Transport in Plants

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Transport in Plants
Plant hormones (Plant Growth regulators),
Introduction Other chemical stimuli
Transported in very small
Water amounts from where they
Mineral nutrients are synthesized.
a In flowering plants there
is transportation of Plant growth regulators Either in

Organic nutrients
Sometimes in a Unidirectional
strictly Polarised way Or
Diffusion manner
Short distance Needs
b Transportation
Cytoplasmic Aided by
streaming To other parts
active transport

Long distance Xylem Conclusion

is carried
c transportation Vascular
out by In flowering plants there is a complex traffic of compounds
(Translocation) Phloem tissues
(in different directions but probably ordered manner)
Unidir- Water & minerals Through
Direction ectional from root to leaf Xylem Every organ accepting some substances
d of Transport and giving out some others
Multidir- Organic and Through
ectional mineral nutrients phloem
Means of Transport

Photosynthesis To other parts

e Diffusion Facilitated diffusion Active transport
Organic compound Re-export organic
compound one part of intercellular spaces
formed cell to cell
cell to other of leaf to outside

Exported To other parts of plant b c May occur from d

through phloem and Storage organs In random manner Slow process
Not dependent on
a Passive Transport Diffusion e
living system
Soil Solution Downhill
f Factors affecting
Mineral nutrients are taken up by Root process
why? Concentration
Upwards transportation of minerals
By Xylem Region of Region of Temperature
Stem, Leaf, Growing regions High concn Low concn Pressure
of substances of substance Size of substances
So no need of energy
Solubility in lipid
of cell membrane
Diffusion is obvious in gases and liquid but diffusion
in solid is more likely rather than of solid

From plant parts undergoing senescence It means

(Deterioration with age)
Solid - gas Diffusions is
Nutrients are withdrawn Solid - Liquid Diffusion
common & easier
Diffusion is High Low
Move to growing regions Solid - solid
difficult concn concn
Some special proteins
Their movement
b provide a site for hydrophlic Downhill
has to be facilitated
substance to pass membrane process
c e why?
a Specific for substances d
Substance having Passive process for passing
Region of Region of
hydrophilic moiet through membrane
High concn Low concn
(compound) finds of substances of substance
difficulty passing So no need of energy
through membrane

Facilitated diffusion
Maximum transport
rate is achieved Carrier proteins or Transporters Bind to
Transport protein
Channel proteins
It is sensitive to inhibitors
All Transporters are Ungated Gated
used (saturation) React with protein side chains (Always open) (can be controlled)



Outer side Outer side Inner side

of Cell of Cell of Cell

Membrane Membrane

Figure: Facilitated Diffusion

Extracellular molecules bind to the transport proteins

Such protein rotate and releases the molecules inside cells

a b
Porines are proteins
forming Huge pores Protein Channels Water channel

consists of 8 different
Mitochondria types of aquaporins
Allow molecules
(upto small membrane of
Found in Plastids
sized proteins) Membrane of
Some bacteria
To pass through.
Passive symports and antiports 3
A watermelon has 92%water
Uniport A Uniport - independent
movement of molecules 10-20% of its It means
fresh as dry wt. 80 - 90 % H2O
Antiport - both molecules
Antiport A
B move in opposite directions

Most herbs
Symport - both molecules
Symport A move in same direction 5 Distribution of water [variable]

Uphill Region of Region of Woody Parts Soft parts of plants Seeds

process Low concn High concn
of substances of substance Look dry
Active why? With very With more
Transport So need of energy
little water water But still water
Needs membrane proteins (Pump) is present
Pump Needs ATP So seeds are
Specific for specific molecules to living & respire
cross membrane
Transport rate reaches maximum
all pumps are used / saturated. Absorbs water equal to
Pumps are very sensitive to inhibitor A its own weight in 5 hours
Cell membrane that react with the protein side chain

Comparison of Different Transport Processes A matured

Mustard Plant
Proteins in Facilitated
Responsible for diffusion
membrane Absorbs almost 3 Litres
B of water in a day.
Liable to Highly Responds transport
saturate selective to inhibitor A matured
corn Plant Most of absorbed water lost
Common to Facilitated diffusion to air by foliar Transpiration
& Active transport
Simple Faciliatated Active C
Diffusion Transport Transport
Water goes up through
Requires special Xylem in stem
membrane proteins No Yes Yes
Highly selective Daily absorption of huge H2O
No Yes Yes Terrestrial
Huge plant quantity from soil water
Transport saturates No Yes Yes
Uphill transport No No Yes Conclusion
Requires ATP energy No No Yes
Water is often limiting factor
Plant water Relations
Universal solvents for most substances. for
Water Plays a very important role in all organism.
Plant growth Productivity
Essentials for all physiological activities of plants.
In both
A cell has
Mainly water Different Natural Agricultural
Protoplasm Suspended environment environment
in which molecules are
or Insoluble
a c Relationship among YW ,YS and YP [YW = YS + YP ]
Expressed in
It is a concept
b pressure unit YW µ diffusion
fundamental to like Pascals (Ps) Pure Water Flaccid cell
understanding pressure YP = 0 YP = 0
water movement YS = 0 YS = - 0.7
YW = YP + YS YW = YS + YP
d f
Water Yw = 0 =0 YW = - 0.7
Water mole-
cules have potential (for pure H2O) Turgid Cell at osmo-
Kinetic energy (Y or Yw) [At STP] tic equilibrium with
e g YP = 0.7
Greater the conc. of If pressure greater than YS = - 0.7
water in a system atm. pressure is applied on YW = YS + YP
YW = - 0
Initial conditions: cellular YW< YW environmental YW
Greater is its kinetic Flaccid cell in pure water " Endosmosis"cell becomes turgid
Pure H2O
or a solution Sucrose solution Flaccid cell
YP = 0 YP = 0
Greater is YW YS = - 0.9 YS = - 0.7
YW = h YW = YP + YS YW = YS + YP
= 0.9 YW = - 0.7
In liquid and gaseous form water molecules
are in random motion (rapid and constant). Cell after plasmolysis:
YP = 0
YW YS = - 0.9
YW = YS + YP
Has 2 main components YW = - 0.9
1 2
Initial conditions: cellular YW > YW environmental YW
Solute Potential (YS) Pressure potential (YP) Flaccid cell in hypertonic solution " Exosmosis " plasmolysis
[It is Turgor pressure]
Magnitude of lowering
Due to osmotic entry YS = - 20 bars YS = - 16 bars
of YW due to dissolution Water
of water YP = 12 bars YP = 6 bars A B
of solute is called YS
YW = - 8 bars YW = - 10 bars
Hydrostatic pressure
It is always (-) ve for
develops. This pressure
cell and solution.
is pressure potential Osmosis
Its contents Large central vacuole
Exerts on cell wall
form cell sap
YW = -2 (let) or Tonoplasm
YW = 0 It makes cell turgid
YS =-2 c
YS = 0 Contributes to Its membrane
Plant Cell is called
Pure Some solutes Solution
Water dissolved for solution a Surrounded by

Value of YP Cell wall Cell membrane Tonoplast

Freely permeable
(-) ve or About zero (0) Are important determinants
Usually positive To of movements of molecule
Tension in water In plasmolysed cells
like in turgid Cell
column in Xylem & in fully flaccid cell
Water Substances In and out of the cell
In a solution
Plays important role
Due to transpiration So cell wall is not a
in water transport
barrier to movement.
a b How to get semipermeable membrane
It is diffusion of water Occurs spontaneously
across a differentially or in response to a driving A small hole at one end of egg is made
semipermeable membrane force.
Yolk and Albumin - removed
c d Then
Its net direction and rate It is movement of water
Shell is put in a dilute solution of HCl for a few hours
Depend on From its region of higher che-
mical potential or concentration.
Intact membrane is left
Pressure Conc. To
gradient gradient This membrane can be used as semipermeable membrane
Its region of lower
chemical potential
This external pressure refers osmotic pressure
Till equilibrium
So, no water diffuses into funnel through egg membrane
At which 2 chambers should
have nearly the same YW External pressure is applied from the upper funnel
Semipermeable a
Potato Osmometer Osmotic Pressure (OP)
Level of sugar solution increased b d
This pressure is OP = -YS
required to prevent Solute potential or
sugar solution YS =
water diffuses from beaker
water from diffusion Osmotic potential
to sugar soln. through potato
c It is the function of solute concentration.
Water Potato
osmometer It means
Demonstration of osmosis by thistle funnel experiment
More solute concentration, more pressure
is needed to prevent water form diffusing.


Membrane Sugar
A thistle funnel is filled with sucrose solution
and kept inverted in a beaker containing water.

Water diffuses across the membrane to

raise the level of the solution in the funnel.

A sufficient pressure is applied on piston

to keep the level of solution unchanged

This sufficient pressure is equal to osmotic

pressure of solution contained in thistle funnel.
It is usually reversible: Reversal of plasmolysis is called
deplasmolysis. It occurs when a plasmolysed cell is placed
in hypotonic solution or water.

During plasmolysis water d Hypertonic solution

first comes from cytoplasm occupies b/w cell wall
and then from vacuole and plasmolysed cell.
b c

Exosmosis of water form a cell (yW = #)
OP4> (OP3 = OP2) > OP1 when placed in hypertonic soln (YW = i)
Study the figure given below in which two chambers, A and B,
containing dilute solution & concentrated solution respectively Effect
are separated by a semipermeable membrane.
A B Protoplast Shrinks [Protoplast = Cell membrane + Protoplasm]
Solute Molecules
Process is called Cell is called
Semi permeable membrane plasmolysis plasmolysed cell
Questions Answers 1
Solution of which chamber has a lower water potential? When the cell (or tissue) is placed in an
Solution of which chamber has a lower solute potential? B isotonic solution.
In which direction will osmosis occur? A to B
No Net flow of water inside or outside.
Which solution has a higher solute potential? A
At equilibrium, which chamber will have lower Equal yw Isotonic soln (external solution) balances
water potential? in both the osmotic pressure of cytoplasm.
If one chamber has a yw of –2000 Chamber with -1000 kPa has Cell is said to be flaccid [Its yP = 0]
kPa, & other – 1000 kPa, which more water potential than
chamber has the higher yw? chamber with -2000 kPa. In such condition water flows into cell
& out of cell & cell are in equilibrium
Question: What will be the direction of movement of water
when two solutions with yw = 0.2MPa & yw = 0.1MPa are 2
separated by a selective permeable membrane? When the cell (or tissue) is placed in an hypotonic soln
Answer Hypotonic soln has high YW or dilute
Solution with yw = 0.2MPa to solution with yw = 0.1MPa soln as compare to cytoplasm of cell

Tonocity of Solution Endosmosis occurs

Isotonic Hypotonic Hypertonic Causing cytoplasm to build up a pressure (Turgor Pressure)

solution solution solution against rigid cell wall [Turgor pressure is Pressure potential]
When concentration Conc. of external Conc. of external
of external soln = Conc. soln < Conc. soln > Conc. in Significance of Cell does not rupture
in cytoplasm. in cytoplasm cytoplasm Cells Turgor pressure due to rigid cell wall
No change in cell size. Cells swell. shrink
Enlargement and
Extension growth of cells
Flaccid cell Turgid cell Plasmolysed cell H2O H2O
c Changes during it Bulk movement of substances through conducting
(1) Vol. of imbibant increases tissues or vascular tissues is called Translocation
(2) Imbibition pressure develops
(3) Heat is produced
Through Xylem Through Phloem
a b Transport of mainly Transport of
Definition Example
It is a special type Water Some Hormones Organic Inorganic
Absorption of + organic Solutes Solutes
of diffusion. Here Imbibition water by seeds, Minerals
water is absorbed Nitrogen · From source (e.g. mainly leaves)
dry wood to sink (like root and other parts)
by solid - colloids · From root to other parts.
· Unidirectional · Multidirectional
d e
Pre-requisite Significance How do plants Absorb water?
(1) Water potential gradient (1) Pressure due to swelling c
between wood splits rock & boulders Structure
Thin walled Slender extensions of root epidermal cells.
Absorbant Liquid to (2) Seedling emerges out
or Imbibant be imbibed of soil due to imbibition a b
(2) Affinity Position Root Hairs Number
between At the tip of root In Millions
d e
Absorbant Liquid to
Once water is absorbed by
or Adsorbant be imbibed
Increase surface root hairs (by diffusion)
area greatly.
Long distance Transport of water Water moves deeper by 2 pathways.

Q: Why long distance transport of substances within For water and Apoplastic Pathway
plant cannot be by diffusion alone? mineral absorption Symplystic Pathway
Slow process
A Ans: Diffusion Epidermal
Accounts for short distance e.g move-
ment of a molecule to cross a typical Region of cell
cell takes 2.5 sec. (appoximately) maturation
Q: What materials are transported upto long distance?
Ans: · Water · Minerals · Food
Root hair
Q: Which tissues are responsible of long distance Root cap
C transport?
Apoplast is system Apoplastic movement of water thro-
Ans: · Xylem · Phloem of cell walls ugh cell walls & intercellular spaces
It is unlike diffusion It is continuous
D In diffusion different substances move independently b Water does not cros
throughout plant
depending on their conc. a c the cell membrane
Except of cas-
Continuous evapora-
parian strips of
E Mass / Bulk flow (for long distance transport) tion of water into
root endodermis.
intercellular space
Movement of substance in bulk (en masse) from Apoplastic to atmosphere
one point to another due to pressure difference Water
f Pathway
movement fast Tension develops
Characteristic of mass flow in continuos stream
Substances in solution or in suspension are d e of water in apoplast
swept along at the same pace as in flowing river. Depends on gradient g
So, mass flow of water
Pressure behind mass flow
Most of water flow in root Due to
(+) ve Hydrostatic pressure gradient
(e.g. garden hose) because Cohesive Adhesive
(-) ve Hydrostatic pressure gradient property Property
Loosely packed No resistance to
e.g. suction through a straw cortical cells water movement Of water
Plasmodesmata Plasma membrane
These hyphae Have numerous branched
Apoplastic increase surface
pathway filaments (Hyphae) form
area for H2O around root or they pene-
Symplystic To Supply of and mineral
Epidermis Cortex Endodermis Pericycle trate the root cells
Pathway H2O & minerals absorption
Apoplastic Xylem
Casparian strip Sugar
Cell Wall Supplies
Fig: Pathway of water movement in the root. N-compound

Casparian strip Ectomycorrhiza

Apoplastic Endodermis Root cell with
pathway endomycorrhiza
a Symbiotic

Symplastic Xylem Mycorrhiza

pathway Vessel
b Without it seeds of Pinus cannot germinate and establish.
Pericycle Example of obligate symbiotic association b/w Mycorrhiza
and Pinus plant.
Epidermis Cortex Stele Water Movement up a plant
Fig: Symplastic & apoplastic Pathways of water & ion absorption Root absorbs water from soil
and movement in the roots.
Water moves into Xylem
Symplast is a system of Intercellular water movement
nterconnected protoplasts through plasmodesmata
Water goes to different parts through stem.
Extend through a c Water movement
plasmodesmata is slow
Root Pressure
b d Because
Neighbouring cells Absorbs various ions by active process
are connected through Water has to enter cell
cytoplasmic strands through cell membrane These ions are accumulated in root Xylem

Water potential of Xylem solution decreases

Movement is down e Symplastic f Aided by cytopla-
a potential gradient. pathway smic streaming. It causes osmatic water entry into root Xylem passively
It produce root pressure (RP) in Xylem
A ring of suberin (casparian strip) around endodermal cells.
Experiment to prove existence of root pressure
Endodermal cell walls are impervious
to flow of water due to suberin.
Potted plant with soft stem is taken Drops of soln ooze
So, water is directed to wall region that are not suberised. out of stem cut
Cut stem horizontally near base
Water crosses the cell membrane and gets It is due to (+) ve RP
symplastic pathway in endodermis and pericycle.
Connect a glass tube to stem Glass tube
Water again crosses cell membrane & cell wall of pericycle. with help of small rubber tube.
Water reaches Xylem Rubber Tube
We may collect Rate of exudation Stem cut
exudated solution can be known
Cytoplasmic streaming is seen in cells of Hydrilla leaf
Determination of
Cytoplasmic streaming movement of chloroplast composition of exudates Figure: Manometer
a It is the a b Water is transient
H Exudation of excess water in the form of liquid. evaporative loss Transpiration in plant
H Through Hydathodes (special opening near tips of water by plant
of Vein)
H In night and early morning. c d
H In moist condition, it occurs when transpiration Less than 1% of water Experiments
is minimum and water absorption is maximum. reaching leaves is used in
H Seen in grasses
Photo- Plant Healthy Plant in Dry Blue
b c polythene bag colored CoCl2
Provides modest synthesis growth
Do not play a paper on leaf
push in overall Significance of major role in
process of water root pressure water transport Polythene bag Transpiratory Paper turns
transport. in tall trees. Plant water droplets pink in moist
d Water droplets in the bag state
Greatest role of Root Pressure
Enormous tension created by Transpiration.
Causes breakage of continuous column of water in Xylem. a b
Stomata are pores surrounded Normally stomata open in
Root pressure re-establishes the continuity of water column. by chlorophyllous guard cells. day time and close in night.

Water is mainly pulled through Xylem in plants. Tturgor pressure

For gaseous c d in guard cells
Driving force behind “Pull” is
c exchange High Low
Foliar transpiration Stomata
[CO2, O2]
& transpiration Stomata Stomata
It is cohesion tensiontranspiration pull model. open close
f g
e f Water loss or Water stress No of stomata
Pull develops at the Transpiration pull
top of water column can lift water column Guard cells lose turgidity
in Xylem vessel Pull more than 130m high
Inner elastic wall regains Usually high Equal on
a b its original shape. at lower both
Most plants need transpira- Rate of water transport Guard cell because flaccid surface surfaces in
tion pull for water upliftment. in Xylem = 15m /hr. of dorsivenral isobilateral
or dicot leaves or monocot
Transpiration driven ascent of Xylem sap
d depends on 3 physical properties of water.
Stomata close
1. Cohesion: Mutual attraction b/w water molecules
due to H-bonds. Cell wall of guard cells

2. Adhesion: Attraction of water molecules to polar Heterogenous

surface (xylem cell wall surfaces).
Inner cell wall towards stomatal Outer cell wall is
3. Surface tension: Attraction of water to each pore is thick and more elastic thin & less elastic
other in liquid phase is a greater than attrac-
tion of water in gaseous phase. Becomes crescent shaped Buldges Out
Occur due to increased Fig: A stomatal
turgidity of guard cell aperture with
These 3 properties give water guard cells
Radially oriented cell- Microfibrils
ulosic microfibrils in
cell wall of guard cell Guard
Tensile strength Capillarity also help in. cell
Ability to resist Ability to rise in thin tubes [aided by small Stomata open
pulling force. diameter of tracheary elements (tracheids
& vessel)]. Stomatal aperture
Factor affecting Transpiration B Actively photosynthesising plant

Has insatiable Photosynthesis is limited by available water

External factor Internal factor
Number need of water
Temperature Stomata Distribution
Humidity No. of opened ones Huge amount of water is lost in transpiration
Light Water status in plant
Wind speed Canopy structure

Thin layer of water coating mesophyll cells begins to evaporate

This water vapor accumulates in intercellular space and Transpiration
substomatal chamber in leaf
Water vapor

Water Cycle
Water vapour exits to drier air outside the leaf
These causes water pull into leaf from the Xylem Cloud Humidity
Absorbed formation in forest
The transpiration pull on Xylem sap is transmitted Rain
from leaves to root by cohesiveness of water It is a compensating ability of
Water plant’s stomata to keep balance
Adhesion of water to wall of narrow Xylem between transpiration water loss
vessel overcomes downward pull by gravity Soil & photosynthesis-CO2 gain

D Transpriration and photosynthesis -a compromise


Phl C4 Plants C3 - Plants C4 Plants C3 Plants

2xml (let) CO2 xml CO2 G gram water 2G gram water
fixed per day Fixed per day loss per gram loss per gram
Guard CO2 fixed CO2 fixed
Diffusion into Stomatal Cell
surrounding air pore Photosynthetic efficiency C4 plants > C3 plants
Figure: Water movement in the leaf. Evaporation from leaf Transpiration ratio C3 plants > C4 plants
sets up a pressure gradient b/w outside air & the air spaces
of leaf. The gradient is transmitted into the photosynthetic H2O loss
cells and on the water-filled xylem in the leaf vein. CO2 Fixation

Transpiration and photosynthesis a compromise Evolution of C4 photosynthetic system is one of strategies

A For
Maximising the Minimising trans-
Creation of Tra- Respon- Water absorption piratory water loss
CO2 availability
nspiration pull sible for Ascent of Sap
Uptake and Transport of Mineral Nutrients
Supplies Water for photosynthesis
Obtain Obtain
n Transports min- All parts of plant
Func To Remaining nutritional
erals from soil
Carbon Most of requirements
Cooling effect on leaf surface (10-151C) oxygen
From Water for
minerals Hydrogen
Maintains tur- Maintains the shape
gidity of cells So & structure of plants From CO2 in
Atmosphere H2O Available in soil
Role of endodermal cells D
Small amount of
Xylem Vessels exchange of materials
Transport proteins Endoermal Cell and Tracheids occurs b/w xy. & phl.
[Control point] in membrane wall is suberised Phloem’s
Sieve Tube
Adjust quality and quantity
So, unidirectional · Some of N travels as inorganic ions.
To reach Xylem active transport of ions. · Much of N is carried in organic form
as amino acids and related compounds.
· Small amounts of P and S are carried as Both Organic & Inorganic
b material are transported
organic compounds.
Few Minerals are
Uptake of
absorbed by We cannot say categorically that xy. transports only inorganic nutrients
passive process Minerals while phl.transports only organic materials, as was traditionally believed.
a a b
Phl. Composition of phl. sap
Source Sink
Most of Minerals are absorbed by Active process [Usually [Organs which Mainly water + Sucrose.
photosynthetic need food but other sugars, hormones
Reason - I leaves.] or store food] amino acids also present
Minerals conc. in root cell > Mineral conc. in Soil.
Reason - II
Minerals (Ions) cannot cross cell membrane of root.
Phloem Transport :
Partially responsible for development
of water potential gradient in root. Flow from source to sink

Causes osmotic entry of water in root from soil. c

Concept of source and sink
For active uptake of minerals, specific proteins
in membrane of root hair are needed.
[(ii) Example Source and sink may be reversed
Minerals move to epidermal cytoplasm.
In early spring Root acts (i) Depends on
Translocation of Minerals Root’s stored sugar source
Transported The season Or Need of plant
Minerals are absorbed by Apical bud
Active or / both Passive uptake Lateral bud [Buds of trees] Act as sink Growth
Young Leaves
Minerals reached in root - xylem Need energy for +
A Developing Development of
Through transpiration · Flower photosynethetic apparatus
stream in xylem · Fruits
· Seed Since the source-sink relationship is variable, the
Sink e.g
Storage organs direction of movement in the phloem can be up-
wards or downwards, i.e., bidirectional.
· Unloading of Minerals at fine Vein ending in sink - usion Food in phl. sap can be transported in any requi-
B by diffusion.
red direction so long as there is as source of su-
· Active uptake of Minerals by cells of sink. gar & a sink able to use, store or remove sugar.

Mobile Minerals Exit Path of Translocation of Organic Solutes – Phloem

C [From older senescing parts, older, dying leaves.] Girdling Experiment
A ring of bark Swollen region
Move A ring of bark is removed. removed. above girdle.
Younger parts In absence of downward
movement of food portion of
Immobile Minerals bark above ring on stem becomes
swollen after a few weeks.
Xylem Xylem
These are structural parts. They It shows that phloem is the tissue
cannot be remobilised e.g Ca. responsible for translocation of food.
Munch Hypothesis / Mass Flow Hypothesis / Pressure Flow Hypothesis By Munch
· Explains mechanisms of translocation of organic material.
· It is based on physical principle.
· Widely accepted hypothesis.

Glucose is prepared at the source (by photosynthesis). It is converted to sucrose (a dissacharide).

Loading of sucrose into sieve tube at source end by active process

Accumulation of sucrose in sieve tube at source end produces a hypertonic condition in phloem.

Water potential in the sieve tube of phloem near source decreases / osmotic pressure increase.

Osmotic entry of water into sieve tube from adjacent xylem. It increase water pressure or hydrostatic pressure / T.P.

Higher hydrostatic pressure causes mass flow or pressure flow of phloem sap through sieve tube towards the sink.

Sugar is actively unloaded from sieve tube at the sink

At the sink due to unloading of sucrose, the water potential of sieve tube
increases. Water moves out from sieve tube to xylem through osmosis.

Thus differences in hydrostatic pressure in sieve tube causes mass flow of sap from source to sink

In sink sucrose converts into energy, starch or cellulose

Sucrose is moved into companion cell &

then into sieve tube (active loading).

Sugars leave sieve tubes:
OSMOSIS water follows by osmosis
P R E S S U R E F L O W / B U LK F L O W
(+ )V E H Y D R S T A T IC P R E S S U R E
O F W A T E R & S O LU T E D U E T O



TUBE Tip of Leaf

Sugar solution Sugars enter sieve tubes; = High
flows to regions of water follows by osmosis turgor
low turgor pressure pressure
Sugars leave sieve tube
VESSEL Phloem for metabolism and
storage; water follows
by somosis

CELLULOSE Figure: Diagrammatic presentation of
Figure: Munch hypothesis mechanism of translocation

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