Art 1169 Lorenzo Shipping Corp. Vs BJ Mathell Int'l., Inc

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443 SCRA 163 November 19,2004

Lorenzo Shipping Corp. vs BJ Mathell Int’l., Inc

Article 1169: Those obliged to deliver or to do something incur delay from the time the oblige judicially
or extrajudicially demands from them the fulfillment of their obligation.

Petitioner Lorenzo Shipping Corporation is a domestic corporation engaged in coastwise shipping. It
used to own the cargo vessel M/V Dadiangas Express. Upon the other hand, respondent BJ Marthel
International, Inc. is a business entity engaged in trading, marketing, and selling of various industrial
commodities. It is also an importer and distributor of different brands of engines and spare parts.

From 1987 onwards, respondent supplied petitioner with spare parts for the latter's marine engines.
Sometime in 1989, petitioner asked respondent for a quotation for various machine parts. Acceding to
this request, respondent furnished petitioner with a formal quotation. It was stipulated in the
contract that DELIVERY is within 2 months after receipt of firm order. The TERMS is 25% upon
delivery, balance payable in 5 bi-monthly equal and Installment[s] not to exceed 90 days.

Petitioner thereafter issued to respondent Purchase Order. For the procurement of one set of cylinder
liner, valued at P477,000, to be used for M/V Dadiangas Express. Instead of paying the 25% down
payment for the first cylinder liner, petitioner issued in favor of respondent ten postdated checks to
be drawn against the former's account with Allied Banking Corporation. The checks were supposed to
represent the full payment of the aforementioned cylinder liner.

Subsequently, petitioner issued Purchase Order dated 15 January 1990, for yet another unit of
cylinder liner. This purchase order stated the term of payment to be "25% upon delivery, balance
payable in 5 bi-monthly equal installments. On 26 January 1990, respondent deposited petitioner's
check that was postdated 18 January 1990, however, the same was dishonored by the drawee bank
due to insufficiency of funds. The remaining nine postdated checks were eventually returned by
respondent to petitioner.

However, the parties presented disparate accounts of what happened to the check which was previously
dishonored. Petitioner claimed that it replaced said check with a good one, the proceeds of which were
applied to its other obligation to respondent. For its part, respondent insisted that it returned said
postdated check to petitioner.

On 20 April 1990, Pajarillo delivered the two-cylinder liners at petitioner's warehouse in North Harbor,
Manila. The sales invoices evidencing the delivery of the cylinder liners both contain the notation
"subject to verification" under which the signature of Eric Go, petitioner's warehouseman, appeared.

Due to the failure of the parties to settle the matter, respondent filed an action for sum of money and
damages before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Makati City. In its complaint, respondent (plaintiff
below) alleged that despite its repeated oral and written demands, petitioner obstinately refused to
settle its obligations. Respondent prayed that petitioner be ordered to pay for the value of the cylinder
liners plus accrued interest of P111,300 as of May 1991 and additional interest of 14% per annum to be
reckoned from June 1991 until the full payment of the principal; attorney's fees; costs of suits;
exemplary damages; actual damages; and compensatory damages.

In an Order dated 25 July 1991, the court a quo granted respondent's prayer for the issuance of a
preliminary attachment. On 09 August 1991, petitioner filed an Urgent Ex-Parte Motion to Discharge
Writ of Attachment attaching thereto a counter-bond as required by the Rules of Court. On even date,
the trial court issued an Order lifting the levy on petitioner's properties and the garnishment of its bank
Petitioner afterwards filed its Answer alleging therein that time was of the essence in the delivery of the
cylinder liners and that the delivery on 20 April 1990 of said items was late as respondent committed to
deliver said items "within two (2) months after receipt of firm order" from petitioner. Petitioner likewise
sought counterclaims for moral damages, exemplary damages, attorney's fees plus appearance fees, and
expenses of litigation.

Subsequently, respondent filed a Second Amended Complaint with Preliminary Attachment dated 25
October 1991. The amendment introduced dealt solely with the number of postdated checks issued by
petitioner as full payment for the first cylinder liner it ordered from respondent. Whereas in the first
amended complaint, only nine postdated checks were involved.

Was there a delay in the delivery?

No, the Court of Appeals held that respondent could not have incurred delay in the delivery of cylinder
liners as no demand, judicial or extrajudicial, was made by respondent upon petitioner in contravention
of the express provision of Article 1169 of the Civil Code which provides:

Those obliged to deliver or to do something incur in delay from the time the obligee judicially or
extrajudicially demands from them the fulfillment of their obligation.

Likewise, the appellate court concluded that there was no evidence of the alleged cancellation of orders
by petitioner and that the delivery of the cylinder liners on 20 April 1990 was reasonable under the

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