Equations of Rectilinear Motion

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A learner’s guide on how to use the equations of linear motion.

Assumptions: Objects are treated as particles. Acceleration is

uniform/constant. Particles on an incline move along the line of greatest
slope. Resistance is negligible.

2.1 Constant velocity (zero acceleration)

v = , v = velocity, d = distance, t = time. d = vt (1)

2.2 Equations of motion (constant acceleration)

Imagine a particle that starts from initial speed u (m/s) and accelerates at
a rate of a (𝑚𝑠 −2 ). After time t (s), it attains a new speed of v (m/s),
covering a distance of s (m). The velocity-time graph of such a particle
is shown below.

 The gradient gives the acceleration. Hence, a = or, v = u+at

 The area under the graph gives the displacement. Since the area
looks like a trapezium, we find displacement using the formula
for the area of a trapezium s = (u+v) (3)
 If we make v the subject in (1) and substitute into (2), we get
s = ut + 𝒂𝒕𝟐 (𝟒),
 If we make u the subject in (1) and substitute into (2), we get
s = vt - 𝒂𝒕𝟐 (𝟓),
 Making t the subject in (1) and substituting into (2)
𝒗𝟐 = 𝒖𝟐 + 2as (6)

SUVAT equations:
𝒕(𝒖+𝒗) 𝟏
s = vt (1), v = u = + at, (2), s = (3), s = ut + 𝒂𝒕𝟐 (𝟒), 𝒗𝟐 = 𝒖𝟐
𝟐 𝟐
𝟏 𝟐
+ 2as (5) s = vt - 𝒂𝒕 (𝟔), Note: the numbering is arbitrary.

2.3 Choosing the right formula

 Identify the target variable.

 Identify the given variable.
 Use the formula that contains exactly the target and given
 If a part of the motion has uniform velocity, always use (1).
If there is non-zero acceleration, use (2) to (6)

Note: deceleration is the negative acceleration. When a particle starts

from rest, initial velocity (u) = 0. When a particle comes to rest, final
velocity (v) = 0.

Example 2.1 A particle moving at 45 m/s decelerates uniformly, coming

to rest in 20 s. Find (i) its acceleration (ii) the distance covered.


u = 45 m/s, v = 0, t = 20 s a =? The right formula, therefore, is (2)

0 = 45 +a(20), a = = -2.25 𝑚𝑠 −2 (or, deceleration = 2.25 𝑚𝑠 −2 ).

𝒕(𝒖+𝒗) 20(0+45)
s= = = 450 m.
𝟐 2

Example2.2 A sprinter starts from rest and accelerates for 5 s, covering

a distance of 25 m. He then maintains constant speed for the rest of the

(i) Find his speed at the end of the acceleration. (ii) Find the time
taken to complete the race.

(i) u = 0, t = 5 s, s = 25 m, a =? We use (4): 25 = 0(5) + 𝑎(5)2 ,

25 = 12.5a, a = 2 𝑚𝑠 −2

The speed t at the end of the is 5 s is v = u +at = 0 + 2(5) = 10 m/s.

(ii) The time taken to run the first segment (25 m) is 5 s. Since the
race is a sprint (100 m), this leaves 75 m. We, therefore, find
the time taken to complete the rest 75 m.

The second part of the motion is at uniform speed so we use s = vt

𝑠 75
t= = = 7.5 s. Total time T = 5 s + 7.7 s = 12.5 s.
𝑣 10

Example 2.3 A driver has a reaction time of 0.2 s and is driving at a

constant speed of 80 m/s. All of a sudden, she sees a sheep120 m ahead
and presses the brakes, decelerating at 14 m/s until she comes to rest.

(i) Determine the distance traveled by the driver from the time
she sees the sheep to the time she applies the breaks.
(ii) Calculate the distance covered by the driver between applying
the brakes and coming to rest, hence, state whether or not she
hits the sheep.


Between seeing the goat and applying the brakes, the car/s speed was
constant/uniform so we use s = vt to find the distance travelled in this
reaction time. s = vt = 80(0.2) = 16 m. Hence, she moves 16 m before
starting to apply the brakes.

(ii) When the driver starts to apply the brakes, u = 80 m/s, a = -14 𝑚𝑠 −2

v = 0 since it came to rest. We use (4):

𝒗𝟐 = 𝒖𝟐 + 2as , 0 = 802 +2(-14)(s). s = 123 m.

When the driver starts to decelerate, the distance between her and the
sheep is 120 m -16 m = 104 m.

Since the stopping distance is (123 m). This is greater than the distance
left between the car and the deer (104 m). the driver inevitable knocks
the sheep.

2.4 Finding the time it takes two particles to meet.

In order to find the time when two particles meet, we must formulate
equations for the distance travelled by the two particles in terms of t and
relate these two distances to find t. Note: Meeting could mean collision
or bypassing each other.

Example 2.4 Consider the two particles A and B which move towards
each other. At time t = 0, A and B are 400 m apart. A has initial speed of
5 m/s and accelerates at 0.2 𝑚𝑠 −2 . B maintains constant speed of 4 m/s.

How long does it take for them to collide?

Solution: 𝑆𝐴 and 𝑆𝐵 Let be distance travelled by A and B respectively. At

time t when they meet, the two particles travel a distance equal to the
initial separation between them: 𝑺𝑨 +𝑺𝑩 = 400 m.
𝑆𝐴 = 5t + 0.1𝑡 2 (u = 5, a = 0.2, use s = ut + 𝑎𝑡 2 )

𝑆𝐵 = 4t (uniform speed, use s = vt).

Hence, 5t + 0.1𝑡 2 + 4t = 400, 0.1𝑡 2 +9t = 400. We solve the quadratic

equation and take positive value of t: t = 32.6 s.

Example 2.5 A rider moves at 18 m/s. Just as he is 30 m behind a
stationary bus, the bus starts to move with acceleration of 0.5 𝑚𝑠 −1 .

The rider catches up with the bus at time t

(a) Find the value of t [Hint: At time t when they meet, 𝑆𝐴 = 30 +𝑆𝐵
(see diagram)].
(b) How far would the bus have travelled by then? [Hint: use s = vt]

2.5 Motion under gravity

For downward motion, particle accelerates, hence, g is positive. For

upward motion, particle decelerates, hence, g is negative. We take g to
be 10 𝑚𝑠 −2 .

Example 2.6 A stone is released from rest and falls freely under gravity.

(i) the speed of the stone after 2 s.

(ii) the time taken for the stone to fall a distance of 80 m from its
initial position.


(i) v = u+ at = 0 + 10(2) = 20 m/s.

(ii) u = 0, s = 45, a = 10, s = ut + 𝑎𝑡 2

Example 2.7 A particle is fired from the ground with a speed of 12 m/s.

(a) How long does it take to reach the highest point?

(b) What is the maximum point reached?
(c) How long does it take to come down?
(d) What is its speed just before it hits the ground?


(a) u = 12, a = -10 (particles is decelerating upwards), v = 0, t =1.2 s.

𝑡(𝑢+𝑣) 1.2(12+0)
(b) u = 12, v = 0, a = -10, s = = = 7.2 m
2 2
(c) u = 0 (particles falls from rest), a = 10 (particles accelerates
downwards), s = 7.2 m, s = ut + 𝑎𝑡 2 , 7.2 = 5𝑡 2 , t = 1.2 s.

Conclusion: The time taken for a particle to reach maximum point is the
time taken for it to come back to its original point.

(d) v = 0 + 10(1.2) = 12 m/s

Conclusion: The velocity with which a particle leaves a point is the

velocity with which it returns to that same point.

Example 2.8 A particle is shot from the ground a t a speed of 40 m/s.

How long does it take for the particles to fall back to the ground?

Projectile motion

For a body that undergoes vertical, projectile motion, we use the equation
s = 𝑠𝑜 + ut - 𝑎𝑡 2 .

 s is the displacement from the reference level (usually ground

 𝑠𝑜 is the original displacement from the reference point at t = 0.

Example 2.9 A particle is projected with a speed of 30 m/s.

(a) Find the displacement of the body at t = 3 s

(b) How long does it take for the body to come back to the ground?


We choose the ground as our reference point.

(a) s = 𝑠𝑜 + ut - 𝑎𝑡 2 , 𝑠𝑜 = 0 since the particle has no original height above
the ground. Therefore, s = 0 +30(3) - (10)(3)2 = 45 m.

(b) When the particle comes back to the ground, s = 0. Hence, 0 = 30t-
(10)(𝑡)2 . Solving the quadratic equation, t = 0 s, t = 6 s. t = 0 is the

beginning when the body is still on the ground. Therefore, we go for

Example 2.10 Consider the diagram below. How long does the particle
take to fall to the ground? [Hint: ground is the reference point. 𝑠𝑜 = 10
m, s = 0. ]

Example 2.11 A particle is projected from the hole shown. How long
does it take for the particle to land on the platform? [hint: ground is the
reference point, t: 𝑠𝑜 = -3 m since it is below ground, s = 10 m above

Example 2.12 Two bodies are fired from the same horizontal ground as
shown. A is shot up 1 s before B. Determine the time when the two bodies
are at the same level.


When the two bodies are at the same level, they have the same
displacement above the reference point (ground). 𝑆𝐴 = 𝑆𝐵
1 1
𝑆𝐴 = 50t - (10)(𝑡𝐴 )2 , 𝑆𝐵 = 40t - (10)(𝑡𝐵 )2
2 2

Since A started a second earlier, 𝑡𝐴 = 𝑡𝐵 +1. Therefore,

1 1
50t - (10)(𝑡𝐵 + 1)2 = 40t - (10)(𝑡𝐵 )2 , rearranging and solving the
2 2
quadratic equation, 𝑡𝐵 = 0.5 s Hence, 𝑡𝐴 = 1+0.5 = 1.5 s.

The particles are at the same height 0.5 s after B starts to go up (1.5 s
after A goes up).

2.6 Motion on an incline

For a plane inclined at to the horizontal. The equations are still valid.
However, the acceleration a = g sin 𝜃. After time t, the particles covers

a distance s along the plane and a vertical distance h such that, tan 𝜃 =

Example 2.13 A particle is projected at a speed of 4.4 m/s along a smooth
plane inclined at 25° to the vertical. What is the vertical height climbed
by the particle?

Solution a = -10sin30° = -5 𝑚𝑠 −2 (negative because its moving upwards)

u = 4 m/s, a = 5 𝑚𝑠 −2 , v = 0, s =? 𝑣 2 = 𝑢2 + 2as

02 = 42 + 2(-5) s, s = 1.6 m
Hence, sin 30 = , h = 0.8 m

Answers to questions

Example 2.5 (a) t = 1.7s, t = 70.3 s.

Initially, A is moving faster so it bypasses B at 1.7 s. However, B is
accelerating to it builds enough speed over time and overtakes A at 70.3
s. hence, we go for 70.3 s.

(b) 1265.4 m

Example 2.8 t = 8 s

Example 2.10 t = 6.3 s

Example 2.11 t = 0.47 s, 5.53 s

At 0.47 s, the particle reaches the level of the wall as it goes up. At 5.53
s, the particle again reaches the level of the wall as it falls on top of the
wall. Hence, we choose t = 5.53 s.


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