Florence Nightingale Summary 2nd Term

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Florence Nightingale – 2nd Term

Chapter 7 - News from Scutari

1- Florence assisted in operations and prepared and administered medicine.
2- She trained in basic nursing skills, like how to observe a patient for signs of illness and
dress a wound.
3- She learned the value of good hospital organization and discovered the importance of
cleanliness when caring for the sick
4- She also taught the other students reading, writing, and math, as many of them had
not received the same quality of education Florence had.
5- Florence finally felt that her life had purpose.
6- Her parents, on the other hand, had softened their opinions.
7- At Kaiserswerth, Florence received a kind letter from her mother. Fanny had written
words of encouragement to her younger daughter, telling her to continue following
her dream.
8- After four months, Fanny and Parthe were ready to leave the spa in Germany and
return to England. Worried she’d never come back if they left without her, they
insisted that Florence accompany them home.
9- Florence went, but something had changed.
10- She was 33 years old now, which was considered then to be middle-aged.
11- She would no longer let her family decide how she lived her life or hope for a
marriage proposal.
12- Her father decided to support his hard-working daughter despite her unusual choices.
13- He provided her with funds for living expenses.
14- With money of her own, she could choose what to do and where to live.
15- In 1853, Florence accepted a position as the superintendent at a women’s hospital in
16- The Institution for Sick Gentlewomen in Distressed Circumstances was a small
hospital primarily for governesses with little money. Florence ran the hospital just as
she and her sister had helped their mother run Lea Hurst and Embley Park.
17- One major difference between home and hospital was that the hospital had little
18- Florence got to work: She balanced the budget and cut unnecessary expenses. She
instructed staff to make bedcovers for the 27 patient beds out of old curtains.
19- She purchased new linens for the place with her own money and decorated with
unwanted prints and furniture from home.
20- She started a library of books for patients with donations from her father’s collection.
21- She instructed plumbers to install pipes that would deliver hot water to each f loor, so
nurses wouldn’t have to haul buckets of water up the stairs.
22- Florence also came up with a system of hand bells that the patients at the hospital
could use to get the nurses’ attention.

23- Flo worked to improve nursing care and conditions for the hospital’s patients and
24- She didn’t have much free time—but when her old friend Sidney Herbert, now
Secretary of State at War for the British government, asked for help, she made time
25- Aware of Flo’s gift for documenting and organizing information, he asked Flo to help
him survey hospitals in London to, among other things, document working conditions
for nurses
26- She paid attention, took detailed notes, and, as always, learned everything she could.
27- A year of real-world experience sharpened Florence’s focus.
28- She found that her true passion was not only nursing, but training other women to be
29- When offered the opportunity to become the superintendent of nurses at King’s
College Hospital in London, she accepted the position.
30- Florence accepted a job at King’s College Hospital— but she would never actually
work there
31- However, world politics interrupted her plan. Turkey had declared war on Russia after
a series of disputes.
32- The British military had joined in to defend Turkey.
33- Reports traveling back to London from the Crimean War had depicted gruesome
hospital conditions and poor care for the sick and injured British soldiers there.
34- Soldiers were dying from battle wounds, cold, hunger, and sickness. Some said more
soldiers were dying in the British military hospital there than on the battlefields.
35- In 1853, war broke out between Turkey and Russia. Looking to expand its vast
empire, Russia wanted to take over lands that were ruled by Turkey. The British and
the French joined Turkey’s side in 1854 after a major Russian invasion. Most of the
battles of the war took place in Crimea, also known as the Crimean Peninsula, in
southern Russia. The British medical hospital, the Barrack Hospital, was in Scutari.
Scutari, now known as Üsküdar, is a district of the northern part of the Turkish city of
36- Florence lived in London at the time of the invasion
37- The Barrack Hospital was located in Scutari, a district of Istanbul, Turkey.
38- Florence had been reading every report she could find about the military hospital in
39- Her new job at King’s College was waiting, but she couldn’t help feeling she might be
able to do more good overseas.
40- The war was very bloody, and so many people were dying. Maybe she could help.
41- Florence wrote a letter to her friend Elizabeth Herbert. In the letter, Florence asked
Elizabeth if she thought her husband, Sidney, would allow Florence to lead a team of
nurses to help at the British military hospital in Scutari.
42- This was a very strange request, because female nurses had never worked in the
British army before.
43- In Victorian times, women were considered inferior to men when it came to their
ability to think and work
44- A woman’s job, society then believed, should be to manage the home, obey their
husbands, and have children.
45- Joining the military and going to war would keep them from being able to fulfill those
46- Florence had the skills and the ambition to make a big change and do something no
British woman had ever done before
Chapter 8 - Nurse of war
1- Sidney asked Florence to lead a group of women nurses to Scutari—exactly what she had
hoped to do.
2- Florence seized the opportunity. As she rushed to prepare for the trip, her only heartbreak
was the death of her beloved owl.
3- Finally, on October 21, 1854, Florence and 38 nurses boarded the paddle steamer Vectis.
4- The trip took more than two weeks. Prone to seasickness and stuck in a cramped cabin with
water sloshing underfoot, Florence suffered through every high wave and could barely eat.
5- She felt absolutely terrible, but she also felt the call of duty.
6- Flo entered a war zone when she arrived in Scutari.
7- Florence and her team of nurses arrived to heavy rains and news of an awful battle.
8- After arriving in Scutari and seeing the unclean conditions at the hospital, Florence cut her
hair short to keep it free of lice
9- They got to the dock at the same time as 400 injured soldiers who were being brought in
from the front lines.
10- At the hospital, the dead body of a Russian soldier greeted the nurses.
11- The place was plagued with blocked drains and broken toilets.
12- Thousands of sick or injured men lay in endless rows of mattresses crammed together.
13- Supplies of necessities like food and bandages were dangerously low, and the existing staff
had little training.
14- Florence and the other nurses found their rooms in the northwest corner of the ghostly
15- Their tight quarters, in which some of them were to live 12 people to a room, had leaky
ceilings and were inhabited by scampering rats and terrible smells.
16- There was no warm welcome from the doctors there
17- Women had never been part of the military, and the male doctors had very little experience
taking direction from women in professional matters
18- She wanted to gain the confidence of the army surgeons
19- The nurses busied themselves washing clothes and feeding injured soldiers.
20- They made bandages and scrubbed floors.
21- Some doctors absolutely refused to work with the women, and scolded their fellow medical
staff members who did.

22- Florence resolved that the nurses should not enter any of the medical wards or tend to
patients unless they were specifically asked.
23- With patients arriving daily, sometimes 700 at a time, the doctors could no longer refuse
help of any kind—especially from trained nurses.
24- Florence insisted her nurses in Scutari wear uniforms as a means of identification and
25- They wore plain brown woolen dresses, linen aprons, white caps, and sashes with the words
“Scutari Hospital” embroidered in red.
26- These were the first nursing uniforms, and not everyone liked them.
27- Florence created a classroom and a library in the hospital for soldiers to use. She also helped
them write letters home.
28- The nurses cleaned wounds, tried to lower fevers, provided meals, and gave patients clean
29- Florence made long lists of supplies that the hospital needed and documented areas of the
hospital that she thought could be run in a more efficient way.
30- She used chalk to number hospital beds so the nurses and doctors could keep track of
31- She also enlisted the soldiers’ wives to assist with the laundry.
32- She worked 20-hour days. Every night, she wrote an update to Sidney to share and
document details about the hospital’s poor conditions.
33- She lamented the lack of supplies and asked for basic things such as mops, plates, towels,
forks, spoons, scissors, and linens to make bandages.
34- Florence finally received a shipment of scrub brushes she had long been asking for.
35- she had the healthiest of the patients help the nurses scrub the hospital from top to bottom.
36- Florence felt strongly that the soldiers should be cleaned, fed, and tended to in the right way
37- By Christmas time, just two months after arriving in Scutari, she had already sent some
nurses home for not meeting her high standards.
38- Florence kept a register, or log, of the 229 nurses who came and went in Scutari.
39- She logged details including their names, ages, where they were from, and who had
recommended them.
40- The hospital lacked good procedures to receive and store food
41- she dedicated herself to creating a new standard of hospital care.
42- Florence and the other nurses were overwhelmed with patients coming in from the war.
Chapter 9 - War stories
1- Florence wrote in one letter that so many patients had amputated limbs, she doubted
patients had an average of three limbs each.
2- She also wrote of the smell of death and the lice that infested the soldiers’ hair.
3- Florence’s training in Kaiserswerth served her well in Scutari. Back in Germany, she had
assisted in operations and stood watch over patients through the nights.
4- She had also observed her first amputation and recorded the details in her journal

5- The grisly scenes in Scutari did not prevent Florence from tending to the soldiers with a
great deal of care and personal attention.
6- During the day, she soothed her patients by talking to them. At night, she monitored
them carefully.
7- A war reporter for The Times, a London newspaper, noticed Florence’s devotion to the
8- In an article in February 1855, he called her the “Lady with the Lamp.”
9- Another London newspaper, The Illustrated London News, ran a similar article later that
month, along with an illustration of Florence carrying a candle as she walks around
checking on soldiers in the dark.
10- Back in England, Florence’s fame grew
11- w. In addition to the war reporters’ stories about the Lady with the Lamp, soldiers had
been writing letters to their families at home with tales of her kindness, hard work, and
the great changes she had made.
12- Florence had become a national hero at home in England.
13- Fans wrote songs and poetry about her and named their ships after her
14- Parents of newborns around this time named their baby girls in her honor.
15- Many of her fans began helping the poor as a result of her influence.
16- In late 1855, after a public meeting in London to recognize her work, there was a
national appeal for a fund to help train other nurses.
17- People raised money through concerts and other events, and soldiers who had fought in
the war donated a day’s pay
18- It was called the Nightingale Fund, and Sidney Herbert was its honorary secretary
19- Some of the money helped Florence continue her work in Scutari
20- She bought better medical equipment and higher-quality food, and she hired workers to
clear drains
21- She could also afford to convert a local house into a laundry, and she enlisted help from
the wives and widows of the soldiers to do the wash.
22- Parthe and Fanny collected newspaper clippings about Florence and wrote letters on her
23- While Florence’s sister and mother enjoyed their heightened social status, her father hid
away in protest, unhappy about all of the bothersome attention his family was getting.
24- Florence felt that stories about her had been exaggerated and that they took away focus
from her real work
Chapter 10 - Fever
1- In May 1855 Florence, now 35, became ill with “Crimean fever.” She was as sick as any of
the patients the hospital had seen.
2- Florence likely contracted the illness from drinking contaminated milk in Scutari
3- The fever had gotten so high that, though Florence kept her hair short already, her
caretakers cut it even shorter to help her keep cool.

4- Soldiers at the hospital wept at the thought of her dying.
5- The doctors delayed sending word home to Florence’s family until they had good news.
6- Nine agonizing days later, her fever broke. She was too weak to feed herself and could
barely speak.
7- Florence slowly recovered in a small house away from Scutari.
8- To cheer up her sister, Parthe sent a book that she’d made and illustrated about the life of
9- Sidney Herbert sent her a dog to better her spirits.
10- Despite Florence’s success in making the Barrack Hospital cleaner and more efficient,
soldiers kept dying.
11- By early 1856, more than 4,000 soldiers had died over the winter.
12- That spring, officials discovered the hospital was built on a sewer. Patients had been drinking
contaminated water.
13- The area was flushed out and improved, and the number of patients dying at the hospital
decreased dramatically
14- On March 30, 1856, a treaty ended the Crimean War.
15- Florence remained in Scutari until the last of her patients left the hospital.
16- Traveling home a few months later, she used the name “Miss Smith” to avoid drawing
17- Florence didn’t like her fame, but it gave her power
18- Now she could more easily convince others that hospital reform was an important topic
19- She could make sure nursing became an important and respectable profession for women.
20- Florence’s new projects also brought her family closer. Her mother and sister worked hard
to promote her efforts.
21- Cousins and other family members joined in to help her run the hospital she would later
22- In 1858, Parthe married Sir Harry Verney, who had once asked Florence to marry him. A
talented writer and painter, Parthe continued to help her sister spread her important
messages. Although their relationship was often fraught with tension, they remained close
throughout their lives.
23- In September 1856, a month after she had returned from Scutari, Florence received an
24- Queen Victoria of England and her husband, Prince Albert, had taken an interest in the
welfare of the soldiers who returned from the Crimean War. They invited Florence for a
short, formal visit.
25- It was a high honor. It was also not the first time Florence had had a personal audience with
the queen
26- At 36 and having seen the horrors of war, this Florence was much different than the stylish
young debutante who had stood before Queen Victoria 20 years earlier.
27- In their brief meeting, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert thanked Florence for her hard work.

28- They also discussed her ideas about how to provide better care for sick and injured soldiers
in times of war
29- A year earlier, they had given Florence a beautiful engraved brooch now called the
“Nightingale Jewel.” The queen also awarded Florence a large sum of money for her efforts.
30- Florence later used the money to fund a hospital and a training school for nurses.
31- Florence was in pain and depressed about her health, but she was still determined to get as
much work done as possible before the end of her life, which she feared might soon come.
Chapter 11 - Bedside
1- In 1858, Florence was 38 years old, and she hardly left home. It would be this way for
the rest of her life.
2- She lived in Mayfair, a wealthy area in the West End of London near Buckingham Palace,
interviewing politicians and welcoming distinguished visitors from her bed
3- Bursting bookshelves and light from tall windows filled her bedroom.
4- Flo’s illness may have limited her physical ability, but her mind stayed sharp.
5- Florence remained as determined as ever to improve the way England provided health
care for its people.
6- She worked from the comfort of her bedroom with attentive housecats for company.
When she did travel, her cats often accompanied her on the train.
7- Despite not leaving the house much, she campaigned to improve England’s health
standards, publishing more than 200 books, reports, and pamphlets on hospital planning
and organization.
8- Many of these publications are still widely read today.
9- The Nightingale Training School for Nurses opened in 1860 at St. Thomas’ Hospital in
10- The school’s reputation soon spread, and “Nightingale nurses” were requested to start
new schools all over the world, including Africa, Australia, and America.
11- Florence was very sick, but she had family money to pay for help and care.
12- She believed that everyone, not just those who could afford to pay, should have medical
13- Florence published a book called Notes on Nursing. It was intended to teach people to
care for their sick relatives as a way to help even the poorest citizens of England
14- More than 150 years after Florence wrote Notes on Nursing, nurses all over the world
refer to its wisdom. The book addresses many issues and problems that nurses still
confront today. Florence’s words on everything from what it means to be a nurse, to the
confidentiality of medical details, to dealing with infections, remain useful
15- Florence wanted to prevent the mistakes made during the war from happening again.
16- She got help from leading statisticians to analyze vast amounts of detailed army data.
17- Their research revealed that of the 18,000 British soldiers who died in the Crimean War,
16,000 of the deaths resulted from diseases spread by poor sanitation that could have
been prevented.

18- Florence made a diagram that displays the data in a visual way so it can be easily
19- Florence’s coxcomb diagram helps show that more soldiers in the war died from disease
than from injuries
20- Drawn with pen and ink, Florence’s diagram illustrates the poor sanitation in British
hospitals during the Crimean War.
21- It shows that more patients had died from disease than from their war wounds.
22- Her creative and easy-to-read diagram, which is now called either a “coxcomb” or a
“rose” diagram, helped government officials make medical reform a priority.
23- Florence continued to work from her bed for decades.
24- Despite her illness, her aim was to keep improving the management of health
throughout the army.
25- Florence wrote hundreds of letters each month—more than 13,000 letters in total over
the years—and sometimes spent as many as 12 hours a day writing.
26- Florence was always surrounded by her cats. She had as many as 17 cats at one point.
27- In August 1910, at age 90, Florence seemed not to feel well, but she recovered and was
in good spirits.
28- A week later, however, she died at her home in Mayfair.
29- Her parents had died years before, and she had outlived her sister, too.
30- Florence was buried alongside the graves of other family members in East Wellow,
Hampshire, near her childhood home at Embley Park.
31- Florence is buried in the graveyard at St. Margaret’s Church in East Wellow, Hampshire,

Chapter 12 - Remembering Florence

1- Florence spent most of her life caring for others and fighting for what she believed to be
2- She expanded opportunities for women for generations to come and worked to improve
health care for all.
3- She transformed nursing into a respected profession.
4- She was a pioneer in displaying health care information, using statistics so others could
understand her observations.
5- Florence worked to lessen the suffering of others, from dying soldiers and patients to the
medical staff working in awful conditions.
6- She was passionate about her work as a nurse, and she overcame just about every challenge
that she faced.
7- Although she was raised in a wealthy family, Florence’s life was not easy
8- From the time she was young, those closest to her struggled to understand why she
wouldn’t conform to what society expected of a woman of her status.

9- Florence could never have known then she would work for 50 years to reform standards of
public health in England—or that, in doing so, she would save so many lives.
10- In 1881, the Army Nursing Service was established, which meant that nurses were now
officially part of the British military.
11- International Nurses Day is celebrated every year on May 12— Florence’s birthday
12- Florence’s legacy had enormous impact even after her death.
13- Over a century later, people remain interested in Florence’s story.
14- She is remembered with memorial statues, buildings, schools, and hospital wards that bear
her name.
15- Walking through the Florence Nightingale Museum, which sits at the site of the original
Nightingale Training School for Nurses in London, a person will find more than 2,000
artifacts from her life.
16- These include personal belongings, such as the slate she used as a child for her lessons
17- Even little Athena the owl’s body rests at the Florence Nightingale Museum, to remind
visitors of Flo’s affection for animals.
18- The International Committee of the Red Cross, an organization that helps people during
times of disaster, honors her memory with the Florence Nightingale Medal.
19- It is the highest international honor that a nurse can receive, and it recognizes those nurses
who have set themselves apart by showing courage and creativity in times of peace or war
20- During her life, Florence Nightingale showed great courage and confidence, but she also had
many frustrations and disappointments.
21- Her ideas and her hard work make up her life story, and they also changed the life stories of
many women who would enter the field of medicine in the future.
22- Florence’s greatest achievement, though, is never giving up on her life’s goals even when
challenges—such as her family’s opposing beliefs, a terrible war, or her own health—got in
her way.
23- Florence Nightingale was born in 1820
24- She died in 1910
25- She was a great woman .

General Exercise on Tenses

A- Correct the verbs between brackets :

1- After (do) my homework , I ( watch) TV .

2- The telegram (reach ) Cairo before your plane ( land )
3- By the time we (come) back , we (visit) most places of interest in Paris
4- Will that gramophone never stop? It (play ) the same tune for 3 hours
5- Abdul Rahman is learning the violin . He (practice ) since breakfast time . -----------------------
6- We must economize next month . We ( spend) far too much money lately . ----------------------
7- He usually ( drink) tea for breakfast but today he ( have ) coffee
8- She (go) to bed when she suddenly (see) a mouse
9- She (know) how to bake a cake because her mother ( teach) her
10- We cannot see Tom now , he (have) a bath
11- When Peter ( come) home , he (try) not to disturb us
12- While he (study) , he ( hear) a knock at the door
13- I ( like ) it better now . ------------------------------------------------------
14- He ( look) for him now , he (look) for him everyday
15- I cannot (come ) at this moment because I ( eat ) my dinner
16- As I ( work) , a man (knock ) at the door
17- It ( rain ) all the morning . -------------------------------------------- ------
18- I ( write ) a letter last Monday and I (write ) three letters since then
19- I ( never see) such a beautiful garden . --------------------------------------
20- You ( be) to the doctor lately ? ----------------------------------------------
21- I ( stay ) at home till the rain ( stop)
22- By the time we get to the party , everything ( eat)
23- He (promise) a week ago that he (return ) the books he ( borrow ) last month but he ( not
do ) yet

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
24- I ( know) him since I ( join ) the club
25- I (wait ) for him since four o’clock , but he (not come) yet
26- Many railways lines ( build) since 1998 -------------------------------------
27- Before ( accept ) the job , I (examine ) the contract
28- Since the island ( discover), much progress ( make)
29- I ( not see) him since he ( arrive )
30- When we ( arrive ) at the cinema , the film already ( start )
31- When you (come) back . I ( finish) all the housework
32- He suddenly ( realize ) that (travel ) in the wrong directions
33- He ( play ) the guitar outside his house when someone ( open) the window and ( throw ) out
a bucket of water
34- As I ( cross) the road , I ( step) on a banana skin and ( fall ) heavily . I still (lie) on the road
when I (see) a lorry ( approach ) . Luckily the driver ( see) me and (stop) the lorry on time
35- While I ( swim) someone (steal ) my clothes and I ( have) to walk home in my bathing dress
36- Yesterday after I ( eat ) my dinner , I (not get ) to sleep
37- Yesterday I ( do) my homework after I ( study )
38- He said he ( be) very sorry he (give) me so much trouble
39- How long it ( be) since you ( have ) a holiday ?
40- By the time you ( finish ) getting ready , we ( miss) the train
41 – I ( not realize) that I (leave) my umbrella in the bus until it ( start) to rain
42- By this time next year , the government ( resign )
43- It (be) a long time since I last (go) to a football match
44- I am sitting in class now , I (sit) in class at the exact time yesterday
45- So far this week , I (have) two tests and a quiz

46- It (snow ) all day . I wonder when it ( stop)
47- He ( be ) a newspaper reporter before he( become) a businessman
48- The telephone ( ring) for almost a minute , why ( not answer ) anyone it ?
49- I almost missed my plane . All the passengers already ( board) by the time I (get ) there
50- During this year , we ( see) many advances in computer technology
51- I (call ) Roger last night ,but he ( be not) at home . He (study) at the library
52- As I ( go) back home last night , I ( catch) a glimpse of someone (try) to get into my house .--
53- By the time you ( reach) the station , the train (leave)
54- If I ( see) that he was sick , I ( take) him to hospital
55- If you ( hammer ) a magnet , it (lose) its power
56- By the time he ( try) to log on , a computer hacker ( attack) the system
57- The computer business ( boom) nowadays , but very few people (be) aware of it
58- Demonstrations ( break) out soon after they (declare) that the summit conference ( be
postponed )
59- They ( oppose) the government police since they ( confiscate) their wealth
60- The Palestinians (struggle) for ages to restore their land and they never ( forget ) their target
61- She ( look) thoroughly exhausted , she ( struggle) to convince him to change his mind but it (
be) in vain
62- I see he ( be) busy ( update ) his computer system but I ( not think) he ( carry) it out properly
63- It (be) in vain ( try) to make up for the time you ( lose )
64- By the time you (find) a solution to your problems and ( apply) it , I already ( die ) . -----------
65- She ( believe) that she ( perform ) her play by the end of next month
67 – I ( teach ) for more than 20 years , but I never ( meet ) such a hopeful class as this . ----------
68- I ( buy ) a new house last year , but I ( not sell) my old house yet , so at the moment I ( have )
two houses --------------------------------------------------------

69- If Samir ( hear ) I was sick , he 9 phone ) me
70- I ( fly ) to the United States this evening , so by the time you receive this letter , I probably (
be) un New York . ----------------------------------------------------
71- Since she ( arrive ) from work , she ( tidy ) her room . She( not finish) yet .
72- After they ( eat ) their supper , they ( go ) for a walk
73- look ! he ( put ) a ticket on Tom’s car . tom will be furious when he ( see ) it . he (hate )
getting parking tickets
74- You ( book ) you hotel room yet ? well I ( write ) to the hotel last week but they ( not answer
) yet
75- In a few minutes’ time , when the clock ( strike) six , I ( write ) letters for two hours . ---------
76- When he ( give ) me the book , I ( know) that he ( not read) it because most of the pages (
be) still uncut
77- I am sorry you got lost coming home . I ( go) to pick you up if I ( know) you wanted me to .
87 - I ( run ) all the way to the station only to find that the train already(leave)
79- Before we ( go ) far , we found that we ( lose) our way
80- She ( watch ) TV for six hours now , I wonder when she ( start ) ( study ) her lessons.---------
-81- I am glad I missed the plane . If I ( catch ) it , I ( not be able) to meet my friends
82- By the time Mona ( arrive ) at the station , the train already ( leave)
83- She ( confess) that she ( leave ) the class without permission
84- Some people ( give ) up ( eat ) chicken since they ( hear) of the bird flu
85- Unfortunately , he ( change) his mind after he ( gain ) access to the king’s palace . -------------
86- No , I cannot really go now , by the time I ( go) home , the plane already ( take off) . ----------
87- What (do) if you ( win ) a million pounds in tomorrow’s contest?
88- I ( think) his health ( improve) since he (give) up smoking
89- As soon as he (reach) the station , he ( find) out that he ( leave) his wallet at home . He (
have) to go back to get it
90 - We ( come ) out of the cinema after the rain ( stop)


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