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Ben-Hamou Et Al - Concentration Inequalities in The Infinite Urn

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Bernoulli 23(1), 2017, 249–287

DOI: 10.3150/15-BEJ743

Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn

scheme for occupancy counts and the missing
mass, with applications
A N NA B E N - H A M O U 1 , S T É P H A N E B O U C H E RO N 1,2 and
M E S RO B I . O H A N N E S S I A N 3
1 LPMA UMR 7599 CNRS & Université Paris-Diderot, 5, rue Thomas Mann 75013, Paris, France.
E-mail: [email protected]
2 DMA ENS Ulm, 45, rue d’Ulm 75005, Paris, France.
E-mail: [email protected]; url: stephane-v-boucheron.fr
3 University of California, San Diego, Atkinson Hall, 9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]; url: sites.google.com/site/mesrob

An infinite urn scheme is defined by a probability mass function (pj )j ≥1 over positive integers. A random
allocation consists of a sample of N independent drawings according to this probability distribution where
N may be deterministic or Poisson-distributed. This paper is concerned with occupancy counts, that is with
the number of symbols with r or at least r occurrences in the sample, and with the missing mass that is the
total probability of all symbols that do not occur in the sample. Without any further assumption on the sam-
pling distribution, these random quantities are shown to satisfy Bernstein-type concentration inequalities.
The variance factors in these concentration inequalities are shown to be tight if the sampling distribution
satisfies a regular variation property. This regular variation property reads as follows. Let the number of
symbols with probability larger than x be ν (x) = |{j : pj ≥ x}|. In a regularly varying urn scheme, ν sat-
isfies limτ →0 ν (τ x)/ν (τ ) = x −α for α ∈ [0, 1] and the variance of the number of distinct symbols in a
sample tends to infinity as the sample size tends to infinity. Among other applications, these concentration
inequalities allow us to derive tight confidence intervals for the Good–Turing estimator of the missing mass.

Keywords: concentration; missing mass; occupancy; rare species; regular variation

1. Introduction
From the 20th century to the 21st, various disciplines have tried to infer something about scarcely
observed events: zoologists about species, cryptologists about cyphers, linguists about vocabular-
ies, and data scientists about almost everything. These problems are all about ‘small data’ within
possibly much bigger data. Can we make such inference?
Problem setting. To move into a concrete setting, let U1 , U2 , . . . , Un be i.i.d. observations
from a fixed but unknown distribution (pj )∞ j =1 over a discrete set of symbols N+ = N \ {0}. We
consider each j in N+ as a discrete symbol devoid of numerical significance. The terminology of
‘infinite urn scheme’ comes from the analogy to n independent throws of balls over an infinity
of urns, pj being the probability of a ball falling into urn j , at any ith throw. We alternatively
adhere to the symbols or the urns perspective, based on which carries the intuition best. Species,

1350-7265 © 2017 ISI/BS

250 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

cyphers, and vocabularies all being discrete, are well modeled as such. The sample size n may
be fixed in advance; we call this the binomial setting. It may be randomly set by the duration of
an experiment; this gives rise to the Poisson setting. More precisely, in the latter case we write
it as N , a Poisson random variable independent of (Ui ) and with expectation t . We index all
Poisson-setting quantities by t and write them with functional notations, instead of subscripts
used for the fixed-n scheme.

For each j, n ∈ N+ , let Xn,j = ni=1 I{Ui =j } be the number of times symbol j occurs in a sam-
N (t)
ple of size n, and Xj (t) = i=1 I{Ui =j } the Poisson version. In questions of underrepresented
data, the central objects are sets of symbols that are repeated a small number r of times. The
central quantities are the occupancy counts Kn,r [respectively, Kr (t) for the Poisson setting],
defined as the number of symbols that appear exactly r times in a sample of size n:

Kn,r = {j, Xn,j = r} = I{Xn,j =r} .
j =1

The collection (Kn,r )r≥1 [resp. (Kr (t))r≥1 ] has been given many names, such as the “profile”
(in information theory (Orlitsky et al. [36])) or the “fingerprint” (in theoretical computer science
(Batu et al. [6], Valiant and Valiant [40])) of the probability distribution (pj )j ∈N+ . Here we refer
to them by occupancy counts individually, and occupancy process all together.
The occupancy counts then combine to yield the cumulated occupancy counts Kn,r [respec-
tively Kr (t)] and the total number of distinct symbols in the sample, or the total number of
occupied urns, often called the coverage and denoted by Kn [respectively K(t)]:

= {j, Xn,j ≥ r} = I{Xn,j ≥r} = Kn,s
j =1 s≥r


Kn = {j, Xn,j > 0} = I{Xn,j >0} = Kn,r .
j =1 r≥1

In addition to the occupancy numbers and the number of distinct symbols, we also address the
rare (or small-count) probabilities Mn,r [respectively, Mr (t)], defined as the probability mass
corresponding to all symbols that appear exactly r times:

Mn,r = P {j, Xn,j = r} = pj I{Xn,j =r} .
j =1

In particular, we focus on Mn,0 = ∞ j =1 pj I{Xn,j =0} , which is called the missing mass, and which
corresponds to the probability of all the unseen symbols.
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 251

Explicit formulas for the moments of the occupancy counts and masses can be derived in the
binomial and Poisson settings. The occupancy counts’ expectations are given by


EKn = 1 − (1 − pj )n , EK(t) = 1 − e−tpj ,
j =1 j =1

n (tpj )r
EKn,r = pjr (1 − pj )n−r , EKr (t) = e−tpj ,
r r!
j =1 j =1

n (tpj )r
EMn,r = pjr+1 (1 − pj )n−r , EMr (t) = e−tpj pj .
r r!
j =1 j =1

Formulas for higher moments can also be computed explicitly but their expression, especially in
the binomial setting where a lot of dependencies are involved, often has an impractical form.
This classical occupancy setting naturally models a host of different application areas, in-
cluding computational linguistics, ecology, and biology. Urns may represent species, and we are
interested in the number of distinct species observed in a sample (the ecological diversity) or in
the probability of the unobserved species. In linguistics, urns may represent words. In both of
these applications, the independence assumption of the random variables {Ui }i=1,...,n may seem
unrealistic. For instance in a sentence, the probability of appearance of a word strongly depends
on the previous words, both for grammatical and semantic reasons. Likewise, the nucleotides in a
DNA sequence do not form an i.i.d. sample. In n-gram models, independence is only conditional
and the observations are assumed to satisfy a Markovian hypothesis: the probability of occur-
rence of a word depends on the n − 1 previous words. But the i.i.d. case, although very simple,
yields results that are interesting in themselves, and upon which a more sophisticated framework
may be built.
Many practical questions may now be formulated in this setting. If we double the duration of a
first experiment, how many yet unobserved specimens would we find (how does K2n,r compare
to Kn,r [resp. Kr (2t) to Kr (t)]) (Fisher et al. [21])? If certain cypher keys have been observed,
what is the probability for the next to be different (how does one estimate Mn,0 )? For instance,
Good [24] and Turing observed that (n + 1)EMn,0 = EKn+1,1 for all n ≥ 1, and proposed to es-
timate the missing mass using the Jackknife estimator Gn,0 = Kn,1 /n (the proportion of symbols
seen just once).
Contributions. To study the Good–Turing estimator or other quantities that depend signif-
icantly on the small-count portion of the observations, we need to understand the occupancy
counts well. Our contribution here is to give sharp concentration inequalities with explicit and
reasonable constants, for Kn , Kn,r , and Mn,0 [resp. K(t), Kr (t), M0 (t)]. We give distribution-
free results, and then exhibit a vast domain where these results are tight, namely the domain of
distributions with a heavier tail than the geometric. In this domain, the non-asymptotic expo-
nential concentration properties that we establish are sharp in the sense that the exponents are
order-optimal, precisely capturing the scale of the variance. For this reason, we dedicate a portion
of the paper to establishing bounds on various variances.
252 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

Organization. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present our terminology and
give a concise summary of the results. In Section 3 we present our variance bounds and concen-
tration results for the occupancy counts and the missing mass in great generality. In Section 4, we
specialize these results to regularly varying distributions, the aforementioned domain of distribu-
tions where concentration can be characterized tightly. We then elaborate on some applications
in Section 5, and conclude with a discussion of the results and possible extensions in Section 6.
We group all proofs in the end, in Section 7.

2. Summary of results
Terminology. Our concentration results mostly take the form of bounds on the log-Laplace trans-
form. Our terminology follows closely (Boucheron et al. [13]). We say that the random variable
Z is sub-Gaussian on the right tail (resp. on the left tail) with variance factor v if, for all λ ≥ 0
(resp. λ ≤ 0),
log Eeλ(Z−EZ) ≤ . (2.1)
We say that a random variable Z is sub-Poisson with variance factor v if, for all λ ∈ R,

log Eeλ(Z−EZ) ≤ vφ(λ), (2.2)

with φ : λ → eλ − λ − 1.
We say that a random variable Z is sub-gamma on the right tail with variance factor v and
scale parameter c if

λ2 v
log Eeλ(X−EX) ≤ for every λ such that 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1/c. (2.3)
2(1 − cλ)
The random variable Z is sub-gamma on the left tail with variance factor v and scale parameter c,
if −Z is sub-gamma on the right tail with variance factor v and scale parameter c. If Z is sub-
Poisson with variance factor v, then it is sub-Gaussian on the left tail with variance factor v, and
sub-gamma on the right tail with variance factor v and scale parameter 1/3.
These log-Laplace upper bounds then imply exponential tail bounds. For instance, inequality
(2.3) results in a Bernstein-type inequality for the right tail, that is, for s > 0 our inequalities have
the form

P Z > E[Z] + 2vs + cs ≤ e−s ,

while inequality (2.1) for all λ ≤ 0 entails

P Z < E[Z] − 2vs ≤ e−s .

We present such results first without making distributional assumptions, beyond the structure of
those quantities themselves. These concentrations then specialize in various settings, such as that
of regular variation.
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 253

Main results. We proceed by giving a coarse description of our main results. In the Poisson
setting, for each r ≥ 1, (I{Xj (t) = r})j ≥1 are independent, hence Kr (t) is a sum of independent
Bernoulli random variables, and it is not too surprising that it satisfies sub-Poisson, also known
as Bennett, inequalities. For λ ∈ R, we have:
log Eeλ(Kr (t)−EKr (t)) ≤ var Kr (t) φ(λ) ≤ E Kr (t) φ(λ).

The proofs are elementary and are based on the careful application of Efron–Stein–Steele in-
equalities and the entropy method (Boucheron et al. [13]).
As for the binomial setting, the summands are not independent but we can use negative asso-
ciation arguments (Dubhashi and Ranjan [17]) (see Section 7) to obtain Bennett inequalities for
the cumulated occupancy counts Kn,r . These hold either with the Jackknife variance proxy given
by the Efron–Stein inequality, rEKn,r or with the variance proxy stemming from the negative
correlation of the summands, EKn,r . Letting vn,r = min(rEKn,r , EKn,r ), we have, for all λ ∈ R:

log Eeλ(Kn,r −EKn,r ) ≤ vn,r φ(λ).

This in turn implies a concentration inequality for Kn,r . Letting

vn,r = 2 min max rEKn,r , (r + 1)EKn,r+1 , EKn,r ,

we have, for all s ≥ 0,

P |Kn,r − EKn,r | ≥ 4vn,r s + 2s/3 ≤ 4e−s .

We obtain distribution-free bounds on the log-Laplace transform of Mn,0 , which result in sub-
Gaussian concentration on the left tail, sub-gamma concentration on the right tail with scale
proxy 1/n. More precisely, letting vn− = 2EK2 (n)/n2 and vn+ = 2EK2 (n)/n2 , we show that, for
all λ ≤ 0,
log Eeλ(Mn,0 −EMn,0 ) ≤ vn− ,
and, for all λ ≥ 0,
log Eeλ(Mn,0 −EMn,0 ) ≤ vn+ .
2(1 − λ/n)
Indeed, these results are distribution-free. But though the variance factor vn− is a sharp
bound for the variance of the missing mass, vn+ may be much larger. This leads us to look for
distribution-specific conditions ensuring that vn+ captures the right order for the variance, such
as by using a tail asymptotic stability condition as in extreme value theory.
Karlin [29] pioneered such a condition by assuming that the function ν : (0, 1] → N, defined
by ν (x) = |{j ∈ N+ , pj ≥ x}| satisfies a regular variation assumption, namely ν (1/n) ∼ nα (n)
near +∞, with α ∈ (0, 1] (see also Gnedin et al. [22], Ohannessian and Dahleh [35]). Here  is
a slowly varying function at ∞, i.e. for all x, (τ x)/(τ ) → 1 as τ → ∞. This condition allows
us to compare the asymptotics of the various occupancy scores. In particular, in this framework
EK2 (n) and EK2 (n) have the same order of growth, and, divided by n2 they both are of the
254 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

same order as the variance of the missing mass. Hence, regular variation provides a framework
in which our concentration inequalities are order-optimal.
To handle the case α = 0, we move from Karamata to de Haan theory, and take ν to have an
extended regular variation property, with the additional assumption that EK1 (n) tends to +∞.
This domain corresponds to light-tailed distributions which are still heavier than the geomet-
ric. In this case, we manage to show the sub-gamma concentration of the missing mass only
for n large enough, that is, that there exists n0 such that for all n ≥ n0 , for λ > 0, we have
log Eeλ(Mn,0 −EMn,0 ) ≤ (vn λ2 )/2(1 − λ/n), with vn Var Mn,0 .
Back to our examples of applications, considerable insight may be gained from these con-
centration results. For instance, heavy tails lead to multiplicative concentration for Mn,0 and the
G p
consistency of the Good–Turing estimator: Mn,0 n,0
→ 1. Generally, new estimators can be derived
and shown to be consistent in a unified framework, once one is able to estimate α consistently.
For instance, when ν (1/·) is regularly varying with index α, α̂ = Kn,1 /Kn is a consistent estima-
tor of α. Then, to estimate the number of new species in a sample twice the size of the original,
we immediately get that K 2n = Kn + 2α −1 Kn,1 is a consistent estimator of K2n . This methodol-

ogy is very similar to extreme value theory (Beirlant et al. [7]): harnessing limiting expressions
and tail parameter estimation. These results strengthen and extend the contribution of Ohannes-
sian and Dahleh [35], which is restricted to power-laws and implicit constants in the inequalities.
Beyond consistency results, we also obtain confidence intervals for the Good–Turing estimator
in the Poisson setting, using empirical quantities.
Historical notes and related work. There exists a vast literature on the occupancy scheme,
as formulated here and in many other variations. The most studied problems are the asymp-
totic behavior of Kn and Kn,r . This is done often in a finite context, or a scaling model where
probabilities remain mostly uniform. Of particular relevance to this paper, we mention the work
of Karlin [29], who built on earlier work by Bahadur [3], credited as one of the first to study
the infinite occupancy scheme. Karlin’s main results were to establish central limit theorems in
an infinite setting, under a condition of regular variation. He also derived strong laws of large
numbers. Gnedin et al. [22] present a general review of these earlier results, as well as more con-
temporary work on this problem. The focus continues to be central limit theorems, or generally
asymptotic results. For example, the work of Hwang and Janson [28] (effectively) provides a
local limit theorem for Kn provided that the variance tends to infinity. Somewhat less asymptotic
results have also been proposed, in the form of normal approximations, such as in the work of
Bogachev et al. [12] and Barbour and Gnedin [4].
Besides occupancy counts analysis, a distinct literature investigates the number of species and
missing mass problems. These originated in the works of Fisher et al. [21], Good [24], and Good
and Toulmin [25], and generated a long line of research to this day (Bunge and Fitzpatrick [14]).
Here, instead of characterizing the asymptotic behavior of these quantities, one is interested in
estimating Kλn − Kn for a λ > 1, that is the number of discoveries when the sample size is
multiplied by λ, or estimating Mn,0 : estimators are proposed, and then their statistical properties
are studied. One recently studied property by McAllester and Schapire [33] and McAllester and
Ortiz [32], is that of concentration, which sets itself apart from the CLT-type results in that it
is non-asymptotic in nature. Based on this, Ohannessian and Dahleh [35] showed that in the
regular variation setting of Karlin, one could show multiplicative concentration, and establish
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 255

strong consistency results. Conversely, characterizing various aspects of concentration allows

one to systematically design new estimators. For example, this was illustrated in Ohannessian and
Dahleh [35] for the estimation of rare probabilities, to both justify and extend Good’s (Good [24])
work that remains relevant in some of the aforementioned applications, especially computational
linguistics. Such concentration results for rare probabilities have been also used in the general
probability estimation problem, such as by Acharya et al. [1].

3. Distribution-free concentration
3.1. Occupancy counts

3.1.1. Variance bounds

In order to understand the fluctuations of occupancy counts Kn , K(t), Kn,r , Kr (t), we start by
reviewing and stating variance bounds. We start with the Poisson setting where occupancy counts
are sums of independent Bernoulli random variables with possibly different success probabilities,
and thus variance computations are straightforward. Exact expressions may be derived (see, for
example, Gnedin et al. [22], equation (4)), but ingenuity may be used to derive more tractable and
tight bounds. We start by stating a well-known connection between the variance of the number
of occupied urns and the expected number of singletons (Gnedin et al. [22], Karlin [29]). In
the binomial setting, similar bounds can be derived using the Efron–Stein–Steele inequalities,
outlined in Section 7.1.1 (see Boucheron et al. [13], Section 3.1).

Proposition 3.1. In the Poissonized setting, we have

EK1 (2t)  
≤ Var K(t) ≤ EK1 (t).
In the binomial setting, we have

Var(Kn ) ≤ E Kn,1 (1 − Mn,0 ) ≤ EKn,1 .

The upper bounds in these two propositions parallel each other, but in the binomial setting, we
cannot hope to establish lower bounds like EKcn,1 /c ≤ Var(Kn ) for some constant c > 0 in full
generality. To see this, consider the following example which shows that the variance of K(t)
and of Kn may differ significantly, and that the variance of Kn may be much smaller than the
expected value of Kn,1 .

Example 1. In the so-called birthday paradox scenario, n balls are thrown independently into
n2 urns with
 uniform probabilities 1/n2 . In the Poisson setting for time t = n, since we have
EK(n) = j (1 − e j ) = n2 (1 − e−1/n ), using an upper and lower Taylor expansion we can

obtain the bounds:

1 1 1
n − ≤ EK(n) ≤ n − + .
2 2 6n
256 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

Since Var(K(n)) = j e−npj (1 − e−npj ) = EK(2n) − EK(n), it follows that:

1   1
≤ Var K(n) ≤ n +
n− .
6n 12n

Meanwhile, we have E[K1 (n)] = j npj e−npj = ne−1/n , which can be bounded similarly:

n − 1 ≤ E K1 (n) ≤ n − 1 + .
We can thus see that the Poisson birthday paradox satisfies the spirit of Proposition 3.1, if not its
letter (because of being outside of our fixed-p setting). Namely, the Poisson quantities Var(K(n))
and EK1 (n) are of the same order of magnitude, roughly n.
On the other hand, in the binomial setting, since 1 − Mn,0 = Kn /n2 ,
Kn 1
Var(Kn ) ≤ E Kn,1 (1 − Mn,0 ) = E Kn,1 2 ≤ EKn,1 ≤ 1,
n n

where we have used the same variance bound as in the proof of Proposition 3.1 (Section 7.2.1).
While this implies that the upper bound Var(Kn ) ≤ EKn,1 is satisfied, it also shows that a lower
bound of the kind of EKcn,1 /c ≤ Var(Kn ) is not possible, since similarly to EK1 (n), we have
EKn,1 = j npj (1 − pj )n = n(1 − n12 )n ≥ n − 1.

Another straightforward bound on Var(Kn ) comes from the fact that the Bernoulli variables
(I{Xn,j >0} )j ≥1 are negatively correlated. Thus, ignoring the covariance terms, we get

Var(Kn ) ≤ Var(I{Xn,j >0} ) = (1 − pj )n 1 − (1 − pj )n = EK2n − EKn .
j =1 j =1

Let us denote this bound by Varind (Kn ) = EK2n − EKn , as it is a variance proxy obtained by
considering that the summands in Kn are independent. One can observe that the expression of
Varind (Kn ) is very similar to the variance in the Poissonized setting, Var(K(t)) = EK(2t) −
EK(t). It is insightful to compare the true variance, the Poissonized proxy, and the negative
correlation proxy, to quantify the price one pays by resorting to the latter two as an approximation
for the first. We revisit this in more detail in Section 6.1.
We now investigate the fluctuations of the individual
 occupancy counts Kn,r and Kr (t), and
that of the cumulative occupancy counts Kn,r = j ≥r Kn,j and Kr (t) = j ≥r Kj (t).

Proposition 3.2. In the Poisson setting, for r ≥ 1, t ≥ 0,

Var Kr (t) ≤ min rEKr (t), EKr (t) .

In the binomial setting, for r, n ≥ 1,

Var(Kn,r ) ≤ min(rEKn,r , EKn,r ).

Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 257

For each setting, the first bound follows from Efron–Stein–Steele inequalities, the second from
negative correlation. These techniques are presented briefly in Sections 7.1.1 and 7.1.2, respec-

Remark 3.1. Except for r = 1, there is no clear-cut answer as to which of these two bounds is the
tightest. In the regular variation scenario with index α ∈ ]0, 1] as explored in Gnedin et al. [22],
the two bounds are asymptotically of the same order, indeed,
∼ α,
EKn,r n→+∞

see Section 4 for more on this.

Bounds on Var(Kr (t)) can be easily derived as Kr (t) is a sum of independent Bernoulli ran-
dom variables, however, noticing that Kn,r = Kn,r − Kn,r+1 and that Kn,r and Kn,r+1 are posi-
tively correlated, the following bound is immediate.

Proposition 3.3. In the Poisson setting, for r ≥ 1, t ≥ 0,

Var Kr (t) ≤ EKr (t).

In the binomial setting, for r, n ≥ 1,

Var(Kn,r ) ≤ min rEKn,r + (r + 1)EKn,r+1 , EKn,r + EKn,r+1
≤ 2 min max rEKn,r , (r + 1)EKn,r+1 , EKn,r .

3.1.2. Concentration inequalities

Concentration inequalities refine variance bounds. These bounds on the logarithmic moment gen-
erating functions are indeed Bennett (sub-Poisson) inequalities with the variance upper bounds
stated in the preceding section. For Kn,r , the next proposition gives a Bernstein inequality where
the variance factor is, up to a constant factor, the Efron–Stein upper bound on the variance.

Proposition 3.4. Let r ≥ 1, and let vn,r = min(rEKn,r , EKn,r ). Then, for all λ ∈ R,

log Eeλ(Kn,r −EKn,r ) ≤ vn,r φ(λ),

with φ : λ → eλ − λ − 1.

It is worth noting that the variance bound EKn,r in this concentration inequality can also be
obtained using a variant of Stein’s method known as size-biased coupling (Bartroff et al. [5],
Chen et al. [15]).
A critical element of the proof of Proposition 3.4 is to use the fact that each Kn,r is a sum of
negatively associated random variables (Section 7.1.2). This is not the case for Kn,r , and thus
negative association cannot be invoked directly. To deal with this, we simply use the observation
of Ohannessian and Dahleh [35] that since Kn,r = Kn,r − Kn,r+1 , the concentration of Kn,r
follows from that of those two terms. We can show the following.
258 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

Proposition 3.5. Let

vn,r = 2 min max rEKn,r , (r + 1)EKn,r+1 , EKn,r .

Then, for s ≥ 0,

P |Kn,r − EKn,r | ≥ 4vn,r s + 2s/3 ≤ 4e−s .

3.2. Missing mass

3.2.1. Variance bound
Recall that Mn,0 = ∞ j =1 pj I{Xn,j =0} = j =1 pj Yj , and we can readily show that the summands
are negatively associated weighted Bernoulli random variables (Section 7.1.2). This results in a
handy upper bound for the variance of the missing mass.

Proposition 3.6. In the Poisson setting,

Var M0 (t) = 2EK2 (t)/t 2 − EK2 (2t)/2t 2 ≤ 2EK2 (t)/t 2 ,

while in the binomial setting,

 2EK2 (n)
Var(Mn,0 ) ≤ pj2 Var(Yj ) ≤ .
j =1

Note that whereas the expected value of the missing mass is connected to the number of
singletons, its variance may be upper bounded using the number of doubletons (in the Poisson
setting). This connection was already pointed out in Good [24] and Esty [20].

3.2.2. Concentration of the left tail

Moving on to the concentration properties of the missing mass, we first note that as a sum of
weighted sub-Poisson random variables (following Boucheron et al. [13]), the missing mass is
itself a sub-gamma random variable on both tails. It should not come as a surprise that the left
tail of Mn,0 is sub-Gaussian with the variance factor derived from negative association. This had
already been pointed out by McAllester and Schapire [33] and McAllester and Ortiz [32].

Proposition 3.7 (McAllester and Ortiz [32]). In the Poisson setting, the missing mass M0 (t)
∞ sub-Gaussian on the left tail with variance factor the effective variance Var(M0 (t)) =
2 −tpj (1 − e−tpj ).
j =1 pj e
In the binomial
 setting, the missing mass Mn,0 is sub-Gaussian on the left tail with variance
factor v = ∞ −
j =1 pj Var(Yj ) or vn = 2EK2 (n)/n .
2 2

For λ ≤ 0,
vλ2 2vn− λ2
log E eλ(Mn,0 −EMn,0 ) ≤ ≤ .
2 2
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 259

3.2.3. Concentration of the right tail

The following concentration inequalities for the right tail of the missing mass mostly rely on the
following proposition, which bounds the log-Laplace transform of the missing mass in terms of
the sequence of expected occupancy counts EKr (n), for r ≥ 2.

Proposition 3.8. For all λ > 0,

∞  r

λ(Mn,0 −EMn,0 )
log E e ≤ EKr (n).

This suggests that if we have a uniform control on the expected occupancy scores (EKr (t))r≥2 ,
then the missing mass has a sub-gamma right tail, with some more or less accurate variance
proxy, and scale factor 1/n.
The next theorem shows that the missing mass is sub-gamma on the right tail with variance
proxy 2EK2 (n)/n2 and scale proxy 1/n. Despite its simplicity and its generality, this bound
exhibits an intuitively correct scale factor: if there exist symbols with probability of order 1/n,
they offer the major contribution to the fluctuations of the missing mass.

Theorem 3.9. In the binomial as well as in the Poisson setting, the missing mass is sub-gamma
on the right tail with variance factor vn+ = 2EK2 (n)/n2 and scale factor 1/n. For λ ≥ 0,

vn+ λ2
log E eλ(Mn,0 −EMn,0 ) ≤ .
2(1 − λ/n)

If the sequence (EKr (n))r≥2 is non-increasing, the missing mass is sub-gamma on the right tail
with variance factor vn− = 2EK2 (n)/n2 and scale factor 1/n,

vn− λ2
log E eλ(Mn,0 −EMn,0 ) ≤ .
2(1 − λ/n)

Remark 3.2. McAllester and Ortiz [32] and Berend and Kontorovich [8] point out that for each
Bernoulli random variable Yj , for all λ ∈ R

log Eeλ(Yj −EYj ) ≤ ,
4C LS (EYj )

where C LS (p) = log((1 − p)/p)/(1 − 2p) (or 2 if p = 1/2) is the optimal logarithmic Sobolev
constant for Bernoulli random variables with success probability p (this sharp and nontrivial re-
sult has been proven independently by a number of people: Kearns and Saul [30], Berend and
Kontorovich [8], Raginsky and Sason [38], Berend and Kontorovich [9]; the constant also ap-
pears early on in the exponent of one of Hoeffding’s inequalities (Hoeffding [27], Theorem 1,
260 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

equation (2.2)). From this observation, thanks to the negative association of the (Yj )j ≥1 , it fol-
lows that the missing mass is sub-Gaussian with variance factor

 pj2 ∞
 pj2 ∞ p2
 j 1
wn = ≤ ≤ ≤ . (3.1)
2C LS ((1 − pj )n ) 2 log((1 − pj )−n ) 2npj 2n
j =1 j =1 j =1

An upper bound on wn does not mean that wn is necessarily larger than EK2 (n)/n2 . Neverthe-
less, it is possible to derive a simple lower bound on wn that proves to be of order O(1/n).
Assume that the sequence (pj )j ≥1 is such that pj ≤ 1/4 for all j ≥ 1. Then

wn ≥
2C LS ((1 − pj )n )
j :pj ≥1/n

 pj2 (1 − 2(1 − pj )n )

2n log(1/(1 − pj ))
j :pj ≥1/n

 pj2 (1 − 2/e)

2npj /(1 − pj )
j :pj ≥1/n
3(1 − 2/e)
≥ 1− pj
j :pj <1/n
≥ 1− pj ,
j :pj <1/n

and the statement follows from the observation that limn→∞ j :pj <1/n pj = 0.
The variance factor wn from (3.1) is usually larger than 2EK2 (n)/n2 .
In the scenarios dis-
cussed in Section 4, (2EK2 (n)/n2 )/wn even tends to 0 as n tends to infinity.

4. Regular variation
Motivation. Are the variance bounds in the results of Section 3 tight? In some pathological situ-
ations, this may not be the case. Consider the following example (which revisits Example 1).

Example 2. We may challenge the tail bounds offered by Proposition 3.7 and Theorem 3.9 in
the simplest setting where we have k symbols all of which have equal probabilities 1/k. Then the
missing mass is 1 − Kn /k, its variance is Var(Kn )/k 2 . In the birthday paradox setting (k = n2 ),
Var(Mn,0 ) ≤ 1/n4 , and the variance bound 2EK2 (n)/n2 is not tight. Indeed, one can verify that
EK2 (n) ≥ 12 (1 − n1 ) so that vn+ ≥ n12 − n13 . However, in what is called the central domain in
Kolchin et al. [31], that is when k → ∞ while n/k → t ∈ R+ , the tail bounds become relevant.
The variance of Kn is equivalent to ke−t (1−e−t ) while its expectation is equivalent to k(1−e−t ).
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 261

Note that in this setting all EKr (n) and EKn,r are of the same order of magnitude as EKn , indeed
EKr (n)/EK(n) → e−t t r /(r!(1 − e−t )).
These examples are illustrative although they do not fall in the fixed p regime we are con-
sidering in this paper. We use them because they have tractable expressions, and they provide
informative diagnostics. To parallel the phenomenon of mismatched variance proxies in our set-
ting, one can simply look at the geometric distribution for a concrete example. If (pk )k≥1 defines
a geometric distribution pk = (1 − q)k−1 q, then EK2 (n) remains bounded, while EK2 (n) scales
like log n as n tends to infinity.

In particular, we may conjecture that Theorem 3.9 is likely to be sharp when the first terms
of the sequence (EKr (n))r≥2 grow at the same rate as EK(n), or at least as EK2 (n), which
is not the case in the birthday paradox setting of Example 2. We see in what follows that the
regular variation framework introduced by Karlin [29] leads to such asymptotic equivalents. The
most useful aspect of these equivalent growth rates is a simple characterization of the variance
of various quantities, particularly relative to their expectation. We focus on the right tail of the
missing mass, which exhibits the highest sensitivity to this asymptotic behavior, by trying to
specialize Theorem 3.9 under regular variation.
Definition. Regularly varying frequencies can be seen as generalizations of power-law fre-
quencies. One possible definition is as follows: for α ∈ (0, 1), the sequence (pj )j ≥1 is said to be
regularly varying with index −1/α if, for all κ ∈ N+ ,
∼ κ −1/α .
pj j →∞

It is easy to see that pure power laws do indeed satisfy this definition. However, in order to extend
the regular variation hypothesis to α = 0 and 1, we need a more flexible definition, which requires
some new notation. This definition relies on the counting function ν , defined for all x > 0 by:
ν (x) = {j : j ≥ 1, pj ≥ x}.

The overhead arrow is not a vector notation, and rather codifies that we are counting points with
probability “to the right” of x. More precisely, letting ν be the counting measure defined by

ν(dx) = δpj (dx),
j =1

then, for all x > 0, ν (x) = ν[x, 1].

Henceforth, following Karlin [29], we say that the probability mass function (pj )j is regularly
varying with index α ∈ [0, 1], if ν (1/·) is α-regularly varying in the neighbourhood of ∞, which
reads as
ν (1/x) ∼ x α (x),

where  is a slowly varying function, that is, for all x > 0, limτ →+∞ (τ x)/(τ ) = 1. We use the
notation ν (1/·) ∈ RVα to indicate that ν (1/·) is α-regularly varying.
262 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

We now note that when α ∈ (0, 1), the regular variation assumption on (pj )j ≥1 is indeed
equivalent to the regular variation assumption on the counting function ν (see Gnedin et al. [22],
Proposition 23): if (pj )j ≥1 is regularly varying with index −1/α as j tends to infinity, then
ν (1/·) is α-regularly varying, that is limx→∞ ν (1/(qx))/ν (1/x) = q α for q > 0 (see also Bing-
ham et al. [11]). The second definition however lends itself more easily to generalization to α = 0
and 1.
In what follows, we treat these three cases separately: the nominal regular variation case with
α ∈ (0, 1) strictly, the fast variation case with α = 1, and the slow variation case with α = 0.
In the latter case, that is if frequencies pj are regularly varying with index 0, we find that the
mere regular variation hypothesis is not sufficient to obtain asymptotic formulas. For this reason,
we introduce further control in the form of an extended regular variation hypothesis (given by
Definition 1 of Section 4.3).

Remark 4.1. Before we proceed, as further motivation, we note that the regular variation hy-
pothesis is very close to being a necessary condition for exponential concentration. For exam-
ple, considering Proposition 3.8, we see that if the sampling distribution is such that the ratio
EK2 (t)/EK2 (t) remains bounded, then we are able to capture the right variance factor. Now,
defining the shorthand
2 (t) = EK2 (t) and
2 (t) = EK2 (t) following the notation of Gnedin et
al. [22], we have
2 (t)

2 (t) = .
2 (t)/
2 (t) = 2
2 (t)/t
(t), and if instead of boundedness, we further require that
this ratio converges to some finite limit, then, by the converse part of Karamata’s theorem (see
de Haan and Ferreira [16], Theorem B.1.5), we find that
2 (and then
2 ) is regularly vary-
ing, which in turn implies that ν (1/t) is regularly varying. We elaborate on this further in our
discussions, in Section 6.2.

4.1. Case α ∈ (0, 1)

We first consider the case 0 < α < 1. The next theorem states that when the sampling distribution
is regularly varying with index α ∈ (0, 1), the variance factors in the Bernstein inequalities of
Proposition 3.7 and Theorem 3.9 are of the same order as the variance of the missing mass.

Theorem 4.1. Assume that the counting function ν satisfies the regular variation condition with
index α ∈ (0, 1), then the missing mass Mn,0 (or M0 (n)) is sub-Gaussian on the left tail with
variance factor vn− = 2EK2 (n)/n2 and sub-gamma on the right tail with variance factor vn+ =
2EK2 (n)/n2 . The variance factors satisfy

vn− 1
lim = ,
n Var(Mn,0 ) 1 − 2α−2
vn+ 2
lim = ,
n Var(Mn,0 ) α(1 − 2α−2 )
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 263

and thus
vn− α
lim = .
n vn+ 2

The second ratio deteriorates when α approaches 0, implying that the variance factor for the
right tail gets worse for lighter tails. We do not detail the proof of Theorem 4.1, except to note that
it follows from Proposition 3.7, Theorem 3.9, and the following asymptotics (see also Gnedin et
al. [22], Ohannessian and Dahleh [35]).

Theorem 4.2 (Karlin [29]). If the counting function ν is regularly varying with index α ∈ (0, 1),
for all r ≥ 1,
– Kn ∼ EKn ∼+∞ (1 − α)nα (n),
– Kn,r ∼ EKn,r ∼+∞ α (r−α)
r! nα (n),
– Var(Mn,0 ) ∼ α (2 − α)(1 − 2α−2 )nα−2 (n)
and the same hold for the corresponding Poissonized quantities.

Note that all expected occupancy counts are of the same order, and the asymptotics for EK2 (n)
follows directly from the difference between EK(n) and EK1 (n).

4.2. Fast variation, α = 1

We refer to the regular variation regime with α = 1 as fast variation.1 From the perspective
of concentration, this represents a relatively “easy” scenario. In a nutshell, this is because the
variance of various quantities grows much slower than their expectation.
The result of this section is to simply state that Theorem 4.1 continues to hold as is for α = 1.
The justification for this, however, is different. In particular, the asymptotics of Theorem 4.2 do
not apply: the number of distinct symbols Kn and the singletons Kn,1 continue to have compara-
ble growth order, but now their growth dominates that of Kn,r for all r ≥ 2. Intuitively, under fast
variation almost all symbols appear only once in the observation, with only a vanishing fraction
of symbols appearing more than once. We formalize this in the following theorem.

Theorem 4.3 (Karlin [29]). Assume ν(1/x) = x(x) with  ∈ RV0 (note that  tends to 0 at ∞).

Define 1 : [1, ∞) → R+ by 1 (y) = y u−1 (u) du. Then 1 ∈ RV0 and limt→∞ 1 (t)/(t) =
∞ and the following asymptotics hold:
– Kn ∼ EKn ∼+∞ n1 (n),
– Kn,1 ∼ EKn,1 ∼+∞ EKn ,
– Kn,r ∼ EKn,r ∼+∞ r(r−1)
n(n), r ≥ 2,
and the same hold for the corresponding Poissonized quantities.

1 Sometimes rapid variation is used Gnedin et al. [22], but this conflicts with Bingham et al. [11].
264 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

As the expected missing mass scales like EK1 (n)/n while its variance scales like EK2 (n)/n2 ,
Theorem 4.3 quantifies our claim that this is an “easy” concentration. To establish Theorem 4.1,
it remains to show that EK2 (n) is also of the same order as EK2 (n), with the correct limiting
ratio for α = 1. For this, we give the following proposition, which is in fact sufficient to prove
Theorem 4.1 for both 0 < α < 1 and α = 1.

Proposition 4.4. Assume that the counting function ν satisfies the regular variation condition
with index α ∈ (0, 1], then for all r ≥ 2,
(r − α)
Kr (n) ∼ ν (1/n) almost surely.
+∞ (r − 1)!

Thus, when α = 1, EKr (n) and EKr (n) for r ≥ 2 all grow like n(n), which is dominated by
the n1 (n) growth of EK(n) and EK1 (n), as (n)/1 (n) → 0. Specializing for r = 2, we do find
that our proxies still capture the right order of the variance of the missing mass, and that we have
the desired limit of Theorem 4.1, limn vn− /vn+ = 12 .

Remark 4.2. When 0 < α < 1, another good variance proxy would have been 2EK(n)/n2 . For
α = 1, however, singletons should be removed to get the correct order.
We also note that when α = 1, the missing mass is even more stable. If we let vn denote either
2EK2 (n)/n2 or 2EK2 (n)/n2 , then we have the following comparison between the expectation
and the fluctuations of the missing mass, with the appropriate constants:
⎧ √
√ ⎪
⎪ −α/2 (n)
vn ⎨ cα · n , for 0 < α < 1 ,
∼ √
EMn,0 ⎪ ⎪
⎩ c1 · n−1/2 (n) , for α = 1.
1 (n)

4.3. Slow variation, α = 0

The setting where the counting function ν satisfies the regular variation condition with index 0
represents a challenge. We refer to this regime simply as slow variation. Recall that this means
that ν (z/n)/ν (1/n) converges to 1 as n goes to infinity, yet to deal with this case we need to
control the speed of this convergence, exemplified by the notion of extended regular variation that
was introduced by de Haan (see Bingham et al. [11], de Haan and Ferreira [16]). As we illustrate
in the end of this section, one may face rather irregular behavior without such a hypothesis.

Definition 1. A measurable function  : R+ → R+ has the extended slow variation property, if

there exists a nonnegative measurable function a : R+ → R+ such that for all x > 0
(τ x) − (τ )
lim → log(x).
τ →∞ a(τ ) τ →∞

The function a(·) is called an auxiliary function. When a function  has the extended slow varia-
tion property with auxiliary function a, we denote it by  ∈ a .
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 265

Note that the auxiliary function is always slowly varying and grows slower than the original
function, namely it satisfies limτ →∞ (τ )/a(τ ) = ∞. Furthermore, any two possible auxiliary
functions are asymptotically equivalent, that is if a1 and a2 are both auxiliary functions for ,
then limt→∞ a1 (t)/a2 (t) = 1.
The notion of extended slow variation and the auxiliary function give us the aforementioned
control needed to treat the α = 0 case on the same footing as the 0 < α < 1 case. In particular,
in what follows in this section we assume that ν (1/·) ∈ a , with the additional requirement that
the auxiliary function a tends to +∞.

Remark 4.3. This domain corresponds to light-tailed distributions just above the geometric
distribution (the upper-exponential part of Gumbel’s domain). For the geometric distribution
with frequencies pj = (1 − q)q k−1 , j = 1, 2, . . . , the counting function satisfies ν (1/n) ∼∞
log1/q (n) ∈ RV0 , but the auxiliary function a(n) = log(1/q) does not tend to infinity. Frequen-

cies of the form pj = cq j on the other hand do fit this framework.

Theorem 4.5 (Gnedin et al. [22]). Assume that (t) = ν (1/t) is in a , where a is slowly varying
and tends to infinity. The following asymptotics hold for each r ≥ n:
– Kn ∼ EKn ∼+∞ (n),
P a(n)
– Kn,r ∼ EKn,r ∼+∞ r ,
– Kn,r̄ ∼ EKn,r̄ ∼+∞ (n),
P a(n)
– Mn,r ∼ EMn,r ∼+∞ n .
The same equivalents hold for the corresponding Poissonized quantities.

Remark 4.4. In this case, the expectations (EKn,r )r≥1 are of the same order but are much smaller
than EKn , and the variables Kn and Kn,s are all almost surely equivalent to (n). It is also
remarkable that all the expected masses (EMn,r )r≥1 are equivalent.

The variance of the missing mass is of order 2EK2 (n)/n2 ∼ a(n)/n2 , whereas the proxy
2EK2 (n)/n2 is of much faster order 2(n)/n2 , and is thus inadequate. By exploiting more care-
fully the regular variation hypothesis, we obtain uniform control over (EKr (n))r≥1 for large
enough n, leading to a variance proxy of the correct order.

Theorem 4.6. Assume that  defined by (x) = ν (1/x) is in a where the slowly varying func-
tion a tends to infinity, and let vn = 12a(n)/n2 . We have:
1. Var(Mn,0 ) ∼ 3a(n)
, thus vn Var(Mn,0 ).
2. There exists n0 ∈ N that depends on ν such that for all n > n0 , for all λ > 0,

v n λ2
log E eλ(Mn,0 −EMn,0 ) ≤ .
2(1 − λ/n)
The same results hold for M0 (t).
266 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

Remark 4.5. By standard Chernoff bounding, Theorem 4.6 implies that there exists n0 ∈ N such
that for all n ≥ n0 , s ≥ 0,
P Mn,0 ≥ EMn,0 + 2vn s + ≤ e−s .

4.3.1. Too slow variation

We conclude this section by motivating why it is crucial to have a heavy-enough tail in order to
obtain meaningful concentration. For example, even under regular variation when α = 0, but ν
is not in a de Haan class a with a(n) → ∞, the behavior of the occupancy counts and their
moments may be quite irregular. In this section, we collect some observations on those light-
tailed distributions. We start with the geometric distribution which represents in many respects a
borderline case.
The geometric case is an example of slow variation: ν (1/·) ∈ RV0 . Indeed, with pk = (1 −
q)k−1 q, 0 < q < 1, we have

ν (x) = I{pk ≥x}
= k ∈ N+ , (1 − q)k−1 q ≥ x 
=1+ ,
log(1 − q)
and thus ν (x) ∼x→0 (1/x), with  slowly varying.
In this case, Var(K(n)) = EK(2n) − EK(n) → log(1/1−q) .

Proposition 4.7. When the sampling distribution is geometric with parameter q ∈ (0, 1), letting
Mn = max(X1 , . . . , Xn ),
EMn ≥ EKn ≥ EMn − .

In the case of geometric frequencies, the missing mass can fluctuate widely with respect to
its expectation, and one cannot expect to obtain sub-gamma concentration with both the correct
variance proxy and scale factor 1/n. Indeed, intuitively, the symbol which primarily
to the missing mass’ fluctuations, is the quantile of order 1 − 1/n. With F (k) = kj =1 pj , and
F ← the generalized inverse of F ,

j ∗ = F ← (1 − 1/n) = inf j ≥ 1, F (j ) ≥ 1 − 1/n

= inf j ≥ 1, pk ≤ 1/n .

Omitting the slowly varying functions, when ν (1/·) ∈ RVα , 0 < α < 1, j ∗ is of order nα/(1−α)
and pj ∗ is of order n−1/(1−α) . The closer to 1 is α, the smaller the probability of j ∗ . When α
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 267

goes to 0, this probability becomes 1/n. With geometric frequencies, j ∗ is log(1/1−q)

and pj ∗ is
n(1−q) . Hence, around the quantile of order 1 − 1/n, there are symbols which may contribute
significantly to the missing mass’ fluctuations.
Another interesting case consists of distributions which are very light-tailed, in the sense that
pk+1 pk+1
pk → 0 when k → ∞. An example of these is the Poisson distribution P(λ), for which pk =
k→k→+∞ 0. The next proposition shows that for such concentrated distributions, the missing
mass essentially concentrates on two points.

Proposition 4.8. In the infinite urns scheme with probability mass function (pk )k∈N , if pk > 0
for all k and limk→∞ ppk+1
= 0, then there exists a sequence of integers (un )n∈N such that

lim P Mn,0 ∈ F (un ), F (un + 1) = 1,


where F (k) = j >k pj .

5. Applications
5.1. Estimating the regular variation index
When working in the regular variation setting, the most basic estimation task is to estimate the
regular variation index α. We already mentioned in Section 2 the fact that, when ν ∈ RVα , α ∈
(0, 1), the ratio Kn,1 /Kn provides a consistent estimate of α. This is actually only one among
a family of estimators of α that one may construct. The next result shows this, and is a direct
consequence of Proposition 4.4.

Proposition 5.1. If ν ∈ RVα , α ∈ (0, 1], then for all r ≥ 1


is a strongly consistent estimator of α.

Thus, writing kn = max {r, Kn,r > 0}, at time n, we can have up to kn non-trivial estimators
of α. One would expect these estimators to offer various bias-variance trade-offs, and one could
ostensibly select an “optimal” r via model selection.

5.2. Estimating the missing mass

The Good–Turing estimation problem (Good [24]) is that of estimating Mn,r from the observa-
tion (U1 , U2 , . . . , Un ). For large scores r, designing estimators for Mn,r is straightforward: we
assume that the empirical distribution mimics the sampling distribution, and that the empirical
probabilities nn,r are likely to be good estimators. The question is more delicate for rare events.
268 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

In particular, for r = 0, it may be a bad idea to assume that there is no missing mass Mn,0 = 0,
that is to assign a zero probability to the set of symbols that do not appear in the sample. Var-
ious “smoothing” techniques have thus developed, in order to adjust the maximum likelihood
estimator and obtain more accurate probabilities.
In particular, Good–Turing estimators attempt to estimate (Mn,r )r from (Kn,r )r for all r. They
are defined as
(r + 1)Kn,r+1
Gn,r = .
The rationale for this choice comes from the following observations.

E[Kn,1 ] EMn,1
EGn,0 = = EMn−1,0 = EMn,0 + (5.1)
n n
(r + 1)EKn,r+1
EGn,r = = EMn−1,r . (5.2)
In the Poisson setting, there is no bias: EGr (t) = (r + 1) EKr+1
= EMr (t).
Here, we primarily focus on the estimation of the missing masses Mn,0 and M0 (t), though most
of the methodology extends also to r > 0, with the appropriate concentration results. From (5.1)
and (5.2), Good–Turing estimators look like slightly biased estimators of the relevant masses.
In particular, the bias EGn,0 − EMn,0 is always positive but smaller than 1/n. It is however far
from obvious to determine scenarios where these estimators are consistent and where meaningful
confidence regions can be constructed.
When trying to estimate the missing mass Mn,0 or EMn,0 , consistency needs to be redefined
since the estimand is not a fixed parameter of interest but a random quantity whose expectation
further depends on n. Additive consistency, that is bounds on M n,0 − Mn,0 is not a satisfactory
notion, because, as Mn,0 tends to 0, the trivial constant estimator 0 would be universally asymp-
totically consistent. Relative consistency, that is control on (M n,0 − Mn,0 )/Mn,0 looks like a
much more reasonable notion. It is however much harder to establish.
In order to establish relative consistency of a missing mass estimator, we have to check that
E[M n,0 − Mn,0 ] is not too large with respect to EMn,0 , and that both M
n,0 and Mn,0 are concen-
trated around their mean values.
As shown in Ohannessian and Dahleh [35], the Good–Turing estimator of the missing mass is
not universally consistent in this sense. This occurs principally in very light tails, such as those
described in Section 4.3.1.

Proposition 5.2 (Ohannessian and Dahleh [35]). When the sampling distribution is geometric
with small enough q ∈ (0, 1), there exists η > 0, and a subsequence ni such that for i large
enough, Gni ,0 /Mni ,0 = 0 with probability no less than η.

On the other hand, the concentration result of Corollary 4.1 gives a law of large numbers for
Mn,0 (by a direct application of the Borel–Cantelli lemma), which in turn implies the strong
multiplicative consistency of the Good–Turing estimate.
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 269

Corollary 5.3. We have the following two regimes of consistency for the Good–Turing estimator
of the missing mass.
(i) If the counting function ν is such that EKn,2 /EKn,1 remains bounded and EKn,1 → +∞
(in particular, when ν is regularly varying with index α ∈ (0, 1] or α = 0 and ν ∈ a with
a → ∞),
Mn,0 P
→ 1,
and the Good–Turing estimator of Mn,0 defined by Gn,0 = Kn,1 /n, is multiplicatively consistent
in probability:
Gn,0 P
→ 1.

(ii) If furthermore EKn,2 /EKn,1 remains bounded and if, for all c > 0, ∞ n=0 exp(−cE ×
Kn,1 ) < ∞ (in particular, when ν is regularly varying with index α ∈ (0, 1]), then these two
convergences occur almost surely.

Remark 5.1. One needs to make assumptions on the sampling distribution to guarantee the con-
sistency of the Good–Turing estimator. In fact, there is no hope to find a universally consistent
estimator of the missing mass without any such restrictions, as shown recently by Mossel and
Ohannessian [34].

Consistency is a desirable property, but the concentration inequalities provide us with more
power, in particular in terms of giving confidence intervals that are asymptotically tight. For
brevity, we focus here on the Poisson setting to derive concentration inequalities which in turn
yield confidence intervals. A similar, but somewhat more tedious, methodology yields confidence
intervals in the binomial setting as well.

5.2.1. Concentration inequalities for G0 (t) − M0 (t)

In the Poisson setting, the analysis of the Good–Turing estimator is illuminating. As noted earlier,
the first pleasant observation is that the Good–Turing estimator is an unbiased estimator of the
missing mass. Second, the variance of G0 (t) − M0 (t) is simply related to occupancy counts:
Var G0 (t) − M0 (t) = 2 EK1 (t) + 2EK2 (t) . (5.3)
Third, simple yet often tight concentration inequalities can be obtained for G0 (t) − M0 (t).

Proposition 5.4. The random variable G0 (t) − M0 (t) is sub-gamma on the right tail with vari-
ance factor Var(G0 (t) − M0 (t)) and scale factor 1/t, and sub-gamma on the left tail with vari-
ance factor 3EK(t)/t 2 and scale factor 1/t .
For all λ ≥ 0,
(i) log Eeλ(G0 (t)−M0 (t)) ≤ Var(G0 (t) − M0 (t))t 2 φ( λt ), and
270 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

3EK(t) λ2
(ii) log Eeλ(M0 (t)−G0 (t)) ≤ 2t 2 1−λ/t

We are now in a position to build confidence intervals for the missing mass.

Proposition 5.5. With probability larger than 1 − 4δ, the following hold
1 1 1
M0 (t) ≤ G0 (t) + 6K(t) log + 5 log ,
t δ δ
1   1 1
M0 (t) ≥ G0 (t) − 2 K1 (t) + 2K2 (t) log + 4 log .
t δ δ

To see that these confidence bounds are asymptotically tight, consider the following central
limit theorem. A similar results can be paralleled in the binomial setting.

Proposition 5.6. If the counting function ν is regularly varying with index α ∈ (0, 1], the follow-
ing central limit theorem holds for the ratio G0 (t)/M0 (t):
EK1 (t) G0 (t)
√ − 1  N (0, 1).
EK1 (t) + 2EK2 (t) M0 (t)

√ Note that when α = 1, this convergence occurs faster: the speed is of order
Remark 5.2. n1 (n)
instead of nα (n).

5.3. Estimating the number of species

Fisher’s number of species problem (Fisher et al. [21]) consists of estimating K(1+τ )n − Kn for
τ > 0, the number of distinct new species one would observe if the data collection runs for an
additional fraction τ of time. This was posed primarily within the Poisson model in the original
paper (Fisher et al. [21]) and later by Efron and Thisted [19], but the same question may also be
asked in the binomial model. The following estimates come from straightforward computations
on the asymptotics given in Theorems 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5.

Proposition 5.7. If the counting function ν is regularly varying with index α ∈ (0, 1], letting α̂
be any of the estimates rKn,r /Kn,r of α from Proposition 5.1, then any of the following quantities
 α̂  τ α̂ − 1  k τ α̂ − 1
τ − 1 Kn , Kn,1 and Kn,r , r ≥ 2,
α̂ k − 1 − α̂ α̂

is a strongly consistent estimate of Kτ n − Kn , the number of newly discovered species when the
sample size is multiplied by τ .
If the counting function ν is in a , with a(n) → +∞, then, for each r ≥ 1,

log(τ )rKn,r
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 271

is an estimate of Kτ n − Kn , consistent in probability.

6. Discussion
To conclude the paper, we review our results in a larger context, and propose some connections,
extensions, and open problems.

6.1. The cost of Poissonization and negative correlation

Resorting to Poissonization or negative correlation may have a price. It may lead to variance
overestimates. Gnedin et al. ([22], Lemma 1), asserts that for some constant c
Var K(n) − Var(Kn ) ≤ c max 1, EK1 (n)2 .
This bound conveys a mixed message. As EK1 (n)/n tends to 0, it asserts that
Var K(n) − Var(Kn )/EK1 (n)

tends to 0. But there exist scenarios where EK1 (n)2 /n tends to infinity. It is shown in Gnedin
et al. [22] that EK1 (n)2 /(n Var(K(n))) tends to 0, so that, as soon as n Var(K(n)) tends to
infinity (which might not always be the case), the two variances Var(Kn ) and Var(K(n)) are
asymptotically equivalent.
It would be interesting to find necessary and sufficient conditions under which there is equiv-
alence. Though these aren’t generally known, it is instructive to compare Var(K(n)), Var(Kn )
and Varind (Kn ) the variance upper bound obtained from negative correlation by bounding their
differences. For instance, one can show that for any sampling distribution we have:
EK2 (2n)   2EK2 (n)
≤ Var K(n) − Varind (Kn ) ≤
n n
(EKn,1 )2 EK2n,2
0 ≤ Varind (Kn ) − Var(Kn ) ≤ − .
n 2n − 1
These bounds are insightful but, without any further assumptions on the sampling distribution,
they are not sufficient to prove asymptotic equivalence.

6.2. Extensions of regular variation

The regular variation hypothesis is an elegant framework, allowing one to derive, thanks to Kara-
mata and Tauberian theorems, simple and intelligible equivalents for various moments. As we
have seen in Remark 4.1, regular variation comes very close to being a necessary condition for
exponential concentration. It may however seem too stringent. Without getting too specific, let us
272 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

mention that other less demanding hypotheses also yield the asymptotic relative orders that work
in favor of the concentration of the missing mass. For instance, referring back to Remark 4.1,
one could instead ask for:

2 (t)
0 < lim inf ≤ lim sup 2 < ∞.
2 (t) t→∞
2 (t)

Recalling that
(t) = 2
t2 (t) , and applying Corollary 2.6.2. of Bingham et al. [11], one obtains
2 is in the class OR of O-regularly varying functions and
2 is in the class ER of extended
regularly varying functions, that is, for all λ ≥ 1

2 (λt)
2 (λt)
0 < lim inf ≤ lim sup <∞
2 (t) t→∞
2 (t)


2 (λt)
λd ≤ lim inf ≤ lim sup 2 ≤ λc ,
2 (t) t→∞
2 (t)

for some constants c and d. Observe that this result, which is the equivalent of Karamata’s theo-
rem, differs from the regular variation setting, in the sense that the control on the derivative
2 is
looser than the one on
2 , whereas, in the Karamata theorem, both the function and its derivative
inherit the regular variation property.
We can in turn show that
(t) = EK(t) is in the class OR and, by Theorem 2.10.2 of Bingham
et al. [11], this is equivalent to ν (1/·) ∈ OR, as
is the Laplace–Stieltjes transform of ν .

6.3. Random measures

As noted by Gnedin et al. [22], the asymptotics for the moments of the occupancy counts in the
regular variation setting is still valid when the frequencies (pj )j ≥1 are random, in which case
the measure ν is defined by
E f (pj ) = f (x)ν(dx),
j =1 0

for all functions f ≥ 0. We can also define the measure ν1 by

E pj f (pj ) = f (x)ν1 (dx),
j =1 0

for all functions f ≥ 0. This measure corresponds to the distribution of the frequency of the first
discovered symbol.
For instance, when (pj )j ≥1 are Poisson–Dirichlet(α,0) with 0 < α < 1, the measure ν1 (dx)
is the size-biased distribution of PD(α, 0), that is Beta B(1 − α, α) (see Pitman and Yor [37]).
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 273

Thus, we have:
1 x
ν1 [0, x] = t −α (1 − t)α−1 dt
B(1 − α, α) 0

x 1−α

x→0 (1 − α)B(1 − α, α)

and, by Gnedin et al. [22], Proposition 13, this is equivalent to

ν (x) ∼ x −α .
x→0 αB(1 − α, α)
Thus, denoting by N (x) the random number of frequencies pj which are larger than x, the
expectation ν (x) = EN (x) is regularly varying. One can also show that the mass-partition mech-
anism of the distribution PD(α, 0) almost surely generates N (x) to be regularly varying. To see
this, refer to Pitman and Yor [37], Proposition 10 or to Bertoin [10], Proposition 2.6, which assert
that the limit
L := lim npnα
exists almost surely. This is equivalent to

N (x) ∼ x −α L almost surely.


The PD(α, 0) distribution can be generated through a Poisson process with intensity measure
ν([x, ∞]) = cx −α . Without entering into further details, let us mention that similar almost sure
results hold even when the intensity measure ν is not a strict power, but satisfies the property
ν [x, ∞] ∼ x −α (x),

with  slowly varying, Gnedin [23], Section 6. Working with a regular variation hypothesis thus
gives us more flexibility than assuming specific Bayesian priors.

7. Proofs
7.1. Fundamental techniques
7.1.1. Efron–Stein–Steele inequalities
Our variance bounds mostly follow from the Efron–Stein–Steele inequality (Efron and
Stein [18]), which states that when a random variable is expressed as a function of many in-
dependent random variables, its variance can be controlled by the sum of the local fluctuations.

Theorem 7.1. Let X be some set, (X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn ) be independent random variables taking
values in X , f : X n → R be a measurable function of n variables, and Z = f (X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn ).
274 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

For all i ∈
{1, . . . , n}, let X (i) = (X1 , . . . , Xi−1 , Xi+1 , . . . , Xn ) and E(i) Z = E[Z|X (i) ]. Then,
letting v = i=1 E[(Z − E(i) Z)2 ],
Var[Z] ≤ v.
If X1 , . . . , Xn are independent copies of X1 , . . . , Xn , then letting Zi = f (X1 , . . . , Xi−1 , Xi ,
Xi+1 , . . . , Xn ),


v= E Z − Zi + ≤ E (Z − Zi )2 ,
i=1 i=1

where the random variables Zi are arbitrary X (i) -measurable and square-integrable random

7.1.2. Negative association

The random variables Kn , Kn,r , and Mn,r are sums or weighted sums of Bernoulli random
variables. These summands depend on the scores (Xn,j )j ≥1 and therefore are not independent.
Transforming the fixed-n binomial setting into a continuous time Poisson setting is one way to
circumvent this problem. This is the Poissonization method. In this setting, the score variables
(Xj (n))j ≥1 are independent Poisson variables with respective means npj . Results valid for the
Poisson setting can then be transferred to the fixed-n setting, up to approximation costs. For in-
stance, Gnedin et al. [22] (Lemma 1) provide bounds on the discrepancy between expectations
and variances in the two settings. (See also our discussion in Section 6.1.)
Another approach to deal with the dependence is to invoke the notion of negative associa-
tion, which provides a systematic comparison between moments of certain monotonic functions
of the occupancy scores. In our present setting, this will primarily be useful for bounding the
logarithmic moment generating function, which is an expectation of products, by products of
expectations, thus recovering the structure of independence. This has already been used to de-
rive exponential concentration for occupancy counts (see Dubhashi and Ranjan [17], Shao [39],
McAllester and Schapire [33], Ohannessian and Dahleh [35]). It is also useful for bounding vari-
ances. We use this notion throughout the proofs, and therefore present it here formally.

Definition 2 (Negative association). Real-valued random variables Z1 , . . . , ZK are said to be

negatively associated if, for any two disjoint subsets A and B of {1, . . . , K}, and any two real-
valued functions f : R|A| → R and g : R|B| → R that are both either coordinate-wise non-
increasing or coordinate-wise non-decreasing, we have:

E f (ZA ) · g(ZB ) ≤ E f (ZA ) · E g(ZB ) .

In particular, as far as concentration properties are concerned, sums of negatively associated

variables can only do better than sums of independent variables.

Theorem 7.2 (Dubhashi and Ranjan [17]). For each n ∈ N, the occupancy scores (Xn,j )j ≥1
are negatively associated.
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 275

As monotonic functions of negatively associated variables are also negatively associated, the
variables (I{Xn,j >0} )j ≥1 (respectively, (I{Xn,j =0} )j ≥1 ) are negatively associated as increasing (re-
spectively, decreasing) functions of (Xn,j )j ≥1 . This is of pivotal importance for our proofs of
concentration results for Kn and Mn,0 . For r ≥ 1, the variables (I{Xn,j =r} )j ≥1 appearing in Kn,r
are not negatively associated. However, following Ohannessian and Dahleh [35], one way to deal
with this problem is to observe that

Kn,r = Kn,r − Kn,r+1 ,

recalling that Kn,r = ∞ j =1 I{Xn,j ≥r} is the number of urns that contain at least r balls and that
the Bernoulli variables appearing in Kn,r are negatively associated.

7.1.3. Potter’s inequalities and its variants

One useful result from regular variation theory is provided by Potter’s inequality (see Bingham
et al. [11], de Haan and Ferreira [16], for proofs and refinements).

Theorem 7.3 (Potter–Drees inequalities).

(i) If f ∈ RVγ , then for all δ > 0, there exists t0 = t0 (δ), such that for all t, x: min(t, tx) > t0 ,
  f (tx)  
(1 − δ)x γ min x δ , x −δ ≤ ≤ (1 + δ)x γ max x δ , x −δ .
f (t)
(ii) If  ∈ a , then for all δ1 , δ2 , there exists t0 such that for all t ≥ t0 , for all x ≥ 1,

1 − x δ1 (tx) − (t) x δ1 − 1
(1 − δ2 ) − δ2 < < (1 + δ2 ) + δ2 .
δ1 a(t) δ1

7.2. Occupancy counts

7.2.1. Variance bounds for occupancy counts

Proof of Proposition 3.1. Recall that in the Poisson setting,

dEK(t) EK1 (t)
= = EM0 (t).
dt t
This entails

Var K(t) = e−tpj 1 − e−tpj = EK(2t) − EK(t) = EM0 (s) ds.
j =1 t

Now, as EM0 (s) is non-increasing,

EK1 (2t)  
= tEM0 (2t) ≤ Var K(t) ≤ tEM0 (t) = EK1 (t).
276 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

Moving on to the binomial setting, let Kni denote the number of occupied urns when the ith
ball is replaced by an independent copy. Then
Var(Kn ) ≤ E Kn − Kni + ,

where (Kn − Kni )+ denotes the positive part. Now, Kn − Kni is positive if and only if ball i is
moved from a singleton into in a nonempty urn. Thus Var(Kn ) ≤ E[Kn,1 (1 − Mn,0 )]. 

Proof of Proposition 3.2. The bound rEKn,r follows from the Efron–Stein inequality: denoting
by Kn,r the number of cells with occupancy score larger than r when ball i is removed, then

(i) 1, if ball i is in a r-ton,
Kn,r − Kn,r =
0, otherwise.
And thus, we get ni=1 (Kn,r − Kn,r )2 = rKn,r .
The second bound follows from the negative association of the variables (I{Xn,j ≥r} )j (negative
correlation is actually sufficient):
∞  ∞
Var I{Xn,j ≥r} ≤ Var(I{Xn,j ≥r} ) ≤ EKn,r .
j =1 j =1 

7.2.2. Concentration inequalities for occupancy counts

Proof of Proposition 3.4. Let Xn,j denote the occupancy score of cell j, j ∈ N, then

Kn,r = I{Xn,j ≥r} .
j =1

As noted in Section 7.1.2, Kn,r is a sum of negatively associated Bernoulli random variables.
Moreover, the Efron–Stein inequality implies that for each j ∈ N,

Var(I{Xn,j ≥r} ) ≤ rEI{Xn,j =r} .

Thus we have

 λ(I{Xn,j ≥r} −EI{Xn,j ≥r} )
log Eeλ(Kn,r −EKn,r ) ≤ log Ee
j =1

≤ Var(I{Xn,j ≥r} )φ(λ)
j =1
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 277

≤ φ(λ) rEI{Xn,j =r}
j =1

= φ(λ)rEKn,r ,

where the first inequality comes from negative association, the second inequality is Bennett’s
inequality for Bernoulli random variables, and the last inequality comes from the Efron–Stein
inequality. The other bound comes from the fact that Var(I{Xn,j ≥r} ) ≤ EI{Xn,j ≥r} . 

Proof of Proposition 3.5. As Kn,r = Kn,r − Kn,r+1 ,

{Kn,r ≥ EKn,r + x}
x x
⊆ Kn,r ≥ EKn,r + ∪ Kn,r+1 ≤ EKn,r+1 − .
2 2

By Proposition 3.4, Bernstein inequalities hold for both Kn,r and Kn,r+1 , with variance proxies
ErKn,r (or EKn,r ) and (r + 1)Kn,r+1 (or EKn,r+1 ≤ EKn,r ) respectively. Hence,

P{Kn,r ≥ EKn,r + x}
x 2 /4 x 2 /4
≤ exp − + exp −
2(rEKn,r + x/6) 2((r + 1)EKn,r+1 )
x /4
≤ 2 exp − .
2(max(rEKn,r , (r + 1)Kn,r+1 ) + x/6)

The same reasoning works for the alternative variance proxies and for the left tails. 

7.3. Missing mass

7.3.1. Variance bounds for the missing mass

Proof of Proposition 3.6. In the Poisson setting,

∞ ∞
Var M0 (t) = pj2 e−tpj 1 − e−tpj ≤ pj2 e−tpj = 2 EK2 (t).
j =1 j =1

In the binomial setting, by negative correlation,


Var(Mn,0 ) ≤ pj2 1 − (1 − pj ) (1 − pj ) ≤
n n
pj2 e−npj = EK2 (n).
j =1 j =1
278 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

7.3.2. Concentration inequalities for the missing mass

Proof of Proposition 3.7. For all λ ∈ R,

log E eλ(Mn,0 −EMn,0 ) = log E eλ j =1 pj (Yj −EYj )

≤ log E eλpj (Yj −E[Yj ])
j =1

≤ (1 − pj )n 1 − (1 − pj )n φ(λpj ),
j =1

where the first inequality comes from negative association, and the second is Bennett’s inequality
for Bernoulli random variables.
Noting that limλ→0− φ(λ)/λ2 = limλ→0+ φ(λ)/λ2 = 1/2, the function λ → φ(λ)/λ2 has a
continuous increasing extension on R. Hence, for λ ≤ 0, we have φ(λ) ≤ λ2 /2.
Thus, for λ < 0,

log E eλ(Mn,0 −EMn,0 ) ≤ pj2 (1 − pj )n 1 − (1 − pj )n
j =1

= pj2 Var[Yj ] .
j =1

j =1 pj Var[Yj ] ≤ 2EK2 (n)/n 
Recall that 2 2 (Proposition 3.6).

Proof of Proposition 3.8. From the beginning of the proof of Proposition 3.7, that is, thanks
to negative association and to the fact that each Bernoulli random variable satisfies a Bennett

log E eλ(Mn,0 −EMn,0 ) ≤ e−npj φ(λpj ).
j =1

Now, using the power series expansion of φ,

 (λpj )r
e−npj φ(λpj ) = e−npj
j =1 j =1 r=2
∞  r 
λ (npj )r
= e−npj .
n r!
r=2 j =1
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 279
∞ −npj (npj )
We recognize that for each r, j =1 e r! = EKr (n), so that
∞  r

λ(Mn,0 −EMn,0 )
log E e ≤ EKr (n).

Proof of Theorem 3.9. Using Proposition 3.8 and noticing that for each r ≥ 2, EKr (n) ≤
EK2 (n), we immediately obtain that
∞  r

λ(Mn,0 −EMn,0 )
log E e ≤ EK2 (n)

EK2 (n)/n2
= λ2 ,
1 − λ/n
which concludes the proof. 

7.4. Regular variation

Proof of Proposition 4.4. By monotonicity of Kn,r , we have the following strong law for any
sampling distribution


Kn,r = Kn,s ∼ EKs (n) a.s.,
s=r s=r
(see Gnedin et al. [22], the discussion after Proposition 2). Recall that Xj (n) ∼ P(npj ) and
that, if Y ∼ P(λ), then P[Y ≤ k] = (k+1,λ)
k! , where (z, x) = x e−t t z−1 dt is the incomplete
Gamma function. Hence


EKs (n) = P Xj (n) ≥ r
s=r j =1

= e−t t r−1 dt
(r − 1)! 0
j =1

1 1 nx
= e−t t r−1 dt · ν(dx)
(r − 1)! 0 0

1 1
= ne−nx (nx)r−1 ν (x) dx
(r − 1)! 0

1 +∞
= e−z zr−1 ν (z/n) dz
(r − 1)! 0
ν (1/n)
∼ (r − α).
+∞ (r − 1)!
280 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

In particular,
Kn,r ∼ a.s. 
+∞ α
Proof of Theorem 4.6. Let us recall Proposition 3.8:

∞  r
log E eλ(Mn,0 −EMn,0 ) ≤ EKr (n).

Now, bounding each EKr (n) by EK2 (n) is not sufficient to get the right order for the variance:
EK2 (n) is of order (n) whereas Var Mn,0 is of order a(n)/n2 .
We explore more carefully the structure of EKr (n) and show that these quantities are uni-
formly (in r) bounded by a function of order a(n) for large enough n, that is, that there exists
n∗ ∈ N and C ∈ R+ such that for all n ≥ n∗ , for all r ≥ 1, EKr (n) ≤ Ca(n).
 into the proof, we observe that for r ≥ n/a(n), the result is true. Indeed, from
Before going
the identity ∞ r=1 rEKr (n) = n, we deduce that rEKr (n) ≤ n, so that for r ≥ n/a(n), EKr (n) ≤
a(n). Thus, we assume that r ≤ n/a(n).
First, we easily deal with the contribution to EKr (n) of the symbols with probability less than
1/n. Indeed

1/n (nx)r 1/n (nx)2

I1r := e−nx ν(dx) ≤ e−nx ν(dx) ≤ EK2 (n).
0 r! 0 2!

As EK2 (n) ∼ a(n)/2, for all δ0 , there exists n0 such that for all n ≥ n0 , for all r ≥ 1, I1r ≤
(1 + δ0 )/2.
For the contribution of the symbols with probability larger than 1/n, integration by part and
change of variable yield:

1 (nx)r
I2r := e−nx ν(dx)
1/n r!
−nx (nx)
 1 1 nr  r−1 
= e −ν (x) + e−nx rx − nx r ν (x) dx
r! 1/n 1/n r!
ν (1/n)e−1 zr−1 zr
= + e−z − ν (z/n) dz.
r! 1 (r − 1)! r!
∞ zr−1 zr
As 1 e−z ( (r−1)! − r! ) dz = −P[P(1) = r] = −e−1 /r!, we can rearrange the previous ex-
zr−1 zr ν (z/n) − ν (1/n)
I2r = a(n) e−z − dz.
1 (r − 1)! r! a(n)
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 281

Notice that when z ∈ [1, r], the integrand is negative, so we simply ignore this part of the
integral and restrict ourselves to
∞  r 
−z z zr−1 ν (1/n) − ν (z/n)
I3 :=
e − dz,
r r! (r − 1)! a(n)
which we try to bound by a constant term for n greater than some integer that does not depend
on r.
The main ingredient of our proof is the next version of the Potter–Drees inequality (see Theo-
rem 7.3 in Section 7.1.3 and de Haan and Ferreira [16], point 4 of Corollary B.2.15): for  ∈ a ,
for arbitrary δ1 , δ2 , there exists t0 such that for all t ≥ t0 , and for all x ≤ 1 with tx ≥ t0 ,

1 − x −δ1 (t) − (tx) x −δ1 − 1

(1 − δ2 ) − δ2 < < (1 + δ2 ) + δ2 .
δ1 a(t) δ1
Thus, for arbitrary δ1 , δ2 , there exists n1 such that, for all n ≥ n1 , for all z ∈ [1, n/n1 ],

ν (1/n) − ν (z/n) z δ1 − 1
≤ (1 + δ2 ) + δ2 .
a(n) δ1
As r ≤ n/a(n), taking, if necessary, n large enough so that a(n) ≥ n1 , we have r ≤ n/n1 and
n/n1 z zr−1 z δ1 − 1
I3r ≤ e−z − (1 + δ2 ) + δ2 dz
r r! (r − 1)! δ1
zr zr−1 ν (1/n) − ν (z/n)
+ e−z − dz
n/n1 r! (r − 1)! a(n)
=: I4r + I5r ,

1 + δ2 zr+δ1
−z zr zr−1 zr−1+δ1
I4r ≤ δ2 + e − + − dz
δ1 r r! r! (r − 1)! (r − 1)!
1 + δ2 ∞ −z zr+δ1 zr−1+δ1
≤ δ2 + e − dz
δ1 r r! (r − 1)!
1 + δ2 (r + 1 + δ1 , r) (r + δ1 , r)
= δ2 + − ,
δ1 (r + 1) (r)
where (a, x) = x e−t t a−1 dt is the incomplete Gamma function. Using the fact that (a, x) =
(a − 1) (a − 1, x) + x a−1 e−x , we have
1 + δ2  
I4r ≤ δ2 + (r + 1 + δ1 , r) − (r + δ1 ) (r + δ1 , r) + δ1 (r + δ1 , r)
δ1 (r + 1)
1 + δ2 r r+δ1 e−r (r + δ1 , r)
= δ2 + + δ1 .
δ1 r! (r + 1)
282 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

By Stirling’s inequality, for all r,

r r+δ1 e−r
≤ r δ1 (2πr)−1/2 .
(r+δ1 ,r)
Thus, taking δ1 = 1/4, the right-hand term is uniformly bounded by 1. And (r+1) is also
bounded by 1. Thus
1 + δ2
I4r ≤ δ2 + (1 + δ1 )
ν (1/n) zr zr−1
I5r ≤ e−z − dz
a(n) n/n1 r! (r − 1)!
ν (1/n) −n/n1 (n/n1 )r
= e
a(n) r!
ν (1/n) −n/n1 (n/n1 )n/n1 
≤ e .
a(n) n/n1 !

By Stirling’s inequality, this bound is smaller than νa(n) (1/n)

(2π(n/n1 ))−1/2 , which tends to 0 as
n → ∞. Thus, there exists n2 such that for all n ≥ n2 , and all r ≤ n/n1 , I5r ≤ δ2 .
In the end, we get that for all δ0 ≥ 0, δ1 with 0 ≤ δ1 ≤ 1/4, and δ2 ≥ 0, there exists n∗ =
max(n0 , n1 , n2 ) such that for all n ≥ n∗ , for all r ≥ 1,
1 + δ0 1 + δ2
EKr (n) ≤ a(n) + δ2 + (1 + δ1 ) + δ2 .
2 δ1

Taking for instance δ1 = 1/4 and δ0 = δ2 = 1/15, we have that for large enough n and for all
r ≥ 1,
EKr (n) ≤ 6a(n)
12a(n) λ2
log E eλ(Mn,0 −EMn,0 ) ≤ · . 
n2 2(1 − λ/n)
Proof of Proposition 4.8. Under the condition of the Proposition 4.8, from Grübel and
Hitczenko [26], with probability tending to 1, the sample is gap-free, hence the missing mass
is F (max(X1 , . . . , Xn )).
The condition of the proposition implies the condition described in Anderson [2], i.e.
limn→+∞ F (n+1) = 0, to ensure the existence of a sequence of integers (un )n∈N such that
F (n)

lim P max(X1 , . . . , Xn ) ∈ {un , un + 1} = 1. 

Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 283

7.5. Applications

Proof of Corollary 5.3. Let us assume that EKn,1 → ∞. Using the fact that 0 ≤ EGn,0 −
EMn,0 ≤ 1/n, we notice that as soon as EKn,1 → ∞, EGn,0 ∼+∞ EMn,0 . Now by Chebyshev’s
 Mn,0  Var(Mn,0 ) 2EK2 (n)
P  − 1 > ε ≤ 2 ≤
EMn,0 ε (EMn,0 )2 ε 2 n2 (EMn,0 )2
2(EKn,2 + o(1))
∼ ,
ε 2 (EKn,1 )2

where we used that |EK2 (n) − EKn,2 | → 0 (see Lemma 1, Gnedin et al. [22]). On the other
 Kn,1  Var(Kn,1 ) EKn,1 + 2EKn,2
− 1 > ε ≤ 2 ≤ ,
EKn,1 ε (EKn,1 )2 ε 2 (EKn,1 )2

showing that if, furthermore, EKn,2 /EKn,1 remains bounded, the ratios Mn,0 /EMn,0 , Gn,0 /
EGn,0 and thus Mn,0 /Gn,0 converge to 1 in probability. To get almost sure convergence, we use
Theorem 3.9 to get that when EKn,1 → ∞,
 Mn,0  ε 2 (EMn,0 )2

− 1 > ε ≤ 2 exp −
EMn,0 2(2EK2 (n)/n2 + EMn,0 /n)
ε2 (EKn,1 + o(EKn,1 ))2
= 2 exp − .
2(2EKn,2 + EKn,1 + o(EKn,1 ))

If EKn,2 /EKn,1 remains bounded, this becomes smaller than c1 exp(−c2 ε 2 EKn,1 ). Hence, if
exp(−cEKn,1 ) is summable for all c > 0, we can apply the Borel–Cantelli lemma and obtain the
almost sure convergence of Mn,0 /EMn,0 to 1. Moreover, by Proposition 3.5,
 Kn,1  ε 2 (EKn,1 )2
P  − 1 > ε ≤ 4 exp − ,
EKn,1 2(4 max(EKn,1 , 2EKn,2 ) + 2/3)

which shows that under these assumptions Kn,1 /EKn,1 also tends to 1 almost surely. 

Proof of Proposition 5.4. The random variable G0 (t) − M0 (t) is a sum of independent, centered
and bounded random variables, namely

G0 (t) − M0 (t) = IXj (t)=1 − tpj IXj (t)=0 .
j =1
284 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

Bound (i) follows immediately from the observation that each IXj (t)=1 − tpj IXj (t)=0 satisfies
a Bennett inequality,

log Ee λ(G0 (t)−M0 (t))
≤ Var(IXj (t)=1 − tpj IXj (t)=0 )φ
j =1
 2 λ
= Var G0 (t) − M0 (t) t φ .

Bound (ii) follows from the observation that each IXj (t)=0 − tpj IXj (t)=1
satisfies a Bennett

log Eeλ(M0 (t)−G0 (t)) ≤ Var IXj (t)=0 − IXj (t)=1 φ(λpj )
j =1
= 1+ e−tpj φ(λpj )
j =1

 λ r 

(tpj )r
= 1+ e−tpj
t tpj r!
r≥2 j =1
 λ r  1

= EKr (t) + EKr−1 (t)
t r
 λ r 3EK(t)
≤ ,
t 2

which concludes the proof. 

Proof of Proposition 5.5. With probability greater than 1 − 2δ, by Proposition 5.4,

1   1 log(1/δ)
G0 (t) − M0 (t) ≤ 2 EK1 (t) + 2EK2 (t) log +
t δ 3t


1 1 log(1/δ)
G0 (t) − M0 (t) ≥ − 6EK(t) log − .
t δ t
We may now invoke concentration inequalities for!K1 (t) + 2K2 (t) and K(t). Indeed, with

probability greater than 1 − δ, K(t) ≥ EK(t) − 2EK(t) log 1δ which entails EK(t) ≤
! !
K(t) + log(1/δ)
2 + log(1/δ)
2 .
Concentration inequalities in the infinite urn scheme 285
We have 2K2 (t) + K1 (t) ≥ 2EK2 (t) + EK1 (t) − 4(2EK2 (t) + EK1 (t)) log 1δ with proba-
bility greater than 1 − δ, which entails
  1 1
2EK2 (t) + EK1 (t) ≤ 2K2 (t) + K1 (t) + log + log ,
δ δ
which concludes the proof. 

Proof of Proposition 5.6. The covariance matrix Cov(t) of (G0 (t), M0 (t)) can be written in
terms of the expected occupancy counts as
1 EK1 (t) 0 EK2 (2t) 1 1
Cov(t) = 2 − .
t 0 2EK2 (t) 2t 2 1 1

From Karlin [29], we have

G0 (t) − EG0 (t)
Cov(t)−1/2  N (0, I2 ),
M0 (t) − EM0 (t)

where I2 is the identity matrix, which can be rewritten as

⎛ G0 (t) ⎞
⎜ EG0 (t) ⎟
(t)−1/2 ⎝ ⎠  N (0, I2 ),
MO (t)
EM0 (t)

with (t) = (EG0 (t))−2 Cov(t).

The delta method applied to the function (x1 , x2 ) → x1 /x2 yields
1 G0 (t)
(1 − 1)(t) − 1  N (0, 1)
−1 M0 (t)

1 EK1 (t)
(1 − 1)(t) =√ ,
−1 EK1 (t) + 2EK2 (t)
which concludes the proof. 

Remark 7.1. The proof for the binomial setting is very similar, the only difficulty being that
EGn,0 and EMn,0 are no longer equal. However, the bias becomes negligible with respect to the
fluctuations, that is, for vn either nα (n) or n1 (n)
√ EGn,0
vn − 1 → 0.
EMn,0 n→∞
286 A. Ben-Hamou, S. Boucheron and M.I. Ohannessian

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