparting will be role model for Computer
expensive knowledge to students, to Enginner by-
meet contemporary needs of . Providing exposure to student to the
industry & socit. later tools & technologies in the field
of computer hardware and software
. Providing a learning environment that
helps student to enhance problem
solving skills and to be successful in
their professional lives.

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System

Gramin Polytechnic Nanded 2022

Micro Project

Topic : Performing Basic Mathematic Functions.

Sr. No Contents Page No

1 Abstract XI

2 Identify Problem Statement XII

3 Software Requirement Specification (SRS) XIV

4 Functional & Non-Functional Requirement XIV

5 Process Model XVI

6 Requirement Analysis XVIII

7 Feasibility Study XIX

8 Conclusion Of Student Voting Management XXI

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System


This paper describes an online voting system that was designed to meet
the digital needs of universities and colleges. Design / methodology: The
waterfall model was adopted as the methodology for designing the
application. In designing the online voting system were also employed.
Results: The system generated a more convenient voter and candidate
registration interface, an efficient voting interface, vote storage and count
plus immediate result compilation etc. outputs from the application
includes a page showing a list of all the registered voters, a list of all
qualified candidates and the results of the total vote count for each
candidate in the faculty. A functionality test was also carried out on the
development of system where 20 registered students appraised the system
by filling out.

Originality: Several voting systems have been developed for varying

uses. This system however was specifically developed for use in tertiary
institutions and had security capabilities inbuilt into the design. This
originality through peculiar to the adopted case study can be used for
developing other kinds of applications. The system was also designed for
faculty level voting but can be easily adapted for smaller or larger

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System

• Aim

Student voting management system.

• Theory

we take the actual mechanics of the election for granted. We

speak at length of such issues as who is allowed to vote, how
campaigns are conducted, and how they are financed, but prior to
the events in Florida last November, most people's
understanding of the actual voting process was something like
the following: You go to the polls, cast your vote, and then they
count it and they announce the winner.

• Information Objective

Student voting management system would be able to maintain

and handle the election in college.

• Problem Definition

The proposed system will provide online voters registration

forms for students where students will register and be allowed
now to log in as either students or delegates or candidates. Each
registered user will have a password to log in. The proposed
system will provide an interactive platform where voters and
candidates will interact and thus candidates perform their
campaigns. The system will also perform some sort of tallying
where results

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System

• Project Description

The system will be able to perform some sort of tallying before

and after voting. The results and statistics on the election will be
shown and be updated properly and instantly. The system shall
also allow preliminary voting where the delegates are able to
vote and results are displayed openly to everyone. The students
and delegates will be able to like the various candidates and the
most liked candidate will be the most popular. The system will
display the results of likes and votes and even percentage of

• Purpose of project

This project helps to maintain the election in college or

unveracity. We can easily access and do a work about the voting.

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System

Software Requirement Specification (SRS)

• Processor: Intel core Duo Or Ryzen 7

• Broad memory: 4GB

• Hard disk: 256GB

• Display type: VGA

• Keyboard: 104 keys

Functional and Non-Functional Requirement

• Functional requirements

1. The system runs of apache server so it is needed that server

must have apache server version 2.0 available

2. MySQL database has been used for storing the data of the website

3. JavaScript scripting language has been implemented on the

system for performing all of the Client Side Server Validation.

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System

• Non-Functional Requirement

1. Performance and Availability Requirements :-

The application should be available in minimum down-time. The application

should provide user with appropriate error messages and should handle run-me
exceptions in a controlled manner in order to avoid abnormal termination.

2. Maintainability requirements :-

The application should be designed and developed in such a way that it remains
highly maintainable and flexible and future enhancements can be easily

3. Security requirements :-

The application should provide protection against unauthorized access Software

Quality Attributes E-Voting System is a desktop application and it is required to be
deployed once on a system and then it Can be easily accessed by user without any
other installation.
E-Voting offers high portability and can be later moved to different
systems if required. Feasibility Report

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System


The Waterfall Model was the first process model to be introduced.
It is also referred to as a linear sequential life cycle model. It is very
simple to understand and use. In a waterfall model, each phase must
be completed before the next phase can begin and there is no
overlapping in the phases.
The waterfall model is the earliest SDLC approach that was used
for software development.
The waterfall model illustrate the software development process in
a linear sequential flow. This means that any phase in the
development process begins only if the previous phase is complete.
In this waterfall model, the phase do not overlap.

• Reason The Waterfall Model In The Software Development

Since we have, clean and fixed requirements therefore it best suits
for our software development.
• Our product definition are stable.
• Technology is clearly understood.
• The project is short

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System

. Advantages Of The Waterfall Model

This model is simple and easy to understand and use. In, this model phases
are processed and completed one at a time and phases do not overlap.
Waterfall model works well for smaller projects where sequence is very
well understood.

• Disadvantages Of The Waterfall Model

Once an application is in the testing stage, it is very difficult to go back and
change something that was -
Not well throughout in the concept stage. High amount of the risk and
uncertainty. Poor model for long and ongoing projects.

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System


The mentioned problem will give rise to the question of economic benefits
of the online voting system (solution). Once the product is released, it
should have the following benefits:

(1) If the online voting system is successful, people need not go to the
polling booths to cast their votes. They can vote from their home and hence
a lot of time will be saved.
(2) The existing paper ballot system will be discarded and hence a lot of
materials can be saved.
(3) Counting the ballots will be executed more accurately, quickly, and
(4) As the existing paper ballot system will be discarded, many resources
deployed by the Government will be freed for other purposes.
(5) Reports can quickly be generated and hence a lot of manual labor will
be saved.

The output of a voting system is characterized as good if it is capable of

verifying the votes, providing accuracy of the voter turnout to the number
of people voted, avoiding coercion, and counting all votes.

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System


This Feasibility Study: It was conducted to evaluate the possibilities of

introducing of modern voting technologies in elections and referenda in the
Republic of Moldova.
The structure of the Study. This Document consists of the following
sections :-
Overview of the successful implementation of Internet Voting around the
world in such countries like Estonia, Switzerland, Norway, Canada and
Australia; Presentation of the main concepts of Internet Voting: Analysis
of the current situation of the legal, technical, social and political election –
related environment ;
Propositions of the Study: Preliminary implementation Roadmap: Cost-
benefit analysis.
The key findings of the Study are the following: Election management is
centralized; Parliamentary Elections are only proportional closed-list
elections. The independent institution responsible for election
management. Effective voter list management is in place. Every citizen is
being registered through the Register of students. Election regulation is
concentrated in the Code of the institution and decisions college.

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System


The developing system must be justified by cost and benefit. Criteria to

ensure that effort is concentrated on project, which will give best, return at
the earliest. One of the factors, which affect the development of a new
system, is the cost it would require.

The following are some of the important financial questions asked during
preliminary investigation:

1] The costs conduct a full system investigation.

2] The cost of the hardware and software.
3] The benefits in the form of reduced costs or fewer costly errors.

Since the system is developed as part of project work, there is no manual

cost to spend for the proposed system. Also all the resources are already
available, it give an indication of the system is economically possible for

Gramin Technical & Management Campus
Student Voting Management System


In this paper we have identified the need for systematically producing a

complete set of requirements specification for electronic voting systems
that unifies the requirements imposed by the existing European legal
framework, the functionality reflected by the conventional voting
procedures, and the required security attributes that the system should
This requirements specification is the outcome of the first "iteration" of the
requirements elicitation process. We are currently validating and enhancing
these requirements focusing, also, on non-functional ones and expect to
incorporate the outcome of these activities in the system design and
development phases.

Gramin Technical & Management Campus

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