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SmartVuTM Control

AquaForce ® PUREtec with R-1234ze(E)

Original document

1 - SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS......................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 - General description.................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 - Safety precautions..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 - CONTROLLER OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 - General description.................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 - Operating modes........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
3 - HARDWARE DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 - General description.................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 - SmartVuTM connections.............................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.3 - Electrical box.............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.4  -  Power supply to boards.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.5  -  Light emitting diodes on boards................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.6 - Pressure sensors....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.7  -  Temperature sensors.................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.8 - Actuators.................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.9  -  Connections at the user terminal block...................................................................................................................................... 8
3.10  -  RS485 wiring (best practice).................................................................................................................................................... 9
4 - USER INTERFACE: OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.1  -  Touch screen display................................................................................................................................................................ 11
4.2  -  Home screen (synoptic view)................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.3 - Circuit view............................................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.4  -  Information message box......................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.5 - Header buttons......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.6 - Subheader buttons................................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.7 - Other buttons........................................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.8 - Screen calibration.................................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.9 - Warning messages................................................................................................................................................................... 13
5 - USER INTERFACE: MENU STRUCTURE................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1 - Main menu............................................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2  -  Configuration menu.................................................................................................................................................................. 23
5.3 - Holiday menu........................................................................................................................................................................... 26
5.4 - Schedule menu........................................................................................................................................................................ 26
5.5 - Network menu.......................................................................................................................................................................... 27
5.6 - System menu........................................................................................................................................................................... 30
5.7  -  User Login menu...................................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.8  -  Start / Stop menu..................................................................................................................................................................... 34
5.9  -  Alarms menu............................................................................................................................................................................ 35
6 - CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATION............................................................................................................................................... 37
6.1 - Start/Stop control .................................................................................................................................................................... 37
6.2  -  Unit stop function..................................................................................................................................................................... 37
6.3 - Heating/Cooling selection........................................................................................................................................................ 37
6.4 - Pumps control.......................................................................................................................................................................... 38
6.5  -  Condenser water pump control................................................................................................................................................ 38
6.6 - Control point............................................................................................................................................................................. 39
6.7 - Capacity limitation.................................................................................................................................................................... 40
6.8 - Current limitation...................................................................................................................................................................... 40
6.9 - Capacity control....................................................................................................................................................................... 40
6.10 - Night mode............................................................................................................................................................................. 41
6.11  -  Head pressure control............................................................................................................................................................ 41
6.12  -  Circuit lead/lag selection (multi-circuit units).......................................................................................................................... 41
6.13  -  Compressor loading sequence (multi-circuit units)................................................................................................................ 41
6.14  -  Circuit capacity loading sequence.......................................................................................................................................... 41
6.15  -  Energy management module................................................................................................................................................. 43
6.16 - Master/slave assembly........................................................................................................................................................... 43
6.17  -  Heat reclaim option (30XB).................................................................................................................................................... 43
6.18  -  Variable speed fans (option 17 and 30XBE/30XBEZE).......................................................................................................... 44
6.19  -  Evaporator heater option (30XB)........................................................................................................................................... 44
6.20  -  Free cooling option (30XB).................................................................................................................................................... 44
6.21  -  Dry Cooler Free Cooling (30XB/30XW)................................................................................................................................. 44
6.22  -  Dry cooler option – condensing pressure control (30XW)...................................................................................................... 44
6.23  -  Hydronic kit option (30XB)..................................................................................................................................................... 44
6.24  -  Electrical box fan protection (30XWPZE)............................................................................................................................... 45
6.25  -  High condensing temperature option (30XW and 30XWPZE)............................................................................................... 45
6.26  -  Maximum condenser leaving water temperature option (30XW)........................................................................................... 45
6.27 - Brine options.......................................................................................................................................................................... 45
6.28  -  BACnet (option 149)............................................................................................................................................................... 45
6.29  -  Fast capacity recovery (option 295)....................................................................................................................................... 45
6.30  -  Modbus (option 149B)............................................................................................................................................................ 45
6.31 - Software Activation Key(s)..................................................................................................................................................... 45


6.32 - Trending................................................................................................................................................................................. 46
6.33 - Schedule setting..................................................................................................................................................................... 47
6.34 - Holidays................................................................................................................................................................................. 47
7 - WEB CONNECTION..................................................................................................................................................................... 48
7.1 - Web interface........................................................................................................................................................................... 48
7.2  -  Technical documentation.......................................................................................................................................................... 48
8 - DIAGNOSTICS............................................................................................................................................................................. 49
8.1 - Control diagnostics................................................................................................................................................................... 49
8.2  -  Displaying current alarms......................................................................................................................................................... 49
8.3  -  E-mail notifications................................................................................................................................................................... 49
8.4 - Resetting alarms...................................................................................................................................................................... 49
8.5  -  Alarm history............................................................................................................................................................................ 49
8.6  -  Alarm codes............................................................................................................................................................................. 50
9 - MAINTENANCE............................................................................................................................................................................ 57

The cover photos are solely for illustration and forms no part of any offer for sale or any sale contract. The manufacturer reserves the
right to change the design at any time without notice.


The goal of this document is to give a broad overview of the main Instructions in this manual are given as a guide to good practice
functions of the SmartVuTM system used to control the following in the installation, start-up and operation of the control system.
types of units: This document does not contain full service procedures for the
■ Air-cooled units with R134a refrigerant: 30XA - 60 Hz units, 30XB correct operation of the equipment. The support of a qualified
chillers with fixed-speed fans or variable-speed AC fan motors Carrier Service Engineer is strongly recommended to ensure
(option 17), 30XBE chillers with variable-speed AC fan motors as optimal operation of the equipment as well as the optimization of
well as 30XBP premium chillers with EC fans. all available functionalities.
■ Air-cooled units with R1234ze refrigerant: 30XBEZE chillers Note that this document may refer to optional components and
with variable-speed AC fan motors and 30XBPZE chillers with certain functions, options or accessories may not be available for
variable-speed EC fan motors. the specific unit. The cover images are solely for illustration and
form no part of any offer for sale or any sale contract.
■ Water-cooled units with R134a refrigerant: 30XW/30XWP
chillers and 30XWH/30XWHP heat pumps.
■ Water-cooled units with R1234ze refrigerant (as standard) or IMPORTANT: All screenshots of the interface provided in this
R515B refrigerant (optional): 30XWPZE chillers and 30XWHPZE manual include text in English. After changing the language
heat pumps. of the system, all labels will be displayed in the language
selected by the user.
IMPORTANT: Heating mode is applicable only to 30XW water-
cooled units with "H" configuration (30XWH, 30XWHP,
Please read all instructions prior to proceeding
with any work. Pay attention to all safety warnings.

The information provided herein is solely for the purpose of

allowing customers to operate and service the equipment and it
is not to be reproduced, modified or used for any other purpose
without the prior consent of the Manufacturer.


In this manual, the refrigeration circuits are called circuit A, circuit B

and circuit C.

CCN Carrier Comfort Network

DCFC Dry Cooler Free Cooling
EMM Energy Management Module
EXV Electronic Expansion Valve
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEN Sensor Bus (internal communication bus linking
the basic board to slave boards)
OAT Outdoor Air Temperature
Network mode Operating type: Network
VFD Variable Frequency Drive

Operating modes:
Local-Off Operating type: Local Off
Local-On Operating type: Local On mode
Local-Schedule Operating type: Local On following a time schedule
Master mode Operating type: master unit
(master/slave assembly)
Remote mode Operating type: by remote contacts


1.1 - General description 1.2 - Safety precautions

Installation, start-up and servicing of equipment can be hazardous Only personnel qualified in accordance with IEC (International
if certain factors particular to the installation are not considered: Electrotechnical Commission) recommendations may be permitted
operating pressures, electrical components, voltages and the access to electrical components. It is particularly recommended
installation site (elevated plinths and built-up structures). that all sources of electricity to the unit should be shut off before
Only qualified installation engineers and fully trained technicians any work is begun. Shut off the main power supply at the main
are authorised to install and start the equipment. All instructions circuit breaker or isolator.
and recommendations provided in the service guide, installation CAUTION: The equipment uses and emits electromagnetic
and operation manuals, as well as on tags and labels fixed to the signals. Tests have shown that the equipment conforms to
equipment, components and other accompanying parts supplied all applicable codes with respect to electromagnetic
separately, must be read, understood and followed. Failure to compatibility.
comply with the instructions provided by the manufacturer may RISK OF ELECTROCUTION: Even when the main circuit
result in injury or product damage. breaker or isolator is switched off, specific circuits may still
■ Apply all safety standards and practices. be energised as they may be connected to a separate power
■ Wear safety glasses and gloves. source.
■ Use the proper tools to move heavy objects. RISK OF BURNS: Electrical currents may cause components
to get hot. Handle power cable, electrical cables and conduits,
■ Move units carefully and set them down gently.
terminal box covers and motor frames with great care.
IMPORTANT: Some specific safety precautions should be
taken in case of HFO units.
For more information about handling the equipment safely,
please refer to the IOM Unit documentation (Installation,
Operation and Maintenance instructions).


2.1 - General description
The SmartVuTM system controls the start-up of the compressors
needed to maintain the desired heat exchanger entering and
leaving water temperature. The controller manages the operation
of the fans in order to maintain the correct condensing pressure
in each circuit. SmartVuTM constantly monitors safety devices that
protect the unit against failure and guarantee its optimal

2.2 - Operating modes
The control system can operate in three independent modes:
■ Local mode: The unit is controlled by commands from the user
■ Remote mode: The unit is controlled by dry contacts.
■ Network mode: The unit is controlled by network commands
(CCN or BACnet).
The operating mode can be selected with the Start/Stop button
(see also section 5.8). When the SmartVuTM system operates
autonomously (Local or Remote), it retains all of its control
capabilities but does not offer any of the features of the Network.
The Network emergency stop command stops the unit regardless
of its active operating type.


3.1 - General description 3.3 - Electrical box

Each circuit is by default fitted with one SIOB board used to The electrical box includes all boards controlling the unit and the
manage all inputs and outputs of the controller. user interface.
TCPM board is used to control the operation of screw compressors
and AUX1 board is used for fans control (one AUX1 per each circuit).
Please note that the first AUX1 board may also include the output
used to control the customer variable speed pump for single-circuit
units (see also section 6.4.3).
Options such as energy management, heat reclaim, free cooling
require additional SIOB boards to be installed. Additionally, chillers
fitted with a dry cooler have one extra AUX1 board used to control
the optional dry cooler (the board included in the dry cooler).
NOTE: There are two types of dry coolers available, i.e.
dry cooler (condenser) used for 30XW water-cooled units and
free cooling dry cooler for 30XB air-cooled units.
All boards communicate via an internal LEN bus. The main board
continuously monitors the information received from various
pressure and temperature probes and accordingly starts the
program that controls the unit.
The unit is equipped with the SmartVuTM user interface:
■ 4.3-inch colour LCD touch screen (standard)
■ 7-inch colour LCD touch screen (optional)

3.2 - SmartVuTM connections
Depending on the size of the touch screen, connections are located
on the bottom (or the bottom and the right side) of the main
■ The control offers communication protocols such as LEN, CCN
(Carrier Comfort Network), Modbus, or BACnet.
■ It is possible to enable and disable end of line resistors via the
System menu (see section 5.6).
■ Ethernet ports allow for TCP/IP communication or BMS
(Building Management System) connection.

4.3" standard touch screen - bottom view

7" optional touch screen - bottom view

7" optional touch screen - side view


3.4 - Power supply to boards 3.7 - Temperature sensors

All boards are supplied from a common 24 VAC supply referred Temperature sensors constantly measure the temperature of
to earth. various components of the unit, ensuring the correct operation of
CAUTION: Maintain correct polarity when connecting the system.
the power supply to the boards, otherwise the boards may ■ Evaporator entering and leaving water temperature sensors
be damaged. The evaporator entering and leaving water temperature
In the event of a power supply interrupt, the unit restarts sensors are installed in the entering and leaving side water
automatically without the need for an external command. However, box. They are used for capacity control and safety purposes.
any faults active when the supply is interrupted are saved and may ■ Condenser entering and leaving water temperature sensors
in certain cases prevent a given circuit or the unit from restarting. These sensors measure the entering and leaving water
temperatures in water-cooled units or air-cooled units with the
3.5 - Light emitting diodes on boards heat reclaim option.
■ Suction gas temperature sensor
All boards continuously check and indicate the proper operation
This sensor is used to control the suction gas temperature.
of their electronic circuits. A light emitting diode (LED) lights on
It is located at the suction line of each compressor.
each board when it is operating properly.
■ Discharge gas temperature sensor
■ The red LED flashing for a two-second period on the SIOB
This sensor is used to control the discharge gas temperature,
board indicates correct operation. A different rate indicates a
and permits control of the discharge superheat temperature.
board or a software failure.
It is located at the discharge line of the compressor.
■ The green LED flashes continuously on all boards to show that
■ Motor temperature sensor
the board is communicating correctly over its internal bus. If the
This sensor is used to control the motor temperature of each
green LED is not flashing, this indicates a LEN bus wiring
■ Oil temperature sensor
3.6 - Pressure sensors This sensor is used to control the oil temperature of each
Two types of electronic sensors (high and low pressure) are used
■ Temperature setpoint reset sensor
to measure various pressures in each circuit.
This 4-20 mA sensor can be installed remotely from the unit.
These electronic sensors deliver 0 to 5 VDC. The sensors are It is used to reset the setpoint on the unit.
connected to the SIOB board.
■ Outdoor temperature sensor
■ Discharge pressure sensors (high pressure type) This sensor is mounted on the control box of air-cooled units.
These sensors measure the discharge pressure in each circuit. Outdoor temperature sensor is used for start-up, setpoint
They are used to control head pressure or high pressure load temperature reset and frost protection control.
shedding. Discharge pressure sensors are mounted on the
■ Master/slave water sensor (optional)
discharge line piping of each circuit.
The water temperature sensor is used for master/slave
■ Suction pressure sensors (low pressure type) assembly control.
These sensors measure the suction pressure in each circuit.
They are used for EXV control. Suction pressure sensors are 3.8 - Actuators
located on the suction piping of each circuit.
■ Evaporator pumps
■ Oil pressure sensors (high pressure type)
The controller can regulate one or two evaporator pumps and
These sensors measure the oil pressure of each compressor.
takes care of the automatic changeover between these pumps
Oil pressure sensors are located at the oil port of the
(see also section 6.4).
compressor. The economizer pressure is subtracted from this
value to arrive at the differential oil pressure. ■ Condenser pump
In water-cooled units the controller can regulate one condenser
■ Economizer pressure sensors (high pressure type)
These sensors measure the intermediate pressure between high
and low pressure. They are used to control the economizer ■ Electronic expansion valve
performance. The electronic expansion valve (EXV) is used to adjust the
refrigerant flow to changes in the operating conditions of the
■ Heat reclaim condenser outlet pressure sensors (optional)
machine. To adjust the refrigerant flow, a piston moves
These sensors (for air-cooled units with heat reclaim option)
constantly up or down to vary the cross-section of the
permit control of the load in the heat reclaim mode (see also
refrigerant path. This piston is driven by an electronically
section 6.17).
controlled linear stepper motor. The high degree of accuracy
with which the piston is positioned provides precise control of
the refrigerant flow.
■ Water flow switch
The water flow switch configuration allows for the automatic
control of the minimum water flow setpoint of the water flow
switch. The configuration depends on the unit size and is made
automatically at the start-up. If the measured water flow rate
in the water loop is lower than the configured flow rate, the
alarm condition shuts off the unit.


3.9 - Connections at the user terminal block

Connections available at the user terminal block may vary
depending on the selected options.

3.9.1 - General description
Some contacts can be accessed only when the unit operates in
Remote mode.
The following table summarises the connections at the user
terminal block.
Terminal block connections
Description Board Input/Output Connector Remarks
On/Off switch SIOB, circuit A DI-01 J1 Used for the unit on/off control if the unit is in Remote mode
The contact is taken into consideration if the unit is in
Second setpoint switch SIOB, circuit A DI-02 J1
Remote mode
Demand limit switch 1 SIOB, circuit A DI-03 J1 Used to control demand limit. See section 6.7
Heat cool select status SIOB, circuit A DI-04 J1 Used to select heat cool mode
Condenser flow status (30XW only) SIOB, circuit A DI-08 J1 Used to control the condenser status
Setpoint reset control SIOB, circuit A AI-10 J9 Allows the customer to reset the currently selected setpoint
Alarm relay SIOB, circuit A DO-05 J23 Indicates alarms
Running relay SIOB, circuit A DO-06 J22 Indicates if the unit is ready to start or operating
Variable speed pump command
Used to command the customer variable speed cooler
(dual-circuit 30XW units, 30XB units SIOB, circuit B AO-01 J10
pump (0-10V). See section 6.4.3
with option 17 and 30XBE(ZE) units)
Variable speed pump command Used to command the customer variable speed cooler
AUX1 #1 AO J5
(single-circuit 30XW units) pump (0-10V). See section 6.4.3
Enables to switch between occupied (closed contact) and
Occupancy override SIOB, EMM DI-01 J1
unoccupied mode (open contact)
Demand limit switch 2 SIOB, EMM DI-02 J1 Used to control demand limit. See section 6.7
Customer interlock SIOB, EMM DI-03 J1 Used for the customer safety loops
Used to control the setpoint according to the occupancy
Ice done contact SIOB, EMM DI-04 J1
Capacity limit control SIOB, EMM AI-10 J9 Used for capacity limitation
Chiller partially shutdown SIOB, EMM DO-05 J23 Indicates the shutdown of one of the circuits
Chiller shutdown SIOB, EMM DO-06 J22 Indicates the unit shutdown
Chiller capacity running output (0 to 10 V) SIOB, EMM AO-01 J10 Reports the capacity percentage of the unit
Heat reclaim condenser flow status SIOB,
DI-01 J1 Used to verify the water flow on the condenser side
(air-cooled units) Heat reclaim
Heat reclaim enable switch SIOB, Used to switch between air-condenser (open contact) and
DI-02 J1
(air-cooled units) Heat reclaim water condenser (closed contact) in Remote mode
Free cooling disable switch SIOB,
DI-01 J1 Used to control free cooling when the unit is in Remote mode
(air-cooled units) Free cooling

3.9.2 - Volt-free contact on/off/cooling/heating 3.9.3 - Volt-free setpoint selection contact

If the unit operates in Remote mode, on/off contacts and heating/ This dry contact input is used to switch between setpoints. It is
cooling contacts operate as follows: active only when the control is in Remote mode.
Without multiplexing Cooling Heating
Off Cooling Heating Setpoint 1 Setpoint 2 Setpoint 1 Setpoint 2
On/Off contact open closed closed Setpoint selection open closed open closed
Cooling/heating contact - open closed contact

3.9.4 - Volt-free demand limit selection contact

With multiplexing
Off Cooling Heating Auto Up to two dry contacts can be used to limit unit capacity. Note that
On/Off contact open closed closed open the second contact is available for units with the energy
Cooling/heating contact open open closed closed
management module.
Capacity limitation with two contacts is as follows:
100% Limit 1 Limit 2 Limit 3
1. Off: Unit is stopped
2. Cooling: Unit is allowed to start in Cooling Demand limit 1 contact open closed open closed
3. Heating: Unit is allowed to start in Heating Demand limit 2 contact open open closed closed
4. Auto: Unit can run in Cooling or Heating in accordance with the changeover values.
The limits are defined in the SETPOINT menu.


3.10 - RS485 wiring (best practice)

For RS485 ports, one of the following cables can be used:
■ two twisted pairs + a shield (RECOMMENDED) If a shield is used, then the shield cable should be properly
■ three wires + a shield terminated and connected as short as possible at ONLY ONE
END to one of the following:
Note that “+” and “-” are communication signals and they are from
■ the chassis ground for the 4.3-inch controller OR
the same twisted pair.
■ the SHD connector pin for the 7-inch controller.
The signal ground could be a single wire or a twisted pair and it
should be connected to the “C” pin of J10 (Modbus RTU) or J7 (CCN).
This wire is required so that all nodes on the bus share a common
ground reference connection.

3.10.1 - RS485 wiring: 4.3-inch controller

The following diagrams illustrate possible RS485 wiring schemes
for 4.3-inch controllers.
The first wiring scheme is the best option (RECOMMENDED), but
the second or the third wiring can also be used.

No.1 RS485 wiring diagram (RECOMMENDED) No. 4 RS485 wiring diagram (INCORRECT- Do not use!)

No. 2 RS485 wiring diagram (CORRECT) No. 5 RS485 wiring diagram (INCORRECT- Do not use!)

No. 3 RS485 wiring diagram (CORRECT)


3.10.2 - RS485 wiring: 7-inch controller

The following diagrams illustrate possible RS485 wiring schemes
for 7-inch controllers.
The first wiring scheme is the best option (RECOMMENDED), but
the second or the third wiring can also be used.

No.1 RS485 wiring diagram (RECOMMENDED) No. 4 RS485 wiring diagram (INCORRECT- Do not use!)

No. 2 RS485 wiring diagram (CORRECT) No. 5 RS485 wiring diagram (INCORRECT- Do not use!)

No. 3 RS485 wiring diagram (CORRECT)

3.10.3 - RS485: Daisy chain configuration

The following illustration shows proper 4-wire termination with End of Line Resistor: Termination is only needed when running
a shield in a daisy chain configuration. at bus at very high speed over long distances.
The speed of the bus and the cable distance determine whether
B C termination is needed. It is meant to balance the bus to minimize
the ringing that may be caused by fast signals and the inductance
of the cabling.
At 9600 baud, termination will have little or no effect on the bus.

B Shield
C Keep shield continued
D Connect shield to earth ground only at one point


4.1 - Touch screen display 4.3 - Circuit view

SmartVuTM is a 4.3-inch (standard) or 7-inch (optional) colour touch To access the circuit view, please press the Circuit view button
screen with quick display of alarms, current unit operating status, (see section 4.6).
etc. It allows for web connectivity and custom language support
(control parameters displayed in the language selected by the user). The circuit view is available from:
■ 4.3" - only web browser
■ If the touch screen is not used for a while, the screen backlight
■ 7" - web browser and local UI
will be turned off. The control system is always active and
the operating mode remains unchanged. Press anywhere on
the screen and the Home screen will be displayed.
■ It is recommended to use a stylus for the navigation via
the touch screen (not provided with the controller).
4.2 - Home screen (synoptic view)
The home screen is the starting point of the controller. It is also
the first screen shown after starting the user interface.


Icon Description
(1) Compressor is used to squeeze the compressor refrigerant
gas and turn it into high pressure gas. The image is animated
when the screw compressor is running.

(2) Condenser is a heat exchanger used to cool down the

vapour and condense the gas into a liquid. Condenser fans are
animated when fans are running.
Please note that the number of fans given in the picture may be different
from the actual number of fans installed on the unit. The speed of fans
does not reflect their real speed.
1. Header and subheader buttons* (see section 4.5 and section 4.6) (3) EXV is used to control the flow of refrigerant into the
2. Synoptic view / Circuit view (see section 4.3) evaporator. The circuit view displays the current position of
3. Information message box (see section 4.4) the electronic expansion valve.
Please note that the picture of the chiller is for illustration only and Valve position is given in %, where 0% means closed position and
100% means open position.
it may differ from the actual look of the chiller that is available on
field. The image displayed on the home screen represents the
whole series of 30XA/XB/XW chillers. (4) Evaporator absorbs heat from the air and it does the
opposite of the condenser, i.e. the evaporator converts the liquid
The home screen allows you to monitor basic information about into gas.
the operation of the chiller and its working conditions.
Icon Description
Setpoint: This parameter is used to display the currently Circuit capacity: The gauge shows current circuit capacity.
selected setpoint. Press the icon to modify the setpoint
(possible only when logged in!, see section 5.7).
Leaving Water Temperature: This parameter shows current
leaving water temperature.
Outdoor Air Temperature (OAT): This parameter is
displayed only in case of units fitted with OAT sensor. Entering Water Temperature: This parameter shows current
entering water temperature.

Unit capacity: The gauge shows current unit capacity. 4.4 - Information message box
The information displayed in the status bar at the bottom of
the screen includes relevant messages related to actions taken by
Pump status: Press the icon to go to pump parameters.
The pump image is animated when the flow switch is “on”. the user.

Leaving Water Temperature: This parameter shows

Message Description
current leaving water temperature. SUCCESS Displayed when the requested action is executed.
Entering Water Temperature: This parameter shows COMMUNICATION Displayed when the main application is not running.
current entering water temperature. FAILURE!
*Please note that the subheader buttons are available only on 7-inch touch screen HIGH FORCE IN Displayed when the controller rejects the “Force”
or when the control is accessed via the web interface (see also section 4.3). EFFECT! command (applicable only to status menus).
Displayed when trying to perform actions not
allowed at current access level.


4.5 - Header buttons

Home Previous screen Main Menu System Menu User Login Start / Stop Alarms Menu

Button Description

Home screen: Press the button to go to the Home screen.

Previous screen: Press the button to go back to the previous screen.

Main menu: Press the button to go to the Main menu.

System menu: Press the button to go to the System menu.

User Login menu: Used to log in to the controller in order to access higher configuration level.

User is not logged in. Service technician access level.

User access level. Factory access level.

Start/Stop menu: Used to control the unit control mode.

Unit is currently stopped (blue icon).

Unit is currently running (green icon).

Alarms menu: Press the button to go to the Alarms menu.

The grey bell means there is currently no alarm active on the unit.

The yellow ringing bell means that there is a partial alarm (one circuit affected by the alarm) or Alert (no action 
taken on the unit).

The red ringing bell means that the unit is affected by the alarm.

4.6 - Subheader buttons
Button * Description

A Circuit view: Press the button to go to the circuit view.

A Green lights in the corners of the circuit icon mean the circuit is currently running.

A Grey lights in the corners of the circuit icon mean the circuit is currently stopped.

* Please note that the letter inside the circuit icon stands for the circuit, i.e. “A” stands for circuit A.


4.7 - Other buttons 4.8 - Screen calibration

The purpose of screen calibration is to make sure that the software
Button Description acts correctly upon pressing icons on the user interface.
Save button: Press the button to save the To calibrate the screen
1. Press and hold anywhere on the screen.
2. The calibration process will start.
Cancel button: Press the button to cancel the
modification. 3. Please follow instructions displayed on the screen:
“Touch the target in (...) screen corner”
Log in button: Press the button to log in at
specific access level.

Log off button: Press the button to log off.

Confirm button: Press the button to confirm

the modification. 4.9 - Warning messages
Warning messages are used to inform the user that a problem
Cancel button: Press the button to cancel the
occurred and the requested action cannot be completed successfully.
Login failure
Up button: Press the button to scroll up. If the wrong password is provided, the following warning message
will be displayed:
“The password entered does not match any stored passwords”
Down button: Press the button to scroll down.

Force button: Press the button to force the


Remove Force button: Press the button to

remove the forced parameter.

Trending button: Press the button to display

trends. ■ Press the Confirm button and type the correct password (see
section 5.7).
Saving modifications
Refresh button: Press the button to refresh the
view. In case a parameter has been changed, but not saved with the
Save button, the following warning message will be displayed:
“Your recent changes haven't been saved (...)”
Zoom in button: Press the button to magnify
the current view.

Zoom out button: Press the button to expand

the current view.

Left button: Press the button to go to the left.

Rewind button: Press the button to go to the

left faster than normal. ■ Press the Confirm button to continue without saving the
■ Press the Cancel button to come back to the current screen
Right button: Press the button to go to the right. and then save the modification with the Save button.

Fast-forward button: Press the button to go

the right faster than normal.


5.1 - Main menu

Home Previous screen Main Menu System Menu User Login Start / Stop Alarms Menu

Main menu

General Parameters Temperatures Pressures

Inputs Status Outputs Status Pump Status

Run Times Modes Reclaim

Freecooling DC Free Cooling Status Setpoint Table

Configuration Menu Trendings Software Options

Configuration menu

... ...

See section 5.2


Basic access (no password)

User password required


The Main menu provides access to the main control parameters, NOTE: The Trendings menu is displayed in form of a graph.
including general parameters, inputs and outputs status, etc. For more information about Trendings, see section 6.32.
■ To access the menu, press the Main menu button located in
the upper-left part of the Home screen. CAUTION: Since specific units may not include additional
■ Specific unit parameters can be accessed by pressing the icon features, some tables may contain parameters that cannot
corresponding to the desired category. be configured for a given unit.

GENUNIT – General parameters

No. Status Unit Displayed text* Description

1 0 to 2 - Local=0 Net.=1 Remote=2 Operating mode:
0 = Local
1 = Network
2 = Remote
2 - - Run Status Unit running status: Off, Stopping, Delay, Running, Ready,
Override, Tripout, Test, Runtest
3 disable/enable - Net.: Cmd Start/Stop Unit start/stop via Network
4 no/yes - Net.: Cmd Occupied Unit time schedule via Network
5 - min Minutes Left for Start Minutes before the unit start-up
6 - - Heat/Cool status Heating/cooling status
7 0 to 2 - Heat/Cool Select Heating/cooling selection
8 - - 0=Cool. 1=Heat. 2=Auto 0 = Cooling
1 = Heating
2 = Automatic heating/cooling control
9 0 to 2 - Setpoint Select Setpoint selection
10 - - 0=Auto. 1=Spt1. 2=Spt2 0 = Automatic setpoint selection
1 = Setpoint 1
2 = Setpoint 2
11 no/yes - Setpoint Occupied? Setpoint status
12 0 to 100 % Percent Total Capacity Total unit capacity
13 - AMPS Actual Chiller Current Actual chiller current
14 - AMPS Chiller Current Limit Chiller current limit
15 - °C Current Setpoint Current setpoint value
16 - - Control Point Control point
17 disable/enable - Emergency Stop Emergency stop
18 0 to 100 % Active Demand Limit Val Active demand limit value
19 0 to 100 % Actual Capacity cir A Circuit A running capacity in %
20 0 to 100 % Actual Capacity cir B Circuit B running capacity in %
21 0 to 100 % Actual Capacity cir C Circuit C running capacity in %
* Depends on the selected language (English by default)

TEMP – Temperatures

No. Status Unit Displayed text* Description

1 - °C Cooler Entering Fluid Evaporator entering water temperature
2 - °C Cooler Leaving Fluid Evaporator leaving water temperature
3 - °C Condenser Entering Fluid Condenser entering water temperature
4 - °C Condenser Leaving Fluid Condenser leaving water temperature
5 - °C Saturated Cond Tmp cir A Saturated condensing temperature, circuit A
6 - °C Saturated Suction Temp A Saturated suction temperature, circuit A
7 - °C Compressor Suction Tmp A Compressor suction temperature, circuit A
8 - °C Discharge Gas Temp cir A Discharge gas temperature, circuit A
9 - °C Motor Temperature cir A Motor temperature, circuit A
10 - °C Saturated Cond Tmp cir B Saturated condensing temperature, circuit B
11 - °C Saturated Suction Temp B Saturated suction temperature, circuit B
12 - °C Compressor Suction Tmp B Compressor suction temperature, circuit B
13 - °C Discharge Gas Temp cir B Discharge gas temperature, circuit B
14 - °C Motor Temperature cir B Motor temperature, circuit B
15 - °C Saturated Cond Tmp cir C Saturated condensing temperature, circuit C
16 - °C Saturated Suction Temp C Saturated suction temperature, circuit C
17 - °C Compressor Suction Tmp C Compressor suction temperature, circuit C
18 - °C Discharge Gas Temp cir C Discharge gas temperature, circuit C
19 - °C Motor Temperature cir C Motor temperature, circuit C


TEMP – Temperatures (continued)

No. Status Unit Displayed text* Description

20 - °C Optional Space Temp Optional space temperature
21 - °C CHWS Temperature Master/slave common water temperature
22 - °C CHWS Heat Temp Master/Slave common heat fluid temperature (available
depending on unit configuration)
23 - °C External Temperature External temperature
24 - °C Cooler Heater Temp Evaporator heater temperature
25 - °C Circuit C Heater Temp Heater temperature, circuit C
26 - °C Economizer Gas Temp A Economizer gas temperature, circuit A
27 - °C Economizer Gas Temp B Economizer gas temperature, circuit B
28 - °C Economizer Gas Temp C Economizer gas temperature, circuit C
29 - °C Dry Cool Leav Water Tmp Dry Cooler Leaving Water Temperature (units fitted with a dry
30 - °C Cooling Fluid Temp. 2 Cooling Fluid Temperature 2
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).

PRESSURE – Pressures

No.  Status Unit Displayed text* Description

1 - kPa Discharge Pressure A Discharge pressure, circuit A
2 - kPa Main Suction Pressure A Suction pressure, circuit A
3 - kPa Oil Pressure A Oil pressure, circuit A
4 - kPa Oil Pressure DifferenceA Oil pressure difference, circuit A
5 - kPa Economizer Pressure A Economizer pressure, circuit A
6 - kPa Discharge Pressure B Discharge pressure, circuit B
7 - kPa Main Suction Pressure B Suction pressure, circuit B
8 - kPa Oil Pressure B Oil pressure, circuit B
9 - kPa Oil Pressure DifferenceB Oil pressure difference, circuit B
10 - kPa Economizer Pressure B Economizer pressure, circuit B
11 - kPa Discharge Pressure C Discharge pressure, circuit C
12 - kPa Main Suction Pressure C Suction pressure, circuit C
13 - kPa Oil Pressure C Oil pressure, circuit C
14 - kPa Oil Pressure DifferenceC Oil pressure difference, circuit C
15 - kPa Economizer Pressure C Economizer pressure, circuit C
* Depends on the selected language (English by default)

INPUTS – Inputs status

No. Status Unit Displayed text* Description

1 open/close - Remote On/Off Switch Remote On/Off switch
2 open/close - Remote HeatCool Switch Remote heating/cooling selection switch
3 open/close - Remote Reclaim Switch Remote reclaim switch
4 open/close - Free Cooling Disable Sw Free cooling disable switch
5 open/close - Remote Setpoint Switch Setpoint selection switch
6 open/close - Limit Switch 1 Demand limit switch 1
7 open/close - Limit Switch 2 Demand limit switch 2
8 open/close - Oil Level Input A Oil level input, circuit A
9 open/close - Oil Level Input B Oil level input, circuit B
10 open/close - Oil Level Input C Oil level input, circuit C
11 - AMPS Motor Current A Motor current, circuit A
12 - AMPS Motor Current B Motor current, circuit B
13 - AMPS Motor Current C Motor current, circuit C
14 - mA Reset/Setpnt4-20mA Sgnl 4-20 mA signal, setpoint reset
15 open/close - Customer Interlock Customer interlock
16 open/close - Ice Done Storage Switch Ice storage end switch
17 open/close - Occupied Override Switch Occupied override switch
18 - mA Limit 4-20mA Signal 4-20 mA signal, capacity limit


INPUTS – Inputs status (continued)

No. Status Unit Displayed text* Description

19 open/close - Electrical Box Interlock Electrical box interlock
20 open/close - Cooler Heater command Evaporator heater command
21 - V Leakage detector 1 val Leakage detection (Refrigerant leak detection option)
22 - V Leakage detector 2 val Leakage detection (Refrigerant leak detection option)
23 off/on - ElecBoxFan1 input state Electrical Box Fan status 1 (units with HFO)
24 off/on - ElecBoxFan2 input state Electrical Box Fan status 2 (units with HFO)
25 off/on - ElecBoxFan3 input state Electrical Box Fan status 3 (units with HFO)
26 - - Power Protection Inputs Power Protection Inputs
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).

OUTPUTS – Output status

No. Status Unit Displayed text* Description

1 off/on - Compressor A Compressor A status
2 off/on - Oil Solenoid Output A Oil solenoid output, circuit A
3 off/on - Slide Valve 1 Output A Slide valve 1 output, circuit A
4 off/on - Slide Valve 2 Output A Slide valve 2 output, circuit A
5 - V Capacity Signal Cir A 0-10 V capacity signal, circuit A
6 off/on - Compressor B Compressor B status
7 off/on - Oil Solenoid Output B Oil solenoid output, circuit B
8 off/on - Slide Valve 1 Output B Slide valve 1 output, circuit B
9 off/on - Slide Valve 2 Output B Slide valve 2 output, circuit B
10 - V Capacity Signal Cir B 0-10 V capacity signal, circuit B
11 off/on - Compressor C Compressor C status
12 off/on - Oil Solenoid Output C Oil solenoid output, circuit C
13 off/on - Slide Valve 1 Output C Slide valve 1 output, circuit C
14 off/on - Slide Valve 2 Output C Slide valve 2 output, circuit C
15 - V Capacity Signal Cir C 0-10 V capacity signal, circuit C
16 - V Chiller Capacity signal Chiller capacity signal
17 off/on - Alarm Relay Status Alarm relay status
18 off/on - Running Relay Status Running relay status
19 off/on - Alert Relay State Alert relay state
20 off/on - Shutdown Indicator State Shutdown indicator status
21 0 to 100 % Cond 3 Way Valve Pos Condenser 3-way valve position
22 off/on - Cooler Heater Command Evaporator heater command status
23 off/on - Ready or Running Status Unit ready/running status
24 off/on - Reclaim Condenser Heater Reclaim condenser heater status
25 off/on - Ball Valve Close Out A Ball valve close output, circuit A
26 off/on - Ball Valve Open OutA Ball valve open output, circuit A
27 off/on - Ball Valve Close Out B Ball valve close output, circuit B
28 off/on - Ball Valve Open OutB Ball valve open output, circuit B
29 off/on - Ball Valve Close Out C Ball valve close output, circuit C
30 off/on - Ball Valve Open Out C Ball valve open output, circuit C
31 - - Fan Staging Number A Fan stage, circuit A
32 - - Fan Staging Number B Fan stage, circuit B
33 - - Fan Staging Number C Fan stage, circuit C
34 0 to 100 % Head Press Act Pos A Head pressure control – actuator position, circuit A
35 0 to 100 % Head Press Act Pos B Head pressure control – actuator position, circuit B
36 0 to 100 % Head Press Act Pos C Head pressure control – actuator position, circuit C
37 off/on - Oil Heater Output A Oil heater output, circuit A
38 off/on - Oil Heater Output B Oil heater output, circuit B
39 off/on - Oil Heater Output C Oil heater output, circuit C
40 off/on - 4 Way Refrig Valve A 4-way refrigerant valve position, circuit A
41 off/on - 4 Way Refrig Valve B 4-way refrigerant valve position, circuit B
42 close/open - Ball Valve Position A Ball valve position, circuit A
43 close/open - Ball Valve Position B Ball valve position, circuit B
44 close/open - Ball Valve Position C Ball valve position, circuit C
45 off/on - Alarm Relay Status Alarm relay output status
46 off/on - Electrical Box Fan sw Electrical box fan status (units with HFO)
47 0 to 10 - Dry Cool Vfan1 Output Dry cooler – variable speed fan 1
48 0 to 10 - Dry Cool Vfan2 Output Dry cooler – variable speed fan 2
49 off/on - Dry Cool fan stage 1 Dry cooler fan stage 1
50 off/on - Dry Cool fan stage 2 Dry cooler fan stage 2
51 off/on - Dry Cool fan stage 3 Dry cooler fan stage 3


OUTPUTS – Output status (continued)

No. Status Unit Displayed text* Description

52 off/on - Dry Cool fan stage 4 Dry cooler fan stage 4
53 off/on - Dry Cool fan stage 5 Dry cooler fan stage 5
54 off/on - Dry Cool fan stage 6 Dry cooler fan stage 6
55 off/on - Dry Cool fan stage 7 Dry cooler fan stage 7
56 off/on - Dry Cool fan stage 8 Dry cooler fan stage 8
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).

PUMPSTAT – Pump status

No. Status Unit Displayed text* Description

1 no/yes - Cooler Flow Setpoint Out Evaporator flow setpoint output
2 off/on - Cooler Pump #1 Command Evaporator pump 1 control
3 off/on - Cooler Pump #2 Command Evaporator pump 2 control
4 no/yes - Rotate Cooler Pumps ? Evaporator pumps rotation
5 open/close - Cooler Flow Switch Evaporator flow switch
6 off/on - Condenser Pump Command1 Condenser pump 1 control
7 off/on - Condenser Pump Command2 Condenser pump 2 control (not available!)
8 no/yes - Rotate Condenser Pumps ? Condenser pumps rotation (not available!)
9 - kPa Water pres before cooler Evaporator entering water pressure
10 - kPa Water pres after cooler Evaporator leaving water pressure
11 - kPa Water pres before filter Filter entering water pressure
12 - kPa Water pres after filter Filter leaving water pressure
13 - l/s Water flow Water flow rate
14 - kW Cooling power Cooling power
15 open/close - Condenser Flow Status Condenser flow status
16 0 to 100 % Variable speed pump cmd Variable speed pump command
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).

RUNTIME – Run times

No. Status Unit Displayed text* Description

1 - hour Machine Operating Hours Unit operating hours
2 - - Machine Starts Number Number of unit starts
3 - hour Compressor A Hours Operating hours, compressor A
4 - - Compressor A Starts Number of starts, compressor A
5 - hour Compressor B Hours Operating hours, compressor B
6 - - Compressor B Starts Number of starts, compressor B
7 - hour Compressor C Hours Operating hours, compressor C
8 - - Compressor C Starts Number of starts, compressor C
9 - hour Cooler Pump #1 Hours Operating hours, evaporator pump 1
10 - hour Cooler Pump #2 Hours Operating hours, evaporator pump 2
11 - hour Condenser Pump #1 Hours Operating hours, condenser pump 1
12 - hour Condenser Pump #2 Hours Operating hours, condenser pump 2 (not available!)
13 - hour Free Cool A Pump Hours Pump operating hours in Free Cooling, circuit A
14 - hour Free Cool B Pump Hours Pump operating hours in Free Cooling, circuit B
15 - hour Reclaim cir A Hours Reclaim session - operating hours, circuit A
16 - - Reclaim cir A Starts Reclaim session - number of starts, circuit A
17 - hour Reclaim cir B Hours Reclaim session - operating hours, circuit B
18 - - Reclaim cir B Starts Reclaim session - number of starts, circuit B
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).

NOTE: The displayed run times are updated every hour.


MODES – Modes

No. Status Unit Displayed text* Description

1 no/yes - Start Up Delay In Effect Start-up delay in effect
2 no/yes - Second Setpoint In Use Second setpoint in use
3 no/yes - Reset In Effect Setpoint reset active
4 no/yes - Demand limit Active Demand limit active
5 no/yes - Ramp Loading Active Ramp loading active
6 no/yes - Cooler Heater Active Evaporator heater active
7 no/yes - Cooler Pump Rotation Evaporator pump rotation
8 no/yes - Pump Periodic Start Pump periodic start active
9 no/yes - Night Low Noise Active Night low noise active
10 no/yes - Master Slave Active Master/slave mode active
11 no/yes - Auto Changeover Active Automatic changeover active
12 no/yes - Heating Low EWT Lockout Heating low EWT lockout
13 no/yes - Condenser Pump Rotation Condenser pump rotation (not available!)
14 no/yes - Cond Pump Periodic Start Condenser pump periodic start
15 no/yes - Ice Mode In Effect Ice storage mode active
16 no/yes - Defrost Active On Cir A Defrost mode active, circuit A
17 no/yes - Defrost Active On Cir B Defrost mode active, circuit B
18 no/yes - Free Cooling Active Free cooling mode active
19 no/yes - Reclaim Active Reclaim mode active
20 no/yes - Low Suction Circuit A Low suction, circuit A
21 no/yes - Low Suction Circuit B Low suction, circuit B
22 no/yes - Low Suction Circuit C Low suction, circuit C
23 no/yes - Map compressor Circuit A Compressor mapping, circuit A
24 no/yes - Map compressor Circuit B Compressor mapping, circuit B
25 no/yes - Map compressor Circuit C Compressor mapping, circuit C
26 no/yes - High Pres Override Cir A High pressure override, circuit A
27 no/yes - High Pres Override Cir B High pressure override, circuit B
28 no/yes - High Pres Override Cir C High pressure override, circuit C
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).

RECLAIM – Reclaim

No. Status Unit Displayed text* Description

1 no/yes - Heat Reclaim Select Heat reclaim selection
2 - °C Reclaim Entering Fluid Reclaim entering water temperature
3 - °C Reclaim Leaving Fluid Reclaim leaving water temperature
4 0 to 100 % Reclaim Valve Position Reclaim valve position
5 - - Reclaim Status Circuit A Reclaim status, circuit A
6 - kPa Pumpdown Pressure Cir A Pump-down pressure, circuit A
7 - °C Sub Condenser Temp Cir A Subcooling condenser temperature, circuit A
8 - °C Pumpdown Saturated Tmp A Pump-down saturated temperature, circuit A
9 - ^C Subcooling Temperature A Subcooling temperature, circuit A
10 off/on - Air Cond Entering Valv A Air condenser entering valve status, circuit A
11 off/on - Water Cond Enter Valve A Water condenser entering valve status, circuit A
12 off/on - Air Cond Leaving Valve A Air condenser leaving valve status, circuit A
13 off/on - Water Cond Leaving Val A Water condenser leaving valve status, circuit A
14 - - Reclaim Status Circuit B Reclaim status, circuit B
15 - kPa Pumpdown Pressure Cir B Pump-down pressure, circuit B
16 - °C Sub Condenser Temp Cir B Subcooling condenser temperature, circuit B
17 - °C Pumpdown Saturated Tmp B Pump-down saturated temperature, circuit B
18 - ^C Subcooling Temperature B Subcooling temperature, circuit B
19 off/on - Air Cond Entering Valv B Air condenser entering valve status, circuit B
20 off/on - Water Cond Enter Valve B Water condenser entering valve status, circuit B
21 off/on - Air Cond Leaving Valve B Air condenser leaving valve status, circuit B
22 off/on - Water Cond Leaving Val B Water condenser leaving valve status, circuit B
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).


FREECOOL – Free cooling

No. Status Unit Displayed text* Description

2 open/close - Free Cooling Disable? Free cooling mode status
3 - ^C LWT-OAT Delta LWT – OAT Delta
4 CIRCUIT A Circuit A
5 - kW Mechanical Cooling Power Mechanical cooling power
6 - kW Free Cooling Maxi Power Free cooling maximum power
7 - min Next session allowed in Next session allowed after the specified time
8 - min Cooling/FreeCool Timeout Cooling/free cooling timeout
9 no/yes - Free Cool Conditions OK? Optimal free cooling conditions
10 no/yes - Free Cool Request ? Free cooling request
11 off/on - Free Cooling Heaters ? Free cooling heaters status
12 no/yes - Free Cooling Active Free cooling status
13 - - Fan Staging Number Fan stage
14 off/on - Discharge valve Close out Discharge valve close output
15 off/on - Dischrge valve Open out Discharge valve open output
16 - - Discharge valve status Discharge valve status
17 off/on - Bypass valve Close out Bypass valve close output
18 off/on - Bypass valve Open out Bypass valve Open output
19 - - Bypass valve status Bypass valve status
20 off/on - Refrigerant Pump Out Refrigerant pump output
21 - kPa Pump Inlet Pressure Pump inlet pressure
22 - kPa Pump Outlet Pressure Pump outlet pressure
23 - kPa Pump Differential Press. Pump differential pressure
24 0 to 100 % EXV position EXV position
25 - °C Free cooling Liquid Tmp Free cooling liquid temperature
26 - ^C Free cooling Subcool Tmp Free cooling subcooling temperature
27 - ^C Free cooling Subcool Spt Free cooling subcooling setpoint
28 CIRCUIT B Circuit B
29 - kW Mechanical Cooling Power Mechanical cooling power
30 - kW Free Cooling Maxi Power Free cooling maximum power
31 - min Next session allowed in Next session allowed after the specified time
32 - min Cooling/FreeCool Timeout Cooling/free cooling timeout
33 no/yes - Free Cool Conditions OK? Optimal free cooling conditions
34 no/yes - Free Cool Request ? Free cooling request
35 off/on - Free Cooling Heaters ? Free cooling heaters status
36 no/yes - Free Cooling Active Free cooling status
37 - - Fan Staging Number Fan stage
38 off/on - Discharge valve Close out Discharge valve close output
39 off/on - Dischrge valve Open out Discharge valve open output
40 - - Discharge valve status Discharge valve status
41 off/on - Bypass valve Close out Bypass valve Close output
42 off/on - Bypass valve Open out Bypass valve open output
43 - - Bypass valve status Bypass valve status
44 off/on - Refrigerant Pump Out Refrigerant pump output
45 - kPa Pump Inlet Pressure Pump inlet pressure
46 - kPa Pump Outlet Pressure Pump outlet pressure
47 - kPa Pump Differential Press. Pump differential pressure
48 0 to 100 % EXV position EXV position
49 - °C Free cooling Liquid Tmp Free cooling liquid temperature
50 - ^C Free cooling Subcool Tmp Free cooling subcooling temperature
51 - ^C Free cooling Subcool Spt Free cooling subcooling setpoint
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).


DCFC_STA – DC Free Cooling Status

No. Status Unit Displayed text* Description

1 - °C OAT Free Cooling Free Cooling / Dry Cooler: OAT
2 - °C FC Leaving Water Temp Free Cooling / Dry Cooler: Leaving water temperature
3 - °C FC Water Loop Temp Free Cooling / Dry Cooler: Water loop temperature
4 no/yes - Free Cooling Mode Active Dry Cooler Free Cooling mode active
5 0 to 100 % FC Capacity Free Cooling / Dry Cooler capacity
6 0 to 20 - Fix Speed Fans Stage Free Cooling / Dry Cooler fan stage (fixed speed fans)
7 0 to 100 % Varifan Speed Free Cooling / Dry Cooler: Fan speed
8 0 to 100 % PID Output Value Status of PID output
9 0 to 999999 hour DCFC Operating Hours Free Cooling / Dry Cooler: Operating hours
10 0 to 999999 - DCFC Fan Stage 1 Start DCFC / Fan stage 1: Number of starts
11 0 to 999999 hour DCFC Fan Stage 1 Hours DCFC / Fan stage 1: Operating hours
12 0 to 999999 - DCFC Fan Stage 2 Start DCFC / Fan stage 2: Number of starts
13 0 to 999999 hour DCFC Fan Stage 2 Hours DCFC / Fan stage 2: Operating hours
14 0 to 999999 - DCFC Fan Stage 3 Start DCFC / Fan stage 3: Number of starts
15 0 to 999999 hour DCFC Fan Stage 3 Hours DCFC / Fan stage 3: Operating hours
16 0 to 999999 - DCFC Fan Stage 4 Start DCFC / Fan stage 4: Number of starts
17 0 to 999999 hour DCFC Fan Stage 4 Hours DCFC / Fan stage 4: Operating hours
18 0 to 999999 - DCFC Fan Stage 5 Start DCFC / Fan stage 5: Number of starts
19 0 to 999999 hour DCFC Fan Stage 5 Hours DCFC / Fan stage 5: Operating hours
20 0 to 999999 - DCFC Fan Stage 6 Start DCFC / Fan stage 6: Number of starts
21 0 to 999999 hour DCFC Fan Stage 6 Hours DCFC / Fan stage 6: Operating hours
22 0 to 999999 - DCFC Fan Stage 7 Start DCFC / Fan stage 7: Number of starts
23 0 to 999999 hour DCFC Fan Stage 7 Hours DCFC / Fan stage 7: Operating hours
24 0 to 999999 - DCFC Variable Fan Start DCFC / Variable speed fan: Number of starts
25 0 to 999999 hour DCFC Variable Fan Hours DCFC / Variable speed fan: Operating hours
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).

SETPOINT – Setpoint table

No. Status Default Unit Displayed text* Description

1 -28.9 to 26  6.7 °C Cooling Setpoint 1 Cooling setpoint 1
2 -28.9 to 26 6.7 °C Cooling Setpoint 2 Cooling setpoint 2
3 -28.9 to 26 6.7 °C Cooling Ice Setpoint Ice storage setpoint
4 0.1 to 11.1 0.6 ^C Cooling Ramp Loading Cooling ramp loading setpoint
5 26.7 to 63** 37.8 °C Heating Setpoint 1** Heating setpoint 1
6 26.7 to 63** 37.8 °C Heating Setpoint 2** Heating setpoint 2
7 0.1 to 11.1 0.6 ^C Heating Ramp Loading Heating ramp loading setpoint
8 3.9 to 50 23.9 °C Cool Changeover Setpt Cooling changeover setpoint
9 0 to 46.1 17.8 °C Heat Changeover Setpt Heating changeover setpoint
10 26.7 to 60 35 °C Water Val Condensing Stp Water valve condensing setpoint
11 0 to 100 100 % Switch Limit Setpoint 1 Limit setpoint switch 1
12 0 to 100 100 % Switch Limit Setpoint 2 Limit setpoint switch 2
13 0 to 100 100 % Switch Limit Setpoint 3 Limit setpoint switch 3
14 35 to 50 50 °C Reclaim Setpoint Heat reclaim setpoint
15 2.8 to 15 5 ^C Reclaim Deadband Heat reclaim deadband
16 1 to 20 5 ^C Varipump Delta Temp Stp Variable speed pump delta temperature setpoint
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).
** 26.7 to 70.0°C range for units with HFO.


TRENDING – Trendings

No. Status Unit Displayed text* Description

1 - °C / °F TEMP_COOL_LWT Cooler Leaving Fluid
2 - °C / °F TEMP_COOL_EWT Cooler Entering Fluid
3 - °C / °F TEMP_COND_LWT Condenser Leaving Fluid
4 - °C / °F TEMP_COND_EWT Condenser Entering Fluid
5 - °C / °F TEMP_OAT Outdoor Air Temperature
6 - °C / °F TEMP_SCT_A Saturated Cond Tmp cir A
7 - °C / °F TEMP_SST_A Saturated Suction Temp A
8 - °C / °F TEMP_SCT_B Saturated Cond Tmp cir B
9 - °C / °F TEMP_SST_B Saturated Suction Temp B
10 - °C / °F TEMP_SCT_C Saturated Cond Tmp cir C
11 - °C / °F TEMP_SST_C Saturated Suction Temp C
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).

OPT_STA – Software Options

No. Status Default Unit Displayed text* Description

1 opt5 no/yes OPT5: Medium Brine Parameter set to “yes” means that Medium brine option which
requires the Software Key is activated (see also section 6.27)
2 opt6 no/yes OPT6: Low Brine Parameter set to “yes” means that Low brine option which
requires the Software Key is activated (see also section 6.27)
3 opt8 no/yes OPT8: Light Brine Parameter set to “yes” means that Light brine option which
requires the Software Key is activated (see also section 6.27)
4 opt149 no/yes OPT149: BACnet Parameter set to “yes” means that BACnet option which requires
the Software Key is activated (see also section 6.28)
5 opt295 no/yes OPT295: Fast Cap Reco Fast capacity recovery is a free option and does not require a software
protection key (see also section 6.29)
6 opt149B no/yes OPT149B: Modbus Parameter set to “yes” means that Modbus option which requires
the Software Key is activated (see also section 6.30)
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).

NOTE: Since specific units may not include certain options,

some tables provided in the document contain parameters
that cannot be configured for a given unit.


5.2 - Configuration menu

Home Previous screen Main Menu System Menu User Login Start / Stop Alarms Menu

Configuration Menu

Configuration menu

General Configuration Pump Configuration Reset Configuration

Holiday Menu Schedule Menu Date/Time

Control Identification Network Menu Add Options

Holiday menu Network menu Schedule menu

HOLDY_01 ModbusRTU Config. OCCPC01S

Modbus TCP/IP Config.

... OCCPC02S
See section 5.3 See section 5.4

BACnet Standard Conf.

Email Configuration Basic access (no password)
See section 5.5 User password required


The Configuration menu gives access to a number of user- System configuration override: In some cases it is possible to
modifiable parameters such as pump configuration, schedule override system configuration. Note that not all parameters can
menu, etc. The Configuration menu is password-protected. be overridden by the control.
■ To access the Configuration menu, press the Main menu button CAUTION: Since specific units may not include additional
located in the upper-left part of the Home screen, and then features, some tables may contain parameters that cannot
select Configuration Menu. be configured for a given unit.
■ Once all the necessary modifications have been made, press
the Save button to confirm your changes or the Cancel button
to exit the screen without making modifications.

GENCONF – General configuration

No. Status Default Unit Displayed text* Description

1 0 to 2 0 - Cir Priority Sequence Circuit priority
2 0=Auto, 1=A Prio 0 = Automatic circuit selection
1 = Circuit A priority
3 2=B Prio 2 = Circuit B priority
4 no/yes no - Staged Loading Sequence Staged loading sequence
5 no/yes no - Ramp Loading Select Ramp loading selection
6 1 to 15 1 min Unit Off to On Delay Unit Off to On delay
7 00:00 0 - Night Mode Start Hour Night mode start time
8 00:00 0 - Night Mode End Hour Night mode end time
9 0 to 100 100 % Night Capacity Limit Night capacity limit
10 Basic Menu Configuration Basic menu configuration
11 0 = All Access 0 = All access
12 1 = no alarm menu 1 = No alarm menu
13 2 = no setpoint menu 2 = No setpoint menu
14 3=1+2 3 = No alarm and no setpoint menu
15 0 to 2 0 - Demand Limit Type Select Demand limit selection
16 0 = None 0 = None
17 1 = Switch Control 1 = Switch control
18 2 = 4-20mA Control 2 = 4-20 mA control
19 0 to 20 0 mA mA For 100% Demand Limit 100% demand Limit (mA)
20 0 to 20 10 mA mA For 0% Demand Limit 0% demand Limit (mA)
21 no/yes no - Current Limit Select Current limit selection
22 0 to 4000 2000 A CurrentLimit at 100% Current limit at 100%
23 14.4 to 15 10 ^C Free Cooling Delta T Th Free cooling delta temperature
24 20 to 300 30 min Full Load Timeout Full load timeout
25 no/yes no - Ice Mode Enable Ice mode enabled
26 no/yes no - Reverse Alarms Relay Reverse alarms relay
27 0 to 10 5 min Under Volt. Delay Start Under Volt. Delay Start
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).

PUMPCONF – Pump configuration

No. Status Default Unit Displayed text* Description

1 0 to 4 0 - Condenser Pumps Sequence Condenser pumps sequence **
2 0 to 4 0 - Cooler Pumps Sequence Evaporator pumps sequence
3 0 = No Pump 0 = No pump
4 1 = One Pump Only 1 = One pump
5 2 = Two Pumps Auto 2 = Two pumps automatic control
6 3 = Pump#1 Manual 3 = Pump 1 manual
7 4 = Pump#2 Manual 4 = Pump 2 manual
8 24 to 3000 48 hour Pump Auto Rotation Delay Pump rotation delay
9 no/yes no - Pump Sticking Protection Pump sticking protection
10 no/yes no - Stop Pump During Standby Pump stop when the unit is in standby
11 no/yes yes - Flow Checked If Pump Off Flow check when the pump is off
12 no/yes no - Cooler Pump Off In Heat Evaporator pump off in Heating
13 no/yes no - Cond Pump Off In Cool Condenser pump off in Cooling
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).
** Please note that the unit can control only one condenser pump. This value can
be set to “0” or “1”.


RESETCFG – Reset configuration

No. Status Default Unit Displayed text* Description

1 0 to 4 0 - Cooling Reset Select Cooling reset selection
2 0 to 4 0 - Heating Reset Select Heating reset selection
3 0=None, 1=OAT 0 = None
1 = OAT
4 2=Delta T, 4=Space Temp 2 = Delta T
4 = Space temperature
5 3=4-20mA control 3 = 4-20 mA control
6 Cooling Cooling
7 -10 to 51.7 -10 °C OAT No Reset Value OAT, no reset value
8 -10 to 51.7 -10 °C OAT Full Reset Value OAT, max. reset value
9 0 to 13.9 0 ^C Delta T No Reset Value Delta T, no reset value
10 0 to 13.9 0 ^C Delta T Full Reset Value Delta T, max. reset value
11 0 to 20 0 mA Current No Reset Value Current, no reset value
12 0 to 20 0 mA Current Full Reset Value Current, max. reset value
13 -10 to 51.7 -10 °C Space T No Reset Value Space temperature, no reset value
14 -10 to 51.7 -10 °C Space T Full Reset Value Space temperature, max. reset value
15 -16.7 to 16.7 0 ^C Cooling Reset Deg. Value Maximum cooling reset value
16 Heating Heating
17 -10 to 51.7 -10 °C OAT No Reset Value OAT, no reset value
18 -10 to 51.7 -10 °C OAT Full Reset Value OAT, max. reset value
19 0 to 13.9 0 ^C Delta T No Reset Value Delta T, no reset value
20 0 to 13.9 0 ^C Delta T Full Reset Value Delta T, max. reset value
21 0 to 20 0 mA Current No Reset Value Current, no reset value
22 0 to 20 0 mA Current Full Reset Value Current, max. reset value
23 -10 to 51.7 -10 °C Space T No Reset Value Space temperature, no reset value
24 -10 to 51.7 -10 °C Space T Full Reset Value Space temperature, max. reset value
25 -16.7 to 16.7 0 ^C Heating Reset Deg. Value Maximum heating reset value
26 -4 to 32 -17.8 °C Heating OAT threshold Heating OAT threshold
27 no/yes no - HSM Both Command Select HSM both command selection
28 no/yes no - Auto Changeover Select Automatic changeover selection
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).

DATETIME – Date/Time

No. Status Default Displayed text*

1 on/off Daylight Saving Time Information of setting the clocks forward one hour from standard time during
the summer months, and back again in the fall, in order to make better use of
natural daylight
2 Greenwich Mean Time (UTC) Location Time zone
3 YYYY/MM/DD, HH:MM:SS Date/Time Current date and time (must be set manually)
4 no/yes Today is a Holiday Information about holidays (read-only). Please note that holidays are set in the
Holiday menu (see also section 5.3)
5 no/yes Tomorrow is a Holiday Information about the upcoming holiday period (read-only). Please note that
holidays are set in the Holiday menu (see also section 5.3)
* Depends on the selected language (English by default).

NOTE: The Date/Time Configuration menu appears also

in the System menu (see also section 5.6).


Control Identification – CTRLID

No. Status Default Displayed text* Description

1 0-239 0 CCN Element Number Element number
2 0-239 1 CCN Bus Number Bus number
3 9600 / 19200 / 38400 9600 CCN Baud Rate Communication speed
4 - 30XAXW SmartVu Device Description Unit description
5 - - Location Description Location description: The number corresponds to the country
6 - ECG-SR-20W47100 Software Part Number Software version
7 - - Serial Number Serial number (MAC address)
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

Add Options – ADD_OPT

No. Displayed text* Description

1 MAC Address Controller MAC address: This MAC address is requested by your local service
representative when ordering any software-protected option (see also section 6.31)
2 Please Enter Your Software Activation Key Software Activation Key provided by a service technician (see also section 6.31)
3 Unit must be Off The unit should not be operating when installing the Software Activation Key
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

NOTE: If you need to add an option, please contact your local

Carrier Service provider.

5.3 - Holiday menu 5.4 - Schedule menu

The Holiday menu allows the user to set up to 16 holiday periods, The Schedule menu includes two time schedules, where the first
which are defined by the start month, start day, and duration. one (OCCPC01S) is used to control the unit start/stop and the
second one (OCCPC02S) is used to control the dual setpoint.

Holiday Menu – HOLIDAY

Schedule Menu – SCHEDULE
Icon Name Displayed text* Description
Icon Name Displayed text* Description
HOLIDAY Holiday period No.1
HOLDY_01 - HOLDY_01 settings OCCPC01S Unit on/off time
OCCPC01S - Schedule Menu schedule

... ... ...

OCCPC02S Unit setpoint selection
OCCPC02S - Schedule Menu time schedule

HOLIDAY Holiday period No.16 *Depends on the selected language (English by default).
HOLDY_16 - HOLDY_16 settings
Example: Setting occupancy schedule
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

HOLIDAY - HOLDY_01 (...)

No. Name Status Default Displayed text* Description

1 HOL_MON 0-12 0 Holiday Start Holiday start month
2 HOL_DAY 0-31 0 Start Day Holiday start day
3 HOL_LEN 0-99 0 Duration (days) Holiday duration
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

IMPORTANT: For more information about holiday setting,

IMPORTANT: For more information about schedule setting,
please see section 6.34.
please see section 6.33.


5.5 - Network menu

Network Menu – NETWORK

Icon Name Displayed text* Description

MODBUSRS ModbusRTU Config. Modbus RTU configuration

MODBUSIP ModbusTCP/IP Config. Modbus TCP/IP configuration

BACNET BACnet Standard Conf. BACnet configuration

EMAILCFG Email Configuration Email settings

*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

NOTE: For more information about web connection

functionality, please see section 7.

ModbusRTU Config. – MODBUSRS

No. Name Status Default Unit Displayed text* Description

1 modrt_en no/yes no - RTU Server Enable RTU Server Enable
2 ser_UID 1 to 247 1 - Server UID Server UID
3 metric no/yes yes - Metric Unit Metric Unit
4 swap_b 0 to 1 0 - Swap Bytes Swap Bytes
5 0 = Big Endian 0 = Big Endian
6 1 = Little Endian 1 = Little Endian
7 baudrate 0 to 2 0 - Baudrate Baudrate
8 0 = 9600 0 = 9600
9 1 = 19200 1 = 19200
10 2 = 38400 2 = 38400
11 parity 0 to 2 0 - Parity Parity
12 0 = No Parity 0 = No Parity
13 1 = Odd Parity 1 = Odd Parity
14 2 = Even Parity 2 = Even Parity
15 stop_bit 0 to 1 1 - Stop bit Stop bit
16 0 = One Stop Bit 0 = One Stop Bit
17 1 = Two Stop Bit 1 = Two Stop Bit
18 real_typ 0 to 1 1 - Real type management Real type management
19 0 = Float X10 0 = Float X10
20 1 = IEEE 754 1 = IEEE 754
21 reg32bit 0 to 1 1 - Enable 32 bits registers Enable 32 bits registers
22 0 = IR/HR in 16 bit mode 0 = IR/HR in 16 bit mode
23 1 = IR/HR 32 bit mode 1 = IR/HR 32 bit mode
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

NOTE: If you need to add an option, please contact your local

Carrier Service provider.


Modbus TCP/IP Config. – MODBUSIP

No. Name Status Default Unit Displayed text* Description

1 modip_en no/yes no - TCP/IP Server Enable TCP/IP Server Enable
2 ser_UID 1 to 247 1 - Server UID Server UID
3 port_nbr 0 to 65535 502 - IP Port Number IP Port Number
4 metric no/yes yes - Metric Unit Metric Unit
5 swap_b 0 to 1 0 - Swap Bytes Swap Bytes
6 0 = Big Endian 0 = Big Endian
7 1 = Little Endian 1 = Little Endian
8 real_typ 0 to 1 1 - Real Type Management Real Type Management
9 0 = Float X10 0 = Float X10
10 1 = IEE 754 1 = IEE 754
11 reg32bit 0 to 1 1 - Enable 32 bits registers Enable 32 bits registers
12 0 = IR/HR in 16 bit mode 0 = IR/HR in 16 bit mode
13 1 = IR/HR in 32 bit mode 1 = IR/HR in 32 bit mode
14 conifnam 0 to 1 0 - IP port interface name IP port interface name
15 0 = J5 / J15 0 = J5 / J15
16 1 = J16 1 = J16
17 timeout 60 to 600 120 sec Com. timeout (s) Com. timeout (s)
18 idle 0 to 30 10 sec Keepalive idle delay(s) Keepalive idle delay(s)
19 intrvl 0 to 2 1 sec Keepalive interval(s) Keepalive interval(s)
20 probes 0 to 10 10 - Keepalive probes nb Keepalive probes nb
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

NOTE: If you need to add an option, please contact your local

Carrier Service provider.

BACnet Standard Conf. – BACNET

No. Name Status Default Unit Displayed text* Description

1 bacena disable/enable disable - BACnet Enable BACnet Enable
2 bacunit no/yes yes - Metric Units Metric Units
3 network 1 to 40000 1600 - Network Network
4 udpport 47808 to 47823 47808 - UDP Port Number UDP Port Number
5 bac_id 1 to 4194302 1600001 - Device Id Manual Device Id Manual
6 auid_opt disable/enable disable - Device Id Auto Option Device Id Auto Option
7 balmena disable/enable enable - Alarm reporting Alarm reporting
8 mng_occ no/yes no - BACnet Manage Occupancy BACnet Manage Occupancy
9 conifnam 0 to1 1 - IP port interface name IP port interface name
10 0 = J5 / J15 0 = J5 / J15
11 1 = J16 1 = J16
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

NOTE: If you need to add an option, please contact your local

Carrier Service provider.


E-mail Configuration – EMAILCFG

No. Name Status Default Unit Displayed text* Description

1 senderP1 - Sender Email Part1 Sender e-mail, identifier part
2 @ @
3 senderP2 - Sender Email Part2 Sender e-mail, identifier part
4 recip1P1 - Recip1 Email Part1 Recipient 1,identifier part
5 @ @
6 recip1P2 - Recip1 Email Part2 Recipient 1,domain part
7 recip2P1 - Recip2 Email Part1 Recipient 2,identifier part
8 @ @
9 recip2P2 Recip2 Email Part2 Recipient 2,domain part
10 smtpP1 0 to 255 - SMTP IP Addr Part1 SMTP IP address part 1
11 smtpP2 0 to 255 - SMTP IP Addr Part2 SMTP IP address part 2
12 smtpP3 0 to 255 - SMTP IP Addr Part3 SMTP IP address part 3
13 smtpP4 0 to 255 - SMTP IP Addr Part4 SMTP IP address part 4
14 accP1 - Account Email Part1 Account e-mail, identifier part
15 @ @
16 accP2 - Account Email Part2 Account e-mail, domain part
17 accPass - Account Password Account password
18 portNbr 0 to 255 - Port Number Port number
19 srvTim 0 to 255 sec Server Timeout Server timeout
20 srvAut 0 to 1 - Server Authentication
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

NOTE: If you need to add an option, please contact your local

Carrier Service provider.


5.6 - System menu

Home Previous screen Main Menu System Menu User Login Start / Stop Alarms Menu

System menu

CPU Load EOL Resistor Network

Date/Time Language & Unit Brightness

Software Info Hardware Info


Basic access (no password)

User password required

The System menu allows the user to verify software, hardware, CAUTION: Since specific units may not include additional
or network information and change some display settings, including features, some tables may contain parameters that cannot
language, date/time, or brightness. be configured for a given unit.
■ To access the System menu, press the System menu button
located in the upper-right part of the Home screen.


No. Status Default Unit Displayed text* Description

1 0 to 100 - % CPU load CPU utilization
2 0 to 100 - % RAM Memory utilization RAM usage
3 0 to 100 - % FLASH Memory utilization Flash memory usage
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

EOL Resistor – EOLRES

No. Status Default Displayed text* Description

1 disable/enable disable End of Line Res. J6 (LEN) End of line resistor J6 (LEN bus)
2 disable/enable disable End of Line Res. J7 (CCN) End of line resistor J7 (CCN bus)
3 disable/enable disable End of Line Resistor J8 End of line resistor J8
4 disable/enable disable End of Line Resistor J10 End of line resistor J10 (Modbus)
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).


Network – NETWORK

No. Status Default Displayed text* Description

1 IP Network Interface J15 (eth0): IP Network Interface J15 (Ethernet 0):
Note: For 4.3-inch controllers, we have one Ethernet port J5
2 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx MAC Address MAC Address
3 - TCP/IP Address TCP/IP Address: Changing the IP address and mask is possible
but a reboot is mandatory if Modbus TCP or BACnet IP is
enabled (the reboot is required to make changes effective).
4 - Subnet Mask Subnet Mask
5 - Default Gateway Default Gateway
6 - Gateway Mask Gateway Mask
7 - Domain Name Server (DNS) Domain Name Server (DNS)
8 -
9 IP Network Interface J16 (eth1): IP Network Interface J16 (Ethernet 1):
10 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx MAC Address MAC Address
11 - TCP/IP Address TCP/IP Address: Changing the IP address and mask is possible
but a reboot is mandatory if Modbus TCP or BACnet IP is
enabled (the reboot is required to make changes effective).
12 - Subnet Mask Subnet Mask
13 - Default Gateway Default Gateway
14 - Gateway Mask Gateway Mask
15 - Domain Name Server (DNS) Domain Name Server (DNS)
16 -
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

NOTE: Having an IP address on the same network ID for both

Eth0 and Eth1 is not allowed as it may cause confusion and
affect the controller routing functionality.

Date/Time – DATETIME

No. Displayed text* Status Description

1 Daylight Saving Time on/off Information of setting the clocks forward one hour from
standard time during the summer months, and back again in
the fall, in order to make better use of natural daylight
2 Location Greenwich Mean Time (UTC) Time zone
3 Date/Time YYYY/MM/DD, HH:MM:SS Current date and time (must be set manually)
4 Today is a Holiday no/yes Information about holidays (read-only). Please note that
holidays are set in the Holiday menu (see also section 5.3)
5 Tomorrow is a Holiday no/yes Information about the upcoming holiday period (read-only).
Please note that holidays are set in the Holiday menu (see also
section 5.3)
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

N O T E : T h e D a t e / Ti m e c o n f i g u r a t i o n a p p e a r s a l s o
in the Configuration menu (see also section 5.2).

Language & Unit – LANGUNIT

No. Displayed text* Description

1 Example (Languages) Depending on factory configuration, one of the following sets of languages is available:
1) English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Chinese, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and
“undefined” (custom language).
2) English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Turkish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and
“undefined” (custom language).

Custom language: The control system allows users to add new languages to the control.
To learn more about language customization, please contact your local service
representative. Custom languages can be uploaded only by a service representative.

2 System of measurement: US Imp/Metric US Imp = Parameters displayed in US Imperial units

Metric = Parameters displayed in metric units
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).


Brightness – BRIGHTNS

No. Status Displayed text* Description

1 0 to 100% Brightness Screen brightness
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

Software Info – SWINFO

No. Status Displayed text* Description

1 ECG-ST-20W47100 Software Version Software version number
2 N.NNN.N SDK Version SDK version number
3 NN UI Version User interface version
4 Carrier Brand Brand
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

Hardware Info – HWINFO

No. Status Displayed text* Description

1 - Board Variant Board variant
2 - Board Revision Board revision
3 43 Screen size Screen size in inches (4.3-inch controller or 7-inch contoller)
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).


5.7 - User Login menu

Home Previous screen Main Menu System Menu User Login Start / Stop Alarms Menu

User Login menu

User Login Service Login Factory Login


Basic access (no password)

User password required

5.7.1 - Access control 5.7.4 - User password

■ User Login menu provides access to three different access User password can be modified in the User Login menu.
levels, i.e. user configuration, service configuration, and factory
To change your password
1. Press the User Login button, and then select User Login.
■ Multilevel security ensures that only authorised users are
allowed to modify critical unit parameters. 2. Press the Change User Password button.
■ Only people qualified to manage the unit should be familiarized
with the password.
■ Configuration menu can be accessed only by logged-in users
(user configuration level or higher).
IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommended to change the
default password of the user interface to exclude the possibility
of changing any parameters by an unqualified person.

5.7.2 - User login
Only logged-in users can access configurable unit parameters.
By default, user password is “11”.
To log in
1. Press the User Login button, and then select User Login.
2. Press the Password box. 3. The Change User Password screen will be displayed.
3. Provide the password (11) and press the Confirm button. 4. Please provide the current password, and then type the new
password twice.

4. The User Login screen appears.

5.7.3 - Service & Factory login

Service and factory login menus are dedicated to service
technicians and factory line. To learn more about advanced access
control, please refer to the Control Service Guide (service 5. Press the Save button to confirm password update or the
technicians only). Cancel button to exit the screen without making modifications.


5.8 - Start / Stop menu

Home Previous screen Main Menu System Menu User Login Start / Stop Alarms Menu

5.8.1 - Unit operating mode 5.8.2 - Unit start

With the unit in the Local off mode: To display the list of
To start the unit
operating modes and select the required mode, press the Start/
Stop button in the upper-right corner of the Synoptic screen. 1. Press the Start/Stop button.
2. Select the required Machine Mode.
• Local On
• Local Schedule
• Network
• Remote
• Master
3. The Home screen will be displayed.

5.8.3 - Unit stop

To stop the unit

1. Press the Start/Stop button.
2. Confirm the unit shutdown by pressing Confirm Stop or cancel
the unit shutdown by pressing the Back button.

IMPORTANT: When entering the menu, please note that the

currently selected item corresponds to the last running
operating mode.

Unit start/stop screen (operating modes)

Local On: The unit is in the local control mode and
Local On
allowed to start.
Local Schedule: The unit is in the local control mode
Local Schedule
and allowed to start if the period is occupied.
Network: The unit is controlled by network commands
and allowed to start if the period is occupied.
Remote: The unit is controlled by external commands
and allowed to start if the period is occupied.
Master: The unit operates as the master in the master/
Master slave assembly and it is allowed to start if the period
is occupied.


5.9 - Alarms menu

Home Previous screen Main Menu System Menu User Login Start / Stop Alarms Menu

Alarms menu

Current Alarms Alarm Historic Major Alarm Historic

Reset Alarms


Basic access (no password)

User password required

The Alarms menu allows the user to monitor alarms that occurred
on the unit as well as reset alarms that require manual reset.
■ To access the Alarms menu, press the Alarms menu button
located in the upper-right part of the Home screen.

The Alarm history is divided into two parts:

■ Alarm Historic that displays up to 50 recent general alarms.
■ Alarm Major Historic that displays up to 50 recent major alarms,
including alarms connected with process failure, compressor
failure, and VFD drives.

IMPORTANT: For more information about alarms, please go

to section 8.1.

Current Alarms – CUR_ALM

No. Name Date Hour Alarm text

1 Alarm YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM Alarm text (see section 8.6)
... Alarm YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM Alarm text (see section 8.6)
10 Alarm YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM Alarm text (see section 8.6)
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

Alarm Historic – ALMHIST1

No. Name Date Hour Alarm text

1 Alarm YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM Alarm text (see section 8.6)
... Alarm YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM Alarm text (see section 8.6)
50 Alarm YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM Alarm text (see section 8.6)
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).


Major Alarm Historic – ALMHIST2

No. Name Date Hour Alarm text

1 Alarm YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM Alarm text (see section 8.6)
... Alarm YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM Alarm text (see section 8.6)
50 Alarm YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM Alarm text (see section 8.6)
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

Reset Alarms – ALARMRST

No. Name Status Displayed text* Description

1 RST_ALM no/yes Alarm Reset Used to reset active alarms
2 ALM - Alarm State Alarm state:
Normal = No alarm
Partial = There is an alarm, but the unit continues to operate
Shutdown = Unit shuts down
3 alarm_1c - Current Alarm 1 Alarm code (see section 8.6)
4 alarm_2c - Current Alarm 2 Alarm code (see section 8.6)
5 alarm_3c - Current Alarm 3 Alarm code (see section 8.6)
6 alarm_4c - Current Alarm 4 Alarm code (see section 8.6)
7 alarm_5c - Current Alarm 5 Alarm code (see section 8.6)
8 alarm_1 - Jbus Current Alarm 1 JBus alarm code (see section 8.6)
9 alarm_2 - Jbus Current Alarm 2 JBus alarm code (see section 8.6)
10 alarm_3 - Jbus Current Alarm 3 JBus alarm code (see section 8.6)
11 alarm_4 - Jbus Current Alarm 4 JBus alarm code (see section 8.6)
12 alarm_5 - Jbus Current Alarm 5 JBus alarm code (see section 8.6)
*Depends on the selected language (English by default).

■ JBus vs. Modbus: Data exchange services offered by
Modbus and JBus protocols are the same and therefore
these terms can be used interchangeably.


This section points out the most significant control functionalities, 6.2 - Unit stop function
e.g. unit start/stop operation, heat/cool control. It also gives
instructions on how to perform critical operations of the main This function controls the unit compressor capacity reduction.
control system. If there is an alarm or a demand to stop, it forces the compressors
to the minimum capacity before stopping them.
6.1 - Start/Stop control
6.3 - Heating/Cooling selection
The unit state is determined based on a number of factors, including
its operating type, active overrides, open contacts, master/slave For units configured in the heat pump mode, heating/cooling
configuration, or alarms triggered due to operating conditions. selection can be controlled in various ways, depending on the
active operating type. By default, the cooling mode is selected.
The table given below summarises the unit control type and Heating/cooling control can be automatic or manual.
its running status with regard to the following parameters:
Heating/Cooling selection can be determined as follows:
■ Operating type: Operating type is selected using the Start/
■ locally at the unit in the GENUNIT menu,
Stop button on the user interface.
■ remotely via the heating/cooling selection contact if the unit is
LOFF Local off in the Remote operating type,
L-C Local on ■ via a network command if the unit is in the Network operating type.
L-SC Local schedule
rEM Remote In the automatic mode, the outdoor air temperature determines
the heating/cooling/standby changeover (see the SETPOINT menu
Net. Network
for cooling and heating mode changeover thresholds).
MASt Master unit The automatic changeover is optional and requires user
■ Start/stop force command: Chiller start/stop force command can configuration (GENUNIT – General Parameters).
be used to control the chiller state in the Network operating type.
Parameter status
- Command set to stop: The unit is halted.
Heating/Cooling Heating/Cooling Heat/
- Command set to start: The unit runs in accordance with On/off Control Operating
selection contact Cool
schedule 1. status type mode
in local mode in local mode select
■ Remote start/stop contact status: Start/stop contact can be off - - - cooling
used to control the chiller state in the Remote operating type. on local cooling - cooling
■ Master control type: When the unit is the master unit in a on local heating - heating
two-chiller lead/lag arrangement, the master unit may be set on remote - on cooling cooling
to be controlled locally, remotely or via network (see also 6.15).
on remote - on heating heating
■ Start/stop time schedule: Occupied or unoccupied status of on network - - cooling cooling
the unit.
on network - - heating heating
■ Network emergency stop command: If activated, the unit
shuts down regardless of the active operating type. NOTE: Please remember that the automatic changeover mode
cannot be selected on water-cooled units.
■ General alarm: The unit shuts down due to failure.

Active operating type Parameters status

Remote Control Unit
Start/stop Master Network
start/ Start/stop General type state
LOFF L-C L-SC rEM Net. MASt force control emergency
stop time schedule alarm
command type shutdown
- - - - - - - - - - enabled - - off
- - - - - - - - - - - yes - off
active - - - - - - - - - - - local off
- - active - - - - - - unoccupied - - local off
- - - active - - - open - - - - remote off
- - - active - - - - - unoccupied - - remote off
- - - - active - disabled - - - - - network off
- - - - active - - - - unoccupied - - network off
- - - - - active - - local unoccupied - - local off
- - - - - active - open remote - - - remote off
- - - - - active - - remote unoccupied - - remote off
- - - - - active disabled - network - - - network off
- - - - - active - - network unoccupied - - network off
- active - - - - - - - - disabled no local on
- - active - - - - - - occupied disabled no local on
- - - active - - - closed - occupied disabled no remote on
- - - - active - enabled - - occupied disabled no network on
- - - - - active - - local occupied disabled no local on
- - - - - active - closed remote occupied disabled no remote on
- - - - - active enabled - network occupied disabled no network on


6.4 - Pumps control 6.4.4 - Pumps protection

The main control can manage one or two water exchanger pumps, The control provides the option to automatically start the pump
determining each pump on/off state. Both pumps cannot run each day at 14:00 for 2 seconds when the unit is off. The heater
together. The pump is turned on when this option is configured for the heat exchanger and the water pump (for units with a pump)
and when the unit is running. can be energised so that it protects the heat exchanger or the
The pump is turned off when the unit is shut down due to an alarm water pump against any damage when the unit is shut down for
unless the fault is a frost protection error. The pump can be started a long time at low outdoor temperature.
in particular operating conditions when the water exchanger heater If the unit is fitted with two pumps, the first pump is started on even
is active. days and the second pump is started on odd days. Starting the
If the pump has failed and another pump is available, the unit is pump periodically for a few seconds extends the lifetime of the
stopped and started again with the second pump. If there is no pump bearings and the tightness of the pump seal. Periodical
pump available, the unit shuts down. pump quick start can be selected via the Configuration menu
(Pump Sticking Protection, PUMPCONF – Pump Configuration).
Units are fitted with the flow switch, allowing for the water flow
control. For more information about actuators, see Water flow
6.5 - Condenser water pump control
switch in section 3.8.
The water condenser pump control applies to air-cooled units fitted
6.4.1 - Pumps configuration with the optional heat reclaim module as well as water-cooled
units. This function ensures constant water pumps control,
Basic pump configuration can be performed via the Configuration providing the optimum condenser water flow rate and operating
menu (PUMPCONF – Pump Configuration). Only logged-in users cost savings.
can access the menu (see also section 5.7). The unit must be
For units with two pumps, these pumps can be controlled
automatically or each pump can be started manually.
Pump(s) available Pumps sequence (PUMPCONF)
No pump 0 (no pump)
One fixed-speed pump 1 (one pump only)
Two fixed-speed pumps 2 (two pumps auto)
3 (pump#1 manual)
4 (pump#2 manual)

6.4.2 - Automatic pump selection

If two pumps are controlled and the reversing function has been
selected (PUMPCONF – Pump Configuration), the control tries
to limit the pump run time to the configured pump changeover
delay. If this delay has elapsed, the pump reversing function is

6.4.3 - Customer pump
30XW chillers as well as 30XB chillers with option 17 and
30XBE(ZE) chillers may be fitted with one external variable speed
cooler pump (often also referred to as “customer cooler pump”).
Customer cooler pump can be configured as follows:
Cooler Pumps Sequence
Pump available
No pump 0 (no pump)
One pump (fixed or variable speed) 1 (one pump only)

Depending on the unit (30XW/30XB), the pump is commanded

by one of the following outputs:
■ 0-10V output on AUX1 board for single-circuit 30XW chillers,
■ 0-10V output on the second SIOB board for dual-circuit 30XW
chillers, 30XB chillers with option 17 and 30XBE(ZE) chillers.
The “Varipump Delta Temp Stp” parameter in the SETPOINT menu
is used to define the delta T that has to be maintained between
cooler entering and leaving water temperatures.


6.6 - Control point 6.6.1 - Active setpoint

The control point represents the water temperature that the unit Two setpoints can be selected. Depending on the current operation
must produce. It enables to decrease the required capacity type, the active setpoint can be selected manually in the Main
depending on the unit load operating conditions. menu (GENUNIT – General Parameters), with the volt-free user
contacts, with network commands (CCN or BACnet) or
Control point = Active setpoint + Reset automatically with the setpoint time schedule (schedule 2).
The control point is calculated based on the active setpoint and The following tables summarise possible selections
the reset calculation. depending on the control type (Local, Remote or Network)
The forced value can be used instead of any other setpoint and the following parameters:
calculation only when the unit is in the Network operating type. ■ Heating or Cooling operating mode: Heat/Cool select
(GENUNIT menu)
■ Setpoint selected via the SmartVuTM user interface: Setpoint
select permits selection of the active setpoint if the unit is in the
Local operating type (GENUNIT menu)
■ Setpoint switch status: Remote setpoint switch (INPUTS menu)
■ Schedule 2 status: Schedule for setpoint selection


Parameter status
Heating/cooling Setpoint Heating/Cooling Ice storage Active setpoint
Setpoint switch Schedule 2 status
operating mode selection selection in local mode configuration
cooling csp1 - * * - cooling setpoint 1
cooling csp2 no * * - cooling setpoint 2
cooling csp2 yes closed * cooling setpoint 2
cooling csp2 yes open * ice storage setpoint
cooling auto - * * occupied cooling setpoint 1
cooling auto no * * unoccupied cooling setpoint 2
cooling auto yes closed * unoccupied cooling setpoint 2
cooling auto yes open * unoccupied ice storage setpoint
heating hsp1 - * * - heating setpoint 1
heating hsp2 - * * - heating setpoint 2
heating auto - * * occupied heating setpoint 1
heating auto - * * unoccupied heating setpoint 2
*Any configuration, (-) default configuration.


Parameter status
Heating/cooling Setpoint Ice storage Active setpoint
Ice done contact Setpoint switch Schedule 2 status
operating mode selection configuration
cooling - - * open - cooling setpoint 1
cooling - no * closed - cooling setpoint 2
cooling - yes closed closed - cooling setpoint 2
cooling - yes open closed - ice storage setpoint
heating - - * open - heating setpoint 1
heating - - * closed - heating setpoint 2
*Any configuration, (-) default configuration.


Parameter status
Heating/cooling Setpoint Ice storage Active setpoint
Ice done contact Setpoint switch Schedule 2 status
operating mode selection configuration
cooling - - * * occupied cooling setpoint 1
cooling - - * * unoccupied cooling setpoint 2
heating - - * * occupied heating setpoint 1
heating - - * * unoccupied heating setpoint 2
*Any configuration, (-) default configuration.

NOTE: Ice storage configuration and ice done contact apply

only to units with the optional energy management module.


6.6.2 - Reset 6.7 - Capacity limitation

Reset means the active setpoint is modified so that less machine The SmartVuTM control system allows for the constant control of
capacity is required. In the cooling mode the setpoint is increased, the unit capacity by setting its maximum allowable capacity.
whereas in the heating mode it is decreased. This modification is The main control system enables to limit the unit capacity
in general a reaction to a drop in the load. using one of the external orders:
The reset can be based on the following parameters: ■ By means of user-controlled volt-free contacts. Units without
■ OAT that gives the measure of the load trends for the building the energy management module have one contact. Units with
■ Return water temperature (ΔT provides the average building load) the energy management module permit three capacity limitation
levels (see also section 3.9.4). The unit capacity can never
■ Space temperature (EMM option)
exceed the limit setpoint activated by these contacts. The limit
■ Dedicated 4-20 mA input setpoints can be modified in the SETPOINT menu.
The reset source and the reset parameters can be configured in ■ By lag limit set by the master unit (master/slave assembly).
the Main menu (RESETCFG – Reset Configuration). In response ■ By night mode limitation control. The demand limit value in the
to a drop in the reset source, the cooling setpoint is normally reset night mode is selectable if the value is below the selected limit.
upwards to optimise unit performance. A limit value of 100% means that the unit can use all capacity
The amount of reset is determined by linear interpolation stages.
based on the following parameters: In certain conditions, the unit power consumption can exceed
■ A reference at which reset is zero (no reset value) the capacity limitation threshold to protect the compressors.

■ A reference at which reset is maximum (full reset value)

6.8 - Current limitation
■ The maximum reset value
Current limitation is used via the demand limit function. If the
current limitation is active (Current Limit Select in the GENCONF
menu), the control calculates the sum of compressors current to
obtain the total compressor current. If this value exceeds the pre-
defined limit, the control commands a reduction of the compressor
load, until it is below the limit again. Before loading a capacity
stage, the control estimates the future total compressor current
and ensures that it does not exceed the limit.
The current limit is based on two parameters:
■ The current limit that corresponds to 100% capacity
(CurrentLimit at 100%, GENCONF – General Configuration)
■ The active demand limit determined either by the demand limit
contact (see also section 3.9.4) or by the network (Active
Demand Limit Val, GENUNIT – General Parameters)
20 Reset based on OAT 25
Chiller current limit is displayed in the GENUNIT menu.
0 Reset based on delta T 3
4 Reset based on analog input 20
Current limitation is disabled if the unit operates in the master/
slave mode, the unit is controlled by a System Manager or the
no_reset selection full_reset
night mode is active.
A: Maximum reset value 6.9 - Capacity control
B: Reference for zero reset
C: Reference for maximum reset This function adjusts the capacity using the compressor slide valve
D: Building load to keep the water exchanger temperature at its setpoint.
The control system continuously takes account of the temperature
error with respect to the setpoint, the rate of change in this error
and the difference between entering and leaving water
temperatures in order to determine the optimal moment at which
to add or withdraw capacity.
Compressors are started and stopped in a sequence designed to
equalise the number of start-ups (value weighted by their operating
time). For more information about compressors sequence, see
Balanced loading sequence and Staged loading sequence in
section 6.13.


6.10 - Night mode 6.14 - Circuit capacity loading sequence

Night mode allows users to configure the unit to operate with
specific parameters in a specific time period. During the night 6.14.1 - Dual circuit – balanced capacity loading
period, the unit capacity is limited and the number of operating
Loading sequence (%) Unloading sequence (%)
fans is reduced.
The night period is defined by a start time and an end time that Lead circuit Lag circuit Lead circuit Lag circuit
are the same for each day of the week. The Night mode settings 0 0 100 100
or the maximum capacity value can be configured via the 30 (15) 0 100 95
Configuration menu (GENCONF – General Configuration). 35 0 95 95
Only logged-in users can modify Night Mode settings (see also 40 0 95 90
section 5.7). 45 0 90 90
50 0 90 85
6.11 - Head pressure control 55 0 85 85
60 0 85 80
For air-cooled units, the condensing pressure of each circuit is 65 0 80 80
generated by 10 fans maximum. As an option, a speed variator 70 0 80 75
can be used to control up to four fans so that the speed of the fans 70 30 (15) 75 75
is adjusted to maintain the head pressure setpoint. The condensing 70 35 75 70
pressure is independently controlled in each circuit based on the
70 40 70 70
saturated condensing temperature. The control permanently
70 45 70 65
adjusts its setpoint to guarantee optimal performance and ensure
70 50 65 65
anti-short-cycle protection of the fans.
70 55 65 60
For water-cooled units, condensing pressure control is assured if 70 65 60 60
the three-way valve option is selected. The saturated condensing 70 70 60 55
temperature is controlled based on a user-configurable fixed 75 70 55 55
setpoint (SETPOINT menu). The three-way valve control can be 75 75 55 50
configured only by service technicians.
80 75 50 50
80 80 50 45
6.12 - Circuit lead/lag selection (multi-circuit units) 85 80 45 45
This function determines the lead and lag circuit on dual-circuit or 85 85 45 40
triple-circuit units. It controls the start/stop sequence of the 90 85 40 40
refrigeration circuits called circuit A, circuit B or circuit C. The circuit 90 90 40 35
authorised to start first is the lead circuit. Lead circuit is used first 95 90 40 30 (15)
for capacity increases and at the same time should be decreased 95 95 40 0
last when decreasing capacity. The lead/lag circuits can be 100 95 35 0
selected manually or automatically according to the unit 100 100 30 (15) 0
configuration (GENCONF – General Configuration). 100 100 0 0
■ Automatic lead/lag circuit determination: The control system
determines the lead circuit to equalise the operating time of 6.14.2 - Dual circuit – priority given to one circuit
each circuit (value weighted by the number of start-ups of each
Loading sequence (%) Unloading sequence (%)
circuit). As a result, the circuit with the lowest number of
operating hours always starts first. Lead circuit Lag circuit Lead circuit Lag circuit
■ Manual lead/lag circuit determination: Circuit A, B or C 0 0 100 100
selected as the lead circuit. The selected circuit is always the 30 (15) 0 100 95
leader. It is the first to start and the last to stop. 35 0 100 90
40 0 100 85
6.13 - Compressor loading sequence 45 0 100 80
(multi-circuit units) 50 0 100 75
55 0 100 70
This function determines in which order the circuit capacity is
60 0 100 65
changed. Compressor loading is managed by starting/stopping the
65 0 100 60
compressors and controlling the position of the slide valve. Two types
70 0 100 55
of sequencing are available and can be configured by the user via
the SmartVuTM user interface (GENCONF – General Configuration). 75 0 100 50
80 0 100 45
■ Balanced loading sequence: The control maintains equal
85 0 100 40
capacity between all circuits as the machine loads and unloads.
90 0 100 35
■ Staged loading sequence: The control loads the lead circuit 95 0 100 30 (15)
completely before the lag circuits are started. When the load 100 0 95 30 (15)
is decreasing, the lag circuits are unloaded first. 100 30 (15) 90 30 (15)
Staged loading sequence is incorporated under the following 100 35 85 30 (15)
conditions: 100 40 80 30 (15)
- One of the circuits is shut down due to its failure 100 45 75 30 (15)
- One of the circuits is in capacity override mode 100 50 70 30 (15)
- Remaining circuits are shut down or fully charged 100 55 70 0
100 60 65 0
100 65 60 0
100 70 55 0
100 75 50 0


Loading sequence (%) Unloading sequence (%) 6.14.4 - Triple circuit – priority given to one circuit
Lead circuit Lag circuit Lead circuit Lag circuit Loading sequence (%) Unloading sequence (%)
100 80 45 0 Lead circ. Lag circ. 1 Lag circ. 2 Lead circ. Lag circ. 1 Lag circ. 2
100 85 40 0
0 0 0 100 100 100
100 90 35 0
30 0 0 100 100 95
100 95 30 (15) 0
35 0 0 100 100 90
100 100 0 0
40 0 0 100 100 85
NOTE: (15) minimum capacity for standard water-cooled units 45 0 0 100 100 80
(without the option for high condensing temperature). 50 0 0 100 100 75
55 0 0 100 100 70
6.14.3 - Triple circuit – balanced capacity loading 60 0 0 100 100 65
65 0 0 100 100 60
Loading sequence (%) Unloading sequence (%) 70 0 0 100 100 55
Lead circ. Lag circ. 1 Lag circ. 2 Lead circ. Lag circ. 1 Lag circ. 2 75 0 0 100 100 50
80 0 0 100 100 45
0 0 0 100 100 100
85 0 0 100 100 40
30 0 0 100 100 95
90 0 0 100 100 35
35 0 0 100 95 95
100 0 0 100 100 30
40 0 0 95 95 95
100 30 0 100 95 30
45 0 0 95 95 90
100 35 0 100 90 30
50 0 0 95 90 90
100 40 0 100 85 30
55 0 0 90 90 90
100 45 0 100 80 30
60 0 0 90 90 85
100 50 0 100 75 30
65 0 0 90 85 85
100 55 0 100 70 30
70 30 0 85 85 85
100 60 0 100 65 0
70 35 0 85 85 80
100 65 0 100 60 0
70 40 0 85 80 80
100 70 0 100 55 0
70 45 0 80 80 80
100 75 0 100 50 0
70 50 0 80 80 75
100 80 0 100 45 0
70 55 0 80 75 75
100 85 0 100 40 0
70 60 0 75 75 75
100 90 0 100 35 0
70 65 0 75 75 70
100 100 0 100 30 0
70 70 0 75 70 70
100 100 30 95 30 0
70 70 30 70 70 70
100 100 35 90 30 0
70 70 35 70 70 65
100 100 40 85 30 0
70 70 40 70 65 65
100 100 45 80 30 0
70 70 45 65 65 65
100 100 50 75 30 0
70 70 50 65 65 60
100 100 55 70 30 0
70 70 55 65 60 60
100 100 60 65 0 0
70 70 60 60 60 60
100 100 65 60 0 0
70 70 65 60 60 55
100 100 70 55 0 0
70 70 70 60 55 55
100 100 75 50 0 0
75 70 70 55 55 55
100 100 80 45 0 0
75 75 70 55 55 50
100 100 85 40 0 0
75 75 75 55 50 50
100 100 90 35 0 0
80 75 75 50 50 50
100 100 100 30 0 0
80 80 75 50 50 45
0 0 0
80 80 80 50 45 45
85 80 80 45 45 45
85 85 80 45 45 40
85 85 85 45 40 40
90 85 85 40 40 40
90 90 85 40 40 35
90 90 90 40 40 30
95 90 90 40 40 0
95 95 90 40 35 0
95 95 95 40 30 0
100 95 95 35 0 0
100 100 95 30 0 0
100 100 100 0 0 0


6.15 - Energy management module 6.17 - Heat reclaim option (30XB)

The energy management module enables to control the level of Air-conditioning system consumes a significant amount of energy
energy consumption, providing users with information such as that leaves the system in the form of wasted heat. Heat reclaim
current unit status, compressors operating status, etc. condenser water pump control enables to capture the energy and
This option requires the installation of an additional SIOB board. convert it into a useful heat source without decreasing the chiller
plant capacity.
Energy management option – board connections
For air-cooled units fitted with water heat reclaim condenser, the
Description Connector Type Remarks option requires the installation of Reclaim SIOB board. The heat
reclaim mode can be controlled locally with the SmartVuTM interface
If the contact is closed
Digital in Remote mode, the (RECLAIM – Reclaim mode), remotely with the user contact or by
override DI-01 J1 Network command.
input unit goes into the
occupied mode The heat reclaim function is active when the heat reclaim entering
If the contact is closed, water temperature is lower than the heat reclaim setpoint.
Demand limit Digital
DI-02 J1 the second capacity
switch 2 input The difference between the heat reclaim entering water temperature
limit switch is active
Permits immediate (RECLAIM menu) and the heat reclaim setpoint (SETPOINT menu)
Customer Digital determines the number of circuits required to provide heat reclaim
DI-03 J1 unit shutdown
interlock input
(Remote mode only) capacity.
If the contact is Depending on the control mode, the Heat Reclaim option can be
Ice storage DI-04 J1 closed, the unit enters
input enabled as follows:
the ice storage mode
Active setpoint reset Mode Description
Space Analogue
AI-01 J25 via space temperature Use the SmartVuTM user interface to set “Heat Reclaim
temperature input Local
control Select” parameter to “yes” in the Reclaim menu (Main menu).
Active setpoint reset Remote Close the RECL_SW input (DI-02, Reclaim SIOB board).
Capacity limit Analogue
AI-10 J9 via unit capacity
control input Force the RECL_SW parameter to “yes” through the CCN
control (4-20 mA) Network
Output active if bus (RECLAIM table).
Compressor A DO-01 J2 compressor A is
output Units in Master/Slave assembly
Output active if When the unit is a Slave and operating in the Master/Slave assembly,
Digital the option is active depending on conditions given in the table below:
Compressor B DO-02 J2 compressor B is
Reclaim Local mode (Heat Remote mode Network mode
Output active if mode Reclaim Select = yes) (RECL_SW) (RECL_SEL CCN bus)
Compressor C DO-03 J6 compressor C is
output no no open no
Output active (relay yes yes/no closed yes/no
output) when the unit yes yes open yes/no
Chiller Digital
DO-05 J23 has completely
shutdown output yes yes/no open yes
stopped due to
an alarm
Output active (relay The heat reclaim function can be deactivated manually or
Digital automatically when the heat reclaim entering water temperature
Chiller in alert DO-06 J22 output) when the alert
has been tripped is higher than the heat reclaim setpoint, plus half of the heat reclaim
Unit capacity A0-01 J10
0 to10 VDC output deadband. In the deadband the heat reclaim function is still active.
Changeover procedure from cooling to heat reclaim mode:
• Start-up of the condenser pump.
6.16 - Master/slave assembly • Verification of the condenser flow switch control contact.
Two units can be linked to create the master/slave assembly. If this remains open after one minute of the condenser pump
The master unit can be controlled locally, remotely or by network operation, the circuit remains in cooling mode and an alarm
commands. Master/slave assembly must be validated in order to will be activated.
start the master/slave chiller operation. • As soon as delta between saturated condensing temperature
and saturated suction temperature reaches 10°C, the pump-
All control commands to the master/slave assembly (start/stop,
down sequence is activated.
setpoint selection, heating/cooling operation, load shedding, etc.)
• Pump down. Opening of the water condenser water inlet
are handled by the unit which is configured as the master.
valve and closing of the air condenser air valve.
The commands are transmitted automatically to the slave unit.
• The heat reclaim function starts after about three minutes.
If the master chiller is turned off while the master/slave function is
active, then the slave chiller will be stopped. Under certain
circumstances, the slave unit may be started first to balance the
run times of the two units.
In the event of a communication failure between the two units,
each unit will return to an autonomous operating mode until
the fault is cleared. If the master unit is stopped due to an alarm,
the slave unit is authorised to start.
NOTE: Master/slave assembly can be configured only by
service technicians.


6.18 - Variable speed fans 6.21 - Dry Cooler Free Cooling (30XB/30XW)

(option 17 and 30XBE/30XBEZE)
30XB/30XW units can be fitted with a dry cooler which thanks to
Air-cooled units fitted with the variable speed fans option allow for the use of low outside air temperature facilitates the process of
reducing the total unit consumption by adjusting the fan speed to chilling water that is later used in the air-conditioning system (“dry
the current operating conditions. cooler free cooling”). The dry cooler is used not only to assist in
The control determines the optimum fan speed based on the cooling water to meet the current cooling demand but it also allows
current compressor capacity, outdoor air temperature, and leaving for reducing energy consumption.
water temperature. This “dry cooler free cooling” mode is enabled when the outside
air temperature is below the water loop temperature and the
6.19 - Evaporator heater option (30XB) service-configured start threshold parameter.
NOTE: Dry cooler water loop temperature and free cooling
The evaporator heater protects the evaporator against frost when
OAT measured by the control are read-only values that can
the unit is stopped at low ambient air temperature. The heater is
be verified in the DC Free Cooling Status menu (DCFC_STA).
activated in the case of low outdoor air temperature conditions.
The control distinguishes between two types of fan control for a
6.20 - Free cooling option (30XB) dry cooler free cooling option, where the first one embraces the
use of fan staging and the second one that includes the use of
In air-cooled units only, this option allows for the direct use of low variable speed fan. Mixed configuration can also be used (fixed
outdoor air temperature to cool the water circuit without activating and variable-speed fan control at the same time).
the compressors.
Free Cooling is normally stopped when the free cooling OAT is
The direct-expansion free cooling system uses the principle of the above the water loop temperature and the service-configured start/
natural migration of the refrigerant from the evaporator to the stop threshold. However, if it turns out that the cooling power of
condenser. The fans and a refrigerant pump ensure the transfer the dry cooler is not enough in order to reach the cooling setpoint,
of the liquid refrigerant from the condenser to the evaporator, which then the mechanical cooling will be started (when FC capacity is
accounts for low power consumption. at 100%, then mechanical cooling can be started).
The free cooling option enables automatic operation as well as
combined operation of mechanical cooling (compressor operation) 6.22 - Dry cooler option – condensing pressure
and free cooling (FREECOOL – Free cooling). The control control (30XW)
determines which circuit is allowed to run free cooling. Each
Water-cooled units may come with the dry cooler option, where the
refrigerant circuit can operate independently.
dry cooler is used to reject heat from the air-conditioning unit (split
Cooling operation may be performed in the following systems) and allows for condensing temperature control. Dry cooler
combinations: fan stages are controlled by reference to a fixed dry cooler water
■ two circuits in mechanical cooling outlet (value adjustable).
■ two circuits in free cooling Fan type (fixed or variable speed), the number of fans and their
arrangement may differ depending on service configuration. The
■ one circuit in mechanical cooling and one circuit in free cooling
chiller and the dry cooler have to be connected through LEN RS-485.
The free cooling option is available for dual-circuit units. It requires
the installation of SIOB board that controls the operation of the 6.23 - Hydronic kit option (30XB)
motorised mechanical changeover valves and the operation of
the refrigerant pump. The hydronic kit option allows for continuous monitoring of the
water flow rate.
Free cooling option is enabled based on the following criteria:
Hydronic kit option provides the following parameters:
■ The temperature difference between the outdoor air temperature
■ Inlet and outlet water pressure (PUMPSTAT in the Main menu)
and the controlled water temperature. The threshold can be
configured by the user (GENCONF – General Configuration) ■ Evaporator flow rate
■ The maximum operating time in free cooling (Full Load Timeout) ■ Evaporator capacity
when the water temperature setpoint is not reached (Full Load
The water flow rate is based on the pressure difference between
Timeout, GENCONF – General Configuration)
the evaporator inlet and outlet pressures and the evaporator
pressure drop curves.
The evaporator capacity is calculated according to the flow rate,
the water constant, and the difference between the entering and
leaving evaporator water temperature.


6.24 - Electrical box fan protection (30XWPZE) 6.31 - Software Activation Key(s)

Units using R1234ze refrigerant (mildly flammable A2L category) 30XA-60Hz/XB/XW units with SmartVuTM offer some additional
come with advanced electrical box fan protection. In the case of options which require Software Activation Keys:
the electrical box fan failure, the unit is shut down and alarm 10100
■ Cooler fluid type:
is triggered.
- Medium brine (option 5)
NOTE: This feature is not applicable to units with option 330 - Low brine (option 6)
— R515B refrigerant (non-flammable A1 category). - Light brine (option 8)
■ BACnet communication (option 149)
6.25 - High condensing temperature option (30XW
and 30XWPZE) ■ Modbus communication (option 149B)

These software-protected options can be factory-installed or

6.25.1 - 30XW (R134a refrigerant) installed on-site by the service technician.
Condenser leaving water temperature can reach a maximum of
Each option requires an individual software activation key.
63°C (145°F) compared with a maximum of 50°C (122°F) for units
To obtain the Software Activation Key, please contact your local
that are not fitted with this option.
service representative.

6.25.2 - 30XWPZE (R1234ze and R515B refrigerants) 6.31.1 - Software options

Condenser leaving water temperature can reach a maximum of
The list of available software activation keys can be verified via
70°C (158°F) compared with a maximum of 55°C (131°F) for units
the Main menu.
that are not fitted with this option.
To veify available software options
6.26 - Maximum condenser leaving water 1. Go to the Main menu.
temperature option (30XW) 2. Select Software Options (OPT_STA).
For water-cooled units only, this option allows the user to limit the The menu can be accessed when logged in at user access level.
condenser leaving water temperature to 45°C (113°F) and enables • If the status of the option is set to “yes”, it means that the
to limit the current absorbed by the compressor. When the Software Activation Key for this option is installed.
condensing temperature reaches 44°C (111°F), the increase in
the compressor loading is stopped. When the temperature exceeds
45°C (113°F), the compressor is unloaded.

6.27 - Brine options
30XA-60Hz/XB/XW chillers offer a few different cooler fluid types,
including standard water fluid as well as the optional brine fluid,
i.e. medium brine (option 5), low brine (option 6) and light brine
(option 8). The brine option is commonly used for low temperature
NOTE: This option requires the Software Activation Key
(see section 6.31).

6.28 - BACnet (option 149)

The BACnet/IP communication protocol is used by the building
management system or the programmable controllers to IMPORTANT: In case the controller is replaced, the NEW
communicate with the SmartVuTM control. Software Activation Key(s) based on the new MAC address
NOTE: This option requires the Software Activation Key must be installed again (see also section 6.31.2).
(see section 6.31).
6.31.2 - Replacement mode
6.29 - Fast capacity recovery (option 295) If the controller is replaced with a new one, the system will be in
Fast capacity recovery is an option allowing for accelerating the the Replacement mode which may last up to 7 days beginning at
unit start-up and fast loading after a short power cut. For units the first start of the compressor.
with fast capacity recovery enabled, the loading sequence is ■ When replacing the controller, it is necessary to install NEW
modified so that the chiller will reach its maximum capacity much Software Activation Key(s).
faster when compared to the standard loading sequence. ■ Please contact your local service representative immediately
NOTE: Fast capacity recovery is a free 30XA-60Hz/XB/XW to request NEW Software Activation Key(s).
option and does not require a software protection key.
In the Replacement mode:
6.30 - Modbus (option 149B) ■ Software option(s) will be unlocked for a limited period of time
(7 days since the first start of the compressor). Only options
The Modbus communication protocol is used by the building that have been installed on the unit before will be active in the
management system or the programmable controllers to Replacement mode!
communicate with the SmartVuTM control. Modbus communication
settings (Modbus RTU or Modbus TCP) can be configured only ■ The list of available software options can be verified via the
by service technicians. Main menu (OPT_STA – Software Options).

NOTE: This option requires the Software Activation Key ■ Alarm 10122 will be triggered. If the NEW Software Activation
(see section 6.31). Key is not installed during the Replacement mode, the alarm
will be reset automatically and software option(s) will be blocked.


The Replacement mode ends when the Software Activation Key 6.32 - Trending
is installed or the period of 7 days elapsed (7 days since the first
start of the compressor). This function enables to visualise the operations of the unit and
monitor a set of selected parameters.
IMPORTANT: Only software options that were installed on the
unit before replacing the controller will be active during the To display trends
Replacement mode! 1. Go to the Main menu.
2. Select Trendings (TRENDING).
6.31.3 - Software key installation
3. Select parameters to be displayed and press the Save button
To install the Software Activation Key via SmartVuTM display in the lower-left part of the screen.
1. Go to the Main menu.
2. Navigate to the Configuration menu (logged-in users only) and
select Add Options (ADD_OPT).
• When installing the Software Activation Key, please make
sure that the unit is stopped.



4. Press the Trending button to display the graph showing

trends for the set of selected parameters.

1. Controller MAC address
2. Software Activation Key

3. Enter the Software Activation Key.

• If the Software Key ends with two equality signs (==), then
these signs can be omitted. The Key will be accepted.
• The Software Activation Key is case-sensitive.
4. Once the Software Activation Key is provided in the Keyboard
screen, press OK.
5. Once the Software Activation Key is validated, the following
message will be displayed: “Software Activation Key Added”.
6. The parameter connected with the activated functionality is
set automatically and the control system will also be rebooted
automatically. ■ Set the time range (start/end dates and time) and press the
• If the Software Activation Key is incorrect, the following Arrow button to display the graph showing the performance
message will be displayed: “Software Activation Key is Invalid”.
of the unit within a selected period of time (only available for
• If the Software Activation Key has been added before,
7" touch screen).
the following message will be displayed: “Key Already Set”.
■ Press to navigate across the timeline or press
to go to the beginning or the end of the selected period.

■ Press the Zoom in button to magnify the view or

the Zoom out button to expand the viewed area.

■ Press the Refresh button to reload data.

NOTE: The 7" touch screen can display 10 points instead of

4 on the graph.


6.33 - Schedule setting Example: Schedule setting (schedule 1)

The control incorporates two time schedules, where the first one Hour MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN HOL
(OCCPC01S) is used for controlling the unit start/stop, whereas 0:00 P1
the second one (OCCPC02S) is used for controlling the dual 1:00 P1
setpoint. 2:00 P1
The first timer program (schedule 1, OCCPC01S) provides a 3:00
means to automatically switch the unit from an occupied mode to 4:00
an unoccupied mode. The unit is started during occupied periods. 5:00
The second timer program (schedule 2, OCCPC02S) provides
a means to automatically switch the active setpoint from an occupied 7:00 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4 P5
setpoint to an unoccupied setpoint. Cooling/Heating setpoint 1 is 8:00 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4 P5
used during occupied periods and cooling/heating setpoint 2 during 9:00 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4 P5
unoccupied periods. 10:00 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4 P5
11:00 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4 P5
Occupancy periods 12:00 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4
The control offers the user the possibility of setting eight occupancy 13:00 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4
periods where each occupancy period includes the following 14:00 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4
elements to be defined: 15:00 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4
■ Day of the week: Select the days when the period is occupied. 16:00 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4
17:00 P2 P2 P3
■ Occupancy time (“occupied from” to “occupied to”):
Set occupancy hours for the selected days. 18:00 P3
19:00 P3
■ Timed Override Extension: Extend the schedule if necessary.
20:00 P3 P6
This parameter can be used in the case of some unplanned
events. Example: If the unit is normally scheduled to run
between 8:00 to 18:00, but one day you want the air-conditioning
system to operate longer, then set this timed override extension. 23:00
If you set the parameter to “2”, then the occupancy will end at
To set the unit start/stop schedule Unoccupied
1. Go to the Main menu.
2. Navigate to the Configuration menu (logged-in users only) and MON: Monday
select Schedule Menu (SCHEDULE).
TUE: Tuesday
3. Go to OCCPC01S.
WED: Wednesday
4. Select appropriate check boxes to set the unit occupancy on
THU: Thursday
specific days.
FRI: Friday
5. Define the time of occupancy.
SAT: Saturday
6. When the time schedule is set, the selected period will be
presented in the form of the green band on the timeline. SUN: Sunday
7. Press the Save button to save your changes or the Cancel HOL: Holiday
button to exit the screen without making modifications.

Period/Schedule Starts at Stops at Active on (days)

P1: Period 1 0:00 3:00 Monday
P2: Period 2 7:00 18:00 Monday + Tuesday
(1) P3: Period 3 7:00 21:00 Wednesday
P4: Period 4 7:00 17:00 Thursday + Friday
P5: Period 5 7:00 12:00 Saturday
P6: Period 6 20:00 21:00 Holidays
P7: Period 7 Not used in this example
P8: Period 8 Not used in this example

(3) (4)
6.34 - Holidays
The control allows the user to define 16 holiday periods, where
each period is defined by three parameters: the month, the start
day and the duration of the holiday period.
1. Selection of days for the time schedule During the holiday periods, the controller will be in occupied or
2. Start/end of the schedule unoccupied mode, depending on the periods validated as holidays.
3. Previous time period Each holiday period can be modified by the user via the
4. Next time period
Configuration menu (see also section 5.3).

Each program is in unoccupied mode unless a schedule time

period is active.
If two periods overlap and are both active on the same day, then
the occupied mode takes priority over the unoccupied period.


7.1 - Web interface 7.2 - Technical documentation

The SmartVuTM control provides the functionality to access and When using the SmartVuTM control via a PC web browser, you
control unit parameters from a web interface. To connect to the may easily access all technical documents related to the product
controller via the web interface, it is necessary to know the IP and its components.
address of the unit.
Once you connect to the SmartVuTM control, click the Technical
To verify unit IP address documentation button in order to see a list of documents
1. Go to the System menu. related to the unit.
2. Select Network (NETWORK).
3. Verify TCP/IP Address for “IP Network Interface J5 for 4.3-inch Technical documentation includes the following documents:
or J15 for 7-inch (eth0)” and “IP Network Interface J16 (eth1)”. ■ Spare parts documentation: The list of spare parts included in
See also section 3.2. the unit with reference, description and drafting.
■ Unit default address: ■ Misc: Documents such as electrical plans, dimension plans, (J5 / J15, eth0) unit certificates. (J16, eth1) - (only for 7" touch screen)
■ PED: Pressure Equipment Directive.
■ The unit IP address can be changed in the Network table ■ IOM: Installation operation and maintenance manual, controls
in the System menu (see section 5.6). installation/maintenance manual.

To access SmartVuTM web interface

1. Open the web browser.
2. Enter the IP address of the unit in the address bar of the web
browser. Start with https:// followed by the unit IP address.
3. Press Enter.
4. The web interface will be loaded.

IMPORTANT: Three users can be connected simultaneously

with no priority between them. The last modification is always
taken into account. Click the Help button to get access to BACnet user guide ,
Modbus user guide and Open Source Licenses used by SmartVuTM.

IMPORTANT: Please save all data (documents, drawings,

diagrams, etc.), for example, on your computer. If display
memory is erased or the display is replaced, all documents
will be lost. Make sure that all documents are stored and may
be accessed at any time.

Minimum web browser configuration:

■ Internet Explorer (version 11 or higher)
■ Mozilla Firefox (version 60 or higher)
■ Google Chrome (version 65 or higher)
For security reasons the unit cannot be started / stopped via the
web interface. All other operations, including monitoring unit
parameters or unit configuration, can be performed via the web
browser interface.

Make sure that your network is protected from malicious

attacks and any other security threats. Do not provide open
access without proper network security safeguards.
The Manufacturer does not hold any responsibility or
liability for damage caused by security breach.


8.1 - Control diagnostics 8.4 - Resetting alarms

The control system has many fault tracing aid functions, protecting The alarm can be reset either automatically by the control or
the unit against risks that could result in the failure of the unit. manually through the touch panel display or the web interface.
The local interface gives quick access to monitor all unit operating ■ The Reset alarms menu displays up to 5 alarm codes which
conditions. If an operating fault is detected, the alarm is triggered. are currently active on the unit.
In the event of an alarm: ■ Alarms can be reset without stopping the machine.
■ The bell on the SmartVuTM user interface starts ringing. ■ Only logged-in users can reset the alarms on the unit.

The ringing yellow bell icon indicates that there is To reset the alarm manually
an alarm, but the unit is still running. 1. Press the Alarms menu button in the upper-right part of the
2. Select Reset Alarms (ALARMRST).
The ringing red bell icon indicates that the unit is
shut down due to a detected fault. 3. Set “Alarm Reset” to “Yes” and press the Force button.

■ The corresponding alarm output(s) is/are activated.

■ Error code is displayed.
■ Message is sent over the network.

SmartVuTM control distinguishes between two types of alarms:

■ General alarms are used to indicate pumps failure, transducers
faults, network connection problems, etc.
■ Major alarms are used to indicate process failure.

IMPORTANT: All information regarding alarms (current and past

alarms) can be found in the Alarms menu (see also section 5.9).

8.2 - Displaying current alarms

The Current alarms menu may display up to 10 current alarms. In the event of a power supply interrupt, the unit restarts
To access the list of currently active alarms automatically without the need for an external command. However,
any faults active when the supply is interrupted are saved and may
1. Press the Alarms menu button in the upper-right part of the in certain cases prevent a circuit or a unit from restarting. Once
screen. the cause of the alarm has been identified and corrected, it will be
2. Select Current Alarms (CUR_ALM). displayed in the alarm history.
3. The list of active alarms will be displayed. IMPORTANT: Not all alarms can be reset by the user. Some
alarms are reset automatically when operating conditions
return to normal.

8.5 - Alarm history
Information regarding resolved alarms is stored in the Alarm history
menu which is divided into 50 recent alarms and 50 recent major
To access the alarm history
1. Press the Alarms menu button in the upper-right part of the
2. Select Alarm Historic (ALMHIST1) or Major Alarm Historic
3. The history of alarms will be displayed.

8.3 - E-mail notifications
The control provides the option to define one or two recipients who
receive e-mail notifications each time the new alarm occurs or all
existing alarms have been reset.
IMPORTANT: E-mail notifications can be configured only by
service technicians.


8.6 - Alarm codes
The alarm codes are displayed in the Reset Alarms menu, while
in the Current Alarm menu and alarm histories textual information
regarding the event is provided.

8.6.1 - General alarm codes

No. Code Alarm description Reset type Action taken Possible cause
1 15001 Evaporator entering water thermistor fault Automatic, Unit shuts down Defective thermistor
if thermistor reading
returns to normal
2 15002 Evaporator leaving water thermistor fault As above Unit shuts down As above
3 15050 Cooler Leaving Fluid #2 Thermistor As above Unit shuts down As above
4 15003 Defrost thermistor fault, circuit A As above Cooling mode: Alert is displayed As above
Heating mode: Circuit A shuts down
5 15004 Defrost thermistor fault, circuit B As above Cooling mode: Alert is displayed As above
Heating mode: Circuit B shuts down
6 15006 Condenser entering water thermistor fault As above Heating mode: Unit shuts down As above
7 15007 Condenser leaving water thermistor fault As above As above As above
8 15008 Reclaim condenser entering thermistor fault, circuit A As above Unit returns to the air-cooled mode As above
9 15009 Reclaim condenser leaving thermistor fault, circuit B As above As above As above
10 15010 OAT thermistor fault As above Unit shuts down As above
11 15011 Master/slave common water thermistor fault As above Master/slave operation is disabled As above
and the unit returns to the stand-
alone mode
12 15032 MASTER/Slave Common Heat Fluid Thermistor As above As above As above
13 15012 Suction gas thermistor fault, circuit A As above Circuit A shuts down As above
14 15013 Suction gas thermistor fault, circuit B As above Circuit B shuts down As above
15 15014 Suction gas thermistor fault, circuit C As above Circuit C shuts down As above
16 15015 Discharge gas thermistor fault, circuit A As above Circuit A shuts down As above
17 15016 Discharge gas thermistor fault, circuit B As above Circuit B shuts down As above
18 15017 Discharge gas thermistor fault, circuit C As above Circuit C shuts down As above
19 15036 Dry Cooler Leaving thermistor failure As above None As above
20 15046 Free Cooling Water Loop Thermistor Failure As above Dry cooler free cooling disabled As above
21 15047 Free Cooling Leaving Water Thermistor Failure As above Dry cooler free cooling disabled As above
22 15048 Free Cooling OAT Thermistor Failure As above Dry cooler free cooling disabled As above
23 15018 Condenser subcooling liquid thermistor fault, circuit A As above Unit returns to the air-cooled mode As above
24 15019 Condenser subcooling liquid thermistor fault, circuit B As above As above As above
25 15021 Space temperature thermistor fault As above None As above
26 15023 Evaporator heater feedback thermistor fault As above None As above
27 15024 Economizer gas thermistor fault, circuit A As above Economizer function disabled As above
28 15025 Economizer gas thermistor fault, circuit B As above As above As above
29 15026 Economizer gas thermistor fault, circuit C As above As above As above
30 15030 Free cooling liquid thermistor fault, circuit A As above Free cooling disabled As above
31 15031 Free cooling liquid thermistor fault, circuit B As above As above As above
32 12001 Discharge transducer fault, circuit A Automatic, if sensor Circuit A shuts down Defective transducer
voltage reading or installation fault
returns to normal
33 12002 Discharge transducer fault, circuit B As above Circuit B shuts down As above
34 12003 Discharge transducer fault, circuit C As above Circuit C shuts down As above
35 12004 Suction transducer fault, circuit A As above Circuit A shuts down As above
36 12005 Suction transducer fault, circuit B As above Circuit B shuts down As above
37 12006 Suction transducer fault, circuit C As above Circuit C shuts down As above
38 12007 Heat reclaim pump-down pressure transducer fault, As above Reclaim session stopped and the As above
circuit A unit returns to the air-cooled mode
39 12008 Heat reclaim pump-down pressure transducer fault, As above As above As above
circuit B
40 12010 Oil pressure transducer fault, circuit A As above Circuit A shuts down As above
41 12011 Oil pressure transducer fault, circuit B As above Circuit B shuts down As above
42 12012 Oil pressure transducer fault, circuit C As above Circuit C shuts down As above
43 12013 Economizer pressure transducer fault, circuit A As above Circuit A shuts down As above
44 12014 Economizer pressure transducer fault, circuit B As above Circuit B shuts down As above
45 12015 Economizer pressure transducer fault, circuit C As above Circuit C shuts down As above
46 12016 Free cooling pump inlet pressure transducer fault, As above Free cooling stopped and the unit As above
circuit A returns to mechanical cooling


No. Code Alarm description Reset type Action taken Possible cause
47 12018 Free cooling pump inlet pressure transducer fault, As above As above As above
circuit B
48 12017 Free cooling pump outlet pressure transducer fault, As above As above As above
circuit A
49 12019 Free cooling pump outlet pressure transducer fault, As above As above As above
circuit B
50 12022 Circuit A Heatpump Approach Pressure Transducer As above Cooler pinch control disabled in As above
Cooling mode; discharge superheat
control is required
51 12023 Circuit B Heatpump Approach Pressure Transducer As above As above As above
52 12024 Water pressure 1 transducer failure As above Alert - the values read by the As above
(before the evaporator) hydronic kit function are not reliable
53 12025 Water pressure 2 transducer failure As above As above As above
(after the evaporator)
54 12026 Water pressure 3 transducer failure (before the filter) As above As above As above
55 12027 Water pressure 4 transducer failure (after the filter) As above As above As above
57 12029 Low water pressure As above Alert – the unit continues to operate Water loop pressure
too low, risk of pump
59 4101 Communication loss with Compressor Board A Automatic, Unit shuts down Bus installation fault
if communication is or defective board
60 4201 Communication loss with Compressor Board B As above Unit shuts down As above
61 4301 Communication loss with Compressor Board C As above Unit shuts down As above
62 4901 Communication loss with SIOB Board Number 1 As above Unit shuts down As above
63 4902 Communication loss with SIOB Board Number 2 As above Unit shuts down As above
64 4903 Communication loss with SIOB Board Number 3 As above Unit shuts down As above
65 4904 Communication loss with SIOB Board Number 4 As above Unit shuts down As above
66 4905 Communication loss with SIOB Board Number 5 As above Unit shuts down As above
67 4906 Communication loss with SIOB Board Number 6 As above Unit shuts down As above
68 4501 Communication loss with Fan Board Number 1 As above Circuit A shuts down As above
69 4502 Communication loss with Fan Board Number 2 As above Circuit B shuts down As above
70 4503 Communication loss with Fan Board Number 3 As above Circuit C shuts down As above
71 4504 Loss of Communication with Auxiliary # 4 As above Dry cooler free cooling disabled As above
(Dry Cooler Free Cooling Option) and the unit returns to mechanical
72 4505 Loss of Communication with Auxiliary # 3 As above Dry cooler mode is stopped As above
Dry cooler Option
73 4801 Communication loss with VLT Board Number 1, As above Circuit A shuts down As above
(units w/o option 17)
74 4802 Communication loss with VLT Board Number 2, As above Circuit B shuts down As above
(units w/o option 17)
75 4803 Communication loss with VLT Board Number 3, As above Circuit C shuts down As above
(units w/o option 17)
76 4704 Loss of communication with Fan VLT Drive Board A1 As above Circuit A shuts down As above
(option 17 / 30XBE units)
77 4705 Loss of communication with Fan VLT Drive Board A2 As above Circuit A shuts down As above
(option 17 / 30XBE units)
78 4706 Loss of communication with Fan VLT Drive Board A3 As above Circuit A shuts down As above
(option 17 / 30XBE units)
79 4707 Loss of communication with Fan VLT Drive Board B1 As above Circuit B shuts down As above
(option 17 / 30XBE units)
80 4708 Loss of communication with Fan VLT Drive Board B2 As above Circuit B shuts down As above
(option 17 / 30XBE units)
81 4709 Loss of communication with Fan VLT Drive Board B3 As above Circuit B shuts down As above
(option 17 / 30XBE units)
85 10001 Evaporator frost protection Manual Unit shuts down, but the pump No water flow,
continues to run defective thermistor
86 10002 Condenser frost protection, circuit A Automatic Circuit A shuts down, but the pump Discharge pressure
(if saturated discharge is running transducer defective,
temperature is more refrigerant leak or
than 4.4°C) or Manual low condenser water
87 10003 Condenser frost protection, circuit B As above Circuit B shuts down, but the pump As above
is running
88 10004 Condenser frost protection, circuit C As above Circuit C shuts down, but the pump As above
is running


No. Code Alarm description Reset type Action taken Possible cause
89 10005 Low suction temperature, circuit A Automatic Circuit A shuts down Pressure sensor
(the first alarm in the defective,
last 24 hours) or EXV blocked or
Manual lack of refrigerant
90 10006 Low suction temperature, circuit B As above Circuit B shuts down As above
91 10007 Low suction temperature, circuit C As above Circuit C shuts down As above
92 10008 High superheat, circuit A Manual Circuit A shuts down As above
93 10009 High superheat, circuit B Manual Circuit B shuts down As above
94 10010 High superheat, circuit C Manual Circuit C shuts down As above
95 10011 Low superheat, circuit A Manual Circuit A shuts down As above
96 10012 Low superheat, circuit B Manual Circuit B shuts down As above
97 10013 Low superheat, circuit C Manual Circuit C shuts down As above
98 10014 Customer safety loop failure Automatic Unit shuts down Customer interlock
(the first alarm in the closed
last 24 hours) or
99 10028 Electrical box thermostat Automatic Unit shuts down Electrical box fault:
Control box poorly
ventilated or poor
electrical connection
100 10029 System manager communication fault Automatic, Unit returns to the stand-alone CCN bus installation
if communication is mode defective
101 10030 Master/slave communication failure Automatic Master/slave control disabled As above
102 10067 Low oil pressure, circuit A Manual Circuit A shuts down Pressure sensor
fault, defective
wiring or oil filter
installation fault
103 10068 Low oil pressure, circuit B Manual Circuit B shuts down As above
104 10069 Low oil pressure, circuit C Manual Circuit C shuts down As above
105 10070 Maximum oil filter differential pressure, circuit A Manual The affected compressor is stopped, As above
other compressors continue to run
106 10071 Maximum oil filter differential pressure, circuit B Manual As above As above
107 10072 Maximum oil filter differential pressure, circuit C Manual As above As above
108 10084 High oil filter drop pressure, circuit A Manual None Pressure sensor
fault, wiring
defective, oil filter
installation fault
109 10085 High oil filter drop pressure, circuit B Manual None As above
110 10086 High oil filter drop pressure, circuit C Manual None As above
111 10075 Low oil level, circuit A Automatic Circuit A shuts down Oil level too low or
(three alarms in the oil level detector
last 24 hours) or defective
112 10076 Low oil level, circuit B As above Circuit B shuts down As above
113 10077 Low oil level, circuit C As above Circuit C shuts down As above
114 9001 Master chiller configuration error Number #1 to nn Automatic, if master/ Master/Slave control disabled Incorrect unit
slave configuration configuration
returns to normal
115 8000 Initial factory configuration required Automatic, Unit not allowed to start Factory
if configuration is configuration
made required
116 7001 Illegal factory configuration Automatic, Unit not allowed to start Incorrect unit
if configuration is configuration
117 10031 Emergency stop Automatic Unit shuts down Network emergency
stop command
118 10032 Evaporator pump 1 fault Manual Unit is restarted with another pump Pump overheats or
running. If no pumps are available, poor pump
the unit shuts down connection
119 10033 Evaporator pump 2 fault Manual As above As above
120 10015 Flow controller fault - condenser flow switch failure Automatic Condenser pump is stopped Condenser flow
(the first alarm in the switch open
last 24 hours) or
121 10034 Reclaim operation failure, circuit A Manual Circuit A returns to the air-cooled Low condenser flow
122 10035 Reclaim operation failure, circuit B Manual Circuit B returns to the air-cooled As above
123 10037 High condensing temperature, circuit A Automatic Circuit A shuts down Defective transducer


No. Code Alarm description Reset type Action taken Possible cause
124 10038 High condensing temperature, circuit B Automatic Circuit B shuts down As above
125 10039 High condensing temperature, circuit C Automatic Circuit C shuts down As above
129 10043 Low entering water temperature in heating Automatic, if EWT None Entering water
returns to normal or temperature is
Heating mode is below 3.3°C
130 10073 Condenser pump 1 fault Manual Unit is restarted with another pump Pump overheats or
running. If no pumps are available, poor pump
the unit shuts down connection
131 10074 Condenser pump 2 fault (not available!) Manual As above As above
132 10078 High discharge gas temperature, circuit A Manual Circuit A shuts down Defective transducer,
max. condensing
temperature setpoint
too low or refrigerant
charge too high
133 10079 High discharge gas temperature, circuit B Manual Circuit B shuts down As above
134 10080 High discharge gas temperature, circuit C Manual Circuit C shuts down As above
135 10081 Suction valve closed, circuit A Manual Circuit A shuts down Economizer pressure
transducer defective,
suction valve fault
136 10082 Suction valve closed, circuit B Manual Circuit B shuts down As above
137 10083 Suction valve closed, circuit C Manual Circuit C shuts down As above
138 10087 Slide valve control unverifiable, circuit A Manual None Defective or
incorrectly wired
solenoid valves,
defective current
139 10088 Slide valve control unverifiable, circuit B Manual None As above
140 10089 Slide valve control unverifiable, circuit C Manual None As above
141 10090 Flow controller configuration fault Manual Unit is not allowed to restart Defective flow
controller or
wiring error
142 10091 Flow controller fault – evaporator flow switch failure Automatic Compressors and the evaporator As above
(the first alarm in the pump are stopped
last 24 hours) or
143 10100 Electrical box fan failure (units with HFO only) Manual Unit shuts down Electrical box fan
malfunction or fan
current probe
144 10094 Free cooling operation failure, circuit A Automatic Circuit A shuts down, Free cooling Refrigerant pump
(three alarms in the can be started 30 minutes later fault
last 24 hours) or
145 10095 Free cooling operation failure, circuit B As above Circuit B shuts down, Free cooling As above
can be started 30 minutes later
146 10097 Water exchanger temperature sensors swapped Manual Unit shuts down Leaving water
temperature is
higher than entering
water temperature
147 13001 Service maintenance alert Manual None Preventive
maintenance date
has passed
148 20001 VLT Fan Drive A1 Failure (option 17 / 30XBE units) Manual Circuit A shuts down Speed controller fault
(see section 8.6.2)
149 21001 VLT Fan Drive A2 Failure (option 17 / 30XBE units) Manual Circuit A shuts down As above
150 22001 VLT Fan Drive A3 Failure (option 17 / 30XBE units) Manual Circuit A shuts down As above
151 23001 VLT Fan Drive B1 Failure (option 17 / 30XBE units) Manual Circuit B shuts down As above
152 24001 VLT Fan Drive B2 Failure (option 17 / 30XBE units) Manual Circuit B shuts down As above
153 25001 VLT Fan Drive B3 Failure (option 17 / 30XBE units) Manual Circuit B shuts down As above
154 26001 VLT Fan Drive C1 Failure (option 17 / 30XBE units) Manual Circuit C shuts down As above
155 27001 VLT Fan Drive C2 Failure (option 17 / 30XBE units) Manual Circuit C shuts down As above
156 28001 VLT Fan Drive C3 Failure (option 17 / 30XBE units) Manual Circuit C shuts down As above
157 38001 Variable speed controller A1 alert Automatic None As above
(option 17 / 30XBE units)
158 39001 Variable speed controller A2 alert Automatic None As above
(option 17 / 30XBE units)
159 40001 Variable speed controller A3 alert Automatic None As above
(option 17 / 30XBE units)
160 41001 Variable speed controller B1 alert Automatic None As above
(option 17 / 30XBE units)


No. Code Alarm description Reset type Action taken Possible cause
161 42001 Variable speed controller B2 alert Automatic None As above
(option 17 / 30XBE units)
162 43001 Variable speed controller B3 alert Automatic None As above
(option 17 / 30XBE units)
163 44001 Variable speed controller C1 alert Automatic None As above
(option 17 / 30XBE units)
164 45001 Variable speed controller C2 alert Automatic None As above
(option 17 / 30XBE units)
165 46001 Variable speed controller C3 alert Automatic None As above
(option 17 / 30XBE units)
166 55001 Database module fault Automatic Unit shuts down Software problem.
Contact Service
167 56001 Lenscan module fault Automatic Unit shuts down Software problem.
Contact Service
168 57020 Main EXV stepper motor Failure - cir A Manual Circuit A shuts down Stepper motor failure
169 57021 Main EXV stepper motor Failure - cir B Manual Circuit B shuts down As above
170 57022 Main EXV stepper motor Failure - cir C Manual Circuit C shuts down As above
171 57023 EXV eco stepper motor Failure - cir A Manual Circuit A shuts down As above
172 57024 EXV eco stepper motor Failure - cir B Manual Circuit B shuts down As above
173 57025 EXV eco stepper motor Failure - cir C Manual Circuit C shuts down As above
174 10050 Refrigerant Leakage Detection Manual None Refrigerant leak or
leak detector
175 10101 Free Cooling Process Failure Automatic, if free Dry cooler free cooling stopped Conditions not
cooling conditions and the unit returns to mechanical suitable for dry
return to normal cooling cooler free cooling
176 13005 Fgas check needed, call your maintenance company Manual None As above
177 10122 Replacement Mode: please contact service Automatic, if Replacement Mode: Please contact SmartVuTM controller
representative to activate options Software Activation you local service representative to was replaced, but
Key is installed obtain activation key(s) to retrieve Software Activation
Automatic, if (or activate) software options Key is not installed
Software Activation
Key is not provided
within 7 days since
the first compressor
start (the alarm will
be reset and
options will be
178 54011 Manual Power Capacitor
Power Capacitor 1/2 Temperature Failure Unit shuts down
179 54012 Temperature failure
180 54014 Automatic Under Voltage
Under Voltage 1/2 Failure Unit shuts down
181 54015 failure
182 11nn Compressor A fault Manual Unit shuts down See section
183 21nn Compressor B fault Manual Unit shuts down As above
184 31nn Compressor C fault Manual Unit shuts down As above
185 8001 Illegal brand identifier Automatic, Unit not allowed to start Incorrect unit
if configuration is configuration


8.6.2 - Drive alarms
The tables below present the most common alarms associated
with the variator malfunction. Please refer to the applicable
Danfoss documentation for more information on other alarms.
Code Alarm /Alert Description Action to be taken
Variator alarms (-nnn)
2 Alarm Live zero fault Contact Carrier Service
4 Alarm Mains phase loss Check the VFD supply voltage and the phase balance (±3%)
7 Alarm Overvoltage Contact Carrier Service
8 Alarm Undervoltage Contact Carrier Service
9 Alarm Inverter overloaded Check the VFD output current
10 Alarm Motor overtemperature Check the motor temperature
11 Alarm Motor thermistor Contact Carrier Service
12 Alarm Torque limit exceeded Check the VFD output current
13 Alarm Overcurrent Check the VFD output current
14 Alarm Earth fault Check if an earth fault exists
16 Alarm Motor short-circuit Check if there is a short-circuit at the VFD terminals
17 Alarm Serial communication timeout Check the connections and the shielding of the serial communication cable
23* Alarm Internal fan fault Check the internal fan rotation
25 Alarm Brake resistor short-circuited Contact Carrier Service
26 Alarm Brake resistor power limit Contact Carrier Service
28 Alarm Brake verification Contact Carrier Service
29 Alarm VFD temperature too high Space temperature too high or VFD ventilation obstructed or damaged
30 Alarm Motor phase U missing Check wiring of phase U
31 Alarm Motor phase V missing Check wiring of phase V
32 Alarm Motor phase W missing Check wiring of phase W
33 Alarm Inrush fault Current demand too high: Let the VFD cool down for 20 minutes before starting it again
34 Alarm Fieldbus communication fault Check the connections and the shielding of the serial communication cable
36 Alarm Mains failure Check the VFD supply voltage and the phase balance (±3%)
38 Alarm Internal fault Contact Carrier Service
47 Alarm 24 V supply low Contact Carrier Service
48 Alarm 1.8 V supply low Contact Carrier Service
57** Alarm AMA timeout Contact Carrier Service
65 Alarm Control board overtemperature Check the space temperature and the VFD fan
67 Alarm Option configuration has changed Contact Carrier Service
68 Alarm Emergency stop Contact Carrier Service
71 Alarm PTC 1 emergency stop Contact Carrier Service
72 Alarm Emergency stop Contact Carrier Service
80 Alarm Drive initialized to default value Contact Carrier Service
94 Alarm End of curve Contact Carrier Service
95 Alarm Torque loss Contact Carrier Service
243 Alarm IGBT defective Contact Carrier Service
251*** Alarm New parts detached Contact Carrier Service
Variator alerts (-nnn)
1 Alert 10 V low Contact Carrier Service
2 Alert Live zero error Contact Carrier Service
3 Alert No motor Check the motor connections
4 Alert Mains phase loss Check the VFD supply voltage and the phase balance (±3%)
5 Alert DC link voltage high Check the VFD supply voltage and the phase balance (±3%)
6 Alert DC link voltage low Check the VFD supply voltage and the phase balance (±3%)
7 Alert DC overvoltage Contact Carrier Service
8 Alert DC undervoltage Contact Carrier Service
9 Alert Inverter overloaded Check the VFD output current
10 Alert Motor overtemperature Check the motor temperature
11 Alert Motor thermistor Contact Carrier Service
12 Alert Torque limit exceeded Check the VFD output current
13 Alert Overcurrent Check the VFD output current
14 Alert Earth fault Check if an earth fault exists
17 Alert Control word timeout Check the connections and the shielding of the serial communication cable
23*** Alert Internal fan fault Check the internal fan rotation
25 Alert Brake resistor short-circuited Contact Carrier Service
26 Alert Brake resistor power limit Contact Carrier Service


Code Alarm /Alert Description Action to be taken

28 Alert Brake verification Contact Carrier Service
34 Alert Fieldbus communication fault Check the connections and the shielding of the serial communication cable
36 Alert Mains failure Check the VFD supply voltage and the phase balance (±3%)
47 Alert 24 V supply low Contact Carrier Service
49 Alert Motor speed limit exceeded Contact Carrier Service
59 Alert Current limit exceeded Check the VFD output current
62 Alert Output frequency at maximum limit Check the VFD output current
64 Alert Voltage limit Supply voltage too low
65 Alert Control board overtemperature Check the space temperature and the VFD fan
66 Alert Heat sink temperature low Space temperature too low
71 Alert PTC1 emergency stop Contact Carrier Service
72 Alert Emergency stop Contact Carrier Service
90† Alert Encoder loss Contact Carrier Service
94 Alert End of curve Contact Carrier Service
95 Alert Torque loss Contact Carrier Service
96 Alert Start delayed Contact Carrier Service
97 Alert Stop delayed Contact Carrier Service
98 Alert Clock fault Contact Carrier Service
203 Alert Missing motor Contact Carrier Service
204 Alert Locked rotor Contact Carrier Service
243 Alert IGBT defective Contact Carrier Service
247 Alert Capacity board temperature Contact Carrier Service

* Error 24 and 104 possible

** Error 50 to 58 possible
*** Error 70 or 250 possible
† Not applicable to variator size 102

8.6.3 - Compressor alarms
Alarm code* Description Reset type Possible cause
XX-01 Motor temperature too high Manual Motor/wiring fault
XX-02 Motor temperature outside the range Manual Probe defective or incorrect wiring
XX-03 Motor temperature outside the range Manual Coil fouled, lack of condenser flow, condenser valve blocked, fan circuit
fault, high entering air or condenser water temperature
XX-04 Current consumption too high Manual -
XX-05 Locked rotor Manual Mechanical compressor fault, motor fault or defective compressor slide
XX-06 Phase L1 lost Manual Power supply wiring fault
XX-07 Phase L2 lost Manual As above
XX-08 Phase L3 lost Manual As above
XX-09 Low current alarm Manual Defective contactor or capacity fault
XX-10 Current increase fault during the star- Manual Incorrect wiring or no power for the delta contactor
delta passage
XX-11 Contactor fault Manual Incorrect wiring or defective contactor or TCPM board
XX-12 Motor stop impossible Manual Incorrect wiring or defective contactor
XX-13 Phase reversal Manual -
XX-14 MTA configuration fault Manual MTA configuration incorrect or defective TCPM board
XX-15 Incorrect configuration switch Manual Configuration switch S1 incorrect wiring or defective TCPM board
XX-16 Switch modification detected Manual As above
XX-17 Power supply cut during operation Automatic Verify that power supply cuts have occurred
XX-18 Critical software error (UL 1998) Manual Power network noise or defective TCPM board
XX-19 Critical error on two current parameters Manual Power network noise or defective TCPM board
(UL 1998)
*XX stands for compressor (11 – compressor A, 21 – compressor B, 31 - compressor C)


In order to ensure the optimal operation of the equipment as well

as the optimisation of all the available functionalities, it is
recommended to activate a Maintenance Contract with your local
Carrier Service Agency.
The contract will ensure your Carrier equipment is regularly
inspected by Carrier Service specialists, so that any malfunction
is detected and corrected quickly, and no serious damage can
occur to your equipment.
The Carrier Service Maintenance Contract represents not only
the best way to ensure the maximum operating life of your
equipment, but also, through the expertise of Carrier qualified
personnel, the optimal tool to manage your system in a cost-
effective manner.

Order No.: 10509, 09.2020. Supersedes order No.: 10509, 07.2019. Manufactured by: Carrier SCS, Montluel, France.
Manufacturer reserves the right to change any product specifications without notice. Printed in the European Union.

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