IMO and The Polar Code RIGHT VERSION
IMO and The Polar Code RIGHT VERSION
IMO and The Polar Code RIGHT VERSION
Figure 1. Limitations of the Polar Code, as stated by the WWF (WWF Arctic Programme, 2022).
Mauro Plak
Word count: 1000
Figure 2. Infographic showcasing how the Polar Code ensures environmental protection
(International Maritime Organization, n.d.b).
As stated above, the Polar Code also ensures environmental protection. It does this in a
variety of ways, ranging from sewage disposal regulations to minimizing the introduction of invasive
aquatic species (International Maritime Organization, n.d.b). For example, sewage discharge is
permitted if the ship has an approved sewage treatment plant and discharges treated sewage as far
as practicable from the nearest land, any fast ice, ice shelf or areas of specified ice concentration (loc.
cit.). Sewage not comminuted or disinfected can be discharged at a distance of more than 12nm
(nautical miles) from any ice shelf or fast ice (loc. cit.).
It also has strict regulations on the use and transportation of oils. Discharge into the sea of oil
or oily mixtures from any ship is prohibited. Under MARPOL, heavy oils were already banned in the
Antarctic. The Polar Code encourages not to use or carry heavy fuel oil in the Arctic – with a full ban
adopted since 2021 (Prior 2022, 6) – and a double hull and double bottom are required for all oil
tankers (International Maritime Organization, n.d.b).
- Ancheta, A., 2022. International Maritime Organization (IMO): Definition and purpose.
- International Maritime Organization, n.d.a. International Code for Ships Operating in Polar
Waters (Polar Code). International Maritime Organization.
- International Maritime Organization, n.d.b. How the Polar Code protects the Environment.
International Maritime Organization.
- Marine Environment Protection Committee, n.d. Report of the Marine Environment
Protection Committee on its seventy-second Session. International Maritime Organization.
- Loonen, 2022. Arctic Oil and Gas. Unpublished presentation.
- Prior, S., 2022. Review of Perceived Gaps and Challenges in the Implementation of the Polar
Code. WWF Arctic Programme.