Types of Waterptoofing Materials

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This is one of the
1. POLYURETHANE waterproofing products
used especially on the
Polyurethane is considered one of the roofs of commercial
best waterproofing materials. It can be buildings. It is a very tough and flexible
applied seamlessly and penetrates the material, offering excellent protection
surface deeply and evenly. Thus, the against all weather conditions and has
polyurethane membrane will fill in even very low water vapor permeability. It also
the finest cracks in concrete, reducing its dries quickly, in 3-4 hours after
water absorbency capacity. Another key application.
benefit of polyurethane is that it resists oil,
detergents, and various chemicals. 5. THERMOPLASTIC

2. CEMENTITIOUS COATING This is one of the

Cementitious coating is materials with the
a powder mix of sand, longest lifespan –
organic, and inorganic around 50 years. When heated correctly,
substances plus silica- thermoplastic becomes semi-solid and is
based materials. It is very popular among an excellent option for sealing sheets and
waterproofing contractors because it is panels. Since it contains elastomers,
very easy to apply. They only have to mix thermoplastic is very flexible and resistant
the powder with a specific quantity of to impact.
water and they can start the installation

The downside of this benefit is the lack of Versatile, easy to

flexibility of cementitious coating. For this apply, and
reason, we list it among the recommended recommended both for
waterproofing materials for the basement commercial and
and foundation. residential buildings, the bituminous
membrane is obtained by mixing bitumen
3. EPDM RUBBER (a substance similar to tar) with a mixture
EPDM rubber is one of of materials. The result is a sticky and
the recommended viscous substance, with great endurance.
waterproofing materials DryTech uses multiple waterproofing
for roofs. It is available materials like thermoplastic, bituminous
in membranes with two thicknesses: 45 membrane and others
mils and 60 mils. Flexibility is the key
benefit of this waterproofing product – a 7. PVC WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE
critical aspect for roof waterproofing, as it
PVC membrane is one of the most
expands and contracts constantly due to
frequently used waterproofing products for
temperature variations.
roofs. It is both water and vapor
DryTech also uses EPDM Rubber as one permeable and can be reinforced to offer
of our waterproofing products usually extra durability. It is also very easy to
convenient for roofs install and has a long lifespan.

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