Acid/Base Equilibria - Chapter 16

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CHAPTER 16 – Acid-Base Equilibria

Section 16.1 – Acids and Bases: A Brief Review

(a) Define an acid and a base, according to the Arrhenius definition.

acid =

base =

(b) Write the products of each chemical reaction below, which involves the dissociation of each
reactant into aqueous ions.


Section 16.2 – Brønsted-Lowry Acids and Bases

(a) The Arrhenius definition is limited to aqueous solutions. A more general definition of acids and

bases is the Brønsted-Lowry definition, which involves the transfer of ions from

one substance to another.

(b) Draw the Lewis dot structures for both water and the hydronium ion.

(c) Chemists use the symbols H+ and H3O+ interchangeably when referring to the ion that

determines the acidity of a solution. You will also hear the H+ ion referred to by name

as a .

(d) Write the formulas for the two products formed in this chemical reaction.

HCl(g) + H2O(l)

(e) In part (d), HCl behaves as because it H+,

and water behaves as because it H+.

(f) Does the Brønsted-Lowry definition of acids and bases require that the reaction take place in

aqueous solution?
(g) Acid-base chemistry can occur in the gas phase. Write the formulas for two gases that react
together to form solid ammonium chloride. This is visible as smoke when solutions of these
two substances are brought close together in the laboratory. Identify the acid and the base.

The acid is because it is a H+

The base is because it is a H+

(h) Write the formulas for the two products formed in this chemical reaction.

NH3(aq) + H2O(l)

(i) In part (h), NH3 behaves as because it H+,

and water behaves as because it H+.

(j) A Brønsted-Lowry acid must have a atom that it can lose as a positive ion.

(k) A Brønsted-Lowry base must have a that it can use to bind the H+ ion.

(l) Water is an example of an amphiprotic substance. What does it mean to be amphiprotic?

HNO2(aq) + H2O(l) NO2–(aq) + H3O+(aq)

(m) Looking at the reactants from the equation shown above,

= acid = base

Looking at the products from the equation shown above,

= conjugate acid = conjugate base

NH3(aq) + H2O(l) NH4+(aq) + OH–(aq)

(n) Looking at the reactants from the equation shown above,

= acid = base

Looking at the products from the equation shown above,

= conjugate acid = conjugate base

(o) Every acid has a conjugate base, formed by a proton from the acid.

Every base has a conjugate acid, formed by a proton to the base.

(p) Write the chemical formula for the conjugate base of each acid and the conjugate acid of each

Acid Conjugate Base Base Conjugate Acid

PH4+ SO42─
HPO42─ HPO42─

(q) The hydrogen carbonate ion (aka bicarbonate) is an amphiprotic ion.

Write an equation for bicarbonate behaving as an acid when it reacts with water.

Write an equation for bicarbonate behaving as a base when it reacts with water.

(r) The an acid is, the its conjugate base is.

The a base is, the its conjugate acid is.

(s) Describe the difference between a strong acid and a weak acid, in terms of how they behave in
water (i.e., the extent to which they dissociate into ions in water).

(t) You should memorize the seven strong acids. They can be found in Table 4.2 on page 125.
Write their formulas in the spaces provided.

hydrochloric acid = chloric acid = sulfuric acid =

hydrobromic acid = perchloric acid =

hydroiodic acid = nitric acid =

(u) A few examples of weak acids are listed below. Some of these can be found in Table 16.2 on
page 667. Write their formulas in the spaces provided.

chlorous acid = hypochlorous acid =

hydrofluoric acid = benzoic acid =

nitrous acid = acetic acid (ethanoic acid) =

hydrocyanic acid = carbonic acid =

(v) Why does the nitrate ion have negligible basicity?

(w) Why is the fluoride ion classified as a stronger base than the chloride ion?

(x) For each of the following reactions, write a lowercase “a” under the weaker acid and a capital
“A” under the stronger acid. Then write a lowercase “b” under the weaker base and a capital
“B” under the stronger base. Use Figure 16.3 on page 657 to help you. Predict whether the
equilibrium lies to the left (K < 1) or to the right (K > 1).

Does the equilibrium

Acid-Base Reaction
lie to the left or to the right?

HSO4– + CO32– HCO3– + SO42–

HPO42– + H2O H2PO4– + OH–

NH4+ + OH– H2O + NH3

H2S + H2O H3O+ + HS–

HC2H3O2 + PO43– HPO42– + C2H3O2–

Section 16.3 – The Autoionization of Water

(a) We have already seen that H2O is amphiprotic, capable of acting as an acid or as a base.
Write an equation to show how one water molecule can donate a proton to another water

The equilibrium for the reaction you just wrote is strongly favored toward the left. We know this
because the value of the equilibrium constant (Kw) is very small. This equilibrium constant is called
the ion-product constant for water. At 25oC it has a value of 1.0 x 10–14

Kw = [H3O+][OH─] = 1.0 x 10–14 (at 25oC)

The auto-ionization of water can also be written as follows.

H2O H+ + OH– Kw = [H+][OH─] = 1.0 x 10–14

This is a very important relationship that allows you to calculate [H+], [OH–], pH, and pOH.

(b) In a neutral solution (at 25oC), [H+] = M and [OH─] = M

In an acidic solution, [H+] is than [OH–].

In a basic solution, [H+] is than [OH–].

(c) Fill in the table below with the missing information.

[H+] [OH─] Acidic or Basic?

4.0 x 10–7 M

1.5 x 10–6 M

2.5 x 10–8 M

3.0 x 10–9 M
Section 16.4 – The pH Scale

pH is defined as the negative logarithm (in base 10) of the concentration of H+ (or H3O+).

pH = ─log[H+] or pH = ─log[H3O+]

For example, the pH of a solution in which [H+] = 1.0 x 10–7 = 7.00

Only the numbers to the right of the decimal are the significant figures in a logarithm. For example,
when the value of [H+] has two significant figures, the pH should have two decimal places.

(a) As the [H+] increases in a solution, the pH will .

(b) In chemistry, we use the convention that the “negative log” of some quantity is labeled

p(quantity). Therefore the concentration of hydroxide ions in solution is expressed

in terms of the . Similarly, pKw = –log (Kw) = at 25oC

You should also know that pH + pOH = at 25oC

(c) Fill in the table below with the missing information.

[H+] pH [OH─] pOH Acidic or Basic?

2.5 x 10–5 M


6.8 x 10–4 M


In the laboratory, pH can be determined with a pH meter, which is an electronic device that
measures pH based on small voltages present in solution.

Acid-base indicators can be used to estimate the pH of a solution. The color of an acid-base
indicator normally changes from one color to another over a certain pH range. The pH of a solution
can be estimated by the color of various indicators.

(d) Use Figure 16.7 on page 664 to estimate the approximate pH of each solution.

Methyl Methyl Bromthymol Phenol- Alizarin Approximate

orange red blue phthalein yellow R pH
#1 orange red yellow colorless yellow
#2 yellow orange yellow colorless yellow
#3 yellow yellow blue colorless yellow
#4 yellow yellow blue pink orange
Section 16.5 – Strong Acids and Bases

HNO3(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + NO3–(aq)

(a) Explain why double arrows in opposite directions are not used in the reaction shown above.

(b) Write the reaction that shows how chloric acid behaves in water.

(c) With strong acids, the concentration of H+ in solution the same as the concentration of the acid
itself. (This is not the case with weak acids, as we will see in Section 16.6) Calculate the pH for
each of the following concentrations of hydrochloric acid. Remember that if the concentration
of [H3O+] has two sig figs, the pH will have 2 decimal places.

Concentration of HCl pH
0.50 M
0.0075 M
3.4 x 10–6 M
1.5 x 10–8 M

(d) The solution in the last row of the table in part (c) was very dilute. Did you notice anything
strange about the calculated pH value? Is this value the correct pH of the solution? If not,
explain what the pH of this very dilute acid solution should be and why.

(e) Calculate the concentration of nitric acid for each of the following solutions. Remember that if a
pH has 2 decimal places, the concentration of [H3O+] will have two sig figs.

Concentration of HNO3 pH
The most common strong bases are the hydroxide compounds of the alkali metals, such as NaOH
and KOH. Other strong bases include hydroxide compounds of the heavier alkaline earth metals,
such as Ca(OH)2, Sr(OH)2, and Ba(OH)2.

(f) Fill in the missing information in the table below. Pay attention to the concentration of
hydroxide in the last row of the table. [OH–] is not equal to 0.0050 M in 0.0050 M Ca(OH)2.

Solution [OH–] pOH pH

0.25 M NaOH
0.0050 M KOH
0.0050 M Ca(OH)2

(g) Fill in the missing information in the tables below. Remember that something extra should be
done to convert from [OH–] into concentration of Sr(OH)2.

Concentration Concentration
pH pOH pH pOH
of NaOH of Sr(OH)2
10.23 10.23
12.34 12.34

Section 16.6 – Weak Acids

(a) Which diagram shown above best represents a weak acid?

(b) If we represent a generic weak acid as HA, write the equation for the ionization of HA in water.

(c) Explain why double arrows in opposite directions should be used in the reaction you wrote in
part (b).
(d) Write the equilibrium-constant expression for the ionization of a weak acid, HA.
Ka is called the acid-dissociation constant.

(e) Which of these two substances is a stronger acid? Justify your answer.

nitrous acid, HNO2 (Ka = 4.5 x 10–4) hydrocyanic acid, HCN (Ka = 4.9 x 10–10)

(f) Many weak acids contain a carboxylic acid group (–CO2H).

Circle the acidic hydrogen atom in each of the following structural formulas.

acetic (ethanoic) acid benzoic acid butanoic acid

If you are given the concentration of a weak acid and the pH of the acid, it is possible to
calculate the value of Ka.
(g) Nicotinic acid, also known as niacin or vitamin B3, has the structural C
formula shown at right. Its formula can be written as HC6H4NO2 H H
(i) Write the equation for the dissociation of HC6H4NO2 in water.

(ii) Write the acid-dissociation constant expression for nicotinic acid, HC6H4NO2.

(iii) A 0.020 M solution of nicotinic acid has a pH of 3.26. Calculate the concentration of [H+] in
a 0.020 M solution of this acid.
(iv) Use an ICE table similar to the one used in Sample Exercise 16.10 on page 668 to
determine the concentrations of HC6H4NO2, H+, and C6H4NO2– in a 0.020 M solution of
nicotinic acid.

(v) Use the data from the final row of the ICE table to calculate the Ka for nicotinic acid.

(h) Percent ionization is defined by Equations 16.26 and 16.27 on page 669. Use the data from
part (g) to calculate the percent ionization in a 0.020 M solution of nicotinic acid.

If you are given the concentration of a weak acid and the Ka value of the acid, it is possible
to calculate the pH of the acid solution.

(i) Hypochlorous acid has the chemical formula HOCl.

(i) Write the equation for the dissociation of hypochlorous acid in water.

(ii) Write the acid-dissociation constant expression for hypochlorous acid.

(iii) The Ka for hypochlorous acid is 3.0 x 10–8. Use an ICE table similar to the ones used on
pages 670–671 to calculate the concentration of H+ in a 0.020 M solution of hypochlorous
acid. You should also calculate the pH of this solution.
As a general rule, if the percent ionization is less than 5% of the initial concentration of acid, then
we can make that simplifying assumption that allows us to avoid the quadratic formula. Read the
information on the bottom half of page 670 (beginning with the phrase, “This expression
leads to a quadratic…”) This section discusses the assumption and how to check its validity after
you have solved for x.

(j) Calculate the percent ionization in a 0.020 M solution of hypochlorous acid.

(k) Compare the pH of a 0.020 M solution of nicotinic acid and the pH of a 0.020 M solution of
hypochlorous acid. Which of these two acids is a stronger acid? Justify your answer based on
the pH values, not based on their Ka values.

(l) The the Ka value is for an acid, the stronger the acid.

(m) Suppose that two different acids have the same concentration. The stronger acid is the one

that has a pH.

(n) The value of Ka for acetic acid, CH3CO2H is equal to 1.8 x 10–5.
Calculate [H+], the pH, and the percent ionization for each of the following solutions.

[H+] pH % ionization
of CH3CO2H
0.10 M

0.010 M

0.0010 M

The trend observed in part (n) seems a little confusing. Why would the percent ionization for a
weak acid increase as the concentration of the acid decreases? This trend is shown in Figure
16.11 on page 672, and it can be explained by using LeChatelier’s principle.

HA(aq) H+(aq) + A–(aq)

When a solution is diluted, the concentration of the dissolved particles decreases. In an acid
dissociation equilibrium, there are more particles on the right side of the equation than on the left
side. Therefore, the dilution of a weak acid causes the equilibrium to shift in the direction of the
larger number of particles (toward the product side). This shift helps to counteract the effect of
decreasing concentration of particles. Diluting a weak acid will increase its percent ionization.
(o) A monoprotic acid has only one ionizable H atom. Acids such as H2C2O4 or H3PO4 have more

than one ionizable H atom, so they are known as acids.

H2SO3 H+ + HSO3─ Ka1 = 1.7 x 10–2

HSO3─ H+ + SO32─ Ka2 = 6.4 x 10–8

Note that Ka2 (the equilibrium constant for the 2nd ionization step) is much smaller than Ka1 (the
equilibrium constant for the 1st ionization step.) This trend is typical for polyprotic acids. It is easier
to remove the first H+ ion than it is to remove the second H+ ion. The explanation is as follows. The
first H+ ion is removed from a neutral molecule. The second H+ ion is more difficult to remove
because it is removed from an anion with a negative charge. There is greater attraction between
the H+ ion and the negatively charged anion. If there are three ionizable protons in the acid
molecule, then Ka3 will be even smaller than Ka2.

(p) As we have just seen, Ka1 is usually much than Ka2 (or Ka3.) Therefore,

when calculating the pH of a polyprotic acid, we can usually treat the acid as if it were

monoprotic. This allows us to focus on the ionization step as the only significant

source of H+ ions in the solution.

(q) Sulfurous acid has the formula H2SO3. The Ka values for sulfurous acid can be found in
Table 16.3 on page 674.

(i) Calculate the pH of a 0.10 M solution of sulfurous acid.

(ii) Calculate the concentration of the sulfite ion, SO32–, in a 0.10 M solution of sulfurous acid.

As you can see from the answers to part (q), the 2nd ionization step for a diprotic acid occurs to a
much smaller extent than the 1st ionization step does.
Section 16.7 – Weak Bases

(a) If we represent a generic weak base as B, write the equation for the ionization of B in water.

(b) Write the equilibrium-constant expression for the ionization of a weak base, B.
Kb is called the base-dissociation constant.

(c) Which of these two substances is a stronger base? Justify your answer.

pyridine, C5H5N (Kb = 1.7 x 10–9) methylamine, CH3NH2 (Kb = 4.4 x 10–4)

There are two categories of weak bases:

1) neutral molecules with an atom that has a lone pair of electrons that can accept H+

2) anions that represent the conjugate base of a weak acid

(d) are organic compounds that contain a nitrogen atom with a lone pair of
electrons capable of accepting H+. Examples include the following compounds.
Circle the compound that represents the strongest base among these three.

methylamine trimethylamine aniline
(Kb = 4.4 x 10–4) (Kb = 6.4 x 10–5) (Kb = 4.3 x 10–10)

(e) The ion is one example of a basic anion. It is derived from

hypochlorous acid. The formula of this ion is . Its Kb value is 3.3 x 10–7.

(f) Another example of a basic anion is the ion, which is derived from

hydrocyanic acid. Its Kb value is 2.0 x 10–5.

If you are given the concentration of a weak base and the pH of the base, it is possible to
calculate the value of Kb.

(g) A 0.25 M solution of ammonia has a pH of 11.33.

(i) What is the pOH of this solution?

(ii) What is the concentration of hydroxide in this solution?

(iii) What is the concentration of ammonium in this solution?

(iv) The concentration of ammonia is 0.25 M. Using this number and the answers to (ii) and
(iii), plug these values into the Kb expression for NH3. Calculate Kb for ammonia.

If you are given the concentration of a weak base and the Kb value of the base, it is possible
to calculate the pH of the base solution.

(h) A solution of ammonia has a concentration of 0.050 M. Calculate the [OH–], pH, and percent
ionization for this solution.
(i) A 1.00 L solution of sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl, has a pH of 9.50. Calculate each of the
following quantities. (Kb = 3.3 x 10–7)

pOH [OH–] [HOCl] [OCl–] mass of NaOCl in the solution.

Section 16.8 – Relationship Between Ka and Kb

(a) Fill in the missing information in the table below.


Dissociation of a
HA H+ + A–
weak acid, HA:

Reaction of the
conjugate base A– + H2O HA + OH–
A– with water:

The two reactions

added together:

(b) Write Equation 16.40 on page 679:

(c) Write Equation 16.41 on page 680:

(d) Calculate the pKa value for each of the following acids:

Acetic acid, CH3CO2H (1.8 x 10–5) Hypochlorous acid, HOCl (3.0 x 10–8)

pKa = pKa =

(e) The lower the pKa value is, the the acid is.
(f) Calculate the Kb value for each of the following bases:

Acetate, CH3CO2– Hypochlorite, ClO–

Kb = Kb =

(g) Describe the relationship between the Ka of an acid and the Kb of its conjugate base.

Section 16.9 – Acid-Base Properties of Salt Solutions

A solution of a salt can be classified as acidic or basic. When an anion reacts with water to
generate H+(aq) or OH–(aq), this reaction is often called hydrolysis.

Consider the anions of these six strong acids that you memorized in Section 16.2.

Cl– Br– I– NO3– ClO3– ClO4–

(a) Do these six anions act as strong bases in solution?

Do they act as weak bases in solution?

How do these ions affect the pH of a solution?

These six ions act as ions in acid-base reactions.

(b) Acetic acid (CH3CO2H) is a weak acid. Write an equation for the hydrolysis of the acetate ion.

(c) Based on the equation in part (b), sodium acetate (CH3CO2Na) behaves as .

A solution of sodium acetate has a pH that is ( less than more than ) 7.00

Reaction #1: HPO42– H+ + PO43– Ka = 4.2 x 10–13

Reaction #2: HPO42– + H2O H2PO4– + OH– Kb = 1.6 x 10–7

(d) In Reaction #1, the hydrogen phosphate ion, HPO42– behaves as .

In Reaction #2, HPO42– behaves as .

(e) Will a solution of Na2HPO4 be acidic or basic? Justify your prediction.

(f) Write an equation to show how the NH4+ ion behaves in water.

(f) The Kb of ammonia is equal to 1.8 x 10–5. Calculate the Ka for the ammonium ion.

(g) How do the ions Li+, Na+, K+, Ca2+ Sr2+ and Ba2+ affect the pH of an aqueous solution?

(h) According to Figure 16.16 on page 683, how can the Fe3+ ion behave as an acid?

The following is a summary of the acid-base properties of salt solutions.

If the Examples include the …and the Examples include the …the salt
cation is… following ions anion is… following ions will be…
Group 1 cations conjugate base of a
or heavier members strong acid
neutral neutral neutral
of Group 2 (Cl , Br–, I–, NO3–,

(Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+) ClO3–, ClO4–)

Group 1 cations
conjugate base
or heavier members
neutral basic of a weak acid basic
of Group 2
(F–, ClO–, C2H3O2–, CO32–)
(Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+)
conjugate acid
of a weak base conjugate base of a
(NH4+) strong acid
acidic neutral acidic
or a small, highly (Cl–, Br–, I–, NO3–,
charged metal ion ClO3–, ClO4–)
(Al3+, Cr3+, Fe3+)
There is a fourth possibility to consider. A salt may contain both an acidic cation and basic anion.
In this case, the behavior of the salt in solution depends on the relative strength of these two ions.

If Ka for the acidic cation is greater than Kb for the basic anion, the salt should be acidic.

If Kb for the basic anion is greater than Ka for the acidic cation, the salt should be basic.

Section 16.10 – Acid-Base Behavior and Chemical Structure

(a) The strength of the H–X bond tends to as element X increases in size.

(b) The higher the bond energy, the it is for that bond to be broken.

Bond (H–X) H–F H–Cl H–Br H–I

Bond Energy (kJ/mol) 567 431 366 299

(c) How does the data in the table above help to explain the difference in acid strength between
hydrofluoric acid ( HF ) and hydrochloric acid ( HCl )?

(d) Moving left to right across a period, electronegativity tends to .

Moving top to bottom down a group, electronegativity tends to .

(e) Which bond is more polar, H–O or H–F? How does this difference in bond polarity help to
explain the difference in acid strength between hydrofluoric acid ( HF ) and water?

(f) Which atom is more electronegative, chlorine or iodine? How does this difference in
electronegativity explain the difference in acid strength between
hypochlorous acid ( HOCl ) and hypoiodous acid ( HOI )?
(g) Explain why chloric acid ( HClO3 ) is a stronger acid than hypochlorous acid ( HClO ).

(h) What is a carboxyl group? Explain how resonance helps to explain the stability of the
conjugate base in a carboxylic acid.

Section 16.11 – Lewis Acids and Bases

This concept has been de-emphasized in the AP Chemistry curriculum and will not be featured on
the AP Exam.

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