China Production

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Peanut Production and Utilization

in the People’s Republic of China

Gang Yao

Peanut in Local and Global Food Systems Series Report No. 4

Robert E Rhoades, PI/ Virginia Nazarea, Co PI
Department of Anthropology
University of Georgia

Peanut Production and Utilization
in the People’s Republic of China

Gang Yao

Peanut in Local and Global Food Systems Series Report No. 4

Robert E Rhoades, PI/ Virginia Nazarea, Co PI
Department of Anthropology
University of Georgia


This report is based on fieldwork conducted in Laixi, Shandong province, China during
the summer of 1998. Shandong Peanut Research Institute, Laixi, offered us a great deal of
information on China peanut production and we are deeply grateful for their help. Our deepest
gratitude is given to Mr. Dong Wrbo, Ms. Xue Huiqing, and Mr. Wan Shupo and all their
colleagues of this institute. We also acknowledge the support and guidance of Dr. Robert
Rhoades and Dr. Virginia Nazarea, principal investigators of the “World Geography of the
Peanut” project based in the Department of Anthropology. Mr. Govinda Basnet in the
Department of Anthropology edited the manuscript. Fieldwork and write-up for this project was
funded by a National Science Foundation Ethnographic Research Training Grant (grant no
1021RR104131) and the Peanut Collaborative Research Support Program (grant no LAG -4048-
G-00-60-13-00) of the USAID.

World Geography of the Peanut is a project of the Peanut CRSP, University of Georgia.
This publication was made possible through support provided by the U.S. Agency for
International Development, under the term of Grant No. LAG-G-00-96-0013-00. The
opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the USAID, University of Georgia, the Board of Regents, and the Peanut CRSP.

Peanut is an important oilseed crop in Chinese agricultural system. Over the decades,
peanut has remained top ranked oilseed crop. Its cultivation history in the country can be traced
to ancient times. However, the large increase in peanut production has been recorded since
1980s. Currently, China is the largest peanut producing country in the world accounting for
about two-fifths of the world production. In terms of area it ranks second only to India
accounting for one-fifth of the total world acreage. Although peanut is grown in different parts of
the country, Shandong is the major peanut producing area accounting for about 23 percent of
area and 35 % of production of the entire nation.
The tremendous increase in peanut production was made possible by adoption of
technologies that combined development of improved varieties and improved packages of
cultivation practices. Among other improved cultivation practices, polythene mulching has
greatly contributed towards boosting peanut production. Chinese government’s policy of
encouraging individual farmers through a program called ‘Household Responsibility System’
provided incentives to the farmers leading to increased production. This report presents a brief
overview of production history and distribution, agro-ecological zones, utilization and marketing
aspects of peanut in China.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements i
Summary ii
Table of contents iii

1. Introduction 1
1.1 Peanut in China 1
1.2 History 1
1.3 Peanut production in China in an international context 2

2. Agro-ecological Zones 4
2.1 Region I: North large peanut region 4
2.2 Region II: South spring and autumn peanut region 5
2.3 Region III: Yangtze spring and summer peanut region 6
2.4 Region IV: Yungui plateau peanut region 6
2.5 Region V: Northeast early peanut region 7
2.6 Region VI: Loess peanut region 7
2.7 Region VII: Northwest inland peanut region 7

3 Growth of Peanut Cultivation in China 9

3.1 Growth in national production 9
3.2 Production distribution 11

4. Production technology 15
4.1 Crop rotation 15
4.2 Cultivation 16
4.3 Polythene mulching 16

5. Utilization and Marketing 18

5.1 Peanut uses 18
5.2 Peanut processing 19
5.3 International and provincial trade 19
5.4 Marketing of peanut since reform 19

6. Major constraints for production 21

6.1 Constraints for production 21
6.2 Constraints for utilization and trade 22
6.3 Possible means to overcome the constraints 22
References 24

List of tables
Table 1: Sub-regions of north large peanut region 5
Table 2: Geography and climate of peanut production region 8
Table 3: Cropping systems in peanut region 8

Table 4: Growth of peanut cultivation in China 9
Table 5: Major oilseed crops production in China in three decades 10
Table 6: Peanut area and production in different provinces of China in 1995 12
Table 7: Peanut products export growth in China

List of figures
Figure 1: World peanut production in 2003 2
Figure 2: World peanut cultivation area 3
Figure 3: Trend of growth in peanut production 11

List of Maps
Map1: Agro-ecological zones of peanut production 4
Map 2: Peanut production in different provinces of China 13
Map 3: Area under peanut cultivation in different provinces of China 13
Map 4: Peanut yield in different provinces of China 14

1. Introduction

1. 1 Peanut in China
Peanut is an important industrial and oilseed crop in China. It is grown both for domestic
market and for exports. While peanut is grown mainly for oil production and export in high-
income provinces it is grown primarily as food crop in other provinces. Popular not only as a
source of protein and vegetable oil, peanut is also valued for the food and medicine industry.
Over 5 million ha area is under peanut cultivation in China which accounts for about 19% of the
world’s area under peanut (FAO 2003). In the year 2003 total peanut production in China has
reached to 15 million tons, that constitutes 42% of the total world production.
China has a long history of peanut cultivation. Peanut has become one of the most
important oilseed crops and its production has consistently increased since 1980s. This report on
China’s peanut food system offers a general overview of many aspects of this important crop.
As a contribution to the “Peanut in Food Systems” series of the World Geography of the Peanut
Project, this report examines the history of introduction, agroecological zones and production
trends, production practices and technologies, marketing, utilization, and production constraints.
This report also discusses the regional distribution of peanut production and constraints that limit
the peanut production.

1.2 History
Peanut, which has a long cultivation history in China, was apparently introduced into the
country in different places at different times. Early accounts record the cultivation of peanut in
China since 1368 (Shuren et al 1995). Chanshu County Magazine (1503) reports “peanut
planted in March, as not a long branched, not underground, boiled and delicious.” Another
document reports that the Virginia type (var. vulgaris) was introduced by American missionaries
in the middle of the 19th century via Shanghai to Shandong peninsula. The Virginia type then
gradually spread to several other provinces of the country.
Recent archeological works in China provide evidences of the presence of peanut seeds
during the Neolithic period sites in Zhejiang and Jiangxi (around 4000 b.p.). Based on these
evidences, some scholars argue that the peanut is indigenous to China and, therefore, not all
varieties were introduced from overseas. Other experts argue that that these evidences are not

conclusive enough to suggest that the peanut was domesticated in China. Unfortunately, no
written documents predating the Ming Dynasty (15th century, A.D.) mentioning peanut
cultivation in China have been discovered. The modern peanut is known to be of South
American origin, having spread around the world after Columbus’ discovery of the Americas.
Debate regarding the Chinese origin of the peanut continues.
In the Chinese language over a dozen local names are used for peanut. Some examples
are Changshengguo (long-life nut), Luohuasheng (falling flower-born nut), Didou (underground
nut), Xiangdou (fragrant nut), Wuhuaguo (flowerless nut), and Qianshuizi (thousand-year-old-

1.3 Peanut production in China in an international context

China is the world’s largest peanut producer accounting for 42 % of the total world
production in the year 2003. Country’s share of total peanut production has been increasing
every year. China is second only to India in land area devoted to the crop. China with one-fifth
of the world area under peanut produces more than two-fifths of the total world peanut
production. Since early 1960s, the total peanut production has increased by almost 12 folds.
Figures 1 and 2 show China’s share in total world peanut production and area under cultivation.
Overall, peanut is an essential economic product earning significant income for China.

World Peanut Production by Country

Senegal 2003

Sudan Other
3% 21%


Nigeria 42%

Total world production : 37.06 million MT

Figure 1. World peanut production in 2003 (Source FAO)

World Peanut Area by Country


7% China

Total area under peanut cultivation: 26.4 million ha

Figure 2. World peanut cultivation area (Source FAO 2003)

2. Agro-ecological Zones
Peanut is widely cultivated in China from the frigid north (50°N) to the humid south
(18°N), from east (132°E) to west (76°W). Average temperatures across the peanut producing
areas range from -5° to 25°C. The major peanut agriculture zones are: I – North Large Peanut
(Virginia Type) Region; II – South Spring and Autumn Peanut Region; III – Yangtze Spring and
Summer Peanut Region; IV – Loess Peanut Region; and VII – Northwest Inland Peanut Region.
These zones are shown on Map 1. Each agro-ecological zone is briefly described below.

2.1 Region I: North large peanut (Virginia type) region

Region I includes the south of Liadong Peninsula, Hebei and Shandong Provinces, the
north and the east of Henna, the south of Shanxi, and the north of Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces.
This is the largest peanut production region having the most centralized production system.

Shandong is the largest peanut producing province. The major types of soil are arenaceous soil
eroded from granite or shale and alluvial sands in the Yellow River watershed. In this region,
the average elevation ranges from 50 to 200 msl. With the exception of a few hilly areas in
Shandong and Liadong Peninsulas, the region is largely alluvial plain. The mean daily
temperature ranges between 11 to 14 oC; the frost-free period lasts 180 to 230 days per year.
Annual rainfall is about 450 – 900 mm, most of which falls in the northeast part and occurs
during July and August.
Generally one crop per year or three crops per two years are grown in the region. Peanut
is usually intercropped with corn, bean, and sweet potato. Mostly large seeded varieties of
Virginia type are grown in this region, which are used for oil extraction and export. Depending
on elevation, soil, and cropping systems, this region can be divided into three sub-regions:
Yellow River alluvial plain, Liadong and Shandong Peninsula, and Huaibei plain. The
differences between the sub-regions are shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Sub-regions of north large peanut region.

Features Yellow river Liaodong and Shandong Huaibei plain
alluvial plain peninsula
Elevation (m) 100 100-200 20
Frost-free days 200 180-200 200-230
Mean temperature (oC) 14 12 15
Sunlight coefficient (%) 55-60 60 55
Precipitation (mm) 400-800 600-900 700-1000
Major cropping system One crop per year Three crops per two years
Major peanut varieties Spanish type Virginia type Nongshen type
Source: Peanut Breeding and Cultivation (Haishen Feng 1993).

2.2 Region II: South spring and autumn peanut region

This most southerly peanut region includes Guangdong, Guangxi, the southeastern part of
Fujian, the southern Hunan, and Hainan. The region accounts for 31.2% of the total peanut
production area in China. Peanut cultivation can be found in areas that are about 50 meters
above sea level and which are mostly coastal hilly areas or river alluvial regions, such as
Leizhou Peninsula and Zhujiang Delta in Guangdong Province. The soil in this alluvial region is
alluvial sands, while in the hilly areas soil is relatively less fertile. The region is located on sub-
tropical and tropical climatic zones, where more than half of a year is summer with abundant
rainfall (1500 to 2000 mm per year). The average temperature ranges between 20 to 25 oC;

almost the whole year is frost-free, and the sunlight coefficient is about 40 to 50%. Peanut can
be planted year round in the South. Generally, two crops per year are grown in this region.
However, there are also instances of growing three crops per year or five crops every two years.
Peanut is often rotated with rice and other crops. The period of rotation and selection of the
crops in rotation are decided based on soil characteristics and the availability of suitable crop
varieties. Generally, small seeded varieties, which are mostly used as food and for oil extraction,
are grown in the region.

2.3 Region III: Yangtze spring and summer peanut region

Lying between 26o and 34oN, this region includes Hubei and Zhejiang provinces,
southern Jiangsu, Anhui, and Henan and Jiangxi, and Sichuan Basin. Peanut cultivation is
concentrated in hills in Hubei, Hunan, and Jiangxi, and in river alluvial plains. The elevation of
the peanut production area in this region is at least 300 msl. The major soil types where peanut
is grown are red soil, brown soil, and sandy soils with pH ranging between 6 and 7. The average
temperature ranges between 15o to 19o C and the frost-free period is long. The annual
precipitation ranges between 800 to 1800 mm, principally occurring in spring and summer.
Generally, one crop is grown per year, which may also change to three crops every two years.
Peanut is usually rotated with sweet potato, wheat, bean, and occasionally with rice. This region
can be divided into three sub-regions: the Yangtze River north plain sub-region, the Yangtze
River south plain sub-region, and the Sichuan basin.

2.4 Region IV: Yungui plateau peanut region

This region includes Yunan and Guizhou provinces, southwestern Sichuan and
northwestern Guangxi. Peanut production is centered in the Nanpan River watershed.
Topography in this region is complex and elevation exceeds 500 msl. Peanut cultivation is
spread in hilly or terraced areas below 1500 msl. Soils are typically red and brown or sandy.
The high topographic relief is accompanied by both semi-tropical and temperate climate. The
mean temperature ranges between 15 and 20oC, but some areas experience temperature below
12oC. The sunlight coefficient is 30 to 40%, but due to varying terrain it can reach up to 50% in
some areas. Annual precipitation varies from 900 to 2000 mm. The western region has more
variation in precipitation than the eastern region. In the past, peanut was cultivated once per year.

However, now three crops are grown every two years, and in some areas two crops are grown
each year. Peanut is rotated with corn, tobacco, and sugar cane. Pearl peanuts, multi-nuts, and
some other small and medium size peanuts are typical in this area.

2.5 Region V: Northeast early peanut region

This region is located between 40o and 50oN, and includes North Liaoning, Jilin, South
Heilongjiang and a small part of Inner Mongolia. Peanut is mostly spread in hilly region where
the soil is sandy and in plains where soil is black. The mean annual temperature ranges between
2o to 7oC, and the annual frost-free period is 130 to 160 days. This peanut region is the coldest
and has the longest frost period. The annual rainfall is around 450 to 700 mm, and the sunlight
coefficient is 60%. Only one crop can be grown each year. Mostly small seeded varieties are
grown in this region.

2.6 Region VI: Loess peanut region

This region includes Ningxia, North and Center of Shanxi, North and West of Shanxi,
and some parts of Gansu and Qinghai. The peanut cultivation in this region is mostly spread
around Wei River and Fen River watersheds, which are as high as 1000 to 2000 msl. The region
is arid, and the most common soil type is eroded loose sandy soils. The mean annual temperature
is around 7 to 10oC and the frost-free period is 150 to 200 days. The annual rainfall is only about
300 to 550 mm. Only one crop is grown each year.

2.7 Region VII: Northwest inland peanut region

This region spreads towards China’s far northwest border and includes Xinjiang and
Gansu. Climate is characterized by hot and dry summers and cold winters; yearly
and daily variation in temperature is also large. Mean annual temperature ranges between 5 to
10oC. The annual rainfall ranges between 50 to 100 mm and the sunlight coefficient is over 60%.
Only one crop is grown each year. The following tables summarizes the geographical and
agronomic features of these seven regions.

Table 2: Geography and climate of peanut production regions
Region Latitude Longitude Altitude Mean Frost-free Precipitation Sunlight
(msl) temp period (mm) coefficient
(oC) (days) (%)
North large 32-42 oN east of 107oE 50-200 11-14 180-230 450-900 55-60
South spring 18-26oN 107-122oE 50 20-25 310 1500-2000 40-50
and autumn
Yangtze spring 26-34oN East to 120oE 50-300 15-19 240-330 800-1800 30-45
and summer
Yungui plateau 29oN East to 500-2000 15-20 230-330 900-1400 30-40
peanut 109.5oE
Northeast early 40-50oN East to 1170E 100-200 2-7 130-160 450-700 50
Loess peanut 32-42oN 100-113oE 1000-2000 7-10 150-200 300-550 60
Northwest North to West to 100oE 1000-2500 3.5-14 170-240 50-280 60-70
inland peanut 36oN

Table 3: Cropping systems in peanut regions

Region Planting time Cropping intensity Crops rotated with Varieties
North large Late April to early One crop per Sweetpotato, wheat, corn, Large-seeded
peanut May year/three crops per barley, bean
two years
South spring Spring: Feb-March, Two crops per year, Sweetpotato, bean Small-seeded
and autumn fall: July-Aug five crops per two vegetable, rice, sugarcane
peanut years
Yangtze spring Spring: April-May Three crops every two Sweetpotato, barley, Small-seeded
and summer summer: May-June years wheat, bean, rape
Yungui plateau March-April One crop per year, Corn, sweetpotato, bean Small-seeded
peanut three crops per two
Northeast early May One crop per year Sweetpotato, millet, Small-seeded
peanut sorghum
Loess peanut April-May One crop per year Millet, wheat Small-seeded
Northwest May One crop per year Wheat, corn Small-seeded
inland peanut

3. Growth of Peanut Cultivation in China

3.1 Growth in national production

Although peanut has been cultivated since ancient times in China, peanut production has
taken a significant stride after economic reforms of 1970s. Table 4 gives a trend of growth in
peanut production, acreage, and yield since early 1960s. Several factors have contributed to rapid
increase in peanut production in China. Among them, the ‘Household Responsibility System’
carried out in 1980s enhanced the farmers’ enthusiasm and efficiency. The ‘Household
Responsibility System’ devised in the early 1980s was characterized by partial privatization,
increased price incentives, and increased use of specialized production and marketing.
Introduction of a market economy which has provided price incentives. In spite of marginal
increase in the area under peanut cultivation, a large increase in total production has been
recorded mainly due to increase in productivity.
Research in two areas, namely, on i) varietal technology, and ii) improved packages of
cultivation practices, in particular since the 1980s have been instrumental for this increase in
production. Several peanut varieties with high yield, good quality, and stress resistance have
been promoted. The improved package of cultivation practices include deep tillage, balanced
fertilizer, close planting, chemical control, and polythene mulching. All these factors have
contributed to increase the peanut production in China. As a result, with one fifth area under
peanut cultivation China today shares two fifths of the world peanut production.

Table 4: Trend of peanut production in China

Year Harvested Area Yield Production
(Ha) (Kg/Ha) (Mt)
1961 1,297,350 889 1,153,644
1962 1,396,250 856 1,195,496
1963 1,552,542 976 1,515,438
1964 1,900,775 981 1,864,727
1965 1,949,321 1,054 2,053,817
1966 2,013,026 1,207 2,429,995
1967 2,027,906 1,147 2,325,999
1968 1,834,317 1,103 2,023,489
1969 1,825,385 1,059 1,932,764
1970 1,795,477 1,264 2,270,198
1971 1,871,400 1,244 2,327,579
1972 1,952,250 1,120 2,186,032
1973 1,832,079 1,217 2,229,932

1974 1,889,414 1,279 2,416,939
1975 1,939,100 1,218 2,361,470
1976 1,897,807 1,034 1,961,864
1977 1,738,413 1,182 2,055,056
1978 1,823,673 1,354 2,469,184
1979 2,126,520 1,367 2,907,881
1980 2,389,974 1,542 3,686,127
1981 2,520,853 1,550 3,907,713
1982 2,464,645 1,623 3,998,832
1983 2,244,668 1,788 4,013,196
1984 2,470,705 1,984 4,901,993
1985 3,370,935 2,003 6,752,662
1986 3,302,164 1,805 5,959,150
1987 3,086,489 2,036 6,282,700
1988 3,022,638 1,911 5,776,119
1989 2,980,270 1,821 5,426,510
1990 2,941,453 2,187 6,433,465
1991 2,919,892 2,187 6,386,816
1992 3,012,861 2,001 6,028,579
1993 3,411,035 2,491 8,496,462
1994 3,810,900 2,562 9,762,783
1995 3,848,164 2,684 10,327,225
1996 3,649,504 2,800 10,218,944
1997 3,755,300 2,592 9,732,185
1998 4,069,900 2,937 11,954,325
1999 4,294,500 2,959 12,706,157
2000 4,884,910 2,972 14,515,755
2001 5,016,421 2,885 14,471,835
2002 5,025,171 2,986 15,006,087
2003 5,125,400 2,981 15,277,455
Source : FAO

Peanut has remained an important oilseed crop in China. Importance of peanut in Chinese
oil production sector can be inferred by comparing peanut production with other oilseed crops.
Table 5 shows that in all the decades peanut ranked the first followed by rape, sunflower, and
Table 5: Major oilseed crops production in China in three decades
Crop 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1995
Production % of Production % of Production % of
(K ton) oilseeds (K ton) oilseeds (K ton) oilseeds
Peanut 2225 49.7 4988 40.2 7827 42.9
Rape 1464 32.7 4917 39.6 7709 42.3
Sunflower 310 6.9 1333 10.7 1359 7.6
Sesame 274 6.1 451 3.6 519 2.8
Source: SPRI material at Oil Crops Institute Conference in 1995

Peanut Production Trend








1961 1966 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001
Harvest Area (x 10,000 Ha) Yield (Kg/Ha) Production (x 10,000 Mt)

Figure 3: Trend of growth in peanut production

3.2 Production distribution

Although peanut is grown in different regions, its production is concentrated in relatively
few provinces. More than 70% of production takes place in five provinces – Shandong, Henan,
Hebei, Guangdong, and Jiangsu. Shandong is the leading peanut producer, with the largest area
under peanut cultivation and highest yield. Peanut is the most important export crop in Shandong
province. Shandong alone accounts for 23 percent of area and 34 percent of production of the
entire nation. The average yield of peanut in Shandong is 34 percent higher than national
average. Provinces in the far west like Tibet and Quinghai have very little peanut production.
Table 6 presents the peanut production distribution in China.

Table 6: Peanut area and production in different provinces of China in 1995
Province Area under peanut Yield (kg/ha) Total production
(x 1000 ha) (ton)
Beijing 11.17 2,883 32,200
Tianjin 7.86 2,539 19,954
Hebei 371.70 254 946,841
Shanxi 26.20 1,855 48,611
Inner Mongolia 0.30 1,987 596
Liaoning 94.49 1,723 162,764
Jilin 21.4 2,164 46,319
Heilongjiang 2.35 1,431 3,363
Shanghai 1.00 2,780 2,780
Jiangsu 148.70 3,257 484,275
Zhejiang 10.20 2,306 23,517
Anhui 181.50 2,356 427,600
Fujian 97.70 2,185 243,449
Jiangxi 130.30 2,322 302,510
Shandong 849.90 3,635 3,089,500
Henan 767.30 3,045 2,336,502
Hubei 91.90 2,969 272,809
Hunan 120.91 1,662 200,941
Guangdong 333.07 2,101 399,781
Guangxi 208.40 1,880 391,733
Hainan 45.60 1,593 72,623
Sichuan 183.40 1,629 298,695
Guizhou 33.70 1,500 50,552
Yunnan 36.30 1,193 43,307
Tibet 29
Source: Peanut Technology, SPRI 1997
Maps 2,3, and 4 show the pattern of total production, acreage, and yield in different
provinces. It is clear from these maps that Shandong and Henan provinces are the leading peanut
producing provinces in China. Different provinces have witnessed a differing trend of peanut
production. Provinces, with the long history of peanut cultivation, have added little area to
peanut cultivation. However, in some regions there is increase in the area under peanut
cultivation. Although there is a fluctuation in peanut production in a particular region from year
to year, mostly due to climatic factors, there is an overall trend of increase in peanut production.

Map 2: Peanut production in different provinces of China (source: Peanut Technology 1997)

Map 3: Area under peanut cultivation in different provinces (Source: Peanut Technology 1997)

Map 4: Peanut yield in different provinces of China

4. Production Technology

Research in two areas, namely on i) varietal technology, and ii) improved packages of
cultivation practices have been instrumental for tremendous increase in peanut production. The
improved production technology includes deep tillage, balanced fertilizer, close planting, and
polythene mulching etc. This section presents the production technology adopted for peanut
cultivation in China.

4.1 Crop rotation

Peanut is grown in rotation with other crops for several reasons. Some of them are: 1) to
rationally utilize the land with more intensive agriculture; 2) to control pest and weed damage
more effectively; and 3) to improve soil fertility and make full use of existing soil resources.
Although peanut is a major income crop in some areas, in other places it is viewed as a
supplemental cash crop. Crop rotation, to some extent, is dependent on the importance of peanut
in the respective regions. Duration and sequence of crop rotation varies widely in different
regions of China. Crop rotation involving peanut varies widely in China. The examples below
illustrate the diversity of the rotation and cropping systems involving peanut.
1. Two-crops-per-year rotation: usually with winter wheat and summer peanut. This
rotation pattern is followed mostly in Shandong province.
2. One-crop-per-year: spring peanut or spring sweet potato. This pattern is adopted in
hilly semi-arid areas suitable for both peanut and sweet potato.
3. Three/four-crops-per-two-years rotation:
· spring peanut--winter wheat—summer sweet potato, summer corn or other crops
· winter wheat—summer peanut—spring sweet potato, summer corn or other crops
· winter wheat—summer peanut—winter wheat—summer sweet potato, summer
corn or other crops
4. Five-crops-per-three-years rotation
· winter wheat-summer corn-winter wheat-summer corn or summer sweet potato-
spring peanut
· winter wheat-summer corn-winter wheat-corn-spring peanut
· winter wheat-summer corn-winter wheat-summer tobacco or vegetable-spring peanut

4.2 Cultivation
Different regions, characterized by different agricultural situations, adopt different
cultivation strategies. For instance, crop rotation in the North involves growing peanut with
wheat, whereas in the South peanut is rotated with rice. Intensity of land use, soil management,
pest and disease control all vary from region to region. In hilly areas, people build terraces,
follow deep plowing to minimize or prevent soil erosion and improve land quality. In sandy and
windy areas, farmers use wooded areas as windbreaks. These steps help solidify sand, protect
soil, and increase peanut production. Although intensive land use has been historically an
important aspect of Chinese agriculture, achieving optimal crop densities and the selection of
appropriate techniques has remained a problem.

4.3 Polythene mulching

Polythene mulching, introduced in China from Japan in 1978, has been attributed as one
of the major improved cultivation practices for enhanced productivity. Because of its
contribution in increasing groundnut production, polythene mulching is called as the “White
Revolution.” Polythene mulching has been found to be effective not only in increasing the yield
but also in increasing seed oil content, protein content, and the level of eight essential amino
acids. It was found to increase yield between 18 to 49% depending on soil fertility conditions.
When grown under polythene mulch system, groundnut is sown approximately 10 days
earlier and it matures about 10 days earlier than under non-mulched condition. The polythene
mulch makes it possible to extend the production areas to the cooler northern parts of the country
also. Polythene mulching creates a suitable condition for plant growth by influencing soil
temperature, moisture, texture, and microbial activities. Polythene mulch also prevents late set
pegs from penetrating the soil thus saving nutrients for earlier set pods. Polythene mulching has
been found effective in controlling weeds.
There are also some disadvantages of using polythene mulching. All the polythene film
used in mulching cannot be retrieved, thereby causing environmental pollution. Residual film in
the soil may interfere with the root development of the next crop. Sowing with polythene mulch
takes much more time, labor, and the cost of cultivation. It has also been found that seeds
produced under polythene mulch condition are less viable.

Although polythene film of 0.004 to 0.014 mm thickness can be used, a thickness of 0.007 mm
is optimum and more economical.. The thinner (less than 0.005 mm) film does not well maintain
the soil temperature and moisture and does not stop late set pegs from penetrating the soil. A film
of light transmittance of more than 70 percent is optimum.

5. Utilization and Marketing

5.1 Peanut uses

Peanut has broad utilization possibilities in China. Many products can be made out of
peanut for human consumption. Some of the major peanut products made in the country are
vegetable oil, peanut butter. It is eaten fresh and dried as a popular snack in many parts of the
country. Roasted, boiled, and candied peanuts have become popular food items. Special peanut
cuisine may vary from region to region for example, candy cooked with peanuts is a popular
peanut food in the South. There are many anecdotes about peanut cuisine in China’s history.
According to a biography of Jing Shengtan, a scholar during the Qing Dynasty, his favorite
recipe was peanut with a special kind of firm tofu. One popular peanut recipe in China is “boiled
peanut with spice.” It is made by boiling peanuts with salt and spices for over an hour. After
draining the water and drying for few minutes this dish is served warm as an appetizer or snack
food. In some regions, peanut with sunflower seeds and jujube (the Chinese date, Ziziphus
jujube) are indispensable at weddings because together they sound like “bear babies earlier” in
the Chinese language.
It is also processed for producing many industrial products. Different peanut parts and
products like stalks, leaves, nuts and industrial by-products are fed to animals. Since peanut
leaves and stalks contain protein (13%), fat (1.9%), and carbohydrate (44%), they can be used as
animal feed and also as good source of green manuring to improve the soil fertility. Peanut shells
were mostly ignored in the past. However, peanut shells are now being used as animal feed and
as a compost material. Chinese farmers traditionally use peanut shells mostly for fuel.
Peanut has different roles in different regions. In some areas it is grown as an economic
product but in other it is grown primarily for food consumption. Regional differences in overall
income influence the use of peanut. High-income provinces tend to reserve a high percentage of
the yield for processed products, whereas low-income provinces use peanut mostly for household
consumption as a food item. Provinces with high peanut production produce peanut mostly for
extraction of oil and selling in national or international markets. For many provinces with little
production, peanut is grown primarily as snack food.

5.2 Peanut processing
Simple processing of peanut by farmers includes shelling and drying after harvest. The
shelled nuts fetch a better price than the un-shelled ones. Fresh nut is used for both food
processing and industrial applications. Industrial processing, such as compression, detachment,
and saturation turn peanut into different products (e.g. peanut butter, peanut oil, or composite
protein product). A range of high quality products with export potential are produced. A soy
sauce made from peanut has been developed which is indistinguishable from the soy-based
Approximately half of the peanut produced is used for extracting oil. The technologies
used for extracting oil include compression, saturation, and hydrolyzation. These various
methods have both advantages and disadvantages, for example, compression can process a large
amount of peanut at a time, but significant sediment is left which cannot be used as food. Peanut
jam (also known as peanut butter America) is one of the major peanut products produced mostly
in Shandong province. Peanut candy (a kind of peanut brittle), a popular product in China, is
made by stirring cooked peanut and syrup together and then cooling the mixture. Many rural
families in China make peanut candy on holidays as a special snack.

5.3 International and provincial trade

The actual extent of trade is unknown, but regional and international trade of peanut has
existed for a long time and is growing. The way for intra-and inter-provincial trade has been
opened substantially by the easing the strict local self-sufficiency requirements since 1978.
Chinese government encourages production of any product that earns hard currency. Peanut is
competitive in the international market for vegetable oil, snack foods markets, and to some
extent for animal feed.
Before the 1960s, China exported peanut substantially to the Soviet Union. However,
since 1970s most of the peanut export goes to Western Europe, Japan, and Southeast Asia. The
quantity of peanut export has been increasing over the years.

5.4 Marketing of peanut since reform

Marketing and utilization patterns of peanut have undergone drastic changes since the
introduction of economic reforms in 1978. The nature of demand has changed as incomes have

increased. Over the years, use of peanut as food has declined and its use as industrial products
and for export has increased. Utilization is now directed toward higher value uses, such as
industrial processing, animal feed, and processed food products in more developed regions of the
country, rather than simple consumption. The marketing structure has changed as a result of
government withdrawal from former procurement and marketing functions. Many enterprises
and traders have been competing with government agencies which earlier enjoyed the monopoly
in procuring farm products. These new marketing channels allow multiple entries into the
In the case of suburban production, where the peanuts are sold for fresh consumption,
farmers may market peanut themselves, individually, or collectively, if they have access to
transportation, such as a bicycle, tricycle, or small tractor-drawn cart. They may also sell their
products to traders who have these or more sophisticated transportation means. The retail prices
farmers charge for fresh nuts is usually about 20% less than that charged by traders, and the
wholesale cost to traders is usually about 20% less than the retail price charged by farmers.
Besides the growth in peanut export, there is also change in the proportion of the product being
exported. Earlier, peanut oil used to be the second most important export goods after raw peanut,
but now processed products are becoming the major export items.

Table 7: Peanut products export growth in China

Period Total Peanut oil Peanut without Peanut with Processed
export shell shell peanut products
quantity quantity % quantity % quantity % quantity %
(ton) (ton) (ton) (ton) (ton)
1970s 42.7 16.1 37.7 26.6 62.3
1980s 277.4 55.7 20.1 171.1 61.7 20.2 7.3 30.4 10.9
1990s 509.4 43.5 8.5 338.9 66.5 39.5 7.8 87.5 17.2
Source: SPRI material at National Oil Plant Institute Conference 1995

6. Major Constraints for Production and Use

4.1 Constraints for production

China has many favorable factors for peanut production, such as suitable climate, wide
cultivation regions, and a healthy planting tradition. Through the rapid growth of peanut
production in the recent decades, China has developed several new improved varieties, for
example, luhua 14, luhua 15, yuhua 6, tianfu 9, and many others. Despite advances in promotion
of improved varieties and cultivation technology, there are still some constraints that limit the
peanut production in China. Followings are the major constraints.
Fluctuating yield and uneven growth: Although there is a general trend of increase in
peanut production, there is a fluctuation in production in individual years. During the forty year
period between 1950-1990, 29 years experienced an increase in total production over the
preceding year. However, there was decline in total production compared to preceding years for
12 years. There is also an annual fluctuation in yield. Uneven development among different
provinces is another problem. Even within provinces there is regional variation in production.
While different geographic and climatic conditions in different regions must contribute to this
variation, uneven adoption of improved technology must have contributed towards this.
Technology development: Since 1949, China has continued to develop new technologies
for peanut production and utilization. However, the adoption of new technology by farmers is
still slow. Many laboratory or experimental technologies have not been successfully applied in
the field. There is still a wide gap between yields from experimental station and farmers’ fields.
This gap between experiment station yields and farmers’ abilities to achieve the same rates needs
to be investigated further. Other constraints on peanut yield in China include quality of cultivars,
pests and diseases, cultural practices, access to inputs, and shifts in cropping systems.
One of the major challenges for increasing production is pest and disease management. Several
diseases such as white leaf disease, root-knot nematode disease (Meloidogyne hapla), peanut
stripe virus (PStV) seriously impair the peanut production. Development of varieties resistant to
pests and diseases has become one important research focus. Besides these diseases, storage
diseases such as aflatoxin, a product of Aspergillus flavus is also a major disease drawing
research focus.

6.2 Constraints for utilization and trade
Peanut utilization in China is moving from predominantly oil production to various
processed food items. New peanut products are frequently introduced to the markets and are
being accepted by more and more consumers. Unfortunately, little attention has been paid to
research on food processing in China. Processing equipment and technologies are antiquated.
Many by-products from processing are often not properly utilized.
In recent decades, China’s peanut trade abroad has dramatically increased and the
products have changed from raw materials to processed products. However, several problems
continue to plague the management of peanut export. The government limits the amount of
peanut export by regulating the permit for peanut exports. However, because of insufficient
monitoring, the actual export quantity often surpasses the permit levels. For example, in 1994 the
export permit for peanut was 0.4 million tons, but the actual export reached 0.48 million tons. In
addition, such lax controls can allow inferior product to be exported, which may result in
returned shipments. In the period 1993-1994, one food exporter in Shandong lost 30 million
yuan RMB as a result of returning goods. Another limitation to export trade is that China’s
processed peanut products are not as competitive as the same products from other
technologically advanced countries.

6.3 Possible means to overcome the constraints

In order to maintain the consistency of growth of peanut production in China, following
measures are suggested.
Stabilization of area under cultivation: Cultivation in already peanut dominated area has
to be maintained whereas it can also be extended in newer dispersed areas. There is a general
tendency to convert land under peanut to industrial purposes. This tendency has to be
Adoption of improved varieties and technologies: The current level of production has
been achieved mostly by promotion of improved varieties and adoption of improved packages of
cultivation practices. Widespread adoption of existing but underutilized technologies would
greatly increase peanut utilization and export trade. Although the importance of mechanization
and commercialization is consistently emphasized in agricultural development, the increased

mechanization has created new serious environmental problems drawing the attention of Chinese
agricultural policy makers.
Improved marketing: Improvement in peanut processing and marketing would help boost
the peanut production in the country.
To sum up, despite these constraints China has been consistently making progress in
peanut production.


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