Group 5 Final Research Papers 12 Voltaire

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A Research Presented to the

Zamboanga del sur National High School
Senior High School Department
City of Pagadian, Zamboanga Del Sur

In Partial fulfillment
Of the Requirements of the Subject
Practical Research 1
(Quantitative Research)


Monsion, Peach Leigh

Palapas, Princes Grace
Pasco, Marjorie
Puerto, Louren
Rodriguez, Clayton
Salonoy, Joanne
Serrania, Angel Lyka
Sumusod, Sittie Afrah
Tanoy, Aldrin
Tingson, Kenneth Mark

June 2022




Homework has been unusually difficult for students. They believe that homework

is insufficient for their life. Through homework you can achieve better skills in your

cognitive aspects through thinking, analyzing, evaluating, and even understanding the

topic given by the teachers. Homework isn't only for the sake of compliance. It's for

honing your personal abilities so you can apply them in real-life circumstances (Class,

2018). Homework is one of the factors that affects students' learning and may have a

significant impact on their academic achievement.

Mdschool (2017) defined homework as out-of-class tasks assigned to students as

an extension or elaboration of classroom work. It is the school work that a student is

required to do at home. Assigning homework serves various educational needs. It

serves as an intellectual discipline, establishes study habits and eases time constraints

on the amount of curricular material that can be covered in class, supplements and

reinforces work done in school. In addition, it fosters student initiative. Independence

and responsibility, and brings home and school closer together. According to Mdschool,

there are three types of homework: practice, preparation and extension. Practice

assignment/homework reinforce newly acquired skills. For example, students who have

just learned a new method of solving a mathematical problem should be given sample

problems to complete in their own. Preparation assignments/homework help students

get ready for activities that will occur in the classroom. Students may, for example, be

required to do background research on a topic to be discussed later in class.

Extension assignments/homework are frequently long-term continuing projects

that parallel class work. Students must apply previous learning to complete assignments,

which include science fair projects and term papers.

Homework is a significant part of classroom learning. It aids in the cementing of

ideas that students learn (or should acquire) in school, as well as broadening their

knowledge (Newcombe, 2019). Furthermore, others claim that homework serves a

useful function. It aids in the preparation of pupils for national and statewide exams and

assessments, for example. It aids in the reinforcement of what is taught in the

classroom. It allows parents to participate actively in their children's education. It also

aids in the development of core skills such as time management, organization, task

completion, and accountability. What's more crucial is that students be able to

demonstrate mastery of the content without the help of the teacher (Lohmann, 2014).

Cognitive skills testing and training identifies root causes of the homework and learning

struggles and overcome them. Increased cognitive skills strength translates into an

increased ability to learned and read; attitude, confidence, self-esteem, and grades all


Doing homework, according to Maulion (2018), fosters discipline by allowing

students to find time to work on their tasks in the most effective manner feasible. The

very essence of complying with the requirements the teacher assigns them makes

student understand the importance of taking responsibilities. Education, like the majority

of life, is a process. It's all about finding the right balance. Homework moderation and

reasonable expectations can help parents analyze their young children's learning

capacities and development while also teaching them vital life skills. Too much can lead

to tension, exhaustion, and family strife. To acquire the broader picture, all the parts of

the education puzzle must be in place, including homework (Smith, 2016) According to

Paranguao (2018), homework is viewed as a tool for practice in the Philippines, but it is

only given when absolutely required, in order to prevent causing additional stress and

impeding a student's social development.

The deficit or needs of students in terms of homework viability will be

differentiated and determined through the impacts that the researchers will conduct in

this study. The primary goal of this study is to examine the association between

homework viability and students’ scholastic achievement among Grade 11 HUMSS

students at Zamboanga Del Sur National High School- Senior High School Senior High

School Department.

The findings of the study will serve as a guide for everyone. To raise

understanding of the viability of homework on students' daily life so that they may

become more effective learners at school and in the community. Furthermore, for

students, teachers, and stakeholders, this research project will represent the start of a

new initiative.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to assess the viability of homework and its relation to the scholastic

performance of the Grade 11 HUMSS students of Zamboanga Del Sur National High

School-Senior High School, Pagadian City, academic year 2021-2022

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. To what extent the student’s viability of homework in terms of:

1.1 cognitive comprehension; and

1.2 skill enhancement?

2. What is the level of student’s scholastic performance?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the viability of homework and

student’s scholastic performance?


The following will be tested at 0.05 level significance. H o: There is no significant

correlation between the viability of homework and student's scholastic performance.

Significance of the Study

The result of this research will be made to aim to provide crucial information and

knowledge regarding the viability of homework and its relationship to students’ scholastic

performance as it merits to the following individuals:

Students. This study will improve students' study skills and attitudes toward school, and

teach students that learning can take place anywhere, not just in school buildings and

will assist students in becoming aware of the value of homework and improving their

intellectual retention and skills acquisition.

Parents. Who will be directly concerned with the education of their children considering

school performance in different discipline and will likewise polish and assist their children

in developing their performance through schoolwork.

Teachers. The given data will guide them how to enhance their teaching approach

before assigning homework to their students, as well as be aware and identify the

aspects that influence the students' scholastic performance.

Future researchers. This will be an instrument that will guide and navigate them in

discovering credible, reliable, and tantamount factors that are known as indispensable

data for further understanding on the topic and acquire insight into the subject at hand

and build research skills in order to enhance productivity in the field in which they could

be working. Indeed, this research is going to be the chief source of enlightenment that

they will surely need in their future studies.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The scope and delimitation of the study involved the following parameters which

are projected to define the concerns of the study and find its proper place in the wide

area of educational research.

Subject Matter. This study will focus on the extent of viability of homework and its effect

to the scholastic performance.

Research Locale/Timeline. This research will be conducted at Zamboanga del Sur

National High School- Senior High School Department at Sta. Maria District, Pagadian

City, Zamboanga del Sur on June 2022.

Research Participants. Participants from this study will be only 10 Grade 11 Gautama

students from strand Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) who are officially

enrolled in the school year 2021-2022.

Research Design. This research work will utilize descriptive correlational research

design in order to answer this study the relationship between viability of homework and

student's scholastic performance since it involves description, analysis, and

interpretation of facts that existed.

Definition of Terms

The following terms will be used extensively in this study and share constructed

according to their conceptual and operational definitions:

Viability. It is the ability to work successfully.

Homework. Refers to the assigned tasks of the teacher needed to add grades of the


Scholastic achievement. Is the extent to which a student or institution has achieved

either short or long term educational goals.

Cognitive Ability. Refers to the capability of a person to think, understand, evaluate, and

positive decision making in many ways

Skill enhancement. Provides the opportunity and knowledge for a client to develop and

strengthen the necessary skills to gain, maintain, and advance in a chosen area.

Scholastic performance. Is the measurement of student achievement across various

academic subjects.

Conceptual Framework

The relationship between the viability of homework, such as cognitive

comprehension and skill enhancement, as independent variables and its effect on

scholastic performance as dependent variables is visualized in Figure 1.

This research study was anchored on the Self-efficacy theory. Self-efficacy refers

to the people’s beliefs about their capabilities to produced designated levels of

performance that exercise influence over events that affect their lives. Self-efficacy

beliefs determine how people feel, think, motivate themselves and behave. Such beliefs

produce these diverse effects through four major process. They include cognitive,

motivational, affective, and selection processes (Bandura,1993)

Viability of Homework
Students’ Educational
 Cognitive Comprehension Performance
 Skill Enhancement

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study



This chapter unravels a review of related literatures and related studies that will

sharpen the readers' broad understanding about the nature of this study

Viability of Homework

Homework has been a perennial topic of debate in education, and attitudes toward

it have been cyclical (Gill & Schlossman, 2000). Throughout the first few decades of the

20th century, educators commonly believed that homework helped create disciplined

minds. Homework assignments have multiple purposes. Some are instructional but

others have behavioral goals. Teachers may assign some homework to enable students

to practice specific skills, but they also may aim to help students develop their

responsibility perseverance, and time management (Epstein & Voorhis, 2001)

Teachers also assign homework to assess the extent to which students have

mastered specific skills in order to plan new lessons that will meet students learning

levels (Bang et al., 2009, Rodriguez et al., 2014). Over past few decades, many studies

of homework processes have been conducted, mainly to clarify the importance of

homework for students' academic achievement (Valle et al., 2015)

According to Turtenwald (2018), each day, especially in the higher grades,

students are assigned homework to complete and return to school for the teacher to

grade. The impact of homework on student achievement has been widely studied. Some

students complain that homework is just a hassle and has no benefits, while others

diligently do their homework in hopes of improving or maintaining grades. Even though

homework can have some negative effects, it also has a positive impact on students

School and homework teach students important life lessons that they will use as an

adult. For example. It teaches them how to read and comprehend information,

communicate ideas with others, listen and take notes, remember things, solve problems,

how to develop a plan, set priorities and take an action. Homework also teaches

students how to write reports, spend time alone and helps develop their curiosity about

new subjects Bishop. 2008). Homework reaps benefits outside of just achievement with

an improvement in home-school involvement and parent-child relationships having

positive impacts from homework. Although, it must be taken into consideration that in

order to see these benefits, homework being set should have a clear goal and purpose,

so as to encourage student completion of the work and for it to be truly worthwhile

(Spencer, 2017)

Gibson (2010) elucidates that homework not only increases a student's learning

but it also helps them learn important life skills such as organization, problem solving.

goal setting and perseverance. While homework can have positive impact on student

learning. It also can be a source of frustration for both parents and children. Listed below

are some ideas that may help parents and students deal more effectively with


Cognitive Comprehension

Cognitive factors refer to characteristics of the person that affect performance and

learning these factors serve to modulate performance such that it may improve or

decline. These factors involve cognitive functions like attention memory and reasoning

(Danili & Reid, 2006)

Michelon (2016) explained that cognition has to do with how a person understands

the world and acts in it. It is the set of mental abilities or processes that are part of nearly

every human action while we are awake. Cognitive abilities are brain-based skills we

need to carry out any task from the simplest to the most complex. They have more to do

with the mechanisms of how we learn, remember, problem-solve, and pay attention,

rather than with any actual knowledge. For instance, answering the telephone involves

perception (hearing the ring tone), decision taking (answering or not), motor skill (lifting

the receiver), language skills (talking and understanding language), social skills

interpreting tone of voice and interacting property with another human being).

Cognitive abilities or skills are supported by specific neuronal networks. For

instance, memory skills rely mainly on parts of the temporal lobes and parts of the frontal

lobe (behind the forehead)

Gibson (2014) elucidates that cognitive learning is the foundation of educational

success, making it an incredibly valuable skill for anyone of any age. Whether you're just

beginning your education or nearing the end of your career. cognitive learning should

always be a priority. According to Gibson there's a process of cognitive learning can be

broken down into four steps gaining access to new information, thinking about it

critically, judging it from your perspective, and finally using this information to influence

your existing knowledge. Think of cognitive learning as the bedrock of your mind's

educational abilities - it's a vital foundation, and without it, learning new information

becomes difficult. Your cognitive abilities can be built, or refined, at any age and any

stage in your life.

Cognitive learning is a type of learning that is active, constructive, and long-lasting

It engages students in the learning processes, teaching them to use their brains more

effectively to make connections when learning new things. This style of learning is a

powerful alternative to the traditional classroom approach. Instead of focusing on

memorization, cognitive learning builds on past knowledge. Students learn to make

connections and reflect on the material skills that help them become better learners

There are three (3) factors of cognitive learning this includes: comprehension,

memory, and application. Comprehension builds cognitive learning skills that teaches

students how to learn more effectively. Students learn to do more than repeat what they

have learned. They understand the "why" behind a topic and how it fits into a larger

picture. Memory, unlike drill-and-kill memorization methods, cognitive learning helps

students gain a deeper understanding of a subject. This improves recall in the long run,

so students can build upon past knowledge. Application on the other gives students the

chance to reflect on what they are learning and how it applies to other material. This

helps students develop problem-solving skills they need to create new connections

between what they are learning Because of varying levels of cognitive ability, we all

learn differently.

Cognitive learning can be made more relevant in learning by allowing learners

access to different mediums of learning. Provide the main content in bullet points.

Include additional clarification notes or annotations in the form of text, and append

optional content (videos, audio files, and open-source content links) for individual

learners to explore a subject further should they wish to do so (Arshavskiy, 2018).

Comprehension is the ability to understand and get meaning from spoken and

written language (National Institute for Literacy [NIFL). 2001). Comprehension skills are

based on rich language and experience with text from early in life. These experiences

include learning how to decode, becoming fluent in decoding with an extensive

repertoire of sight words increasing vocabulary to include words commonly found in

texts, and learning how to get meaning from text using comprehension processes

(Pressley, 2000). Therefore, effective comprehension instruction is necessary to help

students understand remember, and communicate with others about what read to them

and what they read (NIFL, 2001). Teachers who help students grow their cognitive skill

levels as well as learn new tasks will have better learning outcomes in the classroom

When we understand where cognitive skills fit into everyone's learning process,

we can see how truly important they are which leads to another critically important truth:

cognitive skills can change. That's right, cognitive skills, learning skills, underlying skills,

and learning tools can be improved strengthened and enhanced, regardless of a

person's age. It is about how much we know as well as how effectively we process the

information that we receive Cognitive skills determine how easy fast and well a person

learns. In other words, cognitive skills are the learning skills used to: Retain information

(1) Process analyze, store facts and feelings (2), and create mental pictures, read

words, and understand concepts (3).

Vocabulary and comprehension: It's a truth universally acknowledged that

students with larger vocabularies are also much better at reading. Metalinguistic

awareness has been defined as the ability to objectify language and dissect it as an

arbitrary linguistic code independent of meaning (Roth et al., 2002). Moreover, the ability

to objectify language, refers to being able to examine language, or the way we use

spoken and written language. The term 'objectify' could also mean to use conscious

thought to think about the structure of language. To dissect' refers to the ability to

examine the parts of language. Arbitrary linguistic code' probably refers to the ability to

inquire and investigate the unlimited ways that language can be constructed to

communicate an idea or ideas.

Skill Enhancement

Skill enhancement programs are focused around training that combines the best

practices from education, psychology, social work, career counseling, sports, and

technology training. Through skill training a person can improve their overall

performance in any identified area and in so doing can improve the overall quality of life.

Skill enhancement or training typically uses a combination of cognitive and behavior

problem solving approaches, both of which are used to strengthen a person's positive

skill development Berger (2005). The concept of skill refers to how an individual can use

the knowledge in actual communication. According to Canale (1987) skill requires a

further distinction between underlying capacity and it's manifestation in real

communication or performance.

When individuals improve their skill. They become more proficient, skilled and

optimistic in themselves and their performance, and they are capable of attaining their

goals. An augmentation plan is critical for conscientiously helping to improve skills and is

most efficient when it is linked to goals. Thus, an individual must first establish their

goals and then evaluate which competencies need to be maneuvered to achieve those

specific goals. By integrating skill enhancement and long term-term growth goals, an

individual will help ensure that the enthusiasm and desire to expand that skill is present.

Interpersonal skills focuses on relationships and interactions with others it includes

how to communicate and work with others as well as how to lead others. Personal

effectiveness centers on skills that can be applied independent of other people it

includes skills such as goal setting, problem-solving, time management, and stretch

stress management both sections hones in on specific skills such as the leadership.

team building, time management decision making problem-solving, and change

management it still has its own section with information designed to guide the learner

and provide insight into enhancing that particular skills.

Ritter and Mostert (2016) said creative thinking skills can be considered one of

the key competencies for the twenty-first century—they allow us to remain flexible and

provide us with the capacity to deal with the opportunities and challenges that are part of

our complex and fast-changing world. The increased focus on innovation combined with

recent reports of decrements in creative performance brings attention to the need to

develop creative thinking skills at both the educational and business levels The life skills

curriculum. COMPASS, was designed to teach people about the value in personal

responsibility It also helps teach better ways to approach stress, behavioral problems,

and communication skills so that individuals can live happier and productive lives

(Chacon 2013). "Life skills are non-tangible skills that deal with cognitive, social, and

emotional competenca," said Caspari" These types of intangible skills are what help

develop better coping and success strategies."

Scholastic Performance

Ассоrding tо Shаrrоск (2008) асаdеmiс реrfоrmаnсе describes hоw wеll уоu

реrfоm in sсhооl соursеs liке sосiаl studiеs, histоrу, еnglish/ЕLА, sсiеnсеs, аnd mаth.

Вut саn аlsо inсludе thе "sресiаls" оr еlесtivе соursеs in thе аrts, musiс, hеаlth,

businеss, аnd оthеrs.

Ассоrding tо Моrrаll (2018) асаdеmiс is оf соursе simрlу оnе vеrу wеll vеrsеd оr

sресiаlizеd in кnоwlеdgе, еduсаtiоn аnd rеsеаrсh. Реrfоrmаnсе is hоw оnе реrfоrms:

dаnсеrs dаnсе; singеrs sign аnd асаdеmiсs рrоduсе findings оf сurrеnt, rеlеvаnt

rеsеаrсh. Тhаt's lifе аnd businеss аt thе tор оf асаdеmiа. Individuаls, whо аrе bеttеr

оrgаnizеd, bеttеr рrераrеd аnd hаvе аn оrgаnizаtiоnаl рlаn аnd рlаnnеr did bеttеr in

sсhооl аnd will соntinuе tо bе liке thаt in thеir саrееr. Оrgаnizаtiоn, timе mаnаgеmеnt.

рriоritizаtiоn, соnсеntrаtiоn аnd mоtivаtiоn асhiеvе асаdеmiс suссеss. Whеn it соmеs

right dоwn tо it оrgаnizаtiоnаl sкills mау bе just аs imроrtаnt аs rеаding, writing аnd

аrithmеtiс in сrеаting а wеll-rоundеd, sеlf-suffiсiеnt individuаl. Studеnt's асаdеmiс

реrfоrmаnсе is thе grаduаl, mеаsurаblе grаding оf асhiеvеmеnt аs еvidеnt in grаdеs


From a humanistic approach, Martinez (2007) states that academic performance is

“the product given by the students and it is usually expressed through school grades”.

Pizarro (1985) referred to academic performance as a measure of the indicative and

responsive abilities that express, in an estimated way, what a person has learned as a

result of a process of education or training.

Асаdеmiс реrfоrmаnсе mirrоrs thе оld аdаgе: "рublish оr реnsh. Yоu must keep а

vеrу tight lid оn things аs уоu rеsеаrсh, but tо кеер уоur tеnurе аnd еnsurе funding

соmmitmеnts рrоgrеss must bе mеаsurаblе аnd rероrtеd widеlу аnd timеlу (Shаrrоск.


Асаdеmiс асhiеvеmеnt is imроrtаnt fоr thе suссеssful dеvеlорmеnt оf уоung

реорlе in sосiеtу. Studеnts whо dо wеll in sсhооl аrе bеttеr аblе tо mаке thе trаnsitiоn

intо аdulthооd аnd tо асhiеvе оссuраtiоnаl аnd есоnоmiс suссеss (Rеgiеr. 2011).

Sеvеrаl fасtоrs indiсаtе а studеnt's асаdеmiс suссеss. Whilе sоmе mау nоt grаduаtе

tор оf thеir саss, thеу mау hоld lеаdеrshiр роsitiоns in sеvеrаl studеnt grоuрs оr sсоrе

high оn stаndаrdizеd tеsts, Реорlе оftеn соnsidеr grаdеs first whеn еvаluаting асаdеmiс

асhiеvеmеnt. Тhis inсludеs sсhооls, whо rаnк studеnts bу thеir GРА, аwаrding sресiаl

dеsignаtiоns suсh аs vаlеdiсtоriаn аnd sаlutаtоriаn fоr thоsе whо grаduаtе first аnd

sесоnd in thеir сlаss. Sсhоlаrshiр оrgаnizаtiоns аnd univеrsitiеs аlsо stаrt bу lоокing аt

grаdеs, аs dо sоmе еmрlоуеrs, еsресiаllу whеn hiring rесеnt grаduаtеs. Grаdеs саrrу

mоrе wеight in sоmе industriеs, еsресiаllу tесhniсаl рrоfеssiоns suсh аs lаw, mеdiсinе

аnd finаnсе. Initiаtivе саn аlsо indiсаtе асаdеmiс реrfоrmаnсе (Моrаru, 2016).

Моrеоvеr, Rеigеr (2011) еluсidаtеd thаt аdults whо аrе асаdеmiсаllу suссеssful

аnd with high lеvеls оf еduсаtiоn аrе mоrе liкеlу tо bе еmрlоуеd, hаvе stаblе

еmрlоуmеnt, hаvе mоrе еmрlоуmеnt орроrtunitiеs thаn thоsе with lеss еduсаtiоn аnd

еаr highеr sаlаriеs, аrе mоrе liкеlу tо hаvе hеаlth insurаnсе, аrе lеss dереndеnt оn

sосiаl аssistаnсе, аrе lеss liкеlу tо еngаgе in сriminаl асtivitу, аrе mоrе асtivе аs

сitizеns аnd сhаritаblе vоluntееrs аnd аrе hеаlthiеr аnd hаррiеr.



This chapter will explain how the study will carry out and the tools that the

researchers will use to collect data for the study's conclusion. The research

design, research participants, research instruments, data gathering procedure,

statistical data treatment, and ethical considerations will be the examples.

Research Design

This study will be used a descriptive correlational research approach to

explore the question of the association between homework viability and student

scholastic performance. This strategy will be better for this type of research since

it allows for more fact-gathering and accurate interpretation. The goal of using

the descriptive method to obtain knowledge on an actual state or scenario when

researching a certain topic. The information acquired through a guided

questionnaire will be collated, evaluated, and interpreted. Furthermore, the

correlation design was employed to see if homework has any bearing on a

student's scholastic achievement.

Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the participants in an

accurate way. More simply put, descriptive research is all about describing

people who take part in the study (Kowalczyk, 2013). According to Cheprasov

(2018), a correlational study is a type of research design where a researcher

seeks to understand what kind of relationships naturally occurring variables have

with one another. In simple terms. correlational research seeks to figure out if two

or more variables are related and, if so, in what way.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted at Zamboanga del Sur National High School Senior

High School, Sta. Maria District, Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur.

Research Participants

The respondents of this study will be the Grade 11 students of Humanities and

Social Sciences (HUMSS) section Gautama of Zamboanga del Sur National High School

Senior High School academic year 2021-2022.

Research Instrument

An adapted but reconstructed survey questionnaire will be used as the instrument

in gathering data. The questionnaire will be validated by different teachers.

Data Gathering Procedure

Researchers will prepare the questionnaire, before conducting the research to

have an information needed to the participants. After preparing the questionnaires, the

researchers made an approval letter to the school's principal and assistant principal of

the Zamboanga Del Sur National High School- Senior High School. After the approval of

the letter, the researchers will conduct the survey questionnaires to the participants.

Afterwards the questionnaires will be retrieved and the data gathered will be analyzed

and interpreted by the researchers.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To analyze and interpret the data, descriptive statistics was utilized such as

percentage, weighted mean as a measure of average, standard deviation as a measure

of variability of numerical observations and ranks in order to determine the position or

viability of homework and students' scholastic performance. To test the hypothesis of

significant correlation between the independent and dependent variable. Pearson

correlation coefficient will be used. Pearson Product- Moment Correlation is a measure

of the strength of linear association/relationship between two variables. This test will be

used to determine the most direct positive effect of homework is that it can improve

retention and understanding. More indirectly, homework can improve students' study

skills and attitudes toward school, and teach students that learning can take place

anywhere, not just in school buildings. Too much homework can result in lack of sleep,

headaches, exhaustion and weight loss.

The statistical test procedure will run along with the use of the level of marginal

statistical significance, p-value, for the rejection or acceptance of the null hypothesis.

The decision rule states that if p-value is less than or equal to the level of significance a,

the null hypothesis is rejected yielding a significant result. Otherwise, the null hypothesis

is accepted. Furthermore, the hypothesis will be tested at a = 0.05 level of significance.

Ethical Consideration

The researchers will strictly observed proper consideration to establish and

safeguard ethics in conducting this research.

The name of the respondents will not be mentioned in any part of this research

study. The author of related article, books, and other paper that have been used to give

more ideas and insights about the study were given credits. Proper document sourcing

or referencing of the materials was done ensure and promote copyright laws.

This chapter presents the salient findings of the study, analysis and interpretation

of data gathered to explain the relationship between efficacy of homework and students

academic performance. The presentation of results is organized based on the order of

the specific problems in chapter one. Moreover, the presentation is exemplified with the

aid of tables in order to understand better the implications of the responses.

Status of Viability of Homework

Table 1.1

Status of Viability of Homework in terms of Cognitive Comprehension

Statement Indicators Mean SD Description Rank

1. I do my homework 2.9 0.32 Fair 5.0

without plagiarizing
others answer.
2. I use my higher order 3.8 0.78 Satisfactory 2.0
thinking skills to answer
my homework.
3. I answer in a clear and 3.7 0.95 Satisfactory 4.0
concise way in writing
4. I brainstorm ideas before 3.7 1.34 Satisfactory 3.0
I answer my homework.
5. I understand the topic 4.5 0.85 Very Satisfactory 1.0
first before I answer.

Overall Results 3.72 0.85 Very Satisfactory

Scale: 4.21- 5.00 = Outstanding; 3:41- 4.20= Very Satisfactory; 2.61- 3.40= Satisfactory; 1.81- 2.60=
Fair; 1.00- 1.80= Poor

Table 1.1 shows the status of viability of homework and students scholastic

performance in terms of cognitive comprehension. It is revealed that item number 5, "I

understand the topic first before I answer" was ranked first among the five (5) statements

indicators presented with a weighted mean of 4.5 and SD of 0.85 and interpreted as

"very satisfactory". Next in rank was item number 2, "I use my higher order thinking

skills" with a weighted mean of 3.8 and SD of 0.78 which was interpreted as

"satisfactory". Occupying the last rank was item number 1, "I do homework without

plagiarizing others answer" with a weighted mean was 2.9 and SD of 0.32 which was

interpreted as "fair". Therefore, the overall weighted mean was 3.72 and interpreted as

"very satisfactory". These results proved that the students' viability of homework in terms

of cognitive comprehension is very satisfactory.

Cognition promotes long-term learning, developing cognitive skills allows

students to build upon previous knowledge and ideas. This teaches students to make

connections and apply new concepts to what they already know. According to Willis

(2015), when students reach adolescence, they become more independent and self-

directed. There is shift away from rote memorization and single, correct responses.

Learning goals are more likely to focus on reading for content and comprehension,

revising, report writing, solving problems, investigating and independent or group work.

Cognitive factors refer to characteristics of the person that affect performance and

learning. These factors serve to modulate performance such that it may improve or

decline. These factors involve cognitive functions like attention, memory, and reasoning

(Danili & Reid, 2006).

Table 1.2
Status of Viability of Homework in terms of Skill Enhancement

Statement Indicators Mean SD Description Rank

1. I adapt to new learnings 4.1 0.87 Very Satisfactory 5.0

in doing homework.
2. I enhance my self- 4.5 0.85 Satisfactory 2.0
regulatory skills by doing
3. I deepen my knowledge 4 1.05 Outstanding 1.0
of context by doing
4. I use my researching 4.5 0.53 Very Satisfactory 3.0
skills to reason out my
answers on homework
5. I use my homework as 4.2 0.63 Very Satisfactory 4.0
a tool to enhance my
confidence and
intrapersonal skill.

Overall Results 5 3.93 Outstanding

Scale: 4.21- 5.00 = Outstanding; 3:41- 4.20= Very Satisfactory; 2.61- 3.40= Satisfactory; 1.81- 2.60=
Fair; 1.00- 1.80= Poor

Table 1.2 presents the response of the viability of homework in terms of skill

enhancement. It is revealed that item number 3, “I deepen my knowledge of context by

doing homework” was ranked first among the five (5) statements indicators presented

with a weighted mean of 4 and SD of 1.05 and interpreted as "outstanding". Next in rank

was item number 2, "I enhance my self-regulatory skills by doing homework" with a

weighted mean of 4.5 with a SD of 0.85 and interpreted as “satisfactory”. Third in rank is

item number 4,"I use my researching skills to reason out my answers on homework" with

a weighted mean of 4.5 and a SD of 0.53 which is interpreted as "very satisfactory".

Fourth in rank is item number 5, “I used my homework as a tool to enhance my

confidence and interpersonal skill” with a weighted mean of 4.2 and a SD of 0.63 which

interpreted as “very satisfactory”. Last is the item number 1, "I adapt to new learnings in

doing homework" with a weighted mean of 4.1 and a SD of 0.87 which interpreted as

“very satisfactory”. Therefore, the overall weighted mean was 3.93 and interpreted as

“outstanding”. In other words these results proved that the viability of homework in terms

of skill enhancement is outstanding.

It is important to continue with training studies at all grade levels so that students

can become aware of the relationship between homework activities and these self-

regulation processes such as goals, self-efficacy, self-refection, time management, and

delay of gratification. Evidence from correlational studies showed that students' self-

regulation skills and motivational beliefs correlate positively with homework activities.

Homework assignments that are adequately challenging and interesting help struggling

and at-risk students develop motivation and self-regulation skills and achieve success.

(Zimmerman,Barry J, 2011).

Table 1.3
Summary on the Status of Viability of Homework

Category Average SD Description

Cognitive Comprehension 3.72 0.85 Very Satisfactory

Skill Enhancement 5 3.93 Outstanding

Overall Results 4.36 2.39 Outstanding

Scale: 4.21- 5.00 = Outstanding; 3:41- 4.20= Very Satisfactory; 2.61- 3.40= Satisfactory; 1.81- 2.60=
Fair; 1.00- 1.80= Poor

Table 1.3 shows the over-all average weighted mean on the two categories in

viability of homework. Cognitive Comprehension has the highest average weighted

mean of 3.72 which is interpreted as "very satisfactory". While Skill Enhancement has

also the highest average weighted mean of 5 which is interpreted as "outstanding". The

calculated over-all average weighted mean is 4.36 is interpreted as "outstanding"

In conjunction of the findings above Lohman (2014) elucidated that in helping

students to prepare for national and statewide exams and tests. It helps to reinforce

what's being taught in the classroom. It enables parents to actively engage in their

child's education. Plus, it helps teach fundamental skills such as time management

organization, task completion, as well as responsibility.

Level of Students’ Scholastic Performance

Table 2
Level of Students’ Scholastic Performance

Grading Scale Achievement Frequency Percentage


90-100 Outstanding 6 20.00

85-89 Very Satisfactory 12 40.00
80-84 Satisfactory 12 40.00
75-79 Fairly Satisfactory 0 0.00
Below 75 Did Not Meet 0 0.00

Total 30 100.00
Average Description

Overall Level of Scholastic Performance 85.93 Very

Table 2 the level of academic performance of the grade 11- HUMSS students is

vividly emphasized in table 2. Accordingly, research participants with grades ranging

from 80-84 which implied as "satisfactory" performance and 85-89 which implied as

"very satisfactory" performance had the same percentage of 40%. 20% of the sample

respondents exhibited an "outstanding" performance as verified in the scores from 90-

100. Thus, the overall level academic performance was described as "very satisfactory"

corresponding to the final average of 85.93.

Bratti and Staffolani (2002) observed that the measurement of the students’ prior

educational outcomes or performance is the most important indicator or determinant of

the students’ future scholastic performance.

Table 3
Test of Significant Relationship between Viability of Homework and Students’
Scholastic Performance


N 30

Pearson r - 0.111

p - value 0.560

Decision Accept H0

Interpretation Insignificant Correlation

Table 3 shows the test of significant correlation between viability of homework and

students' scholastic performance. The null hypothesis which stated that there was no

significant correlation between viability of homework and students' scholastic

performance was tested at 0.05 level of significance using a sample correlation

coefficient r. As illustrated in the table, Pearson r = - 0.111 and p- value = 0.560. Since

p-value is greater than the level of significance a=0.05, the null hypothesis is accepted.

Hence, there is no significant correlation between efficacy of homework and students'

academic performance.

Homework can also result in less active learning, a type of learning that occurs in

context and encourages participation. Active learning promotes the analysis and

application of class content in real world settings. Homework does not always provide

these opportunities, leading to boredom and a lack of problem-solving skills

(Anonymous, 2016).



This chapter presents the summary of the findings, and the conclusions and

implications drawn from the analyzed data. Also covered in this section are the

recommendations which the researchers offer as valuable output of this study

Summary of Findings

This study made an effort to find out the viability of homework and students'

scholastic performance.

Analyses and interpretation of the data yielded the following salient findings.

1. Table 1.1 shows the status of viability of homework and students scholastic

performance in terms of cognitive comprehension. It is revealed that item number

5, "I understand the topic first before I answer" was ranked first among the five

(5) statements indicators presented with a weighted mean of 4.5 and SD of 0.85

and interpreted as "very satisfactory". Next in rank was item number 2, "I use my

higher order thinking skills" with a weighted mean of 3.8 and SD of 0.78 which

was interpreted as "satisfactory". Occupying the last rank was item number 1, "I

do homework without plagiarizing others answer" with a weighted mean was 2.9

and SD of 0.32 which was interpreted as "fair". Therefore, the overall weighted

mean was 3.72 and interpreted as "very satisfactory". These results proved that

the students' viability of homework in terms of cognitive comprehension is very


2. Table 1.2 presents the response of the viability of homework in terms of skill

enhancement. It is revealed that item number 3, “I deepen my knowledge of

context by doing homework” was ranked first among the five (5) statements

indicators presented with a weighted mean of 4 and SD of 1.05 and interpreted

as "outstanding". Next in rank was item number 2, "I enhance my self-regulatory

skills by doing homework" with a weighted mean of 4.5 with a SD of 0.85 and

interpreted as “satisfactory”. Third in rank is item number 4,"I use my researching

skills to reason out my answers on homework" with a weighted mean of 4.5 and

a SD of 0.53 which is interpreted as "very satisfactory". Fourth in rank is item

number 5, “I used my homework as a tool to enhance my confidence and

interpersonal skill” with a weighted mean of 4.2 and a SD of 0.63 which

interpreted as “very satisfactory”. Last is the item number 1, "I adapt to new

learnings in doing homework" with a weighted mean of 4.1 and a SD of 0.87

which interpreted as “very satisfactory”. Therefore, the overall weighted mean

was 3.93 and interpreted as “outstanding”. In other words these results proved

that the viability of homework in terms of skill enhancement is outstanding.

3. Table 1.2 presents the response of the viability of homework in terms of skill

enhancement. It is revealed that item number 3, “I deepen my knowledge of

context by doing homework” was ranked first among the five (5) statements

indicators presented with a weighted mean of 4 and SD of 1.05 and interpreted

as "outstanding". Next in rank was item number 2, "I enhance my self-regulatory

skills by doing homework" with a weighted mean of 4.5 with a SD of 0.85 and

interpreted as “satisfactory”. Third in rank is item number 4,"I use my researching

skills to reason out my answers on homework" with a weighted mean of 4.5 and

a SD of 0.53 which is interpreted as "very satisfactory". Fourth in rank is item

number 5, “I used my homework as a tool to enhance my confidence and

interpersonal skill” with a weighted mean of 4.2 and a SD of 0.63 which

interpreted as “very satisfactory”. Last is the item number 1, "I adapt to new

learnings in doing homework" with a weighted mean of 4.1 and a SD of 0.87

which interpreted as “very satisfactory”. Therefore, the overall weighted mean

was 3.93 and interpreted as “outstanding”. In other words these results proved

that the viability of homework in terms of skill enhancement is outstanding.



Based on the findings derived from this study, the researchers formulate the

following conclusions:

1. The overall status of viability of homework is finally assessed as very satisfactory

which is substantiated by its two sub variables namely cognitive comprehension

and skill enhancement.

2. The overall level of scholastic performance of the Grade 12 HUMSS students

was generally found to be very satisfactory.

3. The result of this study shows that there is no significant correlation between

viability of homework and students' scholastic performance.


Based on the findings, conclusions and implications, the following recommendations

are advanced:

1. Students must exert effort and time for a good result on their homework.

2. Students should be well on their way to becoming independent learners and not

tolerate themselves to be dependent to others.

3. Teachers should assess the students' homework to recognize if the student is

performing well.

4. School administration should facilitate the students who are low on their

cognitive ability, and provide exercises to enhance brain learning.

5. Further studies must be conducted with inclusion on some other factors and

covered in the present study.


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Republic of the Philippines

Senior High School
Santa Maria, Pagadian City
Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines

Viability of Homework and Students' Scholastic Performance

Name:_________________________ Section:__________

Objective: To rate the perceptions of the respondents that can hopefully benefit the data
of our study.

Directions: Please check (✔) and rate yourself honestly based on what actually you do
given the statement using the following scales:

5- Always 4- Oftentimes 3- Sometimes 2-Rarely 1-Never


I. Cognitive Comprehension 5 4 3 2 1

1. I do my homework without plagiarizing

others answer.

2. I use my higher order thinking skills to

answer my homework.

3. I answer in a clear and concise way in
writing homework.

4. I brainstorm ideas before i answer my


5. I understand the topic first before I


II. Skill Enhancement

1. I adapt to new learnings in doing


2. I enhance my self-regulatory skills by

doing homework.

3. I deepen my knowledge of context by

doing homework.

4. I use my researching skills to reason

out my answers on homework.

5. I use homework as a tool to enhance

my confidence and intrapersonal skills

Republic of the Philippines
Senior High School
Santa Maria, Pagadian City
Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines

April 19, 2022


School Principal II

Dear Madam;

We, the graduating students of Zamboanga del Sur National High School- Senior
High from Humanities and Social Sciences strand Grade section Voltaire, are currently
conducting a research study entitled “THE VIABILITY OF HOMEWORK AND
STUDENTS’ SCHOLASTIC PERFORMANCE” aiming to determine the extent of
viability of homework and its effects on the scholastic performance among Zamboanga
del Sur National High School- Senior High- Humanities and Social Sciences students of
the said institution located at Sta. Maria District, Pagadian City, in partial fulfillment of our
subject in Research Project for this academic year 2021-2022.

In connection with this, we would like to ask permission from your kind office to
allow us to conduct the said study in this institution through survey from the stated target
of respondents above.

Your approval on this matter would be highly appreciated. Thank you and God

Yours truly,


Research Group Leader

Noted By: Approved by:

Research Adviser School Principal II

Republic of the Philippines

Senior High School
Santa Maria, Pagadian City
Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines

April 19, 2022

To whom it may concern;


We, the graduating students of Zamboanga del Sur National High School- Senior
High from Humanities and Social Sciences strand Grade section Voltaire, are currently
conducting a research study entitled “THE VIABILITY OF HOMEWORK AND
STUDENTS’ SCHOLASTIC PERFORMANCE” aiming to determine the extent of
viability of homework and its effects on the scholastic performance among Zamboanga
del Sur National High School- Senior High- Humanities and Social Sciences students of
the said institution located at Sta. Maria District, Pagadian City, in partial fulfillment of our
subject in Research Project for this academic year 2021-2022.

In connection with this, we would like to ask permission to allow us to perform our
survey to your students to attain the extent of viability of homework in your classroom

Your approval and cooperation for this request would be highly appreciated.
Thank you and God bless!

Yours truly,


Research Group Leader

Noted By:

Research Adviser

Republic of the Philippines
Senior High School
Santa Maria, Pagadian City
Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines

April 19, 2022

To whom it may concern;


We, the graduating students of Zamboanga del Sur National High School- Senior
High from Humanities and Social Sciences strand Grade section Voltaire, are currently
conducting a research study entitled “THE VIABILITY OF HOMEWORK AND
STUDENTS’ SCHOLASTIC PERFORMANCE” aiming to determine the extent of
viability of homework and its effects on the scholastic performance among Zamboanga
del Sur National High School- Senior High- Humanities and Social Sciences students of
the said institution located at Sta. Maria District, Pagadian City, in partial fulfillment of our
subject in Research Project for this academic year 2021-2022.

In connection with this, we would like to ask permission from you to allow us to
have you as our respondents for this study.

Your approval and cooperation for this request would be highly appreciated.
Thank you and God bless!

Yours truly,


Research Group Leader

Noted By:

Research Adviser


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