A Stability Theorem

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The American Mathematical Monthly

ISSN: 0002-9890 (Print) 1930-0972 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/uamm20

A Stability Theorem

Walter Rudin

To cite this article: Walter Rudin (1999) A Stability Theorem, The American Mathematical Monthly,
106:8, 768-770, DOI: 10.1080/00029890.1999.12005117

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/00029890.1999.12005117

Published online: 23 Apr 2018.

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Notice that E{X 3} = 0 since X is symmetric. This extends the first property of
Lanczos' derivative.
The second property of Lanczos' derivative generalizes to Lu in a similar
fashion. Assume that both fk(x 0 ) and f{(x 0 ) exist. Then
Luf(x 0 ) = E{X 2 duxf(x 0 ): X> 0} + E{X 2 duxf(x 0 ): X< 0}
= E{X 2 fk(x 0 ) + X 2o(1): X> 0} + E{X 2 f{(x 0 ) + X 2o(1): X< 0}
= E{X 2 fk(x 0 ): X> 0} + E{X 2 f{(x 0 ): X< 0} + o(1)
= fk(x 0 )E{X 2 : X> 0} + f{(x 0 )E{X 2 : X< 0} + o(1)
fk( Xo) + !{( Xo)
= + o(1).
In the last step, we have applied the symmetry condition and E{X 2} = 1. The
roles of fk and f{ are seen clearly from these five lines.
Finally, notice that: (1) If f(x) is Lipschitz continuous at x 0 with L as its
Lipschitz constant, then 1Luf(x 0 )i ~ L; (2) The random variable involved can be
replaced by any suitable distribution with a compact support, since we have not
used the positivity condition.


1. C. W. Groetsch, Lanczos' generalized derivative, Amer. Math. Monthly 105 (1998) 320-326.

Computational and Applied Mathematics, UCLA, 7354 Math Sciences Building, Los Angeles, CA 90095
jhshen@math. uc/a.edu

A Stability Theorem
Walter Rudin

In 1968 I proved a theorem (stated below) about zeros of holomorphic functions in

a polydisc [2, p. 87] which was later, in [1], referred to, much to my surprise, as a
"cornerstone" of rr.ultivariable stability theory. The authors of [1] pointed out,
quite correctly, that my proof used quite a bit of homotopy theory, and they
proceeded to prove the theorem by a sequence of more elementary steps. The
present note contains an even easier proof, which is also much shorter, and which
relies only on very simple properties of the index (or winding number) of a plane
curve around the origin.
The following notation will be used. C is the complex plane, C* = C \ {0} is the
set of all nonzero complex numbers, U and U are the open and closed unit discs in
C, respectively, and T is the unit circle. For n ~ 1,
en= C X··· XC, un = U X··· XU, Tn = T X··· X T;
each of these cartesian products has n factors. The torus Tn is the so-called
distinguished boundary of un; it is a small (n-dimensional) part of the whole
(2n -!)-dimensional boundary of the polydisc un.
A(Un) is the class of all continuous f: un ~ C that are holomorphic in un.

768 NOTES [Monthly 106

If now f: [0, 27T] ~ C* is continuous and f(27T) = f(O) (so that f([O, 27T]) is a
closed curve in C*) then there exists a continuous real-valued function a on
[0, 27T] such that
f(O)=If(O)Iexp{27Tia(O)} (0:::;0:::;27T). (1)
Since f(27T) = f(O), a(27T) - a(O) is an integer (positive, negative, or 0). This is
the index of r:
Indf = a(27T)- a(O). (2)
Note that Ind f is independent of the particular choice of a.)
We need the following properties of the index.
(I) Suppose (s, 0) ~ fs(O) is a continuous map from [0, 1] X [0,27T] into C*,
and f,(27T) = f/0) for all s. Then Ind rs is the same for all s.
The reason is simply that Ind fs is a continuous function of s. Being integer-
valued, this function is constant on the connected set [0, 1].
(II) If G : U ~ C* is continuous and if we define G IT( 0) = G(ei 8 XO :::; 0 :::; 27T)
then Ind GIT = 0.
To deduce this from (I) put rs(O) = G(sei 8 ) and note that rl = GIT, fo is the
constant G(O).
(III) If h E A(U) and h(T) c C* then Ind hI r is equal to the number of zeros of h
in U.
This is the classical "argument principle" of complex analysis.

Theorem. Suppose <I> = (cp~> ... , cpn) is a continuous map of U into un that carries T
into T n, such that
Ind cp1IT > 0 for 1 :::; j :::; n (3)
Put K = <I>(U). Then

f(P u K) = f(Un) ( 4)
for every f E A(Un).

Proof: Assume f(z)-=!= 0 for every z E P u K. We show that f(z) -=!= 0 for every
z E un. This implies the theorem, and shows why the term "stability" was used in
this connection.
Fix a= (al, ... ' an) E un. Let IndcpjiT =mi. There exist cj E c such that
cji=a1 (1:::;j:::;n). (5)
Since m1 > 0, lc1 1:::; 1. Define


for A E U. Then h E A(U), h(T) c C*, h(O) = f(a). Hence f(a)-=!= 0 follows from

Ind hiT= 0 (7)

because of (III).
Since (f o <I> XU) = f(K) c C*, by assumption, (II) shows that
lnd f o <I> IT= 0. (8)

October 1999] NOTES 769

There are continuous real-valued functions aj, {3j such that

on [0, 27T ]. Note that



and let 'l's: [0,27T] ~ Tn be the map whose /h component is exp{27Ti1'j,s(O)}.


'l's{27T) = 'l's(O) {0 ~ S ~ 1), {11)

'l's(T) c Tn, hence f('l's(T)) c C*, and now (I) shows that

Ind f o '1'1 = Ind f o '1'0 • (12)

Since f o <I> IT = f o '1'1 and hIT = f o '1'0 , (12) and (8) imply (7).

Remarks. (i) The simplest example of a <I> as in the theorem is <I>( A) = (A, A, ... , A).
Then K is a disc (2-dimensional), dim (P u K) = n, whereas dim un = 2n.
(ii) It is not necessary for <I> to map U into the interior un of un. For example,
when n = 2,

·n ((2rei ,0) (0 ~ r ~ 1/2)
<l>(re'") =
( e; 8 , 2r- 1) (1/2 ~ r ~ 1)

will do nicely.
(iii) The hypott:!_esis "mj > 0 for all j" cannot be omitted. To see this, take
n = 2, <I>(A) =(A, A). Then m 1 = 1, m 2 = -1. If f(z, w) = 1 + 4zw, then 1/1 ~ 1
on T 2 U <I>(U) but f(t, - t) = 0.
For another example, take <I>(A) =(A, 1), so that m 1 = 1, m 2 = 0, and put
f(z, w) = 2w - 1. Then 1!1 ~ 1 on T 2 U <I>(U) but f(z, 1/2) = 0 for all z.
However, the hypothesis "mj > 0 for all j" can b~ replaced by "m. < 0 for
all j" because the theorem can then be applied to <I>( A) in place of <I>( A).


1. Ph. Delsarte, Y. Genin, Y. Kamp, A simple proof of Rudin's multivariable stability theorem, Philips
Research Laboratory Report R412, Brussels, Dec. 1979.
2. W. Rudin, Function Theory in Polydiscs, Benjamin, 1969.

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706

recep@math. wisc.edu

770 NOTES [Monthly 106

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