The Real Cost of Beauty Ideals
The Real Cost of Beauty Ideals
The Real Cost of Beauty Ideals
of beauty ideals
The staggering economic and social cost of body dissatisfaction
and appearance-based discrimination in the United States
Prepared with
Let’s Change Beauty | October 2022 Deloitte Access Economics
We acknowledge the assistance Deloitte
Access Economics and our Expert Advisory
Panel led by Dr Bryn Austin from STRIPED at
the TH Chan Harvard School of Public Health
provided in compiling this report.
Glossary 4
Definitions 5
Acknowledgments 8
Preface 9
Foreword 12
Executive summary 17
1 Introduction 23
2 Approach 29
3 Prevalence 39
4 The economic and social cost of body dissatisfaction 49
5 T
he economic and social cost of appearance-based 68
6 Discussion 96
Appendices 103
Appendix A : Costing methodology 104
Appendix B : Sensitivity testing 133
Endnotes 135
OR Odds ratio
RR Relative risk
UK United Kingdom
US United States
Years of healthy life lost Represents the reduction in quality of life due to conditions attribut-
due to disability (YLD) able to body dissatisfaction or appearance-based discrimination.
Represents the years of life lost due to premature death due to
Years of life lost due to
conditions attributable to body dissatisfaction or appearance-
premature death (YLL)
based discrimination.
Funding: This report was supported by the Dove Self-Esteem Project of Unilever PLC.
Expert Advisory Panel for this report: We offer a debt of gratitude to the members of the
Expert Advisory Panel for their extensive guidance on the preparation of this report:
• Dr. S. Bryn Austin, Sc.D from STRIPED at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
• Dr. Phillippa C. Diedrichs, PhD from the Centre for Appearance Research at the University
of the West of England Bristol
• Kayla A. Greaves, Executive Beauty Editor at InStyle magazine
• Dr Josiemer Mattei, PhD, at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
• Dr. Ayesha McAdams-Mahmoud Sc.D, MPH is a Social Scientists and researcher at Salesforce
• Dr Rebecca Puhl, PhD, is from the Rudd Center at the University of Connecticut
• Dr. Jaime Slaughter-Acey, PhD is at the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota
• Professor Iyiola Solanke is from School of Law and Social Justice at the University of Leeds
• Dr Kendrin Sonneville, ScD, RD is from the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan
• Katrina Velasquez Esq, MA is the Founder and Managing Principal of Center Road Solutions
• Dr Davene R. Wright, PhD is from Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute and
Harvard Medical School.
Thank you to community members: We are deeply indebted to the individuals who shared
their personal stories with us on their struggles with body dissatisfaction and appearance-
based discrimination, including: Candace B., William L., and Tyra S., whose stories are
featured throughout the report, and Anitra R., Ashley G., Saad A., Grace M., Shirley K.,
and others, who also generously gave their time to be interviewed for this report.
Their courage and resilience are an inspiration to all of us.
Women and girls are inundated with harmful based discrimination face poorer health out-
messages about their appearance every day – comes, labor market outcomes, educational
whether it’s in the form of toxic beauty advice outcomes, and discriminatory incarceration.
on social media or unrealistic representations of Moreover, body dissatisfaction and appear-
beauty on a billboard – it can have a negative ance-based discrimination can lead to severe
impact on their body confidence and self-es- outcomes like depression, anxiety, eating disor-
teem. At Dove, we are on a mission to make a ders and even suicide – all of which have been
positive experience of beauty accessible to all. exacerbated by the global COVID-19 pandemic
This is why we partnered with Deloitte Access and economic inflation. This report highlights
Economics and Dr. S. Bryn Austin, Founding the true impact of harmful beauty ideals – and
Director of the Strategic Training Initiative for the findings reveal that body dissatisfaction and
the Prevention of Eating Disorders (STRIPED): appearance-based discrimination are a pub-
A Public Health Incubator at the Harvard T.H. lic health crisis. Illuminating that the impact is
Chan School of Public Health on The Real Cost worse for women and girls – body dissatisfac-
of Beauty Ideals report. Together, we uncov- tion endangers more girls than toxic substances
ered the massive economic toll of $305 billion (underage alcohol abuse, smoking cigarettes,
through body dissatisfaction and $501 billion and illegal drug abuse).
through appearance-based discrimination that
harmful beauty ideals impose upon Since Dove launched the Campaign for Real
the US economy each year. Beauty nearly two decades ago – inspired sadly
by the insight that just 2% of women describe
The scale of the issues we face is beyond imagi- themselves as “beautiful” – Dove is deeply
nation, and we have seen first-hand how dis- committed to changing beauty for the better by
crimination exacts a terrible price. The Real Cost addressing harmful ideals that have an ad-
of Beauty Ideals report found the financial costs verse effect on self-esteem, mental wellness,
of appearance-based discrimination totaled and even ideals that limit access to employment
$269 billion in 2019 — close to 1.3% of US GDP. and educational opportunities. Our work in-
In addition, the loss of well-being from appear- cludes showing a more diverse representation
ance-based discrimination was estimated to be of beauty, zero digital distortion, investing in
$233 billion. It’s a human problem, impacting young people to build and nurture their self-
66 million individuals aged 10 years or older, esteem, and championing legislation to end
of whom it was estimated that 34 million faced race-based hair discrimination in the workplace
weight discrimination, 27 million faced skin tone and in schools. Dove’s actions have taken
discrimination, and 5 million faced natural hair many different forms.
discrimination. It’s critical to remember that
these 66 million lives encountering appearance-
• Through Project #ShowUs, Dove created the While we cannot make broad change alone,
first-ever global collection of inclusive beauty The Dove Self-Esteem Project is committed
images for media and advertisers to use. Since to working alongside likeminded individuals,
launching in 2019, we’ve grown the bank to experts, and organizations to change beauty
over 16,000 images, and more than 7,627 com- for the next generation. This means providing
panies across 39 countries have used images continued support for a multi-channel, long
from the bank to help us redefine beauty in term approach to disarming the complex influ-
media and advertising. Also in 2018, we deep- ences that lead to both body dissatisfaction and
ened our commitment to ensuring women are appearance-based discrimination that erode
portrayed with #NoDigitalDistortion, and a the self-esteem of kids and teens.
pledge to create a more positive experience
for the next generation on social media. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but we must
do our part to drive awareness for issues im-
pacting young people through our platforms
and campaigns, while also identifying small
actions we can all take that can lead to big re-
sults in the future. These actions can come in
the form of:
66 million
People affected by
45 million
People affected by
body dissatisfaction
Appearance-based discrimination
is defined as the unjust, prejudicial treatment of
somebody purely on the basis of their appearance.
Body dissatisfaction
is defined as having a severe and persistent negative
attitude towards one’s own physical appearance,
which has been caused by harmful beauty ideals.
This has a profound impact on the way people anxiety and can realize their full potential. Dove
think and feel about themselves and the people commissioned Deloitte Access Economics to
around them. Yet, we still do not have a good estimate the economic and social cost of harm-
understanding of the impacts that are attribut- ful beauty ideals, for people aged 10 years and
able to harmful beauty ideals, nor the associat- older in the US in 2019.ii To our knowledge, this is
ed economic costs. the first study to attempt to cost harmful beauty
ideals and holistically identify the associated
Dove has made a commitment to portraying impacts.
real and diverse beauty in all of its advertis-
ing since 2004. The Dove Self-Esteem Project,
the educational arm of Dove, was established
in 2004 to help the next generation develop a
healthy relationship with the way they look, so
they are not held back by appearance-related ii The calendar year of 2019 was chosen to enable us to cal-
culate the costs of harmful beauty ideals while avoiding
any impacts caused by the COVID-19pandemic. All costs
in this report are in United States dollars ($USD).
Given the indicative costs of body dissatisfaction Of course, a key starting place to address
and appearance-based discrimination on indi- harmful beauty ideals is to ensure that initi-
viduals, government and broader society, there atives are backed by robust research and to
is a need for multi-level interventions to address deepen our understanding of harmful beauty
harmful beauty ideals. Beyond the immediate ideals more broadly. This report identifies a
economic benefits associated with reducing range of limitations in the existing literature,
healthcare costs and improving productive summarized in Box ii (next page).Vii
output, initiatives aimed at encouraging body
confidence and reducing bias, underpinned by
research, have the potential to greatly improve
societal well-being more broadly.
vi F
or example, it is estimated that approximately 44% of
adults in the US might be internalizing weight bias,
which captures the negative perception one feels towards
themselves because of weight stereotypes in society.
vii Further detail is provided in Chapter 6.
There is no one definition of the ideal standard To our knowledge, this is the first report to ho-
of beauty. Indeed, beauty ideals can vary by listically consider a wide range of impacts asso-
age, gender, race or ethnic group and even ciated with harmful beauty ideals and attempt
personal preference. They can also evolve over to estimate attributable costs. In doing so, this
time. What was once idealized fifty years ago report aims to shed light on the severity of the
may no longer be idealized today. issue while highlighting the need for interven-
tions to address the underlying cause.
Yet, regardless of how the beauty ideal is de-
fined, the fact that it exists is problematic. This
is because beauty ideals inherently represent 1.1 How are beauty ideals created?
only a fraction of the population. For most peo- Harmful beauty ideals are created and com-
ple, realizing these ideals would not be possible municated through several different sociocul-
without significant time, money, and resources, tural channels. Media is one of the key channels
and even then, may still remain out of reach. through which beauty ideals are conveyed and
reinforced. This can include both digital forms
By imposing narrow and unrealistic standards of media (such as social media) alongside tra-
of beauty, harmful beauty ideals create a norm ditional formats (such as TV and newspapers).
against which people compare their appear- Beauty ideals portrayed in the media are typi-
ance and the appearance of others. Pressure cally not representative of the average person
to meet these standards can lead to a range of in US society. These ideals have been further
negative impacts. Some individuals may be- distorted by the rise of body-altering apps. For
come dissatisfied with their appearance, while example, based on findings from a survey of
others may be discriminated against because 175 women or nonbinary people aged 18-30
they do not meet society’s ideals of what it in the UK, Gill (2021) found that approximately
means to be beautiful. 90% use a filter or edit their photos before post-
ing online.4
Dove has made a commitment to portraying
real and diverse beauty in all of its advertis- Media use in the US is growing. On average,
ing since 2004. The Dove Self-Esteem Project, people in the US spent just over 11 hours on av-
the educational arm of Dove, was established erage consuming media (both traditional and
in 2004 to help the next generation develop a digital formats) every day in 2011. In 2019, this
healthy relationship with the way they look, so had increased to 12.5 hours – and is expected
they are not held back by appearancerelated to continue to grow.5
1.1.1 Beauty ideals, race and gender 1.2 Impacts of harmful beauty ideals
It should be acknowledged that beauty ideals, Beauty ideals that are internalized can cause
race and gender are intersectional. Indeed, harm through two distinct pathways:
most researchers agree that the strongest
influences on the development of body image • beauty ideals can cause someone to judge
are sociocultural factors such as gender, race, their own appearance negatively, leading to
ethnicity, sexual orientation, among others.8 body dissatisfaction.14 15 16
• beauty ideals can also change the way
In the US, the most accepted norms reflect people view others based on their appear-
white beauty standards. While other racial ance, leading to appearance-based
groups may have a different set of norms, they discrimination.
are often still subjected to white standards in
the US. This reflects the underlying discourses This report explores the impacts of harmful
of race and power in societies in which the ra- beauty ideals through these two pathways
cial group with institutional and social privilege (see Figure 1.1).
makes their racial features the norm.9 Similarly,
beauty norms can reinforce existing inequalities
between men and women. Some researchers
suggest beauty norms are used as a tool to op-
press women, by basing women’s value in socie-
ty on how conventionally attractive they are.10
The definitions of body dissatisfaction and appearance-based discrimination are provided in Box 1.1.
ODY DISSATISFACTION is defined as having •A
a severe and persistent negative attitude to- defined as the unjust, prejudicial treatment
wards one’s own physical appearance, which of somebody purely on the basis of their ap-
has been caused by harmful beauty ideals. It pearance. Appearance-based discrimination
originates from a perceived discrepancy can be based on any physical feature of a
between an individual’s ideal state of ap- person. This can occur in a number of differ-
pearance (i.e., the beauty ideal), and their ent settings including in education, employ-
actual physical appearance. ment and in the provision of government or
other services, such as healthcare. The three
types of appearance-based discrimination
considered in this study include weight dis-
crimination, skin shade discrimination, and
natural hair discrimination
(see Definitions for further details).
viii F
or example, it is estimated that approximately 44% of
adults in the US might be internalizing weight bias,
which captures the negative perception one feels to-
wards themselves because of weight stereotypes
in society
• For most impacts, costs were attributed to • However, for appearance-based discrimina-
body dissatisfaction or appearance-based tion only, some costs were estimated using an
discrimination by applying the population at- outcome approach. This involved comparing
tributable fraction (PAF) to the total costs as- specific outcomes for people impacted by
sociated with an impact (such as depression, appearance-based discrimination to those
anxiety, etc.). The PAF represents the pro- that are not and applying the gap between
portional reduction in population disease the two groups to the total number of people
or mortality that would occur if exposure to facing appearance-based discrimination. This
beauty ideals (either from body dissatisfaction method was used to quantify wage and em-
or appearance-based discrimination) were ployment losses attributable to labor market
reduced to zero. outcomes and discriminatory incarceration.
While the costs of appearance-based discrimi- The following sections detail the various com-
nation and body dissatisfaction should be con- ponents of the methodology used to cost harm-
sidered collectively, they cannot be summed. ful beauty ideals. Further detail on the costing
This is due to likely crossovers between the methodology and sensitivity analysis are pro-
pathways themselves. For example, some peo- vided in Appendix A and B respectively.
ple who face appearancebased discrimination
or stigma might internalize these experiences
and subsequently be dissatisfied with their
appearances, creating an overlap with body
dissatisfaction.iX This in turn leads to personal
and societal costs. ix For example, it is estimated that approximately 44% of
adults in the US might be internalizing weight bias, which
captures the negative perception one feels towards
themselves because of weight stereotypes in society.
2.1 Prevalence
Prevalence estimates for body dissatisfaction
and appearancebased discrimination were
drawn from nationally representative preva-
lence studies identified through a systematic
literature review (see Appendix A). Population
data for both pathways was derived from the
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as
relevant. Estimates for body dissatisfaction
were drawn from Fallon et al. (2014),17 which
sampled roughly 2,000 adults in the US. These x For example, some literature looks at the impacts associ-
estimates were adjusted for age differentials ated with being perceived as simply ‘unattractive’, which
might be driven by any combination of physical features.
and applied to the age-sex population in 2019
Appearance-based discrimination may also occur against
people with visible disabilities, people with physical disfig-
urements, those that show signs of ageing, among many
These costs are borne by different individuals Further descriptions of the costs, and a break-
or sectors of society. It is important to under- down of costs by cost component and the
stand how costs are shared in order to make bearers of cost, are provided in Table 2.1.
informed decisions regarding interventions.
Population attributable fractions (PAFs) Direct cost estimation
To attribute the costs of conditions to the Labor market discrimination differed from the
pathways of beauty ideals (as opposed to other other outcomes in that it presented as a cost in
causes), this study relies on estimatesof the PAF itself. That is, labor market discrimination that
for each impact. manifested in a wage loss was costed as the
wage loss itself. To estimate the wage loss for a
THE PAF CAN EITHER BE: person who faced labor market discrimination,
• Multiplied by the total costs of the conditions the median annual income (including an al-
attributable to body dissatisfaction and ap- lowance for employee fringe benefits) for that
pearance-based discrimination in 2019, or person was estimated using Bureau of Labor
• Multiplied by the total prevalence of the relat- Statistics (BLS) earnings data by race, age and
ed condition, and then multiplied the resulting gender. Then, the wage penalty due to appear-
attributed cases by the average cost per case. ance-based discrimination was applied to this
income, assuming that no wage gap implied
As explored in the following chapter, body full earnings. For example, a person with an es-
dissatisfaction can lead to depression, anxiety timated annual wage plus benefits of $100,000
and a range of other impacts. The evidence in facing a 10% wage penalty due to their weight
Appendix A shows that women who are body would instead earn $90,000. This results in a
dissatisfied are more than 1.8 times more likely wage loss of $10,000 due appearance-based
to become clinically depressed compared to discrimination. These losses were aggregated
those who are not. When combined with the for every individual who faced a penalty due to
prevalence of the condition, the PAF formula appearance-based discrimination.
can be used to estimate body dissatisfaction
leads to 13% of total cases of depression in Employment losses were estimated in a similar
women. To put that another way, the preva- way to estimate the number of people unem-
lence of depression could be reduced by this ployed due to appearance-based discrimina-
amount in the absence of body dissatisfaction. tion. To cost this, the median wages for a cate-
A similar process is repeated for each possible gory by race, age and gender were applied to
impact of both body dissatisfaction and ap- the number of people unemployed to estimate
pearance-based discrimination. the total wage loss due to unemployment.
A summary of the PAFs and the inputs underly- The wage losses due to labor market discrimi-
ing them are further described in Appendix A, nation had associated efficiency losses due to
along with further detail regarding the selec- lost taxation revenue for the government and
tion of study inputs. also the reduction in societal output from an
inefficient use of labor resources (i.e. because
This method was applied to estimate costs of the appearance-based discrimination, those
associated with poorer health outcomes and workers are more likely to be in lower paying
discriminatory incarceration. jobs that may not use their skills).
any of the impacts considered in this study enable researchers to further disentangle the
are comorbid, meaning one impact is relat- effects of appearance-based discrimination
ed to another (for example, depression and and identify the incremental costs.
smoking). This means there is a risk of double
counting, as some of the costs included may • Additionally, the estimated prevalence of
already be captured through the costs of body dissatisfaction adopted in this study is
related impacts. To help minimize the risk of a conservative measure, with other research
double counting, estimates have been drawn suggesting it could be as high as 72% for
from research which controls for comorbid women and 61% for men, contingent on how
conditions where possible, to help isolate the body dissatisfaction is defined and meas-
main impact. ured.21 It is recommended that a consistent
approach to measuring body dissatisfaction
• An important consideration is whether a be adopted in the literature to help reduce
causal relationship was evident in the litera- this uncertainty and enable more accurate
ture, between the impact being studied and comparisons to be made across studies and
the pathways of appearance-based dis- over time.
crimination and body dissatisfaction. Studies
were reviewed to determine whether they • Our review identified various gaps in the
controlled for a range of confounding factors, literature around the impacts of body dissat-
such as race or ethnicity, gender, age, and isfaction and appearance-based discrimina-
other variables. This was done to reduce the tion. For example, while there is a large body
chance of bias impacting on the estimated of evidence surrounding the impact of body
PAFs in the costing study. Further, longitudinal dissatisfaction on disordered eating in men,
studies, rather than crosssectional, were used there is less evidence linking body dissatisfac-
where possible. While these measures are tion to clinical diagnoses of eating disorders
indicative of the strength of the evidence, they in men. Furthermore, there are gaps in the
do not guarantee causality. literature regarding outcomes across all racial
or ethnic groups. As a result, some impacts in
kin shade and hair type are key indicators this study, such as incarceration, are based
of race. Race therefore plays a key role in the largely on studies with the Black community.
discrimination of an individual on the basis Where gaps exist the best available estimate
of these features. In this study, the focus is from the literature has been used in sensitivity
on understanding how appearance-based testing – for example, to demonstrate what
discrimination differs for people of the same the cost might be if skin shade discrimination
race but with different skin shades and hair- leads to a wage gap for all workers of color.
styles, by relying on studies that controlled
for race. However, more work is needed to
affected affected
45 million 66 million
people in the US people in the US
in 2019 in 2019
Chart 3.1: Prevalence of body dissatisfaction in the US, by gender and age group
Prevalence (millions)
0 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90+
Native American/
Native Hawaiian/
Pacific Islander
Latin American
0 5 10 15 20 25
xii It is noted that the sample size for certain races was less than n=10. As such, care should taken when relying on these results,
and it is recommended that further research is undertaken to understand how body dissatisfaction varies by race/ethnicity.
There are various instruments noted in the BASS is also used in studies looking at the
literature that are commonly used to measure relationship between body dissatisfaction and
body dissatisfaction. various impacts included in our study, such as
in Crow et al (2008)37 and Stice et al (2016).38
Fallon et al (2014), from which the prevalence
estimates from this study are adapted, uses the Other measures commonly used in the litera-
Body Areas Satisfaction Subscale (BASS) of the ture to measure body dissatisfaction include:
Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Ques-
tionnaire (MBSRQ).34 BASS uses a five-point • The appearance evaluation subscale of the
scale ranging from (1) very dissatisfied to (5) MBSRQ, which captures feelings of physical
very satisfied to measure participants’ satis- attractiveness on a 7-point scale.
faction with nine specific areas of their bodies
(i.e., face, hair, lower torso, mid-torso, upper • The Stunkard (figure rating) scale. This pro-
torso, muscle tone, weight, height, and vides participants with nine body shapes from
overall appearance). which they are asked to select their current
and ideal body shapes. Differences between
Scores are averaged across the nine areas to the chosen and ideal body shape are consid-
yield a single body dissatisfaction score, where ered to represent body dissatisfaction.
lower scores represent greater dissatisfaction.
While there are various cut-off points in the Across the various measures of body dissat-
literature for classifying people as being body isfaction, estimates typically reflect current
dissatisfied, this report conservatively uses a attitudes and feelings towards one’s body, as
cut-off score of 2.75, based on Frederick et al opposed to capturing retrospective body
(2007).35 In sensitivity analysis, we test the im- dissatisfaction.
pact of varying the cut-off score to 3 based on
Cash & Henry (1995),36 see Appendix B.
Estimates of perceived weight discrimination were applied to the entire US population, with out-
come differentials captured by race or ethnic group and gender. Where these prevalence es-
timates or their associated outcomes were specific to people in a certain weight category, the
weight distribution for the population was derived from CDC.39
Chart 3.3: Prevalence of weight discrimination in the US, within each weight category
Proportion of total
population (%)
≤24.9 25.0-29.9 30-34.9 ≥35.0
BMI category (kg/m^2)
Source: Deloitte Access Economics based on Spalholz et al (2016)40, Robinson et al (2017)41, CDC42
Proportion of total
population (%)
18.5-24.9 25.0-29.9 30.0-34.9 ≥35.0
BMI category (kg/m^2)
African American men African American women White men White women
Chart 3.3: Prevalence of skin shade discrimination in the US, within each skin shade category
Proportion of Black
Very dark Dark Somewhat Medium Somewhat Light Very light
dark light
Skin tone
Source: Deloitte Access Economics based on Monk, E. P (2015)46 , Kreisman and Rangel (2015)47 .
The seven point distribution (very dark to very light) for Kreisman and Rangel is estimated by aggregating
the proportions from the 10-point scale presented in the study.
Viola is a 31-year-old mixed race woman Decades later as an adult, Viola still expe-
working as an information security analyst riences stigma around her hair. Her experi-
in Texas, of Black and white heritage. Viola ences are everyday micro-aggressions she
feels beauty ideals in the United States have describes facing everywhere, including her
evolved over her lifetime, from the ‘blonde workplace. Viola shares an experience she
hair, thin figured Barbie look’, to more cur- had at her workplace, where she decided
vaceous figures. But while curves and dark to wear her hair naturally one day to let it
hair have become more accepted, they are breathe and felt eyes on her and faced neg-
still limiting. ative comments.
Viola’s introduction to beauty ideals coincid- Alongside hair discrimination, Viola has also
ed with an experience of hair discrimination had experiences surrounding her skin shade,
at her daycare when she was only four years that she attributes to her being of mixed
old. The barrette and hair tie her mother race. She remembers walking around with
clipped on to hold down her Afro broke off her mother who had blonde hair and blue
while Viola was playing at daycare, causing eyes, and having people ask her “Who is this
the other kids to question what was ‘wrong’ girl following you around?”, despite Viola
with her hair and refuse to play with her any being her biological child and having very
longer. During sleepovers with friends who similar facial features. She notes that peo-
did not have similar hair to her, Viola would ple could never look past the skin shade and
often be barraged with questions when hair and that her stepsister who isn’t a bio-
wrapping her hair at night. logical child of her mother’s but has blonde
hair and blue eyes was more accepted as a
“What’s going on here? Can we daughter by society.
touch your hair? Can you wrap our
Viola’s experiences with natural hair stigma
hair? Is this necessary? I mean, just
led to her relaxing her hair frequently, up
all these questions and I’m like, ‘I’m until the age of 22, after which she decid-
six. I don’t know what to tell you ed to embrace her natural curls. Her hair
guys, wrap your hair if you want to treatments included hair straightening kits
but why are we touching my hair? she used as a child, which would sometimes
burn her scalp.
I’m not touching your hair.’ It was
very weird.”
$305 billion
$ $84 billion $221 billion
Financial Loss of
costs well-being
• The combined financial and well-being costs of severe body dissatisfaction in the
US was estimated to be $305 billion in 2019. This includes $84 billion in financial costs
and $221 billion in non-financial costs. The financial costs of body dissatisfaction
comprised 0.4% of total US GDP in 2019.
• There is an array of serious impacts that are attributable to body dissatisfaction.
The four main categories of impacts identified include poorer health outcomes, risky
behavior, reduced engagement at school and work, and use of risky cosmetic products
and procedures.
• The costs of body dissatisfaction are shared by many different groups. Individuals
directly impacted by body dissatisfaction bore roughly one-third (32%) of the financial
costs. However, government (29%) and employers (14%) also bore a large share.
Max is a 33-year-old white man, current- socially. Max has suffered anxiety in social
ly managing a hotel in Indianapolis. Max situations, anticipating negative comments
spends a lot of time facing customers, often about his appearance. Max has also spent
in large groups, when organizing events over $2,000 on orthodontic aligners; money
in his hotel. This isn’t always easy, and Max he says he would have rather spent on other
has to often muster courage to face his items such as bills. He also avoids social
customers day in and day out, due to expe- settings where he might have to interact
riences he had growing up. with large groups of people, even if he really
wants to attend these events.
Growing up, Max was the tall, skinny kid
who always got made fun of. He would have
to deal with judgmental questions about his “I have a lot of friends that are into
weight - “Oh, why don’t you eat enough? Do comedy, so we’d go out to open mic
you have an issue with eating?” which made nights, and I have always wanted
him lose body confidence.
to so bad get up there and just do
something or acting… I just steer
“I always felt like I was under an away from that because I feel like
ideal weight, so I would always try people would just be looking at my
and be snacking on things, and teeth.”
eating as much as I possibly could,
and trying to eat in front of people
so they didn’t get this perception
that I never ate.”
Chart 4.2: Financial costs of body dissatisfaction by attributed condition and age group
(in years), $ billions (left axis) and prevalence of body dissatisfaction by age group (right axis)
$10 5
Prevalence (millions of people)
$8 4
Cost ($billions)
$6 3
$4 2
$2 1
$0 0
10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+
Age group (years)
Depression Suicide Eating Anxiety Smoking Alkohol and Prevalence
attempt disorder drug abuse
Table 4.2: Annual health system costs attributable to body dissatisfaction in 2019 ($, millions)
Drug and
alcohol abuse
Medical costs
$0 $2,000 $4,000
Costs ($ millions)
Drug and
alcohol abuse
Suicide Individuals
Depression Private health insurers
$0 $2,000 $4,000
Costs ($ millions)
According to data from the American Society cosmetic surgery were estimated to cost the US
of Plastic Surgeons, there were over 2.6 million economy $986 million in 2019.xv The majority of
cosmetic surgery procedures done in 2019 (an health system costs are for women ($858 mil-
increase of 44% on the year prior) and it is esti- lion;87%) rather than men ($128 million; 13%).
mated that approximately $16.7 billion is spent
on cosmetic procedures in the US each year.92 In rare cases, cosmetic surgery can also lead to
There are a range of reasons people undertake death. While it can vary significantly by proce-
cosmetic surgery. Sometimes, it is performed dure, it is estimated that 0.002% of all cosmetic
for reconstructive reasons. For example, a surgeries result in death, or 200 deaths per
breast reconstruction following a mastecto- every 100,000 cosmetic procedures.95 For
my. However, evidence suggests many people context, the observed mortality rate for coro-
undertake cosmetic surgery because they are nary artery bypass grafting between 2000-09
dissatisfied with how they look.93 in the US was 1.9%.96
Not every cosmetic procedure has complica- Of course, only a portion of these costs are
tions associated with it. Based on Wimalawansa related to body dissatisfaction (as opposed to
et al (2014), it is estimated that 3.6% of all other reasons for undertaking cosmetic sur-
cosmetic surgery procedures on average lead gery). Furthermore, the health costs attributa-
to complications, such as infection and hemor- ble to complications of cosmetic surgery were
rhage.94 There may also be future health prob- not included in the main estimates, as they
lems that are attributable to these procedures. represent a second order impact and are not
The health costs of complications related to directly attributable to body dissatisfaction.
According to Guy et al (2017), roughly 5.2% of A 2018 study by Waters & Adamson found that
women and 2.2% of men use indoor tanning de- more than 9,000 incident cases of melanoma,
vices in the US. This is equivalent to 9.9 million alongside 86,600 cases of SCC and 168,000
people in the US every year.97 cases of BCC were attributable to the use of
tanning devices in the US in 2015.101
There is some evidence to suggest body dis-
satisfaction could be linked to higher indoor The same study estimated that skin cancers at-
tanning use.98 This, in turn, is associated with tributable to indoor tanning cost the US economy
an increased risk of skin cancer. Indeed, one $343.1 million.102 Again, this cost is a second order
study found that use of indoor tanning before impact and so was not included in the main
the age of 35 doubles the risk of melanoma.99 estimates of the costs of body dissatisfaction.
Other types of skin cancers, including basal cell
carcinomas (BCC) and squamous cell carcino-
mas (SCC),100 have also been found to be linked
to indoor tanning.
Table 4.3: Annual productivity losses due to body dissatisfaction in 2019 ($, millions)
485 1,637 8,319 214 - 10,655 240
974 2,778 2,208 1,026 1,300 8,287 187
Drug and
22 - - - 3,394 3,417 77
alcohol abuse
Source: Deloitte Access Economics analysis. Note: Components may not sum to totals due to rounding.
Of the productivity losses, reduced participation in the labor market accounted for the largest
share at $27 billion, representing 39% of total productivity costs (see Chart 4.4). In comparison,
informal care and presenteeism accounted for $16 billion (23%) and $12 billion (18%) respectively.
A detailed breakdown of the hours spent providing informal care for each health condition is
provided in Appendix A. By cost bearer, 38% is borne by individuals with body dissatisfaction.
Additionally, 17% of productivity losses are borne by employers and 16% by family and friends
of people with body dissatisfaction (due to the provision of informal caregiving).
Eating Presenteeism
Reduced employment
Informal care
Drug and
alcohol abuse Premature mortality
$0 $15,000 $30,000
Costs ($ millions)
disorders Family and friends
Drug and
alcohol abuse Government
Table 4.4: Annual productivity losses due to body dissatisfaction in 2019 ($, millions)
Source: Deloitte Access Economics analysis. Note: Components may not sum to totals due to rounding. Loss of well-being be estimated (e.g., lung cancer), these are not
In 2019, there were roughly 718,000 disabil- attributable to smoking directly. Similarly, YLDs
ity-adjusted life years (DALYs) due to body were not estimated for drug and alcohol abuse.
dissatisfaction. This represents the sum of years While certain conditions related to alcohol and
of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL) and drug abuse (such as substance use disorder)
years lived with disability (YLD) associated with do certainly impact quality of life on an ongo-
conditions attributable to body dissatisfaction. ing basis, this study considered only the direct
Converting the DALYs to a dollar estimate using impacts (such as hospitalizations or deaths
the value of a statistical life year (VSLY),xvi the that are directly attributable, for example due
total reduction in well-being was estimated to drug overdoses). YLLs were not estimated
to be $220.6 billion in 2019 (see Table 4.5), ap- for suicide attempts as this cost only considers
proximately equivalent to every American pay- attempts that did not result in loss of life.xvii Sui-
ing $670. DALYs were not estimated for smok- cides resulting in loss of life attributable to body
ing. Although smoking is a risk factor for various dissatisfaction are captured through depres-
conditions and illnesses for which DALYs could sion and anxiety.
Source: Deloitte Access Economics analysis. Note: components may not sum to totals due to rounding.
xvi For this report a VSL of $307,167 was used. This was cal- xvii Suicides resulting in loss of life attributable to body
culated based on the mid-point of the Office of Man- dissatisfaction are captured through depression and
agement and Budget recommendation in 2003 (a VSL of anxiety.
$5.5 million) and
Chart 4.5: Financial costs of body dissatisfaction by attributed condition and age group
(in years, $ billions (left axis) and prevalence of body dissatisfaction by age group (right axis)
$25 4,500
(thousands of people)
Cost ($billions)
$15 3,000
$10 2,000
$5 1,000
10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+
03. C
osts of government programs – such as
prevention or awareness programs – asso-
ciated with conditions/illnesses attributable
to body dissatisfaction were not explicitly
considered in this analysis. The inclusion of
these costs was tested using tobacco con-
trol program funding for smoking as an
example. Under a scenario where tobacco
control program funding is included, the to-
tal social and economic cost of body dissat-
isfaction was estimated to be $306.4 billion.
$501 billion
$ $269 billion $ $233billion
Financial Loss of
costs well-being
• The total cost of appearance-based discrimination was $501 billion in 2019. This
includes $269 billion in financial costs, and $232 billion in lost well-being. The financial
costs are equivalent to 1.3% of US GDP in 2019.
• The total costs associated with weight discrimination were $430 billion in 2019, which
included $206 billion in financial costs and $224 billion in lost well-being. Skin shade
discrimination costed $71 billion in total, which included $63 billion in financial costs
and $8 billion in lost well-being.
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Obesity
- Hypertension
- Mortality
- Psychotic experiences
- Risky drug use
- Mood disorders
- Physiological dysregulation
- Social phobia
- Post-traumatic stress disorders
- Sensory dysfunction
- Cardiovascular and cardiometabolic disorders
Source: Deloitte Access Economics analysis. Note: cost per person refers to cost per person that experiences
appearance-based discrimination. Components may not sum to totals due to rounding.
Cost ($ billions)
0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90+
The cost of appearance-based discrimination is highest for people between the ages to 25 and
54. This is due to the employment and wage differentials faced by this group, in addition to poorer
health outcomes. Further, the rate of incarceration is also highest for people aged 20 to 54 years
further increasing the costs for this age category through prison outcomes. The following sections
provide further detail regarding the costs across health outcomes, labor market outcomes and
other life outcomes.
Table 5.2: Costs of health outcomes attributable to weight and skin shade
discrimination in 2019 ($, millions)
Source: Deloitte Access Economics analysis. Note: Components may not sum to totals due to rounding.
Health condition
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Individuals Government Others
Black women with natural hair report greater might lead to reduced engagement of work-
levels of hair-related anxiety than white wom- ers, leading them to take days off work or find
en.171 This was not costed because it is unclear themselves unable to perform as well as they
what proportion is due to appearance-based otherwise would while at work.
discrimination, and the extent to which these
feelings progress into clinical anxiety. However, Finally, where a condition that developed as a
if a portion is attributable to hair discrimination, result of the discrimination required informal
it might pose notable implications for impacts care, this resulted in further losses under the
and costs, given the significant burden of dis- assumption that there is an opportunity cost of
ease associated with anxiety. More research the caregiver’s time (i.e. they may have other-
is needed to estimate the portion of hair-re- wise been earning a wage). A detailed break-
lated anxiety that is due to natural hair style down of the hours spent providing informal
discrimination. care for each health condition is provided in
Appendix A. The productivity losses associat-
ed with health conditions developed were $55 Productivity losses billion. Of this, reduced employment accounted
The productivity losses associated with the for $19.0 billion (34.6%), loss of lifetime earnings
health consequences of appearance-based cost $7.5 billion (13.6%), absenteeism cost $3.4
discrimination capture premature mortality, billion (6.3%) and presenteeism cost $9.3 billion
lower productivity at work (absenteeism and (16.9%). Further, the productivity losses of in-
presenteeism) and costs that arise when a fam- formal caregiving due to appearance-based
ily member or friend provides care to someone discrimination was $15.8 billion in 2019. By type
because of their condition. Both premature of discrimination, productivity losses associated
mortality and lower productivity at work stem with weight discrimination totaled $53.7 billion,
from the health conditions developed by work- while for skin shade discrimination they were
ers as a result of appearance-based discrim- $1.3 billion (see Appendix A).
ination. For example, depression and anxiety
Chart 5.4: Proportion of productivity losses associated with health outcomes, by outcome, 2019
Drug abuse
Table 5.4: A
nnual productivity losses due to health outcomes of appearance-based discrimination,
in 2019 ($ millions)
Hypertension - 4 58 - - 61 1
Source: Deloitte Access Economics analysis. Note: Components may not sum to totals due to rounding.
Table 5.5: Annual reduction in economic efficiency due to health outcomes of appearance-based
discrimination in 2019 ($ millions)
Source: Deloitte Access Economics analysis. Note: Components may not sum to totals due to rounding.
Of the total $7.5 billion in efficiency losses, $7.3 cost was associated with anxiety, at $98.9 billion
billion were due to the health impacts associat- (42.5%), which was followed by obesity at
ed with weight discrimination and $126 million $53.6 billion (23.1%), depression at $41.4 billion
were due to the health impacts associated with (17.8%) and drug abuse at $38.6 billion (16.6%)
skin shade discrimination (see Appendix Table (Table 5.6).
The total loss of well-being associated with Loss of well-being weight discrimination was $224.1 billion, re-
More than 757,000 years of healthy life were flecting lost well-being from depression ($32.9
lost due to the health impacts of appearance- billion), anxiety ($98.9 billion), obesity ($53.6
based discrimination in the US in 2019. Con- billion) and drug abuse ($38.6 billion). The total
verting the DALYs to a dollar estimate using the loss of well-being associated with skin shade
value of a statistical life year (VSLY), the total discrimination was $8.4 billion, reflecting lost
reduction in well-being was valued at $232.5 well-being from depression ($8.4 billion) (See
billion in 2019. The greatest loss of well-being Appendix, Table A.27).
As in the case for body dissatisfaction, DALYs were not estimated for smoking or hypertension,
as DALYs are not directly attributable to these impacts but are instead attributable to risk factors
associated with these conditions.xxi Similarly, YLDs were not estimated for drug abuse. Suicides
resulting in loss of life attributable to appearance-based discrimination are captured through
depression. On average, the loss of well-being for men and women were similar, but this varied
slightly by age group, as shown in the Chart below.
Chart 5.5: Loss of well-being for appearance-based discrimination in 2019, by age group
and gender ($ billions)
Cost ($ billions)
0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90+
Black women spend more time and money While it is unclear how much of the styling is
styling and straightening their hair than women due to appearance-based discrimination com-
of any other racial or ethnic group. They spend pared to other factors such as styling prefer-
in the order of three times as much by some ences, the Dove hair study shows that Black
estimates,172 and nine times as much on beauty women are 80% more likely to alter their hair
and grooming products than the average for to meet social or work expectations than non-
women across all racial or ethnic groups.173 Black women.174
In 2020, the US market for skin lighteners was nation directly. Further, while the financial costs
estimated at $2.3 billion.175 Many women of are considerable for some groups, this has also
color seek chemical products to lighten their been excluded from the total costs as they are
complexion, however women of all skin shades an income transfer and do not represent a net
may use skin lighteners to fade age spots. cost to society.
Table 5.7: Costs of labor market outcomes attributable to weight and skin shade discrimination
in 2019 ($ millions)
Source: Deloitte Access Economics analysis. Note: Components may not sum to totals due to rounding.
Wage losses made up 58% of this cost and are Productivity losses
partly due to Black people with darker skin The productivity losses associated with weight
shades (as opposed to lighter) and individuals and skin shade discrimination in the labor mar-
of a higher weight holding lower paying jobs ket cost the society $175.4 billion in 2019, which
because of appearance-based discrimination. included reduced employment costs of $73.2
It is also due to these individuals receiving less billion and wage gaps leading to an economic
compensation for otherwise equal work in the loss of $102.2 billion (see Table 5.8).
same roles compared to those who are not dis-
criminated against.
Source: Deloitte Access Economics analysis. Note: Components may not sum to totals due to rounding.
These costs are substantial, but they do not Efficiency losses
capture the full extent of the difference in out- The efficiency losses associated with labor
comes individuals facing appearance-based market outcomes make up 45% of the total
discrimination. For example, hair discrimina- efficiency losses across the three outcome
tion might also affect labor market outcomes, categories. The estimated annual reduction in
with Black women with natural hairstyles being economic efficiency due to the labor market
viewed as less professional, less competent, and outcomes of weight discrimination was $4.1 bil-
less likely to be recommended for an interview lion, while for skin shade discrimination it
than Black women with straight hairstyles.183 was $2.1 billion.
This can influence the likelihood of someone
with natural hair getting a job, especially in These are composed of lower wages and
markets where interview referrals play a major lower employment resulting in losses in taxa-
role. Approximately 2% of interviews will result in tion revenue for the government of $6.2 billion
a job offer,184 so there could be a considerable which would not occur in the absence of ap-
social and economic cost of hair discrimination pearance-based discrimination (Table 5.9).
as there are currently 0.9 million Black women Efficiency losses associated with labor market
(aged 20 years and over) who are in the labor outcomes do not include government expendi-
force but who are unemployed.185 However, it is tures.
not possible to estimate the cost of this accu-
rately, as more research is needed to document
patterns and consequences of wearing natural
versus straightened hair styles in employment
and other settings.
Source: Deloitte Access Economics analysis. Note: Components may not sum to totals due to rounding.
Appearance-based discrimination may lead to payers) loss of $82,900 per student over a life-
poorer educational outcomes, which can pose time, in 2019 dollars.194 The punitive measures
future costs for an individual through income against schoolchildren has contributed to the
instability or poor health. ‘School-to-Prison Pipeline,’ referring to children
being forced out of schools due to a collective
School suspensions are more likely for those of punishment policies and into the juvenile and
who have darker skin shades than for those criminal justice system.195
with lighter skin shades within the same racial/
ethnic group. School suspensions are also more According to the National Center for Education
common for Black people who wear their hair Statistics, there are approximately 2.3 million
naturally than for those who wear it chemi- Black Americans enrolled in public secondary
cally straightened, because dress codes treat schools in the US (increasing to 2.5 million when
natural hairstyles as de facto violations.192 accounting for private school enrolments).196
Hannon et al (2013)193 found that for every unit We estimate that 34% fewer suspensions would
increase in the darkness of one’s skin shade on occur if all African Americans were suspended
a 10-point scale, the likelihood of suspension at the same rate as those with the lightest skin
increased by 12.7%. The study used a sample of shade. If skin shade discrimination were elim-
1,797 African American students aged between inated, there would be an estimated 379,000
12-16 years. The increased likelihood of suspen- fewer suspensions of Black schoolchildren each
sion was robust to the inclusion of controls such year, which would lead to an estimated 49,000
as socioeconomic status, academic perfor- more Black school-children graduating from
mance, and adolescent behavior. high school each year in the US. The future
costs (e.g., lost income and employment)
The impacts could be substantial; each sus- associated with additional school suspensions
pension has been shown to increase a student’s and subsequent school leaving each year are
odds of dropping out of school by 13%, which is estimated to be approximately $4.09 billion
associated with a future social and fiscal (eco- each year.
nomic impact on local, state, and federal tax-
xxii Racial/ethnic sub-groups among immigrant study participants were rated on a skin shade scale of 1 (lightest) to 10
(darkest). The mean skin shade for Latin Americans, Asian, Black and white was 4.3, 4.1, 7.0 and 2.5, respectively.
Each of these groups was compared to white to obtain the wage gap due to skin shade discrimination, and the
resulting figures were then weighted by their respective number of workers in the general population.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Skin colour
As with body dissatisfaction, a final scenario excluding efficiency losses was considered (see
Section 4.2.4) under this scenario the total social and economic cost of skin shade discrimination
would be $487.4 billion.
Trish is a 27-year-old African American “If you’re not one of those girls,
woman living in Maryland. Trish believes then you can expect to be treated
that beauty ideals are something that ap-
peals to the masses and helps to sell prod-
a lot differently. And even when
ucts. In the United States, she describes this it comes to paying for things, like
as, “lighter skin tones, thinner figures, tall they’ll make exceptions for them.
frames, … being flawless, no flaws, without And for you, it’s full price.”
imperfections.” Trish believes that people
who fit typical beauty ideals are given op-
As a result of her experiences, Trish has
portunities in industries such as entertain-
skipped meals to restrict her calorie in-
ment, advertising, and modelling, while
take, sometimes eating only once a day
those who don’t are excluded. Trish, who
or chewing gum from 8:00am to 8:00pm.
describes herself as being ‘heavy’, has
These habits resulted in her struggling to get
experienced this herself while modelling
through the day. Trish also found comfort in
for a store.
going out with a mask during the COVID-19
pandemic, because she didn’t have to spend
Trish and her friend were visiting a store
long hours of the day on makeup to conform
owned by someone Trish knew on a day the
to societal standards.
store was photographing models for ad-
vertisements. While waiting for the models,
she was asked if she wanted to jump in and “Well now, I don’t put on makeup, I
model. But when she did, Trish noticed that save so much time. I think it’s more
most clothes were cut small to fit women
mental than anything, and I’ll
with a smaller size and shape. When she did
put on something to model, she was asked say this for the most part - I can
to angle herself in ways that would hide her navigate without feeling like I’m
stomach. Trish was strongly opposed to this, not worthy.”
wanting to role model bodies that many
people have but feel ashamed of due to the Overtime, Trish has sought therapy and fo-
unrealistic standards set by certain indus- cused on self-acceptance and self-worth to
tries. derive a better understanding of who she is,
and how to best navigate triggering situ-
Trish also recounts she has been treated dif- ations. Through this, she has been able to
ferently in lounges and clubs to other women embrace her own beauty for herself.
around her who sport the “perfect curls” and
“hourglass body” she sees on Instagram.
Sophie shares Trish’s belief about beauty “Before, I wouldn’t even catch a
standards being set by entertainment. glance or whatever. Now it was like
Sophie is a 26-year-old white woman
working as a nurse assistant in California.
I was somebody that he had never
seen before.”
Sophie felt stigma around her weight when
she played softball for her high school team,
with people assuming she couldn’t run bases When Sophie gains weight she feels stigma,
as quickly without assessing her abilities. But even from people she did not know, includ-
Sophie’s weight has fluctuated over different ing grocery shoppers who would judge
stages of her life, and she has noticed being the food items in her grocery cart. Feeling
treated differently when she loses weight by judged physically, rather than for the person
the same set of people, including her ex- she is, makes Sophie feel depressed, anxious
spouse: about pursuing new relationships, seek re-
assurance during existing relationships, and
look at herself as being less beautiful than
others. The acceptance and support Sophie
receives from her family regardless of
her weight has kept her going through
her experiences of weight discrimination.
beauty ideals
• The findings in this report indicate there is a need to address harmful beauty ideals in
the US to help reduce attributable economic and social costs.
• The combined financial and well-being costs of severe body dissatisfaction in the US
was estimated to be $305 billion in 2019, while for appearance-based discrimination
it was $501 billion. This includes $71 billion associated with the cost of skin shade
discrimination, and $430 billion for weight discrimination.
• Tackling harmful beauty ideals will likely require a range of interventions, supported by
multi-sector partnerships, and underpinned by evidence, to help drive broader social
change. Potential interventions include promoting safer digital spaces, encouraging
diversity in advertising, regulating the sale of harmful products, tax incentives and laws
to end appearance-based discrimination, education at schools to promote body
confidence, mental health support services, and social media literacy.
• Importantly, there are several areas where further research is required to deepen our
understanding of harmful beauty ideals. Targeting these research gaps will help to
ensure interventionsimplemented are effective and remain fit-for-purpose over time.
Harmful beauty ideals impact at least 45 million bigger still for appearance-based discrimina-
people in the US through severe body dissatis- tion, with the financial costs totaling $269 billion
faction every year and 66 million through expe- in 2019 or close to 1.3% of US GDP. In addition,
riences of appearance-based discrimination. the loss of well-being from appearance-based
discrimination was estimated to be $233 billion.
Yet, despite how pervasive the issue is, the
collective impacts of harmful beauty ideals Collectively, the combined financial and well-
(and associated costs) are generally not well being costs was $305 billion for body dissatis-
understood. This report attempts to fill this gap faction and $501 billion for appearance-based
by estimating the economic and social costs discrimination. For both body dissatisfaction
of harmful beauty ideals in 2019 for malesand and appearance-based discrimination, women
females aged 10 years and older in the US. bore most of the impact and costs (58% or $177
billion and 63% or $317 billion respectively).
Modelling for this report found that the financial
costs of body dissatisfaction in 2019 were $84
billion, while the associated well-being costs
were $221. These costs are
This report highlights that the impacts of body Despite what is now known about the impacts
dissatisfaction and appearance-based discrim- of body dissatisfaction and appearance-based
ination are far reaching – from poorer mental discrimination, there are several areas where
health, to worse employment and education future research is required to improve our un-
outcomes, and even premature mortality. derstanding of the total costs associated with
harmful beauty ideals (see Box 6.1).
The costs of harmful beauty ideals affect every-
one. While the majority of costs related to body
dissatisfaction and appearance-based discrim-
ination were borne by individuals impacted by
them, a large proportion of the costs – up to
54% of the total financial costs for body dissat-
isfaction and 33% for appearance-based dis-
crimination – are borne by every tax payer. This
includes family and friends, employers, private
health insurers, government, and the rest of
• Further research is needed around specific • More research is needed to inform estimates
forms of appearance-based discrimination of the financial and non-financial costs of
that were not quantified (e.g., hair discrim- body dissatisfaction and appearance-based
ination) or which were not included in this discrimination experienced by transgender
report (e.g., height discrimination, discrimi- and gender nonbinary communities in the US.
nation against people with visible disabilities, Body dissatisfaction and weight, skin shade,
etc.), to better understand their impacts and and hair discrimination affect transgender
costs. Furthermore, it would be valuable to and gender nonbinary communities, but how
gain a better understanding of the intersec- these experiences are patterned by age, sex
tionality between different forms of appear- assigned at birth, and other important factors
ance-based discrimination, for example, is not yet known. In addition, discrimination
experiencing both skin shade and hair dis- targeting transgender and gender nonbina-
crimination. ry communities for their gender expression
is widespread and likely to profoundly affect
• The majority of research in the US of skin employment and other economic indicators,
shade discrimination is focused on the Black but more research is needed to help inform
community. More research is needed to un- costing analyzes like those presented in this
derstand the prevalence and impacts of skin report for cisgender women and men.
shade discrimination for other communities of
color, for whom this form of discrimination is • Some of the studies used in this report were
also likely to be relevant. based on non-US samples and, as a result,
lack generalizability to the US population.
• There are also many different definitions of For example, the odds ratio adopted for
body dissatisfaction in the literature, and anxiety is based on an Irish sample. To obtain
different ways it is measured. Adopting a con- more precise estimates, more US-specific
sistent definition and measure of body dis- research is needed. Further, for some of the
satisfaction would help enable comparisons impacts that were costed, the estimates could
to be made across studies and improve the be improved. For example, the odds ratio
quality of research. for eating disorders for men was based on
disordered eating behaviors as opposed to
• Certain impacts in this report were discussed clinically diagnosed eating disorders.
qualitatively and as such their costs are not
well understood. For body dissatisfaction • For outcomes related to skin shade and hair
this includes certain behavioral disorders, discrimination, controls for race were care-
low self-esteem, risky sexual behavior, worse fully considered to understand how appear-
educational outcomes and profession- ance-based discrimination differs for people
al engagement, alongside the use of risky of the same race, but with different skin shades
cosmetic products and procedures. For ap- and hair types. However, more work is needed
pearance-based discrimination, this includes to enable researchers to further disentangle
employment and health outcomes associated the effects of appearance-based discrimina-
with discrimination. tion from other forms of racial and gender dis-
crimination and identify the incremental costs.
roaden the •R
eview workplace • Follow social media • Promote positive body
evidence base around grooming policies to accounts that promote image through healthy
the impacts ofharmful limit appearance-based positive and diverse beauty. conversations about
beauty ideals. discrimination. •S eek help if you feel you appearance.
ocus on key limitations
•F • Implement unconscious are experiencing body • Avoid criticising others
identified in this report. bias training to help dissatisfaction or appear- about the way they look.
• Continue to evaluate address appearance bias, ance-based discrimination.
evidence-based alongside comprehensive • R
espect, accept and
interventions to inclusivity programs. appreciate your body for
improve body • Introduce a zero toler- everything it can do and
satisfaction. ance policy for appear- how it looks.
ance-based discrimina- • Get involved in civic
tion. advocacy to enact antidis-
crimination legislation
and company policies.
beauty ideals
• Implement interventions that • I mprove training for health • Stop digital distortion and
are underpinned by a strong practitioners and teachers to promote appearance
evidence base. mitigate bias in service delivery. diversity in advertising.
valuate interventions over • Implement checks for equipment, • Ensure there are a variety of
time to ensure they remain seating, clothing, etc. to ensure it creators behind the camera.
fit-for-purpose. is inclusive of all body sizes. •E
ducate minors, especially
• I mprove data collection • Ensure medical devices are with social media literacy, to
around the prevalence and effective for all skin shades; create safer digital spaces.
impacts of body dissatisfaction ensure training in dermatology • Develop products which meet
and appearance-based covers all skin shades. hygiene and personal care
discrimination. • Teach evidenced-based body needs and do not reinforce
xpand anti-discrimination image lessons in schools and harmful beauty ideals.
statute to prohibit discrimination have explicit anti-bullying • Advance social media policies
based on weight, height, skin policies that address appear- to create safer digital spaces.
shade, and natural hairstyle. ance-based discrimination.
Skin shade • Poor health outcomes • Black males and females aged 10
discrimina- (depression, hyper- years or above, of a ‘very dark’
tion tension) skin shade*
Eating disorders
Suicide attempts
Impacts of weight
Eating disorders
Suicide attempts
Impacts of weight
Eating disorders
Absenteeism costs relate to time spent away from work due to hospitali-
zations directly attributable to drugs and/or alcohol. In contrast, presen-
Alcohol and drug teeism, reduced employment and informal care costs are not applicable
abuse as alcohol and illicit drug use has not been costed as an ongoing condi-
tion. Similarly, YLDs have not been estimated but deaths that are directly
attributable to drugs and alcohol (e.g., overdoses) have been included.
This impact specifically focuses on suicide attempts and by definition ex-
Suicide attempts cludes all attempts that result in death. As such, YLLs and loss of lifetime
earnings associated with suicides are not included.xxiii
Smoking is a risk factor for other health conditions and illnesses (such
as lung cancer) but does not directly incur health costs. Similar to illicit
Smoking drugs and alcohol, there are no ongoing costs associated with reduced
employment, informal care, and loss of well-being. Presenteeism costs
relate to lost productivity from increased smoking breaks.
Obesity is a risk factor for other health conditions which can result in
premature mortality; however, these are not captured as they are be-
yond the direct cost of obesity included in this study. Similarly, informal
care is associated with comorbidities for which obesity is a risk factor,
rather than obesity itself. The wage and employment effects of obesity
are those hat result from weight discrimination in the labor market.
The costs associated with hypertension are those that result from a
clinical diagnosis of hypertension. Costs in this study include the direct
Hypertension treatment costs (e.g., hypertensive medications) for the condition. The
conditions for which hypertension is a risk factor, such as stroke and
heart failure are not accounted for.
Direct effect of
Includes incarceration costs as well as the difference in wages and
skin shade
Direct effect of weight Includes differences in wages and employment due to perceived weight
discrimination discrimination.
Impacts of weight
Includes health impacts associated with weight discrimination.
Source: As noted.
Prevalence of appearance-based
The overall prevalence of appearance-based
discrimination, broken down by five-year age
groups and gender, is shown in Table A.6. These
estimates were derived by aggregating the
number of people in the population experienc-
ing weight discrimination (based on prevalence
estimates in Table A.7), skin shade discrimina-
tion (based on prevalence estimates in Table
A.8) and hair discrimination.
A limitation of this approach is the potential egory was derived from CDC235 and applied to
cross-over between those who experience skin the working age population as relevant. Health
shade discrimination, and those who experi- differentials were evidenced for people who
ence hair discrimination. This limitation might perceived weight discrimination. The preva-
overstate the overall prevalence of appear- lence of perceived weight discrimination by age
ance-based discrimination, but has no conse- and gender is shown in Table A.7. There was no
quence for cost estimation, as the cost of hair evidence of weight discrimination impacting
discrimination has been estimated separately incarceration.
from the total.
As in the case for weight discrimination, the prevalence rate for skin shade discrimination varied
by outcome stream (labor market outcomes, health outcomes and other life outcomes). Labor
market differentials were evidenced for the Black working population withmedium and dark skin
shades. Health outcome differentials were evidenced for the proportion of Black people with the
darkest skin shade on average. Other life outcomes capturing incarceration was evidenced for
Black people with the darkest skin shades. These estimates are presented in Table A.8.
Source: Calculated as approximate terciles of medium skin shade (rates 0 to 7) and dark skin shade
(rated 8 to 10) ii skin shade ‘very dark’ and ‘dark’.
Source: As noted. i.% of population that is underweight or ‘normal’ weight (BMI < 30 kg/m2).
ii.% of population that is obese (BMI equal to
Where unit health costs were not provided in 2019 dollars, they have been inflated using a rate of
1% per annum, based on the personal health care price index.274 Adjusted unit costs have then been
multiplied by the prevalence of the condition in 2019, to yield the total health cost by condition.
Table A.11: Health unit costs and data sources for body dissatisfaction
Depression $1,754 $921 Greenberg et al (2021)275
Source: As noted.
Note: Health costs for drugs and alcohol reflect the cost per hospitalization and emergency department visit,
as opposed to a per person cost.
*Not all costs are estimated for each impact, see Table A.2.
Table A.12: Health unit costs and data sources for appearance-based discrimination
Depression $1,754 $921 Greenberg et al (2021)280
Source: As noted. *Not all costs are estimated for each impact, see Table A.2.
Table A.13: Productivity unit costs and data sources for body dissatisfaction
Depression $1,642 $4,146 Greenberg et al (2021)287
Source: As noted. *Not all costs are estimated for each impact, see Table A.2.
Table A.14: Productivity unit costs and data sources for appearance-based discrimination
Depression $1,642 $4,146 Greenberg et al (2021)293
Source: As noted. *Not all costs are estimated for each impact, see Table A.2.
Table A.15: Reduction in employment (%) and data sources for body dissatisfaction
Luciano & Meara (2014)299, based on moderate
Depression 17%
mental illness
Various sources; based on the proportion of people
Suicide attempts 4% who are severely incapacitated or sustain a long-
term disability following a suicide attempt 300,301,302
Eating disorders 12% Deloitte Access Economics (2020)303
Luciano & Meara (2014)304, based on moderate
Anxiety 17%
mental illness
Smoking* n/a n/a
Source: As noted. *Not all costs are estimated for each impact, see Table A.2.
Source: As noted. Employment rates for each group for weight discrimination are relative to the ‘normal’ weight
category. Employment rates for skin shade discrimination for each impact group are relative to lighter skin shades
in the same race or ethnic group.
Table A.17: R
eduction in employment (%) and data sources for health outcomes
associated with appearance-based discrimination
Source: As noted.
The real cost of beauty ideals 119
Social and economic costs from the
appearance-based discrimination wage
Economic loss from labor market outcomes ing population were categorized into different
for appearance-based discrimination were weight segments using estimates from CDC.311
estimated by determining the average loss in The wage penalty for various weight segments
income due to the discrimination. These were of men and women were then applied to the
obtained for skin shade discrimination and relevant segments and aggregated to derive
weight discrimination. the total wage gap due to weight discrimination.
The wage penalties for both, skin shade and
To derive the wage gap associated with skin weight discrimination were those that persisted
shade discrimination, a skin shade distribution after holding constant the common determi-
was derived for the Black working population nants of income, such as education, experience
based on literature.309,310 The average wage and talent. A wage gap due to weight discrimi-
penalty for the relevant skin shade was then nation was only found for the proportion of
multiplied by the relevant portion of the working the population considered obese in Han et al
population that fits this distribution, and ag- (2008).312 The effects for the overweight or
gregated to derive the total wage gap due to underweight population wasinconclusive.
skin shade discrimination. Similarly, the work-
Table A.18: W
age gap (% reduction) and data sources for labor market outcomes associated
with appearance-based discrimination
Weight discrimination
White, female, obese 7.5% Han et al (2008)313
Source: As noted. The wage gap for weight discrimination is relative to the ‘normal’ weight category.
The wage gap for skin shade discrimination is relative to lighter skin shades in the same race or ethnic group.
As a result, it is necessary to consider the eco- Informal care costs were calculated using an
nomic costs of an inefficient allocation of labor opportunity cost approach. The opportunity
which is leading to the wage gap. To do this, lit- cost of an hour of care was estimated using
erature on the declining labor market discrimi- general population average weekly earnings
natory barriers faced by women and Black men and employment rates from the BLS. Earnings
was considered. Between 1960 and 2010, Hsieh were adjusted to incorporate employment ben-
et al (2018)315 found that reduced discrimination efits, using the ratio of wages and salaries to
and improved allocation of talent meant that total employee compensation. The opportunity
GDP in 2010 was 43.5% higher than it otherwise cost of a caregiver’s time was estimated to be
would have been in the absence of reducing $22.48 per hour.
discrimination. Further, Hsieh et al (2018) esti-
mated that GDP would be a further 9.9% higher The health outcomes associated with body
if the discriminatory barriers were completely dissatisfaction and appearance-based dis-
removed in 2010. Further analysis of the results crimination were not treated as risk factors for
of Hsieh et al (2018) indicatesthat close to 20% other conditions; thus, informal caregiving was
of the possible gain in GDP could be realized if not incorporatedfor associated conditions such
wage gaps did not persist in 2010.xxiv as lung cancer for smoking or cardiovascular
conditions for hypertension.
When this is compared to the size of the wage
gaps that existed in 2010 for women and Black
men,316 societal output can be estimated to be
Source: As noted. *Not all costs are estimated for each impact, see Table A.2.
Table A.20: Informal care hours and data sources for appearance-based discrimination
Source: As noted.
Table A.21: Mortality rates for health conditions associated with harmful beauty ideals,
and data sources
Source: As noted. *Mortality rate of drugs and alcohol is given as a proportion of the number of hospitalizations
and emergency departments visits attributable to drugs and alcohol in 2019.
Not all costs are estimated for each impact, see Table A.2.
Table A.22: Inputs to estimate the costs of incarceration due to appearance-based discrimination
Source: As noted.
The higher marginal tax rates lead to reduced Reduced earnings from lower employment par-
economic efficiency as they induce a subopti- ticipation and lower output result in reduced
mal allocation of resources within the economy. taxation revenue collected by the government.
For example, an individual may choose to re- As well as forgone income taxation, there would
duce the amount of labor they supply for addi- also be a fall in indirect (consumption) taxes,
tional leisure time, which leads to a reduction in as those with lower incomes spend less on the
consumption of goods and services. Lost taxa-
overall output. The reduction in output is larger tion revenue was estimated by multiplying an
than the size of the tax itself, thereby creating average personal income tax rate and average
a net additional cost. indirect taxation rate to lost earnings.
The burden of disease methodology was used A summary of the disability weights by condi-
to capture the non-financial costs of body tion, used to estimate the YLDs in this study, is
dissatisfaction and appearance-based dis- provided in the Table A.23.
crimination. This includes the reduced quality of
life due to the impacts of body dissatisfaction/
appearance-based discrimination, and the loss
of life from premature mortality.
Table A.23: Disability weights by condition for body dissatisfaction and appearance-based
Depression 73 38 111 2
Hypertension 66 33 99 2
Subtotal 139 71 210 3
Table A.25: Annual productivity losses due to skin shade and weight discrimination in 2019
($ millions)
Hypertension - 4 58 - - 61 1
Table A.26: Annual efficiency losses due to skin shade and weight discrimination in 2019
($ millions)
Depression 91 17 111 2
Hypertension 4 15 99 0.2
Table A.27: L oss of well-being due to skin shade and weight discrimination in 2019 ($ millions)
Weight discrimination
Smoking - - 367 6
Hypertension - - 99 0.2
Table B.1: Impact of one-way sensitivity analyzes on the cost of body dissatisfaction, 2019 ($ millions)
Lower bound based on
$6,665 $50,823 $4,783 $164,167 $226,439
Fallon et al (2014)366
Upper bound based
$14,700 $116,653 $10,880 $364,257 $506,490
on Fallon et al (2014)
Lower (-20%) $9,060 $68,566 $6,464 $176,491 $260,581
Upper (+20%) $9,060 $68,566 $6,464 $264,737 $348,826
Lower (-20%) $5,254 $40,329 $3,806 $139,955 $189,344
Upper (+20%) $12,450 $93,876 $8,842 $292,284 $407,451
Unit costs (health and productivity)
Lower (-20%) $7,449 $58,351 $5,445 $220,614 $291,859
Upper (+20%) $11,174 $78,782 $7,556 $220,614 $318,126
Effect of changing attributions
No efficiency losses $9,060 $68,566 $- $220,614 $298,240
No cost of risky
$6,024 $59,842 $5,464 $199,276 $270,606
Future health costs
$19,422 $78,978 $8,967 $220,614 $327,982
from smoking
Tobacco control
$10,525 $68,566 $6,682 $220,614 $306,387
government funding
Source: Deloitte Access Economics calculations. Components may not sum to totals due to rounding.
Source: Deloitte Access Economics calculations. Note: Components may not sum to totals due to rounding.
* describes a scenario where theaverage negative effect of weight discrimination for overweight and obese
within race/ethnic group is applied equally to all people with a BMI of 25kg/m2 or higher (see section 5.2.4). ^
describes a scenario where the
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