Chap 6 Part AV2
Chap 6 Part AV2
Chap 6 Part AV2
1. The present law of Probate, Administration and Reference to
Indian Succes-
Succession Certificates is contained in Indian sion Act, 1925.
Succession Act of 1925, as amended. The references
below are to the Act of 1925.
2. A person to whom a grant of Probate or Letters Inventory of
property and
of Administration is made is required to file a full and assets and
true inventory of the property and credits of the estate debts and
and of all the debts owing by any person in Court accounts
to be put in.
within six months, or such further time as the Court
may allow from the date of the grant and to render
accounts within one year, or such further time as the
Court may allow (section 317).
3. The form in which the grant of Probate is to be Form for grant
of Probate and
made will be found in Schedule VI to the Act and that Letters of Ad-
for the grant of Letters of Administration in Schedule ministration..
4. The duty of an Executor or Administrator in re- Copy of Section
gard to the exhibiting of an inventory and account and 317 prescribing
Penality for not
the penalty to which such Executor or Administrator filing inventory
becomes liable for omission to comply with the requisi- and accounts to
tion is detailed in section 317 of the Act, and this be given.
(Sd.) ,
District Judge.
Rules framed 13. In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 223
under sections
223 and 226 of and 236 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925 (XXXIX of
the Act.
Vol. II 3 Ch. 6-A.
(3) The company shall have a share capital for the time
being subscribed of not less than—
(a) Rs. 10 lakhs in the case of a company of the
description specified in sub-clause (a) of clause (1)
*Note.—These powers have now been transferred to the State Government,-
vide the Government of India (Adaptation of Indian Laws) Order, 1937.
Vol. II 4 Ch. 6-A.