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A report on on the process of doing part - time jobs of

Troy University students at UEB in Vietnam

Prepared by: Do Thi Anh Tu

A student from: K19C
Prepared for: ENG 1102 course

May 14, 2022

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I. Research instruments..................................................................................................................3
II. Participants................................................................................................................................4
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.......................................................................................................4
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS...........................................................................10

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This research was aimed to find out the reality as well as the need for part-time work in students
and conducted by using a questionnaire survey to collect data.
The main findings were the effects of Troy University students at UEB working part-time.
It was concluded that this survey reveal some positive factors, such as students being more self-
sufficient, and assisting themselves in their growth. Besides, there were some difficult things in
balancing between work and studies.
The recommendations are that do not be prejudiced by your values and use what your part-time
work has to offer, also prioritize your academic studies.

1. Purpose
The purpose of this report is to clarify the types, sources, amount, reasons and influences of
Troy University students’ doing part - time jobs, thus generate some effective ways to balance
work and studies among students.
2. Scope
The report examines Troy University students in University of Economics and Business –
Vietnam National University. It does not examine Troy’s students in the US because of the
geographic limitation.

I. Research instruments
In order to find out the students’ spending habits, the questionnaire was used as an
instrument since the author believes that questionnaire is easy to organize, save costs and
enumerators. In addition, the indirect interview method is easy to attract a large number of
participants, the answers are easily processed by statistical methods.
The questions are often easy, to create interest of the respondents. Besides, the questions
must be arranged in a logical and scientific order; show relationship closely related to each

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other. The information is rearranged and processed after receiving the questionnaires. From
there, conclusions or comments about the research problem can be drawn.

II. Participants
To determine student doing part - time jobs behavior, a questionnaire was delivered to 45
participants on 9th May to 14th May 2022. It took the participants 5 minutes to finish their
surveys. Right after that, the researcher summarized the results with 42 valid responders being



1. Gender Distribution

Figure 1. Gender Distribution

(Source: The results of the topic's survey)
Overall, the gender distribution among the 42 participants was almost even. The
precentage of female and male students taking the survey were 62.8% and 37.2%
respectively. None of the students preferred not to identify their gender. It is noticeable that
the numbers of female attendees were more than that of male participants, showing that the
gender difference was relatively large throughout the survey.

2. Students interested in taking a part-time job

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Figure 2. Students interested in taking a part-time job

(Source: The results of the topic's survey)

The proportion of students who were interested in taking part-time jobs was 73.8% while
people who were not interested in taking part-time jobs just 26.2% for this category. In
conclusion, students are highly motivated to work part-time.
3. Students behavior

3.1. Sources of part-time jobs information

Figure 3.1. Sources of part-time jobs information

(Source: The results of the topic's survey)

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When being asked about the sources of part-time jobs information that students mostly
know through, the top responses being collected were social media (59.5%). This stated that
social media was the most popular information channel among Troy’s students in Vietnam,
and the information from former staff and family/friends came after. The rest of the
categories were former staff located in 44.4%% and family/friends (40.5%).

3.2. Types of part-time jobs

Figure 3.2. Sources of part-time jobs information

(Source: The results of the topic's survey)
The choice of part-time work is not uniform, as seen in Figure 3.2. When it comes to part-
time employment, students are more likely to take any legitimate work that pays well. Service
positions (waiter/waitress) and freelancer are the most common among students, accounting for
42.9% and 40.5% respectively. Followed by tutors, office interns, and retail salesperson are the
same (28.6%). Students have many choices when they find part-time jobs in their city which
suit them and their lifestyle best.

4. Working hours and the correlation between part-time job benefits and student’s reasons

4.1. Weekly working hours

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Figure 4.1. Weekly working hours of students

(Source: The results of the topic's survey)
Having conducted from the responses of the participants, 11.9% of students claimed they
already worked under 6 hours per week. In contrast, most of the participants (47.6%) answered
they worked from 12 to 36 hours per week when they were asked about their weekly working
hours, whereas 35.7% of them worked between less than 12 hours and 6 hours. The rest of the
participants worked more than 36 hours, taking up 4.8% of the pie chart.

4.2. The correlation between part-time job benefits and student’s reasons

Figure 4.2. Student’s reasons for part-time jobs

(Source: The results of the topic's survey)

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Part-time jobs are common among Troy students in UEB for a variety of reasons. Part-time
jobs to gain job experience was the first reason given by the majority of students in the survey
(64.3%). The next benefit and the most appreciated reason that students gain from part-time
work is developing their interpersonal skills (59.5%). Then there are students who work part-
time to build professional network (42.9%) and to grow up (4.8%). Students have the ability to
engage with a variety of people during their part-time work, learn valuable information, skills
from them, and form a variety of social relationships.

On the other hand, doing part-time jobs to pay for personal needs accounted for 54.8% of the
chart. Students are required to work part-time in order to cover their daily living costs and relieve
their families' financial pressure. They normally work 12-36 hours a week on their part-time
jobs. Thus, part-time work will keep students occupied if they are unable to efficiently manage
their time. It is obvious that balancing time between work and studies become big problem with
5. Managing time skills between part - time work and academic studies
5.1. Good managers between study and work

Figure 5.1. Good managers between study and work

(Source: The results of the topic's survey)

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Most of the participants (59.5%) answered they were good managers between study and
work when they were asked about balancing part-time work and academic studies. The rest of
the participants found it difficult when they need to balance between work and studies, taking
up 40.5% of the pie chart.
5.2. Main reasons for not balancing studies and work well

Figure 5.2. Main reasons for not balancing studies and work well
(Source: The results of the topic's survey)
There are many reasons for not balancing studies and working well in students. Major
responses from the participants in not focused on prioritizing tasks (64.7%). Nearly half of 43
participants believed that doing too many jobs affects the balance between work and studies.
The percentages of students choosing health problems and difficult study programs were the
same (accounted for 32.4%). In addition, only a small quantity of students chose tired, do not
have time to study, or get burned out by the end of the day.
5.3. Solution to balance time between studies and work
This question were responded with one or more recommendations. The responses
included using personal schedule, getting enough rest and prioritize health, prioritizing
important task and asking for help when you need as well as learning how to say “no” with
meaningless work.

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On the basis of information in this report, it can be concluded that part-time jobs have become
common. Working part-time allows students to gain new skills that can be applied in practice.
Besides, students face a variety of challenges, one of the biggest is balancing time between work
and studies. Finally, if there isn't a reasonable balance between studying and part-time jobs,
academic result will decrese.
From these conclusions, it is therefore recommended that do not be prejudiced by your values
and use what your part-time work has to offer, also prioritize your academic studies.


Questionnaire survey

The part-time jobs of UEB students

Hello, my name is Do Thi Anh Tu, a sophomore at Troy University in Business Administration
major. I am having research on the process of doing part-time jobs students at UEB have been
going through. I would like to know about the most common types of part-time jobs, their effects
and some suggestions to balance work and studies. All responses are recorded anonymously so
feel free to provide honest feedback. Your responses will only be used for related purposes. If
you have any questions about the survey,you may contact me at this email address:
[email protected]. Thank you for your help!
1. Please indicate your gender
a. Male
b. Female
c. Prefer not to say
2. Are you interested in taking a part-time jobs?
a. Yes
b. No
3. How did you learn about part-time jobs information? (You can choose more than one)
a. Social media
b. Former staff

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c. Family/ Friends
d. Others:............
4. Which are common types of a part-time jobs for students? (You can choose more than one)
a. Tutor
b. Waiter/Waitress
c. Freelancer
d. Office Intern
e. Retail salesperson
f. Others:............
5. Why students are doing part-time jobs? (You can choose more than one)
a. To build professional network
b. To pay for personal needs
c. To gain job experience
d. To develop interpersonal skills
e. Others:............
6. How many hours per week do you work for?
a. Under 6 hours
b. 6 hours - 12 hours
c. 12 hours - 36 hours
d. More than 36 hours
7. What are the difficulties that you face while you are doing part-time jobs? (You can choose
more than one)
a. Manage time between study and work
b. No work benefits
c. Affect academic studies
d. Unreliable institution work
e. Problems in communication and relationships
f. Others:............
8. Are you a good manager between study and work?
(If you choose Yes, please answer question 9. If you choose No, please answer question 10)
a. Yes

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b. No
9. If Yes, how can you balance time between studies and work? Please give some effective
10. If No, what are the main reasons that you cannot manage? (You can choose more than one)
a. Health issues
b. Do too much job
c. Not focused on prioritizing tasks
d. Difficult study program
e. Others:............
Thank you for your feedback. We really appreciate your time!

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