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What is Communication ?

 Communication, which came from the Latin word communicare", meaning, to make
common or to share is the exchange of ideas from one person to another.
Communication, at its simplest, is the act of transferring information from one place to another.
It may be vocally (using voice), written (using printed or digital media such as books,
magazines, websites or emails), visually (using logos, maps, charts or graphs) or non-verbally
(using body language, gestures and the tone and pitch of voice). In practice, it is often a
combination of several of these.
What are communication skills?

 Communication skills are abilities you use when giving and receiving different kinds of
information. While these skills may be a regular part of your day-to-day work life,
communicating in a clear, effective and efficient way is an extremely special and useful
skill. Learning from great communicators around you and actively practicing ways to
improve your communications over time will certainly support your efforts to achieve
various personal and professional goals.
Communication skills are the abilities to share and understand information, ideas, and feelings
with others.
They involve listening, speaking, observing, and empathizing in different modes and contexts,
such as face-to-face, phone, email, or social media.
Communication skills are essential for personal and professional success, as they help to build
relationships, convey messages, and solve problems.
Communication skills can be improved by practicing active listening, using clear and concise
language, giving and receiving feedback, and adapting to different audiences and situations.
Communication skills can also be enhanced by learning from others, such as role models,
mentors, or coaches, who can provide guidance and examples.
Communication skills are not only useful, but also enjoyable, as they allow us to express
ourselves, connect with others, and learn new things.
The Importance of Good Communication Skills.

 Developing your communication skills can help all aspects of your life, from your
professional life to social gatherings and everything in between. The ability to
communicate information accurately, clearly and as intended, is a vital life skill and
something that should not be overlooked. It's never too late to work on your
communication skills and by doing so, you may well find that you improve your quality of

Types of communication.

 Verbal communication is the use of language to transfer information through speaking

or sign language.
 It is one of the most common types, often used during presentations, video conferences
and phone calls, meetings and one-on-one conversations.
 Communicating by way of a spoken language.
2. Nonverbal

 Nonverbal communication is the use of body language, gestures and facial expressions
to convey information to others. It can be used both intentionally and unintentionally.
For example, you might smile unintentionally when you hear a pleasing or enjoyable idea or
piece of information. Nonverbal communication is helpful when trying to understand others’
thoughts and feelings.
3. Written

 Written communication is the act of writing, typing or printing symbols like letters and
numbers to convey information.
Communication by way of photography, art, drawings, sketches, charts and graphs,
Communication through th
e written word, including handwriting and typed text.
Communication Skills
1.Active listening.

 Active listening means paying close attention to who you’re communicating with by
engaging with.
Improve your active listening skills by paying attention to other people’s facial expressions, body
language and tone of voice. Instead of preparing what you will say next, focus on what the other
person is saying and how they are speaking. If you need to clarify something, ask follow-up
questions or rephrase what they’ve said to confirm that you understood them correctly.
2. Communication method.

 Using the right way to communicate is an important skill.

There are benefits and disadvantages to communicating through emails, letters, phone calls, in-
person meetings or instant messages. Communicating is better when you consider your
audience, what information you want to share and the best way to share it.
For example, if you are communicating with a potential employer, it may be better to send a
formal email or call them on the phone. In the workplace, you may find it’s easier to
communicate complex information in person or via a video conference than by email. Building
remote workplace friendships is easier when you can communicate through instant messages.

 Friendly traits like honesty and kindness can help foster trust and understanding when
communicating at work.
You can practice friendliness by remembering small, thoughtful details about your coworkers or
past conversations.
For example, if a coworker tells you their child’s birthday is soon and you connect with them
again later, you might ask them how the birthday party went.
4. Confidence

 Ability to speak and act with certainty.

In the workplace, people are more likely to respond to ideas that are presented with confidence.
There are many ways to appear confident, including by making eye contact when you’re
addressing someone, sitting up straight with your shoulders open and preparing ahead of time
so your thoughts are polished and you’re able to answer any questions. Confident
communication is useful not just on the job but also during the job interview process.
5. Sharing feedback

 Strong communicators can accept critical feedback and provide constructive input to
Feedback should answer questions, provide solutions or help strengthen the project or topic at
hand. Providing and accepting feedback is an essential workplace skill, as it can help both you
and the people around you make meaningful improvements to their work and their professional
A great way to learn how to give feedback is to take notes from others on the feedback they
offer you. When you come across a well-explained piece of feedback, take some time to
observe and analyze why it was good, why it resonated with you and how you might apply those
skills in the future.
6. Volume and clarity

 When you’re speaking, it’s important to be clear and audible. Adjusting your speaking
voice so you can be heard in a variety of settings is a skill, and it’s critical to
communicating effectively.
Speaking too loudly may be disrespectful or awkward in certain settings. If you’re unsure, read
the room to see how others are communicating.
Another aspect of verbal communication is vocalics and tonality. This involves how your tone
moves up and down, your pitch, your accent pattern and the spaces you place between
phrases. Such details can be effective in communicating emotions and offer your audience
insights into how your message should be interpreted (whether you realize it or not).
7. Respect

 A key aspect of respect is knowing when to initiate communication and respond.

In a team or group setting, allowing others to speak without interruption is seen as a necessary
communication skill tied to respectfulness. Respectfully communicating also means using your
time with someone else wisely—staying on topic, asking clear questions and responding fully to
any questions you’ve been asked.
8. Empathy

 Having empathy means that you can not only understand, but also share in the
emotions of others. This communication skill is important in both team and one-on-one
In both cases, you will need to understand other people’s emotions and select an appropriate
For example, if someone is expressing anger or frustration, empathy can help you acknowledge
and diffuse their emotion. At the same time, being able to understand when someone is feeling
positive and enthusiastic can help you get support for your ideas and projects.
Making a Great First Impression.
What is First Impression?

 First impression is the event when one person first encounters another person and
forms a mental image of that person. Impression accuracy varies depending on the
observer and the target being observed.
First impressions are the almost-instant conclusions we draw when meeting someone for the
first time. We form this opinion by quickly taking in information about a person, including their
face, dress, posture, and tone of voice.
First impressions are based on a wide range of characteristics: age, race, culture, language,
gender, physical appearance, accent, posture, voice, number of people present, economic
status, and time allowed to process. first impressions individuals give to others could greatly
influence how they are treated and viewed in many contexts of everyday life.
Tips for Making a Great First Impression.

. Make eye contact

 Eye contact is a nonverbal form of communication. Making eye contact is taken as a

show of honesty and as a way of showing respect to the person that you are talking to.
Maintaining eye contact also shows that you’re paying attention to the other person and
listening to what they are saying.
Try to make eye contact before you start talking, and maintain regular eye contact during your
conversation. You do, however, need to know the difference between eye contact and staring
someone down.
. Smile

 A sincere smile puts people at ease and makes people feel welcome.
A genuine smile reaches your eyes and creates an impression of trust and sincerity. If your
smile reaches your eyes, it will be seen even if you are wearing a mask.
If you feel a tightening of the muscles around your eyes, you know that your smile shows in your
. Present Yourself Appropriatel or Be authentic

 People can be remarkably quick to pick up on insincerity, so it pays to be yourself.

Of course, physical appearance matters. The person you are meeting for the first time doesn't
know you, so your appearance is usually the first clue he or she has to go on.
Constant worry about whether you are saying or doing the right thing often comes across as
insincerity as well.
Being authentic means knowing your strengths and weaknesses and communicating them in a
considerate way.
. Be a good communicator

 A good communicator listens more than they talk. A good guideline for this is to talk only
a third as much as you listen.
Listening more shows that you are being attentive and lets the other person feel heard.
. Use positive body language

 the way we communicate without word.

. Be empathetic

 Pay attention to the emotional well-being of the person that you are talking to.
Empathizing with someone can contribute to a strong connection. It demonstrates that you
understand them emotionally.
. Act confidently

 Acting confident, even if you don’t feel brave, will create an impression of confidence.
This appearance of self-assurance will contribute to a better first impression.
Be on Time

 Someone you are meeting for the first time will not be interested in your "good excuse"
for running late. Plan to arrive a few minutes early, and allow flexibility for possible
delays in traffic or taking a wrong turn. Arriving early is much better that arriving late,
and is the first step toward creating a great first impression.
Dos and don’ts of first impressions
Don’t :
1. Be overbearing.
This is often the result of talking too much and not listening enough. This creates the
impression that you aren’t interested in the other person or what they have to say.
2.Interrupt when others talk.
In many cultures, interrupting someone comes across as very rude. Not only does it
communicate that you aren’t really listening, it often upsets the interrupted person. It also
creates the impression that you are more interested in hearing yourself speak and value your
own opinion more than that of others.
3. Interrupt when others talk.
In many cultures, interrupting someone comes across as very rude. Not only does it
communicate that you aren’t really listening, it often upsets the interrupted person. It also
creates the impression that you are more interested in hearing yourself speak and value your
own opinion more than that of others.

Do :
1.Use different types of listening.
Understanding and using the different types of listening enable you to communicate more
Other people will pick up on whether you are an effective listener or not. This will contribute to
their impression of you.
2. Be optimistic.
Being optimistic will contribute to a positive atmosphere. People enjoy being around optimists.
A sense of cheerfulness will have a positive effect on the impression that you create.
3. Ask open and closed questions.
Asking open questions shows that you’re interested and attentive. Asking closed questions
shows that you focus on what’s important.

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