Jais e Bruning (2017) Hypothalamic Inflammation in Obesity and Metabolic Disease

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Hypothalamic inflammation in obesity and metabolic disease

Alexander Jais, Jens C. Brüning

J Clin Invest. 2017;127(1):24-32. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI88878.

Review Series

Over the last years, hypothalamic inflammation has been linked to the development and progression of obesity and its
sequelae. There is accumulating evidence that this inflammation not only impairs energy balance but also contributes to
obesity-associated insulin resistance. Elevated activation of key inflammatory mediators such as JNK and IκB kinase
(IKK) occurs rapidly upon consumption of a high-fat diet, even prior to significant weight gain. This activation of
hypothalamic inflammatory pathways results in the uncoupling of caloric intake and energy expenditure, fostering
overeating and further weight gain. In addition, these inflammatory processes contribute to obesity-associated insulin
resistance and deterioration of glucose metabolism via altered neurocircuit functions. An understanding of the
contributions of different neuronal and non-neuronal cell types to hypothalamic inflammatory processes, and delineation
of the differences and similarities between acute and chronic activation of these inflammatory pathways, will be critical for
the development of novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome.

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R E V I E W S E R I E S : M E TA B O L I S M A N D I N F L A M M AT I O N The Journal of Clinical Investigation   
Series Editors: Alan R. Saltiel and Jerrold M. Olefsky

Hypothalamic inflammation in obesity

and metabolic disease
Alexander Jais1,2,3 and Jens C. Brüning1,2,3,4
Department of Neuronal Control of Metabolism, Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research, Cologne, Germany. 2Center for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Preventive Medicine (CEDP), University Hospital

Cologne, Cologne, Germany. 3Cologne Excellence Cluster on Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases (CECAD) and Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC), University of Cologne,
Cologne, Germany. 4National Center for Diabetes Research (DZD), Neuherberg, Germany.

Over the last years, hypothalamic inflammation has been linked to the development and progression of obesity and its
sequelae. There is accumulating evidence that this inflammation not only impairs energy balance but also contributes to
obesity-associated insulin resistance. Elevated activation of key inflammatory mediators such as JNK and IκB kinase (IKK)
occurs rapidly upon consumption of a high-fat diet, even prior to significant weight gain. This activation of hypothalamic
inflammatory pathways results in the uncoupling of caloric intake and energy expenditure, fostering overeating and further
weight gain. In addition, these inflammatory processes contribute to obesity-associated insulin resistance and deterioration
of glucose metabolism via altered neurocircuit functions. An understanding of the contributions of different neuronal and
non-neuronal cell types to hypothalamic inflammatory processes, and delineation of the differences and similarities between
acute and chronic activation of these inflammatory pathways, will be critical for the development of novel therapeutic
strategies for the treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome.

Introduction the hypothalamic area of the brain resulted in changes in feeding

For many years obesity has been known to induce a state of system- behavior and energy expenditure (11, 12). Key to this regulatory
ic low-grade inflammation that contributes to the development of function is the melanocortin system, which consists of two func-
numerous comorbidities, such as type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, tionally antagonistic neuronal populations — one subset of neurons
cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders (1–3). expresses the orexigenic neuropeptides agouti-related peptide
In addition to metabolic derangements in peripheral organs, obe- (AgRP) and neuropeptide Y (NPY), the second subset expresses the
sity-related inflammatory changes perturb brain function, espe- anorexigenic peptides proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and cocaine
cially affecting brain areas that regulate energy homeostasis and and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART). These neuronal
systemic metabolism. The importance of the brain in controlling subsets are located in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) of the mediobas-
energy homeostasis is underscored by the fact that monogenetic al hypothalamus (MBH) (13, 14). Both of these neuronal popula-
defects underlying the development of obesity are almost exclu- tions express high levels of receptors that bind hormones and thus
sively caused by mutations in genes that act in the brain to regulate respond to metabolic cues to control food intake and energy expen-
food intake (4). Furthermore, examination of genes at loci associ- diture, depending on the energy state of the body (15–17). Circulat-
ated with BMI has provided strong support for a role of the CNS in ing levels of insulin and leptin, proportionate to nutritional status
obesity susceptibility (5, 6). In addition to an individual’s genetic and adipose tissue stores, inhibit AgRP neurons and activate POMC
predisposition to hyperphagia, the virtually unlimited availabili- neurons, leading to decreased energy intake and increased energy
ty of calorie-dense, high-fat– and high-carbohydrate–containing expenditure (18–20). Neuronal intracellular insulin signaling trig-
foods has contributed to the recent, ever-increasing obesity epi- gers phosphorylation of forkhead box protein O1 (FOXO1), result-
demic (7, 8). Over the last years, hypothalamic inflammation has ing in nuclear exclusion of FOXO1 and inhibition of FOXO1-medi-
been linked to the development and progression of obesity and ated repression of POMC gene expression (21–23). Leptin receptor
its sequelae and has emerged not only as an important driver signaling leads to the phosphorylation of STAT3, which dimerizes
of impaired energy balance, but also as a contributor to obesity- and translocates to the nucleus, inducing POMC gene expression
associated insulin resistance via altered neurocircuit functions. (24). POMC is expressed as a precursor peptide, which is processed
posttranslationally into several peptides, including melanocortin
Hypothalamic regulation of energy homeostasis receptor ligands (25–27). These melanocyte-stimulating hormones
The hypothalamus controls a number of neuroendocrine functions (MSHs) are released from synaptic endings of POMC neurons and
that integrate metabolic feedback and regulate energy homeosta- act on melanocortin receptors (MC3R/MC4R) expressed on sec-
sis (9, 10). Early lesion experiments revealed that alterations in ond-order neurons that are located, among other target regions,
in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus to sup-
press food intake (16). These second-order neurons are part of the
Conflict of interest: The authors have declared that no conflict of interest exists. energy homeostasis circuit projecting to hindbrain autonomic cen-
Reference information: J Clin Invest. 2017;127(1):24–32. doi:10.1172/JCI88878. ters, such as the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS), which process

24 jci.org   Volume 127   Number 1   January 2017

The Journal of Clinical Investigation     R E V I E W S E R I E S : M E TA B O L I S M A N D I N F L A M M AT I O N

Figure 1. Hypothalamic control of energy

homeostasis. The hypothalamus senses and
integrates feedback from adipostatic hormones,
which circulate in levels proportionate to nutri-
tional status and adipose tissue stores. Insulin
and leptin act directly on neuronal subsets in
the ARC of the hypothalamus to control energy
homeostasis. Through activation of POMC neu-
rons and inhibition of AgRP neurons, adipostatic
signals activate MC4R-expressing neurons in the
PVN. During fasting conditions, the expression
of AgRP increases, whereas POMC expression is
reduced, resulting in decreased MC4R signaling.
In the fed state, AgRP levels are diminished and
POMC levels increase, which triggers MC4R sig-
naling and culminates in satiety and stimulation
of energy expenditure. Neuronal inflammation
and the subsequent insulin and leptin resistance
of ARC neurons disrupts this metabolic feedback
loop, further promoting increased food intake
and body weight gain.

the response to satiety signals and contribute to adaptive feeding Markers of hypothalamic inflammation increase significantly
behavior (ref. 28 and Figure 1). during the first days of HFD feeding, with reactive gliosis and
Under fasting conditions AgRP-expressing neurons are acti- neuronal injury manifesting during the first week, even prior to
vated to induce feeding, to inhibit energy expenditure, and to reg- body weight gain (35).
ulate glucose metabolism (13, 14, 29). More recently, we demon-
strated that an obesity-associated increase in circulating uridine Acute effects of HFD feeding
concentrations can increase hypothalamic UDP concentrations, Regulation of energy homeostasis depends on input to the hypo-
which in turn activate AgRP neurons in a P2Y6 receptor–depen- thalamus from metabolic feedback signals such as insulin and
dent manner (30). AgRP acts as an inverse agonist of MC3R/ leptin (36). Diet-induced obesity causes activation of cytokines
MC4R and counteracts the anorectic effect of α- and β-MSH, and inflammatory pathways in the hypothalamus (37). In paral-
thereby positively regulating feeding behavior (31). AgRP neuro- lel to the early occurrence of inflammation, three days of HFD
nal activity also immediately affects peripheral glucose homeo- feeding is sufficient to significantly reduce hypothalamic insulin
stasis (32, 33). Interestingly, signals that promote feeding also sensitivity in rodents (38). Importantly, these processes precede
enhance POMC neuronal activity. Activation of the cannabinoid inflammatory events in peripheral tissues, such as the liver (39).
receptor CBR1, which is known to mediate cannabinoid-induced Several studies have shown that specific lipid species are linked
food intake, leads to the (paradoxical) activation of POMC neu- with resistance to the main adipostatic hormones insulin and leptin
rons and the selective release of β-endorphin instead of α-MSH in peripheral tissues (40–43). Fatty acids, especially long-chain sat-
(34). This preferential production of β-endorphin is dependent on urated fatty acids (SFAs), can acutely modulate neuronal control of
endocannabinoid receptor expression in mitochondria and modu- energy homeostasis. Enteric gavage with SFAs induces hypotha-
lation of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 2. lamic inflammation within days, whereas administration of mono-
In this context it is remarkable how rapidly overconsump- unsaturated fatty acids did not result in compromised hypothalam-
tion of a fat-rich diet results in acute changes in the feedback to ic function (44). SFAs, such as palmitate and stearate, are able to
metabolic endocrine signals (such as leptin and insulin signaling) cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and accumulate specifically
and in hypothalamic inflammatory responses (35). Inflammatory in the hypothalamus, where they blunt anorexigenic signaling by
processes in the hypothalamus occur in two phases. A transient, insulin and leptin and thereby promote positive energy balance
early inflammatory phase and, with sustained exposure to high- (44–46). SFAs, unlike unsaturated fatty acids, trigger the activation
fat diet (HFD), a secondary phase, in which prolonged inflamma- of inflammatory signaling cascades via TLR4 signaling and the
tory cascades lead to the activation of cellular stress mechanisms. adaptor molecule myeloid differentiation primary response gene

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R E V I E W S E R I E S : M E TA B O L I S M A N D I N F L A M M AT I O N The Journal of Clinical Investigation   

induces weight gain and adiposity in mice

as a consequence of hyperphagia (55). In
fact, conditional JNK1 knockout specifical-
ly in the brain, but not in other tissues, leads
to protection against insulin resistance,
hyperinsulinemia, and glucose intolerance
(56, 57). Interestingly, activation of TLR4
signaling controls apoptotic activity of cells
in the hypothalamus but subsequently acti-
vates proinflammatory pathways that ulti-
mately lead to the development of central
insulin and leptin resistance (58).
Elevations of sphingolipids such as
ceramides, whose synthesis depends
on SFAs, and alterations in downstream
sphingolipid-mediated signaling pathways
might provide an additional mechanism
by which SFA-induced inflammatory path-
Figure 2. Molecular pathways of metabolic inflammation in the hypothalamus. Activation of ways mediate the deterioration of insulin
the insulin signaling pathway leads to FOXO1 phosphorylation, resulting in nuclear exclusion and
and leptin signaling (59, 60). Induction of
inhibition of FOXO1-mediated activation/repression of target genes. By removing FOXO1 repression,
insulin increases the anorexigenic tone via induced POMC gene expression in POMC neurons with ceramides during obesity has been shown
simultaneous suppressed AgRP/NPY expression in AgRP neurons. Binding of leptin to the leptin to promote insulin resistance (61). Cer-
receptor activates and recruits STAT3. Tyrosine phosphorylation triggers dimerization of STAT3 and amide is a common mediator of cellular
translocation to the nucleus, where the STAT3 complex induces POMC gene expression in POMC stress, and inhibition of ceramide biosyn-
neurons and suppresses AgRP/NPY in AgRP neurons. TNF-α binding promotes the trimerization
thesis blocks the ability of SFAs to induce
of the TNF receptor, which promotes the assembly of a signaling complex that activates JNK and
inhibits cellular insulin signaling. In addition, TNF signaling triggers activation of NF-κB. In the TLR4 insulin resistance in obese rodent models
signaling pathway, MyD88 serves as a scaffold protein for downstream signaling molecules. NF-κB (62). Although hypothalamic metabol-
dimers are sequestered in the cytoplasm by the inhibitor of NF-κB α (IκBα). Phosphorylation by the ic inflammation affects both males and
IKK complex and subsequent proteolysis of IκBα leads to the release and nuclear translocations of females, sphingolipids and palmitic acid
NF-κB. NF-κB heterodimer RelA and p50 bind to motifs in the promoter of targets genes, such as
show a sexually dimorphic accumula-
SOCS3, a common inhibitor of insulin and leptin signaling, and proinflammatory genes. Induction of
ceramides leads to increased phosphorylation and localization of PKC with caveolin-enriched lipid tion pattern during high-fat feeding and
microdomains to inactivate Akt. increase more in the CNS of male mice
than in female mice (63). Furthermore,
SFAs are able to mediate central insulin
88 (MyD88) (refs. 47, 48, and Figure 2). Pharmacologic inhibition resistance via activation of the PKC isoform PKC-θ. Palmitic
of neuronal TLR4 signaling inhibits fatty acid–induced insulin (45) acid induces translocation of PKC-θ to the cell membrane exclu-
and leptin resistance (49). Furthermore, mice with CNS-specific sively in AgRP neurons, resulting in inhibition of PI3K signaling
ablation of MyD88 are protected from HFD-induced weight gain (64). This finding is specific for palmitic acid, as CNS exposure
and deterioration of glucose metabolism (48). Downstream sig- to the monounsaturated fatty acid oleic acid did not induce insu-
naling occurs via the IKK complex and NF-κB activation, leading lin resistance. Conversely, ARC-specific knockdown of PKC-θ
to the expression of proinflammatory genes in the hypothalamus attenuated diet-induced obesity (64). These HFD-induced per-
(45, 49, 50). Brain-specific activation of IKKβ results in increased turbations are further amplified by the ER system via activation
food intake and body weight gain and interrupts central insulin of unfolded protein response (UPR) signaling pathways (52, 65,
and leptin signaling (50). Furthermore, activation of NF-κB induc- 66). In the hypothalamus, ER stress and activation of UPR signal-
es expression of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3), which ing pathways lead to the development of insulin and leptin resis-
subsequently inhibits neuronal insulin signaling (50). Upon acute tance. ER stress and IKK/NF-κB promote each other during HFD
exposure to HFD, SOCS3 is upregulated in AgRP neurons, leading feeding and accelerate the energy imbalance underlying obesity
to hyperphagia, energy imbalance, and development of insulin (50). Central administration of an ER stress inducer inhibits the
and leptin resistance. In contrast, intracerebroventricular (ICV) anorexigenic and weight-reducing effects of leptin and insulin
injections of unsaturated fatty acids, namely omega-3 fatty acids, (67). Conversely, mice with neuron-specific deletion of ER stress
restore leptin and insulin sensitivity (51–53). activator X-box binding protein 1 (Xbp1) exhibit increased leptin
TLR4-mediated signaling pathways also activate the MAPK resistance and adiposity (65). Hypothalamic POMC neurons
pathway, which triggers p38- and JNK-dependent signaling and are critical mediators of hypothalamic ER stress. Constitutive
activation of various activator protein-1 (AP-1) subunits. JNK expression of Xbp1s selectively in POMC neurons represses Socs3
mediates inhibitory phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate and protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (Ptp1B) expression and pro-
(IRS) proteins at serine 307, thereby impairing insulin action (54). tects against HFD-induced obesity (68). ER stress and the UPR
Constitutive JNK activation in AgRP neurons of the hypothalamus are potent regulators of POMC neurons and are therefore inter-

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cific ablation of PTP1B recapitulated these findings and identified

POMC neurons as important targets of PTP1B action (74, 75).
HFD feeding also alters synaptic plasticity, a change in synaptic
strength in response to stimuli, in key hypothalamic neuronal sys-
tems (76–78). When exposed to a HFD, both POMC and AgRP neu-
rons present fewer synapses on their perikarya compared with mice
fed a normal chow diet. The decrease in POMC synapses affects
inhibitory contacts specifically, suggesting a decreased inhibitory
tone (78). In addition, prolonged inflammation leads to apoptosis
of hypothalamic neurons and a reduction of synaptic inputs in the
ARC and lateral hypothalamus (58, 79, 80). POMC neurons in the
hypothalamus are the main targets of inflammation-induced apop-
tosis, resulting in an imbalance of the hypothalamic control of ener-
gy homeostasis (35, 58, 80). Furthermore, long-term HFD feeding
leads to functional impairment of the neurogenic capacity of hypo-
thalamic neural stem cells (htNSCs), in which HFD-induced activa-
tion of IKK/NF-κB triggers apoptotic pathways, resulting in reduced
proliferation and survival of htNSCs (80).

Hypothalamic microglia and metabolic

Figure 3. Cellular network of hypothalamic inflammation. Neurons are
embedded within populations of non-neuronal cells, and HFD-induced
Prolonged HFD feeding leads to metabolic inflammation in periph-
inflammation rapidly impairs a complex network of different cell types. eral organs such as white adipose tissue, liver, and skeletal muscle
HFDs impair BBB function at the level of endothelial cells and astro- (81). In contrast, hypothalamic inflammation occurs before signif-
cytes and also impair the transport function of hypothalamic tanycytes. icant body weight gain, with rapid activation of a complex network
The release of proinflammatory cytokines from microglia, astrocytes, of cells (Figure 3 and ref. 35). Activation of hypothalamic microglia
perivascular macrophages, and infiltrating immune cells impairs neuronal
function and translates into altered feeding behavior and energy expendi-
in obese mice is influenced by dietary composition and by fat- and
ture. This proinflammatory environment leads to functional impairment of gut-derived hormones, rather than obesity or adiposity per se (82).
supporting cells, such as oligodendrocytes, and of the neurogenic capacity Activated microglia accumulate within the hypothalamus (35, 49)
of the hypothalamus. and are associated with the buildup of SFAs (44). Interestingly, the
depletion of microglia in the hypothalamus reduces SFA-induced
inflammation and neuronal stress, which enhances leptin signal-
esting targets for the amelioration of central insulin and leptin ing and leads to decreased food intake (44). Conversely, ICV infu-
resistance and the regulation of metabolic disorders. sion of stearic acid leads to hypothalamic inflammation that mim-
Collectively, multiple inflammatory and stress response ics TNF-α action (83). Furthermore, neuropeptides such as α-MSH
pathways are rapidly activated during HFD-feeding and promote and NPY can immediately modulate the production of cytokines
the development of neuronal insulin and leptin resistance, rais- by microglial cells (84, 85). Activated hypothalamic microglia
ing the possibility that nutrient excess itself is the primary driver produce a variety of proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α,
of hypothalamic inflammation. IL-1β, and IL-6 (86, 87); however, IL-6 was shown to be involved
in exercise-induced suppression of IKKβ/NF-κB activity and ER
Chronic effects of HFD feeding stress in the brain, leading to a reduction in food intake (88). Apart
Inflammatory mediators released from non-neuronal cell types from direct proinflammatory action on neurons, these microglia-
give rise to long-lasting impaired metabolic control of the hypo- derived cytokines induce the expression of fractalkine (CX3CL1)
thalamus. Proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, promote the in neurons (89), thereby amplifying the inflammatory processes
onset of insulin and leptin resistance by further activation of JNK/ through recruitment of peripheral monocytes to the hypothala-
AP-1 and NF-κB signal transduction pathways. CNS exposure to mus. Although considered to be immune privileged, recent find-
low-dose TNF-α promotes local insulin and leptin resistance (69), ings show that the brain is tightly coupled to the immune system,
whereas hypothalamic administration of the anti–TNF-α antibody as exemplified by the discovery of a classical lymphatic system in
infliximab markedly reduces body weight gain during HFD feed- the CNS that allows lymphatic drainage and leukocyte traffick-
ing (70). Furthermore, TNF-α induces the expression of PTP1B, ing (90). Indeed, reciprocal interactions between the CNS and
a major negative regulator of insulin and leptin signaling, via the innate immune system may allow the brain to rapidly sense
NF-κB activation (71). Elevated levels of PTP1B after long-term peripheral metabolic and inflammatory cues (91).
HFD feeding attenuate insulin signaling via direct dephosphory-
lation of the insulin receptor as wells as its downstream substrate, Hypothalamic astrocytes
IRS-1 (72, 73). Neuronal-specific deletion of Ptp1b in mice has Metabolically, the brain critically depends on sustained energy
been shown to reduce body weight and adiposity, increase energy supply and relies almost exclusively on glucose as its main energy
expenditure, and improve glucose homeostasis (72). POMC-spe- source, although the brain is able to use other energy substrates

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R E V I E W S E R I E S : M E TA B O L I S M A N D I N F L A M M AT I O N The Journal of Clinical Investigation   

such as ketone bodies during development and starvation (92). fed regular chow (113). These findings imply that increased expo-
Glucose is primarily taken up by astrocytes located around blood sure to dietary lipids, but not increased body weight, is the pre-
vessels and metabolized to lactate, which is supplied to neurons dominant driver of BBB impairment. Furthermore, mice that are
(93). However, a recent study is challenging this view and shows fed a long-term HFD show increased hypothalamic angiopathy
that neurons, and not astrocytes, are the primary consumers of with increased blood vessel density and length (102).
glucose (94). Apart from this shuttling function, astrocytes play a
key role in maintaining synaptic plasticity and survival (95). Contributions of other cell types
HFD is associated with the accumulation and activation of Tanycytes are specialized glial cells that play a crucial role in the
astrocytes in the hypothalamus (35, 96). Reactive astrocytosis in transport of and response to leptin (112, 114). These cells have long
the hypothalamus occurs as early as 24 hours after HFD intake processes that bridge the cerebrospinal fluid to the portal capil-
(97). In response to HFD feeding, hypothalamic astrocytes pro- laries. Recently another cell type, NG2-glia cells (also known as
duce a variety of inflammatory factors. Again, SFAs activate oligodendrocyte precursors) were determined to be critical for
inflammatory signaling pathways in primary astrocyte cultures hypothalamic function, as the ARC leptin receptor neurons lose
and trigger the release of inflammatory cytokines (98). Astrocytes responsiveness to leptin after NG2-glia ablation (115). These cell
also express TLRs that respond to inflammatory triggers via acti- types are part of a complex regulatory network involved in main-
vation of the NF-κB pathway, which in turn regulates the expres- tenance of metabolic homeostasis and underscore the importance
sion of proinflammatory cytokines (99). In addition, obesity- of understanding the interactions between neuronal and non-neu-
induced production of TGF-β by astrocytes induces a hypothalam- ronal cells in hypothalamic inflammation.
ic RNA stress response to accelerate Ikba mRNA decay, leading to
atypical NF-κB activation in the hypothalamus (100). Thus, cross- Hypothalamic deregulation in the human brain
talk of astrocytes and neurons in response to HFD intake plays a There is growing evidence that consumption of a high-fat, high car-
fundamental role in hypothalamic inflammation. bohydrate diet is associated with hypothalamic deregulation in the
human brain, but so far only a few studies have addressed anoma-
Hypothalamic vasculature and the BBB lous hypothalamic function in the human brain directly. A retrospec-
Alterations of the BBB are fundamentally involved in the devel- tive analysis of MRIs of non-obese and obese patients showed evi-
opment of hypothalamic inflammation (101). The BBB acts as dence of increased gliosis in the MBH of obese humans (35). A study
an interface between the CNS and peripheral tissues, regulating using diffusion tensor imaging reported obesity-associated hypo-
the exchange of substances between the circulation and the brain thalamic damage associated with inflammatory markers and worse
parenchyma. Pathologic changes in the hypothalamic vasculature cognitive performance (116). Furthermore, obesity-related systemic
have been observed in response to a HFD/high-sucrose diet in inflammation reduces the integrity of brain structures involved in
rodents as well as in patients with type 2 diabetes (102). Moreover, reward and feeding behaviors (117). Mouse models of obesity pro-
the unique, fenestrated capillary system in the median eminence vide unique insights into disease mechanisms but have their trans-
exposes hypothalamic cell populations to stress-promoting signals lational limitations, as exemplified by the lack of β-MSH in mice
emanating from peripheral circulation (35, 103, 104). Interesting- (27). In light of the limited knowledge of metabolic inflammation in
ly, obesity-associated astrogliosis does not occur uniformly across the human brain, further neuroimaging studies on human patients
the hypothalamus, but is associated with microvessels, suggesting are needed to validate findings from animal models and potential
a possible response by astrocytes to changes at the BBB and/or therapeutic strategies. Neuroimaging techniques such as functional
the peripheral circulation (105). IL-1β is upregulated in the CNS MRI, PET, electroencephalography, and magnetoencephalography
during HFD feeding and contributes to BBB dysfunction via the are powerful tools for directly investigating changes in brain func-
transcriptional repression of claudin-5 (106), a tight junction pro- tion associated with human obesity and provide an important link
tein critically involved in maintaining BBB integrity (107). Further- between animal studies and clinical research in obese patients.
more, long-term intake of a hypercaloric diet decreases expres-
sion of other tight junction proteins on brain endothelial cells and Hypothalamic inflammation and deregulation
increases in microgliosis (108). This disruption of BBB integrity of peripheral tissues
permits leukocyte infiltration into the brain (109). Critically, the Hypothalamic neurons project to autonomic sites such as the ros-
function of the BBB is controlled by VEGF, which is the key regu- tral ventrolateral medulla, NTS, and dorsal motor nucleus of the
lator of neovascularization, blood vessel homeostasis, and hyper- vagus nerve in the hindbrain (118, 119). The sympathetic nervous
vascularization (110). Recently, work from our lab has shown that system stimulates thermogenesis and stabilizes body weight via
acute HFD feeding leads to reduced brain glucose uptake. Sub- activation of β-adrenergic receptors. HFD-induced hypothalamic
sequent activation of perivascular macrophages increases VEGF inflammation disrupts this regulatory pathway of energy homeo-
production, which is sufficient to reconstitute glucose transporter stasis. Overnutrition is associated with excessive sympathoexci-
expression at the BBB (91). Long-term HFD feeding results in the tation, which increases weight gain as a consequence of reduced
expression of VEGF in astrocytes (111) as well as in tanycytes in sensitivity of β-adrenergic receptors (120). In this context, NF-κB–
the hypothalamus (112), which promotes microvessel permeabili- mediated inflammation in POMC neurons, rather than AgRP
ty and disruption of BBB integrity. HFD-fed mice show increased neurons, is required for overnutrition-induced sympathoexci-
accumulation of IgG in the ARC, whereas in chow-fed obese ob/ob tation (121). Furthermore, a reduction in parasympathetic tone
mice, IgG deposition was comparable to control wild-type mice has been demonstrated to contribute to the activation of inflam-

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The Journal of Clinical Investigation     R E V I E W S E R I E S : M E TA B O L I S M A N D I N F L A M M AT I O N

matory responses in obesity (122, 123). Activation of α7 nicotinic bidities. Most of the evidence points to uncoupling of food intake
acetylcholine receptors on immune cells could thus limit obesi- and energy expenditure due to diet-induced inflammation and
ty-induced inflammation and subsequently improve systemic gliosis in the hypothalamus. Obesogenic diets elicit early inflam-
insulin resistance (124, 125). Hypothalamic inflammation exerts matory effects in the hypothalamus, which precede inflamma-
broad effects on peripheral tissues, such as modulation of insulin tory events in peripheral tissues. Metabolic processes are not
secretion by pancreatic β cells (83). Similar to β cells (126), glucose regulated via neuronal cells alone, but rather they are embedded
sensing in POMC neurons is lost during the development of met- in a complex regulatory system of different cell types. Prolonged
abolic syndrome, which subsequently leads to impaired control over-nutrition leads to sustained hypothalamic inflammatory
of glucose metabolism and energy homeostasis (127). In rodents, processes via interactions between neurons and non-neuronal
three days of HFD feeding were sufficient to impair the ability of cell populations, perpetuating these initially reversible process-
hypothalamic insulin to suppress white adipose tissue lipolysis es and ultimately resulting in uncoupling between caloric intake
and hepatic glucose production (128). In addition, hypothalamic and energy expenditure, fostering overeating and further weight
inflammation leads to deregulation of peripheral insulin action gain. Understanding the contributions of different neuronal and
(129) and a reduction in adaptive thermogenesis (130, 131). non-neuronal cell types to hypothalamic inflammatory processes
and delineating differences and similarities between acute and
Maternal metabolic imprinting chronic activation of inflammatory pathways will be critical to
Increasing evidence from human and animal studies suggests that the development of novel therapeutic strategies for the treat-
maternal obesity and/or diabetes has long-term consequences ment of metabolic syndrome.
for the future health of offspring (132–135). Maternal feeding of
a HFD only during lactation impairs hypothalamic melanocortin Acknowledgments
circuitry, leading to malformation of neural projections as a con- The authors apologize to all authors not cited who have made
sequence of abnormal insulin signaling (134). The maternal diet important contributions. This work was supported by a grant from
affects hypothalamic function and plasticity, resulting in alter- the DFG (BR 1492/7-1) to JCB, by the DFG-funded TRR134 collab-
ations to energy homeostasis in the offspring. Furthermore, HFD orative research center, and by the CMMC and the Excellence Ini-
exposure prior to and during pregnancy in rodents (136, 137) and tiative by German Federal and State Governments (CECAD). The
non-human primates (138, 139) leads to activation of the maternal authors were supported in part by the Helmholtz Alliance Imaging
immune system and subsequent increases in brain inflammatory and Curing Environmental Metabolic Diseases (ICEMED), through
markers of the offspring. Therefore, inflammatory pathways in the the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association.
brain may already be primed toward a proinflammatory response The authors also received funding from the European Union Sev-
as a consequence of maternal diet. enth Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under grant 266408.

Conclusion Address correspondence to: Jens C. Brüning, Max Planck Institute

Over the last years it has become evident that the brain plays a for Metabolism Research, Gleueler Str. 50, 50931 Cologne, Ger-
crucial role in the development of obesity and associated co-mor- many. Phone: 49.221.4726202; E-mail: [email protected].

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