Chap 6 Part AV2

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Vol. II 1 Ch. 6-A.

1. The present law of Probate, Administration and Reference to
Indian Succes-
Succession Certificates is contained in Indian sion Act, 1925.
Succession Act of 1925, as amended. The references
below are to the Act of 1925.
2. A person to whom a grant of Probate or Letters Inventory of
property and
of Administration is made is required to file a full and assets and
true inventory of the property and credits of the estate debts and
and of all the debts owing by any person in Court accounts
to be put in.
within six months, or such further time as the Court
may allow from the date of the grant and to render
accounts within one year, or such further time as the
Court may allow (section 317).
3. The form in which the grant of Probate is to be Form for grant
of Probate and
made will be found in Schedule VI to the Act and that Letters of Ad-
for the grant of Letters of Administration in Schedule ministration..
4. The duty of an Executor or Administrator in re- Copy of Section
gard to the exhibiting of an inventory and account and 317 prescribing
Penality for not
the penalty to which such Executor or Administrator filing inventory
becomes liable for omission to comply with the requisi- and accounts to
tion is detailed in section 317 of the Act, and this be given.

section is printed in small type at the foot of the form of

grant prescribed by the High Court. (Form No. 176 in
Part A-II of Volume VI, High Court Rules and Orders). If
for any reason the printed form is not used a copy of
section 317 should be delivered to the person receiving
the grant so that there may be no excuse for failure to
comply with the requirements of the law.
5. Section 296 provides that when a grant is Probate or
Letters should
revoked or annulled under section 263 the Probate or be surrendered
Letters of Administration must be surrendered to the on revocation
of grant.
Court by the person to whom they were granted and a
penalty is prescribed for failure to comply with this
6. In respect of estates in which the value of the Case in which
probate or
property affected beyond the limits of the State does not Letters are con
exceed Rs. 10,000 and the deceased at the time of his clusive in an-
other State.
death had his fixed place of abode within the
jurisdiction of a
Vol. II 2 Ch. 6-A.

District Judge the grant of Probate or Letters of Adminis-

tration by the District Judge has effect, unless otherwise
directed by the grant, throughout the other State. (Section
Procedure 7. Section 274 of the Act prescribes the transmission
where Probate or
Letters have to to the High Courts and District Judges of certificates of
take effect in grants having effect in other State(s).
othe r S ta te (s).

Amount and locality

of assets beyond
8. Sections 276 and 278 of the Act require applicants
the State to be to state the amount and locality of assets situated outside
stated. the State.

Applicants to State 9. Section 279 requires applicants, in certain cases,

in some cases
whether Probate or
to state whether or not application for Probate or Letters of
Letters have been Administration has been made to any other Court.
applied for
Case where copy 10. Section 283 directs the issue of a copy of the
of citation to be
issued outside citation outside the State to the District Judge in whose
State. jurisdiction the property is situated.
Inventory to include
property in a ny
11. Section 318 directs that in cases of the nature
p ar t of India in described in that section, the executor or administrator
certain cases. shall include in the inventory of the effects of the deceased
all his movable and immovable property situated in India.

Certificate where 12. When a grant of Probate or Letters of Adminis-

Probate or Letters
are effective
tration is made, and it is intended that the grant is to have
throughout India. effect throughout India, a certificate in the following terms
should be endorsed at the foot of such grant, viz.,:—
"Certified that the value of the property affected
beyond the limits of the Punjab by the foregoing
grant does not exceed ten thousand rupees.

(Sd.) ,

District Judge.
Rules framed 13. In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 223
under sections
223 and 226 of and 236 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925 (XXXIX of
the Act.
Vol. II 3 Ch. 6-A.

1925) the Central Government is pleased to make the

following rules:-
1. In these rules—
(a) "Share capital" includes stock; and
(b) “Trust business" means the business of acting as
trustee under wills and settlements and as
executor and administrator.

2. The conditions to be satisfied by a company in order to

render it eligible for the grant of probate or letters of
administration under the Indian Succession Act, 1925, shall
be the following, namely:—

(1) The Company shall be either—

(a) a company formed and registered under the

Indian Companies Act, 1913, or under the
Indian Companies Act, 1866, or under any Act
or Acts repealed thereby, or under the Indian
Companies Act, 1882, or a company formed
under any other Act of the Governor-General in
Council or of the Indian Legislature, or

(b) a company constituted under the law of the

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland or any part thereof, and having a place
of business in British India, or

(c) a company established by Royal Charter and

having a place of business in British India.*

(2) The company shall be a company empowered by its

constitution to undertake trust business.

(3) The company shall have a share capital for the time
being subscribed of not less than—
(a) Rs. 10 lakhs in the case of a company of the
description specified in sub-clause (a) of clause (1)
*Note.—These powers have now been transferred to the State Government,-
vide the Government of India (Adaptation of Indian Laws) Order, 1937.
Vol. II 4 Ch. 6-A.

(b) £ 100,000 in the case of a company of the descrip-

tion specified in sub-clause (b) of clause (1) of which
at least one-half shall have been paid up in cash:

Provided that the Central Government may exempt any

company from the operation of this clause.

(Government of India Notification No. F. 349/32-Judl.,

dated the 17th January, 1933 as modified by Government of
India Notification No. F. 242/35, dated the 27th March,

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