Adams-Riemann-Roch Arakelov: AN Theorem in Geometry
Adams-Riemann-Roch Arakelov: AN Theorem in Geometry
Adams-Riemann-Roch Arakelov: AN Theorem in Geometry
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1. Introduction. In this paper, we investigate relative Riemann-Roch formulas for the 2-operations acting on Grothendieck groups "compactified" in the sense of Arakelov geometry. Let Y be a quasi-projective scheme over Z that is smooth over Q. We call such a scheme an arithmetic variety. Following [20, II], one can associate to Y an arithmetic Grothendieck group/0(Y), whose generators are differential forms and vector bundles on Y equipped with hermitian metrics on the manifold Y(C) of complex points of Y. The group /0(Y) is related to the Grothendieck group Ko(Y) of vector bundles of Y via the
Received 30 May 1996. Revision received 26 June 1997. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 14G40, 14C40, 19E08.
s an element of/0(Y) (R) Z[1/k] that depends on only. An where ok(-algebraic analog of this equation can be found in [18, Th. 7.6, p. 149] (see also [28, 16.6, p. 71]). Formula (1) is deduced from another Riemann-Roch theorem, describing the behaviour of Adams operations under immersions. To prove (1) for the natural projection Spec Z of a projective space of dimension n over Spec Z, we combine an induction argument on n with the Riemann-Roch -, Via theorem for immersions, applied to the diagonal immersion a projection formula and a base change formula, we show that (1) holds for the projection from any relative projective space to its base. The existence of this method, which has an algebraic analog, shows that the Riemann-Roch theorem for local complete intersection p.f.s.r, morphisms can be derived from the Riemann-Roch theorem for immersions in an almost formal way. See also the remarks at the end of Section 7. To obtain (1) in general, we show that the Riemann-Roch theorem for immersions implies that (1) is itself compatible with
immersions. To describe the Riemann-Roch theorem for immersions, let Y X be a regular immersion into an arithmetic variety X and f X B be a p.f.s.r, morphism to B, such that g f o i. We suppose that X is endowed with a Kihler metric and that Y carries the induced metric. We endow the normal bundle N of Y in X with the quotient metric. Let be a hermitian bundle on Y and --+ 0 0 i,r/ 0 m-1
be a resolution of by vector bundles on X. We suppose that the and are endowed with hermitian metrics. Furthermore, we suppose that these metrics satisfy Bismuts assumption (A) (see [10, Def. 1.1, p. 258]) with respect to the metric of N. The theorem reads
- -- .
g,(Ok(N v )ok(fl)i,(x))
k Td(--ff)qk(T(h))ch(x)
Here T(h ) is a current whose singular support is Y, and d(g/f) is the BottChern secondary class of the normal sequence associated to on Y. The class R is the R-genus of H. Gillet and C. Soul0, an additive real cohomological class that is described below. For k 1, this theorem follows immediately from Bismuts theorem describing the behaviour of analytic torsion under immersions (see [7]). To prove it in general, we use the deformation to the normal cone technique of [3]. Since both sides of (2) depend on the Kihler metric of P, we have to control the K/ihler metrics of the fibers of the deformation. The "good" metrics on the deformation space appear to satisfy certain normality conditions; they are constructed via the Grassmannian graph construction. All these analytic and geometric techniques also appear in the proof of the
arithmetic Riemann-Roch theorem for the first Chern class with values in arithmetic Chow groups (see [22, 4.2.3]). Furthermore, the following weak connection between that theorem and (1) can be established. If X and B are regular varieties, then the arithmetic Chow groups can be defined, and, proceeding as in [22, 4.2.3], using [7] rather than [13] (which was the only formula available at that time), one can prove a Riemann-Roch theorem for the full Chern character with values in arithmetic Chow groups. (This extension of [22, 4.2.3] is not yet published.) Using this Riemann-Roch theorem, and the fact that arithmetic K0-
theory and arithmetic Chow theory are isomorphic modulo torsion (see [20, II, 7, p. 219]), it is possible to derive formula (1) in a purely formal manner, provided we consider that both sides are elements of/0(Y) (R)z Q- Formula (1) shows that denominators can be removed, up to powers of 1/k. In [15], a method of proof of a Riemann-Roch theorem for the full Chern character with values in arithmetic Chow groups is outlined, which does not use the analytical results of Bismut. The result in [15, Th. 6.1, p. 77] could also be used to establish the logical connection mentioned above if one could identify (perhaps only compare) the definition of the direct image in arithmetic K0-theory defined there (see [15, Lecture 5]) and the one used here, which makes use of the torsion forms of
Bismut-K6hler. In the last section of the paper, from (1) we deduce a Riemann-Roch theorem for a Chern character with values in a graded ring arising from the 2-structure of arithmetic K0-theory. It is formally similar to either of the Riemann-Roch theorems for the Chern character mentioned above (see also the end of Section 8) and also implies arithmetic analogs of the Hilbert-Samuel theorem. The main results of this paper are announced in [33].
Acknowledgments. I want to thank Christophe Soul for having proposed this topic of investigation and for his constant support, help, and advice during my work. Thanks also to Nicusor Dan, with whom I had very fruitful discussions. I am grateful to J.-B. Bost and K. Ktinneman, who carefully read this text. Finally, thanks to the referees, whose detailed comments helped to improve the article a great deal.
2. The 2-structure of arithmetic K0-theory. Let X be a scheme of finite type over Z, with smooth generic fiber. We write X(C) for the manifold of complex points associated to X. Complex conjugation induces an antiholomorphic automorphism F on X(C). We define APP(X) as the set of differential forms 09 of type p,p on X(C) that satisfy the equation Fco-(-1)Pco, and we write ZPP(X) AP,P(X) for the kernel of the operation d- c3 + t?. We also define ZP,P(X). A hermitian (AP,P(X)/(Im t? + Im )) and Z(X) bundle/g- (E, h) is a vector bundle E on X, endowed with a hermitian metric h, which is invariant under Foo on the holomorphic bundle Ec on X(C), which is associated to E. We denote by ch(E) the representative of the Chern character associated by the formulas of Chern-Weil to the hermitian holomorphic conE E" --+ 0 be an exact sequence of 0 E nection defined by h. Let and hermitian metrics for the sequence vector bundles on X. We write on E Ec, and (invariant under Fro). To are associated three hermitian c, --I bundles E, /, and Ell as well as a secondary Bott-Chern class ch(d) (X). For the definition, we refer to [9, Par. f, I].
Definition 2.1. The arithmetic Grothendieck group/0(X) associated to X is the group generated by A(X) and the isometry classes of hermitian bundles on X, with the following relations.
(a) For every exact sequence as above, we have c() (b) If r/e (X) is the sum of two elements 0 and r/", then
Notice that there is an exact sequence of groups
r/+ r/" in
where the second map sends an element of A(X) on 0 and hermitian vector bundles on the corresponding vector bundles. Let us consider the group F(X) Z(X) (X). We equip it with the grading whose term of degree p is ZPP(X) .P-Ip-I(x) if p > 1 and Z(X) if p 0. We define a bilinear map from F(X) F(X) to F(X) via the formula
(o9, rl
(co, 7
(co ^ co, co ^ 7 + l ^ o9 + dd
^ 0).
Recall that d (1/4ni)(t3- t3). This map endows F(X) with the structure of a commutative graded R-algebra (cf. [20, Lemma 7.3.1, p. 233]). There is thus a unique 2-ring structure on F(X) such that the kth associated Adams operation acts by the formula /k(x)- ,i>O kixi, where xi stands for the component of degree of the element x F(X) (see [25, 7.2, p. 361, appendice]). For the definition of the term 2-ring (also called special 2-ring), see [25, Def. 2.1, p. 314].
Definition 2.2. If/ + and / + 0 are two generators of product (R) is given by the formula
then the
+ q) (R)
where [.] refers to the projection on the second component of then set
3. The statement. An arithmetic variety denotes a quasi-projective scheme over Z with smooth generic fiber. Let g: Y B be a projective, flat morphism of arithmetic varieties, which is smooth over the rational numbers Q. Fix a conjugation-invariant K/ihler metric hy on Y. Let r/be an element of (Y) and (E, h) a hermitian bundle on Y, acyclic relative to g. The sheaf of modules g,E,
which is the direct image of E, is then locally free, and we write g,h for the smooth metric it inherits from E by integration on the fibers (see [4, p. 278] or below). We write T(hy, h e) for the higher analytic torsion of (E,h) relative to the Kihler fibration defined by g and hy. We recall its definition in Section 5.1. We write Tgc for the tangent bundle relative to gc, endowed with the induced metric, and we write Td(Tgc) for the Todd form associated to the holomorphic hermitian connection of Tgc.
that g,((E,h) as above.
+ rl)
There is a unique group morphism g, io(Y) o(B) such T(hy, h ) + y/BTd(Tgc)rl for all (E,h) and rl
The proof of Proposition 3.1 is given after Theorem 5.16. Proposition 3.1 and its proof are similar to [21, Th. 3.2, p. 46] and its proof. See also [15, Lect. 5]. The group morphism of Proposition 3.1 is called the push-forward map associated to g and by. To state the Riemann-Roch theorem, we need to define a characteristic class. The following definition is taken from [21, 1.2.3, p. 25].
Definition 3.2. The R-genus is the unique additive characteristic class defined for a line bundle L by the formula
m odd,
For any 2-ring A, denote by Afin its subset of elements of finite 2-dimension. (An element a is of finite 2-dimension if 2k(a) 0 for all k >> 0.) For each k > 1, the Bott cannibalistic class O k (see [2, Prop. 7.2, p. 268]) is uniquely determined by the following properties. (a) For every 2-ring A, O k maps Afin into Afin and the equation Ok(a + b)= Ok(a)Ok(b) holds kfor all a, b Afin. (b) The map 0 is functorial with respect to 2-ring morphisms. (c) If e is an element of 2-dimension 1, then Ok(e) fki_fd e i. If H (io Hi is a graded commutative group, we define qk(h) -io kihi, where hi is the component of degree of h H. If H is also a commutative graded ring, the k coincide with the Adams operations canonically associated to H. Let now H A(Y) be endowed with the grading, giving degree p to differential forms of type p, p. If 09 .(Y), then one computes that I//k((D) k.qk(og). Here, on the left side o9 is viewed as an element of F(Y) (endowed with the 2structure described in Section 2), and on the right side 09 is viewed as an element of the graded group (Y). Thus we often write k.q k for !//k in that case. Consider now the form k-g(F)Td-l(/)k(Td(/)), where / is a hermitian bundle and Td(E) is viewed as an element of the group Z(X) endowed with its natural grading. This form is by construction a universal polynomial in the
Chern forms ci(E), and we denote the associated symmetric polynomial in r- to(E) variables by CT k. One can compute from the definitions that
CT k
-[ Tie
e T
1 k. Tie kTi
Ti e kTi
where T1,..., Tr are the variables. Definition 3.3. Let g :0 E E --* E" 0 be an exact sequence of hermitian holomorphic bundles on a complex manifold. The Bott-Chern secondary class associated to g and to CT k is denoted by
Let 9: Y B be a local complete intersection p.f.s.r, morphism of arithmetic varieties. Suppose that Y is endowed with a K/ihler metric. Let i: Y X be a regular closed immersion into an arithmetic variety X, and let f:X B be a smooth map, such that 9 -f o i. Endow X with a K/ihler metric and the normal bundle Nv/x with some hermitian metric. Let Tgc Tfc Nx(c)/v(c) O, endowed with the the induced metrics on Tgc and Tfc. In the next definition, the notation Z[1/k] refers to the localization of Z at the multiplicative subset generated by the integer k.
0k(-v) -1 (or 0k(v/B) -1) of 9 is v the element ok(/x)k(t/C) -[- ok(yV/x)Ok(i*-f )-1 in/o(Y) (R)z Z[1/k].
Definition 3.4. The
arithmetic Bott class
We prove later (see after Proposition 4.5) that the Bott class 0 k of every hermitian bundle has an inverse in/0(Y) (R)z Z[1/k], so that the above definition is
metrics on
depends neither on
nor on the
We prove this after Proposition 7.3. We also show later (see Proposition 7.2) that when /is smooth, the arithmetic Bott class of is simply the inverse of the Bott element of the dual of the relative tangent bundle T/, endowed with the induced metric (as the notation suggests). Let A be a 2-ring, and let 2t(x):A---, 1 + t.A[[t]] be defined as 2t(x)= 1 + =1 2k(x) tk, where 1 + t.A[[t]] is the multiplicative subgroup of the ring of the formal power series A[[t]], consisting of a power series with constant coefficient 1. We recall the relationship between the Adams operations and the 2-operations (cf. [25, V, Appendice]). Define a formal power series ct by the formula
The Adams operations are then given by the identity t(x)-" (x)t The Adams operations are ring endomorphisms of A and satisfy the identities
0 We are now ready for the statement of the RiemannRoch theorem for Adams operations and local complete intersection p.f.s.r, morphisms.
THEOREM 3.6. Let g: Y B be a p.f.s.r, local complete intersection morphism v of arithmetic varieties. For each k > O, let (- )-1 ok(--v )_1.(1 + R(Tgc)k.k(R(Tgc))). Then for the map g,:/0(Y) (R)z Z[1/k] -/0(B) (R)z Z[1/k], the
o(B) (R)z Z[1/k] for all k > 1 and y e/0(Y) (R)z Z[1/k].
4. The ,-filtration of arithmetic K0-theory. In this section, we prove that on any arithmetic variety, the ring/0(Y) has a locally nilpotent ),-filtration. For the definition of these terms, see [25, V, 3.10, p. 331] or below. Let R be any 2-ring endowed with an augmentation homomorphism rk R Z. The ),-operations are defined by the formula
By construction, the ),-operations also define a pre-2-ring structure; that is, the equalities ),t(x + y)= ),t(x).),t(y), ),0 1, and ),1 Id are satisfied. We use them to construct the ),-filtration FnR (n Z) of R. Define FnR R for n < 0 and FIR := kerrk. Furthermore, define FR to be the additive subgroup generated by the elements ),rl(Xl)...),rk(Xk) where Xl...xk F1R, yki_l ri > n. By conand it is easily checked that the FR are struction, FIR =_ F2R =_ F3R =__ ideals that form a ring filtration. The ),-filtration of R is said to be locally nilpotent if for each y FIR, there is a natural number n(y), depending on y, such that ),r, (y)),r2 (y)...),ra (y) 0, if rl +" + rd > n(y). If this condition is fulfilled for a particular y e R, we say that the 7-filtration is nilpotent at y. Until the end of this paper, we use the the notation GQ G (R)z Q for any commutative ring G. PROPOSITION 4.1. Let AAi be a graded ring with finite grading, such that Ao Z. Endow it with the 2-structure associated to the grading and with the
augmentation arising from the projection on Ao. Then the filtration induced on AQ by the ),-filtration of A coincides with the filtration arising from the grading of AQ.
PROPOSITION 4.2. Suppose that R is an augmented, locally )-nilpotent 2-ring. Then, for every 2-finite element e R, the Bott element Ok(e) is invertible in R (R)z Z[1/k].
line elements (i.e.,
Proof Suppose first that e ul +.-. +//r, where the of 2-dimension 1). We can write
ui are
i=1 j=0
i=1 j=0
The last expression is a symmetric polynomial in the uj- 1 with constant coefficient jr. The kth symmetric function of the uj- 1 is, by definition, )k((ul + + ur) r) ,k(e- r). Therefore we have Ok(e) jr -I- P(I (e- r),..., )m(kr) (e r) ), where P is a polynomial with m(k,r) variables with vanishing constant coefficient for some m(k, r) > 1. Returning to the case where e is any 2-finite element, we consider that by [2, p. 266], there exists a 2-ring R, containing R, in which e is a sum of line elements. This implies that the formula Ok(e)_jr+ P(),(e-r),...,)m(kr)(e--r)) holds for any 2-finite element e. Now consider the element
j-r Z(_j-rp(7l(e
R(R)zZ[1/k], which is the geometric series applied to the element -j-rp(yl(e- r),..., m(kr)(e- r)). The sum on is finite, since P(,l(e- r),..., )m(kr)(e- r)) FIR, and R is locally nilpotent. By construction,
it yields an inverse of JOk(e).
If g e- e, where e and e are 2-finite elements in R, then the element 0 k(9) can be defined by the formula Ok(e)Ok(e) in R (R) Z[1/k]. It is independent of the choice of e and e. We define an augmentation on rk/0(Y) Z by the formula rk( + r/)= rank(E) for all hermitian bundles and differential forms r/ (Y). To prove the statement mentioned at the beginning of the section, we first consider a particular case. Let Gi, be the Grassmannian representing the functor that assigns the set of locally free quotients of eoi+j of rank j to each Z-scheme T (see 14, Th. T]); it is a model over Z of the usual complex Grassmannian. Denote its universal bundle by Qi,. We endow Q, with the standard quotient metric.
is locally
Proof Let q be the element O_.i,j-J of 2o(Gi,j). Let m and rl,...,rd be natural numbers such that rl +-.. + rd > m. Let m be greater than dim(Gi,j). Notice the following facts. (a) rl(q)),r2(q)... ),rd(q) .i(Gi,j). This follows from the fact that the forgetful map Ko(Gi,j) Ko(Gi,j) is a map of augmented 2-rings and from the fact that the 7-filtration of Ko(Gi,) vanishes in degrees greater than dim(G/,) (see [25, Th. 6.9, p. 413]).
Thus we can deduce (b) from Proposition 4.1 and the fact that Z(Gi,j) vanishes in degrees greater than dim(Gi,j) 1. Therefore ),rl(q)TrE(q)... 7rd(q) lies in the image in [(o(Gi,j) of the even de Rahm cohomology H(Gi,j(C)), which consists of the kernel of the operator dd acting on fi(Gi,j). Now_ consider that there is a morphism of schemes/" G jq,1 --+ Gi,j, such that/* Qi,j is isometrically isomorphic to an orthogonal sum of line bundles Lj (see [35, 4.2, p. 84]). Moreover the map/t induces an injecL1 L2 tion on cohomology lt*H(Gid(C))- H(Gq,@Jl(C)) (see [20, I, Lemma_ 3.1.5, p. 182]). It follows from the definitions that for a line bundle Li, we have is locally ),-nilpotent at Li- 1. Now 7n(i- 1) -0 for n > 1, and we can compute
LEMMA 4.4. Let Yl,..., Yr be elements of an augmented 2-ring R. Suppose that R is locally 7-nilpotent at each of the yl,..., Yd. Then it is locally 7-nilpotent at the sum yl +"" + Yd. Proof. Since we can apply induction on d, we can assume without loss of generality that d-2. Let m and rl,...,rd be natural numbers such that
),r (Y2),
where 1 < < d and +... + > m. Now choose m such that m > 2.n(yl) and m > 2.n(y2). Then either ) /.tl(y1)Tr2(yl)... )r(yl) 0 or )r/l(y2)... rd(y2) 0, since either +-.. + > m/2 or +... + > m/2. This shows that we can ff] choose n(yl + Y2) m, which ends the proof,
B of arithmetic varieties is given, there Notice that if any morphism 9" Y is a natural pull-back map 9*"/0(B) /0(Y), given by the formula 9*((E, h) + q) (9*E, 9*h) + 9*q. The pull-back map is a ring morphism, which
preserves the 2-operations.
PROPOSITION 4.5. Let Y be any arithmetic variety. The )-filtration locally nilpotent.
of [(o(Y)
for all yFlo(Y), we have y-c+/-ff, where / are hermitian vector bundles of same is a differential form and rank. Note the following lemma.
Proof. In /0(Y),
as a 9roup by 91obally
Ko(Y) of Y
4.6. Since Y is quasi-projective, there is an immersion Y P. Recall that there is an isomorphism Z[T]/((1 T) r+l) K0(P), given by T H (_9(1). This implies that if E is any vector bundle on Y, we can write E= E(1- (1- (9(1))r+1) k for any k > 1. But E(1- (1- (9(1))+1) k is a linear
combination of elements E(i) for > k. If we let k be sufficiently big, all the E(i) are thus globally generated (see [24, III, Th. 8.8, p. 252]), which finishes the
To prove Proposition 4.5, consider that in view of the preceding lemma, we can assume that E and F are globally generated. We can also assume that E and F are endowed with some metrics of our choice, since a modification of the metrics is equivalent to the addition of an element of (Y), by the definition of /0(Y). By definition, there are natural numbers N and M and mor-
fE Y GN,0(E) and fF Y GM,r(F) such that the isomorphisms f(QN, ra(E)) E and f(QM,ra(f)) F hold. Clearly, we may assume that N is a
multiple of rg(E) and M a multiple of rg(F). Endow the universal bundles QN,rg(E) and QM,r(F) with their canonical quotient metrics. Endow E and F with the metrics arising from the isomorphisms. By the last proposition, /0(Y) is locally )-nilpotent at f(QN,o(E)-rg(E))= E-rg(E) and at ffr(QM,ra(f)-rg(F)) F- rg(F). By Proposition 4.1, it is also locally )-nilpotent at x. By Lemma 4.4, it is thus locally nilpotent at (E-rg(E))- (F-rg(F))+ x + E- F, which completes the proof.
Notice that in view of Proposition 4.2, the Bott element of every hermitian bundle on Y is invertible in/0(Y) (R)z Z[1/k].
Open questions. Is the group/0(Y) generated by 2-finite elements? Does the ),-filtration Fi2o(Y) actually vanish for > dim(Y)?
5. Analytic preliminaries
5.1. The hiher analytic torsion. In this section, we recall the definition of the higher analytic torsion, as it is needed to define the push-forward map of arithmetic K0-theory. The higher analytic torsion can be viewed as a sort of relative version of the Bott-Chern secondary classes and was defined in [12, Def. 3.8, p. 668]. In [21, Th. 3.1, p. 41] and [15, Lect. 5], one finds different attempts to define an object with properties similar to the object defined in [12, Def. 3.8, p. 668]. A good reference for the background material needed for this section is
[4]. Let f: M $ be a proper, smooth holomorphic map of complex manifolds. Denote by J 7f the almost complex structure on the real tangent bundle underlying the relative complex tangent bundle Tf. Suppose that Tf is endowed with some hermitian metric h. Let TnM be a (differentiable) complex subbundle of TM, such that there is a direct sum decomposition TM =TnM Tf. In the
following, we identify real differential forms with complex conjugation-invariant differential forms. The following definition is taken from [12, Def. 1.1, p. 650].
Definition 5.1. The map f together with the bundle TnM and the hermitian metric h defines a Kihler fibration if there is a real closed (1, 1)-form o9 on M such that TnM and Tf are orthogonal with respect to o9 and such that the equation co(X, Y) h(X, J 7f Y) holds for all X, Y Tf, and all rn M.
We suppose that the triple f, TnM, h forms a Kihler fibration and fixes an associated differential form o9 with the above properties. It is shown in [9, II, 1] that for a given Kihler fibration, the form co is unique up to addition of a form fr/, where is a real, closed (1, 1)-form on S. Moreover, for a given f, a K/ihler metric on M defines a K/ihler fibration if we choose TI-IM to be the orthogonal complement of Tf in TM, e) to be the K/ihler form associated to the metric, and h to be the metric obtained by restriction. From now on we use the subscript to denote the underlying real bundle of a complex bundle (e.g., TgM, etc.). The subscript c denotes the complexification of the underlying real bundle of a complex bundle (e.g., TgM (R)I C, etc.). Fix a Riemannian metric on TlS. Let V rs be the Levi-Civita connection on S, which is the unique metric torsion-free connection on TIS. Let vTRY be the real connection induced on TRf by the canonical holomorphic hermitian connection on Tf. The natural identification of C-bundles f*TlS TgM yields Via the direct sum decomposition TM a connection V rgt on TIM O) Tf, we get a connection on TaM. Denote its torsion by T; this is a (real) 2-form with values in TaM. It is shown in [9, II] that its values are in Tiff TaM and that T does not depend on the metric chosen on TRS. The torsion T measures the extent to which the horizontal bundle is not integrable. The bundle Tcf carries a natural hermitian metric and thus yields a bundle of Clifford algebras C(Tcf). (For the definition of a Clifford algebra, see [27, Th.
8.1, p. 512].)
Now let be a holomorphic bundle on M. Denote by T(,l)f the differentiable bundle of-i eigenspaces of the endomorphism jrf (R)I C of Tcf, and let T*(,l)f be its complex dual. Let T (1,) be the differentiable bundle of eigenspaces of jrf (R)R C. Denote by A(T*(,l)f) the associated bundle of exterior algebras. There is a fiberwise C(Tcf)-module structure on the bundle A(T*(,l)f) (R) By the universal property of Clifford algebras, to define the module structure it is sufficient to describe the action of elements W Tcfm on (A(T*(,l)f)(R) )m (m M). Let W U + V, where U T(l)fm and V T(l)fm. Let U be the element of T*(l)fm defined by the formula U(Y) h(U, Y) (where we view h as extended to Tcf). We define the complex endomorphism c(W) by the formula x/-U ^ (.) xt(.), where is the contraction operator (see [5, Def. c(W)(. 1.6, p. 18]). In the following, ) refers to the Z2-graded tensor product. Recall that every Z-graded vector space carries a natural Z2-grading. The following definition is taken from [12, Def. 1.6, p. 653].
Definition 5.2. For each point p S, let fl,..., f2n be a basis of TISp and fl,..., f2n be its dual basis in TSp. The element
c(T) (f*A(T:S)
is defined by the formula
The superscript (.)H refers to the horizontal lift, obtained via the natural isomorphism f*TRS TgM. It can be shown that Definition 5.2 does not depend on the choice of the basis. Notice now that the bundle A(T*(,l)f) carries a natural connection, induced by the holomorphic hermitian connection on Tf. is equipped with a hermitian metric h Suppose that The bundle A(T*(,l)f) (R) is then also endowed with a natural connection, which is the tensor product of the connection on A(T*(,l)f) with the hermitian holomorphic connection on Both of these connections are by construction hermitian. We now let E be the infinite-dimensional bundle on S whose fiber at each point p e S consists of the C-sections of (A(T*(,l)f))(R) ]f-lp. The following definition is taken from [12, (b), p. 651].
Definition 5.3. Let u > 0. The Bismut (or Levi-Civita) superconnection on E is the differential operator
Bu-VE+v/-(z+ z,
f*(A(T:S))( (A(T*(,l)f)(R) ).
The operator V e is the superconnection on E associated to the hermitian connection on A(T*(,l)f) (R) and the horizontal bundle TgM; see [5, Prop. 9.13, p. 283] for the definition. The operator is the Dolbeaut operator along the fibers denote its formal adjoint. Both are differential operators on of f, and we let
A(T*(,l)f) (R)
Definition 5.4. The operator Nv is the endomorphism of A_(T*(,l)f)(R) acting on AP(T*(,I)f) (R) as multiplication by p. The element o nt4 is the_ section of f*(A2(TS))f*(A2(TS)) defined by the formula co/-/n(U,V)= o(U Vn), where U, V are in some fiber of TcS. For u > 0, let Nu be the section of f*(A(TdS)))End(A(r*()f)(R)) defined by the formula Nu=
Nv + (i/u)co HF1.
Following [12, Def. 3.8, p. 668], we now proceed to define the higher analytic torsion. From now on we make the hypothesis that is f-acyclic; that is, its nonzero relative cohomology groups vanish. Let b be the endomorphism of A(TS) that acts as multiplication by (2ire) -q/2 on Aq(TS) (we fix an arbitrary k square root of i). Do not confuse b with the operator b defined before Defi2 nition 3.3. Notice that since Bu is a superconnection, its square B is a family of of f with differential form coefficients. differential operators acting on the fibers 2 Furthermore, the restriction of B to each fiber of f is the sum of a nilpotent 2 operator and a generalized Laplacian on E. We can thus associate to B a (smooth) family of kernels (see [4, Th. 9.51, p. 315]), which is written exp(-Su2). The family exp(-Su2) can be viewed as a section of f*(A(TS)) End(A(T*(,l)f) (R) ). The bundle f, can be endowed with a metric built from the metric of and the form co associated to the fibration. By definition, elements U, V ef,lp of a fiber of f, at a point p S correspond to holomorphic sections of [f_,p. Let d- dim(M)- dim(S). We define a pairing (.,.) on f,lp by the formula 1 h(U V)cod/d!" (U, V)"= d
This pairing defines a hermitian metric on f,, which is denoted by the symb?l of f*(A(TS))(R) f,h (see also [12, p. 666]). For each section End(A(T*(,l)f) (R) ), we can form the pointwise supertrace Tr(/) f*(A(T;S)). If we take the mean of Trs(l) over the fibers of f* (A(T;S)) with the volume form co/d!, we obtain an element of A(TS), which we also call Tr(/) (see [4, p. 285]). The symbol -(vf*) z refers to the square of the hermitian holomorphic connection on f, endowed with the metric f,h and with the trivial Zz-grading. It is an element of A(TS))End(f,). In the coming definition, F is Eulers
Trs(Nv.exp(-(vf*)2)))} du,
It it shown in [12, p. 668] that 1 extends to a meromorphic function of s, holomorphic for IRe(s)] < 1/2, and that 2(s) is holomorphic for IRe(s)] < 1/2.
T(co, h ) of
is the differential
When the fibration arises from a Kihler metric hM on M, we also use the notation T(hM, h ) in place of T(co, h). The higher analytic torsion satisfies the following equality, which establishes the link with the Bott-Chern secondary classes appearing in the definition of arithmetic K0-theory.
The form
T(co, h )
of type (p, p) (p
ddCT(co, h )
ch(f,,f,h )
Td(Tf hTf)ch(h)"
Its component in degree zero is the Ray-Singer analytic torsion of in each fiber of M over S. For the proof, whose essential ingredient is the local index theorem, we refer to [12, Th. 3.9, p. 669]. Notice that the last proposition can be viewed as a "double transgressed" version of the Riemann-Roch theorem with values in real de Rahm cohomology. The following theorem studies the dependence of T on co.
f :M
THEOREM 5.8. Let co be the form associated to another Kdhler fibration for S. Let 9 rf be the metric on Tf in this new fibration. The followin9 identity holds in (S) @p>o (APP(S)/( Im + Im ))"
T(co, h )
T(co, h )
_o + h(g,he * n ).
Here Td(Tf, gTf, gTf) refers to the Todd secondary class of the sequence
where the second term is endowed with the metric g rf and the third term with the metric 9 fT. The term ch(9,h g,-hj is the Chern secondary class of the sequence
where the second term carries the metric obtained by integration along the fibers with the volume form coming from o9 and the third term is the metric obtained by integration along the fibers with the volume form coming from o9. For the proof, we refer to [12, Th. 3.10, p. 670].
5.2. The singular Bott-Chern current. The singular Bott-Chern current is a generalization of the usual Bott-Chern form to sequences involving coherent M sheaves supported on regular closed subvarieties. In the following, let M be an embedding of complex manifolds, with normal bundle N. Recall that the space of currents DP, q(M) is the topological dual of the space of differential forms An-pn-q(M) (n dim(M)) equipped with the Schwartz topology. Furthermore, to each current on M, one may associate a closed conical subset WF(,) of TM, called the wave front set of ),. If two currents have disjoint wave front sets, their exterior products can be defined. See [26] for more details.
P, is the vector space of real currents 09 on M such (a) o9 is a sum of currents of type p, p (p > 0); (b) the wave front set of o9 is contained in N TM. Definition 5.10. The set PMM; is the subset of Pt, consisting of currents of the form ce + fl, where e and fl are currents whose wave front set is included in N.
Definition 5.9.
The set The sets pt and pt,0 are defined similarly, omtting condition (b).
E O---
be a resolution in M by holomorphic vector bundles i of the coherent analytic m sheaf i,r/, where r/is a vector bundle on M. Let F- @i=0 Hi(E) be the direct sum of the homology sheaves of E. There is a natural identification of graded bundles i*F rk(N) Ai(pv( Nv )) (R) 7 (see [25, Prop. 2.5, p. 431]). Now fix her,i=0 mitian metrics on N and r/and hermitian metrics on the i. Homology sheaves carry the quotient metrics; similarly, direct sums, duals, exterior powers, and tensor products of bundles carry the orthogonal sum, dual, exterior power, and tensor product metrics; thus we see that both of the graded bundles just described carry natural metrics.
- --o
i, rl
Definition 5.11. We say that the hermitian metrics on the bundles i satisfy Bismuts assumption (A) with respect to the metrics on N and r/ if the iso,, morphism i*F (,-- rk( N) A (p(N)) (R) r/also identifies the metrics. .i=0
It is proved in [6, Prop. 1.6] that there always exist metrics on the i such that this assumption is satisfied. For more details, see [10, p. 259]. Let us suppose now that the bundles i are equipped with hermitian metrics on M and that the bundle r/ is equipped with a hermitian metric on M, which satisfies Bismuts assumption (A) with respect to N. The singular Bott-Chern current of E is an
(see [10, Th. 2.5, p. 266]). Here i, refers to the push-forward of currents. If is the identity, then E becomes an exact sequence of bundles on M and the singular Bott-Chern current is a differential form that coincides with the Bott-Chern secondary class of E defined in [9, Par. f, I]. If f:F M is a holomorphic map tranversal to M, then the equation T(hf*5) -f*T(h ) holds for the holomorphic resolution f*. of (flf_,(M,))*tl (endowed with the pull-back metric). Furthermore, the following result holds.
be the elements of an exact sequence of complexes resolviny an exact sequence of bundles on M for 0 < j < n. Fix a hermitian metric on the normal bundle NM/M,, and suppose that the rows are endowed with metrics satisfyin# Bismuts assumption (A). Then the following formula holds:
(_l)r(h.)- i,(Td-(N)&(O))j=O
Proof. See [11, Th. 2.9, p. 279].
We do not recall the definition of T(h ) here because we only need its abovementioned properties and because it does not appear in the final result of the paper; see [10] for the definition.
PROPOSITION 5.13. Let be a hermitian holomorphic vector bundle on M, and let s be a regular section of Let
be the Koszul resolution it induces on M, where Z(s) is the zero-scheme of s. Endow the elements of this resolution with the exterior power metrics, the normal bundle with the metric induced by and (gZ(s) with the trivial metric. Then these metrics satisfy Bismuts assumption (A) and the current Td()r(h h) is of type M,O rank()- 1, rank()- 1 in Pt,/PM,.
- -- - Arank()( v
Recall that a section s as above is regular if and only if it is transverse to the zero-section. The current 9 Td()T(h A) is called the Green current associated
M and Mr M are closed analytic PROPOSITION 5.14. Suppose that ]QI subvarieties meeting transversally. Suppose that the normal bundles of ](/I and N of M are endowed with hermitian metrics. Let
- -
be the tensor product resolution E (R) E, which resolves the bundle l[fir (R) [M on M 1(4 r. Suppose that the resolutions E and both satisfy Bismuts assumption (A) with respect to the metrics on the normal bundles. Endow the normal bundle of M c)(/l in M with the metric arising from its canonical identification with N[fir 3 [M. Then the formula
holds in
Z((-1)ich(i))T(h ) } , {Td-l(/)ch()* {m
(T(h)) }
by all the involved currents to have their wave front sets included in requiring NR + NR. For the proof of Proposition 5.14, we refer to [10, Th. 2.7, p. 271].
is a hermitian bundle on
is equal to
ch()T(h )
PM /PM 0
5.3. Bismuts theorem. We now state the fundamental theorem of Bismut describing the behaviour of the higher analytic torsion under immersions (see [7]). Let i" M-, M be a closed immersion of complex manifolds, and let S, f" M -, S be smooth proper holomorphic maps such that g =f o i. g" M
be a resolution with metrics as at the beginning of Definition 5.2. Suppose that Tf is endowed with a hermitian metric h and that a horizontal tangent bundle TriM is given, such that h, TriM, and f define a Kihler fibration. Let co be a real (1, 1)-form associated to this fibration. We endow M with the fibration structure, which is the restriction of the fibration.structure on M, and with the associated form co= ico. We write Td(g/f) for Td(A). Here .4/" is the sequence
O--, Tg--
Tf --N-,O,
where N is the normal bundle of the immersion, endowed with the quotient metric. Recall that Td(f) is a Bott-Chern secondary class that satisfies the equation
Td(Tg O) N).
is g-acyclic.
We also suppose in this section that the i are f-acyclic and that Let f,E denote the sequence
it is exact, by the properties of long exact cohomology sequences associated to the functor f,. By the semicontinuity of the Euler characteristic, all the elements of f,(E) are vector bundles, and we can thus endow them with the metrics f,h and g,h obtained by integration on the fibers.
- f*(o)
The equality
E(-1)iT(co, h )
T(co,h ) + "h(f,E)
ch(r/)R(N)Td(Tg) +
holds in t(S).
T(h )Td(Tg)
ch(O)Td(g/f)Td-1 ()
For an announcement of the proof, see [7]; for the proof itself, which is very long and technical, see [8]. A proof of the case where S is a point, as well as an overview of the involved techniques is contained in [13].
Proof of Proposition 3.1. Consider the group/c(y), whose generators are the #-acyclic hermitian bundles on Y and the elements of J(Y), with same relations as the group/0(Y). A theorem of Quillen (see [30, Cor. 3, p. 111]) for the algebraic analogs of these groups implies that the natural map c(y) __,/0(Y) is an isomorphism. Consider now an exact sequence
d" 0-
of #-acyclic bundles on Y, endowed with (conjugation-invariant) hermitian metrics. Using the just-mentioned isomorphism, the definition of 9,, and the defining relations of [(o(Y), we see that to prove our claim, it is sufficient to prove that
(g,E,g,h e)
T(hy, h e) +
+ T(hy, h e) (9,E",
Td(Tgc)c-() (g,E,g,h e)
+ T(hy, h e
According to Theorem 5.16 (applied with the identity as immersion) and the remarks made before Proposition 5.14, the equation
T(hg, h e)
T(hg, h E)
+ T(hy, h E) + (g,e)
of/0(Y), we have
(g,E", g,h E
(g,E, g,h E
0(B). Combining (5) and (6), we see that (4) holds. This ends the proof.
Remarks. (a) The case of Theorem 5.16 used in the preceding proof can be deduced from Proposition 5.7 by a simple geometric deformation argument (see [21, Th. 3.2, p. 46] for such an argument). (b) On any arithmetic variety, one can define a K0-theory of hermitian coherent sheaves (see [22, Def. 25, p. 499]). If the variety is regular, it can be proved to coincide with the K0-theory of hermitian bundles (see [21, Lemma 13, p. 499]). If B is regular, one can use this isomorphism to obtain a push-forward map, even if / is not fiat. The argument is similar to the above argument, with hermitian bundles replaced by hermitian coherent sheaves. However, we stick to the definition of the push-forward map for the fiat case, in view of the relative nature of the notion of flatness of a morphism and because arithmetic varieties are often assumed to be fiat over Z.
6. An Adams-Riemann-Roch formula for closed immersions. This section is devoted to the proof of the Adams-Riemann-Roch formula (2) mentioned in the introduction. The exact statement can be found in Theorem 6.22.
6.1. Geometric preliminaries. In this section, we define the geometric objects that are needed for the proof.
6.1.1. The deformation to the normal cone. The strategy of proof of the Adams-Riemann-Roch theorem for closed immersions consists of studying the behaviour of the Adams operations along the fibers of a deformation parameterized by Let Y X be a regular closed immersion of schemes over a Dedekind domain D. Let N denote the normal bundle of i. Since we want to consider the arithmetic as well as the complex case, let D be Z or C in this section. In the following, the notation P(E), where E is a vector bundle on any scheme, refers to the space Proj(Sym(EV)). Note that P can naturally be considered as a covariant functor.
blow-up W of X x along Y x { }. We define px to be the projection X x X, py the projection Yx Y, and n the blow-down map W X x Let also q be the projection X x and qw the map q o n. From the universality of the blow-up construction, we know that there is a canonical closed immersion Y x pl W such that n o j- ix Id. We denote the map n-[x{0} by ix. The following is known about the structure of W.
is the
P P.
PROPOSITION 6.2. The closed subscheme q-l(z3) is a Cartier divisor with two irreducible components, P and f(, that meet regularly. The component P is isomorphic to P(N 1), and the component X is isomorphic to the blow-up of X along Y. The component f( does not meet j(Y x alo) and j(Y x alo)c P (schemetheoretic intersection) is the image of the canonical section of P(N O) 1) Y.
The canonical section iv Y P(N 1) arises from the morphism of vector bundles (gy N (gy. The embeddings of P and in W are denoted by ip and i,. Let p P Y be the projection and b "= px o n W --, X. The interest of W comes from the possibility to control the rational equivalence class of the fibers q-l(p) (p p). In the language of line bundles, this is expressed by the fact that (9(X)_ (9(P + )_ (9(P)(R) (9(), which is an This equality immediate consequence of the isomorphism (9(oz) (9(0) on enables us to reduce certain computations on X to computations on P, which is often much easier to handle. Indeed, on P, the canonical quotient bundle Q has a canonical regular section s, which vanishes exactly on Y. Thus, the section s determines a global Koszul resolution
5t" 0
Adim((2)(Q v
Also, the immersion ip (resp., ix) is Tor-independent of the immersion j. If X and Y are integral, we have the following alternative description of W via the Grassmannian graph construction of R. MacPherson. PROPOSITION 6.3. Suppose that X and Y are integral. Let s be a section of a vector bundle E on X such that Z(s)--Y. Let f be the morphism X P(E 03 1) x 9iven by f(x,a)= [a.s(x), 1] a, where [.,. denotes is the affine line over D. There is an isohomogeneous coordinates and A morphism between W and the Zariski closure of Imf. f--I Proof See [17, Ch. 5].
o P
clusion yxa
LEMMA 6.4. Suppose that X and Y are integral. The composition of the inwith the morphism j is 9iven by the formula of W in P(E 03 1)x
Proof We have to show that the image of the map given by the formula y x a [0, 1] x aly e Y, aeP is the closure of the image of the map given by the formula y x a [0, 1] x a]y Y, aeA" That is, we have to show that every Zariskiclosed subset of P(E 0) 1) x Plo, containing the image of the second map, conis Y x P, in X x tains the image of the first map. Now the closure of Y x and the map pP(E 1) x X x P1 is proper. Thus p, sends every closed o subset of P(E 1) x P, containing the image of y x a [0, 1] x alyeY, aeA, [--I onto a set containing Y Po, which proves our claim.
[0, 1] x a.
6.1.2. Deformation of resolutions. One of the difficulties of a Riemann-Roch formula for embeddings in/0-theory comes from the impossibility to represent explicitly coherent sheaves, in particular, images of locally free sheaves by the embedding. One has to stick to certain explicit resolutions of these sheaves by locally free ones. Let r/be a vector bundle on Y and
be a resolution of i,r/in X. We make use of a particular extension of E to W, whose existence is ensured by the following result.
on W extending E and such that is split-acyclic; (1) the restriction there is an exact sequence of complexes on P (2)
where 6a is split-acyclic.
For the proof, we refer to [11, Th. 4.8, p. 318]. Recall that resolution. We denote the complex i,() by
6.2. Proof of the Adams-Riemann-Roch theorem for closed immersions. In the next paragraphs, we very often use the following key fact. Let M be a complex manifold, and let (, x be two elements of pM with disjoint wave front sets. Then
is a Koszul
the equation
(ddC() ^ tc
^ (ddCc) ^
holds in pM/pM,O. The proof follows from the equalities &3x and -c(c( x) t3 cx + t3t3( x.
6.2.1. The case k 1. In this section, we use Bismuts theorem to derive a formula comparing the push-forwards of fl and of yim=o(-1)ii to a base B. This formula can be considered as a Riemann-Roch theorem for the immersion and Id. the Adams operation
PROPOSITION 6.6. Let i" Y-, X be a regular closed immersion of arithmetic Y B, f" X B be p.f.s.r, morphisms to an arithmetic variety B such that g f o i. Let
varieties and g
- -
be a resolution by f-acyclic vector bundles on X of a l-acyclic vector bundle rl on Y. Suppose that X is endowed with a Kiihler metric hx, that Y carries the induced metric by, and that the normal bundle N of carries the quotient metric. Suppose that rl and the i are endowed with hermitian metrics satisfying Bismuts assump-
ch(r/)R(N)Td(Tg) +
T(h )Td(Tf)
ch(fl)Td(g/f)Td -1 ()
g,(f/)- (-1)f,(i)
(g,rl, g,h)
T(hy, rl)
Comparing the last expression with the formula in Theorem 5.16 yields the 1 proof. THEOREM 6.7. Proposition 6.6 holds without acyclicity conditions on l and the
Proof. Since f is projective, there is a closed embedding k" X relative projective space over B, such that f p o k, where pP natural projection. On P P, we have a canonical exact sequence
A(p" 0
B is the
in a
(9 r+l. Restricting this sequence to X, we obtain an of exact sequences (a double complex) exact sequence
(see [18, p. 107]), where d
Endow d with the trivial metric. Let us make the assumption that Proposition --V 6.6 holds for E (R)f*(A"o )(n), n > 1. We show that this implies that it holds for E. We compute
-- -gOp
...- p*(Ar+lov)(r +
v E (R)f*(o )(1)
E (R)f*(Ar+18 v )(r + 1)
+ (-1)
ch(f/)Td-1 ()d(g/f)
g, (f/)-
vanishes. Using our assumption and the previous computations, we see that the last expression equals
-(- 1)
+ +[
ch(cee)ch(0)Td- (/)Td(--ff)
ch(cp)ch(O)(Td-()Td(Tf) Td(-)),
cancel by the assumption). Therefore Propwhich vanishes (the sums osition 6.6 holds for E. Now, since is free and endowed with the trivial metric, --V the formula of Proposition 6.6 holds for E (R)f*(A )(n), if it holds for E(n), n > 1. Applying descending induction on n, we see that the formula of Proposition 6.6 holds for E, if it holds for E(n), for all n >> 0. This last condition is satisfied, since r/(n) is 0-acyclic and the i(n) are f-acyclic for n >> 0 (see [24, III, Th. 12.11, p. 290 and Th. 8.8(c), p. 252]). This ends the proof.
6.2.2. A model for closed embeddin#s. Let Y be an arithmetic variety. In this section, we prove a Riemann-Roch formula for the closed immersion ioo Y P(N q) 1) mentioned at the beginning of Section 6.1.1. The deformation theorem of the next section then shows that a Riemann-Roch formula for all regular immersions can be derived from that one. We suppose that P P(N @ 1) is endowed with a Khler metric, that Y carries the metric induced from P via i, and that the normal bundle N is endowed with the quotient metric. We fix an arithmetic variety B and a p.f.s.r, map : Y B. We fix a metric on Q (the universal quotient bundle on P) that yields the metric of Noo when restricted to Y. The resolution g carries the exterior product metrics of Q. We denote the elements of the resolution out (R) p*(rl) by x., endowed with the tensor product metric. Moreover, for any arithmetic variety Y, we use the map ch/0(Y) Z(Y), defined by ch( + r/) ch(/) + ddCrl. This map is well defined by the definition of the 0-groups. We also call an element of 2o(Y), which lies in the subgroup generated by all the hermitian vector bundles, a virtual hermitian bundle.
Z (-1)i(g
J Y/
ch(z)Td(Tg)ch(k(rl)k(g v ))R(N)
87 o p))k(T(h))
Proof. We need a formula that compares restrictions by i and direct images by p. This is the content of the following lemma.
LEMMA 6.9. The equality
(g o p),(2_(Q )xa) +
i*(ch(a.x))Td-l(o)d(g/g o p)
holds in
V, then apply Corollary 5.15 and then Proof ofLemma 6.9. If x V and = Theorem 6.7 to the resolution o (R) (R) F. Since both sides of the formula are additive, this yields the result.
As in the classical case, the Riemann-Roch formula for the canonical model boils down to certain formal identities, contained in the next two lemmas.
LEMMA 6.10. Let R be any 2-ring and e R be an element of finite 2-dimension. The equality
ch(0k(ff)) kdim(V)Td(V)bk(Td-l(ffv))
for any hermitian bundle V. Proof of Lemma 6.11. Let r- dim(V). Let be the (local) curvature matrix of Vc associated to the canonical hermitian holomorphic connection. By con-
struction, ch(0k(ff)) is a power series with real coefficients in the elements of the matrix f, which is invariant under conjugation. On the other hand, the power
series Det(1 + e2f-i-...-I-e (k-1)t2) has the same properties and coincides with ch(0k()) if f is diagonal. To verify that they coincide for all matrices of forms f, notice that it is sufficient to show that they coincide as (entire) functions defined on Mrr, the set of all matrices with complex coefficients. Since they coincide for all diagonalizable matrices (they are invariant under conjugation), they coincide on all matrices by continuity, since diagonalizable matrices are dense in Mr,.. Thus, we are reduced to prove the identity
k Det
where we have used the multiplicativity Both sides are power series with real coefficients in the coefficients of f and are invariant under conjugation. So, by the same density argument as above, we are reduced to verify that they coincide on diagonal matrices. Let ml,m2,... ,mr be the diagonal elements of a diagonal complex matrix M. On the left-hand side, we compute
1ZI(1 + em +
e kin em
The expressions for the left- and right-hand sides clearly coincide, so we are done.
We now resume the proof of Proposition 6.8. Using the fact that the arithmetic K0-groups are 2-rings (see [34, Cor. 3.30] and Lemma 6.10), we compute
(g o p),(d/k(p*(fl))ok(2_(Ov ))a)
g,(d/k(p*(O))ok(O_.v )a)
ch(a)Td(Tg)ch(Ok(p,(fl))Ok(Q v ))R(N)
ch(a)Td(T(g o p))T(h)ch(Ok(p*(fI))ok(O ))
where we dropped the i* and i to make the expression less heavy. Using Proposition 5.13 (to compute T(h)) and Lemma 6.11, we see that the last expression equals
ch(ot)Td(Tg)ch(d/k(rl)Ok(N v ))R(N)
ch(a)ch(k(fl))k"(N)Td()qk(Td-())Td-l()d(g/g o p),
where g is the Green current of :of, described after Proposition 5.13. Recall that it is of pure type (rg(N) 1, rg(N) 1), so that k(g) krg(N)_lg. To complete the proof of Proposition 6.8, we only have to compute the integral of the second line
where we have used Corollary 5.15 to compute T(h ) from T(hf). COROLLARY 6.12. Let be endowed with any metric satisfying Bismuts assumption (A) with respect to 1 and No. The equality
ch(a)Td(Tg)ch(g/k(7)Ok(N v ))R(N)
k ch(a)Td(T(g o p))k(T(h.))
kr(V)ch(a)ch(g/k(fl))tk(Td-l(Noo))d(g/g o p)
holds in
Proof. Let us put a split orthogonal hermitian metric on Se, as in Proposition 6.5. Let us then denote the sequence of the ith row in Proposition 6.5 by i. By the formula in Proposition 5.12, we know that
T(h ) + T(h )
-(-1)i( -c(4))
(-1)i(g o p),(0k(g,)a) +
ch(a)kTd(T(g o p))k(T(hr))
ch(a)kTd(T(g o p))qk(T(hr))
where the definition of the push-forward of forms was used from the second to the third line. If we reinsert this expression in the formula of Proposition 6.8, we get the result.
6.2.3. The deformation theorem. Let i" Y X be a regular, closed immersion of arithmetic varieties, and let g" Y B and f" X B be p.f.s.r, maps to an arithmetic variety B such that g f o i. Let the terminology of the geom_etric preliminaries in Definition 6.1 hold. From now on, we assume that the are endowed with metrics such that Bismuts assumption (A) is satisfied on W and such that the sequence 0 m-1 0 0 is orthogonally split on . This is possible, since is disjoint with j,(Y x p1).
Proof. We use the terminology of Proposition 6.3. Since the last definition concerns the integral part of Wc only, we might suppose without loss of generality that D C and that X and Y are integral. Choose an embedding k- P(E 1) X x pr into a relative projective space over X. Composing maps, we get an embedding W --, X x Pr x p1. If we choose a K/ihler metric on X and K/ihler metrics on P and p1, we can endow X x P p1 with the product metric, which induces a K/ihler metric on W by restriction. This metric has the
required properties.
THEOREM 6.15 (Deformation theorem). Let W be endowed with a metric normal to the deformation. Let a be in the subgroup of (o(W) generated by hermitian bundles. Then the formula
IY/B k.
k.Td(T(g o p))qk(T(h))ch(a)
holds in
k:k(ch(fl))ch(a)k(Td-l(N));F"d(g/g o p)
whose are X, P, and X. If D is a Cartier divisor and the bundle (_9(D) carzero-schemes ries a hermitian metric, we often write Td(b) for Td(((D)). We also write 6k((.)
Proof. We choose once and for all sections of (9(X), (9(P), and (9(X)
LEtaMA 6.16. There are hermitian metrics on (9(X), (9(P), and (_9(f() such that the isometry (X) (P)()) holds and such that the restriction of (9(X) to X yields the metric of the normal bundle Nx/w, the restriction of (9(f() to f( yields the metric of the normal bundle Nyc/w, and the restriction of (9(P) to P yields the metric of the normal bundle Np/w.
Proof of Lemma 6.16. Choose metrics on (9(P) in a small neighborhood of P such that the restriction of (9(P) to P yields the metric of the normal bundle. Do the same for (_9()). Since X is closed and disjoint from ) and P, we can extend these metrics via a partition of unity to metrics defined on W, so that the restric-
tion of the metric that (9(X) inherits from the isomorphism (9(X) = (9(P)(9() yields the metric of the normal bundle Nx/w. This completes the proof. V1
From now on, we suppose that (9(X), C(), and (9(e) are endowed with hermitian metrics satisfying the hypotheses of the the last lemma. We compare push-forwards of Adams operations on X and P by applying Theorem 6.7 to the resolutions
0 0
and to the resolution, which is the tensor product of (9) and (10),
These satisfy Bismuts assumption (A) (by Lemma 6.16 for (8), (9), and (10), and by Proposition 5.14 for (11)). The resolutions (8), (9), and (10) are Koszul resolutions, and we denote the associated Green currents by gx, gP, and 92, respectively. First note that the equality
- -- - -- - (_9(-X)
i2, (9 2
aok(.)((1 (-X))
+ (1 (-P))(1 ((-)))
holds in/0(W). We apply the push-forward map to both sides of this equality and show that the resulting equality is equivalent to the statement of the theorem. Using Theorem 6.7, Proposition 5.14, and Proposition 5.13, we compute that this equality implies
ch(a)Td(T(f o b))ch(Ok(.))Td-l()x
ch(a)ch(Ok(.))Td-(x/w)d(f/f o qk)
ch(a)ch(Ok(y))R(Nn/w)Td(T(g o p))
(9 o p),(Ok(.)a)
where _we have dropped all the terms where an integral was taken over ch(k(.)) vanishes on 2. For the same reason the term
), since
vanishes. For the next step, we need the cohomological Riemann-Roch theorem. Let j: M M be a projective smooth subvariety of a complex smooth projective variety M. Let H(M) be the even, real de Rahm cohomology of M. It can be viewed as the kernel of the operator dd acting on (M). In the next theorem, j, H(M) H(M) stands for the push-forward map in cohomology associated toj.
THEOREM 6.17. Let N be the normal bundle of the immersion j. The equality
j,(Td(N)-lch(x)) ch(j,(x))
holds in H(M) for any virtual vector bundle x on M.
For the proof, see [18, I, 8]. Recall that is the immersion Y X and ioo is the immersion Y--, P(N 1) of the canonical model. Notice that the group endomorphism (fikH(X) H(X) (defined before Definition 3.3) has an inverse in this case, which we denote by (fil/k. The map (fi/k is R-linear and defined by the formula rl/k(yi>oXi --,i>o(1/ki)xi, for every element x e H(X). Using the projection formula in cohomology, we compute
ix,{f}k{i,{Td-l(Ny/x)ch(l)i*{rl/k(R(Nx/w)Td(Tf))}}}}ch(a). (12)
Similarly, we have at infinity
Now notice that the restriction of Ne/w to Yo is trivial and that the restriction of Nx/w to I is trivial. To see this, notice that by construction Nyoo/ypl and Nyo/Yxp, are trivial and by transversality jNp/w Ny/yxp, and jNx/w Nyo/Yxp. Thus i*(ql/k(R(Np/w)))= O, i*(ql/k(R(Nx/w)))= 0, and the expressions in (12) and (13) vanish. Thus we are left with the equality
+ Td-I(P + .e)Cl(((P))])?)
ch(oOch(O(.))Td-l(Nx/w)d(f/f o q})
ch(a)ch(Ok(?))(/o p/f o )Td -1 (P/W).
Using the properties of the singular Bott-Chern current, we compute the equality of currents
Td -1 (P)rfik(ddCT(h)gp)
Td -1
+ Td -1 (P 4- ) qk (ddT(h()cl ((P))g2)
holds in pW /pW, O.
Td-1 (p)p
Td(V)ch(2_ (/v))
Proof of Lemma 6.19. Let f be the (local) curvature matrix associated to the hermitian holomorphic connection of E. By construction, the identity to be proved is equivalent to the identity
e fl
Tr(A_I (e-n))
where Tr(A_l(e-n)) Tr(I)- Tr(Al(e-n)) + Tr(A2(e-n)) Here A k refers to the kth exterior power of the standard representation of GLn(C). Both sides are power series in the entries of fl and are invariant under matrix conjugation. Thus by the same density argument as in the proof of Lemma 6.11, we are reduced to prove that both sides coincide when evaluated on a diagonal matrix M (ml,... ,mr) with complex entries. By construction, Tr(A_l(e-m)) 1(1 e ). We can now compute
e -m)
Proof of Lemma
equality gives
ch(a)kcd(Y)fk(ch(fl)Td-l())d(ff/ff o p)
Using the definition of Td and (7), we can rewrite the left-hand side of the equality as
o py/f o
) + Td(yxp/w)Td(T(# o py)))
Td -1 (P) (tp
rp (Td
()gx Td -l(fi)gP
+ Td- (P + ))Cl((P))g2).
By Definition 6.13, we have
Td-l(yp,/w)ly Td-l(/), Td(P)ly 1 and Td-l(/o), Td(X)I 1. Furthermore, remember that Td-l(yxP/W)lYo 6Y1,1 ^2 0, 6y1,1 ^p 6y, and 6rl, ^x =Y0- With these equalities in
han and with (14), e can evaluate the expression after the last equality as
JY/B ch(a)kCd(Y)fk(ch(O)Td-l(o))d(g
pg/f o f)
ch(a)kcd(Y)fk(ch(O)Td-l(oo))d(g o py/f o
ch(oOch(Ok(N,xP/w))Td(T(9 o py))ch(Ok(p,(fl)))
(Td-l()gx Td-(P)gp Td-l(2)g + Td-I(P + 2)Cl(g(P))g).
Now, we can also compute that Td(g o pr/f o )[Yx{oo} Td(g/g o p) and Td(go py/f ob)[y{0 Td(g/f). Indeed, by Definition 6.13, the restriction of
the normal sequence of Y x in W to Y x {0} (resp., Y x { oe}) is the orthogonal direct sum of the normal sequence of Y x {0} in X (resp., Y x { oe} in P) with a sequence 0 T T 0, where T is a trivial line bundle endowed with a constant metric. From this, by the symmetry formula, Proposition 5.12, the equalities follow. Furthermore, we can compute
To see this, notice that that there are natural isomorphisms j;(9(-X) and j (9(-P) (9(- Y). Thus we have resolutions
---+ j*(9(-X)
(15) (9(-Yo)
iYO(9 Y
where iyo is the embedding Y Y x p1 at zero and iyo is the embedding Y-+ Y x p1 at m. The normal sequences of iyo and irm are clearly splitorthogonal; the normal bundles of iyo and iyo are trivial; and the bundle j* (9(-.) is trivial. Thus, if we apply Theorem 6.7 to the equality
Combining the results of Lemmas 6.18 and 6.20 yields the equality
f,(qtk(.) a) (9 o p),(0k(.)a)
Ix ch(a)ch(k())Td-(Nx/w)d(fff
The deformation theorem follows from the next lemma, which evaluates the integrals appearing on the two last lines.
Ix ch(a)ch(k())Td-l(x/w)d(f
ch(a)kbk T( h ) )Td(f
/f o q)
Ix ch(a)kCk(T(h))Td-l(x/w)Td(T(f
ch(a)ch(Ok(.))Td-l(p/w)d(g o p/f o
hold in (B).
ch(a)kk(T(h))Td(T(g op))
IP ch(a)kqk(T(h(R)))Td-l(p/w)Td(T(f
Proof of Lemma
6.21. We only prove the second equality, the proof of the one being similar. Using the definition of the singular Bott-Chern current, first we compute
ch(a)ch(O())Td-(-e/w)d(g o p/f o )
The last integral vanishes, since the normal sequence of P in W is split orthoo gonal on Y x { oo }. Applying (7), we get
which is the result. This completes the proof of Lemma 6.21 as well as that of Theorem 6.1.5.
6.2.4. The #eneral case. In this subsection, we state and prove the general form of the Adams-Riemann-Roch theorem for closed immersions, which provides a formula for direct imagescomposed of a push-forward to a common base--of Adams operators acting on hermitian bundles. The proof is an immediate consequence of the deformation theorem and our computation for the canonical model. If a regular immersion Y X as above is given, we call a Kihler metric on X, which is extendable to a metric that is normal to the deformation, deformable.
- E" 0
0 - i, rl
be a resolution by vector bundles on X of a vector bundle r on Y. Suppose that X is endowed with a deformable Kiihler metric, that Y carries the induced metric, and that the normal bundle N of carries the quotient metric. Suppose that and the are endowed with hermitian metrics satisfying Bismuts assumption (A) with respect to the metric of N. Let x lie in the subgroup of [(o(X), generated by all the hermitian bundles. The equality
(0k (/ v )@k(fl)i*(x))
f,(@k(.)X) +
Td(T)ch(i*(x))ch(@kQ1)Ok(N v ))R(N)
holds in
Proof If we let e b*(x), then the deformation theorem tells us that this formula holds, if it holds for the closed immersion io and the resolution This V] is proved in Corollary 6.12, so we are done.
Remark. Using Theorem 5.8 and going through a computation of the same type as the one appearing in the proof of Theorem 6.7, one can show that Theorem 6.22 holds for any Kihler metric on X. However, we do not prove this, since the proof does not use any new techniques and since we do not need this fact in the proof of Theorem 3.6. If one is ready to give up the torsion, then Theorem 6.22 can also be deduced from Theorem 3.6 by applying the operation to both sides of the equality of Theorem 6.7.
7. The arithmetic Adams-Riemann-Roch theorem for local complete intersection p.f.s.r, morphisms. Let us recall the statement of Theorem 3.6.
Y B be a p.fs.r, local complete intersection morphism arithmetic varieties. Suppose that Y is endowed with some Kihler metric. For of v each k > O, let 0kA(-)_1.(1 q- R(Tgc) k.bk(R(Tgc))). Then for the map 9,"/0(Y) (R)z Z[1/k] --+ Ko(B) (R)z Z[1/k], the equality
THEOREM 7.1. Let
)-1 ok(--ffffv
holds in
Section 7 is devoted to the proof of this theorem. The strategy goes as follows: we first define an error term that measures the difference between both sides of the equality in Theorem 7.1. Then we show that the error term vanishes for differential forms (Prop. 7.5), that it is invariant under change of the Kfihler metric (Prop. 7.6), that it is additive up to an explicit cohomological term (Prop. 7.9), and that it is base-change invariant (Prop. 7.18). Next we prove that these properties suffice to prove the theorem for projective spaces, using a diagonal embedding argument. Using additivity again, we can then establish the full result. Before starting with the core of the proof itself, we give a proof of Lemma 3.5, without which the statement of the theorem would not be meaningful. For this, we first establish two propositions. Recall that the group homomorphism ch" 2o(r) ---, Z(Y) is the map given by the formula ch(/ + ) ch(/) + ddC, where ch(E) refers to the representative of the Chern character of Ec arising from the canonical hermitian holomorphic connection.
E --+ E
on an arithmetic variety
Y, the equality
of hermitian bundles
(3 ") v )-1) ch(0k(/v )-1). Now consider the exterior product bundle E(1) := E(R) (9(1) on Y x Let a be the canonical section of (9(1), which vanishes only at oe; it defines a map of vector bundles E E(1). Define the bundle/ as (E E(1))/E. We have an exact sequence on Y x
_ _
E". Endow
E with a metric, making these isomorphisms isometric. Endow (9(1) with the Fubini-Study metric and E(1) with the product metric. Denote by p the projection Y x Y. Using [19, Theorem 4.4.6, p. 161], we can now compute
Joo Ok ()
(ch(Ok((,(1) ft.,,)v)-l)
ch(0k(/ )-1))log Izl 2.
The last equality is justified by the fact that
Indeed ch(0k((/(1)@/]") v)-l) is, by construction, invariant under the change of variable z 1/z and log l/z[2 =-log[z[ 2. Therefore the integral changes sign under that change of variable. Resuming our computations, we get
log Izl 2
which ends the proof.
, _., =
Ir, k (-)dzdCz
of hermitian bundles
on a complex manifold,
{ k-ra(E)Td -1 (/)k(Td(/))kra(E")-d(8)
Td -1 (,)k-rg(E")Td
kl-ra(E) k(d( ) }
Proof. A
k-rg(e)Td- (/)k(Td(/))
if we apply dd to the expression in Proposition 7.3. Furthermore, the expression in Proposition 7.3 clearly vanishes when the sequence d splits orthogonally. Thus, by the axiomatic characterization of secondary classes (see [9, I, Par. f]), ] our claim is proved.
Proof of Lemma 3.5 Let il Y Xl be a second factorization, like the one before Lemma 3.5. Let X be the fiber product X X B X1. Let j: Y X denote the diagonal embedding. If we endow X with a Kfihler metric and the normal bundle Ng(c)/x,(c) with any hermitian metric, then j gives a third factorization. If X by p and by h the map we denote the natural projection morphism X f o p, then we have a commutative diagram of bundles on Y(C):
j*Tpc j* r h c
i* rfc
Td(V)Td(r/x, -1 T(dV)Td(/r/x) -1
+ Td(2)Td(j*h)Td(Nr/x,)-lTd(y/x)-lTd(j*p) -1
Td(l)Td(y/x)-lTd(j*p) -1
Applying Proposition 7.3 and carrying through a tedious but elementary calculation, we conclude that similarly
Ok(l)Ok(Nr/X )ok(j*p
Another way to prove this identity is to consider that the proof of [22, Lemma 14, p. 501] can be carried through without change for t k in place of Td. We can now compute
The expression after the last equality vanishes in view of Proposition 7.2 and (17), so we have proved that the arithmetic Bott class, determined by and the hermitian metrics on Tf and Ny/x, coincides with the arithmetic Bott class determined by j and the hermitian metrics on Th and Nx,/r. To complete the proof, note that, by symmetry, the arithmetic Bott class determined by j also coincides with the arithmetic Bott class determined by il.
If A(x) ao + alx + a2x 2 +... is a power series with real coefficients, we define A to be the unique additive characteristic class such that A(L)= ao 4- alCl(L) 4- a2c(L) 2 +... for every line bundle L.
Definition 7.4. Let A(x) be a power series with real coefficients. Let B be a p.f.s.r, local complete intersection morphism of arithmetic varig: Y eties. Let hy be a Kihler metric on Y. Let Yo e/o(Y). Define 0k(- " )-1 := A(Tgc)). The error term t(A,g, hr, Yo), relative to A, hg, and is the difference Y0,
PROPOSITION 7.5. For any morphism g, any power series A, and any metric hy, the error term (A, hr, yo) vanishes when Yo co, where co ( Y).
Proof We compute
k.kdimB-dim Yqk(Td(---))qk(co)
PROPOSITION 7.6. Fix a power series A, a morphism 9, and an element y0 /0(Y). If h and h are two Kdhler metrics on Y, then 6(A,9, h, yo)=
(A, g, h, yo).
Proof. In order to emphasize the dependence on the metric, in this proof we write g,h for the push-forward map/0(Y) /0(B) associated to g and a K/hler metric h on Y. We write 0 k ((T h g) v )- for the arithmetic Bott class associated to for the sequence g and h. Let us write
LEMMA 7.7. The equality
where the second term carries the metric induced by h and the third term carries the metric induced by h.
7.7. Consider a factorization f 9 o i, as in Lemma 3.5, where is a regular closed immersion into an arithmetic variety and f is a smooth map. Consider the diagram
holds in
106 0
Nx(c)/Y(C) Nx(c)/Y(C)
where Toc is endowed with the metric induced by h on the second row and the metric induced by h on the third row. If we apply the general symmetry formula of [20, Prop. 1.3.4, p. 173] to this diagram and use the multiplicativity of k-r()Td-l(.)bk(Td(.)), we see that the difference between the secondary Bott-Chern form k of the second row and the secondary form of the third row is equal to k(--)ch(Ok(V )-1) .The claim thus follows from the definition of the arithmetic Bott class.
h h LEUA 7.8. For any y io( Y), the formula 9, (Y) 9, (Y) holds. fY/B ch(y)Td() Proof of Lemma 7.8. Since the Grothendieck group of vector bundles Ko(Y) is generated by #-acyclic vector bundles and since both sides of the equality to be proved are additive, we can assume that y E, where E is a -acyclic hermitian vector bundle, or that y x A(Y). For y x, we compute h o, ()
Oh, (x)
(Td(rhoc) Td(r
(ft.) gh,(ff)
(g,E, g,h h E)
Iy/s T(rg)ch(J).
Combining our computations, we get the result.
We resume the proof of Proposition 7.6. Let 8 dim(Y) dim(B). Using the last lemma, we compute that on the left-hand side of the error term
k(sh*(Yo))--k(8h*(yo))--kk(Jy/B ch(yo)T"())
Jy/ kl-ak(ch(yo))k(d(/[c))"
On the right-hand side, we compute
v (O(Th8)-1 Ik(yo))
(OkA(Th8 v -1 d/k(Yo))
v Ok ((Th8) -1 I k (Yo))
In view of the last proposition, from now on we drop the Kfihler metric entry in the error term Let i: Y X be a regular closed immersion into an arithmetic variety X, and let f X B be a p.f.s.r, map such that g f o i. Let r/be a locally free sheaf on Y, and let
. -
be a locally free resolution on X of i,r/. We endow X with a deformable Kfihler metric, Y with the induced metric, and the normal bundle N of with the quo-
tient metric. We endow the bundles r/ and i with hermitian metrics satisfying Bismuts assumption (A). The next proposition studies the behavior under immersions of the error term 6((. ), (.), (.)).
PROPOSITION 7.9. Let A(x) be a formal power series with real coefficients. The
Z6(A,f ,)
Td(Tf)A(Tf)ch(Ok(Tf v )-).(Td(N)-l)ch(Ok(N v ))
Proof. Let W be the normal sequence of the immersion, with the given metrics. Using Theorem 6.7, we compute
g,(Ok(-v)-l(1 A(Tg))Ok(fl))
Td(Tg)ch(Ok( v ).Ok (O))Ok (.t7)
Td(Tg)ch(Ok(Tg v )-l)ch(Ok(r/))A(Tg)"
(0k(/ v )O(vf)-"(O)) +
Ig/(Td(-)ch(Ok(/" )(0))0())
f,(ok(Vf)-llk(.)) n
g, (Ok ("
ch(I)R(N)Td( Tg)
(0k(7)-1(1 I Td(Tf)A(Tf)ch(Ot())ch(O(TVf)-)
(Td(-)ch(O (/ v ).Ok(F/))k(ff))
kra(N)ch(Ok(Vf)-l)ch(Ok())fk(Td-l()) d(ff/f)
--JY/B (Td(-)ch(Ok(V)llk(o))k(/))}
Td( Tg)R(N)ch(O k (N v ))ch(0k Tf v )-1)ch(0k (r/))
The expression before the last equals sign is by definition equal to (A, /, )- im=0c(A, f, ). The proof of the proposition now follows from the next three lemmas, which evaluate the expressions in the brackets {. } sepa-
-(rf) Td
- (g/f)
(Td(Tg)ch(Ok(N v ).0k(f/))k(l))
holds in
For the proof, see [18, VI, 8], or apply the forgetful both sides of Theorem 6.22.
Td(Tf)A(Tf)ch(Ok(Tf v )-l).Td(N)-lch(Ok(Nv ))
Proof of Lemma 7.13. We can compute, using the Adams-Riemann-Roch and cohomological Riemann-Roch theorems for coherent sheaves, that
Reinserting (20) in the expression on the left-hand side of the equality of Lemma 7.13, we obtain the right-hand side. This ends the proof of Lemma 7.13 as well as that of Proposition 7.9.
In the next corollary, (.)[y means restriction to Y. COROLLARY 7.14. Let the terminology of Proposition 7.9 hold. If A(Tf)ly-k.qk(R(Tf))ly- R(Tf)ly and A(Tg) k.k(R(Tg)) R(T9), then
3(A, 9, fl)
Z (5(A, f, i)
we get
fY/B ch(0k
+ Td(Tf)(R(Tf) k.qk(R(Tf)))kdimB-dimXTd(Tf) -1
Using the multiplicativity of the Todd class and the additivity of R(. ), the last expression can be evaluated to be
kdimB-dimYqJk(Td(Tt))R(Tt + kdimB-dimYk(Td(Tl))kqk(R(Tl))}
The next lemma is needed to prove the projection formula stated after it.
LEMMA 7.15. Let M be a complex Kdhler manifold. Let n > O, and let M pn(c) --* M and pp :M pn(c) --* pn(c) be the projection maps. Fix a Kdhler metric on M, and endow M pn(C) with the product of the Kdhler metric on M and the Fubini-Study metric on pn(c). Let fl be a hermitian bundle on M. Endow the tautological bundle (9(1) on pn(c) with the Fubini-Study metric.
The formula
of C(k).
Proof. For u > O, recall that the Bismut superconnection hMxP(C) and PM is the differential operator
of the fibration
v + v( + z,
(k)) (R) zp;,(A(T*//P") (R) operator is the Dolbeaut
us-1 { (Trs(Nuexp(-B2))
Trs(Nv.exp(-(VPM*(P;(((k))(R)Ph()))2))} du,
and similarly for
Trs(Nv.exp(-(VPM(P;((9(k))(R)P*()))2))} du,
where Nu is the operator defined in Definition 5.4. The functions (1 and (2 have meromorphic continuations to the whole complex plane, which are holomorphic at the origin. By definition, the higher analytic torsion T(hMxP,(C), h p((k))(R)p*u(rl)) equals (c/t?s)((1 + (2)(0). First notice that the term (1/2x/)c(T) vanishes, since the horizontal bundle TIIpu is integrable. Let co be the K/ihler form of the metric hMxP(C) and co be the K/ihler form of the metric hu. The forms co and co puco induce the same metrics on the bundle Tpu, and thus, by
Theorem 5.8, we have
T(hMp.(), h p((k))(R)p(rl))
T(co, h p(((k))(R)p(rl))
Isl is the graded degree of s. Squaring both sides of this formula, we get
B2u(p*p(S) (R) p*M(t)) p,(u.A(s)) (R) p*M(t) + p*p(S) (R) p((V)2(t)),
inverse of the map b.) Thus Trs(Nvexp(-B2))On the other hand, we clearly have
b-l(ch(O))sn, k,
where Sn, k is the dimension of the space of global holomorphic sections of C(k) over pn(C). So we finally get
{uS-b(Trs(Nvexp(-uA)) s,,k)} du
and we have a similar equation for (2. From this and Definition 5.5, the claim of the lemma follows.
PROPOSITION 7.16. Let B be any arithmetic variety. Let pBP-- B be the projection from some relative projective. Endow with the product Kiihler metric. The formula
holds for all b
Proof. If b is represented by an element of (B) or a is represented by an element of A(P), then the claim of the proposition follows from the projection formula for fiber integrals (see [4, p. 31]). If we remember that K0(P) is generated by elements of the type p,, ((9(k)) (R) p(b), we are thus reduced to the case where a p,)((k)) and b is by an acyclic hermitian bundle Let E be the trivial bundle of rank n + 1 over M, with trivial metric. Using Lemma 7.15, we compute pB,(p(b)a) Symk(/) (R) T(hp], h p(ff)(R)p((k))) Symk() (R) ch()z((9(k)) b.pB,(a), which ends the proof.
We also need the following special case of a "base change" formula for the push-forward map.
PROPOSITION 7.17. Let the terminology of Proposition 7.16 hold. Let fn P SpecZ and pp "P P be the natural projections. Endow P with the FubiniStudy metric and P with the product metric. The formula
P,P, (P)
Proof Suppose first that p is represented by an element r/e/(P). Using Fubinis theorem for the integration on product spaces, we compute
Td( Tps)p, ()
p, (Td(TP).q)
which shows that the claim holds in this case. To prove the general case, we can again assume that p is represented by the bundle C(k). The claim then follows immediately from the definition of the push-forward (after Proposition 3.1) and Lemma 7.15 (with 0 taken to be the trivial bundle). U]
Remark. The two last propositions hold for more general fiber products than relative projective spaces. This can be proved either by observing that both equalities are compatible with Theorem 6.7 or by generalizing Lemma 7.15.
a power series A. Then if(A, fn ()) vanishes on all the elements ((A, PB, (.)) vanishes on all the elements of
PROPOSITION 7.18. Let the terminology of Propositions 7.17 and 7.16 hold. Fix of(o(z), then
Proof. We again endow with the product metric. Let 60(1) be the tautological line bundle on P, endowed with its Fubini-Study metric. Write OBp 0k(-v)-l(1- A(Tpn)) and Oe := 0k(-fV)-l(1- A(Tfn)). Write pp pp. By construction, we have Onp p(Op). Using Propositions 7.17 and 7.16, we can compute for all p /o(P) and all b Ko(B)
If A,
k.qk(R(TP)) R(TP).
Proof of Lemma
be the diagonal embedding, be the with the with a deformable K/ihler metric, endow identity. Endow metric induced by A, and endow the normal bundle N of A with the quotient metric. Using the hypothesis and Proposition 7.18, we see that 6(A, f, Y0) 0 for all hermitian vector bundles yo /0(P P). Also, (A,g, Yo)= 0 for every p hermitian vector bundle yo e Ko(z), since g is the identity. Applying Proposition 7.9 with f/the trivial hermitian bundle, we get the equation
where N is the normal bundle of the immersion A. It is shown in 17, Ex. 8.4.2, p. 146] that we have N TP. Furthermore, we clearly have Tf p TP, where p2 is the projection on the second factor of P P. Thus A*Tf A*p TP o A)* Therefore, we can compute (P2 TP.
The use of the diagonal immersion in the above proof was suggested to us by N. Dan. The next lemma might be compared to Lemma 1.7.1 in [25], which gives a determination of the Todd genus. LEMMA 7.21. Let A(x) be a power series with real coefficients. The n + 1 first coefficients ao,...,an of A are uniquely determined by the conditions (A, fi, 60p) -0 (i 0,..., n), where the Cp are the trivial line bundles endowed
with their trivial metrics.
7.21. Let k > 0. Writing out the conditions stated in the we get the following system of equations for the coefficients of A: lemma,
Proof of Lemma
j,(0k(- v )-IA(Tj)
where 0
over Z (see [20, Th. 6.2 (i), p. 213]). In view of the algebraic Adams-RiemannRoch theorem for local complete intersection morphisms (see [18, Th. 7.6, p. 149]), the image in/0(Z) (R) Z[1/k] of the right-hand side of (21) lies in R. Since the left-hand side is, by construction, in R, we can consider (21) as a system of linear equations over R. Let Yi be the real number corresponding to i/k(j,(1)) _j,(0k( v )-1). We have to solve the system
< < n.
Let x c1((9(1)). Using the additivity of R and the the multiplicativity of the Todd class, we are thus reduced to
k-iqk(Td(x)i+l)(i + 1)A(x)
For each i> 0, this is a system of equations in the variables a0,..., ai, and the coefficient of ai is the real number k-i(i + X k -i (i + 1). Thus we are V-] done.
The preceding lemma provides us with a unique power series A(x) such that Until the end of the proof, let A(x) denote that determined series. We make the following inductive hypothesis on n. uniquely The term (A, j, y0) vanishes for any virtual hermitian bundle y0 on for all nonnegative i< n, and the coefficients a0, al,..., an-1 coincide with the n first coefficients q0, ql,... ,qn-1 of the series 11. This hypothesis is clearly true for n 0. We carry out the first part of the inductive step. Let (.9(1) be the tautological line bundle on P. Let s be the canonical section of (9(1) vanishing on the hyperplane at o. The section s determines a resolution
(9(1- 1)
Let f be the projection P Spec Z and g the projection p-I __+ Spec Z. By construction, O(A, f, (.9, vanishes. Applying induction on l, we suppose that z) O(A,f,(9v(l-1))-0. Let N be the normal bundle of the immersion of the hyperplane. Using the induction hypothesis on the coefficients of A, the fact that N is a line bundle, and the fact that cl (N) i= 0 for all > n- 1 (since the cohomology vanishes in degree greater than the dimension of P:-I), we see that A(N) R(N)- k.ckk(R(N)). Using the same argument and the exact sequence (22), we also see that a(Tg) (n + 1)a((9(1)) (n + 1)(R((9(1)) k.k((9(1))) R(Tg)- k.Ok(R(Tg)). From this we deduce that i*(A(Tf))=,,A(N)+ A(Tg) i*(R(Tf)-k.Ok(R(Tf))). So by Corollary 7.14, f.(ok(---ff )-I(1-A(Tf)).
/k(g(l))) ok(f.((l))) O, which means that (A, f, ((l)) vanishes as well. By pn induction on l, it thus holds for all (9(1) (l > 0) Since these generate K0(z), any hermitian bundle can be represented in/0(P) as a linear combination of elements of (P) and bundles g(l). Using Proposition 7.5 and additivity, we conclude that (A, f, y0) 0 holds for all hermitian vector bundles Y0 on This settles the first part of the inductive step on n.
To prove the second part, we apply Lemma 7.20 and conclude that k.bk(R(TP")) R(TP"). Using the exact sequence (22), we compute
we get
(n + 1)
I A(x)=(n+l)a"I
R(TP n)
in place of A,
k.qk k (R(TP"))
Thus an
(n + 1)q,.
Definition 8.1.
)i=0 FiR/Fi+IR"
Since the y-filtration is a ring filtration, the group GrR carries a natural ring structure, which is compatible with its natural grading. Definition 8.2. Let yR. The ith Chern class c 9 (y) of y is the element
of Quillen
]i1 er. The Chern character chgr(y) e GrRQ is the element P(cr(y),..., cngr(y)).
Let also Q be the unique power series with rational coefficients such that
Q(al,...,a,,) I-[i=l(Ti/1- e-r). The Todd class Tdgr(y)e. GrRQ is the elethe eigenspace in ment Q(cgr(y),..., c(y)). For each j > 0, let us denote by associated to the eigenvalue kJ of the Q-vector space endomorphism of RQ RQ
given by the kth Adams operation ok. The proof of the following proposition can be found in [31, Th. 4.3, p. 119 and Th. 1, p. 97].
PROPOSITION 8.3. (a) The space RJk is independent of k; thus it is henceforth denoted by RJ. (b) If GrRQ is endowed with the 2-tin9 structure arisin9 from its 9fading, then the Chern character induces a 2-tin9 isomorphism ch gr RQ GrRQ. If x RJ, then chOr(x) x (modFJ+lRQ).
Notice that, in view of Propositions 4.1 and 8.3(b), the equality FJRQ @/>0 Rj+l holds, where the direct sum is interior. We now specialize to the case R =/0(Y). If co e (Y), we abbreviate ch or(co) by co. The following lemma is well known; because we cannot give a reference for a proof, we include one.
LEMMA 8.4. Let A- Oi=oAi be a graded commutative Q-algebra. Let 1 + Oi=1 Ai. For k > 1, the equation a-l.qk(a) C has a unique solution in 1 / (i Ai. Proof Let C Co / C1 / C2 /... and a ao + al / a2 /... be the representations of C and a arising from the grading (the sums are finite). In terms of
the ai and the Ci, the equation reads
i=0 i=o
ki)ai O.
0 for > 0 then implies that the system 1. The fact that 1 k has a unique solution, which can be determined recursively. This completes the
Let Y B be a local complete intersection p.f.s.r, morphism. We suppose that Y is endowed with a Kihler metric. Definition 8.5. The arithmetic Todd genus Td](--) of g is the unique element of Gr2o(Y)Q, determined via the last lemma by the equation
or dim(B) dim(Y) chr(O( v ) k" -" TdA ()- bk(Td](--)).
To see how the R-genus appears in the arithmetic Todd genus, let us define the element Tdgr(Tg), which is uniquely determined via the last lemma by the equation
+ R(Tg) k.qk(R(Tg))
A(Tg))-I.d/k(1 A(Tg)).
Using the definition of the product in arithmetic K0-theory, the expression after the last equality can be evaluated to be
(1 + A(Tg)).(1
Thus using the last 1emma, we can conclude that A(Tg) R(Tg) and thus that TdOar(Tg) Tder(Tg)(1 R(Tg)). We can now state the main result of this section.
Fi-do(B)Q holds for all 6 Z. Thus the pushmap induces a group map g, Gro( Y)Q forward (b) Let y 6 (o(Y). The equality chO(g,(y))- g,(TdAr(Tg)chgr(y)) holds in
(a) The inclusion g, Fio(Y)Q
Before beginning the proof, notice that the element 0kA(-v) -1 is invertible in/0(Y)Q. _This follows from Proposition 4.2 and the fact that for any differential form e) A(Y), an inverse in/o(Y) of the element 1 o9 is given by the finite sum 1 + co + ddCo).o) + ddCog.dd +
e=chgr-l(Tdr(-)-l). Let k > 1. From the )-l.k(e) e.k -d. Let y /0(Y) j. We compute oka((a) Let v
definitions, we have
e.y FJio(Y)o, it is thus sufficient to show that every element of FJKo(Y)Q is of the form e.(yl +... + Yr), where for all 1 < < r, Ok(yi) kJyi for some ji > j. This is a consequence of the fact that e is invertible in K0(Y)Q and of the remark after Proposition 8.3(b), so we are done. (b) Continuing with the same terminology, we compute
where the first equality follows from (a) and the second one from the fact that by Notice now that by construction e is the sum of 1 and an element of additivity, the resulting equality chgr(ok(#,(e.y)))= k(#,(chgr(y))) is valid for all y /0(Y)Q. Thus we might choose y- e-l.y I, and we obtain the equality k(ch"(t,(y))) k(,(Td"()ch"(y))) and thus the result of (b).
Part (b) of the last theorem is formally identical to the arithmetic RiemannRoch theorem in all degrees stated in [15, Th. 6.1, p. 77]. Similarly to the arithmetic Riemann-Roch theorem [22, Th. 8, p. 534], it can be used to estimate asymptotically the covolumes of twisted hermitian bundles. More precisely, let B Spec Z and let E be a hermitian bundle on Y. Let L be an ample line bundle on Y, endowed with a positive hermitian metric. For any hermitian Z-module V, let Vol(V) denote the volume of a fundamental domain of the lattice V c Vc for the unique Haar measure that gives volume 1 to the unit ball. It follows from the definitions that there is an isomorphism Grl/0(Z)-R that sends elements on of (Z) on the corresponding real number and hermitian Z-modules -log(Vol(V)). Let F(. take the global sections of a hermitian bundle, endowed with the metric integrated along the fibers. From (b), we obtain that
when n >> 0. By a theorem of J.-M. Bismut and E. Vasserot [14], the asymptotic estimate z(E--- (R) Lc (R)n) O(n dim(Y(c)) log(n)) holds. For degree reasons,
the term 9,(Td,r(-)chr( (R)/,(R)n)) 9,(Tdr(-)ch0()exp(n.c(,))) is a of with coefficient leading polynomial dim(Y), As a consequence, the equality of real num(1/dim(r)!)rk(E)9,(c()dm(Y)). bers
rk(E)g, (c7
holds, which is a variant of an arithmetic analog of the Hilbert-Samuel theorem. About this, see [22, Th. 9, p. 539] and [1, Intro.]. The group Gro(. )Q is naturally isomorphic to the arithmetic Chow theory, defined in [19], as a covariant and contravariant functor. The contravariance
statement follows immediately from the functoriality of the 2-operations and the fact that arithmetic Chow theory and arithmetic K0-theory are isomorphic as 2-rings (modulo torsion) via the arithmetic Chern character. (See [20, Th. 7.3.4, p. 235] for the proof.) The covariance statement can be deduced from the unpublished arithmetic Riemann-Roch theorem in all degrees for arithmetic Chow groups mentioned in the introduction, the just-mentioned isomorphism statement, and the unicity of arithmetic Chern classes proved in [20, Th. 4.1, p. 187].
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