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My clothes are mostly casual pieces, but there are some things which have an
influence in my clothing. I dress differently in every season. What I wear depends on
the weather outside. In summer I wear light clothes such as short-sleeved T-shirts,
shorts, sandals, sunglasses. In winter, when the weather is cool, I wear a warm coat, a
sweater, jeans, boots, a beanie, a scarf and gloves. In spring and in autumn the weather
is changeable so I wear waterproof shoes, a thiner jacket which is not really warm,
jeans and a sweater.
Of course, there are some occasions when we have to dress up even if we aren’t
really into elegant clothes. For example on a wedding you should choose something
smart, but you shouldn’t wear white or red. Funerals request black clothes and on
school ceremonies you must wear a uniform. Some people are keen on elegant clothes
because they make them look serious but others can’t stand them as they are
uncomfortable. I guess I belong to the latter group. I only wear elegant clothes when
an occassion requires it, like I always dress up on school ceremonies because I know
it’s a must. But weekdays smart clothes are simply too much for me.
At home I never wear the same clothes as at school. I’m always in comfortable
clothes no matter how they look. I actually always wear my favourite soft and comfy
In my opinion today’s fashion trends are a kind of interesting, a little too much
for me. Although I follow some fashion pages on Instagram, I don’t dress according to
them. My style is more casual than some of those trends. I mean not everything is that
bad, you can find some awsome trends as well. But I can totally understand why
people follow the fashion: they want to be cool, modern, up-to-date or it’s their work,
but sometimes a person’s real personality just disappers behind those fancy, trendy and
stylish clothes.
I guess this is a problem because with your clothes you have to express yourself
and your identity. For example your taste in music: If you are into rock music you may
wear clothes which are made of leather. Or if you are fond of rap music you may wear
baggy clothes. Your clothes can also express your social class, your work, your mood.
When you are happy you may wear colourful clothes, but when you are in a bad mood
you may wear simple, black and white clothes.
Like I said before I usually wear casual clothes, so my favourite stuff is also a
simple piece of clothing. It’s a light pink hoody. It has a white drawstring, and some
white flowers on the right sleeve. The hoody is made of cotton so it’s pretty
comfortable. The inside is a little bit fluffy, so it’s really soft and also warm enough to
wear it in winter. I’ve got it for half a year. It was a Christmas present from my cousin.
In winter and in autumn I wear it a lot of times at school and sometimes also at home
because I feel comfortable in it.
In many countries around the world, for example in England, France, Japan,
China and in some areas of America students have to wear a uniform at school. Here,
in Hungary we don’t have to do it. Some students can’t stand wearing them, but lot of
parents are happy about this rule. Some students say that they can’t express their
personality with the uniforms, they are uncomfortable as girls have to wear skirts and
blouses and boys have to wear elegant trousers and often a tie. On the other hand
wearing uniforms is a great idea, because students can’t wear inappropriate clothes
such as miniskirts or T-shirts with some rude writing on them. Parents and teachers are
also for the idea of uniform as this way everybody seems equal, we can’t see the
financial backgrounds.
I’m not for the idea of school uniforms because children grow quickly so
uniforms have to be replaced often. White shirts can get dirty and get ripped easily,
and students may don’t have another piece to wear. Wearing our own clothes and
showing our own personality is far more comfortable.

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