Short Circuit Calculation

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Th. Nippert T. Behrens K.-H. Kny

Hamburgische ElectricitätsWerke AG Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal
Germany Germany Germany
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Ik" 3 maximum three-phase initial short-circuit alternating

In electricity supply systems, short circuits can cause c max maximum voltage factor;
damage to the equipment, endanger human lives or inter- Un nominal voltage of the grid;
rupt operations. The dynamic and thermal stresses from K impedance correction factor for grid transformers,
short circuits play a major role in the dimensioning of sta- synchronous generators and power units
tions and equipment. This is why the calculation of short
Zk short-circuit impedance of the equipment,
circuits is so significant in planning and operation when it
comes to the safety and profitability of electricity supply can be used to derive the peak short-circuit current ip, the
systems. breaking current Ib and the steady short-circuit current Id.
Both maximum (station design) and minimum (protection
equipment parameter adjustment) short-circuit currents
must be defined for all relevant technical and operational RELEVANT MODIFICATIONS TO
situations in the systems. The necessary calculation DIN EN 60909-0 (VDE 0102):2002-07
methods should provide the most accurate and safe results
with a minimum complexity.
Introduction of impedance correction for grid transformers:

BASIC PRINCIPLES Correction with resource data:

c max
K T = 0,95 ⋅
1 + 0,6 x T (2a)
Up to now, the standard used in Germany for calculating
short-circuit currents in three-phase a. c. power systems Correction with operational data:
was DIN VDE 0102:1990-01 [1]. It describes a uniform
Un c max
calculation method which aims to guarantee a safe stan- KT = ⋅ (2b)
dard. It is an approximate method which does not use op- U 1 + x T (IT / I rT ) sin φTb
b b

erational data. Factors are used to give consideration to

unfavourable operating conditions. Unfortunately, this with
standard does not cover all relevant operating conditions,
so that the approximate method had to be brought more in K T impedance correction factor for grid transformers;
line with reality. DIN VDE 0102:1990-01 was revised as x T related reactance of the transformer;
part of European harmonisation and adapted to the inter-
national standard IEC 60909-0:2001. The result is the Ub highest operating voltage before the short circuit;
improved standard DIN EN 60909-0 (VDE 0102):2002- IbT highest operating current before the short circuit;
07 [2], which is in force since July 2002.
The changes in the calculation method require a re-calcula- φTb angle of the power factor before the short circuit.
tion of the maximum short-circuit currents (usually the
The impedance correction of three-winding transformers as
three-phase short-circuit currents) in the substations ac-
in [2] only occurs according to equation (2a). Three im-
cording to [2] for checking short-circuit strength. The
pedance correction factors are defined; this entails the three
initial short-circuit alternating current
related reactances xTAB, xTAC and xTAC of the transformers.
Individual correction of power units is omitted. In [2], the
c max ⋅ Un
Ik" 3 = (1) joint correction is thus the only method for calculating the
3 ⋅ K ⋅ Zk short-circuit currents of power-station units. Dealing with
short circuits between generator and unit transformer has
with therefore been adjusted. A special correction factor has


Session 5
been introduced for power-station units with unit trans- tion method cannot be taken to be generally valid for all
formers without tap changer: grids of the electricity supply, An individual investigation
is required for every grid.
UnQ UrTLV cmax For the fault location F1, the pessimal load flow results for
KSO = ⋅ ⋅ (1 ± pT ) ⋅ (3) the following setting:
UrG (1 + pG ) UrTHV 1 + x"d sinφrG UbHV = 380 kV, UbLV = 121.9 kV, tapping position setting
of the 380/110 kV grid transformer = 25, utilization factor
with of the transformers IbT/IrT = 0,8, angle of the apparent
power φ= 30°. The CHP in the 110 kV level (power unit
K SO impedance correction factor for power-station units without tap changer) supplies the maximum short-circuit
without tap changer, referred to the high-voltage current in the overexcited mode (presumption:
side of the unit transformer; P = 170 MW, Q = 130 Mvar). The small cogeneration unit
UnQ nominal voltage at the connection point Q of the feeding into the 10 kV level (directly feeding generator) is
power unit; neglected for calculations in the 110 kV system.
These conditions constitute the worst case which in practi-
UrG rated voltage of the generator;
cal conditions is not exceeded in the system examined here.
UrTHV / UrTLV transformation ratio of the unit The calculation methods provide different values. The
transformer t r ; short-circuit current according to [1] is clearly calculated
too small and is thus unsafe compared to the super-
p G range of generator voltage control; imposition method (diagram 1 and 2, table 1). The
φrG phase angle between IrG and UrG / 3 ; impedance correction of the grid transformers means that a
higher operating voltage, transformer load factor IbT/IrT and
x "d relative subtransient reactance of the generator, angle φ of the apparent power for reactive power transport
related to the rated reactance; before the short circuit are taken into account. The
pT transformer tapping range. dependence of the transformer impedance on the tapping
position is ignored. The unfavourable presumptions of the
standard correction (equation (2a)) for transformer utili-
The other changes and additions are less significant for grid
zation factor and angle of apparent power improve the
planning and grid operation.
results considerably compared to [1] so that they are on the
safe side at least up to the intersection point with the
superimposition method (UbLV ≤ 114 kV for
MODEL SYSTEM FOR SHORT-CIRCUIT U HV = 380 kV, U LV ≤ 115 kV for UbHV = 400 kV). Under
b b
CALCULATION IN DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS less favourable conditions (UbHV ≤ 380 kV, UbLV ≥ 114 kV)
it is therefore possible to calculate with values which are
too small even when using the standard correction
Short-circuit calculations were carried out on a model sys- according to [2] (diagrams 1 and 2). Under realistic pre-
tem (Fig. 1) according to [1], [2], using the superimposition
sumptions (IbT/IrT ≤ 0,8, φ ≤ 30°) and regardless of the
method as reference [4]. In this method, first the maximum
operating voltage on the h. v. terminal, the correction
short-circuit current has to be found which only occurs at a
according to [2] with operational data (equation (2b)) still
certain load flow (pessimal load flow) for every system,
produces inadequate short-circuit currents compared to the
every fault location and every operating situation.
superimposition method, so that these are unsafe results.
I" = 45,6kA
kQ In [3] comparable results were obtained for short-circuit
= 30GVA) currents in the 110 kV range.
380kV Although the unsafe results are within the permissible
tolerance of 5 % [2, 3], the introduction of an empirically
SrT = 300 MVA
ukr = 19,4%
obtained individual correction factor

U bHV U nLV cmax
Sr = 213 MVA K Ti = ⋅ b ⋅ (2c)
SrT = 31,5 MVA F1
CHP uk = 13,1%
xd“ = 0,139 p. u.
U nHV U LV 1 + x T (IT / I rT ) sin φTb

ukr = 13,6%
10kV b
G SrG = 4 MVA
U HV operating voltage of the h. v. terminal
ukr = 0,149 p. u.

U nHV nominal voltage of the h. v. terminal

Fig. 1: Model system with fault locations F1 and F2 produces a further improvement of the results in the
The results obtained with the model system in comparing examined configuration.
the calculations according to [1], [2] and the superimposi-

Session 5
UbHVmin = 380 kV results in a limit value which at a usable maximum short-circuit level for realistic combi-
UbLV = 118 kV (IbT/IrT = 0,8, φ = 30°, no CHP operation) is nations of UbHV and UbLV (diagrams 3 and 4). If the pessi-
still 0.5% below the short-circuit current calculated with mal operating limits for UbHV, UbLV, IbT/IrT and φ are de-
the superimposition method. From UbHVmin = 385 kV, the fined reliably, the individual correction factor KTi is even
value no longer falls below the short-circuit current calcu- capable of producing a reduction in the calculated short-
lated with the superimposition method. This means that the circuit level which is notable under the economic aspects of
limit value for all relevant operational system states of distribution grids with high short-circuit currents. Further
UbHV ≥ 385 kV is on the safe side (diagrams 1 and 2). A examinations with real grid configurations and modified
clear reduction of the transformer utilization factor must be correction factors together with theoretical back-ups of the
expected when operating the CHP unit. UbHVmin = 380 kV, empirical formulae are necessary to confirm the results.
IbT/IrT = 0,6, and φ = 30° result in a limit value which is on

Failure point F1 DIN VDE 0102:1990-01 [1] DIN EN 60909-0:2001-07 [2] Superimposition method
Correction method Joint correction Correction Correction as per (2b/2c), Exact method,
as per (2a) UbLV = 118 kV UbLV = 118 kV
I k" 3 (Sum) 23.7 kA 25.0 kA 24.38/25.28 kA 25.16 kA

I k" 3 (Grid trans- 19.5 kA 20.7 kA 20.05/20.95 kA 20.86 kA


I k" 3 (CHP 110 kV) 4.16kA 4.33kA 4.30kA

Table 1: Maximum short-circuit currents at fault location F1

VDE 0102 (1990): Grid
transformer without
impedance correction

22kA 25
EN 60909 (2001): Grid
transformer with
Tap Position impedance correction
21kA (resource data)
20,7 kA
EN 60909 (2001): Grid
transformer with

20kA impedance correction

(operational data),
19,5 kA utillization factor 80%
Grid transformer with
19kA indiv. impedance cor-
14 rection (operational data):
b b
at U = 380 kV HV 380kV, utilization
LVmax HV
factor 80%
18kA Superimp. method:
utilization factor 80%,
113,6kV HV 380kV

100kV 105kV 110kV b 115kV 120kV 125kV

Diagram 1: Initial short-circuit alternating current at fault location F1 (UbHV = 380 kV, without CHP)


Session 5
VDE 0102 (1990): Grid
transformer without
impedance correction

21 EN 60909 (2001): Grid
transformer with
impedance correction
21kA Tap Position (resource data)
17 20,7 kA
EN 60909 (2001): Grid
transformer with

20kA impedance correction

(operational data),
19,5 kA utillization factor 80%
Grid transformer with indiv.
19kA impedance cor-rection
(operational data):
10 U
at U
= 400 kV HV 380kV, utilization factor
LVmax HV
18kA Superimp. method:
utilization factor 80%,
114,6kV HV 380kV

100kV 105kV 110kV b 115kV 120kV 125kV

Diagram 2: Initial short-circuit alternating current at fault location F1 (UbHV = 400 kV, without CHP)

VDE 0102 (1990): Grid
transformer without
impedance correction

26kA 25
EN 60909 (2001): Grid
transformer with
impedance correction
25kA 25 kA (resource data)
Tap Position
21 Grid transformer with
indiv. impedance cor-

24kA rection (operational data):


HV 380kV, utilization
factor 60%
EN 60909 (2001): Grid
23kA transformer with
impedance correction
(operational data),
b b utillization factor 60%
14 U LVmax bei U HV = 380 kV
22kA Superimp. method:
utilization factor 60%,
HV 380kV

117 kV
100kV 105kV 110kV b 115kV 120kV 125kV

Diagram 3: Initial short-circuit alternating current at fault location F1 (UbHV = 380 kV, with CHP)


Session 5
VDE 0102 (1990): Grid
transformer without
impedance correction

EN 60909 (2001): Grid
transformer with
impedance correction
25kA 25 kA (resource data)

Tap Position Grid transformer with

17 indiv. impedance cor-

24kA rection (operational data):


HV 380kV, utilization
factor 60%
EN 60909 (2001): Grid
23kA transformer with
impedance correction
(operational data),
utillization factor 60%
UbLVmax at UbHV = 400 kV
22kA 10 Superimp. method:
utilization factor 60%,
HV 380kV
118,4 kV
100kV 105kV 110kV 115kV 120kV 125kV

Diagram 4: Initial short-circuit alternating current at fault location F1 (UbHV = 400 kV, with CHP)


380 kV
Load centre substation
Unit substation

The HEW system has four voltage levels: EHV (380 kV), Substation

HV (110 kV), MV 10 resp. 25 kV), and LV (0.4 kV). It Subsystem M

Nr. of circuits
110 kV
provides the greater Hamburg area with a system load of IPC: Interconnected
more than 2000 MW Fig. 2). Power System

The extra high voltage grid is operated by Vattenfall Subsystem N

Europe Transmission AG and is part of the European inter- 110 kV
connected power system. It takes the output of several large
power stations and supplies HEW's primary distribution
system via three 380/110 kV transformer substations. The G
primary distribution grid not only supplies the HV/MV G
380 kV
transformer substations but also serves to connect power
stations up to 200 MW together with customers with high G
power requirements. The choice of the 110 kV level for G

primary distribution results in low transmission losses and

good voltage quality, given the high load density.
Subsystem U
The 110 kV primary distribution grid consists of three sub- 110 kV
systems. The sub-systems are normally operated in isola-
tion to limit the three-phase short-circuit current. Feed into
the distribution grid takes place primarily via the grid trans- IPC
formers of the 380/110 kV substations and the CHP power 380 kV
stations. The medium voltage level is supplied almost ex-
Fig 2: HEW distribution system
clusively via the HV/MV substations.
The system control centre of HEW's 110 kV distribution
grid checks every system configuration in the grid to see The model system study shows that calculations using the
whether the substations short-circuit limits are violated. method according to [2] result in higher maximum short-
The control system calculates the maximum values of Sk“ circuit currents than calculation according to [1]. This is
and ip for every switching action in the grid and compares why after the introduction of [2], it will be necessary to
it with the limit values for the 110 kV substations. Only check whether the system configurations are still permissi-
system configurations which do not violate the limit values ble. Precise comparison is required particularly for the peak
are allowed. short-current circuits defined with the substitute frequency
For the HV substation in Fig. 1 with presumed limits of
25/63kA for Ik3“ resp. ip, the method according to [1] offers


Session 5
adequate short-circuit resistance. Calculation according LITERATURE
to [2] only just keeps within the limit value. Combinations
of UbUS and transformer tapping position settings which
produce uncertain results for given values of UbOS even [1] DIN VDE 0102:1990-01, Calculating the short-
according to [2] are not allowed in system operation: the circuit currents in threephase a.c. systems
introduction of individual correction factors according to [2] DIN EN 60909-0 (VDE 0102):2002-07, Short-
equation (2c) is being examined. circuit currents in threephase a.c. systems, Part 0:
When the substation short-circuit limits are exceeded, the calculation of currents
short-circuit current must be limited (in the HV grid by
switching off lines, busbar couplers or transformers, in the [3] DIN EN 60909-0 Bbl 3 (VDE 0102 Bbl 3):2003-07,
MV grid by IS limiters). As a rule, in the HV grid these Short-circuit currents in threephase systems, factors
measures limit the flexibility of system management. A for calculating short-circuit currents according to
reduction in security of supply for the customers can there- IEC 60909-0
fore not be ruled out.
[4] Behrens, T.; Kny, K.-H.; Nippert, T. „Die neue DIN
VDE 0102 in Netzplanung und –betrieb“, E-
PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION IN THE Wirtschaft 2004, Heft 15 ("The new DIN VDE 0102
CONTROL SYSTEM in grid planning and operation")
The control system of HEW's distribution grid still calcu-
lates short-circuit currents according to [1], thus playing
down the short-circuit risk. The following remedies are
- software update of the short-cicuit calculation module or
- suitable parameter adjustment of the 380/110 kV trans-
On the other hand, adjusting the substation limit values is
not suitable.
Adjustment of the transformer parameters is possible at low
costs and with adequately accurate results. The more costly
re-design of the software should wait for the next sched-
uled update.


Calculation according to [2] introduces the impedance

correction for grid transformers together with better ad-
justed correction for power-station units so that it supplies
more accurate results for partial short-circuit currents from
network feeders and power stations. This means that higher
short-circuit currents are calculated at the fault locations.
A comparison with the superimposition method shows that
revision of [1] was vitally necessary. The increase of short-
circuit currents can differ from one system to the next and
must therefore be checked individually. The remaining
difference between calculation according to [2] and exact
methods can be further reduced by introducing individual
correction factors.
The violation of the substation short-circuit limits during
operation or grid expansion requires measures to limit the
short-circuit current. If the measures result in extreme re-
strictions, under certain circumstances it may not be possi-
ble to avoid costly upgrades of the substations.
The practical implementation in the control system is im-
plemented by a software update or the less costly parameter
adjustment of grid transformers and power units.


Session 5

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