Unit 9. Relative Clauses

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RELATIVE PRONOUNS: who, whom, which, that, what, whose, when, where and

- Who refers to people

The woman who gave him the money was very young.
- Which refers to things or animals.
The film, which lasted for three hours, was boring.
- That can refer back to people, things or animals.
The book that I am reading at the moment is very interesting.
The girl that we met yesterday was his sister.
That cannot be used in a non-defining clause and cannot be followed by a preposition.
It is an island on that important excavation have taken place. (after a preposition)
Naxos, that I’ve visited several times, is my favourite island. (non-defining clause)
- Whose is a relative possessive word. It can refer back to people, things or animals. It
replaces his, her, its, etc. It is used in both defining and non-defining clauses.
Make a list of countries whose population is greater than 20 million.
- When and where can introduce relative clauses after nouns referring to time and
place. We can also use preposition + which.
July and August are the months when most people go on holiday.
July and August are the months on which most people go on holiday.
The hotel, where we stayed, was good.
The hotel in which we stayed was good.
- Why is used after reason. It is used in the same way as preposition for + which.
A famine was the reason why so many Irish people emigrated to the USA in
the 19th century.


Kinds of relative clause:

▪ Defining relative clauses: the information provided in a defining relative clause is

essential to understand the meaning of the sentence. Without this information, it would
be difficult to know who or what is meant.
In defining relative sentences, you can use that instead of who/which.


Julia is the woman who/that works with me.
▪ Non-defining relative clauses: provide interesting additional information which is not
essential to understand the meaning of the sentence. You must put it between coomans
or a comma and a full stop.
In non-defining relative sentences, you can’t leave out the relative pronoun.
You can’t use that instead of who/which.
The painting, which was painted in 1860, is worth $2 million.

Relative Pronouns in Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses:

Defining relative clauses Non-defining relative

Person Object Person Object

Subject who, that which, that who which

Object who, that, ø which, that, who which


Possessive whose whose whose whose


1. Complete the sentences with who, which, where, or whose.

1. The man __________ car I crashed into is taking me to court.

2. We drove past the house __________ we used to live.
3. The girl __________ was talking to you is the boss’s daughter.
4. Look! That’s the man __________ son plays for Chelsea.
5. That’s the restaurant __________ I told you about.
6. Is this the shop __________ you bought your camera?
7. What was the name of your friend __________ wife is an actress?
8. The woman __________ called this morning didn’t leave a message.
9. It’s the film __________ won all the Oscars last year.
10. This is the book __________ everybody is reading at the moment.


2. a. Complete the text with who, which, where, or whose.

A place? A song? A number? An object? A person? An animal? A shop? A


We ask readers to tell us about things which have a special meaning for
them. This week, the TV actor Gavin Jones.

‘Well, I’ve chosen Paris because it’s the place __________ I lived for the
first ten years of my life. A song? Well, that has to be Eurythmics singing Sweet
dreams are made of this because it was the song __________ was playing in the
background in the pub at the exact moment when I met my girlfriend. My number
is 13. It’s a number __________ some people think is unlucky, but it’s my date of
birth and it’s lucky for me. For the object in my house I have chosen an antique
camera __________ was a present from my parents. The person is Kenneth
Branagh. He’s the actor __________ inspired me when I was a student. My
animal is a cat, because they are the animals __________ I like most in the
world. A shop? That was easy, one called Blackwell’s, in Oxford Street in London,
because it’s the place __________ I worked for a year after finishing university.
And the last thing is a photo, a photo of someone __________ is very important
in my life but __________ name I’m not going to tell you.’

b. In which sentences could you also use that?

c. In which sentences could you leave out who, which, etc.?

3. Complete the sentences using a non-defining relative clause.

1. Our neighbours are both chemists. They work for the same pharmaceutical
Our neighbours, _____________________________________ , work for
the same pharmaceutical company.
2. Pablo Picasso’s best-known painting is Guernica. He was born in Málaga in 1881.
Pablo Picasso, _____________________________________ , was born
in Málaga in 1881.


3. Canberra is the capital of Australia. It’s smaller than Sydney and Melbourne.
Canberra, _____________________________________ , is smaller than
Sydney and Melbourne.
4. Our local post office has closed down. I used to work there.
Our local post office, _____________________________________ , has
closed down.
5. Mrs Bradbury is my mother’s best friend. Her daughter is the local doctor.
Mrs Bradbury, _____________________________________ , is my
mother’s best friend.
6. George Best was possibly the most talented British footballer of his generation. He
died in 2005.
George Best, _____________________________________ , was
possibly the most talented British footballer of his generation.
7. The hurricane caused millions of dollars’ worth of damage. It was the worst for over
75 years.
The hurricane, _____________________________________, caused
millions of dollars’ worth of damage.
8. My sister is a clothes designer. She’s opening her own company next month.
My sister, _____________________________________ , is opening her
own company next month.


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