Individual Work (4 Course)

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Адмідіньш Ілля Name/Last name/Group

Individual work
1. Make possessives.
(Му mother) name – my mother’s name
(mу father) name – father’s name my (my uncle) farm – uncles my farm
(Dima) books - Dim's books (his friends) car - friends of his car
(Nina) dress - Nina's dress (the girl) name - girl's name
(my granny) dog - my grannies dog (the boys) room - boys' room
(the children) ball - children's ball (the cat) tail - cat's tail
(my elder brother) family - my elder (Alice) parents - Alice's parents
brothers family (my cousins) address - cousins' address
2.Make plural forms.
A loaf, loafers a mother-in-law, a cliff, cliffs
a song, songs mothers-in-law a monkey, monkeys
a tooth, teeth a goose, geese a box, boxes
a life, lives an apple, apples a giraffe, giraffes
a writing pen, a clock, clocks a mouse, mice
writing pens a boy, boys a family, families
a country, countries a ball game, ball a ship, ships
a glass, glasses games a cucumber,
a box, boxes a child, children cucumbers
a spy, spies a dress, dresses a brother, brothers
a woman, women a tomato, tomatoes a toy, toys
a room, rooms a deer, deer a sheep, sheep
a witch, witches a bush, bushes a monster, monsters
a church, churches a voice, voices a city, cities
a scarf, scarves a goose, geese.

3.Write the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives.

Large - larger Wonderful - more wonderful
Dirty - dirtier Fat - fatter
Little - less Fine - finer
Difficult - less difficult Interesting - more interesting
Far - farther Good - better
Wet - wetter Tidy - tidier
Narrow - narrowest Old - older
Bad - worse Expensive - more expensive

4. Circle the correct item.

1) My hair ... clean. a) this b) these
a) is b) are 4) Knowledge ... power.
2) Bad news ... people happy. a) is b) are
a) don’t make b) doesn’t 5) Can I use your scissors?
make Mine ... not sharp enough.
3) ... trousers fit me well. a) is b) are
6) His advice ... very helpful. 9) The money ... in the wallet.
a) is b) are a) is b) are
7) The pyjamas ... smart. 10) His progress in learning
a) look b) looks foreign languages ... great.
8) Where ... my glasses? a) is b) are
a) is b) are

5. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct degree.

1) Paul and Simon are the noisiest boys that I know.
2) Nick’s answer is worse than Jack’s.
3) This week is hotter than the last one.
4) Your idea is better than mine.
5) This picture looks more attractive in the bedroom than in the living-room.
6) Now we have less information than before.
7) Helen is prettier than Jane.
8) My umbrella is wetter than yours.
9) Rick is the most helpful assistant I have ever had.
10) This colour is the most fashionable in this season.

6. Write what’s the time?

14:00 - it's two p.m.
03:59 - one to four a.m.
18:20 - twenty past six p.m.
10:45 - fifteen to eleven a.m.
11:01 - one past eleven a.m.
21:35 - twenty five to ten p.m.
08:30 - half past eight a.m.
13:15 - fifteen past one p.m.

7. Place adjectives in the correct order

(red / long / cheap) dress _________________________________________________________
(wooden / new / big) table ______________________________________________________
(beautiful / brick / new) house_____________________________________________________
(Japanese / green / fantastic) car____________________________________________________
(Russian / silver / round) coin______________________________________________________
(Nicе / blue / wooden) wall________________________________________________________
(American / sentimental / long) song________________________________________________
(fair / curly / short) hair___________________________________________________________

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