4 Internet Meme As A Campaign
4 Internet Meme As A Campaign
4 Internet Meme As A Campaign
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Internet Meme as a Campaign Tool to the Fight
against Covid-19 in Nigeria
Aondover Eric Msughter
Abstract- The outbreak of Coronavirus known as Covid-19 and hope. Social media has become a space for
witnessed a digitalized era of unprecedented campaigns in collective grieving for the contestation of Covid-19.
Nigeria. Citizens engaged in using social media during the Technological transformation and citizens’
period to sensitize people and to call on the government to participation in communication on coronavirus is one of
help prevent the spread of the virus. Facebook appears to be
the notable aspects of contemporary campaigns in
among the platform tremendously used by Nigerian to create
Nigeria. Cinema, television, magazines, newspapers,
awareness on Covid-19 in the country. People used social
media platforms globally to respond to the threat posed by the and the social networking sites are awash with
numerous visuals including but not limited to
coronavirus pandemic. Within this context, the paper
discusses the application and implication of internet memes photographs. One of the distinct features of social
as a campaign tool for the fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria. networks, especially Facebook, is its popularity,
The paper examines internet memes as a unique form of
affordability, accessibility, and the capacity of sharing
narratives to help avert the wide spread of the virus. The study and distribution of information, messages and
websites from a static source to a many-to-many
he outbreak of coronavirus known as Covid-19 communication channel. The use of information
witnessed a digitalized era of unprecedented communication technology especially, via social media,
campaigns in Nigeria. Citizens engaged in using has transcended the use of words alone to the creation
social media during the period to sensitize people and of images on Covid-19. Many of the social networking
to call on the government to help prevent the spread of sites users do so without regard to the issues of
the virus. Facebook appears to be among the platform decency, decorum, or ethical consideration. One
tremendously used by Nigerian to campaign against significant effect of this development is that Nigerian
Covid-19 in the country. Covid-19 has created a global citizens can scarcely avoid noticing the presence of
health crisis that has had a deep impact on the way these Internet memes. The Internet memes are so
people perceive the world in their everyday lives. Not ubiquitous and unavoidable part of the networked social
only the rate of contagion and patterns of transmission environment of coronavirus campaign communication
threatens the sense of agency but the safety measures on the Internet which forced people to become, if not
put in place to curtail the spread of the virus, which producers or distributors at most, consumer of these
require social distancing, washing of hands, the use of Internet memes.
masks, among others. Social media, in this regards, has Social media renders enormous contributions to
zipped information, and misinformation around the the fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria. These
world at unprecedented speeds, fueling panic, racism, contributions could be positive or negative. Within this
context, there is a paucity of research in the area. Most
Author: (PhD, Fellow), Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of
Communication, Bayero University, Kano. of the researches done in the related area were studies
e-mail: [email protected] of photographs of Covid-19, as presented in
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Internet Meme as a Campaign Tool to the Fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria
Newspapers, News Magazines as well as mainstream Facebook is apparent. Other studies on social media
media (Hand in Gwandu, 2019). This calls for a bordered on citizen participation in social media for the
thorough study of the visual rhetorical analysis of how fight against Covid-19 campaigns.
social media users apply Internet memes as tools to the While the efficacy and efficiency of traditional
fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria. media campaigns are well documented in the literature,
social media use such as Twitter or Facebook, use
II. Objectives of the Study remains significant in dissemination messages to the
Based on the gap identified in the literature, the public on coronavirus. Traditional media campaigns are
following objectives are set: used widely to inform the public on Covid-19 for a wide
variety of objectives and have shown positive outcomes
1. To find out if Internet meme is used as an attack
in terms of reach, public awareness, and to an extent,
behavior change. As more consumers turn to the
2. To study Internet memes as a platform for sharing
internet to get information on Covid-19, health
sensitive ideas.
organizations have begun to turn to social media as a
3. To investigate if Internet meme is used as a pull
Covid-19: This is an infectious disease caused by a audiences. However, given the rapid and exponential
type of virus that is capable of causing fever, cough and growth of social media use, the development of best
breathing as reported in form of Internet meme on practices by public health organizations are crucial for
Facebook. adapting social media to every day public health
Campaign tool: These are series of operation that are practice (Anand, Gupta and Kwatra, 2013).
intended to achieve the goal of fighting Coivd-19 in Reports suggest that social media is a very
Nigeria via social media like Facebook. feasible option that is relatively easy to adopt but
requires adequate, and appropriate human resources to
Internet meme: Is a type of meme that is used on social
maintain. A lot of overarching benefits of social media
media like Facebook which consist of image,
were identified for the general public, patients, and
photographs or in form of cartoons and macros with a
health professionals. Social media users have the
concept or catchphrase of Covid-19.
potential to increase the number of interactions, and
Nigeria: This is an African country on the Gulf of Guinea thus, are provided with more available, shared and
which has many natural landmarks confronted with tailored information. Social media can generate more
Covid-19 pandemic. available health information as users create and share
Social media: These are websites and application that medical information online. Blog sites create a space
enable users to create and share content in form of where individuals can access tailored resources to deal
meme on Covid-19 in Nigeria. with health issues. Social media can widen of access to
variable quality of health information available through recognize and understand the social media landscape
social media, public health organizations can provide and where the conversations about them are already
credible information to consumers how, and when they being held (cognize), develop strategies that are
want it as their main motivation for reaching out via suitable, work out how often and when they should enter
these channels. The potential to reach target audiences into conversations and be aware of what others are
is also a factor, given that Facebook boasts the potential doing and act accordingly.
to reach over 500 million members of the exact Different studies have highlighted different
audience you are targeting. Public health is also taking benefits for health communication, but there are not
advantage of the reach of social media by enlisting it for enough studies indicating its long-term effects. As there
“Infoveillance” (Marshall, Owen and Bauman, 2004). is an expected increase in the use of social media, there
Organizations can use social media for is a dearth of research supporting the effectiveness of
syndrome surveillance by monitoring the frequency of social media applications on an Internet memes. Most
searches related to a particular illness, enlisting the studies conducted were observational and analyzed the
public to report infections or symptoms, and mapping current health-related “conversations” taking place over
outbreaks with new tools and data mined from existing social media. There is a deficit of peer-reviewed
social networking sites. Furthermore, surveying the research on the use of Internet memes which is
public’s beliefs regarding a public health topic can significant to this study.
provide critical information informing the types of
messages that will be most effective. In public health a) Participation in Social Media by Health Care 29
surveillance, social media can provide communication in Professionals
sharing and obtaining health messages. The general physicians conducted by the social media site by
public mainly used social media for themselves, family Fogelson et al., (2013) found that more than 90% of
members, and friends to obtain and share information physicians use some form of social media for personal
on a wide range of health issues. Patients can share activities, In contrast, only 65% use these sites for
their experiences through discussions forums, chat professional reasons. Nearly a third of physicians have
rooms, and instant messaging or online consultation reported participating in social networks.
with a qualified clinician. Some health professionals Unlike physicians, pharmacists have been
were reported to use social media to collect data on relatively slow to adopt social media. Much of the
patients and to communicate with patients using online growth in the professional use of social media among
consultations (Newbold and Campos, 2011). this group appears to involve pharmacist-specific social
Another benefit of social media for health networks. The surveys have shown that many
communication is the accessibility and widening access pharmacists use Facebook. Although this use is most
of health information to various population groups, often for personal communications, more than 90 pages
regardless of age, education, race or ethnicity and on Facebook are related to the pharmacy profession,
locality, compared to traditional communication such as the Pharmacists Interest Page, the American
methods. Social media allows users to generate peer- Pharmacists Association, and the Cynical Pharmacist.
to-peer discussion in a way not enabled by traditional Only 10% of pharmacists use Twitter, and a search for
websites. Kietzmann, Hermkens, McCarthy and Silvestre pharmacists on LinkedIn identified 274,981 profiles
(2011) have suggested that organizations need to (Grindrod, Forgione, and Tsuyui, 2014).
© 20 20 Global Journals
Internet Meme as a Campaign Tool to the Fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria
b) The Use of Social Media by Hospitals social media tend to emphasize them, relying on
People appreciate businesses that speak in a individual patient stories for collective medical
human voice. Nevertheless, many healthcare knowledge. Similar problems exist with traditional online
organizations have been slow to adopt social media, media; however, the interactive nature of social media
mainly because executives have not yet realized the magnifies these issues, since any user can upload
benefits of these platforms. Studies have shown that content to a site. Social media users may also be
teaching hospitals and those with high bed capacities vulnerable to both hidden and overt conflicts of interest
adapt more rapidly to social media (Bennett, 2013). that they may be incapable of interpreting (Sajadi,
Social media can help hospitals in different ways. It can 2011).
increase patient volume, reach a new audience, Social Media Risks: Here are some dangers in using
introduce new services, create awareness, improve these relatively new platforms in healthcare.
outcomes, provide excellent customer service, and
maintain the reputation of health organization. An a. Message control. The speed at which messages
example of using social media platforms is Facebook, can spread through social media allows for a little
which is technically a free advertising resource that may time to think, react, and control situations as could
be utilized for local, national, and global exposure of be done in traditional media. Therefore, it is
practice or healthcare organizations. It can offer paid important to think carefully before posting any
advertisement placement, which is different from a information. If unsure about the content of your
30 search engine, pay per click adverts since Facebook post, ask someone who can provide guidance. For
can better target advertisements in its user’s news example, the communication department may be of
Global Journal of Human Social Science ( A ) Volume XX Issue VI Version I
online reputation while combating then spread of with the use of social media is the posting of
misinformation and opinions based on a fallacy. While a unprofessional content that can reflect unfavorably on
growing body of scholarly evidence links online heath HCPs, people, and affiliated institutions. Social media
information to positive health-related behaviors, the convey information about a person’s personality, values
growth and ease of social media platforms have also and priorities, and the first impression generated by this
resulted in concerns about the quality and reliability of content can be lasting. Perceptions may be based on
the information provided through this medium (Lustria, any of the information featured in a social media profile,
Smith and Hinnant, 2016). such as photos, nicknames, posts, and comments liked
c) The Dangers of Social Media in Creating Awareness or shared, as well as the friends, causes, organizations,
on Covid-19 games, and media that a person follows.
Poor Quality of Information: The main limitation of health Weaknesses in Health Care: Opponents of online social
information found on social media, and other online communities for patients argue that some patients may
sources is a lack of quality and reliability (Sajadi, 2011). not understand the limitations of the Internet. Some
Authors of medical information found on social media worry that because standards of care have not been
sites are often unknown or are identified by limited established for health information on social media Web
information. Also, medical information may be sites, people may be vulnerable to false information
unreferenced, incomplete, or informal. While evidence- provided for them online. People need to fully
based medicine de-emphasizes anecdotal reports, understand that any advice provided on social media
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Internet Meme as a Campaign Tool to the Fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria
sites is limited by the fact that it is not based on their V. Theoretical Framework
individual medical history. At this point, guidelines that
The study is guided on the theoretical lens of
explain to what extent physicians can provide care
Visual Rhetoric which is an art of effective
online and what they are liable for have not been
communication through images typography, and texts.
established or implemented. In the United States, for
Visual rhetoric encompasses the skill of visual literacy
example, physicians are licensed by individual states.
However, on social media sites such as and the ability to analyze images for their form and
AmericanWell.com, which provides video conferencing meaning. Drawing from the theoretical lens of rhetorical
between physicians in the continental United States and analysis, visual rhetoric examines the structure of an
patients in Hawaii, health information is available for image, and the consequent persuasive effects on an
anyone regardless of their location (Singh et al., 2016). audience. Visual rhetoric implicates the use of images.
Using images is apparent to visual rhetoric because
Health care providers also face limitations and barriers if
these visuals or images help in forming the case or
they want to share Covid-19 stories using social media.
arguing the point that the writer formulates. Similarly
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
visual rhetoric encompasses how people arrange
(HIPAA) of 1996 ensure patient confidentiality, stating
segments of visual text on social media. Visual rhetoric
that physicians can use patient data without their
consent only for three purposes: treatment, payment, or also involves the selection of different fonts, contrastive
health care operations. Therefore, HIPAA requires colors, and graphs, among other elements, to shape
physicians to obtain patient consent before displaying visual rhetoric text. One of the ideas one can apply, 31
information anywhere, including public and restricted when analyzing a visual text is to look for its significant
fields including art history, linguistics, semiotics,
of speech had been violated. A similar ruling was made cultural studies, business, and technical
in a case in which a student posted pictures of herself communication, speech communication, and classical
as a drunken pirate on MySpace. rhetoric. Visual rhetoric seeks to develop rhetorical
Therefore, physicians and other healthcare theory in a way that is more comprehensive and
providers should not discuss patients’ illnesses, medical inclusive about images and their interpretations. Within
conditions, or personal information online without the this context, there is a nexus between the theory and the
patients’ permission. The permission when obtained study as people used social media platforms globally to
should be clearly stated in the post. Use a disclaimer to respond to the threat posed by the coronavirus
state that the posted opinions represent your views, not pandemic. Citizens were engaged in using social media
those of your employer. Legal cases should never be during the period to create awareness and sensitize
discussed on social media because most current case people as well as calling on the government to help
law dictates that such information is discoverable, prevent the spread of the virus while others were also
however, this may depend on the purpose for, which the using Internet memes to attack the government.
information is sought (Singh et al., 2016). Therefore, the
proceedings literature examined in this study are VI. Research Method
significant and serve as a framework for the current
Using Semiotic and Qualitative Content Analysis
approach, the study seeks to critically examine internet
meme as a campaign tool to the fight against Covid-19
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Internet Meme as a Campaign Tool to the Fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria
in Nigeria. Semiotic analysis, which studies the signs in purposive is the fact that there were many social media
images, was used in this study in order to answer the platforms that were used to campaign against Covid-19.
research question based on the signs and photographic However, Facebook seems to be used predominantly
image of the internet meme. As Rose (2001) explained, by the citizens and most of the pictures or cartoons on
semiotics “offers a very full box of analytical tools for Covid-19 were found on Facebook pages. The content
taking an image apart and tracing how it works in categories of the study are similar to the proposition of
relation to broader systems of meaning” (p. 69). The Buchel (2012) that Internet memes are used as attack
major strength of semiotics is that it is a sophisticated tools, a platform for sharing sensitive ideas, a tool for
analytical tool for explaining how signs make sense responding to incidents or previous posts, pulling a
(Rose, 2001). In conducting the semiotic analysis, the prank, and derailing a topic.
study interpreted the photos by looking at the colors,
angles, background settings, eyes contact, dressing, VII. Findings and Discussions
and gestures poses in the photos. Internet Memes were used in Nigeria to
Besides the photos, the study looked at the campaign or create awareness on Covid-19 in the
images can be polysemic and therefore open to a) Internet Meme as an Attack Tool
interpretations, considering captions along with the Internet memes have been used to attack or
32 photos can help a researcher to find out which signs to attract the attention of other social media users. This is
read, and which signs are privileged. As Barthes (1977) because getting attention is the first step to any
Global Journal of Human Social Science ( A ) Volume XX Issue VI Version I
had argued, captions are like anchors; they help the meaningful campaign. Numerous Internet memes were
readers to choose the correct level of perception. used to portray the love for money, and the Governor of
Therefore, with the aid of qualitative content Kano State, Abdullahi Ganduje, has been used in this
analysis, the study looked at the text to determine the direction. For instance, an internet meme on Facebook
dominant, preferred meaning of the photo. The study 28 of April 2020 shows how excited the Governor was
discusses purposively selected sample units of analysis when the President promised to render the necessary
of internet memes that were used to create awareness assistant needed in the state to fight Covid-19.
on Covid-19 in Nigeria. What makes the sampling
Based on the intended message, the internet Other memes in this category is those showing
meme must have been produced by the member(s) of how incompetent the Nigerian government is in the fight
the opposition of the government. It was meant to depict against Covid-19 in the country. The picture shows how
the climax of how the Governor loved collecting money Almajiri are using the already used sachet of pure water
in dollars. It shows how the Governor is ready to siphon to make face mask to protect themselves from Covid-19
the money or to put it in his babanriga or agbada (big in the country.
clothe) rather than using the money to fight Covid-19 in Another internet meme in this category shows
the state. The implication is that most of the citizens are how the Almajiri carries food in polyethylene bags and
of the view that the Nigerian government is using Covid- are begging from door-to-door to feed themselves. This
19 as an avenue to generate money. is an indication that the Nigerian government is
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Internet Meme as a Campaign Tool to the Fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria
incapable of providing food for the commoners in the of the government. The more reason why these children
country during the Covid-19 lockdown. cannot afford face mask rather, they are using waste
The picture is indirectly showing how people bags of pure water to construct face masks to protect
from the grassroots are suffering due to the negligence themselves from Covid-19.
b) Internet Meme as Platform for Sharing Sensitive Internet memes as a veritable campaign tool for the
Ideas spread of nasty ideas that may warrant societal detest.
Social Media users find the Internet memes For instance, Internet memes were used to show how
handy in the dissemination of awkward ideas. Because other countries are releasing a huge amount of money
of the humorous nature of memes and lack of attribution to fight Covid-19 while countries like Nigeria is simply
to most of the Internet members, citizens find the advising people to stay at home and wash their hands.
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Internet Meme as a Campaign Tool to the Fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria
Internet meme was used in this perspective to were put forward by the Nigeria Centre for Disease
Global Journal of Human Social Science ( A ) Volume XX Issue VI Version I
show how police officials were chasing Nigerian citizens Control (NCDC) in the country. This is apparent as some
who flout the stay at home order. This depict scenario or of the citizens are doing everything possible to maintain
paint a picture of a lack of appropriate measure in social distancing. For example, the picture shows how
handling the Covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria. It is some bike men are trying to maintain distance by
apparent in the picture that, instead of the Nigerian creating space between them and the passengers.
government to provide palliative just the way other
countries are doing to fight the virus, the government is
busy using uniform men to force people to stay at home.
Another Internet meme shows how the citizens
are making an effort to adhere to the guidelines that
© 20 20 Global Journals
Internet Meme as a Campaign Tool to the Fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria
category that shows how the Almajiri are begging from shows how the doctor remarks that, someone’s test
door-to-door to feed themselves. Evidence in the meme result came out positive for hunger instead of Covid-19.
Another Internet meme also shows how Abuja will be celebrating the good time after being under
and Lagos were under lockdown for weeks. Going by lockdown for weeks. The creature in the form of a devil
the statement made by the President that the lockdown carrying a sharp object indicates an evil ploy by the devil
will be eased in Abuja and Lagos on 4th May 2020, there to spread more of the Virus on Nigerians.
was a meme demonstrating how people in these places
© 20 20 Global Journals
Internet Meme as a Campaign Tool to the Fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria
Another example of such meme is the one that This is evidence in the meme as the police person is
shows how the Nigerian doctors are trying to stop Covi-
Global Journal of Human Social Science ( A ) Volume XX Issue VI Version I
d) Derail a Topic
It was on record that Chinese doctors visited
Nigeria about the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the
decision to welcome the Chinese doctors prompted a
backlash from the Nigerian Medical Association, who
argued that Nigeria does not need external intervention
to manage the ongoing pandemic. But top government
officials, including the Health Minister, defended the
deployment stressing that the Chinese team will help
advise local authorities on handling the pandemic.
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Internet Meme as a Campaign Tool to the Fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria
Internet Meme on Facebook April, 2020
Another internet meme was used to show how coming into the state. The meme shows that the youth,
Kaduna tightens lockdown on Eid especially the trucks traveling from Kano to Kaduna were hiding inside a
that were coming from Kano to Kaduna. It is on record truck loaded with cattle, as most states in Nigeria have
that most of the Coivd-19 patients tested positive in the banned people and vehicles from entering their states
state were the Almajiris (Islamic pupils) repatriated from as a measure to halt the spread of the novel
Kano to Kaduna as well as other people from Kano coronavirus.
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Internet Meme as a Campaign Tool to the Fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria
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