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Composite Structures 245 (2020) 112323

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Composite Structures
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Exact solution of thermo-mechanical analysis of laminated composite and T

sandwich doubly-curved shell

J.C. Mongea,b, J.L. Mantaria,c,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Engineering, Av. Túpac Amaru 210, Rimac, Lima, Peru
D+Imac Lab SAC, Desarrollo e investigación en mecánica aplicada y computacional, Magdalena, Lima, Peru
Instituto para el desarrollo e investigación en ingeniería naval (IDIIN), Peru


Keywords: This paper presents an exact solution for doubly-curved shells subjected to thermal loads. The solution is based
Shell on equilibrium equations. The through-the-thickness shell temperature is calculated using the Fourier’s heat
Laminated composite conduction equation. The governing equations for displacement and temperature are solved using Navier
Sandwich structures method, which is valid for shell panels with constant curvature and simply-supported edges. The governing
Equilibrium equations
equations for temperature and displacements are in term of the thickness variable and they are solved using the
Thermal load
Heat conduction
differential quadrature method (DQM). The structures are discretized by each layer applying the Chebyshev-
Gauss-Lobatto grid distribution. Lagrange interpolation polynomials are used as basis functions. The inter-la-
minar continuity of transverse stresses and displacements is imposed. The out-of-plane zero-stresses condition
are imposed at the top and bottom of the shell since no mechanical loadings are considered in the presented
study. The results for spherical, cylindrical and rectangular plates are presented. The results demonstrate the
capability of DQM to produce 3D elasticity when compared with other highly accurate available solutions.
Consequently, the method can be used to solve multifield problems in continuum mechanics.

1. Introduction modeled as beam, plates and shells. Refined models are used for
modeling the though-the-thickness behavior of thermal stresses and
The high demand of multilayered composite structures comes with displacements, taking special attention to interlaminar mechanical re-
more and more challenge for designers, since the behavior of composite sponses for safety and design requirements. The mechanical and
structures subjected to mechanical, thermal and other combined mul- thermo-mechanical problems can be solved using a two-dimensional
tifield loads still need to be studied. The applications of multilayered (2D) and three-dimensional approach (3D). The last approach can be
structures are diverse, such as in advanced propulsion systems, con- only used for simple geometries and in most of the cases only ortho-
tainment vessels for nuclear power plants, reentry vehicles, spacecraft tropic laminations can be studied. The 2D model is based on displace-
and high-energy laser beams [1], mining industry, etc. For example, in ment field in which the unknown variables are modeled among the
particular, one of the main purpose of a project been carried for our mid-surface variables and certain shear strain shape function is con-
team is to obtain the exact solutions of the mechanical behavior of sag sidered as the expansion. The 3D and 2D models are formulated in
mills in mining industry. Nowadays, such kind of shells use new ma- analytical and semi-analytical approaches. The typical 3D solution is
terials (layers of metals and polymers) that may compromise their evaluated in the framework of 3D commercial finite element codes;
structural performance. Therefore, it is important to obtain accurate even though the results are reliable using refined meshes. The principal
and faster results of deformations and stresses for further analyses to disadvantage is the expensive computational cost required for the si-
prevent any kind of structural failure. Consequently, the designs require mulation process due to the large amount of degrees of freedom for a
the accurate calculation of for example the thermal stresses and certain multilayered structure. As a result, 3D elasticity solution for
through-the-thickness temperature profile in order to design and tailor special kind of application such as modern Sag Mill machines for
a specific lamination for a certain case problem. mining industries can be generated using analytical and semi-analytical
The critical components of several engineering applications de- methods as an alternative solution to 3D finite elements.
scribed above are considered as multilayered structures and are The bending of shells is described using partial differential

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.L. Mantari).

Received 22 December 2019; Received in revised form 2 April 2020; Accepted 3 April 2020
Available online 04 April 2020
0263-8223/ © 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
J.C. Monge and J.L. Mantari Composite Structures 245 (2020) 112323

equations. The coefficients of the governing equations depend on the technique. Sharma [20] studied a three-dimensional thermoelastic
thickness variable, so an analytical solution is difficult to find. This exact analysis of the free vibrations of simply supported cylindrical
inconvenient can be avoid by semi-analytical procedure that consist in panel.
calculate the approximated derivatives as a function of a through-the- This paper focus on the three-dimensional exact solution for the
thickness discretization following an approximation based on the bending of multi-layered plates and shells subjected to thermal loads.
Differential Quadrature method (DQM). The most common semi-ana- The governing equations are obtained from equilibrium equations. The
lytical method is the finite difference [2], radial basis functions [3] and through-the-thickness temperature profile are modeled by the Fourier’s
DQM [4]. DQM was proposed by Bellman et al. (1972) [5] and permits heat conduction equation. The displacement and the temperature are
to calculate approximately the derivative of a certain function eval- solved employing the Navier closed for shells with simply supported
uated in a certain grid point by linear sum of weighted coefficients and edges. The equations for the thickness variable are solved semi-analy-
the numerical values of the functions evaluated in a certain grid dis- tically by the discretizing the thickness domain employing the
tribution domain. This method had been utilized for structural pro- Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto distribution grid for displacements and tem-
blems [6], fluid mechanics [7] and lubrication problems [8]. The perature. Then the Differential Quadrature method (DQM) along with
readers can find more engineering applications of DQM in the review the Lagrange interpolation polynomial are employed. This metho-
paper by Bert and Malik [9] and in the survey by Tornabene et al. [10]. dology guarantees a Layerwise capability by imposing the continuity of
Shu [7] proposed a generalized method for calculating the weighting temperature, displacements and transverse stresses over the thickness
coefficients which is based on Lagrange interpolation polynomial as the domain. The zero-stress free surface boundary condition for is imposed.
basis functions for the method allowing an arbitrary selection of the The solutions are compared with Layerwise and Equivalent-Single-
grid point distribution. Tornabene and Brischetto [11] compared the Layer results using 2D theories available in the literature to evaluate the
mechanical bending response of spherical shells and plates employing consistency of the results of the present contribution to the literature.
3D models based on the Exponential Matrix and DQM and several 2D Exact solutions of stresses and displacements trough the shell
models based on Carrera’s Unified Formulation. The results proved that thickness can be provided using 3D elasticity. This method can be used
for both 3D methods the through-the-thickness are of paramount im- for assessing 2D theories for plates and shells [26]. This paper provide a
portance to understand mechanical behaviors that robust and refined benchmark problem and a referential solution for developing refined
2D models cannot capture easily. optimized higher order theories and reduced axiomatic/asymptotic
Several researches had performance substantial amount of studies displacement field applying for example the Best Theory diagrams. The
on bending, free vibration and buckling of beam, plates and shells proposed method can be extended to many orthotropic materials such
subjected to thermal loads employing various higher shear deformation as functionally graded [27] and viscoelastic composites. The metho-
theories and unified formulations. Ramos et al. [12] developed new dology can be extended to many Multiphysics problems as hygro-
trigonometric models in the framework of Carrera’s Unified Formula- thermal, piezoelectricity and nonlocal elasticity theory. An interesting
tion for the thermo-mechanical analysis of simply supported cross-ply topic of further research could be for example the study of stiffened
composite laminate plates. Cinefra et al. [13] proposed a linear thermo- shells, which can solve several problems of computational efficiency in
mechanical study of composite shell where different equivalent single the mining industry, especially in mining components made of com-
layer and layerwise models were analyzed. The partial differential posites.
equations are solved using finite element based on the mixed inter- This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 a mathematical
polation of tensorial components. Kar et al. [14] evaluated the buckling description of the 3D shell model and the governing equations are
response of functionally graded spherical, cylindrical, hyperbolic and presented; The heat conduction theory is described in Section 3; The
elliptical shell panels under elevated temperature loads using finite semi-analytical solution using DQM is defined in Section 4; some nu-
element technique. Ghugal and Kulkarni [15] used a sinusoidal shear merical results are presented in Section 5; finally some conclusions are
deformation theory which satisfies the free surface boundary condition given in Section 6.
of the transverse shear stresses to study the mechanical response of
cross-ply laminated plates subjected to non-linear through-the-layers 2. 3D thermo-mechanical shell model
temperature. Sarvestani et al. [16] explored the effect of fiber steering
on the hygro-thermal and mechanical buckling load, natural frequency, This paper presents an interesting procedure for analyzing the
bending deformation and stress distributions of conical and cylindrical elasticity solution of different shell structures with constant curvature
panels made by automated fiber placement technology without con- subjected to thermal loads. The temperature is modeled using con-
sidering manufacturing defects. Giunta et al. [3] investigated the me- duction model. The present formulation is valid for spherical, cylind-
chanical behavior of isotropic and laminated beams subjected to rical shells and rectangular plates. The graphical representation of a
thermal loads. The considered temperature is modeled by Fourier’s heat multilayered doubly curved shallow shell with constant curvature is
conduction equation, the displacement field is written in a compact presented in Fig. 1. The reference system is the curvilinear orthogonal
notation along the cross-section and the governing equations were coordinates (α, β, z ) . The length and width of the shell panel is re-
solved semi-analytically using Wendland’s radial basis functions. presented as “a” and “b”, respectively. The thickness is described as
It is important to remark, that there are few papers to study the 3D “h|”. “Rα” and “Rβ” are the radii of curvature and they are considered as
behavior of plates and shells subjected to thermal loads. So, it is diffi- constant along the midsurface domain “Ωc”. A multilayered shell is
cult to develop refined 2D models without 3D elasticity referential so- described in Fig. 2. The global thickness of the shell is given as “h”.
lution, so in some case layerwise model and artificial layers were in- Each layer presents a local thickness “hc” which is calculated as the
troduced just to obtain referential solutions. So, it is important to subtraction of the local thickness “zk” coordinates . Mathemathically
generate 3D elasticity solutions for challenge applications. Brischetto speaking each local thickness is expressed as: hk = z k + 1 − z k . The total
and Torre [17] proposed a generic 3D exact solution for the thermo- number of shells is represented as “NL”.
mechanical analysis of a heterogeneous group of isotropic, composite
and sandwich shells. This work was extended to functionally graded 2.1. Linear strain and shell relations for the 3D shell model
material by the authors [18]. Alibeigloo and Liew [19] developed a
three-dimensional analysis of bending of functionally graded plates The linear strain-displacements relations for the thermo-mechanical
carbon nanotubes-reinforced composites subjected to thermo-mechan- case are reported in the classical textbook by Krauss [2]. The following
ical load. The heat conduction is solved by Fourier equation. The dis- relations are only valid for shells with constant curvature and they are
placements along the thickness direction are calculated by space state presented as follows:

J.C. Monge and J.L. Mantari Composite Structures 245 (2020) 112323

Fig. 1. Spherical shell panel and its referential curvilinear coordinate system.

1 k k
k ⎡ Hαk Rαk
⎤ ⎡ σαα ⎤ ⎡ εαα ⎤
⎡ εαα ⎤ ⎢ 1 ∂ 0 k k k
⎥ ⎢ k ⎥ ⎡ C¯11 C¯12 0 0 0 C¯13 ⎤ ⎢ ε k ⎥
⎢ k ⎥ ⎢ Hα ∂α 1 ∂ 1 ⎥ k
⎡ α1 ⎤ ⎢ σββ ⎥ ⎢ k k 0 0 0 k ⎥ ⎢ ββ ⎥
ε Hβk ∂β
⎢ ββ ⎥ ⎢ 0 Hβk Rβk ⎥
⎢α k ⎥ ⎢ k ⎥ ⎢ C¯12 C¯ 22 k C¯ 23 ⎥ ⎢ k ⎥
⎢ k ⎥ ⎢
γ 1 ∂ 1 ∂ 0 ⎥ ⎡ uk ⎤ ⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢ ταβ ⎥ = ⎢ 0 0 C¯66 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ αβ ⎥
⎢ αβ ⎥ ⎢ H k ∂β Hαk ∂α
⎥ k ⎢ 0 ⎥ k ⎢ τ k ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 0 C¯55 k 0 ⎥ ⎢ γk ⎥
⎢ γk ⎥ = ⎢ β 1 ∂
⎥⎢ v ⎥ − ⎢ 0 ⎥T ⎢ αz ⎥ ⎢ k
0 ⎢ αz ⎥

Hαk ∂α ⎥ ⎢ k ⎥ C¯
⎢ αz ⎥ ⎢ ∂ − 1 0 ⎣w ⎦ ⎢ 0 ⎥ k ⎥
⎢ τβz ⎢ 0 0 0 0 44 0 ⎥ ⎢ γ k ⎥
⎢ γ k ⎥ ⎢ ∂z Hαk Rαk ∂

1 1 ∂ ⎥ ⎢ k⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ C¯ k C¯ k 0 0 0 C¯33 k ⎥ ⎢ βz ⎥
⎢ βz ⎥ ⎢ 0 ∂z Hβk Rβk Hβ ∂β ⎥
⎣ α3 ⎥
⎢ ⎢ σzzk ⎥ ⎣ 13 23 ⎦⎢ k ⎥
⎢ k ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ εzz ⎦ (3)
⎣ εzz ⎦ ⎢ 0 0 ∂

⎣ ∂z ⎦ (1) This model is only valid for orthotropic material, in the case of
classical composite laminated only cross ply lamination can be eval-
where “k” represents the number of layers from the bottom to the top of uated. The material coefficients Cij depends on the Young’s modulus in
the shell panel. The dilatation coefficients for an orthotropic material each material direction E1E2,E3, the Poisson coefficients v12,v13,v23, and
are described as “α1k”, “α2k”, “α3k”. The temperature for each layer is the shear modulus G12,G13,G23. The following relations are used for
represented as “Tk”. The metric coefficients are represented as “Hαk” calculating the material coefficients:
and “Hβk”. They depend on the numerical value of the radii of curvature
and in the thickness variable “z” and mathematically the metric coef- νijk ν kji
= ; i, j = 1, 2, 3
ficients are calculated as: Eik E kj
k νk
1 − ν23 k + νk νk
ν21 k + νk νk
k 32 k 31 23 k 21 32
zk C11 = , C12 = , C13 = ,
Hαk =1+ E2k E3k Δ E2k E3k Δ E2k E3k Δ

k νk
1 − ν13 k + νk νk
ν32 k νk
1 − ν12
zk k 31 k 12 31 k 21
Hβk = 1 + C22 =
E1k E3k Δ
, C12 =
E1k E3k Δ
, C33 =
E1k E2k Δ
Rβ (2)
k k k k k k
C44 = G23, C55 = G13, C66 = G12 ,
The constitutive equation expresses the relationship between the k ν k − ν k ν k − ν k ν k − 2ν k ν k ν k
1 − ν12 21 23 32 31 13 13 21 32
strains and the stresses: Δ=
E1k E2k E3k (4)

The dilatation coefficients ᾱi , the thermal conductivity coefficients

K̄i and material coefficients C̄ij must be written in orthogonal curvi-
linear coordinates and this is achieved by the use of rotation matrix.
This matrix is in term of the rotation angle of the fiber θk which is
variable for each k layer of the structure and mathematically it is

Fig. 2. Local and global thickness referential system.

J.C. Monge and J.L. Mantari Composite Structures 245 (2020) 112323

Table 1
Convergence for stresses and displacements for sandwich shell considering the
lamination 0°/90°/Core/90°/0° with skin composed of carbon-epoxy and soft
core made of honeycomb.

R/ h Parameters Carrera and Valvano VaryingIT

5 7 9 11

5 w̄ (0) 1.8102 1.8148 1.8138 1.8138 1.8138

σ¯αα (h/2) 6.8325 6.8873 6.8751 6.8748 6.8748
10 × τ¯zα (9h/20) −2.7774 2.7895 2.7865 2.7864 2.7864
100 × σ¯zz (0) 0.7999 0.8062 0.8039 0.8048 0.8048
20 w̄ (0) 1.8301 1.8346 1.8336 1.8336 1.8336
σ¯αα (h/2) 6.6442 6.6886 6.6758 6.6755 6.6755
10 × τ¯zα (9h/20) 2.7929 2.8048 2.8016 2.8015 2.8015
100 × σ¯zz (0) 0.1954 0.1967 0.1961 0.1963 0.1963

expressed as:

2 k sin2 θ k −sin 2θ k 0 0
⎡ cos θ 0⎤
⎢ sin θ 2 k 2
cos θ k sin 2θ k 0 0 0⎥
⎢ sin θ k cos θ k −sin θ k cos θ k cos 2θ k 0 0 0⎥
L1 = ⎢
⎢ 0 0 0 cos θ k − sin θ k

⎢ 0 0 0 sin θ k cos θ k 0⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 1⎥
⎣ ⎦
k k
⎡ cos θ −sin θ 0⎤
L2k = ⎢ sin θ k cos θ k 0⎥

⎣ 0 0 1⎥
⎦ (5)

The material properties written in curvilinear coordinates are cal-

culated as follows:

C¯ = L1k CL1kT
α¯ = (L1k )−1α k
K¯ = (L2k ) K k (6)

2.2. Equilibrium equation for doubly curved shells:

The 3D exact model is based on equilibrium elasticity equations

written in curvilinear orthogonal coordinates (α, β, z ) . This model is
valid for spherical shells, degenerated cylindrical panels, and rectan-
gular plates (setting one or the two radii of curvature equal to infinite).
The mathematical expressions of equilibrium equations are described

k k
∂ταβ k 2Hβk
∂σαα ∂ταz Hαk ⎞ k
Hβk ∂α
+ Hαk ∂β
+ Hαk Hβk ∂z
+⎛ ⎜

+ Rβ
αz =0
⎝ ⎠
∂ταβ k
∂σββ k
∂τβz k Hβk
Hβk ∂α
+ Hαk ∂β
+ Hαk Hβk ∂z
+ ⎛ Rα +

⎞τ k = 0

⎝ β ⎠
k k
∂τβz k Hβk Hk
∂ταz ∂σzz Hαk k Hαk ⎞ k
+ ⎛R +
Hβk ∂α
+ Hαk ∂β
+ Hαk Hβk ∂z
− σk
R α αα
− σ
Rβ ββ

zz =0
⎝ α ⎠

Equations (1) and (3) are replaced in the equilibrium equations and
after several manipulations, the following shell governing formulation Fig. 3. Through-the-thickness profile of normalized displacements (u¯ α , u¯ β , u¯ z )
is given: of spherical panel with geometry a/ h = 4 and R/ h = 5 with lamination 0°/90°/

J.C. Monge and J.L. Mantari Composite Structures 245 (2020) 112323

Fig. 4. Through-the-thickness profile of normalized stresses of spherical panel with geometry a/ h = 4 and R/ h = 5 with lamination 0°/90°/Core/90°/0°.

J.C. Monge and J.L. Mantari Composite Structures 245 (2020) 112323

Table 2
Normalized stresses and displacements for carbon-epoxy rectangular plate considering a lamination of 0°/90°/0°.

a/h Theory u¯ (h/2) v¯ (h/2) w¯ (h/2) σ¯αα (h/2) σ¯ββ (h/2) τ¯αβ (h/2) τ̄zα (0) τ̄zβ (0)

4 Ramos et al. [12] −13.4153 62.185 32.0574 810.7359 −911.665 −118.7699 54.8697 −34.6383
Presents −13.4957 −63.0281 32.3467 805.3643 −918.9391 −120.2206 53.4707 −27.6614
10 Ramos et al. [12] −15.6307 29.9112 16.3109 956.0740 −1014.5648 −71.5474 49.9320 −51.2114
Presents −15.6672 −30.2272 16.4258 950.5372 −1020.5346 −72.1011 49.5084 −45.8686
20 Ramos et al. [12] −15.9104 19.9451 11.9029 969.6581 −1046.2094 −56.3297 29.3723 −31.6849
Presents −15.9215 −20.0396 11.9378 962.5461 −1052.4198 −56.4957 29.2162 −28.6881
100 Ramos et al. [12] −15.9858 16.1541 10.2506 972.4204 −1058.2456 −50.4926 6.2109 −6.8030
Presents −15.9863 −16.1582 10.2521 964.5891 −1064.5931 −50.4997 6.1847 −6.1802

k k k equation that described the temperature per each layer is:

⎛ Hβ C¯55 ⎛ C¯11 Hβ ⎞ ∂2uk
k k k
C¯55 ⎞ k ⎛ Hβ ¯ k H k k ⎞ ∂uk
− k 2 − u + ⎜ C55 + α C¯55 ⎟ +
⎜ H Rα R α Rβ ⎟ R Rβ ∂z ⎜ H ⎟ ∂α 2
⎝ α
⎠ ⎝ α ⎠ ⎝ α
⎠ k
1 ⎡ ∂ ⎛ ¯ ∂T k Hβ ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂T k Hαk ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂T k k k ⎞ ⎤
¯ k
⎛C H ⎞ ∂ u
k 2 k ∂u2 k
k ∂ v
2 k ⎢ ∂α ⎜K α ∂α k ⎟ + ∂β ⎜K¯ β ∂β k ⎟ + ∂z K¯ z ∂z Hα Hβ ⎥ = 0
⎜ ⎟

+ ⎜ 66 k α ⎟ 2 + (C¯55 Hαk Hβk ) 2 + (C¯12 + C¯66 )
k Hαk Hβk Hα⎠ ⎝ Hβ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎦
⎣ ⎝
H β ∂β ∂z ∂α ∂β
⎝ ⎠ (9)
k ¯k k k k ¯k
⎛ Hβ C11 C¯ C¯ Hβ C55 ⎞ ∂w k k k ∂ w
2 k
+ + 12 + 55 + k + (Hβk C¯13 + Hβk C¯55 ) The thermal conductivity coefficients are expressed in each material
⎜ H k Rα R β R β H R α
⎟ ∂α ∂α ∂z
⎝ α α
⎠ direction as Kα,Kb,Kζ and the temperature per each layer is represented
k k ∂T k
k k ∂T k
k k ∂T k as Tk. The Equation (9) is simplified for shells with constant curvature:
= C¯11 α¯ 11 Hβk + C¯12 α¯ 22 Hβk + C¯13 α¯ 33 Hβk
∂α ∂α ∂α
k ¯k ¯ k k
H k k ⎞ ∂v k ∂ 2T k ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ ∂T k K¯ k ∂2T k K¯ β ∂2T k
k k ∂ 2uk
⎛ H C C ⎞ ⎛ Hβ k + ⎜ k k + k k⎟ + k α k2 + k k2 =0
(C¯12 + C¯66 ) + ⎜− αk 442 − 44
⎟ v k + ⎜ C¯44 + α C¯44 ⎟ ∂z 2 ∂z ¯ ∂ α 2 ¯ 2
∂α ∂β R α Rβ R Rβ ∂z H R H R K H K z Hβ ∂β
⎝ Hβ Rβ ⎝ α α β β⎠ z α
⎠ ⎝ α ⎠
k (10)
⎛ C¯66 Hβ ⎞ ∂2v k
k k
⎛ C¯ H ⎞ ∂2v k
k ∂ 2v k
+ + ⎜ 22 k α ⎟ 2 + (C¯44 Hαk Hβk ) 2
⎜ H k ⎟ ∂α 2 ∂ β ∂z
⎝ α
⎠ ⎝ Hβ ⎠ The problems reported in this paper depends on a certain tem-
k k k k k perature T0 at the bottom of the shell and a temperature T1 at the top of
⎛ H C¯ C¯ C¯ H k C¯ ⎞ ∂w k k k ∂ w
2 k
the shell. Mathematical this boundary conditions are expressed as:
+ ⎜ αk 22 + 12 + 44 + αk 44 ⎟ + (Hαk C¯ 23 + Hαk C¯44 )
Rα Rα Hβ Rβ ⎠ ∂β ∂β ∂z
⎝ Hβ Rβ
k k ∂T k
k k ∂T k
k k ∂T k T(bottom
α, β, −h /2) = T0
= C¯12 α¯ 11 Hαk + C¯ 22 α¯ 22 Hαk + C¯ 23 α¯ 33 Hαk
∂β ∂β ∂β T(top
α, β, h /2) = T1 (11)
k k k
⎛ Hβ C¯11 Hβk C¯55
k k
C¯12 C¯13 ⎞ ∂uk k k ∂ u
2 k
− − − + + (Hβk C¯13 + Hβk C¯55 ) The continuity for temperature profile is guarantee by the following
⎜ Rα H k Rβ k
Hα R α Rβ ⎟ ∂α ∂α ∂z
⎝ ⎠ relation:
k ¯k ¯ k k ¯k ¯ k 2 k
⎛ Hα C22 C12 Hα C44 C23 ⎞ ∂v k k ¯k k ¯k ∂ v
+ ⎜− R H k − R − H k R + R ⎟ ∂β + (Hα C23 + Hα C44 ) ∂β ∂z T k = T k+1
β β α β β α
⎝ ⎠ ∂T k ∂T k + 1
k ¯k k k k k
K¯ ζk ∂z
= K¯ ζk + 1 ∂z (12)
⎛ Hβ C11 2C¯12 Hα C¯ 22
C¯ 23 C¯13 ⎞ k
+ − k 2 − − k 2 + + w
⎜ H Rα R α Rβ Hβ Rβ R α Rβ R α Rβ ⎟
α The temperature profile with respect to the local thickness co-
⎝ ⎠
k k k ordinate is solved using the DQM. This procedure permits to discretize
⎛ C¯33 Hβ ⎛ Hβ C¯55 ⎞ ∂2w k
k k k k
C¯ H k ⎞ ∂w k ⎛ H C¯ ⎞ ∂2w k
+ + 33 α + + ⎜ α k 44 ⎟ the temperature by each layer and to work with the variable stiffness
⎜ Rα Rβ ⎟ ∂z ⎜ Hα k ⎟ ∂α 2 ∂β 2
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ Hβ ⎠ coefficients directly and efficiently without creating artificial mathe-
k ∂ 2w k k k ∂T k k k ∂T k matical layers.
+ (C¯33 Hαk Hβk ) = C¯13 α¯ 11 Hαk Hβk + C¯ 23 α¯ 22 Hαk Hβk
∂z 2 ∂z ∂z
k k ∂T k ⎛ Hβ Hk ⎞ k k k k k k
+ C¯33 α¯ 33 Hαk Hβk +⎜ + α ⎟ (C¯13 α¯ 11 T + C¯ 23 α¯ 22 T 4. Solution for 3D thermo-elastic shell model:
∂z Rα Rβ
⎝ ⎠
k k k Hβk k k k k k k k k k
The solution for the mid-surface variables are solved using Navier
+ C¯33 α¯ 33 T )− (C¯11 α¯ 11 T + C¯12 α¯ 22 T + C¯13 α¯ 33 T ) closed form solution which are based on Fourier series. The technique is

presented as follows:
Hαk ¯ k k k k k k k k k
− (C12 α¯ 11 T + C¯ 22 α¯ 22 T + C¯ 23 α¯ 33 T )
Rβ (8) ¯ )
uk = ∑m, n U k (z ) cos(αα
¯ ) sin(ββ
v k = ∑m, n V k (z ) sin(αα ¯ )
¯ ) cos(ββ
3. Heat conduction problem w k = ∑m, n W k (z ) sin(αα ¯ )
¯ ) sin(ββ
T k = ∑m, n t k (z ) sin(αα ¯ )
¯ ) sin(ββ
The temperature through-the-thickness profile must be calculated
mπ nπ
separately. The case problems depend on the temperature condition at α¯ = a
, β¯ = b (13)
the bottom or top of the shell panel. The heat conduction equation is
written in curvilinear coordinates in order to apply it to shell structures. The wave number are expressed as “m” and”n”, and the amplitude
The temperature for a stationary and homogeneous solid shell is mod- of the Navier equations are U k (z ), V k (z ), W k (z ), t k (z ) and they
eled by the Fourier’s heat conduction equation [17] and is valid for an depend on the thickness coordinates. The Navier solutions are replaced
orthotropic medium, described in general curvilinear coordinates. The in Equation (8) and the following expressions are obtained:

J.C. Monge and J.L. Mantari Composite Structures 245 (2020) 112323

k k k Equations (14) and (15) depend only on the local thickness variable
⎛ Hβ C¯55 α¯ 2C¯11 Hβk
k k
C¯55 β¯2C¯66 Hαk ⎞ k
− k 2 − − − U and they are solved semi-analytical by the used of polynomial differ-
⎜ H Rα R R
α β Hα k
Hβk ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ential quadrature. This method permits to calculate approximately the
⎛ Hβ k H k k ⎞ ∂U k k ∂ 2U k derivative of a certain function evaluated in a certain grid point domain
+ ⎜ C¯55 + α C¯55 ⎟ + (C¯55 Hαk Hβk ) by a linear weighted sum of functions evaluated in a grid point dis-
R Rβ ∂z ∂z 2
⎝ α ⎠ tribution. The 1D formulation is expressed mathematically as:
k k
k k ¯ βk C¯11
⎛ αH ¯ ¯12
¯ ¯55 ¯ βk C¯55 ⎞ k
+ (−αβC¯ ¯ ¯12 − αβC
¯ ¯ ¯66 ) V k + + + + W df
⎜ H k Rα Rβ Rβ Hαk R α ⎟ = ∑ aij f (zj), i = 1, 2, ...,IT
⎝ α ⎠ dz
z = zi j=1 (16)
k k ∂W k k k k
¯ βk C¯13 + αH
+ (αH ¯ βk C¯55 ) = (C¯11 α¯ 11 Hβk α¯ + C¯12 α¯ 22 Hβk α¯
∂z where IT is the number of grid points in order to evaluate a certain
k k
+ C¯13 α¯ 33 Hβk α¯) t k function. The weighted coefficients are denominated as aij and they are
calculated using different types of basis functions [21]. Lagrange in-
k k
¯ ¯ ¯12 − αβC
(−αβC ¯ ¯ ¯66 ) U k terpolation polynomials (LIP) [22] are used in this paper as basis
k functions:
⎛ H k C¯
k k
C¯44 α¯ 2C¯66 Hβk
+ − αk 442 − −
⎜ H Rβ R α Rβ Hαk N
⎝ L (zj ) = ∏ (zj − z i )
k k
β¯2C¯ 22 Hαk ⎞ k ⎛ Hβ ¯ k H k k ⎞ ∂V k i = 1, i ≠ j (17)
− V + ⎜ C44 + α C¯44 ⎟
Hβ k ⎟ R Rβ ∂z
⎠ ⎝ α ⎠ LIP can be applied arbitrarily with any grid point distribution and
k ∂ 2V k the weighted coefficients can be applied in a recursive formula for any
+ (C¯44 Hαk Hβk ) desired order of the derivative. The following recursive formulas to
∂z 2
k ¯k k k k
calculate the weighted coefficients were stablished by Shu [7]:
⎛ βHα C22 ¯ ¯12
βC ¯ ¯44
βC ¯ αk C¯44
βH ⎞ k
+ ⎜ Hk R + R + R + Hk R ⎟W L(1) (zj )
⎝ β β α α β β ⎠ aij(1) = (z i − zj ) L (zj )
, i, j = 1, 2, ...,N , i ≠ j
¯ k ¯k ¯ k ¯ k ∂W aij(n − 1)
+ (βHα C23 + βHα C44 ) aij(n) = n (aii(1) aij(n − 1) − ), i, j = 1, 2, ...,N , i ≠ j, n = 2, 3, 4, ...,T
∂z (z i − zj )
k k k k
= (C¯12 α¯ 11 Hαk β¯ + C¯ 22 α¯ 22 Hαk β¯ −1
k k N
+ C¯ 23 α¯ 33 Hαk β¯) t k
aii(n) = − ∑ aij(n) ,i, j = 1, 2, ...,N , i = j, n = 1, 2, 3, 4, ...,T − 1
k k
¯ βk C¯11
⎛ αH
¯ ¯12
αC ¯ βk C¯55
αH k
¯ ¯13 ⎞ k
αC j = 1, j ≠ i
+ + − U
⎜ Rα H k Rβ Hαk R α Rβ ⎟ (18)
⎝ ⎠
2 k The thickness of each layer is discretized per each layer using the
k k ∂ U
+ (−αH¯ βk C¯13 − αH¯ βk C¯55 ) well-known Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto (CGL) grid distribution:
¯ k ¯k ¯ ¯ k ¯
βHαk C¯44
k k
¯ ¯ 23 (zT − z1) i−1
⎛ βH C βC12 βC ⎞ k z i = z1 + (1 − cos( π )), i = 1, 2, ...,T
+ ⎜ α k22 + + − V 2 T−1 (19)
R β Hβ Rα H k
β R β Rα ⎟
⎝ ⎠
k The main role of discretizing the temperature profile equation (see
¯ αk C¯ 23 k ∂V
¯ αk C¯44
+ (−βH − βH ) Equation (10)) and 1D equilibrium equation presented in Equation (11)
is to capture the Layerwise behavior of the shell structure subjected to
k k
⎛ Hβ C¯11
k k k
2C¯12 H k C¯ C¯ 23 thermal loads. The interlaminar continuity of displacements and
+ − k 2 − − αk 222 +
⎜ H Rα R α Rβ Hβ Rβ R α Rβ transverse stresses in through-the-thickness profile is imposed as a

boundary condition:
C¯13 α¯ 2Hβ C¯55
k k
β¯2Hαk C¯44 ⎞ k
+ − − W σzz (k + 1) = σzz (k )
R α Rβ Hα k
Hβ ⎟
⎠ ταz (k + 1) = ταz (k )
⎛ C¯33 Hβ
k k
C¯ H k ⎞ ∂W k τβz (k + 1) = τβz (k )
+ + 33 α
⎜ Rα Rβ ⎟ ∂z
⎝ ⎠ u(k + 1) = u(k )
k ∂ 2 W k v (k + 1) = v (k )
+ (C¯33 Hα Hβ )
k k
∂z 2 w (k + 1) = w (k ) (20)
k k k
= (C¯13 α¯ 11 Hα Hβ + C¯ 23 α¯ 22
k k k
Hαk Hβk The boundary conditions for the top (t) and the bottom (b) of the
k k ∂t k shell are considered:
+ C¯33 α¯ 33 Hαk Hβk )
∂z σzz (t ) = 0, σzz (b) = 0
⎛ Hβ Hk ⎞ k k k k k k ταz (t ) = ταz (b) = 0
+⎜ + α ⎟ (C¯13 α¯ 11 t + C¯ 23 α¯ 22 t
Rα Rβ τβz (t ) = τβz (b) = 0
⎝ ⎠ (21)
k k k
+ C¯33 α¯ 33 t ) In this paper, only thermal loads are considered, so the stresses on
Hβk k k k k k k k k k the top and the bottom of the shell panel are considered as zero-con-
− (C¯11 α¯ 11 t + C¯12 α¯ 22 t + C¯13 α¯ 33 t )
Rα (14) dition. The mathematical formulations are programmed in MATLAB.

The Navier Solution is applied for the heat conduction equation

5. Case problems
presented in (10) and the next Equation is formulated:

β¯2K¯ βk ⎞ k This paper focus on the bending analysis of orthotropic classical

∂ 2t k ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ ∂t k ⎛ α¯ 2K¯ αk
+ ⎜ HkR k + − + t =0 composite laminated shells panels with constant curvature subjected to
∂z 2
⎝ α α Hβk Rβk ⎟⎠ ∂z ⎜ K¯ k H k 2 K¯ zk Hβk 2 ⎟ (15)
⎝ z α ⎠ bisinusoidal thermal load. The three-dimensional solutions proposed

J.C. Monge and J.L. Mantari Composite Structures 245 (2020) 112323

benchmark problem is proposed. The first assessment has the objective

to stablish the convergence analysis in order to know the correct
number of grid points (IT) per each layer. The problem consisted on a
sandwich spherical shell panel with the following lamination 0°/90°/
Core/90°/0° proposed by Carrera and Valvano [23]. The second pro-
blem is a symmetric cross-ply with lamination 0°/90°/0°, the referential
solution is given by Ramos et al. [12]. The last assessment is a layered
cross-ply cylindrical panel. The referential solution was also stablished
by Carrera and Valvano (2017) [23].
In all cases, the displacements uz and out-plane stress σzz are cal-
culated at (a/2, b/2, z ) . The in-plane normal stresses σαα and σββ are
evaluated at (a/2, b/2, z ) . The in-plane shear stress ταβ is estimated at
(0, 0, z ) . The transverse shear stress ταz and uα are calculated at
(0, b/2, z ) . The displacement uβ and transverse shear stress τβz is eval-
uated at (a/2, 0, z ) .

5.1. Convergence of the semi-analytical three dimensional numerical


In the presented section, the convergence analysis is carried out in

order to stablish the minimum number of grid points to have reliable
results by spending the less computational effort. A sandwich spherical
shell panel with lamination 0°/90°/core/90°/0° is subjected to thermal
load. The skin is composed by carbon-epoxy which mechanical and
thermal properties are:

E1 = 172.37GPa; E2 = E3 = 6.89GPa; G12 = G13 = 8.45GPa; G23

= 1.38GPa;
1 1
ν12 = ν13 = ν23 = 0.25; α1 = α3 = 0.1 × 10−5 °C ; α2 = 2 × 10−5 °C ;

K1 = 36.42W /(m°C ); K2 = K3 = 0.96W /(m°C )

The soft core is made of honeycomb whit the following mechanical

E1 = E2 = 0.28GPa; E3 = 3.45GPa; G12 = 0.11GPa;

G13 = G23 = 0.41GPa;
1 1
ν12 = ν13 = ν23 = 0.02; α1 = α3 = 0.1 × 10−6 °C ; α2 = 2 × 10−6 °C ;

K1 = 3.642W /(m°C ); K2 = K3 = 0.096W /(m°C )

The dimensions of the shell panels are: a = b = 1m and the thick-
ness of the core and skins are 0.8 h and 0.05 h, respectively. The geo-
metry of the shell is evaluated using the size-to-thickness ratio (a/ h = 4)
and curvature-radius-to-side ratio (R/ a = {5, 20}) . The temperature
boundary at the top and the bottom are:
Ttop = +0. 5°C , Tbottom = −0. 5°C . The displacements and stresses are
presented in the following normalized manner:
(uα , uβ , uz ) 1
(u¯, v¯, w¯ ) = , σ¯ij = (σij )
α1skin b2 E2skin α1skin (24)

The results are compared with the four order of layer-wise solutions
(LD4) based on Legendre’s polynomials proposed by Carrera and
Valvano [23]. The referential solution is solved using a shell element
with 9 nodes per elements, and the mixed interpolation of tensorial
component method is used to avoid the membrane and shear locking
Fig. 5. Through-the-thickness profile of normalized displacements (u¯ α , u¯ β , u¯ z ) phenomena. This solution requires of 68,607 degrees of freedom (DOF).
of rectangular plate considering a thickness ratio of a/ h = 4 with lamination 0°/ Table 1 presents the convergence of stresses (σ¯αα , τ¯αz , σ¯zz ) and transverse
90°/0°. displacements (w¯ ) , taking into account 4 decimals for the solutions, it is
concluded that IT = 11 is deemed enough for getting good results and
this number is used in the present manuscript. The through-the-thick-
are compared with two-dimensional models proposed in the literature
ness profile of displacements and stresses considering a curvature-ra-
in the frameworks of layer-wise and equivalent single layer approach.
dius-to-side ratio of R/ a = 5 are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. It
The considered shells panels are cylindrical, spherical and rectan-
is noted that the inter-laminar continuity of displacements and trans-
gular plates. Three numerical assessments are presented, and a new
verse displacements is achieved. The zero-stress condition at the top

J.C. Monge and J.L. Mantari Composite Structures 245 (2020) 112323

Fig. 6. Through-the-thickness profile of normalized stresses of rectangular plate considering a thickness ratio of a/ h = 4 with lamination 0°/90°/0°.

and bottom is also accomplished due to absence mechanical load. This and different or modified mathematical techniques for example to solve
model requires a lower computation cost when compared to finite the vibration and buckling of for example the Sag Mill for mining ap-
elements layerwise solutions, for example the referential solution re- plications.
quires 68,607 degrees of freedom and the presented model only re-
quires 183. However, the main disadvantage of the presented 3D nu- 5.2. Case 2: Cross-ply rectangular plate
merical solution is that they are only valid for shells which all its
boundary conditions considered as simply supported. So further re- A simply supported square composite plate with cross-ply 0°/90°/0°
search work is needed in order to consider different boundary condition lamination is subjected to sinusoidal thermal load. The thermal

J.C. Monge and J.L. Mantari Composite Structures 245 (2020) 112323

Table 3
Normalized stresses and displacements for carbon-epoxy cross-ply cylindrical
panel with 10 layers.

Rβ / a Theory w̄ (0) σ¯αα (h/2) 10 × τ¯zα (2h/5) 100 × σ¯zz (0)

5 Carrera and Valvano 0.9613 −1.0194 0.1708 0.2155

Present 0.9629 −1.0170 −0.1702 0.2067
50 Carrera and Valvano 0.9706 −1.0226 0.1443 0.0198
Present 0.9721 −1.0218 −0.1441 0.0191

boundaries conditions for the temperature through-the-thickness pro-

file are: T¯top = 1, T¯bottom = −1. The material considered is carbon-epoxy
and its material properties are taken from [24]:
= 25; ET
= 0.5; ETT = 0.2; νLT = νTT = 0.25;
αL K 36
= 1125; KL = 0.96 (25)

In this case four different size-to-thickness ratio

a/ h = {4, 10, 20, 100} . Each layer has a thickness of hk = h/3. The re-
ferential solution [12] is based on a polynomial model based on clas-
sical McLaurin expansions in the frameworks of equivalent single layer
model and Carrera’s Unified Formulation. This solution is commonly
known in the literature as ED15, so the order of the expansion is con-
sidered as 15 and the Principle of Virtual Displacement is considered.
The stresses and displacements are normalized by the next relations:
(uα , uβ ) h (uz ) 1
(u¯, v¯) = ; (w¯ ) = , σ¯ij = (σij )
α1 b α1 b2 E2 α1 (26)
The stresses and displacements are reported in Table 2. The pre-
sented results are in perfect agreement with the referential solution. It
should be noted that some results for transverse shear stress differs due
that this equivalent single layer cannot reproduce the interlaminar
continuity of the interfacial layers and the zero-stress condition due
that not mechanical loads are applied in the plate. The. though-the-
thickness profile of normalized displacements and stresses for thickness
ratio a/ h = 4 are presented in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. The in-plane
shear stresses present discontinuities due to the abrupt change in the
lamination between the interface layers. The continuity of transverse
stresses is guaranteed due to the correct imposition of the boundary
conditions on the interfaces.

5.3. Cross-ply ten layered cylindrical panel

A cross-ply cylindrical panel with 10 layers is subjected to thermal

load. The layers are made of carbon-epoxy, the properties for this
problem are taken from Ref. [25]:
= 25; ET
= 0.5; ETT = 0.2; νLT = νTT = 0.25;
αL KL 36.42
= 3; KT
= 0.96 (27)
The temperature conditions on the top of the panel is Ttop = +0. 5°C
and on the bottom Tbottom = −0. 5°C . The dimensions of the cylindrical
panel are: a = 1m , b = 1m and the thickness is considered as h = 0.1m .
The radius of the cylindrical panel is calculated using the next relations
Rβ / a = {5, 50} . The stresses and displacements are normalized using Eq.
(23). The solutions are compared with the layerwise model finite ele- Fig. 7. Through-the-thickness profile of normalized displacements (u¯ α , u¯ β , u¯ z )
ment solution presented by Carrera and Valvano [23]. of carbon-epoxy cross-ply cylindrical panel with 10 layers.
The numerical results of transverse displacements w − and in-plane
− − −
normal stress σαα and out-plane stress ταz and σzz are reported in Table 3. of displacements considering Rβ / a = 5 are shown in Fig. 7 and the
The model presented by Carrera and Valvano requires of 133,947 DOF stresses in Fig. 8. The in-plane stresses presented discontinuities in the
and the presented model requires only 303 DOF, so it is demonstrated interface of the layers due to the change of the cross-ply laminations.
that this 3D solution is inexpensive in the computational cost in com- The thickness distribution of transverse stresses agrees perfectly with
parison to finite element solutions. The results are in perfect agreement the interface boundary conditions and the zero-stress condition on the
with the referential solutions. The through-the-thickness distributions top and the bottom of the shell.

J.C. Monge and J.L. Mantari Composite Structures 245 (2020) 112323

Fig. 8. Through-the-thickness profile of normalized stresses of carbon-epoxy cross-ply cylindrical panel with 10 layers.

5.4. Benchmark solution 1 W

E = 73GPa; ν = 0.3; α = 25 × 10−6 ; K = 130
°C m°C (28)
The proposed benchmark is linked to a sandwich composite cy-
The core is constituted by PVC which are properties are presented
lindrical panel with two different skins and a softcore configuration.
below [17]:
The bottom is composed by Aluminum 2024 which mechanical and
thermal properties are [17]: 1 W
E = 3GPa; ν = 0.4; α = 50 × 10−6 ; K = 0.18
°C m°C (29)

J.C. Monge and J.L. Mantari Composite Structures 245 (2020) 112323

Fig. 9. Through-the-thickness profile of temperature form the Benchmark

sandwich cylindrical panel Al2024/PVC/Ti22 considering R α / h = 5.

The top skin is composed by titanium alloy Ti22 which properties

are [17]:

1 W
E = 110GPa; ν = 0.32; α = 8.6 × 10−6 ; K = 21.9
°C m°C (30)

The geometry parameters for the simply supported cylindrical shell

are: R α = 10m , Rβ = ∞, a = 3 α , b = 1m and the thickness is evaluated
by the following ratios: hα = {5, 10, 20, 50} . The core has a thickness of
hcore = 0.8h and each thickness skin is hskin = 0.1h . The temperature at
the top is considered as Ttop = 5°C and the bottom is Ttop = 1° C .
The through-the-thickness profile of temperature is shown in Fig. 9
considering R α / h = 5. It is noted that in this example the temperature
cannot be considered as linear because of the difference of the thermal
conductivity coefficients between the cores and the skins. The dis-
placements through-the-thickness are shown in Fig. 10. It is concluded
that the singly curved effect is significant in the calculation of dis-
placement and it is evidenced in the in-plane displacements u and v .
The stresses through-the-thickness profile are given in Fig. 11. The high
difference in the conductivity coefficients is evidenced in the in-plane
stresses and non-symmetrical behavior is obtained due to that the skins
are composed in different materials. The effect of the singly-curved
structure is provided in stresses σαα , ταz , ταβ . The out-of-plane stresses
are continuous through-the-thickness and the zero-stress condition on
the top and the bottom is achieved. The numerical results of stresses
and displacements are given in Table 4 for different considered thick-
ness ratios.

6. Conclusions

A semi-analytical three dimensional solution for the study of mul-

tilayered composite and sandwich shell with constant curvature have
been proposed. The temperature thickness profile is defined by
Fourier’s heat conduction equation. The coupled differential equations
are based on three dimensional equilibrium equations written in cur-
vilinear coordinates. The in-plane displacements variables and tem-
Fig. 10. Through-the-thickness profile of displacements (u¯ α , u¯ β , u¯ z ) from the
perature are solved by the closed summation of harmonics in term of
Benchmark sandwich cylindrical panel Al2024/PVC/Ti22 considering
Navier solution which is only valid for simply supported structures. The R α / h = 5.
thickness equations are calculated by the semi-analytical method the
differential quadrature, which can approximate a certain derivative
over the thickness direction by a weighting coefficient multiplied by the provide Layerwise results, due that the interlaminar conditions for out-
displacement evaluated in the thickness over a grid distribution. The of-plane stresses and displacements are included as the boundary con-
basis functions used are the Lagrange’s interpolation polynomials and ditions of the problem. The zero-stress condition on the top and the
the grid distribution selected is Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto. The solutions bottom of the shell is also considered as no mechanical loads are part of

J.C. Monge and J.L. Mantari Composite Structures 245 (2020) 112323

Fig. 11. Through-the-thickness profile of stresses from the Benchmark considering a sandwich cylindrical panel Al2024/PVC/Ti22 considering R α / h = 5.

the analysis. The results for different side-to-thickness and curvature- CRediT authorship contribution statement
radius-to-side ratios are provided are provided and compared with
different layerwise and equivalent single layer results provided in the J.C. Monge: Methodology, Data curation, Writing - original draft,
literature. This 3D solutions have the capability of reproducing layer- Visualization, Investigation, Software, Validation. J.L. Mantari:
wise results. This method can be extended to more difficult multi- Supervision, Writing - review & editing, Conceptualization, Software.
physics problems as piezo-elasticity and hygro-thermo-mechanical. The
method can be also be used for assessing different 2D models as an
exact reference solution in the framework of equivalent single layer and Declaration of Competing Interest
layerwise approach.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
ence the work reported in this paper.

J.C. Monge and J.L. Mantari Composite Structures 245 (2020) 112323

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