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The Secret Student Behavior Management Strategy

Abbey D. Krahling
Lebanon Valley College - West Hanover Elementary School - Central Dauphin School District

Introduction Results Application to Future Teaching

As young, pre-service teachers, we are constantly seeking The problem behaviors that I noted during my class were as Behavior management is a part of teaching that I feel
out resources to enhance our teaching, whether it be for follows: is experimental. One system that works for a veteran
worksheets, enrichment games, or behavior management • Failing to remain on-task during a whole group or individual teacher may not always work best for an incoming
strategies. One of the leading ways is through social media, activity teacher like myself. After using the secret student
specifically Instagram and Tiktok. While searching through strategy, I feel confident that I can apply it to my
• Not following teacher instructions
social media, I came across a behavior management trend
• Talking when not permitted
future classroom and not only have it be successful,
that many teachers are using: the secret student. Some
teaching trends on Tiktok seem too good to be true.
but be an engagement tool for my students. I noticed
• Lack of participation in whole-group instruction
Behavior management techniques differ from teacher to that my first graders would attempt to guess which
• Being out of a designated area (desk, carpet spot, etc.) classmate was the secret student, or they would think
teacher and the same strategy may work better for some
and not others. The images below are from Tiktok. The chart below shows the date from a day prior to the they were the secret student and display their very
implementation of the secret student behavior management best behavior. I believe that behavior differs
strategy and a random day that is at least four weeks after the
system’s implementation.
depending on the grade level; however, I also believe
Classroom Disruptions Occurrences
that the secret student behavior management strategy
is a system that will work for most elementary grade
Objectives Self-Reflection

My research was based on the implementation of the Throughout my research, I learned that no matter how well

secret student behavior management strategy. It is a a technique is thought-out, there will always be flukes in
trending technique on social media and used by many 6 the system. I made a certificate for the secret student each
day that acknowledged their model behavior and how
teachers on Tiktok. A student in the classroom was 4
proud I was that they were able to follow directions and set
chosen as the secret student. Their behavior was an example for their peers. I was unable to give a certificate
monitored throughout the day and verbalized by the 2

to secret students whose behavior was not a good example

teacher to set an example for the expectations all of 0 to others or if their behavior needed to be redirected
Failing to Stay On Task Not Following Teacher Directions Talking Out Of Turn Lack of Participation Being Out of Designated Area
the students. My goal was to explore the November 2nd December 9th multiple times. Overall, the secret student technique was a
effectiveness of social media behavior management success for my first graders.
trends. If all of the teachers on Tiktok claim that the
secret student strategy works, then it should be a
common practice for early elementary students. From I would like to acknowledge my cooperating teacher, Deb
this technique, I wanted to see a change in my Hauf, for allowing me to experiment with and implement
students’ behavior from problem to positive. I looked The problem behaviors the secret student strategy in her classroom. I would also
significantly decreased after the
for the students to follow directions, remain on task, like to thank my students for participating in my study.
implementation of the secret
staying quiet, increased participation, and staying in student behavior management They were wonderful participants and made my project
their designated areas. strategy. engaging and enjoyable.

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