Trans Fatsofprocessedandfriedfoodsachoicefortaste

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Government of West Bengal


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Explor Anim Med Res, ISSN 2277- 470X (Print), ISSN 2319-247X (Online)
Vol.9, Issue - 1, 2019, p. 5-14 Website:




During last a few decades, scientists are reporting about Fats present in beef, lamb, pork, poultry, tallow (separated
detrimental health effects of saturated fats – the fats stay beef fat), lard (separated pork fat), cream, butter, cheese
solid at room temperature. But from the research etc. are all saturated in nature. Palm oil, palm kernel oil,
performed during last a few years, it appears that the coconut oil etc. plant-based oils also contain high
saturated fats are dwarf in comparison to the detrimental percentage of saturated fats (Am Heart Assoc, Saturated
health effects incurred through intake of Trans fats. fat 2015).
Many processed foods, baked goods and fried foods
Fats in our diet and their effects are prepared with saturated fats and so automatically rich
Fats serve as a major source of energy. Fats are in saturated fats (Am Heart Assoc, Saturated fat 2015).
generally hydrophobic, insoluble in water and are soluble A diet rich in saturated fats can drive up total cholesterol,
in organic solvents. They serve many important structural increase more the harmful or bad Low-Density
and metabolic functions of the body. They are the most Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol along with a little good
energy dense nutrients and so a necessary part of our High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.
diet. Fats help in absorption of some vitamins and minerals Many years of epidemiological research have shown
in the gut, which is very important. They are needed to that populations consuming diets high in saturated fatty
build cell membranes and the sheaths surrounding nerves. acids show relatively high levels of serum cholesterol and
Fats are also essential for many important physiological carry a high prevalence of coronary heart disease
functions like blood clotting, muscle movement etc. (Caggiula and Mustad 1997). The LDL cholesterol can
(Harvard 2018). cause formation of blockages in the arteries of the heart
Fat includes Glycerol and Fatty acids. Glycerol is made and elsewhere in the body (Harvard 2018).
up of three carbon atoms. One of those bonds is made Many guidelines are released by many medical
with a hydroxyl-group. Fatty acids have a long chain of organizations, including the World Health Organization,
carbons. On one end of the chain there is a carboxyl- advocating reduction of saturated fat intake to promote
group (Zundel, health and to reduce the risk from cardiovascular diseases.
The difference of one fat to another is the length and Many researchers also recommend a diet very low in
shape of the carbon chain and the number of hydrogen saturated fat to lower the risks of cardiovascular diseases
atoms connected to the carbon atoms. Slight differences (Hooper et al. 2015), diabetes, or death (Sacks et al.
in structure of fat molecules can bring crucial differences 2017).
in their form and function (Harvard 2018).
According to the chemical structure as well as effects Unsaturated fats
on our health, the fats can be categorized as Saturated, Most of the fats obtained from plants and fishes are
Mono-unsaturated, Poly-unsaturated and Trans fats (Am unsaturated in nature (US Dept of Agril 2015).
Heart Assoc, Dilatory fats 2014).
Mono-unsaturated fats
Saturated fats Monounsaturated fats have only one (mono) carbon-
Saturated fats are the fat molecules that have no double to-carbon double bond (-C=C-). It means that these fats
bonds between carbon molecules as all of them are have only one unsaturated double bond (of cis type) in
saturated with hydrogen molecules. So, the fatty acid the fatty acid chain with all of the remainder
chains of saturated fats have all or predominantly single carbon atoms is having single bonds (Am Heart Assoc,
bonds (-C-C-). Saturated fats are generally remained solid Monounsaturated fat 2015).
at room temperature (Zundel, Oils that contain monounsaturated fats are typically
Source: Most of the animal fats are saturated in nature. liquid at room temperature but start to turn solid when

Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, Vol.9, Issue 1, June, 2019

chilled (Am Heart Assoc, Monounsaturated fat 2015). their oils are among the richest dietary sources of ALA.
The discovery of the fact that monounsaturated fats Canola oil is also an excellent source of it (Table 1).
could be helpful to our health came from the Seven Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic
Countries Study during the 1960s. It revealed from the acid (DHA): Oily fish are the major dietary source of
study that people of Greece and other parts of the them. Humans can synthesize EPA and DHA from ALA
Mediterranean region showed very low rate of heart (Oregon State Unv 2014).
disease despite taking high fat rich diet. The main fat in
their diet was Olive oil which contains mainly Omega-6 fatty acids
monounsaturated fat (Harvard 2018). Linoleic acid and other omega-6 fatty acids can act to
Monounsaturated fats can help to reduce the level of protect us from heart diseases. Vegetable oils such as
bad (LDL) cholesterol in the blood and so can lower the safflower, soybean, sunflower, walnut and corn oils are
risk of heart disease and stroke. They can also provide rich in omega-6 fatty acids (Table 1) (Harvard 2018).
nutrients to help develop and maintain the body cells. Oils Source
rich in monounsaturated fats can also add vitamin E to Linoleic acid: Food sources of Linoleic acid include
the diet, which act as an antioxidant (Am Heart Assoc, vegetable oils like soybean, safflower, and corn oil; many
Monounsaturated fat 2015). nuts, seeds and also some vegetables.
Good sources of monounsaturated fats are olive oil, Arachidonic acid: Only animals can convert Linoleic
peanut oil, canola oil, avocados, most nuts, as well as high- acid to Arachidonic acid in their body system. For this
oleic sunflower oil and sesame oil (Am Heart Assoc, reason, Arachidonic acid is present in meat, poultry, and
Monounsaturated fat 2015; Harvard 2018). eggs in small amounts.
So, humans can also synthesize Arachidonic acid from
Poly unsaturated fats Linoleic acid (Oregon State Unv 2014).
Polyunsaturated fatty acids have two or more double
bonds in their carbon chain. There are two main types of The Cis and Trans bonds
polyunsaturated fatty acids: omega-3 fatty acids and These are the nomenclature of typical bonding type of
omega-6 fatty acids. The numbers (3 or 6) refer to the hydrogen with carbon. All bonding of Mono unsaturated
distance between the beginning of the carbon chain and fatty acids is of cis type. Generally, the bonds of poly
the first double bond. Both of these types of fatty acids unsaturated fatty acids are also of cis type. The trans
offer different health benefits. Poly unsaturated fats type bonds are found naturally in a few cases and
having the tendency to remain liquid at room temperature artificially in some situations.
with varying degrees of viscosity (Harvard 2018). In the cis fatty acids, the two parts of fatty acid
Polyunsaturated fats are required to build cell molecules are on the same side of the double bonds, i.e,
membranes and the covering of nerves. They are also functional groups are on the same side. In the trans form,
required for blood clotting, muscle movement and two parts of fatty acid molecules are on opposite sides of
inflammation (Harvard 2018). double bonds (CSPINET 2004). So, the fat may exists
as cis or trans isomers depending on the geometry of the
Omega-3 fatty acids double bond.
Omega-3 fatty acids may prevent and even can treat
heart diseases and stroke. These can reduce blood The trans fats
pressure, raise HDL, lower the level of triglycerides and Trans fats, also called trans-unsaturated fatty acids or
can prevent lethal heart rhythms from arising. As per some trans fatty acids, are a type of unsaturated fatty acids
research reports, they may help to reduce the need for that occur in small amounts in nature (Trans fat taskforce
corticosteroid medications in people with rheumatoid report of Canada 2006), but widely produced industrially
arthritis. Omega-3 fats are perhaps linked with a wide as a bi product (CSPINET 2004).
range of other health improvements including reducing
risk of dementia according to a systematic review of the Formation of Trans fats
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (Harvard Trans fats are created following two main ways.
2018). Naturally occurring trans fats
Sources Some trans fats are made by bacteria that live in the
Alpha Linolenic acid (ALA): Flaxseeds, walnuts and fore-stomach (rumen) of cattle, sheep, goats, deer etc.,

Trans-fats of processed and fried foods – a choice for taste...

So, such trans fats may occur naturally in animal meats

like beef, mutton, chevon etc. as well as in dairy products
like milk, cheese, butter and cream (Saxelby 2018). These
foods contain trans fats at very small quantities (Am Heart
Assoc, Trans fat 2017).

Artificially produced trans fats

A. Partial hydrogenation of unsaturated vegetable
Artificial trans fats are created in an industrial process
that adds additional hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils
(unsaturated fats) to make them solid saturated fats (Am
Heart Assoc, Trans-fat 2017). For this, the oil is heated in
the presence of hydrogen and a catalyst (hydrogen is
bubbled through them by force in the presence of a Fig. 1. Foods deep fried in Vanaspati, a popular choice of Indians.
catalyst) to transform them into solid and semi-solid fats
(Saxelby 2018). Theoretically, all double-bonds of the desired color, taste and aroma of the oils (Nawar 1996).
oils should be converted to single bonds and all the The vegetable oils are generally heated between
unsaturated fats should be converted to saturated fats 60 0C and 100 0C before deodorization to improve
in full hydrogenation. But generally incomplete or partial organoleptic characteristics of the oils. During that
hydrogenation is performed. In such partial hydrogenation, deodorization process, the temperature is generally raised
only some double-bonds are converted into single bonds. up to 180 0C to 270 0C. That level of heating leads to the
As a side effect of the partial hydrogenation process, some formation of trans fatty acids in the vegetable oils (Martin
of the cis double-bonds are converted into trans double- et al. 2007).
bonds, resulting in trans fatty acids (CSPINET 2004).
So, due to change of molecular structure of fatty acids, C. Frying
30 to 60 percent of bonds become trans type. The trans Frying at some very high temperatures is the main basis
fats are the chemically opposite of the usual cis form of preparation of most of the processed and fried foods.
(Saxelby 2018). Thus, the healthful unsaturated oils are During such deep frying (150 0C–190 0C or more), the
converted into some harmful semisolid fats for our action. hot oil acts as the heat transfer medium and contributes
Most trans-fats are monounsaturated (one double bond) to the texture and flavor of the fried foods (Bouchon 2009).
fatty acid. The shape of trans-fat molecules is more like During this process, the edible oils or fats undergo various
cholesterol-raising saturated fat than a typical chemical reactions (Goyal and Sundararaj 2009).
monounsaturated fatty acid. Perhaps for that reason, it The oil qualities of these fried foods were analyzed by
increases cholesterol levels in blood (CSPINET 2004). Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Loss of
The trans fatty acid content of industrially hydrogenated cis double bonds along with an increase in trans double
fats varies widely and may account for up to 60% of the bonds was observed in these studies (Goburdhun et al.
fatty acid content, whereas the trans fatty acid content 2001), thus confirming the formation of trans fatty acids
of fats of animal source (natural) is considerably lower during such high temperature heating of oils.
and accounts for 2%–5% of the total fatty acid content Many trans fatty acids can be formed during reusing
(Weggemans et al. 2004). the oil many times under high temperature (Liu et al.
So, the primary dietary source for trans fats 2007).
in processed foods is the partially hydrogenated oils (Am
Heart Assoc, Trans-fat 2017). Reasons for creation and use of trans fats
The solid or semisolid hydrogenated fats are easy to
B. Refining of vegetable oils use, inexpensive to produce and last for a long time. These
Edible oils are refined to remove certain impurities or fats give the processed and fried foods a desirable taste
naturally present materials (free fatty acids, phospholipids, and texture. Many restaurants and fast-food outlets
carbohydrates, proteins and/or their degradation by- use these fats to deep-fry foods because oils
products). Removal of these materials is required to get with trans fats can be used many times in commercial

Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, Vol.9, Issue 1, June, 2019

fryers (Am Heart Assoc, Trans-fat 2017). So, partially diseases. There are several other mechanisms through
hydrogenated oils have been used to replace butter, lard, which trans fats may stimulate both lipid and non-lipid
palm oil, coconut oil and other hard (saturated) fats in risk factors for cardio- vascular diseases (Mozaffarian
many deep fried and processed foods (CSPINET 2004). 2006).
3. Trans fats promote systemic inflammation by
Trans fat containing food increasing the levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) leading
According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), to thickening of the arteries which may lead to sudden
we consumed about 5.6 grams of trans fat per day during death due to cardiac failure (Mozaffarian et al. 2004,
1994-96. Most of those trans-fats came from the 40,000- Lopez 2005).
plus foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable 4. Trans fatty acids cause endothelial dysfunction by
oil (CSPINET 2004). increasing circulating bio-markers including soluble inter
All the food or food items prepared with hydrogenated cellular adhesion molecule -1, soluble vascular-cell
vegetable oils contains trans fats. The list includes adhesion molecule -1 and E-selectin (Lopez 2005).
margarines, all biscuits, pastries, cookies, crackers, icings Endothelial dysfunction is a key step in the development
(CSPINET 2004); cakes, ice cream, bread of atherosclerosis (Mozaffarian et al. 2004).
(, Trans fats); movie-popcorn
(popcorn fried in hydrogenated fats available in movie Type 2 Diabetes
halls), potato crisps, corn chips, sausage rolls, meat pies, Trans fats create inflammation, which is also linked
French fries, chips, wedges, battered fish, nuggets, spring with diabetes and other chronic conditions. They contribute
rolls, crumbed chicken, fish fingers, Danish pastries, to insulin resistance, which increases the risk of developing
croissants, snails and apple pies (Saxelby 2018); pizza, type 2 diabetes (Harvard 2018).
coffee creamer and all deep-fried foods at restaurants It was observed that the risk of the development of
(CSPINET 2004). So, almost all snack foods, packaged type-II diabetes is associated with intake of trans fatty
baked goods and frying fast foods contain trans fats acid in a study of 14 years. It was observed that for 2%
(CSPINET 2004). increase in energy from trans fatty acids can increase
the relative risk of type 2 diabetes to a very high level. If
Effects of trans fats on health that trans fats are replaced by poly-unsaturated fats, the
Cardiovascular diseases risk of Type 2 diabetes will reduce 40% (Salmeron et al.
1. High levels of serum cholesterol have a strong 2001).
relation with high prevalence of heart diseases (Caggiula Studies carried out at National Institute of Nutrition
and Mustad 1997). High level of serum cholesterol, (NIN), Hyderabad, India to evaluate the effects of trans
particularly LDL cholesterol can promote the development fatty acids of Vanaspati (commonly used hydrogenated
of atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease (Mensink vegetable oil in India, usually made by hydrogenation of
and Katan1990). Palm oil) showed that both of the saturated fatty acids
Trans fatty acid consumption raises the Low-Density (10% energy) and trans fatty acids (3% energy) increased
and Very Low Density (LDL and VLDL) cholesterol insulin resistance. However, the effects of trans fats were
levels as well as lowers the level of High Density (HDL) greater than saturated fats in increasing insulin resistance
cholesterol. It also leads to reduced triglyceride uptake in rats (Ghafoorunissa 2008).
and production of free fatty acids (Mozaffarian 2006). Increase of C reactive protein due to trans-fat intake
All these factors may cause heart diseases. may also lead to diabetes (Mozaffarian et al. 2004). Trans
Even a very small amount of trans fats can be harmful fats have shown to increase insulin resistance and seem
to our health. For every 2% of calories from trans fat to have a unique cardio-metabolic imprint that is linked to
consumed daily, the risk of heart disease rises by 23% insulin-resistance and metabolic-syndrome pathways
(Harvard 2018). (Mozaffarian 2006).
Evidence suggests that trans fats perhaps increase the
risk of coronary heart disease about two-and-a-half times Effect on pregnancy and newborn babies
the heart disease risk of saturated fats (Hu et al.1997). An association was found between high intake of trans
2. Trans fatty acids increase the levels of Lp (a) fatty acids and the risk of pre-eclampsia (pregnancy
lipoprotein and reduce the LDL cholesterol, particle size induced hypertension). In the study, trans fatty acid intake
of which further heightens the risk of coronary heart was estimated by the trans fatty acid content of the cell

Trans-fats of processed and fried foods – a choice for taste...

Table 1. Composition of different commonly used vegetable oils (in %).

Name Saturated Poly Unsaturated fatty acids Mono Unsaturated

fatty acids fatty acids
Omega 6 fatty Omega 3 fatty acid Total
acids (Alpha Linolenic
Almond oil 8.2 17.4 0 17.4 70
Apricot Kernel oil 6.3 29.3 0 29.3 60
Avocado oil 11.56 12.53 1 13.53 70.56
Canola oil 7.1 20.3 9.3 29.6 58.6
Coconut oil 86.5 1.8 0 1.8 5.8
Corn oil 13.17 53.52 1.16 54.68 27.47
Cottonseed oil 25.8 51.6 0.2 51.8 17.8
Flaxseed (Linseed) oil 9.4 12.7 53.3 66 20.2
Grape-seed oil 9.5 69.6 0.1 69.7 16.1
Hazelnut oil 7.3 10.1 0 10.1 78
Mustard oil 6.26 15.33 5.9 21.23 59.2
Oat oil 18.35 39.08 1.79 40.87 35.1
Olive oil 13.46 9.21 0.79 10 73.9
Walnut oil 9.0 52.9 10.4 63.3 22.7
Pea nut (Ground nut) oil 16.9 32 0 32 46.2
Rice Bran oil 19.2 33.4 1.6 35 39.3
Safflower oil 6.21 74.6 0 74.6 14.36
Palm oil 49.9 10.1 0.4 10.5 39.2
Palm Kernel oil 82.1 2.4 0 2.4 15.4
*Wheat germ oil 26.1 53.0 4.68 57.68 16.2
*Sesame oil 16.4 41.8 0.51 42.3 41.4
*Pumpkin oil 20.2 54.7 0.43 55.1 24.7
*Argan oil 19.2 34.6 0.39 35.0 45.8
*Sunflower oil 8.65 (up to 18) 37.8 (up to 69) 0.28 38.1 53.2 (up to 82) $
*Soybean oil 13.5 54 8.3 62.3 24.5

# Cordain ( ^ Mancini et al. (2015), * Rueda et al. (2014).

The concentration of different types of fatty acids may vary for the factors like breed of plant producing oil seeds. High
linoleic, high oleic, mid oleic and high stearic Sunflower oils are made available through designed plant breeding and
industrial processing.
The compositions of fresh oils are shown. For deep frying or hydrogenation, the composition may be changed.
The Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids for us.
Some other types of fats of negligible amount are also present in the oil seeds.

walls of red blood cells. It was noticed that women who has shown to increase the risk for ovulatory infertility in
developed pre-eclampsia had approximately 30% higher women (Chavarro 2007).
trans fatty acid levels in red blood cells than women who Studies on humans have shown that trans fatty acids
did not develop this disorder (Yli-Jama et al. 2002). Trans are transferred to the foetus, as they were found in the
fats may have relation with shortening of pregnancy period same levels in the blood of mothers and new born infants
also (Dhaka et al. 2011). Consumption of trans fatty acids (Berghaus et al. 1998, Elias and Innis 2001).

Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, Vol.9, Issue 1, June, 2019

Trans fats can compromise the development of the Trans fats - cause of death
fetus. There is a significant negative relationship between Harvard researchers estimate that trans fats cause up
birth weight and a trans fat (trans-9) concentration in to 228,000 cases of heart disease annually (Kloss 2018).
maternal plasma phospholipids during early stages of Both WHO and researchers of Harvard University
pregnancy (Hornstra 2006). Trans fats may have adverse estimates that trans fats may be the cause of death of
effects on growth and development through interfering 50,000 people per year (Saxelby 2018, Kloss 2018).
with essential fatty acid metabolism, direct effects on
membrane structures or metabolism, or secondary to Effects of trans fats: natural vs synthesized
reducing the intake of the cis essential fatty acids either The good news is that there is no evidence of
in the mother or the child (Innis 2006). detrimental health effect performed by the natural forms
of trans fats (Saxelby 2018). Instead, it is reported that
Cancer these natural trans fats provide health benefits (Bassett
The adipose concentration of trans fats showed a et al. 2010, Gebauer et al. 2011).
positive association with breast cancer, not attributable to
differences in age, body mass index, exogenous hormone Dilatory intake limit of fats
used or socio-economic status (Kohlmeier et al. 1997, WHO recommended a limit up to 1% and 10% of
Dhaka et al. 2011). energy in diet to be derived from trans fatty acids and
Trans fat may cause colon cancer (Dhaka et al. 2011). saturated fatty acids, respectively (Dhaka et al. 2011). If
we need to lower our blood cholesterol, we have to limit
Obesity use of the saturated fat not more than 5 to 6 percent of
Obesity research indicates that trans-fat may increase total calories. For someone eating 2,000 calories a day,
weight gain and abdominal fat deposits (Ricerus et al. that is about 13 grams of saturated fat (Am Heart Asso,
2002, Dhaka et al. 2011). Saturated fat 2015).
In November 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug
Allergy Administration (FDA) made a preliminary determination
The incidence of asthma, allergic cold and asthmatic that partially hydrogenated oils are no longer Generally
eczema in children aged 13–14 years was investigated in Recognized as Safe (GRAS) in human food (Am Heart
some selected centres around the world. A positive Assoc, Trans fat 2017).
association was found between the intake of trans fatty Boiling and repeated boiling of oils – some study
acids and these diseases (Weiland et al. 1999). Such reports
observations were noted by Dhaka et al. (2011). But such Deep frying of fat at 180 °C or above is one of the
an association was not observed for the intake of most common food processing methods used for preparing
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (Willett of processed foods worldwide. A series of complex
et al. 1993). reactions such as oxidation, hydrolysis, isomerization and
polymerization take place during the deep-fat frying
Other health effects course and they influence quality attributes of the final
Trans fatty acids can cause disorders of nervous product such as flavour, appearance, taste, shelf life and
system and vision in infants (Dhaka et al. 2011). It can nutrient composition (Goyal and Sundararaj 2009, Zhang
cause Alzheimers and may be a potential cause of liver et al. 2012). The influence of these reactions results from
dysfunction (, Trans fats). a number of their products including volatile compounds,
As the hydrogenation process destroys some of the hydrolysis products, oxidized triacylglycerol
vitamin K in vegetable oils, which might be a problem for monomers, cyclic compounds, trans configuration
consumers who have marginal intakes of that vitamin compounds, polymers, sterol derivatives, nitrogen- and
(CSPINET 2004). sulphur-containing heterocyclic compounds, acrylamide,
Evidences have shown that higher intake of saturated etc. which are present in both frying oil and the fried
and trans-fat since midlife and lower polyunsaturated to foods (Zhang et al. 2012).
saturated fat ratio are associated with a faster rate of In Wistar rats treated with the repeatedly heated
cognitive decline and it also might be associated with cooking oil revealed higher peroxide value in comparison
neurodegenerative diseases (Morris et al. 2004). to oil that has been unheated or singly heated. Histo-
pathological observation depicted significant damage in

Trans-fats of processed and fried foods – a choice for taste...

jejunum, colon and liver of animals that received oil heated amount of trans fats in processed foods and hence a
repeatedly for 3 times. The altered antioxidant status stringent food law is immediately required (Dhaka et al.
reflects an adaptive response to oxidative stress (Venkata 2011). But there is no such regulation on trans fatty acids
and Subramanyam 2016). content in vanaspati, bakery fats and shortenings
Trans fatty acids were estimated in six commonly used (Ghafoorunissa 2008).
fat/oils in India (refined soybean oil, groundnut oil, olive
oil, rapeseed oil, clarified butter, partially hydrogenated Practically, the level of consciousness of Indians about
vegetable oil), before and after subjecting them to heating/ effect of saturated fats and trans fats is perhaps far away
frying at 180 °C and 220 °C. All six fats/oils subjected to from creation of any such pressure to get any legislative
heating/frying demonstrated an increase in trans fatty control.
acids, saturated fatty acids and decrease in cis unsaturated
fatty acids (Bhardwaj et al. 2016). The alternatives
For industry
The Indian condition In light of the research findings, provisions should be
In India, the street restaurants, hotels, festive food there to bring down trans fatty acid intake to zero and
suppliers, sweet shops etc. use saturated fats and new technology of hydrogenation of oils is to be developed
hydrogenated fats with repeated boiling at some very high for that purpose. At the same time, efforts should be there
temperatures (Fig. 1) (Pattanayak 2014). Deep fried items to preserve the desirable properties contributed by trans
are famous everywhere in India, but the deep black fatty acids to the hydrogenated oils (Dhaka et al. 2011).
coloured oil generally used in that purpose is loosely sold
and having very doubtful source and quality (Pattanayak For personal safety
2017). The best way is to stop intake of any food having trans
The trans fats are added in the processed foods in India fat completely. Following steps may be followed for that
due to some reasons. Partially hydrogenated vegetable purpose.
fats (Vanaspati/margarine) can replace naturally solid, 1. Use of oils such as olive and sunflower oils instead
saturated fatty acids (Ghee, butter etc.). Hydrogenated of margarine and butter during cooking or other purposes
fats are preferred in commercial food processing as they may be a better option. For instance, when baking a
are economical, allow a longer shelf life and give desirable cake, a recipe that works well using oil instead of solid
taste, texture and shape (Agarwal et al. 2008). It is used fats may be adopted.
in Indian cooking and in the preparation of commercially 2. Avoiding of margarine or butter in the dish.
fried, processed, bakery, ready-to-eat and street foods 3. Avoiding purchase of commercial cakes, slices,
(Ghafoorunissa 2008), sweet preparation (Agarwal et al. biscuits, muffins, quiches and pies. Instead, baking of such
2008) etc. Trans fats in biscuits and sweets range 30-40 foods at home using oils may be performed.
and 6-26% of total fatty acids respectively (Ghafoorunissa 4. Avoiding eating of pastry, including shortcrust and
2008). puff.
The main hydrogenated vegetable oils used in India 5. Avoiding of all deep-fried fast foods (Saxelby 2018).
are Vanaspati and Dalda, both are very rich in trans fats.
Vanaspati provides up to 40% trans-fat (Ghafoorunissa Other important points
2008). It is the main source of trans fatty acid in Indian 1. Most oils are high in monounsaturated or
food items. Vanaspati accounts for 10% of total production polyunsaturated fats and low in saturated fats. Oils from
of edible oils, with a maximum consumption of 20 g/ plant sources (vegetable and nut oils) do not contain any
person/day in north India (Ghafoorunissa 2008). cholesterol. In fact, no plant foods contain cholesterol (US
Trans fats are present in all fast foods, bakery items, Dept Agril 2015).
all biscuits, sweets, chocolates, spreads, soups, salad 2. Some fats remain almost solid in room temperature
dressings and snacks sold in India. The trend of eating due to huge saturated fat content. Beef fat (tallow, suet),
out in the urban population and consumption of food in chicken fat, pork fat (lard), butter etc. are example. These
hotels and restaurants can be considered unhealthy as may be avoided.
the food prepared there is very high in trans fats (Dhaka 3. Oils like coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil etc. are
et al. 2011). high in saturated fats and for nutritional purposes should
In India, there is no system to monitor and regulate the be considered to be solid fats (US Dept Agril 2015) and

Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, Vol.9, Issue 1, June, 2019

so may be avoided. drastically and to delete trans fats from our diet totally.
So, it can be said that mono unsaturated fats are best, Table 1 shows composition of different commonly used
poly unsaturated fats are acceptable with calculation of vegetable oils, which may assist us to choose the proper
Omega 3 fatty acids and Omega 6 fatty acids, saturated oils for our cooking or use in other diatory preparations.
fats are bad and trans fats are almost poisonous to our Use of a few good oils may be a better option than use of
health. single oil continuously for getting different essential fatty
To stay away from some very serious health effects, acids and other beneficial ingredients from them.
we must have to reduce the intake of saturated fats

Shibabrata Pattanayak
Associate Editor,
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The author is thankful to Mr. Sandipan Das, M.Sc. B.Ed., Assistant teacher, Panchkahania
Higher Secondary School, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal for the assistance rendered by him.

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*Cite this article as: Pattanayak S (2019) Trans-fats of processed and fried foods – a choice for taste or serious health problems?
Explor Anim Med res 9(1): 5-14.


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